Honorary Local Secretaries

http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( xii ) HONORARY LOCAL SECRETARIES. • asftfovli District. J. D. NORWOOD, ESQ Ashford. ISIacMjeatti anlr iLetoisfiam District. W. ESSINGTON HUGHES, ESQ 140 Wardour Street, w. aSromlej) District. ADAM WALKER, ESQ Widmore Boad, Bromley. dautcvibufi! DiBtvict. _ , _ . „ _ (Saconibe Lodqe, Harbledown, REV. H. G. ROLT { Canterbury. ffiranbroou District. VV. T. NEVE, ESQ Cranbrooh. Dartfovlr District. R. HOLT-WHITE, ESQ Bexley, Kent. Deal anti fflaBalmev District. W. H. BURCH ROSHER, ESQ Walmer, Kent. Poller J! (Strict. EDWARD WICKENS FRY, ESQ St. Martin's House, Dover. jfabersfjam District. F. F. GIRAUD, ESQ Faversham. .ifoluestone District. WM. WIGHTWICK, ESQ Folkestone. ©tabesenti District. G. M. ARNOLD, ESQ Milton Hall, Gravesend. ^t'tfje District. G. WILKS, ESQ Hythe. Honfton, W. ESSINGTON HUGHES, ESQ HO Wardour Street, w. JHflaifcstone District. C. BOYCE, ESQ., M.D Maidstone. falling District. Miss DUDLOW West Mailing. iJWargate District. WM. JNO. MERCER, ESQ 12 Marine Terrace, Margate. bamsgate Uisstvirt. KEN YON W. WILKIE, ESQ Ellington, Bamsgate. iUocfjestcr District. GEORGE PAYNE, ESQ The Precinct, Boohester. UJomnej) District, HENRY STRINGER, ESQ New Romney. Swifctoicf; District. REV. WALKER FLOWER Worth. SOCIETIES IN "UNION. xiii Sebenoafcs District. GEORGE F. CARNELL, ESQ Sevenoahs. SPlTO District, JOHN COPLAND, ESQ Sheerness. £>itttogi>ouvne District. G. E. ELLIOTT, ESQ Sittingbourne. Centertren District. J. ELLIS MACE, ESQ Tenterden. ftuntirioge District. J. F. WADMORE, ESQ Tunbridge. Cuntfttrge (ASMls District. CHARLES WATSON POWELL, ESQ j ^ £ " " ' Tmihria9e SlSBcsterJam District. J. BOARD, ESQ Westerham. S O C I E T I E S IN UNION. For Interchange of Publications, etc. The Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, W. The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain, 20 Hanover Square, W. The British Archseological Association. 32 Sachrille Street, Piccadilly, W. The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, The Architectural Museum, 18 Tufton Street, Westminster, S.W. The Numismatic Society, 22 Albemarle Street, TV. The London and Middlesex Archasological Society, London Institution, Finsbury Circus. E.c. The Historic Society of Cheshire and Lancashire (H. D. Badcliffe, M.A., Sec, Boyal Institution, Colquitt Street, Liverpool). The Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland (Robert Cochrane, F.S.A., Hon. Sec, 17 Highfield Boad, Dublin). The Lincoln Diocesan Architectural Society (Bev. A. R. Maddison, Vicars' Court, Lincoln). The Norfolk and Norwich Archseological Society, Norwich. The Suffolk Institute of Archaeology (Rev. F. Haslewood, Hon. Sec, St. Matthew's Rectory, Ipswich). The Surrey Archasological Society, Castle Arch, Guildford. The Sussex Archaeological Society, Lewes Castle. The Wiltshire Archasological and Natural History Society, Museum, Devizes. The Somersetshire Archseological and Natural History Society, Taunton Castle. The Bristol and Gloucestershire Archseological Society (Rev. W. Bazeley, Matson Bectory, Gloucester). The Cambridge Antiquarian Society (Dr. Hardoastle, Downing College, Cambridge). The Derbyshire Archasological Society (Arthur Cox, Esq., Mill Hill, Derby). ThePowyslandClub(r. Simpson Jones, Esq., Gungrog Hall, Welshpool). The Cumberland and Westmoreland Archasological Society (B. S. Ferguson, Esq., F.S.A., Carlisle). The Leicestershire Archseological Society, 5 Gallowtree Gate, Leicester. The Society of Antiquaries, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (R. Blair, Esq., South Shields). The Shropshire Archasological Society (Rev. W. G. Dinwelt Fletcher, St. Michael's Vicarage, Slvrewsbury). SocMtis Archeologique de Dunkerque. R. Societa Romana di Storia Patria, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, Roma.


Rules of the Kent Archaeological Society

