Kentish Men at the University of Padua
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A Roman Site in the Church Field at Snodland
List of the Gentry in Kent in the Time of Henry VII
( 85 ) KENTISH MEN AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PADUA. COMMUNICATED BY F. W. COCK, ESQ., M.D., F.S.A. THE late Mr. Horatio F. Brown placed in the British Museum a list of English and Scottish Students and Visitors to the University of Padua, 1618-1765, from this I have abstracted those to whose names " Cantianus " has been added. This list is evidently in its turn taken from official sources, as it is entitled : Inglesi E. Scozzesi All' Universite Di Padova dall' Anno 1618 sino al 1765 Venezia Premiate Officine Grafiche Carlo Ferrari 1921 (Extratto da : Contributo del R. Instituto Veneto di Scienze, lettere ed arti alia Celebrazione del vii Centenario della Universitita di Padova.) p. 81. No. 389. Johannes Bargravius. Cantianus Anglus. Sep. 27, 1647. John Bargrave, 1610-1680. Nephew of Isaac, Dean of Canterbury. He was Fellow of St. Peter's, Cambridge. Ejected 1643, and travelled abroad till the Restoration. Became Prebendary of Canterbury, 1662. Went on a Mission to Algiers to ransom English prisoners. He was a considerable antiquary, vide Todd's Deans of Canterbury, and Kadwell's MS. Dictionary of Kentish Biography in my own Library. ,, 390. Alexander Chapmanus. Cantianus Anglus. Sep. 27, 1647. Alexander Chapman possibly related to one of the same name, who was Prebendary of Stoke, and was buried in the Martyrdom, Canterbury, 1629. ,, 391. Johannes Raymundus. Cantianus Anglus. Sep. 27,1647. p. 82. ,, 396. Edwardus English. Cantianus Anglus. Mar. ter. 1648. 86 KENTISfH MEN AT THE p. 88. No. 430. Rogerus Whitfield. Cantius Anglus. 14 July, 1649. p. 91. ,, 442. Johannes Godfrey. Anglus ex agro Cantiano. Junii 12, 1650. John, of Wye, ob. 1673 set. 43. p. 93. ,, 450. Francispus Barton. Anglo Cantianus. Septembris, Gregoriano 6to Anno 1650 Jubilseo. p. 107. ,, 519. Robert Bargrave. Cantianus Jun ff, 1655. Third son of Dean Bargrave, died at Smyrna, 1661. p. 201. ,, 587. William Campian. Kantian. June ye. 2a. 1660. p. 222. ,, 673. Thomas Style. Cantianus of Watringbury. 1669, Dec. Thomas Style, son of Sir Thomas Style, who succeeded his father in 1702. p. 236. ,, 720. Hales. Cantianus. June 15th, 1680. „ 723. William Robinson. Ju*., ye 22, 1680, of Kent. p. 243. ,, 747. John Barber, a man of Kent. August ye 7<* 1684. p. 246. „ 767. W. Delaune of Kent. Wm. Delaune, D.D., 1659-1728, President St. John's Oxon., 1698-1728; Vice-Chancellor 1702-6. Chaplain to Queen Anne. The family was largely represented in the three professions of Law, Physic and Divinity. It still resides at Sharsted Court. p. 250. „ 789. John Kethieullier (?) of Kent. Feb. 12:88. This may be Sir John Lethieullier, Sheriff of London, who was buried at Greenwich, 1718. p. 256. „ 833. Thomas Rogers of Kent. Jun 25t h , 1690. p. 286. ,, 979. Petrus Whitcombe ex comitatu Cantise. Jan. 26th, 1695/6. p. 330. „ 1211. James Hales of Kent. Jan. 34, 1704. ,, 1212. John Macky of Dover in Kent. Scotus. Jan. 3d, 1704. This Macky was the notorious Government spy and agent, who discovered the intended expedition of James I I to England in 1692. He was inspector of the Coast from Dover to Harwich. Imprisoned by the Government of Queen Anne on suspicion of treason, but was released on the accession of George I. He died 1726. In 1733 was published his "Memoirs of the Secret Service of John Macky, Esq," a very important historical work. p. 339. ,, 1258. James Paul of Dover. Padua adi 15t h June 1705. UNIVERSITY OE PADTJA. 87 p. 382. No. 1555. Queensbury and Dover. Dec. 2d, 1717. Note. ,-, 1555. Charles James Douglas, 3rd Duke of Queensbury and 2nd Duke of Dover. Nat. 1698, mortuus 1778. He took up the cause of Gay when the licence for "Polly" was refused, 1728. The same year he quarrelled with George I I , and threw up his appointments. In 1760 he supported the Government, and was made keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland. From 1763 to his deathhe was Lord Justice General. The names were written in the official visitors' book and a fee paid to the Bedel. In the section of the History of Medicine of the Transactions of the Royal Society of Medicine, Vol. XX, No. 6, July, 1927,Professor Edgar Malpurgo, of Padua, gives a list of English Physicians "Doctorati" at the University of Padua in the "Collegio Veneto Artista," 1617-1771. Among them is Thomas Laurence who was of the family living at Canterbury, grandfather (?) of Thomas Laurence, President of the Royal College of Physicians, 1767-74. He, the first named, took his M.D. at Padua, February 10th, 1658. A distinguished man who served Charles II, James II, William and Mary, Queen Anne and George I as physician. His Paduan Diploma of M.D., the illuminated licence of the College of Physicians, his commission as Physician in Chief to the Army signed by James I I are in the Wellcome Medical Museum together with other of his papers, the most interesting of which is the report on the Post Mortem on Queen Anne, signed by him as physician in chief. PauldeLaunetakeshis degree in 1614; probably arelative of No. 767. The two most celebrated sons of Kent who graduated at Padua are, of course, Thomas Linacre, Canterbury, 1492, and William Harvey, Folkestone, 1602.