Original Documents :- Rent Roll of Willesborough, temp Ed. II.

( 361 ) ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. RENT ROLL OE THE HEIRS OE JOHN AND WILLIAM DE WILLESBOROUGH; TEMP. EDWAED II. COMMUNICATED BY THE EEV. T. S. EEAMPTON. Rentale heredum Johannis et Willielmi de Wyllysbergh. Terminus Sancti Michaelis. Johannes carpentar' de lelcetone de mesuagio suo et Johannes filius suus una acra terre jacentis in Estoune, rd. ob. Willielmus Elys et Matheus de eodem de mesuagio dicti Mathei et dicti Willielmi quod quondam fuit Eogeri de lecton, viij d. ob. Stephanus et Galfridus Sprot de tenemento quod fuit Thome Godheuwe, iij d.1 Simon et Johannes de Atelysworthe de tribus pedibus prati in Atelesworde et de terra vocata Sottoun, ij d? Johannes de langebregge et percenarii sui de tenemento suo apud longbreeg, iij d. Johannes Geffrey et Johannes Thomas de prato vocato Wluysehirnet, v d? Heredes Galfridi de letherstede de tenemento quod fuit S. de letherstede, iiij d. ob. . Eadulfus Cosin de tenemento vocato Gohe et tribus Eodis prati in langbreg'mede, j d. qa. de peper.A Heredes Willielmi Poynont de ij acris terre jacentis in Eastfeld, iiij d. ob. Item heredes Willielmi Poynont de quadam terra dicta BecTcemed, iij d.* Item iidem heredes Willielmi Poynont de prato vocato Menebrolcs, vji.6 (1) In the rental for Christmas term these words are added—"et dvmidia acra terre." (2) This entry and these names do not appear in any of the three succeeding Rent Rolls. (3) In the succeeding Rent Rolls John Q-effrei et percenarii stii are charged j d. ob. only as the rent de quoda/m prato vocato Attlys-wortJtysmed. (4) Radulfiis Cosin appears again in this Rent Roll as paying Ave farthings in money, and that second entry reappears in the other Rolls; hut this " pepper rent" is omitted from the other Rolls. This Ralph Cosin may be identical with a man of that name mentioned in a Fine Roll of A.D. 1315. (Arch. Cant, XIII., 297.) (6) MeSots \ and their rentals are not in the other Eol ls> 362 ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Michael Sprot de quadam terra vocata le Birchette, j d. obolum!1 Heredes Petri et Thome de Langebr'gg' de mesuagio suo, v d. ob. qafi Heredes Galfridi de Suetf orde de tenemento quod fuit Eogeri de Leketon, xij d. Heredes Petri Eylgor de tenemento vocato Sandrintone, ij d. ob. qa? Heredes Willielmi Sprot de terra empta de Edelina ate Heuwette, ij d. ob. Stephanus de Steyhamme de dimidia acra terre jacentis apud Eswelle, obolum.10 Henricus de Hammingherst de tribus rodis terre quas emit de Willielmo Bourdil, iij d.n Willielmus Bourdyl et ejus pertic' de tenemento quod fuit Thome Poggel, xij dP Heredes Henrici et Eogeri de Atelisworthe, xij d.ls Heredes Eadulfi Beufis de mesuagio suo et dimidia aera terre juxta illud mesuagium, vj d. Heredes Johannis Gile de terra sua in ELatteg'he, ij d. o. qa.u Eobertus et Thomas de Wyuelysb'ghe, de prato suo in Coubrohs, iij d.15 Henricus Poynont et ejus percenarii de prato suo in coulese, ij d.ie Heredes Walteri et Willielmi Marte de mesuagio dicti Willielmi et de quodam campo juxta illud mesuagium, ij d. qa. Heredes Thome Cotton de mesuagio suo, o. qa}l Heredes Andree ate Pirie de dimidia acra prati in Dauylondismed, ij d » Heredes Eogeri Sprot de tenemento vocato Dunstaple, ij d. qa. Eicardus faber de una acra terre in Eastoune et de terra sua in BZanfeld, iij d. ob. Willielmus de Stureye de prato vocato Guodritcheshope,xi] d. ob. qaP Hamo Eogger et percenarii sui, xij d.20 Daniel de Ketehale, v d?1 (7) In the other Rent Rolls the tenants are " Michael Sprot et Qalfridus de eodem." (8) In the other Rent Rolls this holding is thus entered—" Heredes Johannis de Langebr'gge de messuagio eorum et de terra vocata Parishamme et le Rede, Yd. ob. qa." (9) Subsequent Rent Rolls state that Peter Elgor bought this land from Alexander Cissor. (10) Omitted from the Christmas Rent Roll, but it reappears at Lady Day and Midsummer. (11)") These entries cannot be traced in the three succeeding Rent Rolls. (12) j Henry de Hammyngherst is mentioned in a Eine Roll of 7 Edward II., 1314. (Arch. Cant., XII., 305.) (13) The heirs of Henry and Roger de Attlysworth are charged with a second holding in the Christmas Rent Roll; afterwards they disappear. (14) This entry cannot be traced in the other Rent Rolls. (15) In the Lady Day quarter we read instead of this—" Heredes Thome John et Agnes filia RoberU John de duabus acris terre in Coubroh, iij d." (16) This entry cannot be traced in the other Rent Rolls. (17) Thomas Cotton is in future entered as the tenant. (18) This entry cannot be traced in the other Rent Rolls. (19) \ These entries probably were replaced by one in the Midsummer Roll— (20).{ " Heredes RoberU de Teldemede tenemento suo apud Eldindenne,ijs.ob." (21) This entry disappears from the succeeding Rent Rolls. WILLESBOROUGH RENT ROLL. 36 3 Heredes Eicardi de Hanecherst et percenarii sui de tenemento suo in Smallide, vd. Heredes Willielmi Pired et Galfridi le Say, de tenemento quod fuit Thome Poggil, ij d. o.n Eadulfus Cosin, j d. qa. Johannes Thomeiin extra de terra vocata Pesebreche, j d.95 The next Eent Boll, for the Christmas quarter, or " Terminus Saneti Thome Apostoli," contains the following additional particulars :— Anastasia de Streetende de mesuagio Willielmi ate Hulle et de terra apud Gore, ij d. ob. Johannes Jecur de mesuagio predicto et de terra eadem, ij d. ob. Item heredes Petri Elgor de mesuagio Willielmi Cotton, ob. qa. Heredes Henrici et Eogeri de Attlysworthe et eorum percenarii, xj d. ob. Johannes le Eeade, ij d. Willielmus Noreys, iij d. The next Eent Eoll, for Lady Day quarter, or "Terminus Dominice Palmarum," has one additional name:— Simon of Halle (sic), ij d. ob. The Midsummer Eent Eoll adds the following new names :— Heredes Eoberti de Teldenne de tenemento suo apud Eldindenne, ij s. ob. Willielmus Asketyn et percenarii sui, de tenemento suo apud Euerindenn', viij d. Eadinundus de Passele et Johannes Barrot, de Molendino de Langebr'gg', x d. Eobertus de Grenestede, xij d. GRANT OE LAND, ETC., IN DUDINDALE* EROM EUGENIA, DAUGHTER OE JOHN EITZ TIVIAN, TO NICHOLAS, SON OE NICHOLAS DE TUITHAM, 1ST MAY 1236. COMMUNICATED BY THE EEV. T. 8. EEAMPTON. Sciant presentes etfuturiquod ego Eugenia Alia Johannis filii Viviani in viduitate mea dedi concessi et hac present! carta mea conflrmavi Nicholao filio Nicholai de Tuitham totum liberum feodum meum scilicet terciam partem (22) In the Christmas and Lady Day Rolls " Heredes Thome Poggel" are charged with this item. (23) " De dimidia acra terre apud Rodbregg " is the description given in the Lady Day Roll. * Dudindale lies in the parish of St. Mary Bredin, Canterbury, about two miles S.E. from the oity wall. When the Dudindale family became extinct, the manor passed to the Morton family. Elias de Morton demised it to one Eitzvivian, who had an estate at Sellinge. Hasted mentions the deed printed above; but he erroneously calls the lady " Eugenia Eitzvinon daughter of Hugh Eitz- Vmon" (History of Kent, 8vo, vol. xi., 152). 364 ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. integre que me contigit post decessum Johannis filii Viviani patris mei apud Dudindal', scilicet viginti et septem acras terre in hominibus homagiis redditibus releviis et omnibus aliis rebus et casibus ad predictum feodum pertinentibus, et redditum quadraginta denariorum cum pertinentiis suis, simul etiam duas acras de gavelikendia, jacentes juxta terram Petronille de Hoddesdon' que est versus Suth', et terram heredurh Anselmi filii Alwaker que est versus North', quas tenui de heredibus Thome Aldermanni. Habend' et Tenend' sibi et heredibus suis de me et de heredibus meis libere quiete jure hereditario in perpetuum. Eaoiendo dominis feodi annuum servioium inde debitum. Et reddendo inde annuatim michi et heredibus meis ad festum Sancti Michaelis quatuor denarios de forisgabulo, pro omnibus serviciis consuetudiuibus et demandis temporalibus ad me et ad heredes meos pertinentibus. Et ego Eugenia et heredes mei warantizabimus totum predictum liberum feodum integre et prediotum redditum quadraginta denariorum cum pertinentiis suis et predictas duas acras cum pertinentiis suis predicto Nicholao et heredibus suis et ejus assignatis oontra omnes homines et feminas per predictum annuum servicium inperpetuum. Pro hac autem mea donations et concessione et carte mee confirmatione et warantizatione mea facta et recordata coram dominis Willielmo de Eboraco, et Willielmo de Insula, Radulfo de Norwyk', Hugone de Plaiz', justiciariis tunc itinerantibus apud Cantuariam, in die beatorum Philippi et Jacobi, anno regni regis Henrici filii regis Johannis vicesimo, et sigillo meo firmiter munita, dedit michi predictus Nicholaus viginti etquinque marcas sterlingorum in gersumma. Hiis testibus Domino Johanne de Wadeton, Alano de Tuitham milite, Roberto de Valoniis, Johanne de Valoniis, Roelando .de Tuitham, Rand' de Gosehal', Ricardo Camerario, Nicholao de Haudlo, Johanne de Wadenhal', Thoma de Wadenhal', Johanne Terri, Johanne Alio Roberti, Johanne de Chioh', et multis aliis. A pendent seal with heron in oentre, and the legend »J" SKULL' EVGENIE DE JLVKELAY. BRIEE, A.D. 1636, TO COLLECT MONET IN AID OE RESTORING THE TOWER OE QUEENBOROUGH PARISH CHURCH. COMMUNICATED BY JOSIAH HALL, ESQ., Mayor-elect of Queenborough (for the eighth time), October 1883. [Endorsed upon this printed copy of the Brief are these words: " Collected for this Brief im, REDOLIFEE, BEISTOLL, five sHIUngs and three halfpence. THOMAS PALMEE, Vicar. J A M E S WATHEN, ? ~ 7 , •, JOHN READB, ' \ Churchwardens. The 25th Brefe." Mr. JOSIAH HALL has taken the trouble to analyse the receipts, and finds that 1476 parishes contributed less than a total of £135. Only 4 parishes collected as much as 10s,, the largest sum being 16s. 6d.; in 120 parishes sums varying from 4s. to 9s. 9d. were gathered; 119 parishes sent either 3s. or a few pence more; 263 parishes gathered 2s. or less than 3s.; 480 parishes sent Is. or less than 2s.; 428 parishes collected sums varying from Id. to lit?.; 62 parishes sent back the Brief without any money at all.] CHARLES, By the grace of God King of England, Scotland, Erance, and Ireland, Defender of the Eaith, &o. To all and singular Arch-bishops, Bishops, Archdeacons, Deanes, and their Officials: Parsons, Vicars, Curats, and to all spirituall Parsons. And also to all Justioes of Peace, Maiors, Sheriffes, Bayliffes, Constables, Churchwardens, and Headboroughes, And to ail Officers of Cities, Boroughes and Townes Corporate, And to all other Our Offloers, Ministers, and Subieots whatsoeuer they be, aswell within Liberties, as without, to whome these presents shall come, Greeting. BRIEE EOR QUEENBOROUGH CHURCH TOWER. 365 WHEREAS We are credibly giuen to vnderstand aswell by the humble Supplication and Petition of our Welbeloued Subiects the Maior, Jurats, BaylitTes, and Burges'ses of the Towne and liberty of Queenborow in our County of Kent, As also by a Certificate made at the quarter Sessions of the Peace holden at the Castle of Canterbury for Our said County, on Tewsday the Twelfth day of Ianuary last past 1635. Under the hands of our trusty and wel-beloued Subiects Sir Edward Hales, and Sir Edward Deering Knights and Baronets, sir Dudly Diggs knight, One of the Masters of our Court of Chancery, sir Edward Boyes, sir Thomas Wilford and sir John Honywood knights, Isaac Bargraue Deane of Canterbury, Launcelott Louelace, Edmund Hadde, Regynald Edwards, Thomas Paramore, Thomas Godfrey, and Thomas Blechynden, Esquiors, Justices of the Peace within our foresayd County. That the Steeple of the Ohurch of Queenborow aforesaid standing open to the Sea, and being a common Land marke at Sea, to which place Mariners and Seafaring men in time of foule weather or danger make for Shelter, Which said Steeple is now by the extraordinarie violence of Tempest become so Ruinous and in such decay, that it is very likely to fall to the ground, The fall whereof will be very dangerous and hurtfull to the body of the Church. Upon the repairing and beautifying whereof the said Inhabitants haue of late expended and disbursed a good summe of money, but are no wise able to new build the said Steeple: Which being viewed by well experienced workmen, must of necessity with part of the Church be taken downe to the very foundation, The charge whereof as the said workmen doth affirme, will Amount vnto the Summe of Sixe Hundred Pounds at the least, which charge the said Inhabitants are no wayes able of themselues to vndergo, the whole Towne and liberty thereof consisting but of Two Hundred Acres of land, with Two & Thirty Housholds, and the most part of them very poore Eishermen, Wherefore our Subiects the Inhabitants of Queenborow aforesaid haue most humbly besought Us, that We would be graciously pleased to grant vnto them Our Letters Patents of Collection Under Our great Seale of England, that sothey may be enabled to aske and receiue the charities of wel-disposed people towards the new building of the said steeple, Unto whose request, We most willingly haue condiscended, and thought good to Commend this so pious a worke, Unto the charitable Consideration of all our louing and Wel-disposed Subiects within the County of Kent, and in certaine other Counties and places of this our Realme hereafter mentioned. Not doubting, but that all good Christians rightly well weighing the premisses, will be ready and willing, to extend their liberall contributions towards the furtherance of so good and godly a worke. KNOW ye therefore, that of Our espeoiall grace and Princely compassion, We haue giuen and granted, and by these our Letters Patens doe giue and grant vnto the Inhabitants of Queenborow aforesayd, and to their Deputy and deputies, the Bearer or Bearers hereof, full power, Licence and authority, to aske, gather, receiue, and take the Ahnes and charitable beneuolence of all our louing Subiects whatsoeuer Inhabiting within our City of London with the Suburbs and liberties thereof, And in our Counties of Kent, Sussex, Surry, Essex, Southampton, Devon, Dorset, Cornewall, and Somerset, Our Cities of Canterbury, and Rochester, with the Cinque Ports, and County of the City of Canterbury, Our City of Chichester, Our Borough of Southwarke, our City of Winchester, Our Towne and County of Southampton with the Isle of Wight, Our City of Exeter, our Towne and Countie of Poole, our Cities of Bristow, Bath, and Wells, And in all Cities, Townes Corporate, Priuiledged places, Parishes, Villages, and in all other places whatsoeuer within Our sayd Counties, and not else where, for and towards the building of the said Steeple. WHEREEORE We will and command you, and euery of you, that at such time and times as the Inhabitants of Queenborow aforesaid, their Deputy & deputies the Bearer or Bearers hereof, shall come and repayre to any your Churches, Chappels, or other places, to aske and receiue the gratuities and charitable beneuolence of Our sayd Subiects, quietly to permit, and suffer them so to do, without any manner your lets or contradictions. And you the sayd Parsons, Vicars, and Curats, for the better stirring vp of a charitable deuotion, deliberately to publish and declare the Tenour of these Our Letters Patents, or the Coppy or Briefe 366 ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. hereof, vnto our sayd Subiects vpon some Sunday when as the same shall be tendred vnto you, Exhorting and perswading them to extend their liberall contributions in so good and charitable a Deed. AND Vou the Church-wardens of euery Parish where such Collection is to be made (as aforesayd) to Collect and gather the Almes and charitable beneuolence of all our louing Subiects, aswell strangers as others. And what shall bee by you so gathered, to be by the Minister and your selues endorsed on the backside of these our Letters, or the Coppy or Briefe hereof, in words at length, and not in Eigures; And the Summe and Summes of Money so gathered and endorsed, to deliuer to the Bearer or Bearers of these our Letters Patents, and to no other person, when as thereunto you shall be required. Any Statute, Law, Ordinance, or Prouision heretofore made to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. IN Witnesse whereof, We haue caused these Our Letters to be made Patents for the space of One whole Teare next after the date hereof to endure. Witnesse Our selfe at Westminster the Seuenth day of Aprill in the Twelueth Teare of Our Raigne. DAWE. God save the King. CHISELHURST, AND JOHN SCOT, A.D. 1251-2. COEAM REGE ROLL NO. 87 OF HENEY III., ANNO 36. Membrane 23 dorso. COMMUNICATED BY JAMES GEEENSTEEET, ESQ. [GEOEFEEY LE BOYEEE and ROBEET his brother together with JOHN SCOT, sue (against RALPH GOLWYN) for 15 acres of land in Chiselhurst as their right. WULVEVA their antecessor, who was seised of this land in the time of King Henry II., dying without issue her right was inherited by AYLLINA, her sister and heir. Aillina had two sons MILO and ROBEET joint heirs in gavelkind. GEOEEKEY and ROBEET LE BOYEEE now claim as the sons and heirs of MILO ; while JOHN SCOT olaims as son and heir of ROBEET. RALPH GOLWYN denies the right of the claimants and desires that the suit be tried whether he has not better right to the land than the claimants have.] " Kane', s's GALEE' LE BOYEEE & ROB'S fr' eius & JOH'S SCOT petu't u'sus RAD'M GOLWYN q'ndeci' acr' t're, cu' p'tin', in Chiselhurst vt Jus ipor' &c'. Et vn' qued' WULUEUA, an'cessor ip'or' Galfr' & alior' fuit seis' in d'nico suo ut de feodo & Jure temp' H. r', Aui d'ni r', Cap' inde explec' ad val' &c. Et de ip'a WULUEUA, quia obiit sine h'rede de se descend' Jus t're illius cuida' AYLLINE vt soror' & h'redi. Et de ip'a AILLINA quibusd' MILON' & ROB'O vt fiP & h'red' eo q'd t'ra ilia p'tibil' est. Et de p'd'c'o Milon' descend' Jus p'tis sue p'd'c'is GALEE' & ROB'TO qui nu'c petu't vt fil5 & h'red'. Et de p'd'c'o ROB'TO descend' Jus p'tis sue p'd'c'o JOH' qui nu'c pet' vt fll' & h'r. Et q'd tale sit Jus ip'or' off't &c'. "Et RAD'S ven' & defend' Jus ip'or' GALEE' & alior' & seis'm p'dVe WOXUEUE, & totu' &o'. Et pon' se in Jurata' de Oauelygind' looo magne Ass'e p'uisa' & concessa', & pet' recogn' f'i vtru' ip'e maius Jus h'eat in p'd'c'a t'ra an p'd'c'i GALEE' ROB'S & JOH'S. " PKDIGEEE TO BE DEDUCED. WULVEVA, temp. Hen. II., AILLINA, sister and heir=p ob. s.p. to Wulveva. MILO, one heir in Gavelkind.^ ROBEET, the other heir in Gavelkind.-r- GEOEEEEY LE BOYEEE, ROBEET LE BOYEEE, JOHN SOOT, son and heir v _ " of Robert, and coheir with Sons and heirs of Milo in Gavelkind, Geoffrey Le Boyere and a0 36 Hen, III, Robert Le Boyere in Gavelkind, a° 36 Hen. I l l , EAST BARMING REGISTER. 367 EARLT REGISTER OE EAST BARMING PARISH. The Eev. T. W. Carr, rector of Barming, has found a friend kindly disposed to make a copy of the old Eegister, A.D. 1541-1611; and has laid this copy before us. The Eegister was lost during more than a century, but was at length recognised, and reclaimed by the late Eev. Mark Noble, from his friend and parishioner Mrs. Dorman. The Eegister commences with entries relating to the families of Packe, Beckett, Pennye, Prebble, Moyse, Wodden, Coppyng, Lorkyn, Arnold, Holyman, Cassynghyrst, and of Mr. John Heron. The name of Heron soon yields to phonetic influence and is spelt, as pronounced, Heorn. The Arnold family was numerous. Later, we read of the families of Eecord, Cumbrydge, Knyght, Eeynolds, Banks, Mowle, Chapman, Wyllson, Carpenter, Bishop, Hodges, Saxby, Beall, Ashpoole, Bensted, Eancett, Godfrey, Videan, Vipont, and Edmit. At the end of July 1574 occurs this attestation, Concordat cum libro Registri exhibit' (signed) Thomas Robinson. After this comes a new heading, thus, " The true copye of the Eegester Book of the parishe churche of East Barmynge: of cristeninges, manages, & Buryalles, made the vth daye of October Anno xvijmo Ene. Eliz., 1575, for one hole yere eynded at the feaste of Saynt Miehill th'archaungell laste paste." Thus we must suppose that the earliest portion of the existing Eoll was written, in July 1574, as a copy of the original Eegister, 1541-74; and that the two following portions were written at intervals of twelve months each, not being themselves the original Eecords, but copies of the original Eegisters. During 1575-6 there are eight entries of christenings which record the names of the sponsors as "gossipes." During the reign of Queen Mary, Cardinal Pole directed that such entries should always mention the names of the sponsors ; but that custom was not continued by the authorities under Queen Elizabeth. Oddly enough, in this Eegister the entries during the reign of Mary lack these particulars. When the entries respecting Eoger Eecord's family cease, in 1582 commence the christenings of Thomas Curd's children. Eoger Eecord's sons were Isaac and Christopher, not Thomas ; otherwise we might have supposed that the name of Eecord had been curtailed into " Curd." The following items are extracted from the Eoll:—• 1548 Wylliam Preble & Barthyllmowe Haule, churchwardens. 1549 Wylliam Pake & Barthyllmowe Halle, churchwardens. 1551-2 Jany 18 was maried John Eynohe to Elyzabethe Bennett. 1552-3 March 9 was chrystned John y° son of John Eynshe. 1554 Septf 9 was maryed Wylliam Eremlynge unto Elyn Tayler. 1557 Oct. 25 was buryed German Norwod. 1558-9 Barthyllmowe Haule buryed y° 14th Daye of Eebruary. 1563 April 20th was buryed Sr John Sympson, parson of Barmynge. 1574 July 9th chrystned John y° son of Mathewe Tounge & Alys ux. 1574 July 10th was buryed y° forsayd John Tounge, a orisom. 368 GUNDULE'S LATIN BIBLE. 1574-5 Jany 22 was cristened Elizabeth the daughter of Isaacke Beoket; William Beoket, Elizabeth Becket, & Elizabeth Pr . . . . , Gossepes. 1575 June 24 was cristened Jane the daughter of William Preable; Henry Welche, Jane Reynoldes, & Ursula Hodges, Gossepes. 1590 Nov. 27 James Bewlye sonne of Mr James Bewlye of Roohester was buryed. W. A. SCOTT EOBEETSON. GUNDULP'S LATIN BIBLE. IN a letter, dated Middle Hill, 5 Sep. 1861, acknowledging the receipt of a copy of my " Catalogue of the Library of the Priory of St. Andrew, Eochester, A.D. 1202" (Archceologia Cantiana, III., 47, etc.), Sir Thomas Phillipps favoured me with the following corrected description of Bishop Gundulf's Latin Bible. " Sir T. P. begs to correct the date of Gundulph's Bible, in his catalogue, from ssec. 12 to 11. He would almost stake his credit as to a knowledge of the antiquity of MSS. in the assertion that the Gundulph Bible was not written before the year 1000, and the Book of Baruch, at the end of the second volume, he ventures to say, was not written before the beginning of the twelfth.* It was this last which probably induced Sir T. P. to assign the same date to the whole book. " Sir T. P. believes the book in fact to have been written by order of Gundulph, and the expression in Mr. Eye's book of 'fieri fecit 'f confirms him in that opinion. " The memorial of the Bishop in vol. ii. begins thus : ' II Scd'a pars biblie Per felicis recordac'ois Qu'd'lfum Roffense Ep'm Liber, etc.,' as in Mr. Eye's Catalogue ;J except that alienavit should be alienav'it; eelavit, celav'it; and delevit, delev'it; senteciam, sententia'; Do, d'co ; P'sbiteris, Presbit'is; cap'li, capituli. " The barbarous binder, to whom Mr. Williams gave the book to be bound, has cut off many of the top titles, and cut into many of the marginal notes. It looks like Lewis's binding. " A note on folio 1, vol. i., says, ' The booh is covered in wood and white leather' " The i in Epim is not in the MS. ; the contraction of er is omitted also. The d'co (of d'co, Seo. Epo.) has been destroyed." W. B. EYE. * Century, or saiculum. f Arolueologia Cantiana, III., 62. Gundulfus [1077] inter cetera bona feoit fieri . . . . duo Missalia. % Arohceologia Cantiana, III., 62. Liber de Claustro Roffens. quern qui inde alienavit, alienatn' oelavit v'l huno titulU infraudem delevit: iSmeo'ioatvs est: JPerentib. Sentcoiam Do Sod Epo Priore Sf Bing'lis P'sbiteris Cap'li JRojf'iws<


Extracts from Great Mongeham Registers


Publications respecting Kentish Archaeology