General Index

{ itt ) GENERAL INDEX. A Abbot Hugh II., 42. Abingdon Abbey, earliest record of round church, 63, (18. Adams, John, 92, 94. Adisham, visitation of, 78, 80. Aldemed, John de, 76. Alcock (Alcok. Alkock, Allecoke), John, 1, 4, 6; 9 (2), 45, 50, 52, 62 ; Mr., 18, 56, 6 1 ; Mystres, 15. Aldcroft, Mr., 100 ; Thomas, 97, 102 ; Wm., 92, 93, 95, 96, 99, 102. Andrewe, Agnes, 46. Andrews, —, 133. Anthony (Antoney), —, 2, 49, 53. Archbishop Boniface's Hospital. 86. Archceological Journal, extract from relating to Tenterden Seals, 111. Arms, A note on. two Grants of, by Ealph Griffin, 153. Arms and Armour seized at Knole during the Civil War, by Charles J. Phillips, 125. Armour, list of, at Knole, 126. Arnold, —, 15. Aslackby, Lincolnshire, round church at, 68. Ate Bye, Robert, 87. Atte Bregg, Walter, 77. Atte Crouche, Sir Stephen, 81. Atte Doune, Henry, 75. Atte Forde, Idonea, 83 ; John, 83. Atte Gaole, John, 75. Atte Helle, Thomas, 77. Atte Sole, Jul ia, 76. a Tent, John, 3, 9 (2), 34, 36, 56, 62. Atterbury, Bishop, 142, 149 ; —, 146. Atte Ware, Thomas, 79. Attwell (Atte Welle), Elyas, 82; Harry, 25 ; Stephen, 82; Wm., 60. Atte Wetere, John, 86. Atwater, John, 87. Aunsell, —, 13. Austen, Francis Motley, 150; Jane, 151 ; John Francis. 151 : Kobert, 105, 106 ; Thomas, 15(1, 151. B Baker, John, 102 (2) ; Thomas, 102 ; - 25 (2). Baldric (Bawdryk). explanation of, 3. Baldwin, Archbishop, 136, 157. Bamborugh, Thomas, 9. Barbour. Eobert, ofi. Baring, Sir Thomas, 118. Barker, Chris., Garter King of Arms, 153, 154. Barnard, F. B., on a French Jetton, 168. Baxter, Samuel, 118. Bayeux, Odo of, 145. Bayly, John, 25. Becket, Agnes, 157 ; Richard, 143 ; Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 157. Bede, —, 131. Beeby. Dr., 149. Benedict, —, 132. Benett (Benet), William, 2, 4,5, 6. 14, 20, 24, 25, 29, 30, 36, 41, 42, 47, 52, 56, 58. Bernesole, Alexander de, 79. Bery, Thomas, 29, 36. Berwyk, Dr., 23. Besouth, John, 91. Betnam, William, 109. Befcuaumys, —, 55. Birche, —, 4. Bishop, John of Sheppey, 140, 141. Boclonde, James de, 87. Bodes, Sarah, 74. Bodle, Anthony, 111, 112. Bogar, John, 14. Bolney, Mr., 5, 10. Bonar, Thomson, 116. Bone (Boone), Robert, 2, 7, 8, 20, 25, 30,34,36,42,47,52,58. Booker, Mr., 5. Boasey, Arthur, 122, 1^2 GENERAL LNDE±. Borges, John, 55. Borough, Sir William, 150. Borough or Brook, Anne, 150 ; Sir Edmund, 150. Bowles, Charles, 133. Boydyn, Wm., 7(i. Boyce (Boys), Edward, 112 (2). Boy's History of Sandwich, reference to an account of Tenterden Seals in, 110. Bradshaw, Edward. 112. Brewer, John, 101, 102 ; Thomas, 102. Brice (Bries), William, 29. 36, 41, 46. Brinton, Thomas, Bishop of Rochester. 141. Broke, Edward, 54 ; John, 9. 11, 29 : - , 15. Bromley, the residence of the Bishops of Rochester at, 145. Bromley Common by Philip Norman, LL.D., 113 ; boundaries of, 121 ; commonable or half-year lands, 113 ; date of enclosure, 114 ; disposal of the lands, US ; public footpaths stopped, 116: horseracing on, 124 ; description of houses on, 122. Brooke, Edward, 43 ; Francis, 135 ; Joseph, 135. Brooker, Arthur, 128. Broxcommbe, Cecilia de, 90. Brundissch, Robert de, 140. Bulman, Mestres, 14. Burdon, Rich., 94. Burgess (Borges, Burges), John, 2, 8, 9, 13, 14, 18, 23, 29, 35, 45, 50, 55, 62 ; Robert, 150 ; —, 15. Burwash. Thomas, 103. Butler (Butlar), Dicky, 123 ; Mr., 23. Byneaker, Richard de, 79. Byng, Robert, 86. Byschope, John, 52. C Caister, Edward, 95. Calowe (Kalowe), Thomas, 31 (3), 53, 58, 59, 60. Cambridge, round-naved church at, 64. Candy. Thomas, 95. Canell Stone, meaning of, 3. Canterbury, Churchwardens' Accounts of St. Andrew, by Charles Cotton, 1; Pillory Lane (now Rose Lane), 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, U, 19; St. Austin, circular building under, 64 ; St. Gregory'* Priory founded by, 38»; St. Laurence Hospital founded by, 42» ; Some early Visitation Rolls preserved at, by Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 71. Capper, Peter, 5. Caroe, W. D., 157, 158, 162, 164, 166. Carlisle, Bishop of, 136. Ceccano, Cardinal Ambald de, Archbishop of Naples, holder of benefice of Maidstone, 71. Chambleyn, —, 2. Champness (Ohampnesse), John, 44 (2). Chapman, John, 5, 14, 19, 28 ; William, 9, 18, 24, 25, 29, 44. Charing, visitation of, 89. Cherlefeld, Christian, 77. Child, Coles, 146, 147. 149. Clark (Clarke. Clerke), A. W. Hughes, 155 ; Hugh, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 ; William, 28, 35, 40. Clark's Mediaeval Military Architect we. reference to, 131. Clapham, A. VV„ excavation of round nave church at West Thurrock by, 64. Clinch, George, F.G.S., 149; on the Seal of the Vicar of Reculver, 169. Clive, Richard de, 73. Cloake, Isaac, 101. Cobham, Anne, 150 ; Henry of, 143 ; Reginald de, 150 ; Sir Thomas, 150. Cocks (Cokys), Dr., 55, 62. Code, Henry, 85 ; Joan, 85. Coke, John, 8, 11, 12. Ooks, Raaf, 2. Colman, James, 1, 5, 8, 18, 19, 28, 35, 40, 46, 51, 55. Cooper (Coopar), Christopher, 14, 19, 24 ; Peter, 6 ; Richard, 118. Copley (Copelay, Coppley), John, 28, 33, 34, 35, 46, 49, 51, 55. Copyn (Coppyn, Copyng), John, 2, 7, 15, 35, 39, 40, 43, 45, 46, 48. 50, 52, 53, 55, 58, 62. Cornbury, Lord, 148. Cotmanton, Thomas de, 80. Cotton, Charles, on Churchwardens Accounts of St. Andrew, Canterbury, l. Courtepye, Alice, 83. Counter, A mediaeval, by the Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 167. Cowper family, 150. Oroft, Henry H.S., 102. GENERAL INDEX. 173 Cromwell (Crumwell) Thomas, Lord, 109 ; Sir Thomas, 109. Cromwell, alias Williams, Richard, 109. Crosby, John, 44. Crosse, John, 57. Croydon, Edward, 96. Cruttall, Robert, 102. Culpeper, Thomag, 109 ; Tho. Lord, 106. Curson, Lord, 57. Curteis, Edward Jeremiah, 102 ; George, 98 ; Wm., 108. D Dale, Watr.. 25. Dalison, Sir Maximilian, 145 ; Silvester, 144 ; William, 144. Danyell, —, 44. Darenth, manor and advowson exchanged for manor of Lambeth, 136. Dartford, Roger de, 138. Davidson, Bishop, 137. Davy, William, 57. Deal, visitation of, 85. Dean, Robert, 144; Silvester, 144. Deffels. —, 51. De L'Angle, William, 103. Denge Marsh, watch of twelve men upon sea coast at, 104. Denmark. Christian IV. of, visit to Rochester, 133. Deryng, Alice, 109 ; John, 109 ; Nicholas, 109. Detling, ohapelry of Maidstone, 87 ; visitation of, 87. Devell, —, 2, 55. Dioran, Bishop, 142. Doctor, Mr., 9, 14, 18, 39, 57. Doget, Sir John, 87. Dorset, Edward Sackville, Earl of, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129. Dover, Sir Jehn of, 81. Dover, Templars' church at, 68. Draper family, 124. Duckett, —, i38. Dudley, Joan, 109 ; John, 109. Duncombe, J., 170. Dundy, John, 6. Dunkin, —, Bromley historian, 119, 123. E Baldwyn, Walter de, 77. Edgar, King, grant of lands at Bromley to Church of Rochester, 145. | Egan, John, 4. | Egberth, King of Kent, gift of ploughlands at Hailing to Church of Rochester. 142. ; Elys, John, 9, 35. Erasmus, reference to a letter from, i on the Bishop's Palace at Rochester, 132. i Ethelred, King, restoration of lands I at Bromley to the bishopric of ! Rochester, 145. j Fane, W. D., 69. [ Farnaby, Charles, 150; Sir Charles, 116; Francis, 150; Sir Francis, i 150 ; Sir John, 150 ; Thomas, 150 ; I Sir Thomas, 150. | Farrant, George, 118. I Festier, explanation of, 50. ! Fewtye, meaning of, 23. : Finch (Fvnch), Edward, 94, 100, 102, 103, 107, 168 ; Wm., 103, 168. i Fincham, H. W., 65. Fisher, Bishop, 132, 136, 137, 144 ; Wm., 103. i Flessh, John, 78 ; William, 78. I Florens, Symon. 74. .' Fooks (Foks, Foox. Foxe). Mistress, ; 15 ; Thomas, 9, 18, 23, 34, 42, 55, ! 62. j Foote, Mr., 38. I Forde, Roger, Abbot of Glastonbury, murder of at Bromley, 147. Forsham, Hugh de, 71. Fowle, Adam, 102. Frankelyn, John, 52 ; —, 56, 57. Freeman, —, 119, 122. Freiner, Arnold, 9. Frenkyll. —, 56. French (Frensie,Frensshe.Frienche), Thomas. 19. 24, 28, 32, 35, 40, 45, 46, 50, 51, 55, 56, 62 ; —, 15. Frindsbu'-y, John of, 147. Furby, Wm., 92. Fysh (Fysshe), John. 18, 25, 29. 47, 52, 57 ; Mr.. 2. 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 20, 30, 33, 36, 41 ; Wm., 15. G Garwynton, Roger de. 75. Gate, Raynold, 35, 39, 40, 46, 51, 55, 56. George, —, 45. Gerys, —,15. Gibbon (Gybbon), Robert, 91, 95, 96, 102. 103. 174 GENERAL INDEX. Gilbert (Gylbert), Jeoffrey, 97, 102; Symon, 45, 61. Gill, Mr., 124. Gillam (Gullam, Gylham, Gyllam, Gylland), Thomas, 10, 45, 50, 52, 55, 62. Girdler, Henry, 92. Glanville, Gilbert de, Bishop of Rochester, 132, 138, 140, 143, 145. Glasyar, Henry, 39. Glover, Richard, 7. Goateley, Wm., 94. Goda, Countess, 135. Godfrey, James, 102. Godwyn, Bishop of Rochester, 138. Gore (a Gore, Goer), Thomas, 36, 45, 50, 55, 62. Gore, Alice, 84 ; John of, 84. Gott, Mr., 107. Grants of Arms to Wm. Weldisshe of Lynton, Kent, 1542-3, and Robert Knight' of Bromley, Kent, 1548, 153. Graveney, Seman de. 79. Gray, Robert, 35 ; William, 41. Grayling, Francis. 166. Green (Grene), Henry, 14, 18, 19, 24. 29, 36, 41, 51, 56; Richard, 128; —, 2, 5, 10. Greenland, Mathew, 93, 100. Grenehelde, Edmund of, 90. Grote, George, 117, 118. Guiseppi, M. S., 153. Guldeford, Barbara, 109 ; Sir Edward, 109 ; George, 109 ; John, 109. Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester, 131. 140. Gybbys, John, 51, 55. H Haghe, John de, 82. Halcoke. John, 55. Hales, Edward, 103; Sir Edward, 106. Halle, Thomas, 141. Hailing, residence of the Bishops of Rochester at, 141. Halstow, Lower, Church, by Rev. E. R. Olive, 157; date of, 158; description of the development of the building, 168 ; mural paintings, 163; notes on by author, 162 ; notes on by editor, 163. Hanger family, 150. Hardyng, Matthew, 136. Harenc, Benjamin, 116. Harlesey. Jane, 15. Harris, Katherine, 99. Harryes, Nicholas, 15, 20. Hatter, Joan, 15. Hawley, Thomas, Clarenceux King of Arms, 154. Heaberth, King, 142. Head, Francis. 134 ; Sir Richard, 134. Heath, John, 100, 103 ; Nicholas, 133. Helles, Agnes, 157 ; John, 157 ; Theobald. 157; Thomas, 157. Henden, Sir Edward, 102. Heryson, William, 44. Herbert, J. A., on a French Jetton, 168. Herlackenden, Thomas, 103. Herse, meaning of, 2. Hethe (Hythe), Hamo de, 136, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 147. Hibbert, Rev. Booth, 118. Hill, G. F., 168. Hobbys, John, 47, 62. Hodge, Thomas, 102. Holman, John, 104. Holte (Holtte), William, 45, 50, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 62. Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, 65. Homan, Richard, 102. Hope, Sir W. H, St. John, on Round-naved Churches in England and their connexion with the Orders of the Temple and of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 63, extract relating to Tenterden Seal from English Municipal Heraldry by, 111. Hopkyns, —, 9. Hortyn, Thomas, 76. Horygand, Wm., 84. Hosewyf, John, 85. Hospital of St. Bartholomew next Sandwich, visitation of, 81 ; closing of the gates against Commissary, 81. Howley, Archbishop, 147s Howseney, manor of, 109. Hubert, Archbishop, 157. Huckstepp, Stephen. 92. Huett, Mr., 2, 4 ; Wydowe, 36. Humfrey, Thomas, 99. Hunt, Thomas, 104 ; William, 44, 62. Hwytesfelde, Emma de, 79. I Ickham (Icham), visitation of, 73, 75. Iggulden. Thomas, 92. Inglethorpe, Bishop Thomas of, 13.8. Isard, William, 118. Islip, Archbishop, 137. J Jaenberth, Archbishop, 142. James I., visit to Rochester, 133. Jamson, James, 25. Johnson, John, 41, 100; —, 54. .lore, Thomas, 35 ; see also Gore. Joyce (Joyes), Widow, 29 ; —, 45. Judesses for the bolls, meaning of, 3. K Kendall, —, 1, 5, 10,14,19, 24, 28, 35, 41,46,51,56. Kentyshyld, manor of, 109. Kershoke, Thomas de, 87. Kete, Emma, 77. Kilburne, Richard, 94. King (Kyng), Cecilia, 85; Richard, 93, 95, 106 ; William Walker, 139. Knappe for the sacrament, meaning of, 27. Knight (Knyght), Antony, 35, 40, 45, 50, 57, 58, 62 ; Mr. 2, 4 ; Robert, grant of arms to, 153, 154. Knole, Arms and Armour seized during the Civil War at, by Charles J. Phillips, 125 ; raid on 126 ; inventory of Arms and Armour at, 127. Kopyn, see Copyn. Krox, Thomas, 34. Kyngelot, Wm., 79. Kyte, Richard, 92. L Lambarde, Silvester, 144; William, 144. Lambe, William, 2, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 19, 24. Lambert, George, Civic Maces by, reference to Tenterden Seals in, 110. Lanfranc, Archbishop, founder of St. Gregory's Priory, Canterbury, 38. Langdon. Bishop of Rochester, 141. Lascoe, John, 118. Latter, Edward, 118. Laystone, Richard, 3. Lawrence, Bishop, of St. Martin, 137. Lawrence (Laurance, Laurence, Laurens), Lady, 106 j William, 2, 9, 14. 15, 18,19, 22, 23, 27, 28, 41, 42, 50. 57. le Brek, William, 79. Ledbury, John de, 76. INDEX. 175 Legh, Henry, 1, 2. Lesnes, Abbot of, 138. Lewer, Alderman John. 50, 55. Lewes (Lews, Lewys), Robert, 23, 27, 28. 37, 41, 43, 45, 49, 52, 57, 62; —, 15. Lewes, Robert of, 76. Lokyer (Lokear, Lockyar), Arnold, 2, 3, 6, 7, 11 ; Danyell, 59, 61 ; Peter, 22. Lollam, —, 1. Lomeherst (Lamberherst), John, 1,5, 8, 14, 19, 24, 28, 35, 41, 46, 51, 56. London, residences of the Bishops of Rochester in, 135. Long, Sir Charles, 118. Longley, Dr. John, 135. Longueville, Helionorus, Duke of, suit of armour belonging to, in Hertford House, 129. Loose, visitation of, 87. Lowe, Bishop, 132 ; death of, 144 ; Robert, 9. Ludlow, round chapel of St. Mary Magdalen in castle of, plan of, 64. Lyeperer, Elyas, 75. Lyle, Wm. de, 74. M Mace. H. B., 112 ; Joseph Munn, 103, 112 ; Wm. Glover, 103. Maheu, Walter, 77. Maidstone, holder of benefice of, 71 ; chapelries of, 87 ; visitation of, $6 ; visitation of St. Faith's, 87. Maisters, Sir Edward, 106. Mann (Man), Mr., 2, 20. Manning. Cardinal, 150. Mantell, John. 104 ; Reginald, 101. Maplestead, Little, Essex, roundnaved Church, description of, 67. Marlborough, Lord, 148. Marlow, Thomas, 7. Martyn, William, 34. Masham, Lord, 168. Maynard, Sir John, 106. Mereworth, Rector of, 140. Mercia, Offa, King of, 139. Morkyn, John, 49, 54. Morlen, Thomas, 98. Munn, Joseph, 103. Mural paintings in Lower Halstow Church. 163. Murray, Bishop, 147; Dr., 137; Frederick Wm., 139. Myldemay, John, 9, 29. Mylne, Rev. R. S., 168. Mynott (Mynot), 4, 6, 12, 16, 20, 25, 30,36,42,52,57. 176 GENERAL INDEX. N Nasshe, William, 43. Naylor, John, 102. Norman, George, 114, 118; George Warde, 124 ; James, 123. Norman, Philip, on Bromley Common, 113. Northampton, round-naved church at, 64. Northumberland, John Dudley, Duke of, 109. Northwode, Sir Robert de, 141. Nutt (Noote, Notte), Alderman. 36 ; William, 20, 24, 29, 41, 47. 0 Odiarne, Stephen, 102 ; —, 100. Off a, King of Mercia, 139. Okeman, Henry, 4, 7, 8, 12. Olive, Rev. E. R., on Lower Halstow Church, 157. Oliver, Rev. G.. site of Templars' manor de la Bruere, excavated by, 66. Order of the Hospital of St. John the Baptist, date of foundation, 65. Order of the Templars, date of foundation, 65 ; date of first English preceptory, 65 ; sites of London houses, 65, 66. Oterynden, Laurence de, 90. Overye, Alexander, 78 ; William, 78. Oxinbrige (Oxenbregg), Jerom, 57 ; Thomas, 40, 51, 55. P Page, Sir John, 86 ; Thomas. 94. Parson, Mr., 2, 27. Pavyer, John, 3, 7, 43. Pearce, Bishop, registrar's house at Rochester built by, 134 ; death and burial of, 147. Pearman, Canon A. J., on the Residences of the Bishops of Rochester, 131. Peckham. Archbishop, 138. Pelham, John, 83. Pembyll, Peter, 56. Pendle, meaning of, 61. Petlesden, Thomas, 111. Petlesden, manor of, 109. Petyte (Petet, Petytt), Riohard, 12 ; Thomas, 44 ; William, 36 ; —, 45. Peyton, Riohard, 114 ; Tho., 103. Phillips, Charles J„ on Arms and Armour seized at Knole during the Civil War, 125. ' Piers, Bishop, 147. Plummer (Plomer), Capt., 92 ; John, 92, 96, 111. Poldre, manor of. rights in. of Vicar of St. Mary, Sandwich, and Rector of Eastry, 84. Pollock, David, 102. Pope, Agnes, 83. Pott, —, 4. Poynet, Bishop, 133. j Priggs, explanation of, 3. Propchaunt, Mr., 6, 10. Putta, Bishop of Rochester, 131. 1 Rampkin, —, 95. ! Rannsfeld, Hugh, 4. Rawes, Robert Booth, 118. Raynold (Raynole, Rayenole), John, 14, 19, 24. 29,36,41, 46,51, 56. Reade, Annes, 60. j Eeculver, Seal of the Vicar of, j 169 ; setting up a peculiar decanal 1 jurisdiction at, 170. ': Reynolds, Walter, Archbishop of Canterbury, 170 ; date of death, 71. Richmond (Ricchemond, Ritchemond, Rycchemond, Rychemonde, Rychmond), Paul, 9, 13, 15, 18, 19, 24, 25, 30, 38. 45, 50, 54, 62. Riddell, Sir Wm. B., 102. Riley, H. T, 108. Robert, Mr., 13. Roberts, Tho., 103. Robson, —,2. Rochester, the Residences of the Bishops Of, 131 ; Bromley, 145; Hailing, 141 ; London, 135 ; Rochester. 131 ; Sevenoaks, 149 ; Stone by Dartford, 137 ; Trottescliffe. 139. Rohde, Major, 114, 118. Rolf, Bartho., 75. Rood-screens, the non-fastening of, 90. Rortlande, Mr., 53. Rose (Roos, Ross), William, 2, 4. 5, 13, 55. Round-naved Churches in England and their connexion with the Orders of the Temple and of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, hy Sir William St. John Hope, 63. GENERAL INDEX. 177 I licence to demolish chapel at I Bromley, 146. Stabyllgate, Madam, 30. ' Stace, Robert, 107. Staple, Thomas, 79. Staple, visitation of, 78. Stel, John, 81. Stephenson, Mill, 155. , Stevens (Stephen), John, 52 ; Nicho- | las, 8, 27 ; Wm., 43. j Stockden, Edward, 94. I Stolemaiss, Bulman, 9. Stone by Dartford, residence of the 1 Bishops of Rochester at, 137. Stonibel, Hugh, 84. Stratford, Wingfield, purchaser of the manor of Trottescliffe, 141. | Streatfield, Mr., 155. Street, G. E., restoration of Church i at Stone by Dartford by, 139. i Stretton, Wm., 92, 103. ; Stulpe, John, 4, 11. Stybi. Alice, 77. Sutton, George, 44 ; Wm., 103. Swan, Mrs.. 2. 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 23, 25, 30, 36, 41, 42, 47, 52, 56, 58. Symon, Nicholas, 1, 4, 8, 9, 18, 20, 23, 30, 34, 45, 49, 52, 54 ; Mrs., 15, 47, 52. Routere, Adam, 84. Russell, Francis, 102. Rutland, William, 9,11,15, 18, 23, 38, 45, 50, 02. Rye, dispute with Tenterden relating to annual contribution to, 106. Rygdon, William, 9. S Sackville, Sir John, 125, 126 ; Sir Thomas, 129. Saddlar (Sadelar, Sadelerr, Sadiller), Nicholas, 1, 5, 14, 19, 24, 28, 44. Sadille, Edward, 1. Sale, Walter, 2. Salisbury, Lord, 148. Sancroft, Archbishop, 148. Sandis, Colonel Edwyn, 126. Sandwich (Sandewithe), 10, 14 ; St. Mary, rights of Vicar in manor of Poldre, 84. Sare, Robert, 3, 15, 25, 29, 36, 38 (2) ; Mrs., 2, 15. Savyell, —, 44. Scory, Bishop, 144. Scott, Samuel, 116 ; William, 113. Scutcheons, meaning of, 10. Seal of the Vicar of Reculver, hy George Clinch, 169. Seaton, Sir John, 126. Sedenore, Peter de, 90. Sermour, —, 5. Sevell, —, 5. Sevenoaks, residence of the Bishops of Rochester at, 149. Sharp, Margaret, 77. Sharstede, Sir John, 86. Shaw, Norman, 123. Sheppey, Bishop John of, 137, 140, Sherman, Ralph, 2. Shiers, Geoffrey C, 169, 170. Short, Peter, 92 ; Thomas, 104. Shorter family, 118. Simon of Mepham, Archbishop of Canterbury, 71. Skarbut, Sir John, 87. Skelton, Marmaduke, 141. Skinner, Augustine, 145. Smadle, William, 133. Smith (Smyth), Daniel, 44,45, 49, 54, 60; G. W., 119. Solbury, Robert de, Reotor of lokham, 72. Spauceon, Peter, 1, 9. Spicer, John, 81. Sprat, Bishop, 148; death of, 147; T Tait, Rev. G. A., on the residence of the Bishops of Rochester at Sevenoaks, 131, 149. Talbot, Bishop, 137. Talas, Thomas, 9,10. Taylor, A. H., on the Municipal Records of Tenterden, 91. Taylor, James, 123 ; Robert, 123 ; William, 123. Tempill, —, 3, 4. Temple Bruer, Lincolnshire, Templars' manor de la Bruere, roundnaved church of, 66, 68 ; reference to a paper on, by Sir W. H. St. John Hope, 66. Tenterden, action against corporation for escape of prisoner, 95 ; address to Queen Anne, 101 ; Angel Inn, names of, 95 ; Charters of, 92, 97, 98; chest for Records, 104; Churchwardens' and Overseers' Accounts, 104 ; Corporation Act of 1661, 99; Court Hall burnt, 91, rebuilding of, 92, 93; Denne of Lytyll Harden in, 109; dispute with Rye relating to annual con- VOL. XXXIII. N 178 GENERAL INDEX. tribution, 106 ; election of Mayor, 92 ; fixing annual rate of wages, 105; Hearth Tax, 105 ; lands of foreigners at, 105 ; Law Officers for the town and hundred of, 102 ; Maces and Seals, 109 ; Mayor's day falling on Sunday, 99; Mayor refusing to serve, 101 ; profits of the Fair, 100 ; question of seniority for mayoral chair, 111 ; Records, care of, 100; style of court, 98; Town Clerks, list of, 102 ; trained bands, 105. Tewxbery, William, 35. Thanet, Earl of, taking arms from, 126; Nicholas, Earl of Thanet, non-resident landlord at Tenterden, 106. Thomas, Bishop, builder of bishops house at Bromley, 146. Thomas, son of Luke, 74; Matilda, his sister, 74. Thomason Tracts, by George Thomason, extract from, relating to Arms in Kent, 125. Thompson, James, 151; Rev,H.Percy, on the residence of the Bishops of Rochester at Sevenoaks, 131,149. Thomson, Alexander, 103. Thorold, Dr., 135. Thurrock, West, Essex, plan of roundnaved church at, 64. Tigh, Robert, 103. Tilden, George, 96 ; Thomas, 99. Tisehurst, William, 132. Tonbrigge (Tonbrege), Robert, 52, 54. Topp, Jacob, 129. Tray, Robert, 46. Trogodite or Troglodyte in heraldry, description of, 154. Trottescliffe, residence of the Bishops of Rochester at, 139; owners of the manor of, 141. Trouts (Trowts), John, 100, 103. Tufton, John, 103. Tulle, John, 3. Twisden, Thomas, 102, 106. Twopenny, Edward, 134 ; Mrs., 134. Twytham, Bertram, 78. Tychemarsh, John de, 141, Tylley (Tyle, Tylly), John, 9, 13,18, 35, 41, 42, 46, 47. Tyngewyke, Nicholas de, 170. U Underwod (Undrewod), Agnes, 13, 19, 24, 28, 35, 39, 40. V Vangele (Vangeld, Vanseele, Vanzeele, Venegele), John, 14, 19, 24, 28, 35, 39,40, 46, 49, 51, 55. Vydean, James, 10, 15, 62. W Wages, fixing annual rate of, at Tenterden, 105. Wagge, John, 84. Wainflet, Mrs., 15 ; Thomas, 9 Wallace Collection, Hertford House, reference to a complete suit of armour in, 129. Walter, Hubert, 136. Ward, Mr., 100. Waterman, Wm., 103 ; Wm. Hope, 103. Watts, Richard, 135. Wattson, Edward, 5. Weldisshe, William, grant of arms to, 153. Well Chapel, visitation of, 73. Welle, Hamo de, 75. Wells, John, 118; Bishop William, 141; family of, 114. Wenderton, William of, 80. West, Johanne, 57 ; widow, 29. Westwell, visitation of, 89. Whitaker, Thomas, 141. Whitburn, C. J. Soper, owner of the manor of Trottescliffe, 141. Whiston, Rev. Robert, 135. Wightwick, George, 97 ; Humphrey, 102. Wilcock (Wylcok, Wylkokk), Edmund, 9, 15, 29. Wilcocks, Bishop, 146. William of Worth, will of, 82. Williams, Richard, 109. Wilson, Mr., 133. Windesore, Walter de, 79. Witts, Edward, 103. Wodenysborughe, Mr., 44. Wolsey, Cardinal, 132. Wood, John, 104. Woodruff, Rev. C. Eveleigh, on A Mediaeval Counter, 167; on Some early Visitation Rolls at Canterbury, 71; Mrs., finding and gift of counter to British Museum, 168. GENERAL INDEX. 179 Woodstock, round chapel at, 69. Woodyer, Alderman, 135. Wootton, Lady, 126. Worth, visitation of, 81, 82. Wouldham, Bishop Thomas of. 143, 147. Wylde, Sir Wm., 96. Wynston, —, 6. T Yonge, Bishop John, 132, 147. Young, Sir John, 139 ; Robert, 147. Yorke and Albany, James, Duke of, proclamation from dealing with taking the musters and enrolling soldiers, 108. Mitchell Hnghes and Clarke, Printers, 140 Wardour Street, London, W.


Researches and Discoveries - Seal of the Vicar of Reculver


Front matter, Volume 32