Extracts from Great Mongeham Registers

( 3$8 ) EXTRACTS PROM GREAT MONGEHAM REGISTERS, COMMUNICATED BY THE REV. J. BRANEILL HARRISON. Motes respecting Rectors of Great Mongeham. THOMAS JAMES, first Librarian of the Bodleian Library, was presented to the Eectory of Mongeham about the year 1614. HENEY IJLLOCK, D.D., 1685. [Dean of Eochester 1689-1706.] TIMOTHY WILSON, Eector, was buried June 9,1705. JOHANNES POTTEE, D.D., a sacris D.D. Archiep. Cantuar. Ecclesise Paroohialis de Mongham Magna Eector per duos annos abhine Ann. Dom. 1707 translatus ad canonicatum in sede Xti et Cathedram Professoriam apud Oxonienses consecratus episoopus Oxoniensis Anno Dom. 1715 et Archiepisc. Cantuar. 1737. ELIAS SYDALL, D.D., a sacris Domno D. Archiep. Cantuar. Inductus ad Bectoriam de Mongham Sep™10 die Junii Anno Dom. 1707 et paulo post ad canonicatum in Ecclesia Metropolitica Cantuar. dein episc. Glocest. 1731. JULIUS DEEDES, having been Curate from 1717, was appointed. Eector in 1730. WILLIAM BYECH, 1752. JOHN HEEEING, 1759. Was buried Sep. 30, 1802. CHAELES DIMOCE, 1802. Was buried Eeb. 9,1849, aged 78 years;, EDWAED PENNY, M.A. Oxon. (St. John's College), collated to the Eectory of Mongeham Magna March 5; inducted March 15 ; read in May 6, 1849. Was buried Nov. 30,1869, aged 61. [Mr. Penny was Incumbent of Ash near Sandwich from 1842 to 1849, and was appointed one of the six Preachers in Canterbury Cathedral in 1843.] JOHN BEANEILL HAEEISON, M.A., Trinity Coll., Cambridge, Vicar of Walmer from 1854 to 1869 ; was collated to the Eectory of Great Mongeham Dec. 9, 1869 ; inducted Dec. 11, 1869 ; read in Jan. 9, 1870. Curates. JAMES JANEWAY was Curate in 1705, and was succeeded by Edward Lloyd, 1706, of whom the following entry appears at the begin-- ning of the Eegister books immediately after the entriesrespecting Dr. Potter and Dr. Sydall. EXTRACTS EROM GREAT MONGEHAM REGISTERS, 359 EDVABDUS LLOYD, A.M., cum res sacras hujus Parochise Doctorum praeeuntium vice per undecim annos ministrasset migravit ad exiguas Eectorias de Eipple et Betteshanger Anno Dom. 1717. [Of this gentleman the three following notices, together with the entry of his burial, occur in the Parish Eegister of Eipple. EDWAED LLOYD, A.B., of Xts Church Coll. in Oxford in 1703, was inducted into the Eectory of Eipple Dec. 20, 1712. E. LLOYD, Eector of this Parish, and Curate of Mongham, was inducted into the Eectory of Betteshanger July 17, 1716, and on Midsummer 1717 left his curacy to serve upon his two small rectories in his own person. E. LLOYD, A.M., Eector of Eipple and Betteshanger, was admitted into the Curacy of Walmer by Archbishop Wake at Croydon, Sept. 5, 1724. 1741. The Beva Edward Lloyd, Eector of Eipple, was buried April y° 17, 1741.] JOHN NAIEN was Curate in 1755. T. E. WAEEEN in 1757. JOHN SMITH was Curate during the latter part of Mr. Herring's Incumbency from 1794 to 1802. GODEEEY EAUSSETT, Eellow of Magdalen Coll., Oxford, was Curate in 1842. JOHN W. BUSSELL in 1846 and 1847. JOHN DANTELL MATHIAS, from 1848 to June 1849. Notes entered on the fvy'-leaves of the Register. The chancel of the church re-roofed and entirely restored 1851-52. The nave of the church re-roofed, and south aisle and porch rebuilt 1853. The school-house built 1854; opened March 14, 1855. The north chapel restored 1860 at the expense of the owner of the estate upon which it is charged, the Comtesse di Morella (nee Eichards). The east and west windows together with the north and south windows of the chancel fitted with stained glass, June and September 1861. An organ, of which Messrs. Bevington and Co. were the builders, was opened Aug. 29, 1875. Detracts from Baptismal Registers, xohich commence April 4, 1685. 1735. Dorothy, the daughter of Julius Deedes, Eector, by Dorothy his wife, born on Christmas day, was baptized Jan. 15. 1736. Julius, the son of Julius Deedes, Eector, by Dorothy his wife, born Jan. 11, was baptized Jan. 16. 1740. Mary, the daughter of Julius Deedes, Eector, by Dorothy his wife, born July 26, was baptized Aug. 14. 1760. Samuel, son of John and Ann Herring, June 3. 1763. Montague, son of Thomas and Margaret Pennington, Jan. 3. 360 EXTRACTS EROM $REAl* MONGEHAM REGISTERS. Extracts from Marriage Registers, which commence June 16,1685. 1700. Mr Eichard Marsh, Vicar of St. Margaret at Cliffe, and Mr s Anne Barney, of the same parish, were married Jan. 2. 1743. Mr Herbert Eandolph, Eector of Deal, and M1B Mary Denew, of the Precinct of the Archbishop's Palace at Canterbury, were married by licence May 12. Extracts from Burial Registers, which commence October 2,1685. 1693. Daniel, an infant, ye son of Tim. Wilson, Eector, and Mary his wife, was buried April 12. 1701. Dudley St. Leger, Gent., Lieutenant of Deal Castle, was buried Nov. 9. 1703. Mrs Mary Wilson, the wife of Tim. Wilson, Eector, was buried Sep. 25. 1704. M1'8 Mary Goodell, ye daughter of Mr Timothy Wilson, Eector, was buried Nov. 18. 1705. Mr Timothy Wilson, Eector of ye parish, was buried June 8. 1729. Edwa S. Leger of Deal, Surgeon. 1736. Julius Deedes, infant, was buried Jan. 21. 1745. Abraham Bean, Parish Clerk, was buried Nov. 22. 1802. The Eev. John Herring, A.M., 45 years Eector of this parish, was buried in the Chancel Sep. 30, 1802, by his Curate J. Smith. 1807. Elizabeth Dimock was buried, aged 29 years, July 17. [Wife of Eev. C. Dimock, Eector.] Thou taught'st me how to live, and, ah too high A price for knowledge, taught'st me how to die. C. D. 1810. Henry Dimock was buried Sep. 20 (Eector of St. Edmund the King and St. Nicholas Aeons, London, and of Blackmanstone, Kent). He had been the schoolfellow, the fellow collegian, the chaplain, the librarian, and the confidential friend of J. Moore, Archbishop of Canterbury. Aged 81.


The Roman Villa at Wingham Part II


Original Documents :- Rent Roll of Willesborough, temp Ed. II.