Churchwardens' Accounts, Edenbridge

( 118 ) CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS, EDENBRIDGE. EDITED BY GRANVILLE LEVESON-GOWER, E.S.A. THE Churchwardens' Accounts for Edenbridge are in a _ thick volume bound in vellum. On a flyleaf in the beginning is the following entry :—" J . Geo. Cole, Minister of Crowhurst & Tandridge in ye County of Surry, preach'd at Edenbridge in ye County of Kent by ye desire of ye Churchwardens these following days [sic]* May ye 8, 1709." The earliest Account is headed: "The Accompt of Samuel Sleech and Eobert Leigh, Churchwardens, for The yeare 1679," as followeth:— £ s. d. P" for The ffees of The Court 00 02 04 P-i for a booke 00 01 00 Pd for wrighting ye Transcripp - - - - - - - 00 01 00 P<> for our din'ers 00 05 00 pa Will'm Mills for a sett of Ropes 00 13 06 P<> To the house of Correction at Mie. for half a yeare - - - 01 06 08 Pa for Keepeing The Clook one yere 01 00 00 Pa Three Seamen 00 00 04 Pa for Beere At ye giveing up ye Accompts - - - - - 01 06 Signed BAETHO. SMITH, Minist., and others, 23 of Aprill 1680. I approve these Ace", WILL. TEUMBULL. 1680 Will. Stephens for silke to new Lyne ye Hood 5s. 8d. Ye Ringers upon Gunpowder Treason 2s. Od. 1683 Pa to Thomas Wells for a Matt and a Trott ?t for ye Churching Seate 6s. 8d. Pa for ye New Watoh and setting up £2 9s. for 2 Hedgehoggs' heads 4s. l id. 1684 To Rob' Betts for an order to Rec ye Holy Com'union 10s. 8d. Widd. Leigh for Beare at ye Birthday & Returne of o' late King 3s. for 4 Polcats' Heads 8d., for 3 Hedgehoggs' heads 6d. Travelers & Seamen £1 9s. 8d. [Constant entries of the same kind.] 1685 ffor breaking up ye Chancell for ye intering ye Lady Seylyard 6s. 8d.J 1687 To ye Ringers for dayes of Thanksgiving 2s. Eor a Booke of Homelies 7s. * See entry of payment for sixteen days' preaching in 1709. f This word occurs further on as " Trutts " and " Tretts." I can find no explanation of it. t She was Mary Glover, wife of Sir John Seyliard, first Baronet. " The Lady Mary Seyliard was buried Octob' ye 28, 1685." [Parish Register of Edenbridge.] CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS, EDENBRIDGE. 119 1688 To Rob' Cornish for ye Dyatt Given to ye Ringers when ye Bishopps were Acquitted 4s. To ye Ringers when ye Prince of Orange came to London 4s. To ye Ringers ye 11th day of Aprill 4s. Reca for ye Interm' of Rob' Seylyard's son, Esq., 6s. 8d.* 1690 Mr Streatfteld ye Lawyer 2s. 6d. Eor Beare upon a Thanksgiving day 5s.; for do. on 5 Nov. 2s. Eor Beare when we gave up o* Accompts 3s. 1691 ye Ringers ye Thanksgiving day 4s. For ye Intering Mrs Cosham 6s. 8d. 1692 Eor a day of Reioyceing for ye King's good p'ceeding 2s. 6d. Tho. Saxby for carrying ye Dutch peo. away. 1693 To ye Ringers on 29 May, 5 Nov., & on a Thanksgiving day. for Beare when ye King returned 3s. Pa Nioholas ffarminger for matting ye seates at ye Com'union Table 4s. Pa to Souldiers y' weare wounded & other indigent travellers 10s. 7d. 1694 Pa for ye Commission of Electing a new Churchwarden 17s. for ye directions upon ye Qu" death in altering or Chu. prayers 2s. 6d. 1695 for Napkins & plates for ye Com. 5s. 6d. Pa John Eeles for Ringing ye Bells when Queene Mary dyed 3s. 1697 Mr Still for Horseham Stonesf £1 16s. 1699 Pa Mr Seyliard for County stocke & House of Correction for J a year £12s. To Mr Hen. Streatfield for defending ye cause £1 4s. 3 Halfe bushells of wheat 10s. 1700 One proclam' ag' Immorality & p'phamnesse Is. 6d. Pa Rob' Seyliard, Esq.., for paying ye County Stocke when he went to ye last Sessions £3. 1701 Pa John Steare for removing of Vagabonds 3s. 8d. 1702 upon 27 Ap. for Beare at ye Coron' 5s. 1704 Por Books for a Thanksgiving Is. ld. 1705 Pa Adam ffarmer for a Register Booke 6s. 1709 Mr Brown the Procurator for Rochester Visitation 9s. Eor 2 prayer books & proclamation 3s. Eor the alteration in ye prayers Is. To Mr Cole at 5 payments for 16 days' preaching at Eatonbridge £8 16s.J Edward Walter bill for pressing of men & expenses 14s. 6d. Rich. Holmes his Bill for paving 67 yards and a half at 4 pence the yard ye Churoh & Chansel £1 2s. 6d. 1711 To 3 Maim'd Solgers Is. 6d.; to Maimed Solgers 2s. 1713 Pa for the Pulpett Cloath and pew Cloath and pillow and making of the same £4 5s. 7d. 1715 To Mr Richards for Transfering 2 old Regester Books into a New Book in Sep. 1715,10s. 9d. Pd to Edwa Gratwick for 11 Bottles of Wine for ye Com'unions att 3s. 5d. & for Com'union Bread £118s. 6d. To ye Ringers for Ringing 5 several times viz. on King Geo. Birthday, his Assession to ye Crown, his Crownation day (20 Oct.), on ye 5"' day of Novembr, & when ye Rebels was taken, £1. 1716 To J110 Bradband for a new Cock for ye Dial post Is. To Richa Cornish for turning of ye Church-Clock into a pendall according to agreement £3 5s. To Mr Jno Cooper of East Grinsted for getting of the Dial plate £2. Eor Ringing upon King Geo. his return from Hanover to England 4s. 1717 Eor a Benoh in ye Churchyard 5s.; for 2 Gathering Boxes Is. 6d. * William ye son of Rob' Seyliard, Esq., was buried Jan. 4,h. [Parish Register.] t Part of the roof is still covered with Horsham Stone. j See note on flyleaf at page 118. 120 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS, 1718 To Mc Lewis* for Wm Gunner's License £1 3s.; for a Ring to marry him with Is.; to Mr Butlerf for his marriage 5s. To bill for meat for Wm Browning afflicted with ye small pox 6s.; for 2 Pints of Sack for him 2s.; 2 Quarts of Stale Beer 8d. 1719 Eor dressing up the Church with Greens ye whole year 5s. 1720 A Bushel of Coals Is. Wn ye King's Proclamation Day 4s. The King's Coronation Day 4s. The Prince's Birth Day (Oct. 20"') 4s. Pa to Seaman more upon his Extraordinary loss att Sea 2s. 6d. Pa ye Cryer of the Court Is. Pa to ye Door Keeper of ye Grand Jury 4d. Pa to Mr Cooper in p' for writeing of ye Sentensentes in the Churoh and Commandments by Tho. Driver £5. More by him to a great Bellied Woman to Desire her to Quitt ye Parish Is. To J"° Leigh for pannel boards for ye Pulpitt & other work 8s. To Geo. Bounds & Ra Holmes of Stone pointing of the 2 Isles of ye Church and ye South Chansell containing 58 Square and a half at Is. 8d. per square £4 17s. 6d. August ye 4m, 1720, Pa Geo. Britt for repairing the top of ye steeple as by Contract £7. 1721 To him more for putting up ye Vane upon the steeple 10s. To Robert Paine for making the Vane £2 2s. To Richa Holmes for beamfellingj of the Church and whiteing theBellfry & plastering ye Chansel wall £1 l is. 6d. To ye Parator for 4 prayer books at 2 severall times relating to ye East Day 4s. Eor one hair broom with a Very Long Handle & for the King's Armes & Carriage £3 15s. To Tho. Wilds for frameing the King's Armes and other work 4s. 1722 Eor a Lock & Key for ye Cage Is. 6d. To John Heath for Dog-Whipping for 2 Years due at Lady Day last past 5s. To John Stanford for 10 Elns & £ of Bag-Holland for a Surplice £2 9s.; for Makeing ye surplice 10s. Pa and Disbursed to Travellers, Passengers, and Others, as Men, Women, & Children, in Number -Sixty Eight persons, as pr Aco', together with the day of the month as they were relieved £1 Is. 1723 To Jno Stanford for 6 Eles of Bagg-Holland at 4s. 6d. pr Ell for to make Communion Linnen £1 7s. Eor Beer for 5 Ringing Days viz. Proclamacion, Cronation, Prince's Birth, Gunpowder Treason, & on ye Thanksgiving Day happening on ye 25 April 1723 being ffayer Day £1. Eor Dressing ye Churche up with Greens 5s. 1724 Eor Matting the Churching Seat with 2 pieces of Matts & 2 Trnts more 9s. 16 Bottles of Communion Wine at 3s. 6d. [about the yearly requirement] £2 16s. 1725 To Edwd Crittenden for Goeing his horse and himself to my Lady Seyliard's in S' James nere ye park, London, for the old register books & bringing y™ home 7s. 6d. Eor a new Comon prayer book and one other parish book with 6d. carriage £1. Dressing ye Church up with Greens 5s. * The Rev. George Lewis was Vicar, t The Rev. Robert Butler was Curate. j Properly "beamfilling," i.e. masonry, or brickwork, employed to flush or fill up a wall between joists or beams. [Halliwell, Arch. Dict.~\ EDENBRIDGE. 121 1725 To John Goodwin for Trutts and Matting for ye pulpit, pews, and Church seate £1 3s. 6d. 1726 6 Hedge Hoggs Is. 1728 Eor beer on King George ye 1*' his Birthday 4s. On King George ITna Coronation Day 4s.; on Birthday 4s. Att Tunbridge paygate 4d. Spent at Tho. Taylors when the yew Trees was sett 6s. Pa to 3 Turkey Slaves 2s. 6d. 1729 Eor 2 Pulcates Is. 4d. Eeb. 27,1729, Pa Geo. Bounds and Richard Holmes for paveing ye Porch & other work £118s. Pa Jno. Larking for a foxes head Is. 1731 To David Day for beer when ye small pox broke out 2s. 7 Ringing Days £1 8s. 1734 2 ringing days 11 June and 11 Oct. last. A Bill for plates and punchings for ye Church-Mark 8s. 2d. Pa to my partner Wm Gotty which he spent att Westram on Mr Williams our Curate att ye late Confirmac'on 3s. 1735 Eor 4 Bottles of Common Wine when the Arch-deacon came view the Church & Churoh-Ornaments 6s. 8d. Pa for Changeing the two old plates for two New plates for the Communion 2s. ld. To Wm Miles for 49 foot of crown glass at lid. per foot £2 4s. lid. Beer to ringers on 11 June 1734, 4s. More on ye 15 July when the Archdeacon was here 4s. 1736 Pa for Eating and Drinking on myself & others on 1st Visitation £1 Os. 9d. To Mr Gooden our Curate for a parchm' Register book 15s.* 1738 Pa the parator for an alteration of a Centanse in the Litany conserniug the Death of Queen Caroline 2s. Pa ye 14 of July 1738 the Court ffees att ye Bishop's Visitation at Tonbridge being Double ffees 9s. 4d. 1739 Pa Erancis Eirminger towards his Journey to Malling to answer for our Parish att ye said Visitac'on the small pox being very brief & Mortal there. Cowden pa him the same sum 5s. 1740 Prayer books for ye fast Day 2s. 6d. 1741 Eor 1 bushell of wheat for Anthony 8s.; for i bushell of oats for him Is. 3d.f 2 Prayer books & other form of prayer relateing the Wars 6s. 6d. 1743 Eor prayer books for ye East on 10 of last November [i.e. 1742] 2s 6d. Eor a New Claper for the Great Bell w" 43J"» at 6d. per li. £1 Is. 9d. 1744 Eor a Church Com'on prayer to Mr Jno Brotherton with Carriage and Trouble 14s. 1746 To Mr Brone the parator for a fast book and other prayer book 6s. 6d. 1747 A bill for oleaning & carrying the Snow out of the Church 2s. 3d. Mr Rob* Gaynsford a bill for oyle for the bells, Linsett oyle, oyle of Turpentine, and white lead for the New Dial post 1748 Beer to the Ringers two rejoyceing days 8s. 10 Elns I of Holland for a Surplice £2 9s. ; for making ditto 10s. Eor 6 orders of Council and a prayer book for the fast 14s. 6d. 1750 Eor a thanksgiving Book. Eor 2 journeys after Wm Chapman to take him to marry him 5s. Pd to several men with a pass that had their Ship burnt by Lightening 2s. 50 ft. of furing for the Stonehealing [i.e. Horsham stone roofing]. 1751 Beer for Ringers on 11 Oct. last 4s. Pa the parator for an order of Council for altering the prayers on the Death of the prince of Wales 2s. Eor a new Dial Board work & timber in all 15s. * This is the existing Register Book, No. 3. t Wheat is now (Maroh 1895) about 2s. 9d. a bushel, oats about Is. 9d. 122 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS, 1751 For an Iron Cross the Dial board 6s. 6d. Eor Gilting the Dial Board £2 10s. 1752 For Liquor when the Small pox broke out the 2"d time att Mr Walters 6s. Eor Eating and Drinking to Dame Driver while she was at Mrs Walters when the Small pox was there 4s. 1753 Eor Liquor for the Ringers on old Gunpowder Treason 7s. 3d. Beer to the Ringers on the Duke's birthday 4s. 1754 P" Mr Tho. Mathews a Bill for books for the Church Dat. 12 Ap. 1751, a folio Bible att £1 lis. 6d., 1 folio Common prayer book 15s., 1 Register Book for Marriages folio 7s. 6d.,* 1 the offices of Baptism 2s. 6d. Eor bringing the Church-books from London to Mr Wm Peckham Is. 1755 A Bason for Baptisms. 1757 Eor a new Common prayer book for the Clerk with Carrige in all 16s. 2 Prayer books for the fast 2s. 6d., June 23. 1758, Eeb. 1st, 2 fast books more with ye proclamation 2s. 6d. Spent at John Jones' on the men y' went ye bounds of the Parish ye l8' day Is. 6d.; y' day & ye next for bread, cheese, & beer for them 10s.; the last day on ye same Acc't 9s. Pa John Humphry for goeing with us 2 Days to shew us the Bounds 2s.; Ed. Wickenden, Senr, 1 day Is.; Joseph Durtnal 2 ditto marking the 3 Tretts & 2 Matts for Church. 2 Forms of prayer for the fast 4s. 1759, Nov. 4, 2 prayer books for the fast 2s. 1759, Nov. 29, 2 more for a Thanksgiving day 2s. 6d. Ringers 22 Oct., 29 Nov., 2 Dec. 1759. 1760 Prayers for the fast. 1762 2 Forms of prayers for the East 2s. 6d. Eor ye proclamation 2s. Eor 2 forms of prayers for ye taking of Martinico 2s. For Beer to ye Ringers w" ye King was crowned 6s. Eor Liquor to ye Curate & Churchwardens at Signing the Briefs 8s. 6d. Eor Liquor on business Is. 1763 For 2 Forms of prayers for ye Queen 2s. For ditto for a thanksgiving 2s. For ditto for ye Prince of Wales 2s. Ringers on 22 Sep. last 4s. Eor 2 Forms of prayers w"' the proclamation for a Thanksgiving after ye War 2s. 6d. Eor painting & writing the Annuity Board wcU was left by the late Mr Holmden as per Bill £1 5s. 1763-4 For 2 Forms of prayer for ye Birth of the young Prince 2s. 1767-8 For 2 Forms of prayer on account of ye Birth of a young Prince. 1768-9 Eor 2 Forms of Prayer on Ao' of the Birth of the young princess. 1772 4 Square and 40 feet of New Shingling done to ye Steple at £5 10s. per square £24 4s. Eor takeing down the Vane & putting it up again £1 Is. 1773 Eor a form of Prayer on Account of the Birth of the young Prince 2s. 1775 Pd for setting up the Stocks in the Church Yard Is. 1780-81 To a Form of Prayer for the Queen's late Delivery 2s. 2 Forms of Prayer for a general East 2s. 1784-5 Rev. Mr Shaw woh he paid for a New Register Book 9s. 2 Forms of prayer for a Thanksgiving Day 2s. 1793-4 Forms of Prayer book for ye East Day 2s. 3d. 1794-5 Eor a Eorm of prayer for the East Day & Letters concerning the Erench clergy 43. 1795-6 Eor a form of prayer for the Princess of Wales 3s.; ditto East Day 3s. * The Marriages in Book No. 3 end in 1754. EDENBRIDGE. 123 1795-6 Wm Cooke for the face of the Church Clock & fixing ditto £3 17s. 2d. Mr Duplock for Churoh Clock £25. Subscription to Ch. Clock £5 17s. 7d. 1796-7 Eorm of Prayer for the East Day 3s.; ditto for Viotory over the Spaniards 3s. 1799 Assessment at 6d. in £, £3117s. Shingling as per Bill £17 15s. Eor Crimson Pulpit Cloth & hanging to the Desk £4 7s. 3£d. Expenses of taking up, keeping in hold, and conveying John Hilton to Justice for Rioting £2 lis. 4d. 1800 For pounding Hogs Is. For repairing the Steeple & Porch £10 9s. 9d. Assessment at 6d. in £, £47 13s. 9d. 1802 Eor Whitewashing & Repairing the Churoh £9 9s. ll^d. Per Paving the Church Yard Walks £6 lie. 7d. Half part of the Dinner, etc., when walk'd the bounds £1 15s. Liquor at making Church Rate 10s. For Liquor to Ringers when choosing Officers 5s. 1803 Liquor raising Vestry Room 13s. 9d.; ditto at Making Churoh Rate £1 Os. 6d. Remainder of Bill for Vestry Room £6 Is., & John Leigh for ditto £32 14s. 7Jd. & £24 16s. 9d. 1804 Eor Liquor at passing last Ace1" 10s. For ditto when gave Bread & 20s. away 2s. 6d. Writing Desk for Vestry Room & carriage £2 15s. Paid I*" parts of Dinner, etc., when went the Bounds against Lingfield £16s. 1805 For new Riping part of the Churoh as per Agreement £27 15s. lOd. & £16 6s. l l |d. 1806 Eor Form of Prayer East Day 3s.; ditto on Death Nelson 3s. P" at Sevenoaks at the Confirmac'on for 60 persons who were Confirmed £3, 1807, July 31, Met to consult about new Bells 15s. 6d. Meeting to make Ass' for Bells 15s. 2 Journies to London concerning Bells £1 Is. Making the Bell Rates 2s. 6d. To Surrogate for Signing Rates for the Bells 7s. Thos. Mears, Bell Founder, in part of new Bells £50. 1807-8 By carriage of old Bells to London & bringing new ones back £5. Pa Wm Durtnal for Ringing the 8 o'cl. Bell £1. To Bell Hangers in p* of new Bells £1. Assessment at lOd. in £, £54 15. 1809 Repairing old Bell Frame & the New Ringing Loft £39 5s. 3d. Iron work to Bell frame £5 Is. ld. Spent on Mr Bonwick when promis'd to pass his Judgment on the Tenor Bell Is. Bell Founders in further part of new Bells £130. New Bell Ropes £3 4s. Carriage of Bells to & from London £5. By an Ass' for Bells at lOd. in £, £81 15s. 7&d. By a Subsoription to ditto £116 4s. East Day 1809; ditto 1810. Thos. Bonwick for coming from Croydon to pass his opinion concerning the Tenor Bell 7s. For 2 Clarinets for the Choir £5 5s. Eor a Dial Plate for the Church Yard 10s. 6d. 1811 Journey to 7 oaks to Confirmation 8s. Bread, Cheese, & Beer at Dorset Arms for those who were confirmed £3. Prayer for the King 4s.; ditto for Thanksgiving Day 4s. 6d. Prayers for Gen. East. Ringing Days Sep. 23 & Ap. 23. CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS, Prayers for the East day and for the King's health 8s. 6d. Pa for a prayer to be read during the King's Indisposition 4s. 6d. For a ditto for the repeated successes of His Majesty's Arms over the Erench Army 4s. 6d. For a ditto for the Prince Regent 4s. 6d. Prayer Books for the Fast Day 7s. 8d. Eor Prayers for signal victories in Spain 4s. Ditto for Abundant Harvest 4s. Eor an Iron Chest to keep Register Books in £5 15s. 6d. Pa at a Meeting to sign the Militia List 9s. 6d. At Confirmation at Westerham 64 persons £3 Is. 6d. Remainder of Bell Founder's Bill £24. Prayer Book for Thanksgiving Day 4s. 8d. May 25, Met to consult on what repairs should be done to the Church. Remainder for Bells £22 3s. 7d. 1816, Jan. 7, Apparitor for prayer on the Peace 4s. July 4, Expenses at Westerham attending with Persons to be confirmed when Confirmation postponed £3 4s. 8d. & Confirmation £6 l is. ld. 1816 For Whitewashing & other Repairs to the Church £19 13s. 6d. 1817 A singing Feast £3 3s. 1817 Wm Cooke for Building Seats as per Bill £23 Is. 3Jd. Expenses at Confirmation £2 10s. 6d. 1820 Pd for Proclamation lis. Reca of the Bridge Wardens for Pews in the Gallery £4. 1821 To Carriage of 11 Load of Stones for draining the Church Yard J68 5s. 1822, Oct. 5, Refreshment for persons Confirmed 16s. 6Jd. 1825 To Bread & Cheese in Broxham pound Lane going Bounds 2s. 6d. 1826 Mr Cattel a young Yew tree 7s. 6d., Dec. 10. Ditto 5, of N. Wickenden for the old Yew tree 10s. 1830, June 20, Repairing Top to Communion Cup & Carriage 14s. 1835, Jan. 9, Repairing Violinoello £2. 1837, June 18, Postage of a prayer of the King 8d. We get from these Accounts, coupled with the Registers, a fairly complete list of the Curates of Edenbridge. The living was a Vicarage and was held with Westerham until the two were separated early in the present century. John Head Bartholomew Smith* Robert Butlerf John ParattJ - Richard Williams§ - . . . . Gooden - Thomas Davies - Edward Powell William Hoggart|| - John ShawTT - Thomas Hayton** - - 1650—1667. - 1671—1707. - 1716—1718. - 1720—1726. - 1732. - 1736. - 1736—1748. - 1748—1751. - 1752—1764. - 1766—1798. - 1802—1814. * He signs the Accounts as Minister and Curate from 1679-1707. His last signature on 30 April 1707 is in a very shaky hand. His burial is recorded in the Register, Sep. 9,1707. f He signs for these years. £ He signs for these years. § He signs once. || He signs for these years. % He last signs in 1787. His burial is thus recorded : " Shaw, Rev. John, Curate of this Place 32 yrs.; buried in a Vaulted Grave at the Right Hand within the Communion Gate (died much lamented by the Inhabitants), buried July 5, 1798." ** He signs for these years. 124 1812 1813 1814 EDENBRIDGE. 125 The Accounts from 1680 to 1719 are allowed either by an Archdeacon or a Surrogate. The signatures occur of Will. Trumbull in 1680 and 1684, of Tho. Plume,* Archdeacon, between 1682 and 1704, Car. Hedges in 1686, Jo. Hedges in 1689, Jo. Wyveli,f Surrogate, in 1690, J. Cooke,$ Surrogate, in 1699, John Gilman,§ Surrogate, in 1702 and 1706, Tho. Sprat, || Archdeacon, ia 1705 and 1707, Joh. Audley, Sur., in 1713, Hum. Henchman in 1717,18, and 19. The first year's Accounts appear to be in the handwriting of Bartholemew Smith, those from 1714—1754 in the beautiful handwriting of Edward Crittenden as he signs himself up to l728, and subsequently Cruttenden. In 1755 and for some years onwards they are in the handwriting of William Hoggart the Curate. At the end is a list of Briefs, from which the following is a selection :— Mar. 13,1692, Collected for redeeming of ye Captives taken by ye Turks 8s. ld. 26 Feb. 1692, for ye towne of Chagford in ye County of Devon 6s. 6d. May ye 13,1695, for ye Briefes of Chester & York £11 8s. Ijd. May ye 18,1696, for ye Briefes of Neither Haven (Netheravon), Broughton, & Trinity House £1 Is. 3£d. Octob' ye 3,1696, for ye Briefe of S' Hellines 8s. 7d. June 2,1699, for the Reliefe of the Vodouys (Vaudois) by a Briefe £1 6s. Rec'1 by Tho. Plume, Archdeacon. March ye 24,1689, for Bungay in Souffock £1 12s. 3d. April ye 15,1690, for New Alesford in Hampshire £110s. June ye 10,1690, for a second Briefe for ye Reliefe of ye Irish Protestants £114s. for ye Towne of S' Ives in ye County of Huntingdon 14s. 6d. Eor ye Towne of Stafford 8s. 9|d. for Bishop Lavington, Wilts, lis. lid. Sep. ye 28,1690, for East Smithfleld, Co. Middlesex, 9s. 9£d. March ye 29, 1691, for Morpeth in ye p'ish [sic] of Northumberland lis. April ye 14, 1691, for ye Borough of Southwark in ye p'ish of S' George's, Surrey, £1 9s. 8d. March ye 13,1691, for John Chopton of ye City of Norwich 8s. 0{d. Jan. ye 15,1692, for Ledbury, Co. Hereford, lis. 89d. Eeb. ye 19, 1692, for ye Towne of Elseworth, Co. Cambridge, 6s. 5id. March ye 12,1692, for ye Inhabitants of Druridge, tolddrington, & Chibborne in ye p'ish of Woodhouse, Co. Northumberland, 7s. 5Jd. Septemb. ye 11,1692, for ye p'ish of Lambeth, Co. Surrey, 7s. 3Jd. Aprill ye 2,1693, for ye sufferers of Tunbridge Wells, Co. Kent, 7s. 5d. Aprill ye 23,1693, for Hedon in Holderness in ye East Riding of York 5s. 6id. May ye 29,1693, for Elsworth, 7s. -Jd., for Tunnbridge 7s., for Chingford 6s. 6d., for Ledbury 7s. -Jd. These Accounts are far less interesting than those of Westerham, and throw but little light on parochial government. They are much alike one year with another, except when there is any exceptional expenditure on the church. The bells are rung on all the principal anniversaries. A set of new bell-ropes is required every year. There is the usual relief to passengers, seamen, and strangers; the same reward for killing hedgehogs aud polecats. Then, as now, beer was required on every occasion—at passing the accounts, at setting up the bell-ropes, and to the ringers when the bells were rung. No books of this kind are, however, without their interest, and few are in better preservation than those of Edenbridge. * He was installed Archdeacon of Rochester June 10,1679, was Vicar of East Greenwich and Rector of Merston; died 20 Nov. 1704, and was buried in the Churchyard of Longfield, co. Kent; left numerous charitable bequests. t Had the livings of Boxley, Kingsdown, and Erindsbury; died 1704. j Of Christ Church, Oxford. Rector of Cuckston and Mersham, one of the Six Preachers at Canterbury ; died 13 Aug. 1727, buried in Mersham Church. § Rector of Kingsdown, Prebendary of Roohester, Vicar of St. Nicholas, Rochester; died Nov. 17,1710. || Installed Archdeacon of Rochester in 1704. Son of Dr. Sprat, Bishop of Rochester. Prebendary of Winchester and Westminster, Rector of Stone and Vicar of Boxley, co. Kent. Died 10 May 1720, ait. 41, buried near his father in Westminster Abbey.


Inventory of Church Goods at Edenbridge


Preston Church, next Faversham