Editorial Note

CVll EDITORIAL NOTE. The Editor wishes to apologi!:!e for the belated circulation of this the first volume of A·rclueologia Oantiana issued under l1is supervision. ,¥bile refraining from citiug the causes which have contributed to the delay, he is glad to announce that he has aJr<,ady in haud, or promised, sufficient material for its successor. Early Churchwru:dfns' and Chamberlains' Accounts of Lydd, with a description of the Parish Church, would alone almost suffice for n volume; and whether they shall be issued as an Extra Volume wUl b!:l a guestio:n for rortb.er l!Onside:ratio:n, 'l'here are promised cviii EDI'l'ORIAL NOTE. also Papers from the pens 0£ the Rev. C. E. Woodruff, Mr. W. H. St. John Hope, Mr. George Payne, and Mr. George C]jnch. The Papers in l1and include one by Dr. Gray ling, one by Canon Maberley Smith, and one on Newlauds Chapel with illustrations by Mr. Hubert Bensted, for which the Society is indebted to Mr. Richard Cooke. Mr. Arthur Hussey has compiled from various sources a long list 0£ Ruined Chapels in Kent, which will be printed; and it is proposed to select from it a certain number for illustration as opportunity occurs. The Editor regrets the omission 0£ these contributions from the present volume, as well as of a Paper by Mr. Aymer Vallence on the remains or signs of rood-screens in the churches recently visited by the Society. The latter will be printed in connection with brief notes on the places visited in the annual excursions, for which materials have been collected, but which have of necessity been held over for another volume. There is also a· most important Paper on Ashford Manor, which was read by Mr. J. F. Welldon at the Ashford meeting, and which would serve as an introduction to a branch of research which has only incidentally found a place in the Society's publications. It draws attention to sources of local information of much value and interest which lies' ungotten' for lack of workers. The British Museum and the Lambeth Library each contain collections of court rolls and other manorial records which might be worked upon. Perhaps a list of ' compoti,' 'extents ' or surveys, ' custumals,' and court rolls of Kentish manors, such as are known to be extant, might be printed. Interest in the subject would thus be awakened, and valuable documents unearthed and brought to light which might otherwise be regarded by their holders as of no value. Lastly, the Rev. G. Hayton, at the Editor's request, is working through a large collection of Kentish deeds which has recently come to hand. For the publication 0£ the result of his labours space should be found in some early volume of .11..rchceologia Oantiana. The Editor would be grateful if members of the Society would inform him of cases of church restoration or reparation, and if they would send him for publication brief reports of !l.l'chreologicnl discoveries which may come under notice from time to time.


Horsmonden Church


List of Books Added to the Kent Archaeological Society's Library from 1905 to 1908