Index to Illustrations in Archaeologia Cantiana Vols I to XVIII

fiittr^ to Mlmtmtiom IN ARCHAOLOGIA CANTIANA,YOLS. I.-XYIII. COMPILED BY OANON SCOTT EOBEETSON. N.B.—In many cases the Illustration appears opposite to the page mentioned. Acstede, Thomasina de (seal, 1299), 3, 144. Adisham Church, 14,159,161. Aldham arms, 3,143. Aldington Church, Communion Cup and cover, 16, 393. Alphabets, Runic, 8, 164; Sclavonic, 267; Zoomorphic, 266. Anglo-Saxon (Old English), Charter, circa 1016,1,63; oup-shaped brooch (Darenth), 18, 315; relics, 1, 48; 3,44-6; 5, 312-16; 6, 157, 160-1, 164-5,167-75,177-80, 182,184,331; 7, 307-14, 316, 321; 10, 302-15; 17, 6-8. Anselm (Archbishop of Canterbury), seal, 3,144. Appledore Churoh, 14,91,92; Homes Place Chapel, 363-5. Appulderfield arms, 10, 330. Arden arms, 6, 272. Armillsa of gold, and of bronze, 5, 42-3; 9,2,11; 16,9. Armour of banded mail (Asiatic), 9, 156. Ashe arms, 6, 299. Ashford, gable end at, 16,170. Ashford Churoh, AthoU brass, 1,180; Communion Cup, 17, 252; Fogge monuments, 2, 103, 108; 3, 144; 5, 132; Fogge window, 2, 109; Smythe monument, 17, 203. Ashurst, seal found at, 10,320. Aston, Sir R. (monumental brass), 1, 178. Atholl, Countess of (monumental brass), 1,180; arms, ii. Atte Lese, Sir Richard (seal, 1368), 2, 42; (monumental brass), 18, 290. Aucher, Wm. (monumental brass), 17, 60-1. B Badlesmere arms, 3,143; 10, 330. Bailleul (Bailloel), Geoffrey de (seal), 6, 221. Bardolph arms, 6, 299. Bare, Rio, memorial window, 2,110. Barfreston Church, 16, 144, 146-7; Communion Cup, 17, 259. Bargrave arms, 4, 252. Barham arms, 3,143; 4, 254. Barnham arms, 17, 297. Barret, Val. (seal, 1401), 3,144. Barrow arms, 4,268, Barry, arms, 3, 143; monumental brasses at Sevington, 4,118-20. Beauchamp arms, 10, 330. Bekesbourne sepulchral shaft, 2, 48. Bending (Bendinges), arms, 10, 330; Adam de (seal), 5, 218; Alice de (seal), 219; Peter de (seal), 6, 308. Bendinges arms, 10, 330. Bere arms, 4, 250. 3 1 6 INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS Berkeley arms, 10, 330. Best arms, 4, 268. Betisbourne arms, 10, 330. Bettenham arms, 5, 237; 10, 330. Betteshanger Church, Communion Cup, 17, 273. Bex Hill, Milton, Roman remains, 9, 165-171. Bexley Church, 18, 369, 373, 377. Bicknor Churoh Plate, 17, 279. Biddenden Church, Communion Cup and flagon, 17, 281-2. Bifrons, Anglo-Saxon relics from, 6, 331; 8,196; 10,302-15.. Bigbury Camp, in Harbledown, 9,14. Bikenore, Sir Thomas de (seal, 1300), 2, 41. Birchington Church, 12, 411. Blackheath, Ascension Church, Communion Plate, 17, 287-9. Bloor, Wm. (brass), 17, 59; Bobbing Ohurch Plate, 17, 290. Bohun arms, 10, 330. Boleyn, arms, 3,143; see Bullen. Bonnington Ohurch, Communion Cup, 17, 292. Borden, coins of Cunobeline from, 9, 299. Botevillein arms, 6, 299. Bottetourt arms, 10, 330. Bouchier (Lord Cromwell) arms, 3, 143. Boughton Blean Church, Communion Plate, 17, 294; monumental slab, 18, 242. Boughton Malherb Church, Communion Cup, 16, 355; Paten, 396; 17, 296. Boulogne, the Gates of, 4, 62. Bourne, James de (seal, 1397), 2, 42. Boxley Ohuroh, Communion Cup, 17, 298. Boxted (by Lower Halstow), Map of Roman sites, 15, 104; plan of Roman building, 105. Brabourne Church, 10,1, 3-9, 261-5; Communion Cup, 16, 370; 17, 300; Gower's monumental brass, 6, 86. Bradfyle arms, 10,330. Brampton arms, 6, 272. Brasses (monumental) at:—Ashford (Athol, 1, 180; Fogge, 3, 144); Bexley, 18,373; Brabourne (Gower, Scotts), 6,86; 10,261-4; Cheriton, 18, 356; Cobham (4), 11, 85, 86, 88, 100; Dartford (Martyn, Burlton), 18, 387, 389; Dover (Sir A. Aston), 1,178; Faversham (Thornbury), 11, 27; Hailing (Dalison), 5, 250; Heme (Christina Phelip), 11,11; Hever (Bullen, Cheyne), 1, 121-2; Leigh, 123; Lydd (Godfrey, 2), 13, 439-40; Maidstone (Wotton, WydvUle), 1, 179- 81; Minster (Shepey), Northwode, 9,149; Pluckley (Julyen Dering), 10, 344; Rainham (Aucher, Bloor, Norden), 17, 59-61; Saltwood (Brockhill, Muston, Verieu), 18, 422-3; Sevington (Barry, 3), 4,119, 120; Sheldwich (atte Lese, Cely, Mareys), 18, 290-1; Teynham (Frogenhall), 1, 89. Bredgar Churoh, Alms dish, 16, 348 ; 17, 303. Brenchley (house of the Roberts family, and reotory mantelpiece), 13,135. Brent arms, 3, HO; 10, 330; memorial windows, 3,110. British Camps, 2,2; 9, 14; 13,16, 16; 16,136; Coins, 9, 299. Broadstairs, 12, 352-5, 385-7, 389-91. Broc, Edeline de (e. 1210), 5, 209. Brockhill arms, 6, 272, 276; monumental brass, 18, 422. Brok, Hugh de (seal, 1277), 3,143. Broker, James (seal and autograph, 1588), 6, 291. Bromley arms, 4, 253, 283. Brooker arms, 6, 277. Brookland Churoh, 13, 480; leaden font, 4, 87; 13,483. Broughton arms, 6, 300. Browne arms, 2,108; 10, 330. Bryan arms, 4, 244; 6, 266. Bullen, Sir Thos,, oi. 1538 (brass), 1, 120. Bulverhythe to Rye, Maps, 1,102-5. Burghersh arms, 3,143. Burton, Sir Thos., 1, 87. C Calais Grange, Thanet, 12, 393. Cantelu, Michael de (seal), 6,216. Canterbury, Arohbishops:—Seals of (Anselm, 3,144; Boniface, 6, 215; Langton, 212; Pole, 3,141; Riohard, 1170-80, 2, 41; 6,195; Riohard Le Grand or Wethershed (1230), 8, 284); Skeleton, query of Beoket ? 18, 257, 259; Warham's autograph letter, 1,16. Canterbury Blaokfriars, plan of, 13, 86. Canterbury Cathedral:—Communion Vessels, 17, 316, 318-9 ; Crypt, 13, 25, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40-43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 54-5, 58-9, 64-7, 72-8, 80, 505, OF ARCHAOLOGIA CANTIANA. 31 7 507; 18, 257, 259; Patriarchal Chair (alias Augustine's), 14, 284; St. Anselm's Chapel, wall-painting, 18, 172; sculptured head of a knight, 17, 37. Canterbury, Christ Church Priory buildings -.—Brewhouse (braainum), 7,151, opp. 196 ; Bosses in Cloisters, 3,144; Celerer's lodgings, west side (exterior), 7, opp. 115, and 199; Celerers or Guesten Hall, 127-8, 139; (its turret), 131, 139; (its plan), opp. 199; Cheker building (west front), 101; (north end), 103 ; Cloister of Infirmary (plans), 48-9; (view of), opp. 50; Court Gate, 144, opp. 196; Dormitory (First or Great), south wall, interior, 24; west wall, exterior, 29; east wall, interior, 83; place on plan, 48-9, 85; vaults or substructure, plan, opp. 199; Heaven, 129, 139; Kitchen, 127, opp. 139,196-7, opp. 199 ; Lavatory tower, opp. 50; Necessarium, or 3rd Dormitory, plan, opp. 85 and 87, 86, 91; Paradise, 129, 137, 139; Pentise, 137, 144; Pentise Gatehouse, 127-9,137,139; Prior's chapel, opp. 49 and 50,69,72; Refectory, south wall (exterior), opp. 41; Waterworks (Norman), opp. 161, opp. 196. Canterbury City, birdseye view in 1538,15, 346; plan (1868), 840-1. Canterbury Deanery, plan, 7, HO. Canterbury Greyfriars, 10, 205. Canterbury Pilgrims' brooches, 12,113. Canterbury Roman remains, 15, 340; coffin, 14, 35; pavements, 15,126-7; Sepulchral Vessels, 4, 42; Statuette, 17, 34, Canterbury, St. Martin's Church, 14, 109,110; coin found in churchyard, 8, 233. Canterbury, St. Mildred's Church, west end, 1,143. Canterbury, St. Pancras Chapel, 14, 103-4. Casteilun, Alan de (seal), 6,197. Cawne (Couen), Sir Thomas (memorial window in Ightham Church), 4,224. Cecil, Sir Wm. (Lord Burghley), facsimile of letter, 17, 223. Celtic, araiillse, 5, 42-3; 9, 2, 11;, earthworks, 13,15,16 ; implements, 11, 123-5; 13, 124; 14, 86-8; ring, 9, 12; tumuli, 9, 22-4; 15, 311. Charing arms, 10, 330. Charing Churoh communion cups, 16, 342, 353. Charlton arms, 10, 330. Chart (Great) Church, Lovelace arms in, 10,193. Cheney, Sir John, effigy of, 1, 90. Cheriton Churoh, 18, 353-7, 360. Cheyne, Margaret, oi. 1419 (brass), 1,122; Ricd. (seal, 1393), 2, 42. Chislehurst Church, 13, 387. Chislet Church, 12,106, 108. Cholmeley arms, 10, 330. Church chests, 10, 78; 17, 55; 18, 421. Chyrfold arms, 6, 272. Clare arms, 10, 330. Clement arms, 10, 193. Clerke arms, 4, 246. Clyffe at Hoo Churoh, 11,146, 149, 157-8; Communion Paten, 16, 368; Reotory house, 15, 255-6. Clyve (Cleve), 6,300. Cobham Ohurch, monumental brasses, 11, 85, 86, 88,100. Cobham College, fireplace in hall, 18, 447. Cobham Hall, 11, Ixv-lxvii, lxxx; 17, 373-4, 377-8. Cobham, arms, 11, 134; John de, facsimile of deed, 1382, 2, 98; Joan de (seal, 1369), 3,143. Collars, of roses and suns, 1, 84; of SS., 74, 87-91, 93. Colpeper, Sir John (seal, 1488), 3, 144. Combwell Priory, facsimile of charters, 1170-80, 2, 29; 6, 190; Seals (1234), 204; (1535), 2, 42-3. Contry arms, 5, 235. Cooling Castle, 11,132,134 ; Church, lvi. Cornwall arms, 10,330. Cowden, Crippenden House, 14,153. Cray, St. Paul[inu]s Church, 18, 279- 82. Crayford Church, 18, 320, 322. Crevequer's device, on a seal, 2, 41. Crerequer (Crevecoeur), Hamo (son of Etard), seal, A.D. 1200-10, 2, 42. Crippenden House in Cowden, 14,153. Crispe, Sir Henry, tomb, 12, 411. Cromwelh'Loi-d (Humphry Bouohier), arms, 3,143.' Culpeper arms, 4, 264; 6, 288 ; see Colpeper. Cunobeline's coins of gold, 9, 299. D Dalison, seal of Sir Maximilian (1611), 15, 401; Silvester (monumental brass), 5, 250. 3 1 8 INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS Darenth, cup-shaped brooch from, 18, 315. Dartford Church, 18, 383-4,387, 389 ; map of anoient sites around, 307; Roman ligula of bronze, 206. Deane, arms, 5, 248; Silvester (brass), 260. Delapole arms, 3,143. Dene arms, 10, 330. Dene, Walter de (1231), 8, 292. Denne arms, 5, 229, 230. Dering arms and autographs, 1, 57-8; 10, 328-30; monumental brass, 344. Detling, William de (seal), 8, 274. DTpre arms, 10, 330. Dodington Church, lowside window, 9, 237. Dover, Castle Church, 1,178; 5,1,4-6, 10, 18; Museum (tombstone in), 8, 174; (statue in), 18, 202; Round church, foundations, 11, 45; St. Martin's Priory, 4, 1, 15, 26; St. Martin's-le-Grand Church (in Market Place), plan of ruins, opp. 27; St. Mary's Church Communion flagon, 16, 346; Torques of gold from, 12, 317; Vessels of Roman manufacture, 18, 203-4. Dover, Fobert de (seal, 1180), 4, 214; Roesia de (seal, 1225), 8, 290, Dugdale, Wm., autograph, 1, 58. Dygge, Roger (seal, 1368), 2, 42. E Earthworks, plans of, 13,15, 16; 16, 136. Eastchurch, Churoh, 14, 374; roodscreen, 372. Easter Sepulchre in Lincolnshire, 14, 377. . Echingham, Sir James de (seal, 1333), 3,142. Elham Church, 10, 46, 47, 53. Ellis arms, 4, 246. Eltham Palace, 3,144-5. Erith Church, 16,152,154,156,158. Eton arms, 10, 330. Eylnoth son of Ordmar Cuparius (seal), 8, 277. Eynsham arms, 10,193. F Fairfax, General, facsimile of letter (1648), 5, 330. Fane, Elizabeth (seal, 1575), 3,144. Faussett arms, 6, 266. Faversham, Anglo-Saxon relics, 1, 48-9; 3, 46 ; Mayor's seal, 6, 323; Mural Paintings in the Church, 1, 151-3; Monumental brass of W. Thornbury, 11, 27. Ferrers arms, 1,180. Fine:—facsimile of a deed of final Concord (1197), 1, 249. Fitz-Helte, Wm., facsimile of his grant to Combwell Abbey, 2, 29; 6,190. FitzOtes arms, 10, 330. Fogge arms, 2, 108-9; 5, opp. 125; Sir John's (helmet and arms, 132, 125; monument, 2, 103; 3, 144-5; window, 2, 109); Thomas's monument, 108. Folkestone, monument in Church, 2, 133 ; St. Eanswyth's reliquary, 16, 322; Franklin's Token, 10, oxxvii; Roman Hypocaust, 174-5. Forster arms, 4, 269. Frances arms, 10, 330. Franklin, Edward, tradesman's token, 10, cxxvii. Fremling arms, 4, 256. Freningham, John de (seal, 1376), 3, 144. Frindsbury Church, wall paintings, 16, 225-7. Frindsbury Hill, Quarry House, 16, 285-6; 17, 173, 191-2; 18, 189, 190,193. Frittenden Churoh, tiles in, 9, 203. Frogenhall, John, monumental brass, 1,89. Futhoro, old English; 8,164. G Gatton arms, 3,143; 5, opp. 222; 10, 330. Gatton, Hamo de (seal), 4,219; Mabel de (seal), 5, 211. Gheast or Ghest, Edmund (Bishop of Rochester), facsimile of letter, 17, 220. Gibbon arms, 4, 257. Gloucester, Earl of (Almeric de Montford), seal, circa 1205, 3,142. Gobion arms, 10, 330. Godfrey, arms, 6, 260,264-6; House, in HoUingbourne, 3,144-5 ; monuments, 6, 262-3; 13, 439, 440; seal of Thomas, 6, 269. Godintone, John de (seal), 8, 279. Goldwell arms, 10,193. Gomer arms, 10, 330. Gorsley Wood, plan of 3 tumuli in, 15, 311. Gower, John (seals), 6, 86-7; Sir Robert (monumental brass), 86. OF ARCHAOLOGIA OANTIANA. 319 Gravesend arms, and seal of portreeve, 4, 245. Grovehurst in Milton, 13, 122, 124-5. H Hales, Sir Edward, senr. and junr. (portraits), 14, 64, 68. HaU arms, 4, 267; 6, 252. Harbledown, Bigbury Camp in, 9,14. Hardres, Edmund (seal, 1444), 3, 144. Hardres (Upper) Church Communion flagon, 16, 347. Hardres (Upper) Court, ground plan, 4,51. Harlstone arms, 4, 257. Harman arms, 10,193. Harty Church chest, 10, 78. Hasling arms, 4, 254. Hastings arms, 10, 330. Hatton arms, 4, 253; Sir Christopher, autograph, 1, 58. Haute, see Hawte. Haward, arms, 6, 297; monuments, 299, 300. Hawkhurst Churoh, 9,240,249,250-1. Hawte arms, 2,109; 10, 330. Helgise arms, 3,143. Helmet, Assyrian, 9, 155; Sir John Fogge's, 5, 132; in Brabourne Church, 10, 8-9. Hendley arms, 3, 143. Henshaw arms, 10, 330. Heme Church, 3,144-5 ; font, 144. Hertle, Agnes (seal), 6, 218 ; Geoffrey de (seal), 217; Walter and. William de (seals), 220. Heton arms,.10, 330. Hever Place, Lovelace arms in, 10, 193. Hevre, William de (seal), 6, 210. Hextall arms, 3,143. Heydon arms, 3,143. Higham, Roman tomb of tiles, 11, 115. HodsoU arms, 14, 224. Holbrooke arms, 5, 225-6. HoUingbourne, Godfrey House, 3,144, 145; wooden battleaxe and dagger from, 5, 45, 49. Hoo, Celtio remains, 11,123-5; Roman pottery from, 10, 75; see Clyffe at Hoo. Home's Place Chapel, in Appledore, 14,363-5; arms, 8,248. Horton (Monks) Ohurch Communion Cup, 16, 370. Horton (Monks) Priory, 10, 81, 84, 85, 87, 88, 90. Hothfield Churoh Communion Cup, 16, 341. Hoult arms, 10, 330. Hunter arms, 4, 248. Huxley arms, 6, 300. Hyde arms, 3, 143. Hythe Church, 18, 405-8; customs seal, 7, 342. Ickham Church, tomb, 14,119. Ightham Church, Cawne window, 4, 224. Inquisitio post mortem (1250) facsimile, 2, 298. IsU, Sir John de (seal, 1352), 3,143. Ivychurch Churoh, 13, 456. James arms, 4, 242. Jenefelde, Jordan de (seal), 6, 200. Jutish brooches, etc., from Nordendorf, 8, 250-2. K Kayle arms, 10,330. Kemp arms, 6, 299. Kiffin arms, 4, 269. Lambarde, arms, 5, 247-8; seal, 256; Silvester's monumental brass, 250; William's autograph, 256. Langdon (East) Church embroidery, 11,10,17,19, 21; hour-glass stand, 23. Langdon (West) Abbey, 15, 62-3, 67. Langham arms, 5, 226. Leaden vessel found in the Medway, 12, 309. Leeds Castle, plan, 15,148-9. Lenham Church Communion Cup, 16, 339. Lesnes, earthworks at, 18, 310. Lewknor arms, 10,193. Leyborne arms, 3, 143; Church (heart shrine), 5, 133,137,138; Sir Roger's seals, 192, 220. Linton Churoh Communion Cup, 16, 351. Littlebrook in Stone by Dartford, 18, 311. Lockham, Roman cemetery in Joy 320 INDEX TO Wood, circular tomb in, 15, 84; plan, 81; vessels from, 78. Longchamp, Sir Henry (seal, 1342), 3,143. Longoil, see Lunguil. Lovelace, arms, 10,193; autograph of Serjeant WiUiam (1561), 17, 218. Lucombe arms, 10, 330. Ludwell's (Mrs.) Communion cup at Charing Church, 16, 342. LuUingstone, Saxon bowl from, 3,44; Castle, 16, 106; Church, 99, 100, 103-4. Lunguil, Peter de (seal), 6, 202. Luton in Chatham, Roman vessels from, 9,175. Lydd Church, 13, 428, 435, 439, 440. Lyminge BasiUca, plan of, 10, cii; bronze vessel from, 9,223; masonry in, 209. Lyminge Church, fragment of old font, 5, 332; plan, 10, cii. Lyminge, fragments of Norman work from Woodlands, 4,124. Lymne Castle, 18, 436, 438; Church, 436, 438. M Macmurrough arms, 10, 330. Maidstone, Roman sites, maps of, 1, 155; 15, 71; Roman villa, 10, 164. Maidstone, Earl's Place, 17, 354; gable in Earl Street, 4, 113; Museum, illuminated manuscripts in, 11,189,191-2. Maidstone Church, brasses in, 1,179, 181. Maleville arms, 10, 330. Mailing (West) Churoh Communion flagon, 16, 343. Malmaines arms, 10, 330. Malvyle, John (seal, 1408), 3,142. Maminot, Walkelin de (seal), 5, 197. Manning arms, 6, 271-2, 276. Manningham arms, 4, 255. Manwood, arms, 3, 143; effigy of Sir Roger, 1, 74. Marshal arms, 10, 330. Master arms, 4, 259, 266; 5, 238. Maxfield arms, 14, 224. Mereworth (Marewurthe), Eustace de (seal), 8, 272; Roger de (seal), 6, 222. Milton by Sittingbourne, 9, 165-71; 13,122, 124-5 ; 18, 207. Minster-in-Shepey, Church (monumental brass), 9, 149; Priory Church and gatehouse, 7, 287 Priory seal, 306. Minster-in-Thanet, Church, 12, 169, 171,173,174, 397. Morant, arms, 4, 100; Sir William (seal, 1343), 3,143. More (Moore) of Graveney, arms, 5, 236-7. Morskin arms, 4, 242. Moulton, see Multon. Multon arms, 5, 243-5. Murston, Roman pottery from East Hall, 10,179, 180. N Nettlestead Church, stained glass, 6, 129,134. Newchurch Ohurch window, 13, 460. Norden, John (brass), 17, 60-1. Nordendorf brooches, etc., 8, 250-2. Norreys, Thomas (arms from tomb), 6,295. Northwode, arms, 3, 143; Joan de (seal, 1398), 2, 41; Sir John de (brass, 1320), 9, 149; Roger de (seal, 1390), 2, 41. 0 Okested, see Aostede. Oldbury Camp map, 2, 2-3. Onslow arms, 6, 276. Osborne arms, 5, 227, 229, 230, 234. Oxenden, arms, 6, 277, 283; Henry (seal), 283-4, 288. P Palaeolithic implements, 15,92, 93, 97, 98. Parker arms, 6, 284. Partridge arms, 6, 260, 264. Paul's Cray Church, 18, 279-82. Peche, Sir John, tomb, 16,103-4. Peckham arms, 10,193. Pekham, James de (seals, 1376 and 1390), 3,143. Pen, mediasval (found at Canterbury), 7, 341. Pennington arms, 10, 330. Penshurst, ornaments on sword (there) of Dudley, Earl of Leicester, 3,142. Petley arms, 6, 272. Pevington arms, 10, 330. Phelip, Christina, monumental brass, 11, 11. Philip Augustus (King of France), charter and seal, 4,127,130. OF ARCHAOLOGIA OANTIANA. 321 Philpot arms, 6,272. Pinner arms, 4, 264. Pittis arms, 6, 265. Plaxtol, Roman fibulse and lock, 2, 7 ; Roman statuette of Minerva, 4; Roman tile (insoribed), 5; Roman sites and plan, 2-3; Roman fictile vessel, 6. Pluckley, arms, 10, 330; Churoh, brass, 344. Plumstead, Roman coffin of lead from, 17,10. . Pole, Cardinal (autograph and seals), 3,141. Pole, see Delapole. Poynings, arms, 3,143; monumental brass, 10, 264-5. Prat, John, of Watele (seal), 10, 320. Preston by Faversham, Church Communion Cup, 16, 372. Preston by Wingham, Roman remains, 12,47. Pympe arms, 3,143. Q Quarry House, Frindsbury, 16,285-6; 17,173,191-2; 18,190. R Racohel, Geoffrey de, seal, 8,282. Rainham, Ohurch, 17, 49, 50, 55, 56, 59-61; Roman vessels from the Creek, 5,108-9. Ramsgate, Roman vessels from, 12, 16-17. Raynes, Sir Ralph (seal), 3,142. Reading Street, in Thanet, 12, 352-5, 389-91. Reculver, Castrum, 12, 8; Churoh, 8, 248, 258; Roman oolumns from, 3,136. Riohborough Castrum, central platform, 8, 1; Plan, 18, 7; Map of Coast around, 8,14; Roman relics from, 11,12; 18,8,11,76. Rider arms, 17, 297. Ring, of Celtio type, 9,12; mediaeval, inscribed, 204; Roman intaglio, 18, 207. Ringwould, tumuli, 9, 22-24. Rochester Bridge, 17, 213. Roohester Castle, foundation arohes beneath outer waUs, 18,197-8. Roohester Cathedral, Communion Plate, 17, 378; Saxon ohuroh's foundations, 18, 261-264; Transept (South East), 3,144-5; Tomb of Sir William Arundel, 11, 4; waUTOIi. XIX. painting in the Choir, 10,71; Plan of the Church, 17, xlii. Roohester City, Plan in 1717, 18, 200; View (in 1588) of Rochester, Chatham, and Strood, 6, 54; Plan of city walls, 2, 72; Bishops Palace, 17, 67. Roohester, Restoration House, 15, 111, 114-5,117-120,122. Roemadriff arms, 10, 330. Rolfe arms, 6, 272. Roman, armilloa, 16, 9; axehead, 8, 12; buildings, 14, 135-7; 15, 104-5; Castrum, Reculver, 12, 8; coffins, 9,165-70; 14, 35; 16, 10, 17,10; ooins, 1,164-5; columns, 3; 136; fibute, 2, 7 ; 8,11; lock, 2,7; pavements, 14, 135-7; 15, 126-7, 352; rings, 16, 9; 18, 207; sepulchral shaft, 2, 48; sites (maps of), 1, 154-5; 2, 2-3; 8, 14; 15,71, 81, 104, 818, 340-1; statuettes, 1, 166; 2, 4; 17, 34; 18, 189, 202; steelyard, 8, 11; tiles (insoribed), 2, 5; (perforated), 17, 191; tomb, 11, 115; 15, 84; vessels, 2, 6, 48; 4, 42; 9,166,171, 175; 10, 75, 179-80; 11, 47, 48, 117; 12,16,17, 47; 15, 78,108-9; 16, 2; 17,192 ; 18,8,11,190,193, 203-7; Villas, 10, 164, 174-5; 14, 135-7; 15,105,352-3. Romney Cinque Port Liberty (map of), 13, 261. Romney, New, Churoh, 13, 467-8, 471, 474. Romney, Old, coffin slab, 13, 419. Rood-soreens, 14, 372; 16, 99,100. Roper arms, 10, 330. Runio alphabets, 8,164; inscriptions, 171, 174-5, 179, 182, 189-201, 204-15, 220, 226, 228, 231-8, 258-9, 262-4. Rye arms, 10, 380. Rye to Bulverhythe, maps, 1,102-5. S St. Clere arms, 3,143. St. Eanswyth's reliquary, in Folkestone Churoh, 16, 322. St. John, Robert de (seal, 1200), 6, 209. St. Laurence Churoh in Thanet, 16, 207-8. St. Martin's, Canterbury, 14,109,110. St. Nioholas in Thanet, Churoh, 12, 19, 21, 24-5; a chimney, 399. St. Panoras Chapel, Canterbury, plan, 14,103-4. T 322 INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS St. Peter's in Thanet, houses in, 12, 352-5, 389-91, 393. St. Radegund's Abbey, 14,144,147. Saltwood, Churoh, 18, 421-3; Seal of the reotor, 11, 40. Sandwich, St. Mary's Church Communion Cup, 16, 329; Town hall (painted panels), 15,143-6. Sarre, relics from, 3, 45; 5, 312-6; 6, 157-184; 7, 307-14, 316, 321; 8, 171. Say (Sei), William de (seal, 1270), 5, 222 Scotney Castle, 17, 38-40, 43. Scott arms, 3, 143; monumental brasses, 10, 261-4; Sir Thomas (portrait), 11, 388. Selling arms, 10, 330. Septvans, Robert de (seal), 5, 327. Sharnale, Wm. (1382), facsimile of deed, 2, 98. Sheldwich Church, 18, 288-91. SheUey arms, 6, 272. Shirley, Sir Thos., autograph, 1, 58. Shorne Church, 11, lxiii. Shorne, Master John, 11, lxi. Shurland arms, see Cheyne, 2, 42. Sibertswold soaetta, 8, 264. Sittingbourne, Roman remains from, 11,47,48; 16,2,9,10. Skeffington's dwelling house, at Tunbridge, 10, 39. Smarden Church, 14, 18-20, 24, 29, 31-2. Smythe monument in Ashford Church, 17, 203. Snargate Church, bosses in, 13, 419. Somery arms, 10, 330. Squerryes Camp, in Westerham, 16, 136. Stafford family's badge, 6,134. Staplehurst Church, 9,191,197. Stelling Churoh Communion Cup, 16, 370; Flagon, 347. Stonard arms, 10, 330. Stone by Dartford, Church, 3, 98, 118-20, 123-7, 132; tide walls in, 18, 311. Streynsham arms, 5, 239. Strongbow arms, 10, 330. Stubbs, Arohdeaoon PhiUp, portrait, 18, 235; arms, 238. Stuche arms, 6, 300. Suavesland arms, 5, 245. Suffolk, arms of Duke (Jno. Delapole) of, 3,143. Surrenden arms, 10, 330. Swann arms, 4, 261. Swingfield Ohurch Communion Cup, 16, 339. SybiU arms, 3,143. T Tatesham arms, 4, 246. Tenterden Place, 14, 61, 62. Thanet, 12,19, 21, 24, 169-74, 352-5, 385-91, 393, 397, 399; 16, 207-8. Thomson arms, 4,261. Thornbury, William (monumental brass at Faversham), 11, 27. Thorneham, or Thurnham, Michael de (1168), 5, 200; Stephen de (seal, 1212), 2, 41; (seals, 1210), 5, 206, 208.- Thurlby arms, 5, 230. Tichborne's house, in Cowden, 14, 153. Tigershall arms, 10, 330. Tonbridge, see Tunbridge. Tonge arms, 6, 255. Torques, 9, 2,11; 12, 317. Trippe arms, 5, 236, 237 ; seal (1325), 237. Trowemer arms, 6, 272. Tuoker arms, 4, 248. Tufton arms, 3, 143. Tunbridge Castle, 16, 22-6, 28, 30. Tunbridge, the Skeffingtons' dwelling, alias Hanover house, 10, 39. Tunbridge Priory, 14, 326, 336, 339. Turner arms, 6, 292. Twysden, arms, 3, 143; title-page of Sir Roger's journal, 1,186. Tymberden, Robert de (seal, 1302), 3, 144. U Upohuroh, wall-painting in the Churoh, 11, 42-43. V Valoignes arms, 3,143. W Walcot arms, 3,143. Wallis arms, 6, 272. Walmer Churoh Communion Paten, 16, 328. Waltheof arms, 10, 330. Walworth arms, 4, 253. Warehorne Churoh, niohe, 4, 98; stained glass, 97, 99, 100; pisoina, 97. Warham (Arohbishop), facsimile of a letter written by, 1,18. OF ARCHAOLOGIA OANTIANA. 32 3 Wateringbury Church Communion Cups, 16, 356. Watson arms, 4, 244. Watton arms, 4, 258. Westbere, Church, fragments of stained glass, 17,1; Roman sites, 15,318. Westenhanger House, 17, 194, 199, 200. Westerham, Churoh Communion Cup, 16, 341; Squerryes British Camp, 136. Westwell Church Communion Flagon, 16, 344. Whetenhall arms, 5, 244. White arms, 5, 248. Wickhambreux, Saxon relics from, 17, 6-8. Wiokham (West), Celtic implements, 14, 86-8; Churoh, 16, 277; Court, 3,143; 13,258. Wightman arms, 5, 239. Willesborough Churoh, windows, 2, 110. William of Wykeham, facsimile of letter, 1, 63. Willoughby arms, 4, 256. Window shutters, mediaeval, 10, 92. Wingham, Old houses, 14, li; Roman sites (map), 15, 318; Roman Villa, 14,135-7; 15,352-3. Winnell arms, 5, 225. Winter arms, 3,143. Witerinden, see Wytherinden. Woburne, Warine de (seal), 6,199. Wombwell arms, 4, 253. Woodchurch church, 14, 344, 353. Woodville, Elizabeth (queen-consort of Edward IV) , facsimile of letter, 1,147 ; Riohard, monumental brass, 178; arms, 179; 2,108. Wootton (Wotton), John, monumental brass at Maidstone, 1,180. Wotton, Nicholas (Dean of Canterbury), facsimile of letter, 17, 218. Wronkeslow arms, 6, 300. Wyatt arms, 3,143. Wydville, see Woodville. Wyneman, WUliam (seal), 8, 288. Wytherinden, William de (seal, 1180), 6, 206. Y Yenefeld, see Jenefeld. Z Zoomorphio inscriptions, 8, 267. Zouoh arms, 10, 330.




Addenda et Corrigenda