General Index
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Accounts for the Year Ended 31st December 1986
General Index
GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; BA, Bronze Age; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Neo., Neolithic; R., Roman; RB, Romano-British. Abba, 112 Abingdon (Oxon.), 206 Acol, 338 Addison, F., 11 M., 11 Addisham, 105 Aelthryth, Queen, 94, 96 Aethelbald, King, 93 Aethelbert, King, 7, 101, 108, 199, 201-4 Aethelberht II, 88, 181 Aethelhard, 8S-90, 109, 111 Ager, B. M., Late-Roman Belt-fillings from Canterbury, 25-31 Aldermaston (Berks.), 275 Aldhum, 110 Aldlngton, 112 Allen, A. F., 347 obit., 413 Allhallows, 50 Anderson, I., The Coins, 183 and Blockley, P., Christ Church College, 303-4 'Martins', no. 20 St. Margaret's Street, 295-8 Anglo-Saxon Objects from East Kent, Some early, by Sonia Chadwick Hawkes, 1-7 Anglo-Saxon, Brooch, 1-6, 359 Buckle, 226 Cemetery, 1-3, 219-36 Coin, 181 Die, 6-7 Knife, 225 Occupation, 129-34 Pit, 132-4 Pottery, 17S-82, 225, 307 Spearhead, 224, 226 Anselm, Archbishop, 206 Antwerp, (Belgium), 116, 118 Archibald, M., Two Pennies of Offa from Fordwich, Kent, 199-200 Arnost, Bishop, 206 Arundel, Archbishop, 384 Ash, 210, 321 Aske, J., 83 Aveley (Essex), 85 Aylesford, 45, 48, 102,--3, 109, 357 Bacchus, D., Flint Tools from Cliffe Woods, 383-4 Baker, E., 211 Balaam, N. D., 237 Baldred, 99 Bapchild, 93 Barham, 110 Downs, 254 family, 209 Banning, 357 Barrow, 335 Bayeux (France), 203 Bede, Venerable, 109, 201 Bekesboumc, 6 Bennett, P., All Saillls' Church, 30S-11 Blackfriars' Gate, 311-12 Castle Hill, Fo/kestone, 318-9 Station Road East, 317 'Saunders', no. 50 St. Peter's Street, 314-7 Beorhtric, 89, 92 Beommod, Bishop, 95 Beornwinc, Abbot, 98 Beornwulf, 98-9 Berhtwald, Archbishop, 94 Berry, M., 211 w., 211 Bertha, Queen, 201 Beverton, Squire, 211 Bewel, River, 377 Bifrons, 2-3 Bingham, J., 210-11 Birch, Rev. C., 339 Birchington, 9, 337-8 Bishopsbourne, 106, 110, 208 Black Patch (Sussex), 275 Blake, Philip A., The Sandwich Font, 284-6 T., 15 Blockley, P., Adelaide Place, 304 'Barretts', Pound Lane, 295 No. 7 New Street, 313-4 416 GENERAL INDEX Observations and watching Briefs. 320-1 Roper Road, 318 St. John's La11e, 293-5 St. Margaret's Church, 298--300 The Tannery, 314 and Anderson, I., Christ Church College, 303-4 'Martins', 110. 20 St. Margaret's Street, 295-8 Bonnington, 372 Boughton Aluph, 362 Malherbe, 9 Monchelsea, 350, 353, 355, 357 -under-Blean, 102 Bourne, J. de, 208 Bowen, J., No. 26 St. Peter's Street, 323-4 Domus Hosp/tum, 326-7 Bowley, C., No. 34 St. Margaret's Street, 324-6 Bowman, S. G. E., 76-8 Bowra, E. V., 115 Boxley, 359, 362 Boyle, J., 295 Brackenbury, R., 85 Bremen (Germany), 116 Brewell, J. de, 208 Bridge, 6, 252 Bridgland, D. R., 43-51 Broadstairs, 228, 238, 338 Bronze Age, Burial, 333 Copper Alloy Objects, 268-9 Flint Implements, 256-67 Palstave, 373 Pottery, 250-5 Burial, BA, 333 Burrows, J. W., 84 Callow, P., 54-72 Cambridge, 2 Canterbury Archaeolog/rnl Trust, lmerim Report on Work carried out i11 1987, 291- 331 Camerbury, Excavatio11s at St. Marti11's Hill, 1984-85, by J. Rady, 123-217 Canterbury, Late-Roman Belt•fitti11gs from, by B. M . Ager, 25-31 Canterbury, 87 ff., 123-217 Christ Church College, 177, 181 Christ Church Priory. 202, 207-8 Diocese, 9, 123 St. Augustine's Abbey, 127-9, 177,181,201, 203 St. Margaret's Church, 124, 127, 201, 203, 298--300 Carshalton (Surrey), 274 Challock, 112 Chambers, E. K., 84 Charing, 106 Charlemagne, 91, 200 Charlton, Rev. T. F., 115 Chart, Great, 106 Chartham, 2, 359 Chatham, 228 Cheshyre, W. J., 212 Chestfield, 324 Chevening, 340-1 Chigwell (Essex), 119 Chillenden, 112 Chislet, 238 Christchurch (Hants.), 90-1, 93, 98--9, 109, 113 Christy, Miller, 84 Cliffe, Peats and archaeological Sites in John's Hope Marshland, by Robert Hutchings, 374-7 Cliffe, 362 Cliffe Woodr, Flillf Tools from, by D. Bacchus, 383-4 Cobham, Owletts Barn, by P. J. Tester, F. S. A., 33-8 Cobham, 33, 353, 357 Coelwulf, 95 Coenwald, 94-5 Coenwulf, 87 ff., 199 Coin, AS, 181, 199-200, 203 Celtic, 353-5, 376 Med., 183 R .. 335, 338, 357-8, 376 Colchester (Essex), 29 Collins. A. J., 85 Cologne (Germany), 116, 119 Colthorpe, Marion, Quee11 Elizabeth I at Tilbury mid in Kent, 83-6 Compton, H., 86 Compton Wynyates (Warks.), 86 Cookham (Berks.), 91, 109 Copper Alloy Finds, 268--9 Coppyn, fam., 209 Cosby, J., 209-10 Coutts, Howard, An early Depiction of Reculver, 381-3 Crundale Down, 7 Cruse, R. J., Further Jnvesrigation of the Acheulian Site ar Cuxto11, 39-81 Cunred, 92, 111 Currant, A. P., 72 Cuthred, 95 ff. Cuxton, Furrher lnvestigatio11 of the Acheulian Site at, by R. J. Cruse, 39-81 Cuxton, 39, 48 Cwoenburg, Abbess, 94, 96 Cwoenthryth, 92, 94 ff. Cyneberht, 94-5 Cynehelm, 92, 94 ff. Dartford, 102, 109 Deal, 252 Debenham, N. C., 76-8 Dene, P. of, 208 Desmaistres as the Origin of the Name Demetrius in the James Family of lghtliam, by G. C.R. Morris, M. A, D. M., M. R. C. P., 115-21 417 GENERAL INDEX Dctsicas, A. P .. Review, 399-401, 406-7, 407-8, 40S-10 Dover. 7. 98. 202, 204,212,291, 370 Drury, R., 21 l Dunstan. Archbishop, 205 Dunwich (Norf.), 202 Durham, S. of, 88 Dymchurch, 184, 363 Eadberht, 88 Praen, 88. 97 Eadsige, Archbishop, 206 Eadwald, 199 Ealdberht, 96-8, 105 East Peckham, 355 Eastry. en, 105, 108, 113, 204 Ebourne. C., 210 Eccles, 7, 361 Ecgfrith, 89 Egbert II. 88-9, 95, 98, 103, 110 Elizabeth I, Queen, at Tilbury a11d in Kem, by Marion Colthorpe. 83-6 Elworthy, S. D., and Perkins, D. R. J., Newly discovered archaeological Sites in the Isle of Thane/, 333-9 Elmsted, 87 Erith, 85-6 Ethelred, the Unready, 106, 205 Everitt, Prof. A., 101 E ynsford, 365 Eythorne, 105, 110 Farthingdown (Surrey), 7 Faversham, 7, 87, 101-2. 184, 204 Felborough, Hundred·of, 102 Feologeld, Abbot, 98 Fergusson, T. C., 115 Finch, D., 212 Flint Implements, BA, 256-67 Folkestone, 98. 291. 369 Foots Cray, 'Tudor Cottages', by P. J. Tester, F. S. A., 339-40 ·Fordwich, 199. 202-3 Fowler, T .. 85 Frere, S. S .. Review, 410-12 Frindsbury, 350, 358 Garrard, P., Objects of Antler and Bone, 144-5 Objects of Copper Alloy, 184-9 Objects fired Clay, 195-9 Objects of Iron, 189--93 Objects of Stone, 199 The small Finds, 182-200 Gervase, of Canterbury, 90 Gilton, 228 Glastonbury Abbey (Som.), 92 Godtschalk, M .• 116 Godwell, Manor of, 11 Godwine, Bishop, 206 Graham-Campbell, J .• 184 Graveney, 100, 110-11 Gravesend, 371 Gravett, Kenneth, Review, 401-2 Green, E., 115 Gregory, Pope, 89 Grove, Allen, Review, 402-3 Gundulph, Bishop, 206 Haddan, A. W., 90 Hadrian I, Pope, 88 Hallum, R., 385 Harney, Dr B., 117-9 Hamwic (Hants. ), 202 Harden, D. B., 228-9 Harfleete, Sir T., 210 Hastings (E. Sussex), 108 Hawkes, Sonia Chadwick, Some early AngloSaxon Objects from east Kem, l-7 Review, 389--92 Hawkinge, 368 Hayes Common, 275 Hayes, fam., 33, 56 Henderson, J. D., 237 Henny, R. de, 208 Henry IV, 385 vrn, 86 Herne, 384 Higham Priory, Medieval Stonework from, by P. J. Tester, 347-50 Highstead, 275, 293 Highsted, 368 Hildersley, Sir F., 117 Hlothere, King, IOI, 202 Hodges, F., 12 Hone, D., Guilto11 Mill, Ash, 321-2 Quex Park, Margate, 322-3 Hollingboume, 103 Hoo, Monastery of, 93 Peninsula, 45, 50, 108 Harnden (Essex), 83 Hoste, D., 119 Houblon, N., 117 Hubbard, R. N. L. B., 78-81 Hutchings, Robert, Peats and archaeological Sites i11 John's Hope Marshland, Cliffe, 374--7 Hyde, G., 209, 211 Ickham, 3, 5, 31, 96, 105 Icklingham (Suff.), 7 Ightham, 118-9, 355,358 St. Peter's Church, 115 /11vestigatio11S and ExcavatiOJIS during die Year, 387 Ipswich (Suff.), 202 Iron Age, Coin, 353-5, 376 Pottery, 295, 320, 337 Itford Hill (Sussex), 275 Jaenberht, Bishop, 88 ff. 418 GENERAL INDEX James, fam., 115 Jenkins, Dr F., 201, 295 Johansson, B. M., and Thomas, K. D., The Environme111 of the Beaker (?) Burial Monument at East Northdown, 11ear Margate, Kent, 27S-83 Johns, F. D., M. A. Dip.Arch. (Lond.), A Petty Constable's Accounts Book, 9--24 Jolliffe, J. E. A., 101-2 Justus, Bishop, 7 Kelly, D. B., Archaeological Notes from Maidstone Museum, 350--67 Kem County Museum Service, Archaeological Notes from the, 368-74 Kent, The Period of Mercian Rule in, and a Charter of A.D. 811, by K. P. Witney, 87-113 Kettle, fam., 11 ff. Kingston Down(s), 226, 252 Kule (Cule), fam., 115 ff. Lamberhurst, 377 Lambeth, 84, 86 Lanfranc, Archbishop, 202, 206 Langdon, T., 310 Larkfield, Upper, 11 Laurance, fam., 209 Leicester, Earl of, 85 Lenham, 111, 355, 361 Leo III, Pope, 89, 91 Lichfield (Staffs.), 88 London,89, llS-6,202,204 British Museum, 6, 84 Greenwich Palace, 86 St. James' Palace, 83 ff. St. Margaret's, Westminster, 83 Lower Hardres, 9 Hayesden, 45 Lullingstone, RB Villa, 201 Lydd, 105 Lydden, 333 Lyminge, 2, 96-7, 107, 109, 113 Abbey of, 92-3 Lympne, 370 Macpherson-Grant, N., The Pottery, 177-82 Maidstone Museum, Archaeological Notes from, by D. B. Kelly, 350--67 Maidstone, 352, 358 Area Archaeological Group, 39 Kent Archives Office, 9 Museum, 3, 347 McAvoy, F., A Note on an Excavmion at Scotney Castle, 1986, 377-80 Manston, 333 Margate, A Beaker(?) Burial Monument and a Late Bronze Age Assemblage from East Northdown, by G. H. Smith, 237-89 Margate, The Jutish Cemetery at Half Mile Ride: A Re-appraisal, by D.R. J. Perkins, 219-36 Margate, 32'2r-3, 335, 337-8, 384 Meddens, B., 237 Medieval, Ampulla, 365 Church, 310 Key, 362 Objects of Iron, 189-91, 254 Occupation, 140-8 Pendant,362 Pottery, 182, 254, 372, 374 Seal, 36'2r-3 -die, 363, 365, 367 Strap-end, 184-{i Medway, River, 7, 45, 48, 108-9, 350 Meister, A. de, 117 Mereworth, 352 Milton-next-Sittingbourne, 102, 104 Regis, 2, 204, 206, 365 Minnis Bay, 254 Minster-in-Thanet, 219, 238, 337 Abbey of, 92, 96-7 Monkswood (Som.), 268 Morris, G. C.R., M. A., D. M., M. R. C. P., Desmaistres as the Orign of the Name Demetrius in the James Family of lghtham, llS-21 Mucking (Essex), 254, 274 Nackington, 206 Nash, fam., 209 Neolithic, Hand-axe, 352 Newchurch, 372 Newington, 103-4, 373 New Rom11ey, St. Nicholas' Church, by Tim Tatton-Brown, 344-{; Nonington, 97 Norman, Occupation, 134-40 Northfleet, 92-3, 109 Norwich, 202 Nunns, Mrs. G., 339 Nutt, W., 119 Obituaries, 413-5 Odo, Archbishop, 203 Oeils, fam., 117-8 Offa, King, 88 ff., 199--200, 203 Oflham, 9, 11 ff. Old Romney, 372 Omer, fam., 210 Orpington, 92 Oswulf, 105, 111 Otford, 341-3 Ouditt, S., 291 Ozengell, 226 Palmer, Sir H., 210 Pembroke, Anne, Countess of, 86 Penenden Heath, 103 Perkins, D. R. J., The Jutish Cemetery at Half 419 GENERAL INDEX Mile Ride, Margate: A Re-appraisal, 219-36 and Elworthy, S. D., Newly discovered archaeological Sites in the Isle of Thanet, 333-9 Plumstead, 16 Porteus, Geoff, obit., 414 Postling, 185-6 Post-medieval, Objects of Copper Alloy, 186-8 Objects of Iron, 191-3 Objects of White Metal, 193-4 Pottery, AS, 17$-82, 225,307 BA, 250-5 IA, 295, 305, 320, 337 Med., 182,254,372,374 RB, 254, 320, 335, 337-8 Preece, Dr R., 291 Prehistoric, Hand-axe, 350, 368, 371 Purffeet (Essex), 84 Quilter, fam., 210 Rady, J., Excavations at St. Martin's Hill, Canterbury, 1984-85, 123-217 Nos. 36-37 Stour Street, 300-3 St. Radigund's Street, 304-8 Rainham, 87, 100, 102-4, 110 Ramsgate, 337-8 Reculver, An early Depiction of, by Howard Coutts, 381-3 Reculver, 275 Abbey of, 92, 97-8, 106, 112 Reigate (Surrey), 117 Researches and Discoveries in Kem, 333-86 Reviews, 389-412 Reynolds, Archbishop, 208 Rich, E., 83 Richborough, 85, 202, 370 Rochester, 6 ff., 94, 103, 206-7 Diocese, 9 Museum, 6, 376 St. Andrew's Church, 7 Roman, Coin, 335, 338, 357-8, 376 Romano-British, Baths, 291, 296-8 Bell-fittings, 25-31 Brooch, 355-6, 369--70, 376 Building, 200, 333, 335, 337-9 Cemetery, 127, 201 Figurine, 355 Fort, 202 Kiln, 295 Mansio, 314 Pottery, 254, 307, 320, 335, 337-8 Street, 306-7, 321 Villa, 3, 124, 200-1 Romney Marsh, 87-8, 112, 371 Roper, Miss Anne, obit., 414-5 Rosan, M., 12 Rose, Bishop, 212 Rowe, Dr A., 219 ff., 335 Ruckinge, 372 Runnymede Bridge (Surrey), 252, 268, 275 St. Kenelm, 95 St. Mary-in-the-Marsh, 374 St. Nicholas-at-Wade, 337 Sandwich, The, Font, by Philip A. Blake, 384-6 Sandwich, 118, 200, 202-3 Sarre, 6 Scotney Castle, A Note on an Excavation at, 1986, by F. McAvoy, 377-80 Scott, A., 16 Seddon, Dr M., 291 Seleburg, Abbess, 95-6 Selethryth, Abbess, 92, 94, 96-7, 106 Selsey (Sussex), 94 Sevenoaks District Architectural History Group, by Anthony D. Stoyel, 340-3 Sheppey, Isle of, 102 Sibertswold, 228 Sigered, King, 94-5 Sittingboume, 204, 368, 384 Siward, Abbot, 206 Smith, A., 11 G. H., A Beaker(?) Burial Monument and a Late Bronze Age Assemblage from East Northdown, Margate, 237-89 Snargate, 356, 365 Snodland, 11, 366 Souldern (Oxon.), 186 Southampton (Hants.), 202 Southend (Essex), 50 Southminster, Abbey of, 92 ff., 112 Sparks, Margaret, and Tatton-Brown, Tim, The History of the Ville of St. Martin's Camerbury, 200-13 Spittle, S. T. D., 347 Springhead, 370 Stanier, J., 116,118 Stock, B., 209 J., 209 Stodmarsh, 203 Stoke, 45, 48 ff. Stoughton, T., 210 Stoughton (Surrey), 384 Stour, River, 102, 202, 204 Stowting, 1, 3, 184 Stoyel, Anthony D., Sevenoaks Dis1ric1 Archi- /ectural History Group, 340-3 Stubbs, W., 90 Sturry, 203 Sutton-at-Hone, 102 Sutton Hoo (Suff.), 228 Swale, Estuary, 102 Swale, Sir R., 117 Swanscombe, 50 Swindon (Wilts.), 99 Taplow (Bucks.), 7 420 GENERAL INDEX Tatton-Brown, Tim, St. Nicho/as's Church, New Romney, 344-6 and Sparks, Margaret, The History of the Ville of St. Martin's, Camerbury, 200-13 Taylor, Dr H., 200 Tester, P. J., F.S.A., Medieval Stonework from Higham Priory, 347-50 Ow/ells Barn, Cobham, 33-8 Review, 398-9 'Tudor Collages', Foots Cray, 339-40 Teynham, 92, 102, 109 Thames, River, 50, 73 ff., 84 Thanet, Isle of, Newly discovered arc/iaeologlcal Sites it1 the, by S. D. Elworthy and D. R. J. Perkins, 333-9 Thanet, Isle of, 101. 108, 238, 335, 339 Thanington, 206 Theobald, Archbishop, 207 Theodore of Tarsus, 93 Thirsk, Joan, Review, 392-5 Thomas, K. D., and Johansson, B. M., The Enviro11me111 of the Beaker (?) Burial Monument at East Northdow11, Margate, 275-83 Tilbury (Essex), 83 ff. Hope, 84 Tonbridge, 385 Tortworth (Avon), 28 Toynbee, Prof. J., 201 Tripontium (Warks.), 28 Tudor, Occupation, 148-62 Vale, J., Archaeological Notes from the Kent Coumy Museum Service, 368-74 van den Walle, fam .. 117-8 Hulst, fam., 117-8 Meteren, E., 119 Walden, Sir R .• 86 Walter, Bishop, 207 Wantsum Channel, 238 Ward, G., 100 Wells, H., 14 Werhard, 90, 99 West, M., 12 West Farleigh, 358 Westgate, 337 Whyman, J., Review, 396-8, 404-6 Wighelm Bishop, 205 Wihtred, King, 93, 103 Wilde, J., 209 T., 210 Winchcombe (Glos.), 97 Winchester (Hants.), 30 Witney, K. P., The Period of Mercian Rule i Kent, and a Charter of A.D. 8JJ, 87-113 Wizernes (France), 30 Woodger, W., 15 Woodnesborough, t18 Woodruff, C. E., 9 Worcester, 94 Wray, G. and N., II Wrotham, 356 Wulfhard, 111 Wulfred, Archbishop, 87 ff. Wye, 101-2, 356, 376 Yalding, 358 York, 202, 204 421