Dalison Pedigree
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Dalison Documents
General Index
SUtttfetf) $eutsm ot 3Baltsxnt," William Dalison (of Laughton,: Lincolnshire), ob. 1546. =. . . . d. of Sir George Wastneys, widow of Sir Jno. Mallory. George,=f Isabel ob. Hopkin- 1549. I son. 4- A quo Sir Roger. ?l William,1 Justice of King's Bench; ob.1558-9. :Elizabeth,=Sir Eras, d. of Ayscough. Robert Dighton; ob. 1578. Anne,=Humfry ob. Eitz- 1558. William. William,^=Silvester, d.^William died 8 Nov. 1581; bur. at Clerkenwell. and h. of Rob. Deane of Hailing born 1554 mar. 1573 died 1587. Lambard, mar. 1583. 2. Robert, o.s.p. 3. Roger. 4. SirThomas,=j=Ann of Greetwell. Littlebury. Eive daus. William. 4 Charles. Anne. George. 4 Mary, d. of Sir Wm.=j=Sir Maximilian, born=Paulina, d. of Sir Silvester, Michael Sondes; born 1576; bur. 1607, Nov. living 1591. 21, at Clerkenwell. Spencer; mar. 1608, 3 Oct.; died at Clerkenwell, 24 Nov. 1631. 1577; died 1631, Nov. 9; bur. at Clerkenwell. William^Elizabeth, born Oct. 1609; died May 1642. d. of Sir James Oxenden. Alexander, born 1612, March 9. Philip, born 1613, March 29. Maximilian, born 1615, Sept. 13. Arthur, born 1618, June 21. John, born 1620, Aug. 15. Spencer, born 1626, May 8. Penelope, born 1611, =Hen. Allington. Elizabeth, born 1614. Theodosia, born 1619, =Dixey Long. John: Harvey. =Ann Long,: died 1634. 1 3 =Margery Leyston,=Thomas Stanley=pMary, d. of widow, died 1633. of Hamptons. Mary.=l. H? Smith. =2. Geo. Tushingham. Margaret,=John o.s.p. Kirrill. Manasses Norwood; d.1676-7. Maximilian,-!-, bur. 1671, June, a3t. 38. :Eranoes Stanley, born 1635 ; died 1683-4, March. 4 Bennett,:yCharles,=Katherine. Elizabeth,T=Wm. Hodg- Mary^Thos. d. of Hen. Sheaf e; died 1694, Deo. of Chatham, born 1662; died 1721-2, Eeb. 24. born 1656-7; died 1708. kins, mar. 1679-80. born 1661. William, Thomas. James. Erances. Elizabeth. Elizabeth/ died 1752. Kirril of Hadlow. =Jeffery Amherst. J Charles.=Margaret Maximilian. Bennet.=Josiah Jeffery, 1st Lord A Hardesty. Henry, Morgan. Amherst. * The Lincolnshire pedigree of this family goes back to the time of the Norman Conquest. KENTISH PEDIGREE OE DALISON. 403 1. Stanley, born 1653; died 1654. 2. Maximihau, born 1655; died 1665. Susan, d. of=j=Thomas, born=Elizabeth, 3rd d. of Sir T. Style; bur. 1688, Aug. 11. 1658, Sept.; died 1736, July 1. Sir Thos. Twisden j bur. 1739, April 19. 1 | 2 | Jane,-p Thomas ,=plsabella, 2d d. of Maximilian, sole d. of Rio. Etherington of Essex. born 1684, Oot. 5; died 1741, Aug. 4; bur. at Plaxtol. Peter Burrell of born 1683; Beckenham; died 1687. bur. 1762, at Plaxtol Aug. 17, 83t. 63. Thomas, Mary, born 1720-1; Jane, born 1722 died yoi Col.T mg. died 1752. filliam Rev. Dalison, Thomas born 1730; Dalison, died single died 1809, Jan. single 11. 1792. died 1765. Peter, died 1750, set. 17. — Merrick, died young. — Maximilian,died young. Elizabeth =FCol. John bapt.1687, July 22. Boys of Hode Court, Harbledown. -3;=Jeffery, 1st Lord Amherst, o.s.p. 1 Erances=William Isabella Daniel Dalison, Master ultimate of Totes, heir; died 1792, died s.p. Dec. 1818. John Boys, bapt. 1716-7, Eeb. 24, at W. Peckham. William Boys, bapt. 1727, Aug. 18, at W. Peckham. AnneT=Rev. Osmond Boys. Beauvoir, D.D. Elizabeth=Rev. John Boys. Wake. EUzabeth Boys Beauvoir^William Hammond of St. Albans, Nonington, -f (coheiress). a lineal descendant of King Henry VII. M Wilham Osmund Hammond. Maximilian Dudley Digges Hammond, born l792=r=Anna Maria, d. (heir of his grandmother's first-cousin Mrs. Frances Isabella Master «?e Dalison); took name of DALISON in 1819; rebuilt Hamptons; died 1870. Alaximilian: Hammond Dalison. =Matilda Alexander, sister of the Bishop of Derry. Rev. John Hke auvoir, =Harriet G. Shaw. William Stanley, o.s.p. Erancis Shaw, o.s.p. Charles Burrell. of Sir Gregory Shaw; mar. 1818, May 8; died 1871, aged 77. Anna Mara.=Jas. Alexander. Emma.=Rev. R. T. Pulteney. Georgina.=Chas. Towneley. Caroline Mary. Louisa. Maximilian=pGrace, sister Dudley Digges. of Sir H. Peirse. B. Edmund Waller. J I Roger Hammond. John Pelham. Dora.=j=Arthur Borrer. Maximilian Dudley Peirse, born 1881. Joan. J 'J Maude. Anna Maria. Sylvia Mary.