Index to Pedes Finium
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Front matter, Volume 1
Index to Pedes Finium
For the convenience of those who may wish to bind up the 'Pedes Finium,' separately, the references in the Index are made, not to the pages, but to the number of the Fines.
The names within brackets show the form of spelling adopted in the original.
- Addington?: see Audinton.
- Adgaresfeld in Cobham, g.v.
- Ailnod's Land, seven acres, part of the dower of Emma de Pirifeld, in Pirifeld, g.v., 1200, lxi.
- Aldington?: see Audinton.
- Aleham, i.e. Eleham, g.v.
- Anketil's daughters, Edilda and Hagenilda, to Hugh and his mother, Bricthina, land in Minster, g.v., 1202, lxiv.
- Asnow [Essedeford], one virgate in, called Gare, Stephen de Deninton to William de Essedeford, 1199, l.
- Assort, what, lxxx, note.
- Audinton, half a yoke in, Thomas de Esse to Richard and John de Lee, 1199, liii.
- Averenches, Simon de, and Baldwin, Count of Guinea, divide the manor of Newington, 1201-2, lxxix.
- Barnefeld, William de: see under Petham, 1199.
- Battle, Wager of, what, lxxix., note.
- Benedict, Master, attorney for Emma de Pirifeld, 1200, lxi.
- Berne, Ralph ate, to Juliana de Gren: see Grain, 1201, lxx.
- Beseville, Reginald de, grantee of Robert (son of Richard extra Portam) and Gunnora his wife, Farningham, 1202, lxxx.
- Billinton?: see Bilsinton.
- Bilsinton [? Billinton], John de, to Amfrid de Dene: see Oswardestone, 1200, lxv.
- Birchinton?: see note to "Westgate," liv.
- Boby, Hugh de, a judge, 1200, lvii., etc.
- Boxleg: see Boxley.
- Boxley [Boxleg], Abbot of, grantee of Emma, widow of Osbert le Husier, and her son Alexander: see Halsted, 1201, lxxv.
- Bricthina, mother of Hugh, land in Minster, g.v., 1202, lxiv.
- Broe, Ailnod de, and his wife Mabilia: see Hokeling, 1199.
- Broe, Mabilia de; see Hokeling, 1199.
- Caggeworth [Caggemorth], Alan de Elmestede assigns dower in, to Roheisia de Caggeworth, who pays his mother, Eugenia, for life, 8s, per annum, 1201, lxxii.
- Caggeworth, Roheisia de, pays 8s. per annum for life to Eugenia, mother of Alan de Elmestede, who assigns dower to said Roheisia in Caggeworth, 1201, lxxii.
- Canterbury?: see note to "Westgate," liv.
- Canterbury, a messuage in, granted by Margaret and Cristiana, daughters of William Cauuel, to John Fitz Jordan, 1201, lxxiii.
- Canterbury, abutments, John Pistor and Cristina la Grandame, 1201, lxxiii.
- Canterbury, St. Trinity, a messuage before the gate of, being the dower of Edith Fitz Nigell from her husband, Richard, granted by her to Richard, 1201-2, lxxviii.
- Canuel: see Cauuel.
- Cauuel [? Canuel, Caunel], Margaret and Cristiana, daughters of William, to John Fitz Jordan: see Canterbury, 1201, lxxiii.
- Cauuel [? Canuel, Caunel], Margaret and Cristiana, daughters of William, to Aelfegus Lamb: see Yoklet, 1201, lxxiv.
- Cauuel [? Canuel, Caunel], William, father of Margaret and Cristiana: see Canterbury and Yoklet, 1201, lxxiii., lxxiv.
- Cerinton, William de, his tenements in manor of Newington, held of Earl of Guinea, 1202, lxxix.
- Chanu, Ralph, to Daniel son of Alexander de Lodeneford: see Lodingford, 1201, lxix.
- Cittepere, Ailmar, his land in Minster, abutment, 1202, lxxxiv.
- Cobham: see Cobham.
- Cobham [Cobham], one acre in Adgaresfeld in, Robert Fitz Nigell to Bernard, son of Robert de Cobham, 1199, lvi.
- Cobham [Cobham], one yoke in, Bernard, son of Robert de Cobham, quitclaims to Robert Fitz Nigell, 1199, lvi.
- Cobham [Cobham], Bernard, son of Robert: see Cobham, 1199.
- Cobham [Cobham], Robert de: see under Cobham, 1199.
- Cornhill, Reginald, a judge, 1201, 1202, lxx., etc.
- Craiford: see Crayford.
- Crayford [Craiford], five acres in, quitclaimed by Thurgar de Erthe to Simon de Crayford and Alice his wife, and the heirs of said Alice, being her right and inheritance, 1202, lxxxiii.
- Crayford [Craiford], Alice de, wife of Simon, q.v.
- Crayford [Craiford], Simon de, and Alice his wife, grantees of Thurgar de Erthe: see Crayford, 1202, lxxxiii.
- Creping, or Crepinges, or Crapping, Walter de, a judge, 1200, 1201, 1202, lxiii., etc.
- Crevecomr [Crevequer], Emma de: see under Lamberhurst, 1199, lii.
- Dene, Amfrid de, grantee of John de Bilsinton: see Oswardestone, 1200, lxv.
- Deninton, Stephen de: see Ashford, 1199.
- Deniton: see Denton.
- Deniton, Ralph de: see Denton.
- Denton [Deneton], the ville of, William Noel to Ralph de Deniton, 1200, lx.
- Denton, alias Plumford: see note, lx.
- Derente[ford], Alexander de: see under Eynsford, 1202, lxxxii.
- Derentef[ord], Henry, Reginald, and Alexander de, to William Fitz Alur [? Fitz Alured]: see Eynsford, 1202, lxxxii.
- Derente[ford], Reginald de: see under Eynsford, 1202, lxxxii.
- Dudewisse, abutment, Perifold Park, q.v., 1200, lxi.
- Duellum, what, lxxix., note.
- Easling [Eslinges], nine acres in, acknowledged to the Church of Easling by Alexander de Eslinges, to whom Philip, the Parson of Easling, acknowledges three acres as a lay fee, 1200, lxii.
- Ensling [Eslinges], Alexander de, to the Church of Easling, q.v.
- Easling [Eslinges], Philip, Rector of, 1200, lxii.
- Easling [Eslinges], Richard de Eslinges, patron of Church of, 1200, lxii.
- Edilda and Hagenilda, daughters of Anketil, q.v., 1202, lxxiv.
- Edwaker and Lefward, brothers, to Godwin de Wibbing: see Halstow, 1200, lxiv.
- Egsted [? for Hysted], two acres in, Aldina Fitz Wulmar to Thomas de Fugelestone, 1200, lviii.
- Einoford, i.e. Eynsford, g.v.
- Eleham [Aleham], 15 acres in, acknowledged by Ralph, Prior of Rochester, to Alan Fitz Henry and his heirs, to be held of the said Prior and his successors by 5s. per annum, 1202, lxxxv.
- Elmestede, Alan de, assigns dower to Roheisia de Caggeworth in all the land in Caggeworth, 1201, lxxii.
- Elmestede, Eugenia de, mother of Alan, q.v., 1201, lxxii.
- Erthe, Thurgar de, to Simon de Crayford and Alice his wife: see under Crayford, 1202, lxxxiii.
- Eslinges: see Easling.
- Esse, Thomas de: see under Audinton, 1199, liii.
- Essedeford: see Ashford.
- Essex, Earl of (G. Fitz Peter), a judge, 1201, lxviii.
- Extra Portam, Gunnora, wife of Robert, q.v., 1202, lxxx.
- Extra Portam, Richard, cited as father of Robert, 1202, lxxx.
- Extra Portam, Robert (son of Richard), and Gunnora his wife, to Reginald de Beseville: see Farningham, 1202, lxxx.
- Eynsford [Eineford], sixteen acres in, granted by Henry, Reginald, and Alexander de Derenteford to William Fitz Alur [? Fitz Alured], 1202, lxxxii.
- Farningham [Ferningeham], fifteen acres of assart in, quitclaimed, for 20s., by Robert (son of Richard extra Portam) and Gunnora his wife to Reginald de Beseville, 1202, lxxx.
- Fauconberge, Eustacius, a judge, 1200, 1201, 1202, lix., etc.
- Faversham, Gloria de, wife of Reginald, q.v., 1200-1, lxvii.
- Faversham, Reginald de, and Gloria his wife, to Ranulph de Pirie: see Pirie, 1200-1, lxvii.
- Ferningeham: see Farningham.
- Fitz Alur [? Fitz Alured], William, grantee of Henry, Reginald, and Alexander de Derenteford, Eynsford, 1202, lxxxii.
- Fitz Geffrey, Crispin, grantee of Reginald de Mapeldurefeld: see Mapelderesfeld, 1201, lxxi.
- Fitz Geoffrey, Thomas, grantee of Emma de Pirifeld in Pirifeld, q.v., 1200, lxi.
- Fitz Henry, Alan, grantee of the Prior of Rochester, land in Eleham, q.v., 1202, lxxxv.
- Fitz Hervey, Osbert, a judge, 1199, 1200, 1202, xlix., etc.
- Fitz Isabel: see Isabel.
- Fitz Jordan, John, grantee of Cauuel: see Canterbury, 1201, lxxiii.
- Fitz Mathew, Ramon, grantee of Emma de Pirifeld in Pirifeld, q.v., 1200, lxi.
- Fitz Nigell, Edith, widow of Richard: see Canterbury, 1201-2, lxxviii.
- Fitz Nigell, Robert: see Cobham, 1199, lvi.
- Fitz Norman, Hugh: see Plumsted.
- Fitz Odo, Cristiana, widow of William: see Nackington.
- Fitz Osbert, Alexander, grantee of Roger Percesvil: see Plumsted, 1200, lxvi.
- Fitz Peter, G., a judge, 1199, 1200, 1201, 1202, xlix., etc.
- Fitz Peter, G.: see Essex, Earl of.
- Fitz Richard, Nicholas: see under Petham, 1199, li.
- Fitz Stephen, John, to Amiot de Wodestok, land in Shelve, q.v., 1202, lxxxvi.
- Fitz Wido, William, land held of him as chief lord in Shelve, 1202, lxxxvi.
- Fitz Wulmar: see Fitz Wulmar.
- Fitz Wulmar [Wulmar], Aldina: see Sittingbourne, 1200, lvii.-lviii.
- Fleming, Richard, a judge, 1200, lxv.
- Fugelestone, Thomas de, grantee of Aldina Fitz Wulmar: see Sittingbourne, 1200, lviii.
- Gare, in Ashford, q.v.
- Gesling [and Gestlinges] and Gestling, John de, a judge, 1199, 1200, 1201, 1202, xlix., etc.
- Gestlinges, de: see De Gesling.
- Gestlinges, de: see De Gestling.
- Grain? [Gren], half of two and a half acres in, granted by Ralph ate Berne to Juliana de Gren for life, 1201, lxx.
- Grandame, Cristina la, abutment, Canterbury, 1201, lxxiii.
- Gren, Juliana de, grantee of Ralph ate Berne: see Grain, 1201, lxx.
- Gren, ? Grain, g.v.
- Guinea, Baldwin, Count of, and Simon de Averenches, divide the manor of Newington, 1201-2, lxxix.
- Hagenilda and Edilda, daughters of Anketil, q.v., 1202, lxiv.
- Haket, Stephen, to William Haket in Hoo, etc., 1200, lxiii.
- Haket, William, grantee of Stephen Haket in Hoo, etc., q.v., 1200, lxiii.
- Halgestowe, i.e. Halstow, q.v.
- Halsted, one yoke in, quitclaimed to the Abbot of Boxley by Emma, widow of Osbert le Husier, and her son Alexander, 1201, lxxv.
- Halstow [Halgestowe], eight acres in, acknowledged by the brothers Lefward and Edwaker to Godwin de Wibbing, for which he grants them half of the said land, 1200, lxiv.
- Hemwold and Hoo, q.v.
- Herierd, Richard de, a judge, 1199, 1200, 1201, 1202, xlix., etc.
- Hoo: see Hoo.
- Hokeling, one yoke and one-eighth of a yoke in, Ailnod de Broe and his wife Mabilia to Mageria de Sconinton, 1199, xlix.
- Hoo [Ho], Ringeton, and Hemwold, twenty-one acres in, quitclaimed by Stephen Haket to William Haket for 40s., 1200, lxiii.
- Hugh, son of Bricthina, grantee of Edilda and Hagenilda in Minster, q.v., 1202, lxiv.
- Husier, Alexander le, son of Emma, to Abbot of Boxley: see Halsted, 1201, lxxv.
- Husier, Emma le, widow of Osbert, quitclaims her dower in one yoke in Halsted, q.v., 1201, lxxv.
- Husier, Osbert le, dead: see Halsted, 1201, lxxv.
- Husseburn, Thomas de, a judge, 1199, xlix., etc.
- Hysted [? see Egsted].
- Insula, Godfrey de, a judge, 1200, 1201, 1202, lxiii., etc.
- Isabella, William, son of, has, for life, sixteen shillings rent out of a knight's fee belonging to Roger Percesvil in Plumsted, q.v., 1200, lxvi.
- Kenerdinton, Stephen de, grantee of Prior of Dover: see Romney Marsh, 1201-2, lxxvii.
- Lagerham, all the land so called, granted by Ela de Marti [? Marci] to Ralph de Peneherst, to hold of her and her heirs by 7s. 4d. per annum, 1202, lxxxi.
- Lamb, Aelfegus, grantee of Margaret and Cristiana Cauuel: see Yoklet, 1201, lxxiv.
- Lamberhurst [Lamberherst], three messuages in, Thomas de Ospring to Emma de Crevequer, 1199, lii.
- Lamberhurst: see Lamberhurst.
- Langdon [Langedon], twenty acres in, granted by Anselm, son of Roger de Nordburn, to Maurice de Langdon and Briotina his wife, and her heirs, 1201-2, lxxvi.
- Langdon, Brictina de, wife of Maurice: see Langdon, lxxvi.
- Langdon, Maurice de: see Langdon, 1201-2, lxxvi.
- Langedon: see Langdon.
- Lee, John de, 1199, grantee of Thomas de Esse: see under Audinton, liii.
- Lee, Richard de, 1199, grantee of Thomas de Esse: see under Audinton, liii.
- Lefward and Edwaker, brothers to Godwin de Wibbing: see Halstow, 1200, lxiv.
- Lidesings, John de, and his brother Robert, to Walter Maleterre: see Wickham, 1201, lxviii.
- Lidesings, Robert, and his brother John, q.v., 1201, lxviii.
- Lodeneford: see Lodingford.
- Lodingford [Lodeneford], one carucate in, a charter of Ralph Chanu granting it to Daniel, son of Alexander de Lodeneford, warranted by said Ralph, 1201, lxix.
- Lodingford [Lodeneford], Alexander de, father of Daniel, q.v., 1201, lxix.
- Lodingford [Lodeneford], Daniel de, son of Alexander, grantee of Ralph Chanu: see Lodingford, 1201, lxix.
- Long, Thomas, 1199: see Westgate, liv.
- Loses, Emma de: see Pirifeld, 1200.
- Loses, Richard de, dead, his widow, Emma de Pirifeld: see Pirifeld.
- Maleterre, Walter, grantee of John de Lidesings and Robert his brother: see Wickham, 1201, lxviii.
- Mapelderesfeld, 15s. rent in, granted by Reginald de Mapeldurefeld to Crispin Fitz Geffrey (who had quitclaimed his right in forty acres there to William de Mare), 1201, lxxi.
- Mapeldurefeld, Reginald de, to Crispin Fitz Geffrey: see Mapelderesfeld, 1201, lxxi.
- Mapeldurefeld: see Mapelderesfeld.
- Marci, ? Marti, q.v.
- Mares, William de, to whom Crispin Fitz Geffrey quitclaims forty acres in Mapelderesfeld, 1201, lxxi.
- Marti [? Marci], Ela de, to Ralph de Peneherst: see under Lagerham, 1202, lxxxi.
- Minster [Minstre], 4 acres, next the land of Ailmar Cittepere, in, quitclaimed by Edilda and Hagenilda, daughters of Anketil, to Hugh and his mother, Bricthina, 1202, lxxxiv.
- Minster [Minstre], 8 acres in, acknowledged by Hugh and Bricthina his mother, to Edilda and Hagenilda, daughters of Anketil, 1202, lxxxiv.
- Minstre: see Minster.
- Moriston, William de, grantee of Aldina Fitz Wulmar, 1200: see Sittingbourne, lvii.
- Nackington [Natindon], twenty-two acres in, Godfrey Scoredust and Matilda his wife to Christiana, widow of William Fitz Odo, 1200, lix.
- Natindon: see Nackington.
- Neweton, i.e. Newington, q.v.
- Newington [Noweton], near Hythe, the manor of, on a trial by wager of battle, divided between Simon de Averenches and Baldwin, Count of Guinea, 1201-2, lxxix.
- Nicholas and Roger: see Westgate, 1199.
- Noel, William: see Denton, lx.
- Nordburn, Anselm, son of Roger, to Maurice de Langdon and Brictina his wife: see Langdon, 1201-2, lxxvi.
- Nordburn, Roger de, father of Anselm, 1201-2, lxxvi.
- Ospringe, Denton alias Plumford: see lx., note.
- Ospring, Thomas de, to Emma de Crevequer: see Lamberhurst, 1199, liii.
- Oswardestone: see Oswardestone.
- Oswardestone [Oswardestone], sixty acres in, granted by John de Bilsinton [? Billinton] to Amfrid de Dene for one mark, 1200, lxv.
- Pateshill, Simon de, a judge, 1199, 1200, 1201, 1202, xlix., etc.
- Patrie [Patricius], John: see Plumsted, 1199, lv.
- Patricius: see Patrie.
- Pecham [? Petham],
- Peneherst, Ralph de, grantee of Ela de Marti [? Marci], Lagerham, 1202, lxxxi.
- Percesvil, Roger, to Alexander Fitz Osbert, and a reversion to his brother William: see Plumsted, 1200, lxvi.
- Percesvil, William, brother of Roger, in Plumsted, q.v., 1200, lxvi.
- Perifold, i.e. Pirifeld, q.v.
- Perry Court, in Preston next Faversham, perhaps Pirie, q.v.
- Petham [Pettham, but ? Pecham], half virgate in, Nicholas Fitz Richard to William de Barnefeld, 1199, li.
- Petham: see Petham.
- Pirie [? Perry Court], half a yoke in, granted by Reginald de Faversham and Gloria his wife, to Ranulph, son of Richard de Pirie, for two and a half marks, 1200-1, lxvii.
- Pirie, Ranulph de, son of Richard, grantee of Reginald de Faversham and Gloria his wife: see Pirie, 1200-1, lxvii.
- Pirie, Richard de, father of Ranulph: see Pirie, 1200-1, lxvii.
- Pirifeld, half the ville of, except Alard's land, and two acres in Perifold Park, etc., which she claims as dower from her husband, Richard de Loses, Emma de Pirifeld to Thomas Fitz Geffrey and Ramon Fitz Mathew, 1200, lxi.
- Pirifeld [Porifeld] ? Alard's land, seven acres in, granted by Edilda and Hagenilda, daughters of Anketil, to Hugh and his mother, Bricthina, 1202, lxiv.
- Pirifeld [Porifeld], Emma de, widow of Richard de Loses, her dower in Pirifeld, q.v.
- Pistor, John, abutment, Canterbury, 1201, lxxiii.
- Plumford alias Denton, note, lx.
- Plumsted, four acres in, John Patric [Patricius], to Hugh Fitz Norman, 1199, lv.
- Plumsted, one knight's fee in, granted by Roger Percesvil to Alexander Fitz Osbert, except a rent of 16s., held for life by William, son of Isabella, with reversion to said Roger, who grants it to his brother William, 1200, lxvi.
- Portam, extra: see Extra Portam.
- Ringeton and Hoo, q.v.
- Rochester, Ralph, Prior of, to Alan Fitz Henry, land in Eleham, q.v., 1202, lxxxv.
- Roger and Nicholas: see Westgate, 1199.
- Romney [Rumenell] Marsh, land in, quitclaimed by Felix, Prior of Dover, to Stephen de Kenerdinton, 1201-2, lxxvii.
- Rumenell: see Romney.
- St. Augustine, Abbot of, land held of him in Yoklet, 1201, lxxiv.
- Scelves, i.e. Shelve, q.v.
- Scoredust, Godfrey: see Nackington.
- Sceredust, Matilda, wife of Godfrey: see Nackington.
- Sconinton, Mageria de: see Hokeling, 1199.
- Shelve [Scelves], 4 acres and 1 perch in, granted by John de Fitzstophen to Amiot de Wodestok for life, to be held of William Fitz Wido, 1202, lxxxvi.
- Sidingeburn: see Sittingbourne.
- Sittingbourne [Sidingeburn], five and a half acres in, Aldina Fitz Wulmar to William de Moriston, 1200, lvii.
- Sittingbourne [Sidingeburne], a messuage and half an acre in, and two acres in Egsted [? for Hysted], Aldina Fitz Wulmar to Thomas de Fugelestone, 1200, lviii.
- Stok, Ralph de, a judge, 1201, lxviii.
- Tilli, Jordan de, a judge, 1202, lxxxi.
- Warenn, William de, a judge, 1199, 1200, xlix., etc.
- Warrantia Cartae, what, lxv.
- Westgate, one messuage in, Roger and Nicholas to Thomas Long, 1199, liv.
- Wibbing, the Brook, abutment, Halstow, 1200, lxiv.
- Wibbing, Godwin de, grantee of the brothers Edwaker and Lefwin: see Halstow, 1200, lxiv.
- Wicham: see Wickham.
- Wicheton, Wicketon, or Wichinton, Henry de, a judge, 1200, 1201, lx., etc.
- Wichinton: see Wicheton.
- Wickham [Wicham], two parts of half a carucate in, granted by John de Lidesings and Robert his brother, to Walter Maleterre, to hold of them by 6d. per annum, 1201, lxviii.
- Wodestok, Amiot de, grantee of John Fitz Stephen in Shelve, q.v., 1202, lxxxvi.
- Woodstock, de: see Wodestok, de.
- Yoklet: see Yoklet.
- Yoklet [Yoklet], twenty-one acres in, granted by Margaret and Cristiana, daughters of William Cauuel, to Aelfegus Lamb (five acres to be held of Abbot of St. Augustine, and sixteen acres of themselves), 1201, lxxiv.