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Income and Expenditure Account for the Year Ended 31st December 1983
General Index
GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; BA, Bronze Age; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Meso., Mesolithic; Neo., Neolithic; Palaeo., Palaeolithic; R., Romaiv; RB, Romano-British. Adisham, 173, 291 Church, 292 Aethelbald, 17 Aethefberht, 5, 7 Aethelburga, 2 ff. Aethelred, 5 ff. Aethelthryth, 8, 14-15 Albis, T., 224 Alcuin, 16 Allardyce, Fiona M., The painting of the legend of St. Eustace in Canterbury, 115-30 Allhallows, 41, 43 Altena, A. of, Archbishop, 34 Amber, bead, AS, 89, 97, 110-11 Amethyst, bead, AS, 97, 111 Ampulla, Med., 374 Anglo-Saxon, bead, 89, 97, 99, 110-111 brooch, 89 buckle, 89-91, 103, 110 cemetery, 83, 99 ff., 187, 286 coin, 91, 105, 294-5, 373-4 comb, 208 grave, 86, 89 ff. Grubenhaus, 187 ff. hone, 208 key, 99 knife, 89, 106 pin, bone, 208 pottery, 187 ff., 294-6 bottle, 97, 111 quern, 208 ring, 89, 91, 110 shield-boss, 91, 94, 103, 107 -grip, 91 site, 288 spearhead, 85, 91, 102, 106-7 stud, 85 sword, 91, 102 whetstone, 91, 104 Anna, 12, 17-8 Antwerp (Belgium), 37 Apsley, fam., 68 Aquileia, 112 Archer, S.M., The coins, 206-7 Arden, 182 Arrowhead, flint, Neo., 364 Ashedcford, Manor of, 65 Ashford, The, Cage, by W.R. Briscall, 57-68, 175, 306 a Stotte, R., 178, 182 Austin, G., 129 Avent, R., 109 Axboe, M., 106 Axe, Meso., 365 Neo., 364-5 Aylesford, 365, 372 Baker, Sir J., 172 Bakka, E., 106 Baldwin, Archbishop, 30 VIII, Count of Hainaut, 34, 38 IX, Count of Flanders, 38-9 Banks, Sir E., 272 ff. Bapchild, Council of, 1, 15 Barker, T.C., Review, 385-9 Barming, 372 Barrow, AS, 101 Bath (Som.), 31 Bathurst, T., 182 Bead, AS, 89, 97, 99, 110-11 Bearsted, 14 Bede, Venerable, 5 ff. Belgic, pottery, 86, 286 Benenden, The Roman ford at Iden Green, by Cecily Lebon, 69-81 Bennett, Paul, A stone building in the Old Park, Sturry Road, 281-2 Blackfriars' Gate, 283-4 44 Burgate, 298-300 Crundale limeworks, 285-8 9 High Street, 282-3 St. Dunstan's churchyard, 284-5 The burials from Bossington House, Adisham, 291-2 The Maiden's Head, 300 The outer court of St. Augustine's Abbey, 294-5 Bentham, Gen., 264-5 Bethersden, marble, 75, 78 Bexley, Restoration of the old lychgate of St. 399 GENERAL INDEX Mary's Church, by P.J. Tester, 353-5 Church, charity boards formerly in, by P.J. Tester, 358 Bifrons, AS cemetery, 103 ff. Black Death, The, 229 ff., 292 Blade, sword, AS, 91 Bland, J., 173, 178 ff. Blean, 180 Blocklcy, P., Church Lane, St. Radigund's, 278-81 46 North Lane, 289-90 St. John's Hospital, Northgate, 300-1 Sites along the northern city wall, 296-8 Bodiam (E. Sussex), 80 Bolle, T., 236 W., 236 Bolney, 238 Bologna, V. da, 129 Bone, 211-4 pin, AS, 208 Borstal, 367 Bottle, pottery, AS, 97. Ill Boucher, J., 180 Boughton, 179, 183-4 Monchelsea, 367 Boulogne, Count of, 37 M. of, 37 Bowden, M., and Taylor, R., Two bronze axes from Hythe in the Pitt Rivers Collection at Salisbury Museum, 349-52 Bowcn, J., and T. Tatton-Brown, Building recording work, 301-11 278 Bowycr, fam., 68 Boxford (Suffolk), 140 Boxley, 367, 372, 374 Abbey, 35 Abbot of, 35-6 Bradford, J., 174 Bradkirk, T., 181 Brandon, J., 24-5, 38-9 Bransett (Brcnzett), 238 Brett, M„ Review, 389-91 Bridges, E., 122 M., 122 Bridgland, T.R., and Harding, P., Paleolithic artefacts from the gravels of the Hoo peninsula, 41-55 Brie (France), Abbey, 5 Briscall, W.R., The Ashford Cage, 57-68 Bristol, 172 Briquetage, 168 Broadstairs, 106 Bromplon, 276 Bronze, buckle, AS, 89-91, 103, 110 ring. AS, 89, 91, 110 scal-dic, Med., 377-9 stud, AS, 85 Bronze Age, axe, 349-52 flint arrowhead, 364 hoard, 85 tore, 363 Brooch, silver, AS, 89 Brooke, T., 174, 178 Brothwell, D., Review, 396-7 Bruges (Belgium), 26 Brunon, Archbishop, 34 Brussels (Belgium), 37-8 Buckland (Dover), 104 Buckle, bronze, AS, 89-91, 103, 110 Burgavcnny, Lady E., 238 Burial, RB, 285 ff., 291-2 Burmarsh, 374 Burnham-on-Crouch (Essex), 43 But, A. de, 24-5 Caedwalla, 14 Caiger, J., 358 Cambridge, Christ Church , 172 Corpus Christi College, 169 St. John's College, 173 Cameron, E., 102 Candidus, H., 4, 10 Canterbury, 7-8, 14, 26-7, 30, 32, 36, 115, 169, 172-3, 178 ff., 218 ff., 277 ff. Cathedral, 115 ff. Christ Church Priory, 72, 173, 175, 218 ff., 299 Eastbridge Hospital, 303-4 Poor Priests' Hospital, 143, 181 Royal Museum, 355 St. Alphcgc's, 175, 177, 181, 310 St. Augustine's, 2, 182, 277, 293-5 St. Dunstan's, 181 St. George's, 180 St. Gregory's Priory, 4 St. John's Hospital, 301-3 St. Mary Magdalene, 181 St. Mary Northgate, 177, 179 ff. St. Paul's, 177, 180 St. Peter's, 172 St. Stephen's Chapel, 127 Canterbury Archaeological Trust, Interim report on work in 1984 by the, 277-311 Casamari, Abbot of, 33 Casia, J.B. de, 175 Cautley, M., 162 Cavill, W., 133 Celestine III, Pope, 28 Celtic, coin, 365-71 Cemetery, AS, 83, 99 ff., 187 RB, 286, 294 Centwinc, 13, 16-18 Chalk, 373-4 Champion, R, 174, 353 Charles II, 250 Charlton, 168, 181 Chartham, 173, 185 Chartham, The population of, from 1086 to 1600, by Angela M. Langridge, 217-44 400 GENERAL INDEX Hatch, 221 Chartres (France), 129 Chatham, 245, 248 ff. Lines, AS cemetery, 109 St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 301 Chaucer, 139 Chelles (France), Abbey, 5, 15 Cheriton, 172 Chertsey (Surrey), 11 Chesterton, 31 Chichester (W. Sussex), 185 Cinque Ports, 131, 136 Citcaux (France), 33, 35 Clacton (Essex), 43 Clarke, J., 177, 180-1 Cliffe, 371, 375-6 Cliffe Marshes, Mesolithic horizons in, by R. Hutchings, 360-1 Clynton, W. de, 65 Cobham, 363, 370, 372, 376 Cobham Hall, Fountain House, by A.C. Harrison, 358-9 Cockes, W., 181 Coffin, I.. 263 Coggeshall, R. of, 37 Coin, AS, 91, 294-5, 373-4 Celtic, 365-71 R., 73, 85, 191, 193-4, 206-7, 372-3 RB., 371-2 Cologne (Germany), 32, 34 ff. Colt, fam., 68 G., 67 Comb, AS, 208 Cook, W.H., 41 Cooper, H., 175 Coutances, W. of, Archbishop, 34 Coxyde (Belgium), 23, 35 Cranbrook, 179 Hundred, 69 Cranmer, Archbishop, 169 ff. Crawford, O.G.S., 73, 75 Cromwell, O., 172 Crosse, R., 180 Crowfoot, E., 107 Textiles, 112-3 Crundale, 277, 285, 288 AS cemetery, 286 RB cemetery, 286 Cruse, R.J., 383-4 Cryol, M., 65 S. dc, 65 Cuthbcrt, Archbishop, 16 Cuxton, 52-3, 383-4 Cuyper, J. dc, 24 Dammartin, R. de, 38 Daniel (Chillenden), J., 175 Darby, E., 132, 134 Darent, Valley, 137 Darell, Maj., 260 Dartford, 185 Davington, 178, 182 Dawby, T., 175, 178-9, 183 Deal, 175, 357, 382 Deal, The boatmen of Dover and. The report of the House of Commons Select Committee on the Cinque-Port pilots, by A.L. Maclic, M.A., Ph.D., 131-6 Deptford. 245, 248 Dereham (Norfolk), 17 Detsicas, A.P., M.A., F.S.A., A salt-panning site at Funton Creek, 165-7 The samian ware, 205-6 Deusdedit, Archbishop, 7 Dcvonport (Devon), 252 Dines, II.G., 42 Doncastcr (Yorks.), 171 Douse, T., 65 Dover, 39, 106, 131-6, 185. 382 (Buckland), 104 Dover and Deal, The hoalmen of. The report of the House of Commons Select Committee on the Cinque-Port pilots, by A.L. Maclic, M.A., Ph.D., 131-6 Drum, M., 174 ff. Dudyng. N., 223 Dunes (Belgium), Abbey of, 23 ff, Dungeness, 136 Dunkirk (France), 23. 35, 252 Eadbald, 2 ff. Eadburga, 4, 7, 18-9 Eadric, 6, 8, 11 ff. Eafa, Domne, 6, 8 ff. Eangyth, 17-8 Eanswith. 2-3 Earconberht, 3, 5 ff. Earcongota, 5 Eastchurch, 168 Eastchurch, The grant of, to the Abbey of Dunes by Richard I, by Claire van Nerom. 23-39 East Farlcigh, 376 East Peckham, 364, 376 Eastry, 6-7, 15 Eacgfrid of Northumbria, 8, 13 Eddius, 7, 13 Edward III, 65 VI. 140, 185 Edwin of Northumbria, 2 Egbert, 5 ff. Eleanor, Queen Mother, 31-2, 36 Elias, Abbot, 23 ff. Elizabeth I, 72 Ellis, S.E., 104 Elmham, T. of, 5, 10 Ely (Cambs.), 17 Abbess of, 10 Entwine, 16 Eormenburga, 13-4, 18 401 GENERAL INDEX Eormengyth, 13-4, 17 Eormcnhild, 11 Eormenred, 5-6, 8, 14, 18 Eormcnric, 6 Ethelbert, 2, 4, 18, 294-5 Eton, College Chapel, 127 Evison, V., 105, 111 Eye (Suffolk), 37 Farbracc, L., 241 Farnham (Dorset), 349 Faversham, 179, 182 AS cemetery, 102, 106-7 Fawkham, Kemsing and Shoreham: three medieval timber-framed church porches in west Kent, by Terence Paul Smith, B.A., M.A., M. Litt., M.I.F.A., 137-63 St. Mary, 151-4 Finglesham, AS cemetery, 100 ff. Flanders, Count of, 34 Fletcher, R., 179 Flint, arrowhead, 364 implements, 41-55, 383 Folkestone, 313 Abbey, 1 ff. Fordwich, 67 Forestar, N., 224, 226 Fox, Lane, Maj.-Gcn., 349 Franccys, A., 224 Francis, W., 15 Frere, Prof. S.S., 281, 283 Frindsbury, 43, 377 Furley, R., 67 Fumes (Belgium), Abbey, 23 Funton Creek, A salt-panning site at, by A.P. Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., 165-7 Gairdner, J., 170 Gardner, S., Bishop, 180 (Sandwich), W., 175 ff. Genoa (Italy), 116 Geraldus Cambrensis, 31-2 Gillingham, 276 Glasicr, H,, 174 Glass, bead, AS, 89, 99 Godmersham, 285 Gold, coin, AS, 91, 105 tore, BA, 363 wire, AS, 89, 107 Goldstone I, Prior, 300 Good, T., 179 Goodncston(e), 238 Goodwin Sands, 134 Goscelin, 7, 13 Gosebourne, H., 238 Grain, Isle of, 42, 248, 251, 264 Grainger, G., 101 Grave, AS, 86, 89 ff. Gravesend, Milton Chantry, 143 Great Chart, 175 Greenhill, fam., 68 Grindal, Archbishop, 171, 173 E., 174 Grose, F., 355 Grove, A., Review, 393 Gundulf, Bishop, 301 Hackington, St. Stephen's, 177 Hacklinge, 383 Hadrian, 116, 121 Hakyngton, 238 Halesowen, 228 Harbledown, 180 St. Nicholas Hospital, 301 Harding, P., and Bridgland, D.R., Palaeolithic artefacts from the gravels of the Hoo peninsula, 41-55 Harrietsham, 370 Harrington, D., Review, 394-6 Harris, Trevor M., B.A., Ph.D., Government and urban development in Kent: the case of the royal naval dockyard town of Sheerness, 245-76 Harrison, A. C Fountain House, Cobham Hall, 358-9 K., 11 Hart, F.A., Excavation of a Saxon Grubenhaus and Roman ditch at Kent Road, St. Mary Cray, 187-216 Hasted, E., 29, 257 Hastinglcigh, 140 Hastings, 42 Harwich (Essex), 248, 250 Hatcher, J., 234 Hauck, Professor K.., 106 Hawarden, Viscount, 292 Hawkes, Sonia Chadwick, and Perkins, D.R.J., The Thanet Gas Pipeline Phases 1 and 11 (Monkton Parish). 1982, 83-114 Headcorn, 179 Heinsberg, P. of. Archbishop, 34 Hemsted, 80 Manor, 72-3 Henry II, 23, 29, 33, 38 III, 23, 65 VIII, 171, 173 Henry I, Duke of Brabant, 36 ff. VI, of Austria, 36 Hereford, 185 Heme, 172, 174 Hesdin (Belgium), 35, 38 Hcxdcn, River, 80 Heybridge (Essex), 193-4 High Halden, 140 Hlothere, 6, 8 ff. Hoard, coin, Celtic, 367-8 Hogben, Brian M., Preaching and the Reformation in Henrician Kent, 169-85 Holgate, Archbishop, 173 Hollingbourne, 173, 175, 377 402 GENERAL INDEX Holmes, S.C.A., 42 Hone, AS, 208 Hoo, 377 Hoo Peninsula, Palaeolithic artefacts from the gravels of the, by D.R. Bridgland and P. Harding, 41-55 Hook, D.R., 363 Horsham (W. Sussex), 353 Horton Kirby, AS cemetery, 104 Hoveden, R. of, 30, 36 Hubbcrdyne, W., 172 Hunt (Hadlcy), W„ 175, 177 Street, 288 Huntingdon, Earl of, 65 Rev. B., 353 Hutchings, G.E., 41 R., Mesolithic horizons in Cliffe Marshes, 360-1 Huxley, T., 179 Hythe, 349, 352 Iden Green, 69-81 Innocent III, Pope, 28, 32, 34 Interim report on work curried out in 1984 by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 277- 311 Investigations and excavations during the year, 381-4 Iron, knife, AS, 89, 94 shield-boss, AS, 91, 94 -grip, AS, 91, 94 spearhead, AS, 85, 91 Iron Age, pottery, 286, 383 site. 288 Iwadc, 370 Jenkins, Canon R.C., 4 Dr F., 83, 281 Jerome, W., 172 Jet, bead, AS, 99 John, King, 23, 34, 39 Jordan, H., 181 Jutish cemetery, 83 Kelly, D.B., Archaeological notes from Maidstone Museum, 363-79 Kempc, W., 179, 181 Kemsing, 384 St. Mary, 154-6 Kemsing, Fawkham and Shoreham, Three medieval timber-framed church porches in west Kent: Fawkham, by Terence Paul Smith, B.A., M.A., M. Litt., M.I.F.A., 137-63 Kent, Preaching and the Reformation in Henrician, by Brian M. Hogben, 169-85 Kent Archives Office, Major accessions, 1981- 83, by Nigel Yates, 313-47 Kentish royal saints. The: an enquiry into the facts behind the legends, by K.P. Witney, 1-22 Key, iron, AS, 99 Keyser, C.E., 128 Killick, J.R., 41 Kingsferry, 165 Knife, iron, AS, 89, 94, 107 Lambeth, 10, 182 Landon, L., 38 Lanfranc, Archbishop, 301 Langdon, W., 181 Langridge, Angela M., The population of Chartham from 1086 to 1600, 217-44 Larkfield, 378 la Roche d'Andcly (France), 26, 38 Latham, H. 132, 135 Latimer, Bishop, 172 Laurcntius, Archbishop. 2 Lead, seal, Med., 374, 376-8 token, Med., 376-7 Lebon, Cicely, The Roman ford at Iden Green. Benenden, 69-81 Lee, Archbishop, 171 Leeds, 173 Abbey, 65 Lenham, 174-5, 178-9, 182 Heath, 364 Leopold, Duke of Austria, 25, 36 Levcchild, G., 223 R., 223 Lcybourne, 378 Lincoln, 31-2 Little Hadham (Herts.), 140 Little Thurrock (Essex), 49 Lloyd-Morgan, G.. with Reedie, K., A new hand mirror from Kent, 355-7 London, 11, 13, 34 British Museum, 41, 73, 357, 363-4 National Gallery, 129 St. Paul's, 173-4 Smithfield, 172 Longchamp, W. dc, 30-1 Longland, Bishop, 171 Louvain (Belgium), 32, 37 Lovcdon Hill, 105 Lower Halstow, 165 Lyminge, 175 Abbey, 1 ff., 16 AS cemetery. 107 Lyne, M.A.B., The Alice Holt ware. 204 Macfie, A.L., M.A., Ph.D.. 77if boatmen of Dover and Deal: the report of the House of Commons Select Committee on the Cinque- Port pilots. 131-6 Macpherson-Grant, Nigel, Summary of the pottery. 295-6 Maidstone, 14. 373 Kent Archives Office. 313 ff. Maidstone Museum, Archaeological notes from, by D.B. Kelly. 363-79 403 GENERAL INDEX Mainz (Germany), 36-8 Mallet, F., 172 Malmesbury. W. of, 6, 12 Malpas (Ches.). 364 Margary. I.D., 73. 75 Mary, Queen, 175, 185 Margate, Excavations al Northdown, 1984, bj G.H. Smith, 361-2 McCann, J., 144 ff. Medieval, ampulla. 374 building, 279, 299-300 cellar, 298-9 gate. 283-4 plaque, 374-5, 378 pottery, 85, 279, 294-6 seal. lead. 374, 376-8 seal-die, bronze, 377-9 Medway, River, 41-3. 52-3, 168. 248, 250 ff. Meines, J., 175 Merwalh, 6, 8, 15. 17 Mesolithic, axe, 365 Meyerus. J.. 24-5 Mildgyth, 15 Milles (Warham), J., 175. 177 ff. Mill Street, 73 Milton Regis, 67 Minnis Bay, 350 Minster-in-Thanct, 254 Abbey, 1, 4 ff. Monkton. 83 ff., 185, 238 AS cemetery, 99 ff. Moon, W.. 285 Moore. D.. 104 Morice, R.. 169, 173 Mucking (Essex). 193 Mul. 9 Myrc, J., 138 Nash. DrD., 367 Nazer, K., Lt., 132, 135 Needham. Dr S.P., 363 Neolithic, axe, 364-5 flint arrowhead, 364 pottery, 383 Ncvill, Sir G., 238 Nevinson, C, 170, 173 Newcomer, M.H., 47, 49 Newport (Belgium), 23 Newendcn, 72 Nolding, fam., 231 T., 231 Norfolk, Earl of, 30 Northfleet, 264 Northiam, 73 Norton, C, 179, 182-4 Offham. 364 Ohsenfurt (Germany), 35-6 Okinlield, W., 180-1 Oldbury, 381-2 Old Romney, 183 Ospringe, 173, 182 Oswine, 8-9, 12 ff. Oswy of Northumbria, 6 Otford. St. Bartholomew's, 139 Otham, 378 Oxcnbridgc, J.. 180 Oxford. 34 All Souls College, 182 Ashmolean Museum, 367 Canterbury College, 175 Ozingell, 106 Palaeolithic, flint implements, 41-55 handaxes, 383 Pandulf, 34 Papal bull, 379 Parfitt, K., 382-3 Parker, M., Archbishop, 169, 185 Parkhurst, R., 173, 175 ff. Paulinus, 2 Peasants' Revolt, The, 233 Penda of Mercia, 2, 17 Pepys, S., 251 Perkins, D.R.J., and Sonia Chadwick Hawkes, The Thanet Gas Pipeline Phases I and 11 (Monkton Parish). 1982, 83-114 Peter, Sister M.J., 170 Petham. 238 Pett. P., 250 Penzance (Cornwall), 364 Philip of Alsace, 34, 38 Philip Augustus, 33-4, 38 Pilbrow, J., 283 Pin, bone, AS, 208 Pitt, W., 264-5 Pitt Rivers, Gen., 349 Placidus, 116 ff. Plaque, Med., 374-5, 378 Pliny, 168 Pomposa (Italy), Abbey, 129 Poore, H., Bishop, 27 Portsmouth (Hants.), 252 Portsea, 261 Postan, M.M., 228 Pottery, AS, 97, 111, 187, 294 Belgic, 286 1A, 286, 383 Med., 85, 279, 294-6 Neo., 383 RB, 85-6, 167-8, 187, 189 ff., 294-6 Samian ware, 191 Saxo-Norman, 86 Purbeck marble, 293 Queenborough, 251, 254 Quern, AS, 208 RB, 86, 208 Quested, E., 240 W., 240 404 GENERAL INDEX Rady, J., Observations at Linacre Gardens, 292-3 Ramsey Abbey, 1 Ramsgate, 313, 362 Red Hills (Essex), 168 Reedie, K., with G. Lloyd-Morgan, A new hand mirror from Kent, 355-7 Rennie, J., 264 ff. Researches and discoveries in Kent, 349-79 Reviews, 385-97 Richard I, 23 ff. Ridley, Bishop N., 172 ff., 185 L, 174, 178, 185 Rigold, S.E., 137-9, 148, 163, 306 Ring, bronze, AS, 89, 91, 110 Robertsbridge (E. Sussex), Abbey, 35-6 Robertson, Canon Scott, 29 Robbie, J.A., 42 Robinson, T., 132 Rochester, 7. 12, 14, 30, 65, 185, 301 Eastgatc House Museum, 47. 51 Roe, Dr D., 41 Rogers, T., 174 Rollason, D.W., 1-2 Rolvenden Hundred, 69 Roman, coin, 73, 85, 191, 193-4, 206-7, 372-3 Romano-British, bath-house, 187 briquetage, 168 building, 298 burial, 285 ff., 291-2 cemetery, 286, 294 city, 277-8 coin, 371-2 corn-drier, 187 ditch, 187 ff., 287 farmstead, 361 ford, 69-81 forum, 277 pottery, 85-6, 167-8, 187, 189 ff., 286, 294-6 quern, 86 road, 73 ff., 277 salt-panning, 165-7 site, 288 street, 285 Rome, 17, 116, 118, 122 Romney Marsh, 220-1, 238, 350 Rosyth, 245 Rother, River, 69, 80 Rouen (France), 34, 39 Rowe, P., 76 Rudgwick (W. Sussex), 353 Rudyard, Maj.-Gcn., 269 Rychmond, P., 239 Rye (E. Sussex), 73 St. Augustine, 9 Boniface, 16-8 Christopher, 129 E(a)dburga, 4, 15 ff. Ethclburga, 4 George, 129 John of Acre, 34 Leger, A., 173 ff. Mary, 4 Mary's Hoo, 41, 43. 53 Mildred, 4, 7, 15 ff. Peter's, AS cemetery, 101 Wilfrid, 7-8 St. Eustace in Canterbury, the painting of the legend of, by Fiona M. Allardycc, M.A., 115-30 St. Mary Cray, the excavation of a Saxon Grubenhaus and Roman ditch at Kent Road, by F.A. Hart, 187-216 Saintc-Mcrc-Eglisc, W. of, 27 ff. Salisbury (Wilts.), 27 Museum, 349 Salter. W., 182 Salt-panning, RB. 165-7 Sandford, W„ 172 Sandwich, 7, 172 Sarre. AS cemetery, 106 ff. Saxo-Norman. building, 279 pottery, 86 Scory. Bishop J.. 174 ff., 182 ff. Seal, lead, Med., 374, 376 -die, bronze, Med., 377-9 Seaxburga, 10 ff. Sclbrittcndcn Hundred, 69 Sellwood, L., 368 Series, R.. 174 ff. Sevenoaks, 379, 384 Seven Years War, 261 Shamclcsford, J. dc, 223 N. de, 223 Shave, 238 Sheerness, Government and urban development in Kent: the case of the royal naval dockyard town of, by Trevor M. Harris, B.A., Ph.D.. 245-76 Sheldwich, 183 Sheppey, Abbey, 1, 10 Isle of, 23, 248 Shether, E., 174 ff. Shield-boss, iron, AS, 91. 94. 103. 107 -grip, iron, AS, 91, 94 Shirwade, T , 181 Shish, J., 251 Shoreham, Fawkham, Kemsing and, three medieval timber-framed church porches in west Kent, by Terence Paul Smith, B.A.. M.A., M. Litt., M.I.F.A., 137-63 St. Peter and St. Paul, 156-61 Silver, brooch, AS, 89 Simmons, A.G., 353 Singleton (W. Sussex), 67 Museum, 353 Sittingbourne, 179, 370 Sladc, Sir T., 261 405 GENERAL INDEX Smith, G.H., Excavations at Northdown, Margate, 1984, 361-2 Terence Paul, B.A., M.A., M.Litt., M.I.F.A., Three medieval timber-framed church porches in west Kent: Fawkham, Kemsing and Shoreham, 137-63 Smyth, T., 181 Snodland, 371 Sole Street, 288 South Darenth, 104 Southend (Essex), 43, 46-7 Southminster, 1, 14-5, 17, 46 Southwark (Surrey), 357 Spearhead, AS, 85, 91, 102, 107 Speier (Germany), 32, 36 Sponer, E., 179, 183-4 Stalisfield, 178 Stenton, F.M., 17 Stephen, King, 37 Stodmarsh, 181 Stour, Great, River, 288, 302 Stowting, 175 Strawghwyn, R., 182 Strowd, J., 179 Strype, J., 170 Stubbs, W., 3, 16 Stud, bronze, AS, 85 silver, AS, 91 Sturry, 181 Suaebhard, 8-9, 14 Sutton Hoo, 104 Swanscombe, 43, 52-3 Sword-blade, AS, 91, 102 Taplow (Bucks.), 112-3 Tatton-Brown, Tim, Interim report on work in 1984 by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 277-8 Documentary evidence, 288-9 —, and Bowen, John, Building recording work, 301-11 Taylor, R., and Bowden, M., Two bronze axes from Hythe in the Pitt Rivers Collection at Salisbury Museum, 349-52 Temple Ewell, 34 Tcnterden, 175 Ter Doest (Belgium), Abbey, 34, 37-8 Tester, P.J., Charity boards formerly in Bexley Church, 358 Restoration of the old lychgate of St. Mary's Church, Bexley, 353-5 Review, 392, 394, 396 Teynham, 379 Thames, River, 41, 43, 53, 168, 248, 264, 357 Thanet, 6, 9, 101-2, 177 Thanet, The, Gas Pipeline Phases I and 11 (Monkton Parish), 1982, by D.R.J. Perkins and Sonia Chadwick Hawkes, 83-114 Thatcher, J., 181 Theodore of Tarsus, 3, 7, 18 Theopisse, 118-19 Thompson, F.H., M.C., M.A., F.S.A., Interim report on the excavation at Oldbury, 381-2 fam., 68 Thornden (La Stcde), R., 175-6, 185 Thruxsted, W., 236 Thun(n)or, 7, 105 Titchfield (Surrey), 67 Titow, J.Z., 228 Toftes, fam., 181 J,, 180 Token, lead, Med., 376-7 Tore, BA, 363 Trendhamme, S., 224 Trimworth, 288 Tristram, Professor E.W., 122, 129 Trois-Fontaines, Abbot G. of, 33 Trott, T., 134 Turner, R., 173, 178 ff. Twyne, J., 172 Tyler Hill, 85 Ulcombe, 175 Uncleby (Yorks.), 105 Upchurch, 191 Van Nerom, Claire, The grant of Eastchurch to the Abbey of Dunes by Richard I, 23-39 Vanncs (Fannes) Manor, 288 Vcrneuil (Belgium), 38 Voragine, J. de, 116, 118 Wakering (Essex), 1, 6 ff. Walderslade, 365 Walter, Archbishop H., 27 ff. Waltham, 238 Ward, G., 8 Weald, 42, 80, 220 Welham, R.D., 47 Wells (Som.), Cathedral, 129 Wercupe, A. de, 223 Wesley, Rev. J., 262 Westbere, 181 Westminster, Chapel of St. Stephen, 65 West Stow (Suffolk), 194 Wethburg, Wiethburg, 17 Whetstone, AS, 91, 104 Whidby, J., 265 Whitaker, W., 41 Wihtburg, 17-18 Wihtred, King, 1, 5, 8 Wilfrid, 13, 18 Wilthew, P., Analyses of non-ferrous metals, 113-14 Winchester, 26-7, 29-30, 225, 228 New Minster, 2 Wingham, 238 Winter, Sir W„ 251 Wire, gold, AS, 89 Wissant (Belgium), 35, 38 406 GENERAL INDEX Witney, K.P., The Kentish royal saints: an enquiry into the facts behind the legends, 1-22 Woden, 106 Woodchurch, 365 Woollcy, Dr A.R., 364 Woolwich, 245, 248 Worcester, 14 Worms (Germany), 37 Worth, 382 Worthy Park, Kingsworthy (Hants.), 103-4 Wouldham, 362 Wulfhere of Mercia, 10 Wychling, 175 Wye, 185, 306 Wymer, J.J., 51 Yalding, 179 Yates, Nigel, Kent Archives Office: major accessions, 1981-83, 313-47 Review, 391-2 Ymma, 2-3 York, 31 Duke of, 250 407