Annual Bibliography of Kentish Archaeology and History 2006

509 ANNUAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF KENTISH ARCHAEOLOGY AND HISTORY 2006 A bibliography of books, articles, reports, pamphlets and theses relating specifically to Kent or with a significant Kentish content. All entries were published in 2006 unless otherwise stated. [KAS – Kent Archaeological Society: KAR – Kent Archaeological Review.] Compilers: Prehistoric – K. Parfitt; Roman – Dr E. Swift, UKC; Anglo-Saxon – Dr A. Richardson, KCC; Medieval – Dr C. Insley, CCCU; Early Modern – Prof. J. Eales, CCCU; Modern – Dr C.W. Chalklin and Prof. D. Killingray. GeneralENERAL/MULTI- Anon., ‘Interim reports on recent work carried out by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 295-310. S. Barson, J. Clarke, G. Franklin & J. Smith, Queenborough, Isle of Sheppey: historic area appraisal (Swindon: English Heritage). A. Catalani and S. Pearce, ‘“Particular Thanks and Obligations”. The communications made by women to the Society of Antiquaries 1776-1837 and their significance’, Antiquaries Journal, 86, 254-78. [Includes details of finds at Dover and Aldington.] N.B. Cryer, The Cornwallis Family History 1225-2006 (York: Quacks Books). A. Findlay, Wye Parish Church of St Gregory & St Martin, Kent: a historical guide (Wye: Wye Historical Society). King, C. (ed.), Discovering Ancient Lenham: a report from Lenham Archaeological Society, Vol. 1 (Lenham). Lower Medway Archaeological Research Group, Transactions 2005 (Rochester: LMARG). Lydden Valley Research Group, The Geology, Archaeology & History of Lydden Valley and Sandwich Bay (Lydden: LVRG). D. Leach, Dover Harbour Royal Gateway: celebrating 400 years of the Dover Harbour Board 1606-2006 (Dover: Riverdale Publications). P.G. Maxwell-Stuart, The Archbishops of Canterbury: a history (Stroud: Tempus). G. Nunns, A history of Deal, from prehistory to the twentieth century (Deal: Hovellers Press). T.L. Richardson, Historic Sandwich and its region 1500-1900 (Sandwich: Sandwich Local History Society). B. Short, England’s landscape: South East England (London: Collins for English Heritage). KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2006 510 PrehistoricREHISTORIC V. Burrows, ‘Iron Age Activity on Edinburgh Hill, Dover’, KAR, 164, 78-82. R. Hoskins, ‘Levallois Blade from Birling’, KAR, 163, 58-59. R. James. ‘Archaeological Investigations at Middle Stoke on the Hoo Peninsula’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 71-86. S. Needham, Parfitt, K. and Varndell, G. (eds), The Ringlemere Cup. Precious Cups and the beginning of the Channel Bronze Age (London: BM Res. Publ. No. 163). K. Parfitt, ‘A prehistoric ‘burnt mound’ site at Crabble Paper Mill, near Dover’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 219-37. D. Parham, S. Needham and M. Palmer, ‘Questioning the wrecks of time. Salcombe and Dover – Bronze Age wrecked cargoes in Devon and Kent’, British Archaeology, 91. D.R.J. Perkins, ‘Prehistoric Maritime Traffic in the Dover Strait and Wantsum: some thoughts on the Vessels and their Crews’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 279-93. B. Philp, ‘Late-Neolithic Site at Ramsden, Orpington’, KAR, 163, 59-69. A.V.M. Samson, ‘Offshore finds from the Bronze Age in Northwestern Europe: the shipwreck scenario revisited’, Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 25/94. F.F. Wenban-Smith et al., ‘The Clactonian Elephant Butchery Site at Southfleet Road, Ebbsfleet, UK’, Journal of Quaternary Science 21(5), 471-483. RomanOMAN D. Adler, ‘Kent and the Classis Britannica forts’, KAR, 166 (Winter 2006), 121-123. N. Aldridge, ‘The Roman road from Sutton Valence to Ashford: evidence for an alternative route to that proposed by Margary’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 171-184. G. de la Bédoyère, Roman Britain: a new history (London: Thames & Hudson). D. C. Boden, ‘A Late Iron-Age/Early Roman site at Bredgar, near Sittingbourne’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 345-374. CAT Annual Report: Canterbury’s Archaeology 2004-5 (Canterbury: CAT). J. Creighton, Britannia: The Creation of a Roman Province (London: Routledge). K. Elks, ‘The Roman Settlement at Ickham’, KAR, 164 (Summer 2006), 94-95. H. Gough, ‘The Source of Samian’, KAR, 166 (Winter 2006), 123-124. C. Haselgrove, ‘The impact of the Roman conquest on indigenous coinages in Belgic Gaul and Southern Britain’, in P. de Jersey (ed.), Celtic Coinage: new discoveries, new discussion (Oxford: Archaeopress), 97-116. A. Herbert, ‘Dartford Villa mortaria revisited’, Dartford District Arch. Group Newsletter, 18, 4-7. R. Kurzman, ‘Roman military brick stamps: a comparison of methodology’, British Archaeological Reports International Series 1543 (Oxford: Archaeopress). [pp. 177-184 on brick stamps of the Classis Britannica] D. Mattingly, An Imperial Possession: Britain in the Roman Empire 54 BC-AD 409 (London: Allen Lane). K. Parfitt, ‘The Roman Villa at Minster in Thanet. Part 3: the corridor house, building 4’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 115-134. A. Pearson, The Work of Giants: Stone and Quarrying in Roman Britain (Stroud: Tempus). KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2006 511 B. Philp, ‘The Roman Cemetery at Wested Lane, Eynsford’, KAR, 166 (Winter 2006), 124-129. B. Philp, Lullingstone and Shoreham: discoveries at the Roman Villa Sites 1982-1986 (Dover: Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit). J. Preston, ‘The Roman Tombs at Keston’, KAR, 165 (Autumn 2006), 112-113. F. Sear, Roman theatres: an architectural study (Oxford: OUP). [pp 196-7 on Canterbury] K. Smith, ‘Guides, guards and gifts to the gods: domesticated dogs in the art and archaeology of Iron Age and Roman Britain’, in British Archaeological Reports 422. (Oxford: Archaeopress). [pp. 22-24, 29-32 on the Springhead temple] P. Warry, ‘Tegulae in Roman Britain: manufacture, typology and use’, British Archaeological Reports 417 (Oxford: Archaeopress). AngloNGLO-SaxON Anon., ‘Exploring the origins of Anglo-Saxon Eastry, Kent’, Portable Antiquities Scheme Annual Report 2005/6, 64-65. V. Birbeck, ‘Prehistoric and Medieval features at Foster Road, Ashford: Preliminary results’, KAS Newsletter 70 (Autumn 2006), 2-3. H. Geake, ‘Medieval Britain and Ireland, 2003: Portable Antiquities Scheme, Kent’, Medieval Archaeology 50, 286-287. D. Godden, ‘Cliffs End Farm Ramsgate, Kent’ (Wessex Archaeology report, April 2006). D. Hart, ‘Excavations at Bradstow School, Broadstairs’, KAS Newsletter 69 (Summer 2006), 14-15. S. Chadwick-Hawkes and Guy Grainger, The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Fingles-ham, Kent Monograph 64. (Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology). D. Henson, The origins of the Anglo-Saxons (Hockwold-cum-Wilton: Anglo-Saxon Books). A. Scott McKinley, ‘The first two centuries of Saint Martin of Tours’, Early Medieval Europe 14 (2006), 173-200. [Includes references to Saint Martin’s cult in 6th/7th-century Canterbury]. G. A. Moody, ‘Proposed development of residential accommodation at Bradstow School, Dumpton Park, Broadstairs, Kent’ (Broadstairs: Trust for Thanet Archaeology). K. Parfitt, ‘Excavations at the Anglo-Saxon cemetery site at Guilton Mill, Ash-next-Sandwich’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 391-393. K. Parfitt, ‘Interim report on excavations at Ringlemere Monument 1, 2005 (Trench 6)’; ditto (Trenches 7 and 8) (Canterbury: CAT). B. Philp, ‘Saxon Deptford’, KAR 163 (Spring 2006), 53-57. B. Philp, ‘Saxon cemetery protest stops dig at Bridge’, KAR, 165 (Autumn 2006), 99-100. J.F. Potter, ‘Anglo-Saxon building techniques: Quoins of twelve Kentish Churches reviewed’, Archaeologia Cantiana , cxxvi, 185-218. A. Richardson, ‘Grange Brooch’, KAS Newsletter 69 (Summer 2006), 13. A. Richardson, ‘5th century relief brooch from Gillingham’, The Searcher 255 (November 2006), 26-27. W. Stevens, Early Medieval glass vessels found in Kent (Oxford: BAR British Series 424). KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2006 512 MedievalEDIEVAL T. Ayers and T. Tatton-Brown (eds), Medieval art, architecture and archaeology at Rochester (Leeds: British Archaeological Association). L. Barber and G. Priestley-Bell, Medieval Adaptation, Settlement and economy of a coastal wetland: the evidence from around Lydd, Romney Marsh, Kent (Oxford: Oxbow Books). D. Brown and E.V. Murray, ‘Timber Fittings and fixtures in churches and secular buildings: mid fourteenth-century timber stairs at Brabourne Church Kent’, Church Archaeology 7/8/9, 45-50. B.M.S. Campbell and K. Bartley, England on the eve of the Black Death. An atlas of lay lordship, land and wealth, 1300-49 (Manchester: MUP). J. Coad, ‘Warfare and defence: what next?’, Post Medieval Archaeology 39, 2 224-32. [deals with Dover and Chatham]. M.C.J. Davis, ‘St Radegund’s Abbey: a re-assessment of the Abbey Church’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 239-56. R. and F. Gameson, ‘From Augustine to Parker: the changing face of the first archbishop of Canterbury’, in S. Keynes and A. Smyth (eds), Anglo-Saxons: Studies Presented to Roy Hart (Dublin: Four Courts Press), 13-38. R. James, ‘Archaeological Investigations at Middle Stoke on the Hoo Peninsula’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 71-86. V. King, ‘Share and Share Alike? Bishops and their Cathedral Chapters: the Domesday evidence’, Anglo-Norman Studies, 28 (2005), 138-52. S. Kelly, ‘Lyminge minster and its early charters’, in Keynes and Smyth (eds), Anglo-Saxons, 98-113. G. Owen-Crocker, ‘Reading the Bayeux Tapestry through Canterbury eyes’, in Keynes and Smyth (eds), Anglo-Saxons, 243-65. M. Penman, ‘The Bruce Dynasty, Becket and Scottish pilgrimage to Canterbury, c.1170-1404’, Journal of Medieval History, 32 4, 346-70. K. ���������������������������������������Parfitt,Corke,B.andCotter,J.,2006Parfitt, Corke�������������������������,2006 ,������������������������B����������������������..�����������������������������������������2006and�����������������dCotter,Cotter����������,,���������J�������.,2006.,�����,2006 2006, �����������������������������������TownwallStreetDover,ExcavationsTownwall Street Dover, Excavations 1996 (����������������������������������������������������������TheArchaeologyofCanterburyNewSeriesIII:Canterbury). The Archaeology of Canterbury N���������������������������ewSeriesIII:ew ������������������������SeriesIII:S�����������������������eriesIII:eries �����������������III:III��������������:Canterbury).: B. Philp, ‘The Medieval site at Well Wood, Aylesford’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 27-48. B. Philp, ‘A Medieval Site at Horncross Shaw, Eynsford’, KAR, 165, 102-106. J. Semple, ‘The Tanners of Wrotham Manor 1400-1600’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 1-26. S. Sweetinburgh, ‘The Archangel Gabriel’s Stone and other relics: William Haute’s search for salvation in fifteenth-century Kent’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 311-30. EarlyARLY MODERN 1500-1700 A. Abbey, The Sittingbourne Anomaly: being an analysis of local Plague mortality during the terrible visitations of 1665 & 1666 … (Sittingbourne: A. Abbey). M. G. Brennan, The Sidneys of Penshurst and the monarchy, 1500-1700 (Aldershot: Ashgate,). B. Barber, ‘Towards a plan of Dartford Priory and the Tudor manor’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, ������393-8.393-8. KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2006 513 P. Collinson, ‘The persecution in Kent’, in E. Duffy and D. Loades, The Church of Mary Tudor (Aldershot: Ashgate), 309-33. P. Collinson, ‘What’s in a name? Dudley Fenner and the peculiarities of Puritan nomenclature’, in K. Fincham and P. Lake (eds), Religious politics in Post-Reformation England … (Woodbridge: Boydell Press), 113-27. J. Eales, ‘“So many sects and schisms”: religious diversity in revolutionary Kent, 1640-1660’, in C. Durston and J. Maltby (eds), Religion in Revolutionary England (Manchester, MUP), 226-248. K. Jones, Gender and Petty Crime in Late Medieval England: the Local Courts in Kent, 1460-1560 (Woodbridge: Boydell Press). A. Legood, Robert Fludd of Bearsted (Bearsted: Bearsted & District Local History Society). [physician and writer on the occult (1574-1637)]. R. Lutton, Lollardy and Orthodox Religion in Pre-Reformation England: reconstructing piety (Woodbridge: Boydell Press). M. E. Mate, Trade and Economic Developments, 1450-1550: the experience of Kent, Surrey and Sussex (Woodbridge: Boydell Press). I. Mortimer, ‘A directory of medical personnel qualified and practising in the diocese of Canterbury’, c.1560-1730, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi,�����,135- 135-69. A. Poole, ‘Welfare provision in seventeenth-century Kent: a look at Biddenden and neighbouring parishes’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, �������257-77.257-77. H. Vaux, ‘The poor of Otham and nearby parishes: the Coxheath Poor house’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, �������49-70.49-70. P. Wilkinson, The historical development of the port of Faversham 1580-1780, BAR, British Series 413 (Oxford: Archaeopress). ModernODERN 1700-2006 H. Allinson, The Story of Gore Court House and Estate, Tunstall (Sittingbourne: Sittingbourne Heritage Museum). H. Allinson, ‘The health of children of Kent 110 year ago: the County report for 1908’, The Journal of Kent History 63, September, 15, 18-19. B. Anker, Historic Kent, a photographic guide (Stroud: Sutton). P. Ashbee, ‘Canterbury’s 1844 Archaeological Congress’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 331-43. D. Bateman, Uncle Charlie comes home: Westerham and the Great War, 1914-1918 (Lewes: The Book Guild). M. Bennett, The Herne Bay Records Society: the first 60 years (Herne Bay: Herne Bay Records Society). J. Bishop, The Heyday of Maidstone & District (Hersham: Ian Allen). A.G. Brown, ‘The Nore mutiny – sedition or ships’ biscuits?’, The Mariner’s Mirror 92, 1, 66-74. I. Bryce, The Hill Folk (Studley: History-Into-Print) [Organic Market Gardeners in Wrotham during the 1950s] D. Burfield, ‘Edward Cresy, F.S.A: a Kentish architect’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 399-407. G. Bush, Of Merlins, Mirrors and Darts: Whitstable Yacht Club 1952-2002 (Whitstable: Whitstable Museum & Gallery). KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2006 514 J. Chambers, Kent Machine Breakers: the story of the 1830 Riots Vol I: The Riots and Trials (Letchworth Garden City: J. Chambers). [Includes transcripts from T1/4193 at TNA] J. Chambers, Kent Machine Breakers: the story of the 1830 Riots Vol II: The Rioters (Letchworth Garden City: J. Chambers). J. Chambers, Kent Machine Breakers Supplement: Source Documents (Letchworth Garden City: J. Chambers). CD. J. Clancy, Cinemas of the Medway Towns (Loughborough: Mercia Cinema Society). J. Clancy, ‘The Long-gone Cinemas of the Medway Towns’, Local History Magazine, No. 110, 15-19. J. Clancy (ed.), The Story of Brenchley House (Sittingbourne: Historical Research Group of Sittingbourne). [Also an account of the County Grammar School for Girls.] W.A. Claydon, WAC: a history of Maidstone Grammar School from 1925-1941… and from 1942-1966 (Maidstone: Old Maidstonian Society). M. Connelly, Steady the Buffs! A regiment, a region, and the Great War (Oxford: OUP). M. Criddle, Cheriton ‘the wash tub of Folkestone’: a study about the origins of the laundry girls of Cheriton (Folkestone: M. Criddle). N. Evans, Kentish innsignia (Whitstable: Bygone, in association with Shepherd Neame). A. Fisk, Mutual Self-Help in Southern England 1850-1912 (Southampton: Foresters Heritage Trust). M. Foley, Front-line Kent (Stroud: Sutton). A. Gomme, ‘Chevening: The Resolutions’, The Georgian Group Journal, Vol. XV 121-139. D. Gore, On Kentish Chalk: a farming family of the North Downs (Newbury: D. Gore). Gravesend Historical Society, Historic Gravesend 2006 (Gravesend: GHS). T. Gourvish, The official history of Britain and the Channel Tunnel (London: Taylor & Francis). Groombridge History Group, Groombridge in the 1920s and 1930s: the story of our village (Groombridge). G.J. Hall, Impressions of Kent (Chatham: Covell-Hall). DVD. H. Harding, Farningham and its mill (Farningham: Waddard Books). T. F. Harris and S. Wilcox, Papermaking and the Art of Watercolor in Eighteenth-Century Britain: Paul Sandby and the Whatman Paper Mill (Yale Center for British Art/YUP). R. Hewlings, ‘The Belvedere, Waldershare Park, Kent’, The Georgian Group Journal XV, 229-80. S. Hindle, ‘Technologies of identification under the Old Poor Law’, The Local Historian 36, 4, 220-36. S. Hofmann, Thomas Highgate, his family and their Shoreham connections (Shoreham: Shoreham & District Historical Society). J. Homeshaw and C. Thomas, Wrotham: a century of pictures (Wrotham: Wrotham Historical Society). Horton Kirby & South Darent Local History Society, Images of Horton Kirby paper mill (Horton Kirby: HK&SD Parish Council). KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2006 515 E. James (ed.), Shoreham at war: the people of Shoreham, Kent 1939-1945 (Shoreham; Shoreham & District Historical Society). M. Jenkins, No Trolleys to Loose: Maidstone Buses and Trolley Buses on Film 1928-73 (Online Video). DVD. KCC Libraries & Archives, Kent on film: moving images of Kent 1895-1960 (Brighton: Screen Archive South East). DVD. K. Kersey, Bearsted & Thurnham Remembered (Maidstone: K. Kersey). M. Langley, Kent Seaways: Hoys to Hovercraft (Midhurst: Middleton Press). D. Leach, Caring for Dover’s Poor (Dover: Riverdale Publications). D. Le Faye, A Chronology of Jane Austen and her family (Cambridge: CUP). B. Macfarlane, ‘Donald Maxwell’s Domesday Tiles’, Journal of the Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society, Vol. 12, 9-20. [Painter and etcher of the Medway Valley (1877-1936)]. Magnox Electric Ltd. Dungeness A: 40 years of power (Dungeness: British Nuclear Group). R. Martin, Maidstone Area Paper Mills 1700-2004 (Maidstone: R. Martin). M. Matthews, Captain Swing in Sussex & Kent: rural rebellion in 1830 (Hastings: Hastings Press). B. Mollo, The Kent Yeomanry (Stroud: Tempus). A. Moss and B. Ratcliffe, Rochester (Stroud: Tempus). C. Nelson, Flames! Fire, Camera, Action: book of photos of county fire disasters (Ashford: Headley Brothers). L. Oppitz, Lost Tramways of Kent (Newbury: Countryside Books). A.M. Parkin, On East Hill: Life on the North Downs as recalled by Jack Hollands (Chichester: Phillimore). R.A. Pearce, Brief History of the White Horse, Bearsted (Maidstone: Kathryn Kersey). G. Pike, Seaside story: Whitstable & Tankerton-on-Sea: a study in local history (Whitstable: Whitstable Improvement Trust). M. Raraty, ‘Blackmansbury, Braems, and Bridge Place’, The Journal of Kent History 63, September, 2-5. N.B. Reid, Isle of Sheppey (Stroud: Nonsuch). Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society, 400 years of the Wells, 1606-2006 (Tunbridge Wells: RTWC 2005). M. Ryall, Kent revisited: photographic memories (Salisbury: Francis Frith). J. Rymill, The Three Sheppey Islands in the 19th and 20th centuries (Marden: Green Arrow Publishing). I. Shrub, ‘Jewish life in the Medway towns’, The Journal of Kent History, 63, September, 8-12, 36. B. Smith, Who Guards the Shore? The Dover Garrison 1685-1990 (Dover: B. Smith). E. Snell, ‘Representations of criminality and victimisation in provincial newspapers: The Kentish Post 1717 to 1768’, Southern History, 27, 2005. R. Spiller, The Robinson Family from 1700 until 2006 (Maidstone: R. Spiller). [The life and times of the Rev. Thomas Robinson, vicar of Chart Sutton from 1869-1892, and two of his sons] H. Stennett and K.H. McIntosh, (eds), Broad Oak a Kentish village reconsidered (Canterbury: K.H. McIntosh for the Society of Sturry Villages). KENTISH BIBLIOGRAPHY 2006 516 D. Stuart, Old Kent Inns (Stroud: Tempus). Tunbridge Wells Family History Society. Memorials to the Fallen of Speldhurst 1815-1945 (Tunbridge Wells: TWFHS). CD. H. Vaux, ‘The poor of Otham and nearby parishes: the Coxheath poor house’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 49-70. C.H.K. Williams, ‘Charing clocks, clockmakers and clock-keepers (Part II)’, Archaeologia Cantiana, cxxvi, 87-114. C.H.K. Williams, ‘The Church Clocks of Charing, Kent’, Antiquarian Horology 29, March 2006, 371-96. D. Wood, 150 not out: the complete history of Rainham Cricket Club 1856-2006 (Rainham: Meresborough Bks). O. Woolner, The House of Broken Fortunes, Hall Place in the Twentieth Century (Bexley: Bexley Archives). ThesesHESES 2004-6 H.B. Basford, ‘Kent V.A.D.: the work of Voluntary Aid Detachments in Kent during the First World War’. Kent m.phil. 2005. C. Burt, ‘The governance of Edward I, 1272-1307, with special references to Shropshire, Warwickshire and Kent’. Cambridge ph.d. 2005. C. Cooper, ‘The impact on the county of Kent of the French Revolution, 1789-1802’. Kent ph.d. 2004. C. Cordell, ‘Hop cultivation and marketing: Wealden Kent and Southwark, 1744-2000’. Leicester ph.d. 2005. P.M. Donaldson, ‘The memorialisation of the Great War in Folkestone, Canterbury and Dover, 1918-24’. Kent ph.d. 2005. G. M. Draper,����������������������������������������������������������,‘LiteracyanditstransmissionintheRomneyMarsharea, ‘Literacy and its transmission in the Romney Marsh area, c.1150’�. Kent ph.d. 2004. T. Finucane, ‘Manifestations of national identity in 19th-century Kent’. Kent ph.d. 2004. S. Hingley, ‘The Oxindens, Warlys and Elham parish library: a family library and its place in print culture in East Kent’. Kent ph.d. 2004. S. Mee, ‘“A mingle-mangle of apparel”: clothing the people of Suffolk, Kent and Lincolnshire, 1580-1720’. Roehampton ph.d. 2004. J. B. Morgan-Evans, ‘Lords and peasants in 14th-century Kent, with special reference to Wye manor and Boxley abbey’. London m.phil. 2003. S. Petrie, ‘Sir Roger Twysden 1597-1672: a Re-appraisal of his Life and Writings’. Kent ph.d. 2006. J.M. Rampelt, ‘Distinctions of reason and reasonable distinctions: the academic life of John Wallis (1616-1703)’. Cambridge ph.d. 2005. [Mathematician and cryptographer, born at Ashford.] R. Semple, ‘Dover’s bunker mentality: Dover, its people and its tunnels in two world wars’. Kent ph.d. 2005. J. Suarez, ‘Ships’ logbooks and climate studies: the case of the English Channel, 1685-1700’. Sunderland ph.d. 2005. R. Yarlett, ‘The Anglo-Norman aristocracy of Kent and Sussex’. St Andrews m.phil. 2005.


Annual Report of the Council for 2006


General Index