1ktnt ttbaeologital otietp
(in force on the 1st January, 1970)
l. The Society shall be called the "Kent Archreological Society".
2. The object of the Society shall be to promote the study of archreology
in all its branches, especially within the county of Kent.
3. (a). The Society shall consist ofordinary, life and honorary members.
(b). Ordinary and honorary members may be individuals, societies
or institutions. Life members must be individuals.
Election of Menwers.
4. Candidates for ordinary or life membership shall be proposed and
seconded by members of the Society and balloted for, if required, at any
meeting of the Council of the Society, or at a General Meeting, one black
ball in five to exclude.
Ent?·ance Fee and Subscription.
5. (a). An ordinary or life member shall pay an entrance fee of ten
shillings, due on election, but no entrance fee shall be payable by a member
who, for at least two years immediately preceding the date of his election,
has been a member of an affiliated society.
(b ). Subject to the provisions of paragraphs (f) and (g) of this Rule,
an ordinary member shall also pay an annual subscription of two pounds
ten shillings, due on election, and afterwards due in advance on 1st January
in each calendar year.
(c). A husband and wife both of whom are or become members and
who receive jointly one copy of Archceologia Cantiana may pay a joint
annual subscription of three pounds.
( d). In lieu of annual subscription a life member elected on or after the
1st January, 1952, or an ordinary member becoming a life member under
paragraph ( e) of this Rule, shall pay by reference to his or her age a composi.
tion equal to the cost of an Immediate Life Annuity of two pounds ten
shillings, calculated in accordance with the Table of Immediate Annuities in
force for the time being under the Government Annuities Act, 1929.
(e). An ordinary member, being an individual and not being in arrear
with his annual subscription, may become a life member at any time on
payment of a composition determined in the manner set out in paragraph
(d) of this Rule.
(f), The annual subscription payable by a member under the age
of 21 years shall be one pound up to and including the year in which he
attains that age.
{g). No further subscription ohall be payable by a member who has
paid fifty annual subscriptions.
Honorary Members.
6. {a). The Council may elect as an honorary member any person who
has signally promoted the interests of the Society or is likely to do so.
(b). An honorary member shall not be required to pay an entrance
fee or any subscription, and shall not exercise the privilege of a member of
voting at meetings, but shall enjoy all other privileges of membership.
Notification of Election of Member.
7. The General Secretary shall notify every new member of his election
and shall send him a copy of the Rules on request.
Cancellation of Election of Member.
8. A new member shall pay his entrance fee and first subscription
within three months from the date of the notification to him of his election.
Failing such payment his election shall be null and void unless the Council
for good cause shown shall in their discretion otherwise decide.
Unpaim Affiliation.
17. A local society may withdraw from affiliation and this Society
may determine the affiliation of a local society by notice given to that effect
in any year, to expire on 31st December in that year.
Annual General Meeting.
18. (a). The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held a.t
Maidstone in the month of April, or at such other place or date as the
Council may determine.
(b ). At thia Meeting the Council shall present its Annual Report and
the Accounts for the past year, ended 31st December; and the Auditors
for the current year, and six members of the Council, or more if occasion
requires, shall be elected.
(c). An agenda paper, which shall specify the names of the retiring
members of the Council, distinguishing between members eligible and
offering themselves for re-election and members not so eligible or not so
offering themselves, shall be sent with the Report and Accormts to a.II
members not less than fourteen days -before the Annual General Meeting.
Excureion and other General Meetings.
19. (a). Other General Meetings of the Society, including Excursion
Meetings for the purpose of visiting places of archreological interest, shall
be held from time to time as the Council may determine.
(b). Excursion meetings shall normally be so arranged that places
in East Kent are visited at one such meeting and places in West Kent at
another such meeting in the same year.
Special General Meetings.
20. (a). A Special General Meeting shall be summoned by the General
Secretary at such place within the county as the Council or the President
may determine, on the requisition in writing of the President, or of seven
(b). Such requisition shall specify the business to be brought before
such meeting and only the business so specified shall be there dealt with.
Special Meetings.
21. Special meetings for the reading of papers, the exhibition of
antiquities and other purposes may be held at such times and places within
the county of Kent as the Council may determine.
Voting at Meetings.
22. (a}. Except as provided in Rules 4 and 89, the resolutions of the
majority present and voting at meetings of the Society or of the Council
shall be binding.
(b ). The Chairman of any meeting shall have a casting vote independently
of his vote as a member.
28. All the affairs of the Society not reserved for a General Meeting
shall be conducted and managed by the Council.
Composition of Council.
24. The Council shall consist of the President, the General Secretary,
the Honorary Treasurer, the Honorary Editor, the Honorary Librarian,
and the Honorary Excursions Secretary, all of whom shall be nominated
by the Council and annually elected at the Annual General Meeting, also
of twenty-four members elected from among the members of the Society,
together with the Vice-Presidents of the Society.
Ret-i:rement of Members of Council.
25. (a). One-fourth of the twenty-four elected members of the Council
shall retire annually in rotation at the date of the Annual General Meeting,
but, subject to Rule 25 (b), shall be eligible for re-election without
(b). A retiring member of the Council who has attended less than
one-fourth of the meetings of the Council held durmg his last period of
office shall not be eligible for re-election unless the Council or the Annual
General Meeting shall resolve in any individual case that there was a
reasonable cause for non-attendance.
Elections to Council.
26. Elections to the Council shall normally take place at the Annual
General Meeting, but any intermediate vacancy on death or retirement
among the elected members shall be filled either at a General Meeting
( other than an Excursion Meeting) or a Council Meeting, whichever shall
first happen, and any member so filling an intermediat,e vacancy shall hold
office for the remainder of the term of his predecessor.
No minationa for Council.
27. (a). Any member of the Society may nominate a new member of
the Council by giving notice in writing to the General Secretary at least
one calendar month before the date of the Annual General Meeting, and
the name proposed shall be placed on the agenda of such meeting.
(b). If on any occasion the number of vacancies on the Council
exceeds the number of effective nominations so received by the General
Secretary, together with the number of retiring members of the Council who
are eligible and offer themselves for re-election, the chairman of the Annual
General Meeting may accept further nominations received at or at any
time before such meeting.
Oouncil Meetings.
28. (a). The Council shall meet quarterly during the year, normally
in March, June, September and December, and more often if deemed
(b). The March meeting shall ordinarily be held at Canterbury, the
June meeting at such place as may be fixed by the President, the September
meeting at Rochester, and the December meeting at Maidstone.
(c). If deemed advisable by the General Secretary in consultation
with the President, the quarterly meetings may be held at other times or
places, or a quarterly meeting may be omitted.
(d). Subject to the provisions of paragraph (c) above, the Council
shall have power to determine where its meetings shall be held.
(e). Five members present shall form a quorum.
General Secretary.
29. The General Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings
of the Society, to be communicated to members at the Genel'.al Meetings.
30. (a). The Hon. Treasurer shall keep an account of all receipts and
payments of the Society and after 31st December in each year h e shall
prepare the Accounts, including. a Balance Sheet for the past year.
(b). After the said Accounts have been approved by the Auditors,
the Hon. Treasurer shall lay them before the next meeting of the Council,
a,ccompanied by a Statement of all subscriptions and other sums due to the
Society and in arrear, and of all moneys due from the Society.
(c). The Council may at any time if it thinks it desirable, employ
and pay a professional accountant to assist the Hon. Trea.surer in making
up such Accounts.
Local Secretaries.
31. The Council may appoint any member of the Society to be
Honorary Local Secretary for any particular town or district in Kent,
and may at any time cancel such appointment.
32, The Council may appoint a Curator of the Society, and may deter•
mine the remuneration to be paid to him.
33. The Council may authorize the formation of separate branches of
the Society for particular purposes within the scope of the objeot of the
Vic e-Presi,dents.
34. The Society in General Meeting or the Council may elect as a
Vice-President of the Society any person of distinction associated with the
county of Kent, on his becoming a member of the Society, or afterwards,
and any person who has rendered distinguished service to the Society,
on his becoming a member or afterwards.
35. The funds, securities and property of the Society shall be held by
National Provincial Bank, Ltd., a.a Custodian Trustee, and the said Bank
shall a.et in accordance with the resolutions of}he Council whereof copies
certified by the Chairman and Secretary shau be furnished to the said
Bank as soon as possible thereafter. The remuneration of the Custodian
Trustee shall be determined by the Council in agreement with the said Bank.
Invest,ment of Life Oomposiflions.
36. (a). All Life Compositions shall be invested in Trustee Securities
in the names of the Trustees of the Society.
(b). Only the interest of such investment shall be used for the
ordinary purposes of the Society.
37. .All cheques shall be signed by the Honorary Treasurer or, if he is
absent or unable to act, by the President and the General Secretary.
Oonwoversial Topws.
38. The Society shall avoid all topics of religious or political controversy.
Alteration of Rules.
39. (a). No alteration in these Rules shall be made except at the
Annual General Meeting and then only by a majority of two-thirds of
the members present and voting.
(b). No proposed alteration, other than one initiated by the
Council shall be considered unless notice thereof shall have been given in
writing to the Hon. General Seoretary on or before the 31st December
preceding the Annual General Meeting.
(c). .Any proposed alteration shall be set out in the notice convening
the Annual General Meeting or in a notice sent therewith.