List of Books Added to the Kent Archaeological Society's Library from 1905 to 1908

ciii L.L.D. LIST OF BOOKS ADDED TO THE KENT ARCH..iEOLOGICAL SOCIETY'S LIBRARY FROM 1905 TO 1908. " The Ga.tea of the Cinque Port and Borough of Sandwich, Past and Present." Rev. B. Austen. Presented by the Author. March 1905. "The Vanished Gates of the City of Cante1·bury." Rev. B. Austen. Presented by the Author. March 1905. "Colloquia et Dictionariolium Octo Linguarum," 1681. Presented by Mrs. Routledge. March 1905. Two Pocket-books belonging to William U sborne of Staplehurst, 1707, 1'710. Presented by Mrs. Routledge. Mnrch 1905. "Anotatre Statuto Cartucis." Manuscript, 1768. Presented by M1•s. Routledge. March 1905. "History and Antiquities of the Round Church at Little Maplestead, Essex." W. Walden, F.S.A. Presented by A. G. Osborne, Esq. May 1905. "Medireval Records of n London City Chlll'ch-St. Mary at Hill." Transcribed and Edited by Helll'y Littlehales. Part I. :P:r􀄷sti1'.ited, b;y tb􀄸 :&ev, ,T • .A,.. :Boodle, l\'.l.1\.. May 1905. ClV BOOKS ADDED TO THE LIBRARY, "The Fraternity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Hythe." H. B. Mackeson. Presented by the Rev. Gardner."Waterman, M.A. "Kentish Brasses." Vol. II. M. D. Belcher. Purchased. "English Goldsmiths and their Marks." C. J. Jac:kson. Purchased. "Sir Henry Chauncy: 􀄴t Biography." M. B. Gerish. Presented by J. Lamilily Thomas, Esq. February 1907. "The Old Register of Staplehurst, 1538-1558, and List of Rectors." Ilev. J. S. ff. Chamberlain) M.A.. Presented by the Author. June 1907. "The Ancient Borough of Bridgewater." :Rev. A. H. Powell, M.A., LL.D. Presented by the Author. Novembe1· 1907. "Bridgewater in the Later Days." Rev. A. H. Powell, M.A., LL.D. Presented by the Author. February 1908. " Ashford: its Church, Vicars, College, and Grammar School." Rev. A. J. Pearman, M.A. Purchased. June 1908. " Some Account of the Church, College, Free School, et.c., of Ashford." B. William Warren, LL.B. Purchased. June 1908. Proceedings of Arcbreological Societies in Union with the Kent Archreological Society. H. ELGAR.


Editorial Note


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