List of the Gentry in Kent in the Time of Henry VII
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Kentish Men at the University of Padua
The Family of Septvans
( 89 ) LIST OF THE GENTRY OF KENT IN THE TIME OF HENRY VII. Some Notes on the list communicated by Mr. James Greenstreet in Arch. Cant., Vol. XI, pp. 394-97. BY MAJOR BRIAN COPE. IN the list referred to above are recorded the armorial bearings of a certain number of individuals named therein : but in the majority of cases such information is missing. An endeavour is here made to fill in the blanks by recording the armorial bearings ascribed to families of the names in the various ancient Rolls of Arms, Heralds' Visitations, etc., and from other trustworthy sources of information. No date is assigned to the List. Mr. Greenstreet, in the footnotes to his contribution, records memorials in Kentish Churches to three individuals who appear to be identical with persons named in the list—viz., Richard Davy (No. 54), died 15 May, 1491 ; John Wygmore (No. 78), died 23 Oct, 1492, and Richard Norton (No. 81), died 10 Dec : 1500. If these suppositions are correct, this would place the date of the list between 1485 and 1491. The " Lord of Burgaveny " would be George Neville, 2nd Baron, son of Edward Neville, Baron Bergavenny, jure uxoris, Elizabeth Beauchamp, Baroness Bergavenny. He died 20 Sept 1492. The " Lord of Cobham " would be Sir John Brooke, •5th Lord Cobham, who died in 1511. His brass in Cobham Churoh shows the arms of de Cobham (gu : on a chevron or 3 lionoels sa) impaling those of Neville of Bergavenny (as recorded in this list for the Lord of Bergavenny); his wife being Margaret, elder daughter of Edward Neville, Lord Bergavenny, by his second wife Catherine, daughter of Sir 90 LIST OE THE GENTRY OE KENT Robert Howard. There still remain a few names I have not been able to identify with any of the records of armorial bearings I have consulted. Possibly some other member of the Kent Archaeological Society may be able to supply the omissions and publish the information in due course. Note.—Information recorded in CAPITALS is given in Mr. Greenstreet's original list. 1. THE LORD OF BURGAVENY. QUARTERLY. 1. NEVILLE ON THE SATJLTER A ROSE GTT. [gu. on a saltire arg : a rose gu.] 2. WAREN [i.e., : de Warrenne (Earl of Surrey)—chequey or and az]. 3. QUARTERLY CLARE AND BURGAVENNY. [or, three chevronels gu—for de Clare (Earl of Gloucester) and—quarterly arg : and gu : in the 2nd and 3rd quarters a fret or : over all a bend sa: for le Dispencer.] 4. BEAUCHAMP wt h A (CRESCENT TRICKED) S. ON THE EECE [gu : a fess between 6 crosslets or : on the fess a crescent sa (for difference)—for Beauchamp of Bergavenny.] 2. THE LORD OF COBHAM. Gu: ON A CHEVRON OR 3 LIONOELS, SA. [The Arms of de Cobham, Barons of Cobham. Vide Dering and other Bolls of Arms: Brasses in Cobham Church etc.] 3. SIR THOMAS BOURCHER. The arms of the Bourchier family were—arg : a cross engrailed gu : between 4 water bougets sa : the arms were usually borne quarterly with those of Louvaine—viz gu : billettee and a fess or. 4. SIR EDWARD POYNINGS. Edward, Lord Poynings K.G. Controller of the Kings Household (2 Henry viii). Constable of Dover Castle and Warden of the Cinque Ports. The arms of Poynings are—Barry of Six or and vert a bend gu. Sir Edward bore these arms quarterly with Fitz Paine [gu : 3 lions passant arg : over all a bendlet az] and Brian (or 3 piles az). vide, arms, Canterbury Cathedral. See also Dering and other Rolls. Sir Thomas Poynings was Sheriff of Kent 26 Henry viii. 5. Sm WILLIAM HAUTE . Sir William Haute of Kent (Arundel Roll: temp. Henry vi) bore—per pale az : and gu : a lion rampant arg: quarterly with—or a cross engrailed gu : (Haute). The first coat is the arms of Shelving [Sir Edmund Haute married Benedicta dau : and heir of John Shelving]. A William Haute of Hautes Court married Matilda ith dau: of Sir Richard Wydville and Aunt to the Queen of Edward iv. and a Nicholas Haute was Sheriff of Kent 19 Rich : ii. IN THE TIME OE HENRY VII. 91 6. STR HENRY FERRERS; [gu : 7 mascles conjoined or: a canton ermine]. Sir Henry was Sheriff of Kent 3 Henry vii and another Sir Henry was Sheriff in 10 Edw : iv. 7. Snt, JAMES CROMER. ARG : A CHEVRON ENGRAILED BETWEEN 3 CROWS SA. (usually blazoned—arg : a chevron engrailed' sa : between 3 crows ppr :). Sir William Cromer was Lord Mayor of London in 1414 and 1424 (Arms—Canterbury Cathedral). 8. STR JOHN FOGGE . ARG : ON A FESSE BETWEEN 3 ANNULETS .. SA 3 MULLETS ARG : PIERCED SA : A Sir John Fogge was Comptroller of the Household and a Privy Councillor temp Edw : iv. and Sheriff of Kent and a Sir Thomas Fogge is buried in the Nave of Canterbury Cathedral. The Arms appear several times in the Cathedral. A Thomas Fogge bore, at the Siege of Rouen (1418) similar arms—with spur rowels blazoned in lieu of mullets. Fogge—a Kentish Knight bore—Arundel Roll—(temp : Henry vi.)—arg : a fess between 3 annulets sa : 9. SIR JOHN GILFORD. OR. A SALTIRE BETWEEN 4 MARTLETS SA : (Vide: Heralds Visitations—Kent). 10. SIR RICHARD GTLFORD. SAME ARMS—A LABEL OF 3: POINTS. Sir Richard was Sheriff of Kent 9 Henry vii. and a William Gilford filled the same office 11 Rich : ii. 11. SIR WILLIAM SCOTT. ARG : 3 CATHERINE WHEELS SA : A BORDURE ENGRAILED GU. [vide Herald's Visitations—Kent (1530)]. Sir William was Sheriff of Kent 6 and 17 Henry vii. Sir John Scott of Scotts' Hall (d. 1485) was Comptroller of the Household and a Privy Councillor temp : Edw. iv. and received grant of Chilham Castle. A John Scott was Sheriff of Kent 39 Henry vi. and a William filled that office in 7 Henry vi. 12. SIR HENRY HEYDON. QUARTERLY ARG : & GU : A CROSS ENGRAILED COUNTER CHANGED. 13. SIR WILLIAM BOLEYN. The arms borne by the familywere— arg: a chevron gu: between 3 bulls heads couped sa : horned or : Sir William was Sheriff of Kent 5 Henry vii. His son Thomas Boleyn, Viscount Rochford (1525) and Earl of Wiltshire and, Ormonde (1529) bore these arms quarterly with—Butler (of Ormonde),. Hoo, Morley and St. Omer. 92 LIST OE THE GENTRY OE KENT 14. CHEYNY OF SHEPPY. QUARTERLY (az) 5 LIONS RAMPANT ARG : A CANTON ERM : & (erm:) A' CHIEF OR INDENTED PER PALE. IN THE FIRST PART A ROSE GU. See No. 154. The first Coat is that of Shirland of Sheppy, but 6 lioncels are generally blazoned, usually 3 : 2 : 1 but sometimes 3 and 3 : these being the arms of the Kent family of de Leybourne with a canton erm : added and so borne by Sir Robert de Shirland, temp : Edw. ii. (Pari: Roll). The family of Cheyney derived the manor of Shirland by the marriage of Sir Alexander Cheyney with the heiress of the Shirland family. Henry Cheyney was created Lord Cheyney in 1587. 15. ALEXANDER CLIFFORD. THE LORD CLIFFORD'S ARMES wt h A BORDURE Gu. (ie : cheg : or and az : a fess and a bordure gu; vide Surrey and Arundel Rolls for Clifford). See also Canterbury Cathedral. Robert de Clifford was Sheriff of Kent 1, Henry iv. 16. EDMUND FROGNAL. SA : 2 BARS OR AND A CHIEF ARG. (vide Arundel Roll—for Frognal, a Kentish Knight). See also Canterbury Cathedral. Richard Frognal (or Frogenhall) died seized of the Manor of that name 33 Edw: iii. and the Manor was held by the family until 1505. 17. JOHN NORWOOD, (erm : a cross engrailed gu :). Vide Dering Boll (Henry Hi.), Pari". Boll (Edw: ii.) Kent Boll of Arms (Edw : ii.), Herald's Visitations, Canterbury Cathedral, etc. A Sir John Norwood was Sheriff of Kent 20 Edw : i. 18. JOHN IS ARE. (Sa : a bend or : in sinister chief point a leopard's face or). Vide Herald's Visitations for Isaac. Also Hasted for John Isaac, Sheriff of Kent 1 Edw: iv. and in Canterbury Cathedral {where Willement blazons the arms—sa : a bend sinister or : on a canton arg a leopard's face gu). 19. ALEXANDER COLEPEPER. ARG. A BEND ENGRAILED Gu. QUARTERLY WITH—ARG : A CHEVRON SA : BETWEEN 8 MARTLETS IN ORLE GU : So borne by Thomas Colepeper—Surrey Boll (temp : Rich. ii.). The former coat is that of Colepeper and the latter that of Hardeshull [borne by Sir John de Hardeshull at the battle of Boroughbridge (1322) and at the 2nd Dunstable Tournament (1334)] Vide also Herald's Visitations, Canterbury Cathedral, Aylesford Church, etc. IN THE TIME OE HENRY VII. 93 Alexander Colepeper was Sheriff of Kent 15 and 22 Henry vii. and other members of the family who filled that office were—Geoffrey (39 and il Edw: iii.); John (40 Edw : iii.) and Thomas (18 Bich: ii). 20. THOMAS KEMPE. GU. 3 KEMPSHEVES (garbs) WITHIN A BORDURE ENGRAILED OR. Vide Herald's Visitations. Arms impaled with the See of Canterbury for John Kempe Archbishop of Canterbury (1452-54) Cardinal and Lord Chancellor. Thomas Kempe was Sheriff of Kent 8 and 21 Henry vii. 21. JOHN MOYLE. Herald's Visitations (1619) give, for the family of Moyle, the arms— Gu : a moyle (ie : a hornless heifer) and a bordure arg : Quartered by the Family of Finch. 22. WALTER ROBERTS, (az: on a chevron arg: 3 mullets sa—-for Boberts; Herald's Visitations). Arms also in Canterbury Cathedral. Walter Roberts was Sheriff of Kent 4 Henry vii. 23. THOMAS ROPER. PER FESSE AZ : & ARG : A PALE COUNTER-CHANGED : ON EVERY POINT OF THE AZ : A ROEBUCK'S HEAD ERASED OR. Edwin Roper in a Roll of Arms temp : Edw : i. bore—per fess az and or a pale counter-changed, three bucks' heads erased or. 24. REYNOLD SANDYS. ARG : 3 MOOR'S HEADS BETWEEN 2 CHEVRONS SA : (Arg : 2 chevrons between 3 Moor's heads couped sa :—Herald's Visitations). 25. GERUEYS HORN. See No. 47. 26. JOHN AUGER, (erm : on a chief azure 3 lioncels rampant or—-for Aucher or Fitz Aucher of Bourne. Dering and other Bolls). 27. JOHNPECHE. Az : A LION RAMPANT TAIL FOURCHEE ERM : CROWNED OR. Vide Surrey Roll (for John Peche). John Peche was Sheriff of Kent 10 Henry vii. and another John in 10 Henry vi. 28. ROBERT BALLARD. SA : A GRIFFIN ARG : Arms in Canterbury Cathedral. Fulke Ballard held lands in Kent in 20 Edw: iii. and the lands continued in the family until 10 Henry vii. Thomas Ballard was Sheriff of Kent 31 Henry vi. 94 LIST OE THE GENTRY OE KENT 29. THOMAS PYMPE. (Barry of six arg: and gu : a chief vaire). See also Brass, Cobham Church, to Margaret (d. 1380) wife of Thomas de Cobham and dau : of Sir William Pympe. William was Sheriff of Kent 27:45 : and 49 : Edward Hi., Beginald in 10 Henry iv: and John in 2 Henry vii. 30. JOHN DIGGES. (Gu: on a cross arg: 5 eaglets sa). See No. 177. Kent Boll (Edw: Hi.), Arundel Roll (Hen: vi.). Herald's Visitations (1530) give " double headed " eagles. John Digges was Sheriff of Kent 11, Henry vii. and another John filled that office in 2 Henry iv. The family held the Manor of Hackington in 33 Henry iii. and several were buried in Canterbury Cathedral down to the reign of Henry vi. 31. JOHN MARTYN (arg : on a chevron gu: 3 talbots passant arg—Herald's Visitations). John Martyn was Judge of Common Pleas and died in 1436. The Manor of Graveney was conveyed to him by marriage with a grand-daughter of John Boteler. 32. ROGER HARLAKYNDEN. (az : a fess erm: between 3 lions heads erased or Herald's Visitations 1530). 33. RICHARD LEE. (arg: on a fess cotised or 3 leopards' faces gu—Hasted Vol. I. (M.S. Ped: Lee)—for Bichard Lee, Sheriff of Kent, 19 Edw : iv). 34. RAUF TOUKE. 3 GRIFFIN'S HEADS ERASED ARG. (per chevron sa: and arg : 3 griffins' heads counter-changed—for Touke an Essex Knight—Arundel Roll). 35. WILLIAM 36. ROBERT 37. JOHN 38. RICHARD 39. RICHARD CHAMPNEY (ALIAS GLOUCESTER R EX ARMORUM) . Gu : 2 FUSILS ARG. 40. JOHN BRYMSTON. (arg-: on a fess sable 3 mullets or— Burke. General Armory—for Brymston). 41. JOHNFINEUX. VERT A CHEVRON BETWEEN 3 EAGLES OR. (—" crowned, beaked, and armed gu "—in Herald's Visitations). Borne, quarterly with—gu: a lion rampant arg: by Sir John Fineux, Knight of Kent—Arundel Roll. John Fineux was Lodr Chief Justice 1496-1526. 42. WTLLTAM • WARNER. DRYLOND. See No. 179. IN THE TIME OE HENRY VII. 95 43. RICHARD RAYNFORD. (Arg : a cross sa :—for Raynsford. Canterbury Cathedral). ii. ROBERT WOTTON. (arg : a saltire engrailed sa : borne quarterly with—arg: on a chief sa : a lion passant arg :)— Herald's Visitations, 1530). Robert Wotton was Sheriff of Kent 14 Henry vii. 45. HENRY BEREHAM. or Baram : (or 3 bears passant sa : muzzled gu—Herald's Visitations, 1530). 46. HENRY AUGER. See No. 26. 47. HENRY HORNE. ARG : A CHEVRON GU : BETWEEN 3 BUGLE HORNS SA : ON THE CHEVRON 3 MULLETS OR. Michael Horn was Sheriff of Kent, 7 Henry iv. 48. JOHN DARELL. Az: A LION RAMPANT OR, ARMED AND CROWNED ARG : A TREFOIL ON THE LION'S SHOULDER. Little Chart Church ; see Arch. Cant. vol. XXXVI., p. 137. Sheriff of Kent 7 Henry vii. Another John was Sheriff in 11 Henry iv. 49. PHILIPPE LEWYS. SA : A CHEVRON BETWEEN 3 TREFOILS ARG (WITH HIS DIFFERENCE). 50. ROBERT BRENT. Gu: A WEVER (Wyvern) ARG. (a wyvern tail nowed—Herald's Visitations). 51. JOHN GOLDWELL. AZ : A CHIEF OR : OVER ALL A LION RAMPANT ARG : BTLLETTEE SA : (Vide Herald's Visitations, 1574). 52. JOHN ENGHAM. (Arg : a chevron sa : between 3 pellets : on a chief gu : a lion passant quardant or—Herald's Visitations). See also Hasted Vol. III., p. 109. 53. RAUF SEYNTLEGER (St. Ledger). See also No. 152. (az : fretty (vel: a fret) arg: a chief or) Dering, Charles, Pari": and Arundel Rolls for St. Ledger of Kent—Sheriff of Kent 18 Henry vii. Another Ralph was Sheriff 33 Richard ii. 54. RICHARD DAUY. Richard Davie of Northfleet—temp. Henry viii. bore erm: a stags head cabassed gu: attired or— Berry, County Families. See also Note to Arch. Cant., Vol. XI.: p. 395, re Memorial to Bichard Davy (d. 1491) in Northfleet Church. Mr. Greenstreet notes the arms . . . a saltire bottonee between 4 eagles. 55. WD.LTAM COBHAM. Probably a member of the Beluncle Branch of the de Cobham family. This branch bore the arms— gu: on a chevron or 3 crescents sa: 96 LIST OE THE GENTRY OE KENT 56. ROGER APTLTON. ARG : A FESSE SA : BETWEEN 3 ORANGES GU : STALKED VERT. " Apples " and not " oranges " probably the correct blazoning and these arms are ascribed to a Suffolk family of Apleton. The Kent family of that name, according to Burke's General Armory, bore—vert a chevron between 3 apples arg : stalked gu. 57. JAMES WALSINGHAM. Sir James Walsingham was Sheriff of Kent 12 Henry vii. and bore the arms—paly of six arg : and sa: a fess gu. 58. JOHN YSELEY. (or Isley). (Erm : a fess gu : borne also quarterly with erm : a bend gu : —Herald's Visitations, 1530). The latter coat appears in Canterbury Cathedral. William Isley was Sheriff of Kent 16 Henry vi. 59. WALTER LEWKENOR. (AZ : 3 chevronels arg.) Ascribed to Roger (Dering Roll), Roger (Camden Roll), Sir Thomas (Pari: Roll: Edw: ii.) and Sir John (Siege of Calais 1345-8). Also Herald's Visitations (quarterly with arg: on a chevron sa : 3 crosslets erm :). 60. JOHN WALLER. SA : 3 NETTLE LEAVES OR : BETWEEN 2 BENDS ARG . " Walnut leaves " is the correct blazoning. Vide Herald's Visitations, 1574. Richard Waller was Sheriff of Kent 16 Henry vi. 61. JAMES > „ co ITT r PECKHAM. 62. WILLIAM I (Erm: a chief quarterly gu and or). Ascribed to Peckham, a Kentish Knight (Arundel Roll). Vide also Herald's Visitations (quartering Martyn (No. 31) and Isley (No. 58). John Peckham, Archbishop of Canterbury d. 1292. Reginald was Sheriff of Kent 24 Henry vii. and a James in 3 Rich : ii. 63. RICHARD MARTYN. See No. 31. 64. RAUFE CHIOHE. (Arg : 3 lions rampant az : a bordure engrailed arg : Kent Roll (Edw : iii.) and Herald's Visitations) Thomas Chiche was Sheriff of Kent 15 Rich : ii. 65. RICHARD TOUKE. AS for No. 34 (" with his difference ")• 66. THOMAS RYDER. Hasted ascribes to Sir Thomas Ryder of Boughton Malherbe, Sheriff of Kent, in 1754 the arms—az : 3 crescents arg : Similar arms (the crescents " or ") were borne by Sir William de Rythre, Banneret and Baron, at the battle of Falkirk (1299), the siege of Carlaverock (1300) and in the Pari : Roll: of Edw: ii. IN THE TIME OE HENRY VII. 97 67. EDMOND BAMME. (Ermines on a chief pily arg: 2 trefoils sa—ascribed to Bamme, a Kentish Knight in the Arundel Roll). Hasted gives—ermine on a chief indented sa: 3 trefoils arg : for John Bamme, Sheriff of Kent 2 Bich : iii. 68. RICHARD COSYNGTON. The following arms are ascribed to members of this family : Az : 3 roses or. Howard (Hen. Hi.), Pari: (Edw. ii.), Surrey (Rich, ii.) Rolls. Az: crusilly and 3 cinquefoils pierced or (Dering Roll). William Cosington was Sheriff of Kent 35 Edw : i. 69. WILLIAM r PETYTT. 70. JOHN j (gu : a chevron between 3 leopards' faces or—Herald's Visitations, 1574). 71. RICHARD POPE. Hasted (Vol. III., p. 71) gives for Pope—or 2 chevrons gu: on a canton . . . a mullet . . . 72. THOMAS YDEN. (or Iden). (az: a cheveron between 3 close helmets or—Herald's Visitations, 1574). Sir Alexander Iden, the slayer of Jack Cade, was Sheriff of Kent 35 Henry vi. 73. THOMAS BROUHERST. 74. THOMAS FROGNAL. As for No. 16 (" with his difference.") 75. RICHARD GORE. 76. THOMAS ST. NICHOLAS, (erm : a chief quarterly or and gu—ascribed to a Kentish Knight of the name in the Arundel Roll). 77. STEPHEN CHERCHE. 78. JOHN WYGMORE. See Footnote to Arch. Cant., Vol. XI., p. 395. 79. ROBERT BILSYNGTON. 80. ROBERT FEKENHAM. (or Faukenham). (Arg: a fess between 3 annulets gu—ascribed to William Faukenham in the Dering Roll. Hasted gives for Waleran Faukenham (temp : Henry ii.)—arg : a fess gu : in chief 3 torteaux). 81. RICHARD | N o R T ON 82. JOHN J (gu: a crosslet erm:—Herald's Visitations). The cross "potent" for Sir John Norton of Kent (Arundel Roll). Herald's Visitations give another coat for a Kent family of this name—arg : a chevron between 3 crescents az : 98 LIST OE THE GENTRY OF KENT 83. JOHN PETTYT. See No. 69. 84. THOIIAS STOKYS. (gu: a demi-lion rampant tail fourchee arg: a bordure sa: bezantee—ascribed to Sir William Stokes of Kent in the Arundel Roll). 85. CHRISTOPHER BEUERLE. (or Beverley). (Barry of six or and sa : on a chief sa : 2 pallets or: an inescutcheon gu :—Herald's Visitations, 1619. Quarterings of Norton.) 86. JOHN BROKE, (per bend arg : and sa : 2 eagles counterchanged. Herald's Visitations—for Brok). 87. JOHN BERTON. 88. JAMES HARDYS. See No. 172. (? Hardes)—this family bore the arms—gu : a lion rampant erm : debruised by a chevron or. The chevron is supposed to have alluded to their tenure of the Castle of Tonbridge by Knight's Services to the De Clares. See Dering Boll for Bobert de Hardres. 89. JOHN BERAM (BERHAM). See No. 45. 90. WILLIAM FYNEUX. See NO. 41. 91. JOHN GOODNESTONE. Hasted (Vol. III., p. 703) gives, for a family of this name—sa : 3 martlets between 7 cross-crosslets arg : —probably sa : cruisilly and 3 martlets arg. 92. ROGER LYOHEFELD. (Bendy of six az: and erm:— Hasted, Vol. III., p. 707). 93. THOMAS ELDERGAT. 94. THOMAS GRAYFORD. (? Crayford.) This family bore the arms—or on a chevron vert 3 hawks' heads erased arg:—Herald's Visitations, 1592). 95. ROBERT MONYNS. (gu: 3 crescents or—Herald's Visitations, 1592). The family was seated at Dover for many centuries. Arms also in Canterbury Cathedral. 96. WILLIAM ELYS, OR ON A CROSS SA : 5 CRESCENTS ARG. These arms were borne by Sir Henry Ellis of Yorkshire (Pari: Boll: Edw: ii.). See also Herald's Visitations, 1574. Thomas Elys was Sheriff of Kent 6 Henry vi. John Elys, Esq., of Stoneacre, Otham, bore the same arms ; see Hasted, Vol. I I , p. 492, footnote d. 97. THOMAS TWYSSENDEN. (per saltire arg: and gu: a saltire between 4 crescents, all counter-changed—Herald's Visitations, 1574.) IN THE TIME OE HENRY VII. 99 98. JOHN BARREY. (arg : a fess between 6 fleur de lys sa.— Kent Roll temp : Edw : iii.) John Barry of Moat in Sevington was Sheriff of Kent 46 Edw: iii. 99. CHAMBERLEYN. (gu : an inesculcheon between 6 mullets pierced or—Arms in Canterbury Cathedral attributed to a family of this name). 100. THOMAS HUSE. 101. EDWARD MYLLIS. (erm : a mill rind sa : on a chief az : a marlion's wing conjoined or—Herald's Visitations, 1619). 102. JOHN DERING. Various arms and " differences" are attributed to the Dering family but those most usually borne are or a saltire sa:—and such are ascribed to Richard Dering (le Fitz) in the Dering Roll (Henry iii.). Norman Dering was Sheriff of Kent temp : Stephen. 103. WILLIAM COBBE. (arg: a chevron between 3 cocks passant gu : beaked, wattled and legged or—Herald's Visitations). 104. VINCENT FYNCHE. (arg: a chevron between 3 griffins passant sa—Herald's Visitations). 105. WALTER MORE, (arg : a chevron between 3 moor cocks sa—Herald's Visitations, 1619). 106. WILLIAM BETTENDEN. (. . . a saltire engrailed sa between i bear's heads erased . . . muzzled . . . Herald's Visitations, 1594). 107. ROBERT WOTTON. See No. ii. 108. JOHN ROGERS, (arg: a chevron between 3 stags courant sa : attired or—Herald's Visitations, 1574). 109. STEPHAN NORTON OF CHART. Hasted (Vol. III., p. 104) gives the arms for this family (temp : Rich: ii.) as arg : a chevron bekoeen 3 crescents az. 110. JOHN SAMPSON, (sa : a tower triple-turreted arg :— Herald's Visitations. Also Quartering Norton, Ellis and Chiche). 111. WILLIAM WOLFFE. 112. JOHN MAY. (arg: 2 bends engrailed sa: over all a label of 3 points gu—Berry, Pedigrees of Kent Families, for May). 113. WILLIAM BRUYN. Hasted. (Vol. I., p. 80) gives the arms of this family as—az : a cross moline or. Vide also Canterbury Cathedral. These arms are attributed to Sir Morys le Brun, a Baron (1315) and so borne by him at the 1st Dunstable Tournament (1308). They were borne quartered (quarterly with Rokeley) 7 100 LIST OE THE GENTRY OE KENT by Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk (1514). Sir Ingelram de Brun died seized of the Manor of Beckenham in 1400. 114. WILLIAM SWAN. (Vert: a chevron between 3 swans arg :—Herald's Visitations, 1574). 115. — APPOLDERFIELD. SA : A CROSS VOIDED OR. This coat is referred to in the Herald's Visitations 1619, as a coat of Augmentation. The arms of the family were—erm: a bend gu : (Dering, Howard, and other Bolls) and they are found in Canterbury Cathedral. The bend is sometimes " vaire." The following members of the family filled the office of Sheriff of Kent^-Henry (27 Edw : i.) : William (28 : 31 : 34 : 38 : and 44 Edw : iii.); Henry (51 Edw : iii.). 116. JOHN GREN. (? Green). John Green of Chislehurst. Sheriff of Kent 16 Edw : iv. bore the arms—gu : a crosslet erm : a bordure gobony arg : and sa :—Hasted, Vol. I. (College of Arms). 117. RICHARD HILLIS. (or Hellis). (sa a bend arg—vide Howard Roll (temp : Henry iii.) for Rauf de Hellis) Gilbert Hellis was Sheriff of Kent 30 Edw : iii. 118. JOHN SEBILL. or Sybell. (arg : a tiger statant tail coward gu : gazing at the reflection of its head in a hand mirror at its feet, framed or—-Herald's Visitations). See also Arch. Cant., Vol. XXVI, pp. 79, sqq. and Vol. XXVIII, pp. 363, sqq. 119. NICHOLAS LATHELL. 120. WILLIAM CRESSELL. (sa : a fesse arg between 3 crescents or—for John de Cressell temp : Edw. iii.) Window in Chislehurst Church mentioned by Hasted (Vol. I., p. 101). 121. HARRY HARM AN. (arg: a chevron pur pure between 3 periwigs sa :—Herald's Visitations, 1574). 122. GEOFFREY GOLDWELL. See No. 51. 123. THOMAS BULKELEY. or Buckley. (sa : a chevron between 3 bucks' heads cabossed or). 124. JOHN JUDE. ? Judde. Hasted (Vol. III., p. 336) gives for Judde (of Tonbridge) the arms:—gu: a fess raguly between 3 boars heads erased fess wise arg. 125. THOMAS PALMER, (arg : a chevron between 3 palmer's scripts sa: tassels and buckles or—Herald's Visitations, 1574). 126. ROBERT REDE. Hasted (Vol. I., p. 405) ascribes to Sir Robert Rede of Chidingstone, Chief Justice. Common Pleas IN THE TIME OE HENRY VII. 101 (1507) the arms—gu : on a fess wavy . . . three cock pheasants sa. 127. EDMOND WATTON. (arg: a lion rampant gu : debruised by a bend sa: charged with 3 crosslets fitchee arg— Herald's Visitations, 1619). See also Thorpe, Registrum Roffense, p. 914—Monuments, Addington Church. 128. WILLIAM) „ „ __ in 129. EDWARD ) COLEPEPER. See No. 19. 130. WILLIAM RYLOND. 131. WALTER WALYS. Hasted (Vol. I., p. 280) ascribes to Henry Wallis several times Lord Mayor of London, temp: Edw: i. the arms . . . 5 bars . . . and a bend . . . Henry de Waleis, a Crusader, 1269, bore the arms Barry arg : and az: a bend gu. (St: George Boll, temp: Henry iii.) Willement, ascribes the arms, az. a bend embattled arg : in Canterbury Cathedral to the family of Waleys. 132. JOHN PYMPE. BARRY OF SIX ARG AND GU : A CHIEF VAIRE. See No. 29. 133. WILLIAM MALLUERER. or Maleverer. Gu . 3 GREYHOUNDS ARG : WITH HIS DIFFERENCE. These arms are ascribed to various members of the family in the Charles (Henry iii.), Pari: (Edw . ii.), Ballard (Edw. iv.) and Arundel (Henry vi.) Rolls. The greyhounds are sometimes " collared gemelles or." 134. JOHN LANGLEY. Quarterly per fess indented az and or. Sheriff of Kent 20 Henry vii. William Langley filled the office in 20 Edw. i. See also Canterbury Cathedral. 135. JOHNALDAY. (erm: on a chief sa: 2 griffins combatant arg: . . . Herald's Visitations, 1592). 136. —SEPTVANS. AZ : 3 CORN FANS OR. Vide Dering Roll. See Monumental Brass, Chartham Church to Bobert Septvans (1326). William was Sheriff of Kent 13 and li Edw: ii. 137. WILLIAM FOX OF MERSHAM. 138. ROBERT ETWELL. 139. JOHN HASELEY. 140. JOHN AT WODE. Hasted (Vol. III., p. 500) ascribes to this family the arms—gu : a lion rampant between 8 acorns or. 141. ROBERT ARNOLD. 142. RICHARD GARLAND. 102 LIST OE THE GENTRY OE KENT 143. JOHN COPULDICK. ARG. A CHEVRON (between) 3 Cross- LETS GU. Same arms for John Copuldick—Surrey Roll (temp : Rich: ii.). 144. LANDESHALL. AZ : A CHEVRON OR FRETTY SA : BETWEEN 3 CROSSES FER DE MOULIN ARG. 145. MACKWTLLIAM. Burke's General Armoury gives the arms —per bend gu and arg: 3 roses counter-changed—and these arms were quartered by Seymour, Marquis of Hertford. 146. SIR JOHN PASHELEY. PURP : A LION RAMPANT OR CROWNED GU. (for). See also Canterbury Cathedral. 147. SIR REIGNALD COBHAM. GU ON A CHEVRON OR 3 ESTOILES SA : The arms of de Cobham, Barons of Sterborough. Borne by Sir Beginald de Cobham, K.G. (Baron 1342) at the 2nd Dunstable Tournament. 148. SIR THOMAS KTRIEL. OR 2 CHEVRONS AND A CANTON GU. Borne by Sir Thomas Kiriel, K.G., 1460. Bertram was Sheriff of Kent 17 Henry iii. 149. SIR ROBERT STORY, ARG : A LION PURP : ARMED AZ. 150. SIR WILLIAM HOO. QUARTERLY ARG : AND SA : Vide Bolls of Arms temp : Edw : ii. and Bich : ii. Borne by Thomas Lord Hoo and Hastings, K.G., 1418. 151. —TREVET. ARG : A TREVET SA : Vide Ashmole and Surrey Rolls. Borne by Thomas Trevet at the Siege of Rouen (1418). 152. SIR RAUF SENT LEGER. AZ : FRETTY ARG : AND A CHIEF OR. See No. 53. 153. SIR JOHN SAVAGE. GU. 6 LIONCELS ARG : ARMED AZ. Sir Roger Savage of Kent bore the arms (Pari: Roll: Edw : ii.)- arg : 6 lioncels sa : See also Ashmole and Surrey Rolls : and for Sir Ernaud, 2nd Dunstable Tournament (1334). Arnold was Sheriff of Kent 5 Rich : ii. 154. SIR JOHN CHBYNY. AZ : 6 LIONCELS ARG : A CANTON, ERM : See also No. 14. William Cheyney was Sheriff of Kent 1 Henry vii. and another William in 13 Henry iv. 155. Sm BARTHOLOMEW BADILSMERE. ARG : A FESS AND 2 GEMELLHS GU : (usually blazoned —arg a fess double cotised gu). See Charles, Carlaverock, Ashmole and Boroughbridge Rolls. Also Canterbury Cathedral. IN THE TIME OE HENRY VII. 103 156. JOHN GRAUISENDE. ERM: ON A BEND SA: 3 MARTLETS ARG : Sir Stephen de Gravesend bore (Pari: Roll: Edw : ii.)— or i eagles displayed sa. 157. ROBERT MINGHAM. AZ : 5 LOZENGES IN FESS OR BETWEEN 3 LION'S HEADS ERASED ARG. 158. SIR NICHOLAS STOULINGE. GU : A SALTIRE BETWEEN 4 LIONCELS OR. 159. SIR WILLIAM HALDEN. ARG : A CHIEF SA : OVER ALL A BEND ENGRAILED GU : (Vide Herald's Visitations, 1574). 160. WILLIAM MAREIS. UNDEE ERM : AND SA : A William de Mareis was lord of the Manor of Habilton in Harrietsham. Willement ascribes the arms—or a Cross engrailed gu—in Canterbury Cathedral to the family of de Mareis. 161. THOMAS BROWNE. SA : 3 LIONS' HEADS IN BEND ARG : BETWEEN 2 BENDS ENGRAILED ARG : IN CHIEF A GRIFFIN'S HEAD ERASED OR. Vide also Hasted for Sir Thomas Browne, Treasurer to Henry vi. and Sheriff of Kent 22 Henry vi. The same arms with " in the sinister chief point an eagle's head erased or " in lieu of a griffin's. 162. JOHN DENYS; ARG : A FESS UNDEE SA : BETWEEN 6 FLEUR DE LYS AZ : The same arms with the fesse undee " gu" for Dennis, a Kentish Knight—Arundel Roll. 163. WILLIAM REKELL. GU : 2 BARS OR VOIDED SA : BETWEEN 3 OWLS ARG : Rekell, a Kentish Knight bore (ArundM Roll) gu: 2 barrulets sa between 3 annulets arg. 164. ROBERT CAPP(ES). ARG : A CHEVRON BETWEEN 3 TREFOILS SLIPPED SA : Same arms with an escallop on the chevron for Capps a Kentish Knight (Arundel Roll). 165. WILLIAM BAMME. ERM : A CHIEF ARG : ON A CHIEF 2 TREFOILS SA : See No. 67. 167. SYMKYN MIET. Az : ON A BEND GU : 3 MASCLES OR : IN CHIEF A FLEUR DE LYS OR. Same arms with the bend "or" the mascles " gu" and the fleur de lys " or " for Semkyn Mette of Kent, Knight—Arundel Roll. 168. ROGER CLYTHROW. ARG : 3 STANDING POTS COVERED (covered cups) WITHIN A BORDURE ENGRAILED SA : Same arms for Sir Roger Clederow of Kent—Arundel Roll. See also Canterbury Cathedral. Richard was Sheriff of Kent 4 Henry iv.and Admiral of the Seas 7 Henry iv. 104 LIST OF THE GENTRY OF KENT. 169. SIMYKN SETFAN. Az : 3 VANS OR. See No. 136. 170. THOMAS BORGES. ARG : A FESS CHEQ : OR AND GU : IN CHIEF 3 CROSSLETS FITCHEE ARG : The crosslets " gu" in the arms of Sir Thomas Borges of Kent—Arundel Roll. 171. WILLIAM HORTON. Gu: A CROSS PATONOE ERM: Probably intended for " Norton " See No. 81. 172. EDMUND HARDIS. GU : A LION RAMPANT ERM : OVER ALL A CHEVRON OR : See No. 88. 173. ROBERT SANDFORD. ERM : ON A CHIEF INDENTED SA : 3 BOARS' HEADS OR. erm : on a chief gu : 2 boars' heads couped arg—for Edward de Sandford temp : Edw : i. 174. JOHN CHAMPAYN. ARG : 2 BARS UNDEE OR (SIC !) (gu). Arg: 3 bars undee gu for Sir John Champayne of Kent (Pari: Roll: Edw : ii.). See also Dering and Howard Rolls. 175. JOHN FROGNAL. SA : 2 BARS OR : A CHIEF ARG : Borne by Frognal—a Kentish Knight—Arundel Boll. See. No. 16. 176. JOHN MANSTON. GU : A FESSE ERM : BETWEEN 3 MULLETS PIERCED ARG : (vel or) Borne by Manston a Kentish Knight—Arundel Boll. See also Canterbury Cathedral. William Manston was Sheriff of Kent 19 Henry vi. 111. THOMAS DECS, or Digges. Gu : ON A CROSS ARG : 5 EAGLETS SA : Borne by Digges— a Kentish Knight—Arundel Boll: See also Kent Boll: temp : Edw : iii. John Digges was Sheriff of Kent 2 Henry iv. 178. ROBERT MIRSYN. OR : ON A CHEVRON SA : 3 CRESCENTS ARG : 179. WALTER DRYLAND. GU : GUTTEE D'EAU : A FESSE UNDEE ERM : gu: guttee d'eau on a fess undee arg : an ermine spot—for Dryland, a Kentish Knight—Arundel Roll. 180. ROBERT COLLAY. SA : 3 SWAN'S HEADS ERASED OR. Sa : 3 swan's heads and necks erased arg : for Sir Robert Collay of Kent—Arundel Roll. 181. ADAM. BERINGDEN. VERT A CHEVRON ERM : BETWEEN 3 GRIFFIN'S HEADS ERASED SA : 182. PALMER, ARG . . . See No. 125. 183. NICHOLAS GTLSBURGH. AZ : A CHEVRON ERM : BETWEEN 3 ACORNS OR (WITH THE STALKS SANS FOILHS).