Front matter, Volume 136
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Why did the Barons of Faversham acquire a Magna Carta for the town in 1300?
Front matter, Volume 136
Archæologia Cantiana

Images of Kent No. 12. Print of a scene near Faversham, dated 1863 (from the KAS Library Collection)
Archæologia Cantiana
Being Contributions to the History and Archaeology of Kent
Published by the
Registered Charity no. 223382
© 2015 Kent Archaeological Society
ISSN 0066-5894
Produced for the Society by Past Historic, Kings Stanley, Gloucestershire
Printed in Great Britain

1. Neither the Hon. Editor nor the KAS Council as a whole is answerable for opinions put forward in this work. Each contributor is alone responsible for the contents of his/her paper.
2. ‘Notes for the Guidance of Contributors’ can be found on the Society’s website or in Archaeologia Cantiana, 135 (2014), p. iv.
3. Members are urged to encourage friends and colleagues, interested in archaeology/history, to join the Society. Young people (under 25 years) are offered a much reduced membership fee. An expansion of membership would enable the Society to publish a larger volume of material and provide more practical assistance for private researches. Information about the Society’s activities and a membership application form may be downloaded from the website: www.kentarchaeology.org.uk
4. Subscriptions are due on the lst of January each year and should be paid only to the Hon. Membership Secretary. It would be a great convenience if members could pay their subscriptions by banker’s order. Members who do not pay by this means are requested to settle their subscriptions promptly. (A notice will be sent out in December for renewal of membership the following January). Details of subscription rates and payment by banker’s order may be obtained from the Hon. Membership Secretary, to whom any change of address should be notified. (Mrs S. Broomfield, 8 Woodview Crescent, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 9HD; membership@kentarchaeology.org.uk)
5. Legacies have contributed much to the strength and independence of the Society. The Hon. Treasurer would be pleased to hear from any member who would like to bequeath money or other assets. Additional contributions in the form of donations, including those for particular activities of the Society, are also very welcome and should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer (B.F. Beeching, Holly House, Church Road, Hoath, Canterbury, Kent, CT3 4JT; treasurer@kentarchaeology.org.uk).
6. The Society’s room at Maidstone Museum is open to members who wish to consult its reference library. (It is essential to bring your membership card.) The Hon. Librarian can be contacted at Librarian@kentarchaeology.org.uk.
Cover illustration: Faversham’s Magna Carta.
(Photograph by Peter Smith)
officers and members of the council, 1st january 2015
I.A. COULSON, b.a., p.g.c.e., f.s.a.
P.H.G. DRAPER, b.sc., ph.d., d.i.c., f.r.s.c., m.inst.p., c.phys.
C.R. POUT, m.a.
J. WHYMAN, ph.d., b.sc. (econ), assoc.cipd
M.L.M. CLINCH, b.a.
R.F. LEGEAR, m.c.i.f.a.
MRS J. SAYNOR, m.a.†
Honorary Editor
T. G. LAWSON, m.a.(cantab), dip.kent.hist.
Lynwood, 102 Lower Vicarage Road, Kennington, Ashford, TN24 9AP
Honorary General Secretary
P. W. STUTCHBURY, m.a., m.sc., ph.d.
Lympne Hall, Lympne, Hythe, CT21 4LQ
Honorary Treasurer
B. F. BEECHING, b.a.(hons), m.a., f.c.a.
Holly House, Church Road, Hoath, Canterbury, CT3 4JT
Honorary Librarian
MRS P. RICHARDS, b.a.(hons), m.a.
23 The Chantry, Headcorn, Ashford, TN27 9TF
Honorary Membership Secretary
8 Woodview Crescent, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, TN11 9HD
Honorary Curator
A. F. RICHARDSON, b.a.(hons), m.phil., ph.d.
Chiltern, 5 Farthingloe Cottages, Little Farthingloe,
Folkestone Road, Dover, CT15 7AA
Elected Members of the Council
H. Basford. Canterbury
P. Burton Charing
R.A.C. Cockett Gravesend
E.P. Connell Longfield
G. Cramp, ph.d Longfield
E.C. Edwards, ph.d Canterbury
K.J. Fryer Sheerness
P.A. Harlow Rochester
P. Jardine-Rose Sittingbourne
K.H. Kersey, b.a. Bearsted
P.M. Reid, ph.d. Faversham
S.M. Sweetinburgh, ph.d. Canterbury
C.P. Ward Otford
S.H. Willis, ph.d. Canterbury
Editorial Personnel
Honorary Editor Terence Lawson
Book Reviews Editor Dr Elizabeth Edwards
13 Town Road,
Kent CT4 5QT
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