Front matter, Volume 17
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Chronological Table of the Architectural History of Rochester Cathedral Church
"ANTIQUITATES SEU HISTORI.A.RUM RELIQUI.2El SUNT TANQUAM TABUL.2El NAUFRAGU j CUM, DEFIC!ENTE ET FERE SUB:MERSA RERU:M :MEMORIA, NIHILOMINUS ROMINES INDUSTRII ET SAGACES, PERTINA.CI QUAD.A.M ET SCRUPULOSA. DILIGENTIA, EX GENEALOGIIS, F.A.STIS, TITULlS, MONUMENTIS, NU.MISMATIBUS, NOMINIBUS PROPRIIS ET STYLIS, VERBORUM ETYMOLOGIIS, PROVERBIIS, TRADITIONIBUS, ARCHIVIS, ET INSTRUMENTIS, TAM PUBLICIS QUAM PRIVATIS, lUSTORIARUM FRAGMENTIS, LIBRORUM NEUTIQUAM HISTORICORUM LOCIEi DISPERSIS,-EX HIS, INQUAM, OMNIBUS VEL .ALlQUIBUS, NONNULLA A TEMPORIS DILUVIO ERIPIUNT ET CONSERV.ANT. RES SANE OPEROSA, .SED MORTALIBUS GRAT.A ET CUM REVERENTIA QUAD.AM CONJUNCT.A.." "ANTIQUITIES, OR REMNANTS OF HISTORY, ARE, AS WAS SAID, TANQUAM TABUL.lEl NAUFRAGII j WHEN INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS, BY AN EXACT AND SCRUPULOUS DILIGENCE AND OBSERVATION, OU'l' OF MONUMENTS, NAMES, WORDS, PROVERBS, TRADITIONS, PRIVATE RECORDS AND EVIDENCES, FRAG· .MENTS OF STORIES, PASSAGES OF BOOKS THAT CONCERN NOT STORY, AND THE LIKE, DO SAVE AND RECOVER SOMEWHAT FROM THE DELUGE OF TillIE."-AavantJament of Laa1·1zing, ii. i♦rhreoln!lia antiana : BEING TRANSACTIONS OF THE KEN 1r ARCHhJOLOGICAL SOCIETY. VOLUME XVII. 1Lonbon: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY MITCHELL&, HUGHES, 140 WARDOUR STREET, OXFORD STREET. 1887. The Council of tlte Kent .A.rclueological Societ'!I is not answerable for any opinions put forwm·d in this W01·lc. Each Oonfribitto1· is alone responsible for his own remarlcs. CONTENTS. PA.GD Lists of Officers, x-xiii; Rules, xiv; List of Members, xvi-xx:x:ii Illustration Fund ........................... ,,, ...........................x xxiii Cash Account, 1886 ...................................................... xxxiv Proceedings 1886-7 .......................... , .................. : .....x :x:xvii 1. .A.NcIENT ST.A.IN ED GL.A.ss IN W ESTBERE CHURCH. By ·E. P. Loftus Broclc, F.S ..LL ..................................... 1 2. RoM.A.N REM.A.INS .A.T W .A.LMER .A.ND R.A.MSG.A.'.rE. By 0-eorge JJowlcer, F. 0-.S. ... .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . ... .. . . .. .. . .. . ... .. . 4 3. A SAXON CEMETERY .A.T Wrn:rrn:A.:r,rnREux. By 0-eorge JJowlcer, F. 0-.S. . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . 6 4. RoM.A.N LE.A.DEN COFFIN FOUND .A.T PLUMSTE.A.D. By 0-eorge Pa!fne, F.L.S., F.S . .Ll.. .. .. .. .... . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 5. REPORT ON THE RECORDS 0]' NEW ROMNEY. By Edward Salisbury...... .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 12 6. RoM.A.N REM.A.INS RECENTLY FOUND AT CANTERBURY. By 0-eorge JJowlcer, F. 0-.S........................................... 34 7. SCULPTURED HE.A.D OF a KNIGHT IN CANTERBURY C.A.THEDR.A. L. By Canon Scott :Robertson, .M..Ll.. • • , ....••.••••• , • • 87 8. ScoTNEY CASTLE. By Edward Hussey .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .... ... 38 9. DARELL PEDIGREE ... ... .. . .. . ... ... ... ... ... . . . ... .. . . .. ... . .. ... ... 46 10. R.A.INH.A.M CHURCH. By Rev. A. J. Pearman, .M..LL.......... 49 11 . .ANCIENT EPISCOPAL PALACE .A.T ROCHESTER, .A.ND BISHOP FrsHER. By William Brenckley :R!fe . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 12. AccouNTS OF ST. DuNSTAN's CHURCH, C.A.Nrr:ERBURY. Part II., .A.,D, 1508-80. By J. Meadows Cowper . .. .. .. .. 17 13. INVENTORY (.A.,D. 1485) OF VESTMENTS AT ST. ANDREW'S, C.A.NTERBURY. By J. Meadows Cowper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 14. PoTTERs' NAMES ON PsEuno-SA:r.i:IA.N WARE FOUND IN KENT, By 0-eorge :Pa!fne, RL.S., F.S.A.. .. ............. 153 15. "ROCHESTER BRIDGE." A Poem written in .A.,D. 1601. Communicated by William Brenckley :Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 16. QUARRY HousE ON FRINDSBURY HILL. By Aug. A. Arnold 169 1'7. BOLEY HILL, ROCHESTER, By 0-. L. 0-omme, ll.S.A. ... 181 Vl CONTENTS. PAGB 18. ROMAN REM.A.INS, AND A CELT, FOUND NEAR QUARRY HousE, FRINDSBURY. By Aug. A. Arnolit . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 189 19. THOMAS SMYTHE," THE CUSTOMER." By J. F. Wadmore ... 193 20. Drscov.ERY OF ROMAN Corns AT SPRINGHEAD. By 0. Roach Smith, F.S.A. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . 209 21. RocHESTER BRIDGE IN A.D. 1561. By Aug. A. Arnold ... 212 22. CHURCH PLATE IN KENT. Parochial Inventories: Acrise to Canterbury. By Canon Scott Robertson, M.A . ...... 241 23. EXPENSE-BOOK OF JAMES MA.STER, Esq. Part III., A.D. 1658-1668. By Mrs. JJalison and Canon Scott Robertson ::.:.: ......... :.: ............ : .......................... 821 24. DALISON DOCUMENTS : LETTERS OF THOMAS STANLEY, OF J:lAMPTONs, 1686-50. ·By Mrs. JJaUson and Canon Scott Robertson . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . 853 25. CoBHA.'M: Ha.Lt : LETTERS TO THE LAST DUKE OF LENOX, A.D. 1667-72. With Notices of the Dutch Fleet in the Thames, A,:ti. 1667 (p. 378) ; and the Walsingham Pedigree (p. 890). By Canon Scott Robertson, M.A.......... 878 26. COBHAM HALL : INVENTORY OF FURNITURE AND PICTURES IN 1672. Edited by Canon Scott Robertson, M.A. . . . . . . 892 27. NOTES ON J. RussELL SMEL'H's Bibliotlieca Oantiana. By W. Brenchley Rye .. , ........... , .............. , . .. . .. . .. . . . 409 28. INDEX" . : • .......................................... :.. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. • 411 ILL UST RAT IONS. :PA.GIi 1. Rochester Cathedral Plan ...... ......... ...... between xlii ana xliii 2. Stained Glass in W estbere Church ..................... to face 1 3. Saxon Tumbler of Blue Glass ........................ . . to face 6 4. Saxon Bowl of Bronze ................................... . to face 7 5. Gold Stud and Bronze Buckle from a Saxon Cemetery at Wickhambreux ....................................... to face 8 6. Roman Coffin of Lead, found at Plumstead ......... . . . to face 10 7. Roman Statuette, found at Canterbury ......................... 34 8. Sculptured Head 0£ a Knight circa A,D. 1327 ......... toface 37 9. Remains 0£ Scotney Castle from the North-West . .. to face 38 10. Plan 0£ Ruined Castle at Scotney ........................ to face 39 11. Old Scotney Castle from the South-East ............ . .. toface 40 12. Plan 0£ Secret Chambers in Scotney Castle ... . ..... to face 43 13. Rainham Church, To:wer, etc. .. ......................... to face 49 14. ,, ,, South Wall 0£ Chancel (Interi01·). to face 50 15. ,, ,, .Ancient Chest, and Painted Panel to face 55 16. ,, ,, North .Arcade 0£ Chancel ......... to face 56 17. ,, ,, Brass 0£ William Bloor ..... . ...... to face 59 18. ,, ,, Brasses 0£ .Anthony .Aucher and John Norden ............ between, 60 and 61 19. Remains 0£ the old Bishop's Palace at Rochester ... to face. 67 20. Plan of the Quarry Estate, Frindsbury ....... ........ toface 173 21. Horse's Bit, Celt, and Perforated Roman Tile ...... to face 191 22. Roman Vases from Quarry House Orchard ......... to face 192 23. S.E. Vie..; 0£ W estenhanger, 1886 ..................... to face 194 24. N.E. View of Westenhange1•, 1886 . ..... ...... . ........ tofaae 199 25. Plans of Westenbanger in 1648 and 1886 ...... ...... to face 200 26. Monument 0£ Thomas Smythe in Ashford Church ... to face 208 27. Views of three successive Bridges at Rochester ... . . . to face 218 28. Facsimile 0£ Letter from Dean N. Wotton ... ......... toface 218 29. ,, ,, from Edmund Ghest, Bishop of Rochester ........................ to face 220 viii ILLUSTRATIONS. PA.GE 30. Facsimile of Letter from Sir William Cecil, afterwards Lord Burghley ................................................ to face 223 81. Ashford Communion Cup, .A..D. 1682-3 ............... to face 252 32. Barfreston Elizabethan Cup... .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. ... . .. . .. . .. 259 83. Bettes hanger Communion Cup.................................... 2'73 34. Bicknor Church Plate ....................................... toface 2'79 35. Biddenden Elizabethan Cup and Cover . .. .... .. . .. . . .... ... . .. 281 36. ,, ,, Flagon (1592-8) .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 282 3'7. Blackheath Ascension Church Cup (1655-6) .................. 28'7 38. ,, ,, ,, Flagon (1'791-2) ............ 288 39. ,, ,, ,, Spoon . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . 289 40. Bobbing Church Plate .................................... ... to face 290 41. Bonnington Communion Cup (two-handled) .................. 292 42. Boughton Blean Church Plate ........................ . . . to face 294 43. Boughton Malberb Cup and Paten ..................... to face 296 44. Arms of Rider impaling Barnham on Communion Vessels at Boughton Monchelsea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29'7 45. Boxley Church Cup, circa 1650-1'750 .................. to face 298 46. Brabourne Church Cup (Elizabethan) ........................ 300 4'7. Bredgar Church Paten (repousse) .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 808 48. Canterbury Cathedral Communion Flagon and Lord Arundel's Cup ....................................... , , , to face 316 49. Canterbury Cathedral Alms-dish ............ . . .......... toface 318 50. ,, ,, Candlestick ........................ to face 319 51. Earl's Place, Maidstone .................................. . . to face 854 52. Cobham Hall-Doorway in North Side 0£ the South Wing 53. 54. 55. " " " " " " toface 373 West End 0£ North Wing, with Window of Queen Elizabeth's Room ...... to face 37 4 West End of the South Wing ... . .. to face 377 Communion Plate of the Dukes of Lenox now at Rochester Cathedral ...... to face 378 1. The Society shall consist of O·dinary Members and Honorary Members. 2. The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Council consisting of the President of the Society, the Vice-Presidents, the Honorary Secretary, and twenty-four Members elected out of the general body of the Subscribers : one-fourth of the latter shall go out annually iu rotation, but shall nevertl1eless be re-eligible; and such retiring and the new election shall take place at the Annual General Meeting: but any intermediate vacancy, by death or retirement, among the elected Council, shall be filled up either at the General Meeting or at the next Council Meeting, whichever shall first happen. Five Members of the Council to constitute a quorum. 3. The Council shall meet to transact the business of the Society on the second Thursday in the months of March, June, September, and December, and at any other time that the Secretary may deem it expedient to call them together. The June Meeting shall always be held in London; those of March, September, and December at Canterbury and Maidstone alternately. But the Council shall have power, if it shall deem it advisable, at the instance of the President, to hold its Meetings at. other places within the county; and to alter the days of Meeting, or to omit a Quarterly Meeting if it shall be found convenient. 4. At every Meeting of the Society or Council, the President, or, in his absence, the Chairman, shall have a casting vote, independently of his vote as a Member. 5. A General Meeting of the Society shall be held annually, in July, August, or September, at some place rendered interesting by its antiquities or historical associations, in the eastern and western divisions of the county alternately, unless the Council, for some cause to be by them assigned, agree to vary this arrangement; the day ancl place of meeting to be appointed by the Council, who shall have the power, at the instance of the President, to elect some Member of the Society connected with the district in which the meeting shall be held, to act as Chairman of such Meeting. At the said General Meeting, antiquities shall be exhibited, and papers read on subjects of archreological interest. The accounts of the Society, having been previously allowed by the Auditors, shall be presented; the Council, through the Secretary, shall make a Report on the state of the Society; and the Auditors and the six new Members of the Council for the ensuing year shall be elected. 6. The Annual General Meeting shall have power to make such alterations in the Rules as the majority of Members present may approve: provided that notice of any contemplated alterations be given, in writing, to the Honorary Secretary, before June the 1st in the then current year, to be laid by him before the Council at their next Meeting; provided, also, that the said contemplated alterations be specifically set out in the notices summoning the Meeting, at least one month before the day appointed for it. 7. A Special General Meeting may be summoned, on the written requisition of seven Members, or of the President, or two Vice-Presidents, which must specify the subject intended to be brought forward at such Meeting; and such subject alone can then be considered. RULES AND REGULATIONS. xv 8. Candidates for admission must be proposed by one Member of the Society, and seconded by another, and be balloted for, if required, at any Meeting of the Council, or at a General Meeting, one black ball in five to exclude. 9. Each Ordinary Member shall pay an Annual Subscription of Ten Shillings, due in advance on the 1st of January in each year; or £5 may at any time be paid in lieu of future subscriptions, as a composition for life. Any Ordinary Member shall pay, on election, an entrance fee of Ten Shillings, in addition to his Subscription, whether Annual or Life. ·Every Member shall be entitled to a copy of the Society's Publications; but none will be issued to any Member whose Subscription is in arrear. The Council may remove from the List of Subscribers the name of any Member whose Subscription is two years in arrear, if it be certified to them that a written application for payment has been made by one of the Secretaries, and not attended to within a month from the time of application. 10. All Subscriptions and Donations are to be paid to the Bankers of the Society, or to one of the Secretaries. ll. All Life Compositions shall be vested in Government Securities, in the names of four Trustees, to be elected by the Council. The interest only of such funds to be used for the ordinary purposes of the Society. 12. No cheque shall be drawn except by order of the Council, and every cheque shall be signed by two Members of the Council and. the Honorary Secl'etary. 13. The President and Secretary, on any vacancy, shall be elected by a General Meeting of the Subscribers. 14. Members of either House of Parliament, who are landed proprietors of the county or residents therein, shall, on becoming Members of the Society, be placed on the list of Vice-Presidents, and with them such other persons as the Society may elect to that office. 15. The Council shall have power to elect, without ballot, on the nomination of two Members, any lady who may be desirous of becoming a Member of the Society. 16. The Council shall have power to appoint as Honorary Members any person likely to promote the interests of the Society. Such Honorary Member not to pay any subscription, and not to have the right of voting at any Meetings of the Society; but to have all the other privileges of Members. 17. The Council shall have power to appoint any Member Honorary Local Secretary for the town or district wherein he may reside, in order to facilitate the collection of accurate information as to objects and discoveries of local interest, and for the receipt of' subscriptions. 18. Meetings for the purpose of reading papers, the exhibition of antiquities, or the discussion of subjects connected therewith, shall be held at such times and places as the Council may app9int. 19. The Society shall avoid all subjects of religious or political controversy. 20. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Society, to be communicated to the Members at the General Meetings. ( xii ) HONORARY LOCAL SECRETARIES. sbfotl.l ill.lfottict. J. D. NORWOOD, ESQ. • • • • • • • • • , Asliforil. 1Sliu:kbeatl) anl.l itei»illbam il!Jisttitt. MR. w. EssINGTON HUGHES • • • • • • • 140 Warilour Street, w. ,J. W. !LOTT, ESQ, REV. H. G. ROLT W. T. NEVE, ESQ, 3Stontle!! 1l!liBttiet. . , . . . . . . . kins, Esq., assisted by the singing-men and chorister-boys, gave an hour's musical entertainment, from 17 to e 2 xliv ROCHESTER MEETING. 8 P.M. This musical recital was greatly enjoyed by the members, who thence proceeded to the Old Corn Exchange, where a most admirable Museum had been arranged, and to the New Corn Exchange, wherein a Conversazione was hospitably given by the MAYOR and Mrs. LEVY, who had invited aU the elite of the neighbourhood to meet the members. An amateur band discoursed sweet music; and at intervals papers were read-one, by Mr. G. L. GoMME, F.S.A., on Boley Hill, Rochester, is printed in this volume; as also is another, by Mr. W. B. Rn1, on The Episcopal Palace anit Bishop Fisher. Mr. Ro.A.CH SMITH, F.S . .A.., also read a paper on Shakespeare at Rochester.