Accounts Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ILLUSTRATION FUND. XXXi i i CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ILLUSTRATION FUND. SUBSOEIPTIONS. £ s. d. Akers-Douglas, Eight Hon. A., M.P 1 10 0 Clifford, Jas., Esq 0 11 0 Cranbrook, Viscount 0 10 0 Hughes, W. E., Esq 0 10 0 Mercer, Samuel, Esq 0 10 0 Northbourne, Lord 0 10 0 Sands, H„ Esq 0 10 0 Wadmore, J . P., Esq 10 0 TOL. XXIII. C KENT ARCH^OLOGICAL •H)?, Cash Account from the 1st of 1897. & s. d. Jan. 1. Balance at Bankers :— AVigan, Mercer, and Co £36117 4 Hammond and Co 337 2 i 698 19 8 Dividends on the Society's 2-J per Cent. Stock S3 3 6 Sale of the Society's Publications 6 15 8 Subscriptions through the following Local Secretaries and Bankers:— W. E. Hughes, Esq. (London) £105 13 C W. T. Neve, Esq. (Cranbrooh) 12 0 0 K. W. Wilkie, Esq. (Ramsgate) 13 0 0 Miss Dudlow (Mailing) 9 0 (i W. N. Crafer, Esq. (Bromley) 15 15 10 G. Wilks, Esq. (Hythe) 10 0 0 J. F. Wadmore, Esq. (Tonbridge) 4 0 0 G. F. Carnell, Esq. (Sevenoalis) 18 3 6 W. J. Mercer, Esq. (Margate) 12 15 3 J. D. Norwood, Esq. (Ashford) 17 5 0 G. E. Elliott, Esq. (Sittmgltmrm) 13 0 0 C. W. Powell, Esq. (Speldhurst) 13 10 0 W. H. Burch Eosher, Esq. (Walmer) 6 0 0 P. F. Giraud, Esq. (Favimliam) 7 16 0 G. Payne, Esq. (Rocliester) • 6 10 0 G. M. Arnold, Esq. (Gravesend) 13 0 0 H. Stringer, Esq. (New Romney) 7 10 0 Dr, Boyce (Maidstone) ,.. 20 17 0 E. Holt-White. Esq. (Dartford) 9 0 0 E. W. Pry, Esq. (Dover) 10 0 0 The Bankers :-—Wigan and Co 39 1 0 Hammond and Co 37 0 6 400 18 1 £1138 16 11 SOCIETY. January to ihe 31s£ of December, 1897. ©f. 1897. £ a. d. Cheques drawn December 29th, 1896 :— 0. P. Kell, Lithographer £4 4 0 Pipe Roll Society, Subscription 11 0 5 5 0 Mitchell and Hughes, balance of Vol. XXII 97 17 5 Ditto Printing, Stationery, Cards, Postage of Circulars, etc 11 13 8 C. F. Kell, Lithographer 45 5 0 Purchase of Consols 26 0 0 Rent of Eooms 20 0 0 Chief Curator's Grant, 4 quarters 50 0 0 J . Lower, Porter's Fee, 4 quarters G 12 0 W. T. Wildish, Printing, etc 1 12 6 W. Keeley, Binding 1 9 0 Insurance, Kent Fire Office 2 5 0 E. Nevill. 900 copies of Index of Archasological Papers 5 12 6 Eev. J. M. Cowper, Memorial Inscriptions, Canterbury Cathedral... 3 3 0 Canon Routledge, Editorial Expenses 4 2 0 G. Payne, Grant towards Researches 5 0 0 Cheque Book 0 2 6 Petty Cash, and balance of £7 Us. Od. from 1896 10 0 0 Includes Journeys and Horse-hire, Sevenoaks, Ightham, etc £2 2 0 Stamps for year, as per Account 2 10 3 Expenses, Council Meetings 0 19 7 Sundries 18 6 Balance 10 10 8 £17 11 0 Dec. 31. Balance at Bankers : — Wigan, Mercer, and Co £461 7 11 Hammond and Co 381 9 5 842 17 4 £1138 16 11 We have Examined the Accounts for the Year 1897, compared them with the Vouchers and Pass Books, and find them to be correct. HEEBEET HOEDEEN, 1 AMU November \Mh, 1898. CHAS. F. HOOPEE, I c 2


Honorary Local Secretaries


Abstract of Proceedings 1897 - 1898