General Index

( 337 ) GENERAL INDEX. • Abbot, —, 148. Abergavenny, 230. Ablett, John, 294. Abraham, 312. Absolon, William, 147 (2), 148. Acre, 209, 210, 214. Adam, Nicholaus, 216 ; Nicholaus, Arms of, 216 ; Ei., 316; Dr. —, lvi. Addington, manor of, 214. Adi3ham, 178. ^Esop, 312. e t h e l b e r t , King of England, 18, 20. JEthelnoth, Abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, 306 (2). Alard, Gervas, 275, 276 ; Justin, 276. Alchorn, Agnes, 115 ; Clemens, 115 ; Elizabeth, 115 ; Isabell, 115 ; Jone, 115 (2); Mores, 115; Morys, 115 (2); Thomas, 115; Sir W., 115, 116; Sir William, 115(2). Alchorne, Biohard, 291; Eobert, 291. Aldborough, 10. Aldermary Church, London, 100, 102. Aldham, Thomas de, 208. Aldington, 201, 215. Alfred, King of England, 273. Alfred the Great, King of England, 126. Alkham, 206. All Hallows, London, 93. All Saints, Canterbury, 176. Allin, Thomas, 251, 256 ; Sir Thomas, 254, 255, 256. Allington, George, 324 (3). Alshbawe, John de, 87, 89. Alumni Oxonienses, by Poster, 91, 92 (2), 93. Alyngton, 165. Alynson, Cristofer, 113 ; James, 113 ; John, 113; William, 113. Alysford, Friars of, 112. Amherst, Jeff., 297. Anderida, Forest of, 308. Andrew, Henry, 278 (2). Angiitis Notitice, by Chamberlayne, 256, 257. .Anglicus. John, 52. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, reference to, 54. Anne, Queen of England, 239, 240 (4), 241, 256. Annual Register, reference to, 257. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, 145. Anthony, 121. Antonine Itinerary, reference to, 2. Antrobus, Barbarie, 291. Apelfreud, 200. Apelfreud, Henricus de, 200 ; Henricus de, Arms of, 200. Appeldrefeld, Henricus de, 202. Appeldrefeud, Henrious de, 200, 202. Appelfreud, Henricus de, 202. Aprese, Sir Morgan, I16. Aprice, Sir Morgan, 107. Apuldelfeld, 200. Apuldore, 219, 224. Apuldorefeild, 200, Apuldorefeild, Thomas, 2IS ; Sir Thomas, 213; Willielmus, 213. Apuldrefeld, 200. Apuldrefeld, Thomas, 213 (2) ; Thomas de, 211, 212 (5) ; William, 212 (3) ; Willielmus de, 212. Apuldrefelde, Thomas, 213. Apuldreffeld, —, 209. Apultrefeld, 200. Arcadia, by Sir Philip Sidney, 229. Arch. Diet., by Halliwell, 120. Archceologia, references to, 85, 115 (3), 116(2). Archceologia Cantiana, references to, xl, xii (2), xlvii (2), xlviii, lvi, 3, 11, 14, 15, 18, 30, 33, 43, 45, 49, 54, 57, 64, 73, 85. 130, 173, 255, 291, 306, 307 (2), 323, 330. Archceological Journal, references to, 20, 26. Archcliff Port, 250. Archer, Anthony, 259. Architectural and other Remains of Britain, Cojiies of Drawings illus- V0I/. XXI. z 338 GENERAL INDEX. trative of a Course of Lectures on the, by T. Stackhouse, xlv. Ardeley, 150. Arderne, James, 176. Arnold, A. A., 6 (2), 14 (2), 18, 36 (2), 41,44 (3), 45, 46 (3), 47 ; his Medieval Remains at Rochester, 30, 36, 57; on Rochester Bridge,\l; George M., F.S.A., 169, 170 ; on Filborough Farmhouse, East Clialh, Gravesend, 161. Arthur, Prince, 228. Arundel, —, 128 (2). 137 (2). Ash, 175 (3), 180, 190 (2), 191 (2), 201, 219 (3). Ashburnham, 314. Ashcombe, Lord, xii. Ashdon, 148. Ashdown Forest, 271. Ashe. 180. Ashepoole, Annes, 286. Ashford, xxxix, 116, 197, 201, 211 (3), 225 (2). Ashurst, 89. Askekue, —, 286. Asshury, Stephanus de, 209. Athelstan, King of England, 273. Atterbury, Fra., 93. Aucher, Anthony, 259. Audele, Sir Hugh de, 89 (4) ; see also D'Audele. Audley, Sir Hugh de, 87 (4) ; Joh., 125 ; Margaret, 87; —, Earl of Gloucester, 111. Augmentation Office, 165, 166. Augmentations, Board of, 227, 228. Augustinian Friars, 129. Aula, John de, 276. Austen, —, 126 (4). Aveling, S. T., Roohester Inns, 315. Avenale, Dionysius, 136 (2). Aylesford, 21, 212. Aylesford, Carmelite Friars, 129. Aylisforde, Friars of, 106. Aynscomb, Mary, 92 ; Thomas, 92 (2). Aynscombe, Anne, 92; Jane, 92; John, 91 ; Mary, 92 ; Thomas, 91, 92 (3). Baa, Tho., 208 ; Thomas de, 208 ; Thomas de, Arms of, 208. Badlesmer, Bartholomeus de, 202; Bartholomeus de, Arms of, 203. Badlesmere, 137. Badlesmere, Dionisia de, 307; Sir Giles, 200; Sir Gocelin de, 137; Guncelin de, 307 ; Margaret, 200. Badsell, 230. Bicda, 19. 20. Baker, "Bloody," 228; Herbert, 43, 163; Johannes, 227, 228 (3); Johannes, Arms of, 227 : Sir Eichard, 311 ; —, 116, 323. Bakere, Henry, 316. Balderston, William, 180; —,181. Baldock, Simon, 275 (2). Baldok, 90. Baley, —, 289. Ball, John, 12. Bambery, Sir John, 106 ; Thomas, 90 ; Sir Thomas, 106. Bamburgh alias Brambury, Johannes, 222 (2). Bancroft, Dr. John, 185. Banks, —, 16. Bapehild, 193(2). Barber, William le, 278. Baret, Alice, 130; Cecilia, 130 ; Joane, 130 ; John, 130 ; Nics., 276 ; Valentine, 130 (4) ; —, 116. Barfreston, 178, 181. Bargrave, Dr. John, 177. Barham, 213, 223, 233, 256, 257. Barkham, 257. Barnard, — 116 (3). Barnes, Osborne, 129. Barney, William, 193, 194 (2). Barrett-Lennard, —, 130. Barry, Johannes, 212, 213 ; Johannes, Arms of, 212. Bartleete, —, 292. Barfcon-on-Humber, 303. Basing, 103. Basing Hall, 204. Basirigeham, 103. Basings, see Basyngg. Basingstoke, 103. Basset, Edward, 284,285 (2) ; Bd w a r d e , 285; Elyzabeth. 285 ; Katheryne, 286 ; Mawdelyn'e, 284 ; Mawdlyne, 285 ; Morrys, 287 ; Ealf, 276 ; Rob., 286 ; Thomas, 287, 293. Bassett, Ann, 293 ; Bertram, 285 ; Eobart, 293 ; Thomas, 293. Basyngg alias Basings, Willielmus de, 204 ; Willielmus de, Arms of, 204. Bataille, Robert, 277. Bateman, —, 172. Battaile, Eobert, 277. Battersea, 31. Baude, Peter, 312. Bawesffelde, 307. Bax, John, 132. Bayeux Tapestry, 18. Bayeux, Odo, Bishop of, 21. Bayhall, 212, 213 (2), 215, 216. Bayham, 221 ; Abbey. 129. Bazing, 103 (3), 104, i05. Beale, Riohard, 236. Beaufort, Cardinal, 131. Beausfeld, 307. GENERAL INDEX. 339 Beausfield, see Whitfield. Beccenhame, Willielmus, 216. Becltet, The Bones of Arohhisliop, by Eev. C. F. Routledge, F.S.A., 73. Becket, Thomas, 73 (3), 74, 75 (3), 76 (3), 77 (3), 79 (3), 141 (3). 307. Beckington, —, 57. Becknum, Frances, 292 ; Marget, 292. Bede, —, 157 (2), 159 (3). Bedgebury, 234. Bedmancore, 211. Beecher, Alice, 288. Bekehurst, 205. Bele, John, 112; William, 100, 112. Belhouse, Alice de, 130. Bell, —, 128. Belleview, 257. Beneby, —, 117. Benedict, —, 76 (2). Benenden, xliv, 215, 225. Benson, —, 155, 329. Bereford, Eichard de, 276. Beresford, Gen. —. 257. Berisford, Ann, 290, 294; Mickell, 290 ; Stephen, 293 ; Tho., 294: Thomas, 290 (5), 293 ; Tristram, 290. Berisfourd, Tho., 294. Berkeley, Lord, 279. Berks, 148. Bernard, Johannes Fitz, 211 (2) ; Johannes Fitz, Arms of, 211 ; Sir Eobert Fitz, 211. Bertha, Queen, 157. Bertlett, Jane, 284 ; Eoger, 281. Berysford, Ann, 293 ; Thomas, 2.93. Besche, Alan, 90. Best, John, 329. Betenham House, Cranbrook, 216. Betenham, Willielmus, 216. Bethersden, 149 (2). Betshanger, 219. Betsome, 169. Betteshanger, 180. Beulye, —, 323. Bewesfeld, 306 (2). Bewsfield, 307. Bex Hill Cemetery, xlvii. Bible, Bishop's, reference to. 104. Biddenden, xl, 173, 174 (2),' 175 (2), 184, 186 (3), 226, 311 (2); Eectory of, 184 (2). Bilsington Priory, 129. Binchester, 19. Bing, Stephen, 175. Bird, Charles, 26, 35. Birling, 260, 323. Bishop Lavington, 125. Bishopsbourne, 206, 217, 220. Bisshopp, Alan, 275. Blaokett, —, 326. Blackman8ton, 193. Blackmanstone, 192. Blain, 327. Blaman, 276. Blandford, 1. Blaxland Family, Memorials of the, by F. C. J. Spurrell. xl. Blean. 202, 327. Bleyn, 327. Blonte, Jane, 293 ; Thomas, 293. Blount, Edward, 292 ; Jane, 292; Thomas, 235. " Blue Dick," 177. Board, Eev. Eichard, 300. Bobbing, 193, 218,220. Bobbing Milsted, 205 (2), 208, 211. Bobbingcourt, 218. Booking, 127, 136. Bocton subtus le Bleyn, 327 (2). Bodicoate, Eev. John, 300; Eev. —, 300. Bodiham Castle, xliv. Bodleian Library, Tanner MSS. in, 172 (2). Bologna, 80. Boltune, 328. Bonaparte, Napoleon, 252 (2). Bone, Lady, 117. Bonwick, Thomas, 123 ; —, 123. Boodle, Eev. J. A., xlii, xliii, xliv ; on Boughton under the Blean, 327. Boohs of Common Prayer, reference to, 143. Boorne, John, 133 ; Eichard, 133. Boothebee, Olyver, 288 ; Thomas, 288. Borough, Katherine, Lady, 288 ; William, Lord, 288. Boroughbridge, 214. Borstal, Iii (2), 2, 13. Bosham, Herbert of, 76. Boss, Eichard, 289 (2). Bostock,—,292. Boteler, Joan, 220 ; Johannes, 220. Botlee Hill, 102. Botley Hill, 101. Boughton, 144, 279; churoh, 327; quarries, 35. Boughton Blean, 129,130,142,149 (3). Boughton Malherbe, 196, 200, 216, 229. Boughton Monchelsea, 222, 241, 243. Boughton-under-Blean, xliii; Boughton Street, 327; Chapel of St. Nicholas, 327; Chaucer and, 327, 328 ; Church Bells of, 333 ; Hickman's Green, 327 ; Holy Lane, 327 ; Meaning of name, 327; Meeting of Kent Archajological Society at, 327; Parsonage of, 328 ; St. Peter and St. Paul, 328 ; South Street, 327. Boughton under the Blean, by Eev. J. A. Boodle, 327. % 2 340 GENERAL INDEX. Boughton Magazine, reference to, 329. Boulogne, 274 ; Siege of, 226. Bounds, George, 120,121. Bourgchier, —, 138. Bourne, Bartholomew, 131; Ellen de, 206 ; Fraunces Tiche, 288 ; Joan, 131 (3) ; Joane, 288 ; Johannes de, 206, 207 (4) ; Johannes de, Arms of, 206 ; Sir John de, 206 ; Thomas de, 207. Bouverie, Jacob, 266. Bower, Elizabeth, 289 ; Thomas, 289. Bowier, Thomasyn, 112 ; —,113. Bowie, Peter, 320. Bowsley, Nicholas, 322. Bowyar, —, 285. Bowyare, Sence, 285. Boxley, 1, 125 (2) ; Abbey, 164, 165 ; Abbot of, 129. Boyd, W., 163. Boyle, True Remembrances, 132. Boyle, Charles, Lord Clifford, 132; Charles, Lord Dungarven, 132; Charlotte Isabella, 132; Hon. Courtney, 132 ; Edmund, Earl of Cork and Orrery, 132 ; Elizabeth, 131; Hugh, 131 (2) ; Joan, 131 (3), 132 ; John, 131 (2) ; Mary, 131; Richard, 132 ; Eichard, Baron of Youghall, 131 ; Richard, Earl of Burlington, 132 ; Eichard, Earl of Cork, 131 (3), 132 (2) ; Eichard, Viscount of Dungarven, 131; Eobert, 132 ; Eoger, 131 (3), 132; —, 128. Boys, Collections for a History of Sandwich, 248. Boys, Sir Edward, 178 ; John, 234, 236 ; Thomas, 180 (3). Braborne, 224, 225. Brabourne, 222 (2), 229, 231. Bracested, 98. Bradband, John, 119. Bradbourn, 241. Bradbourn, Elizabeth, 299 ; John, 299. Bramah, —, xlii (2), xliii. Brambury, see Bamburgh. Brandon, Charles, Duke of Suffolk, 245 ; Mary, 245. Brasted, 98 (2), 99 (3), 110, 290, 291, 293, 294, 295. Bratle, Thomas, 311. Bray, Vicar of, 226. Bray and Manning, Surrey, 89. Braybrooke, John, 218 ; Eeginaldus, 218. Breaden, Thomas, 91. Bredger, George, 91. Bredhurst, Hi. Brenchley Church, 303. Brenley, 329 (2). Brent, —, 164, Brett, John 111. Bridges, Anna, 288; Sir Brook, 242 (2); Sir Brook, Arms of, 242; Henry, 288. Brighouse, 94. Bristol, 219 ; castle, 202. Bristy, Elizabeth, 296. Britain, 11, 308 (2). Britannia, by Camden, 20. British Archceological Association, Journal of the, reference to the, 3 (2). British Museum, 259. Britt, George, 120. Brittany, Duke of, 224. Broadstairs, xlvii. Brock, E. P. Loftus, F.S.A., The Saxon Church at Whitfield, near Dover, Kent, 301 ; Loftus, 4 ; on the Walls of Chester, 3. Brockett, —, 292. Brockhall, see Brockhelle. Brockhell, Johannes de, 215; Thomas, 217 (2), 218. Brookhelle, Thomas, 215 ; Thomas de, 209, 210 (2), 211; Thomas de, Arms of, 210. Brookhelle alias Brockhall, Thomas de, 208 ; Thomas de, Arms of, 208. Brockhill, Thomas de, 218. BrockhuU, Thomas, 216, 218. Brodnax, Thomas, 242. Broke, John, 317, 319 ; William, 138; Dr. William, 138. Broker, Elizabeth, 292 ; —, 292. Bromfleld, 182. Bromley, 108, 221. Bromston, Joan, 131; Thomas, 131 (3) ; Thomas de. 130. Brone, —, 121. Brooke, Sir George, 230 ; George, Lord Cobham, 230 ; Henry, 230 ; Sir Henry, 230; Sir Henry, Lord Cobham, 230 ; John, 286 ; Margret, 286 ; Sir William, 230 (2) ; see also Cobham. Broome, 256. Brotherton, John, 121. Broughe, Lady, 288 ; Lord 286. Broughton, 125. Broughton, .Andrew, 235 ; Anthony, 235. Brown, —, 119. Browne, Edmund, 291 ; Joseph, 291 ; Richard, 291; Eev. Canon —, xii, 157 ; see also Cave-Browne. Browning, William, 120. Brownists, 175. Broxham, 209, 296. Broxholm, 300. GENERAL INDEX. 341 Brumston alias Brunton, Johannes, 225. Brunton, see Bramston. Brussall, Nicholas, 90. Bryan, Thomas, 298. Bryant, Bartholemew, 299. Biydges, Sir John William Head, 254, 257 (3) ; Sir Samuel Egerton, 257. Brynkeley, John, 130. Bucher, Elizabeth, 293 ; Mary, 292. Buckingham, Anna, Duchess of, 90; Edward, Duke of, 88, 90 ; Edward Stafford, Duke of, 111; George, Duke of, 249, 255 ; Humfrey, Duke of, 90; Humfrey, Earl of, 90; Humphrey, Duke of, 88; Humphrey, Earl of, 88; —, Duke of, 233. Buckland, 188 (7), 193, 194 (2); Valley, 261. Buddie, Edward, 280, 281 (2). Bullman, John, 286. Bungay, 125. Bunt, J., 335. Buntingford, 150. Burceston, see Burcestre. Burcestre alias Burceston, Willielmus, 217. Bures, see Burys. Burgavenny, Lord, 317, 319. Burghersh, Francis Fane, Baron, 230. Burgherst, Mildmay Fane, Lord, 232. Burghley, Lord, 246. Burgon, Life of Sir Thomas Gresham, 247. Burgundy, Duke of, 224. Burke, —, 246. Burleigh, Lord, 229. Burlington, 132. Burlington, Bichard Boyle, Earl of, 132. Burmarsh, 192, 193 (2). Burnet, —, 146. Burny, Richard, 176. Burston, 221, 231. Burton, 221. Burton, Frederick Martin, 94; Frederick Merryweather, 94. Burvil, James, 180 (2), 181. Burvile, James, 178. Burwash Church, 313. Bury St. Edmund's, 223. Burys alias Bures, Willielmus, 221. Bushawe, Nicholas, 90. Butcher, Dorothy, 292. Butler, Sir Richard, 311; Robert, 124 ; Rev. Eobert, 120 ; —, 120. Buxted, 312. Byrsall, Sir Nicholas, 106. Byrstowe, John, 286. Cabinet of Poetry, by John Langhorne, 252. Cade, Jack, 223 (2), 224. Caen, 272. Cassar, Julius, 308. Cairns, Lord Chancellor, 94. Calais, 224, 225, 246 (2), 255 (3), 259, 275 (2), 279, 281. Calais, Chronicle of, reference to, 255. Cale Hill, 220(2), 221,222. Calehill, 130, 208. Calendar of State Papers (Doinestic), 246 (2), 247 (2), 251,254, Calendar of Treasury Papers, 254. Callthrope, Dorytie, 286 ; —, 286. Cambridge, 92, 125, 223 (2). Cambridge, Colleges and Halls at:— Benet College, 131; Bennet College, 181; Christ's College, 181 ; Corpus Christi College, 131; Emmanuel College, 172,181 (2) ; Jesus College, 181; Pembroke College, 94 (2); Peterhouse College, 92, 93, 181 ; Queen's College, 181 ; St. Katharine Hall, 180, 181 ; Trinity College, 153 ; Trinity Hall, 94, 154. Camden, —, 20 (2), 212 ; his Britannia, 20. Cameron, 241. Camm, see Caum. Campion, William, 239; William, Arms of, 239 ; Sir William, 239. Cannons, First English Iron, 312. Cant, 209 (2). Canterbury, 2 (4), 3, 57, 58, 75, 78 (2), 125, 126 (3), 129 (9), 132, 136, 139 (3), 141 (2), 182, 184, 196, 197, 201 (2), 202, 207, 213, 215, 218, 219, 231, 239. 242, 272, 327 (3), 335 (2). Canterbury, All Saints', 176. Canterbury, Archbishop of, xii, 135, 139. Canterbury, Archbishops of :—Abbot, 148; Anselm, 145; Arundel, 128 (2), 137 (2) ; Becket, Thomas, 73 (3), 74, 75 (3), 76 (3), 77 (3), 79 (3), 141 (3), 307 ; Benson, 155 ; Bourgchier, 138 ; Chichele, 138 (2), 219 ; Corbeuil, William de, 21 (2) ; Cranmer, 139 (4), 140, 142 (4), 143 (2), 144 (2), 147,227 ; Cuthbert, 160; Dunstan, 145; Grindal, 148 (2); Herring, 150; Howley, 154, 173; Juxon, 148, 186, 193, 307; Kempe, John, 228; Laud, 185; Manners-Sutton, 152 (2) ; Morton, 138 (2); Parker, 147 (2), 246; Peckham, 127, 135 (2), 136, 137; Eeynolds, 136; Eichard, 307 (2) ; Sanoroft, 172 (2), 173, 174, 175, 176 (2), 191, 193 (2), 196 ; Seeker, 342 GENERAL INDEX. 134 ; Sheldon, 193, 195 ; Stratford, 328 ; Sudbury, 137 ; Tate, xlvii ; Tenison, Thomas, 149; Tillofcson, 173 ; Warham, 138 (3), 139 ; Whitgift, 148 ; William, 39, 185 ; Winchelse, 136; Winchelsea, 313; Wulfred, 126. Canterbury, Archdeacon of, xii, 147, 176 (2), 177. Canterbury, Archdeacons of :—Eden, Dr. —, 149 ; Green, Dr. Thomas, 149; Harpsfleld, Nicholas, 78; Sancroft, —, 176. Canterbury, Augustinian Friars, 129. Canterbury, Canons of :—Castilion, Dr. John, 173; Egerton, William, 93 ; Thorpe, Dr. George, 173. Canterbury, Castle of, 129. Canterbury Cathedral, 40, 134, 139, 143, 150, 152, 173 (2), 177, 179, 208, 215; Crypt, 73, 75, 76 (2), 80; Library, xliv. Canterbury, Christ Church, 145 ; Monastery of, 143 ; Prior and Convent of, 129. Canterbury, Dean and Chapter of, 80, 126, 135, 328 (2). Canterbury, Dean and Prebends of, 193. Canterbury, Dean of, xii, xliv. Canterbury, Dean of :— Smi t h , Payne, xliv. Canterbury, Diocese of, 173. Canterbury, Grey Friars, 203. Canterbury Hospital, 129. Canterbury, Minor Friars of, 129. Canterbury, Preaching Friars of, 129. Canterbury, Prebendaries of :—Bargrave, Dr. John, 177 ; Thorpe, Dr. —, 179. Canterbury, Rural Dean of :—Thorpe, Dr. George, 173. Canterbury, St. Alphage, 152, 153; St. Andrew's, 176 ; St. Augustine's, Abbot and Convent of, 129, 135; St. Augustine's Abbey, 306 (2), 307 (3), 335; St. Augustine's Monastery, liv (2); St. Dunstan's, 177; St. George's, 176; St. Gregory the Great, 94; St. Gregory's Priory, 129 ; St. Margarett's, 176 ; St. Mary Bredin, 201; St. Mary Northgate, 176 ; St. Mildred's, 176; St. Paul's, 177 ; Sb. Stephen's, 139. Canterbury, See of, 23, 328. Canterbury, William of, 76. Canterbury, Chronological History of, by G. S., 177. Canterbury Tales, by Chaucer, 327. Carden, John de, 260. Carlaverock Eoll, 202. Carlaverock, Siege of, 200, 201, 202, 203 (2), 204,205 (3), 206,208,209 (2), 210 (2), 217, 224. Carleham, Johannes de, 206. Carleton, Lord, 132. Carlisle, 202, 275 ; Diocese of, 89. Carmelite Friars, 129. Caroline, Queen of England, 121. Carus-Wilson, William, 155, 156. Cassingherst, Mary, 289. Castellum, Meaning of the word, 3. Casterbon, 155. Castilion, Dr. John, 173. Castlock, John, 141. Castra, Roman, on the Kentish Coast, 2. Casyngehurst, Mary, 288. Cathedrals Act of 1840, 70. Catherlough, John Fane, Baron, 240. Cattel, ~ , 124. Caulthorpe, Bartram, 285 ; Margaret, 285. Caultrope, Bartram, 285 ; Mary, 285. Caum alias Camm and Cawne, Thomas, 213. Cave-Browne, Eev. J., M.A., xxxix, x i i ; on Knights of the Shire for Kent from A.D 1275 to A.D. 1831,198. Cawne, see Caum. Ceale hythe, 162. Cecil, —, 227. Celt, Roman, and Saxon, by Thomas Wright, 309. Cenulph, King of Mercia, 126. Chagford, 125. Chalcroft, Eichard, 249, 253, 255. Chalk, 161 (4), 162 (2), 165. Chalke, 165, 167. Ohallyner, Timothye, 286. Chamberlayne, Angliai Notitice, 256. Chapman, Elizabeth, 325 ; Henry, 325; Richard, 88, 90 (2) ; Sir Eichard. 106, 107; Sir Rioharde, 107 ; Sarah, 299 ; William, 121, 299; —, 335 (6). Charing, 208 ; Dr. Giles Hinton, Eural Dean of, 173. Charles, 214. Charles, Edward, 214; Eicardus de, 214; William, 276. Charles I., King of England, 164,168, 230, 232 (3), 233 (3), 234, 236, 237, 238 (2), 240, 251, 281, 335. Charles IL, King of England, 174, 234, 236, 237 (3), 238 (4), 239, 240 (2), 251, 255, 256, 307, 314, 323,325. Charlton by Dover, 154. Charterhouse Foundation, 92. Chartham, 201. Chartres, Diocese of, 196. GENERAL INDEX. 343 Chatham, 1 (2), 320 (3), 323 ; Luton Port, near, xlviii. Chatterling, 175. Chaucer, Geoffrey, 216, 328 (2) ; his Canterbury Tales, 327. Chauceres, Galfridus, 216. Chaynay, —, 107. Chayne, Thomas, 227. Cheetham, •--, 59, 61. Cheldegate Wall, Rochester, 8. Chellesfield, 207. Chelsfield, 207. Cheming, Thomas, 318. Cheney, Thomas, 226, 227, 228 ; Thomas, Arms of, 226. Chepstede, 89. Cheriton, 147, 259 (2). Chester, 3, 10, 125, 274; Bishop of, 155 ; Walls of, Loftus Brock on the, 3. Chevening, 208, 213, 240. Cheverton, Clemens, 286; Richard, 285 ; Thomsyne, 285. Cheyne, Henry, 228 ; Johannes, 223 ; Thomas, 227 ; Sir Thomas, 228; Willielmus, 220 ; Willielmus, Arms of, 220 ; —, 67 (2) ; Prof. —, 69, 71, 72. Cheyne alias Cheyney, Alexander de, 210; Robertus de, 210; Robertus de, Arms of, 211. Cheyney, Robertus, 211; see also Cheyne. Cheynye, Thomas, 228. Chibborne, 125. Chiche, see Chuche. Chichele, —, 138 (2), 219. Chichester, 78, 156. Chiddinglee, 297. Chiddingly, 309. Chiddingstone, 115. Childingstone, 293. Children, Elizabeth. 292 ; John, 292. Childrens, Elizabeth, 292. Chilham, xliii, 233 (2) ; Castle, 202, 213, 226, 233. Chingford, 125. Chipsted, 87, 110, 240. Chiselhurst, 231 (2). Chisholm, Rev. O, 154; Charles, 153 (2), 154 (3) ; Rev. George, 153. Chobryage, Amys, 116. Chopton, John, 125. Chorton, Agnes, 283; Will., 283. Choute, Sir George, 149. Christian, —, 126. Christison, Sir R., 333 (2). Chronicle, by Hall, 244. Clironicle, by Stow, 78. Chronicle, by Thorn, 307. Chronicle, by Thorne, 307. Chronicle, by Wriothesley, 78. Chuche alias Chuthe, Chute, and, Chiche, Stephanus, 201; Stephanus, Arms of, 201. Church Bells, reference to, 329 (2). Church of England, 172 (2), 173, 176. Clvu/rehes of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey, by Hussey, 86. Chute, see Chuche. Chuthe, see Chuche. Cinque Ports. 229, 255 (2), 273 (2), 274 (5), 275 (2), 276 (3), 277 (2), 278, 279 (5), 280, 281 (2), 282. Cinque Ports, Warden of the, xii, 247. Cinque Ports, Wardens of the:— Badlesmer, Bartholomeus de, 202 ; Brookhelle or Brockhall, Thomas de, 208; Buckingham, George, Duke of, 249, 255 ; Cheney, Thomas, 226 ; Cobham, Sir Henry, 229 ; Crey, Sir Simon de, 203 ; Guldeforde, Edwardus, 225; Louther, Galfridus or Johannes, 221; Maleymeyns de Waldwareshare, Johannes, 204; Northampton, Henry, Earl of, 167 ; Pecche, Sir John, 217 ; Shirlonde or Shurland, Eobertus de, 205; Wellington, Duke of, 257 ; Zouch, Lord, 247. Clare, Gilbert, Earl of Gloucester, 87 ; Margaret, 87 ; Eichard de, Earl of Hertford, 87. Clarendon, 232, 233, 234, 237. Clark, G. T., 26 (2), 30 ; on Rochester Castle, 26 ; Joseph, 126 ; —, 27, 31, 33, 126. Clarke, Antony, 294. Clayton, —, 128. Cliderow, sae Clvtherowe. Cliff, 162. Cliff, St. Margaret's, 193 (2); St. Mary, 194. Cliffe, St. Margaret's, 302. Clifford, Charles Boyle, Lord, 132; Richard, 218 ; Robertus, 218. Clifford's Inn, Societie of Students of, 99. Clinton, Edward, Earl of Lincoln, 288; Katherine, 288. Close Molls, references to, 30, 55, 225, Close Rolls, edited by Duffus Hardy, 51. Clovis, —, 159 (2). Clowes, E. Arnott, xliv, Clyfford, Johannes, 220; Eobertus, 219, 220. Clynton. Thomas, 220; Thomas de, 218 ; Thomas de, Arms of, 219. Clytherowe alias Cliderow, Ricardus, 219 (2) ; Ricardus, Arms of, 219. Cobbeham, Henricus de, 204; Ste344 GENERAL INDEX. phanus de, 209; Stephanus de, Lord Cobham, 206. Cobbie, Eobertus, 216. Cobeham, Henricus de, 203 (3) ; Henricus de, Arms of, 203; Johannes, 218; Johannes de, 206, 207, 208; Reginaldus de, 203 ; Thomas de, 215. Cobham, 216, 217 (2), 218 (2), 230 (3); College, 129. Cobham, George Brooke, Lord, 230 ; Henricus, Lord, 203; Sir Henry, 206; Henry de, 164; Henry, Lord, 204 ; Sir Henry Brooke, Lord, 230 ; Sir Henry de, 204 ; Joan, 218 ; Johannes, 216 ; Johannes de. 58, 204, 207, 208 (2), 217 ; John, Lord, 218 ; John de, 164; Margaret, 217; Stephanus, Lord, 206 ; Stephanus de Cobham, Baron, 204; Stephen, Lord, 206; Stephen de, 208; Thomas, 216 ; —, 107, 111 ; —, Lord, 204. Cobham alias Brooke, Sir Henry, 229 ; William, Lord, 229. Cobh'm, Lord, 317, 319. Cocke, John, 175. Cockman, Jane, 92 ; John, 92; Thomas, 92 (3), 93. Cokes, George, 292 ; John, 292. Cokesditch, 221. Colbridge Castle, 200. Colchester Castle, 239. Coldred, 181, 307 ; church, 302. Cole, Andrew, 286 ; Anna, 288, 289 ; George, 297; J. George. 118 ; James, 286 ; John, 139 (2); E. E., 52, 72 (2) ; - , 119. Coleham, Stephanus de, 204. Colepeper, Thomas, 202 ; —, 232; see also Culpeper. Colepepir, Thomas, 216. Colepepper, Nicholas, 89. Colkins, John de, 331. Collectanea Antigua, by Roach Smith, 10. Collet, Sir Mark Wilks, xii; Peter von, 312. Collier, Fcelesiastieal Hintory, 79. Collier, Rev. Carus Vale, xlii (5), xliii, 332. Colpepir, Johannes, 213,215; Thomas, 212, 213, 215; Thomas, Arms of, 212 ; Sir Thomas, 213. Colsweyne, Peter, 89. Colwell, Robert, 281. Colyns, Stephen, 311. Combe, George, 113, 115 ; Isare, 286 ; Johane, 113; John, 113 (2), 115: Jone, 115; Laurence, 113; Margaret, 113 ; Thomas, 115 ; William, 113 (2), 115. Comber, —, 105. Combwell, 239 ; Priory, 129. Communion Office, reference to, 145. Commutation Act of 1835, 174. Coney, —, 71. Constantine, 13. Constantinople, 158. Coocke, Susan, 289; —, 289. Cooke, J., 125 ; John Russell, 155 (3) ; Eev. John Russell, xlii, 154 ; Mary Morse, 155; Philip Boulter, 155 ; Russell, 156 (2) : William, 123,124. Cooksditch, 128, 130, 137. Cooper, John, 119 ; W. D., 245 ; —, 120. Copeland, Lieut.-Col., lvi. Copperd Hall, 230. Corbett, Mercy, 299. Corbeuil, William de, 21 (2). Cork, 132. Cork, Edmund Boyle, Earl of, 132; John Boyle, Bishop of, 131 (2) ; Richard Boyle, Earl of, 131 (3), 132. Cornewall, Lady —, xlv. Cornish, Richard, 119; Robert, 119. Cornwall, 280, 309. Cornwallis, F. S. W., xii. Cosbam, Katherine, 296 ; —, 119. Cottie, Alex., 286 ; Alexaunder, 286 ; Alis, 289 ; Katheryne, 286 ; M'tyne, 287. Cottington, 323. Cotton. Domitian, reference to, 42. Cotty, Alexaunder, 286 ; Alexaundr, 286 ; Alysawnder, 284 ; Andrew, 286 ; Jane, 286 ; Katherin, 286 ; Katherine, 286 ; Katheryne, 284 ; M'ty, 286. Cottye, Agnes, 286 ; Alex., 286 ; Alexander, 286 ; Alisaunder, 285 ; Alisawnder, 285; Alysawnder, 285 ; Alyxaunder, 286 ; John, 285, 286 ; Margarite, 285 ; Robart, 285 ; Thomas, 285 (2) ; William, 286 ; Wyllm, 286. Cotyng, Thomas, 316. Couen alias Covene, Thomas, 213. Counstable, —, 288. Couper, Michaell, 112. Court, 205. Court Lodge, Hunton, 218. Court Lodge, Lamberhurst, 230. Courtney, Hugh, Earl of Devon, 217 ; Margaret, 217. Couteur, Leonard, 180. Covene, see Couen. Coventry, 218, 219. Cowden, 81, 82, 84 (6), 85, 86, 87 (4), 89 (2), 90 (3), 91 (4), 92 (2), 93 (4), 94 (4), 103 (2), 105 (6), 106 (7), 107 (9), 108 (4), 112, 115, 121, 311 (6); GENERAL INDEX. 345 Bazing, 103 (3) ; Bazing Farm, 310 ; Cardis, 107 ; Chaunterells, 107 ; Coales, 107 ; Crosse, 90,106 ; Gunys, 107 ; Hanmer Ponds, 105 ; Hanmer Wood, 105; Kyngs, 107; Mylkhouse, 107; Rengs, 106; Ricard, 106; Rykards, 106 ; St. Mary Magdalen, 106; "Scale-house," 103; "Scalehurst," 103; Scarletts Mill, 103; Spode Lane, 105; Waystrode, 105 (2), 106; Wheystrode, 105, 106; Whystrode, 105,106 ; Wood's Farm, 105 (2). Cowden, Notes on three ancient houses in the parish of, by Granville Leveson- Gower, F.S.A., 103. Cowden, Parochial Account Booh of, edited by Rev, Edward Turner, 86. Cowden, Rectory of, by Leland L. Duncan, F.S.A., 87. Coiodan Church, Kent, by Granville Leveson-Gower. F.S.A., 83 ; by J. Oldrid Scott, F.S.A., 81. Cowdham, 200. Cowper, John, 88, 90. Coxheath, li. Cranbrook, xl, °xliii, xliv, xlv, 155, 184, 216, 239, 311. Cranfield, 148. Cranmer, —, 139 (4), 140, 142 (4), 143 (2), 144 (2). 147, 227. Craye alias Creye and Crey, Willielmus de, 204. Crayford, Sir Robert, 325. Creke, Barnard, 101, 112. Cressy, 87. Crevecoeur, Agnes de, 203. Crey, Sir Simon de, 203; see also Craye. Creye, Willielmus de, 203 ; Willielmus de, Arms of, 203 ; see also Oraye. Criol, Sir Simon de, 224; see also Kiriell. Cripes, Rocheir, 292. Cripps, Wilfrid J., xxxix. Crips, Anne, 294 ; Elizabeth, 294 (3). Crispe, James, 164. Crittenden, Edward, 120, 125. Crocker, John, 149 ; Martha, 149. Crockford, —, 174. Crockham Hill, 109. Croffte, Thomas, 319. Croft, Sir James, 245; Robert, 317 (4), 318 (2), 319 (2); Robrt, 318; Thomas, 317 (3), 318 (6), 319. Crofte, Eobert, 317; Thomas, 319 ; Thome, 317. Cromwell, Oliver, 234, 235 ; Richard, 236; Sir Thomas. Lord, 107; —, 237 (3), 251 ; —, Lord. 78. Cronk, John, 286 ; William, 286. Cronke, Elisabeth, 287 ; John, 287. Crouche, Nicholaus atte, 215. Crouchhouse, 299, 300 (2). Crouchouse, 296. Crowberry, 211. Crowhurst, 118, 289 (2). Crowmer, Dorothie, 99 ; William, 99 ; Sir William, 223; Willielmus, 223 (2) ; - , 99. Croydon, 137. Crundall, 201. Cruttenden, Edward, 125 ; Sarah, 299. Crux, Elizabeth, 133 ; J.. 133. Cryps, William, 100. Cuckston, 125. Cudham, 200,209,211. Cullen, William, 235. Culmer, Richard, 177 ; —, 177 (2). Culpeper, Sir Alexander, 311 ; Sir The, 196 (3); Sir Thomas, 176, 195, 196. Culpeper alias Colepeper, Sir John, 234 ; Sir John, Arms of, 234 ; John, Baron, 234. Cumberland, Earl of, 312. Cumbwell, 307 ; Abbey, 307 ; Priory, 306. Cumbwell, John, Abbot of, 307; John, Prior of, 307. Curthopp, John, 107. Custumale Roffense, by Thorpe. 260. Cuthbert, Archbishop of Canterbury, 160. Cuxton, xlvii, 1, 231. Dacius, Bishop of Milan, 158. Dalison, M. H., 315 ; —, 320, 323. Dalyson, Benet, 323; Charles, 323 (3) ; France, 325; Frances, 323, 324 (2), 325 (3); Maximilian, 323 (2); Sir Maximilian, 32o; SirMaxn., 322, 323 ; Silvestre, 323 ; Thomas, 323. Dan, Horace, 16. Danby, Joane, 286. Danegeon, 201, 239. Danes, 2. Daniell, William, Voyage round Great Britain, 252. Dansey, Itorce Decanicce Ruralcs, 173. Dapson, Ann, 291 ; Edward, 291. Darell, History, 204. Darell, Joane, 130; Johannes, 219, 220 (3), 221, 222 (2) ; John, 130, 315, 316 (2) ; Thomas, 311. Darent, 207. Darenth, xliv ; Roman Villa at, xliv, xlv. Darrant, 165. Dartford, xliv, 214 ; Priory, 129. D'Audele, Sir Hugh, 89. 346 GENERAL INDEX. Dauson, Margaret, 117 ; Margery, 116. Davies, Tho., 298 ; Thomas, 124. Davington, 133,140,151 (2) ; Church, xlii; Hill, 129; Nuns of, 129; Priory, xlii (2), xliii. Dawes, Sarah, 132. Dawling, John, 181 (2). Dawson, W. G., xlviii (4). Day, David, 121; Elizabeth, 296. Daylinge, Dorathy, 292 ; John, 292. Deal, 174, 181 (2), 190, 275 ; Castle, xii, 248 (2), 250, 259 (3). Dealawaire, 294. Deale, 178, 181, 182. Dean, Forest of, 308, 314. Deane, 197 ; Forest of, 309. Deane, Ann, 292 ; Robert, 323. Decem Scriptores, references to, 233, 307. Declaration of Indulgence, 172. Deen, Willielmus de, 206. Deering, Sir Edward, 236. Defoe, Daniel, 251; his Tour through the whole Island of Great Britain, 252. Delaune, William, 240. Delawaire, 294. Delaware, 236. Delton, James, 285 ; Margaret, 285 (2); Rachell, 285 (2); Thomsyn, 285 ; Thomsyne, 285. Delyarde, John, 106. Den Cross, 109. Den Hill, 205. Den, Willielmus de. 205 ; Willielmus de, Arms of, 205. Dene, 236. Dene Court, 239. Dene, Bla de, 221 ; Sir Ralph de, 221; Robert, 320 (5), 321 (5) ; Thomas, 141. Dengie, 148. Denman, John, 300. Denne, Samuel, Kentish Traveller's Companion, 42, 52, 66 (2), 70, 71; Willielmus de, 209. Dennys, —,110. Denton, 165. Deptford, 129. Derby, 241. Derby, Thomas, 76, 79, 80. Dering, Sir Cholmley, 240 (2), 241; Sir Edward, 233, 238 (2), 240, 241 (4) ; Sir Edward, Arms of, 234 ; —, 234. Derkynhole, William, 101. Despencer, 230; — Fane or Vane, Baroness, 238. Detling, 198. Deve, Thomas, 141, Devereux, Walter, 254 ; —, 254. Devon, 125. Devon, Hugh Courtney, Earl of, 217. Devonshire, 149. Dickinson, C. E. Gildersome, 109. Diationar. Saxonie, reference to, 327. Dictionary, ConciseEnglish,hjSkeat, 329. Dictionary, New English, by Murray, 333. Digge alias Diggs, Rogerus, 213 ; Rogerus, Arms of, 213. Digges Court, Barham, 233. Digges, Sir Dudley, 213, 233 ; Sir Dudley, Arms of, 233; Johannes, 223. Digg's Court, Barham, 213, 223. Diggs, Sir John, 223 ; see also Digge. Dilnot, Valentine, 190. Dilworth, Thomas, 287. Dilworthe, Anna, 286. Dingley, —, 188. Diocesan History, by Canon Jenkins, 177. Diocletian, 309. Ditton, 264, 272. Divall, John, 299 ; Mary, 299. Dixon, Humphrey, 91 ; R. W., his History of the Church of England, 140 (2), 141; William, 88, 91. Dixwell, Sir Basil, 254,256 (2) ; John, 236. Dod, John, 276 ; Robert, 167 (3), 168. Dodd, Robert, 169. Doddington, 240. Dode, 260 (2), 261 (3). 262 (2), 263 (2), 264 (2), 267, 268 (2). Dodington, 206. Doket, Robert, 316. Dolina, Gaucher de, 127, 135. Domesday Booh, references to, 21 (2), 22, 103, 162, 260. 309, 328. Domesday Booh of Kent, edited by L. B. Larking, 22. Donne, Rev. C. E., xii, xliv. Doove, Elisabeth, 287 ; Mary, 287 ; Thomas, 287. Dorchester, 19. Dorman, Thomas, xl, xii (3). Dorman's Land, 103, 111. Dorset, xliv, 153, 154. Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, Duke of, 242 ; Thomas, Earl of, 167 ; — Sackville, Duke of, 242. Douay, 78. Doude Chapell Crofte, 261. Dourobrivis, 19 (2), 20 (2). Dourobrivis-castra, 19. Dourobrivis-cester, 20. Dove, Thomas, 141. Dover, xl (2), 1, 2 (2), 15, 129 (3), 193, 244, 245 (2), 246 (3), 250, 256 GENERAL INDEX. 347 (2), 257, 274, 276, 277, 278 (2), 279, 280 (2), 281 (7), 304. Dover, Bishops of :—Thornden, Richard, 143, 145 ; Yngworth, Riohard, 142, 143. Dover, Bishop Suffragan of, Dr. Eden, 149. Dover Castle, 191, 202, 204, 217, 225, 229, 250 (3), 255, 256, 275, 301. Dover, Domus Dei, 129 ; Haven, 229 ; Priory of, 129 ; Richard, Prior of, 307 ; Roman, xl; St. Martin-le- Grand, 1; St. Mary the Virgin, xl. Dover, Gilbert de, 275 (3), 276 (2), 277 (3) ; William, 275. Dovour, 281. Dowker, George, lvi (2). Downs, Castles in the, 250. D'Oyley, Life of Sane raft, 172. Drake, Sir Franois, 280. Draper, John, 316 ; Robert, 90. Dreylonde alias Dryland, Johannes, 221. Driland, Elizabeth, 332; John, 332 (2). Driver, Tho., 120 ; —, 122. Druridge, 125. Drury, Catherine, 133 ; Sir Drue, 133. Dryden, Sir Henry, 330; —, 233. Dryland,—, 128, 137; see also Dreylonde. Drylond, Jobn, 130. Dublin, 94, 132 (2). Dubris, 2. Duddesmere, Thomas, 315. Dudley, Annes, 289; Eiohard, 289 ; Robert, Earl of Leicester, 230 ; see also L'Isle and Dudley. Dugdale, Monastioon, 306. Dugdell, Rev. J. W., 153 (2). Duke, Anne, 294; Bernerd, 293; Henry, 293 (2), 294 ; Rechard, 293. Dully, Thomas, 316. Duncan, Leland L., F.S.A., Rectory of Cowden, 87. Dungarven, Charles Boyle, Lord, 132 ; Eichard Boyle, Viscount of, 131. Dunkirk, 251. Dunkirkers, 280. Dunkirks, 250. Dunn, Walter, 108. Dunne, 3. Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, 145. Duplock, —, 123. Dupper, Barbara, 295. Durand, —, 177. Durant, John, 177. Durden, Henry, 1. Durell, —, 176. Durham, 78 ; Hartford Hall, 94. Durobrivis, 2, 3,12. Durolevum, 3. Durovernum, 2. Durtnal, Joseph, 122 ; William, 123. Durtnall, Margreat, 286 ; —, 286. Dutch War, 256. Dwr-Cryf, 19. Dycas, Humphrey, 178. Dyck, Thomas, 311. Dyllwoorthe, Thomas, 285 ; Thomsyn, 285. Dylwoorthe, Anna, 286 ; —, 286. Dynlej, John, 111. Easling, 200. East Chalk, 162. East Chalke, 167, 168. East Church, 205, 211, 226 (2). East Farleigh, 182 (2), 219, 234. East Garston, 147. Bast Greenwich, 125, 169. East Grinstead, 311. East Grinsted. 119. Bast Langdon, 181 (2) ; Church, 303 (2). Bast Peckham, 224, 225 (2), 233, 238. East Smithfleld, 125. East Wickham, 239. Eastangrave, see Stanegrave. Eastchalke, 167. Eastchurch, 149. Eastgate, 4. Eastling, 133, 147, 174, 187, 189. Eastlingham, 221. Eastry, 181 (3). Eastwell, 230, 232. Eatonbridge, 109, 110, 111, 113 (2), 119, 289, 290, 292. Eccl. Hist., De Ant., by Martene, 158. Ecclesiastical Commissioners, 45 (2), 126, 135, 328. Ecclesiastical History, by Collier, 79. Eccleston, 101. Edelingbridge, 109. Bdelmesbrigge, 109. Edelmi, Pons, 109, 114. Eden Bridge, 297. Eden, River, 109. Eden, Philip, 168 ; Dr. —, 149. Edenbreg, 106. 115 (3). Edenbregge, 106. Edenbridg, 117. Edenbridge, 98 (2), 101, 102 (2), 103, 109 (4), 110, 111, 112 (2), 115 (2), 116, 118 (4). 125, 236, 293 (2), 295, 299, 300 ; Churoh, 291 ; Curates of, 124; Haseldens, 115; Kempyshaugh, 115 ; Lynhurst, 112 ; Meeting of the Kent Archasological Society at, 308 ; St. Peter, 112 ; St. Peter and 348 GENERAL INDEX. St. Paul, 112 (2), 113, 116 ; Spicer, 115. Edenbridge Church, by J. Oldrid Scott, F.S.A., 95. Edenbridge Church, Monuments, etc., in, by Granville Leveson-Gower, F.S.A., 98. Edenbridge, Churchwardens' Accounts, by Granville Leveson-Gower, F.S.A., 118. Edenbridge, Extracts from the Parish Registers of, by Granville Leveson- Gower, F.S.A., 283. Edenbridge, Inventory of Church Goods at, by Granville Leveson- Gower, F.S.A., 115. Edenbridge, Notes on, by Granville Leveson-Gower, F.S.A., 109. Edenbrige, 297. Edinbregg, 102. Edinbrigg, 102 (2). Edingbregg, 100, 102. Edmund, King of England, 126. Edonbregge, 90, 112, 115. Edonbrigg, 112. Edsall, Agnes, 286 ; Alis, 284, 286; Anna, 285 ; Anne, 289 ; Amies, 286 ; Clemens,286; Doritie,289; Dorryty, 285 ; Easter, 288 ; Elizabeth, 289 ; Gawein, 289 ; Gawin, 285 (3); Gawyne, 285 ; George, 285 (2) ; Harry, 286 ; Henry, 297 ; Henrye, 284 (2); Jane, 285; Joane, 286, 289 ; Johes, 283; John, 284 (2), 285 (2), 286.287 (2) ; Margett, 284 ; Margreat, 287; Margrett, 284 ; Martyn, 286, 289 ; Martyne, 286 (3), 287 (3), 288 (2), 289 ; Nycolas, 287 ; Richard, 286 (2) ; Eychard, 285; Thomas, 285,286 (2), 289; Thomsyn, 287 ; Thomsyne, 285 ; William, 288 ; —, 298. Edsol, Henery, 292, 293 ; Jone, 293 ; Mary, 292. Edsole, Ann, 291, 293 ; Catarine, 291 ; Elisabeth, 290 ; Elizabeth, 291 ; Henery, 290 (2), 291,293 ( 2 ) ; Henry, 290 (7), 291, 292 ; Jane, 290 ; John, 293 ; Jouse, 290; Mary, 290 (7), 292 ; Nickcolas, 290 ; William, 292. Edsoll, Georgius, 283 ; Jo., 283; Johes, 283 (2) ; Martine, 289 ; Mayvill, 293 ; Nicolas, 293 (2) ; Eobertus, 283 ; Thomas, 283, 289 ; Thomisian, 283. Edulmesbrig, 109. Edward, Prince, 201. Edward the Confessor, King of England, 40, 75, 273. Edward I., King of England, 58, 136, 164, 198, 199, 200 (3), 201 (5), 202 (7), 203 (3), 204 (3), 205 (2), 206, 208, 209 (2), 210 (3), 211, 214 (3), 215, 217, 224, 273, 274, 275, 276 (4). Edward IL, King of England, 57,127, 202, 203 (5), 204 (6), 205 (7), 206 (7), 208, 211, 214 (2), 215, 276, 277 (2). Edward IIL, King of England, 33 (2), 35, 36 (2), 38, 55, 56, 57 (2), 58, 62, 70, 111, 164, 201, 206 (2), 207 (8), 208 (6), 209 (7), 210 (7), 211 (10), 212 (6), 213 (10), 214 (5), 215 (3), 216 (2), 217 (2), 218, 221, 278, 279. Edward IV., King of England, 221, 222, 224 (3), 225 (5), 313, 316. Edward VI., King of England, 88, 145 (5), 146 (2), 166, 226 (3), 227 (3), 228 (2), 229, 230, 239. Edwards, Richard, 181 (2). Edynbregg, 112. Edynbrig, 112 (3). Eeles, John, 119. Egbert, 3. Egdean, 94. Egerton, Thomas, 93 ; William, 93 (2). Eldyngton, Adam, 315. Elham, 254. Elham, Henricus de, 205 ; Henricus de, Arms of, 205. Elizabeth, Queen of England, xii, 133, 139, 166 (2), 185, 190, 226, 227 (2), 228 (4), 229 (6). 230 (5), 231 (5), 232 (3), 239, 244, 245 (2), 246, 261, 281, 289, 312, 314, 320 (2). Ellerton, Lady Henrietta Barbara, 152 ; John Lodge, 152. Ellis, John, 300 ; William, 300; see also Elys. Ellston, Rev. J., xliv. Elham, Thomas of, History of St. Augustine's, 306. Elmston, 217. Elood, Elizabeth, 293 ; James, 293. Elseworth, 125. Elsford, 299. Elwood, Catarine, 291 ; James, 291 ; Mary, 299. Ely, Bishop of, 219. Ely, Bishop of, Dr. Green, 149. Ely, Diocese of, 154. Elys alias Ellis, Thomas, 221. Emelyn, John, 34. England, 119, 139 (2). 140, 142, 143, 144 (2), 145 (3), 151, 160, 161, 196, 247, 250, 272, 274, 276, 280, 309 (2), 312, 313, 319. England, Cardinal Beaufort, Lord Chancellor of, 131. England, Popular History of, by Charles Knight, 246. English, John, 167. GENERAL INDEX. 349 Epee, see Longue-Epee. Ephesus, 176, 184. Bques Bannorettus, Title of, 199. Erasmus, Paraphrase of the Gospels, 145. Ernulf, Bishop of Rochester, 5, 39 (3), 40, 47 (2), 48 (2), 49 (2), 50. Essex, 130 (2), 134, 136, 141, 148 (2), 150 (2), 154, 155, 161, 216, 230. Essex, John, liv. Estchalke, 165 (2), 166, 168. Estone, 89. Etchingham, xliv. Ethelbert, King of England, 157 (2), 158 (2), 159 (3), 160. Ethelbert, King, Baptism of, by Rev. C. F . Routledge, F.S.A., 157. Ethelwulf, 3. Ethonbrigge, 112 (3). Etonberg, 284. Etonbreg, 101. Etonbridge, 101. 292. Etonbrigge, 98, 101. Euredge, Dorothy, 292 ; Richard, 292. Euridge, Bichard, 292 (3). Europe, 161. Eve, Henry, 189 ; Dr. —, 187,188,189. Evelyn, William, 254, 257. Everard, Thomas, 273. Evington, 242 (2). Evyas, Theobalda, 131. Exchecquer, Sir Roger Manwood, Chief Baron of the, 132. Exeter, 19. Eythorne, 175,178, 181 (2). Fagan, Lieut.-CoL, Iiii. Fagge, Sir John, liv (2) ; —, liv; Lady —, liv. Fairfax, Hon. Robert, 242; Hon. Robert, Lord, 241; Hon. Robert, Lord, Arms of, 241; Sir William, 258 ; —, 235 ; —, Lord, 251. Fane, Charles, Earl of Westmoreland, 238 (2) ; Sir Francis, 231, 232 ; Sir George, 231 ; Hon. John, 240 ; John, Baron Catherlough, 240; John, Earl of Westmoreland, 240; Mildmay, 238 ; Hon. Mildmay, 240 ; Mildmay, Earl of Westmoreland, 232 ; Mildmay, Lord Burgherst, 232 ; Ralph, 88 ; Sir Thomas, 238, 311 ; Sir Vere, 238 (5) ; Vere, Earl of Westmoreland, 238 (2), 240 (2); William, Viscount, 241; —, Baroness Despencer, 238; —, Countess of Westmoreland, 238; —, Earl of Westmoreland, 241. Fane alias Vane, Francis, 230 (2) ; Francis, Arms of, 231 ; Francis, Baron Burghersh, 230; Francis, Earl of Westmoreland, 230 ; Mary, 230; Sir Thomas, 230. Farleghe, 215. Farmer, A., 295 ; Adam, 119, 291 (2), 292 (2), 295 (7), 296 (2), 297 (2), 299 ; Alex., 295 (2), 2.97 ; Ann, 295 ; Elizabeth, 295 (2), 296 (2) ; Henry, 295 ; Sir Henry, 294 ; Jane, 297 ; Nicholas, 295 ; Robert, 295 ; Sarah, 295 ; —, 299. Farminger, Nicholas, 119. Farnaby, C, 297; Sir Charles, 242. Farningham, 212 ; see also Freningham and Frenyngham. Farwell, George, 331. Faussett, Godfrey, 307; see also Godfrey-Faussett. Faversham, xxxix, xl (4), xlii (4), xliii, li, 127 (2), 128, 129 (2), 133 (2), 134 (3), 135 (2), 136 (2), 137 (3), 13S, 139 (3), 141 (2), 146 (2), 147 (2), 149 (4), 151 (3), 152 (2), 154, 155, 173, 174, 184, 221, 273 (8), 274 (3), 275 (3), 276 (4), 277 (4), 278 (2), 279 (8), 280 (3), 281 (7), 282 (2). Faversham Abbey, 135, 137, 138, 141, 328 (2) ; Dissolution of, 139. Faversham, Abbot and Convent of, 129, 137, 139. Faversham, Abbot of, 136. Faversham, Abbot of :—John Oastlock, 141. Faversham, Creek, xliii (2) ; Freemasons' Hall, xl i i ; Freemasons of, xliv; Grammar School, 139,151 (3); Institute, xlii, xliii; King's Field, Iiii. Faversham, Mayors of :—Everard, Thomas, 273 ; Smith, Jabez, xl, xliii. Faversham, Meeting of Kent Archasological Society at, x l ; Old Grammar School, xlii, xliv; Vicarage of, 183 (2). Faversham, Simon de, 136 (2) ; Symon de, 127 (2), 136 (2). Faversham, History of, by Lewis, 128. Faversham, Preston Church, next, by Canon Scott Robertson, 126. Faversham, Service of Shipping of tlie Barons of, by F. F. Giraud,' Townclerk of Faversham, 273. Faversham, see also Preston-by- Faversham. Fefresham, 273. Feld, Johannes de, 204. Fell, Dr., 173. Fenis, see Fenys. Fenner, George, 253, 255 (2). Fenys alias Fenis, Fynes, and Fiennes, Jacobus, Baron Saye and Sele, 233 (3) ; his .Arms, 223. 350 GENERAL INDEX. Ferneborough, 207. Ferrers, Henricus, 225 ; Maud, 225. Fesne, Nics. de, 276. Feversham, 201, 224, 225. Feversham, Joan, 220 ; Sir Richard, 220. Fielding, 0. H., 260 (3) ; his Memories of Mailing and its Valley, 260; —, liv (2). Fiennes, see Fenys. Filborough, 163, 164 (5), 165,166 (2), 169(2). Filborough Farmhouse, East Chalk, Gravesend, by George M. Arnold, F.S.A., 161. Filborough Farmhouse, Notes an, by Ralph Nevill, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., 169. Filborow, 166. Filborowe, 167 (2), 168 (2), 169. Filburrowe, 167. File, E., 335. Finch, Alice, 133 ; Anne, 133 ; Anthony, 133 ; Benet, 133 ; Bennet, 132, 133 (2); Catherine, 133; Clement, 132; Elizabeth, 230; Elizabeth, Countess of Winchelsea, 230 ; Elizabeth, Viscountess of Maidstone, 230 ; John, 132, 133 (6) ; Mary, 133; Sir Moyle, 230, 232; Sir Moyle, Arms of, 230 ; Nicholas, 133 ; Richard, 133 ; Thomas, 132, 133 (5); Sir Thomas, 232; Sir Thomas, Earl of Winchelsea, 232 ; William, 133 (4) ; —, Lord, 177. Firebie, Rob.. 326. Firminger, Francis, 121. Fisher. History and Antiquities of Rochester, 42 (2), 44 (2), 47, 58 (2), 61, 64, 65 (2), 66; History of Rochester, 13, 15. Fitz Bernard, see Bernard. Fitz James, Richard, 317, 318. Fitz Jamys, Rycharde, 319. Fibz-Sfcephen, —, 76. Flanders, 274. Flanders, Count of, 277. Fleet Prison, 246 ; Custodian of, 200. Fleetwood, Lord, 236. Fletcher, John, 260. Flint Knapping, 161. Flodden Field, Battle of, 227. Flower, Rev. Walker, xii. Flushing, 229, 230. Foche, Henry, liv ; John, liv ; —, liv. P'cedera, by Rymer, 136. Fogg, Thomas, 216. Fogge, Johannes, 225 ; Thomas, 214 (2), 215 (3), 216 (2); Thomas, Arms of, 214, 215. Fogg's Court, 214. Folkestone, 147,156, 203, 206 (3), 236, 244 (4), 247, 250, 251, 252, 256, 257, 258, 259 (7). Folkestone, Mayors of :—Jordan, John, 254, 258 ; Pragell, John, 254, 257; Ward, John, 253, 255 ; Warde, John, 248. Folkestone, St. Eanswith's Chapel, 259. Fordwich, 133, 177. Forstalle, William at. 278 ; William ate, 278. Forster, Ann, 292; Gabriel, 291 (2), 292, 294, 296 ; Joane, 294 ; John, 138 (3). Foster, Gabriel, 292 ; Jane, 292 ; John, 284 ; Margrett, 284. Foster, Alumni Oxonienses,9\, 92 (2), 93. Fostr, Johes, 283 ; Nicolaus, 283. Fothersby, —, 188. Frampton, —, 315. Franoe, 214, 244, 245, 250, 251, 274, 276, 312 (2). Francis, Edward, 284; John, 94 ; Margrett, 284. Franke, —, 98 ; Arms of, 98. Frankelyn, Alice, 98. Frederick, Prince of Wales, 132. Fredville, 234. Fremingham, 212. Fremingham, Sir John de, 212; Sir Ralf de, 212 ; Sir Ralph de, 212. French, 250. French, A. D. Wild, Notes on the Frenches of Scotland, xxxix. French Army, repeated successes over the, 124. Frenches of Scotland, Notes on the, by A. D. Wild French, xxxix. Frendesbury, 319. Frendsbury, 220, 221. Frensche, Willielmus, 209. Frenyngham, Johannes de, 215 ; Radulphus de, 212; Eadulphus de, Arms of, 212. Frenyngham alias Farningham, Johannes de, 214, 218 ; Radulphus de, 214, 218. Frer, Will., 315. Frindsbury, Iii, 125 ; Hill, 1. Frinsted, 200. Fry, —, 1 (2). Frye, Doritie, 289 ; Thomas, 289. Fryth, John, 117. Fullar, Anna, 286 ; Robart, 286, 287, 289. Fullare, John, 285 ; Thomsyn, 285 ; Thomsyne, 285. Fuller, Alice, 289; Edmond, 317; Henry, 289. GENERAL INDEX. 351 Fuller, Worthies, 222. Furley, Robert, 308. Furley, Weald of Kent, 199. Furminger, Andrew, 111 (2). Furnese, Sir Henry, 241 ; Sir Eobert, 241 (2) ; Sir Robert, Arms of, 241. Fybarowth, 165. Fylbarow, 165. Fylborowe, 165, 166. Fynes, see Fenys. Fynmore, R. J., and Rutton, W. L., List (.imperfect') of the Captains and Lieutenants of Sandgate Castle, 253. Fynmore, —, 254, 259. Gadshill, 315. Gainsborough, 94. Gainsford, Alice, 298 ; Ann, 299, 300 ; Anne, 298 ; Catharine, 300; Edward, 298 (2), 299, 300; Elizabeth, 296, 298 (2) ; Mary, 300 ; Nicholas, 100, 299 ; Robert, 296, 298 (2), 300 ; Sophia, 298 ; Thomas, 288, 300. Gale, Leonard, 311. Galway, Lord, 151. Gamlin, John, 134. Gamlyn, John, 149. Gardiner, Rev. Robert Gregory Webber, 94. Gardner, —, 227. Gardyner, Thomas, 316 (3). Gare alias Gate and Gore, Lucas de la, 201,202. Gassum, John, 292 ; —, 292. Gate, sea Gare. Gaul, 11. Gaveney, 220 (3). Gaynsford, Arter, 289 (2) ; Elizabeth, 298 (6), 299 (2) ; Jane, 298, 299 ; Katherine, 298; Nioholas, 298; Richard, 298 ; Robert, 121, 299 (2). Geary, Sir William, 242, 243 (2). Gemet, An'e, 294 ; Timothea, 294. Gennowe, Roger, 89 (2). Gentleman's Magazine, references to, liv, 257 (2). George, King of England, 119 (2). George I., King of England, 121, 240, 241, 242,256. George II., King of England, 241 (5), 242. George III., King of England, 132, 242 (7), 243 (5), 246. George IV., King of England, 132, 243 (2). Gerard, Henry, 180,189,190 ; —, 181; Dr. —, 174. Germany, 244. Gernsey, 180. Gesta Regum, by William of Malmesbury, 22. Gibbs, Stephen, 254, 257; Thomas, 254, 257 ; Lieut. —, 247. Gilbarde, Richarde, 289. Gildeforde, Galfridus, 221. Gildeforde alias Guldeforde., Edwardus, 220; Willielmus, 215. Gill, 8, 10. Gillyngham, Thomas de, 210. Gilman, John, 125. Giraud, F. F., Town Clerk of Faversham, xl, xlii, xl i i i ; on the Service of Shipping of the Barons of Faversham, 273 ; Francis Frederick, 151 (5), 152 ; Frederick Francis, 152 ; George Martin, 151; Jane Elizabeth, 151; John Thomas, 152 ; Richard, 152; Eev. William Henry, 151; —, xii, 134. Gladville, —, 323. Glanville, Gilbert de, 39. 40 (2), 42, 43, 44 (2), 47 (2) ; Thomas, 260. Glassenbury, xliv, 239. Glendower, Owen, 279. Glossary of Architecture, by Parker, 127. Gloucester, 155, 214, 219 (2). Gloucester, Gilbert Clare, Earl of, 87 ; Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of, 87 ; — Audley, Earl of, 111. Gloucestershire, 309 (2). Glover, Mary, 118. Glovere, Willielmus, 209. Glowere, Dr. Johes, 114. Glynne, Sir Stephen, Notes on the Churches of Kent, 85. Goddyngton, 320. Godfrey, Lambard, 236. Godfrey-Faussett, T. G., on Old Dover and Canterbury Walls, 2. Godhelpe, Margret, 284. Godmersham, liv, 209, 242. Godstone, 31. Godwin, Earl, 21. Golder, James, 175. Goldwell, Thomas, 143. Gomme, —, 54 (2). Gooden, —, 121, 124. Goodhewe, Dunstan, 141. Goodnestone, 242. Goodrike, Georgius, 283. Goodwin, John, 121. Gordon, —, 53. Gore, see Gare. Goscelinus, 158. Goshall, Sir John, 201 (2) ; see also Goshenhalle. Goshenhalle alias Goshall, Johannes, 201 ; Johannes, Arms of, 201. Goteer, Leonard, 180 (3). Gotty, William, 121. Goudhurst, xliv, 234, 239, 307, 311 (2). 352 GENERAL INDEX. Gould-Yelverton, Henry Edward, Lord Grey de Ruthin, 153 (2). Gouldstanton, 219. Gower, see Leveson-Gower. Grafham, Elizabeth, 297. Grandison, Otto de Grandisono, Lord, 207. Grandisono, Otto de, Lord Grandison, 207 ; Arms of, 207. Grandissono, Otto de, 210 (2), 211 (4). Gratwick, Edward, 119. Graveney, 134, 149, 151 (3). Gravesend, 161 (3), 193. Graveshende, Stephanus de, 204. Great Britain, Tow through the whole Island of, by Daniel Defoe, 252. Great Britain, Voyage round, by William Daniell, 252. Great Mongeham, 173, 179, 181, 182 (2). Great Yarmouth, 255 (2). Green, Francis, 182 (2) ; Dr. Thomas, 149. Greenhithe, 162. Greenough, Adrian, 297 (2) ; Grace, 297 ; J. S., 297 ; John Smedley, 297. Greenwich, 245. Gregory, —, 196. Gregory of Tours, 158. Gregory the Great, 158. Grene, John, 90 (2) ; Sir John, 90, 106. Gresham, Sir Charles, 112 ; Sir John, 111, 231; Sir Thomas, 24(3 (3); Life of, by Burgon, 247. Grey, Lady Jane, 226; Queen Jane, of England, 245 ; Lady Katherine, 245 (2) ; Lady Mary, 245 (2), 246 (4), 247 ; Willielmus de, 206 (3). Grey de Euthin, Henry Edward Gould- Yelverton, Lord, 153 (2). Grey Friars, Canterbury, 203. Griffin, —, 274. Griffith, Dr., 70. Grim, Edward, 76. Grindal, —, 148 (2). Grocers' Company, 100, 101 (2). Grove, lvi. Grovehurst, 132, 133. Guildeforde, Willielmus, 216. Guldeford; Edward, 106. Guldeforde, Dorytie, 287; Edward, 225 ; Edwardus, 225; Edwardus, Arms of, 225 ; Henricus, 225 ; Henricus, Arms of, 226 ; Henry, 225 ; Sir John, 287 ; Sir Eichard, 225 ; see also Gildeforde. Gun flints, 161. Gundulf, Bishop of Eochester, 21 (2), 22, 23 (5), 24, 28, 39 (4), 40, 41, 42 (4), 44, 47 (4), 55, 59, 272. Gunner, William, 120. Guston, 194 (3). Gwinne, Ann, 292 ; Richard, 292. Gyldeforde, Edmundus, 223; Edwardus, 223. Gyllyngham, Will., 315. Hackington, 177. Hadenham, 23. Hadleigh, 141. Hadloe, 298. Hadlow, Iii (3), 211, 214, 299. Hadsoll, John, 292 ; Mary, 292. Haggatt, Joh., 326. Halden, 130, 220, 221, 225. Haldenne, see Haldoune. Haldoune alias Haldenne, Willielmus, 212 ; Willielmus, Arms of, 212. Hales, Benet, 133 ; Edward, 133 ; Sir Edward, 232 ; Sir Thomas, 239 (3) ; Sir Thomas, Arms of, 239. Hales Place, Canterbury, 239. Hall, John, 317 (4), 318 (2). Hall, Chronicle, 244. Hailing, 320 (2), 321, 323. Hallinge, 320, 322, 323. Halliwell, Aroh. Diet., 120. Halsted, 221. Ham, 180. Hamkyn, William, 316. Hamme, 278. Hampshire, 125. Hamptons, 315, 320, 323 (2), 326. Hanover, 119, 258. Hanyn, Peter, 277. Harbert, 164. Harbird, Charles, 168. Harbledown, 175,177, 328. Harby, Ann, 93 (2) ; Edward, 93 (3) ; Francis, 93. Hardell, John, 318, 319. Hardres, Sir William, 240 ; Sir William, Arms of, 240. Hardres parva, 177. Hardwick, —, 306. Hardy, Duffus, editor of Close Rolls, 51. Harleian MS., reference to, 249. Harlowe, Richard, 320; Rychard, 319. Harper, Georgius, 226; Georgius, Arms of, 227 ; —, 227. Harpsfleld, Nicholas, 79 ; his Life of Sir Thomas More, 78. Harrice, —, 334. Harrietsham, 131, 216. Harris, Anthony, 286; Elizabeth. 296; Jane, 286 ; Richard, 247 ; 245, 334 ; Dr. —, History of Kent. 65, 245. Harrison, Ben., 178; Philip, 88, 91 —, 161. GENERAL INDEX. 353 Hart, Percival, 240 (2); Percival, Arms of, 240. Harte, —, 108. Hartey, 141. Hartfeld, 102. Hartfield, 103. Hartley, —, xl i i ; Lieut.-Col. —, xlii. Hartshorne, —, 21; his Roohester Castle, 20. Harvey, Thomas, 88, 94; Capt. Thomas, 94. Hasted, 13 (2), 88 (2), 100, 107, 109, 161 (2), 164 (2), 204, 205. 206, 208, 209 (2), 210, 212 (2), 213, 218, 219 (2), 220 (3), 221, 222, 223, 224 (3), 226, 228, 234, 246, 251, 256, 257, 328, 332 ; his History of Kent, liv. 13, 163, 199, 306, 335. Hastings, 18, 30, 280. Hastretcht, Jacob van, 235. Haukyn, Gilbert, 276, 277. Haute, Elizabeth, 220; Nicholaus, 217 ; Sir William, 220, 224, Willielmus, 219, 220, 222 (2), 224. Hautesbourn, 224. Hautsborn, 220. Hautsbourne, 217, 222 (2). Hawfield, Iii. Hawkhurst, xliv, 234, 311 (2), 313 ; R-ecords of the HaU House, by Lady Jennings, xliv. Hawkins, Ann. 331 ; Elianor, 332 ; Sir John, 280 ; Thomas, 331 (2), 332 ; Sir Thomas, 331 (2) ; William, 176. Hawkswell, 160 (2). Haxted, 291, 300. Haxteed, 297. Haynes, Nicholas, 166, 169. Hay t o n , Thomas, 124. Hayward, Joane, 288 ; Mary, 289 ; Myhill, 289. Head, Elizabeth, 290, 291; Joane, 286 ; John, 124, 290 (3), 291, 292; Margret, 290; Rechard, 290; Richard, 292 ; Thomas, 286. Headcorn, Priory of Motenden or Mottenden in, 107. Heard, Gawin, 286; Katheryne, 286. Hearde, Gawin, 287 ; Samuell, 287. Hearne, Textus Roffensis, 20. Heath, Anna, 288; John, 120, 300; Robart, 286, 288 ; Eobert, 288. Heathe, Arme, 113 (2), 286 ; Margret, 286 ; Eobart, 286 (3) ; Eobarte, 286, 287. Heaver, 107, 294. Hecksted, 298. Hedester, Ro., 318 (2). Hedges, Car., 125; Jo., 125. Hedon in Holderness, 125. VOl. XXI, Hedsolle, John, 290 (3); Willyam, 290. Hegham alias Higham, Eogerus de, 206 (2). Helbert, Lionel, 234. Helles, Henricus de, 207 (3). Hempsted, 225, 243. Henchman, Hum., 125. Heneage, Elizabeth, 230 ; Sir Thomas, 230. Henry, James, 175. Henry I., King of England, 21, 87. Henry II., King of England, 211, 219. Henry III., King of England, 3, 9, 30 (3), 31 (2), 32 (5), 38, 50 (2), 51 (3), 52 (2). 53 (2), 55 (3), 60, 64, 198, 199,200,203, 214,273,310. Henry IV., King of England, 218 (6), 219 (6), 279, 315. Henry IV., Part I, by Shakespeare, 315. Henry V., King of England, 131, 218, 220 (8), 221 (3), 222, 223, 224, 279. Henry VI., King of England, 220, 221 (4), 222 (6), 223 (6), 224 (6), 225, 313, 316 (3). Henry VII., King of England, 109, 113, 164,245, 317,319,320. Henry VIII. , King of England, 75, 79, 111, lib, 117 (2), 130, 141, 144, 145 (2), 146 (3), 164, 165 (2), 166, 168, 170, 225, 226 (2), 244 (3), 318, 319 (3), 320, 328, 331. Herbert, Marianne, 256; Philip, 254, 256 ; —, 256 ; —, Ear l of Pembroke, 256. Hercules, 14. Hercy, John, 167. Herd, Gawin, 287 ; Katheryne, 287. Herde, Elisabethe, 287 ; Gawin, 287. Herdson, John, 256 ; —, Lord, 256. Hereford, 125, 136 (3), 310 ; Bishop of, Richard Swinfeld, 136; Canon of, William Egerton, 93 ; Cathedral, 136 ; Earl of, Humfrey, 90 ; Prebendary of, Simon Marchaunt, 136. Herefordshire, 131. Heme, 144; Hill, 133. Hernehill, 149 (3). Herring, —, 150. Hertefeld, 112. Herteye, William de, 275. Hertford, Earls of :—Clare, Richard de. 87 ; Seymour, Edward, 245. Hertfordshire, 142, 328. Herve\ Jane Elizabeth, 151 (2) ; Eev. Thomas, 151. Hervey, John, 254. Hestenga ceastre, 18. Hethe, Hamo de, 89 (9), 114. Hetherington, John de, 89. A A 354 GENERAL INDEX. Hever, 297 (3), 300. Hewster, Richard, 317. Hexham, John, 315, 316 ; Jonn, 316. Hextall, Maud, 225 ; William, 225 ; Willielmus, 224. Hextall Court, East Peckham, 224. Hextall Place, 225. Heythorpe, 147. High Halden, 138 (2), 153 (4). Higham, 162, 165 ; Medowe, 168; Prioress of, 129. Higham, Roger de, 210; see also Hegham. Higham Ferrars, John de, 137. Hills, W. H „ 1. Hilsey, —, 143. Hilton, Florence Mary, 154; John, 123 ; Mary, 154 ; Richard Jones, 154. Hinton, Dr. Giles, 173, 174, 177, 183, 184 (2), 186 (3). Hippisley, John, 250 ; Sir John, 255 ; Richard, 254, 255 ; Capt. Richard, 251 (2). History, by Darell, 204. History of England, Popular, by Charles Knight, 245. History of the Church of England, by R. W. Dixon, 140 (2), 141. Hoare, dementia, 295 ; George, 295. Hobie alias Hoby, Sir Edward, 230 ; Sir Edward, Arms of, 230. Hodges, Thomas Law, 243 (2). Hogarth, Noon, 151. Hoggart, William, 124, 125, 298 (2). Hoggathe, —, 116. Hogge, Ralph, 312. Hogge, Ralph, 312. Hoghton, Nicholas de, 89 (2). Holborow, 260. Holborow, William de, 260. Holdemess, Hedon in, 125. Hole, Dr. Reynolds, 4 ; —, 62. Holland, 181. Holland, Elizabeth, 296. HoUenden, Laurence, 148 (2) ; Rev. Laurence, 133 (2) ; Mary. 134, 148. HoUingbourne, 176, 195 (2), 196 (4), 201. Holmden, 122. Holmden, Alis, 286 ; Alys, 285 ; Ane, 285 ; Ann, 296 (2), 297, 298,299 (2), 300; Anna, 289; Anne, 296, 297 (2) ; Betty, 300 ; Edward, 295 (6), 296 (2), 297,298, 300 (2) ; Elizabeth, 289, 296 (4), 299 (4), 300 (3); Fraunces, 286; George, 286 (2_), 289, 291, 298, 300; Hannah, 296, 299 ; Henry, 285, 295, 300 ; Jasper, 300; Joane, 284, 285, 287 ; John, 284 (2), 285 (3), 286 (2), 287, 290, 295 (3), 296 (5), 298, 299 (7), 300 ( 5 ) ; Margaret, 296 ; Margret, 285, 286, 289 ; Maria, 300 ; Martha, 285, 286 ; Mary, 295, 296 (2). 297, 299 (3), 300 (2) ; Mathew, 285, 287 ; Mathewe, 285, 286 ; Matthew, 285, 287, 288 (2); Mawdelyne, 288; Mawdlyne, 285 : Michael, 291, 295, 296 (2), 298, 299; Philadelphia, 296. 298; Philippa, 296; Renold, 289 (2) ; Reynold, 289 ; Rob., 290 ; Robert, 287, 296 (5), 297 (2), 299 (2), 300 (3) ; Sara, 290; Sarah, 291, 295, 296 (2), 297, 299, 300 (2); Susanna, 300 ; Tho., 300 ; Thomas, 285 (2), 290, 291, 295 (2), 296 (5). 297, 298, 299 (4), 300 (8) ; William,' 289 (2), 296, 297 (2), 299 (3), 300; Wyllam, 284 ; —, 111, 300 (3). Holme, Rich., 119. Holmeden, Adry, 291 ; Alice, 288 ; Anthony, 287 ; Elizabeth, 286, 287 (2), 291, 295 (2) ; Fraunces, 285, 288 ; Georg, 293 ; George, 285 (2), 286 (2), 287, 288 (2), 292; Henry, 286 ; Jane, 284, 286 ; Jasper, 292 ; Jeane, 285 ; Jespar, 286; Jesper, 288, 291; Joane, 285, 286 ; John, 285 (2), 286 (2), 288 ; Mary, 285, 291; Maurys, 288 ; Michael, 291 (2), 292; Nich., 287 ; Philippa, 291 ; Raynold, 288 ; Raynolde, 288 ; Robert, 295 (3) ; Sara, 288; Sarah, 292; Susan, 287 ; Tho., 291 ; Thomas, 285 (3), 290 (5), 291 (6), 295 (3); Thomsyn, 284; Thomsyne, 285 ; William, 288, 292; Willyam, 290 ; —, 293. Holmes, Eev. Alleyne James, 94; Eichard, 120 (2), 121. Holmeston, 133 (3). Holt, Francis, 190. Holtye Common, 103. Homan, Franklin, lv. Homden, Anthonius, 283 ; Joh., 283 (3); Joha, 283; Johes, 283 (4); John, 283 ; Johna, 283 ; Margaret, 283 ; Margareta, 283 ; Margeria, 283; Margerit, 283; Mauricius. 283; Thorn., 283 ; Willi, 283. Homeden, John, 91. Homes, Adry, 291. Honeywood, Filmer, 242. Honington, Eogerus, 221. Honnor, John, 297; Thomas, 297; Win.efred,297; Zachary,297; Zechariah, 297 ; Zechary, 297. Honnour, Susannah, 296 (2); Zecheriah, 296 (2). Honor, Zaehary, 295 (3). Honour, Elizabeth, 296; Jane, 291; GENERAL INDEX. 355 Winifrit, 292 ; Zaehary, 291, 292 ; Zee, 297. Honywood, Filmer, 242 (2), 243 ; Filmer, Arms of, 242; William, 243 (2) ; William Philip, 243 (2). Hoo, xlvii; Hundred of, Iii. Hoo, Johannes Malemeyns de, 205 ; Arms of, 205. Hooke, Henry atte, 112. Hope, W. H. St. John, 48, 49, 58 ; his Notes on tlie Archceological History of Roohester Cathedral Churoh, 39. Hopkins, —, 49. Hopton, Sir Owen, 245. Herts Decanicce Hurdles, by Dansey, 173. Hore, Nicholaus, 209 ; Thomas le, 208. Horn, Henricus de, 219; Johannes de, 219. Home, Eobertus, 224. Home's Place, Apuldore, 224. Home's Place, Kenardington, 219. Horsea, Hugh of, 76. Horseham, 119. Horsemonden, xliv. Horsham, 114, 119, 121. Horsmonden, 311. Horton Kirby, Iiii. Horton Priory, 129. Hotfeild, —, 229. Hothfield, 232. House of Commons, 216, 218. Howard, Lord Charles, 280. Howley, —, 154, 173. Hrobi, 19. Hrobicester, 20. Hrofe-ceastre, 22. Hrofesceaster, 20. Hrofescester, 17, 19 (2), 20 (4). Hrofl, 19. Hrofi brevi, 20. Huggett, Ralph, 312. Hughelot, Gilbert, 275. Hughelyn, William, 275. Hull Place, Otterden, 242. Humfry, Robert, 117. Humphrey, Mary, 299. Humphry, John, 122. Hungerford, Thomas, 138. Hunnywood, —, 326. Hunt, Henry, 315, 316. Hunte, Henry, 316 (4). Hunter, —, 246. Huntingdon, 125, 218. Huntingdon, William, 315. Hunton, 217, 218, 219, 231. Hussey, E. C, 126 ; —, 127. Hussey, Churohes of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey, 86. Hutchins, Katherine, 286; Thomas, 286. Hutchinson, Col., 236. Hyrnyng, John, 85. Hythe, xl (3), 129, 250, 255, 257 (2), 258, 280, 281. Ibbot, Edward, 178. Ickham, 208. Ifeld, Johannes de, 203, 207 (3). Ightham, 161, 213, 236, 237, 257; Moat, 213, 235. Inglishe, John, 168 (2). Inner Temple, 92. Innes, Alexander, 180 ; —, 181. Insula, Thomas de, 202 ; — de, 209. Inwood, Mathew, 326 (5). Ireland, 132, 240, 278. Iron Industry of tho Weald, by George Payne, F.L.S., F.S.A., 308. Ironmongers' Company, 313. Irvine, J. T., 24 (2) ; —, 13. Irving, Dr., 70. Isaac, 312. Isabella, Queen of England, 202. Isle, see L'Isle and Dudley. Isle alias Isley, Johannes, 225 ; Sir William, 225 ; Willielmus, 223, 224. Isle of Grain, Slough Fort, 1. Isle of Sheppey, 226, 230. Isle of Thanet, 1, 223. Isle of Tlianet and some oilier parts of East Kent, A Tour through tlie, 332 334. Isle of Wight, 94, 202. Isley, Thomas, 106 ; —, 202, 209 ; see also Isle. Italian Mission, 159, Italy, 158. Itinerary, Antonine, 2. Jackson, Peeter, 133; Peter, 133, 148 (3) ; Eev. Peter, 133 ; Thomas, 91, 108; Thomasine, 148; Thomassin, 133. James, Eichard Fitz, 317, 318; Wil- Uam, 235 (2), 236, 237. James, King of England, 229, 230, 231 (2), 233. James I., King of England, 88, 166, 167 (2), 230, 231 (4), 232, 235, 322. James IL, King of England, 238, 240, 241, 336. Jarsey, 180. Jeames, —, 110. Jeemet, Humfrey, 289 ; Richard, 289. Jelf, —, 5 (2), 6, 18, 48, 70, 71, 72. Jemet, Alice, 289 ; Ann, 292, 298; Bridgatt, 292 ; Bridget, 291 ; Elisabethe, 290; Elizabeth, 298 ; Humfrey. 289 (2); Jane, 293 ; Joane, 289 ; Marget, 292 ; Margret, 298 ; >Iargrite, 290; Marye, 289; Rechard, A A 2 356 GENERAL INDEX. 291, 292; Richard, 99, 293, 298; Robar., 293; Robart, 298 (5); Robarte, 292, 293 (3) ; Robert, 290 (2) ; Timathy, 298 ; Timothea, 99 ; —, 100. Jemett, Anne, 99 ; Richard, 99, 293 ; Robert, 99 ; —, Arms of, 99. Jemit, Elizabeth, 294 ; Eichard, 294 ; Timothea, 294 (2), 296; —, 294. Jemyt, Humfrey, 289 (2). Jenkeson, John, 299. Jenkins, Elizabeth, 294 ; John, 294 ; Canon —, 158, 172 ; his Diocesan History, 177. Jennings, Lady, Records of tlie Hall House, Haniltleurst, xliv. Jersey, Edward, Earl of, 240 ; —, Lord, 27. Jerusalem, 225. Jesope, William, 148. Jeune, Sir Francis, 84. John, Abbot of Combwell, 307. John, Bishop of Rochester, 39, 40. John, King of England, 30,31 (2), 50, 54, 198, 210. John, Prior of Cumbwell, 307. Johnson, Rev. John, 327, 328, 329, 332 ; Thomas, 312 ; —, 177. Jolliffe, —, xii. Jones, George, 192, 193 (2) ; John, 122; Thomas, 177. Jordan, John, 254, 258 , William, 177. Jos3on, —, 325. Juett, —, 326. Juxon, Archbishop, 149, 185,193, 307. Kalendar, Royal, 257 (3). Kasingherste, William, 285. Kasinghurst, Jane, 286 ; William, 286. Kasinghurste, William, 286. Kasyngehursb, Agnes, 285. Kasyngherst, Elizabethe, 286; William, 286. Kasynghurste, Dennys, 287 : Michell, 287 ; William, 287. Keeble, Robert, 292. Keilmarsh, Simon de, 89. Kelbye, Thomas, 88, 90. Kempe, John, 228 ; Sir Thomas, 228 ; Sir Thomas, Arms of, 228 ; Cardinal - , 144. Kemsing, 223. Kenardington, 204,219. Kenington, 221. Kennard, D. F., li (3). Kennette, Apsley, 27. Kenrick, William, 235. Kent, xlvii, Iiii, liv, 93, 103, 106, 11 &, 118, 125 (3), 126, 147, 161, 162, 165 (5), 166 (2), 167,168 (2), 169,172 (2), 173, 175, 182,198 (2), 203, 208, 209, 213, 216, 217, 219, 220, 221, 223 (2), 224 (2), 226, 227 (2), 229 (3), 231, 234 (2), 235, 236, 237, 243, 248 (2), 250. 255 (2), 257 (5), 290, 293 (2), 299.301,302,306 (2), 308 (2), 311 (2), 313,314 (2), 320, 323, 327. Kent Archasological Society, 172; Abstract of Proceedings, xxxix; Annual Meeting, x l ; Excursion of the, 103; Financial Statement, xxxiv ; Honorary Members, xvi ; Illustration Fund, xxxiii ; meeting a t Boughton, 327 ; meeting at Edenbridge, 308 ; Members, xvii; Officers, x ; Rules and Regulations, x i v ; Societies in union witb, xiii. Kent, Lord Lieutenant of, xii; Monastic Houses of, 129; Patent Roll for, 166 ; Eoman occupation of, 273 ; Weld of, 184 (4) ; West, 21. Kent, Odo, Earl of, 21. 22 (3). Kent, Church in, Letters relating to the condition of the, during the primacy of Arohbishop Sancroft [1678—1690], Transcribed by Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff, M.A., 172. Kent, Corner of, by Planche, 199, 224. Kent, Domesday Booh of, edited by L. B. Larking, 22. Kent, History of, by Dr. Harris, 65, 245 ; by Hasted, liv, 13, 163, 199, 306, 335. Kent, Knights of the Shire for, from A.D. 1275 to A.D. 1831, by Rev. J. Cave-Browne, M.A., 198. Kent, Notes on the Churches of, by Sir Stephen Glynne, 85. Kent, Researclws and Discoveries in, by George Payne, F.S.A., xlvii. Kent, Sussex, and Surrey, Churches of, by Hussey, 86. Kent, Survey of, by Kilburne, 199. Kent, Weald of, by Furley, 199. Kentisbury, 147. Kentish Churches, Notiees of the Screens in, by Canon Scott Robertson, 85. Kentish coast, Roman castra on the, 2. Kentish Traveller's Companion, by Samuel Denne, 52, 65, 66 (2), 70,71. Keriel, nee Kiriell. Kerslake, Thomas, 161. Keyes, Arthur. 294. Keylmarsh, John de, 87, 89. Keynes, Roger de, 89 (2). Keys, Lady Mary, 245 (2), 246 (4) ; Richard, 246; Thomas, 245 (2), 246 (4). Kilburn, —, 217. Kilburne, —, 201, 213, 215, 217 (2), 222 ; his Survey of Kent, 199. GENERAL INDEX. 357 Killick, Mercy, 299 ; Thomas, 299. Kilndown, 155. Kinardington, 224. King, Agnes, 116; Hannah, 296; Walter, 45 ; William, 177 ; —, 299. King ./Ethelbert of England, 18, 20. King Alfred of England, 273. King Alfred the Great of England, 126. King Athelstan of England, 273. King Cenulph of Mercia, 126. King Charles I. of England, 164, 168, 230, 232 (3), 233 (3), 234, 236, 237, 238 (2), 240, 251, 281, 335. King Charles II. of England, 174,234, 236, 237 (3), 238 (4), 239, 240 (2), 251, 255, 256, 307, 314, 323, 325. King Edmund of England, 126. King Edward I. of England, 58,136, 164, 198, 199, 200 (3), 201 (5), 202 (7), 203 (3), 204 (3), 205 (2), 206, 208, 209 (2), 210 (3), 211, 214 (3), 215, 217, 224, 273, 274, 275, 276 (4). King Edward II. of England, 57,127, 202, 203 (5), 204 (6), 205 (7), 206 (7), 208, 211, 214 (2), 215, 276, 277 (2). King Edward IIL of England, 33 (2), 35, 36 (2), 38, 55, 56, 57 (2), 58, 62, 70, 111, 164, 201, 206 (2), 207 (8), 208 (6), 209 (7), 210 (7), 211 (10), 212 (6), 213 (10), 214 (5), 215 (3), 216 (2), 217 (2), 218, 221, 278, 279. King Edward IV. of England, 221, 222, 224 (3), 225 (5), 313, 316. King Edward VI. of England, 8S, 143, 145 (5), 146 (2), 166, 226 (3), 227 (3), 228 (2), 229, 230, 239. King Edward the Confessor of England. 40, 75, 273. King Ethelbert of England, 157 (2), 158 (2), 159 (3), 160. King Ethelbert, Baptism of, by Rev. 0. F. Routledge. F.S.A., 157. King George of England, 119 (2). King George I. of England, 121, 240, 241, 242, 256. King George II. of England, 241 (5), 242. King George IIL of England, 132, 242 (7), 243 (5), 246. King George IV. of England, 132, 243 (2). King Henry I. of England, 21, 87. King Henry II. of England, 211, 219. King Henry III. of England, 3, 9, 30 (3), 31 (2), 32 (5), 38,50 (2), 51 (3), 62 (2), 53 (2), 55 (3), 60, 64, 198, 199, 200, 203, 214, 273, 310. King Henry IV. of England, 218 (6), 219 (6), 279, 315. King Henry V. of England, 131, 218, 220 (8), 221 (3), 222. 223, 224, 279. King Henry VI. of England, 220, 221 (4), 222 (6), 223 (6), 224 (6), 225, 313, 316 (3). King Henry VII. of England, 109, 113, 164, 245, 317, 319, 320. King Henry VIIL of England, 75, 79, 111, 115, 117 (2), 130, 141, 143, 144, 145 (2), 146 (3), 164, 165 (2), 166, 168, 170, 225, 226 (2), 244 (3). 318, 319 (3), 320, 328, 331. King James of England, 229, 230, 231 (2), 233. King James I. of England, 88, 166, 167 (2), 230, 231 (4), 232, 235, 322. King James II. of England, 238, 240, 241, 336. King John of England, 30, 31 (2), 50, 54, 198, 210. King Louis XII. of France, 245. King Offa of Mercia, 3, 20, 306 (2). King Philip of England, 228 (3). King Philip II. of Spain, 280. King Richard I. of England, 209,210, 214, 273. King Richard II. of England, 201, 214 (2), 215 (8), 216 (8), 217 (6), 218 (2), 220, 224, 315. King Richard III. of England, 218. King Stephen of England, 273. King William of England, 238. King William I. of England, 42. King William III. of England, 239 OOKmg William IV. of England, 243 (2). King William Rufus of England, 22 (2). King William the Conqueror of England, 21, 22 (2). King's Langley, 142. Kingsdown, 125 (2), 211. Kingston, 205. Kington Magna, 154. Kipping, Robert, 315, 316. Kippington, 242. Kiriell alias Keriel and Criol, Thomas, 224 (2) ; Thomas, Arms of, 224. Kirkby, —, 163. Knapping of Flints, 161. Knatchbull, Alice, 133 ; Edward, 254, 257 ; Sir Edward, 240, 241, 242 (2), 243 (6) ; Sir John, 238 (3), 240 ; Six John, Arms of, 238 ; Norton, 233 ; Norton. Arms of. 233 ; Sir Norton, 238 ; Reginald, 133 ; Sir Thomas, 240 ; Sir Wyndham, 242. Knight or Miles, Title of, 199. Knight, Charles, Popular History of 358 GENERAL INDEX. England, 246 ; Elizabeth. 104; John, 104 (3), 105 ; Mary, 92 (2), 299; Eichard, 92, 104; Thomas, 242 (3) ; —, xliii, xliv, 6, 311; Canon —, xliii, xliv. Knighte, Elizabeth, 108 ; George, 108 ; John, 108. Knoll, 228. Knot, Lawrence, 251, 254, 255. Knowlton, 181, 238. Kok, Peter, 276. Kyng, John, 91. Kyppyng, Robert, 316. La Tour, 151. " Lack-Latin Parliament," 218. " Lack-learning Parliament," 218. Lade, —, 334. Lair, J., sur la vie et la inort de Guillawne Longws-Ep&e, Due de Normandie, xxxix. Lambarde, —, 232. Lambe, Richard. 110. Lamberhurst, 311 (2), 313. Lambert, Lieut.-Gen., 293. Lambeth, 125,190 ; Palace, 178, 233, 238. Land Revenue Record Office, 167. Lane, Ann, 291 ; Richard, 291. Lanfranc, —, 272. Langdon, 129. Langdon, J., 89. Langhorne, John, 251; his Cabinet of Poetry, 252. Larkfield, 214. Larking, John, 121 ; L. B., 21 ; Editor of Domesday Booh of Kent, 22. Laud, Archbishop, 185. " Layman's Parliament," 218. Leaveland, 151, 200 ; Church, xliii. Leaveland, Margaret de, 200. Ledbury, 125 (2). " Ledes, Rich Lord of," 202. Ledings, 297. Lee, Emmola, 130 ; Richard, 319 ; William, 130 (2), 138 (2) ; —, 61, 185 (3). Leedes, —, 326. Leeds, 174,182 (3), 183 ; Abbey, 239, 241; Castle, 202, 241, 242 ; Prior of, 129. Lees Court, 213, 241 ; Park, xliii. Leicester, 220, 221, 222. Leicester, Earl of, 55. Leicester, Earls of:—Dudley, Robert, 230; Sidney, Robert, 88, 230; Sydney, Robert, 231, 239 ; Sydney, Sir Robert, 235 ; —, 92; —, John, 93 (2) ; —, Robert, 91, 92. Leigh, 93. Leigh, Sir Francis, 239 ; Sir Francis, Arms of, 239; Jane, 290; John, 120, 123, 290, 293 (2) ; Obedientia, 297; Sir Oliff, 239 ; Robert, 118, 293 (2) ; —, 118. Leighe, Roberte, 110. Leland, —, 52. Lennard, Anna, 284 ; Richard, 130; Sir Samuel, 254. 256 ; Sir Stephen, 239, 240; Sir Stephen, Arms of, 239 ; William, 284 ; see also Barrett- Lennard. Leonard, —, 4, 53. Lese, Cecilia at, 130 ; Dionisia atte, 213 ; Marcellus at, 130 ; Ricardus atte, 213 ; Ricardus atte, Arms of, 213 ; Richard at, 130. Lesnes Abbey, Nuns of, 129. Levesoa alias Lewson, Sir John, 231 (2) ; Sir John, Arms of, 231 ; —, 231. Leveson-Gower, Granville, F.S.A., Churchwarden-i' Accounts, Edenbridge, 118 ; Cowden Church, Kent, 83; Ewtraets from the Parish Registers of Edenbridge, 283 ; Inventory of Church Goods at Edenbridge, 115 ; Monuments in Edenbridge Church, eta., 98 ; Notes on Edenbridge, 109 ; Notes on three ancient houses in the parish of Cowden, 103. Levyt, William, 90, 106. Lewes, 310. Lewis, Elizabeth, 296 (3) ; George, 296 (3), 298 ; Rev. George, 120 ; John, 296 ; —, 120, 295. Lewis, History of Faversham, 128. Lewisham, 246. Lewson, see Leveson. Lidgater, John, 296 ; Susan, 296. Lighe, Alice, 287 ; Isabell, 287 ; John, 287 ; Nicholas, 287 ; Robart, 286 ; Robert, 287. Ligonier, Gen., 293. Limpsfield, 109. Lincoln, 57,94,202, 205, 206,234,810; Canons of, 57 ; Diocese of, 89 (2), 90 ; Earl of, Edward Clinton, 288. Lincolnshire, 234. Lingfield, 103, 107, 111 (2), 123, 288 (3), 298, 299 (2), 300 (2). Lingfield, Surrey, Inventories of the College of, 1524, 115. Lingstead, 211. Lingsted, 212. Lingvill, 291. Linhurst, 296. Linsfleld, 300, Linstead, 187,188 (3), 243. Linsted, 187 (2), 188 (2), 213. Linton, li (6), Iii (3). GENERAL INDEX. 359 Lisbon, 280. L'Isle, Robert Sidney, Viscount, 230; Philip Sydney, Viscount, 235; Robert Sydney, Lord, 231. L'Isle and Dudley, Lord, 94. Little Chart, 208, 219. Little Mongeham, 180 (3). Liudhard, Bishop, 157, 158,159. Lives of tlw English Saints, 157. Livett, Rev. Grevile M., 15 ; on Early- Norman Churches in and near the Medway Valley, 260; Mediceval Rochester, 17. Llewellin, —, 198. Llewellyn, —, 274 (2). Lloyd, Sir Richard, 192 ; William, 93. Lodowick, John, 177. Londinium, 3. London, xl, xlvii, 3, 85, 93, 100 (2), 104, 109, 119, 122, 123, 141, 146, 164, 165, 173, 180, 184, 188,195, 201 (2), 202, 203, 234, 246, 274,280, 293, 299, 313, 332, 334 (2), 335. London, Aldermary Church, 100, 102. London, Aldermen of :—Furnese, Sir Henry, 241 ; Taylour, William, 102. London, All Hallows, Lombard Street, 93. London, Bishops of:—Clifford, Richard, 218 ; Fitz Jamys, Rycharde, 319. London, Carlton House, 132. London, Chaplain of Tower of, 93. London. Lord Mayors of :—Crowmer, Sir William, 223; Rokesley, Gregorius de, 202 ; Rowe, Sir William, 313; Taylor, Sir William, 101; Taylour, William, 102 ; Taylour, Sir William, 100. London, St. Botolph's wi thout Aldersgate, 247; St. Martin's, 157 (2), 159 (5), 160 ; St. Pancras, 157,160 ; St. Paul's Cathedral, 313, 816 ; St. Peter le Poer, 153 ; Savoy Hospital, 148 ; Sheriff of, Sir William Taylor, 101; Westminster Abbey, 85; White Tower of, 22. London, Survey of, 204. Londonderry, Dr. George Wild, Bishop of, 185. Longebregge, 112. Longfield, 125. Longue-Epic, Guillaume, Etude sur la vie at la mort de, Dice de Normandie, by J. Lair, xxxix. Loose, li. Lossenham, Carmelite Friars, 129. Loudon, —, 333. Louis XII., King of France, 245. Louther, Galfridus, 221 (S), 222; Johannes, 221. Loveigne, Sir Nicholas, 217, Lovel, Isaao, 181 (2). Low, J., 90. Lowe, J., 90 (2) ; Dr. John, 332 ; —, 42, 43 (4), 44 (3). Lower, Mark Antony, 308. Lowestoft, 256. Lucas, Peter, 278. Lucerne, Valley of, 151. Luddenham, 148, 151. Luddesdown, 261 (2). Ludlow, 227. Ludwell, Robert, 90. Lukin, —,179. Lullingston, 217 (2). 218, 224. Lullingstone, 202 (2), 240. Lumley-Savile, Lady Henrietta Barbara, 152 ; —, Ear l of Scarborough, 152. Luton, xlix; Fort, near Chatham, xlviii; Valley, xlviii. Luxford, Eichard, 110 ; —, 103. Lyd, 181 (3), 189. Lydd, 174, 189, 236. Lymne, 2. Lymne, Churclies in tlie Deaneries of North and South, xxxix. Lympne, 257. Lympsfleld, 294. Lyndon, 155. Lyndsley, Thomas, 164. Lyngfelde, 112. Lynhurst, 299. Lynnet, Hippolit, 166. Lynnett, Ipolitus, 169. Lynsted, 133. Maamans Hall, Stoke, 205. Mackeson, H. B., xxxix, xl (3). Mackie, S. J., 244. Macknade, 129, 130, 131 (3), 137, 141. Macknade, —, 129. Madestone, 320. Maicott, Bennet, 132, 133; William, 133. Maidstone, xlv, li, 92, 129, 175, 186, 198, 222 (2), 235, 236, 237, 242, 316, 319; Archdeacon of, x i i ; Museum, xxxix. Maidstone, Elizabeth Finch, Viscountess of, 230. Makenade, Margeria, 130 ; Peter, 130 ; Thomas, 130 ; William, 137 ; William de, 130 (2), 131, 137 ; his will, 129. Makeneade, Stephen, 130. Maiden, Rev. B. S., xliii, xliv. Maldon, 155. Malemains, Nicholaus de, 206. Malemayns, Johannes de, 209. Malemeyns, see Waldwarshare. 360 .GENERAL INDEX. Malling Abbey, Nuns of, 129 ; Dean I of, Robert Draper, 90 ; St. Leonard's Tower, 23, 24. Mailing and its Valley, Memories of, by C. H. Fielding, 260. Malmains, 206. Malmesbury, William of, Gesta Ragum, 22. Maltravers, Henry, Lord, 265. Manchester, 19 ; St. Stephen's, 94. Manchester. —, Duke of, 231. Mann, Thomas, 168. Manners, Lord, 152 (2), 153. Manners-Sutton, Frederick, 152 (3) ; Lord George, 152 ; —, 152 (2), 153. Manning and Bray, Surrey, 89. Manston, Willielmus, 223; —, 223. Manston in St. Laurence, 223. Manwood, Sir Peter, 231 (2) ; Sir Peter, Arms of, 231 ; Sir Eoger, 132, 231 ; —, 231. Marchant, Anne, 284; Antonius, 283 ; Barnard, 284 ; Jo., 283 ; John, 284 (2), 2S5 (2), 315 ; Margarita, 283 ; Margret, 284; Marye, 284 ; Nycolas, 284 ; Thorn., 283 ; Thomas, 284 ; Thome, 283 ; Whillemus, 283. Marchaunt, Alys, 284 ; Barnard, 284 ; Catherine, 286 ; Clemence, 284 ; Jaine, 286 ; Jane, 285 ; Joane, 285 ; Joanne, 284 ; John, 284 (2), 285 (2), 286 (3) ; Katheryne, 285 ; Eobert, 285 ; Simon, 136 ; Symon, 127 (2). Marden, li, Iii, 152. Maresfield, 309 (2). Mareys, Joan, 131 (3); Theobalda, 131 ; Thomas, 131 ; William, 130, 131. Margate, 279. Marlborough, —, 256 ; —, Duke of, 336. Marley, 229. Marshall, Ann, 291 ; Riohard, 254, 257; Thomas, 291. Marsham, Hon. Charles, 242 (3) ; —, Baron Eomney, 242. Marten, —, 115. Martene, De Ant. Eccl. Hist., 158. Martin, Arms of, 98. Martin, Rae, 6 (2), 24, 41 (2), 43, 47, 53 ; Richard, 98 (2), 101; Thomas, 98 ; Thomasine, 98. Martinico, Capture of, 122. Martyn, Isabella, 165 ; John, 165 ; William, 165 ; —, 171. Mary, Queen of England, 75,119,143, 144, 146 (3), 147, 166, 226 (2), 227 (4), 228 (4), 238, 246. Marysfeld, 115. Master, —, 195 (2). Masters, Richard, 178. Mathews, Tho., 122. Matthew of Westminster, 55. Maundey, Gyles. 110. Maupas, Richard, 139 (2), 140 (3), 141 (2), 142 (4), 143 (2), 144 (2), 145 (2), 146 (2), 147. Mawe, Mary, 287 ; Rafe, 287. Maxsted, Robert, 334. May, Sir Humphrey, 233 ; Thomas, 242. Mayeott, Bennet, 133; William, 133 (2). Maydeston, 317 (2), 318, 319 (3). Mayland, 155. Maynard, John, 113. Maynarde, Will., 316. Mears, Thomas, 123 ; —, 101, 335. Medeherst, William, 101. Medehurst, Christian, 112 ; Margaret, 113 ; Thomas, 112 ; William, 113. Medhersb. Ane, 285 ; Raynold, 285. Medhurst, Andrew, 286 ; Joane, 286 ; Rafe, 286 ; Thomas, 100. Medhurste, Emme, 287 ; Reynold, 287. Medina-Sidonia, Duke of, 280. Medway District, 261. Medway River, xlvii, Hi, 1 (2), 2 (2), 11,12,14,109,269 ; how the Romans crossed the, 11. Medway Valley, Early-Norman Chnrelies in- and near the, by Rev. Grevile M. Livett, 260. Meers, Sir Thomas, 178. Mercer, Samuel, xii. Merchant Taylors' School, 180. Merdenne, 279. Meredith, Sir Roger. 241 ; Thomas, 239 ; Thomas. Arms of, 239 ; Sir William, 239, 241. Mereworth, 227 ; Castle, 211, 230. Mereworthe, Johannes de, 211 (2). Mersham, 125 (2), 233. Mersham Hatch, 233, 238, 240, 241, 242 (3). Merston, 125. Middle Temple, 132. Middlesex, 125. Midleton, Frances, 296 ; John, 296. Midley, 188 (3). Miege, Guy, 257. Milan, Dacius, Bishop of, 158. Mildmay,—, 231. Miles, William, 121. Miles or Knight, Title of, 199. Milford Haven, 279. Miller, James Stanford, 294. Mills, Alexander, 180 (3); Alfred, 190, 191 (3), 192; Richard, 176 ; WilUam, 118. Milman, H. S., Tlie Vanished Memorials of St. Thomas of Canterbury, I 77, 78, 79. GENERAL INDEX. 36 1 Milton, 132, 133, 165 (2), 193, 201, 209 (2), 215, 256, 279. Milton next Sittingbourne, Church Farm, xlvii. Milton juxta Canterbury, 177. Minster, 230. Minster, Isle of Thanet. 1 (2). Mirth, Joha, 284 ; Richard, 284. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, reference to, 98. Mockett, John, 175. Modynden, House of the Holy Trinity, 129. Monastioon., by Dugdale, 306. Mongeham, 214. Monson, — Watson, Lord, 241. Montreal, 202. Moore, —, 320. Moraunt, Sir Thomas, 213 ; Willielmus, 208 (2), 209. Moraunt Court, 213. Moraunt's Court, 208. More. Thomas, 84 ; —, 320. More, Sir Thomas, Life of, by Nicholas Harpsfleld, 78. More, Sir Tlwmas, MSS. Lives of, 78, 79. Moreley, Elizabebh, 288. Morebon, see Morbon. Morpeth, 125. Morris, —, xlii, xliv. Morsee, Anne, 289 ; William, 289. Mortimer, Rev. H. S., 153 (2) ; Rev. Hans Sanders, 154 (2). Morton, James, 300 ; Sarah, 300 ; —, 138, 300 (2) ; Dr. —, 300 (2). Morton alias Moreton, Sir Albert, 232. Motenden, Priory of, 107. Moteyde, Thomas, 318. Mottenden, Priory of, 107. Motterel, Thomas, 319. Mount, William, 254. Movsherst, Matthew, 112. Mownselow, Thomas, 91 (2). Mowslow, Thomas, 91. Moyle, Margrib, 292; Thomas, 226 ; Thomas, Arms of, 226; William, 292 Moys,'Joan, 112 ; William, 100, 112. Moyse, Edward, 287 ; Elizabebh, 291 (2) ; Jo., 325 (2) ; Joseph, 291 (2) ; Mary, 291 ; Matthew, 291; Robart, 287 ; Thomas, 291 (4). Mungeham, Will., 316. Mungeham Magna, 178. Munnings, Sir William, 178. Muriel, Rev. E. M., Churclies in tlie Deaneries of North and South Lymne, xxxix. Murray. New English Dictionary, 333. Murston, 193. Napchester, 304, 305. Napkynge, Agnes, 286 ; John, 286. Nash Court, Boughton-under-Blean, 331. Nayler, —, 326. Naylor, Joan, 131 (2); John, 131. Neeve, Mary, 292. Neither Haven, 125. Nelson, —•, 123. Nero, 309. Netheravon, 125. Netherlands, 230, 251. Netlinghame, Ann, 293 ; Antony, 293 ; Jesper, 293. Netlynggam, Anthony, 288; Elizabeth, 288. Netlyngham. John, 285 (2). Nettlestead, 207. Nettlested, 213, 219 (2), 231. Neusol, Dionisia de, 307 (2) ; Thomas de, 307 (4). Nevill, Ann, 88 ; Sir Henry, 230; Hugh de, 164; Johnde, 104; Mary, 230 ; Ralph, 163 ; Ralph, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., Notes on Filborough Farmhouse, 169 ; Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland, 88. Nevyll, George, 317,319. New Alesford, 125. New Romney, 254, 258 (2). Newburgh, Lord, 130. Newcasble-on-Tyne, 276. Newenham, 201. New-house, 300. Newinbon, 188. Newman, Daniel, liv ; Henricus, 209. Newporb, St. Thomas's, 94. Newster, Richard, 319. NichoUs, Charles, 175. Nichols, J., 332, 334 ; —, 245 (3). Nichols, Progresses, 245 (2). Nile, Batble of bhe, 336. Nizel, —, 99. Noble, Spanish Armada, 229. Nollis, John, 325. Noningbon, 234. Noodes, —, 107. Noon, by Hogarbh, 151. Normandie, Etude sur la vie et la mart de Guillaunw Longue-Epe'e, Due de, by J. Lair, xxxix. Normandy, 29, 88, 272. Normandy, Robert of, 22. Norrys, Clemenb, 166. North Cray, 202. Norbh Foreland, xlviii. Northampbon, 88, 93, 203, 207, 209, 222. Norbhampbon, Earls of :—Henry, 167 ; Humfrey, 90. Northborne, 181 (2). 362 GENERAL INDEX. Northbourne, 175, 178, 232 (2) ; Downs, 229. Northfleet, 161,163,221. Northumberland, 125 (2). Northwode, Humf r idus de, 209; Humfridus de, Arms of, 209 , Sir Humphrey de, 209 ; Sir John de, 209 ; Sir Roger de, 209. Northwood Chasteners, 209. Norton, Bennet, 133; Clement, 139, 146 (2) ; William, 133 ; —, 147. Norwich, 85 (2), 125.153,155 ; Bishop of, 219 ; Bishop of, Dr. Green, 149. Notbeame alias Notebeni, William, 219. Notebeni alias Notbeame, William, 219. Notes and Queries, references to, 85, 247. Notitia Parliamenturia, by Brown Willis, 231, 234, 237. Nottidge, T,, xxxix. xl. Nottingham, 208, 234. Nudyat, Agnes, 283. Nutstead, 204. Oakham, 155. Oare, 151 (3). Ockham, 87, 89. Odo, Earl of Kent, 21, 22 (3). Odo Baiocensis. 40. Offa, King of Mercia, 3, 20, 306 (2). Offham, 263. Oldcastle, Joan, 218 ; Sir John, 218. Oldroyd, —, xlii (2), xliv. Oliver, —, lv. OUantigh, 228. Olsington, 165. Olyver, Robart, 288. Orange, Prince of, 119. Orford, 277. Orlandstone, 210. Orlandsbone, Willielmus de, 210 (2). Orlaston, Willielmus de, 208. Orrery, 132. Orrery, Edmund Boyle, Earl of, 132. Osborne, William, 177,178. Ospringe, 3, 130, 141, 144, 150, 151 (2), 215, 217; Domus Dei, 129; Maison Dieu, 140. Ospringe, Rural Deans of :—Wickens, William, 174 ; Wiokins, William, 187. Otham, 221. Otteford, 316. Otterden, 242. Oudenarde, 336. Overry, Elizabeth, 299. Ovid, 233. Ownsted, Katherine, 286. Oxenden, George, 196, 197, 256 ; Sir George, 256; Henry, 236; Col. Henry, 254, 256 ; Sir James, 236, 239 ; Sir James, Arms of, 239 ; —, 235,256. Oxenhoath, 242. Oxford, 138 (3), 147 (3), 156, 180 (2), 227, 238, 311. Oxford, Bishop of, Dr. John Bancroft, 185. Oxford, Bodleian Library, 172 (2). Oxford, Colleges and Halls at:—All Souls' College, 139, 151 ; Brasenose College, 92 ; Canterbury Hall, 143 ; Christ Church, 125 ; Corpus Christi College, 147 ; Har t Hall, 93 ; Lincoln College, 181 ; Magdalen Hall, 91, 155, 181 ; New College, 93 ; Oriel College, 67, 71, 138; St. Alban Hall, 138 ; St. John' s College, 91 ; St. Mary's Hall, 138; University College, 92 (2) ; Wadham College, 92, 155, 181 ; Worcester College, 153 (2). Oxonienses, Alumni, by Foster, 91, 92 (2), 93. Pack, —, 335 (6). Packere, John le, Baron of Sandwich, 276. Paddlesworth, 222. Padlesworth. 260 (3), 261 (3), 262 (3), 266, 267 (2), 268, 269, 323. Padlesworth-cum-Dode, 260, 261. Pisdleswrtha, 260. Page, Sir William, 167. Paine, Roberb, 120. Palgrave, Writs, etc., to Parliament, 199, 202. Pallanb, —, 326. Pallmer, Anne, 286 ; John, 286. Palmer, Sir Thomas, 240 (2); Sir Thomas, Arms of, 240. Paper Office, 79. Papworth, —, 98. Paramor, —, 181. Paramore, Thomas, 194. Paramour, Thomas, 180 ; —, 181. Paraphrase of the Gospels, by Erasmus, 145. Parabt Edward, 147 (3) ; Elizabeth, 296 ; John, 124,297 ; Rev. John, 296. Parker, J. H., 29; Morthyn, 289; Silvester, 289 ; —, 147 (2), 246. Parker, Glossary of Architecture, 127. Parkynes, Anna, 284. Parliament, Lack-Latin, 222; Lacklearning, 218 ; Layman's, 218;Little, 234 ; Long, 237 ; of Battes, 222 ; of Great Britain, 240 ; Pensionary, 238. Parliament, Writs, etc., to, by Palgrave, 199, 202. GENERAL INDEX. 363 Parret, —, 299 ; Rev. —, 299. Parry, F., 293 ; J., 298. Passelew, see Passhele. Passeley, Edmund, 214; Gilbertus, 214 ; Robert de, 214 ; see also Passhele. Passhele alias Passeley and Passelew, Robertus de, 214. Pasahelle, Robertus, 215. Pate, William, 276. Patent Roll for Kent, 166. Patricksbourn, 206. Patricksbourne, 210, 223. Pattenson, see Tylden-Pattenson. Paulmer, John, 286. Paul's Cray, 203. Pay, Henry, 279 (2). Payforer, Fulco, 203. Payfrer, Fulco de, 203 (2). Payne, George, F.L.S., F.S.A., xl, xlii (2), xliii, xliv (2), 17 (3), 43, 72 ; on Iron Industry of the Weald, 308 ; Researches and Discoveries in Kent, x l v i i ; Roman Rochester, 1 ; Walls of Eoohesber, 17; Margett, 284; Wyllm, 284 ; —, 47,48, 58, 62, 63. Paynter. R., 297 ; Robert, 297. Payntour, Thomas, 316. Peacock, —, 258. Pearce, —, 44. Pearman, Rev. A, J., 20. Pearse, George, 286 ; Margaret, 286. Pecche, Sir John, 217; Sir Robert, 217; Sir William, 217; Willielmus, 217, 218 ; Willielmus, Arms of, 217. Pecham alias Peckham, Jacobus de, 216. Peche, Laurence, 224; Sir William, 224; Willielmus, 224. Peckham, 214. Peckham. Jacobus, 225 ; Sir John, 222; Sir John de, 214; William, 122 : —, 127, 135 (2), 136, 137 ; see also Pecham. Pegge, Samuel, liv. Pekham, Jacobus, 216; Jacobus de, 214 (2), 215 ; Jacobus de, Arms of, 214 ; Reginaldus, 222 ; Reginaldus, Arms of, 223. Pellesorde, 260 (2). Pembroke, — Herbert, Earl of, 256. Pembury, 212 (2), 213. Pencestre, Stephen de, 274. Penenden Heath, 200. Peninsular War, 257. Penny, James, 177 ; John, 325. Penshurst, 88, 93, 109, 227 (2), 228, 229, 230 (2), 231 (2) ; Place, 94. Pepenbury, 212. Perche, Humfrey, Earl of, 90 ; Humphrey, Count of, 88. Perkins, —, 129. Perott, Edward, 147. Perry, William, 88. Perry Court, 130 (4), 133 (3). Perye, see Pyrye. Peter, Thomas, 116. Peterborough, Bishop of, 187, 193. Peterborough, Bishops of:—Dr. Whi te, 173 (2) -. William, 179. Petit, Cyriac, 332 (2). " Petition of Rights," 233. Petty, Mickell, 293. Peto, James, 134, 154 (5), 155 ; Mary, 154 ; Mary Neville, 154, Petty, Mickell, 290 ; Mickill, 290. Pevensey, 18. Peyforer, Fulco, 200, 204; Fulco, Arms of, 200 ; Margaret, 200. Peyn, Regnial de, 276. Peyton, Sir Thomas, 238 ; Sir Thomas, Arms of, 238. Philborough, 169. Philip, King of England, 228 (3). Philip II., King of Spain, 280. Philipot, John, Somerset Herald, 254. Philipott, —, 201, 212, 215, 216, 217 (2), 219, 221, 222, 227, 233, 235,236, 237, 239 (2). Philipott. Villare Cantianum,, 199, 205. Phillipps, Ralfe, 323 ; Stephen, 323. Philpot, Sarah, 132. Picardy, 202. Piedmonb Valleys, 151. Piers, Sir Thomas, 323. Piggot, John, 180 (2). Piggott, Drew, 294 (3); Elizabeth, 294. Pilegate, 112. Pimpe's Court, 219. Pinache, 151 (2). Planche, Corner of Kent, 199,224. Planket, Thomas, 319. Planketfc, Thomas, 318. Plawe, Joan, 107. Player, John, 177. Plesiaco, Walter de, 135 (3), 137. Plimley, John. 180 (3). Pliny, 308. Ploe, Ann, 291. Plomeney, Edward, 285 ; Jesper, 285. Plomer, John, 319. Plomley, Edward, 110. Plomm, John, 318. Plomney, Edmond, 286, 286 (2); George, 285. Pluckley, 216, 233, 234. Plume. Tho., 125 (2). Plumstead, xlviii (2). ( Poetry, Cabinet of, by John Langi home, 252. 364 GENERAL INDEX. Poitou, 202. Pokyll, William, 165. Pole, 165. Pole, Cardinal, 75,140, 143, 147 (3). Poleyn, Henry, 316 (2). Polhill, D., 297 ; David, 240 ; Thomas, 298. Pollexfen, Holb, 187. Pollhill, David, 293. Pollock, —, 5, 49, 62 (2), 69, 70, 71. Pomfret, Samuel, 191. Pomfrebt, Samuel, 191. PonsEdelmi, 109,114. Pontigny, Roger of, 76. Pope Anastasius, 159. Pope Boniface VIIL, 136. Pope Clement V., 136. Pope Gregory, 159. Pope Julius, 113. Pope Paul IIL, 78. Porta, Lucas do, 202 ; — de, 201. Portland, 74. Portmote, 275. Portus Lemanis, 2. Poste, Rev. Beale, 60, 64 ; his Roman Rochester, 64 ; on walls of Rochester, 3. Poteg(er)e, John, 316. Poteyn, Henry, 316 (2). Potin, Willielmus, 52 ; see also Potyn. Pottee, Thomas, 284. Potter, Alice, 113, 287 (3) ; Alis, 286, 287 ; Edward, 290 ; Elisebeth, 290 ; Mary, 284, 287 (2) ; Richard, 99 ; Sara, 287; Sarah, 99 ; Thomas, 110, 287 ; W., 334; —,99,117. Potyn, William, 52. Potyn alias Pobin, Nicholaus, 217 (3). Powel, Edward, 300. Powell, Ann, 296 ; Sir Christopher, 241 ; Edward, 124, 298. Power, Elizabebh, 131 ; Piers, 131. Poyser, Jane, 286 ; Joane, 288. Pragell, John, 254, 257, 258. Prestentun, 126. Preston, 212, 225, 328, 336 ; Church, xlii, 302. Preston-by-Faversham, 127,128,129, 130 (6), 131 (3), 132 (4), 133 (3), 134 (6), 135 (6), 136 (3), 137 (3), 138 (4), 139 (5), 140 (2), 141 (4), 142, 144, 145, 146 (2), 147 (7), 148 (5), 149 (8), 150 (7), 151 (4), 152 (8), 153 (7), 154 (9), 155 (4), 156 (3); Sb. Catherine, 126. Preston-by-Faversham, Rectors of, by Canon Soott Robertson, 135. Preston-by-Faversham, Vicars of, by Canon Scobb Robertson, 137. Preston Churoh, n-ext Faversham, by Canon Scobt Robertson, 126. Preston next Wingham, 135. Price, Elizabeth, 299 ; P., 297 Priests-tun, 126. Prince Arthur, 228. Prince Edward, 201. Prince of Orange, 119. Prince of Wales, 121, 122, 250, 257 ; Frederick, 132. Prince Regent of England, 124, 132. Prince Rupert, 232. Princess Henrietta of France, 335. Princess of Wales, 122. Progresses, by Nichols, 245 (2). Puckle, Rev. Canon, xl (2) ; on old Dover and Canterbury Walls, 2. Pulford, Gregory, 177. Pury, Peter, 181 (2). Putta, —, 20. Pyggyne, Joane, 284. Pympe, Sir Philip, 221 ; Sir Philip de, 213 ; Philippus de, 207, 208, 209, 210 ; Philippus de, Arms of, 207 ; Reginaldus, 219 (2), 221; Reginaldus, Arms of, 219 ; Sir William, 219; Willielmus, 213. Pympe Court, 207, 213, 221. Pyrye alias Perye, Johannes, 222. Quarterman, Mary, 295 ; —, 295. Queen Anne of England, 239,240 (4), 241, 256. Queen Anne's Bounty, 155. Queen Bertha, 157. Queen Caroline of England, 121. Queen Elizabeth of England, xii, 133, 139, 166 (2), 185, 190, 226, 227 (2), 228 (4). 229 (6), 230 (5), 231 (5), 232 (3), 239, 244, 245 (2), 246, 261, 281, 289, 312, 314, 320 (2). Queen Isabella of England, 202. Queen Jane Grey of England, 245. Queen Mary of England, 75, 119, 143, 144, 146 (3), 147, 166, 226 (2), 227 (4), 228 (4), 238, 246. Queen of Sheba, 312. Queenborough Castle, 216, 218, 230. Queen's Court, 217, Quibbentone, Thomas, 286. Quyntyn, —, 311. Radoliffe, John, 175. Radnor, Earl of, 256. Railway, South-Eastern, 1, 14, 253. Ralph, Bishop of Rochester, 39, 44. Ramsay, Sir Alexander, 154 ; Florence Mary, 154; Capt. John, 154. Ramsgate, xlviii, 1. Ramworth, Rev. John, 94. Randulf, Sbephen, 89. Ray, Jobn, 310. Raychdale, William, 138. GENERAL INDEX. 365 Rayleigh, 134, 150. Raynehurst, 167 (2), 168, 169. Raynhurst, 166. Raynshurst, 165. Read, John, 247, 298 (2). Reading, 224. Record Commission, 199. Reculver, 2. Reddich, Edward, 99 ; John, 99. Reddish, Ann, 296 ; Charles, 295 ; Edward, 296; Capt. John, 297; Margaret, 297. Redish, Edward, 294 ; John, 294 ; —, 297. Reform Bill, 243. Reformation, Gradual progress of the, 139. Registrum Roffense. by Thorpe, 8, 40, 42 (4), 47 (2), 58 (2). Regulbium, 2. Reigate, 31, 94. Rekham, Robert, 322. Repton, 201, 214 (4), 225. Retford. William de, 89. Reynolde, James, 165 (2), 166. Reynolds, Sir John. 251 ; —, 136. Rich, Col., 250. Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury, 307 (2). Richard, Prior of Dover, 307. Richard I., King of England, 209, 210, 214, 273. Richard IL. King of England, 201, 214 (2), 215 (8), 216 (8), 217 (6), 218 (2), 220, 224, 315. Richard IIL, King of England, 218. Richards, George, 297 ; —, 119. Richardson, Elizabeth, 299 ; George, 299. Riehborough, xl, xii, 2, 304 ; Castle, Purchase of, xii ; Trust, xl, Rickhill, Johannes, 221 ; Sir William, 221 ; see also Rickhull. Rickhull alias Rickhill and Rykeld, Willielmus, 221. Rider, Thomas, 243. Ridley, John, 148 ; —, 90. Rigden, J., xlii, xliv, Iiii; W. B.,xlii, xliv, Iiii. Ringwould, 181. Ripple, liv, 181. Ripple, Walterus de, 201. Rives, Gartrick, 292. Robarts, Thomas, 325. Roberd, Richard, 138. Robert of Normandy, 22. Roberts, Richard, 139 (3), 141; Thomas, 324 (2), 325 ; Sir Thomas, 239 (2) ; Sir Thomas, Arms of, 239 ; —,16. Robertson, Canon Scott, xxxix, xlii (3), xliii (3), xliv, 73 ; on Notiees of tlie Screens in Kentish Churches, 85 ; Preston Churoh, next Faversham, 126 ; Rectors of Preston-by- Faversham, 135 ; Vicars of Prestonby- Faversham, 137; retirement from Editorship of Archceologia Cantiana. xii. Robins, James, 175. Robinson, Thomas, 322. Robordes, —, 325. Rochester, xliii, xlvii, Iii (2), liv, 1 (3), 2 (2), 3 (3). 4 (3), 9, 10, 11 (2), 12, 13 (3), 14 (3), 15 (6), 19, 20 (2), 21 (3), 22 (3), 24, 29, 31, 39 (2), 40 (3), 42 (2), 55, 57, 58, 69, 65, 106 (5), 107 (4), 112 (6), 113 (5), 115 (2), 116 (2), 119, 129 (3), 181, 182 (2), 220, 261, 269, 272, 316 (6), 316 (5), 317 (2), 319 (3), 320 (5), 321 (2), 323 (3), 324 (2), 326. Rochester, Antiquities found at, 12-14. Rochester, Archdeacons of :—Cheetham, —, 59,61 ; Lee, —, 61 ; Plume, The, 125 (2) ; Sprat, Tho., 125. Rochester, Baptist Chapel, 53. Rochester, Bishop of, 21, 45 (3). Rochester, Bishops of:—Emulf, 39 (3), 40, 47 (2), 48 (2), 49 (2), 50 ; Fitz James, Richard, 317, 318 ; Fitz Jamys, Richarde, 319 ; Glanville, Gilbert de, 39, 40 (2), 42, 43, 44 (2), 47 (2) ; Gundulf, 39 (4), 40, 41, 42 (4), 44, 47 (4), 56, 59 ; Hilsey, 143; John, 39, 40; King, Walter, 45 ; Lowe, 42,43 (4), 44 (3) ; Pearce, 44; Putta, 20;' Ralph, 39, 44; Sprat, Dr., 125 ; Waermund, 3. Rochester, Bishop's Gate, 71 ; Bishop's Registry, 47 ; Black Boy Alley, 38 ; Boley Hill, 2 (2), 13, 30, 38 (3), 41, 60, 53 (2), 54 (6), 55 (2), 56, 65 (3), 69 (3) ; Boley Hill House, 38; Boley Hill Street, 18, 19 (2); Boundaries of Precincts, 67. Eochester, Canons of :—Cheyne, 67 (2) ; Jelf, 5 (2), 6, 18, 48, 70, 71, 72 ; Pollock, 5, 49, 62 (2), 69, 70, 71 ; Eobertson, Scott, 73. Eochester Castle, early-Norman, 21 ; Hal!, 27; Keep, early-Norman, 28 ; Wall, early-Norman, 23. Eochester Cathedral, 258; Choir, 33 ; Sb. William's Shrine, 70 ; Saxon, 18. Eochester, Celtic Times, 1; Cemeteries, 12 ; Cemetery Gate, 70,71 ; Cheldegate Lane, 38 ; Cheldegate Wall, 8 ; Chertsey's Gate, 70 ; Choir School, 26 ; City-Ditch, 60; College Gate, 69 (3), 70 ; College Green, 47, 71 ; Common, 1 ; County Club, 25, 27 366 GENERAL (2), 28 ; Crow Lane, 38 ; Dean and Chapter of, 45 (4), 71, 320. Rochester, Deans of:—Castilion, Dr. John, 173 ; Hole, Dr. Reynolds, 4, 62 ; Ullock, Dr. Henry, 173. Rochester, Deanery Garden, 4, 5, 17 ; Deanery-Gate, 70 (2); Derivation of name, 19 ; Dimensions in Roman times, 11 ; Doddingherne Lane, 19, 71; East-Gate, 58, 59 ; East-Gate and South-Gate, 50; Eastgate House, 9 ; Eastgate Street, 321; Esplanade, 1. Rochester, Extension of, 38 ; early- Norman, 40 ; later-Norman, 47 ; of 1344, 55 ; Post-1344, 64. Rochester, Free School Lane, 18 ; Gas Company, 71; Gates, 67; Grammar School, 45, 66 (3) ; Gundulf's Tower, 23, 24 ; High Street, 18, 19, 27, 56, 57, 69 (4), 70 ; King's Head Lane, 19, 71; King's School, 66 (2) ; Love Lane, 66 ; Low Lane, 53 ; Mathematical School, 9, 17, 52 (2). Rochester, Mayors of:—Doket,Robert, 316 ; Harlowe, Richard, 320. Rochesber, Meeting of Council of Kent ArchEeological Society to be held at, xxxix ; Minor Canon Row, 47, 49 (2), 50, 62, 68 (2); North-West Bastion, 36 ; Petty Canon Row, 61; Pilgrim Road, 2 ; Prebendal Houses, 67. Rochester, Prebendaries of:—Absolon, William, 147 ; Gilman, John, 125 ; •Ullock, Dr. Henry, 173. Rochester, Preoinct, 24,25 ; Precincts Road, 18 ; Prior of, 129. Rochester, Priors of :—John, 33, 56 ; John de Sheppey, 57. Rochester, Prior's Gate. 46, 47, 48. 49 (2), 53 (2), 55, 58, 59, 60 (4), 61 (2), 62, 63 (2), 64, 65 (3), 66 (3), 68 (3), 70 ; Pump Lane, 9, 18, 19 ; Roman Road, 10 ; Roman Station, 17 ; St. Andrew's Priory, 5 ; St, Clement's, 18 ; St. Clement's Lane, 38 ; St. Clement's Parish, 69; St. Margaret's, 65, 66 (2) ; St. Margaret's Banks, 1 ; St. Margaret's Parish, 47, 68 (2), 69 (2), 323, 325; St. Margaret's Street, 54, 64, 66; St. Nicholas, 56, 125, 317 (3); St. Nicholas Parish, 54, 69 (6), 70, 316, 318, 319, 325 (2) ; St. William's Gate, 58, 69, 70, 71; Satis House, 38, 54, 55 ; Saxon City, 19 ; Saxonbury House, lv; Soubh-Gabe and East-Gate, 60 ; Southgabe Terrace, 38 ; Vines Lane, 69. Rochesber, Walls of, 3-16, 23-28; INDEX. Edward III.'s repairs, 33 ; Henry III.'s repairs, 30. Rochesber, Watt's Avenue, lv. Rochester Bridge, by A. A. Arnold, 11. Rochester Castle, by G. T. Clark, 26 ; by Hartshorne, 20. Rocliester Castle, Fabric Roll of, 33. Rochester Cathedral Church, Notes on the Archceological History of, by W. H. St. John Hope, 39. Rochester, History and Antiquities of, by Fisher, 13, 15, 42 (2), 44 (2), 47, 53, 58 (2), 61, 64, 65 (2), 66. Rochester Inns, by S. T. Aveling, 315. Rocliester, Mediceval, by Rev. Grevile M. Livett, 17. Rochester, Mediceval Remains at, by A. A. Arnold, 30, 36, 57. Rocliester, Roman, by George Payne, 1 ; by Beale Poste, 64. Rochesteyre, 317. Rochesbre, 318. Eochesbyr, 318. Rochford, 150. Eodmersham, 193. Rofa, 209. Rofe, Werram, 40. Eoff, Identity of the chieftain, 19. Roger, David, 165, 166 (3). Rogeri de Wendover Flores Hist., 54. Eogers, Barbarie, 291 ; Francis, 250 ; Thomas, 291. Eokesle, Sir Richard de, 107. Rokesley, 202. Rokesley, Gregorius de, 202. Rokeslye, Eicardus de, 202 ; Ricardus de, Arms of, 202 ; Sir Richard de, 202. Rolfe, John, 254. Rolls Series, Reference to, 306. Rolvenden, 212 (2), 220 (2), 221, 225. Roman castra on the Kentish Coast, 2. Roman Way, 2. Romans, 2. Eome, 78, 144. Eomney, 129, 280 ; Fair, 190 ; Marsh, 205, 210, 229. Romney, — Marsham, Baron, 242; —, Lord, 240. Eondeau, —, 196 (2). Eoper, Christopher, 133. Eosher, W. H. Burch, xxxix, xlii (2) ; —, xlii. Eothewell, 277. Rouchester, 316, 319 (2). Eouecestre, 21. Eoundall, 215. Eouth, Sir John, 329. Routledge, Rev. Canon 0. F., xii; Editor of Archceologia Cantiana, GENERAL INDEX. 367 x i i ; his Baptism, of King Ethelbert, 157; Bones of Archbishop Beeltet, 73. Rovece3tra, 22. Rowe, Henry, 316 ; Sir William, 313. Rowland, Margery, 316. Royal Kalendar, 257 (3). Roydon Hall, East Peckham, 233,238, 241. Ruck, William, 333. Rumsey, Anthony, 296 ; Barbary, 296 ; George, 296 ; Mabell, 296 ; Mayvile, 296. Rundale, 204. Rundall, 165, 203 (2), 204, 206 (3), 218. Rupert, Prince, 232. Rural Dean, Office of, 173. Russell, Rev. J., xliv; William, 147 (2). Ruthin, see Grey de Euthin. Rutland, Duke of, 152. Rutten, Abraham, 258. Rutton, Isaac, 254, 258 (3) ; Isaac, Arms of, 258 ; Isacke, 258 ; Thomas, 258 ; William Loftie, F.S.A., Sandgate Castle, 244. Rutton, William Loftie, F.S.A., and Fynmore, R. J., List (imperfect) of the Captains and Lieutenants of Sandgate Castle, 253. Rutupite, 2. Ryarsh, 264, 265. Rycards, Laurence, 85. Ryche, Rychard, 166. Rye, 256, 280. Rye, Rogerus, 220 ; W., 43. Rykeld, Rogerus, 220 ; see also Rickhull. Rymer, Fcedera, 136. Rypon, Joan, 315 ; Will., 315. S. G., Chronological History of Canterbury, 177. Sackebt, John, 178. Sackvil, Ela de, 221. Sackville, John Frederick, Duke of Dorseb, 242; his Arms, 242 ; Sir Richard, 228 ; his Arms, 228 ; —, Duke of Dorset, 242. St. Alban, St. Alban's, 78. St. Alban's, 78, 222 ; Battle of, 224. St. Alphage, Canterbury, 152, 153. St. Andrew's, Canterbury, 176. St. Andrew's Monastery, Rochester. 318. St. Andrew's Priory, Rochester, 5. St. Augustine, 157 (3). 158 (4), 159 (4), 160. St. Augustine, Life of, 157. St. Augustine's, Canterbury, 135. St. Augustine's, Canterbury, History of, by Thomas of Elmham, 306. St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury, 306 (2), 307 (3), 335. St. Augustine's Monastery, Canterbury, liv (2). St. Augustine's Monastery, Canterbury, Abbots of :-AEthelnoth, 306 (2) ; John Essex, liv ; John Foche, liv. St. Bartholomew's, Sandwich, xii. St. Botolph's without Aldersgate, London, 247. St. Catherine, Preston-by-Faversham, 126. St. Clement's, Rochester, 8, 18. St. Clement's, Sandwich, xii, 178, 180. St. Clere, 257. St. Cross Hospital, Winchester, 94. St. Cuthbert, Durham, 78. St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, 177. St. Eanswith's Chapel, Folkestone, 259 ; Swetton, 259. St. Edward the Confessor, 75, 78. St. Faith's, Winchester, 94. St. George's, Canterbury, 176 ; Surrey, 125. St. Giles', Norwich, 85. Sb. Gregory the Great, Canterbury, 94. St. Gregory's Priory, Canterbury, 129. St. Hellines, 125. St. Ives, 125. St. John's, Gloucester, 155. St. Laurence, Thanet, 207. St. Lawrence, Thanet, 177. St. Leger, see Sancto Leodegardio. St. Margaret Hells, 207. St. Margaret's, Cliff, 193 (2), 302; Rochester, 65. " St. Margaret's Banks," 1. St. Margaretfs, Canterbury, 176. St. Martin-le-Grand, Dover, 1. St. Martin's, London, 157 (2), 159 (5), 160. St. Mary, Cliff, 194. St. Mary Bredin, Canterbury, 201. St. Mary Magdalen, Cowden, 106. St. Mary Northgate, Canterbury, 176. St. Mary the Virgin, Dover, xl. St. Mary's, Sandwich, 177, 180. St. Mildred's, Canterbury, 176. St. Nicholas, —, 175. St. Nicholas, Rochester, 56, 125, 317. St. Olave, Southwark, 148. St. Pancras, London, 157, 160. St. Paul's, Canterbury, 177. St. Paul's Cathedral, London, 142, 143, 146, 313, 316. St. Peter, Edenbridge, 112 ; Norwich, 85. St. Peter and St. Paul, Boughtonunder- Blean, 328; Edenbridge, 100, 112 (2), 113, 116. 368 GENERAL INDEX. St. Peter le Poer, London, 113. St. Peter's, Sandwich, 178 (2), 180 ; Thannett, 177. St. Radegund's Abbey, Dover, 129, 246. St. Richard, Chichester, 78. St. Stephen, Selling, 130. St. Stephen's, 231. St. Stephen's, Canterbury, 139; Man- St. Thomas of Canterbury. 73, 78 (3), 80 (2). St. Thomas of Canterbury, Verona, 76. St. Thomas of Canterbury, Tlie Vanlslu'd Memorials of, by H. S. Milman, 77, 78, 79. St. Thomas's, Newport, 94. Saints, Lives of the English, 157. Sale, John, 293. Saliard, Franciscus, 283 ; Johes, 283. Salierd, Johes, 283. Salisbury, 57, 173, 206, 207, 216. Salisbury. John of, 76. Saltwood,' 208, 210, 211, 215 (2), 216, 217, 218. Salyard, Thomas, 284. Salyerd, Johes, 283. Samaria, Woman of, 312. Sampson, John, 316. Sancroft, Archbishop, 172 (2), 173, 174, 175, 176 (2), 191, 193 (2), 196. Sancroft, Life of, by D'Oyley, 172. Sancto Laurencio, Radulphus de, 207. Sancto Leodegardio alias St. Leger, Radulphus de, 210 (2) ; his Arms, 210. Sandes, Moryse, 284. Sandgate, 244 (2), 245 (2), 246, 247, 251, 262 (2), 253, 256 (2), 257 (2). 258, 259. Sandgate Castle, 244 (2), 245, 246, 248 (3), 249 (2), 250 (4), 251 (2), 252, 253, 254 (2), 255 (2), 256 (2), 257 (3), 258 (4), 259 (3) ; Abandonment of, 253; Armament and Garrison, 252; Armament and Munitions, 248 ; Bakehouse, 249 ; Battery, 249 ; Detention of Thomas Keys at, 246 ; Drawbridge, 248 ; Garrison, 247 ; Great Chamber, 249 ; Gunners' Lodgings, 249 ; Hall, 248 ; Henry VIIL at, 244 ; History, 244, 247, 250 ; Keep, 249, 259 ; Kitchen, 249 ; Lanthorn, 249 ; Middle Tower, 249 ; Parapets, 249 ; Parler, 249 ; Porter's Lodge, 248 ; Powder Room, 249 ; Queen's Ohamber, 244, 249; Queen's Lodgings, 244,249; Queen's Room, 244; Ravages of the Sea, 253 ; Surveys of Damage by Sea, etc., 248 ; Vault, 249. Sandgate. Henry VIII. at, 244. Sandgate Castle, by William Loftie Rutton, F.S.A., 244. Sandgate Castle, List (imperfect) of the Captains and Lieutenants of, by R. J. Fynmore and W. L. Rutton, 253. Sandgate, Gwicle to, 244; by Tiffen, 252. Sandown Castle, 245, 250, 259 (2). Sands, Egidius, 283; Gyllys, 284; Joane, 287 ; Johes, 283 ; Morys, 284 ; Thomas, 284. Sandwich, xl, xii (4), 129 (2), 180 (2), 181, 190 (2), 191 (2), 192, 195, 201 (2), 204, 219, 276 (2), 278 (3), 279, 280 ; Carmelite Friars, 129 ; Deanery of, 180 (2) ; Grammar School, x i i ; Mayor of, Abraham Rutten, 258 ; Rural Dean of, Dr. Henry Ullock, 173,179 ; St. Bartholomew's, x i i ; St. Clement's, xii, 178, 180; Sb. Mary's, 177, 180; Sb. Peber's. 178 (2), 180. Sandwich, John le Paokere, Baron of, 276; Juliana, 206; Sir Thomas, 206 ; Sir Thomas de, 204 ; —, 174. Sandwich, Collections for a History if, by Boys, 248. Sandwicho, sea Sandwico. Sandwico alias Sandwicho and Santwico, Agnes de, 208 ; Sir John de, 203 ; Thomas de, 203, 204,205, 206 ; his Arms, 203 ; Sir Thomas de, 203 (2). Sandys, Sir Edwyn, 232 (2); Sir Edwyn, Arms of, 232 ; —, 232. Sangatte, 255, 259. Santwico, see Sandwico. Saragossa, Battle of, 336. Sarum Breviary, reference to, 143. Sauvage, Arnaldus, 211; Johannes, 205 (2), 209 ; Radulphus, 203, 208, 209 (3), 210; Radulphus de, 205 (2) ; his Arms, 205 ; Sir Ralf, 211. Savage, Sir Arnald, 218; Arnaldus, 216, 217, 218 (3), 220; Johannes, 205 ; Radulphus, 216 ; Ralph, 208 ; Sir Roger, 208 ; —, lvi. Savige, Alica, 289 ; Thomas, 289. Savoy, 113. Saxby, Elizabeth, 296 ; George, 295 ; Tho., 119 ; Thomas, 295 ; William, 296, 299. Saxon Chroniele, reference to, 22. Saxons, 3. Saxpes, Anthony, 91 ; John, 83; Richard, 85, 91. Saye and Sele, Jacobus Fenys alias Fenis, Fynes, and Fiennes, Baron, 223 (3). GENERAL INDEX. 369 Sayer, Sir Dunston, 91; Edward, 90 ; Sir Edward, 91. Saylard, Richardus, 283 ; Thorn., 283. Scadbery, 231. Scala Coeli, Chapel of, 113 (2). Scapeya, Joh. de, 89. Scarborough, — Lumley-Savile, Earl of, 152. Scoland alias Sholand, Ricardus, 201 (3). Scotland, 203, 240, 241, 275, 276, 277 (3). Soot's Hall, Smeeth, 222, 224, 228, 229, 231, 232, 255. Scott, Edward, 232; Elizabeth, 299 ; Sir Gilbert, 13 ; J. Oldrid, F.S.A., Cowden Church, Kent, 81 ; Edenbridge Church, 95 ; J. R., 255 ; his Memorials of Scott, 255 ; Johannes, 224 ; Sir John, 231 (2) ; Sir Reginald, 253,255 (2) ; Sir Reynold, 253, 255 ; Sir Robert, 231 ; Sir Thomas, 228, 229 (2), 231, 232, 255; his Arms, 229 ; Willielmus, 222. Soott, Memorials of, by J. R. Scott, 255. Scriven, William, 168. Sea, Elianor, 332 ; her Arms, 332. Seaford, 279. Seale, 223. Seaman, —, 120. Seasalter, 275, 276. Seeker, Archbishop, 134. Sedlescombe, 309 (2). Sedley, Sir William, 167. Segrave, Johannes de, 206; his Arms, 206 ; Juliana, 206. Segrove, Thomas, 286. Seilyard, Dorothie, 99 ; Rachell, 292 ; Thomas, 99, 292 ; William, 98. Selir.rd, Anna, 289; Nicholas, 289; William, 289 (3) ; —, 289. Seliarde, John, 286 ; Margrett, 284. Selliard, Mary, 289 ; Nicholas, 289 ; Richard, 289. Selling, xliii, xliv, 141, 149, 232, 334 (2) ; St. Stephen, 130. Seilyard, Jane, 290 ; John, 290. Selyard, Alice, 98; Francis, 289; Joha, 284; John, 98, 117, 289; Mawdelyne, 284; Robart, 286 ; Thomas, 101; —, 99. Selyarde, John, 106, 284. Senlis, Liudhard, Bishop of, 157. Septvans, Willielmus, 215; see also Sevaunz. Service of Shipping of the Barons of Faversham, by F. F. Giraud, Townclerk of Faversham, 273. Settrington, 93. Setvans, Robertus de, -202. VOL. XXI. Sevaunz, Sir Robert, 215. Sevaunz alias Septvans, Eobertus de, 201 ; his Arms, 201. Sevenoaks, 123 (2), 311. Sevenokes, 228. Sevenoks, 292. Severn, River, 314. Seville, Council of, 158. Sevington, 212 (2). Seyliard, Barbary, 294; Elizabeth, 289, 290; Frances, 290, 295, 296; Jane, 297 (2) ; John, 98, 236, 289, 292, 293 (4); Sir John, 118, 293; Lady Mary, 118, 295 ; Nicholas, 99, 113 (2); Robert, 99, 119 (2), 290 (2), 295 (2), 296, 297 (3); Sara, 113 : Sarah, 99 ; Thomas, 111 ; Sir Thomas, 295, 296, 297; William, 119, 296 ; —, 98, 99, 102, 111, 113, 119 ; Lady —, 120. Seylyard, John, 113,292; Mary, Lady, 118; Rebecker, 292; Robert, 119; Lady —,118. Seymour, Charles, 251 ; his Survey, 252; Edward, Earl of Hertford, 245 ; Lord Henry, 280; Katherine, 245. Seyntleger, Arnaldus de, 214 ; Radulphus de, 210, 214, 215. Shakespeare, Henry IV., Part I., 315. Shales Court, 165. Shannon, 132. Sharpe, Robarte, 286 ; —, 286. Sharsted, 131; Court, Doddington. 240. Sharsted, Ellen de, 206; Sir Robert de, 206. Shatterton, Daniel, 236. Shaw, Anne, 298 ; Elizabeth, 298 (2), 299 ; Henry Grassineau, 299 ; James Francis, 299; John, 124, 298, 299 (2), 300 (2) ; Rev. John, 124, 298 (2), 299, 300; Mary, 299, 300; Eev. 122. Shea'fe, Benet, 323. Sheares, Jeane, 285 ; Rafe, 285. Sheba, Queen of, 312. Sheeres, George, 285. Sheerness, 132. Sheers, Rafe, 285. Sheldon,—, 193, 195. Sheldwich, 130, 213 (2) ; Church,xliii. Shemyng, Thomas, 319. Shemynge, Thomas, 318 (2), 319. Shepey, 149 ; Nuns of, 129. Shepherdswell, 181. Sheppard, Dr., 73. Sheppey, 205, 217, 220, 223; Isle of, 211, 226, 230. Sheppey, John de, 57. Sheppy, 279. 370 GENERAL INDEX. Sherard, Sir Brownlow, 88 (2). Sherlonde, Roberbus de, 209. Shipman, John, 278 ; Peber, 278 ; Robert, 278 (2). Shipping, Service of, of the Barons of Faversham, by F. F. Giraud, Townclerk of Faversham, 273. Shipton, James, 177. Shirlonde alias Shurland, Sir Robert de, 205 ; Robertus de, 205. Shobridge, Anys, 116. Sholand, see Scoland. Shoobrig. Agnes, 115; John, 115. Shorncliffe, 252. Shorne, 165, 203 (2), 206, 218. Shorne, Walterus de, 205. Shorter, —, 104, 310. Shoulden, 181. Shovelsbrode Wood, Sussex, 105. Shrewsbury, 88, 218. Shrivell, F. W. E., Iii. Shropshire, 333. Shurland, 211, 216, 220, 223, 226 (2), 227 (2), 228. Shurland, Sir Robert de, 211; sec also Shirlonde. Shurly, Bridget, 291. Sibton, 243 (2). Siculus, Diodorus, 308. Sidcup, 6. Sidney, Sir Henry, 228 (2). 229 ; Sir Philip, 229, 230 ; his Arcadia, 229 ; Sir Robert, 91, 230 ; his Arms, 230 ; Robert, Baron Sydney, 230 ; Robert, Earl of Leicester, 88, 230 ; Robert, Viscount L'Isle, 230. Sidonia, see Medina-Sidonia. Sillyard, Ann, 292; Elizabeth, 290; John, 290; Robart, 293; Robarte, 290 (4); Thomas, 292,293 ; William, 293. Sillyarde, John, 290, 292 ; Mary, 290. Silyard, Bridgatt, 292; James, 292; Jane, 292 ; John, 292 ; Nicklas, 292 ; Thomas, 292 ; William, 289. Simmonds, Toke James, 264 ; William, 254. Sissenhurst, 227. Sittingbourne, xlvii, 174,188, 192 (2), 193 (3), 209, 218, 256, 263. Skaines, 99. Skeat, Concise English Dictionary, 329. Skelbon, John, 113 ; —, 333. Skeynes, 99. Skinner, Augusbine, 234, 236. Skymburness, 275. Slaney, Thomas, 147. Slabter, Isaac, 175. Slaughter, —, 178. Slech, Jane, 292 ; Samuell, 292, Sleech. Edmund, 298 ; Elizabeth, 296 ; Samuel, 118, 294 ; Samuell, 298. Sleidan, John, 79; his De Statu Religwnis, 78. Slough Fort, Isle of Grain. 1. Smeeth, 214, 222, 228, 232, 255. Smetheley, Robert, 319. Smith, An'e, 294; Ann, 291 ; Bar., 291 ; Barth., 291 (3) ; Bartho., 118, 294 (2), 295; Bartholemew, 294 (2). 297 ; Rev. Bartholemew, 299 ; Bartholomew, 124, 125, 291 (2); George, 132; Hannah, 291 (2), 294 ; Henry, 323 ; Jabez, xl, xliii ; Mary, 299 ; Oswald, 104 ; Rev. Dean Payne, xliv; Rachael, 294, 295 ; Rachel, 291; Rachell, 291; Richard, 291, 294; Roach, 26; his Collectanea Antiqua, 10 ; on Roman Walls of Rochester, 6, 7 ; Thomas, 132 ; —, 72. Smithe, Henry, 289 ; Jelyan, 284 ; Thabia, 289. Smithfleld, East. 125. Smyth, Mary, 131; Sir Richard. 181. Smythe, Alis, 286 ; William, 286. Snayth, Will., 315. Snodhurst, 1. Snodland, 89, 260, 261, 269, 323. Snoode, Abraham, 280, 281. Snowledge, 1. Soane, John, 288. Society of Antiquaries, xlvii, lv, 77 ; Proceedings of 98. Solinus, 308. Solway Firth, 275. Somerleyton, 256. Somerset Herald, John Philipot, 254. Somersetshire, 255, 310. Somnar, Dictionar. Saxonic, 327. Sondes, Hon. Lewis Monson Watson, Lord. 241; —, Earl, xliii. Sonds, Sir Michall, 322 ; Mychaell, 323. Sotheby, —, 13. South-Eastern Railway, 1, 14, 253. Southampton, 217, 251. Southchurch, 154 (2). Southfleet, 169. Southouse, Mary, 133 ; Thomas, 133. Southwark, 125 ; St. Olave, 148. Southwell, Roberbus, 227, 228 ; his Arms, 227. Sowthflete, 165, Spachers, Anys, 116. Spacherst, Clemens, 286 ; Joane, 286 ; M'tyn, 286 ; Michael, 291 ; Thomas, 101, 116. Spachehurst, Thomas, 116. Spachurst, Margrit, 292. Spain, 250, 280, 336 ; Victories in, 124, GENERAL INDEX. 371 Spaniards, 251; Victory over the, 123. Spanish Armada, 229, 245, 280 (4). Spanish Armada, by Noble, 229. Spanish Invasion, 255. Spatcherst, Clemens, 287; Martyne, 287. Spatchrst, Michaell, 291. Spatchurst, Margaret, 297 ; Mary, 297; Micha', 291; Michael, 297 (2) ; —, 297. Spencer, —, 111. Spenser, Richard, 316. Spharsb, Michaell, 291. Spinks, Serjeant, 329. Spong, 4 (2), 5 (2), 10, 17, 48, 49, 52, 63 (2), 72. Spooner, H. M., 335. Sprab, Tho., 125 ; Dr. —, 125. Sprabt, Eobert, 113. Sptchrst, Michaell, 291. Spurrell, F. 0. J., Memorials of the Blaxland Family, xl. Squery, —, 99. Stackhouse, T., Copies of Drawings illustrative of a Course of Lectures on tlie Architectural and otlcer Remains of Britain, xlv. Stafford, 125. Stafford, Ann, 87, 88 ; Edmund, -87 ; Edward, Duke of Buckingham, 88, 111 ; Humfrey, Earl of, 90; Humphrey, Count of Perche, 88 ; Humphrey, Duke of Buckingham, 88; Humphrey, Earl of, 88, 89 ; Humphrey, Earl of Buckingham, 88 ; Margaret, 87 ; Ralf de, 89 ; Ralph, Earl of, 87; Ralph de, 87; Sir Ralph de, 87. Staffordshire, 101, 224, 231. Stainbank, —, 335. Stainsley, 241. Staly, Joseph, 289 ; Myhill, 289. Sbanbridge, Winifrit, 292. Standeford, John, 112 (2); Thomas, 112; William, 112. Standen, Tho., 297. Standford, Alice, 291 ; Andrew, 297 (2) ; Ann, 295, 297 ; Anne, 297 ; Elizabet, 284 ; Elizabebh, 296, 297 ; George, 297; Henry, 295 (2); James, 296 ; John, 112, 291,295 (3), 296 (2), 297 (2) ; Jone, 291 ; Marie, 297 ; Mary, 297 ; Robert, 291, 297 (2) ; Thomas, 297. Standfourd, Alice, 294; An'e, 294; Dorobhy, 292; Elizabebh, 291 (2), 292, 294; Henery, 295 ; Henry, 294 ; James, 292, 294 ; Joane, 295 ; John, 291 (2), 292; Mary, 294; Robert, 291; Tho., 294; Thomas, 294 (2). Stanegrave alias Eastangrave, Robertus de, 205. Stanfoard, —, 300. Stanford, 205. Stanford, Agnes, 283; Alexaunder, 288 (3) ; Alica, 289; Alice, 288, 289, 290, 296; Alysaunder, 284; Ana, 295 ; Andrew, 288, 289 (2), 290 (7), 292, 293 (5), 295 (2), 299, 300 ; Andrewe, 289 ; Ann, 285, 288, 290, 295, 299 ; Anna, 283 ; Anne, 291,300 ; Anthonius, 283 ; Anthony, 286, 287 (3), 288 (2) ; Aundrew, 290 ; Edward, 291 ; Elizabeth, 287, 290 (3), 292, 293, 295, 298 (3), 299 ; Elizabethe, 289 ; George, 285, 288, 290,297 (3), 299 (2) ; George Ste'hn, 298 ; Grace, 295 ; Gylyam, 284 ; Harry, 285 (2), 286 ; Harrye, 285 (2) ; Henery, 290,292, 293 ; Henry, 287 (2), 288 (3), 289, 290 (5), 294, 295 (9), 296 (3), 297, 298, 299 (3), 300 (2) ; James, 285, 290 (5), 294, 295 (2), 300 (2); Jane, 292 (2), 296; Jo., 283 (2); Joan, 289; Joane, 285, 286, 287, 288 (4), 289 ; Joanna, 288 ; Joha', 283 ; Johan, 284, 286 ; Johana, 283 ; Johes, 283 ; John, 110 (2), 120 (2), 284 (4), 285 (2), 287 (2), 289, 290 (2), 294, 295 (5), 296, 297 (2), 298 (6), 299 (2), 300 (4) ; Jone, 290 (2) ; Julian, 288; Julyan, 288 ; Margaret, 286 ; Margret, 286 ; Mary, 284, 289, 290, 291, 294, 295 (2), 297, 299 (2), 300 (2) ; Maywill, 292 ; Robarte, 287 ; Robert, 288 (2), 289, 290 (2), 291,297(2) ; Sarah, 295 (2), 299 (2) ; Thomas, 283, 288 (3), 289 (2), 290 (2) ; Thomasine, 283 ; Wi., 283 ; Willi, 283 ; William, 288 (4), 295 ; William Peltzen, 298 ; Willm, 287 ; Wyllm, 285 (3); Wylmm, 284; Wyllmus, 284; —111, 300. Stanforde, Clement, 284; Jelyan, 284 ; Margett, 284 ; Nicolas, 284 ; Wyllm, 284. Stanfords End, 299. Stangrave, 111. Stangrave, Robert de, 114 ; Robertus de, 208; —, 207 ; — de, 111. Stanhope, Earl, President of Kent Archseological Society, xl (2), xlii, xlv. Sbansell, John, 320. Sbanup, Frances, 292 ; William, 292. Staple Churoh, 303. Staplehursb, 138. Sbaplebon, Thomas, The Three Tlwinases, 78. Sbarborough Castle, 111 (3). 372 GENERAL INDEX. State Papers, references to, 247 (2), 248, 251, 255 (4), 256. Steare, John, 119. Stechebourne, Richard, 90, 106. Sbephen, King of England, 273. Stephens, Will., 118. Stevenage, 150. Steyngrave, Rob. de, 114. Stiddoll, Alice, 289 ; Phillipe, 288. Stidolph, Ann, 296, 298 ; Hamlen, 296 ; Hester, 296; Oliver, 296 (3), 298 ; William, 296. Stile, Johan, 106. Stileman, Tom, 297. Still, Johan, 106 ; Johane, 106 (2) ; John, 106, 107 ; Richard, 106 ; Thomas, 106, 107 ; —, 112, 119. Stirling, 276. Stockar, John, 176. Stoke, 205. Stoke Fleming, 149. Stoke Marshes in Hoo, xlvii. Stonar, 180. Stone, 125, 165. Stone, —, 326. Stone, Easton, 255. Stoneacre, 221 (2). Stourmouth, 131. Stow, —, 218, 222. Stow, Chronicle, 78 ; Survey of London, 204. Stowe, 89. Strabo, 308. Strangford, Lord, 177. Stratford, 141. Stratford, —, 328. Streatfeild, Granville, 104,105 ; Capt. Henry, 115; Joane, 292; Joh,, 292; John, 292; —, 111. Streatfield, Barbarah, 295 ; Elizabeth, 299; Hen., 119; John, 291 (2), 294 (2) ; Richard, 291 (2) ; Eob., 295 (2) ; Eobert, 291, 295 (2) ; Sarah, 294 ; William, 291, 299 ; —, 119, 294, 299. Streattfield, Elizabebh, 295; Eob., 295. Streightfield, Joane, 298 ; John, 298. Stretfeeld, Elizabeth, 289. Stretfield, Ann, 293 ; John, 290 (2), 293 (2) ; Robert, 295 ; William, 295. Strode, 317. Strode, Thurstan de, 52. Strood, xlvii, 2, 12 ; by Rochester, Iii ; Cemetery by Rochester, xlvii. Stroud, 275. Stroud, Gartrick, 292 ; John, 292. Strype. —, 225, 226. Stuart, —, 245, 247. Studlye, John, 287. Stukeley, Itinerarium Curiosum, 8. Sturrey, John, 130, 137 (3); Rev. John, 128 (2) ; —, 138, 150. Sturry, 177. Styddole, Bryane, 284 ; Phylype, 284. Styddoll, Mary, 287. Style, John, 105, 106 ; Thomas, 105, 106 (2) ; Sir Thomas, 236, 237 ; his Arms 23 "* Styll, Agnes, 106 ; Alicia, 85, 106 ; Alys, 106 ; Alysaunder, 106 ; Denys, 106 ; Elizabeth, 106 ; John, 106 (2) ; Margaret, 106 ; Richard, 90, 106 ; Thomas, 105 (2), 106 (3) ; William, 106. Sudbury, —, 137. Suffolk, 125, 141, 245, 256, 277. Suffolk, Charles Brandon, Duke of, 245. Suliard, Alice, 287 ; Dorytie, 287, 288 ; Elizabeth, 287 ; John, 288 ; Margaret, 288 ; Nich., 287 ; Nicholas, 288 (3) ; Nycolas, 286 ; Robart, 288 ; Thomas, 287 ; William, 287 (4), 288 (3). Sulman, John, 319. Sulyard, Dorytie, 288 ; George, 288 ; James, 288; Joan, 286 ; William, 288 (2). Sundridge, 202, 223 (2), 225. Supperbon, lvi. Surrenden, 233, 234, 238. Surrenden, Dering, 241. Surrey, 2, 103, 118, 125 (2), 257, 289 (5), 294, 299, 300. Surrey, by Manning and Bray, 89. Surrey, Sussex, and Kent, Churohes of, by Hussey, 86. Survey, by Charles Seymour, 252. Sussex, 74, 94, 103, 106, 115, 297, 308, 309, 311 (2), 312 (3), 313 (2), 314; Shovelstrode Wood, 105. Sussex Archaiologioal Collections, references to, 86, 245. Sussex, Surrey, and Kent, Clmrclws of, by Hussey, 86. Sutton, 175; James Wilson, Rural Dean of, 174, 182. Sutton at Hone, 293. Sutton next Dover, 180. Sutton, Valence, 226, 227. Sutton, Amy, 153 ; Evelyn, 153 ; Evelyn Levett, 152, 153 (4); see also Manners-Sutton. Swalecliffe, 207. Swanage, 94. Swanscomb, 161,162. Swanscombe, 236, 301. Swaynescombe, 165. Swaynslond, William, 115. Swaysland, Mary, 296. Sweetlove, Thomas, 334. GENERAL I N D E X . 373 Swetton, 259 (4); Sb. Eanswibh's Ohapel, 259. Swinfeld, Richard, 136. Swyneghe, Tho., 315. Sydney, Henricus, 227; his Arms, 227; Sir Henry, 227, 231; Hon. Philip, 239 ; Phi l ip, Viscount L'Isle, 235 ; Sir Robert, 231 (2) ; Roberb, Earl of Leicester, 231, 235, 239 ; Robert, Lord L'Isle, 231 ; Robert Sidney, Baron, 230; Sir William, 227. Sykes, Elizabebh, 150 ; George, 134, 149 (2), 150 (7) ; Rev. George, 134 ; —, 134, 151; Dr. —, 150. Sylyard, Ann, 291 ; John, 289 (2). Sylyerd, Marye, 289 ; Nicholis, 289. Symon of Faversham, 127 (2). Sym'onds, —, 193. Symson, Nicholas, 90. Syndale, 273. Taillour, Henry, 138 (2). Tamworth, 225. Tandridge, 118. Tanner, Bishop, 172 ; —, 146. Tanner MSS. in the Bodleian Library, 172 (2). Tanton, Dorothy, 292. Tassell, Capt. Allan, xlii (2), xliii. Tate, —, xlvii. Taverner, Thomas, 315 ; Capt. —, 178. Taylor, Elizabeth, 296, 299 ; Canon Isaac, Words and Places, 19 ; Joane, 286; John, 101, 110, 299; Mary, 299 (2) ; Richard, 299, 300 ; The, 121 ; Sir William, 101 ; —, 101, 188 (2). Taylour, Johann, 100 ; William, 102 ; Sir William, 100. Taylur, Stephen le, 275 (2). Tenham, 188 (3). Tenham, Simon de, 275. Tenison, Thomas, 149. Tenterden, 184, 208. Terlingham, 236. Testewode, William, 316. Tetricus, 309. Textus Roffensis. by Hearne, 20 ; by Thorpe, 12, 260, 261. Teynham, 148. Thames, River, 162 (2). 274. Thanet, 180, 207 ; St. Lawrence, 177. Thanet, Earl of, John Tufton, 237. Thanet. Isle of, 223. Thanetb, St. Peter's, 177. Thevegate, 214. Thomas, John, 88, 91; William, 80. Tlwmases, The Three, by Thomas Stapleton, 78. Thompson, Dr. Robert, 194. Thoresway, 234. Thorn, Chronicle, 307. Thornbury, Johannes, 224. Thorndale, 311. Thornden, Richard, 143, 145. Thorne, Chronicle, 307. Thornham, 201, 215. Thornhill, —, 240. Thornton, Pugin, 74 (2) ; Walterus de, 205 ; —, 323. Thorp, Dr., 179. Thorpe, Dr. George, 173 ; —, 165, 261, 264 ; Dr. —, 13, 179, 180, 189 (2). Thorpe, Custwnale Roffense, 260; Registrum Roffense. 40,42 (4), 58 (2), 92, 93 ; Textus Roffensis, 260. Throughley, 322. Throwley, xliii, 153, 154, 221. Tichborn, Francis, 111. Tichborne, George, 110 ; —, 111, 113, 311. Tiche Bourne, Fraunces, 288 ; Joane, 288. Tichebourne, Alishe, 288 ; George, 287, 288 (3), 289; Marye, 287; Morris, 288; Morrys, 287 (2) ; Olyver, 288 ; Sylvester, 288 ; William, S388, 289. Tiffen, Guide to Sandgate, 252. Tilbury, 245. Tillotsou, —,173. Tilmanstone, 178 (2), 181 (2). Tindall, Richard Abbey, 94 (2). Titchbeorn, Francis, 111. Titchbron, Francis, 111. Titchbrourn, Francis, 111. Titsey, 2, 101, 231. Toby, Thoma, 318; Thomas, 319 (2), 320. Todman, Elizabeth, 296. Toke, Roberb, 313. Tolddrington, 125. Toller, Adham, 290 ; Thomas, 290. Tompson.. Horon, 297. Tomyford, John de, 136. Tonbridge, Iii, 109, 121. Tornar, William, 106. Tobbeshall, 234. Toufton, Sir John, 229. Tour through the Isle of Thanet and some otlier parts of East Kent, 332, 334. Tour through the whole Island of Great Britain, by Daniel Defoe, 252. Tours, Gregory of, 158. Tower, The, 245. Towne, Thomas, 221. Towne Place, Throwley, 221. Tremworth, 201, 214. Trenge, Richard de, 135, 137. 374 GENERAL I N D E X . Trenb, River, 314. Trice, —, 34, 35 (2), 36. Trilleck, —, 261. Tring, 328. Trinity House, 125, 256. Trottesclib, 20. Trottescliff, 92. Trottescliffe, 89. Trobtesclive, 269 (2). Troubs, John, 184. True Remembrances, by Boyle, 132. Trueman, J. O, 7, 27 (3), 72 ; —, 34, 37 (2). Trumbull, Will., 118, 125. Trumper, —, 34, 35 (2), 36. Tudeley, 230. Tudor, Mary, 245. Tufton, Sir Humphrey, 334; Sir Humphry, 237 ; Sir John, 237,238 ; his Arms, 237; John, Earl of Thanet, 237; Sir Nicholas, 232, 237 ; his Arms, 232; Nicholas, Baron, 232; Nicholas, Earl of Thanet, 232 (2) ; Tunbridge, 86, 88, 110, 121, 125. 289 ; Castle, 87 (2) ; Priory, 87, 129. Tunbridge Wells, 125. Tunstall, 152 (2), 201, 223 (2), 232 (2). Turks, 125. Turner, Rev. Edward, Parochial Account Booh of Cowden. 86 ; Nicholas, 281 ; Robert, 297. Tumor, John, 108; William, 85, 108. Turnour, Thomas, 316. Turvey, John, 88, 90 (2). Twisden, see Twysden. Twopenny. Edward, 45 (7), 46 (2), 47 ; Susanna, 45 (2) ; —, 65, 66. Twysden, Sir Roger, 233 (2), 238, 241 (2) ; his Arms, 233 ; Sir Thomas, 241 ; Sir William, 238, 241. Tycheboorne, Katheryne, 284. Tycheborne, Jone, 113 ; Margetb, 284 ; Thomison, 284. Tychebourne, Alis, 286 ; Alyce, 287 ; George, 287 ; Johes, 284 ; Morris, 286 ; Syllvester, 287. Tychborne, Rychardus, 283. Tylden, William, 318, 319. Tylden-Pattenson, Capt., xl (2). Tyler, Wat, 130, 137, 215. Tymberwood, 165, 167, 168. Tytchbon, —,117. Ulcomb, 214. Ulcombe, 210. Ullock, Hen., 182 ; Henry, 179 ; Dr. Henry, 173, 174. Upchurch Marshes, Iii. Vale, John, 91 (2). Valenc, Adomar de, 276. Valoigne, Warresius de, 214. Valoignes, Warresius de, 203. Valoigns, Henricus de, 209. Valor Ecclesiastieus, reference to, 139, Valoygns, Stephanus de, 214. Valoynes, Warresius de, 201, 202 (3), 203, 210, 214. Vane, Sir Henry, 236 (2) ; —, Baroness Despencer, 238 ; —, Countess of Westmoreland, 238 ; —, Earl of Westmoreland, 236 ; —, 235 ; see also Fane. Vaudois, 125. Vecore, —, 117. Venables, —, 57. Venice, 80. Venours, Marquis of, 196. Verona, St. Thomas of Canterbury, 76. Verryer, —, 178. Vespasian, 13, 309. Vickers, Rev. V. S., 303, 306. Villare Cantianum, by Philipott, 199, 205. Villiers, William, Viscount, 240. Vincent, Admiral Andrew Atkins, 254, 257. Vluschinge, 91. Vodouys, 125. Vortigern, 180. Voyage round Great Britain, by William Daniell, 252. Waddenhall, 217. Wade, John, 278. Wadhurst Clay, 310. Wadmore, J. F., xlii (2) ; —, 104. Waermund, Bishop of Rochester, 3. Waldershare, 181,241. Waldwareshare, Johannes Malemeyns de, 204 ; Sir John, 204. Waldwarshare, Johannes de Malemeyns de, 207. Waldwershare, Johannes Malemeyns de, 205 ; —, 206. Wales, 247, 274. Wales, Prince of, 121, 122, 250, 257. Wales, Prince of, Frederick, 132. Wales, Princess of, 122. Waller, Robert, 111; Sir W., 311. Wallop, —,113. Walloynes, Warreis de, 201. Walmer, xxxix, 181, 259, 279 ; Castle, 248, 250. Walsingham, Lady Dorytie, 287 ; Sir Francis, 231 ; Sir Thomas, 231 (2), 287. Walsynghame, Lady Dorytie, 287. Walter, Edward, 119 ; Elizabeth, 296 ; Mayvile, 296 ; Sarah, 292. GENERAL INDEX. 375 Walters, —, 122 (2). Walton, Thomas, 178, 180 ; —, 181. Wapenham, 93. Ward, John, 253, 255 (4) ; Dr. Seth, 173. Warde, John, 248. Ware, William, 288. Warham, —, 138 (3), 139. Warin, —, 275. Warner, Rev. Daniel F., 46 ; J., 154. Warwickshire, 225. Wateringberry, 236. Wateringbury Place, 237. Waterlake, 300. Waterman, Rev. W. Gardner, xliv. "Watling Street, Roman, Iii, 327. Watson, Hon. Lewis Monson, Lord Sondes, 241 ; —, Lord Monson, 241. Watts, William, 317 (3), 318 (2) ; —, 13. Wavershad, Johannes, 224. Weald, 309, 310 (3), 311, 312 (3), 313, 314. Weald, Iron Industry of the, by G eorge Payne, F.L.S., F.S.A., 308. Weald of Kent, li. Weald of Kent and Sussex, 308, 313. Weald of Sussex, 313. Webber, —, 178. Weemes, Jane, 92. Wekynden, Antony, 107 ; Besse, 107 ; Johan, 106; John, 107 (2) ; Richard, 106. Weldon, Ralph, 236. Wellington, Duke of, 257. Wells, 57. Wells, Beckington, Bishop of, 57. Wells, Thomas, 118. Welly s, W., 90. Welsh Marshes, 227. West Chalk, 164 ; Court Rolls of, 164. West Farleigh, 264, 265. West Langdon, 181 (2), 194, 195. West Mailing, lv. West Peckham, 242, 324, 325. West Wickham, 239, 240, 257. Westbere, 173,177; Dr. John Castilion, Rural Dean of, 173. Westcliff, 174, 193, 394. Westenhanger, 245 (2). Westerham, 111 (2), 112, 124 (3), 125, 209, 294, 299, 300 (3). Westfelton, 333. Westfield, 309 (2). Westfield Sole, 1. Westgafce-on-Sea, lvi. Westminster, 59, 78, 113, 125, 168, 200 (2), 201 (2), 202 (2), 203, 204, 208, 218 (2), 219 (2), 223, 227, 237 ; Abbey, 33, 40, 85,125 ; Palace, Custodian of, 200; Prebendary of, Tho. Sprat, 125. Westminster, Matthew of, 55. Westmoreland, 165. Westmoreland, Countess of, — Fane or Vane, 238. Westmoreland, Earls of :—Fane, Charles, 238 (2); Fane, Francis, 230; Fane. John, 240 ; Fane, Mildmay, 232 ; Fane, Vere, 238 (2), 240 ( 2 ) ; Fane, —, 236, 241; Nevill, Ralph, 88. Weston, Lambert, xlv (2) ; Michael, 311. Westram, 121. Westwell, 151 (2). Wetherbye, John, 284 (2) ; Thomas, 284. Weymouth, 230. Wharton, Henry, 172. Wharwell, 147. Whetcomb, John, 185 (2), 186. Whetley, Elisabethe, 290 ; —, 290. Whisleye, John, 286. Whiston, John, 180 ; —, 181. White, Blase, 180 (3) ; Blaze, 176 ; Matthew, 1G9 ; Thomas, 294 ; Dr. —, 173 (2). Whiteacar, Mary, 299. Whitfield, 178 ; Church, 303 (2), 304 (2), 306. Whitfield alias Beauxfield, 181. Whitfield, near Dover, Kent, 'The Saxon Churoh at, by E. P. Loftus Brock, F.S.A., 301. Whitgift, —, 148. Whiting, Thomas, 84, Whoreley, 298. Whome Place, Cuxton, 231. Wickend, Henry, 299 ; Mary, 299. Wickenden, Anne, 107 ; Dorithie, 108; Ed., 122 ; Edmonde, 108 ; Fraunces, 108 ; Henry, 107 (2), 108 ; Isabell, 107 ; Joan, 107 ; Joane, 107 ; Johan, 106 ; John, 86,106,108 ; Katherine, 108 ; Margarett, 107 ; Marie, 108 ; Mary, 299 ; N., 124 ; Richard, 106 ; Thomas, 107; William, 107, 108 (2) ; —, 106. Wickens, William, 174. Wickham, lvi. Wickhambreux, lvi. Wicking, Francis, 108. Wickinge, Thomas, 104. Wickins, William, 187, 189. Wickynden, John, 84. Wickynge, Anne, 108 ; Dorothie, 108 ; Edward, 108; EUzabeth, 108; Francis, 108; Fraunces, 108; Joane, 108; John, 108 ; Marie, 108 ; Marye, 108 ; Thomas, 108. 376 GENERAL INDEX. Widville. Elizabeth, 220 ; Sir Richard, 220 ; sea also Wydevyle. Wierton, 241. Wiggenden, Richard, 84. Wight, Walter, 316. Wikenden, —, 107. Wikeyng, Thomas, 107. Wikyn, Joan. 107 ; Johanna, 107 ; Richard, 107 ; Thomas, 107. Wikynden, John, 107 ; Richard, 107. Wikyng, Joan, 107 (2) ; Richard, 107 ; Thomas, 107 (2). Wilcocks, see Wilcotes. Wilcotes alias Wilcocks and Wilcox, Johannes, 220. Wilcox, Jo., 93 ; see also Wilcotes. Wild, Dr. George, 185 ; Dr. —, 185 (3). Wildbore, —, 178. Wilds, Tho., 120. Wilkie, Kenyon W., xliv. Wilkinson, Richard, 321 (3); Richarde, 321 ; Dr. Robert, 178. Wilks 129. Willaby, Henry, 294 (2) ; Jone, 294. Willcox, Mary, 134, 148. Willement, —, xlii, 128. Willesborough, 212. William, King of England, 238. William I., King of England, 42. William I I I . , King of England, 239 (4). William IV., King of England, 243 (2). William Rufus, King of England, 22 (2). William the Conqueror, King of England, 21, 22 (2). William of Malmesbury, GestaRegum, 22. Williams, Alexaunder, 287; Joane, 287 ; Richard, 124 ; —, 121, 323. Willington, Mabell, 296; Nicholas, 296. Willis, Brown, 235 ; his Notitia Parliamentaria, 231, 234, 237. Willuigbye, Thomas, 287. Wilsford, John, 250. Wilson, Carus, 156 ; Ja., 183; James, 174, 182 ; Nathaniel, 148 ; William, 155 ; sae also Carus-Wilson. Wiltshire, 125. Winchelse, —, 136. Winchelsea, 230, 274, 275, 280. Winchelsea, Elizabeth Finch,Countess of, 230 ; Sir Thomas Finch, Earl of, 232 ; —, 313. Winchester, 19, 89; 125, 207, 213,217 ; Bishop of, Cardinal Beaufort, 131 ; Prebendary of, Tho. Sprat, 125 ; St. Cross Hospital, 94 ; St. Faith's, 94. Winchilsea, Charles, Earl of, 256. Windsor, 113. Windsor, —, 113. Wingent, H , 16. Wingham, lvi, 208, 236, 239, 302; Preston next, 135. Winter, Hester, 296 ; James, 296. Witana-gemot, The, 198. Wodde, Michael, 84. Woderton, John, 88, 89. Wodnesbury, 203. Wolsey, —, 226. Wood, Humphery, 4, 13 ; Joane, 285 ; John, xliv, 290, 293 ; Samuell, 290, 293 ; —, 181, 323. 326. Woodgat, John, 116. Woodgate, Annes, 116 ; Gylyan, 284 ; Henry, 116 ; Joane, 116 ; John, 101, 116 (3); Marten, 116; May wi l l , 292; Thomas, 284; William, 116 (2). Woodhall, —, 108. Woodhouse, 126. Woodnesbarrow, 181. Woodruff, Rev. C. Eveleigh, M.A., Iii, I i i i ; on Letters relating to tlie condition, of the Church in Kent, during tlie primacy of Archbishop Saneroft [1678—1690'], 172. Woods, Rev. E. S., xii. Woodstock, Ann of, 87 ; Thomas of, Duke of Gloucester, 87. Woodville, see Wydevyle. Woofe, Robert, 293. Woolf, Richard, 284 ; Thomsyn, 284. Woolwich, 162. Wootton Court, Barham, 257 (2). Worcester, Battle of, 232. Worcestershire, 232. Word alias Worth, 181. Words and Places, by Canon Isaac Taylor, 19. Worrall. Rev. Francis, 134 ( 2 ) ; Rachel, 149; Thomas, 149. Worth, see Word. Worthies, by Fuller, 222. Wotton, 257. Wotton, Edward Wotton, Lord, 229 ; his Arms. 229. Wren, Sir Christopher, 313. Wright, Thomas, Celt, Roman, and Saxon, 309. Wrighte, Frances, 332 ; Joane, 285. Wriothesley, Chronicle, 78. Writs, etc., to Parliament, by Palgrave, 199. Wrotham, 211, 214 (2), 222, 225 (2). Wulfred, Archbishop of Canberbury, 126. Wurtemberg, 161 ; —, Duke of, 161. Wy, John de, 278. Wyabt, Sir Thomas, 164,165 (2), 167 ; —, 171, 226, 227. GENERAL INDEX. 377 Wyck, Thomas, 320 (2). Wycliff, —, 142. Wydevyle alias Widville and Woodville, Elizabeth, 222 ; Ricardus, 222; his Arms, 222. Wye, 144, 188, 196, 228. Wye and Crundale Downs, 1. Wykenden, Alice, 107; Elizabeth, 107 (2) ; John, 107 ; Margarete, 107; Margarett, 107 ; Richard, 108 (2) ; Thomas, 107 (2) ; William, 106,107, 108 (3). Wyking, —, 106. Wykinge, Thomas, 107. Wykyng, John, 91. Wymbyssh, Tho., 316. Wynburnbury, 155. Wyndham, Sir Edward, 242 ; Sir Wyndham Knatchbull, 241, 242; his Arms, 242. Wyngenden, Margaret, 107 ; Richard, 107. Wyvell, Jo., 125. I Yaldham, 214 (2), 215, 222, 225. Yardley, 150. ! Yarmouth, 277, 278. I Yarranton, —, 309. I Yelverton, see Gould-Yelverton. j Yngworth, Richard, 142, 143, Yonge, Anne, 88 ; Richard, 289 ; Sir ! William, 88. I York, 125, 201, 205 (3), 206 (2), 207 (2), • 208 (2), 218, 278 (3); East Riding, 1 125. York, Henry, 181 (2) ; — Sandys, Archbishop of, 232. I Yorkshire, 93. Youens, E. C, xliv. I Youghall, Richard Boyle, Baron of, i 131. Young, Barbary, 296. Yoxford, 245. Zeland, 91. J Zouch, Lord, 247. ' Zutphen, Battle of, 229. London : MitohoU and Haghes, Printers, 140 Wardonr Street, W.


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