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Annual Bibliography of Kentish Archaeology and History 2006
Front matter, Volume 126
General Index
517 general iNDEX I llustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics A S Anglo-Saxon E BA/BA/LBA Early/Bronze Age/Late EIA /ia/ Early/Iron Age/Late MIA Middle Iron Age R -B Romano-British A bbey Farm Roman villa, Minster-in-Thanet 10, 11, 210, 261-96 animal bone 263, 284, 285, 288, 292 boundary ditch (F.7197/7284) 263, 265, 284, 285, 289, 290 Building 1: 261, 262, 284, 293 Building 3 bath-house 261, 262, 272, 274, 282, 284, 293, 294 Building 4 stone corridor house 261, 262, 263, 267, 293-6 Building 6A, with bath-suite 261, 263-86, 288, 289-92, 293-6 Building 6B 261, 265, 267, 268, 272, 284, 286-9, 293, 294, 295-6 ceramic water-pipe 279, 280, 283-4, 289 coins 276, 282, 285, 289, 293 hearths 268, 273, 287, 288, 294 lead drain and cover 280 painted plaster 284, 292 pottery 263, 265, 273, 276, 277, 279, 282, 283, 285, 286, 288, 289-92, 293 pottery wasters (overfired) 265, 290 R oman tile 263, 276, 282, 284, 288, 292, 296 shell 263, 284, 288, 292 timber pipes 281, 283 water supply and drainage 281-4 wells 281-3, 289, 291-2 A dams, Mary, ‘Westwell - the establish-ment of a village’ 175-95 adzes, Mesolithic 46 A elfric, Archbishop 175 A gricola 253 agriculture, prehistoric 367, 370, 372, 380 A lan son of Martha 68 A ldemed, Thomas 183 A llens Farm, Plaxtol, R-B tile-kiln 318-19 A lnwick, William, bishop 387 amber, EBA/BA 43, 53 bead 326 knife pommel 53 pendant 50 A ndrew, Thomas 66 A ndrews, F.W.G., ‘The road services of Kent in the nineteenth century’ 213-35 A ngerstein, John 111 A nglo-Saxon/Saxon period Broadstairs, burial 424 Canterbury 323 cemetery on barrow 424 Margate, sunken-featured building 423 Otford church 433 cremation burials 432 Middle Saxon occupation 432- 4 R inglemere Farm, cemetery and sunken hut 51-3, 52 St Margarets at Cliffe, burials 328 South Willesborough, hearths (camp-fires) 238, 242, 244, 246 Westwell and church 175, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189 see also cemeteries; knives; pottery GENERAL IN DEX 518 A xtane, hundred jurors 58 A yers, T., and T. Tatton-Brown (eds), Medieval Art, Architecture and Archaeology at Rochester, reviewed 439-40 A ylesford, lathe 64 A yscough, William, bishop 390-1 bailiffs 60, 63, 64, 66, 68 Baker, John 310 Baker, Richard 118 Balliol, Alexander and Isobel de 60 Bankes, Caleb 104 Barber, Luke, Medieval Life on Romney Marsh: archaeological discoveries from around Lydd, reviewed 446-7 Barfrestone, St Nicholas Church 328 Barming 79 barns roofing of Wrotham manor barn 298-9 Westwell 178, 180-1, 184, 192, 193 barrows Bay Hill, ring-ditch 328 E BA/BA 163, 167-9, 424, 426 Minster, BA 326 N eolithic long 359, 361, 371, 372, 376, 378 R inglemere 41, 49-51, 49, 53 bath-suites see Abbey Farm Roman villa Battle Abbey (Sussex), Wye land-holdings 57, 62, 144, 146, 151 Baud, Reginald le 68 beads amber, BA 326 fossil sponge 326 pottery 199 Beaufort family 385, 387-9, 391, 393, 402 Bechinwood 308 Becke, Thomas le 66 Beckenham 31-2, 228 Bede, the Venerable 249 bedel rolls 175, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 186, 190-4 Beechbrook Wood 188, 241, 243 Beeche, John 305 beer bottle labels 412-13 Belgic period Maidstone 79, 98 South Willesborough 241, 245 animal bone cat 90, 100 cattle 80, 81, 86, 93, 100, 364, 377 deer skulls 327 dog 100 dog burials 284, 285, 292 pig 86, 100, 364 sheep/goat 80, 86, 93, 100, 364 sites A bbey Farm Roman villa 263, 284, 285, 288, 292 Chalk Hill, Ramsgate 364, 377, 378 Margate 429 Minster 327 Otford, Middle Saxon 432, 434 St Margarets at Cliffe 328 Walmer 327 see also Maidstone, Fremlin Walk A OC Archaeology Group 73, 430-2 A ppledore chapel 186 road services 230 Archaeologia Cantiana 1, 5, 11, 13, 16, 21, 22, 28 archaeology and historical studies 1-19 A rchaeology South East (ASE) 127, 424 A rea Archaeological Advisory Com-mittees 3-4 armlets copper-alloy 84 shale 83, 83, 84 A rnold, George Arnold 112 A rnold, Ralph 30 arrowheads barbed and tanged 422 N eolithic 365, 370, 376 A rundel, Thomas, archbishop 386, 387 A shbee, Paul, BA cult site(?) at Cobham 424-8 A shdown Forest 129, 136 A shford, road services 222, 227, 229, 231; see also South Willesborough ate Welle, John 308 A tkins, Abram 112 atte Gater, Adam 186 A ugustine, St 249 A usten, Jane 436-7 axes, metal (celts), BA 425-7 axes, stone Mesolithic 46 N eolithic 367, 374, 375, 376, 378 GENERAL IN DEX 519 belt buckle, Roman 205, 206, 209 Bending, Peter de 175, 177, 182, 188, 189 Bennell, Maureen, and Daryl Stump, Middle Saxon occupation at Otford 432-4 Berewyk, John de 70 Bergman, John 153 Berksted, Walter de 66 Bexley, tile kiln 300, 301 Biddulph, Edward see Brady, Kate Bignell, Alan 24 Bigod, Hugh 60, 62, 64 bird bone 90, 100 Black Death 146 Blackheath hundred jurors 58 road services 214 Bleangate hundred 66 Blencowe, Robert Willis 21 Blengat’, Andrew de 66 Blithe, Hugh de 68 Blue Bell Hill, IAia cult activity 426 Boast, Emma 421-2, 429-30 boats N eolithic log 378 Bronze Age 43, 169 bone tool(?) 90, 90 Boniface, archbishop of Savoy 62, 63, 67 Borminge, Robert de 66 Borough Green, medieval tile-makers 297-320 Cappys 301, 302, 303, 304-7, 309, 313 Chepstedstenement (Manor House, Crowland) 301, 302, 303, 310-12, 311, 313, 317, 318 claypits 303, 310, 315, 316, 317, 318 Sibbis 302, 305, 307, 312 Sterris 302, 308 Studfold 301, 302, 303, 307, 312-15 Winchers 301, 302, 307-10, 318 Borrowman, Robert 31 Bosco, John de 65 Bosworth, George F. 28-9 Boughton Aluph 144, 145, 145, 150, 151, 152 Boughton Monchelsea 61, 79, 101 Bourchier, Thomas, archbishop 392-3, 395, 396, 397, 400 Bouverie, Elizabeth 117, 118 Bowles family 110, 111 box flue tile 205, 207 Boyd, Augustus 111-12 Boyd, John 111, 112 Boys family 110, 111 Braburn, John de 65 bracelet, jet, BA 326 Brady, Kate, and Edward Biddulph, ‘Feeding the moat: excavations near the site of Edenbridge manor house’ 127-41 Braose, William de 61, 69 Brasted, hundred jurors 58 bread ovens, medieval 321 Breche, John 193-4 Breda, Carl Frederik von 108, 116 Brenchley hundred 66 brickearth quarrying, Westbere 325 brickworks, Westwell 188 bridgeheads, Neolithic 373-4 bridges 58, 69 Brighton, road services 215 briquetage 254 British Sundial Society 333, 335, 338, 349 Broadstairs Bradstow School, BA ring-ditch 423-4 railways 229 Seacroft Road, LIAlia/early Roman features 429-30 Broadstairs Bishop’s Avenue site 197-211 I ron Age 197-9, 209, 210 bead 199 ditches 197, 199, 200 Potin coin 199, 209 pottery 197, 199, 201, 210 spindlewhorl 199 structures 199, 200 R oman/Romano-British 197, 199-208, 209-10 Building 1 cellared 200, 202, 203, 204-8, 209 kilns 202, 204-5, 207, 208, 209 quern reused in situ 203, 209 Building 2: 200, 203-4, 209 ditch/gully 199 GENERAL IN DEX 520 Broadstairs Bishop’s Avenue site (cont.) R oman/Romano-British (cont.) plant remains 201, 205 pottery 199, 203, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210 roof tile 199 box flue tile 205, 207 crop processing 201 daub 205, 207 grave marker? (cobble) 201 Hamilton Lodge (BAB) 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 208 infant burials 201 millstones 207, 208-9 painted wall plaster 207, 208, 209 quern fragments 205, 207, 209 Stone Road site (SNB) 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 208 Bromley 61 bronze, BA 424-8 Bronze Age Broadstairs, ring-ditch 423-4 Cobham, cult site? 424-8 Dover boat 43, 169 flint 239, 244, 370 Herne Bay, LBA/EIAeia features 326 hoard 42, 44 Manston 421 Margate, occupation 429 Minster, crouched inhumation and barrow 326 St Margarets at Cliffe, inhumations 328 Snodland, LBA settlement 330-1 Thanet 259 Walmer 327 Wouldham cremation in biconical urn 163-73 see also barrows; Kingsborough Hill; pottery; Ringlemere cup; Ringlemere Farm brooches copper-alloy 82, 327 Hallstatt 42, 44 LIA lia /er-B 327 Brown, (Sir) Thomas 393, 395 Broxham, moated site 136 Bryght, Thomas and Peter 298 Bullok, Thomas 153 Burham, causewayed enclosure 169, 357, 358, 359, 371, 372 burials A nglo-Saxon 328, 424, 432, 433 in BA barrows 424 Chalk Hill, Late Neolithic/EBA and Late Neolithic crouched 364-5, 366 Broadstairs, EIAeia 430 Maidstone, IAia-Roman 83-5 medieval to post-medieval 87 post-medieval 95, 103-4 Margate, prehistoric crouched 422-3 LIA lia /er 429 Minster, BA crouched inhumation 326 St Margarets at Cliffe, BA/IAia inhum-ations and Anglo-Saxon 328 Walmer, LIAlia-er 327 see also barrows; Broadstairs Bishop’s Avenue; cremations; human remains Burley, Sir Simon de 156 Burn, Henry de 65 Bushell [G.], Watkins & Co, brewers 413 But, Adam 66 Cabriabanus, tile-maker 318-19 Cade Rebellion (and John Cade) 64, 307, 390-1, 393 Caesar 251, 253, 427 Calcraft, John 120 Camden, Calvert and King 111 Campayne family 303, 315-17 Campbell, Duncan 111 Camvill, John de 136 Canterbury A nglo-Saxon activity 323 Barton Mill and Barton Mill Road 323-4 Cathedral 386, 387, 388, 389 encroachments on land and roads 68 eyre 70 hundred jurors 58 30 King’s Street 322 and liberties 68 20 Love Lane 323 Neolithic flintworking 323-4 N ew Grange House, King’s School, St Augustine’s Abbey 322-3 8 Palace Street 321-2 Peter of Dene’s lodgings 323 R evolt 143, 144, 158 GENERAL IN DEX 521 Canterbury (cont.) road services 214-15, 216, 217, 218, 219, 222, 227, 229, 230 6-8 Rose Lane 321 St Augustine’s, abbot of 61, 68, 257 St Augustine’s Abbey 62, 323, 398, 399 Whitefriars 11 see also Christ Church Priory Canterbury Archaeological Trust (CAT) 4-5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 41, 321-32 Canterbury and Whitstable railway 213 Cappe (Keppe) family 303, 304-5, 315 carriers, 19th-century 214, 218-20, 221, 222, 223, 224-8, 229, 232-3 cars 231 causewayed enclosures, Early Neolithic 169, 357-82, 359; see also Chalk Hill; Kingsborough Hill caves, Chislehurst 435; see also rag-stone quarries Celeby, Hugh de 68 cemeteries A nglo-Saxon 51-3, 424 R oman/R-B 80, 80, 81, 83-5, 100, 101-2, 328, 330 Centre for Kentish Studies 24 Chadwick-Hawkes, Sonia, and Guy Grainger, The Anglo-Saxon Cemet-ery at Finglesham, Kent, reviewed 445-6 Chalk, John 118 Chalk Hill, Ramsgate, causewayed enclosure 357-8, 359, 361-7, 371, 372, 373-5, 376, 377-8 animal bone 364, 377, 378 crouched burials, Late Neolithic 365, 366 cursus(?) 361, 365 flint, Neolithic 365 henge monument(?) 358, 361 human burials, Late Neolithic/EBA 364-5, 377 human remains, Late Neolithic 365 plant remains 367 pottery 361, 363, 369, 370, 375, 377 stone, worked and unworked 367 chalk mines, Chislehurst 435 Chalklin, Christopher 27 Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRLrl) 9, 11 Chapman, Thomas and Agnes 310 Charing 67 sarsen stones 376 Chart Sutton 79 Charts Edge 413 Chatham 228 Chelverton, John 153 Chepsted family 303, 310-12 Cherry, Revd Thomas 118 Chetham, Nigel de 65 Cheyne, John 389, 391-2, 393 chief pledge 60 Chilham 66 Chilham Castle 113 Chislehurst Caves 435 Christ Church Priory, Canterbury hundred rolls 61, 62, 65, 66, 68 John Stone’s Chronicle 383-406 manors 175, 177, 179, 180, 182, 183, 193, 194 churches Barfrestone 328 Hothfield 329-30 Minster-in-Thanet 434 N ew Romney 329 Otford 433 Saxon (at Westwell) 185, 186, 187, 188, 189 scratch (mass) dials 333-56 Westerham, ragstone 407, 408 Westwell (Welles) 175, 176, 180, 185-8, 189, 190 chapel/capella 179, 185, 186-7 Cinque Ports, distraints by 67-8 Clakkers Hall, Crouch 308 Clare earls of Gloucester 61, 62, 63 Clare, Gilbert de, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford 57, 58, 59, 63, 70 Clarkson, Thomas 108, 109, 117, 118, 119 Clay Lane Wood, Cobham, Bronze Age cult site? 424-8 clay quarrying Canterbury 324 Whitfield 328 clay tobacco pipes Canterbury, kiln(?) 321 Hosey Common underground quarry 412 Maidstone 91, 104 waster pit/kiln debris, Maidstone 98, 99, 104 GENERAL IN DEX 522 claypits, Borough Green 303, 310, 315, 316, 317, 318 Cliffe-at-Hoo, The Rectory House 182-3 Clifford, Richard de 66 clocks 336, 337, 347; see also scratch dials coaches 214-17, 220, 226 coaching inns 226 Cobb (Snr), Francis 110-11, 120-1 Cobbett, William 111 Cobeham, John de 64 Cobeham, Reginald de 68 Cobham Clay Lane Wood, BA cult site? 424-8 R oman villa 10 coins Celtic 282, 289 IA ia Potin 199, 209 R oman 44, 207, 276, 285, 289, 293, 330 Colbrand, Joan and John 147, 149, 153, 155-7, 158 collars, iron, Roman 283 Combe, John de 147, 157 Committee for Rescue Archaeology in Kent (CRAraK) 4, 6 Conference of Regional and Local Historians (CORALral) 33-4 Connor, Meriel, ‘The political alleg-iances of Christ Church Priory 1400-1472: the evidence of John Stone’s Chronicle’ 383-406 Consuetudines Kancie (Customs of Kent) 69-70 Cook, William 153, 154 cooking bowl or cauldron, iron 412 Coombe, Anglo-Saxon burial site 51 Cooper, William 118 Copeland, H. Rob 31-2 copper-alloy objects R oman villa 282 R omano-British 205 Coppini, Francesco de 393, 394 corn driers, Snodland 331 Cornford, Hugh 317 Cornford, John, potter 312-13 coroners 60, 62, 63, 66, 143, 156 Council for Kentish Archaeology (CKA) 3, 4, 7 County Archaeologist 8-9 county court, medieval 60, 63, 66 County Records Offices 24 court rolls 298, 299, 304, 305, 306, 310, 311, 315, 318 court system, medieval 59-60, 62 Coveshurst, John 149 Cranbrook, road services 219, 228 Crane, Bettina (ed.), Elvington. All Snap Tins and Sunshine. The Story of a Kent Mining Village from 1900 to 1986, reviewed 459-61 Crawley, iron working 129 cremations Hersden 324, 325 Maidstone, IAia urn 75 Otford, Anglo-Saxon 432 R oman 101, 324, 328 Snodland, LBA 331 South Willesborough, infant in IAia pottery 238, 239-41, 243, 245-6 Walmer, LBA/EIAeia 327 Whitfield, Roman 328 Wouldham, in biconical urn 163-73 Crioill, William de 66 Crioll, Bertram de 60 Crioll family 63 Crispe family 110, 258 crop processing, Broadstairs 201 Crouch, Clakkers Hall 308 Crowley, Ambrose 111 Cruce, William de 65 Cruse, John, ‘Dating the cremation in a biconical urn at the Early Bronze Age barrow, Hill Road, Wouldham’ 163-73 cup, gold see Ringlemere cup cursus(?), Chalk Hill, Ramsgate 361, 365 Danes 253-4 Dartford hundred jurors 58 road services 214, 230, 231 daub 86, 237, 239, 241, 242, 328 Deal road services 214, 215, 217, 230 slave trade 110 deer house 298 deer parks 298, 306 Deeves, Simon, ‘Excavation of an Iron Age and Saxon site at South Willesborough, Ashford’ 237-47 GENERAL IN DEX 523 Delham, Philip and Simon de 68 Dene, Alfred de 67 Dengemarsh 145 dens 136 Deptford 109, 115, 118, 119 Derman, William 310 Derville, Major Teichman 17 Detsicas, Alec P. 13, 19 Deverel Rimbury period enclosure ditch 429 Devil’s Den, moated site 136 Diak, M., A Bronze Age Settlement at Kemsley near Sittingbourne, Kent, reviewed 447-8 diatoms, Strood 430, 432 directories 213-35 Dodge, John 305-6 Doge, Edward 306 Domesday Book 129, 181, 184 Dover Bronze Age boat 43, 169 excavations 3 exports from 59 road services 214, 216, 217, 222, 226, 228, 229, 232 Dover Strait 249, 251, 253 Druids 427 Dunkin, Alfred John and John 424-5, 427-8 Dunster, Sandra, and Elizabeth Edwards, ‘150 years of local history: local Kentish practice and national trends’ 21-38 Durlock Stream 40, 43, 46 E adhelmesbregge 127 E arde, Simon de 147, 157 E ast Barming 79, 101 E ast Grinstead, mine 129 E ast Kent Light Railway 213 E ast Stour River 237, 238, 241, 244, 245 E astchurch see Kingsborough Hill E astry see Tilmanstone/Eastry E astry, Henry (prior) Memorandum Book 175, 177, 179, 180, 186 mill built by 185, 193 Ebbsfleet and channel 249, 250, 251, 254-5, 257, 258, 259 E ccles 10 E den River 129, 131, 135 E denbridge manor house moat 127-41 channels 129, 131, 135-6 metalworking activity/ironworking 127, 129, 133, 136, 137, 140 post-medieval features 135 pottery 131, 133, 136, 138-40 slag/tap slag 133, 136, 137, 140 smithing hearth bottom 133, 136 smithy 127, 133, 137, 140 E dgar, King 253-4 E dmund, archbishop 183 E dward I 57-8, 61, 62, 63, 66, 69, 70 E dward IIii 157 E dward IV 395-8, 399, 401 E dwards, Catherine, ‘Excavations at Fremlin Walk, Maidstone’ 73-106 E dwards, Elizabeth see Dunster, Sandra E lham 67 undercroft 182 E lvey Farm (Castle House) 176, 188 E ngland’s Past for Everyone (EPE) 27, 35, 38n.65 E nglish Channel 249, 255, 373 E BA cross-channel routes 169-70, 169 escheators 58, 63, 66-7, 155 E tchingham, road services 230 E vans, J.H. 13 E veritt, Alan 25 E well 66 E xchequer Rolls of Green Wax see green wax eyres 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 70 farming and farmers, prehistoric 373-4, 376, 378, 379-80 Farningham, road services 230, 231 Faversham hundred rolls 59, 67, 69 road services 222, 226 Felborough hundred 59, 60 ferry crossing, Wantsum 251, 254, 258 ffynnor, Guy, tiler 299 fibula, Roman 75 field archaeology 2-3 Fiennes, James 389-90, 391 figurine, Roman 81 Finglesham, Lower Farm 46 fired clay, IA/R-B 237, 241, 242 Flanders 58, 59 GENERAL IN DEX 524 Fletcher, Thos 91 Flight, Colin, The Survey of the Whole of England: Studies of the documentation resulting from the survey conducted in 1086, reviewed 444-5 flint Bronze Age 239, 244, 370 Maidstone 75 Margate, prehistoric 422 Mesolithic 46, 75, 239, 244 N eolithic 48, 239, 244, 323-4, 365, 370, 421 R inglemere 44, 45, 46, 48, 50 South Willesborough, prehistoric 239, 244 used as pick or chopping tool in Saxon period 423 flint quarry, IA/early Roman 423 floor tiles, medieval 304 fly puparia 103 Fogge, John 393, 394 Folkestone abolition of slavery 119 road services 230 ships in slave trade 110 Foots Cray, road services 214 footwear leather shoe, post-medieval 95 leather shoes found in underground quarry 412 R oman hobnailed boots in grave 79, 84 Forstall, Hamo de la 65 fossil sponge bead 326 fossils 416 four-poster, LBA/EIAeia? 370 Fox, James 186 frankpledge system 60, 61 Furley, Robert 23 furnaces IA ia / R -B 237-8 medieval 321 gallows 61, 62, 63, 68 G ardner, Oliver 434 G arland, William, tiler 312 gavelkind 69-70, 151, 177 G eary, William 113, 120 geoarchaeological results, at Strood 430-2 glass R oman 327 medieval 89 post-medieval 96, 97, 98, 104, 135 G lover, Thomas 152 Godinton House, near Ashford 436 G odmanchester (Cambs.), roadside smithy 137 gold artefacts, EBA 53; see also Ringlemere cup G oodnestone, road services 217 G rain 66 granaries Snodland, BA 331 Westwell (Welles) 179, 180, 193 G rant, Sir Alexander 111, 112 grave marker? 201 G ravesend 109, 110, 115, 214 G ravett, Kenneth 9, 18 G reat Chart, tiles 193 green wax, roll of (summons of) 66, 143, 156 G rey, Henry de 67 G rey, John de 67 Griffiths, Howard 436-7 G rove, L.R. Allen 18 G rovehurst Manor, Neolithic settlement 375 G unnild, William 65 gutter tiles, medieval 299 Hadlo family 303, 305, 307-10 hair-pin, bone 95 Halstead Place 112 Hammond, John, ‘How Kent’s recently discovered causewayed enclosures impact on our understanding and interpretation of the early Neolithic in the region’ 357-82 Harding, Hilary, Farningham and its Mill. A History of a Village in Kent, reviewed 454-6 Hardres, Gunnora de 65 Hardres, Robert de 68 Harven 176, 189 Hasted Prize 16 Hastings, road services 215, 216 Hastlyn (Hastelyn) family 310, 311, 312, 317, 318 Hawkhurst 145 road services 219, 222, 224-5, 230 GENERAL IN DEX 525 Haye, John de la 59 Headcorn 231 hearths Herne Bay 326 R oman villa 268, 273, 287, 288, 294 Saxon (campfires) 238, 242, 244, 246 post-medieval 93 Heliere, Robert de 65 henge-barrow, Ringlemere 41, 42, 44-6 henge monuments Chalk Hill, Ramsgate(?) 358, 361 R inglemere, Late Neolithic 46-9 Henhurst, Richard de 66 Hennebergh 256, 257 Henry IIIiii 57, 58-9, 67, 136 Henry IV 386, 387-8 Henry V 386-7 Henry VI 387, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397-8, 400, 401-2 Herbaldoune, John 144 Herefordshire, scratch dials 343 Herne Bay Bullockstone Road 326 Pier Tramway 228 road services 214, 215, 217, 231 Herne, Thomas, monk 386 Hersden, Island Road 324-5 Hill, Canon Derek Ingram 18 Ho, Thomas de 64 Hoath, road services 217 Hogheman, William 65 Holland, Margaret 388 Holocene 373 hop-picking 28-9 Horne, Robert 394 Hornsby (Hornsey), Robert, pipemaker 98, 99 horses tramways 228 as transport (road services) 224-6, 228, 232-3 Walmer, horse burial 327 see also under animal bone Horton Kirby and South Darenth Local History Society, Images of Horton Kirby Paper Mill, reviewed 454-6 Hosey Common, Westerham, ragstone quarries 407-13 Hothfield, Lord 182 Hothfield, St Margaret’s Church 329-30 human remains Chalk Hill, Late Neolithic 365 Cobham, BA 424-8 Kingsborough Hill, LBA-R 370 Margate, BA skull 429 Minster, MIAia 326 Preston 330 Snodland, LBA 331 Walmer, skull in pit 327 see also burials hundred court 60, 61, 62, 305 hundred rolls 57-72 Hunt, H., pipemaker 98, 99 Hunt, William 299 hunting camps, prehistoric 244, 245 Hythe exports from 59 road services 217, 230 Hythe Beds 407, 416 Hythe and Dymchurch Tramway 228 I ghtham Bounds 315 tile-makers 310, 313, 314, 315, 318 Town House 315-17 infangenetheof 61 inns 226 I ron Age Broadstairs 429-30 Broadstairs Bishop’s Avenue 197-9, 200, 201, 209, 210 burials 84 Canterbury 324 cult activity 324, 426 earthworks 10 Hersden, enclosures and metal-working 324 Margate ditch and flint quarry 422-3 occupation 429 Minster MIAia buildings 326 settlement 326-7 St Margarets at Cliffe, inhumations 328 Walmer, LIAlia/er features 327 Westbere, occupation 325 see also coins; Maidstone, Fremlin Walk; pottery; South Willes-borough GENERAL IN DEX 526 ironworking production 127, 129, 136, 137 I sle of Wight Central Railway Company 225 Jamaica 110, 111, 112, 113 James, Edward (ed.), Shoreham at War: The People of Shoreham, Kent, 1939-1945, reviewed 456-8 James, William 313-14, 315, 318 Janyn, William 304 Jessup, Frank W. 1, 4, 5, 17-18 jet 84; see also bracelet jewellery, as grave goods 83-4 Jews, in hundred rolls 68-9 Jones, John Gale 119 Julliberrie’s Grave 376 juries (jurors) 60-1, 64-5, 67, 69, 70 KAS Library 5, 14, 15-16 Kelly directories 213-14, 228, 229, 230, 231 Kemesing, John de 64 Kempe, John 151 Kempe, Thomas 148-9, 153, 154-5, 156, 157-8 Kemsley Fields, Neolithic activity 375-6 Kenardington manor 67 Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit (KARarU) 3, 4, 6, 7 Kent Archaeological Research Group Council (KARGargC) 2-3 Kent Archaeological Society (KAS) 1-19, 22, 23, 34, 41, 57 Kent Archaeological Trust 6-7 Kent Archives Office 24 Kent Defence Research Group 12 Kent and East Sussex railway 213 Kent History Federation 32 Kent History Trust 5, 6-7, 9 Kent Underground Research Group 12, 413, 417-18 Kentish Ragstone, Kentish Rag see ragstone quarries Killingray, David 14, 27 ‘Kent and the abolition of the slave trade: a county study, 1760s-1807’ 107-25 kilns Broadstairs, to parch grain? 202, 204-5, 207, 208, 209, 210 Canterbury, clay-pipe kiln 321 Sittingbourne, clamp-kiln for bricks 330 see also tileosts King, Thomas 111 Kingsborough Hill, Eastchurch, causewayed enclosure 357-8, 359, 367-71, 372, 373, 377-8 flint 370 four-poster, LBA/EIAeia? 370 human bone, LBA-R 370 plant remains and pollen 370-1, 377 pottery 369, 370, 377 querns 370, 378 round-house 370 stone axe 367, 375 Kingsnorth 241 Kits Coty 376 Knatchbull, Edward 120 knife blade, medieval 93 Knight, Edward 436 Knight family 436-7 knives, iron, Saxon 328, 432, 433 Knokker family 303-4, 315 Knoller, John 300, 313 Kyng, John 317 L angton, Stephen, archbishop 183 Larkfield hundred 67 lathes 64, 66 lawdays 60, 61, 62 L awson, Terence G. 13, 14 L aycestre, John 146, 147, 148, 149, 153-4, 157-8 lead objects, Roman villa 282 leather 95, 96, 105 leather working tool(?), horse bone 90, 90 L eGear, Rod an early gallery at Chislehurst caves 435 ‘Underground ragstone quarries in Kent: a brief overview’ 407-19 L eicester School of Local History 24 leper hospital 329 L esnes Abbey 143 L ewis, Thomas 115 L ewisham, road services 214 L eyburn, Roger de 58, 59, 64, 67, 69 L eyburn, William de 61 L ittle Chart manor 175, 177 GENERAL IN DEX 527 Littlefield hundred 61, 63 L loyd, John, pastor 119 local history 21-38 L odeneford, William de 66 L ondon A fricans living in 115 slave trade 109-10 L ondon, Chatham and Dover railway 229 long-houses, Neolithic 372, 377 L ongbridge hundred 145, 148, 149, 156 loomweights, BA 331 lorries 231, 233 L ovel, Henry 68-9 L ow, Richard 118 L ullingstone Roman Villa 10 L ydd Tramway 228 MacDougall, Philip 30 McKay, Thompson 233 Mcrieff, John 30 Maidstone abolition of slavery 119 A ll Saints Church 86, 102 A rchbishops Palace 86, 103 E arl Street 74, 95, 101, 104 Florence Road, Roman villa 330 Havock Lane 91, 101, 103 KAS Library 5, 14, 15-16 Market Street 91 medieval period, excavated sites 86-7 Museum Bentlif wing 86 Museum Street 101 Pudding Lane 101 road services 214, 215, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224-5, 226, 227, 229, 231 St Faith’s Church/Chapel 87, 103 St Faith’s Street 90, 101, 104 Senacre Wood caves 417-19 Unitarian Chapel, Market Buildings 104 Week Street 74, 80, 87, 90, 91, 100, 103, 104 medieval pottery kiln 86-7, 89, 102 Westborough, R-B cemetery 101 Willington Street area, underground ragstone quarries 416-19 see also Mote Park Maidstone, Fremlin Walk site 73-106 prehistoric 75-9 I ron Age 75-9, 77, 98, 100 R oman 79-86, 98, 100-2 animal bone 80, 81, 86, 90, 93, 100, 102 cemetery 80, 80, 81, 83-5, 100, 101-2 figurine 81 grave and hobnailed boots 79, 84 pottery, IAia/Roman 75-9, 77, 80, 81-3, 83, 84-5, 86, 98, 100 timber structure 79, 80, 81, 82, 85-6, 85, 100-1, 102 villas 79, 100-2 medieval 86-90, 88, 98, 102-3 burials 87 pottery 86, 87, 89, 89, 90, 102 pottery kiln and furniture 86-7, 89, 102 post-medieval 91-8, 92, 103-5 clay pipe waster pit 98, 99, 104 human remains 95, 103-4 leather 95, 96, 105 pottery 91, 93, 94, 94, 95-6, 98, 104 animal bone 75, 79, 80, 81, 86, 90, 93, 100, 102 cess/rubbish pits 87, 89-90, 91, 93, 94, 103 molluscs 74 plant remains 82, 89, 90, 93, 102, 103, 104 Maidstone Area Archaeological Group 163 Malcolm, Neill and Mary Ann (nee Orme) 112 Malemains, Henry 59, 65, 66 malting kiln see kilns manorial courts 177, 298 Manpower Services Commission (MSC) 8 Manston, Spratling Street 421-2 Mares, John de 59, 68 Margate Hartsdown Road, BA and IAia occupation 429 road services 214, 216, 217, 229 St Peter’s Road, prehistoric crouched inhumations and Anglo-Saxon sunken-featured building 422-3 Marryatt, Joseph 113 GENERAL IN DEX 528 Marshall, J.D. 25-6, 33 Martin and Sons Brewery, Westerham 413 Mate, Mavis E., Trade and Economic Developments, 1450-1550. The Experience of Kent, Surrey and Sussex, reviewed 452-4 Matson, John 110 medieval period Canterbury 321, 322-3 hundred rolls 57-72 Manston 422 N ew Romney 329 R inglemere Farm, activity 53 see also Borough Green; Edenbridge manor house moat; Maidstone, Fremlin Walk; scratch dials; Stone, John; tile-makers Medway Megaliths 371-2, 376 Medway River 74, 75, 82, 109 Mee, Arthur 24 Merdenn, Ivo de 65 Mesolithic farmers 373-4 flint 46, 75, 239, 244 R inglemere 46 sea levels 373 metal-detecting, Ringlemere 39, 41, 44 metalworking, Hersden, IAia 324 Middle Saxon, Otford, occupation 432-4 Middleton, Elizabeth, pipemaker 98, 99 Middleton, Margaret and Sir Charles (later Lord Barham) 117, 118, 119, 120 migration, prehistoric 373-4, 376-7, 379-80 military equipment, Roman 205, 209, 282 mills St Augustine’s 68 Westwell (Welles) watermills 175, 176, 179, 181, 184-5, 190, 193 millstones 193, 207, 208-9 Milton Creek, log boat 378 Minster, Tothill Street 326-7 Minster-in-Thanet Church of St Mary the Virgin 434 N eolithic settlement 375 see also Abbey Farm Roman villa moat, Edenbridge manor house 127-41 molluscs, Maidstone 74 monastery, Westwell (Welles) 183, 187-8 Monckton of Brenchley, Viscount, obituary 463-4 Montchensy, William de 61 Montfort, Simon de 58-9 Moody, Gerald Broadstairs, Bradstow School 423-4 ‘Iron Age and Romano-British settlement at Bishop’s Avenue, North Foreland, Broadstairs’ 197-211 Margate, St Peter’s Road 422-3 More, Hannah 117 Mote Park, Maidstone, ragstone quarries 413-16 motor bus services 231 moulds (clay), for swords 327, 331 Mount Villa, Roman 79, 80, 82, 98, 100-1, 102 Moys, John 65 Myller family 311, 312, 315, 318 nails, iron 86, 205, 282 N eame, Sir Thomas 17 N eedham, Stuart see Parfitt, Keith N eolithic bridgeheads 373-4 Canterbury, flintworking 323-4 causewayed enclosures 357-82 log boat 378 long-houses 372, 377 Manston, settlement/enclosures 421 round-house 370 stone axes 367, 374, 376, 378 Thanet 258, 361, 373, 375, 379, 380 see also barrows; causewayed enclosures; Chalk Hill; flint; Kingsborough Hill; pottery N eville, George, archbishop of York 398-9 N ew Brompton 228 N ew Romney St Nicholas Church 329 sewer scheme 329 N ewington, Thomas 310 N orthmanvill, Galiena de 67 N orthwode, Sir John de 70 N ouaille, Peter 118 GENERAL IN DEX 529 Nysells (Wrotham Place) 299 Offeham, William de 69 Old Boys Hall 241 omnibus 228-31 opus signinum 270, 272, 276, 277, 321 Or, Giles de 65 oral history 29 Orme, David 112 Oswald, Richard 112 Otford, Middle Saxon occupation 432-4 Ovenden, road services 230 ovens Canterbury, post-medieval 322 N ew Romney, medieval 329 ovens/furnaces, IAia/R-B 237-8 ox-house, Westwell (Welles) 178, 179-80, 192 Oxford Archaeology (OA) 127 Panton, Frank, ‘The Kent Archaeo-logical Society and the development of archaeology and historical studies in Kent, 1957-2007’ 1-19 Parfitt, Keith ‘The Roman villa at Minster-in-Thanet. Part 4: the south-west buildings, 6A and 6B’ 261-96 and Stuart Needham, ‘Excavations at Ringlemere Farm, Woodnes-borough, 2002-2006’ 39-55 et al., Townwall Street, Dover, Excav-ations 1996, reviewed 440-1 Park Farm and Park Farm East 241 park-keeper, Westwell (Welles) 179, 194 Parker, William 310 parkers (and accounts) 298, 303, 304, 306 Parsonage Farm (Old Rectory) moated site, Westwell 176, 181-4, 185, 186, 187, 189, 193-4 A nglo-Saxon/Norman vessel 181 great barn from? 181, 184 LIA lia /R occupation 181 mill leat/stream 181 moat 182 pottery 181 roofing tiles 182, 184 Pattison, William, glover 118 paving tiles, medieval 303 Payforer, Fulk 59, 64, 69 peg tile, medieval 87, 90 Pekham family 307, 309, 313, 317, 318 Pelsoyt family 300, 303, 305, 312-15, 317 pendants E BA amber 50 R oman copper-alloy 282 Penecestre, Stephen de 64 Peperness 257 Perkins, Dave, ‘The long demise of the Wantsum Sea Channel: a recap-itulation based on the data’ 249-59 Petham, road services 217 Pette, Charles de 65 Pickford’s 233 Pigot and Co. directories 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218 Pilgrims’ Way 168, 188, 190 pipes, timber, Roman 281, 283 place-names tile-making 311 wicham 433 plant remains Broadstairs 201, 205, 209 Chalk Hill, Ramsgate 367 Kingsborough Hill 370-1, 377 Maidstone, Fremlin Walk 82, 89, 90, 93, 102, 103, 104 Snodland, BA 331 South Willesborough 242, 246 plaster (painted), Roman 284, 292 Plaxtol, R-B tile-kiln at Allens Farm 318-19 pleas of withername 62, 68 Polhill 433, 433 pollen Kingsborough Hill 371 Strood 430, 432 pommel, amber, EBA knife 53 Porteus, Bielby 117 post-medieval period Canterbury 321-2 Chislehurst caves, chalk mines 435 E denbridge 135 Manstone 422 see also glass; Maidstone, Fremlin Walk; pottery; ragstone quarries Pote, Thomas de 65 GENERAL IN DEX 530 pottery prehistoric 239 E arly/earlier Neolithic 361, 363, 421 N eolithic 48, 369, 370, 375, 376, 377 L ate Neolithic G rooved Ware 45, 48, 49, 50, 53, 363 Peterborough Ware 361, 363 Beaker Ware 48, 50, 53, 361, 363, 422 Bronze Age 165, 165-7, 168 L ate Bronze Age/EIAeia 361, 363 I ron Age 81-2, 98, 197, 199, 201, 210, 239, 242-4, 243, 246, 325, 423 E arly Iron Age 430 E arly Iron Age/Late Roman 204 Middle Iron Age 242, 243, 243, 246, 326 flint tempered 204 L ate Iron Age 75, 78-9, 78, 429 L ate Iron Age/Early Roman ‘Belgic’ ware 75, 78, 79, 81-2, 84, 98 coarse ‘Belgic’ wares 239, 241, 243, 244 Upchurch/Hoo wares 239, 243, 244 IA ia / R -B 237, 243, 244, 245, 327 R oman/R-B 44, 80, 81-3, 83, 84-5, 86, 199, 203, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 242, 263, 265, 273, 276, 277, 279, 282, 283, 285, 286, 288, 289-92, 293, 325, 327, 328, 421, 433 BB1 206, 207, 208, 210 BB2 82, 291 Colchester Whiteware 291 colour-coated roughcast folded beaker 83, 83 G allo-Belgic Whiteware 290 Highgate Wood C 292 local silt-tempered ‘Thanet Dry’ fabric 290 N orth Kent greyware 290, 292 oxidised Hoo fabric 292 ‘Patch Grove’ 82, 86 samian 82-3, 291, 292 sandy Canterbury greywares 291 Thames Kent Ware 81, 82 Thameside greywares 291, 292 Transitional ‘Belgic’-Native Coarse Ware 291 Upchurch fine greyware 290, 291 Upchurch greywares 243, 244, 290 A nglo-Saxon, organic-tempered 423 medieval 44, 86, 87, 89, 89, 90, 102, 131, 133, 136, 138-40, 255, 322, 328 Canterbury sandy ware 422 coarse Limpsfield-type grey ware 138 coarse Limpsfield-type shelly-sandy ware 138 E arlswood-type ware 139, 140 early medieval shelly ware 138 L angerwehe 90 local shell-tempered 254 north or west Kent fine-medium sandy ware 139 north or west Kent sandy ware 138-9 north or west Kent shelly-sandy ware 140 Staffordshire-type refined white earthenwares 139 post-medieval 44, 93, 94, 94, 95-6, 104, 135, 322 L ondon stoneware 94, 96 Spanish olive jar 94, 95 pottery clay-digging 317 pottery kiln and kiln furniture, medieval 86-7, 89, 102 pottery manufacture, at Platt 301 Potyn, John 59, 68 Potyn, Simon 68 PPG16 8, 10-11 Prato, William de 69 prehistoric farming 373-4, 376, 378, 379-80 migration 373-4, 376-7, 379-80 see also pottery Preston near Faversham, Mill House 330 Primrose, Henry Alexander 110 pug-mill(?) 314-15, 316 Pybus, C.S. 120 Pyecombe (W Sussex) 167-8 Pym, Charles 112 GENERAL IN DEX 531 quarries and quarrying Broadstairs, IAia 430 Canterbury, clay 324 Margate, IAia pits 429 Minster, LBA/EIAeia 326 ragstone, underground 407-19 Westbere, brickearth 325 Whitfield, clay 328 querns Broadstairs 203, 205, 207, 209 in situ (reused) 203, 209 Kingsborough Hill 370, 378 Minster 327 rotary 423 Walmer 327 Quyntrell family 303, 304 radiocarbon dating South Willesborough Saxon hearths 238, 242, 244 Strood 430 Wouldham Bronze Age urn cremation 163-4 ragstone quarries, underground 407-19 railways 213, 217, 220, 222, 223, 224, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233 R amsay, James 116, 117, 119 R amsgate, road services 214, 216, 229 rectories 182-4, 185, 187, 189, 193-4 R eculver 10, 201, 210, 253, 254 return of writs 62, 63, 68 R evolt, 1381 (Great or Peasants’ Revolt) 143-161 R ichard IIii 148, 386, 388 R ichardson, T.L., Historic Sandwich and its Region 1500-1900, reviewed 458-9 R ichborough 210, 253, 259 R ichmond, Phillip, pipe maker 412 R ickards [Charles] Ltd 230 ridge (crest) tiles, medieval 299 R illaton gold cup 41 ring, copper-alloy 83 ring-ditches Broadstairs 423-4 R inglemere 42, 44 St Margarets at Cliffe 328 R inglemere cup, gold, BA 39, 41-2, 39, 43, 45, 50-1, 171 R inglemere Farm, Woodnesborough 39-55 coins 44 flint 44, 45, 46, 48, 50 geophysical surveys 44 henge-barrow (M1) 41, 42, 44-6 medieval activity 53 Mesolithic activity 46 pottery 44, 45, 48, 49, 50, 53 ring-ditches (M2 and M3) 42, 44 round barrows, BA 41, 49-51, 49, 53 R ipple 176, 177, 178, 179-80, 191 road services, 19th-century 213-35 roads 69 R oman 79, 80, 100, 325 19th-century 197 R obertsbridge 228 R ochdale Canal Company 225 R ochester abolition of slavery 118, 119 besieged (1264) 58-9 bridge 69 castle 143 encroachments 68 excavations 10 hundred jurors 58 road services 217, 222, 229 R ochester, Bishop of 61, 62 R offeburn, John de 65 R oman/Romano-British Broadstairs 430 Canterbury 321, 323, 324 Herne Bay, pit 326 Maidstone, villa 330 Manston, building and settlement 421 Margate, trackway 429 Minster 326 Otford 432, 433 Plaxtol R-B tile-kiln 318-19 Preston, cemetery 330 Progress villa 432, 433 Walmer 327 Wantsum sea channel 251, 253, 255, 256 Westbere 325 Whitfield, R-B settlement 328 see also Abbey Farm Roman villa; Broadstairs Bishop’s Avenue; cemeteries; coins; cremations; Maidstone, Fremlin Walk; pottery; roads; villas R omney 67-8 GENERAL IN DEX 532 R omney, Charles 113 R omney, Lord (Robert Marsham) and Priscilla (nee Pym) 112-13 roofing materials, medieval 298-9, 318 roofing tiles Broadstairs, Roman 199 medieval 299, 303 Westwell 178, 182, 184, 193, 194 round-houses Hersden 325 L BA 331 N eolithic 370 R oyle, Joseph 120 R utland, scratch dials 340, 343 R ychers, Robert and Richard 299 R ye, road services 220, 222 R ygge, Robert de 66 R ygnall, John 305 R yman, Jacob 186, 187 St Clare, John de 66 St Kitts 112, 113, 117 St Margarets at Cliffe, ‘Eden Roc’ 328 St Margaret’s Bay 230 St Martin’s hundred 67 Salmon, Robert 104 salt-making sites 254 salt vessel(?), wooden 95, 104 Sandgate, road services 230 Sandwich 254, 255, 256, 257, 258 exports from 59 road services 214, 219, 225 Sandwich-Dover turnpike 231 Sargent, John 111, 112 Sarre 251, 254, 258 bridge 258 Sarre Wall 254, 258 Saxe, David de, ‘The hundred of Wye and the Great Revolt’ 143-61 Saxon period see Anglo-Saxon/Saxon period Saxon sea raiders 253 Say, Margaret de 67 Scott, John 394 Scott, Robert 112 Scotto, Robert de 67 scratch dials 333-56 Scray, lathe 64 sea level 373 Semple, Jayne, ‘The medieval tile-makers of Borough Green’ 297-320 Sevenoaks 27 road services 215, 216, 229 Sevington Bridges, IAia cremation 241 Sexteyne (Sexten) family 303, 304, 306-7, 312, 315 Shamwell 59 Sharp, Granville 115 Sheeran, George and Yanna 34 shells 328 marine 255 oyster 288, 292 R oman villa 263, 284, 288, 292 snail 432 Sheppey, Neolithic 373, 380 sheriffs 60, 63-4, 66 sheriff’s tourn 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 ship-building 110 Shipbourne 61 shoes see footwear Short, Brian, England’s Landscape: The South East, reviewed 449-50 shrine or ‘cove’, Late Neolithic 47, 47, 48, 48, 50 Sidcup 228 Sittingbourne, clamp-kiln (Bonham Drive) 330 slag/tap slag 133, 136, 137, 140 Maidstone, post-medieval 98 slave trade abolition 107-25 Smalwriter, William 61 smithing hearth bottoms 98, 133, 136 smithy 127, 133, 137, 140 Snodland Churchfields 82 L BA settlement at Holborough Quarry 330-1 Somerset, scratch dials 340, 343 Somersett, slave 115 South Eastern and Chatham Railway 230 South Eastern Railway 23, 213, 228, 229 South Willesborough, Ashford 237-47 IA ia / R -B 237, 239-42, 244-6 cremated infant in pottery, IAia 238, 239-41, 243, 245-6 fired clay/daub 237, 239, 241, 242 ovens/furnaces 237-8 sunken hearth/oven 241-2, 245 Saxon features 242 hearths (campfires) 238, 242, 246 plant remains 242, 246 radiocarbon dating 238, 242, 244 GENERAL IN DEX 533 South Willesborough, Ashford (cont.) flint, prehistoric 239, 244 geology 237 pottery 237, 239, 241, 242, 243, 243, 244, 245, 246 spade, iron 412 Sperewe, John 65 Spicer, Henry 225 spindlewhorl, pottery 199 spoon, copper-alloy, Roman 205, 206 Springfield, lithics 75 stables and stabling 96 Staley family 303, 305-6, 313, 315 Stangrave family 136 Stangrave manor house 127, 135-6 Stawley, William 310 Stennett, Heather, and K.H. McIntosh (eds), Broad Oak, A Kentish Village Reconsidered, reviewed 459-61 Sterre, John 304 Stonar 249, 251, 254, 256, 257 Stonar Bank 249, 250, 251, 252, 255, 256, 257 Stone, John, monk 383, 384-5, 386 Chronicle 383-406 Stone-in-Oxney, church 384 Stone Street 330 Stour River 253, 257, 258, 325, 376 Stour Valley 376, 379 Stowting, road services 217 Stratton, Robert 112 Stretende, Adam de 66 Strethend, Henry de 65 Stringer, Chris, Homo Britannicus. The Incredible Story of Human Life in Britain, reviewed 441-4 Strood 59 Knight Road, geoarchaeological results 430-2 road services 222, 226, 229 sub-escheators 67 Sudbury, Simon, archbishop 143 Suffolk, Duke of (William de la Pole) 390-1 sunken-featured buildings Canterbury, Anglo-Saxon structure 323 Margate, Anglo-Saxon 423 Minster, MIAia 326 R inglemere Farm, Anglo-Saxon hut 52-3, 52 South Willesborough, IAia/R-B sunken hearth/oven 241-2, 245 Sutton at Hone lathe 64 road services 230 Sutton Valence 231 swords clay mould fragments 331 in LIAlia pit, Hersden 324 moulds 327 tallage 67 tax on movable property 58, 59 Tenterden, road services 215, 219, 222, 228, 230 Teston Teston House (Barham Court) 117 villa 78, 79 Teynham hundred 67 Teynterer, Stephen le 68 Thanet, Isle of 40, 43 Bronze Age 259 N eolithic 258, 361, 373, 375, 379, 380 Thanet Archaeological Society 11, 209, 261 thatch, as roofing material 298, 299 Theodosius 253 thimble, copper-alloy, post-medieval 91 Thirsk, Joan 25, 26, 27 Hadlow: Life, Land and People in a Wealden Parish 1460-1600, reviewed 450-2 Thomas of Elmham, ‘map’ 254 Thompson, Revd Thomas 114 Thornham, Hugh de 67 Throwley 154 Thrupp, Richard 305 tile R oman A bbey Farm villa 263, 276, 282, 284, 288, 292, 296 R inglemere Farm 44 Westbere 325 medieval 89, 93, 94 tile-makers, medieval, at Borough Green 297-320 tileosts (kilns) 298, 300-1, 300, 303-17, 318 tileworks, Westwell 188, 190, 193 GENERAL IN DEX 534 Tilmanstone/Eastry, causewayed enclos-ure 357, 358, 359, 371, 375, 379 Titford, Isaac 111 tithingman (headborough) 60 tithings 60, 61, 65 Toke family of Godinton 436-7 toll-payers (toll-gates) 231-2 Toltentrough hundred 69 Tonbridge 27-8 castle 59 lowy of 57, 61, 62-3 road services 215, 226, 229, 231 Tonbridge forest 63 Tradescant, John 323 traffic volume 231-2 tramways 228 Trevanion, John 113 Trust for Thanet Archaeology 11, 197, 209, 261, 421, 422, 423, 429, 434 Tudeley 129, 137 Tufton, Sir John 329, 330 Tunbridge Wells, road services 215, 222, 226, 229, 230 tusk shell 326 Twysden, Sir Roger 21 Tyler, Wat 143, 148, 149 Upper Deal 231, 232 vans, 19th-century 214, 217-18, 220 vessel, copper-alloy, post-medieval 93 vessel lid, copper-alloy, post-medieval 93 Victoria County History (VCH) 22, 24, 27, 35 villa bailiff’s house 293 villas, Roman 79, 100-2, 209, 210, 330; see also Abbey Farm Roman villa; Mount Villa vineyard, Westwell 178, 179, 190, 192 Viniter, Roger 64 Wachlingstone hundred 57, 61, 63 Wall End 251, 254 wall plaster, painted 207, 208, 209 Walmer Downlands, LBA/EIAeia to Roman 327-8 road services 214, 215 Walter family 329 Walter, Hubert, archbishop 68, 69 Wantsum Channel 40, 43, 261, 294 demise of 249-59 ferry crossing 251, 254, 258 Ward, Jennifer, ‘The Kent Hundred Rolls: local government and cor-ruption in the thirteenth century’ 57-72 Warrene, John de 58 warrens, medieval 53, 58, 62 water-pipe, ceramic, Roman 279, 280, 283-4, 289 water supply, Roman 281-4 Waterbrook Farm 241 watermills 129, 135, 257 Borough Green (pug mill?) 314-15, 316 Westwell (Welles) 175, 176, 179, 181, 184-5, 190, 193 Waters, William 306, 315, 318 Watling Street 424 Watt, John 316, 317 Wattun, John de 60, 64 Wayland’s Smithy (Oxon.) 376 Weald 23, 26 Weatherlees Hill 254, 257 weaving comb, bone, BA 331 websites 12-13, 38nn.63-65 Wedgwood, Josiah 109 Welles, Henry de 183 wells, Roman villa 281-3, 289, 291-2 West, Thomas, slave 115 Westbere, IAia or Early Roman features 325 Westerham den 136; see also Hosey Common Westhawk Farm 11, 245 Westwell (Welles) 175-95 aule (Hall) 180 barn 178, 180-1, 184, 192, 193 churches 175, 176, 180, 185-8, 189, 190 Court Lodge 176, 177, 180, 185, 187 demesne farm (manor house) 175, 177-80, 181, 183, 185, 186, 188-9, 190, 193 ecclesia 185-6 gate in park 178, 179, 186-7, 191 granaries 179, 180, 193 mills (watermills) 175, 176, 179, 181, 184-5, 190, 193 GENERAL IN DEX 535 Westwell (Welles) (cont.) monastery 183, 187-8 ox-house 178, 179-80, 192 park 178, 179, 186, 190, 191, 193 park-keeper 179, 194 Parsonage Farm (Old Rectory) 176, 181-4, 185, 186, 187, 189, 193-4 Saxon church 185, 186, 187, 188, 189 tile works 188, 190, 193 vineyard 178, 179, 190, 192 Watery Lane 176, 186, 187 winepress (press) 178, 190, 193 White Horse Stone long-house 372, 376 Whitfield, Old Park, native farmstead 328 widow’s remarriage 67 Wilberforce, William 109, 117, 120, 121 Wildman, James Beckford 113 Wilkinson, Paul, The Historical Development of the Port of Faversham 1580-1780, reviewed 448 Willesborough see South Willesborough William of Glastonbury 384 Williams, Chris H.K., ‘The scratch dials of Kent’ 333-56 Willoughby, Thomas 313, 315, 318 Wilmington 144-5, 145, 150-1, 152, 157 Wilmington, Bertram de 146-7, 148-9, 150-3, 154, 155, 156, 157-8 Wilmington, Robert de 150 Wilmintune, Martin de 150 winepress (press), Westwell (Welles) 178, 190, 193 Wingham River 43 Winstanley, Michael 29 Woodnesborough see Ringlemere Farm wool exports 58, 59 Wooton family 323 Wordie and Co. 225, 233 Worth, IAia cult activity 426 Woteringebur’, Bartholomew de 65 Wouldham, cremation in biconical urn 163-73 Woylete, Henry de la 65 Wreight, Reynold 317 Wright, Christopher 29 Wright, Ellington 118 Wrotham 297-8 church 307 Goodwyns Barn 299 Nysells (Wrotham Place) 299 Wulfred, Archbishop 433 Wye, Olantigh 154-5 Wye hundred 57, 62, 67, 143-61 Wykes, Thomas 59 Wylmington, Ralph and Richard de 151 Wylmynton, Bartholemew 153 Wylmyntone, Isaak and Richard de 150-1 Ykham, Geoffrey de 183 Zell, Michael 23, 26 GENERAL IN DEX 536