Accounts for the Year Ended 31st December 1986
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Frontmatter, Volume 103
Accounts for the Year Ended 31st December 1986
ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1986 !xiii BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st DECEMBER, 1986 1985 1985 funds £ £ £ Represented by:- £ [ 216,516 Capital, Trust and income funds (Note 3) 233,039 Library and collections at Maidstone 2,795 Earmarked Funds (Note 2) 4,376 1.735 Museum and Bradboume House (Note lb} J.735 2,574 Lullingstonc Acrount (Note 6) 2,587 217.843 Investments at cost - 228,779 18,4-07 Reserve for stocks of publications (Note 8) 21,639 (Market value 1986 £375,297) (Market value 1985 £317,516) Capital cash 5,104 219,578 235,618 Curnnt Assets l,3TI Stocks - Bookstall 1,280 18,407 - Public.,tions (Note 8) 41.639 816 Loans 732 2,113 Sundry debtors 2,771 14,352 Cash at bank and in hand 19,048 .... < 37,060 45,470 Less: Cum,nt Liabilities Provision for Archaeo/ogia 9,000 Canriana, Volume Clll 8,500 7,346 Sundry creditors 10,947 16,346 19,447 20,714 Net current assets 26.023 £261,641 1240,292 £261.641 Approved by the Council L. R. A. Grove President L. 0. Lyle Hon. Treasurer 7th April I 987 £ - INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1986 1985 1985 £ £ Expenditure £ £ £ Income [ AdministrtJdon 126 Salaries and rent 126 10,293 Subscriptions 10,161 1,807 Secretarial and committee expenses 1,817 5ZO Income tax on covenants recovered 563 Computer software 250 19,680 Investment income 19.179 525 Insurance 702 209 Sales of Archaeologia Canriana so 1,753 Newsletter 1,191 113 Bookstall (Note 5) 38 837 A.G.M. expenses 939 4() Excursion account (surplus) Bookstall expenses 209 1,459 Publications 2:!l! Audit and accountancy 1,687 Donation 100 7,459 6,921 3,243 Deficit for the year 2,6()() Grants to committees (Note 2) 2,600 6,665 Special grants (Note 4) 2,500 St 2,591 Godmersham excavation 1,800 < 299 Typewriter for editor 700 Provision against loan 12,855 6,900 Art:haeo/ogia Canria,1a (Net) Volume CIII (Including distribution costs 22,946 1986 £1,875 : 1985 £4,171) 9,591 USS: Provision in the accounts to 19,500 31st December 1985 9,000 12,446 9,091 Excursion deficit 474 199 Subscriptions 244 193 Meates Memorial (8) 2,084 Kent Heritage Survey 44 99 Roman Pottery meeting 119 222 Archaeology at Work conference 24 Publications (Nore 7) 1,144 2,797 2,041 Surplus for the year (Note 3) 5,138 £35,557 £30,091 £35,557 £30,091 -=- [ NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS FOR lllE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER. 1986 (I) Accounting Policies (a) The accounts are prepared under the historical cost convention modified as stated in Note l(b). (b) The Society's Library and Collections at Maidstone Museum. manuscripts at Kent Archives Office and pictures at Bradboume House are shown on the balance sheet al a nominal value of £1,735. No up-to-date valuation bas been made of the whole collection. (c) Because specific investroents have not been allocated to the General Accumulated Fund and the Margary Funds, realised profits on the sale of investments have been apportioned between those funds in proportion 10 the calculated cost of their respective investments at the beginning of the year. (d) It is not considered appropriate to include a Statement o{ SollfCC and Application of Funds as it would not add 10 the understanding of the accounts. which do not therefore comply with Statement of Standard Accounting Practice No. 10 of the Consultative Collllllittce of Accountancy Bodies. (2) Earmarked Funds (C,munitre,s) Excavation and K.D.R.G. Fieldwork Balances at 1st January. 1986 100 (148) 1986 Grants 100 700 Expendirure 200 552 Plaxtol (Sedgebrook) Roman Villa Maidstone Area Archaeological Group Otford and District Historical Society C. St. J. Breen (Roman Pottery Research) 100 Sevenoaks and District An,bitectural History 60 Canterbury City Council - Canterbury Castle 75 Books 250 Annual Grant Balances at 31st December. 1986 £200 £ 67 Historic Buildings Library 1,105 719 600 400 1,705 1,119 100 so 184 £935 Churches Records Total 1,019 2,795 600 200 200 S,395 100 60 75 250 100 50 184 200 200 £- (3) Movements on Capital. Trost and lnc.ome Funds Piercy Fox Life General Memorial Fund Oiurchcs Composition Capital Margary Accumulated Capital Income Fund Fund Reserve Fund Fund Total £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Balances at 1st January. 1986 9.394 4.769 3,224 3,275 20,365 170.491 4,998 216,516 Add: Investment income 735 206 498 1,439 Profit on sale of investments 1.285 1.217 10,185 858 13.545 Surplus for the year 5,138 5,138 Balances at 31st December. 1986 10.679 5.504 3.430 3.m 21,582 180.676 10,994 236,638 uss: Subscriptions for life members (399) (399) Transfer to capital reserve 2,000 (2,000) Grants (2.300) (900) (3,200) £10,679 £3.204 £2,530 £3,374 =-£8,994 £233,039 ><' (4) Special Grar,ts during 1987 £ (6) Lullingstone Account £ -· Canterbury Archaeological Trust 1.000 -· Plaxtol (Sedgebrook) Roman Villa 200 Balance al 1st January, 1986 2.S74 Kent Archive Office - Purchase of Camden Manuscripts 1.000 Transfer from Publications Account (Note 7) in respect of 75% Dartford and District Archaeological Group-N. E. Quadrant 300 of sale proceeds of Lullingstone l held 10 finance subsequent publication of work sponsored by English Heritage 13 £2.500 Balance at 31st December. 1986 £2.587 (5) Boolcsto/1 £ (7) Publications £ £ Sales of Society"s publications 644 Other sales 191 Opening stocks at lsl January. 1986 18,407 Surplus for the year 413 835 Sales of Lullingstone I 18 Less: Costs and expenses 153 18.838 682 uss: Transfer of 75% of Sale Proceeds of Lullingstone I 10 Lullingstone Account (Note 6) 13 Les,: Sales of the Society Funded Publications: Other Publi- Watermill-Publicity and other costs 107 cations (Note 8) 644 Review and authors· copies 184 Provision against debtors 339 Surplus £ 38 Reserve for publications at 31st December. 1986 21,639 < Appropriation from Piercy Fox Income Fund Deficit (8) Publicalions Srock Acco111t1 £ 22.282 (3.-144) 2.300 £ Ltss: Sales during year - Bookstall (Note 5) - Other Review and authors· copies Oosing stocks at 31st December, 1986 644 2.111 184 2.939 £21.639 Opening stocks at 1st January. I 986 Swplus for the year 16,407 The stocks are valued at cost. They do not include Lullingstone I (see Note 6). 413 Purchases-Watermills (Kem and Borders of Sussex) 5,758 24.578 REPORT OF THE AUDITORS TO THE MEMBERS OF KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY We have aucfited the accounts on pages 1 to 4. Our audit was conducted in accordance with approved Aucfiting Standards except that the scope of our work was limited. as in previous years, by the following matter: - We have not verified the existence of the contents of the library and collections at Maidstone Museum. Subject to any adjustments which may be required to fixed assets and the appropriate fund account in respect of the above. in our opinion. the accounts give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Society at 31st December, 1986, and of its surplus for the year ended on that date and comply with the Rules of the Society. 52 St. Margaret's Street, Rochester, Kent MEI lTY 7th April, 1987 ROBSON RHODES Chart.ered Accounts