Income and Expenditure Account for the Year Ended 31st December 1983
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Kent Archives Office Major Accessions 1981-83 Yates
Income and Expenditure Account for the Year Ended 31st December 1983
INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1983 xxix BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st DECEMBER, 1983 Funds 112.699 Margary Fund and Bequest 62.887 Capital Appreciation Piercy Fox Memorial Fund -Capital(Note 1(1) - Income (Note 10) 11.512 2.61)3 Churches Fund (Note 10) 4.097 Life Composition Fund (Note 10) 112.699 94.177 10.910 3.377 193.798 19.149 2.744 2.044 4.895 10.379 £233.009 General Accumulated Fund (Note 10) Earmarked Funds (Note 4) Lullingstone Account (Note 7) Publications Fund (Note 8) ... . Reserve for Stock of Publications (Note 9) .. 1.440 14.372 26.918 2.976 2.248 15.812 14.287 2.775 4.659 228.597 f 276.551 Represented by:- 1.735 Library and Collections at Maidstone Museum and Bradbournc House (Note 2) 207.210 Investments (Note 3) 208.945 598 10.379 3.354 2.924 16.543 33.798 8.000 1.734 9.734 Current Assets Stocks - Bookstall Publications (Note 9) Loans Sundry Debtors Cash at Bank and in Hand ... Current Liabilities Provision for Archaeologia Cantiana 1983 Sundry Creditors 24.064 8.000 3.877 11.877 1.735 235.525 237.260 909 14,372 2.128 4.396 29.363 51.168 39.291 £276,551 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1983 6.472 249 15.893 233 85 31 £22.963 Income Subscriptions Income Tax on Covenants recovered Investment Income Sales of Archaeologia Cantiana via Bookstall Bookstall (Note 6) Sundry Income 9.180 250 16.004 677 53 29 £26.193 30 121 1.038 373 1.549 584 - 298 77 44 1.295 23 5.432 347 1,300 3.300 - ~ 6.788 120 173 117 17.577 5.000 22.577 386 £22.963 Expenditure Administration Rent Salaries Secretarial Expenses Insurance Newsletter A.G.M. Expenses Printing Draft Rules Kent Voluntary Service Council Miscellaneous Bank Charges Audit and Accountancy Fee Committee Expenses Membership Brochure Grants to Committees (Note 4) Special Grants (Note 5) Bookstall Equipment Equipment Repairs Archaeologia Cantiana (Net) (including distribution costs £1.144) Typewriter Subscriptions Excursion Account 30 121 1.186 458 1.437 773 174 . 23 11 1.335 • Provision for Legal Fees in respect of Libel Action against Society Transfer to Publication Fund Surplus for the Year 5.548 1.700 2,301) 60 117 7.523 - 172 4 1,000 18.424 - 18.424 7.769 £26.193 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER. 1983 The accounts arc prepared under the historical cost convention modified as stated in Notes 2 and 3. The Society's Library and Collections at Maidstone Museum, manuscripts at Kent Archives Office and pictures at Bradbourne House are shown on the balance sheet at a nominal value of £1.735. No up to date valuation has been made of the whole Collection. Investments arc shown on the balance sheet at their market values on the Stock Exchange at 31st December. 1983. Special Grants during 19SS Canterbury Archaeological Trust Archives Office Records Committee Bookstall Sales of the Society's Publications Other Sales ... Less Costs and expenses Less Sales of the Society funded Publications:- Archaeologia Cantiana ... Records Volumes (Note 8( Other Publications (Note 9) Ltdlingstone Account Balance at 31st December. 1982 Transfer from Publications Fund (see Note 8) in respect of 75cr of sale proceeds of Lullingstone I held to finance subsequent publication of work sponsored by the Department of the Environment Balance at 31st December. 1983 677 482 682 Z.tHX) £2.300 1.841 1.026 2.867 973 (7) Publicillioits Fund Balance al 31sl December. 1982 Add Opening Stocks at 31st December. 1982 Surplus for the year Sales of Lullingstone 1 Records Publication Fund Balance al 1st January. 1983 Volumes sold in year via Bookstall (Note 6) Less Printing Publications brochure Transfer of 75r < of Sales Proceeds of Lullingstone 1 to Lullingstone Account (Note 7) Reserve for Slocks of Publications at 31st December. 1983 10.379 109 271 825 4X2 120 4.0711 12.066 16.136 204 14.372 Balance al 3ist December. 1983 £ 1.44(1 The balances of £1,440 and the surplus for the year are arrived at after deducting £272.30 being the cost of copies of "Studies in Modern Kentish History" distributed as review copies, to contributors and copyright libraries. Publications Stock Account Opening Stocks at 31st December. 1982 Expenditure: "Studies in Modern Kentish History" Surplus for the year Less Sales during the vear - Bookstall I Nole 6) -Other 682 3.221 Closing Stocks at 31st December. 1983 10.379 7.7X7 109 18.275 £14.372 The stocks are valued at cost. They do not include Lullingstone 1. (see Note 7). (9) Movement on Funds Balances at 31st Dec. 1982 Add Surplus for the year Investment income Appreciation of Investments Less Subscriptions for Life Members Balances at 31st Dec. 1983 Picrcy Fox Memorial Fund Capital 8.646 2.264 10.910 £10.910 'ncome 2.X66 511 3.377 3.377 Churches Fund 2.603 172 2.775 2.775 Life Composition Fund 4.097 448 562 5.107 (448) 4.659 General Accumulated Fund 19.149 7.769 26.918 26.918 (10) Earmarked Funds (Committees) Balance at 31st December. 1982 1983 Grants Grants Books and Helpers Equipment Hugh Thompson (Bigberry) N. Macpherson-Grant (Mediev; K.D.R.G. Detling Parish Council Committee Expenses Balances at 31st December. 1983 al Pottery) ... . KDRG £ - . ... 100 100 . ... 100 100 . ... Affiliated Societies £ 267 - 267 - 267 Excavation and Fieldwork £ (10) 600 590 150 100 250 340 Historic Buildings £ 246 200 446 50 391 441 5 Library £ 2,037 400 2.437 561 81 642 1.795 Churches £ 204 400 604 35 35 569 Total £ 2.744 1.700 4.444 561 81 150 100 100 50 426 1.468 2.976 AUDIT REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF THE KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY We have audited the accounts on pages xxx and xxxi. Our audit was conducted in accordance with approved Auditing Standards having regard to the matters referred to in the following paragraphs. As stated in note 9 stocks of publications have been valued on the balance sheet at cost with the exception of Lullingstone I where no valuation is shown in respect of unsold stocks of that publication. We have been unable to ascertain the net realisable value of the stocks of all publications at 31st December. 1983. We have not verified the existence of the contents of the library and collections at Maidstone Museum and at Bradbourne House. As no Statement of Source and Application of Funds is published. Statement of Standard Accounting Practice No. 10 has not been complied with. Subject to the foregoing, in our opinion, the accounts, which have been prepared under the historic cost convention as modified in notes 2 and 3. give a true and fair view of" the state of the Society s affairs at 31st December, 1983 and of its surplus for the year then ended and comply with the Rules of the Society. Dated this 9th day of April. 1984 52 St. Margaret's Street, Rochester and at Sittingbourne HOBY. POLLOCK & BELL. Chartered Accountants