
OBITUARY DR. E. V. PIERCY FOX IT is with much regret that the Society records the death of Dr. E. V. Piercy Fox, wMch occurred on 11th October, 1972. He joMed the Society M 1959, and from 1966 he served on its CouncU, continrang the valuable association with it of his late wife, Mrs. Nancy Piercy Fox, E.S.A., who died M that year. His Mterest M matters of antiqraty was constant, and he wiU be particularly remembered for the active help and support wMch he gave to Nancy Piercy Fox durMg her long and detailed investigations into the problem of the Iron Age M Kent. Her work on the hill-forts of Keston, Squerries, and Boughton Monohelsea was illustrated by Ms photograpMo sMU and helped by his never-faihng logical and thoughtfM advice. After her death, and M her memory, he generously presented to the Society a very substantial capital sum, the Mterest of which he desired to help financially in the publication of reports on excavations undertaken by the Society, an action for wMch the Society will always be most gratefM. His place on the CouncU wiU be hard to fiU. When he spoke, his sMcerity and good sense always had a stabihzing effect in debate. His many friends and coUeagues will sadly miss his friendlMess and goodhumoured personaUty. G.W.M. 251




Frontispiece 1972