Front matter, Volume 32

􀀒r􀀓hre.olnght (tanfiana. "ANTIQUITATJ£S SEU HISTORLARUM RELIQUllE SUNT TANQUAJU T.ABULA'l NAUlrRAGII; OUM, DEFIOIENTE ET FERE SUB!IIERSA RERUM MEMOJUA, NIHILOMINUS ROMINES INDUSTRil ET SAGAOES, PERTINAOI QUADAM ET SORUPULOSA DJLIGENTIA, EX GENEALOGIIS, ll'ASTIS, TITULIS, MONUMENTIS, NUJIUSMATIBUS, NOllIINlBUS PROPR.IIS ET STYLlS, VERBOll.UM ETYMOLOGIIS, PROVERBllS, TRADITIONIBUS, AROHIVIS, ET INSTRUMENTIS, TAM PUBLICIS QUAM PRIVATIS, HISTORJAJ?Ullf FRAGMENTIS, LJBRORUM NEUTIQUAM HISTORICORUM LOCIS DISPERSTS,-EX HIS, INQUAnt, OMNIBUS VEL AJ,IQUIBUS, NONNULLA A TEMPORIS DILUVIO ERIPIUNT ET CONSEltVANT, RES SANE OPEROSA, SED MORTALIBUS GRAT.A. ET CUM REVERENTI.A QU.ADAM OON· JUNOTA." "ANTIQUITIES, OR REJIINANTS OF HIS'l'ORY, A.RE, AS WAS SAID, TANQUAM •rADUL.lE NAUFRAGII; WHEN INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS, BY AN EX.A.OT AND SOROPULOUS DILIGENCE AND OBSERVA.'.CION, ou·r OF ?,[ONUJ\UDNTS, NAMES, WORDS, PROVERBS, TRADITIONS, PltlVATE RECORDS AND l!lVIDENOJ!lS, FRAG· MENTS OF STORIES, PASSAGES OJ!' BOOKS TFIA'r CONCERN NOT STORY, AND THE LIK1'1 DO SA VE AND REOOVER SOMEWHAT FROM THE DELUGE 01' TIMB,"-Athano1>mcnt of Loa1•ning, il. 􀀐rthrenln9in (ll;antiana: llEINO TRANSACTIONS OF TllR KENT ARCHAJOLOGICAL SOCIETY. VOLUME XXXII. l..onnon : PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY MITCHELL HUGHES & CLARKE, 140 WARDOUR ST., OXFORl> ST. 1917, I!' The Oouncil of tlie Kent .,frclueological Society is not answm·able for any opinion.􀁖 put forward in this Wo1·k. Eacli Oontributo1· is alone responsible f01· leis own remarks. CONT ENT S. l'.lOll List of Officers, Societies in Union, x-xix; Rules and Honorary Members, xx-xxii; List of Membe1·s, xxiii-xxxviii Cash Accounts £or 1912-1915 .............. ..................... xl-liii Proceedings, Reports, etc., 1915-16 ............................. .lv-lvii Obituary Notices:- F1u.Ncrs FREDERIC GIRAUD ................................. lviii TIIE REV. J. A. BOODLE .................................... lix B.A.RHAM. By R. G-. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. ... . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. Ix NOT ICE OF Boox: .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. lxii 1. RECENT DISCOVEll.IES IN TllE .al3BEY OxunclI OF ST. AUSTIN AT O.A.NTERBURY. By Sir William St. Jolin Hope, Litt.D., D.O.L. .. .. :.......... ...... ... ............ ... 1 2. MONUMENTAL BRASSES IN KENT. By Ralph G-riffi.n, F.S.LL. :.. ............ ... ......... ... ...... ...... ......... ......... 27 3. RECULVER AND Ho.A.TH WILLS. By ..t1..rthu1· Hussey ... 77 4. SOME EARLY VrsITA'l'ION RoLLs PRESERVED AT CANTER· BURY. By Rev. 0. Eveloigh Wood1·ujf, M.LL. 143 5. CnuRCHWARDENs' AccoUNTs OF THE PARISH OF ST. ANDREW, CANTERBURY, 1485 to 1625. By Olia1·les Ootton, li'.R.O.P.E., M.R.O.S. Eng.:- INTRODUCTION .... . ., . . .. .. . .. . • .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. 181 Onun.cHW.AlU)ENs' AccouNTS, P.A.RT I., 1485-1509 201 6. El:TRACTS FROM THE LETTER-BOOK OF A DOVER MER· CHANT, 1787-1741. By William Minet, M.LL., li'.S.LL. 247 7. MUNICIPAL RECORDS OF 'rENTEn.DEN. PART I. By A, H. Taylor ....... ,. ... ... ......... ... ......... ... ... ............ ... ... 283 CONTENTS. 8. CINQUE PORTS, F AVERS HAM : Copy of a Parchment Roll with Corporation Seal attached, containing Orders of Faversham Wardmote £or n Cesse £or Shipping in 38th year of Reign of Queen Elizabeth, and Names of Persons charged. By the late F. F. Girattd . .. ... 303 9. THE NEVrLL HEAUME AT BIRLING. By F. H. Oripps- JJay ... ...... ...... ... ...... .. .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ......... 317 THE HELM.ET m ADDINGTON O:HURCH, NEAR WROTH.A.M. By F. H. 01·ipps- Day . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. ... .. .. .. . 319 10. RECTORS OF Rr:e.PLE: ADDITIONAL NoTEs AND CORRECTIONS. By Rev. 0. L. FeZtoe, D.D. .................. 321 GENERAL OOEX .. .. . .. .. .. . ... ... . . .. ... .. . .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. . ... .. . .. . ... 325 ILL UST RATIONS. St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury:- Fig. 1. Remains of Abbot Wulfric's Building, looking P.l.Gl! West ... ............................... . ..... .... . . .. . . . . facing 1 Fig. 2. Pier-foUlldations of Abbot Wulfric's Building, looking East ...................· ........... ,, 2 Fig. 3. East Fiice and Piers of Abbot Wulfric's Building, looking West .. . ... .. .. . ... . .. . .... .. ... ... ,, 3 Fig. 4. Part of the North Side of Abbot W ulfric' s Building . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . ... ... . . . . . . .. . . .. ,, 4 Fig. 5. Part of an eal'lier Apse overlaid by Abbot Wulfric's Building ... .. . ............... ... ... ,, 8 Fig. 6. nemains of the North Porticus of King Ethelbert's Church, with the Tombs of Archbishops Lauren.ce, Mellitus and Justus . .. . .. . . . ,, 10 Fig. 7. Restored Plan, with probable arrangement of Po1·ticus and Tombs ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ...... ... ... ... ... 17 Fig. 9. Section of the Tomb of .Archbishop Laurence . . . 22 Figs. 10 and 12. Coffins of Archbishops Laurence and Justus ................................................... facing 22 Fig. 11. Section of the Tomb of Archbishop Justus . . . 23 Fig. 13. Early Capital, perhaps part of W ulfric's work, and other Fragments found during the recent Excavations ...................................................... facing 24 Plan of Recent Discoveries of Eady Works ,, 26 Monumental Brasses in Kent :- St. James' (Old Church), Dover- Vincent Hu.ffam, 1618, and Wife ...... ........ : ... facing 28 N01·th:ll.eet- Detail of Canopy, 1375 ... ... ... ... ... ... ......... ... ... ... ... 36 Peter de Lacy, Rector, 1375 ........................ facing 44 William Lye, Recto1·, 1391 .. .. . . . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. ,, 45 -Alice Wangdeford, 1421 ........ .... ......... ...... ,, 􀅭8 .... Vlll ILL US'.r:&A.TION$. PJ.< Monumental Brasses in Kent-Northfl.eet (continued):. Arms of Wa:agdeford, from the Brass of .A.lice Wangdeford, 1421 ........................ ... . . . . . . facing 49 William Hessil, 1425, and wife Agnes ............ ,, 50 Margaret Baron, 1429 ............ ... ... ... ......... ,, 51 William Rikhill and wife Katherine, 1488 .. .. .. ,, 60 Fisher's Sketch of Original Slab of Rikhill Brass ,, 61 Remains of a Brass to a Man in Armour and wife, circa 1440 ...................... : ........... .. ,, Thomas Brampst.on, 1511, and wife Joan .... ;. " Churchwardens' Accounts of the Parish of St. Andrew, Canterbury:- Facsimile of a Drawing in red chalk on the inside paper 70 71 lining of the back cover 0£ the Book ............ facing 196 Facsimiles of Folios 8 ro. and 187 vo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, 204 Corporation Record Book, Tenterden :- (1) and (2). Fol. 116 : Freemen of Tenderden, 1529 ; and Fol. 57 : Revision of the Oustomal, 1552 ...... ... ................................. ............ ,, 292 (3) and (4). Fol. 81 : Constitutions enacted, 14 July 1601; and Fol. 89: Ordinances and Constitutions, 1618 .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. ,, 294 Birling Church :- The Nevill Reaume, Right Side ......... .................. 816-817 The Nevill Reaume, Back View ........................... 816-81'7 Addington Church :- Jacobean Helmet, with Crest; and Detail without Crest ............................................. ......... facing 319 The South Porch ................................. ; .. .. . . .. ,, 820 !ttnt arcbreolo,ntcal §,J.ltttt􀀔. OFFICERS, RULES, AND MEMBERS. JANUARY, 1917. { X ) l\tnt arcbttologtcal 􀀕ocictr. lPte􀀲ilYent. THE LORD NORTHBOURNE, F.S.A. 1:Tice:::lPre􀀲 11:Yent􀀲. THE EARL AMHERST. THE EARL BEAUCHAMP. THE MARQUESS CAMDEN. '.l.'HE EARL OF DARNLEY. THE EARL OF RADNOR. THE EARL OF ROMNEY. THE EARL STANHOPE. THE LORD ASHOOMBE. THE LORD CURZON OF KEDLESTON. THE LORD HARRIS, G.O.M.G. TH.E LORD HOTHFIELD. THE LORD SA.OKVILLE. THE LORD WEA.RDALE. THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. THE LORD BISHOP OF ROCHESTER. THE LORD BISHOP W .ALSH. THE DEAN OF CANTERBURY. SIR H. B. COHEN, BART. SIR DAVID LIONEL SALOMONS, BAR'.l'. AUGUSTUS A. ARNOLD, ESQ., F.S.A. F. S. W. CORNWALLIS, ESQ. MAJOR G. L. COURTHOPE, M.P. THE REV. T. S. FRAJr1PTON, M.A.., F.S.A. REV. CA.NON G. M. LIVETT, F.S.A.. GEORGE M.A.RSH.A.M, ESQ. THE REV. 0. EVELEIGH WOODRUFF, M.A.. 􀀳.onorar! 􀀴lJttor. W. H. A.YMER VALLA.NOE, ESQ., F.S.A. 􀀳.onorar! 􀀵ecretat·!• RICHARD COOKE, ESQ., Tlt1J C1•oft, .Detling, Maidstone. 1tton.oraro Jfinnncial .$ecretnry. THE REV. WATERMAN GARDNER-WA.TERMAN, M .A., Loose, Ma,idst,nte. 1ttonornr􀀶 «Jna􀀲unr. 0. W. POWELL, ESQ., D.L., J.P., Speldk1mt, 'i"lvnbridgo Well.v. (A.LL 'l'HEl:!B GB:NTLEMl!lN AR.E EX-OFFICIO ilHlAIBl!lRS OF '.Cl:lli OOUNOIL.) ttsT OF OFFICERS. of t􀀌e ecotmtil. W. BRUOE BANNERMAN, ESQ., F.S.A. HUBERT BENSTED, EsQ. L. M. BIDEN, EsQ. . . . . H. MAPLETON OruPM.A.N, EsQ. F. W. COOK, ESQ., M.D., F.S.A. T. COLYER-FERGUSSON, ESQ., M.A., F.S.A. Sm WM. MARTIN CONWAY, F.S . .A.. CHARLES COT'l'ON, ESQ., F,R.C.P. . . H. S. COWPER, EsQ., F.S . .A. . . . A. RANDALL DAVIS, EsQ., M.n.c.s .. F. H. DAY, EsQ. . . . . . .ARTHUR FlNN, ESQ. . . . . RALPH GRIFFIN, ERQ., F.S.A. . HON. H1mn;y HANNEN ARTHUR HUSSEY, ESQ. . . CAPT. H. W. KNOCKER . . HERBERT MONOKTON, lllSQ. C. W. MORLAND, ESQ. . . 0. J. PHILLIPS, ESQ. . . . • H. WESTERN PLUMPTRE, ESQ. . MAJOR P. H. G. POWELL-COTTON . W H. AYMER VALLA.NOE, ESQ,, F.$.A. REV. C. H. WILKIE, M.A. . . . . . GERALD WOODS WOLLAST0N, .ESQ., M.V,O. 􀀤-russtttf6. THE LORD N0RTHBOURJ:m, F.S.A. H. MAPLETON CHAPMAN, ESQ. HERBERT MONCKTON, ESQ. 􀀌on. \attliiton. W. C. STUNT, ESQ. CAPTAIN CHAS. F. HOOPER, J.P. \OCttountautss. Croydon. Bcanted. B1·01nlmJ. Oa1ncterbury. Lnndon. G1•avNend. Allington Ca.􀆆tlc. Oantei·bury. Sta.plelmrst. Hytlte. Rooliesui·. Lydd Lonrlon. West Fai·leig h. lVi1tghami. Sevenoal!,8. Maidsto1te. La111be1·lmrst. Sevenoaks. Nonitl{Jtm. Bvrohi11gt,m. L01td1m. Little Ol1a1·t. Londo1i. MESSRS, W. J. KING AND SON, GravtJseiid. 􀀋on. i.tlmit'ftUt. HUBJIIRT BENSTED, lllSQ. ecurator. H. ELGAR, EsQ, 􀀥on. 1))f,otog-t·apl,et:. E. 0. Y0UENB, ESQ. 3Sa1dtet:ss. UNION 0.1,' LONDON AND SMITHS BANK, Mai&stano, ( xii ) lktnt 􀀒rtbttologtcal 􀀓octetp♦ LOCAL DISTRICTS AND HONORARY LOCAL SECRETARIES. N OTE.-In the following lists, unless otherwise noted, the names 0£ the Districts are those 0£ the corresponding County Court Distticts, and in each case the Parishes and Hamlets are those comprised in the County Court area. A, S. LAMPREY, EsQ., M.A., 'rhe Grammar School, Ashford. ASHl'ORD, EGERTON, 0RLESTONE. BETHERSD:U:N. <10DMER.'lHA.JII. PLUORLEY. BILSINGTON, L 0:EIILHAM. Canterbury, WEISTBERE. 0EIISLET. NAOKlNGTON. WHITSTABLE. FORDWIOH, p AT1l.IXJ30URNE. WIOKHAMBREAUX. liARBLEDOWN. PETHAM. WYMYNSWO'OLD. UPPER HAltDRES, 5a. ettanbtoolt 11Jff$ttict: DR. T. JOYCE, Shepherd's House, Cra.nbrook. BENENDEN. BIDDENDEN. 0RANBROOK. FRITTENDEN. GOUD HURST. HAWKRURST. KII,NDOWN. NEWENDEN. ROLVENDEN. SANDBURST. SISSINGHURST. N OTE.-Othe1· places in the Oranb'l'oolc OoMnfy Oou1·t area at·e ass􀂞r;ned to the Tenterden JJistriet. 5b. 􀀾ctdei·tten :il9if$tt:ftt: REV. B. W. GILPIN, M.A., High Halden Rectory, Ashford. APPLEDORE. EBONY, HIGH H.ALDEN. .KENARDINGTON, STONlil•CUM•EBONY. ST. MIOHAl!lL'S. SMALLHYTHE, TENTERDEN. WITTIDllSHAM. W OODOH11l?CR N OTE.-Tlie above places lie' in tlte Ora1lb1•oolc Oown-tt; Oourt 􀂟rea. KENT AROH.lEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 6. mm:tfottJ BfJStt•fct: E. C. YOUENS, EsQ., 17 Tower Road, Dartford. ABBEY WOOD. FAWKHAM. LULLINQSTON.E. ASH near Sevenoaks. 1rooTS CRAY.* NORTH 0RAY. * BELVEDERE. G ALLEYBILL. RIDLEY. BEXLEY . GREENHITHE. SlDOUP.* • BEXLEY HEATH. HALFWAY STREET. SOUTHFLEET. CRAYFORD. HARTLEY. STONE near Dartford. 0ROOKENHILL. HEXTABLE. SUT'l'ON-AT-HONE. DARENTH, HORTON KIRBY. SWANLEY. DAR'l'FORD. KINQSDOW:-1 near Sw .A.NLEY JUNCTION. EAST WICKHAM. Sevenoaks. SW ANSCOMBE. ERITH. LAMORBEY. 'NELLINQ, EYNSFORD. LONGFIELD. WIT,l'lfINGTON. F .A.RNINGHAM. N O'.l'E.-* In the B1·omley Oounty Court a1·ea. 7. 1:Elenl zuttf •almet: 1'llhf5trftt: STEPHEN MANSER, EsQ., Carter House, South Street, Den.I. BET'rESRANGER. DEAL. GREAT MONGEHAM. KINGSDOWN near Deal. LITTLE MONGEHAM. NORTHBOURNE, RINOWOULD. RIPPLE. SANDOWN. SHOULDEN. SU1"1'0N·BY-DOVER, 'l'ILM ANSTOKE. WALMER. NoTE.-KINGSDOWN and RrnowoULD anJ in the IJove1· County Oou1·t a1·ea. The otfte1· placesf01·m the IJeal Oounty Co111·t Disfrict. See note unde?· Sandwich Disf1rict. H. A. V ASSE, EsQ., Lloyds' Bank House, Dove11. ALKHAM, BUCKLAND in Dover. 0.A.PEL LE FERNE. 00LDRED. DENTON near Canterbury. DOVER. EAST LANGDON. EWELL. GUSTON. HOUGHAM. LYDDEN. OXNEY by Dover. POULTON. RIVER, ST. MARGARET•.AT- 0UFJi'E, SrnERTSWOULD (or SHEPHERDSWELL), TEMPLE EWELL. WEST CLII.l'FE. WEST LANGDON. WHITFIELD. WOOTTON. LOCAL DISTRICTS A.ND HON. LOCAL SEORETARIES. XV 9. JFaber,sf)am Df,stti􀁅t: (Vacant by d􀅯ath.) B.A.DLESMERE, GooDNES'fONE near 0TTERDEN. BOUGHTON-UNDER- Faversham. PltESTON next BLEAN. GRAVElNEY. Faversham. BUOKLAND near H.ERNEHILL. SELLING .. Faversham. LEJA VET,AND. 8:ru:LDWIOH. DAVING'.l'ON. LUDDENHAM. STALISFIELD. DODDING'rON. LYNSTED. STONE near Faversham. DUNKIRK. NElWNHAll!. T.EYNB:AM. EASTLING. NOR'l'ON. TBROWLEY. FAVERRHAM, 0.ARE. WYO.E!LING, 0SPRINGE. 10. J!ollteistone i!Ji!$ttict: A. RANDALL DAVIS, EsQ., M.R.C.S., Oaklands, Hythe. ACRISE. 0HERITON. FOLKESTONJ!l. HAWKINGE. P ADDLESWORTH, SANDGATE. SHORNCLIFFE, SWING FIELD. W. J. KING, ESQ., Lifely Lodge, Whit,uhill Road, Gravesend. CHALK. LUDDESDOWN. NURSTEA.D. COBHAM. MILTON next PERRY STREET. DENTON near Gravesend. ROSHERVILLE. Gravesend. MEOPHAM. SHORNE. GRAVESEND. MERSTON. l:HNGLEWELL. !FIELD. NOR'fHFLEET. THONG. A. RANDALL DAVIS, EsQ., M.R.C.S., Oaklands, Hythe. .A.LDIN'GTON. LYMINGE . SALTWOOD. BONNINGTON, LYMPNE. SEABROOK, ELrLA.M. MONKS Hon.TON. SELLINGE, ELMSTED. NEWINGTON next · STANFORD. HABTINGLEIGH. Hythe. STOWTING. HUltST. POSTLING. WEBTENRANGBR. HY'l'HE. PEDLINGE. WEST HYTBE. XVl KENT ARCREOLOGIOAL SOCIETY. 13. •atlJfStone ilif5trict: HUBERT BENSTED, ESQ., Woodstow, Bearsted, Maidstone. BARMING. EAST F ARLEIGH. LOOSE. BEARSTED. EAST SUTTON. MAIDSTONE. HOUGHTON MALHERBE. BOUGHTON MONCHELSEA, BOXLEY. BREDBURST. BROOMFIELD. 0HART. ECCLES. H ARRmTSHAllJ. HEADCORN. HOLLING BOURNE. HUCKING, LANGLEY, LEEDS, LENHAM. DETLING, LINTON. N OTE.-Tke Maidstone County Oou1·t places assigned to tke Malling District. MAm;>EN. 0THAM. STAPLElIURST. STOCKBURY. SUTTON V ALKNOE. THURNH.A.M. TOVIL. ULCOMBE. WEST BARMJNG. a1·ea includes also the 14. 􀀹llllill{J lhf5trid: (Vacn.nt.) ADDINGTON. ALT,TNGTON. AYLESFORD. BntLTNG. OoJ,LIFJR STREET. DITTON. HUNTON, LADDINGFORD. LEY BOURNE, MERl,\VORTH. NETTLESTEAD, 0FFHAM. EAS'l' MALLING. RYARSH. EAB'.C PECKHAM. SNODLAND. TESTON'. TROTTESOLIFFE. W ATERINGBURY. 'WEST FARLEJGH, WEST MALLING. WEST PECKHAM, YALDING. N OTE.-See note under tke Maidstone District. 15. 􀀹argate Bif5trict: MA UGHAM C. COLLINGWOOD, EsQ., 4 Lower Northdown Avenue, Margate. BntOHINGTON, MARGATE. GARLINGE. NORTHDOWN. WESTGATE. NOTE. -BRO.A.DST.Arns and ST. PETER's, in tke Margate Oount'!/ Oourt area, are placed, in the Rwmsgate District. 16. 11tamligate .Jl!Hiitr(ct: H. E. BOULTER, EsQ., Efflngham House, Ramsgate. ACOL.* .MINSTER. ST. LAWRENOE. BROADST.AJJlS.* MoNKTON. ST. NICHOL.AS, CHILTON. PEGWELL BAY. ST. PETER'S.* MA?fSTON. RAMSGATE. 8.A.RRlll, NOTE.-* In th6 Margate OoU11Zt!f Oour.( a1•ea. A.Zso see note under Sandwick Diswiat. LOCAL DIS1'RIOTS AND HON. LOCAL SECRETARIES. xvii 17. ttocl)cf5icr 1'{f5tttct: E. F. COBB, EsQ., High Street, Rochester . .A.LLHALLOWS, rro·o. HA..LLIN'G, NEW BROMPTON. BURHAM. HIGH HALS'l'OW. OLD BROMP'fO􀅁. CHATHAM. CLIFFE. COOLING. CtTXTON. FRINDSBURY. GILLINGHAM. HIGHAM. Hoo ST. lVI.ARY. Hoo S•.r. WERBO'RGH. ISLE OF GRAIN. LUTON. ROCHESTER. STOKE. STROOD. UPNOR. WOULDllAM. 18. lttotmtcy -illhf5tt·tct: ARTHUR FINN, EsQ., Westbroke House, Lydd. HOPE ALL SAINTS. !VYCHURCH. NEW ROMNEY. OLD RoMNE\". BRlllNZETT. BROOKLAND. IlO'RMARSII. DYMCHO'RC1:{. FAIRFIELD. LYDD. LI'l'TLES'l'ONE•ON-SEA, NEWCHUROH. Sr. MARY'S in the Marsh. SNARGATE. SNAVE. 19. .SaniJbJ idJ :ll9 if5tt:ict : STEPHEN MANSJ.rn,, EsQ., Carter House, South Street, Deo.1. ASH. A.SHLEY. BARFRll:S'l'ON. CRILLEN'DEN. EAS'rRY. lilLMS'fONE. GOODNWSTONE near SANDWICH. Dover. S'l'APLE. HAM. STOUitMOUTll, KNOWLTON. 'rV ALDERSHARE. NONINGTON. WESTMARSH. PnES'l'ON next WINGHAM. EYTHORNE. Wing·hn.m. WOODNESBOROUGH. RIOHBOROUGB. ,vonTB. NO'l'E.-This area, liitherto -inolttded partly hi tlie Deal Disfriof and partl,1/ in the Rams,qate JJistrict, is 1vs, .Esq., Hon. Treas11rc1•, 25 Castle St-reet, He,·t/ortl). The Thoresby Society, 10 Pa1•k St1·ect, Leeds. The Essex Archreologica.l Society (A. 0. TVi·igltt, lffsq ., Oololteste1· Castle, .Essa:»). '.l.'he British School at Rome, Palazzo OdesoaZelti, Rmnc . The Library of Harvard Unive1·sity, Crtmbridge, MassachusE'.tt8, U.S.A. (,lfesa1·s. lJJ. 0. Allen and Co., Ltd., 1•1 01•ape Sti•oct, Sha/tes'f.lm·y Avenue, W.O.). Athenreum Subject List to Periodicals, 11 Brca11􀏀•0 B1iilding.,, 0/1.anaery • Lane, E.C. 1. The Society shall consist of Ordinary Members and Honorary Members. 2. The funds, securities, and propel'ty of the Society shall be held· in Trust for the Members by four Trustees, who shall be Mernb􀆟rs. Any vacancies shall be filled at the next Annmil Meeting. The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Council consisting of the President of the Society, the Vice-Presidents, t11e H onoriwy Treasurel', the Honomry Secretary, Honorary Librarian, the Honorary Financial Secretary, the Honorary Editors, and twenty-four Members elected out of the general body of the Subscribers : one-fourth of the lntter shall go out annually iu rotation, bnt shall nevertlieless be re-eligible; and such retiring and the new election shall take place at the Annual General Meeting: but any intermediate vacancy, by death or retirement, among the elected Council, slrnll be filled up either at the General Meeting or at the next Council Meeting, whichever shall first happen, and the Member so appointed shall hold office so long as he in whose place he shall be appointed would have held office. Five Members of the Oouncil to constitute a quorum. S. The Council shall meet to transact the business of the Society on the second Thursday in the month of March in Maidstone, in the month of June in London, in tl1e month of September in Rochester, and on some day in the month of December in Canterbury, and at any other time that the Honorary Secretary may deem it expedient to call them together. But the Council shall have power, if it shall deem it advisable, at the instance of tl1e Pl'esident, to hold its Meetings at other places within tbe county; and to alter tlie days of Meeting, or to omit a Quarterly Meeting if it shall be found convenient. 4. The Council shall appoint one of their Members to be the Hon. Financial Secretary. His duty shall be to keep an account of all Subscriptions and otl1er Receipts and Payments for the Society, and or1 the 3 l st December in every year to prepare the Balance Sheet for the past year, ar,d, after it has been approved by the Auditors, to lay it before the next Quarterly Meeting of the Council, accompanied by a Statement of all Subscriptions, etc., in arrear and due to the Society, and of all moneys due from them. And the Council are further empowered, at any time wlien they think it desirable, to employ and pay a Chartered Accountant to assist the Hon. Financial Secretary in making out such Balance Sheets and Account. 5. At every Meeting of tlie Society or Council, the President, or, in his absence, the Chairman, sball lrnve a casting vote, independently of his 11ote as a Member. 6. A Genernl Meeting of the Society shall be held annually, in July, August, or September, at some place rendered intel'esting by its antiquities or historical associations, in the eastem and western divisions of the county alternately, unless the Council, for some cause to be by them assigned, agree to vary this arrangement; the day and place of meeting to be appointed by the Council, who sliall have the power, at the instance of the President, to elect some Member of the Society connected with tl1e district in which the meeting shall be held, to act as Chairman of such RULES AND REGULATIONS. · xx'i Meeting.· At the said General Meeting, antiquities shall be exhibfted, and papel's read on subjects of archreologicnl interest. The accounts of the Society, having been previously allowed by the Auditors, shall be presented; the Council, through tlie Secretary, shall make a Report on the state of the Society; and the Auditors and the six new Members of · the Council for the ensuing year shall be elected. 7. The Annual General Meeting shall have power to make such alterations in the Rules as the majority of Members present may approve: provided that notice of any contemplated alterations be given, in writing, to the Honoral'y Secretary, befo1·e June the 1st in the then current year, to be laid by him before the Council at their next Meeting; provided, also, that the said contemplated alterations be specifically set out in the notices summoning the Meeting, at least one month befo1·e the day appointed for it. 8. A Special General Meeting may be summoned, on the w1·itten requisition of seven Members, or of the President, or two Vice-Presidents, which must specify the subject intended to be brought forward at such Meeting; and such subject alone can then be considered. 9. Candidates for admission must he proposed by one Member of the Society, and seconded by another, and be balloted for, if required, at any Meeting of the Council, or at a General Meeting, one black bail in five to exclude. 10. Each Ordinary Member shall pay an Annual Subscription of Ten Shillings, due in advance on the 1st of January in each year; or £10 may at any time be paid in lieu of future subscriptions, as a composition for life, provirled that anears (if any) of Annual Subscriptions are paid up. Any Ordinary shall pay, on election, an entrance fee of Ten Shillings, in addition to his Subsc1·iption, whether Annual or Life. Every Member shall be entitled to a copy of the Society's Tmnsactions; but none will be issued to any Member whose Subscription is in arrear. The Council may remove from the List of Subscribers the name of any Member whose Subscription is two years in arrear, if it be certified to them that a written application for payment has been made by one of the Secretaries, and not attended to within a month from the time of application. Any Member intending to withd1·aw his name from the Society shall give notice; iu writing, to the Hon. Secretary of his intention to do so, on or before the 1st of January in any year, otherwise he shall he liable for the current year's Subscription. Institutions are only admitted to become Ordinary Members. 11. All Subscriptions and Donations are to be paid to the Bankers of the Society, to the Hon. Treasurer, or to one of the Secretaries. 12. All Life Compositions shall be vested in Government Securities, in the names of the Trustees. The interest only of such funds to be used for the ordinary purposes of the Society. 13. No cheque shall be drawn except by order of the Council, and every cheque shall be signed by two Members of the Council and the Honorary Financial Secretary. 14. The President, Secretaries, Editors, and Treasurer, on any vacancy, shall be elected by a General Meeting of the Subscl'ibe1·s. " 􀀄Xll KENT A.RCOOLOGICA.L SOOIETt. 15. Members of either House of Parliament, who are landed proprietors of the county or residents therein, shall, on becoming Members of the Society, be placed on the list of Vice-Presidents, and with them such other persons as the Society may elect to tliat office. 16. The Council sbal1 have power to elect, without ballot, on the nomination of two Members, any lady who may be desirous of becoming a :Member of the Society. 17. The Council shall have power to appoint as Honorary Member any person likely to p1·omote the interests of the Society. Such Honorary Member not to pny any subscription, nnd not to have the 1·ight of voting at any Meetings of the Society; but to hnve all the other privileges of Members. 18. The Council shnll have power to appoint any Member Honorary Local Secretary for the town or district wherein be may reside, in order to facilitate the collection of accurate information as to objects and discoveries of local interest, and for the receipt of subscriptions, and may at any time cancel such appointment. 19. Meetings for the purpose of reading papers, the exhibition of antiquities, or the discussion of subjects connected therewith, shall be held at such times and places as the Council may appoint. 20. The Society shall avoid all subjects of religious or political con• troversy. 21. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Society, to be con:imunicated to the Members at the General Meetings. " 􀀄Xll KENT A.RCOOLOGICA.L SOOIETt. HONORARY MEMBERS. Tbe BRITISH MUSEUM, (ri•eat Rlutscll St1•ect, w.c. 8IR W. H. ST. JOHN HOPE, LI'l'T.D., D.C.L., 0alewood, 0reat Slt8if01•d, Cambrulge. GEORGE PAYNE, EsQ., Ir.L.s., F.S.A., Tlte Precinct, Roclicsto1• .. ( xxlli.. ) MEMBERS. CORRECTED TO JANUARY 1917. The number before a name is that of the District ill whioh the Member resides. The * dAnotes a Life Compounder. It is requested th􀆅t errors and omissions be notified forthwith to R. COOKE, Esq., Hon. Sec., Detliug, Maidstone. 25 * Aoworth, Rev. R. William Harrison, Twyford Vioarage, Berks. 14 Adam, Mrs., Quai-ry Down, Hythe. 16 Adutt, A. Leon, Esq., Chelsea Lodge, Madeira Road, Cliftouville, Thauet. 4 Aitken, 0. H., Esq., Vernon Grange, Canterbury. 6 Alcook, Rev. John Price, :riu. ., The Rectory, Southfl.eet, Kent. 6 Aldridge, H, E., Esq., 40 Gt. Queen Street, Dartford. 13 Allchin, J. H., Esq., The Museum, Maidstone. 20 Allchin, Lady, Nut Tree Hall, Plaxtole, Sevenoaks, and 61 South Street, Mayfair, w. 26 Allwoi·k, F. C., Esq., 34 Lea.side Avenue, Muswell Hill, N. 5b Alston, Miss, Hathewolden Grange, High Halden. 20 Amherst, The Right Hon. Earl, Montreal, Sevenoaks. 18 Arkcoll, Johu, Esq., Foley House, Maidstone. 11 • Arnold, Augustus A., E􀆆q., F.S.A., Cobhambury, Gravesend. 11 Arnold, Ber1111rd, Esq., F.r..s., Milton Hall, Gravesend. 25 * Ashcombe, The ltight Hon. Lord, 17 Prince's Gate, s.w. 4 Ashendon, Cumpbell, Esq., Ventnor House, London .Road, Canterbury. 1 #Ashley-Dodd, Mrs., Godinton, Ashford. #Ashton-Gwatkin, Rev. W. H. F., M.A.., Villa. Benedetini, San Gervasio, Florence. 26 Athenroum Club, The, 107 Pall Mull, s.w. 20 Athill, Ohu.rles H., Esq., M.v.o., F.S.A., Richmond Hero.Id, College of Arma Queen Victoria Street, E.o., nnd Sevenonka. ' 25 *llndcook, W., :msq., 1 College Lnwu, Choltenhani. 20 Bailey, Lieut.-Colonel E. Wyndhu.m, Ighthmu Court, lghtho,m, Sevenoa.k:!. 􀀏 XXIV KENT ARCH.l.EOLOGICAL SObIE'rY. 20 Baird, Robert George, Esq., Holmleigh, Granville Road, Sevenoaks. 4 Baker, Percy T., Esq., Rosebank, Bridge, Canterbury. 25 *Bannerman, \V. Bruce, Esq., F.S.A.., 4 The ,valdrons, Croydon. 25 *B:i,rrett, F. A., Esq., 1 Raymond's Buildings, Gra,y's Inn, w.c. 2 B:i,rrett, J.P., Esq., West.croft, South Ro:i,d, Forest Hill, s.E. 25 *Barron, Edward Jackson, Esq., F.S.A., 10 Endsleigh Street, Tavistock Square, w.c. 2 Bartleet, H. Stuart, Esq., Severndroog, Shooters' Hill, s.E. 18 llarton, Arthur, Esq., Sunny Croft, Holland Road, Maidstone. 25 *Bartram, Rev. Canon H., M.A., Greenroyal, Teignmouth, Devon. 25 •Baxter, Wynne E., Esq., J.l' ., D.L., 170 Church Street, Stoke N ewington, N. 6 Beadle, John C., Esq., Bourne Cottage, Bexley, Kent. 5b *Beale, G. 1''. 'l\·acy, Esq., J.P., Finehdon i\ianor, Tenterden, Kent. 11 *llE>,a,mish, R. J ., Esq., Grove House, Gravesend. 25 *llean, A. W. 'l'., Esq., 52 Porchester '.l'errace, Hyde Park, w. 20 Rev. Canon Beaulands, Wickhurst Manor, The Weald, Sevenoaks. 25 Beardmore, Rev. H. L., M.A., Abbey Gate, St. Catherine's, Lincoln. 25 Beauchamp, '.l'he Right Hon. The Earl, K.G., K.C.M.G., Madresfield, Malvern. 25 Beck, Rev. Canon E. Josselyn, M.A., 4 Scroope Terrace, Cambridge. 25 Belcher, H. Taswell, Esq., Trefloyne, Sandringham Road, Parkstone, Dorset. 18 Bensted, Hubert, Esq., Woodstow, Bearsted, Maidst,one. 13 Bensted, W. H., Esq., Longfield, Maidstone. 25 Bergh, Rev. F. R., '!'he Conveut, Carshalton, Surrey. 20 *Bevan, Arthur 'l'., Esq., J.P., Dormers, Bessels Green, Sevenoaks. 16 Bevan, Rev. R. F., M.A., St. Lawrence Vicarage, Ramsgate. 3 Biden, L. M., Esq., 20 Bucklersbury, London, E.O. 25 Birmingham Free Libraries (Mr . .A.. Capel Shaw, Librarian), Ratcliff Place, Birmingham. 14 Blest, W. W., Esq., Broomscroft, Watcringbury, Maidstone. 11 Bligh, 'l'he Honourable Arthur, Cobham Hall, Gravesend. 7 Bliss, ltev. Canon, M.A., Betteshanger Rectory, Eaatry, Deal. 25 Board of Education, South Kensington, s.w. (Director and Secretary, Vil"toriu. and Albert Museum). 25 Bodleian Library, The, Oxford. 5b Body, W., Esq., 'l'enterden, Kent. 17 Bond, Lieut.-Col. R. H., Southgate, Rochester. 25 Bonner, A., Esq., 23 Streathbourne Road, Upper '.l'ooting, s.w. 11 Booth, Arthur W., Esq., Scaler's Hill, Cobham, Gravesend. 25 Borden, Sir I". W., K.O.M.G., Old Place, Canning, Nova Scotia. 25 Borden, Spencer, Esq., Interlaken, Fall River, Mass., U.S . .A.. 25 *Borrowman, J., Esq., A.R.I.B.A., 9 Adam Street, Adelphi, w.c. 14 Borton, Lieut.-Ool. A. C., Oheveney, Hunton, Maidstone. 24 Bosanquet, Chas. R., Esq., Woodsgate, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells. 25 Boston Public Librar,Y, Mass., U.S.A. (per B. Quaritch, 11 Grafton Street, New Bond Street, w.). 16 Boulter, H. E., Esq., Effingham House, Ramsgate. 20 *Bowker, A. F., Esq., F.R.G.s., F.G.S., F.R.M.s., Whitehill, Wrotham, Kent. 20 Bowles, Charles W., Esq., L.R.I.B.A,, 9 Staple Inn, Holborn Bars, E.o., and Sevenoaks. . 25 *Boys, Rev. H.J., l'>f.A., Layer Marney Rectory, Kelvedon, Essex. • 9 Ilramah, Mrs. J. West, Davington Priory, Faversham. 24 Brampton, F. J., Esq., 25 Oulverden Park Road, Tunbridge Wells. 21 Br1.1,mston, Rev. William, M.A., Vicar of Minster, She0rness. 18 Brenchley Trustees, The Museum, Maidstone. 25 Brent, Dr. Mortimer de, 83 Victoria Road, Clapham Common, s.w. 13 Bridge, John William, Esq., 6 Brewer Street, Maidstone. 25 Briggs, C. A., Esq., F.S.A., Rock House, Lynmouth, North Devon. '.LIST OF MElIBERS. 25 Brighton Free Library (Henry D. Roberts, Chief C11rator), Church Street,, Brighton. 14 *Brocklebimk, '.rhomas, Esq., Waooriu.gbury Place, i\iaidstoue. 10 Brookman, A. Drake, Esq. 25 Brooke, Edward, Esq., Ufford Place, Woodbridge, Suffolk. 10 Brooke, H., Esq., 9 Radnor Cliffe, Saudgate. 1 Brown, Alex., Esq., Hothfield, Ashford, Keut. 28 Browne, Rev. R. C. Lathom, M.A., Hever Rectory, Edenbridge. 15 nrunton, Dr. W. B., St. John's, Birohington. 14 #Bunyard, G., Esq., V.M.H., The Crossways, Mereworth, :Maidstone. 14 Burden, 'I'. W., Esq., Headoorn, Ashford. 5a Butt-Gow, Phillip, E􀇬q., J.P., Little Fowlers, Hawkhurst, Kent. 23 Buxton, A. F., Esq., Fairhill, 'l'onbridge. 24 Camden, The Most Noble the Marquess, Bayham Abbey, '.l'nnbridge Wells. 56 Campbell, E. Kenneth, Esq., Wittersham, Peasmarsh, Kent. 3 Campion, C. A. B., Esq., 'fhe Hawthorns, Shortlands, Kent. 25 Canterbury, His Grace '.l'he Archbishop of, LambeLh Palace, Lambeth. 4 Canterbtu•y, The Very Rev. The Dean of, '.l'he Dea:nery, Canterbury. 4 Canterbury Cathedral, Library of the Dean and Clmpter. 4 Ca.nterbury Municipal Library, '.l'he Royal Museum, Canterbury. 20 Carnell, John .l!􀇭rederiok, Esq., Suffolk House, Sevenoalcs. 25 Caroe, Mrs. E., 3 Grea.t College Street, Westminster. 8 Carroll, Rev. W. A., Bickley Vicarage, Kent. 20 Cartwright, Sidney, Esq., Kirklees, Brita.ius Lane, Sevenoaka. 21 Castle, Rev. J., M.A., Queenborough, Isle of Sheppey. 16 Caswell, Miss E., Elcot, St. Mildred's Road, Ra.msgat.e. 20 *Cazalet, W. M., Esq., J.P., Fairhiwn, Shipborne, Tonbridge. 13 Chamberlaine, Rev. J. S. ff., M.A., 86 St. Aubyns, Hove, Sussex. 16 Chaning-Pearce, Miss E., Montague House, Ramsgate. 23 Chapman, A. D. B., Esq., The Birches, Peusburst. 4 *Chapman, H. l\:fapleton, Esq., St. Martin's Priory, Canterbury. 28 Charrington, M. V., Esq., How Green, Hever, Eden bridge. 12 Cheney, A. D., Esq., F.S.A., Berwick, Lympne, Ilythe. 8 Churchill, John, Esq., Fircroft, Shortlands, Kent. · 16 Churchill, Rev. W. II., M.A., Stone House, St. Peter's, Broudsta,irs. 18 Clark, Edwin T., Esq., 99 King Edward's Road, Maidstone. 13 Clark, G. Foster, Esq., Boughton Mount, Boughton Monohelsea, Kent. 23 Clark, Rev. Stuart B.., Tonbridge Vicarage, Kent. 13 Clark, Thomas, Esq., J. I'., Fairbourne, Harrietsham. 16 Clarke, A. B., .Elsq., Shirley, PenshU1-st Rm􀇮d, Ramsgate. 25 Clarke, A. W. II., Esq., 140 Wardonr Stroet, London, w. 11 Clarke, R. Feaver, E􀇯q., J.P., Daneholme, Polha.m Road, Gravesend. 25 Clarke, Stewart A., Esq., 198 :Oenma,rk Hill, London, s.E. 26 Clinch, George, Esq., F.G.s., F.S.A. SCOT., 8 Meadowcroft Villas, Sutton, Surrey. 19 Cloke, F., Esq., Riohborough House, Sandwich. 14 Clout, Albert, Esq,, Brome House, West Malling, Maidstone. 20 Clouting, Charle.", Esq., Carlyon, Granville Road, Sevenoaks. 8 Con.tes, Rev. A. L., M.A., St. Bartholomew's Vicarage, Dover. l'l Cobb, E. F., Esq., A.R.I.B.A., High Street, Rochester. 15 Cobb, F. Marsden1 Esq., The Bank Hou􀇰e, Margate. ' XX.Vl K.1lNT A.RCH.,EOLOGICA.L 'sot:r'.E1''Y. 1'7 Cobb, H. M., Esq., Higham, Roohester. 25 *Cock, F. W., Esq.,M.D.,F.S.A., 19 Randolph Road, Maida Hill, w. 25 *Cohen, Sir H. B., Bart., 6 King's Bench Walk, The Temple, E.o. 4 Collett, Rev. Anthony, M.A., Ellerslie, Barton Fields, Canterbury. 24 *Collins, Brenton H., Esq., Duuorlan, Tunbridge Wells. 25 Collyer, H. C., Esq., The Grange, Seaton, Devon. '7 Collyer, T. H., Esq., Redcote, St. Clare Road, Upper Walmer, Deal. 25 Columbia University Library, New York (per Mr. G . .El. Steohert, 2 Star Yard, Carey Street., 01111.ncery Lane, w.o.). 20 *Colyer-Fergusson, Thos. C., Esq., F.S.A,, Ightham Mote, Ivy Hatoh, near Sevenoaks, and Wombwell Hall, Grn.vesend. 25 Congress Library, ,vashington, U.S.A. (per Messrs ..A llen and Son, 14. GrnJ)e Street, Shattesbury Avenue, w.). 13 Connor, F. R., Esq., Pentillie, Bower Mount Road, Maidstone. 25 Constitutional Club, Northumberlavd Avenue, w.c. 14 *Conway, Sir ·w. Martin,. Kt. Bach., M.A., F.R.G.s., F.S.A., Allington Castle, Maidst-0ne. 13 Cooke, Richard, Esq., 1Ion-01·ary Secretar!f, 􀊌'he Croft, Detling, Maidstone. 20 Coombe, A. E., E􀊍q., Manor House, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 21 Copland, ,John, Esq., Sheerness. 13 Corbet, E. K., Esq., c.M.G., Rock House, Boughton Monchelsea, Maidstone. 13 *Corfe, A . .F., Esq., ·wayside, 'l'onbridge Road, Maidstone. 13 iiCornw:i.llis, F. S. W., Esq., J.P., Linton Park, Maidstone. 4 *Cotton, Charles, Esq., F.n..c.P., Briarfield, Ethelbert Road, Canterbury. 20 Cotton, H. H.P., Esq., The lVlanor House, Westerham. 25 Couchman, John Edwin, Esq., F.S.A., Dene Place, Hurstpierpoint, Sussex. 15 Courtenay-Page, Miss M., St. Martin's, CliftonviUe, Margate. 25 Courthope, M3:jor G. L., M.P., Whiligh, Sussex. 25 *Cowell, George, Esq., F.R.c.s., 24 Harrington Gardens, s.w. 18 Cowper, H. Swainson, Esq., F.S.A., Loddenden Manor, Staplehuri;t. 25 *Cox, Frederick John, Esq., 14 Fairdene Road, Coul􀊎dou,Surrey. 4 Cozens, Walter, Esq., 24 Longbeach Road, Lavender Hill, s.w. 5a Oranbrook Literary Institute, Cranbrook. 20 Crawahay, de Ba.rri, Esq., Rosefield, Oakhill Road, Sevenoaks. 11 Cripps-Day, F. H., Esq., 38 York 'l'errace, w., and Holly Hill, Meopham. 14 Crocker; .A., Esq., Lavenders, West Malling. 20 Cronk, E. E., Esq., Sevenoaks. 11 Crook, F. W., Esq., Il.A., Beckley, Overcliff, Gravesend. 9 Crosse, .Rev. T. G., M.A., The Vicarage, Faversham. 8 Crundall, Sir W. H., Kt. Bach., J.P., Woodside, Kearsney, near Dover. 22 Oruso, Rev. H. E. 'l'., M.A., Tunstall Rectory, Sittingbouroe. 25 •Curtis, Ja.mes, Esq., F.S.A.., 1'79 Marylebone Road, N.W. 25 •curzon of Kedleston, 'l'he Right Hon. Lord, G.M.s.1., G,M.t.E., 1 Carlton House 'l'errace, s.w. 25 Cuat, Lionel, Esq., c.v.o., Da.tchet House, Datchet, Windsor. 2 Cutler, Samuel, Esq., West Bank, Lewisham Hill, Blaokheath, s.E. 12 Dale, Rev. l:t. D., M.A., 'Vicarage, l:tythe, ltent. 16 Da,niel, Major K. W., 1 Eflingbam Street, Rarnsgate. 16 Daniels, H. 0., Esq., Sandwo.y, Avebury Avenue, Ramsgate. 11 Da,rnley, The Right Hon. The Earl of, Cobham Hall, Gra,vesend. 12 Davis, Arth•lr Randall, Elsq., M.R.O.s., Oaklands, Hythe, Kent. 3 Davis, R. E., Esq., Churoh Hill, Ile'okenham, Kent. ,.,. tIS'T OF '.MElrnERS. XXVll l>a.vis, W. J., Esq., Dunaskin, Dartford. 20 Daws, William, Esq., 57 London Road, Sevenoaks. 3 Dawson, Miss A. J., The Rectory, Ohislehurst, Kent. 3 Dawson, Rev. J.E. le Strange, M.A., The Rectory, Ohislehurst, Kent. 17 Day, F1-ancis H., Esq., Diocesan Registry, Rochester. 7 *Day, Miss, Glenside, Upper Walmer, Kent. 13 D:J-y, Walter, Esq., Earl Street, Maidstone. 17 Denham, Rev. Canon J. R., The Precincts, Rochester. 4 Denne, W., Esq., Lancaster Vi1la, Beltinge, Herne Bay. 3 *Dewey, T. 0., Esq., South .Hill Wood, Bromley. 25 *Dewick, Rev. E. S., F.S.A., 26 Oxford Square, Hyde Park, w. 21 Dickson, Rev. R. H., M.A.., Eastchurch Rectory, Sheel'Dess. 25 *Dimsdale, John, Eaq., 2 Neville Pa.rk, Tunbridge Wells. 3 *Dodgson, W. H., Esq., Forest Lodge, Keston, Kent. 25 Donne, Mrs. Augusta, 22 Ladbroke Road, Notting Hill, w, Dorey, Mrs. John, Park House, Brentford, Middlesex. 7 Douglas, Mrs., Groton Cottage, Walmer, Kent. Downs Butcher, Mrs., 17 Cottesmore Gardens, London, w., and Graystone, Whitstable, Kent. 9 Drake, Cha.rles, Esq., Newton Road, Faversha.m. 25 Druce, G. 0., Esq., Ravenscar, The Downs, Wimbledon, s.w. 5a. Druce, John A., Esq., Gore Court, Goudhurst, Kent. 16 Drury, J. Thorn, Esq., 85 Ellington Road, Ramsgate. 12 Duffield, Rev. C. G., The Rectorl, Stowting. Hythe, Kent. 3 Duffield, l!'. H., Esq., St. Oswald s, Shortlands, Bromle)', Kent. 2 Duncan, Leland L., Esq., M.v.o., F.S.A.., Rosslair, Lingard's Roa-0., Lewisham, s.E. 25 Du\•een, Ernest, Esq., o/o 21 Old Bond Street, London, W. 25 Duveen, G. E., Esq., 15 Stratton Street, Piccadilly, w. 20 Duveen, John, Esq., Chipstead Place, Sevenoaks. 25 Dyk.e, Rev. John Dixon, M.A., 30 Cl'owhurst Road, llrixton, s.w. G Dyke, Hart, Miss, Lullingstone Castle, Da.rtf􀇤rd; Kent. 25 Eagleton, L. 0., Esq., 40 Chancery Lane, w.c. 25 East, F. J., Esq., 69 Cazenove Road, Stamford Hill, N. 4 Eastes, P. D., Esq., Kentish Gazette Office, Canterbury. 25 •Eastga.te, Rev. C. E., M.A., Windhoe, Collingwood Road, Northampton. 8 *Ebbs, A. B., Esq., Tuborg, 57 Plaistow Laue, Bromley, Kent. 7 Ebbs, .M:iss M. M.1 The Hermitage, Upper Walmer. 11 Edmeades, Capt., Nurstead Court, near Gmvesend. 13 Elgar, Hubert, Elsq., Museum, Faith Street, Maidstone. 10 Elgar, W. H., Esq., 48 Watkin Road, 5b Elgood, G. S., Esq., Knookwood, Tenterdeu. 18 Eliot, Colonel W., Redheugh, Subton Valence, Maidstone. 7 Eliot, Gilbert, Esq., Hull Place, Sb.olden, Deal. 2 Iilllisf-on-Elrwood, Frank 0., Elsq., Jesmond Dene, Foxoroft Road, Shooters' Hill, Kent. 25 Elyard, S. John, Esq., Bank of England, Londop, E.c. 6 Evans, Miss A., Shenstone, Crayford, Kent. 19 Evans, Rev. L. H., Goodnestone Reotory, Cante rbur y. 25 *Evans-Gwynne, ltev. Canon Gorges F. J. G ., M . .l. ., Rettendon Reotory, Battles Bridge, Essex. 23 *Ewing, G. B., Esq., Ola.ydene, Cowden, Kent. 1.1.. XX.Vlll KENT A.ltOH.lEOLOGICAL soctll1TY. 3 *Fauntl10rpe, Rev. John P., M.A., Elmfield, Bromley Comn1on, Kent. 7 Feltoe, Rev. 0. L., D.D., Ripple Rectory, l)over. 25 *Fergusson, Sir James Ranken, Bart., F.S.A.. scoT., Bordlands, West Linton, Peeblesshire. 18 Finn, Arthur, Esq., W estbroke House, Lydd, 1'1olkestone. 18 Finn, Edwin, Esq., Elm Grove, Lydd, Folkestone. 4 Finn, Mrs. Frederick, "Thornby," Ethelbert Road, Canterbury. 11 Firth, Ohu.rles, Esq., M.D., Ororoer House, Gravesend. 4 Fitoh, Mrs. M . L., 14 Monastery Street, Canterbury. 13 Fletcher, C. E., Esq., Broomfield, Yalding, i\faidst<:>ne. 10 Folkestone Public Library and Museum, Ifolkestone. 6 *Fooks, C. C. S., Esq., Reynolds Place, Horton Kil-by, Kent. 24 Fooks, E. J., Esq., Langton House, Langton Green, 'l'unbridge ·wolls. 13 Foreman, Frank E., Esq., '.!:he Chantry, lieadcorn, Ashford, Kent. 18 Foreman, Owen, Esq., Hunton, Maidstone. 13 Forrest, Rov. J. A., Linton Vicarage, Maidstone. 18 Forster, Arthur, Rumwood Court, Langley, Maidstone. 8 Frampton, Rev. T.Shipdem, D.c.r,., M.A.., F.S.A., 8 Town Wall Street, Dover. 24 Frn.nklin, Miss, 9 Guildford Road, 'l'unbridg<' Wells. 5a. Frenob, Miss, Risden, Hawkhurst. 20 Fulton, Major, Lisbllrn, Sevenoaks. 4 Furley, Mrs. F. W., Sunbury, Canterbury. 4 Furley, Wa.lter, Esq., Coombe House, Canterbury. 10 Fynmore, ltiobard John, Esq., J.P.," By the Sea," 119 High Street, Saudgate. 12 Galpin, Rev. Canon, D.D., Saltwood Rectory, Hytl1e, Kent. 25 *Gurduer, Sarni., Esq., Oakhurst, l\1ount J>ark, Harrow-on-the-Hill. 13 Gardner-)Vate1·man, Rev. 'IV'., M.A., Loose Vicarage, Maidstone. 13 Gatehouse, Rev . .A.., Headoorn Vicarage, Ashford, Kent. 1 Geering, Robert J ., Esq., Laurel Dene, Ashford, Kent. 3 Gibson, Miss, Camden Hill, Chislehurst, Kent. 17 •Gill, J. Haymen, Esq., Holland Honse, Rochester. 5b Gilpin, Rev. B. W., M.A., High 1:lalden Rectory, Ashford, Kent. 25 *Giraud, Rev. R,. E., St. Mary Magdalene's Vicarage, 58 Osnaburgh Street, N.W. 25 *Glasgow University Library (care of Messrs. James MaoLeho􀌇e and Sons, 61 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow). 22 Gledhill, Rev. A. E., Borden Vioa.rage, Sittingbourne. 25 *Godfrey-Faussett, Major Edmund G., R.E. (oare of Messrs. Cox and Co., Cha.ring Cross. s.w.). 22 Godfrey-Fau!;Sett-Osborne, H. D. G., Esq., Pipe Hill House, Liohfield, Staff o rdsb ire. 20 Godwiu, Frank, Esq. 23 Goldsmid, J. D' Avigdor, Esq., Summerhill, 'l'onbridge. Goodenough, Rev. Leonard, Worlds End, Green Street, Sittingbourne. 4 Good[tll,11, Robert H., Esq., Chilton, 'l'a.nkerton-on-Sea. 14 Goodwin, E., Esq., Cauou Court, Wateringbury. 24 Gowe, Robert Vaughan, Esq., Ferndale, 'l'unbridge Wells. 22 Gra.nt, W. 1,., Esq., High Street, Sittingbonrne. 25 A-Graves, Robert Edmund, Esq., D.A., Lyndhurst, Grange Park, Ealing, w. 11 Gravesend Public Library (A. J. Philip, Librarian), Gravesend. 25 Graylinl-(, Dr. Franois, L . .R.C.P., 52 ltutland Gardfms, Hove, Sussex. 4 Greene, Rev. W. L., M.A., St. Martin's Reotory, Canterbtu·y. 25 Griffin, Ralph, Esq., F.s.A., 'l'he Patent Office, 25 Southampton Buildi􀌈gs, London, w.o. ,.,. LIST OF MEMBERS. 18 Grubb, Mrs., Elsfield House, Holli1􀊲bourne, Maidstone. 4 Guinness, Miss R. D., 9 Ethelbert !toad, Canterbu1·y. 13 Guise, Rev. Julian, M.A., Addington Rectory, Maidstone. 18 Ha.le, Rev. J. R., M.A.., The, Boxley, Maidstone. 13 Hammond, Mi􀊳s, East Court, Detling, Maidstone. 14 Hannen, The Hon. Heury, '.!.'he !fall, West Farleigh. 18 Harbord, Dr. Edward A., Fl'inningham, Thurnham, Maidstone. 18 Hardcastle, Itev. E. H., M.A., .Maidstone. 25 Hardy, Newton H., Esq , 110 North Pine Avenue, Chicago, U.S.A. 9 *Harris, '.!.'he !tight Hon. Lord, G.C.M.G,, Belmont, Faversham. 22 Harris, 0. B., Esq., High Street, Sittingbourne. 17 Harris, Edwin, Esq., Eastgate, Roohester. xxix 20 Harris, Walter S., Esq., Ashendeu, Plaxtole, Sevenoaks. 1 Harrisou, Rev. Alban Henry, M.A., The Rectory, Great Chart, Ashford. Z.J, Harrison, Miss, Dornden, 1.1.'uubridge Wells. 15 Harrison, The Rev. T ., The Vica.1·, Margate. 19 Harrisson, W.R., Esq., The Limes, Sandwich. 4 Hal'Vey, Sidney, Esq., F.c.s., Watling House, Canterbury. 2 *Ha1:1lehust, .A.1·thur C., Esq., Thoruden, Burnt Ash Hill, Lee, s.n. 25 Haslewood, H. Dering, Esq., 139 'l'emple Chambers, 'l'emple Avenue, E.C. 6 Hassell, L., Esq., Giffords, Horton Kirby, Kent. 14 Hayton,R ev. G.,R yarsh, West Malling. 23 Hedges, A. P., Esq., Kenward, Tonbridge. 20 Herries, Robert S., Esq., St. Julians, Sevenoaks. 16 Hertslet, Rev. C. L. A., 'l'he, Ramsgate. 20 Hesketh, Captain 0. 'l'., Shoreham Road, Otford, Kent. 2 Hesketh, Everard, Es9,., Beachoroft, Eltham, Kent. 22 Hewitt, G., Esq., Newmgton-next-Sittingbourne. 25 Hill, R. H. E., Esq., 60 Chancery Lane, n.c. 16 Hills, Miss E., Trafalgar Villa, West Cliffe Road, Ramsgate. 13 Hills, Henry, Esq., Philre, Queen's Avenue, Maidstone. 15 Hill􀊴, "i1V., 'Esq., Gwydyr House, Dane R,ond, Marg1􀊵te. 16 Hinds, Henry, Esq., 57 Queen Street, Rau1sgate. 2 Hitohcook, Capt. W. M., 􀊶fayfield, 1 Orchard Drive, Blaokheath, s.E. 5a *Hoare, W., Esq., Smnmc-rhill, Benenden, Cmnbrook. 6 Hodsdon, G. C., E$q., 24 S1,ring Vale, Dartfoi·d, Kent. 22 Homewood, Chus. E., Esq., Urton Court, Sittingbourne. 11 Homewood, E. J., Esq., 13 llarmer Street, Gravesend. 3 Homewood, W. J., Esq., Holmbury, Shawfield Park, Bromley, Kent. 9 Honeyball, Col. Jas. F., J.P., New Gardens, Teynharu, Sittingbourne. 4 Hooker G. N., Esq., !II.A.., Sunningdu.le, Westbere, Canterbury. 9 Hoo1Jer, Cnptain Charles F., J.P., Harewell House, Sheldwioh, l􀊷a,versham. 15 Hope-Jame.􀊸, Mi!IS M. I,., St. Augustine's, Totteridge, Herf.!>. 24 Hornn, Mrs., Mount Horan, Lamberhur3t, Kent. 1 Hothfield, '£he Rigbt Hou. Lord, Ilothfield Place, Ashford, Kent. 18 Howse, '1'. F., Esq., Old Orchnt·d, Loose, Maidstone. 22 Hughc8, C. G., Esq., care of London and County Bank, Sittingboume. 13 Hughes, Rev. H. R., M.A., Leeds Vicarage, Maidstone. 23 *Hulkes, C. J. G., Esq., J.P., Hadlow, near 'l'onbridge. 11 Hunter, J. G., Esq., 6 Victor.Terrace, Sun Lane, Gravesend. 16 Hurst, Miss M. J., 119 High Street,R amsgate. 4 Hussey, Miss Auna, 14 Edward Rond, Canterbury. 4 *Hu!lSey, Arthur, Esq., Oxenden Ootfage, Winghnm1 Canterbury. XXX KENT AROHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 20 Ibbett, Fred. David, Esq., Sevenoaks. 1 Igglesden, C., Esq., Heathfleld, Ashford, Kent. 9 Jackman, F. C., Esq., 12 Market Street, Faversba-m. 13 Jacob, "\V., Esq., 8 Somerfield Terrace, Maidstone. 19 *Jacobs, J. A., Esq., Sandwich, Kent. 4 James, Hon. Mrs. WilfreIIOHver, Edm. Ward, Esq., Ne1v Place, Lingfield, Surrey. 8 Orger, Rev. E. R., M.A., 24 Marine Parade, Dove1·. 2 Orwio, Levi, Esq., 13 Marnock Road, Crofton Park, s.E. x.xxiii 2 Outhwaite, H., Esq., 98 St. John's Park, Bla.ckheath, s.E. 1 Owen, Rev. E., Boys Ha.Jl, Willesborough, Asllford,.Kent. 2 Oxenham, E. H., Esq., F.n.s.L., Keston Villa, Rushey Green, Catford, s.n. 25 O• xford Arohiteotuml and Historical Society (Charles T. E. Phillips, Esq., Assistant Librarian), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. 13 Oyler, T. H., Esq., Woodbury, Maidstone. 16 Page, Lt.-Oolonel Stanley H., Tanorey House, Vale Square, Ramsgate. 16 Page, W. Gray, Esq., 2 Queen Street, Ramsgate. 17 Palmer, Fred. G., Esq., Reindee1· Villa, Cliffe-at-Hoo, Roohester. 6 Palmer, Rev. H.J., M.A., Co11iston, Main Road, Sidcup, Kent. 25 "'Pa1·ker, F. 0. Shireoliffe, Esq., M.A., Green End, Northwood, Middlesex. I Parkes, R., Esq., Church Road, A􀉒bford, Kent. 2 Parsons, Arthur P. Gymer, Esq., F.R.c.s. 25 Paxon, Arthur, Esq., 61 Goldsmith Avenue;Acton, w. 25 Peabody InstiLute of Baltimore (The Chairman), Baltimore, U.S.A. (per Mes! SON, Cluirte,·ed Aer,ountants, GRAVESElffl. 2ht Octone1• 1916. £ s. d. 20 0 0 40 0 0 6 12 0 3 17 6 26 9 2. 5 12 6 356 7 10 11 17 0 4;; 0 0 .£515 16 0 SOCIETY. fo1• Yem· ended 31st Decembe1· 1915. £ 3. d. £ s. d. By Annual Subscriptions received, including Arrears ,, Life Composition (to be separately invested) ..... . " Illustration Fund Receipts ............................. . ,, Fees .............................................. .. ,, Sale of Publications ..................................... .. ,, Deposit Interest from Maidstone Bank ............. .. ,, Dividends oil Consols (loss Tax:) ....................... . ,, Subscriptions overpaid ................................... . ,, Sa.le of Papers .............................................. .. ,, Excess of Expenditure of Income for the Year, charged to Accumulated Fund (see Balance 206 -0 0 10 0 0 1 11 0 8 10 0 7 5 6 5 0 0 88 17 8 0 7 0 0 12 6 Sheet) .............. .-................................... . 237 12 4 £515 16 0 Examined, compared with Vouchers, and found conect. 21st Ootobc1• 1916, OHA.RLES F. HOOPER, WALTER 0. STUNT, }non. A1ulit ·s 01 • d 2 Iii . KENT AROH..iEOLOGIOAL Account of Receipts and, Paymentft, RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. To 'Balnnce from lnst-Account :- Cnsh at Ma.idstone Bunk-Current Account 319 9 6 Cash at C11,nterbury Ba.nk-Cunent Account... 125 17 0 Oash on Deposit o.t Mnidstone Bnnk as per last Bala.nee Sheet.......................................... 200 O 0 L(•ss Petty Cnsh overspent .......................... . ,, Annual SubscripUons ...................................... . ,, Illustration Fund ......................................... . ,, Sale of Publications ...................................... . ,, Bank Interest on Deposit ..... , .......................... . ,, Dividends on Oonsols ...................................... . ,, Life Compositions ......................................... . ,, Subscriptions overpaid· ....... :. . : ........................ . ,, Entra.nce Fees ............................................... . ,, Miscelln,neous Receipts ................................... .. ,, Canterbury Wills ......................................... . 645 6 6 3 12 6 641 H 0 210 10 0 1 l I 0 11 5 6 5 0 0 38 17 8 10 0 0 0 7 0 8 10 0 0 12 6 21 8 6 £949 16 2 B alan.ce Skeet at LIA.BILI'£IES. Sundry Creditors:- Corporation o.f Maidstone for rent of Library accrued .........., ........................................ Accountancy, 1914 ...................................... . Mitchell Hughes and Clarke ....................... . Local Records ....................................... : ... .. P1·ovision for other outstanding Accounts ..... . Annual Subscriptions paid in advance ....... .. Cnnterbnry \\'ills .................................... : .......... . Research Fund ................................................. .. Accumulated Fund :- £ s. d. £ s. d. 15 0 0 5 12 6 2 15 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 16 10 0 46 17 6 21 8 .6 29 6 9 Balance, as per fast Ba.lance Sheet ............... 2697 4 8 Less Excess of Expenditure of Income for the year ................................................ 237 12 4 2469 11 11 Lr-.􀆢.􀆣 written off Consols .............................. 105 0 0 W. J. KL.􀆤G AND SON, Chartered Accuu􀆥1ta11ts, GRAVESEND. 2ht OC"t<1ba 19lli. ---- 2364 11 11 £2452 4 8 SOC1ETY.· 1st January to 81st December 1915. PAYMJllN'l'S. B.y, HPoorntoerra'sr yW Laogceasl .'. .D..i.s.b..u..r.s.e..m..e..n.t..s. , .............. .. ,,,, CPurirnattionrg's aSnadl aSrmy t.i.o.n..e..1.·y. ..................................................................... ,,,, FRiernet aonfd R Bouomrgsl a..r.y.. .I.n..s.u..r.a..n.c..e. ...................................................... . .. ,,,, MEmispcelollyaenres'o uLsi aEbxilpiteyn sIenss .u..r.a..n.c..e. ................................................ . . ,, Publication of Calendar of Canterbury Wills ..... . ,,,, AEcxopoennnsteas noofy p arnodd uDcitsibonu rosfe mPeunbtlsi c(a1t9io1n2s a :n-d 1913). ,, SubMscirticphteiolln H tou gRheecso ardnsd BCrlaanrkohe, V...o.l.u..m...e. .X..X...X..I... .... .. ,, Grantt itnoew'sa rCdhsu Ercxhc a..v.a..t.i.o.n..s. ..0.11.. ..s.i.r.e. ..o.f. ..S..t... .A..n..g..u.s. -. ,, BalaPnetctey c Cararsihe din f ohrawnadr d. .:-................................. . CCaasshh aatl; CMaanitdesrtbounrey .B Banankk--CCuurrrernenlit A Accccoouunntt .... .. Cash on Deposit at Maidstone Bank .............. . 31st December 1915. ASSETS. Cash at Maidstone Bank:- DC1e1prroesnitt AAccccoouunntt ........................................................................... .. Cash at Canterbury Bauk :- Current Account ...................................... . Petty Cash in hand ............................................ . Investment in Consols :- £.l i56 9s. Bd. taken at 59 ............................. . Libmry aud Collection at the Maidstone Museum .. . £ s. d. 8 5 6 HO 18 8 27020 00 06 £ ,. ,z. HO 18 8 200 0 0 72 0 6 3 5 6 llli ftt'. £ s. d. 1 8 2 6 12 0 40 0 0 80 19 0 20 0 0 s 7 6 0 10 0 2 7 0 1110 0 0 5 0 856 7 10 6 0 0 45 0 0 416 4 8 £949 16 2 £ 8. d. 4JG 4 8 1036 0 0 1000 0 0 £2452 4 8 Exa1Dined., compared with Vouchel's, and found C!orrect. CRARLKS F. HOOPER,} JI, A a:t WALTER C. STUNT, M. 11 1 ors. ( lv ) J.tttf 􀀍rthrenlogital ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, 1915-16. HON. SECRETARY'S REPORT, 1915 (JUNE 9). DURING the past year considerable resignations, many due to the war, have occuned, and, since August last, proposals £or election have been few in number. Our meeting at Maidstone in March last, at which Mr. Potts reported in a letter from Sir W. St. John Hope the very interesting discovel'ies at St. Augustine's, Canterbury, and Mr. Aymer Vallance again discoursed to us (this time on the development of architecture as illustrated by some French churches), was, considering the circumstances of the times, well attended, 120 being present at tea. I should like the Couucil to bear in mind the advisability of so altering the Rules of tl1e Society that the Annual Business Meeting might be held at Maidstone, when matters of business and interest might be discm:ised with more time and greater consideration than when sandwiched in on the da.y of our Annual Excursion. The two or three members of the Council with whom I have discussed this project have certainly not received the suggestion unfavourably. A more distinctly local meeting was held at Tonbridge in May after the Local Secretaries' Lunch. Sixty were present at the tea., but this was not; the full number. Mr. Powell said the Sussex Society derived much benefit from similar half-day meetings, and was in favour of them himself. Sir William St. John Hope's letter on St . .A.ugustine's excavations was again read, wjtb the assistance of a plan. The situation of the town gates of Tonbridge and the lvi PROCEEDINGS, i.9lo-18. ditch surrounding the town was pointed out on the Ordnance Map. Mr. Handcock deRcribed the attempt to discover the foundation of the Chapel Tower in the Castle, took members round the circuit of the Ci:l,stle walls and shewed the stones brought to light in clearing out the well on the Castle mound. These stones Mr. Youens afterwards photographed, as well as taking some seventeen other photographs of the Castle, the old inns, the Portreeve's house near the site of the Postern Gate, and the old • ditch at the rear 0£ the dwelling, and one shewing the moulding and stones 0£ the Norman window in the south wall 0£ the chancel from the south chancel aisle in the parish church 0£ Tonbridge. Your Society did all it could to welcome the British Archreological Association to Canterbury last July, and on the Friday evening 0£ the week a Paper on "The Old Roads 0£ East Kent" was read by Sil' Charles Warren, K.C.M.G. Vol. XXXI. is_ now in the printer's hands owing to the kindness 0£ the Rev. Charles E. Woodru:ff, who offered his ·services to the Society owing to the £act that one editor is at the front and the other overworked at the War Office. This kindness is ve1·y much • appreciated by all. I need hardly remind members how necessary it is £or each one during the difficult times we are now passing through to endeavoul' to secure as many new members as possible £or the Society. I should like to express my thanks to Mr. Allchin £or the kind way in which he always tries to help us by every means in bis power, and of Mr. Elgar I need only say that he is as interested in his work as ever, and his assistance is often sought, even from afar, by persons to whom his qualifications have become known. , HON. SECRETARY'S REPORT, 1916 (J-uLY 20). BEFORE entering upon the work 0£ the year I should like to state plainly that the two Annual gathe1-ings at Maidstone and the place selected for our summer excursion have not cost the Society anything, at any rate during recent years, except the postage stamps and the printing 0£ the noticeti sent to members. I wish to emphasir.e this, as several members have asked whether we could not reduce the Annual Subscription during the war as we no longer hold our two-days' excursion in the summer. l.>ROC_.EEDINGS, •. 1915-16. lvii Coming to the work of the Society, the war has injuriously affected our work, partly owing to the disorganization caused by it, and partly to resignations caused chiefly by the war and in several cases tendered with the very greatest regret. Among losses by· death two stand out very prominently, viz., the Rev. J. A. Boodle and Mr. Giraud, both of whom, after lifelong connection with our Soe.iety, worked for it up to the very last, both dying as elected members of our Council and both being at tbeir deaths Honorary Local Secretaries of their respective districts. To both your Society owes much, and has already expressed to their relatives its very keenest feeling of loss at their recent deaths. The war has ·also stopped for the time the· exceedingly interesting work-interesting not only to the county of Kent, but to the nation and empire at large (a Canadian officer is taking the greatest interest in the excavations )-carried on so heartily by the Authorities at St. Augustine's. Perhaps I may particularly mention the name of the Rev. R. U. Potts, Sub-Warden, who is entitled to our profound gratitude £or what has been accomplished. The serious question presenting itselr to· us, about which the less said the better at present, ill caused by the site belonging to different owners, which prevents the excavation of the whole of the aite of the original church. We have reason to believe that our next volume 0£ .A.ralueologia Oa,ntiana will contain au account 0£ St. Augustine's by Sir W. St. John Hope. Mr. Elliston Erwood, when lecturing at Maidstone last March, strongly urged the formation by the Society after the war of au Excavation Branch, to be limited to some thirty or forty members, all to be workers, and to agree to work under proper supervision. A similar Society bas, he infol'med us, done good work in Essex. The matter is under consideration by the Council. It is hardly necessary for me again to urge upon all to do their utmost to help the Society through the very difficult times it and • kindred societies are now passing through. Every endeavour should be made to 1•el;a,in p1·esent members and as far as possible obtain new ones. It is no longer so much a question of increasing our number as 0£ endeavouring to prevent a fall. ( lviii ) . OBITUARY NOTICES. Fn.A.Ncrs FnEDERIC GrnA.un. By the death of Mr. Giraud at the ripe age of eighty-four our Society loses a member who did yeoman service for Archreology in East Kent for more than half a century. He was, we believe, the sole survivor of that original band of .A.rcbreologists which rallied to the call of J. Lambert Larking when that gentleman founded the Kent Archreological Society in 1858. In the following year lie became Hou. Local Secretary for the Fave1·sham district, an office which he retained to the time of his death, discharging its duties with exemplary punctuality for a period of fifty-six years. He was alao for forty-two years a, Member of the Council and a regular attendant at its Quarterly Meetings, as well as at the Annual Excursions held .in the summer. Descended from a Huguenot stock which took root in Faversham soon after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685) and remained there ever since, the subject of the present memoir became Town Clerk of Faversham in 1870, and £qr thirty-two years continued to serve in that capacity. On his retirement in 1902 the Municipal Authorities marked their appreciation of his services to the town by presenting him with Freedom of the Borough, an honour, we believe, unique in the history of Faversham. During his long tenure of office as custodian of the municipal archives, Mr. Giraud, who ,vas a competent Latin and French scholar, made himself thoroughly conversant with the ancient records committed to his care, and of the more interesting documents he made transcripts or abstracts, many of which have been published in Arclueol<>,1.Jia Cantiana. In aU there are, we believe, thirteen articles from the pen of Mr. Giraud in the pages of our Journal. In addition to these articles he compiled a Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Free Grammar School in Faversham-many date from the sixteenth century-which was printed by order of the Tl'uatees in 1865, and is a model of what a catalogue of such books should be. In 1876, with C. E. Donne, a former vicar of the parish, he brought out an excellent guide to the town and environs of Faversham, a work which unfortunately is now somewhat scarce. He also wrote a HiBto1·y of Freemason1>y in ll'averslu41n J1·om 1768 to 1899, compiled from the Minutes of the Lodge, of which he had been a member £or fifty yeat·s. OlHTUARY NOTIOES. lix Mr. Giraud was of a modest and retiring disposition : he sought no notoriety outside his native town, hence, perhaps, he was little known to the majority of our more recent members. But those who had the privilege of his acquaintance know that he was a man of sterling worth, and the Council of the Society will greatly miss the sound judgment, good taste and unfailing courtesy £or which the late F. F. Giraud was conspicuous. C. E.W. TEE REV. J. A. BOODLE, ON December 2nd, 1915, the Rev. John Adolphus Boodle passed away at his residence, Tudor Honse, West Malling, at the age of 78 years. Educated at Marlborough and St. John's College, Cambridge, where be took the following honours, 1st Class in the Theological Tripos, 2nd Class in tl1e Classical Tripos and 3rd Class in the Mathematical Tripos, he was ordained Deacon in 1859 and Priest in 1861 by the Bishop of Oxford. • After being cumte at Buckingham :for two yeal's and a tutor at St. Columba's College, Ireland, for five years, he became Curate of West Malling in 1867. Very shortly afterwards he joined the Kent Archreological Society, in the welfare of which he never ceased to take the greatest interest. In 1879 he was elected a member of· the Council, and remained a member until his death. Whilst an undergraduate at Cambridge he began to study brasses, and it was only after his death that one folly realized by the numerous notes in his books on this subject how thorough his work had been, not only in Kent but in other counties also. His fine collection of rubbings he presented a few years since to the Bea.nay Institute at Canterbury. In 1874 the Archbishop appointed him Diocesu.11 Inspector of Schools £or the Diocese of Canterbury, in connection with which his visits to the different parishes enabled him to record several brasses that ha.d not previously been noted, and he was also able to render very valuable assistance in many cases where no retul'lls were made 1o the Society's appeal for an inventory of the church plate throughout the county. He trauscribed the Re.riste1·s of Bought-011-11,nder-Blean fi·om 1558 to 1626, which were published by the Parish Registers Society, 1903, and to Vol. XXI. of on "Boughton-under-the-Bleau." Shortly a􀆸er the death of his wife (the eldest daughte1· of the late lx Rev. J. H. Timin􀄨, Vicar of West Malling, an original m􀄩mber of this Society) in 1908 he resigned the living of Boughton-underBlean, to which he had been appointed in 1887 by the Archbishop, and retired to West Malling. He was Rural Dean of Ospringe frQm 1897 to 1906. W.G.W. lx BARHAM. BARHAM. AN interesting discovery has been made in the north transept of this church, said by Hasted to be St. Giles' Chapel. It belongs to Barham Court, and when the rest of the church was drastically restored some years ago the then owner of.the Court refused to allow any alteration to be made in the mean deal seating with which it was filled, underneath which was the Dering vault. The Court has now paased by purchase to Mr. Stainton. He has allowed the organ to be moved into it. It was known from Hasted that there were in his time brasses in this transept, and amongst Fisher's drawings in the British Museum is a clrawing of one. It was uncertain whether they were un


General Index


Contents and Illustrations, Volume 32