Index to Archaeological Papers Published in 1896
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Excavations at Richborough: RVTVPIAE
Index to Archaeological Papers Published in 1897
Index to Archaeological Papers Published in 1896
IThose Transactions maried with an asterislc * in the following list are now for the
first time included in the index, the others are continuations from the indexes
of 1891-94. Transactions included for the first time are indexed from 1891
Anthropological Institute, Journal, vol. xxv, pts, 2, 3, 4 ; xxvi, 1, 2.
Antiquaries, Ireland, Proceedings of Royal Society of, 5th ser., TOI. vi.
Antiquaries, London, Proceedings of the Society, 2nd ser., vol. xvi, pts. 1, 2.
Antiquaries, Scotland, Proceedings of the Society, vol. xxx.
Archaologia, vol. lv, pt. 1.
Archceologia 2___liana, vol. xviii.
Archceologia Cambrensis, 5th Ber., vol. xiii.
Archaologia Cantiana, vol. xxii.
Archceological Journal, vol. Iiii.
*A8sociated Architectural Societies, Proceedings, vol. xxi, xxii.
Berks, Bucke and Oxon Archceologicttl Society, vol. ii.
*Biblical Arohseology Society, Proceedings, vol. xiv, xv, xvi, xvii, xviii.
Birmingham and Midland Institute, Transactions, vol. xxi.
Bristol and Gloucestershire Archseological Society, Transactions, vol. xviii, pt. a.
British Archceologioal Association, Journal, New Series, vol. ii.
British Architects, Royal Institute of, Journal, 3rd ser., vol. iii.
Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Transactions, vol. ix, pt. 2.
Chester and North Wales Architectural, Archceological and Historical Society
Transactions, vol. iv.
Cornwall, Royal Institution of, Transactions, vol. xiii, pt. 1.
Cumberland and Westmorland Archceological Society, vol. xiv, pt. 1.
Derbyshire Archseological Society, Transactions, vol. xviii.
Devonshire Association, Transactions, vol. xxviii.
*Dorset Natural History and Archceological Society, vol. xii, xiii xiv xv.
Durham and Northumberland Archseological Society, vol. iv, pt. 2. '
Essex Archceological Society, Transactions, New Series, vol. vi, pt. 1.
EoMore, Proceedings of the .Folklore Society, vol. vii.
Hellenic Society, Journal, vol. xvi.
Huguenot Society, Transactions, vol. v, pt. 3.
Montgomeryshire Collections, vol. xxix, pt. 2.
*Newbury District -Field Olub, vol. iv.
Numismatic Chronicle, 3rd ser., vol. xvi.
Royal Historical Society, Transactions, new ser., vol. x.
Royal Irish Academy, Transactions, 3rd ser., vol. iv, pts. I and 2.
Royal Society of Literature, Transactions, vol. xviii.
St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society, vol. iv, pt. 1.
Shropshire Archceological and Natural History Society, Transactions, 2nd ser.,
vol. viii.
Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, Transactions, vol. xlii.
Suffolk Archceological Institute, vol. ix, pt. 2.
Surrey Archasological Society, Collections, vol. xiii, pt. 1.
Sussex Archceological Collections, vol. xl.
Thoresby Society, Miscellany, vol. vii, pt. 1.
William Salt Archseological Society, vol. xvi.
Wiltshire Archceological and Natural History Magazine, vol. xxix, pt. 1.
*Woolwich District Antiquarian Society, vol. i.
Yorkshire Archceological and Topographical Journal, vol. xiv, pt. 3.
The value of this Index to arehceologists is now recognised. Every effort is
made to keep its contents up to date and continuous, but it is obvious that the
difficulties are great unless the assistance of the societies is obtained. If for any
reason the papers of a society are not indexed in the year to which they properly
belong the plan is to include them in the following year; and whenever the papers
of societies are brought into the Index for the first time they are then indexed
from the year 1891.
By this means it will be seen that the year 1891 is treated as the commencing
year for the Index and that all transactions published in and since that year will
find their place in the series.
To make this work complete an index of the transactions from the beginning of
archceological societies down to the year 1890 needs to be published. This Index is
already completed in MS. form and it will be printed as soon as a sufficient number
of subscribers to cover the cost is obtained. Particulars will he forwarded by the
Honorary Secretary to anyone interested in this work.
Societies will greatly oblige by communicating any omissions or suggestions to
Society of Antiquaries,
Burlington House, London, W.
Single copies of the yearly Index may be obtained. Many of the societies in union
with the Society of Antiquaries take a sufficient number of copies to issue with
their transactions to each of their members. The more this plan is extended the
less will be the cost of the Index to each society. Eor particulars of this and
ether works now being carried on by the societies in union application should
be made to the Honorary Seeretary,
13, Addison Crescent,
Kensington, W.
IN 1896.
ABBOTT (W. J. L.). The Hastings kitchen middens. Jour. Anthrop.
Inst. xxv. 122-130.
Notes on a remarkable barrow at Sevenoaks. Jour. Antlwop*
Inst. xxv. 130-136.
Notes on some specialised and diminutive forms of flint
implements from Hastings kitchen midden and Sevenoaks.
Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxv. 137-145.
ABERCROMBY (HON. J.) Euneral masks in Europe. Folklore, vii.
AOLAND (REV. 0. L.). On the earliest volume of the registers of AU
Saints' parish, Cambridge. Proc. Camb. Antiq. Soc. ix. 251-279.
ADAMSON (H. A.). Tynemouth Castle after the dissolution of the
Monastery. Arch. Mliana,, xviii. 61-82.
AINSWOETH (W. P.). Mason's marks at Al-Hadhr (Hatra). Proc.
Soc. Bib. Arch. xiv. 256-259.
The Achmethas or Ecbatanas of Western Asia. Proc. Soc.
Bib. Arch. xv. 425-432.
• The two captivities, the Habor and the Chebar. Proc. Soc.
Bib. Arch. xv. 70-76.
Tarshish : Phoenicia or Tarsus. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvi.
ALDENHAM (LORD). Saint Alban's Day and Saint Mary Magdalene's
Day in the calendar of 1662. Trans. St. Paul's Eccles. Soc. iv.
ALLEN (EGERTON). The tomb of tbe Earl of Richmond in St. David's
Cathedral. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiii. 315-320.
ALLEN (J. ROMILLY). The early Christian monuments of North "Wales.
Jour. Ohest. Arch, and Hist. Soc. N.S. iv. 34-51.
ALLEN (J. ROMILLY) . The Trawsfynydd tankard; with notes on " Late-
Celtic " Art. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiii. 212-232, 321-336.
Catalogue of the early Christian monuments in Pembrokeshire.
Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiii. 290-306.
Sculptured Norman capitals at Southwell Minster.
Beports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxi. 239-243.
ALLTNGHAM (H.). Wooden objects found in peat bogs, supposed to
have been otter traps. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi.
AMEKT (J. S.). Residents in Ashburton and the adjoining parishes
in 1588. Trans. Devon. Assoc, xxviii. 247-256.
Tbe Warrens of Headborough and their descendants.
Trans. Devon. Assoc, xxviii. 494-502.
AMERY (P. P. S.). A tangle in the history of Ashburton. Trans.
Devon. Assoc, xxviii. 209-218.
Fourteenth Report of the Committee on Devonshire Folklore.
Trans. Devon. Assoc, xxviii. 90-102.
ANDERSON (JOSEPH). Account of the excavations of Birrens, a
Roman stabion in Annandale, undertaken by the Society of
Antiquaries of Scotland in 1895: the pottery, bronze, etc.,
found at Birrens. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx. 179-199.
Notes on a deposit of flints worked to a leaf-shape, found
at Bulwark, Old Deer, Aberdeenshire. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot.
xxx. 346-351.
Note on a bronze sword found at Inverbroom, Ross-shire.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx. 352-356.
ANDRE" (J. L.). Church Bells. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 268.
. Tapsel Gate, near Lewes. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 268.
Sussex Folklore. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 269.
• Slinfold. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 38-57.
Dunsfold Church. Coll. Surrey Arch. Soc. xiii. 1-17.
ANDREWS (J. B.). Devil dances in Ceylon. Folklore, vii. 307-309.
ATKINSON (T. D.). On the Chapel of Gonville and Caius College.
Proc. Camb. Antiq. Soc. ix. 244-245.
On the manor house of Overhall in the Parish of Cavendish.
Proc. Camb. Antiq. Soc. ix. 280-281.
AUMONIBR (W.)., Wood-carving and wood-carvers. Jour. Boy.
Inst. Brit. Arch. 3rd S. iii. 210-214.
BAGNALL-OAKELEY (MRS. M. E.). The dress of civilians in tbe
middle ages, from monumental effigies. Trans. Bristol and Glouc.
Arch. Soc. xviii. 252-270.
BAGNALL-OAKELEY (MRS. M. E.). A hoard of Boman coins found at
Bishop's Wood, Ross-on-Wye. Numismatic Chron. xvi. 209-237.
BAIN (JOSEPH). Some notes on Sir William de Aldeburgh. Proc.
Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx. 34-36.
BAKER (REV. R. S.). Hunsbury or Danes' Oamp. Reports Assoc.
Archit. Soc. xxi. 53-74.
The Nene, not the Trent, is the Antona of Tacitus.
Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxi. 227-239.
A British sarcophagus. Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxii.
BAKER (SIR T. H. B.). Recollections of the walls of Hadrian and
Antonine. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club Proc. xiv.
BALDWIN (A. H.). Token coinage. Woolwich District Ant. Soc. i. 43-45.
BALL (REV. C. J.). A Babylonian deed of sale. Proc. Soc. Bib.
Arch. xiv. 166-169.
A bilingual hymn. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xv. 51-54.
Glimpses of Babylonian religion. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xiv.
Israel and Babylon. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvi. 188-200.
The origin of the Phoenician alphabet. Proc. Soc. Bib.
Arch. xv. 392-408.
The testament of Jacob. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvii. 164-191.
The Blessing of Moses (Deut. xxxiii.). Proc. Soc. Bib.
Arch, xviii. 118-137.
BANKES (W. A.). The recent discovery of human remains at Wareham
House, Dorchester. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club,
xiv. 105-107.
BARBOUR (J.). Account of the excavation of Birrens, a Roman
station in Annandale, undertaken by the Society of Antiquaries
of Scotland in 1895 -. the interior buildings at Birrens. Proc.
Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx. 109-120.
BARING-GOULD (REV. S.). President's Address. Trans. Devon. Assoc.
xxviii. 25-49.
Third Report of the Dartmoor Exploration Committee.
Trans. Devon. Assoc, xxviii. 174-199.
BARNES (H.). On the proposed ethnographical Survey. Trans.
Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 165-169.
BARNES (REV. W. M.). Historical and descriptive sketch of the
churches in the Rural Deanery of Dorchester. Dorset Nat. Hist.
and Antiq. Field Club Proc. xii. 36-70.
BARNES (REV. W. M.). Roman fortification, with special reference to
the Roman defences of Dorchester. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq.
Field Club Proc. xii. 134-145.
The diary of William Whiteway. Dorset Nat. Hist, and
Antiq. Field Club Proc. xiii. 57-81.
Maiden Castle. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club,
xiv. 55-61.
The Pipe Rolls, Dorset. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field
Club, xiv. 119-138.
Dorset and King John, notes on the Pipe Rolls. Dorset
Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club Proc. xv. 117-141.
The ancient free chapel of Cordon. Dorset Nat. Hist, and
Antiq. Field Club Proc. xv. 164-166.
BARRETT (C. R. B.). Caister Castle and Sir John Fastolfe, E.G. Jour.
Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. ii. 37-47.
• • The Chapel of Lede or Lead, in the parish of Ryther-cum-
Ozendyke, Torks. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. ii. 136-143.
BARRY (REV. E.). On ogham-stones seen in Kilkenny county.
Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 122-135.
BATES (REV. E. H) . The family of De Urtiaco. Proc. Somerset.
Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xlii. 26-55.
BATSON (H. M.). Welford church bells and their inscriptions.
Berks, Bucks and Oxon. Arch. Jour. ii. 85.
BATTEN (JOHN). The Lady of Poyntington. Proc. Somerset Arch*
and Nat. Hist. Soc. xlii. 1-5.
BAX (A. R.). Inscriptions in tbe Churchyard of All Saints, Hastings.
Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 236-251.
BEAZLEY (C. R.). Early Christian geography. Trans. Roy. Hist. Soc,
N.S. x. 84-109.
BELLOWS (JOHN). Roman Wareham and the Claudian invasion.
Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club Proc. xiii. 115-129.
BENNETT (G. J.). Wareham; its invasions and battles. Dorset Nat.
Hist, and Antiq. Field Club Proc. xiii. 82-114.
BENTLEY (REV. S.). The Knights Templars. Trans. Bristol and Glouc.
Arch. Soc. xviii. 271-287.
BERKSHIRE. Resume of Domesday holders and holdings. Berks,.
Bucks and Oxon Arch. Jour. ii. 19-22, 59-60, 86-89, 113-115.
BERRIEW church. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxix. 351.
BERRY (REV. C. A.). Metal work from the East. Woolwich District
Ant. Soc. i. 41-42.
BIGGER (F. J.). Cruach Mac Dara, off tbe coast of Connamara: with
a notice of its church, crosses, and antiquities. Jour. Roy. Soc.
Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 101-112.
BILLSON (ALFRED), On a tilting helm of the sixteenth century, preserved
at Haseley church, Oxfordshire. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi.
BiLSON (JOHN). On the recent discoveries at the east end of the
cathedral church of Durham. Arch. Inst. Iiii. 1-18; Trans.
Archit. and Arch. Soc. Durham and Northum. iv. 261-280.
BIRCH (W. DE G.). Some new contributions towards the history of
the Benedictine abbey of Bnrfcon-on-Trent, co. Stafford. Jour.
Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. ii. 245-260.
BIRCH (REV. W. M.). The parish registers of Ashburton and Buckland
in the moor. Trans. Devon. Assoc, xxviii. 238-243.
BLAKENEY (REV. R.) Melton Mowbray parish church. Reports Assoc.
Archit. Soc. xxii. 151-157.
BLAKEWAY (REV. J. B.) and REV. W. G. D. FLETCHER, History of
Shrewsbury hundred : liberties of—Meole Brace, Onslow,
Preston Monford, Pulley, Pimley, Preston Goballs. Trans.
Shropshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. viii. 99-174.
BLASHILL (T.). Ancient methods of tillage. Jour. Brit. Arch.
Assoc. N.S. ii. 218-223.
BLUNDELL (WELD). Lulworih Castle. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq.
Field Club Proc. xiii. 140-143.
BOISSIER (A.). Bas-reliefs de Tiglat-Pileser III. Proc. Soc. Bib.
Arch, xviii. 158-160.
Lettre de Laba au roi d'Egypte. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch, xviii.
Notes Assyriologiques. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch, xviii. 237-
BOND (THOMAS). Holme Priory. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field
Club, xiv. 108-113.
On the barony of the wife of Hugh Fitz Grip. Dorset Nat.
Hist, and Antiq. Field Club, xiv. 114-118.
BOSANQUET (R. C). On a group of early Attic Lekythoi. Jour.
Hell. Stud. xvi. 164-177.
BOURDILLON (P. W.). The genesis of a romance-hero as illustrated
by the development of Taillefer de Leon. Folklore, vii. 253-267.
BRABROOK (E. W.). Kent in relation to tbe ethnographic survey.
Arch. Inst. Iiii. 215-234.
BRASSINGTON (W. SALT) . On the church of King's Norton, Worcestershire.
Reports Assoc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 97-118.
BRINDLEY (WM.). Marble verdo antico and the old quarries. Jour.
Roy. Inst. Brit. Arch. 3rd S. iii. 267-268.
BEINTON (D. G.). On the oldest stone implements in the Eastern
United States. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi. 59-64.
BEOUGH (W. S.). Notes ou North Staffordshire. Jour. Brit. Arch.
Assoc. N.S. ii. 1-23.
BROWN (PROF. BALDWIN). Account of the excavation of Birrens, a
Roman Station in Annandale, undertaken by the Society of
Antiquaries of Scotland in 1895: the general structure and
ornamentation of the altars. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx. 169-
Monastic and lay craftsmen of the middle ages ; notes and
comments on the late Anton Springer's treatise de artificibus
monachis et laicis medii aevi. Jour. Roy. Inst. Brit. Arch. 3rd S.
iii. 513-516.
BROWN (R., JUNE.). Euphratean stellar researches. Proc. Soc. Bib.
Arch. xiv. 280-304; xv. 317-342, 456-470; xvii. 16-36, 284-303;
xviii. 25-44.
BROWNE (CHARLES R., M.D.). The ethnography of Ballycroy, county
Mayo. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iv. 74-111.
BROWNE (PROP. G. F. ) . The font at Wilne near Draycott, Derbyshire.
Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxi. 7-10.
BROWNING (A. G.). Notes on the communion plate from All Hallows
church lately presented to the French Protestant hospital,
Victoria Park, London. Proc. Huguenot Soc. v. 431-435.
BRUGSCH (H.). La lumidre zodiacale. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xv. 231-
BRYANT (ALFRED C ) . Akhuenaten and Queen Til. Proc. Soc. Bib.
Arch. xvii. 246-250.
BRYANT (A. C.) aud F. W. READ. An inscription of Khuenaten.
Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xv. 206-215.
BRUCE (J.). Notice of remarkable groups of archaic sculpturings
in Dumbartonshire and Stirlingshire. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot.
xxx. 205-209.
BRUSHFIELD (T. N.) Devonshire briefs. Trans. Devon. Assoc, xxviii.
Raleghana. Trans. Devon. Assoc, xxviii. 272-312.
BUCKLAND (A. W.). Four, as a sacred number. Jour. Anthrop. Inst.
xxv. 96-102.
BUCKLEY (M. J. C). The ancient stained glass of St. Canice's Cathedral,
Kilkenny. Jour. R0y. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 240-244.
BULKELEY-OWEN (HON. MRS.). Selattyn: a history of the parish.
Trans. Shropshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. viii. 61-98.
BURNE (MISS C. S.). Staffordshire folk and their lore. Folk-lore, vii.
. The folk-lore of Staffordshire. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S.
ii. 24-33.
BURROWS (RONALD M.). Pylos and Sphacteria. Jour. Hell. Stud.
xvi. 55-76.
CAMERON (DR.). The parish church of Blockley, Worcestershire.
Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxii. 390-394.
CARRINGTON (W. A.). Will of Sir Henry Vernon of Haddon. Jour.
Derbyshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xviii. 81-93.
CARUANA (A. A.). Further great stones, Gozo, explored in 1893.
Arch. Inst. Iiii. 140-143.
Further megalithic discoveries and explorations in the
islands of Malta during 1892 and 1893. Arch. Inst. Iiii. 26-45.
CAVE-BROWNE (REV. J.). Cranbrook Church. Arch. Cantiana, xxii.
Minster iu Sheppey. Arch. Oantiana, xxii. 144-168.
The fraternity of Corpus Christi, Maidstone. Jour. Brit.
Arch. Assoc. N.S. ii. 283-288.
The isle of Purbeck and its marble. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc.
N.S. ii. 60-69.
CHAMBERLAIN (B. H. ) . A preliminary notice of the Luchuan language.
Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi. 47-59.
CHARLTON (0. J.). Note on the Atbol matrix in Sfc. Andrew's Church,.
Newcastle. Arch. JEliana, xviii. 49.
CHATTAWAY (REV. FATHER ARTHUR L.). Salford Priors: Salford
Minor or Abbots Salford. Birm. and Mid. Inst. xxi. 63-75.
CHRALES (REV. H. J.). The mural paintings of All Saints' Church,
Friskney. Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxi. 195-203.
CHISHOLM (R. F.). Baroda Palace: the town residence of H,H. Si r
Syaji Rao, G.C.S.I., Maharaja Sahib Gaekwar. Jour. Roy. Inst.
Brit. Arch. 3rd S. iii. 421-429, 445-450.
CHOIR Stalls and their Carvings. Berks, Bucks and Oxon. Arch. Jour.
ii. 82.
CHRISTISON (D.). Account of the excavation of Birrens, a Roman
station in Annandale, undertaken by the Society of Antiquaries
of Scotland in 1895: general history of the place, and of the
excavations; and description of the defences. Proc. Soc. Antiq
Scot. xxx. 81-109.
CLARK (PROP. E. C ) . The repopulation of history, being the opening
address of the historical section at Canterbury. Arch. Inst. Iiii.
CLARKE (SOMBRS). On the methods used in making and ornamenting
an Egyptian rock tomb. Arch. lv. 21-32.
Notes on tbe Roman fortress of Babylon at Kasr-ash-
Shammah near Cairo. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi. 58-67.
CLODD (E.). Presidential Address. Folklore, vii. 35-60.
COBERN (REV. CAMDEN M.). A peculiarly sacred posture avoided in
ancestor worsbip. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xv. 521.
COCHRANE (R.). Notes on the ecclesiastical antiquities in the
parish of Howth, county of Dublin: the church of St. Mary,
commonly called the " Abbey " of Howth. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq.
Ireland, 5th S. vi. 1-21.
COCKS (A. H.). Notes on a Romano-British pile-dwelling at Hedsor
Bucks. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi. 7-15.
COFFEY (GEORGE). Prehistoric cenotaphs. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad.
3rd S. iv. 16-29.
Origins of prehistoric ornament in Ireland. Jour. Roy.
Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 34-69.
COLES (FRED R.). Notes on the fortified site on Kaimes Hill. Proc.
Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx. 269-274.
Notes on Saint Anthony's Chapel, Edinburgh, with views
and plans. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx. 225-247.
COLGAN (N.). The shamrock in literature: a critical chronology.
Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 211-226, 349-361.
COLLIER (REV. C. V.). Coats of arms in Kent churches. Arch.
Cantiana, xxii. 186-208.
Davington Priory. Arch. Cantiana, xxii. 275-292.
COLLIER (W. F.). The purchase of Dartmoor. Trans. Devon Assoc
xxviii. 200-208.
COLLINGWOOD (W. G.). MS. (xvii century) epistles of early Friends.
Trans. Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 155-159.
COMPTON (C. H.). Notes on Croxden Abbey. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc.
N.S. ii. 48-52.
CONNOLLY (R. M.). Social life in Fanti-land. Jour. Anthrop. Inst.
xxvi. 128-153.
CONYBEARE (F. C ) . The Barlaam and Josaphat legend in the ancient
Georgian and Armenian literatures. Folklore, vii. 101-142.
COOKE (J.). Notes on Irish folklore from Connaught, collected
chiefly in North Donegal. Folklore, vii. 299-301.
COOPER (A. D.). Old Dublin. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S.
vi. 170.
COOPER (REV. CANON J. H.). Cuckfield: from the eleventh to the
fifteenth century. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 173-210.
The arms of the see of Chichester. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl.
COOPER (REV. T. S.). The church plate of Surrey. Coll. Surrey Arch.
Soc. xiii. 49-94.
CORNET (B. G.). Leprosy stones in Fiji. Folklore, vii. 5-26.
COWELL (REV. M. B.). Church plate in Suffolk; deanery of Bosmere.
Suff. Inst. Arch. ix. 145-162.
COWPER (H. S.). Sites of local beacons:—Lancashire north of the
sands. Trans. Oumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 142-
CREAGH (C. V.). On unusual forms of burial by people of the east
coast of Borneo. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi. 33-36.
CRISP (F. A.). Surrey wills. Coll. Surrey Arch. Soc. xiii. 95-109.
CROSS (FRANCIS W.) The early minute books of the dean and
chapter of Canterbury. Arch. Inst. Iiii. 235-248.
CROUCH (JOSEPH). Henley-in-Arden, a type of the growth of an
English market town. Birm. and Mid. Inst. xxi. 37-55.
CRUM (W. E.). Another fragment of the story of Alexander. Proc.
Soc. Bib. Arch. xiv. 473-482.
Stelee from Wady Haifa. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvi. 16-19.
• A stele of the XHI t h dynasty. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch, xviii.
CUFFE (MAJOR 0. W.). Japanese burial customs. Jour. Roy. Soc.
Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 179-180.
CUMING (H. SYER). On the Doliumand Doliolum. Jour. Brit. Arch.
Assoc. N.S. ii. 112-116.
CUNLIFPE (E. S.). "Booke concerning the deputy leiuetennantshipp,"
Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 1-37.
CUNNINGHAM (J. H.). Notes on the " Chesters," a fort near Drem.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx. 267-269.
CUNNINGTON (E.). The Helstone on Ridge Hill, Portesham. Dorset
Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club Proc. xv. 52-54.
Wareham; its origin and history. Dorset Nat. Hist, and
Antiq. Field Club Proc. xv. 70-73.
CUELE (A. O.). Notice of four contracts or bonds of fosterage;
with notes on the former prevalence of the custom of fosterage
in the Scottish Highlands. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx. 10-22°
CURTIS (JAMES). An anthology of Hudibras. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lit.
2nd S. xviii. 151-175.
CUST (LIONEL). On a hitherto unknown portrait of Shakespeare.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi. 42-49.
DALE (REV. G.). An account of the principal customs and habits
of the natives inhabiting the Bondei country, compiled mainly
for the use of European missionaries in the country. Jour.
Anthrop. Inst. xxv. 181-239.
DALTRY (REV. T. W.). Chesterton. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. ii.
Notes on Heleigh Castle, Staffordshire. Jour. Brit. Arch.
Assoc. N.S. ii. 224-227.
DAVIS (F.). Note on a Roman force-pump found at Bolsena, Italy,
now in the British Museum. Arch. lv. 254-256.
DAWSON (C). Note on the seals of the barons and of the bailiffs of
Hastings. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 261-264.
DAWSON (C.) and J. LEWIS. Description of and remarks on the
dungeon cells at Hastings Castle. Siissex Arch. Coll. xl. 222-
DAWSON (M. L.). Notes on border parishes, Whitney church. Arch.
Cambrensis, 5th S. xiii. 81-93.
DEBETSHAM (M. H. ) . Hazel, poisonous to snakes. Folklore, vii. 89.
DELATTRE (A. J.). Lettres de Tell El-Amarna. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch.
xv. 16-30, 115-134, 345-373, 501-520.
A-Mur-Ri ou A-Har-Ri? Proc. Soc. Bib. Aroh. xviii. 7 1 -
DENDY (F. W.). The six Newcastle chares destroyed by the fire of
1854. Arch. JSEliana, xviii. 241-257.
DENDY (MARY). Staffordshire superstitions. Folklore, vii. 398-399.
DENT (ROBERT K.). John Rogers of Deritend, scholar and martyr.
Birm. and Mid. Inst. xxi. 1-9.
DERBYSHIRE : Pedes Finium for the county of Derby from their
commencement in the reign of Richard I. Jour. Derbyshire
Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xviii. 1-17.
DILLON (VISCOUNT). Feathers and plumes. Arch. Inst. Iiii. 136-
Dix (E. R. M'C) . New Grange, co. Meath. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq.
Ireland, 5th S. vi. 83-84.
Old Dublin guild chest. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th
S. vi. 390.
DIK (E. R. M'c) and J. MILLS. Descriptive sketch of places visited,
Lucan aud Leixlip. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi.
DOUG LAS-LITHGOW (R.A.). English alliteration from Chaucer to
Milton. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lit. 2nd S. xviii. 115-150.
DOWDEX (RT. REV. J.). Au examination of original documents on
the question of the form of the Celtic, tonsure. Proc. Soc. Antiq.
Scot. xxx. 325-337.
.DOWKER (G.). On the landing-place of St. Augustine. Arch. Cantiana,
xxii. 123-143.
DREDGE (J. I.). A few sheaves of Devon bibliography. Trans. Devon
Assoc, xxviii. 547-605.
DRINKWATER (REV. C. H.). The Drapers' Company charter. Trans.
Shropshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. viii. 175-190.
The merchants' gild of Shrewsbury: the two earliest
rolls. Trans. Shropshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. viii.
DEYDEN (SIR HENRY, BART.). Iona. Birm. and Mid. Inst. xxi. 56-62.
The castle of Tichmarsh, Northamptonshire. Reports Assoc.
Archit. Soc. xxi. 243-252.
On two sculptures in Brixworth Church, Northamptonshire.
Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxii. 77-82.
• Notice of chapel at Shutlanger. Reports Assoc. Archit.
Soc. xxii. 223-226.
DUHN (F. VON). Archceological research in Italy during the last eight
years. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvi. 120-142.
DUNBAR (A. H.). "The Prayer Bell," commonly called "The
Minister's Bell," in tbe parish church of Elgin. Proc. Soc.
Antiq. Scot. xxx. 338-340.
DUNCAN (L. L.). Fairy beliefs and other folklore notes from county
Leitrim. Folklore, vii. 161-183.
The quicken-tree of Dubhros. Folklore, vii. 321-330.
, . 'Phe renunciation of the papal authority by the clergy of
West Kent, 1534. Arch. Cantiana, xxii. 293-309.
DUNS (PROP.). Notes on a helmet found at Ancrum Moor; on helmets,
and on a stone axe (New Guinea). Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxx
EARWAKER (J. P.). The four Randle Holmes of Chester, antiquaries,
heralds, and genealogists, c. 1571 to 1707. Jour. Chest. Arch, and
Hist. Soc. N.S. iv. 113-170.
EBBLEWHITE (E. A.). Flintshire genealogical notes, Rhuddlan. Arch.
Cambrensis, 5th S. xiii. 29-52.
EDGK-PARTINGTON (J.).' The ethnography of Matty Island. Jour.
Anthrop. Inst. xxv. 288-295.
E'SENLOHR (PROF. A.). Remarks on un papyrus bilingue du temps de
Philopator. Proc. Soc. Bib. Aral), xiv. 340-342.
—j A Phoenician monument at the frontier of Palestine. Proc.
Soc. Bib. Arch. xiv. 364-370.
Egyptian Chronology. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvii. 280-283.
ErGER (T. GWYN). Report of a discovery of Saxon remains at
Bedford. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi. 114-115.
ELLIOT (REV. H L.). Fitz Lewes, of West Horndon, and the
brasses at Ingrave. Trans. Fssex Arch. Soc. N.S, vi. 28-59.
ELWES (CAPT. G. R.). The lifew Forest. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq.
Field Club, xiv. 62-69.
EL WORTHY (F. T.). Fifteenth Report of the Committee on Devonshire
verbal provincialisms. Trans. Devon. Assoc..xlviii. 67-83.
An ancient British interment at Culbone. Proc.. Somerset
Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xlii. 56-66. .
ELY (TALFOURD). A Cyprian terra-cotta. Arch. Inst. Iiii. 115-125.
Pompeian paintings and their relation to Hellenic masterpieces
with special reference to recent discoveries. Jour. Hell.
Stud. xvi. 143-157.
The process of coining as seen in a wall painting at
Pompeii. Numismatic Chron. xvi. 53-58..
The vases of Magna G^«eoia. Arch. lv. 113-124.
EMBLETON (D.). Ruins of buildings, once existing on the Quayside,
Newcastle. Arch. -cElia^a, xviii. 258-264.
EMERSON (P. .H) . The ploughman and the fairies. Folklore, vii.
ENYS (J. D.). Notes on ancient coins. Jour. Roy. Inst. Corn. xiii.
ETHERIDGE (R., JUN.). .Notes on. Australian shields, more particularly
the drunmung. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi. 153-161.
The game of .teetotum as practised by pertain of the
Queensland aborigine's. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxv. 259-262.
EVANS (A. J.). Contributions to Sicilian numismatics, Numismatic
Chron. xvi. 101-143.
— On two fibulfe of Celtic fabric from Aesica. Arch. lv.
179-194. : '
EVANS (J. BAGNALL). The hare. Folklore, vii. 404-405.
EVANS (SIE JOHN, K.C.B., F.R.S.) On some matrices of ecclesiastical
and other seals. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi, 80-83,
EVANS (SIR JOHN, K.C.B., F.R.S.). Ancient British coin found
near Watford, Herts. Numismatic Chron. xvi. 183-184.
On some rare or unpublished Roman medallions. # Numismatic
Chron. xvi. 40-52.
Roman coins found at Brickendonbury, Hertford. Numismatic
Chron. xvi. 191-208.
F. (R. F.). Duel between Edward, Earl of Dorset, and Lord Bruce,
in 1613. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 266.
FAIRBANK (F. R.). Lewes Priory; acknowledgment by.a servus
and rusticus. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 265-266.
—. Notes on Pevensey. Sttssex Arch. Coll. xl. 277-278.
FANE (FREDERIC). An old Hampshire manor house or a bye-road to
history. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club Proc. xv. 1-12.
Ellinghata Church. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Clul
Proc. xv. 13-17.
FAWCETT (F.). Rock-cut sepulchral chambers in Malabar. Jotir.
Anthrop. Inst. xxv. 371-373.
South Indian stone circles. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxv. 373-
FAWCETT (W. M.). On Parliamentary elections at Cambridge sixtyyears
ago. Proc. Camb. Antiq. Soc. ix. 166-172.
FERGUSON (CHANCELLOR). Notes on a recent discovery on the Roman
wall near Appletree Farm. Proc. Soc. Antiq- xvi. 70-71.
On the collection of chap-books in the Bibliotheca Jacksoniana,
in Tullie House, Carlisle, -with some remarks on the
history of printing in Carlisle, Whitehaven, Penrith, and othei
north country towns. Trans. Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch.
Soc. xiv. 1-120.
Sites of local beacons: Cumberland and Westmorland.
Trans. Cumb. West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 139-142.
• Notes about dumb bells. Arch. Inst. Iiii. 19-25.
FERGUSON (C. J.). Carlisle Cathedral, apse in east wall of transept.
Trans. Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 20S-210.
FFEENCH (REV. J. F. M.). Dunbrody and its history. Jour. Roy.
Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 336-348.
FIELD (J. E.). Benson, or Bensington. Berks. Bucks and Oxon.
Arch. Jour. ii. 44-50, 73-76.
FIRTH (F. H.) Red deer in Buckland woods. Trans. Devon Assoc.
xxviii. 244-246.
FLETCHER (G.). Traces of the great ice age in Derbyshire. Jour.
Derbyshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. So'c. xviii. 18-28.
B 2
FLETCHER (REV. W. G. D.). Documents relating to Leicestershire,
preserved in the episcopal registers at Lincoln. Reports Assoc.
Archit. Soc. xxii. 109-150, 227-365.
The family of Hyde, of Bore Place and Sundridge. Arch.
Canti-ana, xxii. 112-122.
The Shropshire lay subsidy roll of 1327. Trans. Shropshire
Arch, and Nat. Eist. Soc. 2nd S. viii. 44-60.
FuTHERiMiHAM (D. R.). Some considerations regarding Professor
Petrie's Egyptian chronology. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch, xviii.
Fox (GEORGE E.). On a knife, a bronze statuette and a small bronze
figure of a genius said to have been found at Silchester. Proc.
Soc. Antiq. xvi. 73-76.
The Roman coast fortresses of Kent. Arch. Iust. Iiii.
Fox (H.). Further Killigrew MSS. relating to the Killigrew
pyramid or monument at Falmouth, and other matters. Jour.
Roy. Inst. Corn. xiii. 52-91.
FOX-DAVIES (A. C ) . The armorial bearings of Shropshire corporations.
Trans. Shropshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. viii.
FRAMPTON (R. F.) and H. J. MOULE. Notes on a MS. book of the
Hours of the Virgin. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club,
xiv. 80-94.
'FRASER (G. WILLOUGHBY). El Kab and Gebelen. Proc. Soc. Bib.
Arch. xv. 494-500.
Hat-Nub. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvi. 73-82.
FRAZER (W.). An undescribed Huguenot medal relating to the
St. Bartholomew massacre. [?] Numismatic Chron. xvi. 271-273.
A bronze medallion of the delivery of Antwerp in 1577.
Numismatic Chron. xvi. 273-274.
FRAZER (W.). On holed and perforated stones in Ireland. Jour.
Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 158-169.
FRESHFTELD (EDWIN, LL.D.). On some pieces of Roman pottery and
other remains found in the City of London. Proc. Soc. Antiq.
xvi. 36-37.
FGIEDLANDER (REV. DR. M.). Some fragments of the Hebrew Bible
with peculiar abbreviations and peculiar signs for vowels and
accents. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch, xviii. 86-98.
FRITH (W. S.). Wood-carving and wood-carvers. Jour. Roy. Inst.-
Brit. Arch. 3rd S. iii. 217-219.
FRYER (DR. A. C ) . Man's advent in America. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc.
N.S. ii. 273-275.
Christian emblems found at Trier. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc.
N.S. ii. 276-282.
Recent excavations in Awatobi and Sikyatki. Jour. Brit.
Arch. Assoc. N.S. ii. 215-217.
FULLER (REV. E. A.). Tbe register of the chapel of the Blessed
Virgin Mary in the parish church of Cirencester. Trans. Bristol
and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xviii. 320-331.
G. (H.). Phcanix medalet of Elizabeth, circ. 1590. Numismatic
Chron. xvi. 274-275.
A medal illustrating the condition of France at the commencement
of the campaign of 1709. Numismatic Chron. xvi. 275.
GAIRDNER (JAMES). The Battle of Bosworth. Arch. lv. 159-178.
GARDNER (PERCY). A stone tripod at Oxford; the Mantinean basis.
Jour. Hell. Stud. xvi. 275-284.
. GARNETT (F. B.) Crosbie of Westmorland. Trans. Cumb. and West.
Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 134-138.
.GASTER (DE. M.). Fairy tales from inedited Hebrew MSS. of the
ninth and twelfth centuries. Folklore, vii. 217-250.
• An unknown Hebrew version of the history of Judith. Proc.
Soc. Bib. Arch. xiii. 156-163.
The Hebrew text of one of the testaments of the twelve
patriarchs. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch, xvi- 33-49, 109-117.
The unknown Aramaic original of Theodotion's additions
to the Book of Daniel. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvi. 280-290, 312-
317; xvii. 75-94.
• Two unknown Hebrew versions of the Tobit legend. Proc.
Soc. Bib. Arch, xviii. 208-222, 259-271.
GERISH (W. B.). Variant of " The Green Lady." Folklore, vii. 414-
GLADSTONE (J. H.). Ancient metals from Tell-el-Hesy. Proc. Soc.
Bib. Arch. xvi. 95-99.
On metallic copper, tin and antimony from ancient Egypt.
Proc. Bib. Arch. xiv. 223-228.
GLYDE (JOHN). Sir Robert Curson, otherwise Lord Cursou. Snf.
Inst. Arch. ix. 271-278.
.GLYNNE (SIR STEPHEN). Notes on Yorkshire Churches. Yorks. Arch.
Soc. xiv. 327-346.
.GODDEN (GERTRUDE M.). Naga and other frontier tribes of North-
East India. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi. 161-201.
G0DJ3AN (P. S.)_ Itchingfield. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 79-130.
GODSON (REV. J.). Tlie bells of St. Michael's, Chester. Jour. Chest.
Arch, and Hist. Soc. N.S. iv. 186-189.
GOLDMERSTEIN (L.). Magical sacrifice in the Jewish kabbala. Folklore,
vii. 202-204.
GOMME (MRS.). The Green Lady. Folklore, vii. 411-414.
GOWER (A. L.). Notes on the church of S. John, Marylebone. Proc
Soc. Antiq. xvi. 102-104.
GRANTEEY (LORD). Notes on a penny of Offa with new type of
reverse. Numismatic Chron. xvi. 270-271.
GREEN (REV. R. S. G.). On an incised slab found at Orogliu,
Cumberland. Trans. Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv,
GREENWELL (REV. W.). An account of the memoi'ial crosses found at
Saint Oswald's, Durham. Trans. Archit. and Arch. Soc. Durham
and Northum. iv. 281-285.
GREENWELL (REV. W.) and W. H. KNOWLES. Mnggleswick. Trans.
Archit. and Arch. Soc. Durham and Northum. iv. 287-308.
GRIFFITH (F. L.). A cnp with Hieratic inscription. Proc. Soc. Bib.
Arch. xiv. 328-330.
A detail of geography iu the inscription of Herkhuf. Proc.
Soc. Bib. Arch. xvi. 50-52.
Notes on Egyptian weights and measures. Proc. Soc. Bib.
Arch. xiv. 403-450 ; xv. 301-316.
Fragments of old Egyptian stories. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch.
xiv. 451-472.
The ancient Egyptian year. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xiv.
The god Set of Ramessu II. and an Egypto-Syrian deity.
Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvi. 87-91.
Chaerew to Hermopolis on a bilingual mile-stone. Proc.
Soc. Bib. Arch, xviii. 54-55.
Note on demotic philology. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch, xviii.
The Rhind mathematical papyrus. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch.
xiv. 26-32; xvi. 164-173, 201-208, 230-248.
Notes on some royal names and families : Ameni: Menthuhotep;
the cartouche of the Ebers calendar. Proc. Soc. Bib.
Arch. xiv. 39-44'.
.-r— Stela, of. Mentuhetep, son of Hepy. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch.
xviii. 195-204. . • .
GRIFFITH (F, LL.). On some Romfin and Saxon remaius found at
Croydon in 1893-94. Coll. Surrey Arch. Soc. xiii. 18-25.
GROVES (THOS. B.). Some local stone marks. Dorset Nat. Hist, and
Antiq. Field Club Proc. xv. 167-171.
GRUNDY (G. BEAEDOC). AU investigation of the topography of the
region of Sphakteria and Pylos. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvi. 1-54.
HALLAM (W. H ) . The church bells of Berkshire and their inscriptions.
Berks, Bucks and Oxon. Arch. Jour. ii. 50-51, 83-85,
HANCOCK (REV. F.). TWO barrows on the Brendon Hills. Proc.
Somerset Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xlii. 22-25.
HARDY (W. M.). A study on the work of preservation of the church
of St. Nicholas, Studland, Dorset. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq.
Field Club Proc. xii. 164-179.
HARRIS (Miss M. DORMER). On the craft guilds of Coventry. Proc.
Soc. Antiq. xvi. 15-30.
HARRIS (REV. S. G.). Some Devonshire reminiscences of the nineteenth
century. Trans. Devon. Assoc, xxviii. 316-322.
HARRISON (J. P. ) . Note on English Romanesque architecture. Jour.
Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. ii. 268-272.
HARTLAND (E. S.). Cleft ashes for infantile hernia. Folklore, vii.
• • Ethnographical survey of the United Kingdom. Trans.
Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xviii. 207-217.
• First-foot. Folklore, vii. 90.
HARVEY (L.). Saint-Pierre-es Liens, the. ancient cathedral of
Geneva. Jour. Roy. Inst. Brit. Arch.-Sri. S. iii. 312-320.
HASLEWOOD (REV. F.). Monumental inscriptions in Halesworth
church and churchyard. Suff. Inst.. Arch. ix. 234-255.
- • The rectors of Pluckley, Kent, for upwards of six hundred
years. Arch. Cantiana, xxii. 85-101.
~> • V i s i t a t i o n articles. Arch. Cantiana, xxii. 102-108.
• P e v i n g t o n an d i t s r e c t o r s . Arch. Cantiana, xxii. 10- -111.
H A S L E W O O D • ( R E V . F. ) a n d R E V . E . C. HOPPER. Church plate i n
Suffolk: deanery of Ipswich. Suff. Inst. Arch. ix. 173-183.
HASWELL (J. F.). Notes on local heraldry. Trans. Cumb. and West.
Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 160-164.
HAVERFIELD (F.). Notes on excavations at Aesica in 189 '. Arch lv
Report of the Cumberland Excavation Committee, 1895„
Trans. Cumb. and West. Antiq. arid Arch. Soc. xiv. 185-197.
HAVERFIELD (F.). The administration of the Roman mines. Jour.
Chest. Arch, and Hist. Soc. N.S. iv. 80-95.
HEAD (J. MERRICK). Portland. Dorset Natl Hist, and Antiq. Field
Club Proc. xii. 115-131.
HEWSON (REV. E. F. ) . On Ogams, including three recently discovered
in the county Kilkenny, and one in the county Waterford. Jour.
Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 22-28.
HTCKSON (Miss). Ardfert Friary and the Fitzmaurices, Lords of
Kerry. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 227-239.
— The river Lee of Kerry: its true course, and its identity
with the Dwr of Ptolemy. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S.
vi. 173-175.
HIGGENS (T. W. E.). A survival of Odin worship in Kent. Folklore,
vii. 298-299.
HILL (G. F.). A portrait of Perseus of Macedon. Numismatic Chron.
xvi. 34-39.
HODGKIN (T.). The literary history of the Roman wall. Arch. Mliana,
xviii. 83-108.
HODGSON (J. C ) . Notes of the family of Hebburn of Hebburn. Arch.
JEliana, xviii. 26-36.
HODGSON (MRS.). Comparative view of dimensions of the vallum in
Cumberland. Trans. Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv.
HODGSON (REV. J. F.). The chapel of Auckland Castle. Arch.
2Eliana, xviii. 113-240.
• Raby in three chapters. Trans. Archit. and Arch. Soc.
Durham and Northum. iv. 153-260.
HODGSON (T. H.). The Bishop's or Baron's Dyke, Crosby-on-Eden.
Trans. Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 144-146.
HOLGATE (C. W.). The skull of the poet Crabbe. Wilts. Arch, and
Nat. Hist. Mag. xxix. 3-10.
HOJ.ATES (SHERITON). The walls of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Arch.
Juliana, xviii. 1-25.
•• The town wall of Newcastle, in Gallowgate. Arch. JEliana,
xviii. 109-112.
HOLTON (S. H. D.). Richard the Redeless. Trans. Roy. Hist. Soc.
N.S. x.121-154.
HOJIMEL (PROF. DR. FRITZ). A Mineean inscription.of the Ptolemaic
period. Proc. Sec. Bib. Arch. xvi. 145-149.
.. The ten patriarchs of Barosus. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xv.
HOMMEL (PROF. DR. FRITZ). Gish-Dubarra, Gibil-Gamish, Nimrod,
Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xv. 291-300 ; xvi. 13-15.
Assyriological notes. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvi. 209-212;
xvii. 199-207; xviii. 17-24.
HONE (N.). Reading chantries. Berks, Bucks and Oxon. Arch. Jour.
ii. 90-93, 97-98.
HOPE (W. H. ST. JOHN). Inventories of the goods of Henry of Eastry
(1331), Richard of Oxenden (1334), and Robert Hathbrand
(1339), successively priors of the monastery of Christchurch,
Canterbury. Arch. Inst. Iiii. 258-283.
On the 14th century painted tabula or r^eredos in the
cathedral church of Norwich. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi. 164-173.
HOPE (W. H. ST. JOHN) and GEORGE E. Fox. Excavations on the
site of the Roman city at Silchester, Hants, in 1895. Arch. lv.
HOPPER (REV. E. C ) . Church plate in Suffolk: Deanery of Carlford.
Deanery of Claydon. Suff. Inst. Arch. ix. 163-167 ; 168-172.
HORTON-SMITH (R. T.). The cranial characteristics of the South
Saxons compared with those of some of the other races of South
Britain. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi. 82-102.
HOWELL (G. O.). An old Welsh wedding custom. Woolwich District
Ant. Soc. i. 29-31.
HUGGINS (M. L.). Study of a carved corbel in Ewelme Church. Berks,
Bucks and Oxon. Arch. Jour. ii. 1-8.
HUGHES (ARTHUR). The parliament of Lincoln, 1316. Trans. Roy.
Hist. Soc. N.S. x. 41-58.
HUGHES (H,). Cochwillan, Caernarvonshire. Arch, Cambrensis, 5th
S. xiii. 20-28.
HUGHES (PROF. T. M'KENNY). Opening address of the Antiquarian
section at Canterbury. Arch. Inst. Iiii. 249-257.
• On the earthworks between the Tyne and the Sol way.
Proc. Gamb. Antiq. Soc. ix. 172-177.
— On the more important breeds of cattle which have been
recognised in the British Isles in successive periods, and their
relation to other archaeological and historical discoveries. Arch.
lv. 125-158.
HUTCHESON (A.). Notice of an early inscribed mural monument and
of an undescribed sculptured stone preserved in the parish church
of Tealing, Forfarshire. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. ?xx. 41-48.
.IMBERT-TERRY (H. M.). Thomas Nashe, satirist. Proc. Row. Soc. Lit.
2nd S. xviii. 177-214.
.IRELAND : similarity of the forts and traditions of Ireland and
Central Europe. Jour: Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th Ser. vi.
IZAT (J. R.). Ancient bell at .Streatley. Berks, Bucks and Oxon
Arch. Jour. ii. 109.
JACKSON (R. J.). Eltham Palace. Woolwich District Ant.. Soc. i.
JAMES (FREDERICK). On the supposed Mithraic temple or chamber at
Burham, Kent. . Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi. 108-113.
JAMES (M. R. ) . On the paintings formerly in. the choir at Peterborough.
Proc. Camb. Antiq. Soc. ix. 178-194.
—— Legends of St. Anne and St. Anastasia. Proc. Camb. Antiq.
Soc. ix. 194-204.
• On a window recently releaded in King's College chapel.
Proc. Camb. Antiq. Soc. ix. 237-241.
JEBB (G. S. W. ) . Feudal castles and their development into mansions.
Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxii. 69-76.
JOHNS (REV. C. H. W. ) . Sennacherib's letters to his father Sargon.
Proc. Soc Bib. Arch. xvii. 220-23.9.
A new eponym list 82-5-22, 121. Proc. JSOC. Bib. Arch, xviii.
JONES (H. STUART). A Greek goldsmith's mould in the Ashmoleau
Museum. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvi. 323-334.
KARKEEK (PAUL Q.). Jacobite days in the West. Trans. Devon. Assoc.
xxviii. 257-271.
KEHELPANNALA (T. B. P. ) . Ceremonies observed by the Kandyans in
paddy cultivation. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxv. 104-111. , .
KELLY (R. J.). The wardens of Galway. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq.
Ireland. 5 th S. vi. 70-80.
KEMPSON (REV. F. C). On. skulls recently found behind Addenbrooke's
Hospital. Proc. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. ix. 241-244.
KENYON (R. LLOYD). Ruyton Ohurch. Trans. Shropshire Arch, and
Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. viii. 313-372.
KERR (R. If.). Notice of a burial cist found on the farm of
Magdalen's, Kirktdn, on the estate of Balmuir, near Dundee.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx. 37.
KERRY (REV. CHAS.). Gleanings from the assize rolls for Derbyshire
preserved in the Record Office, London. Jour. Derbyshire Arch.
and Nat. Hist. Soc. xviii. 94-117.
~~ Leonard Wheatcroft, of Ashover. Jour. Derbyshire Arch..
and Nat. Hist. Soc. xviii. 29-80.
KERSHAW (S. W.). Surrey during the Commonwealth. 'Coll. Surrey
Arch. Soc. xiii. 39-48.
Sussex MSS. in Lambeth Library. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 267.
The weald and its refugee annals. Arch. Oantiana, xxii.
KEYSER (C. E.). Description of the mural paintings at the churches of
Clayton and Rotherfield, Sussex. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 211-221.
On recently discovered mural paintings at Willingham
Church, Cambridge, and elsewhere in tbe south of England.
Arch. Inst. Iiii. 160-191.
KING (L. W.). History and coinage of the Barakzai dynasty of
Afghanistan. Numismatic Chron. xvi. 277-344.
KING (L. W.) and WILLIAM VOST. Some novelties in Moghal coins.
Numismatic Chrcn. xvi. 155-182.
KINGSFORD (REV. HAMILTON). Notes on hermitages. Reports Assoc.
Archit. Soc. xxi. 270-273.
• Worcestershire Domesday place-names. Reports Assoc-
Archit. Soc. xxii. 108-108f. '
KNOWLES (W. H.). Cocklaw Tower. Trans. Archit. and Arch.
Soc. Durham and Northumb. iv. 309-315.
KNOX (J. E.). Wood-carving and wood-carvers. Jour. Roy. Inst.
Brit. Arch. 3rd S. iii. 214-217.
KOLLMANN (PROF. J.). Pygmies iu Europe. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxv.
KOVALEvSKY (PROF. MAXIME). The lex barbarorum of the Daghestan.
Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxv. 112-116.
LACH-SZYRMA (REV. W. S.). Saint Chad and the conversion of the
Midlands. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. ii. 130-135.
LANDIS (E. B.). Mourning and burial rites of Korea. Jour. Anthrop.
Inst. xxv. 340-361.
LANGRISHE (R.). Ballyboodan ogham-stone. Jour Roy. Soc. Antiq.
Ireland, 5th S. vi. 177-178.
The priory of Inistioge. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland,
5th S. vi. 370-378.
LASHAM (F.). An Dm Field at Merrow, Guildford. Coll. Surrey
Arch. Soc. xiii. 26-27.
LATIMER (REV. W. T.). The battle of Benburb. Jour. Roy. Soc.
Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 29-33.
LAVER (H.). Notes on two founder's hoards lately discovered in
Essex, aud on a pair of Roman bronze forceps found in Colchester,.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi. 96-99.
• LAVER (H) . Roman pottery kiln, Shoeburyness. Trans. Fssex Arch.
Soc. N.S. vi. 13-16.
• Gryme's Dyke, or the outward trench of Wyldenhey.
Trans. Fssex Arch. Soc. N.S. vi. 17-21.
LAWRENCE (L. A.). On a find of coins chiefly of the time of Edward
IV. Numismatic Chron. xvi. 72-84.
LAWS (E.). Notes on the fortifications of mediseval Tenby. Arch.
Cambrensis, 5th S. xiii. 177-192, 273-289.
LAYARD (IDA H) . Loudun sous la croix. Proc. Huguenot Soc. v.
LEACH (A. F.). A clerical strike at Beverley Minster in the
fourteenth century. Arch. lv. 1-20.
LEADER (J. D.). Notes on a Roman [?] discovery at Bradwell, Derbyshire.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi. 95-96.
LEEDS parish registers, baptisms 1639-1653, marriages 1639-1653,
burials 1639-1643. Thoresby Society, vii. 1-160.
LE FANU (T. P.). Dean Swift's library. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq.
Ireland, 5th S. vi. 113-121.
.LEFEBURE (E.). Etude sur Abydos. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xv. 135-
151, 433-455; xvii. 103-119.
LEGG (DR. J. W.). Liturgical notes on tbe Sherborne missal, a
manuscript in the possession of the Duke of Northumberland at
Alnwick Castle. Trans. St. PauVs Hccles.Soc. iv. 1-31.
Notes on the day assigned to St. Cyprian of Carthage in
the prayer book calendar. Trans. St. Paul's Eccles. Soc. iv.
LEICESTERSHIRE, documents relating to, preserved in the episcopal
registers at Lincoln. Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxi. 277-329.
.LEIGHTON (STANLEY). Changes in land ownership in Shropshire.
Trans. Shropshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. viii.
LEWIS (A. L.). Rude stone monuments on Bodmin Moor. Jour. Roy.
Inst. Corn. xiii. 107-113.
LEWIS (BUNNELL). Roman antiquities in Carinthia. Arch. Inst. Iiii.
56-107. •
LORET (VICTOR). Le titre Ahems-n-Kip. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xiv.
LOWY (REV. A.). The tower of Babel. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xv.
..MACADAM (W. I.). Notes on ancient structures in the islands of
Seil and Luing, and in the Garbh island; with preliminary
notice of the north fort of Luing. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxx.
MOALDOWIE (ALEX. M.). Personal experiences in witchcraft.
Folklore, vii. 309-314.
MACALISTER (R. A. S.). Do ogham inscriptions contain Latin words ?
Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 175-177.
Omey, co. Galway. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S.
vi. 253.
The antiquities of Ardoilean, co. Galway. Jour. Roy. Soc.
Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 197-210.
• The Killeen Cormaic stones. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland,
5th S. vi. 81-83.
. The ogham retrospect of 1896. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq.
Ireland, 5th S. vi. 392-393.
The ecclesiology of ogham inscriptions. Trans. St. PauVs
Fccles. Soc. iv. 53-64.
MACDONALD (G.). Notes on Combe's catalogue of the Hunter cabinet.
Numismatic Chron. xvi. 144—154.
On a find made in the Lipari islands, including an unpublished
coin of Rhegium. Numismatic Chron. xvi. 185-190.
MACDONALD (JAMES). Account of the excavation of Birrens, a Roman
station in Annandale, undertaken by the Society of Antiquaries
of Scotland in 1895 : the inscribed stones. Proc. Soc. Antiq.
Scot. xxx. 121-169.
MACKINLAY (J. M.). Traces of river-worship in Scottish folklore.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx. 69-76.
MACLAGAN (R. C) . Corn-maiden in Argyleshire. Folklore, vii. 78-
M'NULTY (R.). Recent finds in co. Donegal. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq.
Ireland, 5th S. vi. 382-383.
MACPHAIL (M.). Folklore from the Hebrides. Folklore, vii. 400-
MACRAY (W. D.). Early Berkshire deeds relating to Grazeley, Berks.
Berks, Bucks and Oxon Arch. Jour. ii. 13-15.
MADDISON (REV. A. R.). A ramble through the parish of St.
Margaret-within-the-Close, Lincoln. Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc.
xxii. 1-31.
— A ramble through the parish of St. Mary Magdalene,'
Lincoln. Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxi. 10-43.
Lincoln cathedral choir, A.D. 1750-1875. Reports Assoc.
Archit. Soc. xxi. 208-226.
MADDISON (REV. A. R.). Manor of Ingoldmells-cum-Addlethorpe
court rolls. Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxi. 176-190.
-, • Lincolnshire gentry during the sixteenth century. Reports
Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxii. 174-222.
MAITLAND (J. A. FULLER). The Fitzwilliam virginal book. Aroh.
Inst. Iiii. 150-159.
MALDEN (HENRY E.). Shakespeare as an historian. Trans. Roy. Hist
Soc. N.S. x. 23-40.
MANNING (REV. C. R.). A sepulchral monument at Newton by
Sudbury. Suff. Inst. Arch. ix. 262-270.
Church plate in Suffolk, deanery of Stow, deanery of
Mildenhall. Suff. Inst. Arch. ix. 218-224; 225-230.
MANNING (P.). Manuscript materials for the topography of Oxfordshire,
in the library of the Society of Antiquaries, London.
Berks, Bucks and Oxon Arch. Jour. ii. 99-106.
MANSEL-PLEYDELL (J. C). An ancient interment on the Verne,
Portland. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club, xiii. 232—
Kimmeridge shale. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field
Club Proc. xv. 172-183.
-! Kimmeridge coal-money and other manufactured articles
from the Kimmeridge shale. Dorset Nat. Hut. and Antiq. Field
Club Proc. xiii. 177-190.
MARGOLIOUTH (G.). The superlinear punctuation, its origin, the
different stages of its development, and its relation to other
Semitic systems of punctuation. Proc. S'oc. Bib: Arch. xv.
More fragments of the Palestinian Syriac version of the
Holy Scriptures. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch, xviii. 223-236, 275-
MARSHALL (DAVID). Notes ou the record room of the city of Perth.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx. 274-291.
MARSHALL (REV. JAMES). Some points of resemblance between
ancient nations of the east and west. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xiv.
The Hebrew text of one of the testaments of the twelve
patriarchs. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvi. 83-86.
MARTIN (COL. WOOD) and E. C. ROTHERHAM. Rude bone pins of large
size made from red-deer horn,, obtained from the cairns of county
.- Sligo and Lough Crew, county Meath. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot.
xxx. 340-345. . . .
MASPBEO (G.). Notes aii jour le jour. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xiv.
170-204, 305-327.
MASSINGBERD (REV. W. 0.). Some ancient records relating to the
manor of Langton and its lords. Repirts Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxii.
157-173. .
MATHEWS (R. H.). Stone cooking-holes and grooves for stone-grinding
used by the Australian aborigines. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxv.
— The Burbung of tho Wiradthuri tribes. Jour. Anthrop. Inst,
xxv. 295-318.
The Bora, or initiation ceremonies of the Kamilaroi tribe
(Part II). Jour. Anthrop. hist. xxv. 318-339.
• The rock paintings and carvings of the Australian aborigines.
Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxv. 145-163.
MAYO (REV. C. H.) Shaftesbury. Dorset Nat. Hist. and.Antiq. Field-
Club Proc. xv. 36-51.
Tetminster Church. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field
Club Proc. xv. 146-156.
MICKLETHWAITE (J. T.). On a hand granade from Adwalton Moor,
Yorks. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi. 121-123.
- Some notes on the study of old parish churches. Arch.
Inst. Iiii. 193-203.
• Something about Saxon church building. Arch. Inst. Iiii.
On the parish church of Knaith. Reports Assoc. Archit.
Soc. xxi. 204-208.
MILLAR (ADAM). Notes of the discovery and exploration of a circular
fort on Dunbuie Hill, near Dumbarton. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot.
xxx. 291-308.
MILLAR (A. H.). Note on the proclamation for disarming of
the Highlands in 1746.. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx. 210-
MILLIGAN (S. F.). Descriptive sketch of places visited in connection
with the Ulster meeting. . Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S.
vi. 276-278,
Descriptive sketch .of county Sligo. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq.
Ireland, 5th S. vi. 301-310.
MILLS (J.).. The journal of Sir Peter Lewys, 1564-1565. Jour. Roy.
Soc Antiq. Ireland, 5ih S. vi. 136-141.
MITCHELL (SIR ARTHUR) . Au archaeologist'B study of the Admiralty
Islanders. Proc. Soc. Antiq. -Scot, xxx, 357-369.
MITCHELL (SIR ARTHUR). The fall of an iron-ago man into the
stone-age. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx. 369-374.
MOENS (W. J. C) . The relief of the poor members of the French
churches in England as exemplified by the practice of the
Walloon or French church at Sandwich (1568-72). Proc. Huguenot
Soc. v. 321-342.
MONEY (W.). Notes on Basildon. Trans. Newbury Dist. Field Club,
iv. 96-121.
— Notes on Aldermaston. Trans. Newbury Dist. Field Club,
iv. 122-138.
Notes on the family of Lieut.-Gen. Edmund Ludlow, with
some account of the parish of Tadley, Hants. Trans. Newbury
Dist. Field Club, iv. 139-164.
Notes on Euborne. Trans. Newbury Dist. Field Club, iv.
Records of Shaw. Trans. Newbury Dist. Field Cluh, iv.
The civil war in Berkshire 1642-1646. Trans. Newbury
Dist. Field Club, iv. 73-86.
— Notes ou the parish registers of Newbury. Jour. Brit.
Arch. Assoc. N.S. ii. 157-183.
The guild or fellowship of the clothworkers of Newbury.
Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. ii. 261-267.
MONTGOMERY. Nobility and gentry which are, or lately were, related
unto the county of, Montgomeryshire Coll. xxix. 316-318.
MORRIS (EDWARD ROWLEY). Extracts from the Reports of the
Deputy Keeper of Records. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxix. App.
A summary or digest, of exchequer depositions, taken by
commission relating to Montgomeryshire 1566-1814. Montgomeryshire
Coll. xxix. App. 46-64.
MORRIS (REV. R. H.). The Roman pigs of lead discovered near
Chester, with a letter by Prof. John Rhys, of Oxford. Jour.
Chest. Arch, and Hist. Soc. N.S. iv. 68-79.
MORRISON (W-). On the site of the battle of Ashdown. Trans.
Newbury Dist. Field Club, iv. 87-95.
MORTIMER (J. R.). " Killing pits " [on the north-west brow of the
»• Goathland Moor, Yorkshire]. Arch. Inst. Iiii. 144-149.
MOULE (H. J.). Notes on a minute book (C. 12) belonging to the
Mayor and Corporation of Dorchester. Dorset Nat. Hist, and
Antiq. Field Cluh Proc. xv. 142-163.
MOULE (H. J.). Notes on the Manor of Fordington. Dorset Nat.
Hist, and Antiq. Field Club, xiii. 152-162.
• Notes on the stone implements, etc., in the Dorset County
Museum. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club Proc. xii.
Notes on the walls and gates of Durnovaria. Dorset Nat.
Hist, and Antiq. Field Club, xiv. 44-54.
. St. Aldhelm's chapel. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field
Club, xiv. 75-79.
MOYLE (REV. V. H) . Discovery of mural paintings at Ashampstead
church, Berks. Berks, Bucks and Oxon. Arch. Jour. ii.
MULLBE (W. MAX). AU Egyptian inscription from Phoenicia. Proc.
Soc. Bib. Arch. xvi. 298-299.
A Semitic loan word in Egyptian. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvi.
The story of the peasant. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xv. 343-
• On a hieroglyphic sign. Proc. Soc Bib. Arch, xviii. 187-
Coincidences. Proc. Roy. Soc Lit. 2nd S. xviii. 67-U...
MULUNGER (T. B.). The relations of Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam,
with the University of Cambiidge. Proc. Cambridge Antiq. Soc.
ix. 227-236.
MUNRO (J. ARTHUR R.)- Epigraphical notes from Eastern Macedonia
and Thrace. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvi. 313-322.
On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. Arch. lv. 33-92.
MUNRO (ROBERT, M.D.). Report ou archaeological investigations in
Scotland during the last three years. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi.
MURRAY (A. S.). On a bronze statuette of Hercules. Arch, lv.
• The sculptured columns of the temple of Diana at Ephcsu_j.
Jour. Roy. Inst. Brit. Arch. 3rd S. iii. 41—54.
MURRAY (MISS M. A.). The descent of property in tlie early period
of Egyptian history. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvii. 240-215.
MURRAY (RICHARD H.). Ancient church fittings. Birm. and X &.
Inst, xxi. 10-36.
MYERS (C. S.). An acount of some skulls discovered at Brando'i
Suffolk. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi. 113-128.
MYLNE (REV. R. S.). The masters of work to the crown of Scotland,
with the writs of appointment, from 1529 io 1768. Proc. Soc.
Antiq. Scot. xxx. 49-68.
MYRES (JOHN L.). Inscriptions from Crete, provinces of Khania,
Kissamo, Seliuo. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvi. 178-187.
" The Miser's Doom:" a modern Greek morality. Jour.
Anthrop. Inst. xxv. 102-104.
NAPPER (H. F.). Ella's landing-place. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 272-
Towncreep. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 267-268.
NAVILLE (EDOUARD). The temple at Deir-el-Bahari. Jour. Roy. Inst.
Brit. Arch. 3rd S. iii. 544-549.
NECK (J. S.). A list of the rectors of Moretonhampstead. Trans.
Devon. Assoc, xxviii. 351-353.
NEWTOWN ROOD-LOFT. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxix. 352.
NOAKE (J.). The deanery and the Trinity Hall, Worcester.
Reports Assoc. ArcMt. Soc. xxi. 75-97.
NORMAN (P.). The Tabard Inn, Southwark, the Queen's Head,
William Rutter, and St. Margaret's Church. Coll. Surrey Arch.
Soc xiii. 28-38.
NORRIS (HUGH). The siege of Sherborne Castle in 1645. Proc
Somerset. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xlii. 6-21.
NOTTINGHAM (BISHOP OF). The tablet of Bourbon, a reliquary of the
14th century. Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxi. 1-3.
OFFORD (JOSEPH, JUN.). The myth of Osiris and Isis. Proc Soc. Bib.
Arch. xiv. 371-373.
OHNEFALSCH-RICHTER (MAX). Grseco-Phcenician architecture in
Cyprus : with special reference to the origin and development of
the Ionic volute. Jour. Roy. Inst. Brit. Arch. 3rd S. iii. 109-132.
OLIVER (GEORGE). Evesham and its churches. Reports Assoc. Archit.
Soc. xxi. 273-276.
O'NEILL (WILLIAM). An account of Roman remains discovered in
Lincoln. Reports Assoc Archit. Soc. xxii. 56-69.
OSPEN (G. H.). Blackstairs, or Knock Branduff. Jour. Roy. Soc
Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 384-387.
OWEN (EDWARD). Lewis Morris's notes on some inscribed stones in
Wales. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiii. 129-144.
OWEN (REV. E LUS ) . Montgomeryshire folklore. Montgomeryshire
Coll. xxix. 289-296.
OWEN (ROBERT). Welsh Pool and Powys-Land. Montgomeryshire
Coll. xxix. 161-288.
PACKE (A. E.). The coins of Stephen. Numismatic Chron. xvi,
PAGE (S.). On a baronial coin of the reign of Stephen. Numismatic
Chron. xvi. 275-276.
PAGET (LADY). Notes on some ancient stone forts in Carnarvonshire.
Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. ii. 97-111.
PALMER (A. N.). Notes on ancient Welsh .measures of land. Arch,
Cambrensis, 5th S. xiii. 1-19.
PALMER (DE. W. M.). On the Cambridgeshire assize rolls Proc.
Cambridge Antiq. Soc. ix. 209-226.
PARTRIDGE (C. S.). Church plate in Suffolk: Deanery of Hadleigh.
Suff. Inst. Arch. ix. 203-217.
PATON (W. R.). Easter Sunday at Myndus, Asia Minor. Folklore,
vii. 297-298.
PATON (W. R.) and J. L. MYRES : Karian sites and inscriptions.
Jour. Hell. Stud. xvi. 188-271.
PATRICK (G.). Notes on Winchester House, Southwark. Jour. Brit.
Arch. Assoc. N.S. ii. 117-120.
PATTERSON (W. H.). On a find of worked flints in submerged peat
at Portrush, co. Antrim. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S.
vi. 383-384.
PAYNE (GEORGE). On a supposed Mithraic temple or chamber discovered
at Burham, Kent. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi. 104-108.
Researches and discoveries in Kent, 1895-96. Arch.
Cantiana, xxii. xlix-lxii.
The Roman villa at Darenth. Arch. Cantiana, xxii. 49-84.
PEACOCK (MABEL). Executed criminals and folk-medicine. Folklore,
vii. 268-283.
• The hood game at Haxey, Lincolnshire. Folklore, vii.
PEARSON (REV. J. B.). The representatives of the borough of Ashburton.
Trans. Devon Assoc, xxviii. 219-227.
PELHAM (H. F.). The Roman frontier system. Trans. Cumb. and
West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 170-184.
PERKINS (REV. T.). On the desirability of a photographic survey of
the county. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Chib Proc. xv.
A sketch of the history of Old Wardour Castle. Dorset
Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club Proc. xv. 26-35.
PERRY (J. TAVENOR). Some recent discoveries at Nemi, in the
Roman Campagna. Jour. Roy. Inst. Brit. Arch. 3rd S. iii. 77-81
C 2
PETER (OTHO B.). Notes on encaustic tiles and the designs
portrayed ou them, particularly with reference to recent
discoveries at Launceston Priory. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiii.
PETER (T. C ) . The exploration of Carn Brea. Jour. Roy. Inst. Corn.
xiii. 92-102.
PETRIE ( PROF. W. M. FLINDERS). Notice of a casket of Amenhotep II.
(XYIIIth dynasty c. 1430 B.C.) in the late Mr. A. H. Rhind's
Egyptian collection, now in the Scottish National Museum of
Antiquities. Pros. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx. 30-33.
The arrangement of the XXIst dynasty. Proc. Soc. Bib.
Arch, xviii. 56-64.
The period of the Judges. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch, xviii. 243-
PHEN6 (DR. J. S.). Ethical and symbolical literature in art. Proc.
Roy. Soc. Lit. 2nd S. xviii. 25-66.
• Some hitherto little-noticed earthworks in Britain. Joicr.
Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. ii. 184-205.
PHILLIPS (C. T.). Leonard Mascall of Plumpton Place. Sussex Arch.
Coll.x]. 281-282.
Lewes a hundred years ago. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 252-
Notes on old Lewes. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 272.
Probable remains of Lewes Priory. Susse-x Arch.'CoU. xl,
Sussex smugglers. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 270.
PHILLIPS (REV. J.). Haverfordwest in 1572. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th
S. xiii. 193-211.
PHILLIPS (WILLIAM). Red castle, Shropshire. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc.
N.S. ii. 126-129.
• • The Ottley papers relating to the civil war. Trans. Shropshire
Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. viii. 199-312.
PIEHL (KARL). Notes de philologie Egyptienne. Proc Soc. Bib. Arch.
xiv. 45-59,133-142; xv. 31-47, 247-268, 471-493; xvi. 249-254;
xvii. 254-267.
PIERIDES (G. D.). A scarab from Cyprus. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvi.
PIERRET (PAUL). La coudee royale' du musee Egyptien du Louvre.
Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvii. 208-209.
PINCHES (THEO. G.). A Babylonian decree that a certain rite should
be performed. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xv. 417-420.
PINCHES (THEO. G.). Names of plants and things made therefrom
in Babylonia. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvi. 308-311.
The lament of " the Daughter of Sin." Proc. Soc. Bib.
Arch. xvii. 64-74.
The most high God of Salem. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvi.
• Water rate in ancient Babylonia. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch.
xvii. 278-279.
— Ya and Yawa in Assyro-Babylonian inscriptions. Proc. Soc.
Bib. Arch. xv. 13-15.
Assyriological gleanings. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch, xviii.
. 250-258.
PLEYTE (C. M.). An unpublished Batak creation legend. Jour.
Anthrop. Inst. xxvi. 103-109.
PLUNKET (HON. EMMELINE). The Accadian calendar. Proc. Soc. Bib.
Arch. xiv. 112-119.
The eleventh constellation of the zodiac. Proc. Soc. Bib.
Arch, xviii. 65-70.
The constellation Aries. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xv. 237-
. 242.
PONSONBY (HON. and REV. W. W. B.). Church plate in Suffolk:
. Deanery of Sanford. Suff. Inst. Arch. ix. 192-202.
PONTENG (C. E.). The parish church of St. Michael Mere. Wilts.
Arch, and Nat. Hist. Mag. xxix. 20-70.
PORTMAN (M. V ) . Notes on the Andamanese. Jour. Anthrop. Inst.
xxv. 361-371.
POWYSIANA: Thomas Herbert, his petition to General Cromwell.
Montgomeryshire Coll. xxix. 319-320.
Hugh Owen, M.D. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxix. 320.
Humphrey Lloyd, Esq., of Aberbechan. Montgomeryshire
Coll. xxix. 320.
-_ • Margaret, the second daughter of that name of Lewys
Jones, Esq., of Bishopscastle. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxix. 320-
. 322.
Col. Sir Arthur Blainey and Col. John Blainey. Montgomeryshire
Coll. xxix. 322.
Bishop Morgan. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxix. 322.
PRINCE (C. L.). On the discovery of the remains of William de
Warenne and his wife, Gundrada, at Lewes. Sussex Arch. Coll.
xl. 170-172.
The rocks at Buxted. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 265.
PRITCHARD (J. E.). Notes on a find of Roman coins near Cadbury
camp (Clevedon), Somersetshire. Numismatic Chron. xvi. 238-
PURTON (REV. R. C). "A description of ye Clee, ye L'dships,
comoners and strakers adjoyn'd, made about 1612, 10 Jac."
Trans. Shropshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc 2nd S. viii. 195-198.
QUICK (R.). Notes on, an ancient Celtic bell. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc.
N.S. ii. 34-36.
RAPSON (E. J.). On the attribution of certain silver coins of
Sassanian fabric. Numismatic Chron. xvi. 246-253.
RAVEN (REV. J. J.). Rumburgh. Suff. Inst. Arch. ix. 256-261.
RAVENHILL (REV. CANON). The parish church of Hazelbury Bryan.
Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club, xiv. 95-104.
Plush tithing. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club, xv.
READ (C. H ) . Further excavations iu an Anglo-Saxon cemetery at
High Down, Sussex. Arch. lv. 203-214.
• Notes on a late Celtic sword and sheath found at Sadberge,
co. Durham. Proc, Soc. Antiq. xvi. 4-7.
Notes on a potter's kiln at Shoebury, Essex. Proc. Soc
Antiq. xvi. 40—42.
Notes on a bronze candlestick from the eastern counties.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi. 78-80.
Notes on a silver parcel gilt hanap belonging to the church
of Edenham, Lincolnshire. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi. 92-94.
Notes on a bronze spear-head and two pins found-at Fenny
Bentley, Derbyshire. Proc Soc. Antiq. xvi. 211.
Notes on a bronze weight [Saxon] found near Grove Ferry
near Fordwich, Kent. Proc Soc. Antiq. xvi. 174-175.
Notes on a silver-gilt cup and cover belonging to the parish
church of Tong, Shropshire. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi. 162-163.
REICHEL (REV. O. J.). The. Devonshire Domesday. Trans. Devon.
Assoc, xxviii. 362-390.
< The Domesday Hundreds. Trans. Devon. Assoc, xxviii.
REID (A. G.). Notes as to the recovery of three volumes of the MS.
collections of Scottish antiquities of the late Robert Riddell, Esq.,
of Friars Carse and Glenriddell. Proc Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx.
RENOUF (P. LE PAGE). A difficult passage in the pyramid text of
King Teta. -Proc Soc Bib. Arch. xiv. 108-111, 396-402.
RENOUF (P. LE PAGE). An ambassador royal of Rameses the Great.
Proc Soc. Bib. Arch. xiv. 163-165.
Book of the Dead. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xiv. 37-38, 213-
222, 270-279, 352-363, 377-395; xv. 4-12, 63-69, 98-107, 155-
163, 219-228, 276-290, 377-384; xvi. 3-12, 27-32, 64-72, 100-
103, 123-130, 179-187, 218-224, 263-273, 293-298; xvii. 6-17,
51-56, 97-102, 123-129, 192-194, 216-219, 273-277 ; xviii. 7-16,
47-53, 81-85,113-117, 149-155, 165-169.
1 The bow in the Egyptian sky. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvii.
The gods Akar and Seb. Proc Soc. Bib. Arch. xv. 385-
'Where was Tarshish? Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xvi. 104A108,
REVILLOUT (PROF. E.). Un papyrus bilingue du temps de Philopator.
Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch. xiv. 60-97, 120-132, 229-255.
REYNOLDS (A.). Milborne Port Church. Dorset Nat. Hist, and
Antiq. Field Club, xiv. 70-74.
RHYS (PROF. J.). Epigraphic Notes. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiii.
• On Powys-Land. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxix. 303-315.
RICHARDSON (W. H.). Notes on Blewbury. Trans. Newbury Dist,
Field Club, iv. 35-72.
RIDGEWAY (WILLIAM). The game of polis and Plato's Rep. 422 E.
Jour. Hell. Stud. xvi. 288-290.
What people produced the objects called Mycenean. Jour.
Hell. Stud. xvi. 77-119.
RISK (REV. J. EESKINE). The Stockleigh parishes, near Crediton,.
and some of their surroundings. Trans. Devon Assoc, xxviii. 354-
ROBEETSON (CANON SCOTT). Relics of decorative painting now or
formerly in Canterbury cathedral. Arch. Cantiana, xxii..
Detached campanile of Benenden church. Arch. Cantiana.,.
xxii. 45-48.
ROBINSON (C. E.). A photographic survey of Devon. Trans. Devon.
Assoc, xxviii. 313-315.
ROBINSON (SIR CHAELES). On a bronze crucifix of early form. Proc
Soc. Antiq. xvi. 32-34.
ROBINSON (J.). Monuments in the Athol Chantry, St. Andrew's .
church, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Arch. JEliana, xviii. 37-48.
RODGERS (C. J.). Two new coins from the Pan jab. Numismatic
Chron. xvi. 268-270.
RODNEY'S PILLAR. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxix. 334-350.
ROMAINE-WALKER (W. H). Wood-Carving and Wood-Carvers.
Jour. Roy. Inst. Brit. Arch. 3rd S. iii. 201-210.
ROTH (H. LING). Negritoes in Borneo. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxv.
ROTHERAM (E. C) . Ornamented bone-flake from Slieve-na-Caillighe.
Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 257-258.
Remarkable stone spear-head. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq.
Ireland, 5th S. vi. 171.
ROUND (J. H ) . Berber corn festival. Folklore, vii. 306-307.
— Some early grants to Lewes Priory. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl.
— East Grinstead. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 280.
Hornchurch Priory. Trans. Fssex Arch. Soc. N.S. vi. 1-1'2.
ROUSE (W. H. D.). Folklore first-fruits from Lesbos. Folklore, vii.
ROUTLEDGE (REV. C. F.). St. Martin's church, Canterbury. Arch.
Ca/ntiana, xxii. 1-28.
Rows (J. B.). Seventh Report of the Committee on Devonshire
Records. Trans. Devon. Assoc, xxviii. 110-173.
RUSSELL (MISS). Some rock-cuttings in Northumberland. Jour.
"I Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. ii. 206-214.
S. (J.). Archseological finds in West Sussex. Sussex Arch, Coll. xl.
• 283-284.
SALAZAP (L. S.). A curious description of Ireland and its inhabitants.
Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 81.
SALOMON (DR. FELIX). The foreign policy of William Pitt in the
first decade of his ministry in its European significance. Trans.
Roy. Hist. Soc. N.S. x. 111-120.
SANDEMAN (LIEUT-COL. J. G.). On the bezant of James I. Numismatic
Chron. xvi. 254-261.
SANDERS (REV. F.). Thomas Cartwright, D.D., Bishop of Chester,
1686 to 1689. Jour. Chest. Arch, and Hist. Soc. N.S. iv. 1-33.
SANDFORD (REV. GEO.). The Lingen-Burtons of Longner, near
Shrewsbury. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxix. 297-302.
SANKEY (REV. EDWARD H.). Wragby registers, Book No. III. Yorks.
Arch. Soc. xiv. 313-326.
SAUNDERS (HELEN). Devonshire revels. Trans. Devon. Assoc xxviii.
342-350. •
SAWYER (J.). St. Michael's Church, Lewes. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl.
Some extracts from the journal and correspondence of Mr.
John Burgess, of Ditchling, Sussex, 1785-1815. Sussex Arch.
Coll. xl. 131-161.
SAWYER (F. J . ). The " Great Pigeon-House" of the Cluniac Priory
of St. Pancras, Lewes. Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 270-271.
SAYCE (PROF. A. H.). The Karian and Lydian inscriptions. Proc.
Soc. Bib. Arch. xvii. 39-43, 207.
— Assyriological notes. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch, xviii. 170-186.
Roman inscriptions at Assuan. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch, xviii.
SCOTT (REV. S. COOPEE). Notes on the new west window of the
church of St. John Baptist, Chester. Jour. Chest. Arch, and
Hist. Soc. N.S. iv. 171-177.
SCOTT (WILLIAM) . Medieval fabrication of materials for glass mosaic;
recipes from a MS. of the 14th century ia the Darberini library.
Jour. Roy. Inst. Brit. Arch. 3rd S. iii. 516-520.
SCRIVENER (ALEX.). Chartley earthworks and castle. Jour. Brit-
Arch. Assoc. N.S. ii. 53-59.
SETON-KARR (H. W-). Discovery of evidences of the paleolithic
stone age in Somaliland (Tropical Africa). Jour. Anthrop. Inst.
xxv. 271-275.
SHARPE (HENRY). Rutupia. Arch. Inst. Iiii. 204-214.
SHAW (WILLIAM A.). The English government and the relief of
Protestant refugees. Proc Huguenot Soc v. 343-423.
SHERWOOD (G. F. T.). Bucks and Oxon marriage bonds. Berks,
Bucks and Oxon Arch. Jour. ii. 52-58, 77-82, 117-119.
SHRUBSOLE (G. W.). On a settlement of prehistoric people in
Delamere forest. Jour. Chest. Arch, and Hist. Soc. N.S. iv.
1 96-112.
SKAIFE (ROBERT H.). Domesday book for Yorkshire. Yorks. Arch.
' Soc. xiv. 249-312.
SMART (DR. WAKE). Ancient British urns. Dorset Nat. Hist, and
' Antiq. Field Club Proc xii. 180-186.
SMITH (CECIL). A kylix with a new kalos name. Jour. Hell. Stud.
- xvi. 285-287.
Archeology in Greece, 1895-6. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvi.
• 335-356.
SMITH (W. G.). Human frontal bone from Strata Florida. Arch.
Cambrensis, 5th S. xiii. 94-97.
SOMERVAIL (A.). Prehistoric Torbay. Trans. Devon. Assoc, xxviii.
SPARKS (MAJOR W.). Langton Herring. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq.
. Field Club Proc. xiv. 165-178.
SPERLING (C. F. D.). On the custom of setting up the Royal Arms
in churches. Trans. Fssex Arch. Soc N.S. vi. 22-27.
SPIEGELBERG (DR. W. ) . The viziers of the new empire. Proc. Soc.
Bib. Arch. xv. 522-526.
SPIERS (R. PHEN_). Saint-Front of Perigueux, and the domed
churches of Perigord and La Charento. Jour. Roy. Inst. Brit.
Arch. 3rd S. iii: 233-262.
SPURRELL (F. C. J.). On some flint implements from Egypt and
Denmark. Arch. Inst. Iiii. 26-55.
STEPHENSON (MILL). Notes on a palimpsest brass from Astley church,
Warwickshire. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi. 163-164.
STOKES (REV. CANON). Descriptive sketch of places visited during
excursion to King's county. Jour. Roy. Soc Antiq. Ireland,
5th S. vi. 311-324.
• St. Hugh of Rahue: his church, Ms life, and his times.
Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, oth S. vi. 325-335.
STRONG (S. ARTHUR). Note on a fragment of the Adapa legend.
' Proc. Soe. Bib. Arch. xvi. 274-279.
• On some Babylonian aud Assyrian alliterative texts. Proc.
Soc. Bib. Arch. xvii. 131-151.
STUART (MOETON G.). Captain Thomas Coram and the Foundling
Hospital. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Clubj Proc. xiii.
SUSSEX. "Priviledges belonging to ye towne of Angmering." Sussex
Arch. Coll. xl. 273-274.
• Some 17th and 18th century Sussex tradesmen's accounts.
Sussex Arch. Coll. xl. 274-277.
SWAN (R. M. W. ) . Some notes on mined temples in Mashonaland.
Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi. 2—13.
TALBOT (C. H-). Notes on recent discoveries at Lacook Abbey.
Wilts, Arch, and Nat. Hist. Mag. xxix. 11-19.
TAYLOR (H.). Notes on some mediseval goldsmiths iu Chester. Jour.
Chest. Arch, and Hist. Soc. N.S. iv. 178-185.
The Flintshire militia, with a short biography of Sir Roger
Mostyn, knight and baronet, its first colonel. Jour. Chest. Arch.
and Hist. Soc. N.S. iv. 52-67. .
TAYLOR (REV. C. S.). The Pre-Domesday hide of Gloucestershire.
Trans. Bristol and Glouc Arch. Soc. xviii. 288-319.
TAYIOR (S. M.). Indian folk tales. Folklore, vii. S3-88.
THOMPSON (SIR E. MAUNDE, K.C.B.). Notes on the illuminated MSS.
in the exhibition of English medieval paintings. Proc. Soc.
Antiq. xvi. 213-232.
THORPE (W. G.). Text of a posting bill conjectured to have been
carried about by Martin Luther on his preaching rounds in 1530.
Proc Soc. Antiq. xvi. 118-121.
TONKS (J. W.). Borough seals and civic maces. Jour. Brit. Arch.
Assoc. N.S. ii. 231-244.
TREACHER (LLEWELLYN). Paleolithic man in East Berks. Berks,
Bucks and Oxon. Arch. Jour. ii. 16-18", 39-43.
TWIGGE (R. W.). Notes ou the cathedral church of St. Cecily at
Albi. Arch. lv. 93T112.
UDAL (J. S.). Witchcraft in Dorset. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq.
Field Club Proc. xiii. 35-56.
Dorsetshire birth, death, and marriage customs, and
superstitions. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club Proc
xiv. 182-200.
UPTON (H. A. S.). On some prehistoric graves. Jour. Roy. Soc.
Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 387-389.
• Site of an unrecorded battle in Westmeath. Jour. Roy. Soc.
Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 389-390.
URQUHART (JAMES). Preliminary notice of the seals of the Royal
Burghs of Scotland. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxx. 253-266.
VAN DEN BERGH (REV. A. W.). Church plate in Suffolk, deanery of
Loes. Suff. Inst. Arch. ix. 184-191.
VENABLBS (REV. EDMUND). Some account of the Roman colonnade
discovered in Bailgate, Lincoln. Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxi.
• • Some account of the old houses in Lincoln Close pulled
down in March, 1892. Reports Assoc Archit. Soc. xxi. 44-
Some account of the discovery of a Roman villa in the
Greetwell Fields, near Lincoln. Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxi.
, The shrine and head of St. Hugh of Lincoln. Reports
Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxi. 131-151.
-— • A description of the churches visited in the excursions
from Skegness. Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxi. 152-176.
VENABLES (REV. EDMUND). The memorial slabs formerly in the
cloisters of Lincoln Minster. Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxi.
— Architectural notes of the churches visited by the Lincoln
. and Nottingham Architectural Society, at the annual meeting
held at Melton Mowbray. Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxii. 32-56.
VERNEY (LADY). A traveller of the seventeenth century. Berks,
Bucks and Oxon Arch. Jour. ii. 110-112.
VERRALL (A. W.). The megalithic temple at Buto. Jour. Hell. Stud.
. xvi. 158-163.
VERTUE (RIGHT REV. BISHOP). On the MS. known as the Sforza
Missal. Proc. Soc. Antiq. xvi. 86.
VINCENT (W. T.). Well Hall, Eltham. Woolwich District Ant. Soc
i. 19-28.
VIOLLIER (LOUIS). Saint-Pierre-es-Liens: the ancient cathedral
of Geneva. Jour. Roy. Inst. Brit. Arch. 3rd S. iii. 301-312.
W. (T. J.). Weasel Folklore iu Munster. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq.
Ireland, 5th S. vi. 256-257.
WADMORE (J. F.). The Knight Hospitallers in Kent. Arch. Cantiana,
xxii. 232-274.
—. • The manor of Old Sore, near Plaxtol in Kent. Arch,
Oantiana. xxii. 310-315.
WAKEMAN (W. F.). Descriptive sketch of places visited; Dalkey,
etc. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 403-418.
~ Lough Erne and Ballyshanuon excursion. Jour. Roy. Soc.
Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 279-300.
WALKINGTON (MISS L. A.). A Bundoran legend. Jour. Roy. Soc
Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 84, 180.
WALLER (J. G.). Notes on a painted Tabula or reredos discovered
in Norwich cathedral church in 1847. Proc Soc. Antiq. xvi.
WALLER (W. C) . Essex field-names. Trans. Fssex Arch. Soc.
N.S. vi. 60-84.
WALLIS (A. M.). Portland stone quarries. Dorset Nat, Hist, and
Antiq. Field Club Proc. xii. 187-194.
WALLIS (J. P.). Early colonial constitutions. Trans. Roy. Hist.
Soc, N.S.x. 59-83.
WALTERS (H. B.). The church bells of Gloucestershire. Trans.
Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xviii. 218-251.
WARREN (REV. T.). Marechal-de-Camp Baron de War ren of Corduff.
Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 245-252.
WATERHOUSE (PAUL). The glory of Lombardy. Jbwr. Roy. Inst.
Brit. Arch. 3rd S. iii. 295-296.
WEAVER (REV. F. W.). TWO Thomas Chards. Proc. Somerset Arch.
and Nat. Hist. Soc. xlii. 67-71.
WEBER (HERMANN). On some unpublished or rare Greek coins.
Numismatic Chron. xvi. 1—33.
WEBER (F. P.). "Perkin's School-Tokens " of ihe seventeenth century.
Numismatic Chron. xvi. 262-267.
The gold medal presented to Dr. Edward Jenner by the
Medical Society of London in 1804. Numismatic Chron. xvi.
WESTON (REV. WALTER). Customs and superstitions iu the Highlands
of central Japan. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi. 29-31.
WESTROPP (THOMAS JOHNSON). Magh Adhair, co. Clare, the place of
inauguration of the Dalcassian kings. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad.
3rd S. iv. 55-60.
Prehistoric stone forts of northern Clare. Jbtir. Roy. Soc
Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vi. 142-157, 363-369.
• Vestry book of Slane, co. Meath. Jour. Roy. Soc. Ant'q.
Ireland, 5th S. vi. 171-173.
Report on photographic survey. Jour. Roy. Soc Antiq.
Ireland, 5th S. vi. 390-392.
WHALE (REV. T. W.). Analysis of Exon. Domesday. Trans. Devon.
Assoc, xxviii. 391-463.
WHITE (REV. C. H. E.). On William Dowsing's iconoclastic visitation
of the county of Cambridge 1643-4. Proc. Camb, Antiq.
Soc. ix. 204-208.
WHITEHEAD (REV. H.). Cumberland parish registers; No. 1,
Brampton Deanery. Trans. Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch.
Soc. xiv. 212-243.
WHITEHOUSE (COPE). Tho Raiyan-Moeris and the Ptolemaic maps.
Proc. Soc Bib. Arch. xv. 77-87.
The Moeris papyri. Proc. Soc. Bib, Arch. xvi. 20-23.
WHYTE (E. T.). Some remarks on the sepulchral figures usually
called Ushabti. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch, xviii. 138-146.
WHYTE (E. TQWRY). Notes on pectorals. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch xv
WIEDEMANN (DR. A.). Ou some Egyptian inscriptions in the Mnseo
Guimet at Paris. Proc Soc. Bib. Arch. xiv. 331-339.
Cobalt in ancient Egypt. Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch xv 113-
WEIDEMANN (DE. A.). Egyptian monuments at Dorpat. Proc. Soc
Bib. Arch. xvi. 150-155.
• Inscriptions of the time of Amenophis IV. Proc. Soc. Bib.
Arch. xvii. 152-157.
Two monuments with a votive formula for a living person.
Proc. Soc Bib. Arch. xvii. 195-198.
WILLIS-BUND (J. W.). Domesday book so far as it relates to
Worcestershire. Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxi. 253-270.
• Proposals for a county history of Worcestershire. Reports
Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxi. 119-129.
Some passages in the early history of Evesham Abbey
Reports Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxii. 366-389.
Worcestershire Domesday. Reports Assoc Archit. Soc.
xxii. 88-108.
WILSON (REV. JAMES). The earliest register of the parish of Thursby.
Trans. Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 121-133.
WINDEATT (E.). Early nonconformity in Ashburton. Trans. Devon.
Assoc, xxviii. 228-237.
Some ancient Totnes seals. Trans. Devon. Assoc, xxviii.
WINDEATT (T. W.). John Knowles, F.R.S. Trans. Devon. Assoc.
xxviii. 338-341.
WINDER (F. A.). The Winders of Lorton. Trans. Cumb. and West.
Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 198-207.
WOODRUFF (REV. C. E.) Inventory of the church goods of Maidstone.
Arch. Cantiana, xxii. 29-33.
• Notes on the municipal records of Queenborough. Arch.
Cantiana, xxii. 169-185.
Wages paid at Maidstone in Queen Elizabeth's reign.
Arch. Cantiana, xxii. 316-319.
WOODTHORPE (COL. R. G.). Some account of the Shans and hill tribes
of the states on the Mekong. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi.
WORTH (R. N.). Fifteenth Report of the Barrow Committee. Trans.
Devon. Assoc, xxviii. 84-89.
• Some Devonian items. Trans. Devon. Assoc xxviii. 323-
The stone rows of Dartmoor. Trans. Devon. Assoc, xxviii.
—- The tything of Compton Gifford. Trans. Devon. Assoc.
xxviii. 714-770.
WORTHINGTON (P. S.). Notes on some remnants of medieval Burgundy.
Jour. Roy. Inst. Brit. Arch. 3rd S. iii. 273-281.
WRAY (L.). The cave dwellers of Perak. Jour. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi.
WROTH (W.). Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1895.
Numismatic Chron. xvi. 85-100.
WEOTTESLEY (MAJ.-GEN. HON. G.). Extracts from the Chester Plea
Rolls of Edward III., Richard IL, and Henry IV., and from
the De Banco Rolls and Coram Rege Rolls of Richard II. and
Henry IV. Wm. Salt Arch. Soc xvi. 1-93.
Pedes Finium, temp. Elizabeth. Wm. Salt Arch. Soc. xvi.
The Rydeware chartulary. Wm. Salt Arch. Soc. xvi. 227-
YOEKE (V. W.). Excavations at Abae aud Hyampolis in Phocis.
Journ. Hell. Stud. xvi. 291-312.
YOUNG (REV. CANON E. M.). The external growth of Sherborne
School. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club Proc. xii.
Abbevs : Birch, Cochrane, Compton,
Accounts: Sussex.
Admiralty islands: Mitchell.
Adwalton: Michlethtoaite.
Agriculture (early) : Blashill.
Aldermaston : Money.
Anglo-Saxon remains: JElger, Griffith,
Micklethwaite, Read.
Angmering: Sussex.
Architecture : Allen (J. R.), Harrison,
Ohnefalsch-Richter, Waterhonse.
Domestic: Venables.
Ardfert: Hiehson.
Ardoilean : Macalister.
Arms and Armour: Rillson, Runs,
Art: See " Paintings."
Celtic : Allen (J. R.), Evans (A. J.),
Glass mosaics: Scott.
Hellenic: Ely.
Illuminated MSS. : Thompson.
Tiles: Peter.
Ashampstead: Moyle.
Ashburton: Amery, Birch, Pearson,
Ashdown: Morrison.
Assyria: Roissicr, Sommel, Johns,
Pinches, Sayce, Strong.
Auckland : Hodgson.
Australia: Mathews.
Babylon : Ball, Pinches, Strong.
Ballyboodan : Langrishe.
Ballycroy : Browne.
Basildon: Money.
Battles : Q-airdner, Lati'mer, Morrison,
Beacons : Cowper, Ferguson.
Bedford: Elger.
Bells (church) : Andre, Batson, Runbar,
Godson, Mallam, Izat, Quick,
Benburb : Latimer.
Benenden: Robertson.
Bensington: Field.
Berkshire : Berkshire, Mallam, Money,
Treacher. See " Aldermaston,"
" Ashampstead," " Ashdown,"
"Basildon," "Blewbury," "Enborne,"
"Grazeley," "Newbury,"
"Reading," "Shaw," " Sfcreatk-y,"
Berriew: Berriew.
Beverley : Leach.
Bibliography : Brown, Curtis, Lefann.
Bible: Ball, Friedlander, Gaster,
Lowy, Margoliouth, Marshall.
Missals: Legg, Vertue.
Virginals : Maitland.
Birrens: Anderson, Barbour, Brown,
Christison, MacLonald.
Blackstairs: Orpen.
Blewbury: Richardson.
Blockley : Cameron.
Bosworth: Gairdner.
Bradwell: Leader.
Brandon : Myers.
Brendon Hills : Hancock.
Brickendonbury: Evans (Sir J.).
Brixworth: Dryden.
Bronze implements: Anderson.
Buckinghamshire: Sherwood. See
Buckland: Birch.
Bulwark : Anderson.
Burgundy : Worthingion.
Burham; James, Payne.
Burton-on-Trent: Birch.
Buxted: Prince.
Cadbury: Pritchard.
Calendar: Aldenham, Griffith, Legg,
Cambridge: Aeland, AtMnson, Fawcett,
James, Kempson, Mullinger, White.
Cambridgeshire: Palmer. See " Cambridge,"
"Cavendish," "Chesterton,"
" Willingham."
Canterbury •. Cross, Hope, Robertson,
Carinthia: Lewis.
Carlisle : Ferguson.
Carnarvonshire : Paget.
Castles: Adamson, Barrett, Blundell,
Laltry, Dawson, Dryden, Jebb,
Norris, Perkins, Phillips.
Cattle: Hughes.
Cavendish : Atkinson.
Chartley: Scrivener.
Cheshire : Shrubsole. StB " Chester,"
" Baby."
Chester : Godson, Morris, Scott, Taylor.
Chesterton: Daltry.
Churches : Andre, Atkinson, Barnes,
Barrett, Berriew, Bigger, Bihon,
Birch, Blakeney, Bond, Brassington,
Cameron, Cave-Browne, Cheales,
Cochrane, Coles, Collier, Dawson,
Dryden, Dunbar, Fane, Ferguson,
Glynne, G'ower, Hardy, Harvey,
Haslewood, Hodgson, Hope,
Hiiggins, Kenyon, Keyser, Mayo,
Micklethwaite, Moens, Moule,
Moyle, Murray, Oliver, Phillips,
Pouting, Robertson, Round, Routledge,
Scott, Sperling, Spiers,
Stephenson, Stokes, Talbot, Twigge,
Venables, Fiollier.
Cirencester: Fuller.
Civil War (the) : Phillips.
Clare: Westropp.
Clayton : Keyser.
Cocklaw : Knowles.
Cochwillan: Hughes.
Colchester: Laver.
Colonial: Wallis.
Commonwealth : Kersliais.
Compton Gifford : Worth.
Cornwall: Lewis, Peter. S