Dalison Documents
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Inventory of Beds, Tapestry, and Linen at Leeds Castle, A.D. 1532
Dalison Pedigree
( 386 ) DALISON DOCUMENTS. FROM THE MUNIMENT CHESTS AT HAMPTONS, NEAR TUNBRIDGE. AND A PEDIGREE. COMMUNICATED BY CANON SCOTT ROBERTSON. I. Fragment of a Eent Eoll [A.D. 1480-90?].* WEOTEHAM. TERRY [modo HAMPTON]. JOHANNES TERRY tenet in borgh de Roghey secundum suam recognicionem partem messuagii, gardini, et unius pecise terra pratalis simul jacentium ibidem; videlicet, ad regiam viam ducentem a mancione JOHANNIS COOEYN usque Maheffayere versus North & West; ad terram dicti Johannis Cooiyn versus East & South. Et tenet in Roghey duas pecias terras simul jacentes vocatas Hu-ndalys quarum una perquisita fuit de JOHANNE TERRY de Loundmelle et jacet ad Sore-londs versus South et West; ad regiam stratam vocatam Herst-strete versus North ; ad terram JOHANNIS WOIVERYCH versus East; ad terram JOHANNIS COOIYN et terram JACOBI DYNE versus South. Et tenet sub una clausura unam peciam terras vocatam Ryschcroft; unum pratum adjaeentem ; unam peciam terrse vocatam Roghheye; imam peciam terrse vocatam Demotelond; unam peciam terras vocatam Southfyld (nuper JACOBI DYNE) unam peciam terras vocatam Haylond, et jacent ad terram JOHANNIS COOIYN, et JOHANNIS WALTER versus South, ad terram dicti JOHANNIS OOOLYN versus South & West, ad terram JOHANNIS GYLMYN versus West, ad venellam vocatam Schort-stretis-lane versus South, ad terram dicti JOHANNIS COOIYN versus North et West, et ad EOBARD MELLER'S Horleys versus East. * The park and residence of the Dalison family, called HAMPTONS, in West Peckham and Wrotham, takes its name from William Hampton, citizen of London, although he possessed the site for less than sixteen years. That gentleman purchased the reversion of a portion of the estate in the nineteenth year of King Edward IV. Among the Dalison papers there is one which testifies that, on the 5th of June 1479, John Wolverych junior, and John Terry, tanner, of Wroteham, as feoffees of the lands of John Terry senior, of Roghey in Wroteham, deliver to John Terry senior, Teryestenement in Roghey for the term of his life and for one year more, after whioh it shall remain to William Hampton, citizen and powchemaker of London, if William Hampton shall pay to Terry or his heirs, in Wroteham Cliuroh, the sum of £18 13s. 4d., by half-yearly instalments of 13s. 4d. eaoh at Miohaelmas and Easter. DALISON DOCUMENTS. 381? Et tenet unam peciam terras vocatam Bowyrfeld et jacet ad Sore-londs versus South, West, North, et East. Et tenet unam peciam terrse vocatam Willotts jacentem supra mansum HENRICI MONK, ad terram ejusdem JOHANNIS TERRY ibidem, tentam de manerio de Sore, versus North; ad regiam viam, ducentem a Roghhey-strete usque Le Herst, versus South; ad Comlnunem ibidem vocatum Le Herst versus East; ad terram MICHAELIS WARYN versus West; et ad terram JOHANNIS COOI/YN versus South et East; et inde Dominus per annum vijs viijd ob. unde predicti virja per annum pro predicta pecia terras vocata Suthfyld nuper Jacobi Dyne. Et debet pro messione frumenti per annum : j roda ix pedes dimidium pretio iiija. WARYN [modo HAMPTON]. WILLELMUS HAMPTON tenet unam peciam terras vocatam Le Dene, perquisitam de MICHAELE WARYN et jacet ad EOBARD MELLER'S Horles versus North; ad terram MICHAELIS WARYN versus East; ad cnrsum aque ibidem vocatum Ewelstreme versus South; et debet domino per Annum de redditu xxa. Et pro messione de dimidio acras frumenti & vij pedibus per annum, vja. WOLVERYCH [modo HAMPTON]. Idem WILLELMUS HAMPTON tenet messuagium et gardinum nuper JOHANNIS WOLVERYOH, tanner, & jacentes ad regiam viam versus West; ad terram EOBERTI MELLER vocatam SymJcynggys versus North; ad terram NICHOLAI WOLVERYCH versus South & East; et ad venellam ibidem vocatam Forstal-lane versus South. Et tenet duas pecias terras simul jacentes Wolverychystannerscroft et jacentes ad terram NICHOLAI WOLVERYCH versus South et West; ad terram vocatam Whyte-town versus South et East; et ad terram et ad terram (sic) heredis JACOBI DYNE ibidem versus South; et Domino per annum de redditu xxa. Et debet pro messione de j roda frumenti per annum ija ob. Summa totalis redditus istius bille per annum xjd ob. Summa messioni's per annum xija ob. n. I t would seem that WILLIAM HAMPTON'S lands in West Peckham and Wrotham passed into the possession of JOHN TUTTESHAM, gentleman, during the years 1495-6. Among the Dalison muniments there is a deed of feofment dated 18 Dec. 1495 (11 Hen. VII.), whereby LAURENCE AYLMER, citizen and draper of London, WILLIAM SOWTER of West Peckham, and EOBERT TURKE of Wrotham enfeoff JOHN TUTSAM of West Peckham, gentleman, GEORGE NEVELL. knight, Lord of Burgeuenny, NICHOLASTYTCHEBORNE,gentleman, EEGINALDPEKHAM,gentleman, and EICHARD BAKER, yeoman, in a messuage and 3 pieces of land (Kechynfeld, Meldrede, and Melfeld), containing 18 acres, abutting on the king's highway from Oxynhothis Myll towards le Herst, E. and S., to the millstream W., and to lands lately belonging to WILLIAM HAMPTON senior, formerly citizen and powchemaker of c c 2 388 DALISON DOCUMENTS. London, deceased, and to lands of JOHN COLYN and JOHN BROKE, N. Also 2 other pieces of land on the Denne of Oxynhothe in West Peckham called Dollys land and Petfeld, containing about 9 acres. Also Forde Mede, containing 7 acres, which WILLIAM HAMPTON, LAURENCE AYLMER, WILLIAM SOWTER, and EOBERT TURKE held conjointly of the gift and concession of HUGH TUNBREGGE, lately of West Peckham. i n . Another of the Dalison Charters, dated 25 March, 11 Henry VII. (1495-6), is a grant made by EOBERT, son and heir of deceased JOHN, COLYN of Wrotham, to JOHN TUTTESHAM, gentleman, WILLIAM CAYSER, WTLLIAM TURKE of Mereworth, and JOHN BENET of Wrotham, of 3 pieces of land, lying together in the borough of Eoughway in Wrotham, called Seynt Marysland, Rysshecroft, and Holecroft, containing 6 acres, abutting to a lane which leads to JOHN TUTTESHAM'S Hothismede, North; to the land of THOMAS HACCHE, the land late WILLIAM HAMPTON'S now JOHN TUTTESHAM'S, and to Blakelands, East; to land lately WILLIAM HAMPTON'S but now JOHN TUTTESHAM'S, West, and to lands of WILLIAM A FEN and of JOHN BROKE, South-east. These three pieces of land formed parcel of the tenement of Oxenothe. IV. 5th May, 17 Henry VIII. (1525). BOLEYN to TOTESHAM. JOHN BOLEYN of Dartford, son and sole heir of WILLIAM BOLEYN by his wife MARGARET WAREYN, grants to EICHARD TOTESHAM of West Peckham a messuage, garden, and 2 crofts, called le Prynces, containing 4 acres, in the borgh of Oxenothe, in West Peckham, lately belonging to MICHAEL WAREYN ; and all lands in Shipborne and Wrotham formerly belonging' to WILLIAM BOLEYN and MARGARET his wife, or to EICHARD BOLEYN "my brother," or to MICHAEL WAREYN and ALICE his wife. v. 11 Aug. 4 Jac. I. (1606). Oxenhoth; from TUTTESHAM to STANLEY. A marriage settlement recites that Oxenhoth was purchased from ANTHONY TUTTESHAM of Nordiham in Sussex, by JOHN STANLEY,* of Oxenhoth in West Peckham, who married DOROTHY TUTTESHAM. I t states that this parcel of lands called Oxenhoth contains 30 acres in West Peckham and 20 acres in Wrotham. Whereof one moiety is settled (as dowry in case of widowhood) upon DOROTHY [nee TUTTESHAM] wife of John Stanley, and the other moiety in similar dowry upon MARGERY LEYSTON of Gravesend, widow, when she became the wife of THOMAS STANLEY, eldest son of JOHN STANLEY. * JOHN STANLEY'S eldest son, THOMAS, had no issue by his first wife Margery Leyston, widow; but marrying, in 1633, Ann daughter of Captain Long, he had by her his only daughter and heir Erances, born in 1636, who married Maximilian Dahson, m or about 1655-6. . . . . DALISON DOCUMENTS. 389 VI. 17 December 1650, Lease of Hampton's, granted by THOMAS STANLEY to ELIZABETH DALYSON, widow, and MAXIMILIAN her only son. THOMAS STANLEY lets, for a term of years, to ELIZABETH DALYSON* of Hamptons in West Peckham, widow, and Maximilian Dalyson her only son, at an annual rent of £40 per annum, that capital messuage called by the name of Hamptons, with all its barns, stables, gardens, orchards, and 14 pieces of landf (meadow, pasture, and arable) called Kitchenfield, Millfield, Mildrede, the Strake, Pondbroohe, Calvescroft, Upper Horsleas, Lower Horsleas; and 2 pieces called Upper Highlands, together with all fishponds, fishing, etcetera. It is agreed, however, that THOMAS STANLEY shall have access to Pondbroohe meadow, and shall for two years next coming retain one room called the Ohestloft, and a little closet within the kitchen chamber, with full right of ingress and egress to lay up, take, and carry away any of his goods or household stuff. Dated at the now dwelling-house of THOMAS STANLEY in Plaxtol (subsequently called Hubbies) and witnessed by JOHN KERRIL, MARY DALYSON, SARAH WAYNMAN, and FRANCES DALYSON. VII. OVERTURES OE MARRIAGE, 1649-50. Erom the deposition of Thomas Stanley, Esq., of West Peckham, made in 1667, in course of a Chancery Suit, the following curious extract is made :—• " This defendant saith that, in or about July 1649, there was an overture of a marriage made, by M1' Barnabas WalsallJ (then maior of Eochester and tenant to the said Elizabeth Dalyson, as she was Guardian to the other defendant, Maximilian Dalyson her sonn) to be had & made, betwene the said Max. Dalyson and Frances, this defendant's only daughter and heire apparent; to which purpose ye said Walsall did write a letter to this defendant, dated 19 July 1649, wherein (inter alia) are these words:—'while my landlady MrB Dalyson was at my house, there was an overture of a match, betwene her only son and your only daughter, my cousen Frances. He is a pretty young Gent., an Esqre by birth, about 16 yeres of age; hath £400 a yere lands. Shee requires only £1000 to preferr his 2 sisters in mariage. I am confident you will be much taken with ye mother & ye son.' Also in another letter, dated 15 November following, are these words:—' I am now requested by M1'8 Dalyson to signifie her desire of a match betwene her son and your daughter; the good * Elizabeth, daughter of Sir James Oxenden of Dean, married William Dalison of Hailing (eldest son of Sir Maximilian Dalison by his second wife Mary Spencer), who was born in 1609 and died in May 1642. She resided at the Bishop's Place, Hailing, until she removed to Hamptons. t A memorandum states that the total amounted to 62 acres; whereof 21 were in Wrotham, and 41 in West Peckham. X Mr. Walsall married Audrey Stanley, sister-in-law of the deponent Thomas Stanley. She was the widow of William Stanley who died in 1621. 390 DALISON DOCUMENTS. gentlewoman (ye best of many thousand) is so desirous of it. Shee may perhappes desire some money to advance her daughters mariages.' "And this defendant further saith that, shortly after, ye said Eliz. Dalyson together with her said son came to this defendants house to treat about ye match intimated as aforesaid. And a treaty was had accordingly, wherein (in ye first place) the said Elizabeth demanded a thousand pounds, to be paid unto her for the porcions' of her two daughters, Mary & Margaret. Wherupon, this defendant (though unwilling that the said Max. Dalyson her son should part with so much of his wife's porcion, yet considering that his said 2 sisters had noe porcions left them by their ffather) did consent & agree that ye said £1000 should be paid to ve said Elizabeth, to make porcions for her said 2 daughters. Which was so paid accordingly by him, this defendant, for the use and behoofe of ye said Max. Dalyson, to whom ye said £1000 did absolutely belong (it being part of his wife's rnariage porcion). To the payment of ye said £1000, there were Articles of Agreement indented, dated 9 February 16ff." VIII. A.D. 1377, January 25. Grant of Land in OXONODE, West Peckham. Sciant presentes et iuturi quod ego RICAEDUS AT STIGLE dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea" conformavi WALTEEO WALTEEES unam peciam terre mee arabilis cum pertinentiis iacentem in Borgh' de Oxonode juxta terram ROGEEI PEYNCE ex parte una et terram predicti Walteri Walteres ex altera cuius unum capud abuttat super terram ROGEEI RANDOLEF et aliud capud super viam que ducit de la Herst apud Oxnode Melle. Habendam et tenendam prediotam peciam terre cum pertinenciis suis predicto Waltero heredibus suis et assignatis libere bene et in pace in feodo et hereditate inperpetuum de capitalibus dominis feodi per seruicia inde debita et de iure consueta. Et ego predictus Ricard' et heredes mei prediotam peciam terre cum pertinenciis suis predicto Waltero heredibus suis et assygnatis oontra omnes gentes Warantizabimus et deffendemus inperpetuum. In ouius rei testimonium huic carte mee sigillum meum apposui. Hiis testibus ROGEEO RANDOLFF, ROGEEO PEYNCE, ROGEEO DALY, ROGEEO POLEYN, WALTEEO AT SOHETE, NICHOLAO VYNTEE, et multis ^ aliis. Datam apud Oxnode die veneris proxima post festum conversionis Sanoti * Pauli Anno Regni Regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum quinquagesimo primo. IX. October, 8 Edward I I . (1314). TATELOND in CHATHAM. PHILIP LE MONE, of Gillyngham, grants to THOMAS STOYL (of Chetham) and Juliana his wife, one acre of land at Tatelonde in Chetham. I t lies between land of NIGEL ATE BEOKE'S heirs, South; and of HENRY BOEGHEEALDE'S heirs, North; it has, on the West, land of JOHN KYLLE ; and, on the East, land belonging to the lord of the manor of Delse. Thomas and Juliana have given to Philip 26 shillings as earnest money. Witnesses, Stephen Baker, John Eastmere, Will"1 Ploth, James Soryveyn, John Batekoc, John Haket, John Marechal, Wm ad Eraxinum, John ad fraxinum, Luke ad fraxinum, Reginald Chapman, John Chapman, and many others. X. A.D. 1374, November 30. Grant of Land at TETELONDE, in Chatham. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego JOHANNES TEYLLUR de paroohia de Chetham dedi, concessi, & hao presenti carta mea confirmavi THOME LOEKYN de eadem unam dimidiam aoram terre mee oum pertinenciis suis jaoentem in DALISON DOCUMENTS. 391 parochia predicta in quodam loco vocato Tetelonde inter terram predicti Thome versus West & terram ROGEEI DE STTTHEWYK & terram RICAEDI BOCHEE versus East; capitato ad terram predicti Rogeri versus North & terram STEPHANI KILLE versus Suth, sicut mete & bunde dividunt & demonstrant. Habendam et tenendam prediotam dimidiam acram terre cum pertinenciis suis predicto THOME LOEKYN heredibus & assignatis suis de dominis capitalibus feodi illius per servicium inde debitum & consuetum. Et ego predictus JOHANNES TEYLLUR & heredes mei prediotam dimidiam acram terre cum pertinenciis suis predicto THOME LOEKYN heredibus et assignatis suis contra omnes gentes inperpetuum Warantizabimus. In cuius rei testimonio huic carte presenti sigillum meum apposui. Datam apud Chetham in festo Sancti Andree apostoli anno regni regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum quadragesimo octavo. Hiis testibus WILLELMO WODYEEE, WILLELMO MAECHAL, WILLELMO CEOYDONE, STEPHANO KILLE, ROBERTO WATTE, & aliis. XI. Ex Kegistro Curie Prerogative Cantuar' extract'. THE INVENTORY Indented of all the Goods, Cattels, Leases, Debts, Plate, and Ready Money, of William Dallison,* of Hallinge, in the county of Kent, Esquire, deceased; as well within the Dioces of Rochester as elsewhere within the Realme of England made the xxvjth day of January. Anno 1583 et Anno R. Regine Elizabethe vicesimo sexto. The bedding and other household stuffe linen and plate as are menconed by the said testator in his last will and testament to have bene by himself once delivered by Inventories as his owne proper goods to Robert Dene praised at Hailing by William Dighton, William Tylghman, Christofer Preston, and Riohard Wylkinson gent, the fourthe day of December 1581 et Anno R. Regine Elizabethe tricesimo Isic] quarto.f Inprimis fowerpeeces of hangings of image tapstry-worke, and one counterpointe, for a bed of the same, xx". Item one bedsteed of beeche paincted with read and silver with one tester of scarlet belonging to the same imbrodered with some silver and some copper upon blacke velvett with frendge of redd silke and silver and v curtens of sarcenett, the coulor white and reade . . . xu. Item one other tester with valence of Ohurch stuffe and three curtens of sarcenet redd and murrey, xxyjs viija. Item xij cushions of Turkey work and iij of needlework and vj old cushion-cases of tapestry, xls. Item ij clothes for windowes and ij cupbord clothes of needleworke, xxxB. Item one carpet of greene cloth for a long table, xxxs. Item ij old redd and yeolowe coverletts; one blew read and yellowe; one read and greene; another of read and blue; and one other old coverlet of white and black, xxyjs viija. Item two old carpetts of Dornix,J with ij cupbord olothes of the same, vjs viij'1. Item iij paire of white woollen blanckets, xiij8 iiijd. Item ij paire of fustian blanckets; th'one paire indifferent goode, and th'other paire very bad, xiij8 iiij*. THE GREAT CHAMBER. Item one ffetherbed, one -bolster and a mattresse to the same, with fower pillowes of fustian, xl8. * WILLIAM DALISON (eldest son of Sir William Dalison, M.P. for Lincoln in 1554, and a Justice of the King's Bench) married STLVESTEE DEANE, daughter and heir of Robert Deane of Hailing. Their son, the first Kentish Sir Maximilian Dalison, married (1) Paulina, daughter of Sir Michael Sondes; (2) Mary Spencer. t Should be vioesimo quarto. J Inferior Damask, from Tournay, .392 DALISON DOCUMENTS. THE GEEENE CHAMBER. . Item two beddes of downe, with two bolsters and two matteresses; with two old ohaires, th'one covered with murrey velvett; th'other with black velvett, viij11. Item v ourtens of read and greene sarcenett, xiij8 iiijd. Item viij pillowes, xx8. Item one counterpoint of tapestry, with one counterpoint in the old parlor, xlvj8 viij4. THE POECH CHAMBER. Item two old ffetherbeddes, and two bolsters with one covering of tapestry, iij" vj8 viijd. Item one other old vallanoe, with frenge of Damaske and murrey velvett, xv8. Summa lvij1' viij8 iiijd. LYNNEN. Item iiij paire of pillowbeeres; wherof one paire Camerick, two paire Holland stitched, the other Holland plaine, xxxiij8 iiij*. Item six dosen of table napkins; wherof five dosen plaine and one dosen with a little needlework, xlyj8 viij11. Item x table napkins of Damask worke of one sorte, and vij of another sorte, xx8. Item vj long table olothes plaine, xxxvj8. Item iij long table olothes of Damask worke, l8. Item ix plaine long towels, xxx8. Item iij long towels of Damask work, xxvs. Item j cupbord cloth of Damask, and other plaine, x8. Item x paire of sheets : wherof one paire of Camerick much worne; j paire three leaved ;* and one odd sheet fine and stiched at th'ends; ij paire (of two leaves half) of very large sheets elnef and halfe brode, much worne; two paire of plaine; and two paire without seame, stiched at th'endes, x". Summa xxij11 xj8. PLATE. Item ij double guilt bowles with the covers double guilt; one great double guilt salte, with the like cover; weying lxviij ounces and a half, at vs viij"1 the ounce, xix" viij8 ija. Item ij standing guilt cuppes, with two covers; and one great guilt spoone; waying xxxiiij ounces iij qr018 and 'praised at Vs iiij4 th'ounce, ix11 v8 iiija. Item xij spones called slAppes weying xxviij ounces and a halfe and preised at v8 the ounce, vij11 ij8 vjd. Item j bason and ewer with Armes; ij saltes weying iiijxxiiij ounces and a quarter, and preised at iiij8 xd th'ounce, xix" vj8 xd ob. Summa lvu iij8 xd ob. Two GELDINGS of the Testator's at Hailing preised as followeth: Item one guelding of coulor gray, taken for a herriott after the decease of the Testator, Iiij8 iiijd. Item th'other gelding of color darke bay, l8. Summa v11 iij8 iiijd. The LAW Books of the Testator's preised as followeth : Item ij Littletons Tenures, th'one old, th'other newe, xijd. Item ij old law books called Perkines, vja. Item j little book of certen new Oases in the times of Henry 8, Edward 6, and Queene Mary, xd. Item ij books oalled Eitz Herbert his Natura Brevivm; th'one new, th'other old, iij8 iiij* * Three-leaved probably means of three breadths of stuff. t An ell. DALISON DOCUMENTS. 393 Item ij old books namely the Pleas of the Crowne called Stamford and the King's Prerogative in severall volumes, xiiijd. Item one little book called th' Abridgement of the book of Assises, iiijd. Item ij books called Magna Carta, xijd. Item j little book called th' Institucons or principall groundes of the lawes and Statutes in England, viijd. Item one little book called the termes of the lawe, vjd. Item one little book called Nove Narracionis, vjd. Item j little book of Presidents, viijd. Item ij old books of th'aucthority of Justices of Peace, vjd. Item j little book of written hand, in manner of a bridgement of the Lawe, iiijd. Item ij Abridgements of the Statutes, th'one made by Justice Rastall, th'other by Poulton, vj8. Item ij great Abridgements of the Common Law, made by Justice Brook, th'one new and of small print; th'other old and of a greater volume, xxxij8. Item the first part of Pleydon's Commentaries, vj" viij'1. Item one great Abridgement of all the law made by Justice Eitz Herbert, of a small print, xvij8. Item the book of Henry 7 yeares,* v8. Item the book of Edward 4 yeares,* v8. Item j part of Edward I I I . yeares; from the first yeare unto the x"', viij". Item j other parte of Edward III. yeares, from the xvij unto the xxxix, viij8. Item the book called the Quadragesimus of Edward III., iij8 iiij'1. Item the book of Assises, vj". Item the first and the latter part of Henry 6 yeares, xij8. Item the Register of all the Writts as well originall as Judiciall, iij8 iiij'1. Item the book of entries, iiij8. Item the Statutes at large in one volume, from the time of Henry III. untill the first yeare of Queene Mary, ix8. Summa vj" xvj8 viij'1. THE TYMBEE vii" xij8 viijd , IMPLEMENTS of household lviij8 vj", and stock of SHEEPE xiij1' xv8 at Qretewell in the County of Lincoln praised there. READY MONEY, COYNE, and RINGES OF GOULD. Item in readie money and coyne, xxx11. Item j littell whoope ring of gold valued at ix8. Item j other ring of gold, with Armes upon it, called a Signett, valued at xxv8. Summa xxxj11 xiiij". DEBTES OWING TO THE TESTATOE at the time of his deathe. Summa cxxiiij11 xviij8 xd. SUMMA TOTALIS, ccclvij" ij" ijd ob. CEETEINE FEARMES AND LEASES for yeeres wherof the said testator was possessed at the day of his death. Bromley. Item one farme or lease for yeares by Indenture, from Nicholas late Bishop of Rochester, of the mannor of Bromley in Bromley. Hohooods in Shorsteed and Lydsinge. Item one farme or lease for yeares by- Indenture from Walter Phillips late Deane of the Cathedrall church of Rochester and the Chapter of the same churche, of the woods and underwoods that was growing upon certeine wood landes appertaining to the mannors of the same Deane and Chapter, called Shorsteed and Lydsing. Chambers in Grayes Inn. Q-reetewell Manor, Parsonage, Church, and Rectory. Lease from the Deane and Chapter of Lincoln. * The Year Book for the reign of King Henry VII., and for that of Edward IV. 394 DALISON DOCUMENTS. XII. Extract from the Will of Sir MAXIMILIAN DALYSON, NOV. 30th, 1630. " I Comend my soule into the hands of God my Maker & Redeemer not relying on my own workes but assuredly trusting & believing in & through the meritts & passion of Jesus Christ to be partaker of the joyes & eternall happiness of heaven. And my bodie I desire may be buried in the p'r'sh Ch. of S' James, Clerkenwell, as near the place where WILLIAM DALYSON, Esq., my father, & Dame PAWUNA DALYSON, my first wife, were buried as may be which was under or by the Communion table there." [Their town house was in St. John Street, Clerkenwell."] Codicil, dated Nov. 8th, 1631, to Sir MAXIMILIAN DALYSON'S Will. " I do make & ordaine my very loving friend, Sir EDWAED HALES, Knight & Barronett, and my loving brother, Sir MULTON LAMBAED, Kn', executors of my last Will & Testament, &c, & do make overseers of this my last Will & Tes' my verily loving kinseman, CHAELES DALYSON, Esq., & Mr THOS. CLOTTEY, Gen'." N.B. Sir Maximilian's Mother (SYLVESTEE DALYSON, nee DEANE) made a second marriage with WILLIAM LAMBAED, the Historian of Kent. Summary of the Will, dated 17 Nov. 1631, of MAEY LADY DALISON, daughter of Sir William Spencer, second wife and relict of Sir Maximilian Dalison. To be buried in S' Buttolph's Without, Aldergate (London). To my eldest daughter Penelope all my 82 pearls, and my watch; also the bed & furniture at Hailing. To my younger daughter Theodotia my diamond ring. Between these two daughters shall be divided all my apparel, child-bed linen, &c. To my 2"'1 son Philip, the gilt sugar-box. To my 3rd son Arthur, my Cypress Chest. To my 4"' son John, my India Cabinet. To my eldest son William, £5. To my youngest son Spencer, £100, to be paid at his age of 21; if he be not alive, then to my next youngest son, &o. To my sister Covell, one old piece of gold of 338. To my sister Lambard's children, 20s each. To Sir Moulton Lamberd, my brother and executor, 40" for a ringe. To my sister Lamberd, one piece of old gold of 33". To Mr Clottry, of the Temple, 40s. Residue among my younger sons equally, omitting that one who receives the legacy of £100. Witnesses, Tho. Clottry, Philip Dalison, Penelope Dalison. Proved 28th Nov. 1631, at London, before Master Thomas Eden, LL.D., Surrogate of Sir Henry Martin, Commissary of the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury. EXECUTOR'S ACCOUNTS prepared by Sir MULTON LAMBAEDE, Receipts and Disbursements for Sir Maximilian Dalyson's Children, 1632. Interest Monyes due this Axm[unciation] halfe yeare 1632. Receaued of Mr Hammond Claxton senior for £200, due 8 Martii 1631 £207 00 00 Receaued of Mr Payntre for a bond of £50, due the 8th of March 1631 52 00 00 Receaued of Sr Walter Roberts for £100, due the 10th of Maye 1632 104 00 00 Receaued of Sr Jo. Browne and Sr Jo. Munson for a bond of £100, due 12th of Maye 1632 - - - * - - - 104 00 00 DALISON DOCUMENTS. 395 Receaued of Sr Will'm Monings for a bond of £100, due 24th of Maye 1632 £104 00 00 Receaued of Mr Colpeper for a bond of £100, due the 24"' of Maye 1632 104 00 00 Receaued of Sr Tymothie and Sr Jo. Thornells on 2 bonds for £300, due 25th of Maye 1632 - - - - - 312 00 • 00 Receaued of Mr Carne for a bond of £100, due the 23rd of Maye 1632 104 00 00 Receaued of Mr Hamond Claxtoh junior for a bond of £100, due I7'u of Maye 1632 104 00 00 Receaued of Sr Tho. Wroth and Sr Peeter Wroth for a bond of £100, due 8'" of June 1632 104 00 00 Receaued of Sr Tho. Lakes for a bond of £100, due the 8th of June 1632 104 00 00 Receaued of Temple Saunders and Aubrey for a bond of £200, due 8'11 of June 1632 [Desperate Debt] - nil Allowed for £300 I haue, due the 23rd of June 1632 - - - 309 00 00 Totall of Interest - - - £62 00 00 Rents due for PHILLIP DALYSON'S lands this Annunciation. Receaued of Reignold Eletcher this Annunciation halfe yeares rent 1632, for a farme in Alhallowes . . . . £009 10 00 Receaued of Play for a farme in Stoke 010 15 00 Receaued this halfe yeares Rent for howses on Rochester Bridge 003 15 00 £024 00 00 Monyes layd out for him from this Ann' 1632 to Mich' 1632, beside other monyes amountinge to £21 17s. 06d. for which he is accomptable as the other booke sheweth. Payd this halfe yeare rent to Rochester Bridge - £001 10 00 Delyvered him the 30th of SeptemV 001 00 00 Payd Mr Bankes monyes lent to pay debts when he parted from Mr Wynne's [Philip's tutor in or near London] - 001 07 00 Payd for lyninge, makinge, and trymminge of his sute and cloke with other things then bought - - - - - - 002 15 06 Garters, Ribbon, and a Girdle 000 07 06 Tour share of monyes deuidable layd out from this Ann' 1632 to Mich'1632 cometh to 008 06 00 £015 06 00 The particulers of the other monyes layd out for him for which he hath beene accomptable are theise— Delyvered you at Christmas 1631 £001 00 00 Warninge Mr Wynne to the Lo. Maiors Court . . . 000 01 00 Severall tymes by water to y° Lo. Privie Seales . . . 000 04 00 Given the pursephant [pursuivant] and Porter there - - 000 07 00 Two payre of shooes - 000 05 00 Payd for his lodginge and dyett when Mr Wynne putt him forth of his howse [Philip, being unruly, was turned out of his tutor's house] - - - - - - - - - 001 12 00 The officers at Teald Halle [Guildhall] - - - - - 000 03 00 Mr Knightlie had over and above the £30 was regayned from Mr Wynne 010 00 00 Bands and coofes and hatt and band - - - - - 000 15 06 Payd M1 Knightlie for cloth and bayes for a sute and cloke - 003 13 00 396 DALISON DOCUMENTS. The makinge, lyninge, and trimminge, with other monyes which Mr Bankes layd out for stockings and other necessaryes and partlie mony lent you £002 12 00 Shirts 000 15 00 £021 07 06 AETHER DALYSON'S halfe yeare rents due this Ann' 1632. Receaued of Brasyer this Ann' halfe yeares rent for a farme at Cliffe £015 04 06 Monyes layd out for him from this Ann' 1632 to Mich' 1632. This halfe yeares dyett and teachinge to Mr Dukeson [a schoolmaster ; at Islington ?] due at Mich' 1632 - £009 00 00 Payd the writinge master - - - - - - - 001 00 00 Bands, coofes [cuffs], and other necessaryes - - - 000 15 06 Stockings and gloues 000 07 00 Given the mayd servants - - - - - - - 000 01 06 Payd Mr Dukeson monyes layd out this halfe yeare for school dutyes, clothes mendinge, bookes, &c. . . . . 001 10 06 Given him 000 02 00 Shooes 000 04 00 £013 00 06 Rents due this Ann' 1632/or Mra THE0D0SIA DALYSON'S lands. (sic) Receaued of Jo. Boghurst this halfe yeares rent for Ponish farme £020 60 10 Mem. Boghurst will pay this rent noe longer: for that he had the proffitt of woodlands in S1' Max. lyfetyme whioh are now Mr Will1" Dalyson's, which as he sayth were worth £10 per ann. to the farmer. He payes but £20 6s. 10d., but we meane to putt him out, for y' he thinkes much to pay that. Monyes layd out for her from this Ann' 1632 unto Mich' 1632. Stookins 88 6d ; lase 88 0'1; a knife and shooes 78 - £001 03 06 Lase, a maske, pinnes, tape, ribbeninge - - - - - 000 15 00 Holland and Cambricke for sleeues, band, coofes, handkerchers, smokes [smocks], and makinge - - - - - - 001 12 10 Taffetie gloves, a psalme booke - - _ . _ . 000 06 00 Mending a gowne, and stuffe to it 000 06 04 Taylers man for his water passage, and of guift . . . 000 01 06 Erenche woeman for teachinge of her - - - - - 001 06 00 Ribbeninge 000 04 00 Virgenall [stringed instrument with keys] teacher and singing Master 001 00 00 Virgenall and singinge bookes . . . . . . 000 01 06 Dyett for this Mich' 1632 010 00 00 Washinge for 3 quarters - - - . . _ . 001 10 00 Virgenall and singinge Mr for a month, due this 29th of October 001 00 00 Petticote and gowne mendinge and byndinge lase . . . 000 05 00 £019 11 08 Rents due this Ann' 1632 for JOHN DALYSON'S lands. Receaued of Tho. Raynes this halfe yeares rent for a farme in S'Maryes £011 00 00 Receaued of White [for a farm in Halstow in Shamwell Street] - O04 00 00 Receaued of Jo. Androes . o05 13 04 Receaued of Parson Spenser 001 06 08 £022 00 00 DALISON DOCUMENTS. 397 Monyes layd out for Mm from this Ami' 1632 to Mich' 1632. Payd M* Dukeson [schoolmaster; at Islington ?] halfe a yeares dyett and teachinge, due at Mich' 1632 - £009 00 00 Payd monyes layd out for mendinge his clothes, shooes, books, schoole dutyes, for this halfe yeare 001 09 00 Bands, coffes, and other necessaryes 000 15 00 Giuen the mayds 000 01 00 Shooes 000 03 06 Giuen him at seuerall tymes - - 000 03 00 Stockings and gloues 000 06 06 Sendinge to Islington 000 01 00 £011 19 00 Rents due this Ann' 1632/or SPENSEE DALYSON'S lands. Receaued of Edw. Parre this halfe yeares rent for a farme called Stonehouse and a little cottage with a cherry garden at Erynsburie £014 00 00 Monyes layd out for him from this Ann' 1632 to Mich' 1632. Allowed Edward Parr towards the repayringe of his liowse - £003 A combe, and gloves 000 Hatt band and shoe-tyers 000 Shooes 000 His sohoolinge 000 Stockings 000 A sute - 002 Halfe a yeares dyett and better, and washinge - - - - oil Bands, coofes, and handkerchers 000 Sendinge him to Mr Dukesons to schoole 000 Given the mayds for tendinge of him 000 00 03 05 04 16 05 08 00 08 02 02 00 00 06 06 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 [Should be £18 14s. 6d.] £18 15 06 Monyes demdable and layd out from the Ann' 1632 to Mich' 1632, which must be dewided betweeue PHILLIP, AETHEE, THEODOCEA, JOHN, and SPENSEE DALYSON, and beinge parte of this Annunciation Accompt 1632. Imprimis payd for removinge theire goods from London to Grenewich £000 07 00 Spent when wee were to viewe y° farmes 003 17 06 Payd Mr Short the Counseller of Grayes Inne for drawings an Indenture betwixt Sr EDW. HALES and mee - - - 001 00 00 Payd his clarke for Ingrossinge of it - - - - - 000 18 00 Payd for drawinge and engrossinge a genrall release from M™ PENELLOPE DALYSON 000 12 00 Payd Mr Whitfeild's Clarke for extraetinge a particuler of y° lands 000 02 06 £006 17 00 Arther Dalyson's half yeares Rent due this Mich' 1632. Receaued of Brasyer this halfe yeares rent and quitrent for a farme at Cliffe £015 00 00 Memorandwn:—Brasyer would hould it noe longer at the ould rent; soe that Sr Edward and my selfe were constrayned to , lett him hould it at £30 per ann. duringe Arther's mynoretie. 398 DALISON DOCUMENTS. Monyes layd out for him from this Mich' 1632 to y" Annunciation 1633. Allowed Brasyer for mendinge the barne which he is not tyed to repayre by lease £000 17 02 Cloth for a sute 001 10 00 Stockings, bands, coofes, handkerchers - - - - - 000 19 00 Lyninge, trymminge and makinge y° sute . . . - 001 04 00 Afrysecoate 000 15 00 Garters, ribbon, bandstrings - - - - - - - 000 04 06 Giuen him at seuerall tymes - - - - - - - 000 02 00 A letter from Lyncolnshire 000 01 06 This halfe yeares dyett and schoolinge - - - - - 009 00 00 Clothes mendinge, schoole dutyes, bookes, and other things this halfe yeare 001 08 00 Payd monyes he toke vp of seuerall poore people in his Masters name [Arthur was a scapegrace who borrowed money wherever he could] 001 11 00 Writinge Master 001 10 00 Sendinge him to his Master when he went awaye [absconded] - 000 02 00 Shooes and gloves 000 05 06 [Should be £19 9s. 8d.] £019 09 02 Rents due this Mich' 1632 for THEODOCEA DALYSON'S lands. Receaued of Jo. Boghurst this Mich' halfe yeares rent for Ponish farme £014 06 10 Monyes layd out for her from this Mich' 1632 to the Ann' 1633. Silke Tam'ett for a gowne, satten, lase, and trymminge - - £003 Virgenall teacher and singinge master - 001 Shooes 78; a taffetie handkercher 38 ; lynnen cloth 9s - - 000 Stuffe for a peticote, lase, and makinge - - - - - 001 Ribbeninge bands, coffes, lase, gloves, necktties, handkerchers and makinge . . - . _ 001 This halfe yeares dyett and vvashinge - Oil Lynin»s, and makinge the gowne and petticote - 001 A payre of bodies, stockings, roses [rosettes ?], a knife, and lase - 000 Virgenall and singinge Master for a month - 001 More for 2 weeks 000 A maske, pinnes, ribbon, and garters - 000 Spendinge monye - - - - - - - - - 000 Byndinge lase, and clothes mendinge - 000 02 00 19 09 15 00 09 17 00 10 06 10 05 06 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 £024 03 06 Receaued of Mr Godden for wood sould him by Mr WILL* DALYSON growinge on Ponishe lands parcell of Theodocea's land - £027 10 00 [The accounts for JOHN and SPENSEE DALYSON contain no neio items of interest save " a cloth sute, £2 15s. 6d.," and " twoe sutes £4 6s. 6d."] Monyes layd out from this Mich' 1632 vnto the Ann' 1633 which must be detiided amongst them beinge parte of this Mich' accompt 1632. Reteyninge of Counsell at y° day of hearinge in Chauncery agaynst y° Bishop of Bath and Wells, before Bishop of Rochester [Walter Curie, promoted from Rochester to Wells in 1630] £008 00 00 Given in Court - - - - - - - - - 000 02 00 Payd the Bishop by order of Courte 020 00 00 Payd W Whitfeilds clarke monyes layd out and for his paynes in drawinge bookes and otherwise during the sute - - 004 04 06 DALISON DOCUMENTS. 399 Payd Mr Sommers our Attorneyes bill of charges - - - £000 19 06 Payd for ioyninge in the Commission of Bankerett [Bankruptcy] for Temples Saunders and Aubreyes debt of £200 - - 005 00 00 Payd Mr Bostocks servant for witnessinge the bond before the Commissioners 000 01 00 Payd Mr Samford the kings rent and for th' Acquittance and alteringe the booke 000 11 00 Letters 2s ; Servants charges in 2 dayes attendance to putt forth the £100 Mr S'Leger hath 000 06 06 £039 04 06 Rents due this Ann' 1633 for AETHEE DALYSON'S lands. Receaued of Brasyer this halfe j'eares rent and quit rent for a farme at Cliffe £015 00 06 Monyes layd out for him from this Ann' 1633 to Mich' 1633. Twoe sutes of apparell £005 15 00 Payd Mr Dukeson monyes he borrowed of seuerall poore people - 001 10 00 Servants charges in sendinge after him seuerall tymes when he went into Lincolnshire [running away from school] - - 000 03 06 Hatt and band, bands, coofes [cuff's], and handkerchers - - ' 001 00 00 Shooes 000 05 00" Stockings, gloues, girdle, garters, ribbon - - - - - 000 15 00 Atronke 000 07 06 Knife, penknife, and inkehorne - - - - - - 000 02 06 Tronke carredge 000 01 06 Bandstrings - - - - 000 00 06 Horsehire to Tenterden 000 08 00 Mans charges in byinge and providinge theise things seuerall tymes for him; and water passage - - - - - 000 05 00 The tronke carredge thither, and his charges by the way to y° Tenterden caryer 000 05 06 Payd Mr Bankes monyes layd out for him - - - - 000 10 04 Payd Mr Bankes alsoe a monthes dyett and better and for his tendance, lodgings and washinge when he came, broken out and scabbie, out of Lyncolnshire [whither he had absconded from school] 001 12 06 Payd the Writing Master 001 00 00 Shirts £1 58 0a. Phisicke and for the Apotecary's paynes with him when he was ill and broken out, at his retorne out of Lnycolnshire £1 98 0d 002 14 00 [Should be £16 15s. 10d.] £016 14 04 Rents due this Aim' 1633 for Mrs THEODOCEA DALYSON'S lands. Receaued of Jo. Boghurst this halfe yeares rent for Ponish farme £014 06 10 Monyes layd out for her from this Ann' 1633 to Mich' 1633. Stuffe for a gowne - - - - - - - - - Giuen her at a ohristninge - - - - - - - A band 13s ; shooes, gloues, stockings, 16s - - - . Roses [rosettes 1], and a payre of twyses [tweezers] Taffetie gowne trymminge, and makinge Neokeclothes, 3s 6<*; Lase £12s 6d; thread l8 6 d ; stockings 38 A bayes petticote £1 5«; mendinge a gowne, ribbon and silke 5B 6d This halfe yeares dyett and washinge £004 000 001 000 003 001 001 011 11 07 09 05 09 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 06 00 [Should be £24 2s.] £024 03 00 400 DALISON DOCUMENTS. Monyes layd out for JOHN DALYSON/WOT the Ann' 1633 to Mich' 1633. A cloth sute £2 158 6'1; Stockings, garters, ribbon, gloves 148 - £003 09 06 Hatt and band 7s ; shooes 68 000 13 00 Given him at seuerall tymes 000 04 00 Sending of him from Islington to Croydon [Webb's] - - - 000 02 00 Dyett and schoolinge this halfe yeare and 3 wekes - 010 10 00 Layd out for him in cloths, mendinge, shoes, school dutyes, &c. - 001 08 00 Giuen the mayd servants 000 01 00 £016 07 06 Monyes layd out for SPENSEE DALY SON from this Ann' 1633 to Mich' 1633. A sute of apparell £2 8s ; Stockings, garter, and ribbon 108 6'1 - £002 18 06 Hatt band, and gloves 7s ; shooes 3s 6''; giuen him 2s - - 000 12 06 A peece of plate for Mrs Dukeson [wife of his schoolmaster] - 003 00 00 Sendinge for him by water 000 01 06 Dyett this halfe yeare, and 3 weekes over - 010 10 00 Giuen the mayds for tending of him - - - - - - 000 02 00 Layd out for mendinge his clothes, school dutyes . . . 001 00 00 £018 04 06 Monyes layd out from this Ann' 1633 to Mich' 1633 which must be dewided amongst them and being parte of Ann' aecompt. 1633. Payd M" PHILPOTT the herauld the 31th of Maye 1633"' for fees due to them for Sr MAXIMIL. DALYSON'S funerall; for that he was buryed with scotchions and Palle and other ceremonyes as theire patent sheweth - £010 00 00 Payd for reparations done in Sr Max. lyfe tyme by Nathaniell Eranke and Tho. Chambers by his appoyntment in his lyfe tyme to a house neere the corne markett in Rochester - 000 13 00 Payd out in charges at Rochester August 14th 1833 when we were to viewe y°, lands 002 15 00 A Release for Cosen Allington [who married Penelope Dalison] - 000 02 06 £013 10 06 Rents due this Mich' 1633/or THEODOCEA DALYSON'S lande. Receaued of Jo. Boghurst this halfe yeares rent for Ponish farme £014 06 10 Monyes layd out for her from tlvis Mich' 1633 to the Ann' 1634. A combe, shooes, and stockings - . . _ . . £000 Spendinge mony and roses - - - _ _ . . 000 Makinge, lyninge, lase, and byndinge a gowne - - - - 001 A yeares quitrent due this Mich' 1633 to the Bishop of Rochester for Ponish, and a releife beinge the 4"' parte of y° rent with th'acquittance - - - - - - - - - 000 Cloth for smokes [smocks] - . _ . _ _ . 002 A outwoorke band, and a fanne - - - - - - 001 Lynnen cloth 9s 6d ; lase 17s 6"; a muffe 78 - - - - 001 Tape, phiUitinge [fillets for binding the hair], pinnes, and thread 000 A payre of shooes 2s 4d ; gloves 48; lase 10s 6d - - - - 000 Perpetuana [glossy eloth], ribbon, silke, thread, and the mendinge of a peticote - - - - - - - - 000 Giuen her at a christninge - 000 Calicoe for a peticote, and other thinges then b o u g h t . . . 001 Stockings 5s ; shooes 2s 4d ; lynnen cloth 3s 6d - - - - 000 Making a blacke and white petticote and wastcote, lase thread, silke, and byndinge - - - - - - - - 000 Borderinge and byndinge an other pettioote . . . . 000 10 13 17 15 06 02 14 06 16 04 07 05 10 06 02 08 06 00 06 00 00 00 04 10 06 00 00 10 06 06 DALISON DOCUMENTS. 401 Tape, a hedbrush [hairbrush], paper bookes, ribbon for knotts, makinge handkercher and apron £000 11 00 This halfe yeares dyett and washinge Oil 00 00 [Should be £24 9s. 2d.] £025 19 02 Monyes layd out for JOHN DALYSON from this Mich' 1633 to the Ann' 1634. Shirts 24s ; a coat 17B; hatt and gloves 9s £002 10 00 Sendinge horse and man seuerall tymes to Islington . . . 000 04 00 Tronke carredge and other things for Islington - - - 000 02 00 Stockings, bands, coffes, handkerchers, shooes, and gloues - - 001 04 00 Garters and shoe strings 000 03 04 Bringinge a tronke and other things from London to Grenewioh; and servants oharges in byinge theise things - - - 000 03 06 Carredge of them from Grenewich [Sir Multon Lombard's residence] to Croydon and a mans and horse hire to goe with it 000 03 00 Giuen him at seuerall tymes - - 000 05 00 A dosen of napkins, towells, capps, and makinge - - - 001 05 00 His parte in a syluer boule giuen Mrs Webb [wife of his tutor] - 001 10 00 Sendinge for them from Croydon and giuen the servants - - 000 04 00 Payd Mr Webb monye layd out for mending his clothes, bookes, and schoole dutyes [Mr. Webb teas a tutor at Croydon] - 001 03 00 His parte in a yard J of laune for Mr8 Webb - - - - 000 05 03 A sute of aparrell 002 15 00 His halfe yeares dyett due at the Annunciation 1634 - - 008 00 00 £019 17 01 Monyes layd out for SPENSEE DALYSON Mich' 1633 to the Ann' 1634. [The items are to a great extent counterparts of those above recited. The total expenditure for him in the half-year was £17 9s. 3d.] Monyes layd out from Mich' 1633 to the Aun' 1634, which must be deuided amongst them and be parte of this Mich' Aceompte 1633. Payd Mr Samford his Majesties tenth for land in Cliffe, due this Mich' 1633, and th'acquittance £000 06 08 Owen Claxton's affidavit 000 01 00 A man's charges in goinge to giue order for the rents behinde, and gatheringe what he could gett 001 00 00 Payd halfe a yeares tythe behinde in Sr Maxim. Dalyson's lyfe tyme to y° parson of S' Sepulkers [in London] - - - 000 05 00 Payd Mr Whitfeild's clarke for engrossinge of 6 seuerall conveyances from Mr WILLIAM DALYSON to the younger children which hee nowe denyeth to signe to, beinge but a confirmation of his father's Acte for the conveyinge of certen lands to the younger children - - - - - - - 002 02 00 £003 14 08