General Index
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Front matter, Volume 136
General Index
general iNDEX
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations
Abbey Farm villa site see Minster in Thanet
Ackholt Colliery 88
Adrian, Pope 284
Ailworth, Walter 244
airfields, WWI 69, 72, 79, 85, 94, 95, 96, 97, 100
airships and stations see World War I
Aldington, remnant of Archbishop’s Palace 288-94
Allen, Christopher 298
Allen, John, will 151-2
Allhallows, WWI defences 69, 72, 73, 74
Allsopp, John 154
Andrews, Dury and Herbert map (1769) 19, 211, 247
Bourne Park 251, 268, 276-7
Sturry 210, 213
see also pottery; Thanet Way, Site 13, Site 14
animal bone
cattle 57, 214, 218, 225, 229, 231
dog 214
hare 218, 225
horse 57, 225, 229
mouse 222
pig 214, 225, 229, 231, 233
roe 229
sheep/goat 57, 214, 218, 225, 229, 231
see also Bourne Park; Sturry; Thanet Way
archbishops and priors of Canterbury 284
Archbishop’s Palace, Court Lodge farmhouse, Aldington 288-94
Arden, Thomas 146
Arundel, Sir John, and Eleanor (née Maltravers) 193
Ash, conventicles 150
Brownists 150
church 192
WWI defence 76, 77, 92, 97
Assize of Fresh Force 243-4, 245
Astley, John 153
Atton, George, curate 155
Austen, Jane 25
Austen family 300
axe, Neolithic 131
Bacon, Admiral Reginald 70, 71
badge, National Union of General Workers 141
Baker, Elizabeth 157
baptisms 22, 27-8
Barnland 78, 81
barrows, late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age 56; see also Bourne Park
Barry, Laurence, Master 108
Baskerville, Humphrey 298
3rd Battle Squadron 68, 95
5th Battle Squadron 68
Beacon Hill 81, 94
Becket, St Thomas 164, 165, 172, 174, 176-8, 177, 284
shrine 169, 173, 174, 179
Belknap, Philip, Sheriff of Kent 239, 248
Beltinge, Roman 59
De Benenden, Joane 203
De Benenden family 196, 202, 203
Bennet family of Essex 185, 186, 195, 196, 199, 200
Besbeech family 301
Bespytche, William 297
Best, Thomas 157, 159
Bigbury (Devon) 110, 111, 120
Binbury Manor 95
Birchington 153, 158
Birling see Whitehorse Wood
Birmingham, David, Canterbury before the Normans, reviewed 320-1
Bishopsbourne, IA finds 275; see also Bourne Park
Black Death 226
blacksmithing forge, Roman 3
Blagg, T.F.C., ‘An architectural description of the remnant of the Archbishop’s Palace surviving in Court Lodge Farmhouse, Aldington’ 288-94
Blaine, Henry 26
Blowfield, John 154, 157, 159
Blowfield, Rachel (née Cranmer) 154
Boast, Emma, and Lee Cunningham, ‘The Roman villa at Minster in Thanet. Part 10: the bone objects’ 1-15
Bobbing, WWI redoubt 90
Bohun, Humphrey de 189
Bohun family 189-90, 197, 204
Boleyn, Anne 153
Bolton, Margaret, ‘Causes of death in Ramsgate 1774-1812: the exceptional detail provided by the Rev. Richard Harvey in the parish registers of St Laurence’ 17-36
Bombi, Barbara see O’Brien, Bruce
bone objects, Roman
needles 1-10, 14
pin/stylus 1, 3, 9, 15
pins 1-15
Bourchier, Edward, 4th Earl of Bath 190
Bourchier, William 189
Bourchier family 197, 204
Bourne Park, Bishopsbourne 251-79
artificial lake (Field 1) 251, 272-3, 276, 277
Bourne Park House 255, 256, 260, 277
Bridge Hill Road 268, 275
Bridge House 277
carriage drive (Field 1) 255, 256, 269, 277
Court House 277
Court Lodge Farm (Field 3) 255, 267, 277
fish pond (Field 1 East) 255, 267
house, 17th century (Field 1 West) 255, 260, 277
metal detecting 255
Oswald’s Lodge 267, 277
springs 255, 261, 267
trackway(s) 255, 261, 275, 276
WWII flame-projecting installation 277
Enclosure 1 (Field 1) 255, 260, 277
Enclosure 2 (Field 1) 255
Building 1 (Roman) 260, 276
Building 2 (Romano-British) 260-1, 276
ditches 260-1, 276
hearth/furnace 260, 276
third building 261, 266
Enclosures 3-5 (Field 1) 261
Enclosure 6 (Field 2) 269, 273, 275
Enclosure 7 (Field 2) 269, 273, 274, 275-6
barrows, BA 274
burial enclosure, early medieval 276
burials 274
ring ditch 274, 276
Enclosures 8 & 9 (Field 3), medieval tofts and crofts 267, 277
Enclosure 10 (Field 4), WWII 268, 271, 274, 277
Enclosure 11 (Field 4) 268-9, 276
ditches/terracing 269
hexagonal feature 269, 277
inhumation burials 269
ring ditches (barrows) 269
Field 1: 251, 255, 256-7, 274
East 252, 255, 256-7, 261, 267
ditch/channel 255, 267
terraces 255, 267
track 255, 261
West 252, 255, 256-7, 260-1, 262-6, 267
Roman coins 255
see also Enclosures 1 to 5
Field 2: 252, 268, 272-3, 274
avenue of limes 269, 277
barrow, BA 274
carriage drive bridge 269
field boundary 268
hexagonal features 268
Iron Age, enclosure [6] altered 275
ring ditches 268, 274
road (‘Kingsbury Road’) 268
terrace 269
see also Enclosures 6 and 7
Field 3: 251, 252, 255, 258-9, 267
Enclosures [8 and 9] 255, 267, 277
garden wall(?) 277
ring ditches (IA) 255, 267, 274, 275
springs 255, 267
terraces 255, 267
Field 4: 252, 268-9, 270-1, 275
Anglo-Saxon burials and barrows 268
BA barrows 268, 274
enclosures [10, 11] 268-9, 274, 276, 277
hexagonal feature 268, 269, 277
IA cremations and occupation 268, 275
inhumations 268, 269
LBA/EIA pit and ditches 268, 275
pottery 268
ring ditches (barrows), BA 268, 269
road/track 269, 275
Roman burials 268
terracing 268, 275
Field 5
ring ditches 274
‘trackway’ 255, 261, 275
Bronze Age 268, 274-5
barrows and burials 251, 268, 269, 274-5
LBA/EIA pits and ditches 268, 275
ring ditches 252, 268, 269, 274
Iron Age 268, 275
brooch 275
coins 275
cremations 268, 275
horse burial 268
roundhouses 274, 275
Roman 251, 268, 275-6
Buildings 1 and 2: 260-1, 276
coins 255, 276
Bourne Park, Bishopsbourne (cont.)
Roman (cont.)
cremations and inhumation burials 268, 271, 276
pottery 276
road 261, 270, 274, 275, 276
trackways 275, 276
tumulus and weaponry near ‘Old England’s Hole’ 269, 270-1, 276
Early Medieval/Anglo-Saxon 251, 276-7
barrows and burials, Anglo-Saxon 268, 276
burial enclosure [7] and ring ditch 276
cemetery, early medieval 276
objects 277
medieval and post-medieval 251, 255, 277
avenue of limes 269, 277
boathouse, cottages and lodges 277
enclosures [8, 9] 267, 277
hexagons 277
see also Enclosure 10
Bray, Sir Reginald 288
Brenchley, Sir William 203
Brenchley family 196, 202, 203
Brett, Thomas, and Bridget (née Toke) 188, 190, 191
Bretts Quarry 209
brickfield 303-4
bricks, medieval and post-medieval 139, 218, 227
Bridge, IA and early medieval finds 275, 277
Bridge Hill 275
British Library, Arundel 68 MSS 281-8
well subsidence 303-4
WW1 defences 74, 97
Bromwell, James, vicar 152
Bronze Age
settlements 56, 57
Sturry area 209
trackway 57
Woodnesborough, pit 131
see also Bourne Park; pottery; Thanet Way, Site 7, Site 8
brooches, Anglo-Saxon 277
Brown, Kerry, book review by 310-11
Browne, Anne 194
Browne, Robert 193, 194
Browne, Sir Thomas, and Ellyn (née Fitzalan) 193, 194
Browne, Sir William 194
Browne family 157, 193, 194
Brownists 150
Bruton school (Somerset) 113, 114, 119
buckle, Anglo-Saxon 277
Bullockstone Farm 37
Bulteel, Leah 189
Burgess, Peter 25
Burmarsh 240, 241
Burnham, C. Paul, Wye Parish Church: A Window on the Church of England, reviewed 321
Bussher, John 154
Caen stone 132, 134, 136, 136, 139, 141, 142
almshouses 167, 168
Bullstake (Buttermarket) 167, 172
Burgate 167
Corona 169, 172
Keeper of the Martyrdom 169
Cathedral Archives 237
Christ Church Priory 144, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 174, 217
gate 178
lay community 281-8
cloth trade and market 167, 168
comb, Linacre Garden site 227
conduit-head and conduits 142, 145
craft guilds 168
early Tudor population and economy 165-70
Flemish settlers 154, 226
guildhall 170
lay subsidy records 165-6
Lion public house 170, 172
medieval 217-18
Newingate 167
North Lane 218, 219
pilgrims and pilgrimages 108, 164-5, 168, 169, 174, 176, 178, 179, 217, 230
plague 166, 245
population 165-6
Roman 209
Rose Lane 226
St Augustine’s Abbey 110, 142, 170, 210, 217, 219, 230, 238, 240, 242, 245, 281
St John’s Hospital 243
St Martin’s Church 246
St Sepulchre’s nunnery 173
St Thomas pageant (and Jubilee) 108, 163-83
shrine of St Thomas Becket 169, 173, 174, 179
victuallers 169, 174
vulgaria 116
Westgate 167
Whitefriars 217, 226, 245
WWI defences 76, 77, 87, 88, 92
Canterbury Archaeological Trust 37, 210
Cap Gris Nez minefield 70, 71, 74
Capel le Ferne, airship station 94, 97
cartwheel ruts 49, 50
Cartwright, Thomas 151
Caslock, John, abbot 112, 117, 118-19
Catesby, William 288
Champion, Sir Richard 298
Charles, James, vicar 155, 157
Chatham, WWI defences 64, 66, 68, 69, 70, 88, 92, 93, 97
Chatham Dockyard, WWI defences 72, 81, 82, 87, 94
Chatham Land Front 66, 81, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 92, 99, 100
Chattenden 81
Cheriton 97
Chestfield, Roman field system 59
Chestfield Farm 37
Chiche, Alyn 194
Chiche, Emlyn (m. Sir Thomas Kempe) 193, 194
Chichele family 185, 186
Chute, George, and Eleanor (née Toke) 190
Clark, Peter, book review by 307-8
Clarke, Dorothy 155
Clarke, Helen see Parfitt, Keith
clay quarries 41
clay tobacco pipes
Sturry 227, 228, 229, 230, 231
Woodnesborough 139
clench nails 213
Cleybrooke, Mary (née Knatchbull) 153
Cleybrooke, Paul 151, 153
Cleybrooke, William 149-62
Cliffe 69, 74
cloth trade and manufacturers 167, 168, 226
Clowes Wood, kilns 39
Clyfton, William 118-19
Cobham, anti-aircraft battery 304
Iron Age 275
Roman 53, 54, 255, 276
Edward II 217
Cole, John, sub-dean of the Chapel Royal 107-26
Cole, Thomas 109, 111, 112
Colet, John, dean 113, 115, 116
combs, bone 213, 223, 227
Connor, Joe, ‘Confraternity and commemor-ation at Christ Church Priory, Canterbury, 1290-1527: the lay community’ 281-8
Convent (or Conduit) Well, Woodnesborough 127-47
BA pit 131
brick and peg-tile, medieval 139
bricks, post-medieval 139
Caen stone 132, 134, 136, 136, 139, 141, 142
conduit house 144-5
Delf Stream 128, 131, 144, 145
lynchet bank 131, 135, 137, 139
Mary le Bone Hill and chapel 128, 131, 144
Neolithic polished stone axe 131
pottery 139
South Poulders Stream 128, 131, 144
trackway 131
vessel glass, post-medieval 139
well-house (spring-house), medieval 127, 130, 131, 135-9, 141, 142
copper-alloy objects 222, 224, 227, 228, 230
Cornwallis, Charles 298
Corpus Christi feast pageant (play) 170, 173, 174
Coulson, Ian, obituary 331-2
Court of Augmentations 119
Court Lodge farmhouse, Aldington 288-94
Cowper Papers 237, 242, 248
Cowper, William 247-8
Cozens, Zechariah 21
Cranbrook, church 302
Cranmer, Thomas 150, 154, 157, 289, 294, 297-8
Crispe, Henry 154
Crispe, William 153
Crispe family 154, 157
Cunningham, Lee see Boast, Emma
Curling, Thomasine 32
dagger pommel, Anglo-Saxon 277
Daniel, Edward, surgeon 33
Darenth 85
Dartford 85
Dawkes, Giles, Flavian and later buildings at Snodland Roman villa: Excavations at Cantium Way, Snodland, Kent, reviewed 310-11
defences 72, 74, 85, 92, 97
farthing or token (or jetton) 228, 230
migrants from 21, 22
Deale, Thomas 154
death, causes of in parish registers 17-36
decorative fitting, metal 227
Defence of Swale Project 63, 99-100
Dene, Elizabeth (née de Gatton) 196
Dene, Thomas and William de 196
Dene family 195, 196
Detling, WWI defences 66, 69, 85, 86
dispersal camps, WWII 304
Dodd, George Ashley 186
Dour Valley 81
Dover 217
abattis 81, 92
Castle 82, 83
Citadel Battery 74, 83
deaths of monks 281
Fort Burgoyne 82, 83
Dover (cont.)
garrison 82
Langdon Battery 74, 83
port, WWI defences 81, 101
porters’ journey 173-4
schools 108
Townwall Street 213, 217, 220, 221, 226
Western Heights 81, 83
WWI air defences 94, 95, 97
WWI defences 66, 68, 70, 72, 73-4, 76, 77, 83, 87, 88, 92, 93, 97, 100
Dover Archaeological Group (DAG) 127
Dover Patrol 68, 70, 71, 72, 88, 95, 100
Dowman, John 116
Downs Anchorage 70, 74
Draper, Peter, obituary 333-4
Dreadnought class 65, 68
Ducket, John 154
Duckett, Sir Lionel 298
Dudley, John, Earl of Warwick 294
East Stour Manor 246
Eastchurch, WWI airfield 69, 72, 78, 79, 94, 97, 100
Eastry, migrants from 21
Eastwell, manor and house 241, 242, 243, 246, 247
Eaton, Nathaniel 302
Eddington 37, 57, 59
education and schools 107-26
Edward IV 170
Edward VI 119, 149, 294
Edwards, Elizabeth, book review by 315-16
egg shell 218, 222
Eire, Simon 301
Engham family 185, 186
English Channel, WWI defences 66, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 98-9
Erpingham, Thomas 287
Fan Bay, Dover, WWI sound mirrors 83, 101
Fanting, Jeremy 152
EIA see Thanet Way, Site 7
Romano-British see Thanet Way, Site 11
Farrell, James, fruiterer 297
Abbey 107, 108-9, 111, 112, 113, 114, 118, 120, 121
grammar school 107-26
origins of education 107-26
WWI defences 69, 79, 93, 95
Fenner, Dudley, minister 153
Fermour arms 193, 195
Fermour, Joan (Mordaunt; née Fermour) 193, 194, 195
Fermour, Sir Richard 194
Fetherstone, Thomas 244
Finch, Alice (née Belknap) 239, 248
Finch, Anne (m. Robert Moreton) 246
Finch, Anthony (d.1568) 241
Finch, Lady Diana (m. Capt Toke) 187, 188, 201, 202
Finch, Elizabeth (née Heneage) 240, 241; as Viscountess of Maidstone 246
Finch, Erasmus 240, 241
Finch, Francis (d.1657) 247
Finch, Heneage, 5th Earl of Winchilsea 247-8
Finch, Henry (d.1494) 237, 239, 240, 248; wife, see Finch, Alice
Finch, Henry (d.1625) 237, 240, 241, 242-6; wife, see Finch, Ursula
Finch, Jane (m. George Wyatt) 245
Finch, John (d.1642) 247
Finch, John (d.1660), and Mabella 238, 240, 242, 245, 246
Finch, Katherine (née Moyle; later Dame St Leger) 237, 240, 241, 242, 243
Finch, Laurence 240, 241
Finch, Moyle (d.1618) 237, 240, 241, 242-5, 246-7, 248; wife, see Finch, Elizabeth
Finch, Nathaniel (d.1649) 240, 245, 246
Finch, Theophilus (d.1619) 246-7
Finch, Thomas (d.1563) 237, 240, 241; wife, see Finch, Katherine
Finch, Thomas (d.1639), 2nd Earl of Winchil-sea 247
Finch, Ursula (née Thwaites) 240, 242, 243, 246
Finch, William (d.1443), Sheriff 239
Finch, William (d.1552) 237, 239-41; 1st wife, Elizabeth Cromer 240; 2nd wife, Catherine Gainsford 240
Finch family 186, 200, 237-49
fish bone 214, 218, 222, 223, 225, 233
Fisher, Admiral 65, 68
Fitzalan, Sir Thomas 193
fleece processing 231
Fletcher Battery, Swanley Farm, Sheppey 73, 73, 74, 78, 79
Fletcher family 154
flints, prehistoric 131, 209; see also Thanet Way
Folkestone 22
WWI defences 70, 71, 74, 92, 93, 96, 97, 101
lordship 210
placename 209
port 216, 226, 230, 233
river crossing 209, 216
Foreness, WW1 defences 74, 75
Foulness 72, 73
fruit culture 295-300
Fruiterers Company 295
Garrison Point 72, 79
Gatton family 195, 196
Gatton, Hamo de 196
Gillingham 97
glass, post-medieval vessel 139
Godfrey, Thomas 190
Godinton House, heraldry and the Toke family 185-208
Godmersham 94
Goldwell, Thomas, prior 284
Goldwell, Thomas, and Jane (née Holland) 196
Goldwell, William, and Alice (née Haute) 196
Goldwell family 185, 186, 190, 192, 193, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201
Goodnestone 114
Grain, WWI defences 69, 72, 73, 74, 79, 81, 87, 91, 93, 94
Gravesend 85, 97
Great Chart, church 192
Greenwich 111, 112, 120
Grigson, Tyro, surgeon 33
Hall, James 145-6
Hall, John 111
Hall, Philologus and Margaret (née Allen) 152
Halling 85
hammerscale 217, 218
Hancock, Henry 243
Harrington, Duncan, ‘Richard Harris, “fruiterer to King Henry VIII”: some further details gleaned from documentary sources’ 295-300
Harris, Nicholas 295, 296-7
Harris, Parnell 301
Harris, Richard, ‘fruiterer to Henry VIII’ 295-300
Harris, Richard, junior 297, 298
Harris, William 297, 298
Harte, Henry 150
Harty Ferry 92
Harvard University (USA) 301-2
Harvey, Rev. Richard 17-18, 22, 24, 26, 33, 34
Harwich 66, 68
Hatch, William and John 301
Hatch family 300, 301
Hatherley, Timothy 301
Haughmond Abbey (Shropshire), well-house 143
Haute, Edmund de, and Benedicta (née Shelving) 196
Haute, John 196
Haute (Hawte) family 195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 287
Hayward family 300
Heath, Diane, book review by 311-13
Helm, Richard, book review by 308-9
Henden, William 188, 189
Hendley, Sir Walter 240, 245
Hendry, Allan 298
Heneage, Michael 243
Heneage, Sir Thomas 241, 243
Henry VII 109, 110, 169, 170, 186
Henry VIII 110, 111, 113, 117, 118, 119, 145, 165, 178, 289, 294
fruiterer 295-300
heraldry see Godinton House
Hercules, settlers in New England 300-2
Herne Bay, WWI defences 69, 72, 74, 82, 88, 92
Herne Bay Golf Course site 39, 58
Hernhill 118
Hicks, Alison et al., Destined to Serve: Use of the outer grounds of St Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury, before, during and after the time of the monks. Canterbury Christ Church University Excavations 1983-2007, reviewed 313-15
Hinckley family 300, 302
Hinckley, Samuel 302
Hinckley, Thomas, governor 302
Hoath Farm 240, 242, 246
Holehaven 73
Holland, Alice (née Malmains) 196
Holland, Henry 196
Holland, Dr Samuel 33
Holland family 195, 196, 199, 200
Holmes, –, servant 301
Holt, John 110, 111
Holt Street 88
Holywell Coombe, Folkestone, EBA trackway 57
hone 224
Hone, William 111
Hoo Peninsula 72, 81
horse burial 268
Howse, John 301
Hunt, Edward 297
Hyde, Patricia, obituary 334
Hythe, WWI defences 92, 93, 97
Icklesham 239
iron, plate 222
Iron Age 57-8
coins 275
Sturry area 209
see also Bourne Park; pottery; roundhouses; Thanet Way
ironworking(?) (vitrified hearth lining, iron-stone nodules) 40, 42, 57
Iwade 85
Jellicoe, Admiral 68
Jenkins, –, servant 301
Jenkinson, Robert, vicar 151, 152, 153, 155
jettons 224, 227
Johnson, Godly 153
Johnson, Mr 154
Jordeyne, Katharine 241
Joss Gap 95
Jutland, battle 66, 99
Kempe, Sir Thomas 193, 195
Kempe, Sir William, and Eleanor (née Browne) 193, 194
Kempe family 185, 186, 193-4, 197
Kemsley Orchard, Key Street, WWI fire trench 89
Kent Underground Research Group (KURG) 303, 304
Keyes, Admiral Roger 70, 72, 88
Killingray, David, book reviews by 318-20
Kingsferry Bridge 78, 79, 81, 86
Kingsnorth, WWI defences 69, 72, 81, 94
Knatchbull, Anne (née Wentworth) 153
Knatchbull, Bridget (née Astley) 153
Knatchbull, Joan 153
Knatchbull, Sir Norton 153
Knatchbull, Reynold and Anne (née Crispe) 153
Knatchbull family 157
Lambarde, William 295, 298
Lambeth Palace Library, Ms 20: 281-8
Lane, Ross, ‘The medieval to post-medieval vill of Sturry: excavations at the former Fordwich Garage, Water Lane and Franklyn House, High Street, Sturry’ 209-35
Lannoy arms 189
Latimore, Michael 23
lay community, at Christ Church Priory, Cant-erbury 281-8
lead 54
Leake (Leek), John 296, 297, 298
LeGear, Rod, ‘Nineteenth-century well sub-sidence at St Peters, Broadstairs’ 303-4
Leysdown 114
WWI defences 78, 79, 80
Liberty & Co. 186, 198, 204
LIDAR surveys 85, 100, 304-6
Lindsey, Thomas 25
Lissenden Steps, WWI fire trench 90
Lobb, Theophilus 33
Lodge Hill, WWI defences 69, 81, 94, 95, 97
Lollards and Lollardy 150, 164
St Paul’s School 113, 114, 115, 116
WWI defences 84, 85, 93, 94, 96, 96, 98
London Defence Positions (1890s) 88
loomweight 213
Lothrop, John 301
Lower Halstow/Basser Hill 97
Lower Hope 73
Lydd 88, 92
Lympne, WWI airfield 94
Lynsted 239
Lyon, John 25, 155
McDine, David, Unconquered - the story of Kent and its Lieutenancy, reviewed 316-17
McKinley, J. et al., Cliffs End Farm, Isle of Thanet, Kent: a Mortuary and Ritual site of the Bronze Age, Iron Age and Anglo-Saxon period with evidence for long-distance maritime mobility, reviewed 307-8
McLeod, Maureen, book review by 317-18
Brownists 150
Cowper Papers 237, 242, 248, 249
schools 108
WWI defences 76, 77, 88
Malmain family 195, 196, 197-8, 199, 200
Malmains, Henry 196
Maltravers, John, 1st Lord 193
Manston, WWI airfield 69, 94
Manwood, Peter 152
Margate, WW1 defences 74, 76, 82, 88, 92, 97
marine shells (shellfish) 218, 222; see also oyster shells
marriage, and belief 153-4
Marshall arms 192
Mason, Emme 301
Martyn, John 178, 183n.103
Martyn, John or Robert 109
Maxted, John 30
Maycote, Richard 118
Mayfield, Andrew, ‘World War One stopline trench system revealed by Lidar in White-horse Wood, Birling’ 304-6
Meader family 29
Medway, WWI defences 65, 66, 69, 72, 81, 94, 95, 100, 101
Merryman’s Hill, Sheppey 78, 80
Mesolithic, Sturry 209
metalworking residues, medieval 218
Mills family 189
Milton next Sittingbourne 239
Minster 88
Minster in Thanet, bone objects from Abbey Farm Roman villa 1-15
Building 1 villa house 2, 3, 4
Building 2: 2, 3, 4, 9
Building 3 Bath house 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10
Building 4 Corridor House 2, 4, 5, 6, 9
Building 5 NE of 2, 5, 8
Building 6A and B 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
well shafts 6, 7, 9, 10
Moat (Mote), house and estate 237-49
Moore family 196, 202, 203
Mordaunt, John, 2nd Lord 193
More, Thomas de la 203
Moreton, Robert, and Anne (née Finch) 246
Morton, Archbishop 289
Morton, John, cardinal archbishop 109-10, 111
Mount Grace Priory (N. Yorks), well-houses 142, 143, 143
Moyle, Robert 190
Moyle, Sir Thomas 240, 241
Mud Row 81
murders 23
Mussared, John 157-8, 159
Mussared, Thomas 155
Nab Tower 70
Nailbourne river 251, 255, 267
names, Christian 150, 152-3
National Union of General Workers, badge 141
Naval Air Stations 94
needles, Roman
bone 1-10, 14
bronze 10
Neolithic, polished stone axe 131
New England, settlers from the Hercules 300-2
Newill, Philip L.A., ‘The heraldry of Godinton House. Part II: The Toke family’ 185-208
Newsome, Sarah et al., The Hoo Peninsular Landscape, reviewed 321-2
Nore 68, 100
Nore Anchorage 72
Nore Command 68, 93, 94, 101
North Foreland 74
North Sea, WWI defences 66, 67, 68, 99
Norton Heath 85
Norwood, William 151
Norwood family (and Alexander) 154, 157, 159
O’Brien, Bruce, and Barbara Bombi (eds), Textus Roffensis: Law, Language, and Libraries in Early Medieval England, reviewed 311-13
officer training camp, World War II 304
Operation Hush 70
oppidum 275
Orme, Nicholas, ‘John Cole (c.1467-1536) and the origins of education in Faversham’ 107-26
Otterpool Camp 97
Oxford, All Souls College 107, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120
oyster shells 51, 58, 217, 218, 225
pageants and rituals 163-83
Palaeolithic, Sturry 209
Palmer, Henry 298
Palmer, Thomas 298
Paramore, John 239
Parfitt, Keith, and Helen Clarke, ‘”Scouring the Conduit Head at Woodnesborough”: investigations into Convent Well, near Sandwich’ 127-47
Parfitt, Keith et al., ‘Excavations and other archaeological investigations on the Thanet Way, 1990-95’ 37-61
parish registers, and causes of death in Ramsgate 17-36
accidents 32
childbearing 32-3
diseases and medical problems 31-2
general decay 30
infancy 27-9
migration 21-3
old age 30
respiratory problems 29-30
skin diseases 33
soldiers 18, 21-4, 33
treatment 33-4
Parramore, Mr 154
Parramore, Thomas 152
partridge bone 223
Payne, Edward, and Elizabeth (née Toke) 188, 191
Payne, William 118
Percival, Thomas, physician 17-18
perforated slabs, EIA see Thanet Way, Site 7
Peto family 195, 196
Pettitt family 154
Phelip, William 287
Philpot, William 167
pilgrims and pilgrimages, Sturry wayside inn 233; see also Canterbury
pillboxes, WWI 79, 81, 82, 82, 85, 89, 90
pin beater, bone 223
pin/bodkin/needle, bone 222, 223
pin/stylus, Roman, bone 1, 3, 9, 15
bone 213
bronze 51
Roman, bone 1-15
medieval, copper alloy 222
post-medieval, copper alloy 227, 228, 230
place-names 37, 209-10
plague 26, 166, 245
plant remains see Sturry, Fordwich Garage; Thanet Way, Site 7
Plantagenet, Anne of Woodstock 189
Plantagenet, Thomas, and Eleanor (née de Bohun) 189
Plantagenet family 189, 190, 197, 204
Plenty Brook 37, 38, 55, 58, 59
Pluckley, William de, and Isabella (née de Toniford) 196
Pluckley family 195, 196
Pochen, Poching, Pochin arms 192
Port Victoria Naval Oil depot 72, 94
Port War Signal Stations 72
prehistoric 41
flint-tempered 55
Late Bronze Age 47
Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age 48, 50
Early Iron Age 39, 42, 43-5, 43, 44, 47-8
Iron Age 42, 58
flint-tempered 39, 53, 58
Late Iron Age 39, 42, 43
Roman 3, 5, 38, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 59, 276
Belgic/Native Coarse ‘transitional’ ware 54
Central Gaulish Samian 53, 54
colour-coated wares 54
grog-tempered 55
Moselkeramik 54
Thameside 54
Upchurch 54
Anglo-Saxon 51, 53, 55, 59
organic-tempered and chalk-filled wares 55
early medieval 53
Canterbury Sandy Ware (EM1) 214, 216, 216
North French/Flanders (EM7, EM18, EM38) 216
medieval 38, 39, 139
Late Medieval Tyler Hill (LM1) 217, 218, 225
Late Medieval Tyler Hill ware (LM1X) 218
LM1.2 225
LM2 225
London ware (M5) 217
Rhenish stoneware 225
Saintonge 217
shell-filled sandy ware 51
Surrey Whiteware 225
Tyler Hill sandy ware (M1) 216, 217
Wealden Buff (LM4) 225
post-medieval 38, 39
buff earthenwares (PM2) 229
calcareous peppered (PM64) 229
Canterbury slipware (PM45) 229
Chinese porcelain (PM40) 232
domestic creamware (LPM11) 232
Dutch redware 229
English porcelain 232
English stoneware (LPM10) 232
Frechen stoneware (PM5) 229
German whiteware green glazed 229
imported 229, 230
late Normandy stoneware (LPM29) 232
local glazed redwares (LPM1) 231
local red earthenware (PM1, PM1.2, PM1.9) 229
London stoneware (PM25) 227, 229, 230
Martincamp earthenware (PM62c) 229
Metropolitan slipware (PM19) 229
Nottingham (LPM23) 232
pearlware (LPM12) 232
Raeren (PM3) 229
red basaltes (PM32) 232
Staffordshire earthenwares (PM21) 229
stoneware Seltzer bottle (LPM31) 232
tin-glazed earthenware (PM9) 229
transfer-printed 232
unglazed earthenware (LPM2) 232
Westerwald (PM6) 229
yellow glazed Border ware (PM10.2) 229
yellow ware (LPM5) 232
see also Bourne Park; Thanet Way
pottery manufacture 42, 44
Power, Lionel 287
prehistoric, Sturry area 209; see also axe; Bourne Park; flints; pottery; Thanet Way
IX Provisional Brigade 76
Puritans 149, 151, 153, 157
querns 51, 54, 58
radiocarbon dating see Thanet Way, Site 7
RAF Gravesend, dispersal camps 304
Harbour 20, 22
parish registers and causes of death 17-36
sea bathing 24-6, 29
trackway 57
WWI defences 66, 72, 74, 92, 97
Ramus, Peter 242, 245
Richborough, defences 70, 101
Ridley, Nicholas 150
ring ditches see Bourne Park
roads, Roman 209, 212, 216, 217
Robinson, George 153
Roche, John, fruiterer, and Isabell (née Harris) 298
Roman and Romano-British
Bourne Park rural complex 251
quayside 209
settlement 57-9
see also bone objects; Bourne Park; pottery; roads; Thanet Way, Site 11; villas
roof louver 219, 220, 233
roof tile, medieval and post-medieval 38, 39, 53
Rootes, Josiah 301
Roundell arms 197, 204
roundhouses, Iron Age 41, 274, 275
Rowland, Peter 25
Rowland, William 23
Royal Navy Air Service (RNAS) 94, 100
Roydon 85
Russell, Rev. Harry 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 197, 198
Russell, Richard 24-5, 30
Rutton, Matthias 188, 190
Ryppe, Alard 118, 119
Sackville-West, Robert, The Disinherited. A story of Family, Love and Betrayal, re-viewed 319-20
St Anne’s day celebrations 173
St Bartholomew’s day 170, 173, 174
St Leger, Nicholas 241, 242, 243; wife, see Finch, Katherine
St Margaret’s Bay, monument 72
St Thomas Pageant, Canterbury 163-83
Saker, William 120
Salmestone 245
salt production 42
Sandin, Thomas 154
Sandwich 210, 217, 218
Carmelite Friary (Whitefriars) 127, 128, 142, 145, 146
conduit-house 144
conventicles 150
Davis Gate (now The Barbican) 145
Fishmarket (Market Street) 145
Flemish settlers 154, 226
migrants from 21, 22
port 216, 226, 230, 233
St Bartholomew’s day 170, 173, 174
water supply 145
WWI defence 88, 92
see also Convent (or Conduit) Well
Sandwich Bay 85
Sayers, James 301
Scrapsgate 78, 79
sea bathing 24-6
Sea Reach 72
Seabrook 85
seal, medieval 175
Sevenoaks, WWI defences 76, 92
Seymour, Charles 239
Sharpe, Richard 154
Shaw, John 111
Sheerness, WWI defences 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 78, 79, 81, 88, 93, 95, 97
Shellness, WWI defences 72, 78, 79
Shelving Court 129
Shelving, John 196
Shelving, John de, and Benedicta (née de Dene) 196
Shelving, Thomas, wool merchant 127, 144, 145
Shelving family 195, 196, 199, 200
Shepherd Neame brewery 93
Sheppey, WWI defences 69, 73, 74, 78, 79, 81, 87, 88-90, 90, 92, 99, 100
Shirley, Richard, parish clerk 157
Shoeburyness (Essex), WWI defences 69, 72, 74, 77, 81
Shoreham Harbour 70
Shornecliffe 92, 97
Simons, Mr 154
WWI defences 76, 77, 92
slag 40, 42, 57, 218
Slough Fort, Allhallows 72, 73, 74, 81
smallpox 18, 22, 26, 28, 31
Smallwood, Richard, parish clerk 155
Smith, Charles, surgeon 24
Smith, Edward 152
Smith, Victor, ‘If the Kaiser should come: defending Kent during the Great War’ 63-105
Smyth(e), John, and Elizabeth (née Harris) 297-8
soldiers, in parish registers 18, 21-4, 33
Sparks, Margaret, ‘Wyke (or Moat/Mote), near Canterbury, and the Finch family’ 237-49
Speed, Gavin, Towns in the Dark? Urban Transformations from Late Roman Britain to Anglo-Saxon England, reviewed 310-11
Speed, John 24, 25
Starr, Comfort 300, 301-2
Starr, William 302
Stirk, Jean, and David Williams, Ightham at the Crossroads, reviewed 318-19
Stone, Nicholas, monuments by 246, 247
Stone, Simon, vicar 151, 155
Stone-in-Oxney, church 110
Stour river 131, 209, 230, 232
Strangford, Viscount 230
strap-end, Anglo-Saxon 277
Strode Farm, Lower Herne 37, 38, 39; see Thanet Way, Site 13, Site 14
Sturry 209-35
abbot’s curia 210, 217
mills 210
pottery quantification 211
St Nicholas’ Church 210, 212
Sturry Court 210, 226, 230, 233
Fordwich Garage site, Water Lane 210-11, 212, 213, 215
early medieval
bone pins and comb 213
pottery 213
timber structure 213, 215, 217, 232
high medieval 215, 217
Building 3 (clay floor) 215, 217, 232
Sturry Court, Fordwich garage site (cont.)
high medieval (cont.)
Building 4 (clay floor) 215, 217, 218, 232
coin 217
late medieval 215, 218-20, 221-5, 232-3
animal bone 218, 219, 222, 225, 226, 233
bird bone 222, 223
Building 5 (G107) 215, 218, 219-20, 221-3, 226, 232-3
oven 218, 219, 220, 222-3, 226, 232-3, replaced (stone-built) 223, 224
roof louver 219, 220, 233
ceramic water pipe 218-19, 219, 233
egg shell 218, 222
finds 222, 223
fish bone 218, 222, 223, 225, 233
metalworking residues, slag and hammerscale 218
plant remains 219, 222, 223
pottery 218, 222, 224, 225, 226
shellfish 218, 222
timber-posted structure (G160-3) 218
as wayside inn 226, 233
yard 218, 233
early post-medieval 226-30
animal bone 228-9
Building 5: 227
Building 9: 227-8, 230, 233
Building 10 storage area/shop front 228, 230, 233
clay tobacco pipes 227, 228, 229
comb, bone 223, 227
farthing/token 228
pottery 227, 229
late post-medieval, pottery and clay pipes 231
Franklyn House site, High St 210, 211, 212, 213, 214
early medieval 211, 213, 214, 232
animal and fish bone 214
Buildings 1 (G19) and 2 (G20) 213, 214, 217, 232
high medieval 217, 220
animal bone 217
hammerscale 217
late medieval 220, 220, 224-5
animal and fish bone 225, 233
Building 6: 220-1, 221, 224, 226, 233
peg-tile hearth 221, 224, 226
pottery 221, 225, 226, 233
yard 221, 224
early post-medieval 220, 226-30
animal bone 227, 228-9
Building 6: 226-7, 230, 233
Building 8 (Red Lion) 210, 227, 228, 228, 230, 231, 233
finds 227, 230
pottery 227, 229-30
late post-medieval 230-2
animal bone 231
Building 8: 231
Building 11: 230-1, 233
pottery 231-2
pottery 213-14, 216, 216, 217, 221, 225, 226, 227, 229-30, 231-2, 233
Stutchbury, Peter, obituary 332-3
Surrenden, John, Joan and Alice (née Pluckley) 196
Surrenden family 195, 196
Swale Channel 72
Sweetinburgh, Sheila, ‘Looking to the past: the St Thomas Pageant in early Tudor Canterbury’ 163-83
Swinnock, Edward 23
Tann, Peter, book review by 316-17
Tenterden 76
Teynham 295, 297, 298-9
Thames Haven, WWI defences 69, 72, 81, 94
Thames and Thames Estuary, WWI defences 65, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 81, 87, 94, 95, 98, 100, 101
Cliffs End, pottery 47-8
St Laurence parish registers 17-36
separatist movement in? 149-62
Tothill Road, pottery 47, 48
WWI defences 69, 72, 74, 97
Thanet Way, excavations and archaeological investigations 37-61
animal bone 40, 42, 51, 54, 55, 57, 58
barrows, late Neolithic/early Bronze Age 56
flints, prehistoric 38, 39, 40, 41, 48, 56, 57, 58
pottery 38, 39, 40, 41, 42-5, 47-8, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59
Site 7 (South Street) Earliest Iron Age farm-stead 38, 38, 39-48, 56-7
animal bone 40, 42, 57
building? (daub or burnt clay) 41
clay quarries (pits) 41
flints 39, 40, 41, 57
hearth/hearth-pit (domestic) 42
hollow-way 41
ironworking? (vitrified hearth lining, ironstone nodules) 40, 42, 57
Late Iron Age (Phase 2) 42-3, 57
metalled working hollow 41, 56
Thanet Way (cont.)
Site 7 (South Street) Earliest Iron Age farm-stead (cont.)
perforated slabs or fired-clay (light industrial ceramic), EIA 42, 43, 44, 45-6, 46, 47, 48
plant remains 42, 56, 57
pottery 39, 40, 41, 42-5, 43, 44, 47-8
pottery manufacture (flint tempering) 42, 44
radiocarbon dating (charcoal) 39, 42, 44, 46-7, 56
slag 40, 42, 57
Site 8 (Radfall Corner) 38, 38, 39, 48-50, 49, 56, 57
cartwheel ruts 49, 50
flints 48
pottery 48, 49, 50
trackways, prehistoric 48-50, 57
Site 11 (Owl’s Hatch Road) Roman farm-stead 38, 38, 39, 50-4, 58-9
animal bone 51, 54, 58
clay quarry-pit 53, 54
coin, Roman 53, 54
finds 54
flints, prehistoric 58
lead 54
medieval 50, 51, 53, 59
oysters 51, 58
pins 51, 54
pits (?hearth-pits) 51, 54, 58
pottery 50, 51, 53, 54, 58, 59
querns 51, 54, 58
Roman tile 50, 51, 53, 58
roof tile, medieval 53
Site 12 (Plenty Brook) 38, 38
Site 13 (north of Strode Farm) 38, 38, 39, 55, 58, 59
Anglo-Saxon 39, 55, 59
pottery 55
Roman tile 55
sunken trackway 55
Site 14 (north of Strode Farm) 38, 39, 55, 58, 59
Anglo-Saxon pottery 39, 55, 59
thimbles 228
Thomas, Diane, ‘The Hercules settlers in New England’ 300-3
Thomson family 185, 186, 199
Throwley, WWI airfield 94
Thwaites, Edward and Thomas 240
Thwaite family 246
Tilbury East (Essex) 72, 74, 84, 85
Tilden, Joseph 301
Tilden, Lidia 301
Tilden, Samuel Jones 302
Tilden family 300, 301, 302
Roman 38, 39, 50, 51, 53, 55, 58, 59
medieval peg-tile, and hearths 139, 213, 217, 218, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 232
see also roof tile
Toke, George, and Peyton Monins 191
Toke, Dr Henry, and Sarah Harlestone 187, 188
Toke, John 186, 187; 1st wife, Margaret Walworth 186, 187, 196; 2nd wife, Anne Engham 186, 187
Toke, John, and Agnes Thomson 186, 187
Toke, John, and Cecily Kempe 186, 187, 202
Toke, John, and Elizabeth Malmains 198
Toke, John, and Margaret Roundell 187, 189
Toke, John, and Susannah Mills 187, 188, 189
Toke, Katherine (m. William Henden) 188, 189, 191
Toke, Mary, m. 1st Robert Moyle; m. 2nd Thomas Godfrey 190
Toke, Nicholas 186, 187; m. Mary Bennet 186, 187, 196, 200
Toke, Sir Nicholas 187, 188, 190, 191; 1st wife, Katharine Dyke 187, 188, 191; 2nd wife, Joan Toke 187, 188
Toke, Nicholas, and Eleanor Cockman 187, 189
Toke, Capt Nicholas (d.1680) 186, 187, 188, 190, 197, 199, 200-1, 202, 204
1st wife, Anne Robinson 187, 188, 199, 200, 201, 202
2nd wife, Margaret Knatchbull 187, 188, 199, 200, 201, 202
3rd wife, Jane Dobell 187, 188, 199, 201, 202
4th wife, Mary Browne 187, 188, 197, 199, 200-1, 202
5th wife, Lady Diana Finch 187, 188
Toke, Nicholas Roundell, and Anna Maria Wrey 185, 187, 189, 197, 204
Toke, Sarah (m. Matthias Rutton) 188, 190, 191
Toke, Thomas 186, 187, 191, 192, 197, 198, 199, 201, 204; 1st wife, Joan Goldwell) 186, 187, 191, 192, 196, 197, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204; 2nd wife, Cecilia Chichele 186, 187, 201, 203, 204
Toke, Thomas, and Joane Hales 191
Toke family 185-208
Toke family of Bere 191, 204
Toke family of Nottinghamshire 192
Tonbridge, WWI defences 76, 87, 92
Toniford, William de 196
Toniford family 195, 196
Tooke, John, and Elizabeth Dacres 191
Tooke, Ralph, and Elizabeth Baker 191
Tooke, Ralph (brother of Thomas) 191
trackways see Bourne Park; Thanet Way, Site 8, Site 13
trench system, Whitehorse Wood 304-7; see also World War I
Trust for Thanet Archaeology 303
Tucker, John, teacher 117-18
Tuke, Sir Bryan 192
Tunbridge Wells 76, 88, 92
Turberville, Thomas 239, 248
Twysden, Sir Roger, Anne (née Finch), and William 247
Tyler Hill 39
Udall, John, clergyman 151, 160 n.18
Underwood, Peter, candlemaker 228
Upnor Ordnance establishment 81
villas, Roman 59, 276; see also Minster in Thanet
Violet, Alexander 154
Volunteer Training Corps (Volunteer Force) 79, 88
Wallace, Lacey M. et al., ‘Archaeological investig-ations of Bourne Park, Bishopsbourne, 2011-2014’ 251-79
Walmer, WWI defence 94, 97
Walsingham arms 189
Walworth family 185, 186, 193, 195, 196, 199, 200
Wantsum Channel 37, 54, 209
Warden Point 78, 79
Warham, Archbishop 289
water pipes, ceramic
Canterbury 142
Sturry 218-19, 219, 233
Watling Street 86
Weald Hall (Essex) 200
well house see Convent (or Conduit) Well
well subsidence, St Peters, Broadstairs 303-4
Wentworth, Sir John, and Katherine 247
Wentworth, Paul and Peter 153
Westbere Deanery 158
Westbere Marshes 209
Westerham 85
Westgate 69, 94
Whitehall Battery, Grain 74, 75
Whitehorse Wood, Birling, WW1 stopline trench system 304-6
Whitgift, Archbishop 151
Whitlocke, Edward 155
Iron Age sites 57
port 232
WWI defences 72, 73, 82, 92
Wic (later Wyke) 237, 242, and see Moat (Wyke)
Willement, Thomas, stained glass artist 192, 196, 200, 201, 203
Williams, David see Stirk, Jean
Williams, John H., book review by 313-15
wills, and preambles 120-1, 150, 151-2, 153, 154, 156-8, 159
Wilson, Anthony (ed.), Tonbridge through Ten Centuries, reviewed 317-18
Winchelsea 220, 239
Wines, Faintnot 301
Wingham 88
Witherell family 301
Wittersham 94
Woodnesborough, migrants from 21; see also Convent (or Conduit) Well
Woolwich 77, 94
World War I, defences of Kent 63-105
abattis 81, 92
air defence 63, 93-8, 96, 100-1
air raid sirens 97
airfields 69, 72, 79, 85, 94, 95, 96, 97, 100
airship sheds 81
airship station 97
airships 63, 93, 94-5, 100
ammunition stores 81
anti-aircraft guns 63, 69, 81, 93, 94, 95-6, 97, 98, 100, 101
armoured cars 85
balloon barrage aprons 95
barbed wire 81, 82, 88, 89, 92
Barr and Stroud rangefinders 74
batteries 74, 81, 86, 96
blockhouses 78, 81, 90, 94
bombardment vessels 68
bombing raids 96-7, 98
Brigade HQ complex 86
camps 92, 98
Central Force 76, 77, 87
civil defence 97, 101
coastal artillery 68, 70, 74, 87
cyclist battalions 76, 77
Dacoit perimeter fencing 81
Defence Electric Lights 73
detraining points 87
evacuation 92-3
explosives industry 95
fighter interceptor zones 95
forts 69, 88, 95, 100
German PoWs 92
ground observation 95, 96, 97
Height Finder Mk I 95
home defence forces 76, 79, 87, 92, 98, 99-100
invasion defence exercises 92
Martello Towers 85
minefields 63, 67, 68, 70, 73, 87
World War I, defences of Kent (cont.)
minesweepers 68, 70, 74
observing instrument 95
pillboxes 78, 79, 81, 82, 82, 85, 86, 89, 90
poison gas 93, 97
pontoons (or floating piers) 70, 78, 84, 85
rifle ranges 92
sabotage 92, 93
sea plane station 81
seaplanes 96
searchlights 74, 95, 96
shelters 97
siege schools 85
sound mirrors 83, 101
spies 81
stopline trench system at Whitehorse Wood 304-6
submarine nets and mines 63, 68, 70, 71, 100
submarines 66, 68, 72, 73, 76, 95, 99
tank forces 88
torpedo boats 68, 72, 73
training grounds 92
trenches and trench training 78, 81, 82, 85, 87, 88-90, 89, 92, 100
troop training 76, 92
tunnel shelters 97
U-boats 65
Vulnerable Points Committee 98
wireless stations 72
World War II
anti-aircraft battery 304
flame-projecting installation 277
officer training camp 304
Sturry 210, 231
Wotton, Thomas 241
Wrey, Sir Chichester, and Anne (née Bourchier) 190
Wrey, Sir Henry Bourchier and Ellen Maria (née Toke) 197
Wrey family 189-90, 197, 204
Wright, David, Bryan Fausett: Antiquary Extraordinary, reviewed 315-16
Wyatt, George, and Jane (née Finch) 245
Wyatt, Gill, ‘Not as by law established? Was there a separatist movement in early modern Thanet?’ 149-62
de Wyke family 237, 238
Wyke (Moat/Mote) 237-49
Wylde family 189
Yearworth family 188
Yelsted 86
Yerewood family 188
Zeppelins 95, 97
Zouche, Lady Eleanor 243