Index to Archaeological Papers Published in 1898
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Index to Archaeological Papers Published in 1897
Researches and Discoveries in Kent 1899-1900
Index to Archaeological Papers Published in 1898
INDEX OK ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS PUBLISHED IN l 8 9 8 [BEING THE EIGHTH ISSUE OF THK SERIES AND COMPLETING THE INDEX FOR THE PERIOD 1891-98] COMPILED BY G. LAURENCE GOMME, F.S.A PUBLISHED BY ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & COMPANY 2 WHITEHALL GARDENS, WESTMINSTER UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CONGRESS OF ARCH^OLOGICAL SOCIETIES IN UNION WITH THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES 1899 1_UTLER & TANNER, THE SKI.WOOD PRINTING WORKS. FROMR, AND LONDON. CONTENTS {Those Transactions tnarked with an asterisk* in the following list are now for the first time included in the index, the. others are continuations from the indexes of 1891-97. Transactions included for the first time are indexed from 1801 onwards.] Anthropological InstitntR, Journal, N.S. vol. i. pts, 1 and 2. Antiquaries, London, Proceedings of the Society, 2nd S. vol, xvii. pt. 1. Antiquaries, Ireland, Proceedings of Royal Society of, 5th S. vol. viii. Antiquaries, Scotland, Proceedings of the Society, vol. xxxii. Archceologia, vol. lvi. pt. 1. Archseologia jEliana, vol. xx, Archfeologia Cambrensis, 5th S. vol, xv. Archfeologia Cantiana, vol. xxiii, Archaeological Journal, vol. lv. Associated Architectural Societies, Transactions, vol, xxi v. pt. 1. Bsrks, Bucks and Oxfordshire Archceological Journal, vol. iv. Biblical Archeology, Society of, Transactions, vol. xx. Birmingham and Midland Institute, vols. xxii. and xxiii. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archseological Society, Transactions, vol. xx. pt. 1. British Archseological Association, Journal, N.S., Vol. iv, British Architects, Eoyal Institute of, Journal, 3rd S. vol. v. Buckinghamshire, Becords of, vol. viii. pt. 1. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Transactions, vol. ix. pt, 4. Chester and North Wales Architectural, ArchEeological and Historical Society, Transactions, vol. vi. pt. 2. Clifton Antiquarian Club, Proceedings, vol. iv. pt. 2. Cornwall, Eoyal Institute of, Proceedings, vol. xiii. pt. 3. Cumberland and Westmoreland, Archseological Society, vol. xv, pt. 2. Cymmrodorion Society, Transactions, 1897-98. Derbyshire ArchEeological Society, Transactions, vol. xx. Devonshire Association, Transactions, vol. xxx. Essex Archreological Society, Transactions, N.S, vol. vii. pts. 1 and 2. 4 CONTENTS .Folklore, Proceedings of the Folklore Society, vol. ix, Hellenic Society, Journal, vol, xviii. Huguenot Society, vols. v. and vi. pt, 1. Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, Transactions, vol. xv. Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society, Transactions, vol. xiii. Leicestershire Architectural and Archseological Society, Transactions, vol. viii. pt. 5. London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, vol. i. pt. 2, Montgomeryshire Collections, vol. xxx. Numismatic Chronicle, 3rd S. vol. xviii. Eoyal Historical Society, Transactions, N.S. vol. xii. Eoyal Irish Academy, Transactions, 3rd Ser. vol. iv. pt. 5, vol. v. pt. 1. Eoyal Society of Literature, Transactions, vol. xix., xx. pt. 1. St, Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archseological Society, Transactions, vol. i. N.S. pt. 2. St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society, Transactions, vol, iv. pt. 3. Shropshire Archseological and Natural History Sooiety, Transactions, 2nd S. vol. x. Somersetshire Archceological and Natural History Society, Transactions, vol. xliv. Staffordshire, William Salt ArchEeological Society, Transactions, vol. xviii. Suffolk Archseological Institute, vol. x. pt, 1. Surrey ArchEeological Society, Collections, vol, xiv, pt. 1. Sussex ArchEeological Collections, vol. xlii. Thoresby Society, vol, viii., ix. pt. 1. Warwickshire Field Club, Transactions, 1898. Wiltshire ArchEeological and Natural History Magazine, vol. xxx. Woolwich District Antiquarian Society, Transactions, vol. iii. Yorkshire Archseological and Topographical Journal, vol. xv. pts. 1 and 2. NOTE Tins Index was begun under the auspices of the Congress of Archseological Societies in union with the Society of Antiquaries, Its success being assured the Congress have placed it in the hands of the publishers to continue yearly. Tho value of the Index to archaeologists is now recognised, Every effort is made to keep its contents up to date and continuous, but it is obvious that the difficulties are great unless the assistance of the societies is obtained. If for any reason the papers of a society ai-e not indexed in tho year to which they properly belong the plan is to include them in the following year ; aud whenever the papers of societies are brought into the Index for the first time they are then indexed from the year 1891. By this means it will be seen that the year 1891 is treated as the commencing year for the annual Index, and that all transactions published in and since that year will And their place in the series. To make this work complete an index of the transactions from the beginning of archaeological societies down to the year 1890 needs to be published. This Index is already completed in MS. form, and the first part will be ready by March next. Societies will greatly oblige by communicating any omissions or suggestions to the editor, LAURENCE GOMME, P.S.A., 21, Dorset Square, London, N.W. Single copies of the yearly Index from 1891 may be obtained. The subscription list for the complete Index up to 1890 is still open, and intending subscribers should apply at once to Messrs, ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & Co. Many of the Societies in union with the Society of Antiquaries take a sufficient number of copies of the yearly Index to issue with their transactions to each of their members, The more this plan is extended the less will be the cost of the Index to each society, INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS PUBLISHED IN 1898 ADAMSON (HORATIO A.). The Villiers family as governors of Tynemouth Castle and owners of the lighthouse. Arch. JEliana, xx. 15-26. ALISCHAN (S. M.). Posidium in Coele-Syria. Num. Chron. 3rd Sxviii. 124-125. ALLEN (PROF. IT. J.). A study of church towers, with special reference to those of Somerset. Bivm. and Mid. Inst. xxii. 1-10. ALLEN (J. ROMILLY). Metal bowls of the Late-Celtic and Anglo- Saxon periods. Archceologia, lvi. 39-56. ALLEN (T. "W.). The text of the Homeric hymns. Jour. Hell. Studies, xviii. 23-32. AMERY (P. F. S.). On Devonshire Folk-Lore. Devon Assoc, xxx. 90-96. AMES (PERCY W.). Racial and individual temperaments. Roy. Soe. Lit, 2nd S. xx. 1-36. ANDERSON (JOSEPH). Notes on the contents of a small cave or rockshelter at Druimvargie, Oban ; and of three shell-mounds in Oronsay. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxii. 298-313. Ardoch : notices of the pottery, bronze, and other articles discovered during the excavations. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxii. 453-471. ANDERSON (J. G-. C). A summer in Phrygia. Jour. Hell. Studies, xviii. 81-128, 340-344. ANNANbALE (T. N.). Notice of two hammer-stones (Barksteiu) used in the preparation of dye from Tormentilla in the Faroe Islands. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxii. 52-54. ANDRE (J. LEWIS). Further notes on the rose and remarks ou the lily. Arch. Jour. lv. 166-182. Miscellaneous antiquities of Dorking. Savvey Arch. Soc. xiv. 1-18. — Female head-dresses exemplified by Sussex brasses, Sussex Arch. Soc. xlii. 1-18. Battle church. Sussex Arch, Soc. xlii. 214-236. 7 S INDEX OE ARCHiEOLOGlCAL PAPERS ANDREW (SAMUEL). Old John Heywood, of Saddleworth. Lane. and Cheshire Antiq. Soc, xv. 73-80. ANDREWS (FRANCIS B.). Pershore Abbey, Worcestershire. Bir. and Mid. Inst, xxiii. 39-66. ARNOLD (A. A;). Preliminary account of " notes on the textus Roffensis, by Dr. F. Liebermann." Arch. Cant, xxiii. 94-112. ARNOLD (GEORGE M.). The ruined chapel of St. Katherine at Shorne, Kent. Arch. Cant, xxiii. 78-85. ATCHLEY (E. Gr. CQTHBERT F.). On certain variations from the rule concerning the material of the altar linen. St. Paul's Ecclesiological Soc. iv. 147-160. Notes on the beginning and growth of the usage of a second gospel at mass. St. Paul's Ecclesiological Soe. iv. 161-176. ATKINSON (REV. J. A.). St. Mary Magdalene, Gedney. Assoc. Archit, Socs. xxiv. 117-122. BAILDON (W. PALEY). Yorkshire Star Chamber proceedings. Yorks Arch. Jour. xv. 85-91. BALL (REV. C, J.). Babylonian hieroglyphs. Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 9-23, 296-298. BALL (FRANCIS ELRINGTON). Stillorgan park and its history. Hoy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 21-34. __.—._ Mount Merrion and its History. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 329-344. BALL (T. STANLEY). History and description of the regalia aud plate of the borough of Preston. Lane and Chesh. Hist. Soe. 4th S. xiii. 1-46. BARKER (W. R.). Ancient standard weights! aud measures, with especial reference to the local specimens in the Bristol Museum. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. 95-108. BASMADJIAN (K. J.). A propos des deux Sceaux He teens. Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 230-234. BATES (CADWALLADER J.). Three additional miracles attributed to St. Acca of Hexham. Arch. sEliana, xx. 289-294. BATES (REV. E. H.). An inventory of church plate iu Somerset. Som. Arch, and Nat, Hist. Soc. xliv. 160-187. BATTEN (JOHN). An early chapter of the history of Yeovil. Som. Arch, and Nat. Hint. Soc. xliv. 203-223. BAX (ALFRED .RIDLEY). Members of the Inner Temple, 1547-1660, and masters of the bench of the Hon. Soo. of the Inner Temple, 1450-1883, who have been connected with the county of Surrey. Survey Avch. Soc. xiv. 19-41. INDEX OF ARCH_a__OLOGICAL PAPERS 9 BAZELEY (REV. WILLIAM). Brimpsfield castle and its owners. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xx. 233-240. BEAZELEY (M.). The burial-place of Archbishop Courtenay. Arch. Cant, xxiii. 31-54. , BEDFORD (REV. W. K. K.). The heraldry of Warwickshire. Bir. and Mid. Inst. xxii. 49-57. BELLAIRS (COL.). Waterworks in Leicester in the 17th century. Leicestershire Archit. and Avch. Soc. viii. 304-307. BERRY (H. F.). Notes from the diary of a Dublin lady in the reign of George II. Hoy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 141-154. BIDGOOD (WILLIAM). Norton camp. Som. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xliv. 198-202. BIGGER (FRANCIS JOSEPH). The lake and church of Kelmakilloge, the ancient church, holy well, and Bullan-stone of temple Feaghna, and the holy well and shrine at Saint Finan's, Co. Kerry. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 314-324. BIRCH (G. H.). London churches of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Bvistol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 103-125. • The priory church of S. Mary Overie, now the collegiate church of S. Saviour, Southwark. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 126-144. BIRCH (W. DE GRAY). On Roman inscribed pigs of lead found in Britain. Brit, Arch. Assoc. Jour. N.S. iv. 272-275. BLACKMAN (THOMAS B.). Note on relics of painting in Canterbury Cathedral. Avch. Cant, xxiii, 339. BLASHILL (T.). Some illustrations of domestic spinuing. Bvil. Avch. Assoc. Jour. N.S. iv. 148-158. BOISSIER (ALFRED). Notes d'Assyriologie. Soc. Bib. Avch. xx. 163-166. BOSANQUET (R. C). Excavations of the British school at Melos. Jour. Hell. Studies, xviii. 60-80. BOWER (REV. CANON). Effigies in the diocese of Carlisle. Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 417-458. BOWER (HERBERT M.). The fourteen of Meaux. Huguenot Soe. v. 1-124. BOWTLES (CHAS. E. B.). Agreement for dividing Eyam pastures. Derby Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xx. 1-11. BOYD (W.). Final concords or pedes finium of mixed counties which include Staffordshire. Wm. Salt Arch. Soc. xviii. 1-69. BOYD (W. K.), Early deeds relating to Chirbury. Shvnp. Avch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. x. 203-206. 10 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS BRADLEY (MISS EDITH). London under the monastic orders. Brit. Arch. Assoc. Jouv. N.S. iv. 9-16. BRAMBLE (LT.-COL. J. R.). Two effigies at Mangotsfield, Gloucestershire. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. 154-157. BREACH (W.POWELL). Steyning marriages, etc., during the Commonwealth, 1653-1658. Sussex Avch. Soc. xlii. 111-116. BRIDGE (DR. JOSEPH O). Notes on the Crwth and Pibcorn. Chester and N. Wales Archit., Avch. and Hist. Soc. vi. 141-144. BROOKS (E. W,). The Arabs in Asia Minor (641-750), from Arabic sources. Jour. Hell. Studies, xviii. 182-208. BROWN (JAMES ROBERTS). Richard Lovelace and Bethersden. Arch. Cant, xxiii. 337-338. BROWN (T. FORSTER). Notes on ancient mining tools found in the Forest of Dean. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xx. 155-160. BROWN (WILLIAM). Lease of property in' Oorbridge, dated 1517. Arch. JEliana, xx. 283-288. BROWNE (DR. CHARLES R.). The ethnography of Clare island and Inishturk, co. Mayo. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. v. 40-72. BROWNING (ARTHUR GIRAUD). On the origin and early history of the French protestant hospital (La Providence). Huguenot Soc. vi. 39-80. BROWNLOW (RT. REV. BISHOP WILLIAM). The ancient basilica cf San Clemente, Rome. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. 139-153. The division of the bishopricks of Wessex. Som. Arch, and Nat, Hist. Soc. xliv. 149-159. BRUSHFIELD (T. N.). Raleghana. Devon Assoc, xxx. 158-197. BUCKLEY (MICHAEL J. O). The Bambino of New Ross. Roy. Soc. Antiq, Ireland, 5th S. viii. 250-253. BUICK (REV. GEORGE R.). The recent discovery of Ogams in the County of Antrim. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 392-395. BURROWS (CAPT. GUY). On the natives of the Upper Welle district of the Belgian Congo, Anthrop. Jour. N.S. i. 35-47. BURROWS (RONALD M.). Pylos and Sphacteria. Jouv. Hell. Studies, xviii. 147-159, 345-350. BURTON (REV. J. R.) Early Worcestershire printers and books. .Assoc. Archit. Socs. xxiv. 197-213. BURTON (REV. R. J.). Notes on some rectors and vicars .of Heanor, co. Derby. Derby Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc, xx. 12-31. BURY (J. B.). The double city of Megalopolis. Jour. Hell. Sfridice, xviii. 15-22. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 11 CAINE (OESAR). Our cities sketched five hundred years ago. Brit. Avch. Assoc. Jour. N.S. iv. 319-321. CALVERT (E.). Contemporary account of the battle of Shrewsbury. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. x. 295-305. CANTRILL (T. CROSBEE). Note on a collection of objects obtained during the recent exploration of a cairn in Breconshire. Anthrop. Jouv. N.S. i. 3-4. The contents of a earn at Ystradfellte, co. Brecon. Arch. Camb. 5th S. xv. 248-264. CARDEW (G. ARTHUR). The moats or waterforts of the vale of Severn. Bvistol and Glouc, Arch. Soc. xxi, 58-69. CARNEGIE (HON. DAVID W.). On a bark-bundle of native objects from Western Australia. Anthrop. Jour. N.S. i. 20-21. CARNELL (GEORGE F.). Old Sevenoaks, Arch. Cant, xxiii. 329-333. CAVE-BROWN (REV. J.). Shurland House. Arch. Cant, xxiii. 86-93. Otham rectors. Arch. Cant, xxiii. 184-193. CHADWICK (S. J.). The old painted, glass in Dewsbury church. Yorks Arch. Jouv. xv. 211-223. CHARLESON (MALCOLM MACKENZIE). Notes on some implements and other relics of the early inhabitants of Orkney. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxii. 316-324. CHRISTISON (D.). Account of the excavation of the Roman station at Ardoch, Perthshire. General history and description of defences. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxii. 399-476. CHRISTY (MILLER) and W. W. PORTEOUS. On some interesting Essex brasses. Essex Arch. Soc. vii. N.S, 1-31. CLARK-MAXWELL (REV. W. G.). The fall of tbe friars' houses and alien priories in Wilts. Wilts Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxx. 20-34. CLEPHAN (ROBERT COLTMAN). Notes on the defensive armour of mediaeval times and of the renaissance. Arcli. JEliana, xx. 211-277. COCHRANE (ROBERT). Ogam inscriptions discovered in Ireland in the year 1898. Roy. Soc, Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 399-408. COCHRANE (ROBERT) and PROF. RHYS. Notes on the newly-discovered Ogam-stones in County Meath. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 53-60. CODRINGTON (0.). Coins of the Bahmani dynasty. Nttm. Chron. 3rd S. xviii. 259-273. COFFEY (GEORGE). Knockmany. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 93-111. 12 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS COFFEY (GEORGE). On a cairn excavated by Thomas Plunkett on Belmore mountain, co. Fermanagh. Roy. Irish Acad, 3rd S. iv. 659-666. COLES (FRED R.). Notice of the discovery of a cist with a double burial at Ratho Quarry. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxii. 44-50. COLLIER (REV. CARUS VALE). Coats of Arms in Kent churches. Arch. Cant, xxiii. 113-133. COLLIER (MRS.). A few notes on mediseval and renaissance art in France. Brit. Arch. Assoc. Jour. N.S. iv. 63-68. Some account of St. Crantock, an ancient Cornish church. Brit. Arch. Assoc. Jour. N.S. iv. 305-318. COLLINGWOOD (W. G.). Ulpha Old Hall. Cumb. and West. Antiq; and Arch. Soc. xv. 315-320. The Ormside cup. Cumb. and West, Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 381-387. COLLINGWOOD (W. Q.) and J. ROGERS. Lost churches in the Carlisle diocese. Cumb. and West, Antiq. and Arch. Soc, xv. 288-302, COMPTON (C. H,). The Welsh marches. Brit Arch. Assoc. Jour. N.S. iv. 339-348. CON _ BEARE (FRED. C). The character of the heresy of the early British church. Cymmrodorion Soc, 1897-98, 84-117. COOPER (REV. CANON J. H.). Cuckfield families. Sussex Arch, Soc. xlii. 19-53. — The find of Edwardian coins at Balcombe. Sussex Arch. Soc. xlii. 209-213. COOPER (REV. T. S.). The church plate of Surrey. Surrey Arch. Soc. xiv. 72-81. COPLAND (JOHN), Rushenden. Arch. Cant, xxiii. 334-336. CORBETT (W. J.) and T. TINDAL METHOLD. The rise and devolution of the manors in Hepworth, Suffolk. Suffolk Inst. Arch. x. 19-48. COURTNEY (L. H.) A letter of Elizabeth Trelawny. Roy. Inst. Corn. xiii. 272-273. COWPER (H. S.). Excavations at Springs Bloomery (iron smelting hearth) near Coniston Hall, Lancashire, with notes on the probable age of the Furness Bloomeries. Arch. Jour. lv. 88-105. A relic of Pennington old church. Cumb. and West, Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 312-314. Cox (EDWARD W.). The antiquities of Storeton, in Wirral. Lanes, and Chesh, Hist. Soc. 4th S. xiii. 47-70. The architectural history of Bebington church. Lanes, and Chesh. Hist. Soc. 4th S. xiii. 97-122. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 13 COZENS (WILLIAM). Notes on prehistoric and Roman Dorchester. Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Arch. Jouv. iv. 78-81. GRACE (J. D.). Heraldic drawing and its adaptation. Hoy. Inst. Brit. Archit. 3rd S. v. 265-277. CRAIGIE (W. A.). Evald Tang Kristensen, a Danish Folk-lorist. Folk-Lore, ix. 194-224. CRAMOND (WM. ) . Notes on a collection of impressions of postal stamps. Soc, Antiq. Scot, xxxii. 175-178. CRE?SWELL (J. J.). A description of the fabric of Louth church, with a glance at its history. Assoc. Archit. Socs. xxiv. 57-62. CRIPPS (WILFRID J.). On the discovery of the Roman basilica of Corinium at Cirencester. Soc Antiq. 2nd S. xvii. 201-208. Notes on the Roman basilica at Cirencester. Bvistol and Glouc, Arch. Soc, xxi. 70-78. CROOKE (W.). The wooing of Penelope. Folk-Lore, ix. 97-133. CRUM (W. E.). Note on the Coptic spell. Soc. Bib. Arch, xx. 102. A Coptic "Letter of orders." Soc, Bib. Arch. xx. 270- 276. CUMING (H. SYER). On mead and mead vessels. Brit. Avch. Assoc. Jour. N.S. iv. 249-257. CUNNINGHAM (J. H.). Ardoch: account of the excavations and descriptions of plans, etc. Soc, Antiq. Scot, xxxii. 436-452. CUNNINGHAM (REV. DR.). The corrupt following of Hippodamus of Miletus at Cambridge. Camb. Antiq. Soc. ix. 421-430, CURSITER (JAMES W.). Note on a stone bearing an incised cross, from the site of St. Colin's chapel, Walls, Orkney. Soc, Antiq. Scot. xxxii. 50-52. DAVIES (J, H.). Early Welsh bibliography. Cymmrodorion, Soc, 1897-98, 1-22. DAVIS (W. J.). Old Warwickshire coins, tokens, and medals. Birm. and- Mid, Inst xxii. 11-35. DAWS (REV. CANON). Conventual church of St. Mary and St. Helen, Elstow. St, Albans and Herts. Archit, and Avch. Soc. N.S. i. 107-109. DAWBEB (E. GUV). Some thoughts on old English architecture, with special reference to the Cotswolds. Bristol and Glouc. Avch. Soc. xx. 307. DAWSON (MRS.) Notes on the monastery of Rosnat, or Ty Gwyn, Pembrokeshire. Arch, Camb. 5th S. xv. 1-20. —* Notes on Border parishes—Winforton. Arch, Camb. 5th S. xv. 201-221. 14 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS DEAN (JOHN). The ancient Lords of Middleton. Lane, and Cheshire Antiq. Soc. xv. 122-174. DILLON (VISCOUNT). An eiEgy to a member of the Martin family in Piddletown church, Dorset. Arch. Jour. lv. 119-121. Tilting in Tudor times. Arch. Jouv. lv. 296-321, 329- 339. Dix (E. R. McO). Kil-ma-Huddrick, near Clondalkin, co. Dublin. Roy. Soc, Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 165-166. DIXON (MISS E.). The Florentine AVOOI trades in the Middle Ages. Hoy. Hist Soc. N.S. xii. 151-179. DOLAN (DOM GILBERT). Lancashire aud tlie Benedictines. Lanes. and Chesh, Hist Soc, 4th S. xiii. 123-169. DOWDEN (JOHN). Observations and conjectures on the Kirkmadrine epigraphs. Soc. Antiq. Scot xxxii. 247-274. DOWDESWELL (REV. E. R.). Sketch of the history of the parish of Bushley. Assoc. Archit. Socs. xxiv. 213-233, DOWNES (R. S.). The parish church of High Wycombe. Bucks Recovds, viii. 55-87. DRINKAVATER (REV. C. H.). The priory of Bromfleld. Shrop. Arch. and Nat Hist Soc. x. 93-112. Humphrey Kynaston's pardon (1516) and will (1534). Shrop. Arch, and Nat Hist, Soc. x. 273-280. DRYDEN (SIR HENRY J.). Dials on the church of Covenham St. Mary, near Louth. Assoc. Archit. Socs. xxiv. 175-176. Two barns at Peterborough formerly belonging to the Abbey. Assoc. Archit Socs. xxiv. 177-187. DUCKETT (SIR GEORGE). The Battle of Hastings. Sussex Arch, Soc, xlii, 73-74. DUIGNAN (W. H,). On some Shropshire place names. Shrop. Arch. • and Nat. Hist. Soc. x. 1-17. DUNCAN (LELAND L.). The will of William Courtenay, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1396. Arch. Cant, xxiii. 55-67. Ecclesiological notes respecting the deanery of Shoreham, Kent. Arch. Cant, xxiii. 134-149. DUNCOMBE (CAPT. the HON. CECIL). Evidence of lake dwellings on the banks of the Costa, near Pickering, North Riding of Yorkshire. Anthrop. Jour. N.S. i. 150-154. DUNLOP (W.). Australian Folk-Lore stories. Anthrop. Jour. N.S. i. 22-34. DYKE (JOHN G.). Some characteristics of old Watling St. Shrop. Arch, and Nat, Hist, Soc, x. 173-179. INDEX OF AECH__OLOGIOA'L PAPERS 15 DYMOND (C. W.). The anoient village near Threlkeld. Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch, Soc. xv. 309-311. EARLE-FOX (H. B.). Greek coins in the collection of. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xviii. 286-293. ELIAS (T.). History and associations of the abbeys and convents of the vale of Conway and district. Brit, Arch. Assoc. Jour. N.S. iv. 30-62. ELWORTHY (FRED T.). Ou Terra-cotta stamps or moulds found at Taranto. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvii. 59-71. >-• On Devonshire verbal provincialisms. Devon Assoc.,xxx. 56-76. ELY (TALFOURD). The antiquities of Hayling island. Arch. Jour. lv. 286-295. ENGLEHEART (REV, G. H.) and CHS, H. READ and W. GOWLAND, On some buildings of the Romano-British period discovered at Clan ville, near Andover, and on a deposit of pewter vessels of the same period found at Appleshaw, Hants, Avchmologia, lvi. 1-20. EVANS (SIR JOHN). A hoard of Roman coins. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xviii, 126-184. EVANS (D. PUGH). Llandissilio church. Arch. Camb. 5th S. xv, 242-247. * FARRINGTON (T. B.). Report on searches made at the Public Record Office in respect of the town of Comvay, Brit. Arch. Assoc, Jouv. N.S. iv. 201-222. FERGUSON (CHANCELLOR R. S,). More picture board dummies. Arch. Jour. lv. 183-186. — Picture board dummies at Raby and Callaly castles. Arch, JFAlana, xx. 278-282. Various finds in Ormside church yard. Cumb. and West, Antiq. and Arch, Soc. xv. 377-380. Some West Cumberland tokens. Cumb. and West, Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 392-416. FERGUSON (C. J.). The growth of architecture. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist Soc. x. 19-32. FFENNELL (MARGARET O). The shrew ash in Richmond Park. Folk- Lore, ix. 330-336. FFRENCH (REV. J. F. M.). A notice of some county Wexford and other chalices. Roy. Soc, Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 126-136. FIRTH (C. H.). Marston Moor. Roy. Hist Soc. N.S. xii. 17-79. FISHER (REV, G. W.). Sir Thomas Harris of Boreatton and his family. Shrop. Arch, and Nat, Hist. Soc. x. 77-92. 16 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS FlSHAVlCK (LT.-COL. HENRY). Disputed boundary in Asln.orth. Lane, and Cheshire Antiq. Soc, xv. 63-72. Places in Lancashire destroyed by the sea. Lane, and Chesh. Hist. Soc. 4th S. xiii. 87-96. FITZGERALD (LORD WALTER). Walter Reagh Fitzgerald, a noted outlaAv of the sixteenth century. Roy. Soc, Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 299-305. FITZHERBERT (REV. REGINALD H. O). Will of Elizabeth Fitzherhert of Norbury, Derbyshire, dated 20th October, 1490. Derby Arch. and Nat Hist. Soc, xx. 32-39. FLETCHER (REV. W. G. D.). The family-of NeAVComen of Saltfleetby. Assoc, Archit Socs, xxiv. 145-161. . Some unpublished documents relating to Leicestershire, preserved in the Public Record Office. Assoc. Archit, Socs, xxiv. 234-277. . On the efforts made to convert arable land into pasture in Leicestershire in the 15th and 16th centuries, Leicestershire Archit, and Arc.Ji. Soc. viii. 308-313, . The Shropshire lay subsidy roll of 1327, Shrop. Arch, and Nat Hist, Soc. x. 113-144. The municipal records of ShreAVsbury. Shrop, Arch, and Nat, Hist Soc, x. 145-156. , gome documents relative to the battle of ShreAVsbury, Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist Soc, x. 227-250, Shropshire feet of fines 1196-1211, Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist, Soc. x. 307-330. FLOWER (ARTHUR S.). Notes on renaissance architecture in Malta with special reference to the buildings of the order of St. John, Roy. Inst Brit Archit 3rd S. v. 25-48. FLOYER (REV. J. KESTELL). On a mutilated effigy in the cloisters of Worcester cathedral, said to represent Alexander Neckam, A ssoc, Archit Socs. xxiv. 188-196. Annals of the family, of Floyer. Devon Assoc, xxx. 505-524. FOSTER (REV. C. W.). Institutions to benefices in the diocese of Lincoln 1540-1570. Assoc. Archit Socs. xxiv. 1-32. FOAVLER (CHARLES B.). Discoveries at Llanblethian church, Glamorganshire., Arch. Camb. 5th S. xv, 121-131. FOWLER (REV. H.). The collegiate church of St. Paul, Bedford. St. Albans and Herts. Archit. and Arch, Soc. N.S. i. 110-115. Fox (FRANCIS. F,). Description of the manor place of Yate in the INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 17 second year of Edward VI. [A.D. 1548-9]. Bristol and Glouc, Arch. Soc. xxi. 22-24. FRAZER (W.). Find of cist Avith human remains, Dunfanaghy, co. Donegal. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 49-52. The Clandeboy O'Neills' stone inauguration chair. Roy. Soc, Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 254-257. A list of (Presbyterian) marriages copied from the sessionbook of the congregation of Armagh. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 345-351. FRY (EDAVARD ALEXANDER). On the inquisitions post mortem for Somerset from Henry III. to Richard III. (1216-1485). Som. Arch, and Nat. Hist Soc. xliv. 79-148. GABDNER (ERNEST). A head in the possession of Philip Nelson, Esq. M.B. Jouv. Hell. Studies, xviii. 141-14G. GARDNER (J. STARKIE). Iron casting in the Weald. Archaologia, lvi. 133-164. GARDNER (PERCY). Boreas and Oreithyia on a late Attic vase. Jour. Hell, Studies, xviii. 136-140. GERISH (W. B.). Christ's half-dole : an East Anglian fishing custom. Folk-Lore, ix. 245-250. GIAMPIETRI (CAVALIERE SETTIMIO). A Bomos in Sabina. Roy. Inst Brit. Archit, 3rd S. v. 487-491. GILMORE (JOHN E.). Fragments of the Sahidio version of the Pauline Epistles. Soc. Bib, Arch. xx. 48-51. GLYNNE (SIR STEPHEN R.). Notes on the older churches in the four Welsh dioceses. Arch. Camb. 5th S. xv. 351-369. Notes on Yorkshire churches. Yorks Arch, Jour. xv. 104-115. GOULD (J. CHALKLEY). Notes on a naval MS. compiled by Edward Battine, c. 1688. Brit. Arch. Assoc. Jouv. N.S. iv. 223- 248. GOULD (S. BARING). Exploration of St. Non's chapel near St. David's. Avch. Camb. 5th S. xv. 345-348. Dartmoor exploration committee report. Devon Assoc. xxx. 97-115. GOULDING (R. W.). Notes on the Lords of the manor of Burwell. Assoc. Archit, Socs. xxiv. 62-94. GRANVILLE (REGINALD K.) and FELIX N. ROTH. Notes on the Jekris, Sobos, and Ijoa of the Warri district of the Niger coast protectorate.. Anthrop. Jour. N.S. i. 104-126. - GRAVE (J. W. DE). Notes on the register of the Walloon church of B 18 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS Southampton and on the churches of the Channel Islands. Huguenot Soc. v. 125-178, GRAVE (J. W. DE). A refugee pasteur at the revocation—Jacob de Rouffignac and his descendants. Huguenot Soc. v. 251-288. GRAY (REV. W.). Notes on the natives of Tanna. Anthrop. Jouv. N.S. i. 127-132. GRAYLING (F.). The churches of Sittingbourne and Milton. Avch. Cant, xxiii. 150-160. GREENE (JOHN). John Lydgate, monk of Bury. Suffolk Inst Arch. x. 7-18. GRIFFITH (F. LL.). On the reading of an Egyptian hyroglyph. Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 299. GROOME (FRANCIS HINDES), Tobit and Jack the Giant-killer. Folk- Lore, ix. 226-244. GRUEBER (H. A.) and L. A. LAWRENCE. The Balcombe find. Num., Chron. 3rd S. xviii. 8-72. GRUNDY (G. B.). A suggested characteristic in Thukydides' Avork. Jour, Hell, Studies, xviii. 218-231. GIUSEPPI (MONTAGUE S.), The parliamentary surveys relating to Southwark. Surrey Arch, Soc. xiv. 42-71. GWILLIM (E. LL. ) . Notes from the register books of the parish of Preshute during the 17th century. Wilts Arclu and Nat Hist Soc. xxx. 100-116. GWYDDFARCH. The passes of CAVUI Bychan and Drws Ardudwy, Montgomeryshire Coll, xxx. 313-318. HALL (REV. J. MELLAND). The Avill of Godfrey Giffard, Bishop of Worcester, A.D. 1301. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xx. 139- 154. Architectural notes on the churches of St. John, Elkstone, and St. Giles, Cubberley. Bristol and Glouc. Avch. Soc. xx, 241-246. HARDY (W. J.). On a laAvsuit concerning the Lady Elizabeth Stuart's jewels. Archoiologia, lvi. 127-132. Lady Cathcart and her husbands. St. Albans and Herts. Archit. and Arch. Soc. i. N.S. 119-128. HARRISON (WILLIAM). Ancient beacons of Lancashire and Cheshire, Lome, and Cheshire Antiq. Soc. xv. 16-48. HARTLAND (EDAVIN SIDNEY). The " High Gods " of Australia. Folk- Lore, ix. 290-329. HARTOPP (HENRY). Calendar of Leicestershire wills 1495-1649. Leicestershire Archit and Arch. Soc. viii. 258-290, INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 19 HARTSHORNE (ALBERT). On the cross in the churchyard at Claverley. Shroj>. Avch. and Nat. Hist Soc. x. 281-294, HASLEWOOD (REV. FRANCIS). Our Lady of Ipswich. Suffolk Inst Arch. x. 53-55. HASWELL (GEORGE H.). Shocklach churchyard cross. Chester and N. Wales Archit, Arch, and Hist Soc, vi. 163-166. HAVERFIELD (F.). Roman uses of Roman tombstones. Chester and N. Wales Archit, Avch. and Hist Soc. vi. 137-138. An inscribed Roman fragment from Shoemakers' ROAV. Chester and N. Wales Archit, Arch, and Hist. Soc. vi. 139-140. • — Five years' excavations on the Roman Avail. Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Avch. Soc. xv. 337-344. • Report of the Cumberland excavation committee for 1898. Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch, Soc. XA', 345-3_4. Roman altar at Bewcastle. Cumb. and West Antiq. and Arch. Soc. xv. 459-460. Roman inscribed and sculptured stones preserved at Tullie House, Carlisle. Cumb, and West Anticp and Avclu Soc. xv. 461-503. Romano-Gaulish statuette found in Carlisle. Cumb, and West. Antiq. and Arch, Soc. xv. 504-505, HEWISON (REV. J. K.). Notice of an efiigy of a covenanting minister) and other tombs, in Morton churchyard. Sod Antiq. Scot xxxii. 124-129. HEYAVOOD (NATHAN), The Stycas of North Humbria. Lam and Chesh. Antiq:. Soc. xv. 81-99. HICKSON (MARY AGNES). Kilelton in Glenfas. Roy* Soc. Antiq, Ireland, 5th S. viii. 306-313; HILL (REV, A. Du BOULAY). A Saxon church at Breamore, Hants. Arch. Jour. lv. 84^-87. HILL (G. F.). A dedication to Artemis, Jour. Hell, Studies, xviii: 302-305. Posidium in Syria. Num. Chron. 3rd S; xviii. 246-250; — —Roman aurei from Pudukota, South India. Nitm: Chron-. 3rd S. xviii. 304-320. HINDE (CAP. W. H.). The Huguenot settlement at the Cape of Good Hope. Huguenot Soc. v. 205-221. HIPPOLYTE-BOUSSAC (P.). Tombeau d'un astrologue Thebain de la xviii0- dynastie. Roy. Inst Brit Archit. 3rd S. v. 53-59, • :—• Thebes: excursion k la vallee-des-reines, Royt Inst. Brit, Archit, 3rd S. v. 421-435. 20 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS HODGSON (REV, J. F.). The church of Auckland St. Andrew (or north Auckland), commonly called south church. Arch. JEliana, xx. 27-206. HODGSON (MRS.). Notes on the excavations on the line of the Roman wall in Cumberland, in 1898. Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Avch. Soc, xv. 365-376. HOLMES (RICHARD). Asolf or Essolf, a Yorkshire minor lord of the tAvelfth century. Thovesby Soc. ix. 23-62. HOLT (R. B.). Marriage laws and customs of the Cymri. Anthrop. Jour. N.S. i. 155-163. Thorpe's northern myths and traditions. Roy. Soc. Lit 2nd S. xix. 169-194. HOMMEL (PROF. D.), The Babylonian ideogram for " Image " and the slate palette from Hieraconopolis. Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 291- 295. HONE (NATHANIEL). Oxfordshire church goods. Be7-ks, Bitcks and Oxon Arch. Jour. iv. 75-77. . HOPE (W. H. ST. JOHN). On a grant of arms under the great seal of Edward IV. to Louis de Bruges, seigneur de la Gruthuyse and • Earl of Winchester, 1472, Avith some remarks on the arms of English earldoms. Archceologia, lvi. 27-38. The architectural history of the cathedral church and monastery of St. Andrew at Rochester. Arch, Cant, xxiii. 194- 328. HOPE (W. ST. JOHN) and GEORGE E. FOX. Excavations on the site of the Roman city at Silchester, Hants, in 1897. Archceologia, lvi. 103-126. HORNER (DR. JOSEPH). Biblical chronology. Soc. Bib. Arch, xx. 235-246. HOWARTH (SIR HENRY H.). Old and neAV methods in Avriting history. Arch. Jour. lv. 122-144. ' HOAVELL (CHARLES E.). Roads, bridges, canals and railways in . Montgomeryshire. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxx. 282-290. HOAVELL (GEORGE 0.). An early charter relating to Plumstead. Woolwich Dist. Antiq. Soc, iii. 52-57. HOYLE (WILLIAM DICKON). Ancient houses near Halifax. Brit, Arch. Assoc. Jour. N.S. iv. 17-29. HUBBARD (GEORGE).' Notes on the cathedral church of Cefalu, Sicily. Ar.chmologia, lvi. 57-70. HUDSON-(E. W.). Holywell. Priory, Shoreditch. Roy, Inst Brit. Archit. 3rd S. v. 75-76, 175-177, 234. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 21 HUDSON (REV. WILLIAM). The hundred of Eastbourne and its six « Boroughs." Sussex Arch. Soc. xlii. 180-208. HUGHES (HAROLD). Notes on the architecture of some old houses in the neighbourhood of Llansilin, Denbighshire, Arch, Camb. 5th S. xv. 154-179. HUGHES (H. R.). Notes on Gwydir castle, Llanrwst. Brit Arch. Assoc. Jour. N.S. iv. 177-179. HUGHES (T. CANN). Notes on the parish of Gressingham, Lanes. Brit, Arch. Assoc. Jour. N.S. iv. 258-26G. Some notes on rectors of Honiton since the Commonwealth. Devon. Assoc, xxx. 127-131. HUGHES (T. CANN) and W. 0. ROPER. The corporation insignia, plate and charters of Lancaster. Arch. Jour. lv. 353-366. HUNT (REV. ARCHIBALD E.). Ethnographical notes on the Murray Islands, Torres Straits. Anthrop. Jour. N.S. i. 5-19. HURST (HERBERT), Remains of Pargetting in Oxford. Berks, Bucks and Oxon Arch. Jour. iv. 105-111. HUTCHESON (ALEXANDER). Notice of the discovery of a burial place of the bronze age on the hill of West Mains of Aucliterhouse. Soc. Antiq. Scot xxxii. 205-220. HYETT (F. A.). Catalogue of MS. in the British Museum, relating to the county of Gloucester and the city of Bristol. Bristol and Glouc, Arch. Soc. xx. 161-221. IMHOOF-BLUMER (F.). Coin types of some Kilikian cities. Jouv. Hell. Studies, xviii. 161-181. IRELAND (WILLIAM W.). Notes on the Scottish De Quencys of FaAVside and Leuchars. Soc. Antiq. Scot xxxii. 275-294. IRVINE (G. &.). The church and Avell of St. Doulough, co. Dublin. Bvit. Avch. Assoc, Jour. N.S. iv. 329-338. IRVINE (J. T.). Notes on sepulchral cairns discovered by the bloAving of sand on the sands of Bracon ; and of the sculptured stone discovered at South Garth, Island of Zell, Shetland. Soc, Antiq. Scot xxxii. 171-174. JACKSON (T. G.). The libraries of the middle ages. Roy. Inst Bvit Archit. 3rd S. v. 365-385. JENNINGS (JOHN). Notes on the exhibition of an ethnological collection from Santa Cruz and the NeAV Hebrides. Anthrop. Jour. N.S. i. 164-165. JENNINGS (P.). Notes on the Parliamentary history of Truro, A.D. 1295-1467. Roy. Inst. Com. xiii. 243-251. The Parliamentary election in Truro, A.D, 1832, Roy. Inrf Corn. xiii. 343-350. 22 INDEX OF ARCHiEOLOGICAL PAPERS JOHNSTON (PHILIP MAINWARING). The IOAV side Avindowa of Sussex churches. Sussex Arch. Soc, xlii, 117-179. JONES (PROF. T. RUPERT). Exhibition of stone implements from SAvaziland, S. Africa. Anthrop, Jour. N.S. {. 48-54. KENNEDY-SKIPTON (H. S.). The Berkeleys at Yate. Bristol and Glouc, Arch, Soc. xxi. 25-31. — Richard Whittington, a Gloucestershire man. Bristol and Glouc. Arch, Soc. xxi. 94-102. KENYON (R. LLOYD). History of the ShreAVsbury mint Avith an account of the coins struck there, Shrop, Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc, x. 251-272. KEYSER (CHARLES E.). On the panel paintings of saints on the DeAronshire screens, Archceologia, lvi. 183-222. Aldermaston church, Berkshire, Arch, Jour. lv. 367- 396. Berkshire antiquities. Berks, Bucks and Oxon Arch. Jouv. iv. 82-87. KIRKSTALL ABBEY, The coucher book of, Thoresby Soc, viii. 1-12. KNOAATL.ES (W. H) . Aydon Castle, Northumberland, Archceologia, lvi. 71-88. KNOAVLES (W. J.). Irish flint scrapers. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 367-391. KERRY (REV. O). The ancient painted AvindoAV, Hault Hucknall church. Derby Arch, and Ned, Hist Soc. xx. 40-51. • Court Rolls of the manor of Holmesfield, co. Derby, Derby Arch, and Nat Hist. Soc, xx. 52-128. KERSHAW (S. W.). Lambeth and its annals. Bristol and Glouc, Arch. Soc. xxi. 79-93. LACH-SZYRMA (REV. W. 8.). Australian light on Britain in the later stone period, Brit Arch. Assoc. Jour. N.S, iv. 113-124. LANCASTER, Duchy of, depositions. 2 Elizabeth. Thoresby Soc. ix, 5-22. LATIMER (JOHN), Ancient Bristol documents. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. 109-138. LAVER (HENRY). The parish cage and whipping-post. Essex Arch. Soc. N.S. vii. 37-39. LAWLOR (PROF. H. L. LAWLOR). Notes on the library of the Sinclairs of Rosslyn. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxii. 90-120. LAWS (EDWARD). Sepulchral slab of Isabella Verney in Tenby Church. Arch. Camb. 5th S. xv. 64-66. • Dog-AA'heels. Arch, Camb. 5th S. xv. 349. INDEX OF ARCHASOLOGICAL PAPERS 23 LAYARD (IDA H.). Chronicles of the Boisragon family. Huguenot Soc, vi. 81-111. Loudun sous la croix. Huguenot Soc. v. 311-320. LEACH (ARTHUR P.). Sherborne school before, under, and after Edward VI. Arch. Jour, lv. 1-83. LEADER (J. D,), Pigs of lead of the Roman period in Britain. Brit Arch, Assoc. Jour. N.S. iv. 267-271. LEE (F. G.). Stained glass from Westlington House, Dinton. Bucks Records, viii, 52-54, LEEDS Manor Rolls, abstract of, 1650-1666. Thoresby Soc, ix. 63-96. LEGG (J. WICKHAM). On _AVO unusual forms of linen vestments. St. Paul's Ecclesiological Soc, iv. 141-146. . The blessing of the episcopal ornament called the Pal], Yorks Arch. Jour. xv. 121-141. LEGGE (F.). Note on the Coptic spell. Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 147-149. LETT (REV. HENRY WILLIAM). The Dun at Dorsey, co. Armagh. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 1-14. LEWIS (BUNNELL). The mosaic of Monnus. Arch. Jouv. lv. 203-258. LIEBLEIN (PROF. J.). Thotmes III., etait-il le fils de Thotmes I. Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 93-95. Mots .Kgyptiens dans la Bible. Soc, Bib. Arch. xx. 202-210, L'Exode des Hebreux. Soc, Bib. Arch, xx. 277-288. LLANDAFF (VERY REV. THE DEAN), St. David's cathedral. Arch, Camb. 5th S. xv. 222-241. LLEWELLYN (R. W.), The borough of Kenfig, Avch. Camb, 5th S. xv. 132-153. LONGLEY (REV. T.) Some notes on the churches of Alvingham St. Adelwold and Cockerington St. Mary. Assoc. Archit Socs. xxiv. 114-117. LOVETT (MRS, ARDEN). A strange superstition. Berks, Bucks and Oxon Arch. Jour. iv. 103-104. LYNCH (P. J.). Notes on Duubeg Fort, co. Kerry. Roy. Soc, Antiq, Ireland, 5th S. viii. 325-328. LYNAM (CHAS.). The church of St. Beuno, Clynnog-faAvr, Carnarvonshire. Brit. Arch. Assoc, Jour. N.S. iv. 125-147. LYNN (FRANCIS). A siuwey of the Catrail. Soc. Antiq. Scot xxxii. 62-90. MACALISTER (R. A. STEWART). Ballywiheen church, Ballyneanig, co. Kerry. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 15-20. The Gallons near Dingle. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 161-164. 24 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS MACDONALD (GEORGE). The legend KWO_ on coins of Himera. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xviii. 185-192. MACKAY („ENEAS J. G.). Notes and queries on the custom of Gavelkind in Kent, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland. Soc. Antiq. Scot xxxii. 133-158. MACNAMARA (F. N.). Donnington castle and its ancient Lords. Berks, Bucks and Oxon Arch. Jour. iv. 49-60, 70-75. MAORITCHIE (DAVID). Notes on the Avords men and maiden in British topography. Soc, Antiq. Scot xxxii. 158-166. MADDISON (REV. PREB.). Papers discovered underneath the organ case of Lincoln Cathedral. Assoc, Archit, Socs. xxiv. 122-131. Notes on the Newcomen family. Assoc, Archit Socs. xxiv, 162-163. MALDEN (H. O). Ancient Avills. Essex Arch. Soc, N.S. vii. 32-35. MANNING (PERCY). Notes on the archaeology of Oxford and its neighbourhood. Berks, Bucks and Oxon Arch. Jour. iv. 9-28, 39-47. MARCH (HENRY COLLEY). Dese Matres. Lanes, and Cheshire Antiq. Soc, xv. 100-121. MARKHAM (CHRISTOPHER A.). The Hospital of St. David, or the Holy Trinity, Kingsthorp, Northamptonshire. Assoc, Archit Socs. xxiv. 164-174. MARTIN (A. T.). The identity of the author of the " Morte d'Arthur," Avith notes on the will of Thomas Malory and the genealogy of the Malory family. Archceologia, lvi. 165-182. ,. _ The Cotswolds in the time of the Romans. Bristol and Glouc, Arch. Soc.xx. 255-266. The cruciform eartlnvork on Banwell Hill, Somerset. Clifton Antiq. Club iv. 199-208. MASKELYNE (NEVIL STORY). The place-name Cricklade. Wilts Arch. and Nat Hist. Soc. xxx. 95-99. MASPERO (G.). Notes on Jour le Jour. v. (suite). Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 123-144. MASSINGBERD (W. O.). An account of the family of Belt, of Lusby. Assoc. Archit. Socs. xxiv. 33-56. MCNAIR (MAJOR) and T. L. BARLOW. Customs and ceremonies observed at betrothal, or " mangavah " and at a wedding or " viah" (also called " shadhee ") by moderately well-off Mohammedans of the farmer class, in and about the district near Ghazi, in the Punjab. Folk-Lore, ix. 136-156. MEDLEY (REV. J. B.). Notes on the Eikon Basilike, Avith a reference to some French translations. Huguenot Soc. vi. 24-38. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 25 MICKLETHWAITE (J. T.). Some further notes on Saxon churches. Arch. Jour. lv. 340-349. MIDDLETON (E. C) . The sundials of Warwickshire. Bir. and Mid. Inst xxii. 58-68. MINET (WILLIAM). Notes on the communion cups of the Dutch church at Norwich. Huguenot, Soc, v. 443-454. MITCHELL (SIR ARTHUR). James Robertson's tour through some of the Western Islands, etc., in 1768. Soc, Antiq. Scot, xxxii. 11- 19. — __ David Lock's tour in Scotland in 1778. Soc, Antiq. Scot xxxii. 19-28. , Note regarding a rude stone implement from Uyla, Shetland. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxii. 28-29. Note on spade-like implement of stone. Soc. Antiq. Scot xxxii. 30-35. Notice of a polished stone axe, and a Avell-shaped flint arrow-head, found in a cave in Islay. .Soc. Antiq, Sent xxxii. 36-39. Note regarding a mould used in the making of bronze axes. Soc, Antiq. Scot, xxxii. 39-41. • Recent manufacture and use of querns in Ireland. Soc Antiq. Scot xxxii. 42-44. . A description of some neo-archaic objects, from various parts of Scotland. Soc. Antiq. Scot xxxii. 181-194. MOENS (AV. J. C). The relief of the poor members of the French churches in England. Huguenot Soc. v. 321-342. MONEY (WALTER). A religious census of the county of Berks in 1676. Berks, Bucks and Oxon Arch. Jour. iv. 112-115. MORGAN (W. CAREY). St. Peter's church, St. Albans. St. Albans and Herts Archit. and Arch. Soc, N.S. i. 135-173. MORIRON (Miss MARGARET). A narrative of the journey of Cecilia Princess of Sweden, to the court of Queen Elizabeth. Roy. Hist. Soc, N.S. xii. 181-224. MORRIS (GEORGE). Abstracts of the grants and charters contained in the chartulary of Wombridge Priory. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist, Soc. x. 180-192. MORRIS (RUPERT H.). Bishop Lloyd's palace. Chatter and N Wales Archit., Arch, and Hist. Soc. vi. 245-248. MORSHEAD (J. Y. A.). A history of Salcombe Regis. Devon Assoc xxx. 132-146. MORTIMER (J. R.). Report on the opening of the so-called "Danes 26 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS Graves" at Kilham, E. R, Yorks. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvii. 119-128. MORTIMER (J. R.). An ancient British settlement, consisting of a double roAv of pits on Danby north moor, Yorkshire. Arch, Jour, lv. 155-165, MORTON (T. N.). A concise account of the charters, muniments and other records of the corporation of Liverpool in the year 1897. Lane, and Chester Hist. Soc, 4 th S. xiii. 71-86. MUNRO (ROBERT). The relation betAveen archaeology, chronology, and land oscillations in post-glacial times. Arch. Jour. lv. 259-285. • Some further notes on Otter- and Bea\rer-traps. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii, 245-249. Notes on prehistoric trepanning in the old and neAV worlds. Soc. Antiq. Scot xxxii. 220-235. MYRES (JOHN L.). The church plate of Buckinghamshire. Bucks Records, viii. 10-35. NAPIER (PROF. ARTHUR S.) and SIR JOHN EVANS. On Barnstaple as a mining place. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xviii. 274-277. NASH (WALTER L.). A bronze urasus of unusual form. Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 145-146. Ushabti-box of Nes-pa-chred, a priest of Mentn. Soc, Bib. Arch. xx. 186. NASH (WALTER L.) and W. GOWLAND. An ancient Egyptian toiletbox, with an analysis of its contents. Soc Bib. Arch. xx. 267-269. NEAVSTEAD (R.). GraA^e mounds at Penmaenmawr. Chester and N. Wales Archit, Arch, and Hist. Soc. vi, 145-151. On the discovery of two prehistoric horn implements at Lymm, Cheshire. Chester and N. Wales Archit, Avch. and Hist Soc. vi. 152-155. Notes on some Roman remains found in the city and its environments. Chester and N. Wcdes Archit., Arch, and Hist Soc, vi. 156-162. NICHOLS (F. M.). On some works executed by Hans Holbein during his first visit to England, 1526-1529. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvii. 132-145. NORMAN (PHILIP). On a recent discovery of part of the priory of Christ Church, Aldgate, in Mitre St., City. Soc, Antiq. 2nd S. xvii. 110-117. NUTT (ALFRED). The discrimination of racial elements in the Folklore of the British Isles, Folk-Lore, ix. 30-52. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 27 OFFORD (JOSEPH). TAVO texts referred to in report of the Oriental Congress. Soc. Bib. Avch. xx. 53-55. Roman inscriptions relating to Hadrian's Jewish Avar. Soc. Bib. Avch. xx. 59-69, 189. — _ Letter from Hammurabi to Sinidina, King of Larsa. Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 150-152. O'HARA (VERY REV. MONS). Rosserk and Moyne, co. Mayo. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 258-263. OLDEN (REV. T,). The number tAVO in Irish proper names. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iv. 636-643. An early Irish tract in the Leabhar Breac describing the mode of consecrating a church. St Paul's Ecclesiological Soc. iv. 177-180. OLIVER (ANDREAV). Notes on some vanished buildings of London. Brit. Avch. Assoc. Jouvn. N.S. iv. 349-355. O'NEILL (DR. WILLIAM). Old pottery and porcelain. Assoc. Archit. Socs. xxiv. 131-145. OPPERT (DR. JULIUS). Noli me Tangere, a mathematical demonstration of the exactness of biblical chronology, Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 24-47. O'REILLY (J. P.). On the orientation of some cromlechs in the neighbourhood of Dublin. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iv. 589-605. On the round tower of Chambles near Ferminy, district of St. Etienne (Loire). Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iv. 644-650. ORPEN (GODDARD H.). Site of Raymond's fort, Dundunnolf, Baginbun. Roy. Soc, Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 155-160. OWEN (REV. ELIAS). Montgomeryshire Folklore. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxx. 307-312. OWEN (MISS MARY [MRS. ELLIS GRIFFITH]), Welsh Folk-music. Cymmrodorion Soc. 1897-98, 65-83. PAGE (WILLIAM). On some recent discoAreries in the Abbey Church of St. Alban. Archceologia, lvi. 21-26. The parochial chapel of St. AndreAV, formerly attached to St. Alban's Abbey. St. Albans and Herts Archit, and Arch. Soc. N.S. i. 84-102. PALMER (ALFRED NEOBARD). John Wilkinson and the old Bersham iron works. Cymmrodorion Soc, 1897-98, 23-64- PARKER (JOHN). The disused church of St. Mary, Stoke MandeviUe, and the Brudenell monument. Bucks Records, viii. 88-89. PATON (W. R.) and J. L. MYRES. On some Karian and Hellenic oil presses. Jour. Hell, Studies, xviii. 209-217. 2 8 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS PAYNE (E. J.). The church bells of Buckinghamshire. Bucks Records, viii. 36-51. PAYNE.(GEORGE). Roman discoveries. Arch, Cant xxiii. 1-23. PEACOCK (MATTHEW H.). Towneley, Widkirk, or Wakefield plays. Yorks. Arch, Jour. xv. 94-103. PEARSON (FRANK S.). History of the manor of Northfield and Wesley. Bir, and Mid, Inst xxii. 36-48. PEARSON (HOAVARD S.). Some old Birmingham books. Bir. and Mid, Inst xxiii. 67-71. PEARSON (REV. J. B.). Devonshire in Parliament, 1660-1832. Devon Assoc, xxx. 371-377. PERDRIZET (PAUL F.). The game of Morra. Jour. Hell. Studies, xviii. 129-132. __ g u r l i n Tetradrachme de Nabis. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xviii. 1-7. PERRY (J. TAVENOR). The medieval campanili of Rome. Roy. Hist Brit. Archit 3rd S. v. 213-237. —_ TAVO South-Saxon doorways. Roy. Inst. Brit Archit 3rd S. v. 483-486. PHENE (DR.). Place names in and about Rome, Latium, Etruria, Britain, etc., AA'ith earthAVorks and other Avorks of art illustrating such names. Roy. Soc, Lit. 2nd S. xx. 37-104. PHILLIPS (REV. JaMEs). HaA'erfordwest. Arch. Camb. 5th S. xv. 21-32. -— Glimpses of Elizabethan Pembrokeshire. Arch, Camb. 5th S. xv. 297-311. PHILLIPS (WILLIAM), Shrewsbury during the civil Avar of Charles I. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist Soc. x. 157-172. — Letters of Sir Henry ToAvnshend, Knt., Steward of Shrewsbury. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist Soc. x. 331-337. PIEHL (DR. KARL).. Contributions au dictionnaire hieroglyphique. Soc. Bib. Arch, xx. 190-201, 306-327. - ^ La Deesse [Egyptian]. Soc. Bib. Arch, xx. 223-225. ~ Une derniere fois, le signe [Egyptian]. Soc Bib. Arch. xx. 226-229. PILCHER (E. J.). Herodian pottery and the Siloam inscription. Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 213-222. PLUNKETT (THOMAS) and GEO. COFFEY. Report on the excavation of Topped mountain cairn. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd S. iv. 651-658. PONTING (O. E.). The church of All Saints, The Leigh. Wilts Arch, and Nat, Hist. Soc. xxx. 35-38. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 29 POAVELL (REV. EDWARD). Ancient charters preserved at Scarisbrick Hall in the County of Lancaster. Lanes, and Chesh. Hist Soc, 4th S. xiii. 185-230. POWELL (J. U.). Wiltshire Avords. Wilts Arch, and Nat. Hist Soc. xxx. 117-126. PRICE (F. G. HILTON). The remains of Carmelite buildings upon the site of •" Ye Marygold " at Temple bar. Arch. Jour. lv. 145- 154. PRICE (W. H.) and REV. CANON MORRIS. Early marriages in the diocese of Chester. Chester and N. Wales Archit, Arch, and Hist Soc. vi. 217-244. PRICKMAN (J. D.). West country Avit and humour. Devon Assoc. xxx. 316-330. PRYCE (E. S. MOSTYN). Forden tithes, an early CromAvellian indenture. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxx. 260-281. RADFORD (MRS. G. H.). .Andrew and Nicholas Tremayne. Devon Assoc, xxx. 147-157. RAPES, (W. A.). The battle of Hastings. Sussex Arch. Soc. xlii. 64-72. RASSAM (HORMUZD). Door lintel discovered by Mr. George Smith at Kouyunjik. Soc, Bib. Arch. xx. 52. Abraham and the land of his nativity. Soc, Bib. Arch. xx. 70-92. RAVEN (REV. JOHN JAMES). The "old minster," South Elmhain. Suffolk Inst Arch. x. 1-G. REDSTONE (VINCENT BURROUGH). The sandling': I. Sutton; II. Staverton and Butley Gateway ; I I I . Orford. Suffolk Inst, Arch. x. 56-96. REES (J. ROGERS). Slebech commandery and the knights of St. John. Arch. Camb. 5th S. XA. 33-53. The Norse element in Celtic myth. Arch. Camb. &th S. xv. 312-344. REICHEL (REV. OSWALD J.). The Devonshire "Domesday." Devon Assoc, xxx. 258-315. -—- The "Domesday" hundreds of Devon. Devon Assoc xxx. 391-457. REID (A. G.). An account of the ruins of the abbey of Inchaffray in 1789 contained in a correspondence between General Hutton and Mr. John DOAV, then tenant of the abbey. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxii. 166-170. Notice of an urn and bronze sword found on the farm of 30 INDEX OF ARCILEOLOGICAL PAPERS Bailielands in the parish of Auohterarder. Soc. Antiq. Scot xxxii. 314r-316. RENAUD (DR. FRANK). Deeds relating to early tenures of land, etc., in Minshull Vernon and adjacent toAvnships in Cheshire. Lane and Cheshire Antiq. Soc. xv. 49-62. RHODES (A.). Suspected persons in Kent. Arch. Cant, xxiii. 68-77. RHYS (PRINCIPAL DR. JOHN). Some Ogam-stones in Connaught. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 230-236. . . NeAvly discovered Ogams in Mayo and Antrim, Avith readings of some hitherto undescribed in Cork and Waterford. Roy, Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 396-398. A revised account of the inscriptions of the northern Picts. Soc, Antiq. Scot xxxii. 324-398. The Llandrudian stones, Pembrokeshire. Arch. Camb. 5th S. xv. 54-63. RICE (R. GARRAAVAY). The capture of the merchant ship St. Paul in Ouckmere Bay, Sussex. Sussex Arch. Soc xlii. 87-103. RICHARDS (G. O). Archteology in Greece, 1897-8. Jour. Hell. Studies, xviii. 328-339. RICHARDSON (REV. A.). St. Anne's chapel, Brislington. Som. Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc, xliv. 188-197. RICHARDSON (A. B.). Notice of recent finds of coins in Scotland. Soc. Antiq. Scot xxxii. 295-298. RICKWORD (GEORGE). Colchester in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Essex Arch. Soc N.S. vii. 115-141. RISK (REV. J. ERSKINE). The rise of Plymouth as a naval port, Devon Assoc, xxx. 350-362. ROBERTSON (T. S.). Notes on St. Fillan's Priory and churchyard. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxii. 121-124. ROBINSON (REV. N. F.). The black chimere of Anglican prelates a plea for its retention and proper use. St. Paul's Ecclesiological Soc, iv. 181-220. ROGERS (W. H. HAMILTON). Brook, of Somerset and Devon; Barons of Cobham, in Kent. Som. Arch, and Nat, Hist Soc. xliv. 1-78. ROMANCS (ROBERT) and JAMES CURLE, JUN. Midside Maggie's girdle, Avith notes upon the story of the girdle and its owners. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxii. 195-204. Ross (THOMAS). Notice of the remains of a medieval chapel found in the Roman station at Ardoch. Soc. Antiq. Scot, xxxii. 471-476. ROUND (J. H.). The Honour of Ongar. Essex Arch. Soe, N.S. vii. 142-152. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 31 ROUND (J. H ) . The battle of Hastings. Sussex Arch. Soc. xlii. 54-63. Some early Sussex charters. Sussex Arch, Soc, xlii. 75-86. ROUSSELET (CHARLES FREDERIC). La colonie Huguenotte de Friedrichsdorf. Huguenot Soc. v. 455-466. ROWBOTHAM (G. H.). The story of Manchester cross. Lane, and Cheshire Antiq. Soc. xv. 1-15. RUBEN (DR. PAUL). An oracle of Nahum. Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 173-185. RUTTON (W. L.). Henry VIIL' s castles at SandoAvn, Deal, Walmer, Sandgate, and Camber. Arch. Cant xxiii. 24-30, The cinque ports and Gt. Yarmouth bailiff's report, 1588. Arch. Cant, xxiii. 161-183. RYLANDS (W. IL). Hittite inscriptions. Soc, Bib. Avch. xx. 263-266. SANDFORD (REV. G.). Rowton castle. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxx. 236-241. The eight knightly families of Shropshire Avhp have borne arms from the fifteenth century. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxx. 242-257. The tAventy " gent le" families of Shropshire. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxx. 258-259. SAAVYER (JOHN). On some ancient roads on the CotsAVolds. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xx. 247-254. SAYCE (PROF. A. H.). The beginings of the Egyptian monarchy. Soc Bib. Arch. xx. 96-101. The Kuthsean legend of the creation. Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 187-189. Assyriological notes. Soc. Bib. Arch, xx. 250-262. SCOTT (WILLIAM), Some old Italian building accounts. Roy. Inst Brit Archit. 3rd S. v. 249-252. SELTMAN (E. J.). The picture of a Roman mint in the house of Vettii. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xviii. 294^-303. SESSIONS (FREDERICK). Some Syrian Folklore notes gathered on Mount Lebanon. Folk-Lore, ix. 3-19. SELAVYN (ADMIRAL J. H.). Note on Biblical chronology. Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 153. SHAAV {WILLIAM A.). The English Government and the relief of protestant refugees. Huguenot Soc. v. 343-423. SHERWOOD (GEO. F. TUDOR). Early Berkshire wills ante 1558. Berks, Bucks and Oxon Arch. Jour. iv. 6-8, 91-92, 116-120. SiMcox (G. A.). Purlin, Tophet, Zobah, and Mispah. Soc. Bib. Arch. xx. 300-305. 32 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS Six (J. P.). Monnaies Grecques, inedites et incertaines. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xviii. 193-245. Rhegium—Iocastos. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xviii. 281-285. SKAIFE (ROBERT H.). Extracts from the registers of the church of St. Mary, Castlegate, York. Yorks Arch, Jour. xv. 142-198. • Extracts from the visitation books at York. Yorks Arch. Jour. xv. 224-213. SKEAT (REV. PROF.). English rhyme in the Holderness dialect written in 1392. Yorks Arch. Jour. xv. 116-117. SMITH (A. H.). Illustrations to Bacchylides. Jour. Hell. Studies, •xviii. 267-280. SMITH (J. C. CHALLENOR). Some additions to Newcourt's repertorium. Essex Arch, Soc. N.S. vii. 40-64, 153-176. SPIERS (R. PHENE). The great mosque of the Omeiyades, Damascus. Roy. Inst Brit, Archit 3rd S. v. 166-171. SQUIRE (W. BARCLAY). On an early sixteenth century MS. of English music in the library of Eton College. Archaologia, lvi. 89-102. STAMP (A. E.). The meeting of the Duke of Marlborough and Charles XII. at Altranstadt, April, 1707. Roy. Hist Soc. N.S. xii. 103-116. STANLEY (S. S.). A description of the chalice and paten (1494-5) at Clifford Chambers, in the county of Gloucester. Warunck Nat. and Arch. Field Club, 1898, 33-34." STEPHENS (FRANCIS J.). The adventures and misfortunes of a ' Cornishman 100 years ago. Roy. Inst Corn, xiii. 278-282. STEPHENSON (MILL). On the monumental brass of William, Lord Zouch and his wives, subsequently converted into a memorial to the Oker family at Okeover, Staffs. Soe, Antiq. 2nd S. xvii. 51-58. , Notes on the monumental brasses of Middlesex. St. Pa ill's . Ecclesiological Soc. iv. 221-233. ••— Monumental brasses in the West Riding. Yorks Arch. Jour. xv. 1-60, 119. STOKES (REV. H. P.). Sir Walter de Manny, K.C. Camb. Antiq. Soc. ix. 434-438. STOKES (MARGARET). The instruments of the passion. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 137-140. STRACHEY (CHARLES). The Brudenall monument at Stoke MandeviUe. Berks, Bucks and Oxon Arch, Jour. iv. 88-89. • STRONG (S. A.). A hymn to Nebuchadnezzar. Soc. Bib.-Arch. xx. 154-162. INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS 88 SUTTON (REV. A. F.). Description of the churches visited in the excursion from Louth, July 6th and 7th, 1897. Assoc. Archit. Socs. xxiv. 95-114. SWAINSON (REV. CHARLES). Old Charlton church. Woohcich Dist Antiq. Soc. iii. 42-51. SYMPSON (E. MANSEL). On the fourteenth century choir-screen or pulpitum in Lincoln minster, and certain recent discoA^eries connected therewith. Soe. Antiq. 2nd S. xvii. 97-106. T. (D. R.). Strata Marcella and the monks' fields, Montgomeryshire Coll. xxx. 301-306. —_ Parochial registers. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxx. 319-340. TALBOT (C. H.). Restoration and the preservation of ancient buildings. Wilts Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxx. 12-19. TAYLOR (REV. C. S.). The origin of the Mercian shires. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxi. 32-57. , Cotswold in Saxon times. Bristol and Glouc, Arch, Soc, xx. 267-306. TAYLOR (HENRY). On some early deeds relating to the families of Hoton of Hooton, and Stanley of Storeton and Hooton. Chester and N. Wales Archit, Arch, and Hist Soc. vi. 167-216, THOMAS (DR. LLEUFER). The prse-reformation grammar school of Montgomery. Montgomeryshire Coll, xxx. 291-300. TIMMINS (SAM). William Hamper, 1776-183L Bir, and Mid, Inst xxiii. 1-5. TROUP (MRS. FRANCES B.). Honiton in 1530. Devon Assoc, xxx. 116-126. A forgotten page of the ecclesiastical history of Seaton, Devon Assoc, xxx. 331-349. TUCKETT (FRANCES FOX). The daAvn of Egyptian history in the light of recent discoveries. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. 172-198. TURNER (G. J.). The Sheriff's farm. Roy. Hist. Soc. N.S. xii. 117-149. TYLOR (EDWARD B.). On the Totem-post from the Haida village of Masset, Queen Charlotte Islands, now erected in the grounds of Fox Warren, near Weyhridge. Anthrop. Jour. N.S, i, 132- 135. , On tAVO British Columbian house-posts with totemic carvings, in the Pitt-Rivers museum, Oxford. Anthrop, Jour. N.S. i, 136-137. Remarks on Totemism with especial reference to some modern theories respecting it, Anthrop. Jour. N.S. i. 138-148. c 34 INDEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PAPERS VANE (HON. and REV. G. H. F.). On the parish registers of Rodington. Shroj). Arch, and Nat Hist Soc. x. 69-76. On the briefs mentioned in the parish registers of Wem. Shrop>. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc,x. 207-226. VERRALL (A. W.). Death and the horse. Jottr. Hell, Studies, xATiii. 1-14. VIGORS (COL. P. D.). On notarial signs-manuel. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 203-229. VILLIERS . (C. C. DE). Notes on Huguenot families at the Cape of Good Hope, Huguenot Soc. v. 222-250. VINCENT (W. T.). History and mystery of Deneholes. Woohvich Dist. Antiq. Soc, iii. 20-41. WAKEMAN (W. F.). On the antiquity of iron as used in the manufacture of certain weapons, implements, and ornaments found in Ireland. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 237-244. WALKER (J. W.). Notes on an inventory of the goods and plate belonging to the chapel of St. Mary-upon-the-Bridge. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xvii. 75-78. Inventory of the goods and plate belonging to the chapel of St. Mary-upon-the-Bridge at Wakefield in 1498. Yorks Arch. Jour, xv, 92-93. WALLER (WILLIAM CHAPMAN). Essex field names. Essex Arch, Soc. N.S. vii. 65-92. WALTERS (H. B.). The church bells of Gloucestershire. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc, xx.. 222-232. On some black-figured vase.s recently acquired by the British Museum. Jour. Hell, Studies, xviii. 281-301. WARBURTON (JOHN), Journal of, in 1718-19. Yorks. Arch. Jour. xv. 61-84.: WARREN (ROBERT HALL). Clapton-in-Gordano church, Somersetshire. - Clifton Antiq. Chd>, iv. 162-168. = • Walton-in-Gordano. Clifton Antiq. Club, iv. 169-171. WATSON (GEORGE). A misappropriated bishop, Cumb. and West Antiq. and Arch, Soe. xv. 303-308. WEBER (HERMAN). A small find of coins of Mende, etc. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xviii. 251-258. WESTROPP (THOMAS J.). St. Mary's cathedral, Limerick: its plan and growth. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii. 35-48, 112. Prehistoric remains in the Burren, County Clare (Oarran and Kilcorney). Roy. Soc, Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. viii, 353- 366, iNbEX OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL MtERS 85 WEYMAN (HENRY T.). The members of Parliament foi- Bishop's Castle. Shrop. Arch, and Nat Hist Soc, x. 33-68. WHALE (REV. T. W.). The tax roll of "Testa de Nevill." Devon Assoc, xxx. 203-257. WHITE (JOHN FORBES). Note on some Attic stelai. Jouv. Hell, Studies, xviii. 133-135. WHITE (RACHEL EVELYN). Women in Ptolemaic Egypt. Jouv. Hell. Studies, xviii. 238-266. WHITLEY (H. MICHELL). . The supposed priests' hiding places, at Golden Probus. . Roy. Inst. Corn. xiii. 252-253. Eastbourne church: its dedication and gilds. Sussex Arch. Soc. xlii. 104-110. WIEDEMANN (DR, A.). Observations on the Nagadah period. Soc. Brit. Arch; xx. 107-122. . WILDMAN (W. B.). The oldest extant minutes of a meeting of the governors of Sherborne school. Avch. Jouv, lv. 350-352. WILSON (EDMUND). A Leeds..lawsuit in the 16th-century. Thoresby Soc. ix. 1-4. WILLIAMS (S. W.). Rhayader and its antiquities. Montgomeryshire Coll, xxx. 211-235. WILSON (WRIGHT). Maxstoke. Bir. and Mid, Inst, xxiii. 15-38. WINDLE (BERTRAM C. A.). Some pre-historic implements of Warwickshire and Worcestershire. Bir. and Mid, Inst, xxiii. 6-14. WOODHOUSE (W. J.). The Greeks at Plataiai. Jour. Hell, Studies, xviii. 33-59. WORSFOLD (T. CATO). The French Stonehenge. Brit. Arch. Assoc. Jour. N.S. iv. 159-176. WROTH. (WARWICK). Tickets of Vauxhall Gardens. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xviii. 73-92. — Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1897, Num. Chron. 3rd S. xviii. 97-123. WROTTESLEY (MAJ.-GEN. the HON. G.). Creey and Calais. Wm. Scdt Arch. Soc, xviii. 1-284. : YORKE (V. W.). Inscriptions from eastern Asia Minor, Jour. Hell. Stiodies, xviii. 306-327. YORKSHIRE Deodands in the reigns of Edward II. and EdAvard III. Yorks Arch. Jour. xv. 199-210. INDEX Abbeys: Andrews, Elias, Reid. See "Kirkstall." Acca, St.: Bales. Aldermaston: Keyser. Aldgate: Norman. Altar linen: Atchley. Altranstadt: Stamp. Andover: TSngleheart. Antrim: Bulclc. Appleshaw: JSngleheart, Arabs : Brooks. Architecture: Cox, Daiuber, Ferguson, Floicer, Tctllot. Ardocli: Anderson, Christison, Cunningham, Ross. Armagh: Frazer, Lett. Arms and armour: Clenlian, Walker. Art Ecclesiastical: Keyser, Kerry. French : Collier. Greek: Gardner, Smith. Heraldic: Grace. Holbein: Nichols. Metal boAvls: Allen. Picture boards: Ferguson. Pottery and poiealain : O'Neill. Stained glass: Lee. Vases: Walters. Ash worth: Fishioiele. Asolf: Holmes. Assyrian antiquities: Boissier,Sayce. Australia: Carnegie, Aydon Castle: Knoides. Babylonian antiquities: Ball, Rommel. Balcombe: Cooper. Ballyneanig: Macalister. Ban-well Hi l l : Martin. Barnstaple: Napier. Battle: Andre". Battles: Calvert, Duckett, Bebington: Cox. Bedfordshire. See " Elstow." Bells: Payne, Perry, Wallers. Berkshire: Keyser, Money, Sherwood. See " Aldermaston." Bethersden: Brown. Biblical Chronology : Horner, Selwyn. Bibliographical and literary: Arnold, Davies, Howarlh, Jackson, Lawlor, Medley, Pearson, Smith. Bishop, a misappropriated: Watton. Bishop's Castle: Heyman. Bloomeries: Cowper. Bracon: Irvine. Breamore: Mill. Brecon: Cantrill. Breconshire: Cantrill. Brimpsfield: Bazeley. Brislington: Eichardson. Bristol: Hyett, Latimer. Bromfleld: Drinkicaler. Bronze antiquities: Anderson, Mitchdl, Nash, Reid. Bronze age burial xjlace: Hidcheton. Bucks. See "Dinton," "High Wycombe." Bushley: Dowdeswell. Camber: Rulloii. Canterbury: Blackman, Cape of Good Hope: llinde, Villicr*. Carlisle: Bower, Collingwood, Haverfield. Carmarthen. See " CoiiAvay." Carmelite buildings: Price. Castles : Adamson, Bazeley, Hughes, Knowles, Macnamara, Rutton, Sandford. Cathedrals: Blackman, IluVbard, Llandaff, Maddison, Westropp, Catraii: Lynn, Cecilia, Princess of Sweden: Morison. CefaKi: Hiibbard. Chambles: O'Reilly, Charles XI I . : Stamp. Charlton: Swainson. Cheshire: IIarrison,Renattd. See" Chester," "Lymm," "Minshull Vernon." INDEX 87 Chester: Price, Chirbury: Boyd. Choir-screen: Sympson. Church goods : Hone, Walker. Church plate : Bates, Cooper, Ffrench, Minet, Myres, Stanley, Walker. Church towers: Allen. Churches : Andre, Arnold, Atkinson, Bigger, Birch, Brownlow, Chadwick, Collier, Collingwood, Cowper, Cox, Cresswell, Davys, Dawson, Downes, Dryden, Evans, Foioler, Glynne, Gould, Grave, Grayling, HaU, Haslexcood, Hill, Hodgson, Hope, Irvine, Johnston, Keyser, Longley, Lynam, Macalister, Micklethwaite, Moens, Morgan, Page, Parker, Ponling, Raven, Richardson, Skaife, Sutton, Swainson, Warren, Whitley. See " Cathedrals." Cinque Ports: Rutton, Cirencester: Cripps. Cities: Caive. Clapton-in-Gordano: Warren. Clare: Westropp. Clare Island: Browne. Claverley: Hartshorne. Clifford Chambers: Stanley, Clynnog-faAArr: Lynam. Cobham : Rogers. Colchester: liickword. Congo: Burrows. ConAray: Elias, Farrington. Coptic antiquities : Crum, Legge. Corbridge: Brown. Cornwall. See " Golden Probus," " Truro," " Yeovil." CotSAVolds : Martin, Saioyer, Taylor. Courteney (Archbishop): Beazeley. Crecy and Calais : Wrottesley. Cricklado: Maskelyne, Crosses : Cursiter, Hartshorne, Hasivcll, Roivbotham. Cuckfield: Cooper. Cuckmere Bay: Rice. Cumberland. See "Carlisle." Cymri: Holt, Damascus: Spiers. Danby: Mortimer. Danes graves: Mortimer. Dartmoor: Goidd. Deal: Rutton, Dean, Forest of: Brown, Denbighshire. See "Llansiliu." Deneholes: Vincent. Deodauds: Yorkshire, Derbyshire, See " Eyam," " Heanor," "Holmesfield." Devonshire: Amery, Elworthy, Keyser, Pearson, Reichel, Rogers, See "Barnstaple," "Dartmoor," "Honiton," "Plymouth," "Salcombe Eegis," " Seaton." DeAvsbury: Chadwich. Dialect: Elworthy, Powell, Skeat. Dials: Dryden. Dingle: Macalister. Dinton : Lee. Dog-wheels: Laics. Donnington: Macnamara. Dorchester: Cozens. Dorking: Andre. Dorsetshire. See " Piddletown." Dublin: Berry, Dior. Dun at Dorsey: Lett. Dunbey Port : Lynch. Dundunnolf: Orpen. Earthworks and mounds: Bidgood, Martin, Newsteads. Eastbourne: Hudson, Whitley. Ecclesiology: Atchley, Conyheare, Duncan, Gilmore, Horner, Legg, Offord, Olden, Oppert, Rassam, Robinson, Selwyn, Simcox, Stolces. Egyptian antiquities : Griffith, Heppolyte- Boussac, Licblein, Nash, Pield, Sayce, Tuckctt, White. ElstoAv: Davys. Epigraphs: Dowden. Essex: Christy, Waller. See "Colchester," " Ongar." Ethnography: Browne. Eyam: Bowles. Fermanagh: Coffey. Field names: Waller. Florentine wool-trades: Dixon. Folk lore: Amery, Craigie, Crooke, Dunlop, Ffennell, Gerish, Groome, Hartland, Holt, Lovelt, Olden, Oicen, Peacock, Rees, Romanes, Sessions, Verrall. See " Games." Folk-music: Owen. Forden tithes: Pryce. France. See " Chanibles." Gaines: Perdrizet, Gavelkind: Mackay, Gedney: Atkinson. Genealogy, family and personal history: Adamson, Andrew, Broien, Brushfield, Cooper, Courtney, Craigie, Dean, Dillon, Drinkwater, 38 UNTDES. Duncan, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Fitzherbert, Fletcher, Floyer, Frazer, Grave, Greene, Hall, Hardy, Holmes, Ireland,, Kennedy-Skipton, Laws, Layard. Maddison, Martin, Massingberd, Morison, Morris, Palmer, Phillips, Radford, Sogers, Sandford, Stepihens, Stephenson, Stokes, Taylor, Timmins, Villiers, Warburton. Gloucester: Hyelt, Gloucestershire: Cardeus, Dawher, Walker. See " Brimpsfield," "Bristol," "Clifford Chambers," " Cirencester," " Dean," " Gloucester," " Mangotsfleld." Golden Probus: Whitley. Great Yarmouth: Button. Greek antiquities: Allen, Anderson, Burrows, Bury, Cunningham, Hill, Lewis, Richards, Verrall, White, Woodhouse. Gressingham: Hughes.' GAVydir Castle: Hughes. Halifax: Iloyle. Halls: Collingwood. Hants. See "Andover," "AppleshaAv," " Breamore," Hastings, battle of: Duckett, Paper, Round. Haverfordwest: Phillips. Hay ling Island: Ely. Head-dresses: Andre. Heanor: Burton. HepAvorth: Corbctt. Heraldry: Bedford, Collier, Grace, Hope. HeyAvood (John): Andrew, High "Wycombe: Downes. ' ' Holderness: Skeat. Holmesfield: Kerry. Honiton: Hughes, Troup. Hospital: Browning. Huguenots: Hinde, Rousselet, Villiers, Ijos: Granville. Inchaffray: Reid. Inscriptions Asiatic: York, Hittite: Rylands. Ogams: Buick, Cochrane. Boman: Haverfield, Offdrd. Siloam: Pilcher. Picts: Rhys. IpsAvich: Haslewood. Ireland: Berry, Cochrane. .Ska "Ant - rim," "Armagh," " Clare Island," "Dingle," "Dublin," "Dun-at- Dorsey," "Dunbeg Fort," " Dundunnolf," " Fermanagh," " Kerry," " Kil-ma-Huddrick," 11 Knockmany," " Mayo^'^Meatli,'' " Mount Merrion," " Kosork and Mayne," " St. Doulough," " Stillorgan," " Wrexford." Irish proper names: Olden. Iron casting: Gardner. Islay: Mitchell. Italian building accounts: Scott. Julu'is: Granville. Ivenfig: Llewellyn. Kent: Collier,Rhodes. ,Sce"Bethosdeu,!' "Camber," "Cobham," "Deal," "Milton," "Otham," "Plumstead," "Sevenoaks," "Shorne," " Sittingbourne," " Shurland House," " Rushenden," " Walmer." Kerry: Bigger. Kil-ma-Huddrick: Dix, Kilelton in Glenfas: Miekson. Kingsthorp: Markham. Knockmany: Coffey. Kouyrmjik: Rassavi. Lambeth: Kershaw. Lancashire:. Cowper, Dolan, Fishwick, Harrison, Powell. See "Bebington," "Bloomeries," "Gressingham," "Lancaster," "Liverpool," " Manchester," " Pennington," " P r e s t o n , " "Scarisbrick," " Storeton." Lancaster: Hughes. Leeds: Wilson. Leicester: Bellairs. Leicestershire: Fletcher, Hartopp. See " Leicester." Leigh, The: Pouting. Libraries: Jackson, Lily: Andre". Limerick: Westropp. Lincoln: Foster, Maddison. Lincolnshire. See " Gedney," " Lincoln." " Louth." Literature: Grundy, Arnold, Liverpool: Morton. Llanblethian: Fowler. Llandissilio: Evans. Llansilin: Hughes. London: Birch, Bradley, Oliver. See "Aldgate," "Carmelite Buildings," " Charlton," " Lambeth," INDEX 39 "Plumstead," " Shoreditch," "Southwark," "Vauxhall Gardens." Loudun: Layard. Louth: Cressioell. Lymm: Newstead.' Malta: Flower. Manchester: Roicbotham. Mangotsfield: Bramble. Manors: Corbett,Fox,Goulding, Kerry, Pearson. MarlboroAigh (Diike of) and Charles XII.: Stamp. Marriage customs : Holt, Macnair. Marriages (early): Price. Marston Moor: Firth. Maxstoke: Wilson. Mayo: Browne. Mead and mead vessels: Cuming. Meath: Cochrane. Meaux: Bower. Melos: Bosanquet. Mercian shires: Taylor. Middlesex: Stephenson. Milton: Grayling. Minshull Vernon: Renaud. Montgomeryshire: Howell, Owen, Thomas. Monuments, tombs, and effigies: Andre", Bower, Bramble, Christy, Dillon, Floyer, Hewison, Straohey, Stephenson. Morra, game of : Perdrizet. Mount Merrioii: Ball. Murray Islands: Hunt. Music: Bridge, Squire. Nag&dah period: Wiedemann, Naval MS.: Gould. Nebuchadnezzar: Strong. NeAv Hebrides: Jennings. New Eoss: Buckley. Niger coast protectorate: Granville, Hippolyle-Boussac. Norfolk. See "Great Yarmouth," "Norwich." - Northamptonshire. See " Kingstliorp," "Peterborough." ' Northfield and Wesley : Pearson.. Northumberland : Heywood. See "Aydon," " Corbridge," "Tynemouth." - Norton camp: Biclgood. Norwich: Minet. Notarial signs-manual: Vigors. Numismatics Balcombe find: Griteber, Numismatics (continued) Edwardian: Cooper. Greek : Earle-Fox, Imhof-Blumer, Macdonald, Perdrizet, Six, Wroth, Indian: Codrington. Mende find: Weber. Eoman: Evans. Scottish finds: Richardson, ShreAVsbury. mint : Kenyon, WarAvickshire: Davis. West C umberland tokens: Ferguson. Oban: Anderson. Oil presses: Palon. Okeover: Stephenson. Ongar: Round. Oriental Congress: Offard. Orkney: Charleson, Oursiter, Ormside: Ferguson. Ormside cup: Collingwood. Oronsay: Anderson. Otham : Cave-Broivn, Otter and beaver traps: Munro. Oxford : Hurst, Manning, See " Dorchester." Pargetting: Hurst. Parish antiquities: Hughes, Laver. Parish registers: Gicillim, T., Vane, Parishes: Dazvson, Dowdeswell, Parliament, members of, for Bishop's Castle: Weyman, Parliamentary elections: Jennings, Pembrokeshire: Phillips. See "Haverford west." Pennington: Cowper. Pershore: Andrews. Perthshire. See " Ardocli." Peterborough: Dryden. Phrygia: Anderson". Picture board dummies : Ferguson. Piddletown: Dillon. Place names: Duignan, MacrUvh-ie, Maskelyne, Plieni. Plataiai: Woodtwuse. Plumstead: Howell. Plymouth: Risk. Postal stamps: Cramond. Pottery: Anderson, Pilcher. Prehistoric remains: Westropp. British settlement: Mortimer. Burial places : Hutcheson, Irvine. " Cairns : Cantrill, "Coffey, Plunkett. Cist: Coles, Frazer. Cromlechs: O'Reilly. French Stonehenge: Worsfold. Flint scrapers: Knowles. Horn implements; Neivstead, 40 INDEX Prehistoric remaius (continued). Implements: Windle. Lake dwellings: Duneombe. Bock-shelter: Anderson. Stone implements: Jones, Mitchell. Stone period: Lach-Szyrma, Trepanning: Munro, Preshxxte: Gwillim, Preston: Ball, Priories: Drinkioaler, Hudson, Morris, Norman, Robertson, Pudukota; Hill. Purim, Tophet, Zobah, and Mispah: Simcox. Querns: Mitchell, Baeial temperaments: Ames. Batho quarry: Coles. Bhayader: Williams. Eichmond: Ffennell. Eochester: Hope. Bodington: Vane. Eoman remams: Haverfield, Nash, Newstead, Payne. Altar: Haverfield, Ardoch: Anderson, Christison, Cunningham, Ross. Aurie from South India : Hill, Cirencester: Cripps. Clanville: Engleheart. Dorchester: Cozens. Inscriptions: Offord. Mint: Seltman. Pigs of lead: Birch, Leader. Silchester: Hope. Tombstones: Haverfield. Wall: Haverfield, Hodgson, Borne: Brownlow. Bose: Andre". Bosserk and Moyne : CHara, Eound Tower: O'Reilly. Eowton: Sandford. Bushenden: Copland. St. Albans : Morgan, Page. St. Davids: Llandaff. St. Doxilough: Irvine. St. Fi l lans: Robertson St. John, Knights of : Rees. Saleombe Eegis: Morshead, Sandgate: Button, Sandling: Redstone, Sandown: Rutton. Santa Cruz: Jennings. Saxon antiquities: Perry. Saxon churches: Micklethwaite. Scarisbrick; Powell, Schools: Leach, Thomas, Wildman, Scotland : Mitchell, See " Ardoch," "Catrail," "Oban," "Oransay," "Orkney." Sculptured stones: Irvine, Seaton: Troup. Sevenoaks: Carnell, Severn: Cardew. Sherborne: Wildman. Sheriff's farm, The : Turner. Shetland: Irvine, Mitchell, Shoreditch: Hudson. Shorne: Arnold. Shrewsbury: Phillips. Battle of: Calvert, Fletcher. Shropshire : Duignan, Fletcher, Sand- Jord. See "Bishop's Castle," « Bromfleld," " Chirbury," " 01 averley," "Bodington," " ShreAVsbury," " Wombridge." Shurland House: Cave-Brown, Sittingbourne: Grayling. Sobos: Granville. Somerset: Bates, Fry, Rogers. Somersetshire: Allen. See "Bamvell Hill," "Brislington," "Claptonin- Gordano," " Somerset,'' " Wa.lton- in-Gordano." South Elmham: Raven. SonthAvark: Giuseppi, Spinning: Blashill, Staffordshire: Boyd. See " Okeover," Steyning: Breach. Stillorgan park: Ball. Stoke MandeviUe: Parker, Streachy, Stone, incised: Cursiter, Stones (hammer): Anandale, Inscribed: Haverfield, Ogam: Rhys. Llandrudian: Rhys. Storeton: Cox. Strata Marcella: T. Suffolk. See " Hepworth," " IpsAvich," " Sandling," " South Elham." Sundials: Middleton. Surrey : Bax, Cooper. See " Dorking," " Eichmond Park," " Weybridge. Sussex: Andre", Rice, Round. See "Balcombe," "Battle," "Cuckfield," "Cuckmero Bay," "Eastbourne," " Hastings," " Steyning." Tanna: Gray. Tax rolls: Whale, Temple bar: Price, Tenby: Laws, Terra-cotta moulds: Elworthy. Textus Eoffensis: Arnold. Threlkeld: Dymond. Tilting: Dillon. Totem posts: Tylor. Truro: Jennings. Tynemouth castle: Adamson. Vauxhall gardens: Wroth. Wakefield: Walker. Wales: Campion, Davies, Dawson, See " Breconshire " " Kenflg," " Llanblethian," " Llansillin," " Penmaenmawr," " Ehayader," " St. Davids," " Strata Marcella." Walloon churches: Grave. Walmer: Rutton. Walton-in-Gordano: Warren. Warwickshire: Bedford, Davis, Windle. See " Sundials." Watling Street: Dyke. Weights and measures: Barker. EX 41 Wem: Vane. Wessex: Brownlow. Westmoreland. See " Ormside," West Eiding: Stephenson. Wexford: Ffrench. Weybridge: Tylor. Whittington, Eichard: Kennedy- Skipton. Wills: Fitzherbert, Hall, Hartopp, Maiden, Sherwood. Wiltshire: Clark-Maxwell, Powell. See " Leigh." Wit and humour : Prickman. Wombridge: Morris. Worcestershire: Burton, Windle. See "Bushley," "Pershore." Yate: Fox. Yeovil: Batten. York: Skaife. Yorkshire: Baildon. See " Asolf," "Danby," "DeAvsbury," "Halifax," "Leeds," "West Eiding." Butler & Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works, Frome, and London.