Committees of the Society

Churches Committee M.D. Nightingale (Convener), Dr. W.E. Church, D.A.H. Cleggett, G. Copus (Secretary), A. Cronk, J. Doyle, L.R.A. Grove, Canon D. Ingram Hill, R.H. Hiscock, P.E. Leach, J.H. Newman, Miss A. Oakley, Miss Anne Roper, the Hon. General Secretary Fieldwork Committee P.J. Tester (Convener), J. Bradshaw, R.J. Cruse, A.P. Detsicas, R.F. Jessup, D.B. Kelly, B.J. Philp, P.E. Leach, T.W.T. Tatton-Brown, R.M. Walsh, the Hon. General Secretary Finance and Investment Committee The Hon. Treasurer, R.H. Hiscock, M.D. Nightingale, M.A. Ocock, A.G. Webster Investment Sub-Committee, M.D. Nightingale, the Hon. Treasurer, the Hon. General Secretary CPRK!KAS Kent Historic Buildings CommiJtee C.R. Councer, K.W.E. Gravell, LR.A. Grove, R.H. Hiscock (Chairman), J.A. Newman, E.W. Parkin, the Hon. General Secretary Library and Muniments Committee The Hon. Librarian, The Hon. Curator, E. P. Connell, D.A.H. Cleggett, A.P. Detsicas, C.P. Ward, Hon. the General Secretary Publications Committee The Hon. Editor (Chairman), A.F. Butcher, Dr. P.H.G. Draper, K.W .E. Gravett. L.R.A. Grove, R.H. Hiscock, Dr. F. Hull, D.B. Kelly (Secretary), Dr. H.C.F. Lansberry, Miss A.M. Oakley, A.B. Webster, Dr. J. Whyman, W.N. Yates. the Hon. General Secretary Publicity and Membership Committee The Hon. Membership Secretary, J.B. Bull, Mrs. M.C. Lebon, A. Miles, R.M. Walsh, C.P. Ward, the Hon. General Secretary xv


Contents and Illustrations, Volume 98


Corresponding Societies