Annual Report for the Year 1969

ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1969 ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1969 Council presents its One Hundred and Eleventh Report, and the Statement of Accounts for 1968. 0BITUA.1W Council records with great regret the death of Mr. Hugh Wyatt Standen, A.M.I.C.E., which occurred on 6th December, 1969, at the age of 92. Mr. Standen was a life member of the Society and joined it in 1910, one of the longest memberships in the records of the Society. He always keenly followed the interests and activities of the Society, and attended most of its excursions up to recently, when his health failed him. So senior a member will be sadly missed . .ANNuAL GENERAL MEE'l'ING The Annual General Meeting was held in the Museum, Maidstone, on I 7th May, 1969, when Council's Annual Report and the Statement of Accounts for 1968 were received and adopted. Several members raised a number of points which were subsequently considered carefully by Council and are dealt with in the leaflet which is included with this volume, for the information of all members. After the luncheon interval, over one hundred members and their friends heard a most interesting and excellently illustrated lecture on 'Anglo-Saxon Jewellery', by Mr. R. F. Jessup, F.S.A., Vice-President. The lecture was warmly received, and the President expressed the thanks of the Meeting to the lecturer. VIOE-PRESIDENTS Mr. John H. Evans, F.S.A., and Mr. R. F. Jessup, F.S.A., have been elected Vice-Presidents of the Society. Mr. Evans has laid down the office of Honorary Editor after nineteen years, during which he did inestimable service to the Society in the production of its Proceedings. Mr. Jessup is also a very senior member of forty-five years' standing, and has rendered most valuable service to the Society during that long period. MEMBERSHIP During 1969, ninety-six new members were elected, and allowing for resignations and deaths, and the removal from membership under Rule I0(a) of fifteen members, the total membership stands at 1,184, a net increase of seventeen during the year. A further increase in membership is needed, and the Society's Information Leaflet, giving details of the Society, may be obtained on application to the General Secretary. xlvi REPORT, 1969 CoUNOIL At the Annual General Meeting the following were re-elected to Council: Mr. A. C. Harrison, Professor B. Keith-Lucas, Mr. S. E. Rigold, Mr. P. J. Tester, and Dr. W. G. Urry; and Mr. B. J. Philp was elected in place of Major H. M. Rand, resigned. Mr. J.E. L. Ca.iger and Mr. J. H. Money have also been elected, and Mr. C. R. Councer continues as Chairman. FlNANOE 'rhe Accounts for 1968, adopted at the Annual General Meeting, are published with this Report. Mr. M. W. J. Yeo and Mr. S. Mendel have resigned the offices of Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Auditor, respectively. Mr. A. C. Harrison, B.A., F.S.A., has assumed the office of Honorary Treasurer, and Mr. K. A. Pollock, F.C.A., that of Honorary Auditor. To allow the Society to maintain its high standards, especially in regard to the publication of A.rchreologia Oantiana, and of successive volumes of Kent Records, an appeal is made for: (1) New members. (2) Donations to the Archawlogia Oantiana and Kent Records Funds. (3) Members to enter into seven-year Covenants, to enable the Society to recover Income Tax on their subscriptions at no extra cost to members. Forms of Undertaking may be obtained from the General Secretary. Note. Members are urged t,o pay their subscriptions by Banker's Order Form, which may be obt,a,ined from the General Secret,a,1-y. All subscriptions, other than those by Banker's Order, and which are due on the 1st Janua;ry, should be sent DIREOT to the General Secretary. EXOURSIONS Three excursions were arranged, two in Kent and one into Sussex. The latter was in the nature of an experiment, lunch being eaten on the coach. All were well attended by members and their friends. The places visited are listed below with the names of those kind people who acted as guides. Saturday, 31st May Saturday, 5th July Ohichester The Chapel oftheBishop's Mr. F. W. Steer, F.S.A. Palace The Hospital of St. Mary Mrs. M. Ballantyne The Roman Palace, Fishbourne Mr. J. S. Shaw Maidstone and District MaidstoneMuseum, and St. Pater's Church, Maidstone Otham Vicarage Sutton Valence Castle and ChegworthMill Otterden Church and Otterden Pla.􀄆e xlvii Mr. L. R. A. Grove, F.S.A. Mr. D. B. Kelly Rev. G. Westwell and Mr. S. E. Rigold, F.S.A. Mr. S. E. Rigold, F.S.A. Mr. Grenville Wheeler and Mr. K. W. E. Gravett, F.S;A. Saturday, 30th August REPORT, 1969 Southborough Disflrict The Churches of Capel and Tudley Somerhill Holden House Mabledon Valley House, The Roundels and Ivy House Farm Bidborough Church Rev. F. Forbes MissP. Page Mr. P. A. Godfrey- Phillips Mr. T. Pownell and Rev. Moule Mr. London and Mr. K. W. E. Gravett, F.S.A. Rev. F. A. Skinner The Society is grateful to all the ladies and gentlemen mentioned above who did so much to make the visits so interesting. The Society is also most grateful to the owners of properties who permitted these visits: Rev. and Mrs. Westwell, Otham Vicarage; Dr. R. Brown, Sutton Valence Castle; Mr. E. Uren, Chegworth Mill; Sir Henry d'Avigdor Goldsmid, Somerhill; Mr. and Mrs. Webster, The Roundels; and Mr. and Mrs. L. Leslie, Valley House. The Society is especially grateful to Mrs. M. E. Davies, the Local Secretary for Tunbridge Wells, and to Mr. D. H. Bennett, for all their help in organizing and making the Southborough excursion so successful. A.ROHlEOLOGlA CANTIANA Volume lxxxiii was published early in 1969, under the experienced Editorship of Mr. John H. Evans, F.S.A., assisted by Mr. A. P. Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., who has since taken over the Editorship. The volume maintains the very high standard traditional in the Society, and its contents include papers on a very wide range of _subjects, designed for the interest of every member of the Society. The increasing number of foreign universities and libraries who are taking up Archawlogia, Cantiama is gratifying, and shows how interest in the archreology and history of the county is becoming widespread beyond Great Britain. LIBRA.RY AND COLLECTIONS 'fhe following books have been added to the Library by gift or purchase: Richborough, Reports IV and V; A Gazeteer of British Lower and Middl,e PakeolithicSites, by D. A. Roe; The Church in Lamberhurst, by W. Morland; A Catalogue of Lamheth Manuscripts, 889-901, by Dorothy M. Owen, F .S.A.; the reproduction of Andrews, Dury and Herbert's A Topographical-Map of the Count;y of Kent (1769); and the Kent sheets of the David and Charles' reprint of the First Edition (revised) of the 1-in. Ordnance Survey Map. Mr. John H. Evans has generously presented to the Society the recent volumes of Antiquity, History, Geographical Journal, and The Antiquaries Journal, with a set of Medieval Arcli


Contents and Illustrations, Volume 84

