Addenda et Corrigenda

( 65 ) ADDENDA ET COEEIGENDA (TO CATALOGUE OE THE SOCIETY'S COLLECTIONS). TRADESMEN'S TOKENS. Page 38, line 23, for "1666," read "1664." line 27, for " Bottin," read " Botting." line 27, for " stirrup," read " malt shovel." line 36, for "At the Marrenors," read "At the 3 Marrenors." line 38, for " Barrick," read " Banick." line 42, for " Cordon," read " Cardon." Page 39, line 9, for "Maplesden," read "Maplisden." line 11, for " Wilmatt Jai'vise," read " Jarvise Wilmatt." line 18, for " 166," read " 1667." line 25, for " Jennings," read " Jenings." line 26, for " A>" read " £B." line 39, for " Thomas P ," read " Thomas Potter." line 46, for " Mansfield," read "Mansfeild." Page 40, line 2, for " Lover," read " Bovar." line 3, for " Leopoldus," read "Leopouldus." line 10, for "BM," read % V line 15, for "Rester," read "Preston." line 16, for " 1661," read " 1664." line 17, for " Egets," read " Ellis." line 28, for "Eaversham ^f," read "Eavesham j$V' line 30, for "James Parson," read " Jacob Parsson." line 34, for " Wattson," read " Watson." line 35, for " Gravesend," read " Crawsend." line 37, for " Tom Asfitt," read " Jon Bassett." line 40, for " At the Port," read " Of the Port." Page 41, line 14, for " Milton," read "Millton." line 22, for " T V read " T N M." line 27, for " Oldred," read " Noldred." line 29, for "Clemens," read "Clement." line30,/o»-«G M M,» read "&." line 39, for " 1667," read " 1666." line 43, for " Ashernden," read " Ashemiden." Page 42, line 1, for " Joseph Dof," read " Josepth Boe." line 3,/o>-"Pioldey," read " Piohley." line 11, for " Vanderouoe," read " Vandehrouok." line 13, for " Walter," read " Ralph." line 14, for "16 ..," read "1655. ]fs." line 15, for " Burfoard," read "Burford." line 27, for " next Crown," read "next the Crown." line 37, for " 165-," read " 1652." YOL. xxx. e


Index to Illustrations in Archaeologia Cantiana Vols I to XVIII


Additions to the Library