Frontmatter, Volume 103
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Accounts for the Year Ended 31st December 1986
The Southern Defences of Medieval Rochester
Frontmatter, Volume 103
Archreologia Cantiana 'ANTIQUITATES SEU HISTORIARUM RELIQUIAE SUNT TANQUAM TABULtE NAUFRAGII; CUM. DEFICIENTE ET FERE SUBMERSA RERUM MEMO RIA. NIHILOMINUS HOMINES IN DUS· TRII ET SAGACES. PERTINACI QUADAM ET SCRUPULOSA DILIGENTIA. EX GENEALOGIIS. FASTIS. TITULIS. MONUMENTIS. NUMISMATIBUS. NOMINIBUS PROPRIIS ET STYLIS, VERBORUM ETYMOLOGIIS. PROVERBIIS. TRADITIONIBUS. ARCHIVIS. ET INSTRUMENTIS. TAM PUBLICIS QUAM PRIVATIS. H!STORIARUM FRAGMENTIS. L!BRORUM NEUTIQUAM HISTORICUM LOCIS DISPERSIS.-EX HIS. INQUAM. OMNIBUS VEL ALIQUIBUS. NONNULLA A TEMPORIS DILUVIO ERIPIUNT ET CONSERVANT. RES SANE OPEROSA. SED MORTALIBUS GRAT A ET CUM REVERENTIA QUADAM CONJUNCTA.' 'ANTIQUITIES. OR REMNANTS OF HISTORY. ARE, AS WAS SAID, TANQUAM TABULJE NAUFRAGII; WHEN INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS, BY AN EXACT AND SCRUPULOUS DILIGENCE AND OBSERVATION. OUT OF MONUMENTS. NAMES. WORDS. PROVERBS, TRADITIONS. PRIVATE RECORDS AND EVIDENCES. FRAGMENTS OF STORIES. PASSAGES OF BOOKS THAT CONCERN NOT STORY. AND THE LIKE. DO SAVE AND RECOVER SOMEWHAT FROM THE DELUGE OF TlME'-Advancemenl of Learning, ii. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, siored in a retrieval system, or transmilted, in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or olherwise without the permissicn of the Kent Archaeological Society. © 1987 Kent Archaeological Society ISSN 0066-5894 Printed in Great Britain Archreologia Cantiana Being Contributions to the History and Archreology of Kent VOLUMECIII 1986 Published by the KENT ARCH.tEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Produced for the Society by Alan Sutton Publishing Limited, Gloucester 1987 NOTICES The Council of the Kent Archreological Society invites the attention of members to the following matters: (1) Neither the Council nor the Hon. Editor is answerable for opinions put forward in this work. Each contributor is alone responsible for the contents of his paper. (2) Papers submitted for publication in Archatologia Cantiana should be complete in all respects before being sent to the Hon. Editor. They should be typed in double spacing, on one side of the paper only. Photographs for Plates must be of the highest possible standard on glazed prints. Line drawings for Figures should be in Indian ink on good quality board or paper. In regard to the proportions of such drawings authors should note the size of a page of the volume. On drawings which must be considerably reduced for reproduction the lettering and lines must be boldly executed. For further information consult 'Notes for the Guidance of Contributors to Archatologia Cantiana, printed in Volume xcii (1976), 275--6; or, the Honorary Editor will be glad to supply a copy on request. (3) Changes of address and errors in the list of members should be notified at once to the Hon. General Secretary, Mr. A.C. Harrison, B.A., F.S.A., Pring's Cottage, Pilgrims' Way, Upper Halling, Rochester. (4) An expansion of the membership would enable the Society to publish a larger volume and to undertake extended archreological work generally. Members, therefore, are urged to induce their friends interested in archreology to join the Society. Information as regards the Society's activities, copies of the Rules and forms of application for membership may be obtained from the Hon. General Secretary. (5) The annual subscription covers all the privileges of membership, but additional contributions in the form of annual or occasional donations to the Archatologia Cantiana Fund, to the Records Publication Fund, towards excavation work, or for the general purposes of the Society, are invited and are always very welcome. (6) It would be a great convenience if members could pay their subscriptions by Bankers' Order whilst if they cared to sign a seven-year Deed of Covenant it would enable the Society to recover Income tax at no extra cost to the member. Forms may be obtained from the Hon. Treasurer or the Hon. Membership Secretary. Subscriptions (at present £10.00 per annum) are due on the 1st of January, and, if not paid by Banker's Order, should be sent as early in the year as possible to the Hon. Membership Secretary. (7) The Society's room at Maidstone Museum is open daily to members who wish to consult books in the Reference Library, and the Hon. Librarian and Hon. Curator are always glad to help callers to obtain any information which they may require. iv ILLUSTRATIONS The southern medieval Defences of Rochester reconsidered: Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. The West Design: Rochester: The south-east Quarter of the medieval City. . . . . . . . . . . Section through the Filling of the Dean Garden Ditch; Elevation View of the City Wall. . . Hypothetical Plans. . . . . Front of Rochester Cathedral: The Interior Plate I. Nave of Rochester Cathedral. Plate II. Rochester Cathedral. . . . Plate III. Rochester Cathedral. . . . Plate IV. Rochester Cathedral. . . . Plate V. Rochester Cathedral. . Architectural Notes on St. Michael's Church, Offham: Fig. 1. Plan of St. Michael's Church, Offham. Plate I. Offham Church, Tower. Plate II. Interior. . . . . . . . . Plate III. Norman Window in the Nave. Plate IV. South Side of the Chancel. . . Plate V. Fourteenth-century Window. . Tonbridge Free Public Library, 1881-1900: Plate I. Tonbridge Public Library and Technical Institute, 1900. . . . . . . . . . . . . Kent Apothecaries' and Barber-Surgeons' Tokens and their Issuers: Fig. 1. Tokens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rescue Excavations in the Outer Court of St. Augustine's Abbey 1983-84: PAGE 3 14 20 32 34 36 37 40 46 47 49 50 50 51 59 73 Fig. 1. St. Augustine's Abbey: Excavation Location 80 .facing p. 82 91 Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . Fig. 2. St. Augustine's Abbey: 1984-85 Survey. Fig. 3. St. Augustine's Abbey: Phased Plans. vii Fig. 4. St. Augustine's Abbey: Principal Sections.facing p. 92 Plate I. St. Augustine's Abbey. . . . . 100 Plate II. St. Augustine's Abbey. . . . . 102 Plate III. St. Augustine's Abbey. . . . . 104 Fig. 5. St. Augustine's Abbey: Period II. 108 Fig. 6. St. Augustine's Abbey: Pottery. · . 111 Fig. 7. St. Augustine's Abbey: The Metal Objects. 114 The Font at the Church of St. Clement, Sandwich, and the Hallum-Berney Problem: Plate I. St. Clement's, Sandwich: The Font. 128 Plate II. St. Clement's, Sandwich: The Font. . . . . 128 Plate III. St. Clement's, Sandwich: The Font. . . . . 129 Plate IV. St. Clement's, Sandwich: The Font. . . . . 129 A Roman Building Remnant at Thurnham: Excavations 1933: Plate I. Eastern Wall Junctions. . . . . . 147 Plate II. The undisturbed Opus Signinum Floors. 149 Fig. 1. Plan of the Remains. . . . 151 Plate III. The Bronze Human Head. . . 152 A Study of Clay Objects found at Charing: Plate I. Examples of the Clay Objects. 159 Plate II. The Hall Ceiling. . . . . . 160 Fig. 1 Incised Marks; Angled Top; Impressed Base. 164 Fig. 2. Smooth-sided, rounded Top. . . . 164 Fig. 3. Showing Disc in Base. . . . . . 164 Newington, near Hythe: The threatened Village: Fig. 1. Newington Parish before 1987. . 168 Fig. 2. The proposed Channel Works. . 169 Plate IA. Newington Village: The Street. 170 Plate IB. The Church of St. Nicholas. 170 Fig. 3. The Church of St. Nicholas. 171 Fig. 4. Pound Farm . . . . 173 Plate IIA. Pound Farm. . . . 174 Plate IIB. The Smallest Wealden. 174 Plate IIIA. The Poor House. . . 176 Plate IIIB. Frogholt Cottage. . . . 176 Fig. 5. The Smallest Wealden and the Old Vicarage. 178 Plate IVA. The Old Vicarage. . . . . . . . 180 Plate IVB. Stone Farm. . . . . . . . . . 180 Fig. 6 Frogholt Cottage. . . . . . . . . . 182 Interim Report on Work carried out in 1986 by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust: Fig. 1 Location Plan. . . . . . . . 192 Fig. 2. The Archbishop's Palace, Canterbury. 194 viii Plate I. Christ Church College, Canterbury. 198 Plate II. St. Margaret's Church, Canterbury. 198 Fig. 3. St. Margaret's Church, Canterbury. .facing p. 201 Fig. 4. The Ridingate, Canterbury. . 205 Plate III. The Ridingate, Canterbury. 209 Plate IV. The Ridingate, Canterbury. . 209 Plate V. Nos. 35-37 Burgat. . . . . 210 Plate VI. No. 20 St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury. 210 Fig. 5. Nos. 36-37 Stour Street, Canterbury. 212 Plate VII. Pound Lane, Canterbury. . 217 Plate VIII. St. John's Lane, Canterbury. . . 217 Fig. 6. Barham Crossroads. . . . . . . 219 Fig. 7. 'Cogan House', Canterbury. . . . 225 Fig. 8. Nos. 5-8 Turnagain Lane, Canterbury. .facing p. 226 Fig. 9. Nos. 12-13 High Street, Canterbury. 228 Fig. 10. No. 22 Palace Street, Canterbury. . 229 Fig. 11. Nos. 20 Orange Street and 1 Palace Street, Fig. 12. Canterbury. . . . . . . . . . 231 Fig. 13. No. 36 Stour Street, Canterbury. . . 232 No. 25 The Precincts, Canterbury. 233 Researches and Discoveries in Kent: Kent Skillet Makers: Fig. l. Rubbing of John Palmar Inscription. 240 The Kiln at New Ash Green: Fig. 2. The New Ash Green Kiln. . . . 242 A Denehole at Kingsdown near Sittingbourne: Fig. 3. Denehole at Kingsdown. . . . 244 A monumental Brass in Maidstone Museum: Fig. 4. Part of a Brass Figure. . . . . 246 Archaeological Notes from Maidstone Museum: Fig. 5. Romano-British Objects. . . . 251 Fig. 6. Medieval Seal-dies and Impressions. 253 Fig. 7. Medieval Objects. . . . . . 258 ix KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF COUNCIL 1st JANUARY, 1987 KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY President L.R.A. GROVE, B.A., F.S.A, F.M.A. Patrons THE LORD ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, P.C., D.D. THE VISCOUNT DE L'ISLE, V.C., K.G. THE LORD BRABOURNE MAJOR H.R. PRATT BOORMAN, C.B.E., M.A., D.L., F.J.I. F. HULL, B.A., Ph.D., D.Litt., F.R.Hist.S. R. LEIGH-PEMBERTON, J.P., M.A. Vice-Presidents C.W. CHALKLIN, M.A., B.Litt., Litt.D., F.R.Hist.S. C.R. COUNCER, F.S.A. Rev. Canon D. INGRAM HILL, M.A., D.D., F.S.A. R.F. JESSUP, F.S.A. F.W. JESSUP, 0.B.E., M.A., LL.B .. D.C.L., F.S.A. MISS E. MELLING, B.A. THE LORD NORTHBOURNE, M.A. MISS ANNE ROPER, M.B.E., J.P., M.A., F.S.A. J. WHYMAN, B.Sc. (Econ.), Ph.D. Honorary Editor A.P. DETSICAS. B.A., M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A .. F.S.A.Scot., Dunelm House. 159 Downs Road, Hastings, E. Sussex. TN34 2DY. Honorary General Secretary A.C. HARRISON, B.A., F.S.A., Pring's Cottage, Pilgrim's Way. Upper Halling, Rochester. ME2 IHR. Honorary Treasurer A.G. WEBSTER, 48 St. Martin's Hill. Canterbury. Honorary Membership Secretary Mrs. M. LAWRENCE, Bamfield, Church Lane, East Peckham, Tonbridge. Honorary Excursions Secretary M.A. CRANE, B.A., Dove Court, Adisham, Canterbury. Honorary Curator D.B. KELLY, B.A., F.S.A, A.M.f\., The Museum, St. Faith's Street, Maidstone Honorary Librarian P.H.G. DRAPER, B.Sc., Ph.D., D.I.C., F.R.S.C., North Down, Plaxdale Green, TN15 7PB xiii Elected Members of the Council P.B. Bennett, B.A. ........................................................ . P.H. Blake .................................................................. . J. Bradshaw ................................................ , ............... .. Mrs. N.V. Caiger .......................................................... . R.A.C. Cockett ............................................................ . E.P. Connell ................................................................ . R.H. Cragg, B.Sc., Ph.D . .............................................. .. R.J. Cruse, B.Sc . ......................................................... .. K.W.E. Gravett, M.Sc. (Eng.). F.S.A . ............................. .. R.H. Hiscock, LL.B., F.S.A . ........................................... . R.F. Le Gear, A.A.LS . .................................................. . Mrs. M. Lovering .......................................................... . A.I. Moffatt ................................................................. . M.A. Ocock ................................................................. . P.E. Oldham, M.A . ....................................................... . J. Owen, B.A . .............................................................. . E.W. Parkin ................................................................. . Mrs. J.M. Saynor, M.A . ................................................. . C.G.W. Simmons ......................................................... .. R.J. Spain, C.Eng., M.I.Mech.E . ..................................... . P.J. Tester, F.S.A . ........................................................ . C.P. Ward ................................................................... . Mrs. P. Winzar ............................................................ .. W.N. Yates, M.A., F.R.Hist.S . ........................................ . xiv Canterbury Folkestone Chal/ock Barnehurst South/feet New Ash Green Canterbury Rochester New Malden Gravesend Bexley Aldington Longfield Orpington Banning Throwley Herne Bay Shoreham Bromley Bearsted Bexley Crowborough Choring Maidstone Churches Comminee M.D. Nightingale (Chairman), G. Copus, A. Baker, Dr W.E. Church, T. Church (Secretary), D.A.H. Cleggett, J.Doyle, L.R.A. Grove, Canon D. Ingram Hill, R.H. Hiscock, P.E. Leach, J.A. Newman, Miss A.M. Oakley, Miss Anne Roper, Mrs. J.M. Saynor, Canon H. Stapleton, T.W.T. Tatton-Brown, Mrs. A. Voelcker, the Hon. General Secretary. Fieldwork Commiuee C.P. Ward (Chairman), P.B. Bennett, J. Bradshaw, R.A.C. Cockett, E.P. Connell, AJ. Daniels, Dr A.P. Detsicas, D.B. Kelly, P.E. Leach, R.F. LeGear, A. Miles, C.G.W. Simmons, the Hon. General Secretary. Finance and Investment Committee The Hon. Treasurer (Chairman), Dr A.P. Detsicas, G.C.B. Gidley-Kitchin, R.H. Hiscock, P.E. Oldham, M.A., J. Owen, the Hon. General Secretary. CPRKIKAS Kent Historic Buildings Committee R.H. Hiscock (Chairman), C.F. Friend (Secretary), C.R. Councer, K.W.E. Gravett, L.R.A. Grove, J.A. Newman, M.A. Ocock, E.W. Parkin, the Hon. General Secretary. Library and Muniments Committee The Hon. Librarian (Chairman), P.H. Blake, D.A.H. Cleggett, E.P. Connell, E.B. Gipps, J. Owen, C.P. Ward, A.G. Webster, the Hon. General Secretary. Publications Committee The Hon. Editor (Chairman), D.B. Kelly (Secretary), A.F. Butcher, E.P. Connell, Dr P.H.G. Draper, K.W.E. Gravett, L.R.A. Grove, R.H. Hiscock, Dr F. Hull, Dr H.C.F. Lansberry, Miss A.M. Oakley, A.B. Webster, Dr J. Whyman, W.N. Yates, the Hon. Treasurer, the Hon. General Secretary. Publicity and Membership Commillee E.P. Connell (Chairman), C.P. Ward (Secretary), I.W.C. Bouskill, J.B. Bull, A. Miles, J. Owen, Mrs. J.M. Saynor, C.G.W. Simmons, P.E. Oldham, R.J. Spain, Mrs. P. Winzar, the Hon. Membership Secretary, the Hon. General Secretary Records Committee P.H. Blake (Chairman), Miss A.M. Oakley (Secretary), Dr W.E. Church, B. Fitgerald-Moore, E.B. Gipps, Lady Goldsmith, Dr H.C.F. Lansberry, A.J. Neame, the Hon. General Secretary. xv List of Local Secretaries Ashford Canterbury Mrs. M.J. Sparks, M.A., 14 Longport, Canterbury. Dartford Dr P.H.G. Draper, B.Sc., Ph.D., North Down, Plaxdale Green, TN15 7PB. Dover Mr J.A. Guy, 20 Hayward Close, Upper Deal, Deal, CT14 9PW. Gravesham Mr A.W.M. Ridgers, 9 Vicarage Drive, Northfleet, Gravesend, DAll 9HA. London Borough of Bexley Mr P.J. Tester, F.S.A., 2 Willow Close, Bexley, DA51QY. London Borough of Bromley Mr l.W.C. Bouskill, B.A., 34 Haydens Close, Orpington. London Borough of Greenwich Mr D.T. Jones, B.A., 264 Shooter's Hill Road, Kidbrooke, London, SE18. Maidstone Mr A.J. Daniels, 39 Holtye Crescent, Maidstone. Malling Mr D. ThorneweU, 798 London Road, Larkfield, Maidstone. Medway Mr R.A. Baldwin, 36 Stuart Road, Gillingham. Mid-South Kent Mrs. M.C. Lebon, M.A., Limes, Benenden, Cranbrook. Asst. Secretary: Mr. A. Miles, 66 Headcom Road, Biddenden, Ashford. Sevenoaks Mr J.A. Pyke, Pound Hill, Chart Lane, Brasted Court, Westerham, TN16 lLR. Shepway Miss A Roper, M.B.E., J.P., M.A., F.S.A., Flat Cottage, Littlestone, New Romney. Swale Thanet Mr D.R.J. Perkins, 12 Star Lane, Westwood, Margate. Tonbridge Mr D. Murray, 16 Fell Mead, East Peckham, Tonbridge. Tunbridge Wells Mrs. W.J. Pitson, 37 Stone Street, Tunbridge Wells, TNl 2QU. xvi CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES (For Interchange of Publications, etc.) Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR. Zentralinstitut fur Alte Geschichte und Archiiologie Bibliothek, DDR 108 Berlin, Leipziger Str., 3-4. Postfach N.R. 1310 Gennany Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, The City Library, Brunswick Road, Gloucester Cambrian Archaeological Association, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff Cambridge Antiquarian Society, The Haddon Librarian, Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Downing Street, Cambridge Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society, The Hon. Curator, Carlisle Museum, Tul/ie House, Castle Street, Carlisle, Cumbria CA3 8JP Derbyshire Archaeological Society, The Hon. Librarian, Derby Borough Library, Wardwick, Derby Durham University Library, Palace Green, Durham DHl 3RN Essex Archaeological Society, The Hon. Librarian, Hollytrees Museum, High Street, Colchester, Essex Hampshire Field Club, The Hon. Librarian, Hampshire Field Club, University of Southampton Library, Southampton SO9 5HN Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Honorary Librarian, Brown Library, Liverpool Public Libraries, William Brown Street, Liverpool 3 Historisches Museum Stadt Heilbronn, 71 Heilbronn-a-N., Kramstrasse 1, West Germany Jnstitut Archeologique Liegeois, Bibliotheque de I' Universite, 1 Place Cokerill, Liege, Belgium Institute of Archaeology, 31-4 Gordon Square, London WCl 0PY Landesmuseum fur Vorgeschichte, Halle (Saale) C.2, Richard Wagner Strasse 9-10, East Germany Lincolnshire Local History Society, Miss M. Finch, Hon. Librarian, Lines. Archives Committee, The Castle, Lincoln Conselho Portugues de Artes e Tradicoes Poplulares, Alameda das Linhas de Torres, 97-2, 1700 Lisboa, Portugal London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, c/o Museum of London, London Wall, EC2 Museum filr Ur- und Friihgeschichte Potsdam, 1502 Potsdam-Babelsberg, Schloss Babelsberg, East Germany National Historical Museum, K. Viuerhatsakademien, Biblioteket, Storgatan 41, Stockholm, 0., Sweden Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, Garseu House, St. Andrew's Hall Plain, Norwich NOR 161 xvii Powys-land Club, Powys-land Reference Library, Church Bank, Welshpool, Montgomeryshire Rijksdienst voor het Oudheikundig Bodemonderzoek, 'Marienhof', Kleine Haag 2, Amersfoort, Holland Romisch - Germanisches Zentral Museum, Mainz 65, Ludwig Platz 2, W. Germany Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin Royal Numismatic Society, The British Museum, London WCIB 3DG Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Hon. Gen. Secretaries, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin Seminarie voor Archaeologie (Rijksuniversiteit), Blandijnberg, 2 GhenJ, Belgium Service National des Fouilles, 11 Pare du Cinquantenaire, Brussels 1000, Belgium Shropshire Archaeological Society, Hon. Librarian, Local Studies Dept., Shropshire Libraries, Castle Gates, Shrewsbury, Sa/op SYJ 2AS Society of Antiquaries of London, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V OHS Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, E. Hedley, Hon. Librarian, Black Gate, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, National Museum of Antiquities, Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 JJD Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, The Museum, Taunton Surrey Archaeological Society, Castle Arch, Guildford Sussex Archaeological Society, Barbican House, Lewes Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier, Bibliothek, Ostallee 44, D-5500, Trier, Germany The University Library, Uppsala, Sweden Rivista di Archeologia, Prof. G. Traversari, Dipartimento di Scienze StoricoArchaeologiche e Orientaliche, Palazzo Bemando, S. Polo 1977/A, 30125 Venezia, Italy Verein von Altertumsfreunden im Rheinlande, Coltmantstr. 14-16, D-5300 Bonn, W. Germany Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, The Museum, Devizes Woolhope Club, Mrs. M. Tonkin, 'Chy an Whyloryon', Wigmore, Leominster, Herefordshire Worcestershire Archaeological Society, The Commandery, Sidbury, Worcester WRl IDT Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Claremont, Clarendon Road, Leeds 2 xviii MEMBERS' LIST 1986 (* Denotes a Life Compounder) HONORARY MEMBERS 1895 The British Library, Department of Printed Books, 2 Sheraton Street, London, WlV 4BH 1979 F.W. Jessup, C.B.E., M.A., LL.B., D.C.L., F.S.A., Past President, Striblehills, Thame, Oxon. 1979 R.D. Bates, A.A.Dip., R.I.B.A., Warwick Park, Tunbridge Wells 1980 H.A. James 7 Briton Road, Faversham, ME13 8QH 1985 Mrs. W.F. Bergess, A.L.A., S Jubilee Street, Burnham-on-Sea, Som. AFFILIATED SOCIETIES 1948 Ashford Archaeological Society (Hon. Sec., W.R. Briscall, 187 Canterbury Road, Kennington, Ashford, Kent) 1982 Axtane Archaeological Association (Hon. Sec., A. Forknall, Whytespyres, Betsham, Southfleet, Gravesend) 1980 Bexley Historical Society (c/o Mrs. D.E. Rennie, 17 Upton Road, Bexleyheath, DA6 8LQ) 1980 Bexley Civic Society (Hon. Sec., P. Barnes, 29 Oaklands Road, Bexleyheath) 1922 Canterbury Archaeological Society (Hon. Sec., Dr. E. Poole, LL.B., 239 Old Dover Road, Canterbury) 1973 Charing and District Local History Society (Hon. Sec., Dr. F.A. Green, Courtwood, Burleigh Road, Charing TN27 0JB) 1965 Council for Kentish Archaeology (Hon. Sec., K.R. Gulvin, 14 King William Road, Gillingham) 1965 Cranbrook and District Local History Society (Hon. Sec., Mrs. J. Collard, 61 Wheatfield Way, Cranbrook, TN17 3) 1963 Crayford Manor House Historical and Archaeological Society (Hon. Sec., Mrs. J. Duckworth, 16 Avenue Road, Bexleyheath, DA7 4ER) 1978 Culverstone Antiquarian Group (Hon. Sec., Mrs. J. W. Lowe, 10 Langafel Close, Longfield) 1926 Dartford Historical and Antiquarian Society (Hon. Sec., Mrs. D.M.Y. Barker, 156 Upper Heath Lane, Dartford, DAl 2TW) 1973 Dartford District Archaeological Group (Hon. Sec., D. Phillips, 55 Beechwood Avenue, Farnborough, Kent) 1983 Dover Archaeological Group (Director, K. Parfitt, B.A., 78 Archers Court Road, Whitfield, Dover, CT16 3HU) 1978 East Peckham Historical Society (Hon. Sec., D. Murray, 16 Fell Mead, East Peckham) 1984 Eltham Society (Sec., Mrs. S. Summers, 29 Red Lion Square, Shooter's Hill, London, SE18) 1985 Farningham and Eynsford Local History Society (Chairman, P.E. Parmenter, Lucerne, Dartford Road, Farningham, DA4 0DZ) 1964 Faversham Society (Hon. Director, A.J. Percival, M.B.E., B.A., F.S.A., 13 Preston Street, Faversham, ME13 8NS) 1970 Fawkham and Ash Archaeological Group (Hon. Sec., Mrs. P. Connell, 29 Penenden, New Ash Green, Dartford) 1964 Fawkham and District Historical Society (Hon. Sec., Miss M. Latter, Homefield, Mile End Green, Dartford) xix LIST OF MEMBERS 1961 Gillingham and Rainham Local History Society (President, R.A. Baldwin, 36 Stuart Road, Gillingham) 1925 Gravesend Historical Society (Hon. Sec., A.M. Ridgers, 9 Vicarage Drive, Northfleet, Gravesend, DAll 9HA) 1962 Headcorn Local History Society (Hon. Sec., L.J. Daniels, Cecil Way, Forge Lane, Headcorn, TN27 9QQ) 1957 Herne Bay Records Society (Hon. Sec., Mrs. J. Thompson, 1 Fernlea Avenue, Herne Bay) 1976 Isle of Thanet Archaeological Unit (Hon. Sec., A.F. Fallwell, 10 Cavendish Street, Ramsgate) 1966 Isle of Thane! Historical Society (Hon. Sec., Miss V. Bates, 22 Essex Gardens, Birchington) 1973 Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit, Dover Castle, Dover 1957 Lamorbey and Sidcup Local Historical Society (The Principal, Lamorbey Park Adult Education Centre, Burnt Oak Lane, Sidcup) 1971 Lower Medway Archaeological Research Group (Hon. Treasurer, D.G. Butler, 11 Celestine Close, Walderslade, Chatham, MES 8JN) 1983 Lyminge Historical Society, (Hon. Sec., D.M.R. Goldsworthy, 6 Bedingfield Way, Lyminge, Folkestone) 1970 Maidstone Area Archaeological Group (Hon. Sec., Mrs. M. Terry, 389 Sutton Road, Maidstone, ME15 9BU) 1975 Orpington and District Archaeological Society (Hon. Sec., Mrs. F.M. Blake, 16 Swan Close, St. Paul's Cray, Orpington, BR5 2NA) 1946 Orpington Historical Society (Hon. Sec., Mrs. M.L. Ingram, 15 Charterhouse Road, Orpington, BR6 9EJ) 1956 Otford and District Historical Society (Hon. Sec., D. Asprey, 23 ParkhiU Road, Otford) 1985 Tenterden and District Museum Association (Hon. Sec., S.E. Barnett, The Museum, Station Road, Tenterden) 1962 Tonbridge Historical Society (Hon. Sec., Miss M.M. Stephens, 112 Elmshurst Gardens, Tonbridge, TNlO 3DZ) 1969 Bromley and West Kent Border Archaeological Group (Miss A.E. Button, 47 Mornington Avenue, Bromley) 1932 Woolwich and District Antiquarian Society (Hon. Sec., Miss O.M. Rump, 94 Howard Road, Abbey Wood, SE2 OU) 1948 Wye Historical Society (Hon. Sec., G. Allanson, Wye College, Wye, Ashford, Kent) OTHER SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS KENT AND CENTRAL LONDON 1948 Asst. Curator, Local Studies Dept., Borough of Bexley, Hall Place, Bourne Road, Bexley 1957 Borden Grammar School, Sittingbourne 1986 Borough of Bexley Archaeological Unit, (D.C. Weekes, Coordinator, Board of Trustees) Footscray Place Estate, Rectory Lane, Sidcup) 1911 Brenchley Trustees, The Museum, St. Faith's St., Maidstone 1949 British Museum, The Librarian, Dept. of British and Medieval Antiquities, Great Russell St., London WClB 3DG 1936 Bromley Central Library, Reference Dept., High St., Bromley, BRl lEX 1883 Canterbury Cathedral, Library of the Dean and Chapter, Canterbury XX LIST OF MEMBERS 1980 Canterbury College of Art, New Dover Road, Canterbury 1965 The Library, University of Kent al Canterbury, Canterbury 1955 Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School, Hurst Road, Sidcup 1978 The Library, Christ Church College, Canterbury 1922 The College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4 1975 The Headmaster, Cranbrook School, Cranbrook 1974 DAMHB Library, Room G13, Fortress House, 23 Saville Row, London WlX 2AA 1936 The Curator, Dartford District Museum, Market Street, Dartford 1980 The Curator, Dover Museum, LadyweU, Dover 1972 The Manager, Eversley College, Coolinge Lane, Folkestone 1967 The Librarian, Goldsmith's College, New Cross, London, SE14 1906 Greenwich Library, Local History Centre, Woodlands, Mycenae Road, London,SE3 1955 Harvey Grammar School, Cheriton Road, Folkestone 1963 Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies, Northgate, Canterbury 1922 Kent Archives Office, County Hall, Maidstone 1922 Kent County Libraries, Stock Dept., Springfield, Maidstone (32 vols.) Kent County Museums Service, West Malling Air Station, West Malling, ME19 6QE (2 vols.) 1932 Kent and Kentish Men, Association of, Cantium Lodge, Terrace Road, Maidstone ME16 SHU 1983 The King's School, Canterbury, Cfl 2ES 1927 The King's School, The Library, Rochester, MEI !TA 1953 Lambeth Palace Library, Lambeth Palace Road, London, SE! 1960 Lewisham Public Library, Local History Dept., Old Road, London, SE13 1863 London, The City of, Guildhall Library, Aldermanbury, London, EC2 1868 London Library, The, 14 St. James' Square, London, SW! 1963 The Museum of London, London Wall, London, EC2P 2EJ 1934 London, University of, The Library, Senate House, Malet St., London, WC!E 7HU 1937 London, University of, Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, Malet St., London, WCIE 7HU 1961 National Trust, The Estate Office, Scotney Castle, Lamberhurst, Tunbridge Wells 1948 Norton Knatchbull School, The Librarian, Ashford, Kent 1975 Oldborough Manor School, History Department, Broughton Lane, Maidstone 1896 The Public Record Office, The Librarian, Chancery Lane, London, WC2 1969 The Librarian, Cathedral Library, Rochester 1924 Rochester Museum, Guildhall, Rochester 1925 St. Augustine's Abbey, The Librarian, Ramsgate 1914 St. Augustine's College, The Treasurer, Office of the Corporate Body, 2 Monastery Street, Canterbury 1926 Sevenoaks School, The Librarian, Sevenoaks 1960 London Borough of Southwark, Principal Reference Librarian, Newington District Library, 155 Walworth Road, London, SE17 IRS 1932 Sutton Valence School, The Headmaster, Sutton Valence, Maidstone, ME17 3HN 1968 Swadelands Secondary School, Lenham, Maidstone 1944 Tonbridge School, The Librarian, The School House, Tonbridge 1957 University College Library, Gower St., London, WCI 1894 Victoria and Albert Museum, The Library, South Kensington, Cromwell Gdns., London, SW7 2RL xxi LIST OF MEMBERS 1948 The Library, Wye College, Ashford, Kent OUT OF KENT AND LONDON 1886 Birmingham Public Libraries, The City Librarian, Serials Section, Birmingham, B3 3HQ 1944 Birmingham University Library, Periodicals Dept., The Main Library, The University, Edgbaston, Birmingham, BlS 2Tf 1976 Brighton Polytechnic, Falmer, Brighton, E. Sussex, BNl 9PH 1900 Brighton Public Library, Church Street, Brighton, E. Sussex, BNl lVE 1936 Bristol University, Periodical Dept., University Library, Tyndale Avenue, Bristol, 'BSS lTJ 1972 The British Library, Documents Supply Section, Boston Spa, Wetherby, Yorks., LS23 7BQ 1925 Cambridge University Library, Cambridge 1969 Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society Ltd., do P.W. Sowan, Hon. Gen. Sec., 96A Brighton Road, South Croydon, Surrey, CR2 6AD 1944 Croydon Public Libraries, Central Library, Katharine Street, Croydon, CR9 lET 1967 The Librarian, University Library Feriodicals Dept., Stocker Road, Exeter, Devon EX4 4PT 1952 Hastings Public Library, The Brassey Institute, Hastings, E. Sussex 1964 The Library, University of Hull, Hull, Yorks. 1941 Brotherton Library, The University, Leeds 2 1952 The University Library, Leicester University, Leicester 1955 Liverpool University Library, The University, Liverpool 3 1911 The John Ryland's Library, Deansgate, Manchester, M3 3EH 1947 National Monuments Record, Green Lane, Maybush, Southampton, SOl 9FP 1963 Nottingham University Library, University Park, Nottingham 1880 The Bodleian Library, Oxford, OXl 3BG 1967 The Librarian, Christ Church, Oxford 1976 Institute of Archaeology, 36 Beaumont Street, Oxford, OXI 2PG 1949 The Librarian, University of Reading, Whiteknights, P.O. Box No. 223, Reading, RG6 2AE 1967 The Library, The University, Sheffield, SIO, 2TN 1936 The Librarian, Central Library, Victoria Avenue, Southend, Essex 1984 The Armstrong Library, Weald & Downland Museum, Singleton, Chichester, W. Sussex 1963 University of York, Heslington, York, YOl 5DO SCOTLAND 1979 St. Andrew's University, The Library, Fife, KY16 9TR 1907 Periodicals Dept., Acquisitions Dept., Glasgow University Library, Hillhead St., Glasgow, G12 SQE WALES 1925 National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth 1964 The Librarian, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Cards. 1965 University College of North Wales, do Science Library, Deiniol Rd., Bangor xxii LIST OF MEMBERS 1964 The Library, University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff 1973 University College of Swansea, The Librarian, Singleton Park, Swansea, Glamorgan, SA2 8PP 1983 The Librarian, St David's University College, Lampeter, Dyfed, SA48 7ED IRELAND 1966 Queen's University Library, Belfast 7 1973 University of Dublin, Trinity College Library, College St., Dublin 2 OVERSEAS 1981 Austrian National Library, Josefplatz l, A1010 Vienna, Austria (per Gerold & Co., 1 Graben 31, AlOll, Vienna) 1969 National Library of Australia, Preparation Branch, Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia 1907 The State Library of Victoria, The Librarian, 304-308 Swanton Street, Melbourne 3000, Australia 1968 University of Western Australia Library, Nedlands 6009, Western Australia 1880 Library of New South Wales, Macquarie Street, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia 1955 Bibliothque Fltr, Place Blaise Pascal IB, 134, Louvain La Neuve, Belgium 1971 University Library, Acquisitions Division-Serials Section, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2J8, Canada 1982 Concordia University Libraries Acquisitions-Serials, 1455 De Maisonneuve Bou!. West, P.O. Box 2650, Montreal, Quebec, H3G 2P7, Canada 1974 Serials Dept., Harriet Irving Library, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, E3B 5H5, Canada 1973 Metropolitan Toronto Central Library, History Section, 789 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 208, Canada 1967 University of Toronto Library, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A5, Canada 1979 The Royal Library, Christians Brygge, Dk1219 Kobenhavn K, Denmark 1968 Bibliotheque de la Sorbonne, Service des Periodiques, 47 Rue des Ecoles, 75230 Paris Cedex 05, France 1956 Bibliothek der Rijksuniversiteit, Afd. Biol. Inst., Postbus 559, Groningen, 9700AN, Holland 1983 SWETS Subscription Service, P.O. Box 845, 2160 Sz Lisse, Holland 1968 The Director, Archaeologisch Institut der Rijks Universiteit, Domplein 24, Utrecht, Holland 1980 Bibliotheca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II, Viale Castro Pretorio, Roma 00100, Italy 1979 Institute of German Archaeology at Rome, Via Sardegna 79, Rome 00187, Italy 1983 Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen, Tidsskriftkontorst, N 50000 Bergen, Norway 1964 Universitets Biblioteket, 1 Oslo, Tidsskriftkontorst, Drammensvn. 428, N-0255 Oslo 2, Norway (Agents: O/No. T 612127/85, John Grundt Tanum A.s., P.O. Box 1177 Sentrum, Oslo) 1953 Goteborg City and University Library, P.O. Box 5096, S402-22. Goteborg 5, Sweden 1936 Lund University Library, Lund, Sweden 1979 Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Zeitschriftensaal, Postfach 34 0150, D 800 Miinchen 34, West Germany 1958 Romisch-Germanische Kommission des Deutschen Archliologischen lnstituts, Palmengartenstrasse 10-12, 6000 Frankfurt-am-Main, West Germany xxiii LIST OF MEMBERS 1968 Niedersachsische Stats- und Universitetsbibliothek, Periodical Dept., 34 Gottingen, Zeitschriftenstelle, Postfach 2932, D 3400, West Germany 1972 Universitets Bibliothek, D 355 Marburg-Lahn, Krumbogen 29, West Germany 1957 Die Bibliothek, Zentral Institut fur Kunstgeschichte, Staat 50 Berkasse, Muenchen, Postfach 433, 8000 Miinnchen, West Germany 1969 Kraus Periodicals, Dr Martin Sandig Gmbh., P.O. Box 5120, D 6200 Wiesbaden, West Germany U.S.A. 1930 California University Library, Serial Dept., Berkeley, 94720, California, U.S.A. 1968 Acquisitions Dept., University of California Library, David, 95616 Cali.fornia, U.S.A. 1970 California State University, Fullerton Library, Acquisitions, P.O. Box 4150, Fullerton, California, 92634, U.S.A. 1957 California University Research Library, Los Angeles, California 90024, U.S.A. 1937 The Henry Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, California, 91108, U.S.A. 1968 Stanford University Libraries, Serials Dept., Stanford, California, 94305, U.S.A. 1984 J. Paul Getty Center, Library-Serials, 401 Wilshire Blvd-Suite 400, Santa Monica, California, 90401, U.S.A. 1914 Yale University Library, Acquisitions Dept., New Haven, Connecticut, 06520, U.S.A. 1969 University Libraries, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 30602, U.S.A. 1984 Washington Memorial Library, Genealogical and Historical Room, 1180 Washington Avenue, Macon, Georgia, 31201, U.S.A. 1968 University of South Florida Library, Acquisitions Dept., Serials Section, 4202 Fowler Avenue, LIB 119, Tampa, Florida, 33620, U.S.A. 1972 E.M. Cudahy Memorial Library, 6525 North Sheridan Road, Chicago, Illinois, 60626, U.S.A. 1902 Newberry Library, 60 West Walton Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60610, U.S.A. 1919 University of Chicago Library, Continuation Record, Harper 21, Chicago, Illinois, 60637, U.S.A. 1966 Seabury-Western Theological Semi.nary Library, 2122 Sheridan Road, Evanston, Illinois, 60201, U.S.A. 1968 University of Illinois Library, Serials Order, Claiming and Receipt, 1408 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, Illinois, 61801, U.S.A. 1968 Iowa State University, Parks Library, Serials Dept., Ames, Iowa, 50011, U.S.A. 1968 Iowa University Library, Iowa City, Iowa, 52242, U.S.A. 1965 University of Kansas Library, Laurence, Kansas, 660044, U.S.A. 1985 Serials Dept., Ekstrom Library, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, 40292, U.S.A. 1907 George Peabody Department, Enoch Pratt Free Library, 17 East Mount, Vernon Place, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202, U.S.A. 1979 Massachusetts University Library, Amherst, Massachusetts, 01003, U.S.A. 1886 Boston Public Library, P.O. Box 286, Boston, Massachusetts, 02117, U.S.A. 1916 New England Historic Genealogical Society, 101 Newbury Street, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 1971 Harvard College Library, Serials Receipts, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138, U.S.A. xxiv LIST OF MEMBERS 1979 Michigan State University Library Service, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824, U.S.A. 1930 University of Michigan, General Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. 1974 University of Minnesota Libraries, Serial Records Division, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55455, U.S.A. 1961 University of Missouri, Serials Dept. of the Library, Columbia, Missouri, 65201, U.S.A. 1968 Washington University Libraries, Serials Division, St. Louis, Missouri, 63130, U.S.A. 1981 Dartmouth College, Serials Section, Baker Library, Hanover, New Hampshire, 03755, U.S.A. 1923 Princeton University Library, Serials Division, Princeton, New Jersey, 08540, U.S.A. 1960 Rutgers University Library (Periodicals Dept.), New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A. 1968 State University of New York Library, Binghampton, New York, 13901, U.S.A. 1968 Periodical Records, Lockwood Memorial Library, State University of New York, Buffalo, New York, 14260, U.S.A. 1920 Central Serial Record Dept., Cornell University Library, Ithaca, New York, 14850, U.S.A. 1978 Columbia University Library, 535 West 114 Street, New York City, New York, 10027. U.S.A. 1898 New York Public Library, P.O. Box 4154, Grand Central Station, New York City, New York, 10017, U.S.A. 1968 New York University, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York City, New York, 10012, U.S.A. 1969 University of Rochester Library, River Campus Site, Rochester, New York, 14627, U.S.A. 1979 State University of New York at Stony Brook, Library Serials Dept., Stony Brook, New York, 11794, U.S.A. 1977 Ohio State University Library, 1858 Neil Avenue Hall, Columbus, Ohio, 43210, U.S.A. 1985 Serials Section, University of Oregon Library, Eugene, Oregon, 97403, U.S.A. 1930 Serials Dept., Haverford College Library, Haverford, Pennsylvania, 19041, U.S.A. 1968 WW9 Pattee Library, Serials Records, Pennsylvania State Library, University Park, Pennsylvania, 16802, U.S.A. 1959 Serials Dept., Van Pelt Library, University of Pennsylvania, 3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19104, U.S.A. 1985 Frick Fine Arts Library, Frick Bldg., University of Pittsburg, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15260, U.S.A. 1969 Serials Dept., Thomas Cooper Library, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, 29208, U.S.A. 1978 The Library, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37916, U.S.A. 1945 The Genealogical Society of Utah, Acquisitions Serials Dept., 35 Northwest Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84150, U.S.A. 1961 Virginia State Library, Serials Section, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, U.S.A. 1957 Virginia Historical Society, Curator of Printed Books, P.O. Box 7311, Richmond, Virginia, 23221, U.S.A. 1985 University of Virginia Library, Bibliography, Alderman Library, Charlottesville, Virginia, 22903, U.S.A. 1875 Continuations Unit, Order Division (8105 X) Section T, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 20540, U.S.A. XXV LIST OF MEMBERS 1956 Folger Shakespeare Library, Accessions Dept., Serials, 201 East Capitol Street, Washington, D.C., 20003, U.S.A. 1972 Smithsonian Institution, Acquisitions Division, Washington, D.C., 20560, U.S.A. 1908 The Serials Dept., The Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin, 728 State Street, Madison, Wisconsin, 53706, U.S.A. 1962 Abbott, Major P., R.A. (Ret.), F.R.S.A., F.S.A.Scot., Blayney, 31 Royal Esplanade, Westbrook, Margate 1983 Acheson, Dr. R.J., St. Andrew's School, Buckhold, Pangbourne, Berks., RGS 8QA 1979 Ackerman, Miss M.C. 1985 Adamson J.M. and Mrs., Grove Hill Road, Tunbridge Wells, TNl lSP 1985 Adamson, J.M., and Mrs., Grove Hill Road, Tunbridge Wells, TNl ISP 1978 Agutter, Miss K.H., B.A.(Hons.), 52 Ragstone Road, Bearsted, Maidstone 1933 Aisher, Sir Owen, Faygate, South Godstone, Surrey 1979 Aldridge, N.R., 31 Forge Lane, Headcorn, Ashford, Kent, TN27 9QQ 1973 Alexander, B.D., Thatchers, East Farleigh, Maidstone 1984 Alexander, K., and Mrs., 27 Gordon Road, Toronto, Ontario, M2P IEZ, Canada 1959 Allan, J.M., B.Sc., F.S.A.Scot., Kagram House, West Wilton, Leyburn, Yorks., DL8 4LZ 1962 Allday, Mrs. B., Apartment 15, 33 Great Pulteney Street, Bath, Avon *1948 Allen, A.F., Three Elms, Woodlands Road, Shome, Gravesend 1986 Allen, M.J., B.Sc., Archaeology Unit, St. David's University College, Lam• peter, Dyfed, Wales, SA48 7ED 1953 Allibone, Dr. J.S., J.P., Ph.D., Hemsted Toll, Benenden 1983 Allinson, Mrs. H., 125 Westerham Road, Sittingbourne, MEIO 4HN •1964 Allnutt, A., M.Sc., Ph.D., A.lnst.P., A.F.I.M.A., 'Woodside', Old Perry Street, Chislehurst 1982 Allonby, G.J., and Mrs., Hunter's Moon, 12 Mill Lane, Chatham, MES 9RB 1978 Allsop, C.P., 6 Mead Crescent, Dartford 1985 Alpin, Miss H.M., M.A., 26 Orchard Street, Canterbury, CI'2 SAP 1981 Alpin, Mrs. J., Yonder, Aldington Frith, Mersham, Ashford, Kent 1981 Anderson, J.B., 6 Essex Road, Canterbury, CTl lRS 1974 Anderson, J.D., F.S.A.Scot., 74 Kirkcaldy Road, Pollockshields, Glasgow, G41 4LD 1974 Andrews, J.A., 73 Abingdon Road, Barming, Maidstone 1975 Andrus, F.S., M.V.O., M.A., 8 Oakwood Rise, Longfield, Dartford, DA3 7PA 1974 Ansell, R.J., and Mrs., Angle Kin, Sandy Ridge, Borough Green 1959 Anthony, B.J., B.A., The Old Farmhouse, St. John, Lewes, Sussex 1964 Appleby, A., Fursbrec Pottery, Harray, Orkney 1986 Applegate, D.L., 226 Northumberland Avenue, Welling, DA16 2PY 1979 Arnold, Col. R.E., Kingsdown, 132 Westbrook Ave, Westbrook, Margate, CT9 SHE 1985 Arscott, Mrs. R., 40 Olenbervie Drive, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, SS9 3JY 1976 Ash, Mrs. S., Post Office Stores, Aldington, Ashford, Kent 1978 Ashbee, Dr. A. and Mrs., 214 Malling Road, Snodland 1986 Ashbee, Dr. P., M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A., The Old Rectory, Chedgrave, Loddcn, Norfolk, NR14 6ND 1967 Ashdown, J.H., 53 Baintoo Road, Oxford, OX2 7AG 1985 Ashdown, P.A., M.A., 5 Martyrs' Field Road, Canterbury. xxvi LIST OF MEMBERS 1984 Ashenden, F., FrstenalJee 84, 4790 Padderborn, West Germany 1982 Asprey, J;>.D., 23 Park Hill Road, Otford, Sevenoaks, TN14 5QH 1982 Atkin, P. 61 Windmill Road, Herne Bay, CT6 7OF 1980 Atldnson;iR.D., 78 Rede Wood Road, Barming, Maidstone 1951 Attenborough, Lt. Col. S., Thruxted Cottage, Shalmsford Street, Chartham, Canterbury, CT4 7RT 1984 Austin, F., and Mrs., 2 Valley Cottages, Green Street Green Road, Darenth, Dartford 1984 Austin, V., and Mrs., c/o 2 Valley Cottages, Green Street Green Road, Darenth, Dartford 1955 Aylesford, The Prior of, The Friars, Aylesford, Maidstone. 1975 Bacchus, D., Tilford Lodge, Roebuck Road, Rochester 1970 Bacon, N.J., 25 Barrington Gardens, Basildon, Essex 1973 Baker, C.C., 1 Addington Road, Sittingbourne 1975 Baker, K.H., 13 Mansel Drive, Borstal, Rochester, MEI 3HX 1986 Baker, T.K., B.Sc., Honeysuckle Lodge, Telegraph Hill, Higham, ME3 7NW 1984 Balcombe, P.A. 1980 Balcombe, R.T., 1 Burnham Terrace, Priory Road, Dartford DAI 2BX 1957 Baldock, D., Plough Hill Cottage, Brasted, Borough Green, Sevenoaks 1983 Baldwin, A.H.E., c/o 11 Adelphi Terrace, London WC2N 6BJ 1969 Baldwin, C.W., 29 Lewis Avenue, Gillingham 1985 Baldwin, Mrs. G.R., Sydney House, 22 Walmer Castle Road, Walmer 1947 Baldwin, R.A., 36 Stuart Road, Gillingham 1982 Bamping, Mrs. F., Cimarron, Hollywood Lane, West Kingsdown, Sevenoaks 1969 Banks, Mrs. B., 18 East Woodside, Bexley, DAS 3PG 1970 Banks, K.C., Willow Grove, Yalding, Maidstone 1979 Barber, Miss M., B.A., Lambeth Palace Library, London, S E l 7JU 1982 Barber, R.G., and Mrs., Felder Cottage, Felderlaod Lane, Worth, Deal, CT14 OBN 1982 Barnard, G., The Pines, Larch Avenue, Ascot, Berks., SLS 0AW 1982 Barnard, Dr. P.W.C., and Mrs., The Pines, Larch Avenue, Ascot, Berks., SLS 0AW 1982 Barnard, S., 26 Greenacres, Ickenham, Uxbridge, Middx 1949 Barnes, Miss G., 69 Holland Close, Hayes, Kent 1984 Barr, A.C., 1 Morebreddis, Goudhurst, TNl lDG 1981 Barr, C.J., 17 Knighton Road, Otford, Sevenoaks, TN13 lED 1983 Barrett, R., and Mrs., 10 Welton Park, Welton, Daventry, Northants., NN l l SJW 1963 Barry, T.B., B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Dublin, Dept. of Medieval History, Trinity College, Dublin 2 1982 Barsby, G.S. 1982 Bartlett, R.W and Mrs., 37 Duncroft, Plumstead Common, London, SE18 1978 Bassam, A.H., and Mrs., 88 Forge Lane, Higham, Rochester, ME3 7AH 1972 Batchelor, G.W., and Mrs., Twyssenden Cottage, Priors Heath, Goudhurst, Cranbrook 1973 Bates, E.F., J.P., Russets, 2 Hillside Court, Wateringbury, Maidstone 1977 Bates, Rev. S.G., 4 Pinewood Road, Bromley, BR2 9AQ 1958 Batley, P., 18 Hemdean Hill, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7SB 1973 Baxter, R., Ph.D., Tudor Cottage, Cellar Hill, Lynsted, Sittingbourne 1964 Beach, K.A., 2 Vauxhall Gardens, Tonbridge, TNll 0LZ 1947 Beagley, Mrs. M.B., St. Christopher's, 8 Cliff Road, Meads, Eastbourne, E. Sussex, BN20 7RV 1985 Beaumont, Miss A.C., Brookwood Farm, Hareplain, Biddenden, TN27 8LL xxvii LIST OF MEMBERS 1983 Beater, N.M., and Mrs., 23 York Road, Dartford 1979 Beattie, Miss C., 8 Weston Road, Strood 1983 Beck, R.D. and Mrs., Golden Age Villa, 27 Station Road, Lydd 1956 Beck, R.T., F.S.A., F.R.l.B.A., Blundens House, Upper Froyle, Alton, Hants., GU34 4LB 1979 Beckett L.J., and Mrs., 7 Braeside Close, Sevenoaks, TN13 2JL 1956 Bell, Rev. E.L.W., M.A., Hon. C.F., 2 Boarley Court, Sandling Lane, Maidstone, ME14 2HL 1973 Bellord, N.J., 70 St. George's Square, London, SWl 1948 Belton, L.W., 189 Borden Lane, Sittingbourne 1947 Bennett, D.E., Bute Lodge, 6 Parkland Close, Sevenoaks 1969 Bennett, D.H., 28 Vale Road, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells 1978 Bennett, P.B., B.A., 298 Wincheap, Canterbury, CTl 3TY 1977 Beresford, F.R., B.Sc., 46 Station Road, West Wickham, BR4 UPR 1973 Beresford, G., Saxbys, Benenden Road, Rolvenden 1983 Berry, Mrs. J., B.A., N.D.D., Wittersham Gallery, 6 Poplar Road, Wittersham, Tenterden, TN30 ?PE *1961 Bethell, P.S., 29 Stirling Court Road, Burgess Hill, W. Sussex 1971 Bethune, I., B.A., 5 The Fairway, Sittingbourne, MElO 4QX 1958 Betts, Miss E., B.A., 126 Grove Park, Denmark Hil.l, London, SES 3LD 1982 Biddle, L.A., M.C., The Woods, Leigh, Tonbridge, TNll 8NA 1955 Biggs, H., St. Gabriel's, 21 Stone Road, Broadstairs, CTlO lDZ 1980 Bingham, W.A., 33 Mayplace Avenue, Crayford, DAI 4PY 1972 Binnie, G.M., and Mrs., St. Michael's Lodge, Benenden, Cranbrook *1947 Birch, Dr. R.G., The Chestnuts, 70 East Street, Sittingbourne 1982 Bishop, C.A., and Mrs., 26 Grosvenor Gardens, Dartford 1986 Bishop, H.G., 4 Ross Road, Dartford, DAl 3NH 1977 Bishop, H.G., and Mrs., 14 Ringlestone Crescent, Maidstone, ME14 2NE 1977 Bishop, Miss S., Stack Lane, Hartley, DA3 8DL 1966 Bissett, I.J., 9 Gamer's Road, Chalfont St. Peter, Bucks. 1982 Black, E.W., 12A St. Leonard's Road, Ealing, London, W3 1978 Blagg, T.F.C., M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., Rutherford College, The University, Canterbury, CT2 7NX 1947 Blake, P.H., 5 Watkin Road, Folkestone, CT19 SEP 1967 Blaker, Mrs. H., Henden Hall, Biddenden 1979 Blockley, K., and Mrs., 18 Welsh Street, Bishop's Ceslle, Shropshire 1987 Boas, C., and Mrs., 4 Hope Cottages, Walnut Tree Lane, Loose, Maidstone, ME25 9RG 1973 Blundell, J.J.G., 9 Red Lion Close, St. Mary Cray, Orpington, BR5 4AP 1980 Bodmer, Mrs. V., 1 Robins Court, Wordsworth Road, Penenden, Maidstone, ME14 2RJ 1972 Bolton, P.M., 19 Kineton Road, Kineton, WelJesbourne, Warwick. 1982 Bolton, Lt. Col. R., 7 Mount Pleasant, Blean, Canterbury 1964 Bond, Dr., L.J., 45 Welling Way, Welling, DA16 2RL 1954 Bones, J., Wells Farm, Eastry, Sandwich, CT13 OEF 1978 Booker, D.G., 29 RingshaU Road, St. Mary Cray, Orpington 1984 Booker, L.J. and Mrs., 10 Longafel Close, Longfield, Dartford •1932 Boorman, Major H.R. Pratt, C.B.E., M.A., D.L., F.J.I., and Mrs., St. Augustine's Priory, Bilsington, Ashford, Kent 1985 Booth, E.S., and Mrs., 13 Invicta Road, Stone, Dartford 1974 Boucher, Miss R.C. 1971 Boughton, D.M., Ann's Cottage, The Row, Elham, Canterbury, CT4 6UN 1974 Bouskill, I.W.C., B.A., 13 Wilmington Avenue, Orpington, BR6 9BJ 1973 Bowden, V.E., 1 The Landway, Kemsing, Sevenoaks xxviii LIST OF MEMBERS 1965 Bowen, Mrs. M., B.A., Boyke Folly, Boyke Lane, Ottinge, Canterbury, CT14 6XL 1973 Bowlzer, Miss V.L., 5a Gloucester Parade, Blackfen, Sidcup, DA15 8DS 1963 Bowring, T.A., M.C., M.A., and Mrs., 56 Hyde Vale, Greenwich, London, SElO 8HP 1949 Boyle, J., LL.B., F.S.A., 6 St. Stephen's Hill, Canterbury 1977 Boyle, T., B.A., M.Phil., Jersey Cottage, Mark Beech, Edenbridge, TN8 SNS 1948 Brabourne, The Lord, New House, Mersham, Ashford, Kent 1973 Bradford, P.C., 24 Leander Drive, Gravesend 1962 Bradshaw, J., 8 Forest Houses, Challock, Ashford, Kent 1966 Brand, J.D., F.C.A., 5 Ridley Road, Rochester 1984 Bream, F.W., and Mrs., Uplands, 82 Warwick Park, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 SEP 1979 Breen, C. St.J., and Mrs., Rodale, 74 West Hallows, Mottingham, London, SE9 1970 Bridge, R., Lister School, Hereford, BFPO 15 1950 Bridgewater, Miss C.K., Frog's Hall, New Romney 1984 Bright, Mis L., 6 Alma Road, Swanscombe, DAlO OAF 1974 BriscaJI, W.R., and Mrs., 187 Canterbury Road, Kennington, Ashford, Kent 1983 Bristow, A.C.G., 98 Palace View, Shirley, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 8QU 1982 Britcher, Mrs. J., 169 Faversham Road, Kennington, Ashford, TN24 9AE, Kent 1958 Brocklebank, Mrs. D., 10 Hillcrest House, 51/57 Ladbroke Grove, London, Wll 3AX 1951 Brodrick, Mrs. V., The Mount, Playden, Rye, E. Sussex 1983 Brook, J., 343 High Street, Rochester, MEI lDA 1976 Brooker, D.M., 20 Barn End Lane, Wilmington DA2 7PP 19n Brooks, R.A., 83 Parkhill Road, Bexley, DAS lJB 1969 Broomfield, Mrs. S., 8 Woodview Crescent, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, TNI I 9HD 1961 Brown, D.G., 19 Darent Mead, Sutton at Hone, Dartford 1979 Brown, D.T., and Mrs., 3 Manor House Drive, Maidstone, ME16 8AJ 1974 Brown, Miss P.S., 1 Park Avenue, Dover, CT16 lES 1983 Brown, R.H., 38 Willow Close, Canterbury, CT2 7PS 1984 Broyd, D.A., B.A., 4 Tinbridge Park, Canterbury Road, Faversham 1967 Bruce, A.J.C., 'Otterpley', Challock Lees, Ashford, Kent 1968 Bryant, E.L., 5 Rectory Gardens, Church Road, Ovington, Thetford, Norfolk 1975 Buchanan, Dr. J.S., and Mrs., The Glebe, Shipley Hills Road, Meopham, Gravesend, DAB 0AD 1975 Buckingham, L.A.E., 34 Sussex Road, Dartford, DAI lSH 1971 Buckle, J.T., 4 Allder's Cottage, Capel, Tonbridge, 1979 Budge, Mrs. J.E., 8 Alma Road, Orpington 1984 Budny, Miss M., Downing College, Cambridge, CB2 IDQ 1980 Bugg, E.J.A., and Mrs., 3 Cheyne Walk, Meopham, Gravesend 1974 Bull, J.B., 36 Walden Road, Chislehurst, BR7 SOL 1967 Burch, C.F., Downs Court Farm, Sandwich Road, Sandwich, CT13 9JZ 1976 Burch, Miss J., 40 Stone Street, Tunbridge Wells 1977 Burden, M.J., The Red House, Penshurst Road, Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells, TN3 0PB 1982 Burden, S.W., Lutetia, 10 Station Road, Headcorn, TN27 9SA 1982 Burgess, A.J., l Collet Road, Kemsing, Sevenoaks, TN15 6SH 1958 Burgess, A.J., M.A., 33 Riverside Court, Nine Elms Lane, London, SW8 SOB 1986 Burman, Miss E., 4 Harold Road, Hawley, Dartford, DA2 7SA 1982 Burman, Miss E.R., 13 Marley Avenue, Bexleyheath, DA7 SRU xxix LIST OF MEMBERS 1982 Burnham, Dr. C.P., 24 Chequers Park, Wye, Ashford, TN25 5BB, Kent 1983 Bums, Mrs. M.J., Dalila, 15 Harcourt Drive, Herne Bay, CT6 SDJ 1984 Burridge, D.C.G., 17 Burnt Ash Hill, Lee, London 1950 Burton, W.G., M.A., D.Sc., F.L.S., Paris House, East Malling, Maidstone 1983 Buse, Mrs. Y., Home Lea, 63 William Street, Herne Bay, CT6 5NR 1978 Butcher, A.F., 6 Downs Road, Canterbury, CT2 7A Y 1982 Butcher, D.R., and Mrs., 43 TwydaU Lane, Gillingham 1982 Butcher, J.H., Bridge House, Hunton, Maidstone 1953 Butler, J., Pear Tree House, Brookland, Romney Marsh, TN29 9QR 1970 Button, Miss A.E., 47 Momington Avenue, Bromley 1968 Bynoe, J., 5, Shirley Way, Bearsted, Maidstone 1980 Byrd, F., Merriefield, Trott's Lane, Westerham, TN16 lSD 1984 Caiger, S.J., and Mrs., 46 Hilden Drive, Slade Green 1970 Caiger, Mrs. N.V., 43a Barnehurst Avenue, Barnehurst *1968 Caley, C.D., Posthus 5275, 2701 GG Zoetermeer, The Netherlands 1984 Cameron, Mrs. E.E., c/o Institute of Archaeology, 36 Beaumont Street, Oxford, OXl 2PG 1983 Campbell, Mrs. B., B.A., 7 Williamson Road, Lydd on Sea, Romney Marsh, TN29 9NT *1957 Campbell, Professor E.M.J., M.A., F.S.A., 61 Belsize Park Gardens, London, NW3 1985 Canswell, V. 1980 Canterbury, The Lord Archbishop of, P.C., D.D., The Old Palace, Canterbury 1976 Carley, J., F.C.A., Wrenbury, Wrotham Road, Meopham, DA13 OHX 1967 Carter, D.L., 6 Brockeham Court, Bonchurch Close, Sutton, Surrey 1984 Caruana, I., 34 Kendal Street, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA2 5UF 1969 Casement, A.J.S., B.Sc., 27 Oaks Park, Canterbury, CT2 9DP 1972 Cavell, Rt. Rev. J.K., Strathmore, 5 Constable Way, W. Harnham, Salisbury, Wilts., SP2 8LN 1983 Cawson, Professor R.A., and Mrs., 40 Court Lane, Dulwich, London, SE2' ?DR 1956 Chalklin, C.W., M.A., B.Litt., Litt.D., 8 Tilehouse Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 SAL 1968 Chamberlin, R., 20 Mount Harry Road, Sevenoaks, TN13 3JJ 1984 Chambers, R.A., 127 Canterbury Road, Sittingbourne, MElO 4JA 1982 Chantler, K.S. and Mrs., 75 Old Road East, Peckham, Tunbridge Wells, TN12 SEN 1984 Chapman, Miss A., B.Sc., C.Eng., M.I.C.E., 1 Park Road, Faversham 1985 Chapman, M., B.A., 9 Wainwright Place, Newton, Ashford, Kent 1978 Chapman, T.J., Hillside Farm, Woodchurch, Ashford, Kent 1982 Chatfield, G., and Mrs., Rogerley View, 9 Hillend, Frosterley, Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham, DH13 2SX 1982 Chatfield, J., 10 Hillend, Frosterly, Bishop Auckland, DH13 2SY 1983 Cheeseman, Mrs. I., 61 Keycol Hill, Sittingbourne 1982 Cheeseman, Miss R., 22 High Beeches, North Cray, Sidcup, DA14 SNB 1986 Cherry, Dr. M., The Blue House, Chartway Street, East Sutton, Maidstone 1969 Chowns, L.M., Moreton House, Shadoxhurst, Ashford, Kent 1973 Church, D.G.A., A.R.I.B.A., The Old House, 89 Chapel Street, Ryarsh, Maidstone, ME19 SLW *1954 Church, Dr. W.E., Mannering House, Bethersden, Ashford, Kent 1970 Churcher, T.C., and Mrs., Silverden Oast, Church Lane, Northiam, Rye, E. Sussex, TN31 6NW 1985 Clark, Miss A.J., 72 Melrose Road, London, SW18 lPG XXX LIST OF MEMBERS 1983 Clarke, Dr. G., and Mrs., Clear Stream Cottage, Mill Lane, Byfleet, Surrey 1980 Clarke, G.E., 180 Ploughman's Way, Rainham, ME8 SLR •1945 Clarke, Lt. Col. J.E., M.B.E., Villa de l'Alzelli, par Ocana, 20117 Cavro, France "1958 Clarke, Mrs. K.H., M.A., D.Litt., 8 Amebury Road, Moseley, Birmingham 13 1967 Clarke, K.M., B.A., A.P.M.I., 'Rya', 1 Eagle Road, Rye, E. Sussex 1969 Cleere, H.F., B.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., Acres Rise, Lower Platts, Ticehurst, Wadhurst, E. Sussex 1970 Cleggett, D.A.H., and Mrs., 39 Blythe Road, Maidstone, MEIS 7TS 1979 Cleggett, J.F.E., St. Chad's College, 18 North Bailey, Durham DHI 3RH 1973 Clifton, Mrs. G.W., 7 Crabble Road, Dover 1954 Clinch, M.L.M., 2 Parkhurst Road, Bexley 1970 Coales, J., F.S.A., The Mount, Parsonage Hill, Somerton, Som., TAI 1 7PF 1983 Coast, H.G.B., 127 Snodhurst Avenue, Chatham, MES 0TN 1972 Cockett, R.A.C., Shirallee, New Barn, Southfleet, DA13 9PX 1984 Cockle, Mrs. P., 10 St. Stephen's Road, Canterbury, CT2 7HT 1984 Codling, Miss M.R., Morten House, Collier Street, Tonbridge, TN12 9RR 1984 Cole, J.E., Sunset Cottage, School Farm, St. Mary-in-the-Marsh, Romney Marsh, TN29 ODE 1972 Cole, Dr. J.G.L., 128 Tamworth Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B75 6DJ 1984 Coleman, Miss J., B.A., 16 Den Road, Shortlands, Bromley, BR2 0NH 1956 Collins, A.J., 60 Dean Court Road, Rottingdean, Brighton, E. Sussex, BN2 7DJ 1980 Collins, Canon P. Churton, Huggens College, Northfleet, DAll 9DL 1984 Collins, W.T.N., and Mrs., 22 Hatfield Road, Belvedere, DA16 6LT 1978 Colyer, A.J., and Mrs., 5 Sherwood Way, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 3LL 1937 Congreve, A.L., B.E.M., M.A., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S., Galleons Lap, Sissinghurst, TN17 2JG 1984 Coningham, R.A.E., Flat 1, 5 Mount Zion, Tunbridge Wells 1969 Connell, E.P., and Mrs., 29 Penenden, New Ash Green, Dartford, DA3 8LR 1964 Connolly, P.A., 47 Norfolk Road, Gravesend 1983 Consell, C., and Mrs., 7 Wayville Road, Dartford, DAI lRL 1976 Conway, Miss S., 19 Valley Road, Gillingham, ME7 2ET 1958 Cooker, T., 27 Sunningdale Road, Cheam, Surrey 1972 Cookson, Mrs. A.W., Farthing Wood house, Udimore, Rye, E. Sussex, TN15 9AA 1982 Cooper, C., and Mrs., Courtrai, Castle Hill, Brenchley, Tonbridge 1981 Cooper, Mrs. J.C., 12 Willoughby Close, Old Hall, Warrington, Ches., WAS 5PQ 1985 Cooper, M.J., 12 Coniston Close, Erith, DAS 3BD 1980 Copeland Smith, Miss J., Mount Pleasant, Wittersham. TN30 7EJ 1986 Copestake, T.S. and Mrs., 61 Upper Fant Road, Maidstone, ME16 SBU 1973 Copus, G.D., 17 Oakdale Road, Tunbridge Wells 1948 Corben, J.C., The White House, Wheelers Lane, Linton, Maidstone 1985 Cosey, S., and Mrs., Flat 4, 233 Camden Road, London, N7 OHR 1976 Coster, S., and Mrs. 23 Smithers Lane, Hale Street, East Peckham, TN12 55 1982 Cottam, G.M., Carter's Hill House, Carters Hill, Underriver, Sevenoaks 1963 Couchman, M., The Old Rectory, Halstead, Sevenoaks 1970 Couldrey, P., 14 High Field Cottages, Top Dartford Road, Wilmington 1982 Coulson, I.A., West Lea, West End, Marden, Tonbridge, TN12 9HY 1972 Coulson, Mrs. R., 146 Haig Avenue, Rochester 1929 Councer, C.R., F.S.A., The Small House, Chapman's Lane, St. Paul's Cray 1981 Cousins, B.T., Wagtails, Hillborough Avenue, Sevenoaks, TN13 3SG xxxi LIST OF MEMBERS 1960 Cousins, D.S., B.A., D.M.A., A.L.A., 1 Whitehall Gardens, Canterbury, CT2 8BD 1983 Cousins, N.T., Mtepatera, Mongeham Road, Deal, CT14 1977 Covert, Mrs. M.R., 58 Fresh Pond Place, Cambridge, Mass. 02138, U.S.A. 1985 Cox, J., 41 Oaktree Avenue, Maidstone, MEIS 9AX 1972 Cox, P.C., and Mrs., Keeper's Cottage, Rumstead Lane, Stockbury Vale, Sittingbourne, ME9 7QT 1982 Cox, R., 44 Sheals Crescent, Maidstone 1982 Craddock, Dr. P.T., Wingham Lodge, 56 St. Margaret's Street, Rochester, MEl lTU 1979 Cragg, R.H., B.Sc., Ph.D., and Mrs., 23 Nackington Road, Canterbury, CTl 3NU 1973 Craig, R.S., The Anchorage, Bayhill, St. Margaret's Bay, CTlS 6DV 1959 Cramp, G.A., 27 Cherry Trees, Hartley, Longfield, Dartford 1959 Crane, M.A., B.A., Hon. Excursions Secretary, Dane Court, The Street, Adisham, Canterbury, CT3 3LA 1973 Crawford, Miss B., The White Lodge, Hitchen Hatch Lane, Sevenoaks 1984 Crawford, D.J., Unit 8, 8 Agar Street, Marrickvale, N.S.W., 2204, Australia 1982 Crawford, Dr. G.A., and Mrs., 27 Gordon Road, Toronto, Ontario, M2P 1E2, Canada *1960 Crawshaw, J.D., and Mrs., 96 Maidstone Road, Chatham, ME4 6DG '1968 Cronk, A., F.S.A., F.R.S.A., c/o Williams & Glyn's Bank, 67 Lombard Street, London EC3P 3DL 1984 Cronk, J., 453 Wateriogbury Road, East Malling, Maidstone 1983 Cross, A., 19 College Court, The Mall, Ealing, London, WS 2PY 1955 Cross, E., 2b Broadview Avenue, Gillingham, MES 9DB 1982 Cross, J., and Mrs., 19 College Court, The Mall, London WS 2PY 1984 Cross, N., and Mrs., 19 College Court, The Mall, London WS 2PY 1984 Cross, P., 19 College Court, The Mall, London, WS 2PY 1980 Cross, R.P., 7 Westmore Lane, Heslington, York YO SRR 1987 Crow, L.C., 17 Hale Road, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 9QQ 1982 Crowhurst, Miss G.E., 18 Ascot Road, Gravesend, DA12 SAL 1986 Crowhurst, Miss M.E., 32 Larkfie!d Road, Maidstone, ME20 6BJ *1973 Cruse, R.J., B.Sc., Dip.Arch., 42 Caimlee Avenue East, Cults, Aberdeen, ABl 9NH 1982 Cufftin, Mrs. M., 28 Lamorbey Drive, Sidcup, DAIS SBA 1982 Curry, Mrs. K.M., 18 The Knapp, Hostingfield, Cambridge, CB3 7JH 1974 Curteis, I.B., The Mill House, Colne St. Aldwyn's, Cirencester, Glos., 1972 Curtis, D.M., Braddocks House, Oxbridge, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 3TZ 1958 Dale, L.C., and Mrs., 16 Baldwyns Park, Bexley 1983 Dalziel, Dr. J.A.W., and Mrs., 14 Spencer Gardens, Eltham, London, SE9 1976 Daniel, M.R.M., Thanet Chambers, 44/46 Queen Street, Ramsgate, CTI 1 9EF 1973 Daniels, A.J., and Mrs., 39 Holtye Crescent, Maidstone 1968 Dann, J.R., 455 Maidstone Road, Bridgewood, Chatham 1946 Davey, G.J., 123 Willloughby House, Barbican, London, EC2 1980 Davidson, P.A., 2 Old Style, Sutton Road, Langley, Maidstone 1975 Davies, D.A., Genista, Mortimers Avenue, Cliffe Woods, Rochester 1984 Davies, H., and Mrs., 10 Langafel Close, Longfield, Dartford 1983 Davies, J.A., 34 All Saints Walk, Mottishall, Dereham, Norfolk, NR20 3RP 1964 Davis, Dr. G.A.N., Glendaruel, Holt Wood Avenue, Aylesford, Maidstone 1966 Day, Mrs. P.P., Stourview Cottage, White Hill, Billing, Ashford, Kent 1985 De La Bedoyere, G.N.T., 48 Lannoy Road, New Eltham, London, SE9 2BN xxxii LIST OF MEMBERS 1976 De Launay, Mrs. L., Flat 2, John Grahers Court, 14 South Canterbury Road, Canterbury, CTl 3Ll 1946 De L' Isle, Rt. Hon. Viscount, V.C., K.G., Penshurst Place, Tonbridge 1946 De Paris, P.M., 5 Gold Street, Stalbridge, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DTI0 2LX *1931 Deare, D.H., 43 Essex Road, Gravesend 1984 Deedes, The Rt. Hon., W.F., M.C., D.L., New Hayters, Aldington, Ashford, Kent 1982 Deering, J., 104 Grosvenor Place, Margate 1974 Dell, A.J., Old Pound House, Llngfield Road, Edenbridge, TN8 SDX 1983 Dempsey, J.G., 3154 Bishop Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45220, U.S.A. 1968 Dennis Purves, J.M., Anglia, 68 Allen Road, Beckenham, BR3 4NP 1981 Densen, R.G., 18 Elmbourne Road, Londono SW17 8JR 1962 Detsicas, A.P., B.A., M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A., F.S.A.Scot., and Mrs., (Hon. Editor), Dunelm House, 159 Downs Road, Hastings, E. Sussex, TN34 2DY 1981 Dilnot, Rev. J., The Rectory, Aldington, Ashford, Kent 1976 Dixon, J.G., and Mrs., Greenbriar Cottage, 53 Cowper Road, River, Dover •1945 Dixon, R.R., Teynham Court, Teynham, Sittingboume 1983 Djordjeric, Dr. S., and Mrs, 10 Langafel Close, Longfield, Dartford 1957 Dockrell, G., 1 Bunny Hill, Tanyard Hill, Shorne, Gravesend, DA12 3EP 1971 Dockrill, S.J., School of Archaeological Science, University of Bradford, Bradford, Yorks. 1968 Dodge, Dr., J.D., Kingswood Cottage, Coopers Hill Lane, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0LB 1973 Doolin, M.V., Duke of Yorks' Royal Military School, Guston, Dover 1969 Dormer, Mrs. B., 11 Brockenhurst Avenue, Maidstone, MEIS 7EP 1973 Dove, J.C., C.Eng., 10 Rangemore Drive, Eastbourne, E. Sussex, BN21 2TX 1959 Downes, D.G., M.A., Cape House, Ash, Canterbury 1961 Downie, S.C., Two Stacks, 25 G\entrammon Road, Green Street Green, Orpington, BR6 6DE 1956 Downing, B.F.A., 76 Hillcrest Road, Orpington 1980 Doyle, J., Church Farm, Warehorne, Ashford, Kent 1966 Drake, M., B.Sc., Burnt Ash, Gorsewood Road, Hartley, Dartford 1984 Draper, J.T., and Mrs., Eusemere, Princes View, Dartford 1983 Draper, Miss K.R.S., Lacknut House, Culverstone Green, Meopham, DA13 ORF *1964 Draper, P.H.G., B.Sc., Ph.D., D.I.C., F.R.S.C., M. Inst.P., C.Phys., (Hon. Librarian), Northdown, Plaxdale Green, TNlS 7PB 1983 Draper, R.P.W., Lacknut House, Culverstone Green, Meopham, DA\3 ORF 1972 Draper, R.R. and Mrs., B.Sc., Lacknut House, Culverstone Green, Meopham, DA13 0RF 1983 Draper, T.R.C., Lacknut House, Culverstone Green, Meopham, DAJ3 ORF 1982 Drury, P.J., F.S.A., 31 Nursery Road, Chelmsford, Essex *1956 Dulley, Rev., A.J.F. Langham Vicarage, Oakham, Rutland, LEIS 7JE *1973 Dunboyne, His Honour, Judge, The Lord, 36 Ormonde Gate, London, SW3 1977 Duncombe, W.G., B.Sc., Ph.D., 19 Pollyhaugh, Eynsford, Dartford 1975 Dunk, Mrs. H.M., Oast Cottage, Whickhurst Manor Farm, Weald, Sevenoaks, TN14 6LY 1958 Durling, W.H.H., Whybournes, Ightham, Sevenoaks 1976 Dyson, C., Mayshaves Farm, Woodchurch, Ashford, Kent TN26 3PT 1970 Earl, R.A.W., and Mrs., 3 Pleasant Villas, 189 Kent Street, Mereworth, MEIS 1985 Easton, D.W.M. Boy Court Lane, Headcorn, TN27 9LA 1986 Eaves, Dr. D.L., Dane Cottage, Hogg Lane, Stone Street, Petham, Canterbury xxxiii LIST OF MEMBERS 1980 Eddison, Mrs. J., Langley Farm, Bethersden, Ashford, TN26 3HF 1969 Edwards, D.E., Rosebud Cottage, Main Street, Northiam, Rye, E. Sussex 1973 Edwards, J.M., C.B.E., Sleby's Farm, Leigh Road, Hildenborough 1984 Edwards, R.E., and Mrs., Stacklands, High Street, Eynsford, DA4 OAB 1982 Edwards, Mrs. S., 11 Athol Green, Ovenden, Halifax, W. Yorks., HX3 5RN 1974 Eley, J.E., A.A.E.M.T., A.A.S.I., and Mrs., 74 Arlington Gardens, Margate, CT9 3TA 1978 Ellis, Mrs. A.C., St. Catherine's, 51 Bradbourne Vale Road, Sevenoaks, TN13 3QE 1980 Ellis, Miss C., 154 Park Crescent, Erith 1987 Ellis, Miss D., 23 Quarry Road, Maidstone, ME15 6VA 1982 Ellis, R.B., Sacher 3/3, New College, Oxford 1977 Elston, P.R., 56 Cranleigh Drive, Swanley, BR8 8NX 1984 Elvy, D., 20 Knole Road, Dartford 1983 Elvy, Miss P., 20 Knole Road, Dartford 1983 Elvy, R.J., and Mrs., 20 Knole Road, Dartford 1974 Emms, R.E., 11 Beechcroft Avenue, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 3EG 1982 England, J.M., The Gate House, Hadlow Stair, Tonbridge 1981 English, Mrs. E., Cooper's Cottage, Pluckley, Ashford, Kent 1955 Evans, Miss P.J., 1 Michael House, 25 Shortlands Road, Bromley BR2 OJH 1957 Everitt, Professor A.M., M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., Fieldedge, Poultney Lane, Kimcote, Lutterworth, Leics. 1955 Eyres, E.A., 'Ventura', Woodland Road, Lyminge, Folkestone 1967 Fagg, B.R., 44 Dane Crescent, Ramsgate 1978 Fairhead, W.E., 132 Langley Way, West Wickham, BR4 ODS 1957 Falmouth, The Viscount, Buston Manor, Hunton, Maidstone 1966 Faulkner, Sir Eric, Farriers Field, Sevenoaks Road, Ightham. 1983 Fellows, G., and Mrs., 66 Bushey Park Lane, Teddington 1984 Ffield-Guide, Mrs. A., 7 Dorset Place, Faversham 1980 Fields, J.E., 153 Ancona Road, London SEl 8 l AA 1982 Fillery, Miss W.A.B., 4 Cobfield, Chart Sutton, Maidstone, ME17 3SH 1979 Filmer, R., Elmtree Cottage, Church Road, Kennington, Ashford, Kent 1982 Fincham, S., and Mrs., Stanmore Church Lane, Westfield, Hastings, E. Sussex 1976 Fincham, K.C., Lees Lodge, Yalding 1984 Finn, H., C.B.E., D.L., F.R.G.S., F.R.Z.S., Nackington Farmhouse, Nackington, Canterbury, CT4 7 AF 1960 Finn Kelcey, R.G., 44 Oxenturn Road, Wye, Ashford, Kent 1976 Finn Kelcey, R.J., Wheelsgate Farm, Old Romney, Romney Marsh 1984 Fish, J.H., and Mrs., The Manse, Priory Lane, Eynsford, Dartford 1987 Fisher, J.N., Ridge Lea, Oak Avenue, Sevenoaks, TN13 IPR 1979 Fisher, Mrs. M.D., 1 Arran Mews, Canterbury, CTl lJA *1973 Fisher, M.E., 78 Camdale Road, Plumstead, London, SE18 2DS 1974 Fisher, P.M., The Old Police House, Sherenden Road, Tudeley, Tonbridge 1983 Fisher, Miss S.E., B.A., Avalon, Southfleet Avenue, New Barn, Longfield Dartford DA3 7JQ 1987 Fleming, Dr P., c/o Bristol Polytechnic, Redland Hill, Bristol, BS6 6UZ •1957 Foord, R.G., 155b City Way, Rochester 1983 Forbes, D.C., 25 Fisher Close, Hythe, CT21 6AB 1982 Ford, D., B.Sc., B.Ed., F.R.G.S., 8 Artists' View Park, Box 15, RR12 Calgary, Alberta, TIE 6WB, Canada 1979 Ford, R., M.A., 3 Huber Manor, Middletown, Connecticut, U.S.A. 06Y57 1983 Forknall, A., and Mrs., Whytespyres, Crayburne, Betsham, Southfleet Gravesend xxxiv LIST OF MEMBERS 1946 Forster-Brown, Mrs. J., Brewers Wood House, The Common, Cranbrook, TN17 2AW 1980 Forsythe, Dr. S., 42 Pembury Road, Tonbridge 1974 Fortune, M., 5 Greenwood Close, Bury, Ramsey, Cambs. 1985 Foster, L. 1970 Foster, O.A.W., and Mrs., 171 Rochester Road, Burham, Rochester, MEI 3SF 1977 Fouch, D.W., 17 Burlington Gardens, Rainham, MES 8TA 1973 Fox, M.V., 7 Chartwell Grove, Sittingbourne, MEIO lXD 1975 Fox, Mrs. S.J., Locksfield, Ashes Lane, Hadlow, Tonbridge, TNll 0AN 1983 Francis, M.B., and Mrs., Merry Down, Church Road, Purley, Croydon, Surrey 1969 Franks, Mrs. J., 6 Middle Street, Deal 1953 Frazer, Dr. J.F.D., Warren Farm, Boxley, Maidstone 1983 French, Miss D., 60 Herald Walk, Dartford, DA1 5SS 1983 French, Mrs. D.J., Castlewood Farm, Teynham, Sittingbourne 1985 French, Mrs. P.M., 74 Churchbury Road, Eltham, London, SE9 5HZ 1945 Frere, Professor S.S., C.B.E., M.A., Litt.D., D.Litt., F.B.A., F.S.A., Netherfield House, Marcham, Abingdon, Oxon, OX13 9NP 1983 Fricker, R., 9 Salts Avenue, Loose, Maidstone, ME15 0AZ 1969 Fryer, K.G., 'Edelweiss', 10 Coronation Road, Sheerness, ME12 2QN 1983 FuUer, M.J., 25 Lunsford Lane, Larkfield, Maidstone, ME20 6HN 1986 Fullman, J.T. and Mrs., 17 Grasslands, Langley Heath, Maidstone, ME17 3JJ 1958 Furness, A.E., M.A., The Bower, High Street, Staplehurst, Tonbridge, TN12 0BL 1959 Fynmore, P.J., Hinksey, Birchington Close, Little Common, Bexhill, E. Sussex 1954 Gadd, Mrs. J.F., 11 Oxenturn Road, Wye, Ashford, Kent, TN25 5BH 1981 Gale, Mrs. J.C., 268 Queen's Road, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 2BD 1971 Gallagher, Rev. N.R., A.K.C., B.D., The Vicarage, Faversham Road, Kennington, Ashford, Kent, TN24 9AF 1983 Ganly, M.J., Cpl., 24595796, Unit Administrative Office, 1st Bn., The Queen's Regiment, Lathbury Barracks, BFPO 52 1970 Garnett, R.W., 11 Broomy, Colinton, Edinburgh, Lothian Region, EH14 JJZ 1972 Garrard, Mrs. I.P., Averys, Godwin Road, St. Margaret's Bay, Dover, CT15 6EO 1978 Garrett, E.M., 150 Lakemead, Singleton Village, Ashford, Kent, TN23 2XZ 1981 Garrod, D.S, 8 Danson Road, Bexley Heath 1982 Garton, Miss P.M., 19 The Coppice, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 4EY 1979 Gaston, P.J., Brock's Cottage, Upper Hardres, Canterbury 1971 Gaunt, J., 380 London Road, Deal 1955 Geering, K.R., Wootton Manor, Charing, Ashford, Kent 1981 Gerrard, I.W., 87 Coltstead, New Ash Green, Dartford 1987 Gibson, Dr J.M., 27 Pine Grove, Maidstone 1973 Gibson, N., and Mrs., Linley, 71 Hunters Way, Uckfield, E. Sussex, TN22 2BB 01969 Gidley Kitchin, G.C.B., Wybournes, Heverham Road, Kemsing, Sevenoaks 1973 Gidlow, A.V., 21 Preston Avenue, Faversham 1982 Gilbert, J., 85 Highfield Road, Dartford, DAl 2JU •1962 Gipps, B., Egerton House, Egerton, Ashford, Kent 1975 Gledhill, E.I., and Mrs., 27 Lawrence Avenue, Bidborough, Tunbridge Wells, TN4 0XA 1964 Glogg, J ., 95 Park Crescent, Erith, DAB 3LA 1984 Godfrey, D.W., and Mrs., 50 Woodvale Avenue, South Norwood, London, SE25 4AN 1983 Godfrey, M., Brookside, Forest Drive, Keston, BR2 6EF 1980 Godwin, K.E.G., 17 Main Road, Sutton at Hone, Dartford XXXV LIST OF MEMBERS 1960 Goldsmith, Lady R., Town Place, Throwley, Faversham 1983 Goldup, Dr. A., and Mrs., 75 Old Road, East Peckham, Tonbridge, TN12 1984 Gooch, M.A., Little Owls, Tookey Road, New Romney, TN28 SET 1974 Goodwin, Mrs. G.M., 28 Commissioners Road, Strood, ME2 4EB 1973 Goodwin, R.P., 6 Wentworth Avenue, Westbrook, Margate *1948 Gough, H.E., Beverley House, 141 Grand Drive, Herne Bay, CT6 SHU *1980 Goulden, R.J., Horam Manor Farm, Horam, Heathfield, E. Sussex 1984 Gower, Dr J.L., and Mrs., The Square, Winscombe, Avon, BS25 lDA 1971 Gowers, E.S., and Mrs., 8 Grove Road, Upper Halling, Rochester, ME2 IHZ 1982 Grafton, A.D., 34 Dartford Road, Sevenoaks, TN13 3TQ 1980 Grainger, G.E.D., Institute of Archaeology, 36 Beaumont Street, Oxford, OX1 2PG 1947 Gransden, Miss R.M., 115 Church Road, Leckhampton, Cheltenham, GLS 0NY, Glos. 1973 Grant, Mrs. P.B., B.Sc., Sparrow Tree Cottage, 202 Broadwater Road, West Malling, ME19 1981 Grant, P.R., and Mrs., 6 Den Road, Shortlands, Bromley, BR2 0NT *1958 Gravett, K.W.E., M.Sc. (Eng.), F.S.A., 85 Seaforth Avenue, New Malden, Surrey 1982 Gray, Mrs. B.M., 6 North Kent Avenue, Northfleet, DAll 9HP 1983 Gray, Mrs. E., Highstreet House, 123 High Street, Bexley, DAS lJX 1985 Gray, Miss L., Alma House, 53 Ufton Lane, Sittingbourne 1966 Green, E.R., 49 Dennis Road, Gravesend 1985 Green, Mrs. G., 32 Chestnut Avenue, Walderslade, MES 9AJ 1983 Green, Miss M., Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 92a Broad Street, Canter• bury, CTl 2LU 1984 Green, M.R., and Mrs., F.R.I.C.S., Fig Tree Cottage, 6 Hillside Street, Hythe, CT21 SEJ 1983 Green, P.W., Chestnut Cottage, 67a Langland Park Crescent, Sidcup 1983 Gretton, Ms. S., 3 Belmont Grove, London, SE13 1983 Grey, A. D., 70 The Highway, Orpington, B R6 9DJ 1984 Griffiths, Mrs. W.M., Little Earlylands, Crockham, Hill, Edenbridge. 1982 Grimmette, Mrs. W., 8 Hornbeam Close, Paddock Wood, TN12 6LL 1984 Grimsey, C., and Mrs., 1 Sheerstone, Ferry Road, !wade, Sittingbourne, ME9 8RN 1986 Grimwood, A., 109 Elmhurst Gardens, Tonbridge •1948 Grove, L.R.A., B.A., F.S.A., F.M.A., (President), Manor Cottage, Upper Street, Hollingbourne, Maidstone, ME17 lUW 1982 Guest, R.G., M.D., Cleeveham Hall, Stouffville, RR4 Ontario, L4A 7X5, Canada 1984 Guinane, J., and Mrs., Cedar Quillet, Chipstead Lane, Sevenoaks 1979 Guy, J.A., 20 Hayward Close, Upper Deal, CTl4 9PW 1984 Guy, N., 14 Hawthorn Drive, Daventry, Northants., NNlJ SPU 1973 Guyatt, A.L., 100 Castle Road, Chatham, ME4 SHX 1984 Haines, B., 18 Park Road, Hythe, CT2 6DJ 1949 Haines, Mrs. H.M., B.A., Church Cottage, Church Walk, Headcorn 1979 Hales, Mrs. C.W., St. Margaret's, The Meadow, Chislehurst, BR7 6AA 1972 Hales-Reed, R., 1974 Hall, Dr. F.M., 9 Whitehall Close, Hardres, Canterbury CT4 7AQ 1982 Hall, F.J.A., and Mrs., 139 Hawthorne Avenue, Gillingham, MES 6LYE 1973 Hall, J.A., B.A., St. Catherine's College, Oxford, OX1 3JU 1982 Halligan, J.H., 36 Hayes Garden, Hayes, Bromley, BR2 700 xxxvi LIST OF MEMBERS 1982 Halliwell, G., B.Sc., 22 Balfour Road, Walmer, Deal 1984 Ham, D.F., Whispers, 11 Bidborough Ridge, Bidborough, TN4 OUT 1985 Hamilton, J.B., Domish, 47 Lee Road, Snodland 1985 Hamilton-Holman, Miss E.E., 50 Stockett Lane, Coxheath, ME17 4PX 1984 Hammond, Mrs. A.K., 85 Bazes Shaw, New Ash Green, Dartford, DA3 8QY 1980 Hammond, S.F., 35 The Street, Kennington, Ashford, Kent, TN24 9HD 1984 Hancox, Miss K., Top Flat, 41 Outram Road, Addiscombe, Croydon 1973 Harlow, P.A., 231 Maidstone Road, Rochester 1976 Harman, R.G., 62 Tredegar Road, Dartford, DA2 7AZ 1985 Harper-Bill, C., Ph.D., F.S.A., 15 Cusack Close, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, Middx. 1970 Harrington, D.W., 143 Sturry Road, Canterbury 1964 Harris, Miss D.F., Mayfield, 41 Linton Road, Loose, Maidstone, ME15 0AG 1982 Harris, M.A., and Mrs., The Penthouse, Hamptons, Shipbourne, Tonbridge, TNll 8JR 1962 Harrison, A.C., B.A., F.S.A., and Mrs., (Hon. General Secretary), Pring's Cottage, Pilgrims' Way, Upper Halling, Rochester, ME2 lHR 1985 Harrison, J.B.R., Flat B, Squerryes Court, Westerham, TN16 JSJ 1980 Hart, F.A., 122 Crofton Road, Orpington, BR6 9HD 1975 Hartcup, Mrs. A., Swanton Court, Sevington, Ashford, Kent 1974 Hartley, Mrs. D., B.A., 1 Montpelier Road, Purley, Surrey 1948 Harvey, W.C., 59 Oxford Street Whitstable, CTS 10A 1956 Hawkes, Mrs. S.C., M.A., F.S.A., 19 Walton Street, Oxford 1986 Haxford, R.P., Somaslaki, Pine Tree Lane, Ivy Hatch, Sevenoaks, TNIS 0NJ 1983 Hay, Capt. T., R.N., The Orangery, Mystole, Canterbury, CT4 7BD 1983 Haydar, A.A., and Mrs., Lacknut House, Culverstone, Meopham Green 1977 Haydon, P.G., and Mrs., 20 Ladywood Road, Cuxton. Rochester, ME2 JEW 1966 Hayes, A.H., and Mrs., Forest Cottage, Chiddingstone Hoath, Edenbridge 1973 Hayes, J.P., 30 City Way, Rochester 1979 Haysom, C.G., 17 Weavers Close, Darnley Road, Gravesend, DAI I 0SJ 1959 Hayward, E.J., 'Anderida', 9 Hill Crest, Sidcup 1986 Head, G.R. and Mrs., Worcester Close, Faversham, ME13 8RT 1982 Heard, A.W., 134 Crestway, Chatham, ME5 0BH 1975 Heard, R.G.C., South Holm, 30 Grove Road, Ramsgate 1982 Hedges, Mrs. J.M., 21 Stanley Road, Swanscombe, DAIO 0HY 1974 Hedley Jones, R.J., and Mrs., 18 Dry Hill Road, Tonbridge 1968 Helsdon, G.R., Whitecroft, Vigo Road, Fairseat, Sevenoaks 1971 Hendrick, Mrs. M., White Lodge, Rhodes Minnis, Canterbury 1976 Henley, Rev. J.F.H., St. Hilary's Vicarage, Rhyl, Rumney, Cardiff. CF3 BPA 1979 Herd, Miss V., 18 Charmouth Road, Welling, DAl6 lRH . 1982 Heritage, R.G., 42 Hamelin Road, Gillingham, ME7 3GR 1977 Heron, P.J., and Mrs., 27 Lime Meadow Avenue, Sanderstead, South Croydon, Surrey, CR2 9AS 1983 Hicks, D., and Mrs., 69 Brent Lane, Dartford, DAI lQT 1980 Hicks, M.J., 33 Gian Beuno, Pontnewydd, Caemarfon, North Wales, CC55 2UB 1936 Hill, Rev. Canon D. Ingram, M.A., D.D., F.S.A., 14c The Precincts, Canterbury 1966 Hill, D.S., The Roundels, Meop!l.am Bank Farm, Hildenborough, Tonbridge 1987 Hill, Miss K., 68 Allington Drive, Tonbridge, TNI0 4HH 1983 Hill, K.R., Stained Glass Workshop, Marden Road, Staplehurst, TN l 2 0NF 1958 Hill, M.H., and Mrs., 37 Rolfe Lane, New Romney, TN28 SJP 1982 Hill, Miss S.E., 12 Waring Drive, Green Street Green, Orpington xxxvii LIST OF MEMBERS 1971 Hills, B.F., Wing-Commander, M.B.E., R.A.F., The Barn, Meadow Way, Farnborough Park, Orpington 1982 Hinton, D., Department of Archaeology, University of Southampton, Southampton, Hants., SO9 5NH 1983 Hird, A., and Mrs., 40 Ruskin Drive, Orpington *1951 Hiscock, R.H., LL.B., F.S.A., and Mrs., 10 Old Road East, Gravesend, DA12 lNJ 1980 Hoadley, G.W., B.Sc., 19 Valley Road, Gillingham, ME7 2ET 1952 Hoather, H.M., 31 Buckingham Avenue, Whetstone, London, N20 1973 Hocking, K.J., C.Eng., and Mrs., 14 Weald Close, Weald, Sevenoaks 1983 Hodge, E.F., 30 Audley Avenue, Tonbridge, TN9 lXF 1987 Hogwood, P.G., 15 Northdown Avenue, Cliftonville, Margate, Cf9 2NL 1980 Hohler, Dr. F., Court Lodge, Stansted, Sevenoaks, TN15 7PG 1986 Holbrook, P.A. and Mrs., 277 Churchill Avenue, Chatham 1986 Holland, E.R.C., 1 Prospect Cottages, Boughton Aluph, Ashford, Kent, TN25 4JA 1974 Hollet, R., and Mrs. 39 Valley View Road, Rochester, MEl 3NY 1980 Hollobone, T., Oakwood, 266d Pickhurst Lane, West Wickham, BR4 ONE 1983 Holloway, N., and Mrs., 63 The Brent, Dartford 1983 Holloway, P.H., and Mrs., c/o 63 The Brent, Dartford 1987 Holmes, Miss K., 47 Pennington Place, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells, TN4 0AQ 1978 Holmes, P., 10 Carsington Gardens, Wilmington, Dartford, DAl 2SS 1978 Holwell, H.W., Holly Cottage, Lower Road, West Farleigh 1977 Homewood, Mrs. J., 5 Ringlestone Crescent, Maidstone 1964 Hooton, Miss E., Builth Cottage, Moon's Yard, Church Road, Rotherfield, E. Sussex 1954 Hope, J.A., B.Sc., 157 Langton Way, London, SE3 1973 Horne, Mrs. E., South Cottage, West End, Kemsing, Sevenoaks, TN15 6QB 1960 Horne, J.K., 48 Matham Road, East Molesey, Surrey 1957 Horner, G.K., F.B.O.A., F.S.M.C., 199 Faraday Avenue, Sidcup *1938 Horton, F.R., 'Sheppey', 8 Dence Park, Herne Bay 1983 Hoy, A.D., 71 First Avenue, Gillingham, ME7 2LF 1976 Hucker, T.C.P., 8 Dault Road, Wandsworth, London, SW18 1982 Huckle, H., and Mrs., 32 Park Road, Dartford, DAI lSY 1982 Huckle, Miss N.M., 32 Park Road, Dartford, DAI lSY 1980 Hudd, Dr. N.P., 13 Elmfield, Tenterden, TN30 6RE 1952 Hukins, W.D., Haffenden, St. Michael's, Tenterden 1953 Hull, F., B.A., Ph.D., D.Litt., F.R.Hist.S., 135 Ashford Road, Bearsted, Maidstone, ME14 4BT 1970 Hulme, Miss D.M., B.Sc., 52 Oliver Crescent, Farningham 1972 Hurst, N.T.C. 14 Denbeigh Drive, Tonbridge 1965 Hutchings, R., Chantrey Cottage, 187 Church Street, Cliffe, Rochester 1973 Hyde, Dr. J.B., 38 Beesfield Lane, Farningham, DA4 0BZ 1982 Ilott, L.E., and Mrs., 567 Red Hill, Wateringbury, Maidstone, ME18 5BE 1958 Ireland, Miss P.M., M.B.E., 69 Stour Street, Canterbury, CT1 2NZ 1972 Irvine, J.C., LLB., First Floor Flat, 6a Victoria Park, Dover, CT16 lQR 1966 lthell, T., B.Eng., 6 Lansdowne Court, oid Road, Chatham 1983 Ivens, D.M., Dormer Cottage, Station Road, Otford, Sevenoaks 1960 Jackson, I., 128 First Avenue, Gillingham 1983 Jakeman, J.G., 2 London Road, Badgers' Mount, Sevenoaks, TN14 7AE 1982 James, Miss E.B., 151 Shepherds Lane, Dartford, DAI 2PA xxxviii LIST OF MEMBERS 1982 James, Mrs. V.W., 47 Ivanhoe Road, Herne Bay, CT6 6EQ 1958 Jamieson, A.B., Smallridge, 38 Chatham Avenue, Hayes, Bromley 1983 Jarvis, J.E., 63 Macklands Way, Rainham, MES 7PF 1984 Jarvis, L., and Mrs., Stone Gables, Mere Road, Finmere, Bucks., MK18 4AR 1980 Jarvis, P.S., 16 Broadlands Crescent, New Romney, TN28 SJF 1961 Jeffery, D.A., Longspring Cottage, Gracious Lane, Sevenoaks 1980 Jeffreys, J., and Mrs., 56 Vicarage Close, Halling, Rochester 1970 Jeffries, Mrs. E., Swanton Farm, Swanton Lane, Grove, Canterbury, CT3 4AK 1947 Jenkins, F., M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., Janus, 10 St. Martin's Close, Canterbury 1984 Jenkins, J., The Anchorage, High Road, Wilmington 1984 Jenkins, R., The Anchorage, High Road, Wilmington 1984 Jenkins, T.M., and Mrs., The Anchorage, High Road, Wilmington 1975 Jenner, Miss P., 610 Loose Road, Loose, Maidstone 1982 Jennings, A., 38 Hartlip Hill, Newington, Sittingbourne, ME9 7NZ 1982 Jennings, W.R., 46 FinweU Road, Rainham, Gillingham, ME8 7PZ 1973 Jessup, A.J., 53 Rectory Lane, Leyboume, West Malling 1973 Jessup, M.J., and Mrs., Snowshill Manor, Broadway, Worcs., WR12 7JU 1924 Jessup, R.F., F.S.A., Flat A, 1 Rathbone Place, Oxford Street, London, WlP lDA 1986 Jewitt, A.C., The Bower, Mill Hill, Edenbridge 1961 Johns, F.D., March Cottage, Comp Road, Offham, West Malling, ME19 SPP 1980 Johnson, L.F., 63 Lennard Road, London, SE20 7LY 1972 Jones, Miss A.E.R., 115 Canterbury Road, Kennington, Ashford, Kent 1966 Jones, D.T., B.A., Dip.Arch., 264 Shooter's Hill Road, London, SE18 4LY 1983 Jones, Mrs. J., Weir Bank Lodge, Monkey Island Lane, Bray, Maidenhead, Berks., SL6 2ED 1965 Jones, Mrs. M.M., 126 Park Road, Sittingbourne *1958 Jones, M.O., 'Lampkyns', Horsmonden, Tonbridge 1983 Jones, R.L., Lone Oak, Castle Hill, Hartley, Dartford, DA3 SBH 1987 Jones, S. 24 Chancery Lane, Maidstone 1983 Judd, F.L., Windy Ridge, Teynham Street, Teynham 1981 Kappler, Miss D.R., 80 Old Park Avenue, Canterbury, CTl l DN 1981 Keating. B.M., Fairfield, 29 Manor Road, Sole Street, Gravesend 1966 Keeler, F., 19 Fleetwood Avenue, Herne Bay, CT6 SON 1968 Keen, J.A., and Mrs., 51 Siverlands Road, Lyminge, Folkestone 1982 Keenan, B.J., 35 The Spinney, North Cray, Sidcup, DA14 SNE 1965 Keith Lucas, Professor B., 7 Church Street, Wye, Ashford, Kent 1985 Kelland, A.J., 158 Shirehall Road, Hawley, Dartford, DA2 7SN 1958 Kellaway, L.M., and Mrs., 58 Hazlewood Avenue, Eastbourne, E. Sussex, BN22 0SQ 1981 Keller, P.T., 30 Monios Road, Elmsvale, Dover, CT17 9NX 1961 Kelly, D.B., B.A., F.S.A., A.M.A., (Hon. Curator), The Museum, St. Faith's Street, Maidstone, ME14 1LH 1971 Kelly, Mrs. J., 138 Dartford Road, Dartford, DAI SEX 1974 Kemp, B.N.A., 68 Dulverton Road, London, SE9 3RL 1979 Kemp, G.J., 64 Willow Lea, Tonbridge 1983 Kemp, P.F., and Mrs., Waverley Lodge, Norwood Lane, Meopham, DA13 OXE 1983 Kendall, J., and Mrs., 12 Tudor Close, Bramham, Bedford, Beds. 1982 Kendall, S., and Mrs., 151 Shepherds Lane, Dartford, DAl 2PA 1967 Kennett, D.H., 27 Lords Lane, Bradwell, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 SNY 1983 Kettle, R.G., 27 Barton Road, Dover, CT16 2NF xxxix LIST OF MEMBERS 1964 Kidson, P., M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., and Mrs., Old School House, High Street, Charing, TN27 0LS 1975 King, A.J., and Mrs., 39 Adisham Drive, Maidstone 1972 King, J.C., and Mrs., Little Petherick, East Street, Ryarsh, West Malling 1966 King, R.H., Hope Cottage, Hever, Edenbridge 1982 King, R.J., and Mrs., 5 Morebreddis Cottages, Chequers Road, Goudhurst 1983 Kingston, Miss J.M., South Ash Manor, Ash, Sevenoaks 1976 Kinslow, P.H., Beggars Well, Bakers Lane, Dallington, E. Sussex 1983 Kirkbride, R., and Mrs., Selva, St. Paul's Wood Hill, Orpington, BR5 2SR 1950 Kirkness, J.M., M.B.E., M.A., R.D., R.N.R., Danbury, 14 St. Andrew's Park Road, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells *1974 Kitchener, G.D., 1 Crown Cottages, Otford Lane, Halstead, Sevenoaks 1973 Knight, I.D., 41 Cook Street, Eccles, Maidstone, ME20 7HE 1973 Knight, R., 75 West Street, Faversham 1973 Knight, R., and Mrs., Three Trees, 14 Grampian Way, Weavers Rise, Otham, Maidstone 1977 Knowlden, Mrs. P.E., 62 Harvest Bank Road, West Wickham 1980 Knowler, Miss H., Willmott, Plough Wents Road, Chart Sutton, Maidstone 1975 Krejsa, R.S., 15 The Grove, Bearsted, Maidstone 1968 Kremer, T.J., 2 Downs Road, Yalding, Maidstone 1983 Kuhn, M., and Mrs., Ufer Strasse 72, 6450 Hanau 7, Steinheim, West Germany 1965 Lambert, P., 3 Cape Cottages, Church Street, Loose, Maidstone 1984 Lamprell, Miss J., 10 Homestead Road, Chelsfield, Orpington, BR6 6HW 1982 Lane, E.G., 90 Marling Way, River View Park, Gravesend, DA12 4RE 1972 Lane, Miss E.M., Tudor House, Highland Hill, Swanley Village, BR8 7NA 1972 Lansberry, H.C.F., M.A., Ph.D., Seti, Fir Toll, Pluckley, Ashford, Kent, TN27 0QZ 1976 Lapthorne, W., 42 Pierremont Avenue, Broadstairs 1973 Large D.R., and Mrs., 187 Fairview Avenue, Wigmore, Gillingham 1975 Latham, J .D., The Waykings, 3 Herne Bay Road, Tankerton, Whitslable, CTS 2LQ 1986 Lawrance, D.A., 65 Elmstead Avenue, Chislehursl, BR7 6EE 1965 Lawrence, E.E.H., Culvers Ball Lane, Kennington, Ashford, Kent 1974 Lawrence, Mrs. M., (Hon. Membership Secretary), Barnfield, Church Lane, East Peckham, Tonbridge, TN12 SJJ 1960 Lawrie, Dr. J., C.B.E., Little Mote, Eynsford, Dartford, DA4 0AA 1963 LeGear, R.F., A.A.LS., and Mrs., 18 Bladindon Drive, Bexley, DAS 3BP 1958 Leach, M., 2 Landview Gardens, Ongar, Essex 1968 Leach, P.E., F.R.I.B.A., Watermans Oast, Bletchenden, Headcorn, Ashford, Kent, TN27 9JB 1980 Lead, Mrs. S.J., Court Lodge, 132 Church Path, Deal 1956 Learmont, D.M., F.R.S.A., F.S.A., Malleny House, Balerno, Midlothian, EH14 7AF 1957 Lebon, Mrs. M.C., M.A., Limes, Benenden, Cranbrook, TN17 4ES 1987 Lee, Dr J., and Mrs., Dept. of Crystallography, Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London W.C.l. 1949 Leckie, D., 'Daydreams', 45 Royal Esplanade, Westbrook, Margate *1971 Legg, Mrs. V., S Reculver Walk, Senacre, Maidstone 1983 Leigh Pemberton, R., J.P., M.A., Torry Hill House, Milstead, Sittingbourne 1976 Leonard, Mrs. A.D., 82 Weston Road, Strood, Rochester 1969 Leonard, M.J., and Mrs., Woodlawn, Knaus Valley Road, West Kingsdown, Sevenoaks 1973 Lepper, B.F.M., Grove End, Twiss Grove, Hythe, CT21 SPA xl LIST OF MEMBERS 1948 Leslie, I.B., Phoenix House, 19 Queen's Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN4 9LL *1938 Levett, J.A., A.R.C.O., C.H.M., St. Mary's House, 30 St. Margaret's Street, Rochester 1950 Levy, Mrs. L.M., 3 The Green, Ling's Field, Kettleborough, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP13 7JY 1955 Lewis, Mrs. M., Periwick Cottage, The Street, Plaxtol, Sevenoaks, TN15 0QF 1967 Liddle, C.K., 15 Ruskin Court, Wythfield Road, London, SE9 1976 Liney, J.L., 83 Silverspot Close, Rainham, Gillingham, MES 8JT *1954 Linnington, R.E., M.A., F.S.A., Cli. vo di Cinna 204, Roma 1, 00136, Italy *1955 Lintott, Miss E.L.N., 136 Cliffe Road, Strood, Rochester 1981 Lipscomb, Dr., J.M. Cumberland Cottage, Chilham, Canterbury, CT4 4BX 1981 Little, B.A., M.Ph., 66 Cowley Road, Mortlake, London, SW14 8QB 1971 Littlejohn, N., 4 Dodd Road, Tonbridge 1971 Littlejohn, Mrs. V.P., 4 Dodd Road, Tonbridge 1983 Long, N., and Mrs., 19 Ashford Way, Hastings, E. Sussex. 1985 Longley, Mrs. C., 8 Hardy Street, Maidstone, ME14 2SH 1981 Lovering, Mrs. M., Harold Cottage, Clap Hill, Aldington, Ashford, TN25 7PG 1983 Lovett, W., and Mrs., 25 ThornhiU Avenue, Plumstead, London, SEIB 1968 Lowson, R., B.A., 144 Malden Road, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 6DS 1984 Lucas, Mrs. S.D., Pine Tree Cottage, 2 High Woods Lane, Hawkenbury, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 4TU 1966 Lundie, Miss J.G., The Bungalow, Culverstone, Meopham 1958 Lyle, L.D., M.A., 3 Queen's Avenue, Canterbury, CT2 8AY 1966 Lyne, R.M., Vagniacae, Mill Road, Ellingham, Bungay, Suffolk 1976 MacDougal, P., M.Phil., 44 Otway Street, Chatham 1985 MacNamee, Miss J.L., Langley Wood Cottage, 124 Hayes Lane, Beckenham *1983 Mackie, Mrs. F.J., 24 Knott Crescent, Willesborough, Ashford, Kent, TN24 0UF 1982 Macklin, Mrs. P.J., 22 Stoney Road, Dunkirk, Faversham 1984 Manley, Miss A.J., 21 Buckley Close, Crayford, DAI 4SQ 1975 Mannerings, Mrs. M.E., 26 Grace Avenue, Maidstone 1970 Mann, Miss S., 61 Herbert Road, Rainham, Gillingham 1971 Mansell, Miss M.H., 24 Kirkwood Avenue, Woodchurch, Ashford, Kent 1975 Mannerings, Mrs. M.E., 26 Grace Avenue, Maidstone 1963 Margary, H.H., F.S.A., Lympne Castle, Lympne 1977 Marrett, J.W., 4 Hill End, Shooter's Hill, London, SE18 3NH 1972 Marsden, T., 2B Morris Court, Orts Road, Reading, Berks 1974 Marsh, S.A., 5 Sovereign's Way, Marden, Tonbridge 1983 Marshall, A.M., and Mrs., 10 Longafel Close, Longfield, Dartford 1982 Marshall, D.M., 24 Manor Way, Barnehurst, DA7 6JL 1972 Martin, C.E.J., 131 Station Road, Ditton, Maidstone, ME20 6AZ 1974 Martin, C.M., 19 Birchwood Avenue, Sidcup, DA14 4SY 1983 Martin, Mrs. D., Walnut Tree Cross Farm, Chiddingstone Hoath, Edenbridge, TN8 7BB 1967 Martin, D., 16 Langham Road, Robertsbridge, E. Sussex 1974 Martin, D.J ., 43a Aperfield, Biggio Hill, Westerham, TN16 3LU 1981 Martin, Miss E., 75 Fulwich Road, Dartford, DAI !UN 1978 Martin, Dr. N.J., Bedewell, Link Hall Lane, Egerton, Ashford, Kent, TN27 9BG 1974 Martin, R.L., 11 Crouch Croft, New Eltham, London, SE9 1971 Mason, G.J., A.M.S.S.T., 11 Queen Edith Drive, Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 7ER 1986 Mason, J.R., 49 Whitehill Road, Gravesend, DA12 5PE xii LIST OF MEMBERS 1973 Massey, D., and Mrs., 5 The Green, Woodcburch, Ashford, Kent, TN26 3PE 1982 Masson, Mrs. G.J., 25 Suss·ex Road, Dartford 1984 Matthews, Miss P., 32 Chestnut Drive, Sturry, Cr2 0NB 1985 Mattocks, Miss D., 60 Cambridge Road, Wigmore, Gillingham, MES 0JH 1977 Maude, The Hon. H., Wingham Well House, Wingham, Canterbury, Cf3 lNW 1986 Maude, Mrs. V., Old Well Cottage, Sevenoaks Road, Ightham, TNIS 9DS 1974 Maunder, Mrs. M.A., 98 Harcourt Avenue, Sidcup, DAIS 9LN 1976 Maw, Mrs. R. 1980 McCall-Smith, Mrs. D.M., l Trafa\gar Cottager,, Chart Sutton, Maidr,tone 1976 McCluskie, J.B., and Mrs., 18 Durham Road, Wigmore, Gillingham 1983 McConnell, J.T., and Mrs., 48 Lynton Park Avenue, East Grinstead, W. Sussex 1983 McConnell, Miss N., 27 St. Matthew's Gardens, St. Leonard's-on-Sea, E. Sussex, TW38 OTT 1949 McCrerie, A., 196 Pratling Street, Aylesford, Maidstone 1981 Mccrudden, P.G., and Mrs., 13 Chervilles, Banning, Maidstone, ME6 9JE 1973 McIntosh, Miss K.H., Invergordon, Sturry, Canterbury 1969 McIntosh, Sir Ronald, K.C.B., Thatched Cottage, Parsonage Farm, Throwley, Faversham 1982 McLochlan, W., 38 Gordon Road, Whitstable, CTS 4NF 1979 McMillan, Miss A., 6 Shirley aose, Rusthall, Tunbridge Wells 1986 McNulty, Mrs. E.A., Durisdeer, Cherry Garden Lane, Wye, Ashford, Kent, TN25 SAR 1979 McQuilJan, C., The Old Laundry, Lullingstone Castle, Eynsford, Dartford, DA4 OJA 1966 Meakin, F.G., Manor House, Betsham, Southfleet, Gravesend, DA13 9LZ 1974 Meekums, M.W., 27 Eynsford Close, Pett's Wood, BRS !DP 1983 Meldrum, T.A., 79 Western Road, Deal, CT14 6PT 1972 Melhuish, Miss J.M., 58 Sherwood Way, West Wickh.am 1953 Melling, Miss E., B.A., 81a Bowermount Road, Maidstone, ME16 SAS 1983 Mercer, Miss C., 29 Channel Lea, Walmer, Deal, CT14 7UQ 1982 Mercer, S., 33 MandevilJe Road, Canterbury, Cr2 7HD 1986 Merrill, Mrs. M., White Ladies, 11 Knowlc Road, Sevenoaks 1974 Meyland-Smith, Miss L., 28 Horley Crescent, Notting Hill, London Wll 1986 Middleton, H.S., B.Sc., A.M.A., Chillington House, St. Faith's Street, Maidstone, MB14 lLH 1964 Miles, A., and Mrs., Colene, 66 Headcorn Road, Biddenden, Ashford, Kent, TN27 8JN 1984 Millard, Miss L., 64 Police Station Road, West Ma!Ung 1982 Miller, Miss C.H., 28 Westfield Road, Westbrook, Margate, CT9 SNE 1967 Miller, Mrs. N.W., Bockingford House, Loose, Maidstone 1975 Mills, R.J., 57 Homemead, Gravesend, DA12 lHQ 1984 Milner, N.P., 38 Walden Road, Chislehurst, BR7 SDL 1977 Minton, P.R., B.A., L.E.I., D.C.T., 18 Stevanne Court, 26 Lesnes Park, Belvedere, DA19 SBG 1967 Miskin, Mrs. J.H., Stillmeadow, Dover Castle Hill, Gravesend 1978 Mitchell, G., and Mrs., 42 Milestone Road, Dartford, DA2 6DX 1961 Mitchell, P.J., Woodside House, Dover Castle Hill, Gravesend, DA13 9EF 1982 Mitchell, R., and Mrs., 169 Main Road, Longfield 1985 Miyamae Koji, 5010596, 2-27-4 Futamuradai, Tokoake-Shi, Aichi-Ken, 470-11, Japan Nau 1963 Moffat, A.I., and Mrs. 34 Fawkham Avenue, New Barn, Longfield, Dartford, DA3 7HF xiii LIST OF MEMBERS 1986 Moldon, J.W., 25 Weybridge Close, Chatham, MES 8RW 1983 Monaghan, J., B.Sc., La Sousique, Sables d'Or, Grandes Rocques, Cate!, Guernsey, Channel Islands 1933 Monckton of Brenchley, Major Gen., The Viscount, C.B., O.B.E., M.C., D.L., (Past President), and The Viscountess, Runhams Farm, Runham Lane, Harrietsham, Maidstone, ME17 lNJ •1956 Money, J.H., M.A., F.S.A., Flat B, Broadwater Court, 44 Broadwater Down, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 5PB 1982 Moore, Mrs. B., 15c St. John's Road, Sevenoaks 1981 Moore, D., 130 Finchale Road, Abbey Wood, London, SE2 1981 Morement, Miss M.D., 27 Chapter Road, Strood Rochester 1972 Morgan, N.J., M.A., 32 Thornton Court, Girton, Cambridge 1964 Morland, W., 19 Hayling Grove, Leiston, Suffolk, IP16 4DO 1984 Morley, A.J., 9 Barnhill Avenue, Bromley, BR9 2DP 1974 Morris, Miss I.E., 99 Wellington Avenue, Sidcup, DAIS 9HF 1975 Mortlock, R.W., 32B St. George's Road, Gillingham 1982 Morton, D., 2 Hollow Lane, Canterbury 1965 Mould, D.E.W.C., 'Threipmuir', Fairseat Lane, Fairseat, Sevenoaks, TN15 7LP 1973 Mount, E.P., Welbeck, Bury Road, Ramsey, Cambs., PE17 lNE 1966 Moy, R.F., 37 Hyde Vale, Greenwich, London, SEl0 1981 Mummery, R.F., The Old Stables, 20 Pine Grove, Sunningdale, Knightwick, Worcs., WR6 5PP 1970 Munden, Rev. A.F., B.Th., M.Litt., Elmsted House, 39 Ashford Road, Faversham (Post to The Vicarage, Frankpledge Road, Coventry, CV3 5GT) 1980 Munn, S., 89 Woodbury Road, Walderslade, Chatham, MES 9HT 1977 Murray, D., 16 Fell Mead, East Peckham, Tonbridge 1978 Murray, Miss 0., 48 Mill Road, Deal, CT14 9AD 1971 Mussett, P., The Prior's Kitchen, The College, Durham, DHl 3EQ 1983 Nagayama, Prof. M., and Mrs., North Down, Plaxdale Green, TN15 7PB •1935 Newall, D., and Mrs., Sherbourne Close, Ipsley, Redditch, Worcs., B98 OHR 1986 Newberry, R., 3 Shenley Grove, Tyland Lane, Sandling, Maidstone, ME14 3BP 1971 Newman, J.A., and Mrs., 37 Lambardes, New Ash Green, Dartford 1983 Newman, M.A., 42 Letchworth Drive, Bromley, BR2 9BE 1972 Newnham, E.G., 80 Adelaide Drive, Sittingbourne 1972 Newnham, K.G., 29 Oatfield Drive, Cranbrook, TN17 3NG 1m Newnham, Miss M.C., 29 Oatfield Drive, Cranbrook, TN17 3NG 1980 Newton, Mrs. M., 10 Orchard Way, Wilmington, Dartford, DA2 7ER *1984 Nichols, M.F., 6 Meadowview Road, Bexley, DAS lHP 1964 Nicholson, N., F.S.A., Sissinghurst Castle, Sissinghurst 1979 Nickless, C.J., St. Margaret's House, St. Margaret's Street, Rochester 1944 Nightingale, M.D., O.B.E., B.Litt., F.S.A., Wormshill Court, Sittingbourne 1981 Noble, J.D.C., Woodgate, Addington, Maidstone, ME19 5DT 1954 Nol\1-Hume, I., F.S.A., P.O. Box 1711, Williamsburg, Virginia, U.S.A. 1961 Norris, R., B.A., L.E.I.D.C.T., A.C.C.Ed., A.C.P., 7 Ethelbert Road, Rochester, MEI 3EU 1982 Northbourne, The Lord, Northbourne Court, Deal 1970 Nunns, B.N., 115 Sandown Road, Deal, CT14 6NY 1962 Oakley, Miss A.M., 3 The Forrens, The Precincts, Canterbury *1956 Ocock, M.A., and Mrs., 2 Woodley Road, Orpington, BR6 9BN xliii LIST OF MEMBERS 1983 O'Donel, F.M., M.C., and Mrs., Priorshaven, 171 Woodford Avenue, Ilford, Essex, IG4 5LQ 1983 O'Donel, R., and Mrs., 27 Fitzwilliam Road, Great Horkesley, Colchester, Essex, CO3 3RZ 1978 Ogilvie, D.J.R., M.A., Apt. 3F, 60 Remsen St., Brooklyn, New York, 11021 U.S.A. 1957 Ogilvie, Dr. J.D., F.S.A., and Mrs., 23 Guilton Road, Ash, Canterbury, CT3 2HL 1977 O'Grady, Sister M.M., La Sainte Union Convent, Avenue Road, Herne Bay 1978 Oldham, Major B.J., M.B.E., R.A.O.C., Institute of Archaeology, 31-34 Gordon Square, London, WClH OPY *1960 Oldham, P.E., M.A., 15 Hermitage Lane, Barming, Maidstone *1975 Oliver, J., Send Court Farm, Send, Woking, Surrey 1975 Osborne, A.W., 49 Owenite Street, London, SE2 0NQ 1982 O'Sullivan, J., 74 Westend, Kemsing, Sevenoaks 1980 Owen, Mrs. C., 60 Oakfield Lane, Wilmington, Dartford, DAl 2SY 1981 Owen, J., B.A., Monks Mead, Throwley 1976 Owen, Rev. L.E.J., Greenbayes, London Road, Hythe, CT21 4JH 1957 Oxendale, Mrs. T.W., Crow Place, Sutton Valence, Maidstone, ME17 3RA 1982 Oxley, Miss F.I., 48 Beverley Avenue, Sidcup, DA15 SHE 1964 Page, T.F., 31 High Street, Newington, Sittingbourne 1957 Page, W.F., 16 Forest Ridge, Beckenham 1983 Pain, J.C., 36 Ringshall Road, St. Paul's Cray 1983 Paine, D.J., Westcroft, 278 Sleaford Road, Boston, Lines., PEl 2PG *1964 Paine, E.C., 16 Grafton Avenue, Rochester 1980 Paine, J., B.Sc., A.R.C.S., A.I.C.T.A., Peen Barn, East Sutton, Maidstone, ME17 4DS 1959 Painter, H.L., 4 Church Leys Avenue, Rearsby, Leics. 1980 Palmer, F.G.W., Llanberis, 70 Lyndhurst Avenue, Rainham 1974 Palmer, J., J.P., C.C., Pear Tree Cottage, North Elham, Canterbury 1973 Panton, F.H., M.B.E., Ph.D., 1 St. Peter's Lane, Canterbury 1967 Parfitt, J.H., 63 Schubert Road, Putney Road, Putney, London, SW15 2QT 1981 Parfitt, K., B.A., 78 Archers Court, Whitfield, Dover 1977 Parker, Or. E.A., and Mrs., 75 Wbitstable Road, Canterbury 1985 Parker, S.G., 18 Goddington Lane, Orpington, BR6 4DS 1960 Parkin, E.W., 25 Coventry Gardens, Beltinge, Herne Bay, CT6 6SD 1953 Parsons, A.J.J., Longport House, The Longport, Canterbury, CT1 lPE 1975 Paveley, A.W., 135 Lower Camden, Chislehurst, BR7 SJO 1980 Pearce, Mrs. J., 13 Casstine Close, Hextable, Swanley, BRS 7LZ 1976 Pearce, P.D., 64 Foyle Road, Blackheath, London, SE3 7RH 1970 Pearce, P.H., Gorse View, Oxted Green, Milford, Godalming, Surrey 1958 Pearson, Mrs. E.M., 34 Well Road, Otford, Sevenoaks 1972 Peckett, Mrs. A., 23 Yantlet Drive, Knights Place, Strood, ME2 2TH 1983 Penfold, M.A.G., and Mrs., Crowhurst Farm House, Crowhurst Lane, Kingsdown, Sevenoaks 1987 Penfold, O.A.I., 52 Tadburn Green, Lordswood, Chatham 1984 Penman, Mrs. B.J., Stable End, Oak House Farm, Four Elms, Edenbridge, TN8 6PL 1949 Pennells, R.L., 'Nevis', Theobalds, Hawkhurst 1954 Percival, A.J., M.B.E., B.A., F.S.A., 22 Stone Street, Faversham, ME13 BPU 1976 Perkins, D.R.J., 12 Star Lane, Westwood, Margate 1973 Perkins, J.A., 17 Brome Road, London, SE9 lLD 1983 Perkinson, H., and Mrs., do North Down, Plaxdale Green, TN15 7PB xliv LIST OF MEMBERS 1978 Peters, K., 8 King's Road, Biggin Hill, Westerham, TN16 3XV 1966 Peters, M.H., 10 Gore Court Road, Sittingbourne, ME10 ION 1983 Phelps, G., and Mrs., 32 Park Road, Dartford, DAl !SY 1976 Phillips, D.C., 55 Beechwood Avenue, Farnborough, Kent 1983 Phillips, L.M., llB Station Road, Orpington 1980 Phillips, Prof. N.C., and Mrs., Tyle House, Hackington Road, Tyler Hill, Canterbury, CT2 9NF 01969 Phillips, Major S.E.L., M.A., F.S.G., Upper Freedown, St. Margaret's at Cliffe, Dover 1984 Phillipson, M.G.A., 76 Ballens Road, Walderslade, Chatham, MES 8PD 1979 Phillpot, Miss S., B.A., The Barn, New Road, Cranbrook 1983 Philp, B.G., and Mrs., 242 Langley Way, West Wickham 1954 Philp, B.J., F.S.A., and Mrs., 5 Harvest Bank Road, West Wickham 1978 Physick, J., F.S.A., 49 New Road, Meopham, Gravesend 1978 Pitcairn Knowles, R., and Mrs., Timbers, Greenhill Road, Otford, Sevenoaks 1956 Pitcher, F.A., 22 Mounthurst Road, Hayes, Kent 1977 Pitson, Mrs. W.J., 37 Stone Street, Tunbridge Wells, TNl 2QU 1983 Pittman, Mrs. S., 27 Old Chapel Road, Crockenhill, Swanley, BR8 8LL 1964 Pitts, Miss S.D., Flat 5, 21 Broadwater Down, Tunbridge Wells 1966 Plummer, L.A.D., B.A., F.R.I.B.A., F.R.T.P.I., 1 The Orchards, Mill Road, Winchelsea, E. Sussex 1979 Pollard, R.J., B.A., Ph.D., Leicester Museums Services Annexe, 116 Humberstone Drive, Leicester, LES ORD 1961 Pollock, K.A., F.C.A., and Mrs., The Malt House, Upper Street, Hollingbourne, Maidstone 1974 Pond, J.B., and Mrs., 10 Granville Road, Walmer, Deal 1986 Poole, Miss Amanda, 8 Hurstfield Crescent, Hayes Middx. 1986 Poole, Miss Anna, 8 Hurstfield Crescent, Hayes, Middx. 1983 Poole, J.C., and Mrs., 8 Hurstfield Crescent, Hayes, Middx. 1982 Poole, Dr. R.E.A., and Mrs., 239 Old Dover Road, Canterbury, CTl 3ES 1985 Porter, B.E., Merville, Allan Road, Seasalter, CTS 4AH 1973 Porteus, L.G.H., 8 Greenacre, Oakfield, Lane, Dartford, DAI 2SP *1949 Powell Cotton, C., Quex Park, Birchington 1984 Prestage, D., 47 Knighton Road, Otford, TN14 SLD 1982 Priestley, Mrs. M., Rosebank, Town Hill, Lingfield, Surrey, SH7 6AE 1983 Pring, T.W., and Mrs., 4 Hill Crescent, Bexley, DAS 2D8 1948 Proudfoot, W.F., Pollards House, Limpsfield, Oxted, Surrey RH8 0QX 1977 Pryke, J.D., 4 Park Avenue, Hildenborough, Tonbridge 1982 Pugh, W.J.D., and Mrs., 46 Iden Road, Frindsbury Extra, Rochester 1970 Puryear, Miss P.A., 708 Holland Street, Navasota, Texas, 77868, U.S.A. 1969 Pyke, J.A., Pound Hill, Chart Lane, Brasted Chart, Westerham, TN16 lLR 1984 Pyne, Miss D.I., 36 Hurstwood Avenue, Barnehurst, DA7 6SQ 1984 Rabbitt, Mrs. P.A., Hoppers Cottage, Mile Oak, Paddock Wood, Tonbridge, TN12 6NF 1955 Ralph, K.J., 5 Boulthurst Way, Oxted, Surrey 1979 Ralph, K.O., 5 Randalls Row, High Banks, Loose, Maidstone 1963 Randall, S.J.C., Crawfords, 33A Garden Road, Sundridge Park, Bromley, BR1 3LU 1985 Randolf, M., and Mrs., The Cloth Hall, Smarden, TN27 8QB 1981 Ratcliffe, N.W., 43 Blythe Road, Maidstone, MEIS 7TS 1974 Raven, R.M., 24 Oakwood Avenue, West Mersea, Colchester, Essex 1977 Reckless, N.J., and Mrs., Walsingham House, The College, The King's School, Ely, Cambs. xiv LIST OF MEMBERS 1972 Redfern, E.H., 'Perrydene', Pear Tree Lane, Shorne, Gravesend, DA12 3JS 1956 Reed, W.J., 48 Dumpton Park Drive, Broadstairs 1970 Reeves, G.L., 7 Stratford Crescent, Cringleford, Norwich, Norfolk 1974 Rendel, Mrs. M.E., Shirley, Woodchurch, Ashford, Kent 1970 Rice, A.T., Eastwood Cottage, Rogers Wood Lane, Fawkham, Dartford 1965 Ridgers, A.W.M., 9 Vicarage Drive, NorthHeet, Gravesend, DAll 9HA 1973 Ridsdill Smith, Or. R.M., 241 Woodlands Road, Aylesford, Maidstone, ME20 7QF 1975 Riezebos, Dr. G., 26 Oxenturn Road, Wye, Ashford, Kent 1985 Ripper, Ms. S., 121 Old Dover Road, Blackheath, London SE3 1985 Roberts, M., Niorlion, 85a Bennells Avenue, Whitstable, CT5 2HR 1970 Robertson, D.J., 441 Loose Road, Maidstone 1972 Robertson, R.J., 441 Loose Road, Maidstone 1980 Robinson, E.A., and Mrs., 6 Square Hill Road, Maidstone, MEIS 7TL 1984 Robinson, R., and Mrs. 1976 Robson, Mrs. B.E., 56 St. Philip's Avenue, Maidstone 1969 Rodwell, W.J., M.A., D.Phil., D.L.C., F.S.A., The Old Vicarage, Stockhill Road, Downside, Chilcompton, Som., BA3 4JQ *1972 Rogers, Miss J.M., 200 Boxley Road, Maidstone 1985 Rogers, N.J., 110 Sidcup Hill, Sidcup, DA14 6JE 1973 Rogers, Mrs. P.G., 13 Lynwood Grove, Orpington 1983 Rolinson R., and Mrs., 28 Coronation Avenue, Mossman 2288, N.S.W., Australia 1970 Roome, Miss K.M., LL.B., 26 Bradboume Road, Bexley 1929 Roper, Miss A., M.B.E., J.P., M.A., F.S.A., Flag Cottage, Littlestone, New Romney, TN28 8RB 1983 Roper, G., and Mrs., 37 St. Leonard's Drive, Wollaton, Nottingham, NG8 2BB 1982 Ross, Miss C., 135 Hendon Way, London, NW2 2NA 1967 Ross, Miss C.R., Quinta da Rosa, 14 Hillside, Farningham 1984 Ross, D., 135 Hendon Way, London NW2 2NA 1982 Ross, Miss F., 135 Hendon Way, London, NW2 2NA 1982 Ross, Dr. S.D., and Mrs., 135 Hendon Way, London, NW2 2NA 1986 Rosseter, J.B., 2 Burch Avenue, Sandwich, CT13 0AX 1976 Rothman, W.T., Ch.M.B., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., Littlewood, Woodland Rise, Sevenoaks 1976 Rouch, D., 11 Cowdray Close, Borstal, Rochester 1984 Round, A.A., B.Sc., F.S.A., 85 West Street, Corfe Castle, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 6HB 1984 Rowan-Robinson, S., 57 Hillshaw Crescent, Strood, Rochester 1974 Royall, P.D., 18 Firs Close, Aylesford, Maidstone, ME20 7LH 1983 Rudd, D.T., Crown Post Cottage, 16 Keycol Hill, Bobbing, Sittingbourne, ME9 8ND 1973 Ruderman, A.W., 8 Vicarage Road, Sandgate, Folkestone, CT20 3AA 1971 Ruffell, Dr. J., 'Three Oaks', 232 Edwin Road, Rainham, MES OJL 1957 Ruglys, Miss M., Forge House, 82 High Street, Charing, Ashford, Kent 1948 Ruglys, P., 14 St. John's Road, East Oakley, Basingstoke, Hants. 1984 Rutnam, P., 50 Petts Wood Road, Petts Wood, BR5 lLD 1975 Ryan, P.B., and Mrs., Fleetmarsh, Hart Hill, Charing, Ashford, Kent 1986 Safe, Mrs. W.A., 9 Finlay Close, Faversham, ME13 7SH 1974 St. John Cooke, A.J., 1 Hoo Common, Hoo, Rochester 1985 Salaman, J.C., and Mrs., The Old Farmhouse, Bullingstone Lane, Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells *1974 Sandell, R., 6 Westcroft Square, London, W6 OTB xlvi LIST OF MEMBERS 1986 Sanders, J.E. 13 Rowley Avenue, Sidcup, DA15 9LA 1974 Sargent, T.E.M., B.A., 158 Spur Road, Orpington 1982 Satterwaite, Mrs. V.E., 170 Crofton Lane, Orpington 1981 Satin, D.L., Torpel, Teynham Street, Sittingbourne, ME9 9JW 1986 Saunders, J.E., 13 Rowley Avenue, Sidcup, DA15 9LA 1984 Savage, A.J., 5 Beckett Avenue, Canterbury, CT2 8JN 1980 Sawyer, Mrs. P. W., 12 Beech Grove, Higham, Rochester, ME3 78B 1961 Sayers, Dr J.E., M.A., B.Litt., Ph.D., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S., School of Library, Archives and Information Studies, University College, Gower Street, London, WClE 6BT 1969 Saynor, Mrs. J.M., M.A., Friars, 28 High Street, Shoreham, Sevenoaks, TN14 7TD 1981 Schofield, Dr A.M. Flat 3, Broadfield Road, Folkestone, CI'20 2JT 1969 Scott, A.G., 36 Clinton Crescent, St. Leonard's on Sea, E. Sussex •1933 Scott, F.R.A., 8 Park Crescent, Chatham 1973 Scott, Mrs. J.V., 'Floreat', Cavanagh Road, St. Margaret's Bay, Dover, CT15 6DN 1979 Scrivener, F., 34 Hillside Avenue, Canterbury, CT12 8EZ 1964 Scurrell, D.G., 2 Sussex Avenue, Margate 1983 Seagar-Smith, Miss R.N.S., Gloucester House, Doddington, Sittingbourne 1973 Sealey, P.R., 59 Maidenborough Street, Colchester, Essex, CCI lVB 1971 Secker, R.J., 47 Dolphins Road, Folkestone 1980 Semple, Mrs. J.L., Periwick Place, The Street, Plaxtol, Sevenoaks 1973 Sephton, J.H., 496 Station Road, Aylesford, Maidstone, MEZO 7QR 1974 Seton Anderson, B., F.S.A.Scot., and Mrs., Wedhampton, Wellington Parade, Walmer, CT14 SAO 1983 Sharman, Miss G., Beilie Glas, 21 Coxes Avenue, Ramsgate 1938 Sharp, Miss M.M., The Highlands, Station Road, Hythe 1975 Shave, Mrs., H.J., 35 Masefield View, Orpington, BR6 8PH 1984 Shedden, Miss K., 9 Jubilee Court, Springvale, Dartford 1985 Sheffield, M. 1975 Sheldon, W.F., 12 Ashdown Close, Oakwood Road, Maidstone 1958 Shepherd, D., 28 Pembroke Road, Sevenoaks 1976 Sheppard, L.J., and Mrs., Carr's Cottage, Wellgreen Lane, Kingston, Lewes, E. Sussex, BN7 3NR 1981 Sherratt, R., Garden Cottage, 43 Pilgrims' Way, Kemsing, Sevenoaks, TN15 6TB 1968 Simmons, C.G.W., 67 Hayes Wood Avenue, Hayes, Bromley, BR2 7BQ 1985 Simmons, Mrs. Z., 3 Churchfields, Snodland, HE6 4AR 1983 Simpson, E., and Mrs., c/o 27 Gordon Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 1948 Sinclair, Miss T., 11 Birkdale Drive, Folkestone 1970 Sizer, K.W., 41 The Mead, Beckenham, BR3 2PF 1987 Slade, B.S., Santa Maria, 8 Queen's Road, Minster, Isle of Sheppey, ME12 2HD 1985 Sloan, D.T.R., and Mrs., Bramble Farm House, Bramble Lane, Ashford, TN25 SEE 1973 Smallwood, P.J.C., The Old Rectory, Stanford, Ashford, Kent 1983 Smart, J.M., and Mrs., 162A Folkestone Road, Dover, CT19 6A Y 1984 Smith, A., 38 Hanmore Road, Sheffield, Yorks., SlO 3BG 1984 Smith, A.J., and Mrs., 17 Pinewood Road, Abbey Wood, London, SE2 ORY 1982 Smith, A.K., 14 Francis Road, Dartford, DAI SAR 1958 Smith, Miss C., 9 Castle Avenue, Hythe 1980 Smith, Mrs. D.M., 1 Trafalgar Cottages, Chart Sutton, Maidstone 1980 Smith, E.E., Wendanton, 28 Grenham Bay Avenue, Birchington, CT7 9NW xlvii LIST OF MEMBERS 1986 Smith, E.E.F., 20 Southwood Road, Tankerton, Whitstable, CT5 2PN 1979 Smith, Mrs. G.J.A., Spinney Cottage, Shoreham, Sevenoaks 1984 Smith, G., and Mrs., 37 Hartington Street, Chatham, ME4 5PE 1950 Smith, L.A., and Mrs., East Cliffe Cottage, East Cliffe Parade, Herne Bay 1986 Smith, S.G., B.A., A.G.R.A., 59 Friar Road, Orpington, BR5 2BN 1986 Smith, T., and Mrs., Yantwell, Nurstead Avenue, New Barn, Longfield 1982 Smith, T.P., The School Flat, Grammar School, West Hill, Dartford, DAI 2HW 1975 Smith, Mrs. V., and Mr., 19 Shrubbery Road, Gravesend 1965 Smith, V.T.C., B.A., 65 Stonebridge Road, Northfleet, Gravesend 1972 Smythe, J.D. 1982 Snashell, Miss N., The Hallands, Albion Road, Marden, Tonbridge 1982 Snowball, A., 57 Hardy Street, Maidstone, ME14 2SJ 1976 Southern, S.A., 41 Broomfield Road, Herne, CT6 7AB 1982 Spain, C., Old Harbourland, Boxley, Maidstone, ME14 3DN 1980 Spain, D.J., Old Harbourland, Boxley, Maidstone, ME14 30N *1968 Spain, R.J., C.Eng., M.I.Mech.E., and Mrs., Old Harbourland, Boxley, Maidstone, ME14 3DN 1978 Sparham, J.M., 46 Haig Ave., Rochester 1986 Sparkes, M., Flat 7, 134 Maidstone Road, Chatham, ME4 6DX 1973 Sparks, Mrs. M.J., 14 Longport, Canterbury 1952 Spears, Miss K.E., 8 Early Road, Witney, Oxon., OX8 6EN 1982 Spurr, E.G., 9 Colets Orchard, Otford, Sevenoaks 1961 Stainton, Sir Anthony, K.C.B., Q.C., Chance Mead, Seal, Sevenoaks *1967 Standen, M.H.L., M.A., C.Eng., M.I.E.E., Landends, Watermillock, Penrith, Cumbria 1986 Stanford, Miss A.D.L., Mill House, Claygate, Marden, TN12 9PE 1983 Stead, Mrs. E.P., 5 Heather Close, Coventry Street, Southam, Leamington Spa, Warks., CV33 OER 1975 Steed, N.H., M.B.E., J.P., and Mrs., Teedleham Farm, Grove, Canterbury, CT3 4BH 1984 Stephenson, Miss A., Patches, Gorsewood Road, Hartley, DA3 7PE 1984 Stephenson, Dr. B., and Mrs., Patches, Gorsewood Road, Hartley, DA3 7PE 1984 Stephenson, Miss H., Patches, Gorsewood Road, Hartley, DA3 7PE 1952 Stephenson, Mrs. M.E., Grenna, Chapel Row, Ightham, Sevenoaks 1966 Stevenson, Mrs. M.J., B.A., B.Phil., 118 Twydall Lane, Gillingham 1982 Steward, Miss L.A., 34 Gordon Road, Westwood, Margate 1974 Stewart, M.N., B.Ed., 13 Upland Road, Bexleyheath 1971 Stibbs, R.G., Oakwood, 1 Third Avenue, Denvilles, Havant, Hants. P09 2QR 1985 Still, M.C.W., 4 Winifred Road, Dartford, DAI 3BL 1957 Stirk, A.G., 15 North Road, Hythe, CT21 5DS 1974 Stocker, G.B., 'Glencairn', Green Lane, Whitfield, Dover. CT16 3ER 1979 Stocker, M., A.R.I.B.A., and Mrs., 23 Knole Way, Sevenoaks, TN13 3RS 1984 Stokes, H.M., and Mrs., Willow Cottage, Biddenden, Ashford, kent 1985 Stone, M.J., B.A., Flat 3, 44 Norfolk Road, Seven Kings, Ilford, Essex 1932 Stone, R.C., B.A., Franfield, Sutton Valence 1975 Storer, I.R:, Marshall Spot, St. Mary's Road, St. Mary-in-the-Marsh, Romney Marsh 1983 Storey, E., and Mrs., 62 Oakfield Park Road, Wilmington, Dartford 1979 Stow, Mrs. S.G., 132a Oxford Road, Littlemore,.0xford, OX4 4QP 1955 Stoyel, A.O., and Mrs., 52 Tudor Drive, Otford, Sevenoaks, TN14 5QR 1955 Stoyel, B.D., 4, The Ferns, Tunbridge Wells, TNl 2JT 1963 Strange, Mrs. G.M., 5656 Rolling Ridge Road, Indianapolis 20, Indiana, 46220, U.S.A. xlviii LIST OF MEMBERS 1972 Streeten, A.D.F., 77 Millwood End, Long Hanborough, Oxon., OX7 2BP 1985 Streetley, W., and Mrs., 185 Earlsfield Road, London SW18 3DD 1961 Strudwick, Mrs. E., M.A., The Moat, Moat Lane, Cowden, Edenbridge 1974 Stuart Fisher, C.E., Bogle, Lynsted, Sittingbourne 1985 Stutchbury, P., and Mrs., Lympne Hall, Lympne 1983 Sutton, J., and Mrs., Stanmore, Church Lane, Westfield, Hastings, E. Sussex 1979 Sutton, R.E., 16 Micheldever, Lee, London SEIZ 8LX 1955 Swanton, Professor M.J., B.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S., The Queen's Building, University of Exeter, Exeter, Devon 1974 Sweeney B., 2 Oakfield Park Road, Wilmington, Dartford, DAI 2ST 1978 Swift, J., 4 Doorne Cottages, Egerton 1986 Tann, P., Town Place, Belmont, Faversham, ME13 0HE 1983 Tanner, G.W., Dip.Arch., F.C.1.1., 81 Birchtree Avenue, West Wickham, BR4 9EA 1976 Tapp, A.R., Wade House, St. Nicholas at Wade, Birchington, CT7 OND 1978 Tapp, J.R.S., Ambry Court, Stuart Lane, St. Nicholas-at-Wade, Birchington 1976 Tappin, Mrs. P., 32 Kingsway, Chatham, MES 7HS 1974 Tate, R.L.C., Snowfield Cottage, The Green, Bearsted, Maidstone 1949 Tatham, F.H.C., 27 Montacute Road, Lewes, E. Sussex 1976 Tatton-Brown, T.W.T., 7 Orchard Street, Canterbury, CT2 SAP 1968 Taylor, J.A., M.A., 237 Upton Road South, Bexley, DAS IOU 1979 Taylor, J.C., B.A., 14 Barkby Road, Quenborough, Leics., LE7 8FD 1983 Taylor, Mrs. M., 13 Somner Close, Canterbury 1984 Taylor, M.G., and Mrs., Anderida, 53 Birling Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 5LE 1980 Taylor, Miss S., 46 Essex Road, Halling, Rochester, ME2 !AV 1968 Taylor, S.E., M.A., Dormansview, Blackberry Road, Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6NQ 1958 Teague, G.W., B.Sc., Woodgarth, Highcotc Lane, Slackhead, Milnthorpe, Canada 1973 Tebby, Miss S.J., B.A., Ph.D., The Old School Mill Road, Ullesthorpe, Lutterworth, Leics., LE17 SDE 1983 Tennick, M.J., The King's School, Canterbury, CTJ 2ES 1979 Terry, B.W., and Mrs., 389 Sutton Road, Maidstone 1962 Terry, C., Turners' Charles Hill, Tilford, Surrey •1948 Tester, P.J., F.S.A., and Mrs., 2 Willow Close, Bexley, DAS lQY 1961 Tew, R.P., 4 Church Walk, East Malling, Maidstone 1960 Thirsk, Mrs. J., B.A., Ph.D., 1 Hadlow Castle, Hadlow, Tonbridge, TNl I 0EG 1961 Thomas, B.G., 233 Loose Road, Maidstone, ME15 ?DR 1985 Thomas, Dr. G.E., I Weald Close, Gravel Road, Bromley, BR2 8PD 1969 Thompson, Mrs. A., Brattle Farm, Staplehurst, Tonbridge 1983 Thompson, Dr. I., 7 Holme Way, Stanmore, Middx., HA7 3RE 1937 Thompson, Miss V.G., Russet, 2 Broak Oak, Brenchley, Tonbridge, TN12 7NN 1973 Thomson, D., Raybourne House, lslip, Oxon. 1986 Thorne, Miss H., 24 Peartree Lane, Loose, Maidstone, MEIS 9QY 1967 Thornewell, D., 74 Marlow Road, Larkfield, Maidstone 1970 Thornhill, P., B.A., 30 King Arthur's Drive, Strood, Rochester I 981 Thrupp, Miss R.H., 7 Mill Lane, St. Radigund's, Canterbury, CTI 2A W 1961 Tilley, E.W., 55 Pine Avenue, Gravesend 1978 Tippett, M.E., and Mrs., 65 Whistler Road, Tonbridge, TNJO 4RF 1983 Tilford, A.R., B.Sc., Pilgrim, School Lane, West Horsley, Surrey, KT24 6BA 1978 Titmarsh, B.W., 22 Vanessa Way, Bexley, DAS 2JS xlix LIST OF MEMBERS 1986 Tobias, Miss E., 22 Southview Road, Wilmington, DA2 7BL 1983 Tollfree, R.P., 69 Kingswood Avenue, Shortlands, Bromley, BR2 0NR 1965 Tolmie, B.E.A., Knoll House, Craybume, Betsham, Gravesend, DA3 9PD *1970 Tomaszewski, J., 33 Windy Ridge, Gillingham 1977 Tomaszewski, N.E., 62 Sherwood Drive, Whitstable, CTS 4PH 1985 Thompsett, Miss N., 15 Stour Close, Strood, Rochester, ME2 3JK 1937 Tomsett, W., 315 Hythe Road, Willesborough 1979 Toothill, Mrs. B.P., 84 Hillcrest Road, Orpington 1949 Toy, P.H., F.R.I.C.S., Old House Mead, Mill Lane, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, TNl 1 9LX 1978 Treveil, G.R., 26 Teesdale Road, Dartford 1986 Trippett, N.A., 70 The Drive, Tonbridge, TN19 2LR 1984 Trott, M.E., 26 Laverton Gate, Broome Manor, Swindon, Wilts. 1984 Tucker, S., Laburnum Cottage, Dunks Green, Tonbridge, TNll 9SE 1976 Tullett, A.F., do Wildernesse School, Seal Hollow Road, Sevenoaks, TNt lSL 1982 Tully, S.F., 28 Anerley Close, Allington, Maidstone ME16 ORR 1974 Turley, F., The Flat, 98 Watergate Street, Chester 1986 Turner, Mrs. E., M.A., 40 La Providence, Rochester, MEl lNB 1955 Twyman, A., and Mrs., Rigdens, 10 Strand Street, Sandwich, CT13 9DX 1983 Tyler, Mrs. S., 9 Leonard Way, Brentford, Essex, CM14 2PD 1986 Tyson, Miss R.C., Headmaster's House, St. Edmund's School, Canterbury 1976 Vallis, E.A., and Mrs., 66 Burgate, Canterbury 1984 Van Loo, G.H., M.Sc.(Econ.), F.R.S.A., 4 Yew Tree Gardens,, Fordwich, Canterbury, CT2 0DQ 1967 Venner, D.G., The Red House, Tanyard Hill, Shorne, Gravesend 1974 Vickers, J., 9 Netherton Grove, London, SWtO 1985 Villettre, J.L., 47 Glycena Road, London, SWll STP 1982 Vinten, D.P., and Mrs., 2 Hollow Mead, Hollow Lane, Canterbury 1983 Vinten, G., and Mrs., The Willows, Tyler Hill, Canterbury 1982 Voelcker, Mrs. A., A.A.Dip., R.I.B.A., 15 High Street, Bridge, Canterbury, CT4 SJY 1984 Vollans, Miss E.C., Flat 5, Hill Court, 16 Parliament Hill, London, N'w3 21T 1956 Wacher, Professor J.S., B.Sc., F.S.A., 29 Bell Lane, Husbands Bosworth, Leicester 1984 Wade, Mrs. J., Lords, Sheldwich, Faversham 1983 Wadhams, G., and Mrs., The Manse, Lane End, Dartford 1983 Wagar, Mrs. J., Cedar Cottage, Clap Hill, Aldington, Ashford, Kent 1982 Waite, Miss H.M., Selva, St. Paul's Wood Hill, Orpington, BRS 2SR 1985 Waldron, Dr. M., and Mrs., 27 Gordon Road, Toronto, Ontario, M2P lEK, Canada 1946 Walker, A.T., 32 Femdale Close, Birchington, CT7 ODB 1976 Walker, D.A.C., Leesdown, High Street, Yalding, Tonbridge 1984 Walker, Miss E.G., Oakridge Barn, Maidstone Road, Marden, Tonbridge, TN12 9AG •1975 Walker, J.W., M.A., Mill House, Deans Hill, Bredgar, Sittingbourne 1982 Wall, F.J., 2 Cannon Road, Ramsgate, CTtl 9SE 1977 Wallbridge, R.E., 24 Locksley Close, Walderslade, Chatham, MES 9BT 1985 Wallis, A.D., 4 Hyperion Drive, Strood, Rochester 1964 Walsh, R.M., and Mrs., Brilley Bank, Labour-in-Vain Road, Wrotham 1975 Ward, A., 72 Salisbury Avenue, Rainham, Gillingham, ME8 0BL 1985 Ward, A.H., University Centre at Tonbridge, Avebury Avenue, Tonbridge LIST OF MEMBERS 1966 Ward, C.P., and Mrs., 7 Common Wood Rise, Crowborough, E. Sussex, TN6 2UR 1983 Ward, G.G.F., and Mrs., 11 Belmont Road, Twickenham, Middx. 1980 Ward, G.S., Thymebank, Coombe Road, Otford, Sevenoaks 1980 Ward, Miss H.B., Thymebank, Coombe Road, Otford, Sevenoaks 1982 Ward, Mrs. I., Thymebank, Coombe Road, Otford 1984 Watkins, G.C., Courtlands, 8 Gore Court Road, Sittingboume, MElO lQN 1962 Webb, C., Merton Lodge, 56 Salterton Road, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 2EN 1959 Webber, E.C., 58 Woodland Way, Bidborough, Tunbridge Wells 1980 Webster, Miss A., 2 Valley Cottages, Green Street Green Road, Darenth 1966 Webster, A.B., M.A., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S., 5 The Terrace, St. Stephen's, Canterbury 1971 Webster, A.G., F.C.A., (Hon. Treasurer), 48 St. Martin's Hill, Canterbury 1983 Webster, C., and Mrs., 2 Valley Cottages, Green Street Green Road, Darenth 1980 Webster, J.S.M., and Mrs., 2 Valley Cottages, Green Street Green Road, Darenth 1982 Webster, P.V., Dept. of Extra Mural Studies, 38 Park Place, Cardiff, CFl 3BB 1985 Weeks, R.C., B.A., M.A., 387 Sutton Road, Maidstone, ME15 9BU 1974 Welby, D.E., 2 The Ridgeway, River, Dover 1973 Welland, L.G., 4 Albert Terrace, Chequers, Eastchurch, Sheppey, ME12 4HY 1976 Wells, W.A.A., Mere House, Mereworth, Maidstone 1985 Weston, F.T., Ghulshan, 31 Selwyn Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, 816 0SJ 1970 Whale, P.J., F.S.A.Scot., 35 Melrose Crescent, Orpington, BR6 9NT 1982 Whorlow, P., and Mrs., 57 Hartford Road, Bexley, DAS INL 1984 Wheaten, A., and Mrs., 19 Castle Road, Whitstable 1984 Wheeler, R.C., and Mrs., 3 Woodhurst Close, Cuxton, Rochester, ME2 ILU 1981 White, C.A.M., Ford House, 48 Brownston Street, Modbury, Ivybridge, Devon, PLl 0RQ 1947 White, H.R.C., Spicer's Farm, Etchinghill, Folkestone 1970 White, R.J. 1982 Whiteside, P., 40 Meadow Wey, Leighton Buzzard, Beds., LU7 8XT 1984 Whittington, D.F., Heathfield Hall, Rotherfield, E. Sussex 1976 Whittaker, R.J., 57 Mungo Park Way, Orpington 1980 Whyman, Mrs. A.I., 36 Salisbury Road, Tonbridge, TNIO 4PB 1968 Whyman,.J., B.Sc.(Econ.), Ph.D., A.I.P.M., Rutherford College, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NX 1974 Wickenden, N.P., 3 East Bay, Colchester, Essex, COI 2UG *1958 Wickham, D.E., M.A., 116 Parsonage Manorway, Belvedere •1949 Wigan, Rev. Canon, B.J., 119 Western Road, Hurstpierpoint, W. Sussex, BN6 9SY *1976 Wigan, Mrs. M., 119 Western Road, Hurstpierpoint, W. Sussex, BN6 9SY 1982 Wild, A.E.A., Dip. Arch., R.I.B.A., 85 Maxwell Gardens, Orpington, BR6 9QT 1986 Wilkinson, P., Applins, 29 Salts Avenue, Loose, Maidstone, MEIS 0AZ 1970 Wilkinson, P.M., West Sussex Record Office, County Hall, Chichester, W. Sussex *1969 Williams, C.L.S., I.S.O., The Old Vicarage, The Green, Puddletown, Dorset 1970 Williams, G.J ., 39 Orchard Field, Bethersden, Ashford, Kent 1976 Williams, J.R., 236 London Road, Dover, CT17 OTA 1974 Williams, K., 89 Aldeney Street, London, SWIV 4HF 1983 Williams, W., and Mrs., 27 Gordon Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Wilson, J., 2 Larch Crescent, Doune, Perthshire, FK16 6JA 1982 Wilson, Miss L., 10 White Court, Gough Road, Sandgate, Folkestone 1972 Winch, M.B., Boughton Monchelsea Place, Maidstone Ii LIST OF MEMBERS 1969 Winnifrith, Sir John, K.C.B., Hallhouse Farm, Appledore, Ashford, Kent 1977 Winser, Miss A.J., 25 Godstone Road, St. Margaret's, East Twickenham, Middx., TWl lJY 1983 Winter, P., 99 Ravensboume Avenue, Bromley, BR2 0AY 1971 Winzar, G.J.W., and Mrs., Iona, Charing Hill, Ashford, Kent, TN27 0NL 1984 Wirth, J.P., Woodside, 17 Garth Road, Sevenoaks, TNI IRT 1980 Witney, K.P., and Mrs., 1 Loampits Close, Tonbridge, TN9 IPX 1976 Wood, A.W., A.R.Hist. S., A.Dip R., 11 Blessington Close, Lewisham, London, SE13 5ED 1981 Wood, B.M., 84 Gloster Avenue, Welling, DA16 2LI 1983 Wood, G., and Mrs., 10 Longafel Close, Longfield, Dartford 1972 Wood, P.A., and Mrs., 22A Archers Court Road, Whitfield, Dover 1986 Wood, W.A., Cobham Manor, Water Lane, Thurnharn, Maidstone, ME14 3LU 1963 Woodcock, A.G., B.Sc., M.A., A.M.A., East Sussex County Council, Planning Dept, Southover House, Southover Road, Lewes, E. Sussex, BN17 lYA 1982 Woods, H., 20 Wembdon Hill, Wembdon, Bridgewater, Som., TA6 7PX 19n Woodward, G.R., 3 Gilbert Court, Green Vale, Hanger Vale Road, London, W53AX 1984 Worsdell, E.S.W., and Mrs., Bower House, Eynsford, DA4 0AJ 1983 Wrigglesworth, J. 1980 Wright, Mrs. B.J., 15 Sweeps Hill Close, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells 1976 Wright, M.J., 1 Polhill Drive, Walderslade, Chatham 1975 Wright, P.F., 91 Palmerstown Road, Wimbledon, SW19 lPB 1980 Yates, W.N., M.A., F.R.Hist.S., Archives Office, County Hall, Maidstone, ME141XQ 1964 Young, G.M.U., 13 Dry Hill Road, Tonbridge 1980 Yokio Noto, Taijyo, 3-232-8, Matsubara-Shi, Osaka-FU580, Japan 1981 Zell, Dr M.L., Humanities School, Thames Polytechnic, Wellington Street, London, SE18 Iii ANNUAL REPORT !iii ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1986 Council presents its one hundred and twenty-eighth Report and Statement of Accounts for 1985. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting was held at Faversham on Saturday, 17th May, when Council's Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for 1985 were accepted. Messrs. Robson Rhodes were re-elected as Auditors of the Society. The resolution proposed by Council to increase the annual subscription rates was carried nem. con. With effect from 1st January, 1987, these are as follows: Ordinary Members £10, Joint Members £13, Institutions £17, Affiliated Societies £10, Reduced under Rule 39(f) £5, and Junior £5. The resolution on the Agenda proposed by Mr Philp and others was defeated by 92 votes to 25 with 4 abstentions. OFFICERS The following were elected as officers of the Society: The President Mr L. R. A. Grove, B.A., F.S.A., F.M.A. The Hon. Editor Dr A. P. Detsicas, B.A., M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A., F.S.A.Scot. The Hon. Treasurer Mr L. D. Lyle, M.A. The Hon. General Secretary Mr A. C. Harrison, B.A., F.S.A. The Hon. Membership Secretary Mrs. M. Lawrence The Hon. Excursions Secretary Mr M. A. Crane, B.A. The Hon. Curator Mr D. B. Kelly, B.A., F.S.A., AM.A. The Hon. Librarian Dr P.H. G. Draper, B.Sc., Ph.D. COUNCIL The following were elected members of Council after a ballot: Mr P. H. Blake "', Mr R. A. C. Cockett, Mr A. I. Moffat, Mr M. A. Ocock, Mr P. E. Oldham and Mr C. P. Ward + . • retiring member of Council liv ANNUAL REPORT PUBLICATIONS Volume CII of Archaeologia Cantiana was published in 1986. The volume maintains its high standard under the editorship of Dr A. P. Detsicas, B.A., M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A., F.S.A.Scot., and its contents cover a wide field of Archaeology and History. Volume II of the Society's Monograph Series, Watermills (Kent and the Borders of Sussex), by M. J. Fuller and R. J. Spain, was also published in 1986. Volume III, The Roman Villa at Lullingstone, Kent. II: The Wall Paintings and Finds, by Lt.-Col. G. W. Meates, F.S.A., is in the press and will be published in July 1987. Volumes VIII and IX of The Archaeology of Canterbury series, Canterbury Excavations Intra- and Extra-Mural Sites 1949-55 and 1980-84, by S. S. Frere, P. Bennett, J. Rady and S. Stow, and St. Augustine's: 1960-78, Report on Excavations, by D. Sherlock and H. Woods, respectively, will also be published in the course of 1987. FINANCE In addition to the publication of Archaeologia Cantiana the following expenditure in excess of £2,500 was authorised by Council: Watermills (Kent and the Borders of Sussex), by M. J. Fuller and R. J. Spain - £5758. Members may help the Society at no cost to themselves by entering into a four-year Covenant. This enables us to recover nearly £4 per member from the Inland Revenue. Forms for this purpose may be obtained from the Hon. Membership Secretary. Subscriptions should be paid direct to the Hon. Membership Secretary, preferably by Banker's Order. EXCURSIONS To commemorate the publication of the one hundredth volume of Archaeologia Cantiana, it was decided to make 1986 the occasion for a visit to Europe. Many members had already visited the Weald and the Downland Open Air Museum at Singleton, in consequence a tour of the Netherlands Open Air Folk Museum a few miles north of Arnhem was planned. After a hectic sea crossing on the 2nd April to Zeebrugge, and a prolonged coach ride, we arrived at midnight at our most impressive hotel, where a splendid meal still awaited us! The next day, in spite of very cold weather, a tour of the Folk Museum of the Netherlands was made, fortified by generous helpings of Dutch pancakes. In the afternoon most people visited the Royal Palace at Het Loo where Anthony Swaine kindly guided us round. Some of the older male members who had fought in Holland, however, opted to Iv ANNUAL REPORT visit the World War II museum in Arnhem. On the following day, on our journey back to Zeebrugge, we spent half a day viewing the architectural delights of Delft. This year three excursions have been planned. Members touring Holland last year expressed a wish to make a further tour of Europe. A visit to historic Normandy had been arranged and already 40 members have signed up for a five-day excursion there. Later in the season, Tenterden and Winchester are our Summer and Autumn venues. MEMBERSHIP The membership of the Society has remained steady and at 31st December, 1986, stood at 1,541. (Nine less than 1985.) During the year there has been a membership loss of sixty-one, through the decease of nine members and the resignation of fifty-two. Half of the resignations were on account of moving from the county or for age or health reasons. The loss has almost been balanced by the election of fifty-two new members. There was, however, a number of unpaid subscriptions mainly from recently elected members. It is pointed out that invoices for subscriptions are not sent. They become due annually on 1st January and should be paid promptly to the Hon. Membership Secretary only in order to avoid the time consuming and expensive reminder notices. The year has been spent preparing for the subscription increases of January 1987. Would members please accept this acknowledgement of their co-operation in returning new banker's orders promptly; for their support in renewing Covenants at the new rate thus greatly increasing the Society's revenue from this source, and for increasing the number of Covenants by sixty. Four members have completed fifty years membership of the Society and have had a letter of appreciation of their long membership. They are Mr A. Congreve of Sissinghurst, Canon Ingram Hill of Canterbury (Past President), Miss V. G. Thompson of Brenchley and Mr W. Tomsett of Willesborough. RECORDS COMMITTEE The Committee's abiding concern is trying to . find Kent record material suitable for publication. During the year A. J. Willis's Index of General Licences, 1661-1714, which is the final volume of his series of indexes to the Canterbury diocesan licences, was submitted to the Publications Committee. Its publication will conclude an important series that began with the marriage licences. An entirely different class of record is a comprehensive treatise on the Medicinal and lvi ANNUAL REPORT Poisonous Plants of Kent, by Rosemary Lady Goldsmith, who has not only made a study of this subject a life's work, but has illustrated her text with 50 coloured plates from her own hand. The Committee hopes to secure this interesting manuscript shortly for submission to the Publications Committee with a view to its production in the Society's Monograph Series. It is also hoped to obtain later in the coming year a volume of transcriptions of early Sevenoaks wills by Dr H. C. F. Lansberry, fuller details of which will be reported in due course. At the request of the Records Committee the Hon. Gen. Secretary, Mr Harrison, wrote with Council's approval on behalf of the Society to the County Secretary urging that he give financial support to the project of Kent Record Collections to index the Kent testamentary records. Despite recommendations of the County Archivist that this project should be assisted, a recommendation already endorsed by the Museums, Libraries and Archives subcommittee, it was turned down, and as a result work has come to a standstill and the trained archivists engaged upon it have had to be released. Nevertheless, all the original wills, registered wills, and probate administration acts, 1577-1639, have been indexed and an important novelty is an additional index to all armorial seals, which is the first of its kind. The Committee's policy is to give every assistance in its power to the furtherance of this ambitious enterprise. KENT DEFENCE RESEARCH GROUP During 1986 the activities of the Group has extended beyond Kent to include the provision of technical advice on fort restoration in Bermuda, St. Lucia, St. Christopher, Nevis and Gibraltar. The year has also seen the start of Fortbase, an information system for the use of those working on the restoration of British and colonial defences. This is linked with an initiative to provide fort restorers with a fabrication service, involving the replication of any guns, ammunition and equipment for which there is a need. Within the Thames area, at New Tavern Fort, Gravesend, a second 6-inch breechloader has been mounted overlooking the river and further weapons are in the process of being obtained. Work has begun on restoring the 6-inch magazine, including the reactivation of the mechanical ammunition lifts. For Tilbury Fort the Group have acquired a further 6-inch gun and have provided English Heritage with a project study, with recommendations for the completion of the restoration and interpretation works there. For Coalhouse Fort at East Tilbury the Group has obtained !vii ANNUAL REPORT another two 6-inch guns. Coalhouse Fort and the Artillery Defences at East Tilbury, by V. T. C. Smith, was published in 1986. Within the Medway area, a scheme for the restoration of Fort Luton, one of Chatham's later nineteenth-century land defences, is at an advanced negotiation stage. The Royal Engineers have made an extensive measured and structural survey of the fort for the Group. Chatham and London, the changing Face of English Land Fortification 1870-1918, by V. T. C. Smith, was published in Post-Medieval Archaeology. KENT UNDERGROUND RESEARCH GROUP In addition to individual research projects being carried out in the County, the following sites have been brought to our attention and been examined by Group members. Barnehurst. A cess-pit has been excavated in Barnehurst and dated to the late eighteenth/early nineteenth century. Dartford. A denehole shaft subsided in the rear garden of a house at the Brent, Dartford. The garden backs onto the Dartford Tunnel Approach Road and pile-driving operations on the road-improvement scheme had caused the shaft to settle. Greenwich. A detailed survey has been made of a small sand mine at Greenwich, S.E.10. The mine was probably in association with a local glassworks producing cheap green bottle glass around the seventeenth century. A full report is in preparation. Kingsdown. An unusual pair of linked chalkwells was recorded at Kingsdown, near Sittingbourne. Longfield. A small three-chambered chalkwell dating from the late eighteenth century was visited at Pinden Quarry, Longfield, when the removal of topsoil caused the shaft to collapse. Stone. A similar chalkwell was uncovered by Blue Circle Industries during pipe-laying operations at Stone. Chatham. Yet another small chalkwell appeared in allotments near Second Avenue, Chatham. The allotments occupy the site of an old brickfield and, due to damage to the structure by council mechanical excavators, it was impossible to determine if the chalkwell was associated with the brickworks or was an earlier agricultural chalk-pit. Woolwich. The filling of a seventeenth/eighteenth century well was excavated at Woolwich, S.E.18. !viii ANNUAL REPORT During the past twelve months two field visits have been arranged for members. The first in November 1985 was to the large chalk mine at Shenley in Hertfordshire. The descent of the 60 ft. deep shaft is via wire ladders, and the land-owner's habit of disposing of dead livestock down the mine made for a somewhat interesting trip. The second field visit was in March 1986 to Fort Amherst, Chatham, where members of the Fort Amherst Trust showed the Group around the restored fort and its associated underground works. In February 1986, the Group once again assisted the Essex Bat Group to check on hibernating bats in Hangman's Wood deneholes at Grays in Essex. The ban on recreational caving in the deneholes, which was recommended by our Secretary in a strongly worded letter to the Grays Council last year, seems to have had the desired effect, as the bat population has increased and no further vandalism was noted. BUILDING RECORDERS The twenty-third annual Conference of Building Recorders was held in the Village Hall at Hollingbourne on Saturday, 18th October, 1986. The President was in the chair and some thirty members attended. The first speaker was Miss Sarah Pearson who described Hurst Farm at Chilham, a three-bay hall, large but without aisles and with crown-posts. The principal posts were slotted for panelling. All of the features point to an early date and the house has a large, sixteenthcentury cross-wing and a later stone porch. She was followed by Mr Terence Smith, who spoke on Mathematical Tiles in Kent. These are hanging tiles so shaped that they imitate bricks and Mr Smith has been searching the County for them, having so far found some four hundred examples of buildings using them. There are nearly as many in Sussex, but they are rare outside south-east England. Mr Eric Swain told the story of William Twopeny, who lived near Sittingbourne, and of the drawings that he made in the early nineteenth century of Kent houses. Finally, Mr Peter Tester described the barn to the south west of Owletts at Cobham. This was unusual in having long brace from the collars to the principal posts, without tie-beams. It is hopd he will write it up for Archaeologia Cantiana. In conclusion, the President thanked the speakers and also Mr Dell for bringing and operating the projector and Mr Lambert for lending the screen. lix ANNUAL REPORT In our 1985 report an unfortunate mistake occurred in that Mr B. Fagg was given as Fass. We apologise to him for this error. LIBRARY AND MUNIMENTS COMMITTEE It was in June 1977 that our Library was seriously damaged by arson. Whilst the process of replacement continues, most members would agree that the layout and quality of the new room provided by the Corporation both greatly exceed that hitherto. Their very substantial reconstruction of the Museum has extended much further than the fire damage and is still not quite complete. In addition to exchange volumes, periodicals and donations from Affiliated Societies under Rule 44 (which is frequently broken) 15 purchases and some ten gifts have been made. Thanks are due for these last to Dr Ashbee and Messrs. T. F. C. Blagg, M. J. Fuller and R. J. Spain, L. D. Lyle, L. A. Smith, Dartford District Archaeological Group (DDAG), the Martin Tolhurst Partnership (via Mr A. I. Moffat), Maidstone Museum and Sevenoaks Architectural History Group (via Mr A. D. Stoyel). Members' publications added include T. F. C. Blagg, Portrait Head Septimius Severus, etc., DDAG, Rediscovering Dartford, M. J. Fuller and R. J. Spain, Watermills, (Kent and the Borders of Sussex), L. D. Lyle et al., A History of the First Hundred Years of the Simon Langton Schools, L. A. Smith, Monumental Brass Repairs 1981-3 and A. D. Stoyel, Shoreham Studies (Parts 1 and II). We continue to be indebted for the generous assistance of many, including Maidstone Museum's Curator, Mr H. S. Middleton, B.Sc., A.M.A., and his staff, Mrs. J. R. Crisp, A.L.A., with cataloguing, and the County Library Service for storage facilities. KENT HISTORIC BUILDINGS COMMITTEE Since our last report Mr M. A. Ocock has joined the Committee as a K.A.S. representative and Mr G. Denny, Mr A. Stirk and Miss R. Codling as nominees of the C.P .R.E. Listed Buildings. In total there were some 53 applications affecting listed buildings which had been referred to the Committee but were of such a nature that it was decided that no action should be taken. Objections to proposals affecting the following buildings were lodged: Brick-built kiln, Stone Court, Stone, Dartford; The Great Barn, Oast Park, Yalding; Barn, Glassocks, Rye Road, Sandhurst; 1 Ix ANNUAL REPORT High Street, Tenterden; The Bark Barn, Kent Woolgrowers, Ashford; Higham Mill, Higham; Grove Cottage, Faversham. There were four other cases where advice and observations were made on proposals which would limit any detrimental effect on buildings. Historic Buildings of Kent Plaques were awarded to Jordans, Plaxtol, Sevenoaks and two other applications were received, but it was decided not to make an award. A full listing of 178 plaques awarded since the scheme started in 1966 has been compiled, but it was decided by the Committee that when the present stock of plaques had been issued the scheme would be discontinued as it had very largely fulfilled its purpose and that the public were now more aware of the necessity to protect historic buildings. Farm Building Survey. Mrs. R. Nichol had prepared a report supported by photographs on Walletts Court Farm, St. Margaret's-at-Cliffe. Channel Tunnel. An alternative plan for access to the Cheriton Terminal prepared by Shepway District Council and agreed with Eurotunnel is to be adopted and this involves the loss of four listed buildings in Newington, they are: The Grange, a mid-Victorian building; The Coach House. a midVictorian building; Stone Farm. a medieval house and Mill House, a mill. The January meeting had been postponed to February owing to the weather and at this meeting concern was expressed on the condition of Ruxley Barn Church, which was scheduled as an ancient monument but was falling into disrepair owing to neglect. CHURCHES COMMITTEE The Committee has been heartened by several encouraging developments reported in the past year. Among these, the parish of Stockbury (population 600) has now raised some £25,000 in support of the restoration of St. Mary Magdalene Church, and it is hoped that work will soon begin on the tower. St. Stephen's, Tovil (by the local nineteenth century architect Whichcord), which it was feared would be demolished, now seems likely to continue as a Community Centre. At Canterbury, Hales Place Roman Catholic chapel has been transferred to the care of the City Council. and the exterior restored. whilst at Tunbridge Wells the massive cast-iron gates and survivini;r railings of Decimus Burton's Holy Trinity church (now an Arts Centre) have been repaired and reinstated. lxi ANNUAL REPORT On the other hand, concern was felt at Higham St. Mary church being declared redundant, despite the existence of a large local body of Friends. The Committee continues to give advice and encouragement to an increasing number of parishes faced with heavy expense in restoring church buildings. lxii ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1985 !xiii BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st DECEMBER, 1985 /984 1984 Funds Repres,nted by: 206,2/4 Capital Trust and Income Funds (Note 9) 216.516 Library and Collections at Maids1one 2,813 Earmarked Funds (Note 8) 2.795 1,735 Museum and Bradboume House (Note lb) l.735 2,347 Lullingstone Account (Note 4) 2.574 196,/55 l.nves1ments at cost - 217.843 19,436 Reserve for Stocks of Publications (Note 6) 18.407 (Market Value 1985 £317.516) (Market Value 1984 £278.183) 197,890 219.578 Current Assets 968 Stocks - Bookstall 1.372 19.436 - PubliC3tions (Note 6) 18.407 Approved by Council Loans 1,516 Less: Provision against non-repayment of loan to Maidstone Trinity Trust 1,144 816 D. INGRAM•HIU. (President) 2.754 Sundry Debtors 2.113 L D. LY!£ (Hon. Treasurer) 36.953 Cash at Bank and in Hand 37.060 4th April 1986 Less: Current Liabilities Provision for Archaeologia Cantiana 19,500 Volume CII 9,000 9.435 Sundry Creditors 7.346 28,935 16.346 32,920 Net Current Assets 20.714 £230,810 .£240.292 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1985 1984 1984 E:cpenditiue Income Administration 76 Salaries and Rent 126 /l,l/8 Subscriptions 10.293 1,975 Secretarial and Committee Expenses 1.807 332 l.ncorne Tax on Covenants recoveed S20 442 Insurance 525 18,836 lnvestment Income 19.680 2,484 Newsletter 1.753 164 Sales of Arehaeo/ogia Cantiana 209 838 A.G.M. Expenses 837 306 Bookstall (Nore 3) !13 186 S.G.M. Expenses 8 Excursion Accounl (Surplus) 40 67 Bank Charges and Miscellaneous Expenses 44 Sundry Income 1,566 Audit and Accountancy 2.411 Overprovision for Legal Fees and Cost> recovered Publications (Note 5) 1.459 7,734 7459 2,600 Grants to Committees (Note 8) 2.600 2,550 Special Grants (Note 2) 6,665 Provision against possible non-repayment of loan 700 Godmersham Excavation 2,591 153 Equipment Repairs Typewriter for Edi1or .l'}J 5,303 12.855 Archaeologia Canriana (Net) Volumes C and Cl (including distribution costs 1985 8,724 £4.171 : 1984 £748) 22.946 Less: Provision in the Accoun1s 10 3lsl 8,000 December 1984 19.500 724 3.446 Provision for Archaeologia C(lfJtiana 19.500 Volume CU 9.000 20,224 12.446 209 Subscriptions 199 Meates Memorial 193 Kent Heri1agc Survey 2.084 Roman Pottery Meeling 99 28/) 'Archaeology al Work' Conference 222 3,483 Publica1ioos (Note 5) 3,972 29,499 2.797 5,493 Deficit for the Year (Note 9) 3,243 £37.233 !Edl} (1) (2) (3) (4) NOTES TO nrn ACCOU1'ITS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER. 1986 Accounting Policies (a) The AccounlS are prepared under the historical cost convention modified as stated in Note 1 (b). (b) The Society"s Library and Collections at Maidstone Museum. manusctiplS at Kent Archives Office and pictures at Bradbourne House are shown on the balance sheet at a nominal value of £1. 735. No up to date valuation has been made of the whole collection. (c) Because it is not possible to allocate specific investments to the general accumulated fund and the Margary funds realised profilS on the sale of investmenlS have been apportioned between those funds in proportion to the calculaied cost of their respective invcstmen,s at the beginning of the year. (d) It is not considered appropriate to include a Statement of Source and Application of Funds as it would not add to the understanding of the Accounts. which do not therefore romply with Statement of Standard Acc,:,unting Practice No. 10 of the Consultative Committee of Acc,:,untancy Bodies. Special Grants during 1985 Canterbury Archaeological Trust Kent Rec,:,rd Collections Favcrsham Parish Church Kent Archive Office - Purchase of Manuscripts (Robert of Glassenbury) Bookstall Sales of the Society's Publications Other Sales Less: Costs and Expenses Less: Sales of the Society Funded Publications: Other Publi• cations (Note 6) Surplus Lullingstone Account Balance at 1st January 1985 Transfer from Publications Account (See Note 5) in respect of 75% of sale proceeds of Lullingstone l held to finance subsequent publication of work sponsored by lhe English Heritage Balance at 31st December 1985 1,000 4,865 SOO --1QQ 1.558 1,841 ---11Q 1,671 2,347 (5) (6) (7) Publications Opening Stocks at I st January 1985 Surplus for the Year Sales of Lullingstone I Less: Transfer o! 75% of Sale Proceeds of Lulling,•;tone I to Lullingstone Account (Note 4) Warbam PubLJcity Reserve for Stocks of Publications at 31st December 1985 Surplus Publications Stock Account Opening Stocks at 1st January 1985 Surplus for the Year I.As: Sales During the Year -Bookstall (Note 3) -Other Oosing Stocks at 31st December 1985 19.436 620 -1Q£ 20.358 227 265 18.407 18.899 £1,459 19.436 w 2().0S6 I.SSS _91_ 1.649 £18,407 The Stocks are valued at cost. They do not include Lulling.stone l (see Note 4). Capital Reserve It was decided at a meeting of the Council on 3rd December 1977 to put aside out of income from investments £1.000 per annum to provide against future inflation. On 10th October 1980 Council decided to increase this amount to £2,000 per annum and to make a one-off aUocation of £6.000. In order 10 clarify the situation. a transfer of £17.000 already covered by investments has been made in this year from the General Accumulated Fund to a Capital Reserve in respect of allocations for the period 19n to 1984. (8) Earmarked Funds (Commillees) Excavation Affiliated and Historic KDRG Socie1ies Fieldwork Buildings Library Churches Records Total Balances at 1st January 1985 117 35 505 1.637 519 2.813 Grant Friends of Kent Churches 100 100 1985 Grants 100 700 600 400 200 2.600 !QQ -1.!2. ....:m. 1,105 2.037 1.219 200 5.513 E.xptnditurt Maidstone Arca Archaeological Group (Snodland Roman Villa) 100 100 Orpington Archaeological Society (Scad bury, Chislehwst) 117 83 200 Danford Archaeological Society (Local Pottery Archive) ISO 150 C. St. J. Breen (Ceramic Archive) 100 100 Romney Marsh Research Group 100 100 Dover Archaeological Group (C.14 dating) 350 350 High Halstow Bell Frame 200 200 Rebinding 925 925 Books 393 393 Annual Grant 200 -1.!2. 883 1,318 200 200 2,718 Balances at 31st December 1985 £100 £- £(148) ..£!2. £1,019 £- £2.795 (9) Mo,·emuits on Capitol, Trust and Income Funds Piercy Fox Life General Memorial Fund Churches Composition Capital Margary Accumulated Capital Income Fund Fund Reserve Funds Fund Total Balances at 1st January 1985 9.872 4,035 2.956 3.225 159.293 26.833 206.214 less: Transfer to Capital Reserve in respect of prior 17.000 (17,000) years (Note 7) Restated Balances at 1st January 1986 9.872 4.035 2.956 3,225 17.000 159.293 9.833 206.214 Add: Investment Income 734 268 442 1.444 Profit/(Loss) on Sale of Investments (478) 1.265 11.198 408 12.393 9.394 4.769 3.224 3.667 18.265 170.491 10.241 220.051 uss: Deficit for the Year (3,243) (3.243) Subscriptions for Life Members (392) (392) Transfer to Capital Reserve (Note 7) 2.000 (2.000) Legacy Balances at 31st December 1985 £4.769 £3.224 £216,516 R£l'ORT OF THE AUDITORS TO THE MEMBERS OF THE KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY We have audited the Accounts on pages OOO--O'.lO. Our audit W:ls conducted in accordance with approved Auditing Standards except that 1hc scope uf our work was limited. as in previous years. by the matters referred to below: We ba,-e not verified the existence of the contents of the library and collections at Maidstone Museum and at Bradboume House. As staled in note 6, Slocks of publications are stated in the balance sheet at cost with the exception of Lullingstonc I where no accounts are included in r'Spcct of unsold stod:s of that publication. We have been unable to ascertain the net realisable value of the scocks of all publicacions al 31s1 December 1985. Subject to any adjustments which may be required 10 fixed and current assets and the appropriate fund account in respect of the above. in our opinion. the Accounts giYe a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Sociel)I at 3 lst December 1985 and or its deficit for the year ended on that date and comply with the Rules of the Society. Dated this 11th day of April. 1986 .52 SL l\f.argarefs Street, Rochester Kent MEI lTY ROBSON RHODES (1,anered Accounsancs