General Index
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Notes on Contributors
Front matter, Volume 141
General Index
general iNDEX
Illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics or by illus where figures are scattered throughout the text. The letter n following a page number indicates that the reference will be found in a note.
The following abbreviations have been used in this index: aka – also known as; Bt – Baronet; C – century; Capt. – Captain; Cllr – Councillor; d. – died; E. Sussex – East Sussex;
fl. – floruit; G. London – Greater London; Hon. – Honourable; jnr – junior;
LCDR – London, Chatham and Dover Railway; Oxon ‒ Oxfordshire; snr – senior;
W. Sussex – West Sussex; Warks. ‒ Warwickshire.
A21, dualling scheme, excavations
background and location 188–90, 189
discussion 210–15
excavation evidence 192
Mesolithic 191, 193
Neolithic 194
Bronze Age 194–7, 195
late Iron Age‒Roman 197–200, 198, 201
Iron Age and medieval firepits 200–8, 204– 7
medieval 208–10, 209
specialist reports
charcoal 223–4
flint 216–19, 217
insect remains 229–31
pebble hammer 219–21, 220
plant remains 227–9, 227
pollen analysis 221–3, 224–6
radiocarbon dates 221, 222
abbeys/monastic houses see Battle; Boxley; Canterbury (Christ Church; St Augustine); Maxstoke
HMS Acteon 158
adze, ?Iron Age 39, 55n22
airfields see Detling; Eastchurch; Leysdown; Manston; Sheerness; Throwley; Westgate under Margate
HMS Ajax 164
Allen, Tim G., ‘Prehistoric to Medieval Dis-coveries along the A21 Tonbridge‒Pembury Dualling Scheme’ 188–234
Allhallows, defences, C20 152, 153, 154, 158
Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants 137, 138, 143
animal bone, Roman 283
Antigua 105–6, 113
antler fragments, Roman 263; see also tool, antler
anvil, ?Iron Age 39
Arundel, earl of see Fitzalan, Richard
Ash cum Ridley, Scotgrove manor 20
Ashdowne family 5
John 10
Richard 13
Ashford, railway station 142
Assheton, John 177, 184, 185
Aucher, Sir Anthony 324
Audley, Hugh 71
Australia, New South Wales 330, 331
Ayerst, Dr ‒ 246n15
Baker, George 141
ballista bolt 43
Bapchild, defences, C20 168
Barde, Peter 65
Bargrave, Dean Isaac 321–2
Barham, Barham Down, earthworks 35
Barker, Cllr Joseph 132, 141–2, 143–4
Barling, John Smith 249
Barming, stationmaster 132
barn, medieval 176, 177
Barnes, John 250
Barnwell, Paul 6
Bartram, Claire (ed.), Kentish Book Culture: Writers, Archives, Libraries and Sociability 1400‒1660, reviewed 342–4
Bates, Martin see Wenban-Smith, Francis, Stafford, Elizabeth, Bates, Martin, & Parfitt, Simon
Battle Abbey (E. Sussex) 68
Beck, Jimmy 82
Beecher, Edward 16
Beecher, James 7, 13
Beecher, Joan (née Combridge) 16
Beecher, John 7
Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne, Patrixbourne, Bifrons 112
Bell, Matthew 251
bells, Boxley 181–3
Berwick, John de 5
Besant, Annie 137
Bigbury Camp, recent research
background and location 31, 32–3
defences and finds 35–9, 36, 37, 38
earthworks in Homestall and Willows Wood 42–7, 43, 44, 45, 46
earthworks in South Blean 40–1, 41
earthworks west of Denstead Bowl and north of A2 41–2
outer works 39–40
discussion 47–50
previous research 34–5
topography and landscape history 34
billhooks, Iron Age/Roman 55n21
Birchington, Minnis Bay, Iron Age and Roman finds 81, 83
Pit Group 1 (illus) 82–90
Pit Group 2 (illus) 90–8
Pit Group 3 (illus) 99–103
Birsty, Anne (née Streatfeild) 8, 9
Birsty, William 8, 9, 11, 14, 16
Bishopsbourne, Charlton Park (previously Place) 107, 108
Black Prince, tomb of 302–3
Blackman, Elizabeth 331
Blackman, Elizabeth (née Harley) 331
Blackman, James 330–1
Blackman, James jnr 331
Blackman, John 331
Blackman, Samuel 331
Blackman, William 331
Blaise, St 303
Bland, William 250
HMS Blazer 158
Blean, earthworks 31, 34, 40–1, 48–9
Blomer, Dr ‒ 246n15
Blount, Thomas 60
defences, C20 168
Iden family 314
Boden, Damien, & Weekes, Jake, ‘Near the Heart of Romano-British Durovernum: Excavations at 70 Stour Street, Canterbury’ 286–97
bone, polished, Roman 268
Borden, defences, C20 168
Boughton-under-Blean, defences, C20 169
Boughton Malherbe, Wootton family 20
Bourne, River, palaeochannels
excavation evidence 208–10, 209, 214–15
insect remains 229–31
plant remains 227–9, 227
pollen analysis 224–6
Boxley Abbey
Court of Augmentations accounts 179–85, 180
history and dissolution 176–8, 177, 182
Rood of Grace 176–7, 177–8, 178, 183
defences, C20 156
manor 186n13
Boycot, Thomas 326
Boycot, William 326
Boys, John 325n18
brasses, memorial
Penshurst 316–18, 317, 319
Warminghurst (W. Sussex) 317
Brasted, manor 21
Braylys, William 248
Bredgar, defences, C20 168
bricks, clay, triangular 48, 55n18; see also ceramic building material
Bridge, Bridge Place 112
Bridges, Edward J. & wife 250–1
Brightred, William and Petronella 1
Brindle, Stephen see Pattison, Paul, Brindle, Stephen, & Robinson, David M.
brooches, Iron Age/Roman 83–4, 96–8, 97, 98, 102
Brook, Brook Street 15
Brooker, William 23
Browne, Edward 325n18
Browne family of Wealden iron founders 318
John 312, 319
Thomas 312, 319
bucket staves, Roman 83
buckles, ?Roman 39, 55n19
HMS Bulwark 154
Burchell, Major 90
Burghersh, Bartholomew the elder 68
Burghersh, Bartholomew 66, 73
Burghersh, Robert 63–4, 66
Iron Age/Roman 39, 48, 49, 55n18
Roman 102–3, 102
burnt mound, Bronze Age 194–7, 195, 211–12, 221, 222
Burntwick Island, defences, C20 158
butchery, Roman 283
Cade, Jack 312, 314, 315–16, 319
Camden, William 34
camp, Roman 48, 49
Canada 331
Adelaide Place, excavations 286, 293–4, 295
archbishops of see Chichele, Henry; Juxon, William; Lanfranc; Meopham, Stephen; Stafford, John; Stratford, John; Tenison, Thomas; Theobald; Walter, Hubert
Canterbury (cont.)
Beaney House of Art and Knowledge, pilgrim souvenirs 299–310
Beer Cart Lane, excavations 286, 294, 296
Blue Boy Yard, excavations 286, 293
Castle Street, excavations 194, 286, 295
Christ Church
Becket shrine 302–3, 307
chapel of Our Lady of the Undercroft 302
library 321–6
maps 326–30, 328–9
possessions 235–52
tomb of Black Prince 302–3
Eastbridge Hospital, pilgrim souvenirs 300
Greyfriars Chapel, pilgrim souvenirs 300
Hales Palace estate map 326–30, 328–9
origins 49, 50, 58n59
royal palace 327
St Augustine’s Abbey grounds 327
St Cecilia celebration 112
St Thomas Hill, earthworks 31, 47
Stour Street
No. 68, excavations 286, 295
No. 69A, excavations 286, 293–4, 295, 296
No. 70, excavations
background and location 286, 287, 288
discussion 296–7
excavation evidence 286–92, 289
interpretation 292–6, 293
town burgage 22
Westgate, pilgrim souvenirs 300
Capel, Castle Hill 190, 201, 213; see also A21 dualling scheme
Carly, Dr ‒ 241
Carr, Roy 90
Carter, Michael, ‘The Late Monastery of Boxley in the Countie of Kent: Court of Augmentations Accounts for the Dissolving of Boxley Abbey’ 176–87
Carter family 13
Casaubon, Meric 323, 324
Castle Hill see under Capel
castles see Dover; Rochester
Catchpole, Margaret 331
cattle goad, ?Roman 55n18
cauldron equipment, Iron Age 48, 55n18
ceramic building material, Roman
Canterbury 290, 291, 292
Chart Sutton 268
Kemsing 282
Minnis Bay 87, 87, 99
chains, slave 39, 55n21
Chamber, Geoffrey 176, 177–8, 179, 183, 185
channel, wooden, Iron Age 86, 87
A21 223–4
Shadoxhurst 122–4, 127
charcoal production 213–14
chariot, Iron Age 48
Charnels, Agnes de 72
Chart Sutton
Cheynes Court (aka Donyngbury) 312, 318
Roman building, revisited
background 253–4
coins 264, 266–7
discussion 267–71
draft excavation report by V.J. Newbury 254–64, 254–5, 256
figurine 257–8, 257
pottery 258–62, 258, 259, 260–2, 263, 264–6
small finds 263
church of St Mary, memorial 107–11, 109–11
Denstead Wood, earthworks 40, 41, 48, 49
earthworks 31, 40, 47, 49
finds, Roman 48
Fright Wood, earthworks 40
Hunstead Wood 40
Mystole 107
Chatham, naval base defences 149, 150, 172
World War 1 153, 158, 160
World War 2 164
Cold War 170
Chester-Kadwell, Brendan (ed.), Burnham Norton Friary. Perspectives on the Carmelites in Norfolk, reviewed 345–6
Cheyne family 318
Alexander 313, 318
Robert 70
Chichele, Henry, Archbishop of Canterbury 321, 323
Chichele, Thomas 313
Benge Land 28n87
Bore Place 8, 12, 28n87
Bough Beech Farm 15, 17
Burwash manor 23
Butt House 9
Cobham manor 23
Coldharbour 16, 18
Delaware 12, 15
Gilridge 11
Helde House 4, 14
High Street House 4, 9, 14, 17
Hill Hoath 4–5
Little Brownings 16
Lockskinners 4, 7, 9, 13, 17, 19
Moreden 19
Princkham’s Farm 12–13
rector 238
road to Sundridge 4
Somerden 4
Stonelake 23
Towers Cottage 22, 23
Chiddingstone (cont.)
Tye Haw, ownership
Hayward family 1, 4, 8, 13
post Hayward family 8, 9, 11, 13‒14, 16, 17, 20
description 4, 4
manor/farm 1, 11–12
Vexour 7, 23
Wickhurst 7
wills 18
Withers 4–5, 16, 19
Chiddingstone Hoath (Rendsley Hoath) 4, 10, 13
Children, George 15, 17, 18
Children, George jnr 15
Children, John 17
Childrey, Joshua 325n18
Chilham Castle 34
Julliberrie’s Grave 34
Perry Wood, earthworks 41
Cinque Ports
manorial structure 21–2
warden 63–4, 65–6, 74, 75
Clancey, Rose 253
Clark, ‒ 142
Clark, Peter 2
book review by 333–4
Clarke, Humphry 248
Clarke, Mary 248
Clarke, Walter 248
Clifton, Gervase 315–16
Clinton, John, lord of Maxstoke 60
Clinton, William, Earl of Huntingdon (d.1354) 60, 74–5
governance of Kent 71–4
marriage, lands and legacy 60–3, 62
military service 66–70
seal of 61
warden of Cinque Ports and Constable of Dover 63–6
Cobb, Law 241
Cobbett, William 238
Cobham, John 72
Cock, John 251n8
Iron Age 290, 290, 296
Roman 253, 264, 266–7, 292
Cold War, defences 170–2
Collard, C. 251
Collard, David 250, 251, 252n29
Collard, George 250, 252n29
Collard, H. 251
Collard, T. 251
Combridge family 5
Anthony 11, 16, 18
Francis 16, 17, 18
Oliver 7
Robert 16
Condy, Ellis 65
Copynger, Thomas 240
Corbett (Corbet), Elizabeth 107
Cornellys, Daniel 249
Cornwallis, Fiennes 139
Cowden Lewisham manor 22
gavelkind 7
Somerden 4
Waystrode 22
Crisp (Crysp), Sir Henry 240
Cromer, Elizabeth see Fiennes
Cromer, William 312, 315–16, 319
Cromwell, Thomas 176, 178, 179
Crowmer, Dorothy 16
Crysp see Crisp
Culpepper family 70
John 77n34
Custumal of Kent 5
Dalby, Thomas 251n5
Daniels, Albert 253
Darryngton, Richard 248
Davy, John 315
airfield 156, 159, 164, 170
defences, C20 156
Dewer, John 239, 240
dialect, Kentish 330-32
dining culture, LCDR 1888‒99 132–47
Dobbes, John, Abbot of Boxley 176
Doddington, defences, C20 168
Dodsworth, Roger 323, 324
Dodyngton, Thomas 248
Donyngbury see Chart Sutton
Douglas, Sir Charles 154
castle 21, 63, 64–5, 66, 75
defences, C20 158
town burgage 22
Drayton, Michael 26n30
HMS Dreadnought 158
Dromund 65
Drury, Richard and Lucy 314
Dryland, Richard 240
Dugdale, William 62–3, 323–4
Church Wood, earthworks 42, 49
defences, C20 163, 164, 165, 167, 171
Fishpond Wood, earthworks 42
Joan Beech Wood, earthworks 31, 40
Manson Wood, earthworks 42
Dyerton, John 240, 248
Dyke, Sir John 22
Ealdbeorht 54n5
Eales, Richard, book review by 336–8
World War 1 153, 158, 159, 159
interwar years 162, 163
World War 2 164, 167, 169
defences, C20 154, 162, 167, 169
Eastling, defences, C20 168
gavelkind 10
Hasted on 22
mill 9
Somerden 4
Edenne see Iden
Edith, St 273–5
Edmund, King 235
Edward I 63–4, 66, 71
Edward III 59–75
Edwards, Elizabeth, book reviews by 342–4, 346
Egerton, Dr ‒ 246n15
Elizabeth I 239, 248
Eloy family 237
Margaret 247n19
Peter St 236, 238, 247n33, 249
Eltham (G. London), Shooter’s Hill, Harley estate 331
Elton, Charles 5, 18
Iron Age 42–6, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49
Iron Age/Roman 197–200, 198, 201, 212–13
Erasmus, Desiderius 307
evacuation, World War 2 166
Eve, Mr ‒ 242
Everest family 5, 13
Thomas 9, 17
Thomas jnr 9
Thomas, son of Thomas jnr 9
William 9
Everitt, Alan 2, 6
D’Ewes, Sir Symonds 323
Fagg (Fagge) family
Charles 107
Sarah 107–10, 112
Sir William 107
Fane see Vane
fastener, Roman 263
air raid 160
Davington, Nashes estate 235
defences, C20 161, 162, 167, 169
drill hall 150
emergency hospital 166
Faversham, Thomas 72, 73
Fawkham, manor 312, 314, 318
Fawkham family 318
ferrule, ?Roman 55n19
field systems
medieval 125–7, 126, 128–30, 129
not dated 41
Fiennes, Elizabeth 312, 313, 314–15, 318–19
Fiennes, Sir James, Lord Saye and Sele 312, 315
Finch see Fynche
fire-dogs, Roman 48, 55n18, 55n20
firepits, Iron Age and medieval
charcoal 223–4
excavation evidence 200–8, 204–7, 213–14
Fitzalan, Richard, Earl of Arundel 60, 63, 68
FitzWilliam, Henry 235
Flackton, William 112
early prehistoric 122
Mesolithic 191, 193, 210–11, 216–19, 217
Neolithic 191, 194, 219
floor tile, post-medieval 127
Fogg, Richard 325n18
Forbes, James Staats 146n40
Fordwich, Boycot family 326
Fox, Paul A., Great Cloister: A Lost Canterbury Tale. A History of the Canterbury Cloister, Construct-ed 1408‒14, with Some Account of the Donors and their Coats of Arms, reviewed 340–2
Frere, S.S. 50
Frognale, Thomas 248
Fynche, William 240
Garnet, Sir Henry 72
Garnet, Joan 72
Gatewyk, Richard de 20
gavelkind, 1550‒1700 1–5
avoidance 13–14
disgavelling 20–1
extent of gavelkind lands 21–3
joint purchase 17
new lands 23
settlements 14–16
wills 17–19
common law of Kent 5–6
discussion 24
in Somerden Hundred 3–4, 3
age of majority 8
alienation 8–9
courts 11–13
dower 10
felony, rule on 6‒7
freehold land 11
partible inheritance 9–10
wardship 7
Gervase of Canterbury 326
Gibbons, Vera & Trevor, ‘The Middle/Late Iron Age and Roman Finds made by Antoinette Powell-Cotton on the Foreshore and Cliff Top at Minnis Bay, Birchington’ 81–104
Gillard, Mr ‒ 242
glass fragments, Roman 263, 284
glass vessel, Roman 40
Glover, Joan 74
Glover, Mary 16
Goacher, Deborah, ‘The Roman Building at Chart Sutton Revisited’ 253–72
Golstone, Thomas, Prior 251n5
Grain, defences, C20 149
pre-World War 1 152, 153
World War 1 154, 158, 159, 160
Cold War 171
Grandison, Otto de 72
Grant, Thomas & Sons 141
Gratwick, Edward 139–40, 142, 143–4
Gravener, G.W. 250
Graveney with Goodnestone
Cleve Marshes, decoy 166
defences, C20 158
Gravesend, railway station 139
Grenestrete, Peter 248
Grenestrete, Robert 240
Griffiths, Mr ‒ 323, 325
Grim, Edward 303, 304
Guildford family 316
Hales Place 327
Place House 327
Hadlow, mill 9
Halden family 317–18
Hales, Anne (née Wootton) 327
Hales, Sir Edward (2nd Bt) 327
Hales, Sir Edward (3rd Bt) 327
Hales, Sir John (d.1744) 327
Hambrook, Thomas 251
Hamper, William 323
Hampton, John 65
Hanley, Simon 70
earthworks 31
Homestall Wood 42–6, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49
Rough Common 31, 47
Willows Wood 43, 44, 46–7, 49
hollow-way 46
see also Bigbury Camp
Hardy, C.W. 140
Harley, Elizabeth 331
harness fittings
Iron Age/Roman 37, 37, 39, 48, 55n18, 55n20, 55n21
Roman 263
Harrington, Duncan ‘The Manor of Elverton in the Parish of Stone next Faversham’ 235–52 book review by 340–2
Hartlip, defences, C20 168
Harty, Isle of
defences, C20 158
ferry 149
Harvey, Robert 312
Hasted, Edward 22, 235, 236
Hastings, John, Lord Hastings 60
Hayward family 5, 7, 8, 9, 13
Charles 1, 8
Erasmus 1
Joan 1
John 27n62
Petronella (née Brightred) 1
Richard snr 7, 9, 13
Richard 1, 8
Thomas 1, 4, 6–7
Thomas jnr 1
Heathfield (E. Sussex) 315, 319
Hegham, James 70
helmet fragments, ?Iron Age 39, 48, 55n22
Hendley (Henley), Walter 177, 183, 185
Henry VIII 177
Herne Bay, Beacon Hill 153
Brocas manor 23
Cobham manor 23
Cords 15
Gabriels 15
Hever manor 21, 23
How Green 15
Seyliards 15
Somerden 4
Higham family 70
Hildesley, Mark 322
Hill, Francis 326, 327
Hill, Jared, map by 326–7, 328–9
Hill, Thomas 326
hillforts see Bigbury Camp; Castle Hill under Capel
hobbles, iron 48, 55n21
Holcombe, Dr ‒ 246n15
Hollar, Wenceslas 324
hollow-way 46
Holman, James et al, Medieval New Romney a Town Shaped by Water: The Archaeology of the First Time Sewer Scheme, reviewed 336–8
Home Defence Army 155
Home Guard 169, 171
Hoo St Werburgh
Kingsnorth, airship base 159
Lodge Hill, defences 153
manor 186n13
Hooper, Nicholas 13
Hopkins, Darren, ‘Examples of Kentish Dialect in James Blackman’s Letters to the Governor of New South Wales, 1806’ 330–2
horse bits, Iron Age/Roman 55n18, 55n21
Hosking, Robert 250
Hothfield, ?capture of Jack Cade 315, 319
Hull, Felix 5, 6
Huntingdon, earl of see Clinton, William
Hussey, R.C. 35
Hyde, Archer & Co 141
Iden (Edenne) family 311–12, 311
Alexander (d.1457) 312–13, 314–16, 318–19
Alexander (son of Thomas) 312, 317–18
Alexander of Westwell (d.1515) 313–14
Alice 312
Ann 312, 314–15
Anne (Agnes) 316
Edmond 312
Eleanor 312, 314–15
Elizabeth (née Fiennes; Cromer) 312, 313, 314–15, 318–19
Elizabeth (daughter of Alexander) 312, 314–15
Jasper 312
Joane 316, 317
John of Westwell 313
Paul 312, 313, 315, 316–19
Robert 312
Sicelie 312
Thomas (father of Alexander) 312, 313–14, 318
Thomas of Westwell (d.1498) 313
Thomas of Stoke (d.1511‒12) 312–13, 314–15, 317–19
William 312, 317
Anthony 235
Elizabeth (née Jones) 235
insect remains 214, 229–31
Invicta legend 5–6
iron ore 125
Ironside, General W.E. 167
ironworking sites
Iron Age 39, 49
Iron Age/Roman 124–5, 197–9
Iron Age‒medieval 40
not dated 42
Isabella of France, Queen 60
Isley family 22
Sir Henry 21
Sir John 7
Iveson, Jon, book review by 338–40
Iwade, defences, C20 164, 168
James, William 241
James of Dieppe 68–9
Jemmett family 10
Richard 15
Robert 15
Timothea 10, 12, 15
Jessup, Andronicus 19
Jessup, Nathaniel 19
John (King) 20
John Alfonso de Tanyle 65
Johnson, Rauff 240
Johnson, Thomas 324
Jolliffe, J.E.A. 2
Jones, ‒ of Folkestone 136–7
Jones, Isaac 235
Julius Caesar, G. 34–5, 48, 50
Juxon, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 325
Church Hall site, excavation
background and location 273–5, 274, 275
discussion 283–5
excavation evidence 276–80, 277–8
finds 280–3
church of St Mary 275
Dynes Road, excavation 273
The Keep 275
well 273–5, 284–5
Kent, Nathaniel 247n39
Kent, Pearce & Kent 242
Kentish dialect 330–2
Kettle, Richard 19
Keynes, Simon 6
Killingray, David, book review by 345
King, Daniel 324
King, Philip Gidley 330, 331
Kirke, General W. 167
Kitchener, H.H., Lord 154
Knatchbull, Sir Norton 20
Knights Hospitaller, Prior of 71
Knorr, Admiral Eduard von 150
Kyriel, Sir John 70
Laberius Durus, Q. 34
Lake, John 250
Lamb, Susan 10
Lambarde, William 5
Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury 321
Langham, George 322
Langley, William, sheriff of Kent 74
Latimer, William 77n34
law and order, C14 71–4
lead fragments, Roman 263
Leicester, earl of see Sydney, John
Beechers 13
Carter family 13
Ensfield manor 21
Moreden 13
Somerden 4
Lennard, Thomas, Earl of Sussex 21
Leybourne, Juliana (d.1367) 60–2, 74
airfield 159, 162, 164
Harty Ferry 165–6
Shellness 164, 167
Lloyd, Donald see Smith, Kathryn, & Lloyd, Donald
Lockyer brothers 9
Lomherst, Stephen 181
Charterhouse 323, 325
Gurney House 322, 323, 325
Newcome’s school 105
London, Chatham & Dover Railway, dining culture 1888‒99 132–47, 135
London Air Defence Area 159–60, 162
loom weight, Iron Age 99
Lower Halstow, defences, C20 158
Luddenham Court, defences, C20 168
Nashes estate 235
Lyle, John 71
lynch pins 39, 48
Lynsted, defences, C20 169
macehead see pebble hammer/macehead
McFarlane, Bruce 59
LCDR annual dinner 132–4
railway stations 134, 139
railway workers strike 138
typhoid 141–2
Mancktelow, ‒ 139
Mann, Sir Horace 105, 112
mansio? 253, 254, 269
Manston, airfield 159
maps, Canterbury 326–30, 328–9
March, earl of see Mortimer, Roger
Margate, Westgate
airfield 159
manor 67
maritime disorder, C14 65–6
Marshal, Edward 247n19
Marshall, P., ‘The Kentish Associations of a Great West Indian Planter; Sir William Young (1725‒1788) and his Monument at Chartham’ 105–17
Marsham, Sir John 326n25
Marvyn, Thomas 240
Masters, John White 331
Matthews, T. 139
Maxstoke (Warks.)
Clinton family 60
priory 60, 62
Medway, River, defences, C20 149, 150
pre World War 1 151, 152, 153
World War 1 154, 155
interwar years 161, 162
Melleman, John 248
Meopham, vicar 19
Mepham, Stephen, Archbishop of Canterbury 73
Mileham, Charles 238
military and civil defences, C20 see Swale District
military community, C14 69–70
mills see under Hadlow; Edenbridge; Tonbridge
millstone fragments, Roman 93, 99
Milstead and Kingsdown, defences, C20 168
Milton Regis see under Sittingbourne
Minnis Bay see under Birchington
Minot, Laurence 68
Montgomery, General B. 169
Morant, William 73
Morgan, Giles 250
Mortimer, John 315
Mortimer, Roger, Earl of March 60
Morton, Robert 239
Iron Age 99–101, 101
medieval 301–2, 301
Moulton (Multon), Robert 241
mulberry tree, Elverton 239
Multon see Moulton
Murimuth, Adam 68–9
nail cleaner, Roman 39, 48, 55n22
Iron Age/Roman 103, 125
Roman 263, 268
Needham, Stuart see Parfitt, Keith, & Needham, Stuart
Neilson, Nellie 5, 24
Newbury, V.J. 253, 254
Newington next Sittingbourne, defences, C20 168, 169
Newman, Timothea (née Jemmett) 15–16
defences, C20 168
Newnham Court manor 186n13
Nicholls, Hayley, ‘Evidence of a Late Iron Age/Early Roman Settlement and an Early Medieval Strip Field System at Shadoxhurst’ 118–31
Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris 69
Nore anchorage 149
Northbourne, Ham manor 67
Northwood, John 70
Northwood, Roger 70
Norton, Norton Ash, defences, C20 168
Norton family of Sutton Valence 318, 319
Stephen 312, 314
Oare, defences, C20 150, 158, 162, 168
Odingsells, Ida 60
Offa, King of Mercia 54n5
Okenden (Okeden), Anne 239
Okenden (Okeden), John of Canterbury 248
Okenden (Okeden), John of Lenham 248
oppidum, Canterbury 296
opus signinum 292
Orlaton, William 70
Ospringe, Maison Dieu 240
Otford, honour of 23
Owen Committee 1905 152–3
Oxford (Oxon)
Canterbury College 321
earl of see Vere, John de
oyster shells, Roman 283, 290, 291, 292
padlock, Roman 39
Parfitt, Keith, & Needham, Stuart, Ceremonial Living in the Third Millennium BC: Excav-ations at Ringlemere Site M1, Kent, 2002‒ 2006, reviewed 334–6
Parfitt, Simon see Wenban-Smith, Francis, Stafford, Elizabeth, Bates, Martin, & Parfitt, Simon
patera, Roman 268
Patrixbourne see Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne
Pattison, Paul, Brindle, Stephen, & Robinson, David M. (eds.), The Great Tower of Dover Castle ‒ History, Architecture and Context, reviewed 338–40
Peake, Rebecca, book review by 334–6
Pearce, J.W. 247n39
pebble hammer/macehead 194, 211, 219–21, 220
Pecche, Edmund 70
Pecche, Sir John 70
Pecche, Thomas 70
Pegge, Samuel 331
Pembroke, earl of see Valence, Aymer de
Pembury see A21 dualling scheme
Pencester, Stephen 63–4
church of St John, Iden memorial 311, 316–19, 317
gavelkind 8
Halemote manor 23
Hawden 7
manor 21
Mapletons 19
new lands 23
Somerden 4
Petham, earthworks 31
Pettman, Thomas 242
Peyton, Sir Thomas 324
Philip VI, King of France 73
Picot, Ralph 235
Piggott family 5
Henry 16, 19
pilgrim souvenirs
Black Prince 302–3
Blaise, St 303
Grim, Edward 303, 304
Rood of Grace 178
Thomas Becket see under Thomas Becket, St
Virgin and Child 302, 302
Pilgrims’ Way 35, 38, 40, 47, 49, 285
World War 1 155–6, 158
World War 2 167
Iron Age 39
Roman 263
see also lynch pins
piracy, C14 65, 68
Pittman, Susan
John Wood and Family, Farmers of the Mount, Crockenhill, reviewed 346
The Lee Family, Farmers at Crockenhill, reviewed 346
The Miller Family, Farmers at Wested Farm, reviewed 346
plant remains
Iron Age/Roman 122–4
medieval 127, 215, 227–9, 227
Plot, Dr Robert 34, 50
ploughshares, Iron Age/Roman 39, 55n18, 55n21
pollen analysis 221–3, 224–6
pot-hangers, Iron Age 48, 55n18, 55n21
Bronze Age, Minnis Bay 99, 100
Iron Age
A21 200
Homestall Wood 43–5
Minnis Bay (illus) 83, 85, 90, 94, 99, 101, 102–3
Iron Age‒Roman
Bigbury Camp 39, 55n18, 55n21, 55n22
Shadoxhurst 122, 124
Bigbury Camp 40
Canterbury 287–8, 290, 291, 292
Chart Sutton (illus) 253, 258–62, 264–6
Kemsing 280–2
Minnis Bay 82–3, 84, 88, 99, 103
A21 208
Shadoxhurst 125
Powell-Cotton, Antoinette, finds made at Minnis Bay 81–104
Preston by Wingham, manor 62, 67
Primrose, Frederick 325n18
Princess Irene 154
defences, C20
pre World War 1 151–2
World War 1 155, 158, 161
interwar period 163
World War 2 164, 167, 169
railway station 160
querns, Roman 90, 93, 93
radiocarbon dates, A21 221, 222
railways, Swale 149; see also London, Chatham & Dover Railway; South Eastern Railway
Rainsford, John 314
Rainsford, Lawrence 314
Raude, Richard 251n5
Raven, Matthew, ‘William Clinton, Earl of Huntingdon, and the County of Kent: a Study of Magnate Service under Edward III’ 59–80
Reddich, John 12, 13
Rede, Sir Robert 12
Reed, Robert 317
Reedie, Ken 327–30
Relf, ‒ 139
Rendsley Hoath see Chiddingstone Hoath
Rice Holmes, T. 35
SS Richard Montgomery 172
rings, iron, Iron Age/Roman 55n19, 83
Canterbury 294, 296
Chart Sutton 269
Shadoxhurst 128
C20, Swale 148–9
see also hollow-way; Pilgrims’ Way; trackway; Watling Street
Robinson, David M. see Pattison, Paul, Brindle, Stephen, & Robinson, David M.
Robinson, Thomas 5
bishop of see Warner, John
castle 21, 72, 316
rod, iron, Iron Age/Roman 55n19
Rolf, William 322
Rooper, John 239, 240, 241
Rose, William 132, 140, 143
round barrows 42, 48
Iron Age 198, 199, 212
Iron Age/Roman 122, 123, 124–5, 124
Rowley, Chris, ‘Just a Bit Barmy’. The Princess Christian Farm Colony and Hospital 1895‒ 1995, reviewed 345
Rysbrack, Michael 107–8, 110, 111
St John, Peter de 66
St Laurence family 70
John 70
Ralph de, sheriff of Kent 65
Thomas 70
St Mary Hoo, manor 312, 317, 318
St Vincent 106, 108, 113, 114, 115
Saint-Pol, Mary 64
salt mould 99–101, 101
maritime disorder 65–6
port 64
Sandwich, Nicholas 70
HMS Sans Pareil 152
Savage, Ralph 73
Say, Geoffrey 72, 73
Sayer, Nicholas 238
Seade, Richard A. 248; see also Sede
Seal, Wilderness 13
Seaman, John 66
Sede, William 248; see also Seade
See, John A 240
Segrave, John 72
Selethryth 54n5
Selling, Perry Wood, earthworks 41
Seseres, Peter 65
Sethe, Simon de 248
Setnautz, John 70
Setnautz, William 70
Bat and Ball station 139
Combe Bank 22
Sewell, Mr ‒ 90
Seyliard family 15, 19, 20
John (d.1559) 15
John, later 1st Bt 16
Margaret 15
Thomas (d.1536) 15
Thomas (C16‒17) 16
Thomas, 3rd Bt 16
William 15, 16
Shackles, Roman 39, 48, 55n20, 55n21, 57n52
church of SS Peter & Paul 128
Woodchurch Road, excavations
background and location 118, 119, 120
Period 1 (Late Iron Age/Early Roman) 127–8
Period 2 (medieval) 128–30
excavation evidence 121–2
Period 1 (Late Iron Age/Early Roman) 122–5, 123, 124
Period 2 (medieval) 125–7, 126
historical and archaeological background 118–21, 121
Shaw, David, ‘When was Canterbury Cathedral’s Medieval Library Building Demolished?’ 321‒6
airfield/kite balloon base 159, 162
Bell Farm, defences, C20 164
East End House 169
Halfway Houses 167
Kingsferry 153, 158, 167
Minster, defences, C20 153, 167
naval base, defences 149, 150, 172
pre World War 1 150–2, 151, 153
World War 1 154–5, 158, 160, 161
Sheerness, naval base, defences (cont.)
interwar years 161, 162, 163
World War 2 164, 165, 167, 169
postwar 170–1
Scrapsgate, defences, C20 155, 158, 164
Shelley family 318
Edward 316, 317
Joane (née Iden) 316, 317
Sheppey, Isle of
civil and military defences, C20
characteristics 149
pre World War 1 151–2, 153
World War 1 153, 155–8, 157, 159, 160, 172
interwar years 163
World War 2 167, 168–9, 170
postwar 171
strategic significance 149
emergency hospital 166
Sherman, Capt. ‒ 322, 323
shoes, Roman 88–90, 88
shrines, Roman 294, 295
shuttles, bone, Roman 90, 90
Iron Age 55n18, 55n19, 55n21
Roman 263, 270
Sidley, Sir John 241
Sidney see Sydney
air raid 160
defences, C20 161, 162, 168, 169
drill hall 150
Kemsley, defences, C20 156
Milton Regis (Middleton)
Iden family 313–14, 315, 319
prison 74
Murston, Nashes estate 235
Iron Age/Roman 124–5
Roman 253, 263, 268
Slater, Edward 251
slavery 105, 106, 111, 114
sling shots 38, 57n45
Sluys, battle of 68–9
Smith, J. 139
Smith, John 241
Smith, Kathryn, & Lloyd, Donald, ‘Alexander Iden, Captor of Jack Cade (1450): his Family and the Evidence of a Memorial in Penshurst Church’ 311–21
Smith, Miles 249
Smith, Samuel 236, 238, 247n33, 249
Smith, Victor T.C., ‘Kent’s Twentieth-Century Military and Civil Defences. Part 5 ‒ Swale’ 148–75
Smith, William 236, 247n33
Snothe, Clement 239, 240
Somerden Hundred, gavelkind 3–4, 3, 24
avoidance 13–23
in operation 6–13
Somner, John 325
Somner, William 5, 6, 18, 321–2, 323–4
sound mirrors 158, 163
South Eastern Railway 134, 135, 136–7, 138, 140–1, 142, 145
Southwell, Richard 178, 179, 181
Sparey-Green, Christopher, ‘Bigbury Camp and its Associated Earthworks: Recent Archaeo-logical Research’ 31–58
spearheads, Iron Age 39, 55n21, 55n22
Spelman, Henry 27n79
spindle whorls, Iron Age/Roman 99
Splarn, Lucy, ‘St Thomas Becket and the Pilgrim Souvenirs in Canterbury’s Collections’ 299–310
Springet, Robert 215
Sprott, Thomas 26n30
Stafford, Elizabeth see Wenban-Smith, Francis, Stafford, Elizabeth, Bates, Martin, & Parfitt, Simon
Stafford, John, Archbishop of Canterbury 318
stakes, Iron Age 86, 87
Stalisfield, defences, C20 168
Statute of Wills 18
Stephenson, Michael 246n17‒18
Stevens, Richard 12–13
Stockbury, Parsonage Farm 168
Stone, John 322
Stone next Faversham
church 237
Elverton manor 235–52, 236, 243
Stratford, John, Archbishop of Canterbury 60, 64, 73
Streatfeild family 5, 20
Henry (d.1598) 17
Henry (1586‒1647) 14
Henry (C17) 10
Henry (fl.1700) 11
Henry (d.1747) 11
Richard 8, 9, 17
Sarah 10
Thomas 9
William 12
Sturry, earthworks 31
Styles, William 245
Brightred family 1
gavelkind 7
manor 4, 22
rector 238
Surrey, earl of see Warenne, John
Sussex, earl of see Lennard, Thomas
Sutton Valence, Roman activity 270
Swale, River, defences 149–50
World War 1 153, 154, 158
interwar years 162
World War 2 164, 167
Swale District, military and civil defences, C20 148
boundaries and physical characteristics 148–9
defences described
pre World War 1 150–3
World War 1 153–61, 157, 165
interwar years 161–3
World War 2 163–70, 165, 168
postwar 170–2
discussion 172–3
strategic significance 149–50
threats 150
Sweetinburgh, Sheila, book review by 345–6
sword/dagger, Iron Age 55n21
Sydney, Hon. Henry 249
Sydney, John, Earl of Leicester 237, 249
Sydney, Hon. John 249
Tappenden, James 236, 249
Tatham, R.T. 140–1, 142, 143
Taylor, Brook 112
Taylor, Elizabeth 112
Taylor, Iain, ‘Rail, Risk and Repasts ‒ The Dining Culture of the London, Chatham & Dover Railway, 1888‒1899’ 132–47
Taylor, Silas 5
temenos, Canterbury 295–7
Tenison, Ann (née Sayer) 236, 237, 238, 247n19, 249
Tenison, Dr Edward, Bishop of Ossory 236, 237, 238, 249
Tenison, Margaret 246n18
Tenison, Philip, Archdeacon of Norfolk 238
Tenison, Thomas snr 236
Tenison, Thomas (1636‒1713), Archbishop of Canterbury 238
Tenison, Thomas (1702‒42), prebendary 238, 247n19
Tenison, Thomas (fl.1760) 236, 247n33
Territorial Force 150
Terry, Goody 241
Terry, William 247n32
church of St Mary 237
Conyer 158
defences, C20 168, 169
Thames, River, defences 149, 150
pre World War 1 153
World War 1 154, 155
interwar years 162
World War 2 163, 164
postwar 171
Thanington Without, earthworks 31
theatre, Roman 295, 296
Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury 235
Thomas, M.C.W. 253, 254
Thomas Becket, St, souvenirs 299–300
analysis of head badges 305‒7, 305, 306, 307
dating 304–5
find spots 300–1, 300
manufacture 301–2, 301
types 302–3, 302, 304
Thompson, Hugh 50
Thorne, William 26n30
Throwley, airfield 159, 162, 164
Thurnham, Ripple manor 67
tiles see floor tile; see also ceramic building material
timber fragments, Iron Age/Roman 83, 86
Tobago 106, 113, 114
Tonbridge, Bourne Mill 214, 215; see also A21 dualling scheme
Tonge, Newbury, defences, C20 168
tool, antler 83, 84
Tottel 5
touchstone 39, 48, 55n22
Towers, John 22
Town Place, defences, C20 168
trackway, South Blean 40; see also Pilgrims’ Way
Turnham, Binbury Manor, sound mirror 158
Twisden, Sir Thomas 20, 27n79
Tyrer, Harry & Co 141
tyres, iron, Iron Age/Roman 48, 55n18
defences, C20 168, 169
Grete Goseney 313
Wetham Green 164
Urry, William 327
Valence, Aymer de, Earl of Pembroke 60, 64
Valoyns, Stephen 70
Vane (Fane), Ralph 178, 179, 183, 185
Venus figurine 253, 257–8, 257, 268–9
Vere, John de, Earl of Oxford 72
Vine, F.T. 35
Wake, Dr ‒ 246n15
Waldron, Mr ‒ 137
wall plaster, Roman 263
Waller, Jessie 250
Waller, John 236, 241, 245, 247n38, 249–50
Waller, Thomas 250
Waller, William 238, 250
Wallis, Sean, ‘Evidence of a Late Roman Settlement near the Site of the Church Hall, Kemsing’ 273–85
Walpole, Horace 111
Walter, Hubert, Archbishop of Canterbury 20
Warden, Warden Point 155–6, 163, 164, 169, 170
Warenne, John, Earl of Surrey 68
Warminghurst (W. Sussex), brass 317
Warner, John, Bishop of Rochester 325
Watling Street, C20 148, 149, 167–8
Webb, William 9
Wedd, Imogen, ‘Gavelkind on the Ground, 1550‒1700’ 1–30
Weekes, Jake see Boden, Damien, & Weekes, Jake
Well, William atte 248
wellhead timber 92–3, 92
Wenban-Smith, Francis, Stafford, Elizabeth, Bates, Martin, & Parfitt, Simon, Prehist-oric Ebbsfleet. Excavations and Research in Advance of High Speed I and South Thameside Development Route 4, 1989‒ 2003, reviewed 333–4
Westgate see under Margate
Westwell, Iden family 313, 315
wheel ruts, Iron Age/Roman 43, 45
whetstone, ?Iron Age 39, 55n22
defences, C20 160, 167
Seasalter, defences, C20 154
whorl, chalk 83, 84; see also spindle whorls
Wicking, Richard 7
Wilkins, Dr ‒ 246n15
William I 5
William of Ypres 176
William, Robert & Johanne 248
Williams, Cressida, ‘The ‘Hales Palace’ Estate Map (1715) Recovered to Canterbury’ 326–30
Williams, Sinclair 5–6
Willoughby family 8
Percy 9
Thomas 9, 13, 20
Sir Thomas 20
wills 17–19
Winchelsea (E. Sussex) 67, 68
Winnell, G. 139
withy rope, Iron Age/Roman 94, 97
Wittersham, rector 238
wood, worked, Iron Age/Roman 90–2, 91
Woodgate family 5
John 10
Wootton, Anne 327
Wootton, Edward 20
Wootton, Thomas 327
World War 1, Swale District defences 153–61, 157, 165
World War 2, Swale District defences 163–70, 165, 168
Wyatt, Sir Thomas 186n13
Wyberd, William 322
Wylkhous, Harry 313, 316
Wynne, Cadwallder 249
Yok, Salomon 65
Young family 114
Elizabeth (née Taylor) 110, 112, 113
Mary 106
Sarah (née Fagg) 107–10, 112
William snr 105
Sir William (1725‒88) 105–15
Sir William jnr 107, 110, 112, 114‒15, 116n21