General Index

( 455 ) GENERAL INDEX. f Aam, John, 34. AbbeyWood,Dartford, tumulus in, 308. Aberford ; see Appleford, Allen, HoWett. Abocton; see Boughton. Aohildren, Sinden, 24; William, 24. Acris, 31; see Clareborgh. Acton, Riohard, 37 ; Mildred, 37. Adams, John, Mayor of Eordwich (1720), 88; Bichard, 29; Thos., 29. Adamson, Reginald, 20. Adamson aUas Leigh, Prudence, 20. Adcoke, John, 401. Addington, 21, 34. Administrations, Kentish (1559-1603), 15-40. Adolphus, Mr., 140,152. Adye, John, 18; Nicholas, 17; Roger, 18. JEthelbert, King of Kent, St. Andrew's Churoh, Rochester, built and endowed by, 263. Agar, Mr., 132. Ainger, Rev. Mr., 133. Alan, John, 449. Albery, Anne, 37; Henry, 37; Thomas, 37. Alcook, Rev. J. P., 332. Aldington, Manor, 244; vioarage annexed to Thornham, 244,246-248; Vicars'of, 244. Aldington Cobham, 243. Aldington near Hythe, reotory, 398. Aldington Septvans, 243. Aldington; see Thornham. Ale, Bobert, 220. Alexander, William (Sheldwioh,1379), 296. Aleyn, Sir Cristopher, Knt., 24; Dame Ethelrede, 24. Allen, James, 19; John, 19,20; Susan, aUas Appleford, 37; Wm., 37; see Appleford. Allen, Christopher (1453), 453; Mr. Jo" (1749), 392 ; Roger (1011), 213. Alleyn, Simon (1494), 385; Thomas, Mayor of Eordwich (1694-5), 88. Allington Castle, 20. Amerst, Mary, 22; Robert, 22. Amhurst, Giles, 40 ; Nicholas, 40 ; Mr. (1665), 121. Ampollere, Clement le, 347; Simon le, 347; Wm., 347. Andrewe, Thomas, 38. Andrewes, John, 27; Richard, 40 ; Robert, 27. Andrews, Agnes (1526), 111 n.; Thomas, 329. Androe alias Lash, Alice, 28; Thomas, 28. Anglo-Saxon graves discovered near Dover, 205. Annsley, Nioholas, 32; Susan, 32. Antiquitates Rutupince, notice of coins in, 72. Antoninus, Itinerary of, conjectured date of compilation, 179-80. Apledore, 26. Apleford, William, 38. Apleford, aUas Allen, Susan, 38; aUas Aberford, 39. Apleton, Roger, and Agnes his wife, monumental brass in Crayford Churoh, 328. Ap Mathew, Meredith ap Jen'n, 23. Ap Morgan, Katherine, 25. Appelbie, John (Dartford, 1565), 395. Appelton, Agnes, 388; John, 388. Appledore, the Chutes of, the Rev. A. J. Pearman on, 55-71. Appledore, Home Place in, 58. Appledore, parish registers of, destroyed previous to 1700, 58. Appleford, Appolina, 37 ; see Allen. Appleford. alias Aberford, William, 39. Ap Thomas, Evan, 39 ; Morgan, 39. Archdeacons of Canterbury, 442-6. Archer, William (Saltwood, 1809-10), 425. 456 GENERAL INDEX. Arches in the Castle moat at Roohester, 196-8. Arches, John de, 362. Architecture, examples of, Pre-Norman, 253, 353; Early-Norman, 261, 265, 269-278; Norman, 171, 174, 175, 261, 288, 320, 369, 383, 421; Later-Norman, 171, 261,270,274-8; ^Transition, 285; Early English, 280-2, 321, 369, 384, 409, 421, 423 ; Decorated, 170, 291, 294, 320, 321, L324, 384, 410, 411, 421; Perpendicular, 294, 320, 322. Arden, Thomas, 22. Arkley Chapel, Barnet, Herts, 368. Armstrong, Nicholas, 298; Richard, Vicar of Sheldwich (1571), 298; Thomas, 298. Arneye, John, 385. Arnold, A. A., Esq., on Roman Remains at Erindsbury, 189 ; at Rochester, 193 ; on Mediseval Remains at Rochester, 196. Arnold, Sir Edwin, 178. Arnold, George M., Esq., on the Roman Station of Vagniacse at Springhead, 177. Arnold, Riohard (Sheldwich, 1396), 296. Arundel, Archbishop, attainder of (1396), 51. Arundel Churoh, 54. Arundell, John de, 351; Margeria, 351. Ash, collection of Palaeolithic Implements at, 305. Asheford, 25, 32. Asheley, Geoffrey, 298. Ashenden, Dame Mary, 36 ; Sir William, Knt., 36. Ashendon, Bucks, speoimen of oupshaped brooch at, 315. Ashford Church, rebuilt by John Fogge, Esq., 363. Ashley, John, Rector of St. Paul's Cray (1662-1703), 287. Aspinall, Nicholas (Dartford, 1559), 395. Asten, Agnes, 26 ; William, 26. Astley, Dr., 203; family and monuments, 453. Atte Brok, Johanna, 347; Roger, 347. Atte Chapele, Agnes, 340; James, 340; Richard, 340; Thomas, 340. Atte Chaumbre, Thomas, 443; Walter, 443. Atte Cherche, Alice, 346; Hamo, 346. Atchurch, Riohard (Eordwich, 1303), 87. ,Atte Cruche, Henry, 345; Thos., of Westgate, 346. Atte Gore, Adam, 338. Atkins, Thomas, 22, 24; Anne, 22, 24; Elizabeth, 24 ; Mr., 151. Atte Knoll, Agnes, 338 ; John, 338. Atte Lese, arms, 290; Cecilia, 290 n.; Dionisia, 290 ; Lora, 290; Lucy, 290; Marcellus, 290; Richard, 290; Sampson, 290. Atte Noke, Adam, 352. Atte Nynne, Alice, 345 ; Walter, 345. Atte Pette, Margeria, 351. Atte Pond, John (Bexley, 1385), 379. Atterbury, Johan, 15 ; John, 15. Atte Stonpette, Thomas, founder of Stanpit Chantry, Dartford, 393. Aucher, Anthony, 365; Sir Anthony, of Surrenden (1549), 56. Audley End, Lord Suffolk's place in Essex, 157, 159. Aula or Camera de Lyminge, 50, 51. Austen, Mrs. Ann, 372; Edward, 371; Sir Edward, Bart., of Boxley Abbey, 371; Sir Edward, Bart., of Tenterden,' 70; Elizabeth, daughter of Edward, 371; Elizabeth, afterwards Lady Dacres, 371 ; Elizabeth (ne'e Stawell), 371; Mr. Harry, of Canterbury, 303 ; John, 371 ; Sir John, Bart., 371; Phillis, 33 ; Rachel, Lady (nee Dashwood), 372; Mr. Robert, 158; Robert, 370, 371; the Hon. Robert, 371; Sir Robert, 370-2; Mrs. Stawell, 372; Thomas, 33, 370; Walter, 31; William, 370. Austin, Mr. H. G., 256; Robert, of Eordwich (1726), 88 ; Sir Robert (1663-4), 115. Austine, Wm., 401. Auston alias Blome, Agnes, 36. Austridge, Robert, 32. Aven, John (Sheldwich, 1561), 298. Aware, John, 29 ; Mary, 29. Awder, George (1512), 105. Awsten, Anne, 24 ; Gervase, 24. Axton, hundred of; see Ruxley. Ayerst, Elizb., 26; John, 26. Aylesforde, 18, 32. Aylward, Edward, 26; Elizabeth, 26. Aynesford, 30, 34,38. Bacchild (Bapehild), Wm. Sale, Vicar of, 299. Baohelour, Capt. I., 442; Margaret, 442. Backhouse, J. B. (Cheriton, 1789), 367. Bacon, Robert, 385. Badcokk, John, 93. Badgergmount, Darenth Wood, earthwalled enclosure at, 806. GENERAL INDEX. 457 Badlesmere, 302, 303. Bagnall, Henry, 446; Rebecca, 446. Baieux, Odo, Bp. of, chief lord of Thornham, at Domesday survey, 243. Bainarde alias Barnarde, Edward (Dartford, 1501), 395. Baisden, 287. Bakechilde, 338. Baker (Kent Administrations), 20, 27, 30, 33, 35, 36. Baker, George, 147; Henry (Cheriton, 1570-84), 365 ; Heroules, 404. Bakere, Thomas, 340. Baker's Walks, Roohester, 199. Balam, Edmund, 332. Baldock, Richard, 38. Baldwyn's Park, Dartford, tumulus in, 308. Balser, John, 33. Bam, Katherine, 22; Thos., 22. Bamberg, John, 384 »., 388. Banberyfeldes, in Broomfield, 251. Banbury, Roger, 24; Wm., 24. Bancks, Alexander, 19 bis; Hellen, 19; John, 19. Bancroft, Peter, 39 ; Robert, 39. Bank-house Earm, 365. Banks, Mr., discovery of Roman remains at Rochester, 194; description of Priory Wall, Rochester, 201. Bapehild; see Bacchild. Baptista, John, 20. Barenton, Nicholas de, 346; Philip, 346. Baret, Valentine, 290 n. Barger alias Macklin, Angela, 37; Wm., 37. Barham, James, 24; Thomas, 24. Barkell, Anthony, 220. Barker, John, 23 ; Riohard, 26 ; Robt., 26. Barker, Elizabeth, 219; John, 219; Mr., 301; William (Crayford, 1577), 332. Barn, Edward, 93. Barnard, Edward (Bexley, 1808), 381. Barneham, Martin, 59 M.; Wm. de, 443. Barnes, Henry, 23. Barnewell, George, 214. Barnham, Anne, 62; Sir Martin, 62. Baron, James (Pordwioh, 1673-4), 88. Baroun, Agatha, 348; Thomas, of Reylegh, 348. Barowe, William a, 106,112. Barr, John, 28; Thos., 28. Barret, Meriel, 370; Mr., 144. Barrett, Mr., 402. Barrington, Pranois, 29; Henry, 29. Barrow, Colonel P. H. Stanley, 425. Barrow aUas Moore, Elizb., 37. Barton (aUas Burton), Joshua, 446. Bartlett, John, 395 n. Barynton, John de, 345; Matilda, 345; Peter, 345. Basden, John, 18; Ursula, 18; William, 18. Basilica of Lyminge, observations on, 46; double one founded by St. Paulinus at Nola, 48, 54. Basilical Church, only remains of a, in England, 47. Basingstoke, Mr. Chute of, 56. Basset, alias Pathers, alias Mills, 39. Batchelor, Joane, 40 ; Henry, 40. Batcocke, Edward, 18; Katherine, aUas Basden, 18. Bate, Robert, of Lydd, Esq., 413. Bates, Isaac (Sheldwich, 1667), 299; Richard (Eordwich, 1651), 88. Bathurst, Sir Edward, 159. Batt, Joan, 19; Thos., 19. Battyscroft, in Broomfield, 251. Bayley, Henry, 401; John, 449. Baythoyte, 287. Beale family, 453; Sir John, 453; Thomas, 22, 453. Bean, Ann, 411; Elizabeth, 411; Robinson, 405, 411, 414. Beane, Marion, 26; William, 26. Beckenham, 20, 25, 35, 36. Beoket, Thomas h, conjectured skull of, 260; altar of the tomb of, 255 ; north ohanoel of Dartford Churoh dedicated to, 384. Beoket's coffin, probable position of (1170-1220), 254. Beddersden, 27. Bedgbury, 16. Bees, bequest of, to churchwardens, 374. Bekesbourne, 102; its connection with Hastings, 79. Belcher, Mr. Taswell, 357; W. D., Kentish Brasses, 388-9, 454. Belcher, Mr., 370 n. Belke, Antony, 291; Canon Wm. (1602-1676), 291; Christopher, 291; Edwin, 291; Elizabeth, 291; Gabriel, 291; George, 291; John, 291; Mary, 291; Michael, 291; Major Michael, 291; Rebecca, 291; Susanna, 291; Thomas, 291; Valentine, 291. Belke, William; see Poloyn. Bell, Mrs. Ann, 412 ; Rev. John, 446; Mr. Luther, 259. Bellingham, Ed., 19. Bellirica in Lymne, 437. Benbowe, Basil, 31; Ric, 31. Bendish, Martha, 24; Rooke, 24. 458 GENERAL INDEX. Benenden, 18, 26,29, 30, 32,34, 450. Bennet, Richard (1665-6), 123. Bennett (Kent Administrations), 28, 32, 34, 39. Bens, James, of Chatham (1647), 214. Benson, Mariane, 27; Thos., 27. Bentley, Cristopher (Eordwich, 1465), 87; (1514), 87, 95; John, 95 ; Thomas, 94. Benyndenn, 345. Berehelton, 343. Bere family arms, 390. Bere, Anne, 391; Edward, 390, 391; Henry, 391; John, 390, 391; his children, 391. Bereham, Michael de (Saltwood, 1310), 425. Berens, Rev. E., 282 n. Beresforde, John, 20. Berkeley, Lady Mary, 375; Charles, Lord Viscount Eitzharding, 375. Bersted, 40. Bery, Thomas a, 106,112. Besbich, George, 36. Besbiche, Margerie, 19; Richard, 19. Besbitch, Micol, 30; Riohard, 30. Best, Thos., of Old Surrenden, 70. Best alias Richbell, Alice, 18. Beste, Mary, 21; Nicholas, 21. Bethersden, 342; the Chutes of, 55-71. Bethersden, lands in, 58, 66, 68, 69. Betle, Thomas (Thornham, 1427), 244. Betsom, Roman tumuli at, 308, 313. Bettes, Wm., 33. Betteshanger Churoh Tower, 384. Bettesle, wm, Cheuenyng, 352. Betts alias Lane, Elizb., 33. Betts, Major, of Norfolk, 59. Beveridge, Bishop, plan of an Eastern basilica given in his Syndicon, 49. Beverley, Christopher (Eordwich, 1480), 87; owner of Tanorey Island Estate, 89; Beatrix, 89; William, 89. Bexley Church, dimensions, 369; painted windows, tiles, ancient screen, 369 n.; memorial brasses in, 373, 377; Vicarage, 378».; list of Vicars, 378-82. Bexley, Manor of, 369. Bexley Heath, Upton, coins found at, 313. Bexley (Kent Administrations), 17,20, 22, 31; lands in, 214, 351. Bible, presentation of a, to King Charles II,, at Dover, 366. Biokerstaffe, Sir Charles (1676), 156. Biddenden, 16, 31, 33. Biga, Sybern, 243. Bigg, John, 89%; George (Eordwich, 1579), 88, 89 re.; Sarah, 89 re.; Stephen, 89 n.; Thomas (1660), 88; Walter (1613), 88, 89 n. bis. Bigge, Marion, 20; Walter, 20) Walter (Eordwich, 1606, 1621), 88. Biggs of Benenden, note relating to the family of, 89 ; Thomas, 90. Bilton, Henry (1719-43), 366. Bingham, Adam, 15; Anthony, 23; George, 15. Bingham, Joseph, of Crayford, 329; Rev. Richard, 303. Bingham's Antiquities, 303. Birohington, Crispes of Quex in, 89. Bird, Mr. (attorney), 140,155; Joan, 24; Robt., 24. Birde, Anna, 15 ; Henry, 15. Birling, 36. Biron, Rev. Edwin, 439, 446; Rev. H. B., 446. Bishop, Thomas (Cheriton, 1603-30), 365. Bisshopsborn, 21. Bix family, note on the, 90; John, 88, 401; Thos., 88. Blaoke, Julian, 33 ; Robert, 33. Blackdou, Elizabeth, alias Worthe, 34. Bladigdon, John de, 373; Maud de, 373; see Blendon. Blakeben Strete, Bexley, 374. Bland, John, 32; Mabel, aUas Ridding, 32. Blaxland, John (Fordwioh, 1767-75), 89. Blayne, Thomas (Crayford), 332. Blean, 337. Blechenden, John, 26. Blen, Le, next Chileham, 338. Blendon Hall, formerly Bladindon, 373 ; owners of, 373-8. Blome alias Auston, 36. Blomfield, Sir Arthur, 398; Rev. G. J., 397; J. C, of Launton, 238. Blore, John, 385. Blount, Edward le, 346 ; Sara, 346. Blundell, Johan, alias Meadehurste, 34; Elizb., 37; Ropus, 37; Theodora, 370. Blyth, Bp. of Jerusalem, 432; Edward Hamilton (Saltwood), 432. Bobbing Court, 36. Bocton, 337. Boctone Mounchensy, 348. Bogas, Joan, 22 ; William, 22. Bokeland, John, 407 ». Boley Hill, Rochester, urns, coins, lachrymatories, etc, at, 195; Roman wall at, 271«.; remarkable tree on, 200. GENERAL INDEX. 459 Boley-hill House, residence of the Gordon family, 200. Bolney, Thomas (1475-97), 364. Bond, Thomas (1500), 385. Boniface, Archbishop, his residence at Lyminge (1260), 50. Bonnington, East Bridge watering in, 401-2; Reotory, 402 n. Bonny, Elizb., 44.2; Rev. Peter, 442, 445. Bonwicke, Ambrose, 211; will, 227; Elizabeth, 211. Books, Church, destructive use of, at Eaversham, 110. Boorne, John, 33. Boothe, Dionisia, 27; George, 27. Borage, Andrew, 15; Anthony, 15; Thomas, 15. Bore, Alice, aUas Lesden, 19; Edmund, 19 ; Joane, 19; Mary, 19; Riohard, 220. Borman, Nicholas, 36; Anne, alias Sedgar, 36. Borne, Elizabeth, 218; Katherine, 219; John, 219 ; William, 105. JBos longifrons, 3, 267 n. Bossevile, Elizabeth, 25. Bostol Heath, tumulus on, 308. Boswell, Edward, 30; Robt., 30. Boteler, Anne, 112; John, 112. Botiller, Johanna le, 341; Riohard le, 341. Bott, Jane, 39. Botter, Walter, 443. Boughton Aluph, 55. Boughton Bleane, 29; on a monument at, 241; Percival Radcliffe, Vicar, 299. Bound, Petronilla, 24. Bounde, Alice', 24 ; Elizb., 24; Lucy, 24; Nicholas, 24; Wombwell, 24. Bourchier, William, 449. Bourne, Bartholomew, of Sharsted, 290 n.; Joanna, 290 n.; John, 221; Mr., 160, Bower Lane, palaeolithic implements, 305. Bowlby, Rev. Henry Bond, M.A.,398. Boxle, 352, Johanna de, 338; William de, 338. Boxley, 25; Edw. Choute of, 65. Boycote, Thomas (Eordwich, 1670), 88; William (Eordwioh, 1652), 88. Boycott, Thomas, 401. Boyde, John, 444. Boys, 5 ; Sir Edward, 366; Jane, 425; Thomas, 425. Bradbury, Godfrey, 38. Bradfield, Robert, 444. Bradford, Abraham, 101; Robert, 444. Bradley, Robert (Sheldwich, 1505), 297. Bradshawe, Charlotte, 355 ; Rachel A. Harden, 355. Bradwardine, Archbishop, 170. Brampton, Thomas de (1363), 363. Bramston arms impaling Deedes, 412. Brancaster in Norfolk, 41. Brand, Elizabeth, 40; Henry, 40. Brasses, 454; in Bexley Church, 373-4; at Cheriton, 355; in Dartford Church, 390 ; at Sheldwich, 290-1. Brastede, 16, 40. Brattle, Mr., 162. Braybourne, Lord, 368. Brayfield, Thomas, 28. Breckenden, Lidia, 66; Thomas, 66. Brede, land in, 58. Bredgar, Jas. Tonge of, 29. Bredger, Joan, 20; Robt., 20. Bredgman, John, 405, 416. Bredkyrke, Henry (1551), 297. Brenchley, 16, 23, 36 ; see Brentchley. Brenchley, Joan, 378. Brent, Robert, 17 ; Thos., 17. Brent, Sir Nicholas (1633), 329. Brentchley, 32. Breton, Alice, 350; John, 350. Brett (Kent Administrations), 17, 20, 22,26. Brett, Sir Edward, of Blendon Hall, 375 ; Mr. Eisher, 375. Brickenden, Katherine, 22. Bridger, Edith, 440; John, 440; Thomas, 440. Bridges, Prancis, 39 ; John, 32, 39 ; Mary, 30 ; Wm. 30, 331; arms impaling Deedes, 412. Bridgman, Stephen, 27. Bright, Barbara, 22; Margaret, alias Rodes, 37 ; Margaret, 37 ; Robert, 37. Briscoe, John, of London (1663), 214. Bristol, Lord (1663), 115. British Remains at Darbford, 304-318. British Village at Ramsgate, i-4. Broadnax, Ann, 356 ; Thomas, of Godmersham, 356. Broadnax, Joane, wife of Robert, 356; Robert, of Cheriton, 365. Brockhill (or BrockhuU), Elizabeth, 423; Margaret, 423 ; Thomas, 422, 423; William, 423. Brockman family, memorial tablets to, at Cheriton, 355 ; pedigree, 355. Brockman, Caroline, 367; F. Drake, 368; James, 366, 367; Captain John, 357; Maria, 353; Mary, 357; Ralph D., 367; Thomas, 367; William, 363, 365. 460 GENERAL INDEX. Brockman, Henry, of Beachborough, 356 ; Rev. Tatton, 353, 367, 368. Brockman, J. Drake, M.A. (Cheriton, 1849), 367. Brode, John, 108. Broghton, John (Saltwood, 1362), 426. Brokeforde, William de, 342. Brokehill, Edward, Lord of Aldington Manor, 247 n.; Henry, 243. Brokesoroft, in Crayford, 325. Brokhill, Christian de, 362 ; William de, 362; Thomas de, 362. Brome, James (1679-1719), 333, 366. Bromidge, Abraham, Vicar of Sheldwich (1625), 298; his children, 298-9; Lydia, 298. Bromley, 17,18, 33, 39, 40. Bronze thumb, hollow, supposed to be a Roman votive offering, 8. Brook, Sarah, 66. Brooke, Sir Henry, Cobham, Knt., 30; Henry, 33 ; Margaret, 33; Mr., 200. Brooke, John, of Rochester, 214. Broome, Rev. J., Reotor of Cheriton (1679-1719), on Human Remains at Hythe, 333. Broome Park, 68. Broomfield, 433; Hatch epitaph, 252 n. Broomfield, Roses Farm in, 251-2, 433-5. Brotherhedds Wood, in Eordwich, 89. Broughton, Elizabeth, 28; Roland, 28. Broun, Robert, of Sandwich, 342. Brown, the Rev. Claude, 409 ; John, 15; Katherine, 15; Ralph, 15 ; Stephen, 93 ; Thomas, 435. Browne, Margaret, alias Praunces, 26 ; Robert, 39. Browne, Edm. (Dartford, 1554), 395; Edward, 102; Ellen, 396; Henry, Mayor of Eordwich (1712), 88; John (Dartford, 1575), 395; Riohard, 219. Browne, Rev. J. Cave, on Vicars of Thornham-cum-Aldington, 243-50; Hist, of Maidstone Church, 451-4. Brownstone, Anthony (1587), 249. Bruce; see Knight. Bruer, John (Dartford, 1553), 395. Brumley, 23. Brunstede, Rector of, 394. •Bruyton, John de(Saltwood, 1320), 426. Bryght, William, 418. Buokhurst, Agnes, 36 ; Elizabeth, 36; Joan, 36; Thomas, 36; William, 36. Buckiner, Alice, 18; Walter, 18. Buckland (Dover), list of Roman remains found at, 204. Buckmere, Alice, 19; Eaith, 19;, Walter, 19. Bucknam, Thomas, 26. Buokwell, Rev. Wm. B., 368. Bucler, Walter, Esq. (1544), 56. Budd, Dr., 293. Bugle, Elena, 351; John, 351. Bulbeck, Geoffrey, benefactor to Crayford Church, 327. Bully (Boley) Hill, Rochester, 33. Bunce, J. B., Sheldwich (1818), 302. Bunche, Elizabeth, alias Johnson, 34; William, 34. Bunton, John (Bexley, 1566), 379 ; Margaret, 379. Burchett, Walter, 220. Burden, Frances, 32; Wm., 38. Bureford, John de, 337; Roesia de, 337. Burford, John, 385. Burges, Dorothy, 36; Paul, 36; Thomas, 23. Burgham, 352. Burgis, Edmund, 34; Joan, 34. Burleyson and Grylls, painted windows by, in Bexley Church, 369 re. Burlton, Katryn, 388; Rychard, "Jantilman," 388. Burne, Elizabeth, 220. Burney, Edward Kaye (1849), 250. Burroughs, Ellis (1833), 250. Burrows, Prof. Montagu, his sketoh of the Cinque Ports, 83. Burston alias Buston, 20. Burt, Thomas, 27. Burte alias Peckham, Elizabeth, 27. Bury, Alice, 19; Ann, 19 ; Jeffrey, 19; Johan, 19; John, 19. Bushebre, Paul, 220. Bushingbury, 94, 95. Bushopp, John, 15; Riohard, 15. Busterde, Milon, 32 ; William, 32. Buston alias Burston, 20. Butcher, Alioe, alias Chambers, 32. Butler, Sir Oliver (1663), 115. Butte, Thomas, 17- Butter, Harry, 413, 418 n. Button, bronze, found in Saxon grave at Crayford, 316. Buttyvant, Dorothy, 36; Roger, 36. Bycroft, Henry, 18; Wm., 18. Bydenden, 18, 19. Bygge, John, benefactor to Crayford Church, 326. Bylls, Isabella, 26; Wm., 26. Bylsyngton, Robert, 106; "Gentil of Kent," 112. Byniman, Brigid, 21; Henry, 21. Byrkhede, John, 448-9. Bysh, Sir Edward, King at Arms (1663), 114. Bysshopeston, Thomas de, 342. GENERAL INDEX. 461 Cseser, Thomas, gent., 24. Cage, Alice, 453; John, 453; Mr., 140; Robert, 453; Col. William,' 250. Calehull, John de, 362. Calewe, John, Mayor of Fordwich (1377), 87. Calkin, Margaret, 27; Robert, 27. Calway, John, 93, 95. Camber Castle, description of, 57 re. Campbell, 293. Canterbury, land in, 343,346, 347, 348; St. Margaret's Church bell, 434. Canterbury Cathedral, paper on St. Anselm's Chapel in, 169-73, 174-6; on the crypt of, 253-6; surgical report on a skeleton found in the orypt of, 257-260. Capell, 15, 28. Carausius, coins of, 43. Carden, Alice, alias Padnall, 21; Thomas, 21, 445. Cardwell's Documentary Annals, order to be observed by communicants at Crayford Church, in, 329. Carkaridge, Wm., of Hide, 34. Carkeredge, Gervase, 89. Carpenter, Catherine, alias Price, 27 ; John, 27; Philip, 40; Robert, 34; Thomas, 40; Vincent, 95; William, 34. Carter, Cristopher, 221; John (1586), 213; Thomas, Saltwood (1663), 430. Case, la, Manor of, 343. Caseborne, Catherine de, 358; Thomas de, 358. Caseborne, Manor of, 358. Caseborne or Catesmore, 359. Casteleyn, arms, 373 n. Castilayn, Henry, 373, 374; Simon, 374; see Chastelyn. Castle Bridge, Rochester, ancient arch under, 197. Castle Street, afterwards Castle Lane, Rochester, 197. Caswell, Thomas, Mayor of Fordwich (1510), 87. Catesmore; see Caseborne. Caudebek, John (1432), 297. Caulfield, Ann, daughter of Toby, Lord, 374. Cawse, Abraham, 38. Cayser, Elizabeth, 31; Wm., 31. Caythorpe Church, Lincolnshire, peculiarity in the design of, 321. Cely family, arms, 292. Cely, John, 290; brass in Sheldwich Church, 291. Cemetery Gate, belonging to the precincts of Roohester Priory, 200. Ceriton, Isabella de, 362; John de, ; 362; Margaret de, 362 ; Robert de, 362; Roger de, 362 bis; Walran, 362; William de, 362; see Cheriton. Cerne, John, 343 ; Margaret, 343. Chambers, Charles, M.A., Dartford (1718), 396; William (1724), 292. Chambers (Kent Administrations), 21, 32, 38, 39. Champneis, Catherine, 370; Henry, 370 re.; Sir John, 370; Justinian, 370 bis ; Riohard, 370, 370 re. ; Sarah, 370 re.; William, 370 n. Champneys, Mr. Basil (architect), 369. Chaucel screen, wooden, in St. Paul's Cray Church, 282. Chapman, Alice, 21; Elizabeth, 25; James, 434; John, 25. Chapman, Isabella le, 352 ; Jocosa le, 348; John (Saltwood, 1741), 430; Richard (1726), 287; Simon le, 352 ; Thomas le, 348. Chapman, family of, 287; Rev. E. W., of St. Paul's Cray Hill, 287. Charleton, Helene, 19 ; Henry, 19. Charleton, 33. Charnock, Roger (Dartford, 1650), 396. Charrier, Benjamin (1599), 249, 249 n. Charte, 35 ; see Chert. Chartham, 22, 36, 366. Oharyte, Alexander, benefactor to Crayford Church, 327. Chastelyn, Castilayn, arms in Bexley Church, 373. Chatham, 29, 35, 3,1, 38; Parva, 340, 341. Chawnoe, Nicholas, 24; William, 24. Chedingstone, 35. Cheney, Sir Thomas, 89. Cheriton, Manor of, 358, 362. Cheriton Church, 353-368; monumental brasses, 355 ; anoient effigies in, 357; porch, 361; communion plate, 361; patrons, 362; Rectors of, 363-8; see Ceriton. Cherryng (Charing), 337. Chert Magna, 342. Chest, Thos., 445. Chester, Jane, 39; Richard, 39. Chettell, John, 30. Chevening, 2]„ 38; rectory, 368. Chewt (Chute), Arthur, and Margaret his wife, monumental brass to, in All Saints'Church, Ellough, Suffolk, 71. Cheyne, Charles, 370 re. Chichele, Archdeacon Thomas, 444. Child, John (Cheriton, 1458-74), 364; monumental brass at Cheriton, 355. Chileham, 338. Chilham, 20, 58. 462 GENERAL INDEX. Chillenden, Thomas, Prior of Christ Church, Canterbury (1396), 296. Ohinnery, Elizabeth, 212. Chirohe, James, Vioar of Thornham, 247; Thomas, 418. Chislehurst Churoh, rood-stair, 323. Chislehurst, 40, 214. Chistelet, 343. Chiswell, Francis, 360. Chittenden, Joan, 24; Robert, 24. Chittendon or Chyttington, 287. Chollerton, Edmund (1514), 428. Choute or Chute family, the Rev. A. J. Pearman on, 55-71; see Chutes. Choute, Alice, 66 ; Anne, 66. Choute, Charles, 56; Cicely, 69. Choute, Edward, son of George, 63 ; Edward (ob. 1659), 68. Choute, Sir Edward, 63. Choute, George, of Old Surrenden (1613), 59-63; George, son of Edward, 67, 68; George, afterwards Sir George, Knt., of Bethersden, 69. Choute, Sir George, Bart., 69; last representative of the Kentish Choutes, 71. Choute, Lydia, 63. Choute, Nioholas, mentioned in will of Edward, 66. Choute, Philip, son of Edward, 66; Philip, alias Chute, 56. Choute, or Chute, Sir Walter, 60; imprisonment for seditious speeches, 61. Christopher, Joan, 28 ; Richard, 28. Chucks, John (1715), 287. Churoh goods stolen, at St. Paul's Cray, 284; at Crayford, 327; at Faversham, 112. Chute, arms, 57re., 59; antiquity of the name, 56 re. Chute, Anne, 61 n.; Anthony, 58. Chute, Chaloner, 71; Charles, 56. Chute, Edmond, 56; Edward, 58; Elizabeth, 62 n. Chute, Elizabeth, wife of John Taylor, buried in Kingsnorth Church, 71. Chute, George, 58; George, knighted (1608), 61; his will, 63. Chute, Margaret, buried in Leigh's Chapel, Lambeth Church, 62 n. Chute, Mr., of the Vyne, 56. Chute, Philip, of Surrenden, 56-59; Thomas, 56»., 58; Sir Walter, 60, 61n. Chute Hall, co. Kerry, 62, 71. Chutes of Bethersden, Appledore, and Hinxhill, 55-71. Chutes, of Old Surrenden, 55; Lords of the Manor of Taunton, in Somersetshire (1268-1500), 56; Lords of the Manor of Stockwell, 62; see Choute. Chydingstone, 17. Chyttington; see Chittendon. Cnque Ports, charter of Edward I. to the, 81; mode of inflicting capital punishment in, 83. City Corn Cross, Rochester, 201. Clare, Gilbert de, Earl of Gloucester, his homage to Archbishop Peckham, at Lyminge (1279), 50-1. Clare, Claudius, 446. Clareborgh alias Acris, William (Cheriton, 1445), 364. Clark, Osmond, 155; Thomas, 293. Clarke, Henry, 35; Richard, 35. Clay, Riohard, 23. Clayton, Mr. William, 203. Clement, Nioholas, 26,; Thomas, 347 ; Thomazin©, 26. Clerk, John le, 340 ; Dame Joyce, 28 ; Margaret, 16; Riohard, 16;; ?Sir Roland, Knt., 28; William, 16. Clerke, Pardinand, 37 ; Jocosa, 37; John, 413 ; Sir Rowland, Knt., 37. Cleves, Ann of, at Dartford, 391-2. Cliffe at Hoo, Rectory, 397. Clifford, Sir Conier, Kt., 36; Dame Mary, 36. Clinch, Geo., Antiquarian Jottings, 454. Clinton, Alice, 24 ; John, 24. Clynton, Elizabeth, 24; Henry, 24; Joan, 24 ; John, 24 ; William, 24. Clynton, Juliana de, 346 ; William de, 346. Coaste, Richard, 33 ; see Coste. Cobb, Eleanor, 292 ; John, 292. Cobeham, Reginald de, 343. Cobham, 34; College, 447-50; Sir John de, 447-8; Lord, 449-50. Cooke, Isabella, 37; Philip, 37. Cockerell, Maria, 28. Cockes, Mr., 220. Cookett, John, 37 ; Sampson, 37. Cocks, Elizabeth, 24; John, 24. Cooksheath, 118. Codd, John, 24; Thomas, 24. Codham, 344. Coffin, leaden, found at Bexley, 313. Coffin-lids, stone, dug up at St. Paul's Cray, 282, 283. Coffins, stone, found in crypt of Canterbury Cathedral, 255, 256; at Dartford, 312. Cogan, Sir Andrew, 160. Coins, found, at Ramsgate, 2 ; at Richborough, 5, 12, 72-75; at Lymne, 43, 44, 45; at Springhead, 188; at GENERAL INDEX. 463 Erindsbury, 190,192; at Roohester, 194, 195; at Dartford, 312; at Bexley Heath, Upton, 313. Coins, cup-shaped, 316; date of the earliest scyphate, 316; mystical figures on, 316; their historical importance, 45. Cok, John A., of Swynefeld, 345; Leticia, 345. Cokkys, John, 385. Coldwell, John (Saltwood, 1580), 430. Cole, Alioe, alias Williard, 26; Elizabeth, 18, 37; John, 37; Richard, 18 ; Robert, minister of Bethersden, 69; William, 18. Colebourne, Mr., sorivener, 159, 160, 164. Colons, Robt., 444. Colepeper, Ann, 453; Sir Ric, 453; Sir William, 453; see Culpeper. Coleson alias Haynes, Anna, 40. Colkyn, Alina, 341; Thomas, 341. Collen, William (1526), 111 re. Collie, Rafe, 40. Collins family, 405. Collier, Jesse, 25 ; Margaret, 25. Collyer, John, 378; Sarah, 39; William, 39. Collyns, Giles, 414; John, 414; his arms, 414. Colman, Margaret, 16; Thomas, 16. Colson, Elizabeth, 17. Columpna, Archdeacon Prosper de, 443. Colverhagh, land in Broomfield, 251. Combden, John, 36 ; Wm., 36. Combe, John de, 337. Combden, John, 36 ; William, 36. Combewell Priory, advowson of St. Peter's, Aldington, granted to, 244. Comfort, " goodmim," 138. Communion plate, at Cheriton, 361-2; at Crayford, 327-8; at Dartford, 392. Compton, Dr., Bp. of London, 237,238. Conntrey, Bennetta, 89 n.; Jerome, 89 n.; John, 89 n. Conntrey, Thomas, Mayor of Fordwich (1572,1577), 88, 89. Consistory Court of the Bp. of Rochester, at Dartford, 386. Constantine, peculiar features of the ohurohes founded by him, 46. Constantine family, coins of the, 43, 44. Cook, Sir Edward (1667), 128. Cook, Thomas (Cheriton, 1437), 364. Cooke, Agnes, 34; Edmund, of Lesnes, 379; Edmund, of North Cray, 380; Elizabeth, 378 M.; Elizabeth, alias Nicholson, 31; George, 378 »., 381; Henry, 378 n.; John, 17, 31; of Broadwater, 378 n.; Katherine, 17 ; Robert, Mayor of Fordwich, 87; Thos., 34; William, 34, 385. Cookeson, Elizabeth, widow, 33. Coole, Richard, 26. Cooling, Mr. Rutton, Rector of, 302. Cooper, Edward, 22; Elizabeth, 214 ; Robert, of Bexley (1663), 214; Thomas, Mayor of Fordwich (1848-75), 89. Coote, Hon. Thomas, 381. Cootes, Katherine, 22; Richard, 22. Copwhayte, Henry, 20. Corby, Alioe, 350; John, 350. Cormick, Edward Henry, 357. Cornehell, Emma de, 352; Peter de, 352. Cornwell, Alice, 38; Thomas, 38. Coruayser, Johanna, 339; Robert, 339 ; William, 339. Cosin, Dr., Bishop of Durham, 375; Mary, 375. Coste, Edmund, 33 ; see Coaste. Cosyn, John, Mayor of Fordwich (1522), 87, 95; Philip, 94 bis. Cottingham's repairs of Rochester Cathedral, cost of, 277 n. Coulcher, Rev. G. B., 438-41, 446. Coulyng (Cooling), 341. Court at Street Chapel of St. Mary, 447. Courtenay, Archbishop, licence to pull down some of his manor houses, to repair Saltwood Castle, 51. Covenay, Mr. John, 402. Coventree, James, 27; Katherine, 27. Coward, Edmund, 19. Cowarde alias Quyer, Edward, 19. Cowden, 18, 32, 34, 39. Cowdry, William, 34. Cowell, Robert, 298 ; William, Vicar of Sheldwich, 298 ; Susan, 298. Cowkow, Richard, 40 ; Thomas, 40. Cowper, Earl (Fordwich, 1732), 88; Elianor, 28 ; Thomas, 28. Cowpere, William, 385. Cox, Agnes, 27; Col. Chas. Jas., Mayor of Fordwich (1884), 89; John, 27; Robert, 252; William, 252. Crane, the, on quay at Fordvvioh, 95. Cranbrooke, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 38, 39. Cranmer, Archdeacon Edmund, 442, 445. Crawford, Robert, of Donegal, 212. Cray, St. Paul's, Major A. Heales on the ohuroh of, 279-287; see St. Paul's Cray. 464 GENERAL INDEX. Crayford, 17, 21, 22, 30, 35, 40; stone implements at, 305 ; Roman remains at, 316; curious surnames at, 332. Crayford Church, origin of name, 319; " Erhede " in Domesday Book, 319 ; dimensions, 320; peculiar nave, 321; Inventory of church goods, 327; bells, 327; monumental remains, 328 ; parish registers, 330; Rectors, 332. Crayford Church, Major A. Heales, F.S.A., on, 319-332. Crayford, manor of," Erde " in Domesday, 279. Craythorne, manor of, belonging to the Choute family, 68 n. Crek, John, Sheldwich (1400), 296. Creeke, John (Dartford, 1438), 394. Crenlyn, John, 93. Crensted alias Williams, Alice, 20. Cresheld, Mary, 326 ; Richard, 326. Creswell, Henry, 36. Creye, Stephen, 350. Creypaulin, 279. Crispe, Hen., 90; John, of Thanet, 56. Crispes, the, of Quex, 89. Crisp family, 82 re. Croft, Archdeacon, his arms quartering Bowes, in Saltwood Church, 424; grave and tombstone of self and daughter, in churchyard, 424; Rector of Saltwood (1812), 431, 437. Croft, John, 39. Croft alias Chambers, Elizabeth, 39. Croft alias Lurch, Ellen, 39. Cromer, Catherine, 36 ; James, 36 ; William, 36; Dr. George, 449-50. Crompe, John, Vicar of Thornham (1614), 249. Croomer, Erances, 35; James, 35. Crosby, Wm., 442. Crossness, Roman remains at, 309. Crostonnysmede, in Broomfield, 251. Crostonshawes, in Broomfield, 251. Crouchman, John (Sheldwioh, 1404), 296. Crow Lane, Rochester, 198. Crowe, Alioe, 339; John, 339. Crowle, manor of, Lincolnshire, 164. Crown Inn, Roohester, 200. Croydon, 27; Simon de, of Moriston, 338. Crush, William, 29; alias Dowlinge, John, 29. Cryel, Thomas, 347. Cryppon, William (Sheldwioh, 1505), 297. Crypt of Canterbury Cathedral, 253-6. Culpeper, Cicely, 71; Sir Cheyney, 401; Margaret, alias Sedley, 17; Poininges, 16 ; Richard, 17; Thomas, 16; Sir Thomas, 71; Walter, 20. Culuerdon, William de, 343. Cumber, " Goodman " (1663), 114. Cumberland, Martha, 90; Robert, Vioar of Chilham, 90. Cumbwell,formerlyCombewell,foundation of an Abbey at, afterwards changed into a priory, 243-4. Cumbwell Priory, deeds, charter among the, relating to Thornham, 243. Cup-shaped brooches, mystical figures on, 316. Currey, John (Dartford, 1778), 397. Curteys, Alexander, Mayor of Fordwich (1313), 87. Curvaspina (Crookthome, or Crowthorn), Ralph de, 243. Custumal at Fordwioh, 92. Cuttle, John, 22. Dacres, Elizabeth, Lady (ree'e Austen), 371. D'Aeth's, of Knowlton, 390. Dale, Rev. Frederic Spencer, 398. Dalison, Sir Charles, 161. Dalison, Maximilian, Esq., of Hamptons, near Tunbridge, 416; Maximilian Dudley Digges, 416. Dallison, Maximillian, 28 ; Roger, 28; Silvester, alias Deane, 28. Dallyson, William, 21. Dan, Richard, 28 ; Thomas, 28. Danbour, William, 385. Daniel, William, 148 re. Danit, George, 399. Darbie, Andrew, 34; Jocomin, 34. Darcie, or Darcy, Charles, 16, 25; Edith, alias Sparrowe, 16, 25; Joanna, widow, 16, 25. Darcy; see Darcie. Dare, Clare St. George, 379»., 381; Thomas, 379 n. Darell, John, 370 re.; Sarah, 370 re. Darenth, Saxon cemetery at, 314. Darenth and Swanscombe Hills, gravels contain stone implements, 305. Darenth Wood earthworks, 307. Darnth (Darenth), 23. Darrell, Alice, alias Hastlin, 30; Eleanor, 18; Mrs. Elizabeth (1673), 89; Hugh, 18; James, 21, 90; John, Mayor of Fordwich (1511), 87; John, of Cale Hill, 90; Robert (Fordwioh, 1667), 88, 89, 90; Wil- • Ham, 21. Darrells, Fordwioh, 82 re. GENERAL INDEX. 465 Dartford (Kentish Administrations), 19, 21, 23,31-34, 37, 38. Dartford, on Antiquities at, 304-318; bronze ligula found at, 207; Deneholes, 317 ; earthworks at, 306-309; glacial moraine near, 305; Saxon remains at, 314-16. Dartford, Robert, Vicar of (1293), 393; Thomas, Vicar of, assessment for a war tax, 386. Dartford Brent, Roman road at, 308; tumuli formerly at, 308. Dartford Churoh (Holy Trinity), paper on, 383-398; Norman tower, 383; royal marriage ceremony at (1235), 384; Stanpit Chantry, 384-5; old painting discovered in, 385; Consistory Court held in, 386; monumental brasses, 387-391; curious inscription on brass in, 388; bells, 392; wooden screen, 392; dimensions, 392; communion plate, 392-3; Vicars, 398. Dartford Heath, ancient stone implements at, 305; earthworks, 308; mediajval camps, 309. Dartford Priory, a royal palace temp. Henry VIIL, Mary, and Elizabeth, 391-2. Dashwood, Erancis, 372; Sir Erancis, Lord Le Despencer, 372; Rachel, 372. Daulrad, Peter, 346. David, Hugh (Cheriton, 1555), 365. Davies, Alice, 25; Leonard, 220; Stephen, 23; Thomas, 25. Davis, Mr. Randall, of Hythe, on human remains at Hythe, 408 n. Davyd, John (Cheriton] 1552), 365. Davye, Stephen, 16 ; Thomas, 16. Dawe, William (bell-founder), 285. Day, Elizabeth, 23; John, 23. Daye, Hugh, of Oxford, 27. Daysy, Johanna, 331; Thomas, 331. Deane, Ignatius, 36; Margaret, 21; Mary, 36; Robert, 21, 28; Silvester, alias Dallison, 21, 28. Deane, Richard, of Woolwich, 18. Death, Ann, 390, 396; Elizabeth, 390; William, 390. Deaths, the, of North Cray, 390. Dedioott, Elizabeth, 21; Thomas, 21. Deedes family, south transept of St. Leonard's Church, Hythe, rebuilt by, 412; arms, 412; memorial tablets, 412-13; original residence in Hythe, 413. Deedes, Major George (of Hilhurst), 413. Deedes, Henry, and Margaret his wife VOL XTIH. (nee Harrison), 412; children, William, Abraham-Harrison, and Margaret, 412; Lieut.-Col. Henry, 413. Deedes, John, of Inner Temple, 413. Deedes, Julius, and Elizabeth his wife (ree'e Drake), 412 ; their son Julius (ob. 1741), 412; Julius, and Dorothy his wife (nie Denew), 412; their daughter Mary, 412. Deedes, Julius, and Anne his wife (ree'e Bate), 413; their children William, Henry, Julius, Sarah, and Margaret, 413. Deedes, William, and Mary his wife (nie Bramston), 412; their children Caroline, Anne, and Thomas, 412; William (ob. 1834) and Sophia his wife (nee Bridges), 412, 413; their six daughters, 412; William (ob. 1862) and Emily Ootavia his wife (ree'e Taylor), 412; their daughters Emily and Sophia, 412. Delahay, George, 28. Delamotte, Charles, 375. Dell, Mr., 157. Dels, or Delse, Magna, Manor, 340-1. Denbowe, Avice, 29 ; George, 29. Deneholes at Dartford, 317, 318. Denew arms impaling Deedes, 412. Denn, Mr., 101. Denne, Denne, Esq. (Fordwich, 1875, 1884), 89; John (Dartford, 1632), 396; Katherine, 417; Nathaniel, 90; Mr. Seargent, 102 ; Thos., 417. Denny, Alice, 40. Dennys, Sir Maurice (1547), 56. Deptford (Debtford, Debpforde, etc.), Kentish Administration, 16-40. Derby, Robert de, Vicar of Aldington (1353), 245. Dering, Sir Edward, 250; Henry, Vicar of Thornham (1673), 250. Despencer, Le, Sir Francis Dashwood, Lord, 372; barony of, 372. Detling, 40, 447, 451. Deurose [Duras], Lord Lewes (1675-6), 295 and re. Deveril Barrow, shells found, 203 n. Deward, John, 26; Peter, 26. Deyk, Reynald de, 289. Deyk, or Dyke, Reginald, of Lees Court, Sheldwich (1356), 290. Diolom, W., 434. Digbye, Sir K. (1663), 115. Dike, John, 34. Dimchurch, 444. Disley, John, sen., 21; John, jun., 21. Dixon, Mildred, alias Gouler, 39 • Thomas, 39 ; William, 39. H H 466 GENERAL INDEX. Dixwell, Elizabeth, 68; Mark, of Broome Park, 68. Dod, Joseph, 40; Margaret, 40. Dodington, 444. Doddingherne; see King's-head Lane. Dodemeyton, Robert de, 339. Dorant, Riohard, Mayor of Eordwich (1547), 87. Dorman, Goodman (1663), 114 ; John, 393; Thomas, J.P., 6. Doucedame, Thomas, 339.. Dove, Nicholas, 401. Dover (Kentish Administrations), 15, 23, 25, 26, 28, 31, 34, 37, 38. Dover, entrance to Britain, 42. Dover, William de (Saltwood, 1279), 425. Dover Museum, on Roman remains in, 202-5. Dover Road, the, Watling Street, 308. Dowker, George, F.G.S., on excavations at Riehborough in 1887, 6. Dowman, Cornelius, 28; John, 28. Downe, John, 17, 19; John (1666), 125; Mary, 17; Thomas, 19; Walter, 19. Downes alias Warren, Susan, 40; William, 40. Drake arms impaling Deedes, 412. Drake, Rev. Ralph, 355. Draper, Christopher, 23; Henry, 23; Robert, 349. Draper, William, and Mary his wife, buried in Crayford Church, 326. Draper's Chapel, in Crayford Church, 324; monument, 328. Drayner, Hannah, 357; James, 357. Drew, John, 385. Druman, Christian, 18; William, 18. Drury, Sir Dru, 34, 88; Dame Katherine, alias Finche, 34, 38. Dryden, Sir Henry, Bart., on a monument at Boughton Blean, 241. Dryden, Jonathan (Cheriton, 1668-79), 366. Dubnovelaunus, coin of, 192. Dubois, Mrs., 163. Duoy, Nicholas, 39, Dufour, John, Stamford Hill, 211. Duke, Geo., 453; Jane, 453; Richard, 453. Dun, Anne, 37; Riohard, 37. Duncan, Leland L., on Kentish Administrations (1559-1603), 15-40. Dunce, Thomas, 31; William, 31. Duncke, Henry, 35; John, 35. Duncombe, Giles, 34. Dunke, Christopher, 25; Edmund, 25; John, 25. Dunkin, A. J., 179 n.; John, memorial in Dartford Church, 391. Dunstable, William, Mayor of Leicester, 386 n. Dunstable, William (Dartford, 1400), 394. Dunton, R. Wilcok, Rector of, 364. Duras, Lewis, 295 n.; see Deurose. Durant, Robert, Vicar of Sheldwich (1316), 296. Durobrivce, Roman station, 178,178 n. Durobrivian ware, at Ramsgate, 3. Durst, John, of Thornham, 250. Dutton, Vioar of Dartford (1656), 396. DVBNO, inscription on coin found at Frindsbury, 192. Dygon, Wm., 444. Dykes, Jno., 444. Earfield, Robert, 35; Thomazine, 35. Earheathe; see Erde. Earith, 21, 28, 32, 34, 39. Earthworks at Dartford, 306-9. Easfield, in Eltham, 213. Eastohurch, 24. East Croft, in Broomfield, 251. East Greenwich (Kentish Administrations), 17-40. East Kingsnorth, 30. East Mailing, 25, 31, 34. Eastemeade, Thomas, 37; of Hartlye Waspell in South', 33. Eastoft Manor, Lincolnshire, 164. Eastrey, 30. Eaton, Barbara, alias Alen, 25; William, 25. Eatonbridge, 20, 25, 32. Ebbs, Elizabeth, daughter of Saundrell, 378. Ebeney, 23, 25, 27. Eccleston, Clement, 443. Edenham, Matthew (Saltwood, 1413), 427. Edgar, Richard, 20. Ediall, Henry (Saltwood, 1487), 428. Edolpb, Mr., 157. Edward IV., letter from, to the Mayor of Fordwich (1462), 98. Edwards, Rev. Riohard, 165,168. Edwy, John, of Hethe, 341; Margeria, 341. Egerley, Hugh (hewe), 95. Egglesfield, Christopher, 21; Franois, 21; Maria, 21. Eithorne (Eythorne), 16, Elam, Dorothy, 25; Edward, 25. Eloe, 287. Eldredge, or Eldridge, Bryan (bellfounder, 1624), 286, 286 re. ' . Eldye, John, 401. GENERAL INDEX. 467 Elestene, Amabilla de, 347; William de, 347. Elgar, Dorothy, 34; John, 34; Mr., 9,14. Elham, 340. Eliet, Edith, 31; John, 31; Susan, 31; Thomas, 31. Eliott, Edward, 218. Ellam, Elizabeth, 329; Henry, 329; John, 329. Ellington, hamlet of, Ramsgate, 4. Elliot, William, 220. Elliott, Mr., of Dymchurch, 42; Walter, 209. Ellis, Edward, 101; Henry, 16; Margaret, 16. Ellyot, William, of Eltham (1595), 213. Elmele, 346. Elmer, John, Ma3r or of Fordwioh (1583), 88. Elmesall, John, 385. Eltham, 22, 29,. 40; lands in, 213, 214, 351; Stubbs, extracts from the Parish Registers, 214-6. „ Emmett, Henry, 379 n. Enbrooke, family of, Cheriton, 358; Michael, 358. Enbrooke Manor, 358. Engesham, Christopher, 32; Edward, 32. English William, 254. Ensynge, Alice de, 338; John, son of John de, 338; Thomas de, 338. Epple lane, Rochester, 197 re.; Roman coin found at, 194. Erchebaud, Martinus, 346. Erde, 337; see Erhede. Erhede, Erde, Earhethe, ancient names of Crayford, 319. Erhythe, 337. Erith, 21; ancient stone implements at, 305, 306. Ernulf, Bp. of Roohester (1115-1124), 262, 270; his Canterbury Crypt, 253-4. Esday, John, 415. Essh' next Sandwioh, 339, 345. Estbarmlyngg, 349. Estcourt, John (Saltwood, 1427), 427. Estday, Henry, 405, 415. Estfarlegh, 347; Barth., Vioar of, 349. Estfeld, Le, 349. Esthall next Sittingbourne, 22. Esthalle, John de, senior, and Matilda , his wife, 344, 346. Ethelburga, St., monastery founded by, at Lyminge, 52; her relios removed to. Canterbury, 53. Etonbridge. (Edenbridge), 19. Euerard [Everard], Dionisia, 346; . Stephen, 346. Evans, Adrian (1635), 214. Evans, Arthur, F.S.A., on coin found . at Riehborough, 5, 76. Evans, Dr., on coins, 72, 76,192. Evelin, Mr. (1664), 116. Evelyn, W. Glanville, 437. Even, Gartrude, 32; Wm., 32. Everenden, Alexander, 34; Juliana, 34; Paul, 34; Robert, 34. Everest, Dorothy, 28; Thomas, 28. Everist, 287. Evington, in Elmsted, 367. Excestre, John (Saltwood, 1392), 427. "Eyesse Tercell Gentle," a species of hawk, 158. Eylesford, 352; see Aylesford. Eynsford, 25, 31, 33, 34, 38, 343. Faber, John, engraver (1722), 238. Fagge, John, 442. Fairman, Robert, 138. Pale, Robert, benefactor to Eaversham Church (1529), 110. Fane, Francis, daughter of Thomas, 332. Fane, Thomas, Clerk, Parson of Crayford (1633), 329. Fane, Sir Vere, 138, 142, 147, 153; Mr., 147,156. Fantyng, John, Mayor of Fordwioh (1461), 87. Farley Heath, British coin found at, 72. Farmer, Dorothy, alias Paler, 29; Elizabeth, 29 ; William, 33. Farneborough, 31. Farningham, 33. Farrist, Robert, 102. Fathers, Agnes, alias Mills, alias Basset, 39; Joyce, alias Gens, 21 Symon, 39. Faunce family, 157. Faunt, William, 97 re. Faversham, 337, 339; see Feversham. Faversham Church, on goods and ornaments at (1512), 103-113; inventory, 105-111; destructive use of old church books, 110 re.; church goods stolen, 112; benefactors, 112-113. Fawkener, Rio., 442. Feet of Fines ; see Fines. Eelthorp, Ralph de (Dartford, 1338), 385. Felton, Richard, 219. Ferby, Sir Leonard, 165, 287. Ferby or Fereby family of St. Paul's Cray, 287. Fereby; see Eerby. Fernthe, 352. 468 GENERAL INDEX. Fetherstone, John, 251. Feversham, 17, 24, 25, 28, 31, 33, 36. Efreston, Richard de, Vioar of Thornham (1323), 244. Fictile Vessels from Riehborough, 11. Fidge, Mr. (1666), 124. Fiennes, Elizabeth, d. and co-h. of Lord Say and Sele, 391. Eilmer, Edward, 25; Robert, 25. Finch, Counsellor, 101; Elizabeth, 37; Elizabeth, widow, 89; Geo., 440; Jane, 440; John, 440 ; Mary, heiress of Norton, 295 ; Sir Moyle, 89 ; Peter, 37; Sarah, 440. Einche, Elizabeth, 35 ; John, 35; Katherine, 20; alias Drury, 34, 38 ; Thomas, 20; William, 34, 38. Fines, abstract of the Feet of, temp. Edward III., 337-352. Finnis, Colonel John, 415 ; Capt. Robert, 415; Robert and Elizabeth his wife, 415; Alderman Thomas Quested, 415. Fishenden, Anna, 40; John, 40; Thomas, 40. Fisher, Edward, Vicar of Sheldwich (1685), 299; Elizabeth, 299 ; (nee Abel), 375 ; John, 299, 375 ; John, Mayor of Fordwich (1553), 87; Samuel, 366. Fitzharding; see Berkeley. Fitz-Helto, William, Lord of Aldington Manor, 244. Fitz-Johan, Adam le, 337 : Elizabeth, 337. Fitz Warine, William, 362. Flecchynge, Alice, 347; Richard, 347. Fleete, Eden, 35 ; Thomas, 35. Flemyng, David, 444. Fletcher, Elizabeth, 27 ; George, 27. Flete, John de, clerk, 341. Fogg, Ann, 36; John, 364; Sir John, 364; Richard, 36; see Fogge. Fogge arms impaling Valoyns, 358. Fogge, Alianora, 360; Sir Francis, 358; Mr. George, of Brabourne, 356, 359; Joanna, 363, 364; John, 364; Ashford Church, rebuilt by, 363; John, son of Sir John, 363; Sir John, 355, 356, 363-5; Dame Mary, 363, 365; Richard, of Tilmanstone, 359; Thomas, 359, 360; Sir Thomas, 360, 363; Thomas (Cheriton, 1498-1502), 355, 364; William, 359, 360; William and Joanna his wife, 363, 364. Fogge family, patrons of Cheriton Churoh, 363. Fogges Park, Cheriton, 359. Folkeston, 28, 30. Foorde, Anne, 23; Edward, 29; Joan, 23; Katherine, 23. Forbes, Dr., Rector of St. James's Church, Garlickhithe, 238. Force alias Balser, Mary, 33. Forde, 37; Charles, 17 ; Richard, 17. Forde, Elizabeth, 17; Stephen de (Saltwood, 1276), 425. Fordell, Elizabeth, 40 ; John, 40. Fordington, Henry, 245. Fordwioh, municipal records of, by the Rev. C. E. Woodruff, M.A., 78-102; port of Canterbury, 78; quarrel between the monks of St. Augustine's and Christ Church, respecting the right of the latter to put up a house on the quay at, 79; its commercial and military importance, 79; colleotor of customs stationed here by Saxon Kings, 79; charter of Henry II. to, quoted in the Custumal, 81; the Mayor, 82; crown pleas, 83; respective rights of the Mayor, Jurats, and Commonalty, 85 ; of the Abbot of St. Augustine's, 85; petition of the Mayor and Jurats to the Duke of Gloucester, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, 86; decline in the trade of, 87; its importance to Canterbury, 87; list of Mayors, 87-89; the maces and the seal, 91; list of bundles and books in the muniment chest, 91; boundaries of the liberty, 92 re.; the Custumal, 92; Churchwardens' accounts, 93; Churoh lands, 94; Mayor's account (1515), 95; the trout fishery, 96«.; fees paid to the cranesman, 97; letter from King Edward IV. to the Mayor, 98; Town Accounts, 100. Fordwich Manor, 89. Fordwioh, John Nicholls, Rector of (1714), 300. Fordyngton, Henry, Vicar of Aldington (1370), 245. Forker, Agnes, 28. Forshamme, Hugh de, 345. Forster, Sir Humphrey, 159, 161. Foster, Agnes, 34; John, 34. Eotherby,'Archdeacon, 445. Found, Isabella, 39 ; Wm., 39. Fowler,- Elizabeth, 214, 223 ; Jane, 217; her will, 223; John, 21; Margaret, 209, 215; Oliver, 21; Philip, 214, 217; his will, 222-3. Fox, Edward, 29; Magdalen, 29; Mrs., 402. Foxe, Henry, 17. Frampton,. Rev. T. S., 422. Francklyn, Henry, 40; .Mary,.40. GENERAL INDEX. 469 Franokwell, Damian, 380. Franklin, Henry, 292. Franklyn, Anna, 36; Mary, alias Gorsby, 36. Franks in Horton Kirby, 387. Frankton, Elizabeth, 32; John, 32; Margery, 32. Prankwell, Nicholas (Bexley, 1609), 380. Fraser, Rev. Robert, Rector of Cheriton, and Mary Ann his wife, 367-8. Fraunceys, Simon, of London, 344. Fraunois, Anne, 36; Edward, 36; John, 26, 445 ; Margaret, 26 ; Thomas, 36. Ereborne, Margaret, 221; see also 210. Preke, Miss Judith, 371; Ralph, of Hannington, co. Wilts, Esq., 71. Fremlyn, John, 31; Robert, 31. Fremyngham, 342. Frende, Sissily, 395 re. Erendesbury, 27. Preningham, Johanna, 94; John, 94. Frensted (Frinsted), 29. Frente, or Erynte, Agnes, alias Gore, 16; John, 16. Erenyngham, John de, 347, 350; Ralph de, 347, 350. Frid, in Bethersden, 64. Frier alias Marden, Marion, 35. Frindsbury, 27; on Roman remains found at, 189. Frith, Mr. H. (1697), 287. Erittenden, 35. Frymentil, Robert, 348. Erynte; see Frente. Fryth, Mr. Thomas (1688), 287. Fuller, Beatrice, 16; James, 16; Professor John Mee (Bexley, 1874), 369, 382. Pulsham, Benedict de,"341. Eurley, Mr. Robert, 55. Furlonger, 287. Fyswick, Robert, 449. Gage, Elizabeth, of Bentley, wife of George Choute, 59; Sir John, 249. Gainsford, John, 16. Galere, Bernard de, 443; Peter de, 443. Galian, Bartholomew, 340; Johanna, 340. Gallis, Katherine, 32; William, 32. Gammon, " Goodman," 121. Gardener, Richard, 31. Gardiner, Anthony, 19; Richard, 19. Gardner, Agnes, 442; "Goodman," 122, 123, 125, 127, 131, 149, 151; John, 442. Gare, La, manor of, 346. Garland, Edward, 19; John, 19. Garrard, George, 26; Margaret, 26. Gascoigne, Edward, 228 ; Mary, 211. Gaste, Godfrey, 27. Gateford, George, 39; Rose, 39. Gates of Rochester Priory, 199-200. Gatford, Dionisia, 28 ; Wm., 28. Gavell, John, 19; Mary, alias Sharpe, 32; Thomas, 19. Gaven's wife, of Dovor, benefactor to Faversham Church, 109,112. Gawdrye, Richard, 35. Gawyne, William, 385. Geldewyne, Lucia, 351; William, of Strode, 351. Gellibrand, 287. Gender, John, 29; William, 29. Gens, Edward, 21; James, 21; Joyce, alias Fathers, 21. Gent's collection of coins, 5, 72, 73. Genynges, Faith, alias Thomas, 34. George, Edward, 36; Margaret, alias Jenkin, 36. George, the, in Eltham, 213. Gerrard, Eleanor, 69; Sir Gilbert, 375; William, 69. Gerueys, Ralph, 342. Gerusalemme in Rome, basilical churches of, 49. Gheast, Archdeacon Edmund, 445. Gibbon, Francis, 40; John, 30; Lydia, 64; Mary, 40; Thomas, 64. Gibbs, Robert, 292 ; Susanna, 292. Gibson, Elizabeth, 21; John, 28; Richard, 21; Thomas, 28. Giffard, John, 343 ; Robert, 343. Gifford, Mr., 115, 117, 125, 130, 134, 149, 150. Gildridge, Thomas, 19; William, 19. Giles, Christian, 292 ; Elizabeth, 292 ; Elizabeth, alias Williams, 24; Robert, 292. Gilles, John, 25. Gillingham, 16, 22, 31, 34,38, 39. Gilhnor, J. (Dartford, 1844), 397. Gimmingham Manor, Norfolk, 158. Gipps, Geo., 445. Giraud, F. F., on goods and ornaments at Faversham Church, 103-113. Glacial moraine on the Thames, near Dartford, 305. Gladwyn, Jno., 449. Glanfield, George, 31; John, 31; Mark, 31. Glanville, William, 404. Glaunuyll, Hugh de, 349. Glendower, Owen, 407 n. Gloucester, Duke of, Lord Warden, 86. Glover, Elizabeth, 38; Vinoent, 38. Glydd, Martha, 355. 470 GENERAL INDEX. Glynne, Sir Stephen, notes on Crayford Churoh, 320. Goad, Rev. Mr., 236. Goddard, Charles (Bexley, 1825), 382; William, 23. Godden, John, of London, 249. Godfrey, Edward, 66 ; Elizabeth, 32; John, 32. Godmersham, 58, 345. Godwynestone, Joseph de, Vicar of Thornham (1316), 244. Golden, Roger, 385. Goldhawk, Thomas Woods, Vicar of Sheldwich (1850), 303. Golding, "Goodman," 119, 122, 123, 126-9, 131,134, 135,143. Goldsmith, Frances, 328; Samuel, 332. Goldsmyth, Sir Francis, Knt., 40. Goldwell, Agnes de, 344; Geoffrey, 341. Goldwell, James (Cheriton, 1450), 364; (Dartford), 395; John, 341; Mr., of Bexley, 157; William, 344. Gooddy, William, 40. Goodwyn, Eustace, 96. Gordon family, residence at Boley Hill House, Rochester, 200. Gore ; see Atte Gore. Gorsby alias Franklyn, Mary, 36. Gosebourn, Thomas de, 345. Goslrige, Robert, 221. Gosner, John (Fordwich, 1638), 88. Goteby, Edward, 16; Winifred, 16. Gouldsmithe, Sir Francis, 331. Gouler, Mildred, 39. Gounter, Prettefue, 38. Gowdhurst, 30, 36, 243. Goze, Edward, 21; Oliver, 21. Gradell, William, 19. Graffham, Thomas, 101. Grant, F. B. (Dartford, 1830), 397. Grape, Robert (Dartford, 1390), 394. Grass, Elizabeth, 21. Grassewith, John, 221. Gratianus, coins of, 5, 43. Graue, Bartholomew, 220. Grauesende, 340; William de, 341. Graveney Church, brass to John and Anne Martyn, 387. Graves, Anglo-Saxon, at Dover, 205; at Dartford, 314, 317. Graves, shells found in, 203 »., 205. Gravesend (Kentish Administrations), . 17, 23, 24, 34, 36, 37, 38. Gravesend, Roman road at, 308. Graydon, Admiral, 91. Graydon, John, Mayor of Fordwich (1698-1725), 88; arms, 90 re. Graye alias. Smith, Ellen, 34. Great Chart, 31. Green, Wm. (Bexley,J.7?0),. 381. Green Church Haw, Rochester, site of a Saxon graveyard, 266 re. Greene, Francis, Vicar of Sheldwich (1691), 300; Honor, 31; Thomas, 20; Wm., 31. Greene alias Haines, Mary, 40. Greenhithe, Roman road near, 308. Greenland, Augustine, 439; Jane, 439. Greenstreet, James, Esq., on Kent Fines, temp. Edw. III. , 337-352. Greenstreet Green (Dartford), earthbanks at, 307. Greenwich (Kentish Administrations, 1559-63), 16-40. Greenwich, tombstone of Archdeacon Stubbs in mausoleum at, 240. Greenwich Hospital, chaplains, 235. Gregory, Anna, 36; Rose, 36; Thomas, 287. Grenehill, Elizabeth, 35 ; Richard, 35. Grenehode, Robert, Vicar of Thornham (1553), 249. Grenelane, John, Vicar of Sheldwioh (1413), 297. Grennell, John, 434. Greuesende (Gravesend), 343. Grieslye, Sir Thomas, 128. Griffin, the lord, 102 ; Ralph, 26; William, 26. Grimston, Sir Henry, Knt., 66; Lady Margaret, 66. Grinstead, West, 368. : Grojan, Francis, 212, 218. Groue, Reginald de, 341. Grove, Dr. Robert, Bp. of Chichester (1691), 237. Grove Ferry, 102. Gryffyth, Edward, 36; Elizeus, 36. Gryme, Peter, 251. Grymesby, Tho., 444. Guildeford, Willm., 435. Gulson, Jasper, 31; Margaret, 31; Mathew, 31. Gundulf, Bp. of Rochester (1077- 1108), 262; his churoh at Roohester, 269 et sea.; tower at St. Leonard's, Mailing, 273 n. Gunter, Henry, 38. Gurly, Elizabeth, 40; John, 40. Gurnay, Thos. (Dartford, 1349), 385. ! Gurnes; see Harries. : Guyes, William, 27. ; Gybbes, Thomas, 385. i Gye, John, 95; John, Mayor of Fordwich (1466), 87. Gyles alias Williams, Elizabeth, 22. , j Hadlowe, 27. i Haft, 'William, Vioar of Sheldwioh , (1400), 296. GENERAL INDEX. 471 Haighte, Katherine, alias Stubbs, 209; will, 219. Haiward, or Heyward, Elizabeth, 29; George, 29. Hale, arms, 376; Mary, daughter of Major-General, 376. Hales, Mr. (solicitor), 159. Haliday, Lieut.-General, 412. Halke, Rev. Richard, 302. Hall, Emanuel, 30; Helen, 370; Nicholas, 385; Roger, 370 ; William, 30, 385. Hall, A. Hall (Cheriton, 1876), 368; ' Richard (Fordwich, 1650), 88. Hall, Rev. T. G., M.A., on human remains in St. Leonard's Church, Hythe, 333. Hall alias Pearce, Anna, 39. Hall Place, Bexley, owners of, 370-372. Hallaway, William, 81. Hallinge, 21,28, 342. Hallum, Archdeaoon, 443. Hallyng, 342. Hallywell, William, 93. Halsted, Mr. Henry, 237. Halstede, manor of, 352. Ham, Francis, 34; Grace, 34. Hambrook, Richard (Fordwich, 1832-3), 89. Hamergold, Thomas (Dartford, 1349), 393. Hamilton, Jas., Duke of, 370«. Hamilton, Mrs. Mary Louisa, 415. Hammerson, Thomas (1544), 56. Hammond, Ant. Egerton, 446. Hamsher, William, 220. Hancock, William, 22, 24. Handen, Alice, 29. Hannington Church, Northamptonshire, 321 and n. Harding, Rev. Thomas, 377. Hardyman, Dionyse, Churchwarden of Faversham, 105; Katherine, 17 ; Robert, 17. Harflete alias Setvannce, Elizabeth, 23; Hugh, 444; Thomas, 23. Harince, Thomas, 219. Harkard, Catherine, 27; Richard, 27. Harlakinden, Walter, 40. Harlestone, Rev. Samuel, Rector of lokham (1568-1616), 90. Harlestone family, 90 re.; Simon, Mayor of Fordwioh (1620), 88, 90; Simon (Mayor 1632), 88. Harlestone, Thomas, Mayor of Fordwich (1630), 88, 90; Capt. Thomas (Mayor, 1633), 88; Thomas (Mayor, 1656), 88. Harman, Riohard, 35; Thomas, 328. Harman alias Pierce, Silvester, 35. Harnhulle (Hernehill), 351. Harnill (Hernehill), 337. Harold, John, 19; Richard, 19. Harper, John, 58. Harpsfleld, Archdeacon Nioholas (Saltwood, 1554-9), 429. Harries alias Gurnes, John (Dartford, 1477), 395. Harriott, Joan, 33 ; Robert, 33. . Harriottson (Harrietsham), 20, 32. Harris, George, 34; Joan, 34; Sir Paul, 374. Harrison, Hugh, 17 ; Isabella, 17; Joanna, 17; arms impaling Deedes, 412. Harrison alias Nycolls, Dionisia, 17. Harrys, Robert (1487), 247. Harrysam alias Henry Etisham, 20. Harryson, John, 28; Margaret, 28. Harryson, Nicholas (1504), 248. Hart, Mrs. (1665), 122. Hart, Capt. Henry Douglas, 415; Capt. Richard, and Hannah his wife, 415. Harte, Sir Percyval, Knt., 328. Hartford alias Betts, Maria, 37. Hartlip, 22, 28, 35. Hartridge, Dens, 36; alias Sherington, Sarah, 36. Harvey, Elizabeth (1819), 293. Harvy, George, 22. Harward, Cockell, 28; John, sen., 28 ; John, jun., 28. Harwood, Jas., M.A. (Dartford, 1755), 397. Haselgrove, William (Cheriton, 1440), 364. Hassard, Sir John, 425 ; Mrs., 425. Hastoliffe, Mr., 236. Hasting, John, 18. Hastinge alias Randolf, Sibille, 18. Hastlin, Edward, 30. Hastlin alias Darrell, Alice, 30. Hatoh, Joseph (bellfounder), 353, 433-5; epitaph at Broomfield, 252, 252re.; Thomas, 434. Hatche, Henry, 18; William, 35. Havercroft, Thomas (Dartford, 1404), 394. Hawkhurst, 89; (Administrations), 16, 24, 25, 26, 29, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40. Hawkin, Wm., 403. Hawkinge, 445. Hawkins, Agnes, 27; Henry, of Nash Court, 89 ; Robert, 36. Hawlinge, 27, 33. Hawte, William, 21. Haye, George de la, Wateringbury, 23. Hayes, palaeolithic implements, 305. Hayward, Henry le, 347 ; Thomas, 424. 472 GENERAL INDEX. Head, John, Archdeacon, 367. Heales, Major Alfred, F.S.A., on Crayford Church, 319; on St. Paul's Cray Church, 279. Hearne, Mr., letter to, 239. Heaver (Hever), 25, 34. Heberden, George (Dartford, 1826), 397. Hedcorn, 26,40. Heldehey, La, 342. Helds, William, 93. Helena, Empress, coin of, found at Roohester, 194. Heleslethtre, Robert, 344. Hemmesby, Richard de (Saltwood, 1361), 426. Hemminge, Margaret, 23; Walter, 23. Hemp Hagh, in Broomfield, 251. Hemp Hall, 82, 89. Heneworth, Thomas, 370. Hennaker, William, 17. Henry V., funeral mass performed Sftover his body at Dartford, 391. Herdson, Thomas, 30. Herdson alias Whitehorne, Katherine, 30. Herman, Henry, 411. Hermesland, in Fordwich, 90. Heme, Mr. Milles of, 65. Hernhill and Boughton, 113. Herst, 58. Herteye, 337. Herwood, Thomas, 424. Hesebeth, Robert de (Cheriton, 1318), 362, 363; John de (1320), 363. Hesilt, William, 388. Hethe, 341; Bp. Hamo de, 384, 393, 394. Hetherington, Ralph, 18; Thomas, 18. Heuere (Hever), Alesia de, 352; Katherine de, 348, 351; Miohael de, 348, 351; Thomas de, Knt., 352. Hever, 33, 352. Hewes; see Hughes. Hewster, Jerome, 17; Mary, 17. Hewton, Thomas, Vicar of Sheldwich (1568-1571), 298. Heyes, Mr., 155; William, 332. Heyman, Margaret, 89 ; Peter, 89. Hickes, John, 38. Hickes alias Pate, Alice, 38. Hide, 34; Gilbert, 25; Ralf, 25. Hiennicus, 443. Higham, 17, 22, 24. Hiley, Elizabeth, 22; Thomas, 22. Hill, Thomas (Bexley, 1456), 379. Hille, Johane, 112; Mastres, 109,112; Richard, 112. Hille, Richard (bellfounder, 1418)3 353. Hiller, Elizabeth, 217; Mrs. Elizabeth, 235; John, 235 and re.; Mary, 235 n.; Mathew, 235 re.; Rebecca, 217,235 re.; Sarah, 235 re.; Thomas, 217, 235 re. Hillier, Elizabeth, 210; Rebecoa, widow, 216; Thomas, 210; see Hiller. Hillier, James T., Esq., on a British Village at Ramsgate, 1-4. Hilton, Rev. George, Curate of Sheldwioh, 303; Mr. Giles, of Lords, in Sheldwich, 294. Hilton, Hugh de, Vicar of Thornham (1322), 244. Hilton, family, of Lords in Sheldwich, 292; pedigree, 292-3. Hinxhill, 68, 69. Hinxhill Court, residence of Edward Choute, or Chute, 64, 68, 68 re. Hippesly, Sir John, 159. Hix (or Hicks), John, 39. Hoare, Sir R. C, on shells met with in graves, 203 re. Hobbs, Faith, 38; Stephen, 38. Hobson, Wm., 449. Hodder, John, 214; Margaret, 214. Hodgekins, Jone, 219. Hodges, William, 236. Hodgkin, Thomas, 23. Hodgson, arms, 376 ; Henrietta, 376 ; Isabella, wife of Valentine Norton, 89; Dr., 376; Mary, 376. Hodgson, John George (Saltwood, 1879), 432. Hodsall, Conisia, 36 ; Robert, 36. Hodson, Henry, Vicar of Thornham (1768), 250; John (Vicar, 1782), 250. Hoggyn, William, 95. Hoke, Simon (Saltwood, 1416), 427. Holbury, Agnes Domina de, wife of Roger Apleton, 328. Holoombe, Rose, 18. Holder, Elizabeth, 37; Henry, 37; James, 37; John, 37. Holland, Canon Franois J., 169. Hollenden, Laurence, 33; Mary, 33. Hollingborne, 31, 434. Hollingworth, Benjamin, M.A., Vicar of Sheldwich (1694), 300. Holloway, John, 25; Thomas, 25, 39. Holman, Arthur, 30; John, 29; Richard, 29. Holmes, Margaret, 25; Thomas, 31; William, 25. Holt, Gabriel, 32. Holwood Hill, Keston, alleged site of Noviomagus, 182. Home, Philip, Vicar of Sheldwich (1418), 297. Hones, Susan, 30; William, 30. Honye, "Goodman," 126, 128,. 129, 131,134,135,143. GENERAL INDEX. 473 Honywode, John, 411,415,417, 417 re., 418re.; Thomas, 403»., 415, 417»., 418, 424. Honywode, John de, of Hakynton, 340; Lucia de, 340. Honywood, William de, of Henewood, in Postling, 358. Hooker, G, 149. Hoop, Jno., 449. Hooper, Joseph, 31; Nic, 434. Hope, Anne, 33. Hope, James, Mayor of Fordwich (1452), 87. Hope, Mr. W. H. St. John, on Rochester Cathedral, 262,268, 270,278. Hope, in Romney Marsh, 17, 27. Hopkins, John, 23, 25. Hopton, Captain, 101. Hormade, John, 346. Horn, John, 345. Home Place, in Appledore, 58. Hornley, John, Vicar of Dartford (1442), 387, 394. Horseham, Thomas de, Vicar of Sheldwich (1279), 296. Horsemonden, 34, 35. Horsewash, formerly St. Clement's Lane, Rochester, 193. Horsham Manor, Upchuroh, 399-402. Horton, Roger, Vicar of Thornham, 244. Horton Priory, 29. Hotfeilde, 33. Hougham, 38. Houkyngge, Idonia de, 339 ; William de, 339. Houton, John, son of John de, 343. Hoviden, John, 21; Mary, 21. Howard, Mr., 164; Lord Thomas (1597), 60. Howbery, 328 ; oamp at, 307. Howe, Thomas, 28. Howett alias Aberford, Thomazen, 39. Howgyn, William, 403 re., 417, 418 re. Hubbard, Nicholas, 149. Hudson, Barbara, 17; Thomas, 17. Hugessen, Maria, 353 ; R. B. Knatchbull (Cheriton, 1866-76), 353, 368. Huggett, James, 23 ; Joan, 23. Hughes (Hewes), Richard, Vicar of Thornham-cum-Aldington, 247 »., 248, 249; Thomas, Vicar (1531), 249. Hulse, Richard, 68, 69. Hulston, Margery, 17. Hulston alias Williams, Anne, 17. Humfrey alias Mondey, Alice, 35. Hune alias Pratt, Anne, 26; Edw. 26. Hungerford,;Elizabeth de,337; Walter de,337. Hunt, James (1663), 114; John, 417, 418; Margaret, 30; Peter, 252, 435 ; Thos., 399. Hunt alias Steere, Maria, 29. Hunte, John, 413. Huntingdon alias Hunton, 24. Huntingdon, Benjamin (Bexley, 1666), 381; Eleanor, 381; Elizabeth, 381 John, 381; Robert, 381. Huntley alias Wody, Katherine, 20. Hunton; see Huntingdon. Hurst, William de, 344. Hustwaite, Edward, 19; Isabella, 19; Mary, 19. Hyde, 25, 26, 29, 39; alias Hive, 37. Hyld, Robert, 95, 96, 97. Hylde, Robert, Mayor of Fordwich (1520), 87. Hylgard, Robt., 44.3. Hythe, 25, 26, 29, 34, 37, 39, 54; on human remains in St. Leonard's Church, 333-336; on St. Leonard's church, 403-420. Ickham, 19, 20, 22. Iden, 58, 66. Ifeld, Adam, parson of the church of, 352; Michael de, 340, 343. Ightam, 24. lies, Thomas, 32. Illis, Ric, 401. Ini, King, mention of a " basilica" in Charter (704), 46. Inscriptions, curious, in Cheriton Church, 368; in Dartford, 388; in Sheldwich Church, 289-292; in St. Paul's Cray, 283, 286; on coin found at Frindsbury, 192. Ipenbury, Ambrose, 19. Iron-smelting, early traces of, at Dartford Heath and neighbourhood, 308. Ironsyde, Dr. Gilbert, 236. Irvine, Mr. J. T., on Rochester Cathedral, 262, 265, 271»., 272 re., 274, 276re., 278. Isake, Henry, benefactor to Crayford Church, 327. Isham, Edward, 38; Margery, 38. Isle of Shepey, 24. Isle of Thanet, 25. Iwede (Iwade), 338. Jackson, Jno., ob. 1821, 212. Jackson, Richard, B.D. (Dartford, 1575), 395. Jacob, Richard, 25. Jaggard, or Juggard, Ric, 445. Jakys, William (Saltwood, 1413), 427. James, Edward George, Vicar of Thornham (1880), 250. 474 GENERAL INDEX. Jane, Mrs., 139,149,153. Jaques, Mr. John, 160; Sir John, 160. Jarvis, Thos., 339. Jeckett alias Smith, Alice, 21; John, 21. Jeffrey, Agnes, 18; Thomas, 18. Jeffry, Edward, 28; John, 28, 35; Stephen, 22. Jenkin alias George, Margaret, 36; Thomas, 36. Jenkins, Rev. Canon R. C, on Basilica of Lyminge, 46. Jennings, Anthony, Mayor of Fordwich (1680), 88, 90; Anthony, Mayor (1743-64), 89; Anthony, the younger, Mayor (1764-6), 89; Anthony, Mayor (1785-1830), 89, 90. Jennings, Thomas, Mayor of Fordwich (1688-1694), 88; Thomas, Mayor (1714-15), 88. Jennings, Upton, Mayor of Fordwich (1776-85), 89. Jessop, William (1664), 117. Johnes, Margaret, 33. Johnson, Christian, 19; Elizabeth, 31, 32, 34; Francis, 32; John, 19; Peter, 24, 25; Wiston, of Estbergholt, Suff., 29. Johnson, Capt., 114,163. Johnson, Henry, Mayor of Fordwich (1603, 1605, etc.), 88, 89; John (Mayor, 1561), 87, 89; Paul, 89; Timothy, his , son, 89 ; Thomas (Mayor, 1668), 88. Johnson, John (Dartford, 1545), 395; Robert, 385, 449. Johnson family, note on, 82 »., 89. Jones, Ann, 292; David, 23; Elizabeth, 217; Joan, 39; Roger, 29 ; Stephen, 292; Susan, 23; Thomas, 101, 217; William, 29, 39. Jordan, John, Vicar of Sheldwich (1433), 297. Jordan, Robert, Rector of Crayford, .332. Jordan, William, presented to Monketon Rectory (1349), 292. Jorden's Wood, Dartford, Roman camp on, 307; old road, 308. Joyce, Dame, 28; Thomas, 31. Joyner, Francis, 31; Margaret, 31. Judge, Eliza, 417; Thomas, 417. Jull, Francis, Mayor of Fordwich (1675-6), 88. Kandie alias Brickenden, Mary, 22. Keble, Edward, Vicar of Sheldwioh (1558), 298. Kechyn, Rich., 444. Keeble, 287 Keene, Richard, 212. . . . Kellam, Brigid, 21; Elizabeth, 21; Henry, 21; Thomas, 21. Kellam alias Draper, William, 21. Kellie, Henry, 36 ; Richard, 36. Kellwaye, Robert, Esq., 325. Kelway, Robert, 405. Kemp, Cardinal Archbishop, settles Surrenden on his newly-founded college at Wye, 56. Kemp, Mr., 160. Kempe, Christopher, 23; Jn., 22; Thos., 444. Kennardington, 25, 58. Kennett, Thomas, 38; Wm., 35. Kennyngton, 16. Kenrick alias Eaton, James, 25; Margaret, 25. Kent, Elizabeth, 223; John, 210; his will, 223; Mercy, 210. Kent, Thomas, Esq., 365. Kentish Administrations (1559-1603), 15-40. Kentish Petition burned, 67. Kenulph, King of Mercia, 369. Kenyan, Wm. de (Saltwood, 1390), 427. Kerby, John, 211. Kereseye, Sampson de, 337. Ketle, John, 40. Kettle, John, of Crayford, 329. Kilwardby, Archbishop, 244. King, Lieut.-Gen. Richard T., 416; Major-Gen. W. J., 416. King, Thomas, of Crayford, 329. King, Walker (Dartford, 1825), 397. Kinge, George, 17; Percival, 17. Kingham, William, will dated (1545), 385. King's Head Lane, Rochester, formerly Doddingherne, 197 n. Kingsley, Archdeacon Wm. (Saltwood, 1614), 430, 445. Kingsmill, Thos,, 445. Kingsnorth Church, 71. Kingston, Elizabeth, widow, 25. Kippinge, Agnes, 16; Richard, 16; Robert, 16. Kipps, Mary, 330. Kirkeby, John (Bexley, 1467), 379. Kirkley, John, 22. Kitchenman, Jane, 300; John, Vicar of Sheldwich (1697), 300. Knatchbull, Anne, 31; Alioe, 453; Eleanor, 453; Sir Norton, 445; Susan, 453; Riohard, 31; Thomas, 31. Knatchbull, Thomas, of Mersham, Gent., 68, 453. Knatchbull-Hugessen; see Hugessen. Knight, Agnes, 17; Elizabeth, 411; , . Gr.,. at Shibborne, 149; John, 37, i 411; Mr., 160; Thomas, 17, .37. , GENERAL INDEX. 475 Knight-Bruce, Sir James Lewis, and Dame Eliza his wife, memorial porch to, in Cheriton Church, 361. Knighte, Agnes, 34; Anna, 34; Arthur, 34; Elizabeth, 34; John, 34 ; Matthew, 34; William, 34. Knipe, Richard(Bexley, 1732-6), 379 re., 381. Knollys, Canon, Rector of Saltwood (1869), 421, 424, 425, 431; his wife Caroline Augusta, 425; his sons E. W. and W. E., 424; their wives, 425. Knolton, John de, 351; Margeria de, 351; William de, 351. Knoville, Nic. de, 452. Knowles, Mrs. Rebecca, of West Chester, 236. Knox, Robert, M.D., F.E.S., on human remains at Hythe, 334-5. Kylesby, Robert, Vicar of Aldington (1352), 244. Kymber, William, of Barking, 40. Kynnebere, John de, 443. Kyriel, Bertram, 362. Kyryell, Thomas, 360; William, 360. Kyrton, William, 220. Kyte, or Keete, John, 445. Lachrymatories, 195. Ladd, Christopher, 29; Margaret, 29. Lake, Agnes, 21; Jane, 32 ; John, 21. Lamaby (or Lammaby), in Bexley, 114,118. Lamb, Cristofer, Gent., 396. Lambe, Elizabeth, 21; Mabel, 19; Richard, 21, 30; Robert, 19. Lambe, Elias, and Mabilla his wife, 343. Lamberherst, 25, 339. Lambert, Gilbert, 26; Joan, 18, 26; Thomas, 18. Lambert, Sir Robert, 111 n. Lambisfelde, R., 403 re., 417, 418 re. Lambres, 25. Lamienby (or Lamorby), 376; church . at, fpunded by Mr. Malcolm, 377. Landale, Mr., his discovery of Roman remains at Dartford, 312. Landon, Rev. John, Curate of Southfleet, 185. Lane, Richard, 284; William, 239. Lane alias Betts, Elizabeth, 33. Lane alias Netlingham, Margerie, 20. Lanfranc's crypt in Canterbury Cathedral, 254. Langdon, Daniel, 29; Joan, 29. Langeleye, Wilham de, and Alice his wife, 340. Langley churohbell, 434; William, of Knolton, 290; his arras, 290. Larkin, Henry, 21; Thomas, 21. Larkyn, Joan, 25; Roger, 25. Latham, Eliza Dare, 379 re.; Louisa, 379 n.; Sarah, 379 n.; Thomas (surgeon), 379 re. Lauder, Henry, 18; William, 18. Laune, Faunce De, of Sharsted, 157. Launton Church, stained-glass to the memory of Archdeacon Stubbs, 240. Law, Elizabeth, 292; John, 292; Mary, 292. Lawes Major, Errata. Lawley, Roger, 26. Lawly alias Norris, Mary, 26. Lawrence, Henry, 38; Joan, 38; John, 21, 38; Richard, 38; Thomas, 38; William, 38. Laycooke, Christopher, 34; Robert, 34. Leake, George, 38. Leake alias Wilson, Jane, 38. Leaveland, 302. Leckynfeld, Wm., 443. Ledes, John de, Vicar of Thornham (1326), 244. Lee, 19, 32, 36. Leedes, 20, 22, 26. Lees Court, Sheldwich, 289, 290, 294. Legh, 352. Leghton, Walter de, 346. Leigh, 16, 25, 36, 39, 40. Leigh, Dame Christian, of East Wickham (1647), 214. Leigh alias Adamson, Prudence, 20. Leighe, Johanna, 25; Robert, 25. Leigh's Chapel, Lambeth Church, 62. Lempster, Richard, Vicar of Burham, 386. Lenham, 17, 23, 26, 36. Leofwine the Red, 55. Leonard, John, Esq., 325, 326. Lesden alias Bore, Alice, 19. Lese ; see Atte Lese. Lesnes, 310 ; see Little Brook. Leueye, Cecilia, 339; John, 339. Leve, Robert (Dartford, 1308), 393. Lewes, Margaret, 17; Morgan, 25; Robert, 17. Lewin, 40; Mr. Thomas, 376. Lewin arms impaling Hale, in Bexley Church, 376. Lewis, John, M.A. (Dartford, 1746), 397; John (Saltwood, 1706), 430. Lewisham (Kentish Administrations), 15, 17, 25, 29, 32, 33, 37. Lewyn, Anna, 40; John, 40. Leybreto, Bernard Giles de, 443. Leykere, John le, 345; Leticia, 345. Leysdon, 345. Libbis, 287. Lidd, 33, 36, 37. 476 GENERAL INDEX. Lidle, Ricardus de (1349), 292. Liffington, Alexander, 424, 444. Lighe, 22. Ligham, Peter (Saltwood, 1526), 428. Ligula of bronze found at Dartford in 1887, 206. Lilly, Maria, 36. Lincolne, Richard, 26; Robert, 26. Lindestede next Tenham, 347. Linsted, 38, 347. Linton (or Lynton), 32. Lister, Ralph, 448. Litchfield, Earl of, 102. Lithell, William, appointed Registrar of Crayford, 331. Litlegrome, John, 218. Litlington, Cristina de, 341; John de, 341. Little Brook, river banks of Saxon date, 309; tide walls at, 311. Littus Saxonieum, or Saxon Shore, why so called, 43. Livett, the Rev. Grevile M., 191; on Saxon Cathedral Church at Rochester, 261. Lloidd, Elisha, 38. Loat, William, 127,139,145,155. Locke, Harriet, 355; Rev. Thomas, 367. Lod, Nioholas (Bexley, 1390), 379. Lodge, 32. Loftie, Margaret, 302; William, 302; Capt. Wm. Henry, 302. Loggan, Roger, 94. London, Roger, son of Roger de, 343. Lone, John, 35; Riohard, 35; Sampson, 35. Lone (or Loane), Mr., 139,144. Long, Thomas, Mayor of' Fordwioh (1591), 88. Longe, David, 365. Longefield, 26, 444; Rectory, 397. Loose, Geo. Simpson, Vicar of, 303. Lorkyn, John, 35. Lott, Elizabeth, 414. Love, John, 105. Lovelace, Joan, 33, 38; Mary, 38; Robert, 33, 38. Lovelace, Capt., of Bethersden, 67 ; Lancelot, 283; Mr., 101; Sir William, 66. Loveson, Sir John, Knt., 33; Margaret, 33. Lowe, Anne, 378 re.; Edmund, 23 ; Sir Timothy, 378 re. Lowes, Giles, 36; Henry, 25; Myldred, 25; Thomas, 36. Lowfield Street, Dartford, anoient pavement near, 312. Lows, John, 403 re.; Thomas, 403 re. Luddington Manor, Lincolnshire, 164. Ludlowe, John, 329. Luffe, William (Bexley, 1591), 379. Luke, Samuel, 32; William, 32. Lukin (or Lukine), John, Mayor, of Eordwich (1645), 88; Richard (Mayor, 1609), 88; Thomas (Mayor, 1665-6), 88. Lukyn, John, Mayor of Fordwich (1563), 87; his wife Thomasine, 89; his sons John and Thomas, 89. Lullyngeston, 343. Lunce, William, 403 n., 418, 418 ». Lundenysh, Emma, 344; Wm., 344. Lunsforde, John, 32; Robert, 32. Lunsforde alias Oley, Benett, 32. Lurch alias Croft, Ellen, 39. Lushington, Mr. Robert, 402. Lydd, 34, 338; Vicarage, 398. Lyle (or Lysle), Riohard de, 292. Lyminge, observations on the remains of the Basilica of, paper on, 46; Aula, or Camera de, erected by Lanfranc, 50; Eastern apse in the Basilica of, work of Ethelburga (633), 50; Monastery of, incorporated with Christ Church (965), 53. Lymne, 367; on a Roman castrum at, 41-5 ; land, slip at, 43; castle and church, 436-46; Vicars of, 443-6. Lymynge, 26. Lynch, George, M.A. (Cheriton, 1770- 89), 367, 446. Lynch, Dr. John, Dean of Canterbury (1734-60), 367. Lynch, Thomas, 37. Lyndestede, 352. Lyng, John, 443. Lynox, the Duke of, 100. Lynsted, 34. Lynton, 32, 348, 350, 351. Lyon, Patricius, 25. Lysle; see Lyle. Lyte, Anthony, 21. Lyte alias Smyth, Brigett, 21. Lytle, Richard le, of Grene, 345; Thomas le, 345. Lytlebourne, 23. Mabelyfeld, 349. Maces and Seal of Eordwich, description of, 91. Mackeson, Mr. Edward, 415; Capt. Thomas, 415; his widow Mary, 415; son Lumsden, 415. Mackeson, Henry, 411, 411 n.; his wife Mary Jane, 411, 411 TO. ; Elizabeth his daughter, 411 re. Mackeson, William, of Hythe,, and Harriet his wife,< 411 n,; their children, 411 re., 412,«. GENERAL INDEX. 477 Macklin alias Barger, Angela, 37. Magminot, Gilbert, 243. Maidenstane, 348; John de, 347. Maidstone (Maydeston, etc., Kentish Administrations, 1559-63), 15, 40. Maidstone, claims of, to be Vagniacce, 182; History of Church of All Saints, 451. Makenhauede, John, 339. Malcolm, Mary Ann, 377; Neil, of Poltalloch, 377. Maiden, 25. Maiden, Rev. Bingham Sibthorpe, Vicar of Sheldwich (1870), 303. Malefornetus, Drogo (Saltwood, 1427), 428. Mallard, John, 26. Mallerd, John, 30; alias Wood, Ellen, 30. Mailing, St. Leonard's tower, work of Gundulph, 273 ». Mallyng, 341; John de, Vicar of Thornham (1385), 244. Malyn, Thos., 434. Malmaynes, Sir Henry, Sheriff of Kent, 92. Man, William, Esq., 102. Manby, Lawrence, 112; Mr. (solicitor), 124. Manger, Mary, 102. Manglesdenn, John de, 338. Manioun, Ferandus, 343; Margaret, 343. Mann, Sir Christopher, 402 n.; Frances his wife, 402 n.; Sir Wm. his son, 402, 402 re.; Mr. Wm., 402 re. Mannering, Edward, 32; George, 32. Manning, Mr. (1663-76), 115,118,119, 122, 123, 127, 139, 141, 146, 150, 151, 162, 168; Cousin Betty, 135; Mr. Edward, 162; R., 128; "Sister," 114. Manning, John (1455), 247. Mantell, Thomas, of Chilham, 90. Manwood, Sir Roger, Knt., 26. Mapeliscompe, 342. Marchall, John, the elder, his will (1488), 325 and re.; Richard, Vicar of Sheldwioh (1407), 296. Marden (Kentish Administrations, 1559-63), 24, 25, 28, 35. Marden Church, Herefordshire, effigy of Dame Margaret Chute in, 61 re. Mareys arms, 291; Joanna, 290, 291; John, 290 re.; William, 290, 290 re., 291. Maridurnum (Carmarthen), 178. Marjoribanks, James, memorial brass to, in Cheriton Church, 356; Stewart Paxton, 356. . Markant, Thomas, Rector of Hever, 385. Markeham, Henry (Saltwood, 1540), 429. Marlar, Blanche, monument to, in Crayford Church, 328. Marler, Blanche, 34; George, 34; Mr. George, and Elizabeth his wife, 330. Marloe, John, Alderman of Rochester (1667), 214. Marscal, William, Vicar of Aldington (1279), 244. Marselly, John (Saltwood, 1365), 426. Marsh, Anne, 26; George, 26. Marshall, Elizabeth, 32; George, 21; Katherine, 22 ; Simon, 22. Marshall, John, founder of Drapers' Chapel in Crayford Church, 324-5 ; benefactor to Crayford Church, 326. Marshall alias Chambers, Agnes, 21. Marshe, John, 29. Marshes in Selling, 292. Marston, 39. Marten, Edward, 221; Maria, 22; Percival, 22. Marton, Anna, 40; John, 40. Martyn, Anne, 387; Benedict, 112; John, 112 ; John, of Franks, 387 ; Dame Kateryn, 109,112 ; Richard, 106, 112, 387; Thomas, of Edenbridge, 387, 445 ; William, 93 ; William, Mayor of Fordwich (1501), 87. Martyn's Salary, 387. Masham, John, Vicar of Thornham (1433), 244. Mason, John, 443; of Broomfield, 251; Mary, 34; Patrick, 34. Massam, John, Vicar of Aldington (1431), 245. Masse, William, Vicar of Thornhamcum- Aldington (1506), 248. Mastard, Thomas, of Feversham, 27. Master, Expense-book of James (1663- 76), 114-156; his life (1647-55), 157- 168 ; " Cousin " M„ 115, 123, 124, 134,136,138, 155,156; Sir Edward, 157, 161; "Brother Francis," 117, 122; Martha, 148 re.; Richard, 157, 165; William Daniel, 148 n. Master, Audrey, 161; Edward, 66; Sir Edward, 402 re.; Elizabeth, 66; Frances, 402; Gilbert C, Vicar of Thornham (1880), 250; Thomas, of Est Barham (1348-9), 385. Masters, Agnes, 21, 37; Alice, 209, 215, 216; Richard, 209, 215; his will, 221; Thomas, 21; William, 37. Mathew, Elizabeth, 32; Richard, 32. Mathewe, Alioe, 214; Thomas, 214. Mattheu, John, of Tenrygge, 352. . 478 .GENERAL INDEX. Matthewe, Hugh, 23; see Ap Mathew. I Maw, Capt., 293; Sarah A., 293. Mawdsley, James, 212. Mawndye, John, 16; Richard, 16. May, Anthony, Mayor of Fordwich (1575,1585,1636), 88,100; Mr., 101 bis; Thomas, 90. May, Alice, 442; Stephen, Mayor of Fordwich (1537), 87, 442. Maycot, Anthony, of Reculver, 89. Maycott, John, 95; William, Mayor of Fordwich (1499), 87, 89. Maydenstan (Maidstone), 338, 339, 347; John de, 347. Maydenstane, 348, 351. Maye alias Nevell, Anne, 17. Mayer, Mr., 102. Maynard, John, 343 ; John, Mayor of Fordwich (1292), 82, 87; probable founder of Maynard's Hospital (1317), 89. • Mayne, Anne, 19, 27; Walter, 19. Mayney, John, 27, 29. Mayney alias Windsor, Anne, 29. Mays, note on the family of, 90. Maysterson, Benjamin, 31; Edmund, 31. Mead, Charles, Mayor of Fordwich (1834-48), 89. Meade, Thomas, 102. Meadehurste (or Meadeherste), Anne, 34; Margaret, 34; Susan, 34. Meadehurste alias Blundell, Johan, 34. Meadows, Mr., 192. Mears and Stainbank (bell-founders), 392. Medhurst, Edward, 33; Elizabeth, 33. Mediseval remains at Roohester, on, 196-201. Melford, John de, 342; Katherine de, 342. Mellitus, Bp. of London (A.D. 604), 263. Mellow, William, 26. Mengel, Arms, 390 re.; Elizabeth, 390. Menstre, in the Isle of Shepeye, 339; in the Isle of Thanet, 339, 342, 351. Meopham (or Mepham), 30, 38, 39; tomb of Arohbishop Simon, in Canterbury Cathedral, 169; his supposed tombstone, in Boughton Church, 241. Mercer, Robert (Dartford, 1630), 396. Mercote, or Morcote, John, 448. Merden, 21. Mere, 346. Meredith, Richard, 30. Mereworth, Sir John de, 363; Margeria his wife, 363 re.; manor house at,.363«. Mergate, 21. Meriall, Katherine, 35; Thomas, 35; William, 19. Meriok, William, Vicar of Thornham (1572), 249. Merrick, William, 445. Mersh, Henry, 403 re. Mersham, 31, 68 »., 368. Merton, Roger, nepos of Walter de (Dartford, 1278), 393. Merworth, 28; John de, 338, 342; Margeria de, 338, 342 ; Thomas de, 338; William de, 338. Middele, 338. Middelton, 338, 345 ; Alan de, 345. Middleton, Dorothy, 18; Letitia, 23; William, 23. Middleton (Milton), the hundred of, 79; the Earl of, 102. Midlie, 39. Mildmay, Sir Walter, Knt., 325. Mildretha, St., her relics removed to Canterbury, 53. Miles, Mr., shells found by, in the Deveril Barrow, 203 n. Miller, Sir Humphrey, 122, 126,138, 150, 153, 156; James, 252, 435; John, 23, 164; Nicholas, 251, 252, 434-5; Sir Nicholas, 161,162, 163; Wm., 23. Millard, Miss, of Teddington, 399-401. Milles, Anne, 25; Mr., 65; William, 25; Jeremiah (Saltwood, 1744), 431. Mills alias Fathers, Agnes, 39. Mills alias Still, Alice, 34. Milsted, 29. Milton, 23, 32, 34, 38. Milton by Sittingbourne, Roman ring found at, 207; manor, 156. Milway, Mr. John, 399. Minster, 21, 33. Mirfine, Margaret, 370; Sir Thomas, of London, 370. Mock, John, locksmith (1637), 283; John (1664), 117. Moffett, Mary, 17; Robert, 17. Molessohe, William de, Vicar of Thornham, 244. Molyngton, Robert, 388. Molyns, Egidia de, 340, 341; John de, 340, 341. Monde, Rich., 251; William, 251,433. Mone, Guydo, 426, 452. Mongaye, Anne, 31; Elizabeth, 31; Joan, 31; John, 31; Rebecca, 31. Monketon, 343. Monson, arms quartering Watson, 296; Lewis, 295».; Lady Margaret (ree'e Watson), 295 n, J Moone, Thomas, 30.. GENERAL INDEX. 479 Moore, Anna, 22; Robert, 22. Moore alias Barrow, Elizabeth, 37. Moraunt, Joanna, 346 ; William, 346. More, Anne, 17; Dr., 330; Robert, 17; William, 31. Mores, Anthony, 19. Moresdenne, Elizabeth de, 346; John de, 346. Moreton, Alice, 19; Robert, 19. Morgan, Francis, of Kingsthorpe, 237re.; John, 19; Roger, 19. Moriston (Murston), 338. Morland, William (Cheriton, 1453-8), 364. Morle, Robert, 59 re. Morris, Abdia, 445; F., 442 ; John, 37. Morse, Thomas (1665), 122. Morton, Cardinal, brass of, 254. Moseley, Agnes, 17; William, 17. Mosewell, Mabilla de, 345; William de, 345; William of Broomfield, 251. Mote, William (Dartford, 1536), 395. Mote, in Itham, 24. Moudham, John, 17. Mourton, John, 35; Mary, 35. Mouns, John le, of Coulyng, junior, 341; Sabina le, 341. . Mounts Wood, Dartford, camp on, 307. Moyle, Robert, 37. Moys, John, 448. " Mumhrey, Thomas, 17. Mumbrey alias Stocke, Joan, 17. Mundy, Franois, 38. • Mundy alias Stacy, Mary, 38. Munn family, arms, 294; Alice Harvey, 294; Elizabeth, 294; Col. Henry, 294; Major Wm. Aug., 291, 293, 294; Mary E., 294; Matthew W., 294; Capt. Thomas Callis, 294; William, of Blackheath, and Catherine his wife, 294. Munn alias Water, Anne, 35. Munninge, Richard, 16. Muns, Ann,'371. Mural painting of St. Paul at Melita, in Canterbury Cathedral, 169-73. Murray, Edward (Dartford, 1830), 397; Lord George, Bp. of St. David's, 397; T. (artist), 238. Murrell, Mr. J. P., 13. Murston, 338, 450. Muston, Dame Anne, 423 ; William, . 423; arms, 423. Myller, Agnes, 37; James, 37; William, 23. Myller alias Oliver, Joan, 23. Mylles, Thomas, of Shorne, 40. Mylys, James, 95. Nailer, Jasper, 22; John, 22. Napper, William, 25. Nash, in parish of Northfleete, 40. Naylor, Anthony, 32; Edward, 32; Henry, 32. Neale, Mr., 140. Neel, Isabella, 344; Richard, 344; Walter, 340; Walter, of London, 343. Nelham, William, 220. Neolithic implements; see Palaeolithic. Nepsam, Elizabeth, 32; Thomas, 32. Neptune, altar at Lymne, 42. Nethercourt, in St. Peter's, Thanet, 89. Netherhardres, 348, 351. Nethewod, manor of, 337. Netlingham, John, 20 ; Margerie, 20. Netter, Elizabeth, 28; Jeremiah, 28. Nevell, Anne, 17; Catherine, 17; Judith, 17 ; Margaret, 17; Richard, 17. Nevell alias Maye, Anne, 17. Nevill, Sir Thomas, 155. Neville, Christopher (1614), 60-61. Nevynson, Steven (Saltwood, 1561), 430. Newchurch, 33. Newe alias Benson, Mariane, 27. Newenden, 36. Newenham alias Wingfield, Dame Mary, 27. Newenton next Hethe, 338. Newestreete, Henry, 32. Newhouse, Agnes (1460), 411, 418 re. Newington, 28, 35, 367. Newman, John, 385. Newporte, Clare, 33; Thomas, 33. New Romney, 35. Newton, James, 23; William, 444. Newynton, William, Rector of Cheriton (1404), 359, 360, 363. Newynton next Hethe, 345. Newyntone next Sydingbourne, 850. NichoUs, John, Mayor of Fordwich (1727-1728), 88, 90; Martha, 90; Catherine and Mary, 90. Nicholson, Ann, married to Philip Stubbs (1635), 215. Nightingale, Nicholas, 29. Norden, Edward, 22. Nordishe, John, 25. Norfolk, Duke of, his rights in Arundel Church, 54. Norhampton, John de, 346, 348. Norris, Alice, 23,26 bis; Clement, 23 ; Edward, 27; Elizabeth, 27; Robert, 399. North, Charles A., 425; Elizabeth, 425; Sir Roger, 158. North alias Somerwell, Judith, 39. Northbourne, 30; Geo. Simpson, Rector of, 303. 480 GENERAL INDEX. North Craye, 26. Northfleet, 308; (Kentish Administrations), 15, 21, 22, 27, 28, 39; claims to be Vagniacce, 182. Northflete, land in, 214, 340, 343. Northgate, Henry de, 348; Johanna de, 348. Norman, John, 449. Norton, Anne, 210, 217; Aphra, 89; Elizabeth, 37; John, 37; John, of Northwood, in Milton, 89; John, Lord of Sheldwich, 290; Mr., 101, 156; Stephen de, 352; Wm., 444. Norton, Thomas, Mayor of Fordwich (1530), 87, 89; Thomas (Mayor, 1617), 88, 89; Thomas (Mayor, 1662-4), 88; Thomas (Mayor, 1682-6), 88. Norton, Valentine, Mayor of Pordwich (1552), 87, 89; Valentine (Mayor, 1578), 88; Valentine (Mayor, 1599), 88. Norton, William, of Faversham, 89. Norwico, Cristina de, 349; John de, 349 ; Matilda de, 349 ; Peter de, 349; Richard de, 349. Norwiz, William de, 338. Norwood, J. D., 433; on Roses Parm, in Broomfield, 251-2. Norwood, 37. Norys, Ralph, 359. Nott, Thomas, 287. Noviomagus, alleged sites of, 182-3. Nowell, Alexander, Dean of St. Paul's (Saltwood, 1560), 429. Nycolls alias Harrison, Dionisia, 17. Nysells, Alice, 391; arms, 391 re. Odiarne (or Odyarne), Elizabeth, 26, ' 33; John, 26, 33. Offa, peculiarity in the coinage of, 316. Okeland, Anne, 31; Christopher, 31. Oldfield, Mary, 292. Oldman, Elizabeth, of Canterbury, 293. Old Surrenden, Bethersden, 70. Old Romney, 20, 30. Oley; see Lunsforde. Oliver alias Myller, Joan, 23. Orange Tree Inn, Dartford, 312. Ord, General W. R., 379».; Harry Gough, 379 re. Ore, 337. Orme, Mr. (1664), 118. Orpington, 279; church tower at, 384. Orpyngton, 346, 349. Osborn, Henry, 30. Osborne, Alice, 30; Anne, 25; Elizabeth,, 35; John, 28; his children, 28; Robert, 28, 35; Stephen, 30; William, 25. . Osprenge, 346, 351. Osprengg, 337. Otley, Christian, 39; Mathew, 39. Otteford, 346, 348. Otterbury (or Atterbury), Joan, 16; John, 16. Otterinden, 40 ; John de, 443. Ottham, 36. Ounsted, Richard, 32; Thomas, 32; William, 32. Outred alias Bridges, Mary, 30. Outredd alias Railton, Cioilie, 17. Overy, St., Dartford, old road at, 311. Owen, Esther, 215. Owtred, Maria, 331; William, 331. Owtrede, John, 17. Oxenden, Elizabeth, wife of Sir James, 69; Prior Richard de, 170. Oxley, Edward, 16; Richard, 16; Robert, 16. Ozengell, human remains from, 334. Paok and Chapman, bell-founders, 392. Padnall alias Carden, Alice, 21. Pagan burial, mode of, 315. Page, George, 28; William (Dartford, 1390), 394. Page alias Wilkins, Elizabeth, 28. Pakynton, Archdeacon Wm. de, 443. Palaeolithic implements, earliest study of, by Englishmen, 304. Palieolithic and neolithic implements, distinction between, 304-6. Paler alias Farmer, Dorothy, 29. Palestre, John de, 344; Sara his wife, 344; manor of, 344. Palmer, Alexander, of Burgham, and Johanna his wife, 348. Palmer, Emma, 352; John, senior, 352; John, junior, 352; Justice, 216. Paramore, Thomas, of Fordwioh, 89. Paramore alias Milna, Mary, 18. Paramores of Hemp Hall, Fordwioh, 82 re. Parfitt, John, 25, 30; Mary, 30. Paris, the Rev. John, of Trinity College, Cambridge, 239. Parker, Edmund (Cheriton, 1743-70), 367; Sir Edmund, Dartford, "Salary Priest," 387; Edward, 18, 33; James, 33; Johan, 17; John, 16,17, 434; Thomas, 16, 17; William, 17. Parker alias Thomas, Alice, 17. Parkehurst, Elizabeth, 36; James, 36. Parrott, John, 19; Margaret, 19. Parry, David, 30; Dr. Edward, 382; Henry, 22; Margaret, 22,; Mr. (1666), 126; Thomas, 30; Walter, of Eltham (1612),.213. GENERAL INDEX. 481 Parshall, Ralph, Vicar of Thornham, 249. Parsons, Hellen, 19; Robert, 19. Part, John, of Sandwich, 339. Passele, Edmund de, 344; Margaret de, 344; Thomas de, 344. Paston, Sir William, 158. Pate alias Hiokes, Alice, 38. Patriksborne, 22, 347. Paulinus, Bp. of Rochester (633-644), 262; site of his grave, 263; relics removed, 263. Paul's Cray Common, anoient enclosures at, 308; see St. Paul's Cray. Pavements, anoient, at Dartford, 312. Payne, George, P.S.A., F.L.S., on a Roman statue and other remains in Dover Museum, 202-5; on a bronze ligula, found at Dartford, 206; on a Roman ring found at Milton next Sittingbourne, 207; his archseological map of Kent, 195. Payne, Robt. (Saltwood, 1709), 430. Payton, Sir Thomas, 101. Peaoooke, Richard, 220. Peapyngebery (Pembury), 352. Pearce, Alioe, 38; John, 38; Margaret, 38,39; William, 38, 39. Pearce alias Butler, Frances, 38. Pearce alias Hall, Anna, 39. Pearman, the Rev. A. J., on the Chutes of Bethersden and Hinxhill, 55. Pearson, Mr. J. L., R.A., 261, 262 re. Pecchyng, John, 403 re. Peck, Anthony, 20; Mary, 20. Peok, Franois (Saltwood, 1674), 430. Peckham, 17; Archbishop receives homage of Gilbert de Clare, 50. Pedder, Mr., at Springhead, 188. Peerse, Frances, 23; Gilbert, 23. Peese, John (Saltwood, 1487), 428. Pegwell, 1, 3. Peirce, Pranois, 35; John, 35. Peirce alias Harman, Silvester, 35. Pekenbury (Pembury), 27. Pelham, Sir John, 118, 119,122,123, 132, 144; Sir Thomas, of Halland Park, Sussex, 157,158,161,162-3. Pell alias Short, William, 23. Pelsant, George, 34. • Peltebem, Robert, 350. Pelton, Thomas, Chapl., 385. Pemberton, Mr. (1667), 129. Pembury, 27, 352. Pendreth, Francis, 30; Miles, 30. Penny, John, 94. Pennyale, John, 34. Penshurst, 28, 34. Perkins, John, 66. Perry, Robert, 23; William, 23. I • Perry Court, 290 n. • Pesyndenn, Robert de, 344. Petit, Alice, 40; Catherine, 291; William, 291. Peto, Rev. Jas., 293; Mary, 293. Petrie, Mr. Flinders, 308. Pett, Milon, 38; Peter, 23; Thomas, 38. Pett alias Tusam, Anne, 23. Pette, Agnes de, 338; John de, 338. Pettit, Alioe, 89; John, 89. Peuerel, William, 345, 346. Peyntour, Edmund, 351; Matilda, 351. Phillipp, Anthonet, 30; Jane, 29; John, 29; Luke, 30. Phillips, John, 220. Phillips family, patrons of, Thornhamcum- Aldington, 250. Philpot, Mr. (1663), 115. Pickersgill, Mr. W. C, memorial window to, in Bexley Churoh, 377. Piers, Henry, M.A., Vicar of Bexley (1737), 375, 381. Piers, Sir Thomas, 161. Pierse, Sir Henry B., 416. Pigeon, Daniel, 39. Pigeon alias Boswell, Grace, 39. Pigott, John, 17; WilUam, 17. • Pikhard, Edward, 36. Pilcher, Jesse, benefactor to Cheriton Church, 356. Pilcher, Thomas, Mayor of Pordwich, 88; marriage, arms, death, 90. Pilston, Dorathy, 22; Roger, 22. Pine, Alice, 25; Richard, 25; Robert, 393. Piper, Elizabeth, 25; William, 25. Pirrey alias Tonge, Alice, 17. Pitt, Rose, 387. Plane, John, 22; Matthew, 22. Plat, Sir Hugh (1663), 115. Playden, 58. Playter's arms, 71. Playtors, Christopher, Esq., 71. Plumsted, 17, 21, 27. Pode, Isabella, 350; Simon, 350. Pokoke, Edward, 380. Poleyn, John, 110. Poltalloch, the Malcolms of, arms in Bexley Church, 377. Ponyngges, Agnes, 337; Luke, 337; Miohael, 337; Thomas, 337. Pooke, Elinor, 25. Poole, Edith, 27. - Pope, Joan, 34; William, 34. Porrage, Arthur, 399. Porter, Andrew, 35; Richard, 35; Thomas, 35. Portus Adurni, in Sussex, 41. Portus Lemanis, one of the three great entrances to Britain, 41.. VOIi. XVIII. I I 482 GENERAL INDEX. Poste, Rev. Beale, 310, 313; on the supposed site of Vagniacce, 184. Poteman, Alice, 350; Stephen, of Shorne, 350. Potter, Agnes, 23, 28. Pottes, Katherine, 25; Peter, 25. PoweU, Robert, 396; Thomas, 30; Vavasour, 396. Powle, John (Dartford, 1660), 396. Pratt, John, Vicar o£ Thornham-cum- Aldington, 247. Pratt alias Hune, Anne, 26. Preone, Wm. de (Saltwood, 1391-2), 427. Preston,' Anne, 22; Sir Gilbert, 92; Henry, 22; John (Thornham, 1425), 244; Thomas (Bexley, 1376-85), 379. Preston, 33, 337. Preston alias HannybaU, John, 18; Margaret, 18. Price, Thomas (Dartford, 1689), 396. Prices, Hugh, 443. Prideaux, Mr., F.A.S., on human remains at Hythe, 334. Primlogie, Henry (Dartford, 1349), 385. Prootor, Andrew, 34 bis; Elizabeth, 34. Proude, Thomas le, 344; William le, 344. Provest, Margaret, 23; William, 23. Provost, William, 32, 39. Puckering, Anne, 80; Edward, 30. Pyerres, Roger, of Shadlesfeld, 345. Pyghtesle, WiUiam, Vicar of Thornham (1368), 244, 245 re. Pyghtisle, William, Reotor of Cheriton (1403), 363. " Pyleys," definition of, 96 re. Pym, John, senior, 39; junior, 39. Pynewyggel, Alice, 338; Robert of, Middelton, 338. Pyrrin, Joseph, 29; Thomas, 29. Pyzaunt, John, M.A. (Dartford, 1546), 895. Queenborough, Riohard Bingham, Vioar, of 303. Quern, a, found at Frindsbury, 192. Quested, Elizabeth, 415. Quinboroughe, 33. Quinborowe, 31. Quynborowe, 24, 27. Radcliffe, Peroival, Vicar of Sheldwioh (1667), 299. Bade, John, 29; Katherine, 29. Railton alias Outredd, Cicilie, 17. Raines, John, 28 j William, 28. Rainham, 31, 38. - Raleigh, Mrs. Elizabeth, granddaughter of Sir Walter, 360. Ramond, Mr. (soUcitor), 155,156. Ramsay, Capt. John, 293. Ramsey, Walter, 386. Ramsgate, paper on'British Village at, 1-4. Randolf (or Randolffe), Averinus, 18; Edward, 18. Randolf alias Hastinge, Sibille, 18. Randolph, Mr., 102; Thomas (Saltwood, 1746), 431; Tho. his son, 431. Raper, John, 298. Rashleigh, Rev. Peter, 188. RawUnson, Dr., letter of Archdeacon Stubbs to, 240; Marguerite Jane, 293. Rawson, James, 434; Thomas, 29. Rawson alias Hunt, Elizabeth, 29. Raynham, 17. Raynolde, John, 297. Reading, John, M.A. (Cheriton, 1644-7), 359, 365-6. Recolure, or Reculure (Reoulver), 346; Mary de, 348, 350, 351; William de, 348, 350, 351. Reculver, Franois Greene, Vicar of, 300; see Recolure. Redburn, John, Vioar of Faversham (1512), 105,112. Rede, Thomas, 107, 113. Reding, Mr. Ralph, 220, 221. Redman, Thomas, 26; Archdeacon William, 445. Reilly, Sir Francis Savage, of Scarvagh, memorial window in Cheriton Churoh to, 357. Remold, Thomas, Vioar of Thornham (1597), 249. Renaud, John, of Dynant, 350; Nicholaa, 350. Renham, 341, 346; Robert de and Matilda his wife, 350. Restone. John (1595), 213. Reyersshe (Ryersh), 341. Reynolds, William, 32. Reys, Alexander, Mayor of Pordwioh (1311), 87. Ribton Henry (Bexley, 1539), 379. Rich, Jasper, 40; John, 40. Riohardson, Riohard, 215. Riehborough, paper on excavations at, in 1887, 6-14; no lapidary inscription at, 5; castrum, 6; rich in Roman remains, 10, 11; descriptions of fragments of Fictile Vessels found at, 11; entrance to Britain, 42; second legion ,at, 42; on Roman coins found at, 72-77 ; unique coin found at, 76. GENERAL INDEX. 483 Riohe, Sir Thomas (1666), 124. Riohmond, Duohess of, 156. Riohmond alias Morland, John (Bexley, 1456), 379. Ridding, Henry, 32. Ridding alias Bland, Mabel, 32. Ridley, John, 293. Rieshe, 350. Rigault, Gideon (1712), 287. Rigden, Mary, 293; Mr., 402. Riky, Phoebe, 212; Rev. Walter, 212 Rivers, Mr. (1665), 121. Roberd, Johanna, 89; Margaret, 89. Roberd, George, Mayor of Fordwioh (1515), 87, 89. Robert, John, of Menstre, 339; Margeria, 339 ; Moder, 106,113 ; Riohard, 113. Roberts, Herbert, 19; Margery, 19; Mary, 211, 217, 218; Thomas, of Esthodley, 22. Roberts alias Bam, Katherine, 22. Robertson, the Rev. Canon Scott, on St. Anselm's Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral, 169-173 ; on Archdeacon Philip Stubbs, 235; report on the orypt of Canterbury Cathedral, 253-6; on Sheldwich Churoh, 288- 303; on Cheriton Church, 353-68 ; on Bexley, the Church, Hall, Place, and Blendon, 369-82; on Dartford Churoh, 383-98; on Horsham Manor in Dpohurch, 399; on St. Leonard's Churoh, Hythe, 403; on Saltwood Churoh, 421-32; on Hatch the bellfounder and Roses Farm, 484; on Lymne Castle and Churoh, 436-46; on Cobham College, 447-9. Robinson, Robert, 29. Robinson alias Borre, Joanne, 19. Rooh, Richard, 93. Roche, John (1512), 105. Roohester (Kentish Administrations, 1559-1603), 15-40. Roohester, on Roman remains discovered at, 193-5; a Roman station and fortress for four centuries, 195; on mediaeval remains at, 196-201; old map of (1717), 199; Priory Wall, 201; on the Saxon Cathedral Churoh at, 261-278. Roohester Castle, old aroh beneath the approaoh to, 196; description of the moat around, 198. Rodes alias Bright, Margaret, 37. Rodmersham, 349. Rodulf e's Craie; 279. Roger, John, 16; Sir, 136,141. Roger alias Forohe, Agnes, 16. Rogers, arms, 393; Ellen, 396; John (Dartford, 1515), 395; Stephen, 16. Rogger, Stephen, of Sutton Valence, 345. Rokesle, Johanna, 340; Reginald de, 340; Riohard, 387; William de, 340. Rokyngg, 340. Rolte, John, 218, 219. Roluyndenne, 342, 345. Rolvenden, 34, 342, 345. Roman coins, pottery, etc., 1-14; tiletesserae floor at Riohborough, 9; Castrum, at Lymne, 41; coins at Riohborough, 72-77; station of Vagniacae at Springhead, 177-188; roads, 180-2; cemetery at Springhead, 188; remains at Frindsbury, 189-192; at Rochester, 193-5; in Dover Museum, 202-5; rings found at Milton and neighbourhood, 207-8; ware, brioks, urns, etc, at Rochester, 267 re.; quern stone at Rochester, 273; remains at Dartford, 304-318. Rome, great Basilioal Churches in, built towards the west, 49. Romenal, old, 338; new, 338. Romney Marsh, 68. Rooke, Admiral, 102; Mr. Thomas, 402. Roos (Rose), William (1459), 251. Rootes, Alice, 27; Riohard, 27. Roper, Mr., 159,160. Rose, Alico, 433; Alse, 221; John, 433, of Wye, 251; Robertus, 215; William, of Broomfield, 251, 433; of Faversham, 251. Ross, Richard Bp. of (Saltwood, 1455), 420, 428. Roses Parm in Broomfield, 251-2, 433-5. Rothele, Beatrix, 388; Joan, 888; William, 388. Roucestre, Ansgotus de, Lord of Aldington Manor, 244. Rous, Henry le, 443. Routledge, Canon F., report on the orypt of Canterbury Cathedral, 253-6. Rowe, Mr., 221. Rowland, Mr., Vioar of Croydon, 424. Rowle, Elizabeth, 22; John, 35; Peter, 22. Rowlte, Henry, 16; John, 16; Riohard, 16. Ruck, Anne, 29; William, senior, 29. Ruddle, William, 236. Ruddook, John, 443. Rumney, Symon (Dartford, 1646), 396. Rutland, Elizabeth, 25; Robert, 25. Rutlinge, 33. I I 2 484 GENERAL INDEX. Rutton, Mr. Isaac, 802; Isaac, nontenant of Dover Castle, 405; Matthias, Vicar of Sheldwich (1781), and Margaret his wife, 302. Rybtin, John, 31. Ryngewode, John de (Saltwood, 1322), 426. Ryvers, Mary, 17; Thomas, 17. St. Alban's Abbey, Herts, 79, 240. St. Anselm's Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral, 169-173,174-6. St. Clement's Lane, Rochester, 193. St. Edmund King and Martyr, his chapel in Hythe Church, 414. St. George, Anne, widow, 381; Eleanor, 379 re.; Sir Henry, 378 re.; Rebecca, 378,381; Sir Thomas, 378re.; Thomas, 319 re., 381. St. James, Isle of Grayne, 32, 33. St. John, Isle of Thanet, 17, 36. St. John, Edward de, 352; Richard de, 352 ; Roger de, 352. St. Laurence, vill of, 343. St. Leger, Alianora, 359; Anthony, 434; Nicholas, 20; Thomas, 359. St. Leonard's Tower, Mailing, 273. St. Margaret's parish, Rochester, 33. St. Mary Craye (or Crey), 33, 38, 346. St. Mildred, Canterbury, tower, 384. St. Nicholas, Rochester, 270. St. Nicholas (Thanet), 343; John de, 343; Thomas, 343. St. Paulinus, Bp. of Tork, churches dedicated to him, 279, 279 re., 319. St. Paul's Cray Church, Major A. Heales on, 279-287. St. Paul's Cray Hill, mansion of, 281. St. Thomas chapel, Faversham, 110. St. William's Gate, Roohester, 200. Saker, Rev. Mr., 216. Sale, Richard, Vicar of Throwley, 299. Sale, William, B.A., Vicar of Sheldwioh (1690), 299. Salmon, Dr. (1666), 124-5, 127,128-9, 146,149,151, 152; "Master," 136, 142. Saltwood, 17, 54, 341; castle repaired and rebuilt, 51. ' ( . Saltwood Churoh, Canon Scott Robertson on, 421-32; font and chest, 422; monumental brasses, 422; "list of rectors (1276-1888), 425-32. ' Sampson, Abigail, 29; Anthony;-" 29; Edmund, 18; William, 18. '; Sanderstead, family vault of the Smiths . of Blendon Hall at, 376. Sandford, Katherine, 19; John, 19. Sandhurst,'25,345. Sandwich, 339 ; (Kentish Administrations, 1559-1603,) 15-40. Sandys, Col. Edwin, of Northbourne, 370; Lord, 71. Santford, Henry, 401. Sapcott, Alexander, 20; Henry, 20 William, 20. Sarjeant, Mrs. Mercy, 217. Sarre, 102. "Sarsen" stone found at Rochester, 264. Satis House, Rochester, visit of Queen Elizabeth, 200. Sauage, Edmund, 349; Margaret, 349. Saule, Walter, 339. Sauuage, Lora, 345; Ralph le, 345. Saunder, John (Saltwood, 1466), 428. Saunders, Jane, 39; Nicholas, 39. Savage; see Sauage. Saxon Cathedral Church, foundations at Rochester, 261-272; burial ground at Rochester, 265-7; graves at Littlebrook, 316; at Rochester, 266 re.; remains at Dartford, 304-18. Say and Sale, Barony of, 391. Sayar, John, Vicar of Sheldwich (1480), 297. Scandell, Matthew, Vicar of Sheldwich (1428), 297. Scarsdale, Earl of, 102. Scharynton, Joh, Rector of Bromley, 386. Scott, Lady, of Hayes Place, 161,165; Mr., 161; Nicholas, 30; Thomas, 26, 30; Sir Stephen, 159. Scrafton, William, Rector of St. Paul's Cray (1703), 286; William, of London, 286. Scrode're, William, of Thanet, and Margeria his wife, 342. Seager, Adam, 33 ; George, 33. Seale, 18, 35, 37. Sedgar alias Borman, Anne, 36. Seimour, Thomas, Bart., 331. Sele, 352. Selethrytha, Abbess (804), 63. Sellendge, 35. Selling, 337; Edward Fisher, Vicar of, 299; Matthias Rutton, Curate of, 302. Sellinge, 445-6. Sellyng, Joan, 423; John, 423; Richard, 423 ; arms, 423. Selsdon Park, in Sanderstead, 376. Selter, John (Saltwood, 1596), 430. Selwyn, Albinia, of Scadbury, 381. Sende, Thomas, of Hethe, 341. Sentleger, Anthony, 28; Nicholas, 28; see St. Leger. Sergeant, Ambrose, 33; Elizabeth, 33. GENERAL INDEX. 485 Serjeant, John, 210 ; Mrs., 236. Serle (or Serll), Richard, 93, 95 bis. Setvannce; see Harflete. Sevenocke, 20, 26, 27, 35. Sevington, 68 re. Seward, William, 346. Shalcross, John (Bexley, 1565), 379. Shardelow, John de (Bexley, 1352-76), 379. Sharp, Dr. John, Dean of Canterbury, 300. Sharpe, Alice, 25, 32; Robert, 25, 32. Sharpe alias Gavell, Mary, 32. Sharpy, Anne, 27 j Lawrence, 27. Shawe, Elizabeth, 219; Franois, 219; Henry, 219; Henry the younger, 219; Margaret, 219; William, 219. Shearlock Bridge, 401. Sheepebourne, 28. Sheldwich, on the church of, 288-303 ; restored in 1888, 289, 303; discovery of an old window in, 288-9; extracts from the parish registers, 295; registers fair-copied (1598), 298 ; vicars (1279-1870), 296-303. Sheldwich, John, 290. Sheldwych, 337. Shelley, Joan, 370; John, 370; Matilda, 370. Shells found in graves, 203 »., 205. Sheperd, Agnes, 40; William, 40. Sheppard, J. Brigstocke, LL.D., on: discoveries in St. Anselm's Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral, 174-6; re-: port on the crypt of Canterbury Cathedral, 253-6. Shepperd, John, 293; Mary, 293. Sherborne, John, 385. Sherland, Alexander, 34; John, 34. Sherington, Anthony, 25. SberingtonaZios Thorn's, Catherine, 25.: Shervold, John, 23. , Sherwynd, John, 415. j ' Shingledewell, 340. 1 Shirreff, Admiral, 293 ; Katherine, 293. \ Shooters' Hill, tumulus on, 308. I Shorditoh, Thomas (Cheriton, 1433), [ • '364. Shoreham, 27, 348. j Shorne, 27, 28, 32, 40; Elizabeth de,! 343; Henry de, 342; Walter de, I 343. Short, John, 38, 39; Marion, 88, 39; j WilUam, 39; Col. Samuel, 90. Shorte, Thomas, 38. Shorts, of Hemp Hall, Fordwich, 82 re.; Shoterick, Adam, Mayor of Fordwioh • (1376), 87. Shrimpton, Henry, 35; Richard, 35. ; Shulham, Walter, 448. Sibill, Mary, 33; Thomas, 33. Sibill alias Hope, Anne, 33. Sidingburn (Sittingbourne, 338). Sidney, Anna, 18. Simonson, Anne, 36; Philip, 36. Simpson, Rev. George, 293, 303; Sybilla Lucy, 293. Sirrey, Alice, 17. Sirrey alias Ware, Johan, 17. Sittingbourne, 18, 20, 22, 36, 39, 40, see Sidingburn, Sydingbourne, etc Skelton, John, 29; William, 214. Skillehose, Robert, 350. Skinner, Augustine, Knt., 67. Skynner, William, M.A. (Cheriton, 1507), 365. Slades Green, Roman remains at, 313. Slaney, Thomas (Cheriton, 1550), 365. Slauter, John, 215. Slay Hills saltings, near ITpchurch, Roman rings found on, 208. Sleddale, Alan de (Saltwood, 1365), 426. Slifeilde, Henry, 33 ; William, 33. Slinn (or Slynn), Andrew, 231; John, 231; Margaret, 210, 215, 231; Richard, 213, 231, 232; Thomas, 232. Smallwell, Joseph, 250. Smalwood, William, 17. Smiles, Mr., 311. Smith, C. Roach, F.S.A., note on excavations at Riehborough, 5; his paper on a Roman Castrum at Lymne, 41; on Roman coins at Riehborough, 72; on Kentish Castra, 181; on the site of Noviomagus and Vagniacaa, 183; discovery of Roman statue at Dover by, 202. Smith, arms of, impaling Hodgson, in • Bexley Churoh, 376; Abraham, 34; Agnes, 16; Alexander, 16; Archdeacon B. F., of Maidstone, 332; Ellen, alias Graye, 34; Elizabeth (nee Tucker), 376; John, of Blendon Hall, 376; John (Dartford), 387; Oswald, Esq., 376; Richard, 35; Tho., 139 ; William (Bexley, 1737), .381; William, 21. Smith alias Jeckett, Alice, 21. Smithson, Elizabeth, 29 ; John, 29. Smyth, Elizabeth, 22; Geoffrey, Vicar of Thornham (1364), 244; John (Dartford, 1430), 394; John, 213; Thomas, 22,105. Smyth alias Lyte, Brigett, 21. Sm'oak money (? hearth tax), 101. Smoult, Thomas (Bexley, 1659-66), 380. Snape, Joan, 40; Robert, 40. Snaues, 340. Sneloker, Statius (1610), 287. 486 GENERAL INDEX. Snell, Mr., 236. Snelling, Anna, 287; Lawrence, Parson of St. Paul's Cray (1611), 287. Snodeland, 15,16, 38, 39, 342. Snopill, alias Snossill, alias Snoxell, Dorothy, 209, 215. Soan, Jonathan, Vicar of Thornham (1720), 250. Soane alias Wood, Elizabeth, 40. Soham, Galfridus de (Bexley, 1286), 378. Sokelyng, John, 342; of Milstede, junior, 342; Margaret, 342; Peter, 342. Somer, Anne, 31; James, 31. Somerset, Dame Elena, alias Vane, 20. Somerwell, Alexander, 39. Sonders, Andrew (Dartford, 1428), 394. Sondes, Edward, Lord, 301; Viscount, 301; Sir George, 294, 295, 299; Katherine, 295; Lewis Richard, third Baron, 295-6,302; his brother Edward, 296; his arms, 296; Lewis Thomas, second Baron, 302; Mary, 295; Sir Michael, 295; his children, 295; Sir Riohard, 295; his children, 295. Sonne, Robert, 219. Sonnyngelegh, AUanora de, 352; Margaret de, 351; Walter de, 351; William de, 352. Soone, John, 16; Sibill, 16. Southfleet, 17, 22, 25; churoh, 313. Southland, Thos., Mayor of Fordwioh, 87; his petition to the Duke of Gloucester, 86. Southlonde, William (1457), 110. Sowndey, Elizabeth, 25; Robert, 25. Sowthland, John, 17; William, 17. Sparkeford, Thomas (Saltwood, 1393), 427. Sparrow, Thomas, 376. Sparrowe; see Daroye. Speed, Mr., 236. Speldherst, 19, 344. Spencer, Riohard, 284. Spencer, William, Mayor of Fordwich (1729), 88. Spielman, Elizabeth (ree'e Mengel), 389- 90; Katherine, 390; Sir John, Queen EUzabeth's jeweller, 389. Spilhnan, Anthony, 22. Spilman, Thomas, 17, 20. Spragin, John, 22; Martin, 22. Sprat, Rev. Dr., Bishop of Roohester, 236. Springhead, the Roman station of Vagniaoae, 177-188. Sprotte, John, 449. • Spry, Canon, 303. Spurr, Katherine, 31; WilUam, 31. Spurrell, Mr. F. C. J., on Dartford Antiquities, 304. Stacey, John, 385. Stacy, William, 38 ; alias Mundy, Mary, 38. Stafforde, Dame Dorothy, 35. Stainesmore, Elizabeth, 36; Robert, 36. Staleworth, William de, Vicar of Thornham, 244. Staley, Joan, 35; Wm., 35. Stamyndenne, Wm. de, 339 bis. Stanbridge alias Wattle, Alice, 28. Stanepit, Thomas at, his chantry at Dartford Church, 384. Stanford, 26. Stanhope, Katherine Lady Dowager, 249; Henry, Lord, 249. Stankey Wood, Bexley, finest specimen of Deneholes at, 317. Stanley, Thomas, 435 ; William, 40. Stanpit Chantry, Dartford Church, 384. Stansmore, George, 20; Henry, 20. Stanstead (or Stansted), 24, 28, 36. Stanton, Agnes, 39. Stapelherst, 352. Staplehurst, 19,27, 29; Rector of, 394. Star Hill, Roohester, ligula found in Saxon grave at the foot of, 206. Starkey, Richard, of Eltham, 209,215; his will (1587), 221. Starteoute, Elizabeth, 22; John, 22. Staundon, John, 385. Staunton, Joan, 23 ; Robert, 28; William, 23, 28. Stawell, Elizabeth, 371; George, 371. Stede, Johan, 20; WilUam, 20. Steinman, Mr., 290. Stephens, Ambrose, 33; Petronella, 39; Salomon, 39. Stephens alias Thomas, Thomas, 33. Stephenson, Cornelius, 33, 37; EUzabeth, 37. Sterkey, Thomas, benefactor to Eaversham Church (1525), 111 n. Stile, Elizabeth, 16; John, 19; Robert, 16. Stiles, Thomas, 29; William, 29. StiU, Agnes, 34; John, 34. Still aUas Mills, Alice, 34. Stirry, Agnes, 26; Arthur, 26. Stobes, Stobbes, see Stubbs. Stocke alias Mumbrey, Joan, 17. Stockbury, 29. Stoke, 27. Stokes, Humphrey de, 346; WuUam, Mayor of Fordwioh (1476), 87. Stonard, Thomas, 38. GENERAL INDEX. 487 Stone (Kentish Administrations, 1559- 1603), 19, 22, 26, 27, 30, 31,32. Stone, 351; in Oxney, B. Hollingworth, Vicar of (1696), 299. Stone, Emily S., 293; John (Dartford (1349), 393; "Goodman" (1664), 118; Thomas, 449. Stone, George, 35; Katherine, 35; Robert, 40; Thomas, 40. Stones, interesting, found at Rochester, 267 re. Stone Bridge, landso called in Ulcomb, 251. Stoneshed, 287. Story,*Hannah, 217. Streeter, Christopher, 101. Stringer, Alice, 30; Elizabeth, 26,30; William, 26, 30. Strode (Strood), 349, 350. Strode, Colonel, Governor of Dover Castle, 102. Strood, 214, 308. Stroude (Strood), 29. Strout, John (Cheriton, 1630), 365. Strowde, 20, 37, 39. Stubbes, Nicholas, 22; see Stubbs. Stubbs, Archdeacon Philip, 235-40; arms and crest, 238 re.; MS. letters in Bodleian Library, 239; at Launton, 239. Stubbs, on the Kentish family of, 213- 234. Stubbs, Alice, 213; will of Alice, of Thornham, 234. Stubbs, Charles, son of the Archdeacon, 237, 240 re.; Charles, grandson of the Archdeacon, 238. Stubbs (Stubbe), Edmund, 239. Stubbs, Elizabeth wife of John, of Barnard's Inn, 214. Stubbs, will of George, of Bilsington, 234. Stubbs, Henry, J.P., on the Kentish family of Stubbs, 213-234; grant of arms to, 238 n. Stubbs (Stubbes, Stobes), Henry, of Eltham, 213,214; his wiU, 218. Stubbs, Hugh, of Eltham (1611), 213. Stubbs (Stubbes), Jane, of Chislehurst (1647), 214; Joan, of Swanscombe and Northflete, 230. Stubbs (Stobbes, Stubes, Stubbes), John, 213bis; John, of Barnard's Inn, 214; of Chislehurst, 221; of Eltham, 218; of Lincoln's Inn, 236 re.; John, clerk, 239; Rev. John, Vicar of Newington by Hethe, 233, 356. Stubbs, Justinian, M.A., of Gloucester Hall, Oxon, 236 re. Stubbs, Katherine, wife of Philip the author (1593), 236 re.; of Canterbury, 233. Stubbs, Luoas, his will, 226. Stubbs, Margaret, of Eltham, 213; Mary, wife of John, of Eltham, 213 Stubbs, Philip (1611), 213; Philip, father of the Archdeacon, 214, 235, 236».; Philip, the Elizabethan author, 236 n. Stubbs, Philippa Maria, daughter of Archdeacon, 237 ; will, 225. Stubbs, Riohard, of Chislehurst (1635), 214, 235; of Ruislip, his will (1585), 220. Stubbs, Robert, of Eltham, 213; will, 220; Robert, of Barnard's Inn, 214; of Stamford, co. Lincoln, 214. Stubbs, Thomas (administration), 224; Thomas, of Ulcombe, his will, 231; of Borden, 233. Stubbs (Stubbes), Toby, of Eltham (1611), 213. Stubbs (Stubbys), William, 214; William, Registrar of Roohester Archdeaconry, his will, 227; William, of Northfleet, 229; William, of Hithe, 232; of Ulcomb, 233; William, son of Archdeacon, 237, 240 re. Stubbs (Stubbe), Dr. Wolfran, 239. Stubbs, pedigree, 209-212. Stubbys; see Stubbs. Studfall Castle, a Roman fortress, 41. Sturmouth, 32. Sturrey, 89. Style, Alice, 32; John, 16,32. Styleman, John, 377. Styleman's Charity, 377. Stynnet, Alice, 32; William, 32. Suliarde, Brigett, 33; Richard, 33. Sunderessh, 28; manor, 346. Surrenden (Bethersden), 55; sold to Archbishop Kemp (1425), 56; granted to Walter Buoler, Esq. (1544),56 ; passed to the Chute family (1553), 56; manor of, 68 re. Surrenden-Chute, 56. Surrenden-Dering, 55, 56. Surrenden, Old, owners still pay quit rent to the Earl of Winchelsea, 55. Surrenden, Adamde, 56; John, 55, 56. Surrendowne (Surrenden), farm in Bethersden, 1544, 56. Suthmallyng, Walter de, Vicar of Sheldwich (1283), 296. Sutton, 17; at Hone, 26, 30, 344; Valence, 37, 345. Sutton, Wiuiam, 443; Vioar of Sheld488 GENERAL INDEX. wich (1437), 297; WilUam, Vicar of Thornham (1661), 250. Swaine, Alice, 30; John, 30; Lawrence, 30. Swalman, Alice, 22; WilUam, 22. Swan, Henry, 344; Thomas (Sheldwich, 1506), 297. Swannescompe, 340, 343. Swanscombe, 18, 31, 34; British Oppidum in the forest of, 178; earth-walled enclosure, 306-7. Swanscombe Hill, old road on, 308. Swatfield, lands in, belonging to the Chute family, 68 re. Sweet Arden Manor, 365. Swerder, Henry, 94; John, 94. Swesneylonde, SibUlade, 346; WiUiam de, 346. Swifte, James, Vicar of Eltham, 219 ; Thomas, 219. Swinborne, Lawrence, 33. Swynefeld, Wodeton next, 348. Syberteswell, 33. Syble, Joan, 25; John, 25. Syble alias BbsseYille, Elizabeth, 25. Sydenham, Theodore, Mayor of Pordwich, 1736-43,88. Sydney, Earl, 382 ; patron of Bexley, 378 n.; Bobert, Governor of Flushing, 59; Viscount, 381, 382. Sydyngbourne, 342. Symonds, Benjamin, Vicar of Sheldwich (1777), 302. Symson, John, 444. Taillor, Johannes, Vicar of Aldington (1382), 245. Taillour, Richard, son of Richard le, 348;'William, his brother, 348. Taillour, Riohard le, of Silstede, and Margeria his wife, 348. Taillour, William, 245-6. Tailor, John, 414; Margaret, 414. Talboyes, Ralph (Saltwood, 1592), 430. Tancrey Island, 89. Tanner, Anne, 36; Edith, 35; Elizabeth, 35; John, of Faversham, 351; William, 448-9. Tarbokk, Thomas, Parson of St. Paul's Cray, 284. Taune; see Wattyshagh. Taunton, Manor of, 56. Taylor, Alice, 36; Ann, 293; Elizabeth, 31; John, gent., 71; Thomas, 36; Walter, of HoUingbourne, 252, 434. Taylor arms impaling Deedes, 412. Taylor, Stephen, Mayor ..of Fordwioh, 1711,1716,88, 90 »..; ... , • Taylour, Luke, Vicar of Sheldwich (1580), 298. Tenham, Lindestede next, 347. Tennard, Stephen, 449. Tenterden, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 29, 37, 55. Thames, tide-walls of the, 309. Thanington Church, tower at, 384. Thefeswelle, Fordwich, 83. Thixtill, John (Saltwood, 1538) ,429. Thorn's alias Sherington, Catherine, 25. Thomas, Alderman, 154; Bartholomew, 349; Geoffrey, 349; James, 349; John, 16; Mathew, 34; Matilda, 349; Richard, 349. Thomas aUas Genynges, Faith, 34. Thomas alias Parker, Alice, 17. Thomas alias Steere, Julian, 29. Thomas alias Stephens, Thomas, 33. Thomline, George, 401. Thomlyn, Thomas, 19. Thompson, Rev. Henry, 302; Mr. John, of Peterborough, 261, 278; Joseph, 212, 218; Stephen, Mayor of Pordwioh (1643, etc.), 88, 90. Thomson, Edmund, 18; Elizabeth, 18; Joan, 20; Thomas, 26; William, 20. Thornden, Richard, Bp. of Dover, a portion of the crypt in Canterbury Cathedral appropriated to his use, 255-6. Thorneham, Robert de, 243-4; vicarage of, 243-4. Thornham parish, formerly Turnham, 243; Vicars of, 244; vicarage united with Aldington, 244 n., 246. Thornham - oum - Aldington, on the Vicars of, 243-50. Thornton, W. Pugin, his surgical report on a skeleton found in the crypt of Canterbury Cathedral, 257. Thornton, Rev. Mr., 236. Thornycroft, Christian, 20; John, 20. Thorpe, John, junior, 373. Throwleigh, 29. Throwley, 89; Benjamin Hollingworth, Curate of (1696), 300 ; House, 294. Throwley, EUzabeth, 16 ; Robert, 16. Throwley alias Chapman, Margery, 16. Thrustoraft, Roland, 39. Thurneham, Stephen de, 243. Thurston, John, 448. Thwaites, Thomas, armiger, 20. Thyndenne, Henry de (1326), 2U. Tiohborne, Maurice, 20; Richard, 20. Tibbs, Mr. (1663-76), 117, 119, 130, 131, 134,137,139,142,149,151152. Tide-walls of the Thames, 309-11. Tilden, Agnes,. 35. Tile-marks at Lymne and Dover, 42. GENERAL INDEX* 489 Tilmenston alias Tilmanston, 36. Tindal, the Rev. Nicholas, Chaplain of Greenwich Hospital (1738), 235. Tirrell, James, 40; John, 40; Phillip, 40. Tobold, Joan, 17 ; Richard, 17. Todd, James, 29 j William, 25. Toke, Nicholas, Esq., 68. Toller, Mr. (1666), 125. Tomlin, Friend Anthony, Mayor of Fordwioh (1830-1), 89. Tomlyn, Alicia, widow, 251; John, of Broomfield, 251. Tompsone, Robert, 434. Tomson (Thomasson), Edward, 106, 113; wives Margaret and Emota, 113; dau. AUce aud Elizabeth, 113. Tonge, Arnold, Vicar of Sheldwich (1396), 296 ; Francis, 29; Mary, 29; William, 17. Tonge, Simon (Symond) a, 106, 113. Tonge, Richard atte, 113. Tonge alias Pirrey, Alice, 17. Tonstall, Sir John, 157. Tooke, John, 38; Juliana, 37; Thomas, 37. Topoliffe, Godwin, of Hythe, 365; Richard, 365. Tournay, John, 423; Thomas, 425. Towneley, Joan, 25; Margaret, 25; Randall, 25. Townshend, Hon. Thomas, 381. Townshends, patrons of Bexley, 378 n. Travers, Colonel R. H., 417. Trenge, Stephen de, and Matilda his wife, 339. Trimnell, Julian, 36; Walter, 36. Trippelawe, Alan de, 346. Trollop, Jerome, 40; Katherine, 40. Trolopp, Jane, 22; Roger, 22. Troubridge, EUzabeth, 212, 218; Riohard, 212. Trout fishery, at Fordwich, 96 re. Trowte, Joan, 25; John, 25. Tryndyn, M., 448. Tucker, John, M.A., Vioar of Sheldwich (1757), 301; Stephen, 446. Tudeley, 19, 22. Tufton, Lady Catherine, 301. Tunbridge, 16,17, 24, 28, 29, 33, 34. Tunstall, 25, 35, 40; " Sister," 161. Turbervyl, Mr., 97. Turnacum (Tourney), 41. Turner, Alice, 26 ; Isaac, 26; John, 35, 402 ; Rev. John, 402 ; Margaret, 26, Mary, 35; Stephen, 31; Thomas, 402re.; Rev. Thos.,402«. Turner, Richard, Vioar of Dartford (1553-4), 395 bis. Tusam,. Rjohard, 23., Tusam alias Pett, Anne, 23. Tusan, Richard, 26. Twisden, Sir Roger (1666), 124, 138 ; Sir Thomas, 138; Sir W., 156. Twisleton, Christopher, of Barley, 391 ; his arms, 391 ; John, his grandson, 391; John, son of John, 391. Twisleton, John, J.P. (Dartford), 331. Twysden, Jane, 440; Thos., 440. Tylden, Ric, 435. Tylman, Isaac, 30. Tyrill, John, 40. Ulcombe, 433, 435. Underdown, Edward, 449; Thomas, Mayor of Pordwioh, 88, 90. Upchurch, Horsham Manor in, 399-402. Urns, containing calcined bones, 203. Usher, Mr., 114; see Vssher. Vagniacae, Roman station at Springhead, 177-188; possible derivation and meaning of the name, 177-9. Vale, John, 37. Valoynes, Cristina de, 340; Henry de, 340. Valoyns, arms, impaling Fogge, in Cheriton Church, mentioned by Hasted, 358 ; Waretius de, 358. Van Acker, Abraham, 29; John, 29. Van Heythusen, Mary (1869), 293. Vanden Steene, Nicholas, 33. Vane, Anne, 330; Dame Elena, alias Somerset, 20. " Vault called Beeket's Tomb " in crypt of Canterbury Cathedral, 256. Vassour, John, Vicar of Eltham, 351. Veel (or Vel), Juliana le, 350, 351; Winandus le, 350, 351. Venella, street at Rochester, 197. Venysoun, Johanna, 340; Robert, 340. Verieu, John, Rector of Sandherst, 422 and re. Vernon, Thomas, 385. Vienne, John de, Rector of Cheriton (1316), 363. Villiers, Mary, 295. Vinter's Park in Boxley, 370 n. Violett, Grace, 33; Henry, 33. Vpchirohe (Upchurch), 346. Vssher, William le, 342. Vyncent, Jno., 433. Vyne, the, near Basingstoke, 71. Vyneter, Alice le, 347, 348; Robert le, 347, 348. Vyney alias Wooddey, Eleanor, 24; Joanna, 24; John, 24. 490 GENERAL INDEX. Wacchesham, Riohard de, and Nicholaa his wife, 352. Wadelafl, Thomas, S.T.B. (Dartford, 1527), 395. Wadham, William, 363; his daughter married to William Fogge, 364. Waights, Petronilla, 40; William, 40. Wainewright, Arnold, 357; Joan, 35; Thomas, 35. Wakefield, Anthony (bell-founder), 286. Wakering, Archdeacon John, 433. Waldene, AUce de, 340, 341; Riohard de, 340, 341. Waldershare, 16. Walket, John, of Frant, Sussex, 27. Wall, John, 37; Peter, 37; Samuel, 37; Thomas, 37. Waller, Mr. J. G., F.S.A., description of mural painting in St. Anselm's Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral, 172-3; Sarah, daughter of Capt. Jacob, 293. Wallis, Richard (Dartford, 1602), 396. Wallpoole, George, 37; WiUiam, 37. Wallrond, Rebecca, 217. Wallys, Henry, 19. Walmer Castle, 38. Walramesherst Manor, next Hethe, 342. Walrond, Rebecca, 211; Robert, 211; see Wallrond. Walsingham, Lady Ann, 160; Catherine, 161; Francis, 164; James, 160; Mary, 157; Mr. (1667), 128, 137, 138, 139; Mr. Thomas, 165; Sir Thomas, 157,161. Waltham, 68 n. Warcop, Agnes, 31; Elizabeth, 31; Thomas, 31. Waroopp, Henry, 18; John, 18. Ward, Ambrose, 39. Warde, Dom Christopher (Cheriton, 1502), 365. Warden in the Isle of Sheppy, 35. Wardlaw, Mary, 379 re.; Ralph, 379 re.; see also Latham. Wardon, 345. Ware alias Sirrey, Johan, 17. Warewyk, Peter de, 341; Rosa de, 341; Robert de, 341. Warham, Archbishop, 246-8; Edward of Patrixbourne, 251, 434; John, 434; Riohard, of Wingham, 251, 433-4; William, of Hothfield, 251; Archdeacon William, 444. Warhorne, 21. Warner, Edward, miles, 20; Nioholas, 30. Warner aUas, Whitehorne, Alioe, 30. Warrene, John (Dartford, 1431), 394. Warrington, William, of London, 354. Waston, John, 25. Water, Benjamin, 35: Dr. Gilbert, 144. Water alias Munn, Anne, 35. Wateringbury, 23, 28. Watson arms, quartering Monson, 296; Edward, Viscount Sondes, 295 re.; the Hon. Lewis, third Baron of Rockingham, 295, 295re.; Lewis, second Earl of Rockingham, 295 it.; Lewis, first Earl, 301; Thomas, third Earl, 295 re. Watson, Robert (Saltwood, 1550), 429. " Wattels," definition of, 96 re. Wattes, George, 3 1 ; Margery, 31. Wattle, George, 28; Simon, 28. Wattle alias Stanbridge, Alice, 28. Watts, Rev. Alan Hunter, 398; Elizabeth, 20; Hugh, 33; Joan, 33; Riohard, 20. Watts, Mr., Queen EUzabeth's visit to, at Satis House, Rochester, 200.' Wattyshagh, formerly Taune, in Broomfield, 251. Wauere, WUliam de, 351. Waumer, 21. Weale, Elizabeth, 30. Weaver, Alice, 27. Webbe, Richard, 215. Webster, Agnes, 16; Nicholas, 16. Webster, Thos., 449. Welbee, John, 251. Welby alias Tirrell, Anne, 40. Welde, Matilda de, 343; Thomas de, 343; William de, 343. Welford, Margaret, daughter of Thomas, of Wisteston, 61 re. Well Courte, 28, 37. Welle, William, 443. Welles, Agnes, 24; John, 35; Richard, 35; Thomas, 24. Wells, Anthony, 26; John, 26. Wells, Bishop, 394. Welsshe, Richard, benefactor to Crayford Churoh, 326. Welton, John, 24; Margery, 24. Wemborne, Joan, 25; John, 25. Wendeliston, William, Rector of Cheriton (1425), 363. Werehorne, 340; manor, 346. Wesley, Rev. Charles, 375, 381; Dr. John, 375. Westbere, Parish of, 94. Westerham, 341; Johnde, and Dionisia his wife, 347. Westfeld, 95. Westgarth, Ann, 212; Richard, 212. Westgate, 340,347. Westgate, Alioe, 35; John, 35. GENERAL INDEX. 491 West Greenwich, 22. West Hythe, 437, 442. Westmallyng, 350. Westmawling, 20. Westphaling, H., 445. Weston, Agmandesham, 40; Elizabeth, 22; Mr. Lambert, 202-3 ; Michael, 22; Thomas, 33. Westram (Westerham), 21, 22, 26. Westwode Manor, 337. Westwood, Mr. (1666), 124. Wharfe, William, 449. Whetenhall, Thomas, 17. Whiffin, Richard, 399. White, Eliza, 293; Henry, 24; Mary, 24; Sir Thomas, Lord Mayor, 236. Whitehorne alias Herdson, Katherine, 30. Whitehorne alias Warner, Alice, 30. Whitestaple, 33. Whitfield, Rev. George, 375, 381; Mr., 102. Whitstaple, 87. Whyte, R., correspondence with Sir Robert Sydney, 59, 60. Wiokham, 20j 39; Breux, see Wykhambreouse; East, 373. Wightman, Philip, bellfounder, 392. Wilcok, Robert, 364. Wild, Dr. George, Bp. of Londonderrie, 69. Wildbore, John, 449. Wilder, family, patrons of Thornham, 250. Wilder, John MaoMahon, Vioar of Thornham (1838), 250; W. S. Parr (Vicar, 1829), 250. Willement, T., 294. Willerd, Anne, 18; Stephen, 18. Willesborough, 17, 68 re. Willet, Henry, 219. Williard, Agnes, 26; John, 26; WilUam^ 26. Williard alias Cole, Alice, 26. Williams, Edmund, 24; Edward, 22; John, 20 ; Margaret, 39; Walter, 35. Williams aUas Crensted, Alioe, 20. Williams alias Gyles (or Giles), Elizabeth, 22, 24. Williams alias Hulston, Anne, 17. Williamson, John, Mayor of Fordwich, 1567, 87; Margaret, wife of Sir Robt. Austen, 371; Mr., 128. Willis, Benjamin, 237 ».; Doctor, 134; Edward, 237 and re.; George, 301; George Lewis, 301; Henrietta, 301; John, Vicar of Sheldwich (1715), 300; John, his son, 301; Rev. John, Reotor of West Horndon, Essex (1656-96), 237 and re.; John, of, King's College, Cambridge, 237 n.; Mary, wife of Archdeacon Stubbs, 237 and re.; Richard, 236; Theopilus, 301. Willson, Prancis, 18; Thomas, 29; WilUam, 18. Wilmynton next Dertford, 344. Wilson, AUce, 22; Mr., 14. Wiltshire, Eleanor, 390; John, benefactor to Faversham Church, 111 re.; Sir John, 390; Mr., 390. Winchelsea, Earl of, Lord of the Manor of Boughton Aluph, 55. Winchester, Margary, 16; Richard, 32; William, 16. Winde arms in Bexley Churoh, 371 re.; Mr. William, 371. Windsor alias Mayney, Anne, 29. Wingeham, Ralph de (Dartford, 1274), 393. Wingent, Mr., discovery of Roman coins at Rochester by, 194. Wingfield, James, 22 ; Jaques, 27. Wingfield alias Maydenhed, Cecilie, 27. Wingfield alias Newenham, Dame Mary 2f. With, Eudo (Saltwood, 1419), 427. Withers, Robert (1586), 213. Wittersham, 23, 25, 28, 38, 344. Wittlesey, Archbishop, letter concerning Aldington Churoh, 245 n.; settles dispute between Combewell and Vicar of Thornham as to vioarial income, 245-6. Wode, 343. Wodeford; see Woodford. Wodeton next Swynefeld, 348. Wodeward, William, 285. Wody, Anne, 20; John, 20. Wody alias Huntley, Katherine, 20. Wollett, Robert, 27. Wolton, John, 23. Wombwell, Alice, 18; Thomas, 18, 24. Wood, Ann, 252; Benjamin, 252; Edward, of Old Surrenden, 70; George, 252; John, 252, 435; Martin, 33; Mary, 33; Nicholas, 40; Riohard, 32, 252, 435; Solomon, of Wormeshill, 252, 435. Wood alias Mallerd, Ellen, 30. Wood alias Soane, Elizabeth, 40. Woodchurch, 31. Woodcote, near Croydon, alleged site of Noviomagus, 182. Woodden, Thomas, 24; William, 24. Wooddey alias Vyney, Joanna, 24. Woodford (Wodeford), Robert, benefactor to Crayford Church, 326. 492 GENERAL INDEX. Woodford, Robert, and Joan his wife, 326 »., S29. Woodgate, Edmund, 24; Peter, 24. Woodland, John, 30. Woodrof, Thomas, 96. Woodruff, the Rev. C. Eveleigh, M.A., on Fordwioh Records, 78-102. Woodruff, John, Mayor of Fordwich (1775), 89,90; Mary, 90. Woodward, Elizabeth, 20; William, 20. Woolrich, Mr., 159. Woolwich (Kentish Administrations), 16, 17,18, 20, 23, 25. Wootton, William, 100. Worghope (or Wyborough), John (Dartford, 1427), 394. Worland, Thomas, 37. Wormshill, 435. . Worrell, Mrs., 141. Worsbridge, in Bethersden, 66. Worsley, Thomas, 385. Worthe alias Blaokdon, Elizabeth, 34. Wotton, Ann, 31; Edward, 31; Sir Edward, 249; Elizabeth, 31; Emma, 31; John, 31; Mary, 31; Rebecca, 31; Sarah, 31; Thomas, Lord, 249. Wouldham, 19. Woulter, Margaret, 27; Thomas, 27. Wraith, Dennis, 442; Thomas, 442. Wrek, John (1547-8), 112. Wright, Alioe, 24; Roger, 24. Wright, Mr., Vicar of Boughton, 241. Wroth, John, created a baronet (1660), 374; Lady Margaret, 374; Sir Peter, 374; Peter, son of Anthony, 374; Sir Thomas, 374; Thomas, son of Peter, 374. Wrotham, 37, 39, 40, 434-5. Wrottesley, Hon. George, 362 re. Wy, 347. Wyarsdale, Thomas, 22. Wyat, Sir Thomas, 20. Wybert, Constance, 339; Poncius, 339. Wyborough; see Worghope. Wych, Richard, 394. Wydenhale, Robert de, of Erde, and Johanna his wife, 337. Wye, 68 »., 347, 433, 440. Wye College, estates given by Archbishop Kemp (1425), 56. Wyghemton, John de, and Johanna his wife, 341. Wykham, Walter de, 352; Sara, 352. Wykhambreouse, 341. Wyllard, Elizabeth, 40. Wyllym, William, Vicar of-Aldington (1418), 245, 246. Wyllys, Rev. John, of Brentwood, 211; Mary his daughter, 211. Wylson, Geoffrey, Vicar of Sheldwioh (1545), 297. Wylteshire, Richard, 350. Wymonde, Joanna, 18; John, 18; William, 18. Wyn, John, 39. Wynchcombe, Elizabeth, 18 ; James, 18. Wynne, Robert, 236 ; Peter, 36. Wyntegh, John, Vicar of Aldington (1354), 245. Wynterburn, Archdeacon Thomas, 444. Wynton, Alice de, 347; Geoffrey de, 347. Wyse, Andrew, 40; Thomas, 40; William, 40. Wytricheshame, 344. Vates, John, 330; Mr., 155. Yaldinge (Teldinge, etc.), 17, 24, 29, 31; Vicar of, 394. Vardely, John, 20. Tong, John (Saltwood, 1514), 428; Richard, 449. Tork, John, Vicar of Sheldwioh • (1448), 297. Totes Estate, at Mereworth, bought by James Master, visit to, 160; Court, 157. Touens, C. T., drawing of a Roman ligula by, 206. Toung, Edmund, Mayor of Fordwich (1639), 88; Thomas (Mayor, 1713, 1719,1724), 88. Tounge, Agnes, 27; Wm., 27. Tthamar, the Englishman, Bp. of Rochester (644-655), 262; site of his grave in Rochester Cathedral, 263; his remains removed, 271. Zouch, Lord, 365.


Notice of Books


Frontispiece 1887