Inventory of Church Goods at Edenbridge
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Notes on Edenbridge
Churchwardens' Accounts, Edenbridge
( 115 ) INVENTORY OE CHURCH GOODS AT EDENBRIDGE, AMONG PAPEES AT CHIDDINASTONE IN POSSESSION OE CAPTAIN HENEY STHEATFEILD. COMMUNICATED BT GRANVILLE LEVESON-GOWER, E.S.A. T H I S Bylle made the 3ri yere of King Harry ye 8fh witnesseth that thys ys a true Iuve'tory of the Godys p'teyhing to the Cherch and p'ysse of Edonbrygge. Item Impr'is 3 cheles (chalices), 6 massebokys. I t . 2 graylys,* 6 preesessynalls (processionals), a nold legiant^ a sequens kev'd with rede led', 2 saut's (psalters) and a newe antefrener (antiphoner) and 2 old and one pryntyd anteffenei', 2 manewells, an old ordenall. I t . a messe boke of the geth (gift) of S* W. Alchorn.f a sute of vestment s , 4 copys, a blew vestment, a lenton vestment, a red vestmont of the geffit of Mr Marten, on (one) of the castrys§ hath 14 conopps of sylver, v corporas, v cessys (?), x teuells (towels), x ault (altar) clothys gode and bade, iii crossys, a cross cloth)] of gryn (green) tontyrin,lf ii sencers, ii lavyn kerchers, iii touchylls (towels), * Grail, a gradual or service-book. •j- Legend—a Leotionary. " It'm a written legent and iii grayles" (Inventories of the College of Lingfield, Surrey, 1524). " ii legions," " a grayle,' a legend,' and a processioner " (Arch., xliii., 243-4). | Sir William Alchorn was Vicar of Edenbridge. The will of his father Thomas Alchorn of Edenbridge is dated 13 March 1509-10. " To be buried in the churchyard where my wife was buried. Residue to Sir William Alchorn my son, and William Swaynslond of Cowden, my ex0 ". To Syr William Alchorn my son for life a messuage with a garden called Spicer, and a croft called Kempyshaugh, lying thereto in Edenbreg, with remainder to my son Morys Alchorn and his heirs, remainder in default to Agnes Alchorn my daughter, wife of John Shoobrig, and her heirs. To Jone my wife for life a messuage and garden in Edenbreg called Haseldens, where she now dwelleth, with remainder to my son Morys and his heirs, to whom I give the residue of my lands in Edenbreg or elsewhere in Kent, and. all my lands in Marysfeld, co. Sussex, with remainder to my daughter Jone for life, with remainder to her sons by William Combe, viz. George, Thomas, and John. To my daughter Elizabeth iii" vi8 viii'1 at marriage. To daughter Clemens Alchorn xl* at her marriage. Residue to son Mores." (No probate clause.) (Cons. Rochester, vi., ccxlii.) There is a will of Isabell Alchorn of Edenbridge dated 23 March and proved 3 August 1536 (Cons. Roohester, ix., coxxiii.). § Caster, a oloak. || Used to cover the rood. " A orosse cloth of grene sylke" (Arch., xliii., 240). •f Tatron, tatorne, etc Tartarin, a kind of silk, "ii tunacles of blue tartron," " ii coopes of blaok tatorn " (Arch., xliii., 230—241), I 2 1 1 6 INVENTORY OE CHURCH GOODS AT EDENBRIDGE. ii o them be blew and the 3d yelowe, iiii pelowys, a nold chesybiU of blew, a carecloth* and a cloth to bere over the sacram4, 4 clothys for the sepulcer, viii baner clothys, a keverlet off sayef and 12 other keverlets, 2 herse cloths with 2 towells, a cloth to kever the font, a holy wat' stopys, ii standar (standard) canstyks, ii clothys for lent, the rode cloth for lent, iiii shurples (surplices), iii rochets, iii payre of curtens .with rings, ii clotheys for to hang before aut' (altar), ii payre of crewetts, iiii sacryng bellys, a chypej (ship) for sens', a pyx with a canapy, a brazyn polye, ii plomets o' lead, a newe messe boke off the vecores (vicars) geyft, a vestment of the geyft of Sr W. Alchorn of whych . . . . I t . a vayl cloth of whyte. I t . a fyre pan.§ I t . a kercher with 4 tassells for our Lady of pety.|| I t . a cope of velvet off the gyft of Mod1 ' Barnard, ii coshyns off ye gyth of Modr Barnard. I t . iii payre bredys and basan and ewer. I t . ii new cruets. I t . an awtere cloth of the gyth of John Woodgat.^f I t . a awtere cloth of the gyth of Anys Chobryage (Shobridge). I t . an awter cloth, ii towells, a coverleth, and a chercher** of the gyfthe of Moder Barnard. I t . a coverleth of the gyth of Thomas Spacherst.ft I t . iiii Eochettes of the gyth of Mr Baker. I t . a coverleth and towell of the gyth of Mother Hoggathe. I t . a schethe of the gyft of Thomas Peter. I t . iii Eochettys of the githe of Anys Srmchers. I t . a shete of the gyft of Agnes King. I t . a shete of the gufte Margery Dauson. * A square cloth held over the bride by four men, one at each corner. t A delicate serge or woollen cloth. j " A ship such as was used in the church to put frankincense in " (Baret, 1580). § The fire pan was used to set the incense alight. " A standard of ieron to set a fier pann on" (Arch., xliii., 226). || The Virgin with the Saviour on her lap. See notice of an image of our Lady of Pity in Ashford Church (Arch., xlvii., 308). •J The will of John Woodgate is dated 14 June and proved 29 June 1523 (Cons. Rochester, vii., cclxxvi.)". To be buried in the churchyard. " Itm to by A aulter cloth for the bright aulter iii" iiii1'. Marten and Willam my sonnes shall have my six oxen with the harness. To Joane my daughter a cowe. Residue to wife Joone exix." " Corpus meum sepeliendum in cemeterio eccl'ie beatorum petri et pauli de Etunbrugge. Item lego ad emendum pannum coram Sum'o altari iiia iiiid. To eldest son John tenement called ' Spachehurst of the hole.' To son William tenement called ' lyems.' To John my son the carpenter ' Shalhawe ' the olde house and halfe the new barn and a way to come. To son Henry the crofte and the hye fylde and y° lands called Monteyns. To wife Amies [she occurs further on as the donor of 3 rochets] a rent of xiii" iiiid. She Exix. Witness, Sir Morgan [Sir Morgan aprese], curat," etc (Cons. Rochester, vii., cocxxi.). ** Vail used at the churching of women. See " chercharrys," post corpus. f t The will of Thomas Spachehurst of Edenbridge is dated 8 April and proved 23 May 1524, INVENTORY OE CHURCH GOODS AT EDENBRIDGE. 117 It. a cov'ing (covering) of a awt off the gefth of the said Margaret Dauson. It. a hympnall with nots of the gyft of John Selyard. Mema There is ryngs of silver upon the best cross. It. an auter cloth and towell of dyapere of the gyft of Mother Beneby. It. Two copys cacys and iiii chercharrys, one of the gyft of my Lady Bone and another of Mystris Potter. It. an horsecloth of the gufet of Master Tytchbon. It. the vale cloth. It. a cloth to hang before the roode. It. a gret masse booke. Mem* That Mast vecore hath given to the Church of Edenbridg 2 kene in the xvii yr of King H. 8 for to find four tapers, one afore S4 Peter, one afore the Trinity, one afore our Lady, and anouter afore S' Kath., and that that is over the finding the said tapers to go to the church box. Anno Henrie VIIL, xxvi. Memd That Eobert Humfry doe owe for the ferm of the aforesaid kene for ii yeres vis viii'1. Mem'1 that Jno Fryth hath paid the ferm for the aforesaid kene vis viiia at the day of account in the yere aforesaid.