Frank Charles Elliston-Erwood, F.S.A

Rv cm1rlegy of the Wooh1Ji-Ch &, DWrid Antiquarian Socielv F. C. E!LLISTON-ERWOOD ( l 883-HlOS) l P,o,.li1pitc• 􀀐rrhrenlngia id., xxxii, 10-39. Miscellaneous Notes on some Kent Roads and Allied Matters. Arch. Gant., lxx (1956), 201-20. The Biddenden and Boundgate Turnpike Road, 1766-1883. Ibid., lxxi (1957), 185-97. Mis cell,aneous: Notes on Local Artists. Proc. W.A.S., xxv. Includes Blackheath, Lewisham and Greenwich artists. Jew's Harps. Arch. Gant., lvi (1943), 34-40; Ix, 107-8; lxxii (1958), 200-2. The Adventures of a Kentish Spy (Star Chamber Proceedings Henry VII No. 24). Arch. Gant., 1 (1938), 1-10. Two Coats of Arms from Kent in London. Arch. Gant., lvii (1944), 44-50. Two palimpsest Brasses from Orpington Church. Arch. Gant., ix (1947), 118. Painting of Consecration Cross at Bearsted Church. Antiq. Journ., xxx, 233. L. R.A. GROVE 7




Anglo-Saxon Burials near The Lord of the Manor, Ramsgate. New Light on the Site of Ozengell?