Inventory of Beds, Tapestry, and Linen at Leeds Castle, A.D. 1532
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Publications respecting Kentish Archaeology
Dalison Documents
( 382 ) LEEDS CASTLE: INVENTORY. A.D. 1532. AN INVENTAEIE* made of all the BEDDIS, COVEELETIS, BOLSTEES, SHETIS, BLANCKETIS, COUNTEBPOYNTIS, and HANGINGS of varduref and tapestrye, with also COUETENS and OAEPETIS, parcell of all the stuf which late werne the right honorable SIE HENEY GULDEFOEDE, late Knight of the Order, and Comptroller of the kingis most honorable houshold, lately disceased, remainyng and beyng as well within his place at London, as within the CASTELL or LEDIS within the Countie of Kent. IN LONDON 14 carpets and 15 beds. Bedis delivered from Ledes to London xxij. Item a fetherbedd and a bolster. Item xj fetherbedds and xj bolsters. Item ix old matreses and one new. Item v bolsters of canvas and flookis. Item viij coverlets for the matresses of Norfolke makyng. Item iij pair of wollen blanckets and one happing.J Coverlets delyveredfrom Ledes to London iiij. Item a new coverlet for the bedd of crymesyn satten of dyvers colours of silke. Item a coverlet of grene verdors.t Item a coverlet of grene verderis. Item a coverlet of verdeours losenged, Cowtens§ brought from the wardrobe of Ledis to London ix. Item iij courtens of redd and yelow sarsenet. Item iij courtens of changeabill sarsenet. Item iij courtens of blew and yelow sarsenet. Testwrs brought from the wa/rderobe of Ledes to London iiij. Item a testor of blak velvet upon velvet and yelow tynsell. Item a testor of blak velvet and cloth of golde. Item a testor of yelow and blew damaske. Item a testor of purple velvet pirl'd|| and cloth of golde. * Transcribed by Canon SCOTT ROBEETSON from the original MS. in the Public Record Office, September 1882. t Halliwell, in his Dictionary of Archaic Words, says," VEEDUEE, Tapestry." In this Inventory the word is spelt in many different ways, as vardure, verdors, verderis, verdeours, verdeour. % "HAPPING, a coarse coverlet; also any kind of covering," says Halliwell. § Curtains. || PEEMD, ornamented with pearls; studded with any ornaments. And many a perlid garnoment Embroudid was agon tho day. (Gomr.) HalliwelTs ArcJiaic Dictionary. In this case the ornaments seem to have been oloth of gold sewn on in dots or other shapes. LEEDS OASTLE : INVENTORY A.D. 1532. 383 IN THE CASTELL OF LEDES. viij CAEPETTYS. Eurst ij small carpetis of Turkey worke uppon ij coberdis* in the parlour. Item one great carpet of Turkey worke upon the long tabill in the same parlour. Item one carpet of turkey worke in the Queue's dynyng chamber for the coberd. Item a carpet of Turkey worke for the tabill in the same ohamber. Item a carpet of turkey worke for a ooberd in the Kyng's brekefast clumber. Item a coberd cloth of cours flowers in the Kyng's dynyng chamber. Item more a oarpet of verdeour in the closet of the said Sir Henrie. BEDDES xviij. Eurst a fetherbedd and a bolster in the chamber within the parlour. Item a fetherbedd and a boulster in the ynner chamber. Item a fetherbedd and a bolster in the chamber next comyng into the galarie. Item a fetherbedd and a boulster in the chamber next the same chamber comyng into the galarie. Item a fetherbedd and a bolster in the Queue's dynyng chamber. Item a fetherbedd and a bolster in the Queue's bedd chamber. Item a fetherbedde and a bolster in the Queue's Inner chamber. Item ij fetherbeddes and ij bolsters in the Kyng's dynyng chamber. Item a fetherbedde and a bolster in the Kyng's brekefast chamber. Item a fetherbedde and a bolster in the Kyng's bedd chamber. Item a fetherbedd and a bolster in the Kyng's Inner chamber. Item a fetherbedde and a bolster in the chamber of the said Sir Henry. Item ij fetherbeddes and ij bolsters in the maydens' chamber. Item a fetherbedd and a bolster in the conduyt chamber. Item a fetherbedd and a bolster in Mr Browne's chamber. Item a fetherbedde and a bolster in the chaplen's chamber. BlANCKETS. Item xij pair of fustian blanokets and an old blancket. COVEEIETTIS xiiij. Item a ooverlett of verdeour in the chamber next the parlour. Item a coverlet of crymesyn velvet inbrotheredf with white roses in the Inner chamber next the parlour. Item an other coverlet of crymesyn velvet embrothered with white roses in the chamber next comyng into the galarie. Item a coverlet of grene verdeour in the chamber next the same chamber comyng into the galarie. Item a coverlet of fyne verdeour in the Queue's dynyng chamber. Item a coverlet of verdeour and Images with a man of horsbaoke and a woman on fote in the Queue's bed chamber. Item a coverlet of tapessarie Imaged! in the Kyng's dynyng chamber. Item a coverlet of old gret verdeour in the Kyng's dynyng chamber. Item a coverlet of tapessarie Imaged in the Kyng's brekefast chamber. Item a coverlet of Imagery in the Kyng's bed chamber. Item a coverlet of course vardeour of Imagery in the Kyng's Inner ohamber. Item a coverlet of Imagery in the chamber of the said Sir Henrie. Item a course coverlet of Imagery in the maydens1 chamber. Item a coverlet of course tapessarie in Mr Browne's chamber. QDYLTIS iij. Item ij quyltis in the chamber of the said Sir Henry. Item a cruylt of redd and grene sarsenet in the conduyt chamber. * Coberdis = cupboards. t EMBEOIDEEED. The word is spelt inbrothered, embrothered, enbrothered, in various entries of this Inventory. J IMAGED, that is, containing images or figures of living creatures, human or brutish. 384 LEEDS CASTLE : INVENTORY A.D. 1532. TESTERS AND SPAEVEES xiiij. Eurst a testar and sparver of purple velvet embrothered with beoons* and bowsers* knotts in the chamber within the parlour. Item a tester of grene sarsenet with a courten in the ynner chamber. Item a sparver of crymesyn velvet embrothered with white roses in the chamber next comyng into the galarie. Item a tester and sparver of grene velvet embrothered with redd and white roses and sonnesf in the chamber next the same chamber comyng into the galarie. Item a sparver of grene velvet with roses and portoullesesj and outworks enbrothered in the Queue's dynyng chamber. Item a sparver and testar of right orymesen satten enbrothered with the armes of the said Sir Henrie Guldeford frynged with gold of venes§ and silke in the Queue's bed chamber. Item a rounde testar oanapie fassion of blew and crymesen satten of brigges|| in the Queue's Inner chamber. Item a testar and sparver of tapessarie Imaged in the Kyng's dynyng chamber. Item a sparver of cloth of sylver and cloth of golde in the Kyng's brekefast chamber. Item a sparver of crymesyn velvet and grene satten with cutworke of cloth of golde in the Kyng's bed chamber. Item a testar and sparver of yelow and blew damaske in the Kyng's ynner chamber. Item a testar of right crymesyn velvet pirled and blake gold chamlet in the chamber of the said Sir Henrie. Item a sparver of russet damaske embrothered with Hi s and Mis in the maydens' chamber. Item a sparver of yelow and white sarsenet in the conduyt chamber. COUETENS xxvj in sight. Item v courtens of purple sarsenet in the chamber within the parlour. Item iij courtens of grene and yelow sarsenet in the ohamber next the same chamber, comyng into the galarie. Item iij courtens of grene and white sarsenet in the Queue's dynyng chamber. Item iij courtens of crymesyn sarsenet in the Queue's bed chamber. Item j courten of grene and ohaungeable sarsenet in the Queue's Inner chamber. Item iij courtens of yelow sarsenet in the Kyng's brekefast chamber. Item iij courtens of grene and yelow sarsenet in the Kyng's bed chamber. Item iij courtens of sarsenet of yelow and blew in the Kyng's Inner chamber. Item iij courtens of sarsenet of yelow and white sarsenet in the ounduyt chamber. CODNTEEPOYNTSlT XXXJ. Eurst a old pece of tapessarie hanged over the Jakis** in the Inner chamber next the parlour. Item v peces of Tapessarie gret and small hanged in the Queue's dynyng chamber. Item iiij peees of hangyngs of old Imagery of Counterfet Aras in the Queue's bed chamber. Item iiij peces of old Tapessarie of Images hanged in the Kyng's dynyng chamber. Item iij peces of fyne tapessarie and one course pece of tapessarie hanged in the Kyng's brekefast chamber. Item iij peces of Imagery of tapessarie hanged in the Kyng's bedd chamber. Item iij peces of tapessarie hanged in the Kyng's Inner chamber. Item iij peces of old for worne tapessarie hanged in M' Browne's chamber. Item v peces of hangyngs of verdours and Eountensff whereof on hadd to London. * Beacons and Bourohiers knots—badges of the Bourchier family, f Roses and suns—badges of King Edward IV. _ % The portcullis, a badge of Henry VII. and Henry VIII., was a defensive adjunct of the "outworks" of a castle. § Venice. || Bruges, celebrated for its satin. % Counterpanes. ** The W.C. .ft Tapestry representing fountains. One of these pieoes had been sent to Sir Henry's house in London. LEEDS CASTLE : INVENTORY A.D. 1532. 385 LYNEN. Item a pair of shetis of cambrike of ij levis* Item v pair of Holand shetis of iij levis. Item iiij pair of Holand shetis of ij levis di. Item x fyne pillow beris.f Item one pair of hed shetis of ij levis. Item a gret diaper table cloth of Damaske worke of Crownes and flour de luoes. Item a smaller table olothe of the same worke. Item iiij table olothes of Damaske worke of pawnees whereof ij hath bene occupied! and ij unoccupied.J Item a fyne Diaper table oloth of losenges. Item a fyne towell to the same of Diaper cloth. Item a gret towell of Damaske worke of gillofers and roseis. Item ij new towells of Damaske worke of Diaper. Item a towell of Diaper knots. Item ij Diaper coberd clothes of Diaper knotts. Item iij dossen of new Damaske napkyns. Item one dossen of old Damaske napkyns. Item iiij cover panys.§ Item ij shaving clothes. Item iij playne coberd olothes. Item ij playne clothes for the gret round tabill of ij levis. Item ij dossen of new Diaper napkyns. Item xix playne Towells whereof xvij new. Item iiij Diaper towells. "j Item iiij playne coberd clothes. I N fl t ff Item ij dossen Diaper napkyns. f • Item a Dresser oloth. J LYNEN GOYNG ABEODE EOE CHAMBEES. Item ij pair of shetis o£ iij levis di. for the gret bedde. Item xx pair of white shetis. Item xxj pair of canvas shetis. Item xyj pillow beris. LYNEN STUF BELONGING TO THE PANTEIE. Item ix tabill olothes of Diaper. Item v Diaper towells. Item iij playne tabill clothes and a brekefast cloth for the hall. Item vj playne coberd clothes. Item ij playne tabill olothes for the great rounde bourde of ij levis. Item one playne towell for the bourde. Item iij new worke towells. Item iiij playne tabill olothes for Sr Henry's bourde. Item ij dossen di. of Diaper napkyns. Item ij dossen di. of playne napkyns. Item v wipers. * Breadths, probably. Some of these sheets contained two breadths of cambric, others had three breadths of Holland, while others had only two breadths and a half of Holland. The " great bed" required sheets of three breadths and a half. f Pillow-cases. X Ocoupied means " used." Two of these were quite new, " unoccupied." § Coverpanys were linen counterpanes. TOL. XT. C 0