Index to Archaeological Papers Published in 1897

INDEX OP ARCMOLOGICAL PAPERS PUBLISHED IN 1897 [BEING IHE SEVENTH ISSUE OF THE SERIES AND COMPLETING THE INDEX FOB THE PERIOD 1891-97] PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CONGRESS OF ARCH_EOLOGICAL SOCIETIES IN UNION WITH THE SOCIETY OP ANTIQUARIES. 1898 HABKISON AND SONS, EEINTEES IN OBDINAET TO HEB MAJESTY, ST. MAETIST'S 1ANE, lOKDON. CONTENTS. IThose Transactions marked with an asterisk * in the following list are now for the first time included in the index, the others are continuations from the indexes of 1891-96. Transactions included for the first time are indexed from 1891 omoardsi] Anthropological Institute, Journal, vol, xxvi, pts. 3 and 4, vol. xxvii, pts. 1 and 2. Antiquaries, London, Proceedings of the Society, 2nd sel'., vol. xvi, pts. 3 and 4. Antiquaries, Ireland, Proceedings of Royal Society of, 5th ser., vol. vii. Antiquaries, Scotland, Proceedings of the Society, vol. xxxi. Archceologia, vol. lv, pfc. 2. Archceologia iEliana, vol. xix, pts. 1, 2, and 3. Archceologia Cambrensis, 5th ser., vol. xiv. Archceological Journal, vol. liv. *Associated Architectural Societies, Transactions, vol. xxiii, pts. 1 and 2. Berks, Bucks and Oxfordshire Archceological Journal, vol. iii. Biblical Archaeology, Society of, Transactions, vol. xix. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archceological Society, Transactions, vol. xix, and xx, pt. 1. British Archseological Association, Journal, New Series, vol. iii. British Architects, Royal Institute of, Journal, 3rd ser., vol. iv Buckinghamshire, Records of, vol. vii, pts. 4, 5, and 6. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Transactions, vol. ix, pt> 3. Chester and North Wales Architectural, Archseological and Historical Society, Transactions, vol. vi, pfc. 1. Clifton Antiquarian Club, Proceedings, vol. iii, pt. 3, and vol. iv, pt. 1. Cornwall, Royal Institute of, Proceedings, vol. xiii, pt. 2. Cumberland and Westmorland Archaeological Society, vol. xiv, pt. 2, xv, pt. 1. Cymmrodorion Society, Transactions, 1895-6, 1896-7, and vol. xii. Derbyshire Archseological Society, Transactions, vol. xix. Devonshire Association, Transsictions, vol. xxix. Essex Archseological Society, Transactions, New Series, vol. vi, pts. 2, 3, and 4. *Exeter Diocesan Architectural and Archseological Society, Transactions, 3rd ser,, vol. i, pts. 1 and 2. iv CONTENTS. Folklore, Proceedings of the Folklore Society, vol. viii. Glasgow Archseological Society, New Series, vol. iii, pt. 1. Hampshire Field Club, Proceedings, vol. iii, pt. 3. Hellenic Society, Journal, vol. xvii. Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, Transactions, vol. xii, xiii and xiv. Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society, Transactions, vol. xi and xii. Leicestershire Architectural and Arohceological Society, Transactions, vol. viii, pts. 3 and 4. London and Middlesex Archseological Society, vol. i, pt. 2. Montgomeryshire Collections, vol. xxx, pfc. 1. Numismatic Chronicle, 3rd ser., vol. xvii. Royal Historical Society, Transactions, vol. xi. Royal Institution of Great Britain and Ireland, Proceedings, vol. xv, pts. 1 and 2. Royal Irish Academy, Transactions, 3rd ser., vol. iv, pts. S and 4. Royal Society of Literature, Transactions, vol. xviii, pt. 4, xix, pt. 1. St. Paul's Ecclesiologioal Society, Transactions, vol. iv, pt. 2. Shropshire Archceological and Natural History Society, Transactions, 2nd Ber., vol. ix. Somersetshire Archceological and Natural History Society, Transactions, vol. xliii. Staffordshire, William Salt Archceological Society, Transactions, vol. xvii. Suffolk Archceological Institute, vol. ix, pts. 3 and 4. Surrey Archceological Society, Collections, vol. xiii, pt. 2. Sussex Archceological Collections, vol. xii. Warwickshire Field Club, Transactions, 1897. Wiltshire Archceological and Natural History Magazine, vol. xxix, pts. 2 and 3. Woolwich District Antiquarian Society, Transactions, vol. ii. Yorkshire Archseological and Topographical Journal, vol. xiv, pt. 4. NOTE. The value of this Index to archceologists is now recognised. Every effort is made to keep its contents up to date and continuous, but it is obvious that tho difficulties are great unless the assistance of the societies is obtained. If for any reason the papers of a society are not indexed in the year to which they properly belong the plan is to include them in the following year; and whenever the papers of societies are brought into the Index for the first time they are then indexed from the year 1891. By this means it will be seen that the year 1891 is treated as the commencing year for the Index and that all transactions published in and since that year will find their place in the series. To make this work complete an index of the transactions from the beginning of archceological societies down to the year 1890 needs to be published. This Index is already completed in MS. form, and the first part will be ready by March next. Societies will greatly oblige by communicating any omissions or suggestions to THE EDITOR OE THE AEOHJSOIO&IOAII INDEX, LAUBENCE GOMME, F.S.A., 24, Dorset Square, London, N.W. Single copies of the yearly Index from 1891 may be obtained. The subscription list for the complete Index up to 1891 is still open, and intending subscribers should apply at once. Many of the societies in union with the Society of Antiquaries take a sufficient number of copies of the yearly Index to issue with their transactions to each of their members. The more this plan is extended the less will be the cost of the Index to each society. For particulars of the yearly and complete Indexes and other works now being carried on by the societies in union application should be made to the Honorary Secretary, RAUPH NEVEGD, F.S.A., 13, Addison Crescent, Kensington, W. INDEX OE ARCMOLOGICAl PAPERS PUBLISHED IN 1897. ADAMSON (HORATIO A.). Gleanings from the records of the parish of Tynemouth. Arch. Mliana, six. 93-104. Tynemouth parish registers. Arch. Mliana, xix. 197-216. ADAMSON (EEV. 0. E.). The vicars of Haltwhistle. Arch. Mliana, xix. 14-28. ADAMSON (REV. E. H.). Sir Charles Brown, M.D. Arch. Mliana, xix. 133-142. ADDY (S. O.). Four Yorkshire folk tales. Folklore, viii. 393-396. ALLEN (J. ROMILLY). Eeporfc on the photography of the sculptured stones earlier than A.D. 1100 in the district of Scotland south of the River Dee. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 147-152. On some points of resemblance "between the art of tho early sculptured stones of Scotland and of Ireland. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 309-332. ALLEN (THOMAS W.). The text of the Homeric Hymns. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 45-62, 241-267. ANDERSON (J. G. C ) . The road system of Eastern Asia Minor, with evidences of Byzantine campaigns. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 22-44. — A summer in Phrygia. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 396-424. ANDERSON (JOSEPH, LL.D.). Notices of some recently discovered inscribed and sculptured stones. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 293-308. ANDRi (J. LEWIS). Sompting Ohurch. Sussex Arch. Coll. xii. 7-24. -< West Tarring Ohurch. Sussex Arch. Coll. xii. 54-72. ANDREWS (J. B.). Neapolitan witchcraft. Folhhre, viii. 1-9. ANDREWS (W.). On ancient pottery remains in Warwickshire. Warwickshire Field Club, 1897, 27-30. APPLETON (E.). Notes on Torre Abbey. Fxeter Diocesan Archit. and Arch. Soc. 3rd S. i. 105-107. ARNOLD (REV. F. H., LL.D.). On. the discovery of a Roman cemetery at Ohichester, Sussex Arch. Coll. xii. 1-3. 8 INDEX OP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPEES. ARNOTT (JOHN). The church and priory of St. Mary Woodbridge. Suffolk Arch. Inst. ix. 338-344. ATKINSON (REV. J. C ) . Supernatural change of site. Folklore, viii. 279-280. ATKINSON (T. D.). The gilds of Cambridgeshire. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. ix. 385-390. AXON (WILLIAM E. A.). Chronological notes on the visitations of plague in Lancashire and Cheshire. Iianc and Chesh. Antiq. Soc, xii. 52-99. On a bronze coin of Aurelian. Lane, and Ohesh. Antiq. Soe. xiii. 32-42. B. (M.). An Irish Easter legend. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 193-194. BAGNALL-OAKELEY (MRS.). Grosmont Castle. Bristol and Qlouc Arch. Soc. xx. 88-92. Skenfrith Castle and Church. Bristol and Qlouc. Arch. Soc. xx. 93-96. Pembridge Castle. Bristol and Qlouc. Arch. Socxx. 97-99. Notes on a great hoard of Roman coins found at Bishop's Wood in 1895. Bristol and Qlouc. Arch. Soc. xix. 399-420. BAILDON (W. PALEY). On a fragment of a carved alabaster panel, 15th century, and on a jug of green glazed pottery found at Lincoln's Inn. Proc Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 392-394. BAILY (REV. JOHNSON). Book of Easter offerings, small tithes g,nd " outeu " tithes of the parish of Ryton. Arch. Mliana, xix. 39-46. BAKER (JAMES). The fatal field of Agincourt. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xx. 52-58. BAKER (T. H.). Notes on the history of Mere. Wilts Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxix. 224-337. BALDWIN (A. H.). Roman coins relating to Britain. Woolwich Dist. Antiq. Soc. ii. 62-69. BALFOUR (HENRY), On a remarkable anoient bow and arrow, believed to be of Assyrian origin. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi. 210-220. Life history of an Aghori fakir, with exhibition of the human skull used by him as a drinking vessel and notes on the similar use of skulls by other races. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi. 340- 357. BALL (F. ELRINGTON). Irish harvestmen in England. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 429. BALL (T. STANLEY). Town Guilds. Hist. Soc of Lane and Ohesh. N.S. xii. 79-94. INDEX OF AEOHiEOLOGICAL PAPERS. 9 BARBER (REV. H., M.D.). Etymologies of Derbyshire place-names. Derbyshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xix. 53-79. BARBOUR (JOHN H.). Some country remedies and their uses. Folklore, viii. 386-390. BARKER (W. R.). Part of a late Celtic, bronze collar found at Llandyssil, Cardiganshire. Clifton Antiq. Club, iii. 210-213. BARLOW-MASSICKS (THOMAS). The old blast furnace at Duddon Bridge. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 448-449. BARTLEET (REV. S. E.). The leper hospitals of St. Margaret and Sfc. Mary Magdelen by Gloucester. Bristol and Qlouc Arch. Soc. xx. 127-137. .BATES (CADWALLADER J.). Distance slabs of the Antonine wall and the Roman names of its fortresses. Arch. Mliana, xix. 105-114. . The Beornicas and the Deras. Arch. Mliana, xix. 147-154. • The home of St. Cuthberfc's boyhood. Arch. Mliana, xix. 155-159. — Winwedfield: the overthrow of English paganism. Arch. Mliana, xix. 182-191. BATES (REV. E. H.). The inventory of church plate in south-east Somerset. Somerset Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc xliii. 172-231. BATTEN (JOHN). The Horsey family. Somerset Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xliii. 84-93. BAX (ALFRED RIDLEY). On a ledger to the memory of James Bonwicke, Esq., in Mickleham churchyard,, with some account of the Bonwicke family. Surrey Arch. Coll. xiii. 111-129. . Conventicles in Surrey, 1669. Surrey Arch. Coll. xiii. 154-165. Inscriptions in the chnx'chyard of All Saints, Hastings. Sussex Arch. Coll. xii. 216-231. BAXTER (REV. GEORGE C) . Notice of a cup-marked stone recently found at Gallowhill, parish of Cargill. Soc Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 290-292. BENNETT (RICHARD). The King's Mills of ancient Liverpool. Hist. Soc. of Lane, and Chesh. N.S. xii. 29-78. BERKELEY (MRS. ROWLAND). Ootheridge and its history. Assoc Archit. Soc xxiii. 194-212. BIRCH (W. DE GRAY). Notes on Fulham Palace. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 43-48. BIRREL (AUGUSTINE). John Wesley: some aspects of the eighteenth century. Boy. Inst. xv. 233-234. BLAIR (ROBERT). Note on the discovery of a Roman inscribed slab at Chesters. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 387-388. 10 INDEX OF AEOHiEOLOGIOAL PAPEKS. BLAKEWAY (REV. J. BEICKDALE). History of Shrewsbury Hundred or Liberties. Shropshire Arch. Soc. 2nd S. ix. 107-214. BLASHILL (THOMAS). Some certificates as to recusants in Holderness. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 275-280. BLTJMER (DR. G. ALDER). The Washington and Oolville families. Arch. Mliana, xix. 115-125. BOISSIER (ALERED). Note sur un linteau de porte decouverfc en Assyrie par George Smith. Soc. Bib. Arch. xix. 250-251. BOTHAMLEY (C. H.). A photographic survey of the county of Somerset. Somerset Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc xliii. 166-171. BOWER (REV. CANON). Mural and other painted decorations in the diocese of Carlisle. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc xv. 9-20. BOYD (W.). Final concords or pedes finium of mixed counties which include Staffordshire. William Salt Arch. Soc. xvii. 209-236. • Lincolnshire inquisitions post mortem, temp. Henry VIL Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiii. 1-80. Calendar of all enrolments on the Close Rolls temp. Henry VIL, relating to the county of Lincoln. Assoc. Archit. Soc xxiii. 260-273. BOYD (W.), and MAJOR-GEN. the HON. G. WROTTESLEY. The poll-tax of A.D. 1379-81 for the Hundreds of Offlow and Cutfclestone. William Salt Arch. Soc. xvii. 157-205. BOYD (WILLIAM 0.). A find of Roman denarii near Cambridge. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 119-126. BOYD (W. K. ) . Survey of Leicestershire, 1124-1129. Leicestershire Archit. and Arch. Soc viii. 179-183. BRADLEY (MISS EDITH). Reflections on the past glories of Hatfield. Brit. Arch. Assoc N.S. iii. 294-297. BRADNEY (JOSEPH A.). Raglan Castle. Bristol and Qlouc. Arch. Soc. xx. 76-87. BRIDGE (JOSEPH C, MUS. DOC) . Two Chester madrigal writers, Thomas Bateson and Francis Pilkingfcon. Archit. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. of Chester and N. Wales, vi. 60-73. Souling songs. Archit. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. of Chester and N. Walts, vi. 74-75. BROOKE (J. W.), and B. HOWARD CUNNINGTON. Excavation of a Roman well near Silbury Hill. Wilts. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc xxix. 166-171. BROWN (G. BALDWIN) . English mediseval antiquities. Boy. Inst. Brit. Archit. 3rd S. iv. 429-432. INDEX OE AKCILEOLOGICAIi PAPERS. 1 1 BROWN (J. T. T.). The authorship of the Kingis Quair. Glasgoio Arch. Soc. N.S. iii. 93-166. BROWNING (OSCAR). The Conference of Pillnitz. Boy. Hist. Soc. N.S. xi. 133-138. BBUSHFIELD (T. N., M.D.). The salmon clause in the indentures of apprentices. Archit. Arch, and Hist. Soc of Chester and N. Wales, vi. 5-35. On the destruction of vermin in rm-al parishes. Devon. Assoc, xxix. 291-349. BRIDALL (ROBERT). Notice of a group of carved grave slabs at Dalmally, Argyleshire. Soc Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 81-85. BULKELEY-OWEN (HON. MRS.). Selattyn: a history of the parish. Shropshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. 2nd S. ix. 37-72, 219-283. BURNARD (ROBERT). Dartmoor stone implements and weapons. Devon. Assoc, xxix. 378-385. BURNE (CHARLOTTE S.). Staffordshire superstitions. Folklore, viii. 91-92. BURROWS (MONTAGU). The life of Admiral Robert Blake stripped of legendary matter. Somerset Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xliii. 45-61. BURY (J. B.). The Nika riot. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 92-119. CALVERLEY (REV. W. S.). Shrine-shaped or coped tombstones at Gosforth, Cumberland. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc xv. 239-246. CALVERT (FRANK). On the tumulus of Choban Tepeh in the Troad. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 319-320. CHACOMBE, the Priory of. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jour. iii. 53-54. CHRISTISON (DR. D.). The prehistoric fortresses of Treceiri and Eildon. Arch. Cambrensis, 5fch S. xiv. 17-40. Notice of a burial mound at Cavers, Roxburghshire. Soc Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 188-195. The Girdlestanes and a neighbouring stone circle in the parish of Eskdalemuir, Dumfriesshire. Soc Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 281-289. CHRISTY (MILLER), and W. W. PORTEOUS. • On some interesting Essex brasses. Essex Aroh. Soc N.S. vi. 146-170. CHURCH (REV. C. M.). The prebendal stalls and misericords in the cathedral church of Wells. Archceologia., lv. 319-342. On a remai-kable wooden lantern-shaped object from the cathedral church of Wells. Proc. Soc Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 287-289. 12 INDEX OE ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. CLARK (DR.). Bishop Bateman. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. ix. 297- 336. CLEAR (ARTHUR). Civil marriages during tho Commonwealth. Becords of Bucks, vii. 531-537. CLUTTERBUCK (REV. R. H.). The fraternities of Sarum. Wilts Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxix. 137-146. COCKS (ALFRED HENEAGE). A palimpsest brass at Middle Claydon. Becords of Bucks, vii. 529-530. Exploration of a large barrow at Chetwode. Becords of Bucks, vii. 462-464. —'• The Romano-British pile-dwelling at Hedsor. Becords of Bucks, vii. 538-549. • Description of the brass of Roger Dynham. Becords of Bucks, vii. 262-263. A further contribution towards a Buckinghamshire vocabulary. Becords of Bucks, vii. 284-303. COFFEY (G.). On stone markings (ship figure) recently discovered at Dowth, in the county of Meafch. Proc. Boy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iv. 586-588. Origins of prehistoric ornament in Ireland. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 28-52. Notes on the derivation of the New Grange spirals. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 248-253. COFFEY (GEO.), C. BROWNE, M.D., and T. J. WESTROPP. Report on a prehistoric burial near Newcastle, Wicklow. Proc Boy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iv. 559-562. COKAYNE (G. E.). Some account of some of the Lord Mayors and Sheriffs of London during the sixteenth century, 1501-1600. London and Middlesex Arch. Soc. N.S. i. 177-182. COLBY (F. T., D.D.). Mottoes of some Devonshire families. Devon. Assoc xxix. 286-290. COLEMAN (JAMES). The coast from Kenmare Bay to Cork Harbour. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 318-321. COLES (FRED. R.). Notes on a stone circle in Wigtownshire. Soc Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 90-94.' Notices of the discovery of a cist and bronze blade at Letham quarry, Perth; of the standing stones at High Auchenlarie, Anworth, Kirkcudbrightshire, Soc Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 181-188. COLLIER (HON. JOHN). Portrait painting in its historical aspects. Roy. Inst. xv. 36-38. INDEX OF ARCI-LEOLOGICAL PAPERS.' 13 COLLIER (MRS.). Church and painted glass at Bowness. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 122-133. St. Mary-le-Savoy and the old palace and hospital. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 221-231. COLSON (J. B.). The nave i-oof of Winchester Cathedral. Hampshire Field Club, iii. 283-293. COMPER (J. N.). The reasonableness of the ornaments rubric, illustrated by a comparison of the German and English altars. St. Paul's Fcclesiological Soc. iv. 65-97. COMPTON (C. H.). Rhuddlan. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 266-274. The foundation of Waltham Abbey. Brit. Arch. Assoc N.S. iii. 137-147. CONDER (EDWARD, JUN.). Some notes on the manors of Mansergh and Rigmaden, formerly in the parish of Kirkby-Lonsdale. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 450-459. CONDER (LIEUT.-COL. C. R.). Palestine exploration. Boy. Inst. xv. 346-349. COOKE (T. ETHERINGTON). Notes on a precept of infeftment granted by Queen Anne of Denmark, wife of James VI., as Lady Dunfermline, A.D. 1601. Glasgow Arch. Soc E.S. iii. 167-174. COOPER (REV. OANON J.-H.). The manor of Cuckfield from the fourteenth to the nineteenth centuries. Sussex Arch. Coll. xii. 79-94. Old Cuckfield families. Sussex Arch. Coll. xii. 203-215. COOPER (REV. T. S.). The church plate of Surrey. Surrey Arch. Coll. xiii. 166-176. CORBETT (W. J.). Elizabethan village surveys. Boy. Hist. Soc N.S. xi. 67-87. COWPER (H. SWAINSON). The ancient village at Hugill, near Windermere, Westmorland; excavations at Piel (Peel) Island, Coniston, Lancashire. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 253-258. • Hawkshead folklore: charms, superstitions, witchcraft, and traditional customs. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 371-389. Illustrations of old fashions and obsolete contrivances in Lakeland. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc xv. 252- 284. COWPER (H. SWAINSON) and W. G. COLLINGWOOD. Reports on excavations at Springs Bloomery, near Coniston Hall, Lancashire, with notes on the probable age of the Furness bioomeries. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc xv. 211-228. 1 4 INDEX OE ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. Cox (EDWARD W.). Leaves from an antiquary's note book. Hist. Soc. of Lane, and Chesh. N.S. xi. 235-252; xii. 253-258. Norman remains found at Sephton Church. Hist. Soc. of Lane, and Chesh. N.S. xi. 103-106. Lancaster Castle. Hist. Soc of Lane, and Chesh. N.S. xii. 95-122. The evolution of a medieval hail. Hist. Soc. of Lane, and Chesh. N.S. xii. 149-170. Notes on Halsall Church. Hist. Soc. of Lane and Ohesh. N.S. xii. 233-240. Cox (REV. J. CHARLES, LL.D.). The treatment of our cathedral churches in the Victorian age. Arch. Jour. liv. 239-274. CRAIGIE (W. A.). The Gaels in Iceland. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 247-264. CRAMOND (W., LL.D.). Notes on tumuli in Cullen District, and notice of the discovery of two urns at Foalford, near Cullen. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 216-223. Some notes on road bills, with reference to a collection of them in three volumes now exhibited; and. notes on. the casting from Abernethy iron works. Soc Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 224-227. CRISP (FREDERICK ARTHUR). Surrey wills. Surrey Arch. Coll. xiii. 177-196. CROOKE (WILLIAM). The binding of a god, a study of the basis of idolatry. Folklore, viii. 325-355. CROWFOOT (J. W.). A Thi-aoian portrait. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 321-326. CRUM (W. E.). A Coptic palimpsest. #00. Bib. Arch. xix. 210-222. CUNNINGHAM. (D. J., M.D.). On some human remains recently discovered near Lismore. Proc Boy, Irish Acad. 3rd S. iv. 552 558. DALE (W.). The paleolithic implements of the Southampton gravels. Hampshire Field Club, iii. 261-264. — Ancient bronze weapons from the neighbourhood, of Southampton. Hampshire Field Club, iii. 265-266. DAMES (M. LONGWOBTH). Balochie tales. Folklore, viii. 77-83. D'AROY (DR. S. A.), A crannoge near Clones. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland. 5th S. vii 205-220, 389-403. DARTMOOR Exploration Committee, fourth report of the. Devon, Assoc. xxix. 145-165. DAVIES (D. GRIFFITH). Early sculptured stones in Ireland. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiv. 255-260. INDEX OE ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. 15 DAVIES (THOMAS J.). The Severn. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxx. 177- 202. DAVIS (REV. R. G.). Historical notes on the manor of Knighton, in the Isle of Wight. Hampshire Field Club, iii. 295-302. DAWKINS (PROF. BOYD). The present phase of prehistoric archeeology. Arch. Jour. liv. 377-394. DEAN (JOHN). On Middleton parish church. Lane, and Chesh. Antiq. Soc xiv. 1-26. DENNETT (R. E.). Death and burial of the Fiofce. Folklore, viii. 132-137. DILLON (VISCOUNT). On some armour at Great Salkeld Church Cumberland. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc xv. 250- 251. DILLON (VISCOUNT) and W. H. ST. JOHN HOPE. Inventory of the goods and chattels belonging to Thomas Duke of Gloucester, and seized in his castle afe Pleshy, co. Essex, 21 Richard II, (1397), with their values as shown in the escheator's accounts. Arch. Jonr. liv.. 275-308. DITCHFIELD (REV. P. H.). Roman relics. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jour. iii. 16-22. DoHERTr (THOMAS). Some notes on the physique, customs, and superstitions of the peasantry of Innishowen, co. Donegal. Folklore, viii. 12-18. DONELLY (W. A.). Note of a stone on the moor near Dullatur, called the Carrickstone, shaped like a Roman altar and having cups on its upper sui'faee. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 228-230. DORLING (REV. E. E.). Notes on the heraldry of Salisbury Cathedral. Wilts Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxix. 113-122. DOWNMAN (REV. E. A.). Gi-eafc Oanfield Mount. Fssex Arch. Soc. N.S. vi. 225-227. DOWNS (R. S.). High Wycombe parish church : brasses, monuments and inscriptions. Becords of Bucks, vii. 264-283, 430-461. DREDGE (REV. J. INGLE). Frithelstock Priory, in the deanery of Hartland. Fxeter Diocesan Archit. and Arch. Soc. 3rd S. i. 1-10. DRINKWATER (REV. 0. H.). Grant of a market and fair at Chetwynd to Sir John de Chetwynd 17 July, 1318. Shropshire Arch. Soc. 2nd S. ix. 93-95. DRYDEN (SIR HENRY E. L.). Squints and dials. Assoc Archit. Soc xxiii. 354-364. DUFF (RIGHT HON. SIR MOUNTSTUART E. GRANT). Presidential address. Boy. Hist. Soc. N.S. xi. 1-17. 16 INDEX OP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. DUGAN (C. W.) Interesting find in the Montiaghs, co. Armagh. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 437-438. DUIGNAN (W. H.). On some Shropshire place names. Shropshire Arch. Soc. 2nd S. ix. 385-400. DUNCAN (LELAND L.). Hob thrust. Folklore, viii. 69. DUNS (PROF., D.D.). Notice of the discovery of urns at Chesters, Roxburghshire; and notes on lamps, crocach, and Brazilian pottery, etc. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 199-209. EAGER (REGINALD, M.D.). Notes on customs in Spanish churches illustrative of old English ceremonial. St. Paul's Fcclesiological Soc iv. 105-125. EBBLEWHITE (ERNEST ARTHUR). Flintshire genealogical notes. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiv. 1-16,181-196. EDGAR (C. E.). TWO stelse from Kynosarges. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 174-175. EISENLOHR (PROF. DR.). The Rollin papyri and their baking calculations. Soc Bib. Arch. xix. 91-104; 115-120; 147-155 ; 252-265. ELLIS (THOMAS E.). Domestic and decorative art in Wales. Soc. Cymmrodorion, 1896-7, 14-33. ELLWOOD (REV. T.). The mountain sheep, their origin and marking. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch, Soc. xv. 1-8. ELWORTHY (F. T.). Sixteenth report of the committee on Devonshire verbal provincialisms. Devon. Assoc, xxix. 45-65. ELY (TALFOURD). Wreaths and garlands. Arch. Jour. liv. 186- 197. The house of Aulus Vettius recently discovered at Pompeii. Archceologia, lv. 301-318. ESHELBY (H. D.). The episcopal visitations of the Yorkshire deaneries of the Archdoacomy of Richmond in 1548 and 1554. , Tories. Arch. Soc xiv. 390-421. EVANS (ARTHUR J.). On a votive deposit of gold objects found on the north-west coast of Ireland. Archceologia, lv. 391-408. Further discoveries of Cretan and JUgean script: with Libyan and proto-Egyptian comparisons, jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 327-395. A Roman villa at Frilford. Arch, Jour. liv. 340-354. EYRE (MOST REV. ARCHBISHOP). The hall of the vicars choral, Glasgow cathedral. Glasgow Aroh. Soc. iii. 77-92. EYRE (REV. W. L. W.). A memorial brass from Brown Candover. Hampshire Field Club, iii, 277. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. 17 FAHEY (VERY REV. J.). The flight of the O'Flahertys, lords of Moy Soela, to Iar Connaught. Boy. Soc. Antiq* Ireland, 5th S. vii. 19-27. FAIRBANK (F, R.). Portable altars. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 54-62. FERGUSON (CHANCELLOR). Shap stones. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc xv. 27-34. Recent local finds of Roman date. 'Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 43-47. The treasure chest formerly belonging to the custom house, Carlisle. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 133-135. Communion cup and cover from Cartmel Fell chapel. Gum b. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 247-249. . Report on finds in Cumberland. Proc Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 297-301, 337-340. FERGUSON (CHANCELLOR), 0. W. DYMOND, and H. S. COWPER. An ancient village in Hugill (near Ings in Westmorland). Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 460-469. FERGUSON (CHANCELLOR) and H. S. COWPER. Ancient and county bridges in Cumberland and Westmorland, with some remarks upon the fords ; and Lancashire north-of-the-sands. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc xv. 114-132. FERGUSON (JOHN, LL.D.). Bibliographical notes on histories of inventions and books of secrets. Glasgow Arch. Soc. iii. 175-213- FFENNELL (MISS M. C) . Charms from Siam. Folklore, viii. 88-91. FIELD (JOHN EDWARD). Benson, or Bensington. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jour. iii. 6-14. FIGGIS (J. NEVILLE). On some political theories of the earlv Jesuits. Boy. Hist. Soc. N.S. xi. 89-112. FISHER (REV. G. W. ) . A Shrewsbury man in Ireland in the 16th century. Shropshire Arch. Soc. 2nd S. ix. 34-36. Note on the election of burgesses of parliament for Shrewsbury in 1584 and 1586. Shropshire Arch. Soc 2nd S. ix. 91-92. FISHWICK (LIEUT.-COL. HENRY). Tim Bobbin versus John Whitaker. Lane and Ohesh. Antiq. Soc. xiii. 19-26. Note on •»& discovery of sepulchral urns on Pule Hill. Yorkshire. Proc. Soc Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 335-336. FITZGERALD (LORD WALTER). The rangers of the curragh of Kildare, Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 371-372. FITZHEEBERT (REV. REG. H. C ) . Will of Raiph Fitzherbert, Esq. of B 18 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. Norbury, A.D. 1483. Derbyshire Arch, and Nat Hist. Sec. xix, 94-100, FLETCHER (REV. W. G-. D.). Survey of Leicestershire 1124-1129. Leicest. Archit. and Arch. Soc. viii. 142-144. • John Wyclif's presentation to the rectory of Lutterworth 7 April, 1375. Leicest. Archit. and Arch. Soc. viii. 184. —— The estates of the Earls of Chester and the Despensers in certain Leicestershire manors. Leicest. Archit. and Arch. Soc. viii. 208-209. — — Some unpublished documents relating to Leicestershire preserved in the Public Record Office [and British Museum]. Assoc Archit. Soc xxiii. 213-252, 392-436. FLOYEK (REV. J. K.). Passages in the history of Downton A.D. 1138-80. Wilts Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxix. 102-112. FOSTER, (J. E.). Notes on the history of Exning. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. ix. 342-346. — On charters granted by Ramsay Abbey to the fraternity of tho Holy Sepulchre. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. ix. 367-370. Fox (GEORGE E.). ITriconium. Arch. Jour. liv. 123-173. FRAZER, (WILLIAM). On gold lunula*, with descriptions of those contained in the Royal Irish Academy's Museum and other collections, and on the source of the gold employed to make Irish gold ornaments. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 53-66, 359-370. FRAZER (W.) Three rare medals mado by W. Mossop. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 90-92. —- Medallion in plaster of the Right Hon. John Beresford and his wife Barbara. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 319-320. FRENCH (MAJOR GILBERT). The stone circles on Chetham's Close, Turfcon. Lane, and Chesh. Antiq. Soc xii. 42-51. FRESHFrELD (EOWIN). Notes on the church now called the Mosque of the Kalen ders at Constantinople. Archceologia, lv. 431-438. FRYER (ALFRED C). Discoveries on Brandon Hill, Bristol. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 219-220. * — Notes on the composition of an Inca ornament. Brit. Arch. Assoc N.S. iii. 232. " • The camp near Otzenhausen. Clifton Antiq, Club, iii. 235-238. FULFORD (J. LOVEBAND). Notes on the church of St. Swithun Woodbury. Fxeter Diocesan Archit, and Arch. Soc. 3rd S. i. 63-72. FULLER (RBY, E, A.). The tallage of 6 Edward II. (Dec. 16, INDEX OF ARCHiEOLOGICAL PAPERS. 19 1312) and the Bristol rebellion. Bristol and Qlouc Arch. Soc. xix. 159-278. FULLER (REV. E. A.). Cirencester documents. Bristol and Qlotic. Arch. Soc. xx. 114-126. GALPIN (REV. F. W.). The history of the church of Hatfield Regis or Broad Oak, with some account of the priory buildings. Essex Arch. Soc N.S. vi. 327-345. GANN (T.). On the contents of some ancient mounds iu Central America. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 308-317. GARDNER (ERNEST A.). Cseueusand the Centaurs; a vase at Harrow. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 294-305. GARDNER (PERCY). The Mantinean basis. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 120-121. GARDNER (WILLOUGHBY). Undescribed penny of King John. Numismatic Chron. xvii.'249. GASTER (DR. M.). TWO unknown Hebrew versions of the Tobifc legend. Soc. Bib. Arch. xix. 27-38. GAYTHORPE (HARPER). Prehistoric implements in Furness. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc xiv. 442-447; xv. 161- 171. GEE (REV. HENRY). The domus iuferior or frary of our oldest charterhouses. Archaiologia, lv. 525-530. GILBERT (ALFRED). The sculptor's architecture of the renaissance. Boy. Inst. Brit. Archit. 3rd S. iv. 161-164. GLADSTONE (DR. J. H.). On the transition from the use of copper to that of bronze. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi. 309-320. GLYNN (REV. O ) . O. erbury church. Bristol and Glouc Arch. Soc. xix. 41-60. GLYNNE (SIR STEPHEN, BART.). Notes on the older churches in the four Welsh dioceses. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiv. 45-57, 293- 307. GODDEN (GERTRUDE M.). Naga and other frontier tribes of northeast India. Anthrop. Inst, xxvii. 2-50. GODMAN (PERCY S.). Itchingfield. Sussex Arch. Coll. xii. 95-158- GOLDMERSTEIN (L.). The part played by water in marriage customs. Folklore, viii. 84-86. GOLLANCZ (HERMANN). The history cf Sindban and the seven wise masters. Folklore, viii. 99-130. GOMME (ALICE B.). The Painswick dog pie. Folklore, viii. 390-392. GOODWYN (REV. CANON). An old churchwardens'__aceoant book of Rofcherfield. Sussex Arch. Coll. xii. 25-48. B 2 20 INDEX OE ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. G-OTCH (J. ALFRED). Heraldry of the i*enaissance in England. Boy. Inst. Brit. Archit. 3rd S. iv. 265-277. G-OWLAND (WILLIAM). Notes on the composition of the bronze, copper, etc., in the hoards found at Grays Thurrock and Southall, and on experiments on the manufacture of ancient bronze. Proc Soc Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 330-334. • The dolmens and burial mounds in Japan. Archceologia, lv. 439-524. GRADWELL (MONSIGNOR ROBERT). The oldest church in Lancashire [Overton]. Lane and Chesh. Antiq. Soc xii. 100-103. GRANTLEY (LORD). On the North-Humbrian coinage of A.D. 758-808. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 134-144. GRANVILLE (REV. ROGER). An account of Sir Tbomas Grenvile's tomb in Bideford church, and also of tbe long bridge of Bideford. Exeter Diocesan Archit. and Arch. Soc 3rd S. i- 11-16. GRAZEBROOK (GEORGE) andH. S. GRAZEBROOK. The Shenstonecharters copied from the chartulary or great coucher book of the Duchy of Lancaster. William Salt Arch. Soc xvii. 239-298. G-REEN (EVERARD). Note on the insignia of an archbishopric. Proc Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 394-404. GREENWELL (REV. CANON). On some rare Greek coins. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 253-283. GREGSON (WILLIAM E.). The old chapel at Maghull, commonly known as the Dns worth chapel. Hist. Soc. of Lane, and Chesh. N.S. xi. 252-256. GRESWELD (REV. W. H. P.). The alien priory of Stoke Courcy, Somerset Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xliii. 62-83. GRIFFITH (F. LL.). Scarabs belonging to Mr. John Ward; the Khyan group of kings; the Israel stela; additional notes to" Egyptian literature. Soo. Bib. Arch. xix. 293-300. GRIMSEY (B. P.). The Greyfriars monastery, Ipswich. Suffolk Arch. Inst. ix. 373-378. GROEBER (H. A.). A find of coins at East Worlington, Devonshire. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 145-158. A find of coins at Crediton, North Devon. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 159-172. GRUNDY (G. B.). Arfcemisium. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 212-229. Tbe account of Salamis in Herodotus. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 230-240. HADDON (ALFRED C, D.SC) . Studies, in Irish craniology, pt. iii. : a INDEX OE ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS.' 21 neolithic cist burial at Oldbridge, county of Meafch. Proc. Boy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iv. 570-585. HALE (HORATTO). Four Huron wampum records : a study of aboriginal American history and mnemonic symbols. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi. 221-254. HALL (REV. J. MELLAND). Notes on the history of Beckford. Bristol and Glouc Arch. Soc. xix. 61-69. Haresfield: manors and church. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xix. 279-373. HALLAM (W. H.). The church bells of Berkshire. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jour. iii. 15-16, 83-84. HARDING (J.). The ancient sub-chantry house formerly in the Close, Salisbury. Wilts. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc -xxix. 95-97. HARRISON (FREDERIC). A proposal for a new historical bibliography. Boy. Hist. Soe N.S. xi. 19-30. HARRISON (J. PARK). The age of Carfax tower, Oxford. Arch. Jour. liv. 395-400. HARRISON (WILLIAM). Ancient fords, ferries, and bridges in Lancashire. Lane and Chesh. Antiq. Soc. xii. 1-29; xiii. 74- 102; xiv. 67-94. HART (W. H.). The will of Thomas Babington of Dethic [A.D. 1500]. Derbyshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xix. 80-93. HARTLAND (E. SIDNEY). Supernatural change of site. Folklore, viii. 177-178. HARTOPP (HENRY). Calendar of Leicestershire wills, 1559 to 1649. Leicestershire Archit. and Arch. Soc. viii. 145-178, 210-242. HASLEWOOD (REV. FRANCIS). Ministers of Suffolk ejected 1643-4, Suffolk Arch. Inst. ix. 307-310. Parish register of Bradfield S. Clare, 1541-1595. Suffolk Arch. Inst. ix. 311-329. HASLUCK (F. W.). On the Roman denarii found near Cambridge. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 251-252. HASWELL (J. F., M.D.). Heraldic glass in Edenhall church. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 111-113. HAVERFIELD (F.). The antiquity of place names. Archit. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soe of Chester and N. Wales, vi. 36-41. • Roman altar discovered in 1896 [Chester]. Archit. Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. of Chester and N. Wales, vi. 76-78. Reports of the Cumberland excavation committee 1896 and 1897. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv 413-433; xv. 172-190, 2 2 INDEX OE ARCHiEOLOGICAL PAPERS. HAVERFIELD'(F.) Notes on Samian ware. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 191-196. • Inscriptions preserved at Birdoswald. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 197-200. '•— A new Roman inscription from Chesters. Arch. Mliana, xix. 179-181. Roman inscriptions from _<3Esica [Great Chesters] and South Shield! Arch. Mliana, xix. 268-274. On a Roman bronze vessel found afc Herringfleet. Proc Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 237-240. Note on the supposed mithrfsum discovered at Burham. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 248-249. On a Roman bronze lamp of terra cotta found at Bradfield, Berks. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 276-277. Note on a small Roman bronze prow found in London. Proc Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 308. HEAD (ROBERT). Old Moreton Hall, and its past and present owners. Hist. Soc. of Lane and Cheshire, N.S. xi. 1-20. HEYWOOD (NATHAN). Mason's marks on the stones of Stretford aqueduct. Lane and Chesh. Antiq. Soc. xiii. 70-73. HICKSON (MISS). Ardfert friary and the Fitzmaurices, Lords of Kerry. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 232-242. • Fethard castle, co. Wexford. Boy. Soc Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 436-437. HILL (REV. A. D.). The mizmaze on Breamore Down, Hants, near Downton. Wilts Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc xxix. 98- 101. HILL (G. F.). Oinoanda: a new Greek mint. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 25-30. , Notes on additions to the Greek coins in the British Museum 1887-1896. -Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 78-91. .- Solon's reform of the Attic standard. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 284-292. ——. • Cartimandua. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 293-301. HILTON (JAMES). The coronation stone at Westminster Abbey. Arch. Jour. liv. 201-224. HINGESTON-RANDOLPH (REV. PREBENDARY). Original deeds, grant to Bishop Marshall; grant to College of Vicars Choral, Sfc. Peter's, .Exeter. Exeter Diocesan Archit. and Arch. Soc. 3rd S. i. 118- 122. INDEX OP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. 23 •HIPKIKS (F. C ) . Repton's merry bells. Derbyshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xix. 14-19. HODGSON (J. CRAWFORD). Notices of the family of Cramlington of Cramlington and Newsham. Arch. Mliana, xix. 1-13. HODGSON (REV. J. F.). The episcopal chapel of Auckland castle. Arch. Mliana, xix. 89-92. HODGSON (MRS.). Notes on excavations on the line of the Roman wall in Cumberland in 1894, 1895, 18.96 and 1897. Cumb. and Westvnor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 390-407 ; xv. 201-210. — Comparative view of the dimensions of the vallum in Northumberland. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xiv. 408-412. HOLIIES (SHERITON). The late John Orosse Brooks. Arch. Mliana, xix. 143-146. HOLMES (T. V.). Notes on a box used in smuggling on the Scottish border fifty and sixty years ago. Anthrop. Inst, xxvii. 260-262. HOMMEL (PROF. DR.). Assyriological notes. Sec. Bib. Arch. xix. 78-90, 312-315. HONE (NATHANIEL). Oxfordshire church goods. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jour. iii. 29-30, 52-53. HOPE (W. H. ST. JOHN). Heraldry in English mediseval architecture. Boy. Inst. Brit. Archit. 3rd S. iv. 241-257. — On a series of original grants of arms, etc. from the reign of Edward IV. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 340-356. Notes on the Benedictine Abbey of St. Peter at Gloucester. Arch. Jour. liv. 77-119. Excavations on the site of the Roman city at Silchester, Hants, in 1896. Archceologia, lv. 409-430. St. Nicholas church, Ickford. Records of Bucks, vii. 550-558. HOPPER (EDMUND C ) . Ohurch plate iu Suffolk: deanery of Wilford. Suffolk Arch. Inst. ix. 298-306. HOWELL (G. O.). Howbury House. Woolwich Dist. Antiq. Soc. ii. 26-29. HUDD (ALFRED E.). TWO Bristol calendars. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xix. 105-141. • Ancient Bristol documents. Clifton Antiq. Olub, iii. 228-234; iv. 12-16. — The Ohapel of the Assumption on Old Bristol Bridge. Clifton Antiq. Olub, iv. 1-11. HUDSON (E. W.). Holywell priory, Shoreditch. Boy. Inst. Brit. Archk 3rd S. iv. 433-436, 469-471, 488-490. HUDSON (REV. H. A.). An ancient sculptured fragment, with inscrip24 INDEX OE ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. tion, from Manchester cathedral. Lane and Chesh. Antiq. Soc. xiv. 62-66. .HUGHES (HAROLD). Llangwyfanchurch, Anglesey. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiv. 58-65. HUGHES (PROF.). Further observations on the castle hill. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. ix. 348. • Further observations on the ditches round ancient Cambridge, with special reference to the adjoining ground. Cambridge Antiq. Soc ix. 370-384. On the evidence bearing upon the early history of man which is derived from the form, condition of surface, and mode of occurrence of dressed flints. Arch. Jour. liv. 363-376. • On some waxed tablets said to have been found at Cambridge. Archceologia, lv. 257-282. HUGHES (T. CANN). Notes from North Lancashire. Brit. Arch. Assoc N.S. iii. 208-212. HUGO (REV. THOMAS). Athelney abbey, Somerset Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soe xliii. 94-165. HUME (MAJOR MARTIN A. S.). Some survivors of the Armada in Ireland. Boy. Hist. Soc N.S. xi. 41-66. HUTCHESON (ALEXANDER). Notices of an ancient canoe found in the River Tay, near Errol; a grinding stone found in the Sidlaw hills; a beggar's badge of sixteenth century found in Dundee, and a spear-head of flint found in the carcass of a whale. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 265-281. HUTTON (C. A.). Votive reliefs in the Acropolis museum. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 306-318. HYETT (F. A.). Notes on the first Bristol and. Gloucestershire printers. Bristol and Glouc Arch. Soc. xx. 38-51. IRVINE (WM.> FERGUSSON). Notes on the parish churches of WirraL Hist. Soc. of Lane and Chesh. N.S. xi. 107-136. Ecclesiastical memoranda as to Halsall. Hist. Soc of Lane and Ohesh. N.S- xii. 241-252. Church discipline in the sixteenth century as shown by extracts from the Bishop of Chester's MS. visitation books for the deanery of Manchester. Lane and Chesh. Antiq. Soc. xiii. 56-69. IRVINE (J. T.). Notes on specimens of simple headstones found in stone districts. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S, iii. 298-300. JACKSON (R. J.). Crayford. Woolwich Dist. Antiq. Soc. ii. 22- 25. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. 25 JAMES (DR.). Gleanings from the library of Peterhouse. Cambridge Antiq. Soc ix. 396-404. JOHNSTON (PHILIP MAINWARING). The lowside windows of Sussex churches. Sussex Arch. Coll. xii. 159-202. JOLY (P.). Observations of the history of holed stones in France and Ireland. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, oth S. vii. 243-245. KAY (THOMAS). Remains of the town wall of Stockport. Lane, and Ohesh. Antiq. Soc. xiv. 55-61. KELLY (RICHARD J.). An old school in G-alway. Boy. Soc Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 191-192. The islands of the Conib. Boy. Soc Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 379-388. KELLY (W. E.). Inscribed pillar stones, co. Mayo. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 185-187. KEMP (THOMAS). Before the Warwick magistrates in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Warwickshire Field Club, 1897, 72-91. KENNEDY (LOUISE). Water in marriage customs. Folklore, viii. 176-177. KENNEDY-SKIPTON (H. S.). Henry V. in fiction and in fact. Bristol and Glow. Arch. Soc. xx. 108-113. KENTON, the church of All Saints at. Exeter Diocesan Archit. and Arch. Soc. 3rd S. i. 108-118. KENYON (R. LLOVD). West Felton Church. Shropshire Arch. Soc. 2nd S. ix. 309-384. KEU (PROF. W. P.). Notes on Orendel and other stories. Folklore, viii. 289-307. KERRY (REV. CHAS.). Ashover: memoranda by Titus Wheatcroft, A.D. 1722. Derbyshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xix. 24- 62. Wayside interments. Derbyshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xix. 101-101 KERSHAW (S. W.). Kent in the Lambeth archives. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 185-191. KINAHAN (G. H.). Ofcter-traps. Boy. Soc Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 184-185. The rocking stone, Dalkey Island. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 433. Stone crannoge in Lough Bola. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 438. KINGSBRIDGE and neighbourhood, report of tho visiting committee. Exeter Diocesan Archit. and Arch. Soc. 3rd S. i. 123-132. 26 INDEX OE ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. KINGSFORD (REV. HAMILTON). The last days of Stoulton wake. Assoc Archit. Soc. xxiii. 365-371. KINGSLEY (MARY H.). The fetish view of the human soul. Folklore, viii. 138-151. KNOWLES (W. H.). The camera of Adam of Jesmoud, popularly called King John's palace. Arch. Mliana, xix. 29-38. • The vicar's pele, Corbridge. Arch. Mliana, xix. 171-178. The Ogle monument in Bothal Church, Northumberland. Arch. Mliana, xix. 243-254. KNOWLES (W. J.). Survivals from the palaeolithic age among Irish neolithic, implements. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 1th S. vii. 1-18. Portion of a harp and other objects found in the crannoge of Carneoagh, co. Antrim. Boy. Soc, Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 114-115. KNOX (H. T.). Note on the dolmen at Ballina, co. Mayo. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 430. LACEV (REV. T. A.). The ecclesiastical habit in England. St.PauVs Ecclesiological Soc. iv. 126-134. LACH-SZTRMA (REV. W.). The old city churches illustrating English history. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 113-121. LAMB (JOHN). The Luck of Burrell Green. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 136-138. LAMBROS (J. P. ) . On a coin of Hierapytna, in Crete, hitherto wrongly attributed. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 31-34. LANDSBOROUGH (REV. D.). Notice of a sculptured cross with crucifixion on obverse recently discovered at Lamlash. Soc Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 74-77. LATIMER (W. T.). Currin crannog, co. Tyrone. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 254. LATCHMORB (FRANK). Saxon coins found near Hitchin. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 248. LAVER (HENRY). Roman clasp knives. Essex Arch. Soc N.S. vi. 95-96. Shoebury camp. Essex Arch. Soc N.S. vi. 97-100. Roman burials at Colchester. Essen Arch. Soc N.S. vi. 171-172. Remains of Roman buildings at West Mersea. Essex Aroh. Soe. N.S. vi. 173-174. _ Discovery of late Celtic pottery at Shoebury. Essex Arch. Soc N.S. vi. 222-224. INDEX OE ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. 27 LAVER (HENRY). Report on the discovery in Essex of late Celtic pottery. Proc Soc Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 258-260. .-— Notes on a discovery of Roman remains at East Mersea and West Mersea, Essex. Proc. Soc Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 422- 429. LAWLOK (REV. H. J.). Notes on the biblical text of the Book of Mulling. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 7-64. LAWRENCE (L. A.). Ou some coins of William I. and William II. from the Montagu collection. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 226- 234. On a hoard of short-cross pennies. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 235-238. On the mint of Bamsfcaple. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 302-308. LAYAKD (EDGAR L.). Fortified stone lake dwellings on islands in Lough Skannive,- .Connemara. Boy. Soc Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii, 373-378. LEADAM (J. S.). A narrative of the pursuit of English refugees in Germany under Queen Mary. Boy. Hist. Soo. N.S. xi. 113-131. ,LEGG (J. WICKHAM). The Queen's coronation ring. Arch. Jour. liv. 1-9. LEGGE (F.). A Coptic spell of the second century. Soc. Bib. Arch. xix. 183-187, 302. LEIGHTON (STANLEY). The early MSS. belonging to Shrewsbury School. Shropshire Arch. Soc 2nd S. ix. 219-308. LETTS (REV. ERNEST F.). Warden Heyrick. Lane, and Chesh. Antiq. Soc. xiii. 103-118. LEWIS (A. L.). On some ancient remains at Guatemala. Boy. Inst. Cornwall, xiii. 159-161. Ancient measures in prehistoric monuments. Anthrop. Inst. xxvii. 194-203. LEWIS (BUNNELL). The antiquities of Aries. Arch. Jour. liv. 28-76. LEWIS (JUDGE DAVID). The court of the president and council of Wales and tho marches from 1478 to 1575. Y Cymmrodcr, xii. 1-64. LELAND (CHARLES GODFREY). Marks on ancient monuments. Folklore, viii. 86-87. The Stour goblin. Folklore, viii. 87-88. LONG (MRS. MARGARET C) . Poole's Hole, a narrative of an adventure made in that cavern by Mr. R. Whitfcington, of Stevenage, 28 INDEX OP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. Herts, on 25th August, 1794. Derbyshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xix. 9-13. LORD (WALTER FREWEN). Goree, a lost possession of England. Boy. Hist. Soc N.S. xi. 139-152. LOVETT (R. J. ARDEN). Sonlbury Church, Bucks, with its monuments. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jour. iii. 23-28. LUCK (REV. J. R.). An account of the opening of a large tumulus near Stonyhurst, Lancashire. Lane and Chesh. Antiq. Soc. xii. 30-41. Exploration of a second mound near Stonyhurst. Lane and Chesh. Antiq. Soc. xiii. 27-31. LUMSDEN (LIEUT.-COL. H. W.). Notes on the excavation of a kitchen-midden, and on a cup-marked stone at Den of Dun, Forfarshire. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 240-243. LYNAM (CHARLES). Notes on a pre-Norman sculptured cross shaft found at Leek, Staffordshire. Proc Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 2F.9- 294. The church of Holy Cross, Waltham. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 148-161. M. (T. S.). Certificate of the town gild of Malmesbury. Wilts Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxix. 122-125. MACADAM (W. IVISON). Notes on amulets from Morocco. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 112-114. MACALISTER (R.A. S.). Siobhan na Geela [a mythic heroine]. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 177-178. • Notes on some of the Kilkenny oghams. Boy. Soc Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 221-231. MACDONALD (JAMES, LL.D.). Note on a cinerary urn of a type not common in Scotland, lately found near Cramond. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 244-246. MACKENZIE (DUNCAN). Excavations of the British school at Melos. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 122-133. MACKINLAY (J. M.). The hood game at Haxey. Folklore, viii. 173- 175. Dogs in church. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 98-103. MACLAGAN (R. O, M.D.). Ghost lights of the West Highlands. Folklore, viii. 203-256. MACNAMARA (F. N ) . The Wilcotes family. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon. Arch. Joiw. iii. 97-107. MACNAMARA (GEORGE H). Identification of The Ascetics' church, Leana, co. Clare. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 77-79. INDEX OT ARCHASOLOGICAL PAPERS. 29 MACNAMARA (REV. HKNRV DANVERS). St. James Gai_ickkithc. London and Middlesex Arch. Soc N.S. i. 210-234. MACPHAIL (MALCOLM). Folklore from the Hebrides. Folklore, viii. 380-386. MADAN (FALCONER). The Ashmoleau museum. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jour. iii. 85-89. MADDISON (REV. A.- R.) The manor of Stallingborough. Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiii. 274-289. Family letters in the possession of Charles Massingberd- Mundy, Esq., of Ormsby Hall. Assoc. Archit. Soc xxiii. 296-314. Catalogue of MSS. belonging to Lincoln Cathedral in the fifteenth century. Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiii. 348-353. MALDEN (H. O). Ancient wills. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vi. 122-125. Lavenham Ohurch tower. Stcffolk Arch. Inst. ix. 370-372. MANNING (REV. 0. R., CANON). Church plate in Suffolk : deanery of Blackburne, deanery of Fordham, deanery of Thurlow. Suffolk Arch. Inst. ix. 279-297. MANNING (PERCY). Some Oxfordshire seasonal festivals with notes on morris dancing in Oxfordshire. Folklore, viii. 307-324. MARCH (HENRY COLLEY, M.D.). The moustache in early Irish sculpture. Lane and Chesh. Antiq. Soe xiv. 131-138. • The mythology of wise birds. Anthrop. Inst, xxvii. 209-232. MARGOLIOUTH (REV. G-)- More fragments of the Palestinian Syriac version of the Holy Scriptures. Soc. Bib. Arch. xix. 39-60. MARKHAM (CHRISTOPHER A.). The stone crosses of the county of Northampton. Assoc. Archit. Soc xxiii. 157-193. MARRIOTT (H. P. FITZGERALD). Family portraits at Pompei. Arch. Jour. liv. 10-27. MARTIN (J. M.). The Camelford of the Anglo-Saxon chronicle, where was it ? Devon. Assoc, xxix. 275-285. MASKELYNE (T. S.). Nevil Maskelyne, D.D., F.R.S., Astronomer Royal. Wilts. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxix. 126-137. MASSINGBERD (REV. W. O.). Lords of the manor of Driby. Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiii. 106-134. The manors of Somersby and Tefcford. Assoc. Archit. Soe xxiii. 253-259. MASTER (REV. G. S.). All Saints, Wraxall. Clifton Antiq. Club, iii. 184-191. MATHEWS (J. DOUGLASS). History of the Innholders company. London and Middlesex Arch. Soc N.S. i. 151-176. MAY (THOMAS). On the altar and other relics found during excavations 30 INDEX OP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. (1895-6) on the site of the Roman station at Wilderspool (Veratinum). Hist. Soc. of Lane and Ohesh. N.S. xii. 1-28. MEDLAND (M. H ) . An account of Roman and mediteval remains found on the site of the Tolsey at Gloucester in 1893-4. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xix. 142-158. 'MEE (MRS.). History of Kettle Hall, Oxford. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jour. iii. 42-51. MERCIER (REV. JEROME J.). A history of Kemerton. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xix. 24-40. MEYER (PROF. KUNO). Early relations between Gael and Brytbon. Soc. Cymmrodorion, 1895-96, 55-86. MILNER (H. E.). The garden in relation to tho house. Boy. Inst. Brit. Archit. 3rd S. iv. 185-199. MINNS (REV. G. W.). Titchfield Abbey and Place House. Hampshire Field Club, iii. 317-338. MITCHELL' (SIR ARTHUR). Scottish burials and skulls probably belonging to the bronze age. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 115-121. Some notes on Scottish crusies, their wide distribution and contrivances for suspending them, Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 121-146. MONEY (WALTER). A quaint description of the Carfax conduit, Oxford, from a MS. transcript made in 1781 Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jour. iii. 75-77. MONTAGU (H.). Rare and unpublished Roman gold coins in my collection. Niimismaiic Chron. xvii. 35-89. MONTELIUS (PROF. OSCAR). The Tyrrhenians in Greece and Italy. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi. 254-261. • Pre-classical chronology in Greece and Italy. Anthrop. Inst. xxvi. 261-271. MORGAN (0. LLOYD). Tho water stone dolmen, Somersetshire. Clifton Antiq. Club, iii. 192-194. MORKILL (J. W.). Notice of a human hand and forearm pierced with nail holes, and a basket hilted sword formerly preserved in the family of Graham of Woodhall, Yorkshire, as relics of James, first Marquis of Montrose. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 65-74. MORRIS (GEORGE). Abstracts of the grants and charters contained in the chartulary of Wombridge priory. Shropshire Arch. Soc. 2nd, S. ix. 96-106. MORRIS (RUPERT H , D.D.). John Wythines [brass of]. Archit. Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc of Chester and N. Wales, vi. 112-115. MORTIMER (J. R.). On nine embankment crosses believed to be early Christian folkmoots. Proc Soc Antiq. 2nd S. xvi, 278-287, INDEX OE ARCHASOLOGICAL PAPERS. 31 MUNRO (J. ARTHUR R.). Inscriptions from Mysia. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 2(58-293. MURRAY (DAVID, LL.D.). An archseological survey of the United Kingdom, the preservation and protection of our ancient monuments. Qlasgoiv Arch. Soc. iii. 1-76. • A small brass cup found in the graveyard of the church of St. Clement, Rodil, Harris, with a note on the chalice. Qlasgoiir Arch. Soc. iii. 214-237. MURRAY (Miss M.). The stela of Dua-er-neheh. Soe Bib. Arch. xix. 77. MVRES (JOHN L.). Excavations in Cyprus in 1894. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 134-173. Copper aud bronze in Cyprus and south-east Europe. Anthrop. Inst, xxvii. 171-177. > • Textile impressions on an early clay vessel from Amorgos. Anthrop. Inst, xxvii. 178-180. The church plate of Buckinghamshire. Becords of Bucks. vii. 413-429. NASH (WALTER L.) aud SIR P. LE PAGE RENOUF, Hypocephalus from Luxor. Soc. Bib. Arch. xix. 145-146. NEVILL (RALPH). . Surrey feet of fines. Surrey Arch. Coll. xiii. 130- 140. NEWDIGATE (REV. C. A.). Carved and incised stones at Tremeirchion, Flints. -Ire?!,. Gambrensis, 5th S. xiv. 108-124. NICHOLS (P.M.). On a further correction of the date of the" birthyear of Sir Thomas More. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 321- 327. NORCLIFFE (RFV. C. B.). Paver's marriage licenses. Yorks. Arch. Soc. xiv. 458-506. NORMAN (WILLIAM). Woolwich parish registers and vestry books. Woolwich Dist. Antiq. Soc. ii. 43-61. NUTT (ALFRED). The fairy mythology of English literature, its origin and nature. Folklore, viii. 29-53. O'DONOGHUE (D.). Priory, Kilcolman, co. Kerry. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 432-433. O'NEILL (WILLIAM, M.D.). Torksey old pottery and porcelain manufactory. Assoc. Archit. Soc xxiii. 152-156, 346-348. OFFORD (JOSEPH). Pre-mosaic Palestine. Soc. Bib. Arch. xix. 7-26. OLDEN (REV. T.). On an early Irish tract in the Leabhar Breac describing the mode of consecrating a church. St. Paul's Ecclesiological Soc. iv. 98-104. 32 INDEX OP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. OLDFIELD (EDMUND). The mausoleum at Halicarnassns, the probable arrangement and signification of its principal sculptures. Archceologia, lv. 343-390. OWEN (EDWARD) . The spoils of the Welsh religious houses. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiv. 285-292. OWEN (REV. ELIAS). Meini cred (creed stones) ; Llangybi pillarstone. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiv. 172-175. Montgomeryshire Folklore. Montgomeryshire Collections, xxx. 169-176. OWEN (W. SCOTT). Parochial history of Tregynon. Montgomeryshire Collections, xxx. 1—168. PAGET (LADY). Caves and passages under the British fortress of Pen-y-gaer, Conway Valley. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 291- 293. • The caves in Allt Gwyn. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 49-53. PALMER (ALFRED NEOBARD). Offa's and Wat's dykes. YCymmrodor, xii. 65-86. PARKER (JOHN). Tho Giffards. Becords of Bucks, vii. 475-510. • The Missenden chartulary and the celebacy of the clergy. Becords of Bucks, vii. 314-327. PATRICK (G.). Discovery of the remains of a.Roman house at Burham, Kent. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 31-35. — The history and architecture of the Charterhouse. Brit. Arch. Assoc N.S. iii. 281-290. PAUL (J. BALFOUR). Notes on old Scottish measures with a notice of the Inverkeifching Ellwand. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 210-215. On a calendar of the 16th century containing MS. notes on Scottish history and other records. Soc- Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 156-180. PAYNE (E. J . ) , The Montf orts, the Wellesbonrnes, and the Hughenden effigies. Becords of Bucks, vii. 362-412. • Whitecliff cross. Becords of Bucks, vii. 559-567. PEACOCK (MABEL). Staffordshire superstitions. Folklore, viii. 68. • — The Staffordshire horn-dance. Folklore, viii. 70-71. • The hood game at Haxey. Folklore, viii, 72-75. Omens of death, Folklore, viii. 377-378. PEARSE (GENERAL GEO. G.). An unpublished Ooorg medal. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 249-250. PENROSE (F. C) . The Parthenon and the earthquake of 1894. Boy. Inst. Brit, Archit. 3rd S. iv. 345-354, PERCY (EAEL). Dargs and dayworkes. Aroh. Mliana, xix. 217-222. INDEX OP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. , 33 PERKINS (V. R.). Bradley by Wootton-under-Edge. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xx. 100-107. Kingswood Abbey. Clifton Antiq. Olub, iii. 217-224. Ozleworth Church, Gloucestershire. Clifton Antiq. Club, iii. 225-227. PETRIE (PROF. FLINDERS). The relations of Egypt and early Europe. Boy. Soc. Lit. 2nd S. xix. 59-78. PHENIS (DR.). Dendrophdria: reseai-ches for, and examination of still existing peoples, languages, customs, and remains mentioned by Herodotus, Strabo, etc., in India, Thrace, Italy, and Western Europe. Boy. Soc. Lit. 2nd S. xix. 1-58. " Old London " in pre-Roman times. Brit. Arch. Assoc N.S. iii. 89-102, 191-206. On some early settlers near Conway. Brit. Arch. Assoc N.S. iii. 241-265. PHILLIPS (REV. JAMES). Exploration of earthworks on the coast of Pembrokeshire. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiv. 41-44. Glimpses of Elizabethan Pembrokeshire. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiv. 308-323. PHILLIPS (MABERLY). The escape of two Fi'ench prisoners of war from Jedburgh in 1813. Arch. Mliana, xix. 160-170. A pre-Conquest cross shaft at Nunnykirk, Northumberland. Arch. Mliana, xix. 192-196. PIGOTT (REV. R. H.). The Dukes of Wharton and Earl of Chesterfield. Becords of Bucks, vii. 247-261. PILCHER (E. J.). The date of the Siloam inscription. . Soc. Bib. Arch. xix. 165-182. PINCHES (THEOPHILUS G.). Two archaic and three later Babylonian tablets. Soc. Bib. Arch. xix. 132-143. PLUNKETT (HON. MISS). The Median calendar and the constellation Taurus. Soe Bib. Arch. xix. 229-249. PONTING (C. E.). The Bristol High Cross at Stourhead, Wilts. Wilts. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc xxix. 171-177; Clifton Antiq. Club, iii. 177-183. PORTER (REV. R.). Kenn Ohurch as ib is. Exeter Diocesan Archit. and Arch. Soc. 3rd S. i. 49-55. POWELL (REV. EDWAYRD). Ancient charters preserved at Scarisbrick Hall in the county of Lancashire. Hist. Soc. of Lane and Chesh. N.S. xii. 259-294. POWELL (PROF. F . YORK). The ecole des chartes and English records. Boy. Hist. Soc. N.S. xi. 31-40, c ^ 4 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. T POWER-(REV. P.). From the Blaokwater to Waterford Harbour. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 313-348. PRESCOTT (J. E., D.D.). Notes on the MS. register of Wetherhal, recently restored to the Dean and Chapter of Carlisle. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 285-287. PRICE (F. G. HILTON). On some remarkable flint lance heads from Luxor (Egypt). Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 277. ' . : On a curious model of an archimedean screw, probably of late Ptolemaic period, found in Lower Egypt. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 277-278. PRICE (WILL. FREDERICK). Some historical notes on the Ohapel of our blessed Lady, Parbold, Lancashire. Hist. Soc of Lane and Chesh, N.S. xi. 207-234. PRINCE (J. LEESON).. An epitaph for the tomb of Lady Gundrada. Sussex Arch. Coll. xii. 232-234. PRITCHARD (J. E.). The Registrar's House, Bristol. Clifton Antiq. Club, iii. 204-209. —. Bristol Castle: existing remains. Clifton Antiq. Club ^iv. 17-19. Vanishing Bristol. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. 48-57. PURTON (REV. RALPH C) . Further notes on the history of the parish of Chetton. Shropshire Arch. Soe 2nd S. ix. 73-90. PYNE (KATE L.). Folk medicine in co. Cork. Folklore, viii. 179-180. A burial superstition in co, Cork. Folklore, viii. 180. RADFORD (REV. W. T. A.). Restoration of the church of Down Sfc. Mary. Exeter Diocesan Archit. and Arch. Soc. 3rd S. i. 133-140. RAVEN (REV. CANON, D.D.). Othona and the Count of the Saxon Shore. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vi. 291-297. The bell at Colchester Castle. Essex Arch. Soc N.S. vi. 347-348. Burgh near Woodbridge. Suffolk Arch. Inst. ix. 332-337. On some Dorset bells. Arch. Jour. liv. 355-362. READ (CHARLES H.). Notes on a small Roman bronze prow found in London. Proc Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 306-308. — Notes on two hoards of bronze implements from Grays Thurrock, Essex, and Southall, Middlesex. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 327-830. Notes on a Viking sword found in the Thames near Westminster. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 390-392. — Notes on a silver dish with a figure of Dionysos from the Hindu Kush. Archceologia, lv. 534-536. INDEX OP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. 35 REDSTONE (VINCENT BURROUGH). Woodbridge, its history and antiquity. Suffolk Arch. Inst. ix. 345-358. :— The Seckfords of Seckford Hall. Suffolk Arch. Inst. ix. 359-369. REES (J. ROGERS). Slebech commandery and the Knights of St. John. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiv. 85-107, 197-228, 261- 284. REICHEL (REV. 0. J.-). Solemn mass at Rome in the ninth century. Exeter Diocesan Archit. and Arch. Soc 3rd S. i. 17-43. ' The origin of English liturgical vestments prescribed for use in the thirteenth century. - Exeter Diocesan Archit.. and Arch. Soc. 3rd S. i. 83-104. —. The Domesday hundreds: the hundreds of Teignbridge and North Tawfcon. Devon. Assoc xxix. 225-274. — ~ Extract from the Pipe Rolls of Henry II, relating to Devon; with an appendix from Testa de Nevil. Devon Assoc xxix. 453- 509. RENAUD (FRANK, M.D.). Early history of Prestbury parish church and manor, Cheshire. Lane and Ohesh. Antiq. Soc xiii. 1-18. The family of Foxwist of Foxwist and of Duncalf of Fox- Visfc. Lane and Ohesh. Antiq. Soc. xiii. 43-55. RENOUF (SIR P. LE PAGE). The lay of the threshers. Soc Bib. Arch. xix. 121-122. The Book of the Dead. Soo. Bib. Arch. xix. 65-67,107-112, 125-131, 160-164, 225-228. RHOSCOMYL (OWEN). Suggestions as to the fuller study of Owen Glyndwr. Soc Cymmrodorion, 1896-7, 34-58. RHYS (PROF. JOHN). Epigraphic notes. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiv. 125-146. Notes on inscribed stones in Pembrokeshire. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiv. 324-331. RICE (R. GARRAWAY). Notes relating to the parish church of St. Mary, Pulborough, Sussex, derived from fifteenth and sixteenth century wills. St. Patcl's Ecclesiological Soc. iv. 135-140. RICHARDS (EVELYN- A. MELYILL). Ancient custom at sea. Folklore, viii. 281-284. RISK (REV. J. ERSKINB). The bishoprics and lands of the five western dioceses of Winchester, Frambury, Sherborne, Wells, and Crediton, and their divisions. Devon Assoc, xxix. 510-513. ROBERTS (R. ARTHUR). CymruFu: some contemporary statements. Soc. Cymmrodorion, 1895-96, 87-137. c 2 36 INDEX OP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. ROBERTS (W. RHYS), The Greek treatise on the sublime: its modern interest; its authorship. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 176-211. ROBINSON (A. M.). Cheshire in the great Civil War. Hist. Soc of Lane and Chesh. N.S. xi. 137-156, ROBINSON (SIR J. CHARLES). Note on a double mazer mounted in silver gilt, of the fifteenth century. Proc Soc Antiq. 2nd S. xvi 296-297. ROEDER (CHARLES). William Green the Lake artist. Lane and Chesh. Antiq. Soc xiv. 100-130. ROGERS (W. HAMILTON). Huyshe of Lod-Huish and Doniford ia Somerset and of Sand in Devon. Somerset. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc xliii. 1-44. ROPER (WILLIAM OLIVER), Berwick Hall. Hist. Soc. of Lane and Ohesh. N.S. xi. 21-36. Lancaster School. Lane and Chesh. Antiq. Soc xiv. 27-54. ROTHERAM (E. "CROFTON).. Ironstone chopper. Boy. Soe Antiq* Ireland, 5th S. vii. 425. Find of scrapers. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5fch S. vii. 425-426. —• Slieve-na-Caillighe. Boy. Soe Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 426-427. On a cave recently discovered near Oldcastle. Boy. Soc Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 427-429. ROUND (J. H.). Some Essex family correspondence in the seventeenth century.' Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vi. 207-221. —• • Note on the early history of Rotherfield church. Sussex Arch. Coll. xii. 49-53. • The forest of Essex. Brit. Arch. Assoc N.S. iii. 36-42. ROWE (J, BROOKING). Eighth report of the committee on Devonshire records. Devon. Assoc, xxix. 79-144. SAVAGE (REV. ERNEST B.). Note on ancient burial customs. Proc Soc Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 302-304. SAVAGE (REV. H. E.). Abbess Hilda's first religious house. Arch. JSliana, xix. 47-75. The boundary between Bernicia and Deira. Arch. Mliana, xix. 75-88. SAYCB (PROF. A. H.). Assyriologieal notes. Soe Bib. Arch. xix. 68-76; 280-292. • Haematite cylinder from Cappadocia. Soc. Bib. Arch. xix. 301. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. o7 SCOTT (J. OLDRID). Discovery of windows in St. David's Cathedral. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiv. 332-334. SCOTT (R. F.). On a list preserved in the treasury of St. John's College of the plate, books and vestments bequeathed by the Lady • Margaret to Christ's College. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. ix. 349-367. SEDDING (EDMUND). Ermington Church. Exeter Diocesan Archit. and Arch. Soc. 3rd S. i. 56-59. Holbeton Church. Exeter Diocesan Archit. and Arch. Soe 3rd S. i. 60-62. SEEBOHM (FREDERIC, LL.D.). The historical importance of the Cymric tribal system. Soo. Cymmrodorion, 1895-96,1-22. SELTMANN (FI. J.). The type known as " the demos " on coins of Rhegium. Numismatic Chron, xvii. 173-189. Supposed signs of value on early coins of Himera. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 1—24. SETON-KARR (H. W.), Discovery of the losfc flint mines of Egypt. Anthrop. Inst, xxvii. 90-92. Further discoveries of ancient stone implements in Somaliland. Anthrop. Inst, xxvii. 93-95. SHARPE (B. R.). Pleas of the crown in the city of London. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 103-112. SHAW (G. T.). The Liverpool homes of Mrs. Hemans. Hist, Soc. of Lane and Ohesh. N.S. xii. 123-134. SHEPPARD (H. E.). Monmouth castle and priory. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc xx. 59-75. SHERWOOD (GEORGE F. TUDOE). Early Berkshire wills ante 1558. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jour. iii. 78-82., 121-122. SHORE (T. W.). Traces of tbe language of the prehistoric and other ancient races of Hampshire contained in the place names of the county. Hampshire Field Club, iii. 233-256. and NORMAN H. C. NISBETT. Ancient Hampshire mazes. Hampshire Field Olub, iii. 257-260. SHROPSHIRE WILLS, OLD. Shropshire Arch. Soc. 2nd S. ix. 215-218. SIMAIKA (MARCUS, BEY). Some social Coptic customs. Arch. Jour. liv. 225-238. SIMPSON (W. SFARROW, D.D.). Visitations of certain churches in the city of Loudon in the patronage of Sfe. Paul's Cathedral church between the years 1138 and 1250. Archceologia, lv. 283-300. — Sfc. Uhcumber. Brit. Arch. Assoc N.S, iii. 8-30. SITWELL (SIR "GEORGE, BART.). The Derbyshire petition of 1641. Derbyshire Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soe xix. 20-23. 38 INDEX OP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. Sis (J. P.). Monnaies Grecques, inedifces et incertaines. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 190-225. SKAIPE (ROBERT H.). Domesday book for Yorkshire. York. Arch. Soe xiv. 347-389. • Extracts from the house-books of the Corporation of York. York. Arch. Soc xiv. 444-457. SMITH (CECIL). Inscriptions from Melos. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 1-21. SMITH (J. C CHALLENOR). Some additions to Newcourt's Repertorium. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vi. 126-145, 228-257, 298-326. SMITH (SAM., JUN.). A litfcle silver coin of En Nasir. Numismatic Ohron. xvii. 250-251, SOUTHAM (S. CLEMENT). A Shropshire Robin Hood. Shropshire- Arch. Soc. 2nd S. ix. 1-20. SPIERS (R. PHENE). The greafc mosque of the Omeiyades, Damascus- Boy. Inst. Brit. Archit. 3rd S. iv. 25-40, 57-61. SPRINGETT (W. D., D.D.). Durrington Chapel. Sussex Arch. ColL xii. 73-78. SQUARE (JOHN HARRIS) . Epitaphs from churches, churchyards and burial places in Kingsbridge, Dodbrooke, West Alvington, Thurlestone, South Milton, Malborough, Sherford, Churchstow„ East Allington, Blackawton, Charleton, and East Porfclemouth. Devon. Assoc, xxix. 182-215. STAMP (J. H.). Objects of interest in Waltham Abbey Church. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 162-167. STEPHENSON (MILL). Monumental brasses in the East Riding. Yor7i;s. Arch. Soc. xiv. 507-513. STEWART (REV. D. J.). Distribution of the buildings of the dissolved monastery at Ely. Arch. Journ. liv. 174-185. STOKES (REV. G. T., D.D.). Concerning Marsh's library and an original indulgence from Cardinal Wolsey, lately discovered therein. Boy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iv. 414-426. . Calendar of the Liber Niger Alani. Boy, Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 164-176, 404-422. STONE (PERCY G.). Note on recent discoveries in the keep of Carisbrook Castle, Isle of Wight. Proc Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 409-411. . : A sixteenth century mathematical instrument case. Archceologia, lv. 531-533. STOPES (MKS. CHARLOTTE CARMIOHAEL). The Scottish and English Macbeth. Boy. Soc. Lit. 2nd S. xviii. 235-284. INDEX OE ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. 39 STOWE MANUSCRIPTS, letters from the. Yorks. Arch. Soc. xiv. 422— 443. STRATON (0. R.). Witches' brooms. Wilts. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc xxix. 147-165. STREET (ARTHUR EDMUND). St. Mary's, Oxford. Boy. Inst. Brit. Archit. 3rd S. iv. 477-483. STUBBS (MAJ.-GEN. FRANCIS WILLIAM). Early monastic history of Dromiskin, co. Louth. Boy. Soe Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 101-113.' STUBBS (W. C ) . Descriptive sketch of places visited co. Dublin. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 446-459. SUMMERS (W. H.). Cromwell's Charter, High Wycombe. Becords of Bucks, vii. 511-528. • • Some documents in tho state papers relating to High Wycombe. Records cf Bucks, vii. 304-313. SUTTON (REV. A. F.). A description of churches visited in tho excursion from Stamford. Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiii. 81-101. A description of Ihe churches visited in the excursion from Newark. Assoc Archil. Soc xxiii. 314-346. SWANN (EMMA). An old Oxford font. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jour. iii. 65-67. SWANN (JOHN HIBBERT). Bibliography of Lancashire and Cheshire antiquities and biography, 1893 and 1894. Lane and Chesh. Antiq. Soc xii. 148-168. SYERS (REV. HENRY S.). The building of Barnack church. Assoc. Archit. Soc xxiii. 143-151. SYMPSON (E. MANSEL). Notes on Easter sepulchres in Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire. Assoc Archit. Soe xxiii. 290-296. TAIT (C. T.). Archaaology aud architecture. Exeter Diocesan Archit. and Arch. Soc. 3rd S. i. 44-48. TALLENT-BATEMAN (C. T. ). Notes on the ancient Court of Exchequer at Chester. Lane and Chesh. Antiq. Soc. xiv. 139-148. TATHAM (REV. F. H.). The restoration of Wing Church. Records of Bucks, vii. 328-331., TAYLOR (REY. C. S.). Berkeley Minster. Bristol and Glouc Arch. Soc. xix. 70-84. Ohurch and Monastery of Westbury-on-Trym. Clifton- Antiq. Club, iv. 20-42. • Aust and St. Austin. Clifton Antiq. Olub,iv. 43-47. TAYLOR (HENRY). Six early deeds relating to property in Northgate Street, Chester. Archit. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. of Chester and N. Wales, vi. 49-59. 40 INDEX OP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. TAYLOR (HENRY) and R. D. RADOLIFFE. Notes on the parish and church of Halsall. Hist. See of Lane and Chesh. N.S. xii. 193-232. TAYLOR (ISAAC). Notes on the architecture of .Great Budworth church. Lane and Chesh. Antiq. Soc. xiv. 95-99. THOMAS (T. H.). Celtic Art; with a suggestion of a scheme for the better preservation and freer study of the monuments of the early Christian Ohurch in Wales. Y Oymmrodor.. xii. 87-111. THOMAS (T. H.). Some devices and ornaments upon ancient British coins. Arch. Cambrensis, 5fch S. xiv. 167-171. Piscina at Port Eynon, Gower. Arch. Oambrensis, 5th S. xiv. 176-177. THOMPSON (SIR EDWARD MAUNDE). Greek and Latin Palaeography. Boy. Inst. xv. 375-390. THORNLEY (REV. CANON). The field names of the parish of Kirkoswald. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 48-81. THORNTON (VEN. R., D.D., ARCHDEACON). The drama of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, compared with the fiction of the nineteenth century. Boy. Soc Lit. 2nd S. xviii. 215- 233. THORNTON (REV. W. H.). Some reminiscences of the Wykes of South Tawton, and a few remarks upon their residences. Devon. Assoc, xxix. 175-181. TOMKINS (REV. H. G.). Khiana or Khana. Soc. Bib. Arch. xix. 113- 114.. TOMLINSON (WILLIAM WEAVER). Chopwell Woods. Arch. Mliana, xix. 255-267. TOUT (PROF. T. F.) Owain Glyndwr and his times. Archit. Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. of .Chester and N. Wales, vi. 79-111. TOWNSHEND (DOROTHEA). All Souls' day rhyme. Folklore, viii. 70. TROLLOPE (REV. ANDREW.). The principle that should govern the restoration of churches. Assoc. Archit. Soc. xxiii. 101-105. Hatcher correspondence relatirg to Parliamentary elections. Assoc. Archit. Soc xxiii. 134-142. TROUP (MRS. FRANCIS B.). An Exeter worthy [Ignatius Jourdain]. Devon. Assoc, xxix. 350-377. TURNER (SIR WILLIAM). Early man in Scotland. Boy. Inst. xv. 391-408. USSHER (R. J.). Discovery of human and other remains, with materials similar to those of a crannoge, high above the present valley of the Blaokwater between Lismore Castle and Cathedral. Boy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iv. 550-551. INDEX OP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. 41 VANE (HON. and REV. G. H. F.). On the parish registers of Waters Upton. Shropshire Arch. Soc. 2nd S. ix. 21-33. VEAL (REV, THOMAS). The domestic life of Berkeley Castle, illustrated from the Berkeley MSS. Bristol and Glouc Arch. Soc. xix. 85-104. VIGORS (COL. PHILIP D.). Notes on three inscribed stones at Baginbun Bay, co. Wexford; at Fethard Castle, co. Wexford; and at Carew Castle, Pembrokeshire, S. Wales. Boy. Soe Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 150-163. VINCENT (W. T.). Local place names. Woolwich Dist. Antiq. Soe ii. 30-42. WAITE (JAMES A.) The lesser balls and manor houses of Lancashire. Hist. Soc, of Lane and Ohesh. N.S. xii. 171-192. WALHOUSE (M. J.). Folklore parallels and coincidences. Folklore, viii. 196-200. Snake stones. Folklore, viii. 284-285. WALKER (ROBERT CRAWFURD). Notes on a heraldic monument at Kilmany, Fifeshire. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 94-98. WALL (REV. G. W.). St. Helen's Church, Sephton. Hist. Soc. of Lane and Chesh. N.S. xi. 37-102. WALLACE (THOMAS). Notes of antiquities in Loch Alsh and Kintail. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxi. 86-89, WALLER (WILLIAM CHAPMAN). Some Essex MSS. belonging to W. S. Cbisenhale-Marsh, Esq., of Gaynes Park. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vi. 101-121. Essex field-names. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vi. 258-277. WALTERS (H. B.). On some antiquities of the Mycensean age recently acquired by the British Museum. Jour. Hell. Stud. xvii. 63-77. WARBURTON (REV. W.). Notes on Altcar parish. Hist. Soc of Lane and Chesh. N.S. xi. 157-206. WARD (JOHN). On some further excavations in barrows in the neighbourhood of Buxton, Derbyshire. Proc. Soe Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 261-267. WARREN (R. HALL). Notes on a safe conduct of the year 1406 on behalf of William' Pires, a burgess of Portland. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 411-415. Some additional Ecclesiastical Seals of Bristol. Clifton Antiq. Club, iii. 194-203. Church of Sfc. Andrew, Clevedon. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. . 58-70. 42 INDEX OP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPKUS. WATNEY (JOHN). Mercer's School. Lond. and Middlesex Arch. Soc N.S. i. 115-150. WATSON (GEORGE). TWO lintel inscriptions: the Musgraves of Edenhall and some of their descendants. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc xv. 82-104. Aske's rebellion 1536-7. Gamb. and Westmor. Antiq. and- Arch. Soc. xiv. 335-370. WEBER (F. PARKES). Medals of centenarians. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 309-313. Attribution of medals of Priam, Augustus, and Alexander the Great to a medallist pf Pope Paul III. possibly Alessandro Oesati. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 314-317. French royalist medals made by W. Mossop. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 318-319. WELFORD (R.). Obituary notice of the Rev. James Raine, D.C.L. Arch. Mliana, xix. 126-132. Westmorland Place, Newcastle. Arch. Mliana, xix. 223- 242. WERE (F,). The Heraldry of tho Jennyns brass, Churchill, Somerset. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. 71-72. WESTROPP (THOMAS JOHNSON). The distribution of cromlechs in the co. of Clare. Boy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iv. 542-549. Prehistoric stone forts of northern Clare. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 116-127. Primitive burial at Rylane, co. Clare. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5fch S.vii. 178-179. 1 • Scattery Island and Canons' Island, co. Clare. Boy. Soe Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 273-290. — Kerry coast. Boy. Soc Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 290-316. Cork Harbour. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 321-333. Cloyne. Boy. Soe Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 334-342. • Lismore. Boy. Soe Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 349-358. WETHERED (F. T.). The church bells of Berkshire. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon, Arch. Jour. iii. 55-56. A charter of Henry I I I in favour of Hurley Priory. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jour. iii. 90-92. Hurley priory seals. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jour. iii. 108-116. WHALE (REV. T. W.). Exchequer tax books and Domesday identification. Devon. Assoc, xxix. 216-224. WHATLEY (ERNEST). On the discovery of skeletons at the Barton, INDEX OP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS. 43 Cirencester ; and other Roman finds of 1896. Bristol and Glouc Arch. Soc xix. 394-398. WHITE (J. G.). The ancient records and antiquities of the parishes of St. Swithin, London Stone, and St. Mary, Bothaw. London and Middlesex Arch. Soc. N.S. i. 183-209. WHITEHEAD (REV. H ) . Church bells in Leath Ward. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc xiv. 259-274. —— The bells of Brigham, Cockermouth, Crosfchwaite, Disfcington, and Holm Cui tram. Cumb. and Westmor. Antic/, and Arch, Soc. xiv. 275-331. WHITESIDE (REV. J.). Lintel inscription at Reagill. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 139-141. WHITESIDE (REV. J.)." Keld Chantry. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 142-144. Kirkbride Church. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch.. Soc. xv. 145-160. WHITLEY (H. MICHELL). On the discovery of a kitchen-midden, refuse pits, and um at Eastbourne. Sussex Arch. Coll, xii. 4-6. WHITLEY (T. W. ) . The charters and MSS. of Coventry. Warwickshire Field Club, 1897, 35-71. WHTMPER (EDWARD). A discovery of Roman coins on the summit of the Theodule Pass. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 127-133. WILKINSON (REV. LEOXVARD). The chantries of Westbury-on-Severn. Bristol and Qlouc Arch. Soc. xix. 374-393. WILLIAMS (ROBERT). Illustrations and notes on domestic and decorative art in Wales. Soc Cymmrodorion 1896-7, 81-87. WILLIAMS (STEPHEN W.) and HENRY TAYLOR. Effigy in Holy Trinity Ohurch, Chester. Archit. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soo. of Chester and N. Wales, vi. 42-48. —• • Excavations at Talley Abbey. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xiv. 229-247. WILLIAMS (REV. STERLING DE COURCY).- The old graveyards in Durrow parish. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 128-149. WILLIAMS (T.). The origin and first growth of Christianity in Bucks. Becords of Bucks, vii. 343-361.- WILLIS-BUND (J. W.). Social life in Worcestershire in the first quarter of the seventeenth century. _lssoc. Archit. Soc. xxiii. 372-391. WILSON (0. F. BIRBBCK). The records of a Liverpool fireside, 1771-1781. Hist. Soc. of Lane and Ohesh. N.S, xii. 135-148. 4 4 INDEX OF ARCHiEOLOGICAL PAPERS. WILSON (REV. JAMES). Queen Mary's benevolence to the see of Carlisle. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc xv. 21-26. The seal of Willyam Byrbanke, Archdeacon of Carlisle. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc xv. 35-42. WILSON (J. M.). Find of coins in co. Longford. Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 432. The abbey of Sbrnle, co. Longford. Boy. Sot: Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. vii. 433-434. WILSON (REV. SUMNER). Supplementary Hampshire bibliography. Hampshire Field Club, iii. 303-316. WINDER (F. A.). Further notes on the Winders of Lorton. Cumb. and Westmor. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 229-238. WINDLE (PROF., M.D.). Notes ou a Roman pottery near Mancetter. Proc. Soc Antiq. 2nd S. xvi. 404-407. WINSTONE (B.). Notes on Verulamium, now Verulam Hills. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 134-136. . On some primitive ornamentation found on pre-historic . pottery. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. iii. 213-218. WORTH (R. N.). Sixteenth report of the Barrow Committee. Devon. Assoc, xxix. 66-71. • Some notes on the tithing of Pennycross or Weston Peveril. Devon. Assoc xxix. 514-517. WROTH (WARWICK). Greek coins acquired by the British Museum iu 1896. Numismatic Chron. xvii. 93-118. WROTTESLEY (MAJ.-GEN. the HON. GEORGE). Extracts from the plea rolls of the reigns of Henry V and Henry VI , translated from the original rolls in the Public Record Office. Wm. Salt Arch. Soe xvii. 1-153. YATES (GEORGE C.). Manchester checks and tokens. Lane and Ohesh. Antiq. Soc. xiii. 119-123. Bronze implements of Lancashire and Cheshire. Lane and Chesh. Antiq. Soc. xiii. 124-141. YOUNG '(WILLIAM). Notes on the parish of Oharlwood, Surrey Arch. Coll. xiii. 141-153. 45 INDEX. Abbeys: Appleton, Compton, Foster, Mope, Hugo, Minns, Perkins, Savage, Stamp, Williams, Wilson. Agincourt, battle of: Baker. Agricultural: Bercy. Alsli (Loch) : Wallace. Altars, portable: Fairbank. Altear: Warburton. American, antiquities: Fryer, Gann, Male, Lewis. Anglesey: " Llangwyfan." Anglo-Saxons: Bates, Martin, Haven, Savage. At-.vroi.tih, Kirkcudbrightshire: Coles. Archseological survey : Murray. Archbishopric, insignia of: Green. Architecture: Gee, Gilbert, Moj>e, Batriak, Spiers, Tait. Ardfert: Miekson. Armada: Burne. Arms and armour: Balfour, Dillon. Art Celtic: Thomas. Domestic : Fllis, Milner, Williams. Glass painting: Collier. Gold objects: Fvans, Frazer. Mural paintings : Bower. Portrait painting: Collier. Sculptured stones: Allen (J. _ffi.), Anderson (J.), Baildon, Brydall, Calverley, Coffey, Davies, Landsborough, Lynam, March, Newdigate. Asliover: Kerry. Aske's rebellion: Watson. Assyrian antiquities : Balfour, Boissier, Hommel, Sayce. Athelney: Hugo. Auckland: Hodgson. Austin, (Sfc.): Taylor. Babylonian antiquities: Finches. Baginbun Bay: Vigors. Ballina: Knox. Barnacle: Syers. Barnstaple': Lawrence. Barton: Whatley. Battles. See " Agincourfc." Beckford: Mall. Beggar's badge: Hutcheson. Bells (church) : Mallam, Hipkins? Haven, Wethered, Whitehead. Benson: Field. Berkeley: Taylor, Veal. Berkshire : Mallam, Sherwood, Wethered. See " Bradfield," " Frilford," "Hurley." Bibliographical and literary: Ferguson, Harrison, James. Coptic : Crum. Greek : Allen (T. W.), Roberts. Hebrew: Gaster, Laiolor, Margoliouth. Scottish: Brown. Bideford: Granville. Birdoswald : Maverfield. Bishoprics : Risk, Wilson. Bishops Wood: Bagnall-Oakeley. Blake (Robert) : Burrows. Bola (Lough) : Kinahan. Borwick • Roper. Bothal: Knowles. Bow and arrow: Balfour. Bowness: Collier. Bradfield: Maverfield. Bradfield S. Clare : Haslewood. Bradley: Berkins. Bridges and fords: Mudd, Ferguson, Marrison. Brigham: Whitehead. Bristol: Fryer, Fuller, Mudd, Myett, Fonting, Britchard, Warren. Bronze antiquities: Barker, Dale, Glad, stone, Gowland, Mitchell, Myres Bead, Yates. Brown Candover: Fyre. Buckinghamshire: Cocks, Myres, Williams. See " Ohetwode," " Hedsor," "High Wycombe," " Ickford," "Middle Claydon," " Missen4 0 INDEX. den," "Soulbury," "WHtecliff," " Wing." Budworth (Great) : Taylor. Burham: Maverfield. Patrick. Burrell Green : Lamb. Buxton: Ward. Calendars: Blankett. •Cambridge: Boyd, Hasluck, Huglies, James, ScotJ,. Cambridgerhire: Atkinson. See " Cambridge," "Ely." •Camelford : Martin. Cann eld (Great) : Downtnan. Canoe: Hutcheson. Canons island: Westropp. Cardiganshire. See " Llandyssil." •Cavew: Vigors. Car g i l l : Baxter. Carisbrook: Stone. Carlisle : Ferguson, Wilson. •Carmarthenshire: " Talley." Carnarvonshire : " Conway," " Paget." Ca?neoagh: Knmoles. Cartmel Pel l : Ferguson. •Castles : Bagnail - Oakeley, Bradney, Cox, Dillon, Miekson, Hodgson, Hughes, Britchard, Sheppard, Stone, Veal, Vigors. •Cathedrals: Church, Colson, Cox, Darling, Fyre, Harding, Hudson, Maddison, Scott. 'Cavers, Eoxburghshire : Christison, Caves : Baget, Botheram. •Celibacy of clergy: Barker. •Celtic antiquities: Laver. Centenarians: Weber. Chacombe : Chacombe. •Charlwood: Young. •Cheshire: Axon, Eobinson, Swann, Yates. See "Budworth (Great)," "Chester," "Prestbury," " Wirral." -Chester: Maverfield, Tallent-Bateman, Taylor, Williams. Chesters: Blair, Maverfield. •Chestors (Roxburghshire) : Duns. -Chetton: Burton. Chetwode : Cocks. •Chetwynde: Drinkwater. Chichester: Arnold. Ohopwell: Tomlinson. •Church bells. See " Bells." •Church goods: Hone. Church plate: Bates, Cooper, Ferguson, Hopper, Manning, Murray, Myres, Bobinson. Churches: AndrS, Appleton, Arnott, Cox, Dean, Downs, Freshfield, Fulford, Galpin, Glynn, Glynne, Gradwell, Gregson, Qrimsey, Hodgson, Hope, Mudd, Hughes, Irvine, Johnston, Kenton, Kenyon, Lach- Sxyrma, Lovett, Lynam, Macnamara (G. W.),Macnamara (M.D.), Maiden, Master, O'Donoghue, Perkins, Porter, Price, Radford, Benaud, Bice, Sedding, Simpson, Springett, Stamp, Street, Sutton, Syers, Tatham, Taylor (Bev. C. S.), Taylor (M.), Taylor (L), Trollope, Wall, Warren, 'Whiteside. Churchill: Were. Cirencester: Fuller, Whatley. Clare (co.) : Westropp. Clevedon: Warren. Clones: D'Arey. Cloyne: Westropp. Coekermouth: Whitehead. Colchester : Laver, Baven. Constantinople: Freshfield. Conway: Phene. Corbridge : Knowles. Cork: Pyne, Westropp. Coronation: Legg. Corrib : Kelly. Cofcheridge : Berkeley. Coventry: Whitley. Cramond: MacDonald. Craniology: Haddon. Crayford: Jackson. Crediton: Grueber. Crosses (stone) : Markham, Payne, Phillips, Ponting. Crosthwaite : Whitehead. Cruises: Mitchell. Cuckfield : Cooper. Cullen : Cramond. Cumberland: Ferquson, Maverfield, Hodgson, Whitehead. See "Birdoswald," "Bo-wness," "Brigham," " Carlisle," " Cartmel Pell," " Cockermouth," " Crosthwaite," "Distington," "Edenhall," "Gosforth," "Holm Oultram," "Kirkbride," "Kirkoswold," "Salkeld," '/Wethorhal." Curvin: Latimer. Cuthbert (St.) : Bates. Cyprus : Myres. Dalkey: Kinalian. Dalmally, Argyleshire : Brydall. Dartmoor: Dart-moor. INDEX. 47 Den (Forfarshire) : Lumsden. Derbyshire: Barber, Kerry, Sitwell. See " Ashover," '" Buxton," "Dethic," "Eepton." Dethic: Hart. Devonshire : Burnard, Colby, Flwcrthy, Reichel, Bowe, Square, Worth. See "Barnstaple," "Bideford," "C'rediton," "Dartmoor," "Down St.. Mary," "Ermington," "Exeter," "Prithelstook," "-Holbeton," " Kenn," " Kenton," " Kingsbridge." " Pennycross," " Tawton (South)," "Torre," "Woodbury," " Worlington (East)." Dialect: Cocks, Flmortlig, Fisluoiek. Dials: Dryden. Distington: Whitehead. Domesday : Reichel, Skaife, Whale. Domestic life : Veal, Williams, Willis- Bund, Wilson. . Dorchester: Bitt-Bivers. . Dorsetshire : Baven. "' See " Dorchester," " Portland." Down St. Mary: Radford. "Downton: Flayer, Hill. Dowth (co. Meath): Coffey. Drama: Thornton: Driby: Massingberd. Dromiskin (co. Louth) : Stubbs. Dublin (co.) : Stubbs. Duddon Bridge: Barlow-Massicks. Dullalur: Donelly. Durham. See " Auckland," " Chopwell," " Byton," " South Shields." Durrington; Springett. Duvrow: Williams. Dyke (Offa's): Palmer. Dyke (Wat's) : Palmer. Eastbourne: Whitley. Ecclesiology : Comper, Fager, Irvine, Lacey, Mackinlay, Olden, Reichel, Swan, Sympson, Thomas, Whiteside, Wilkinson. Edenhall: Haswell, Egyptian antiquities: JSisenlohr, Griffith, Petrfe, ITasli, Price, Benouf, Seton-Karr. Ely: Stewart. Ermington: Sedding, Errol: Hutcheson. EskAalemtur: Christison. Esses : Christy, Laver, Bound, Smith, Waller. See "Canfield," "Colchester," " Grays Thurrook," " llatllold Eegis," " Moraea (East)," "Mersea (West)," .' "Plesby," "Shoebury," -"Walt- .-' ham." • "— Ethnography: Phene, Shore. .•,,-•'. Exeter: Jfingeston-Randolph, Troup.: Exiling: Foster. Felton (West) : Kenyon. Fetbard : Hiokson, Vigors. Field names : Thornley, Waller, Flintshire : Fbblewhite. • " Ehuddlan," " Tvemeirchion.". Folklore : Addy, Andrews, Atkinson; B.' (__".)> Barbour, Bates, Bridge, Burne, Cowper, Crooke,Dames,Dennett, Doherty, Duncan, Fager, Fly, Fvans, Ffennell, Godden, Goldmerstein, Gollancz, Gomme, Hartland, Hutton, Kennedy, Ker, Kingsford, Kingsley, Lamb, Legge, Leland, Macadam, Macalister, Mackinlay, Maclagan, MacPhail, Manning, March, Nutt, Owen, Peacock, Pyne, Richards, Savage, Simaika, Southain, Slralon, Townshend, Walhouse. Folkmoots: Mortimer. Forests: Bound,.Tomlinson, France: Joly, Lewis. Frilford: Fvans. Frithelstock : Dredge. Fulham: Birch. Furness : Gaythorpe. Gaels : Craigie, Meyer. Galway -. Kelly. Gardens : Milner. Genealogy, family, and personal history: Adamson, Batten, Bax, Birrel, •Bktmer, Burrows, Clark, Cokayne, Colby, Cooper, Crisp, Fbblewhite, Hodgson, Holmes, Letts, Macnamara, Maddison, Morris, Parker, Bigott, Bedstone, Benaud, Boeder, Sogers, Round; Thornton, Troup, Watson, Welford, Winder. Germany: Fryer, Leadam. Glamorganshire. See " Port Eynon." Glasgow : Fyre. Glendower (Owen) : Rhoscomyl, Tout. Gloucester: Bartlett, Hope, Medland. Gloucestershire: Myett. See "Barton " " Beckf ord," "Berkeley," "Bishops Wood," " Bradley,"'" Bristol," •' Ci rencester ," " Gloucester," "Harosfield," "Komorton" I "Kingswood," " Ovcrbuvy," " Ozle48 INDEX. worth," "Painswick," « Westbury," "Wraxall." Gold objects, votive: Fvans, Frazer, Goree: Lord. Gosforth •. Calverley. Grays Thurrook : Gowland, Bead. Greek antiquities: Allen (T. W), Anderson {J. G. C), Bury, Calvert, Crowfoot, Fdgar, Fvans, Gardner (_E.). Gardner (P.), Greenwell, Grundy, HUl, Button, Mackenzie, Montelius, Munro, Myres, Oldfield, Benrose, Bead, Smith, Thompson, Walters. Grinding stone: Hutcheson. Grosmont: Bagnall-Oakeley, 'Halls: Cox, Waiie. Halsall: Cox, Irvine, Taylor. Haltwhistle : Adamson. Hampshire: Shore, Wilson. See "Brown Candover," "Southampton," " Titchfield," " Winchester." Haresfield: HaU. Harps: Knozoles. Hastings: Bam. Hatfield: Bradley. Hatfield Eegis: Galpin. Htvwshead : Cowper. Hedsor: Codes. Henry Y.: Kennedy-Skipton. See " Agincourt." Heraldry: Dorling, Gotoh, Haswell, Hope, Walker, Were. Herefordshire. See " Penibridge." Herringfleet: Maverfield. Hertfordshire. See "Hatfield," " Hitehin," " Terulamium." High Wycombs: Downs, Summers. Hitehin : Latch-more. Holbeton : Bedding. Holm Cultrarn: Whitehead. Hugill: Cowper, Ferguson. Hurley: Wethered. Iceland : Craigie. Iekford: Hope. Ineas : Fryer. Industries: Barlow-Massicks, Brushfield, Cowper, Cramond, Fisenlohr, Holmes. Innishowen: Doherty. Inscriptions Greek: Munro, Smith. Irish: Vigors. Inscriptions—co nt. Lintel: Watson, Whiteside. Ogham : Macalister. Eoman: Blair, Haverfleld. Siloam: Bilvher. Stones: Allen (J, B.), Anderson- (Jl), Kelly. Wales: Rhys. Inventories: Dillon. Ipswich: Grimsey. Ireland: Ball, Ooff'ey, Coleman, Daviesr Fvans, Fal'iey, Fisher, Frazer, Haddon, Hume, Joly, Kelly, Kinahan, Knowles, March, Bower, Rotherham, Stokes, Ussher. See- "Ardfert," "Baginbun," " Bailing" " Bola," " Canons," " Carncoagh," " Clare," " Clones," «Oloyne," " Cork," " Corrib," "Currin," "Dalkey," "Dowth," "Dromiskin," "Dublin," "Durrow," " Fethard," " Galway,"- " Innishowen," " Leana," " Lismore," " Kerry," " Kilcolman,"- "Kildare." "Kilkenny," "longford," " Montiaghs," " Newcastle," "New Grange," " OldbridgtV "Oldcastle," "Eylane," "Scattery," " Shrule," "Skantrive,'* " Slieve-na-Caillighe." Itchingfield: Godman. Japan: Gowland. Jedburgh: Bhillips. Jesmond : Knowles. Jesuits, early: Figgis. Keld: "Whiteside. Kemerton: Mercier. Ketm: Porter. Kent: Kershaw. See " Burham, " Crayford." Kenton: Kenton. Kerry: Westropp. Kilcolman: O'Donoghue. Kildare: Fitzgerald. Kilkenny: Macalister. Kilmany (Fifeshire) : Walker. Kingsbridge: Kingsbridge. Kingswood: Perkins. Kintail: Wallace. Kirkbride : Whiteside. Kirkby Lonsdale: Conder. Kirkoswald: Thornley. Knighton: Davis. INDEX. 4» Lamlash : Landsborough. Lancashire: Axon, Cox, Harrison, Hughes, Swann, Waite, Yates. ., See "Alfccar," "Borwiok," "Halsail,". " Hawkshead," " Lancaster," " Liverpool," " Maghull," " Manchester," " Middleton," " Moreton," " Overton," " Parbold," « Peel island," " Scariabriok," "Stockport," "Stonyhurst," "Stret- . ford," "Turton." Lancaster: Cox, Boper. Lavenham: Maiden. Leana: Macnamara. Leek: Lynam. Leicestershire : Boyd, Fletcher, Hartopp. See " Lutterworth." Leper hospitals: Bartlett. Letham, Perthshire: Coles. Lincoln: Maddison. Lincolnshire : Boyd, Sutton, Sympson. See "Driby," " Lincoln/' "Somersby," " Totford," " Torksey." Lismore: Cunningham, Westropp. Liverpool: Bennett, Shaw, Wilson, Llandyssil: Barker. Llangwyfan, Anglesey: Hughes. London: BailAon, Cokayne, Collier, Maverfield, Howell, Hudson, Macnamara, Matheios, Patrick, Phene, Bead, Sharpe, Simpson, Watney, White. See "Fulham," "Westminster," " Woolwich." Longford (co.) : Wilson. Lutterworth: Fletcher. Macbeth: Slopes. Maghull: Gregson. Malmesbury : M. Mancetfcer: Windle. Manchester: Hudson, Yates. Manors: Conder, Cooper, Davis, Fletcher, Hall, Maddison, Massingberd, Percy. Markets: Drink-water. Marriages (civil): Clear. Mason's marka: Hegwood. Mathematical instruments: Stone. Mazes: Shore. Measures : Paul. Media: Plunkett. Mediceval antiquities: .Brown.. Mere: Baker. Mersea (East) : Laver. Mersea (West); Laver. MicMeham: Bax. Middle Olaydon: Cocks. Middlesex. See " Southall." Middleton: Dean. Missendon: Parker. Monmouth: Sheppard. Monmouthshire.


Index to Archaeological Papers Published in 1896


Index to Archaeological Papers Published in 1898