Frontmatter, Volume 49

􀀓rrlnrnl.ogin ublin. Royal University Library of Uppsala, Sweden, A. Grape, Ohief Librarian. Shropshire Arohreologica,l Society, The Librarian, Public Library and J1uaeum, Shrewabury. &Society of Antiquaries of London, Burli'll{Jton House, Piccadilly, W.l. Sooiety of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, R. Blair, The Library, The Oaatle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Queen Street, Edinburgh. Somersetshire Archreological and Natural History Society, Museum, Taunton. Suffolk Inst,itute of Archreology, H. R. Barker, Librarian, Moysea Hall M'U8eum, Bury St. Edmunds. Surrey Archreologice.l Society, Caetle Arch, GuiUford. Sussex Archreologioal Society, Barbican Houae, Lewes. Thoresby Society, 16 Queen Square, Leeds. Verein von Altertumfreunden im Rheinla.nde, Bonn, Germany. Wiltshire Arohreological and Natural History Society, M'U8eum, Devizea. Woolhope Club, The Librarian, MU8eum, Hereford. Yorkshire Enst Riding Antiquarinn Society, Museum, JJulZ. xv ) MEMBERS. CORRECTED TO 1st JANUARY, 1938. • Denotea a Life Compounder. R Signifies Subscriber to Records Branch. HONORARY MEMBERS. 1895 THE BRITISH MUSEUM, Great Russell Stred, W.0.1. 1920 Lady ST. Jom1 HoPE, Binsted, Oambridge. 1927 A. W. HuoRES CLARKE, F.S.A., 45 Oambridge Road, Wimbledon, S. W.20. 1928 0. G. S. CRAWFORD, ll'.S.A., Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton. AFFILIATED SOCIETIES. Rl922 Canterbury ArohreologioaJ Society (Hon. Sec., Mrs. Gardiner, Cogan House, 53 St. Peter Street, Canterbury}. 1926 Dartford Antiquarian Society (Hon. Sees., F. J. G. Foot, 118 Shepherds Lane, Dartford, a.nd E. H. Houghton, "Cotswold," Wayville Road, Dartford). 1925 Gravesend and District Scientific and Archreological Society (A. J. Philip, M.B.E., Public Library, Gravesend). 1928 Greenwich and Lewisham Antiquarian Society (J. W. Kirby, Hon. Sec., 2 Lloyds Place, Blaokheath, s.E.3). 1933 Isle of Thanet Geographical Society (R. V. Wilsher, Hon. Seo., Chatham House County School, Ra.msgate). 1938 South Borough Centre.I School History Club (by E. C. Vincent}, Loose Road, Maidstone. 1937 Tonbridge Antiquarian Society (Mrs. Martin Hardie, Co-Hon. Sec., Rodbourne, Tonbridge). 1932 Woolwich and District Antiquarian Society, Polytechnic, Woolwioh (W. T. Davis, Hon. Seo., 141 McLeod Road, Abbey Wood, S.E.2). OTHER SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 1867 Athenreum, The, Pall Mall, s.w.l. 1935 Balliol College (R.A.B. Mynors, Librarian), Oxford. Rl886 Birmingham Public Libraries (The City Librarian), Birmingham 1. &1880 BodJeian Library, The, Oxford. 1886 Boston Public Library, Mass., U.S.A., c /o B. Quaritch, Ltd., 11 Grafton Street, New Bond Street, w. a.1911 Brenchley Trustees, The Museum, Maidstone. 1900 Brighton Public Library {Henry D. Roberts, M.B.E., Director), North Gate House, Church Street, Brighton. :&1936 Bristol University Library (W. L. Cooper, M.A., Librarian), The University, Bristol. 􀄭936 Bromley Central Public Library, High Street, Bromley. xvi KENT AROHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1930 California. University Library, Berkeley, California, o/o B. F. Steven, and Brown, Ld., New Ruskin House, 28-30 Little Ru8!lell Street. w,o.l. 1925 Cambridge University Library (H. C. Stanford, Secretary), Cambridge. a1883 Canterbury Cathedral, Library of the Dean and Chapter. a1886 Canterbury Municipal Library, The Royal Museum, Canterbury. 1919 Chicago University Libraries, Order Division, Harper, w.21, Chicago, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ld., New Ruskin House, 28-30 Little Russell Street, w.o.l). Rl929 Cleveland Public Library, 325 Superior Avenue, N.E. Cleveland, Ohio, U.S . .A. (per B. Sotheran, Ld., 2-5 Saokville Street, w.1). &1922 College of Arms, Queen Victoria StTeet, E.0.4. 1894 Columbia University Avery Library, New York, U.S.A. (per G. E. Steohert and Co., 2 Star Yard, Carey Street, Chancery Lane, w.o.2). al875 Congress Library, Washington, U.S.A., o/o Allen & Son, 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, w.o.2. a1912 Constitutional Club, Northumberland Avenue, w.o.2. 1926 Copenhagen Royal Library (per Francis Edwards, Ld., 83A High Street, Marylebone, w.l). 1920 Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, U.S.A., o/o Allen & Son, 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, w.o.2. 1926 Cran brook Parish Council, Cranbrook, c/o Major E. Clarke, Cranbrook. 1931 Cranbrook School (The H.eadmaswr), Cranbrook. 1936 Dartford Public Library and Museum (Edwa.rd Wood, Librarian), Central Park, Dartford. 1937 Dartmouth College Library, Hanover, N.H., U.S.A., o/o Edw. G. Allen & Son, Ltd., 12-14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury ·Avenue, w.o.2. 1935 Dover Public Library, Biggin Street, Dover. 1937 Erith Museum (Erith Urban District Council) (E. Bridgstook Choat, l!'.R.111.s., F.z.s., ll'.R.S.A., Hon. Curator), Public Libraries and Museum, Erith. 1897 Folkestone Public Library and Museum, Folkestone. 1931 Friends of Canterbury Cathedral, Christ Church Gate, Canterbury. al907 Glasgow University Library, c/o Jackson, Wylie & Co., 73 West George Street, Glasgow, o.2. &1930 Haverford College Library, Haverford, Pennsylvania., U.S.A. :&1937 The Henry E. Huntingdon Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, Cali• fornia, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ltd., New Ruskin House, 28-30 Little Russell Street, w.o.1). Rl922 Kent Education Committee, Springfield, Maidstone. 1932 Kent and Kentish Men, Association of Men of, 22 Lower Stone Street, Ma.idstone. 1930 King's School, Library of, Canterbury. 1927 King's School, Library of, Rochester. 1904 Lincoln's Inn Library, Lincoln's Inn, w.o.2. R.1863 London, The Corporation of the City of, The Library, Guildhall, E.o.2. &1868 London Libra.ry, The, 14 St. James's Square, s.w.l. 1934 London, University of, The Libra.ry, South Kensington, s.w.7. Rl937 London, University of, Institut.e of Historical Research, Malet StTeet, w.o.l. 1936 Lund, R. University Library (P. Wilner, Librarian), Lund, Sweden, 1932 Margate Public Library, Hawley Square, Margate. LIST OF MEMBERS. XVll Rl923 Massachusett.'l Historical Society, 1 1 54 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ld., New Ruskin House, 28-30 Little Rusaell Street, w.o.l). 1930 Michigan, University of, Genera.I Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. (per Henry Sotheran, Ld., 2-5 Saokville Street, w.l.) 1929 Minnesota., The Library, University of, Minnea,polis, Minn. U.S.A. (per G. E. Stechert and Co., 2 Star Yard, Carey Street, w.o.2). Rl902 Newberry Library, Chicago, U.S.A., c/o B. F. Stevens & Brown Ld., New Ruskin House, 28-30 Little Russell Street, w.o.l. al916 Now England Historic Genealogical Society, 9 Ashburton Place, Boston,, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ld., New Ruskin House, 28-30 Little Russell Street, w.o. l). al898 New York Public Library, c/o B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ld., New Ruskin House, 28-30 Little Russell Street, w.c.l. 1907 Peabody Institute of Baltimore, Baltimore, U.S.A., c/o Allen & Son, 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, w.o.2. :&1899 Pennsylvania. Historical Society, 1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania., U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown, Ld., New Ruskin HouBe, 20-30 Little Russell Street, w.o.l). 1923 Princeton University, New Jersey, U.S.A., o/o Allen & Son, 14 Grape Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, w.o.2. B1896 Public Record Office (Superintendent of Publications, Book Department-, H.M. Stationery Office, Princes Street, Westminster, s.w.l). 1935 Ra.IllSga.te Public Library, Ramsgate. Rl896 Rochester Public Library, Rochester. 1924 Rochester Museum, Rochester. 1897 Roya.I Ins titution of Great Britain, The Library of, Albemarle Street, w.1. &1911 Ryla.nd's Library, The John (Henry Guppy, Treasurer), Dea.negate, Manchester. 1914 St. Augustine's College, The Bursar of, Canterbury, 1936 Sandwich, The Corporation of, Town Clerk's Office, Sandwich. 1913 Sevenoaks Public Library, The Drive, Sevenoaks. 1934 South-Eastern Agricultural College, Wye, Ashford. 1936 Southend-on-Sea. Public Libraries (William Pollitt, F.S.A., F.L.A., Librarian), Central Library, Victoria. Avenue, Southend, Essex. 1932 Sutton Valence School {The Headmaster), Sutton Valence, Maidstone, 188 0 Sydney Free Public Library, c/o W. H. Smith & Son, Ltd.,Balance Department, Strand House, w.c.2. 1936 Tunbridge Wells, Borough of Royal, Public Library, Dudley Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1931 Tunbridge Wells Nat. Hist. a.nd Philosophical Society, Hon. Se.cretary, E. H. Marsh, 10 Culverden Park Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1894 Victoria. and Albert Museum, Library of the, South Kensington, s.w.7. R1907 Victoria, Publio Library of, The Chief Librarian, Melbourne, .Australia. (per H. Sotheran, Ld., 2-5 Saokville Street, w.l). Rl925 Wales, National Library of, Aberystwyth. 1908 Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madi.son, Wis., U.S.A. (per Henry Sothera.n, Ld., 2-5 Saokville Street, w.1). Rl906 Woolwich Public Libraries (Borough Librarian, Philip C. Bursill, F.L.A.), Central Public Library, Woolwich, s.E.18. al914 Yale University, Conneotiout, U.S.A., o/o Allen & Son, 1 4 Grape Street, Shaftesbury A.venue, w.o.2. 2 xvi.ii KENT ARCHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1889 * Acworth, Rev. R. William Harrison, B.A., Glovers, Kennington, Ashford. 1930 Adam, :M'rs. E. E., Quarry Down, Hythe. 1930 Ada.m, Mias Edith M., Quarry Down, Hythe. 1933 Adam, 11ra. George, Malling Place, West Malling. al 930 *, Arthur, PH.D., F .S.A., Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A. 1928 Agutter, T. C., B.R.I.B,A., 51 Lee Park,, s.E.3. 1936 Ainslie, J. R., Poplar Ha.11, Brookla.nd. 1933 Aiaher, 0. A., Faygate, South Godatone, Surrey. 1914 Aitken, C. H., Vernon Grange, Canterbury. 1919 Aitken, Mrs., Vernon Grange, Canterbury. 1926 Alexander, Herbert, Old Wilsley, Cranbrook. 1922 Allen, A. C., 19 Terlingham Gardens, Folkestone. 1932 Allport, Mra. Madeline, The Fort, Halstead, Kent. 1912 Allwork, F. C., F.0.A., Sunnyaide, Widmore Road, Bromley. 1936 .Allworthy, J. H.,, M.R.S.T., Ryda.l House, Marlborough Road, Ramagate. 1927 Amies, Ernest H., Penhurst, 37 Ashford Road, Maidstone. 1922 *Amoa, E. G. J., 12 Snargare Street, Dover. 1937 Amos, M. G., 69 Old Dover Road, Canterbury. 1927 *Anderson, H. W., F.S.s., Granard Lodge, Folkestone. 1926 Andrews, P. M., A.R.I.B.A., Oakdene, 79 Argyle Road, West Ea.ling, w.13. 1937 Ansell, W. H., M.o., F,R.LB,A., A..R.E., Little Paddock, Sea.I, Sevenoaks. 1936 Apthorpe, Mrs. L. M. A., Fairways, Ightha.m, Sevenoaks. 1925 Archibald, John, L.R.I.B,A., 51 Strand Street, Sandwich. 1890 Arkcoll, John, Foley House, Maidstone. 1932 Arkwright, Rev. E. H., The Vicarage, Hollingbourne. 1933 Arnold, R. C. M., Meopham Court, Meopham. 1890 *Ashton-Gwatkin, Rev. Canon W. H. T., M,A., Davington Priory, Faversham. 1929 Atkin, Capt. Percy, o.B.E., Hadlow Park, Tonbridge. 1936 Bacon, Mrs. F. M., 30 Oakcroft Road, Lewisham, S.E.13. 1909 Baird, Robert George, 136 Andover Road, Newbury, Berks. 1928 *Baker, Ch&a. M., o.r.E., Green Farm, Meopho.m, Gravesend. 1929 Baker, Edward T. L., Hill Crest, Coton, Cambridge. 1919 Baker, Rev. F. V., B.A.., 36 Highbury Hill, N.6. 1883 Baker, Sir Herbert, R,A., 11.R.1.B.A., Owletta, Cobham, Gravesend. 1930 Ballantyne, W. H., Vine Cottage, l Holly Bush Lane, Sevenoaks. al918 Barham, Colonel, Role Park, Rolvenden, Cranbrook. 1930 Barham, G. Basil, 3 Perryn Road, East Acton, w.3. 1929 Barker, H. Graham, M.o., The Green Court, Precincts 22, Canterbury. 1930 Barnes, Miss Margory R., Sophurst, Matfield, Tunbridge Wells. 1935 Barnes, Rev. W. Emery, D.D, 8 St. Lawrence Villas, Canterbury. 1898 *Barrett, F. A., o.B., Laddingford House, Ya.lding. 1917 Barrett, Mias I,. E., Weatcroft, South Road, Forest Hill, s.Jll.23. 1932 Bath and Wells, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of, D.D.,The Palace, Wells, Somerset. 1920 *Bathurst, The Right Hon. the Earl, o.M.G., Bathurst Rouse, Belgrave Square, s.w.l. 1922 Bathurst, Mrs. Evelyn, The Strood House, Rolvenden, Cranbrook. 1932 Bax, Vice-Admiral Robert N., o.B., Caradoo, North Foreland, Thanet. 1927 Baynton, Alfred, Coombe House, New Dover Road, Canterbury. 1893 *Bea.le, G. F. Tracy, Kano, Hythe Road, Dymohurch. 1931 Beard, Miss F. Marion, East Crobs Cottage, Tenterden. 1933 Beard, W. F., Horton Cottage, Rolvenden La.yne, Nr. Cra.nbrook. 1914 Beauchamp, The Right Hon. The Earl, x.o., x.o.1>1,0., Madresfield, Malvern. 1936 Beaumont, Mrs. T. S., Little Barnfield, Hawkhurst. 1923 Beazeley, Mias, 29 Western Avenue, Ashford. LIST OF MEMBERS. 1928 Beazley, A. Stuart, Street Cotta􀇠e, Bethersden, Ashford. 1919 *Beck, A. C., 4 Mount Avenue, Ealing, w.5. 1926 Beecham, H., Lympne Castle, Hythe. XIX 1926 Beeching, Miss Alice M., Bordyke Lodge, Tonbridge. 1921 *Beetlestone, H. A., 159 Green Lanes, Wylde Green, Birmingham. 1936 Begg, Captain J. M., R.N., Snagbrook House, Hollingbourne. 1929 Begg, Mrs. P. M., Snagbrook, Hollingbourne, Maidstone. 1933 Belk, Lt.-Col. Wm., Addington Park. West Malling. 1937 Bell, C. H., Glebe House, Kena.rdington, Ashford. 1933 Bellhouse, Miss C. M., Old Hope Anchor Hotel, Rye, Sussex. 1927 Bence, Capt. Eric W. J., Milga.te Park, Bearsted, Maidstone. 1931 Bennett, H. A., 7 Minor Canon Row, Rochester. 1935 Bennitt, Rev. Frederick W., St. Miohael's Vicarage, East Peckham, Kent. 1934 Bernard, Mrs. E., East Court, Detling, Maidstone. 1926 Berrill, Mrs. Clare H., Thl'I Boundary House, Ightham. 1930 Bevan, Mrs. Dorothy L., Park House, Marden. 1937 Bickersteth, J. Burgon, 16 New Dover Road, Canterbury. 1931 Biddle, Fredk. A., Purbright, Chislehurst. 1922 * Biggs, Lewis, Treetops, Wrotham. 1936 Bills, J. S., 76 High Street, Q,ueenborough. 1035 Bines, Harry F., lla. London Road, Sevenoaks. 1921 Birdwood, Dr. G. T., 26 The Beaoh, Walmer. 1937 Birdwood, Field-Marshal The Right Hon. Lord, o.o.ll., 0.0.s.1., o.o.M.o., G.o.v.o., O.I.E., D.S.O., .LL.D., D.O • .L., Deal Castle, Deal. 1926 Bl&0kden, Mrs., The Jewell House , Marden. 1926 Bliss, Joseph, The Court Lodge, Hastingleigh, Ashford. 1927 Blogg, Mrs. Muriel, Crismill House, Bearsted, Maidstone. 1927 Bolton, J. Herbert, 60 Maidstone, Rochester. 1937 Boning, L. G., 2o. Station Parade, Sevenon.ks. 1932 Boorman, H. 11. P., M.A.., Cedars, Maidstone. 1901 *Borrowman, J., A.R.T.B.A., 14 Sergea.nt's Inn, Fleet Street, D.o.4. 1933 Borton, Miss Silvia M., Wigmoro, Upper Walmer. 1906 Bosanquet, Chas. R., 17 Upper Grosvenor, Tunbridge Wells. 1937 Bosanquet, Geoffrey C., Croft, Seal, Sevenoaks. 1932 Bossom, Allred, F,R.t,ll.A.., 6 Carlton Gardens, Pall Mall, s.w.I. 1936 Boult, F. F., Stede Quarter, Biddenden. 1919 Bourne, W. H., Spotland, Bond Road, Ashford. 1934 Bousfield, Rev. A. S., Brookland ViCtl.rage, Ashford. &1921 Bowes, T. Armstrong, M.A., M.D., l.l'.S.A., r.r.n.o.s., .t.n.o.P., 16 Queen's Gardens, Herne Bay. 1890 *Bowker, A. F., F.n.o.s .• 􀇡.o.s., Ji'.R.M.S., Old Glebe, Wrotham, Sevenoaks. al924 Bowra, C. A. V., The Bower House, Ightha,m, Sevenoaks. 1927 Bowring, Arthur, The Oaks, Goudhurst. 1922 Box, E. G., Oak Cottage, St. Botolph's Roa.d, Sevenoaks. 1924 Boyd-Wallis, A. C., Yeolmbridge, 33 Bradbourne Vale Road, Sevenoaks. 1926 "'Boyd, Percival, 11'.S.A., Gibcracks, Upper Warlingham, Surrey. 1921 Boyd, Rev. W. G., M.A ••, Minster in Thanet, :I1amsgate. 1933 Brabourne, The Right Hon. Lord, o.o.s.r., o.o.I,E,, 1935 Bradburn, Rev. Harry, Vicarage, :Milton Regis, Sittingbourne. 1930 Bradford, Major Wm. Hamilton, Bursted Manor, Upper Hardres, Canterbury, 1926 Bradley, Edwin, Leybourne House, Dover. 1921 *Bmin, Richard, F., 108 High Street, Chathn.m. 1893 Brampton, F. J., 25 Culverden Park Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1931 Brasier, Rev. O. H., Vicarage, Minster, Sheerness. 1936 Bray, F. E., Woodham Grange, Horsell, Woking, Surrey. 1927 Bredin, Rev. Edward Robert, mcombe Rectory, Maidstone, 1927 Brennand, Miss Eunice F., Church Fo.rm, War.field, Bracknell, Berks. XX KENT .A.RCHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1936 Brett, Charles H., 410 Foots Cray Road, New Eltham, S.E.9. 1895 Brid[!;e, John Wil\ia.m, 6 Brewer Street. Maidstone. 1935 Bristow, H. H., F..othen, North Road, Hythe, Kent. &1918 Bromley, Dr. F. E., 24 Orchard Street, Canterbury. 1930 Brooker, Fredk. G., The Corner Cottage, Vine Avenue, Sevenoaks. 1928 Brooks, Mrs. Mary Agnes, Maypole, Goudhurst. 1932 Brown, Arthur, 10 Oak.field Lane, Dartford. 1930 Browne, Mrs. Robert, Slowery, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells. 1930 Browne, Rev. Leonard W., M.A., The Rectory, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1936 Browne, William T., 73 Silverdale, Sydenham, s.E.26. 1936 Browning, :Mrs. Beatrice, White Lodge, The Chenies, Petts Wood, Orpington. 1930 Browning, George, St. George's Place, Canterbury. 1933 Browning, L. H., Plummer House, Tenterden. 1927 Buckingham, Mrs. Mabel F., Harrietsham Manor, nr. Maidstone. 1935 Bunyard, Mids Lorna Y., 25 Bower Mount Road, Maidstone. 1921 Burke, Cap􀇓. G., Firebrand, Winchelsea, Sussex. 1927 Burney, A. B., The Freight, Cranbrook. 1920 Burrows, A. J., Holmlea, Kennington, Ashford. 1925 Burrows, Mrs., Crowdleham House, Kemsing, Sevenoaks. 1933 Burtenshaw, Arthur H., F.s.1., F.A.I., Arley, Tenterden. 1933 Bushell, C. L., Scotch Corner, The Wildernesse, Seal, Sevenoa.ks. 1933 Bushell, Mrs. B. A., Scotch Corner, The Wildernesse, Seal, Sevenoaks. 1925 Bushell, T. A., Poynings, Greenway, Chislehul"l!t. &1930 Bussell, F. R., Black Charles, Underriver, Sevenoaks. 1936 Butt, Mrs. M. E. P., Sholden Hall, Deal. 191 l Buxton, A. F., Fairhill, Tonbridge. 1933 Buxton, Miss V. E., Fairhill, Tonbridge. 1918 C11,irns, J . .1., Horton Priory, Hythe. :a.1902 Camden, The Most Noble the Marquess, o.o.v.o., T,D., Bayham Abbey, Tunbridge Wells. 1916 Co.mpbell, Mo.jor E. Kenneth, Millfield, Wittersham, Rye. 1929 Cannon, Rev. E., The Vico.rage, Meopha.m, Kent. &1930 Canterbury, His Grace the Archbishop of, D.D., LL.D., D.O.L., D.LITT., Lambeth Palace, s.E.l. 1909 Canterbury, Ven. E. H. Hardcaatle, M.A., Archdeacon of, The Precincts, Canterbury. 1932 Canterbury, Very Rev. the Dean of (Dr. Hewlett Johnson), The Deanery, Canterbury. 1934 Card, R. W., Olde Chimneyes, The Green, 'Leigh, Tonbridge. 1931 Carden, Miss Mabel A., Redwell Croft, lghtham, Sevenoaks. 1923 CaroP,, W. D., M.A •• li',R.I.B.A., F.S.A., 3 Great College Street, Westminster. s.w.l. Rl909 Cartwright, Sydney, LL.B., Mo.yfield, St. Botolph's Road. Sevenoaks. 1934 Carver, A. R., Pim.m's Orchard, Matfield, Paddock Wood. 1925 *Cazalct, Capt. Victor, Great Swifts, Cranbrook. 1928 Chadwick, Rev. Howard, M.A., 61 Queen's Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1930 Chalmers-Hunt, D. R., n.o.L., Little Orcha.rd, Broad Oa.k, Canterbury. 1924 *Chamberlain, John A., 44 Barrington Road, s.w.9. 1933 Chambers, J. J., Manor House, Southfieet, Kent. 193,t Chapman, Capt. Percy W., Wentworth, Dymchurch. 1918 Chettoe, C. S., Parkfield Corner, Blackball Lane, Sevenoaks. 1922 Chilton, T., Elmst.ead, St. John's Road, Bexhill, Sussex, 1932 Chittenden, A. G. B., A.o.o.s., Derringstone, Magazine Road, Ashford. al 923 Churchill, Miss Irene J., D.PBIL., F.s.A., 11'.R.IDST.s., Fircroft., 22 Mo.y's Hill Road, Shortlands. 1936 Clark, E. H., 119 Chatham Road, Maidstone. LIST OF MEMBERS. 1911 Clark, Edwin T., Gable End, Fourchons Lane, Maidstone. :al922 Clarke, Major Eric, The Abbey, Cronbrook. 1918 Clifford, W., Bower Cottage, Roseaore Lane, Bearsted, Maidstone. 1924 Clive, Miss Kathleen, Birches, Penshurst. 1923 Cloke, F. A., 51 Strand Street. Sandwich. 1932 Close, Mrs. A. D., Hazelwood, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells. 1925 Clugston, William, The Pharmacy, Ash, Canterbury. 1902 Cobb, E. F., A.R.r.B.A., 70 High Street, Rochester. B.1898 *Cock, F. W., M,D., F.S.A., The Well House, Appledore, Ashford. 1934 Cocking, W. Cyril, M.I.ST:RUOT.E., Troutbeck, Otford. xxi 1934 Cocking, Mrs., Troutbeck, Otford. Rl911 *Cohen, Sir H. B., Bart., o.n.E., T.D., 6 King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.0.4. 1921 Cole, Miss, 48 Whit.stable Road, Canterbury. 1933 Cole, Rev. R. W., The Vicarage, Reculver, Herne Bay. 1926 Coleman, R. H., Melrose, Clarence Road, Windsor. 1928 Coles, Jas. Hatch, 4 Castle View Road, Strood, Rochester. 1932 Coles, Cyril A. G., Dent-de-Lion Villa, Garlinge, Westgate-on-Sea. 1936 Collier, M. D., Horton Chapel, Chartham, Canterbury. 1931 Collins, Rev. Canon Percy H., Lydd Rectory, Kent. 1933 CQl\ina, C. T., Ninfteld, '29 Poi;tley B.o!Ul, M.aidi;tone. 1936 Collins, L. G. A., Ingles, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone. 1934 Colquhoun, Jae., 73 St. James's Street, s.w.l. al889·*Colyer-Fergusson, Sir Thoa. C., Bart., F.S.A.., Jghtham Mote, Ivy Hatch, Sevenoaks. 1937 Congreve, Anthony L., Cranbrook School, Cranbrook. 1908 Connor, F. R., Grove End, Heath Grove, Barming, !11nidstonE'. 1931 Conway of Allington, The Lady, Saltwood Castle, Hythe. 1920 Cook, G. T., Lulworth, Queen's Avenue, Mn.idstone. 1928 Cook, Jo.a., Mount Harry, Sevenoaks. 1929 Cook, N. C., 75 Marlborough Road, Swindon. 1926 Cooke Miss A. S., 7a Ashford Road, Maidstone. Rl886 *Cooke, Richard, ll',R.Mm'.S,, The Croft, Detling, Maidstone. 1928 Coote, Mrs. Deborah M., Redbrooks Wood, Hythe. 1936 Coote, Howard, Rochester House, Parkfield, Sevenoaks. 1926 Corben, Charles, Sutton End, Warm Lake, Sutton Valence, Maidstone. 1904 *Corfe, A. F., The Spinney, Ashford Road, nr. Maidstone. 1936 Corlield, Dr. Carruthers, Daventry House, 217 Bo.lham High Road, s.w.17. 1923 Cosens, C. Hyde, 2 Linden Gardens, Tunbridge Wells. 1928 Cosens, Mrs. C. Hyde, 2 Linden Gardens, Tunbridge Wells. B.1883 *Cotton, Charles, o.B,E., F.R.0.P., llD The Precincts, Ca,nterbury. 1936 Coulson, Mrs. Rose, The Armoury, 14 East Cross, Tenterden. 1929 Councer, C.R., 26 William Street, Herne Bay. 1926 Court, Mias Evelyn, Pedlinge, Herschell Road, Walmer. Rl91 I Courthope, Lieut.-Col. The Rt. Hon. Sir G. L., Bart., M.o., Whiligh, Sussex. :e.1937 Courthope, Mias E. J., Sprivers, Horsmonden. 1919 Courtenay, C., 10 Camden Close, Cbislehurst. 1919 Cowan, H. A., 25 Albert Road, Ashford. :e.1931 Cozens, W. Sidney, 92A. Broad Street, Canterbury. 1934 Crabtree, F. L., 1>1 • ..i.., 25 Precincts, Canterbury. 1911 Cripps-Day, F. H., 38 York Terrace, N.w.l. 1929 Crum, Rev. Canon J.M. C., M.A., The Precincts, Cantorbury. 1933 Crump, T. Graham, L.RJ.B.A., P.A.s.1., 46 High Street, Croydon. 1928 Culmer, Geo. G., 68 Stone Street, Faversha.m. 1934 Cumberland, A., Rosemore, 2b York Road, Dartford. 1918 Curteis, Lieut.-Col. John, 6 The Lawn, St. Leonarda-on-Sea. 1938 Curtis, Miss C. L., The Glebe House, Pembury. 1936 Curtis, H. G., Corba.r, Montefiore Avenue, Ra.magate. xxii KENT ARCHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1926 Dale, Rev. H. D., Bennington, Saltwood, Hythe. 1922 Dalison, M. D. P., The Upper Farm, Roughway, Tonbridge. 1926 Daniel, H. Kenyon, 15 Vale Square, Ramsgate. 1934 Da.rnley, Rt. Hoo. Ea,rl of, Cobha,m Hall, Cobham, nea,r Gra,veseod. 1936 Darwall, Miss A. E., Earlamead, St. Clare Ro&d, Walmer. 1937 Davies, Mrs. Arnold, Dadma.ns, Lynsted, Sittingbourne. 1926 Da.vies, David, M.B., 8 Lonsdale Gardens, Tunbridge Wells. 1936 Davies, Dr. D. Alex.,, F.R.o.s., The Knoll, Walmer. 1936 Davies, Mrs. D. A., The Knoll, Walmer. 1936 Davies, Miss L. K., Blacklands, East Malling. 1933 Davis, A. J., A.R.A., F.R.I.B.A., 87 Lansdowne House, Berkeley Square, w.l. 1930 Davis, George H., Wynaford, Hitohen Hatch Lane, Sevenoaks. 1938 Davison, Ian, Branden, Sissinghurst, Cranbrook. 1933 Day, Mrs. E. C., MeITington Place, Rolvenden. 1919 Day, Rev. E. Hermitage, D.D., rr.S.A., The Little Hermitage, Pinelands, Cape Town, South Africa. Rl908 Day, Francia H., M,A., 11.s.A., The Vines, Maidstone Road, Rochester. 1904 Day, Walter, 42 Earl Street, Maidstone. 1926 Day, Wm., jun., til College Roa,d, Ilfaidstone. 1935 Dean, Vernon W., 18 Belgrave Road, s.w.1. 1931 *Dea,re, D. H., 43 Essex Road, Gravesend. 1928 de Boinville, Rev. C. W. Chaste!, :ltl,S., The Rectory, Hunton, Ma,idstone. 1924 Dedrick, W. E., Brome House, West Malling. 1927 Dence, Alex. H., Little Dane, Biddenden, Ashford. 1927 Dence, Mrs. M. G., Little Dane, Biddenden, Aehford. 1925 Denne, R. T., Gi!lows, Walmer. 1921 Dibley, G. E., F.o.s., Lambourne, Cobham Road, Strood, Rochester. 1921 Dickinson, P. G. Murgatroyd, 13 Hermitage Ro&d, Westoliff-on-Sea.. 1924 Dilnot, F., 2 Castle Court Mansions, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone. 1937 Dixon, John, Gavelkind, Holt Wood, Ditton, Maidstone. 1931> Dobbie, Herbert, Oraystone Lodge, Ashford Road, Faversha.m. 1930 Dorman, Edgar Philip, Pine Cott&ge, Ivy Ha,toh, Sevenoaks. 1927 "'Doubleday, Leslie, Hempsted House, Tonp;e, Sittingbourne. 1932 Douglas, G. P., Otterburn, Rectory Lane, Sidcup. 1937 Douglas, H. J. S., Goddards Green, Cranbrook. 1935 Drake-Brookman, Brigadier-General D. H., o.:ltl.G., Nash House, Lindfield, Sussex. 1909 Druce, G. C., F.S.A., F!ish.inghurst, Cra,nbrook. 1910 Druce, John A., Gore Court. Goudhurst. 11!32 Druce, John C., Three Wents, Kippington Ro&d, Sevenoa,ks, 1916 Drury, J. Thorn, Justices' Clerk's Office, Ra,msgate. 1937 Dunkley, Rev. E. H., The Rectory, St. Pa.ul's Cra,y. 1937 Dilllkley, Miss K. M., Widlands, Cra.nbrook. 1899 East, F. J., 69 Ca.zenove Road, Sta,mford Hill, N.16. 1917 Edmeades, Major H., Nurstead Court, near Gravesend. 1929 Edmeades, Lt.-Col. W. A., Wrotha,m Place, Wrotham, Sevenoaks. 1918 Edmonds, W. H., L.D.s., n.o.s. ENG., 195 Parrock Street, Gravesend. 1938 EdmWlds, Arthur, o.B., F.&.o.s., :ltl.S., Bra,mley Cottage, Cha.ring. 1926 Egan, Rt. Rev. Abbot T. E., o.s.B., St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate. 1931 Elam, Chas. C. Roslyn, 37 Old Dover Road, Canterbury. s19J0 Elgood, George S., BJ., Knockwood, Tenterdeo. 1931 Elgood, Miss Jane O. Shirley, B,A., Knookwood, Tenterden. 1922 Else, Thomas, Lowlands, l:'addook Wood. sl926 El􀇕·in, E. A., Sta.!isfie!d Lodge, Kearsney, Dover. 1929 Elwin, Mrs. M. M .. Stalisfield Lodge, Kearsney, Dover. B1908 Erwood, Frank C. Elliston, F.S.A., JesmondDene, FoxoroftRoad, Shooters Hill, s.E.18. LIST OF MEMBERS. xxiii 1923 Estcourt, E. A., Vivian, 162 Sandcrate Road, Folkestone. al920 Etherington, Rev. F. M., A.K.o., \Vithypool, Minehea.d, Somerset. 1895 Eva.ns, Miss A., Shenstone, Crayford. 1937 Evans, Miss Gertrude, High Street House, Sevenoa.ks. 1925 Evans, John H., The Refinery, Isle of Grain, Rochester. 1913 Evans, Rev. Ca.non L. H., Sma.rden Rectory, Ashford. 1928 *Eve, Cecil G. W., ll.A., A.R.I.B.A., 16 Hanover Square, London, w.l. 1931 Eyre, Miss Barba.ra G., Leigh House, Folkestone. 1932 Farish, Mrs. J., 42 London Lane, Bromley. 1938 Farmar, Major-Genera.I G. J., Millwood, Heath. 1936 Fear, W. H., Oaklands, Kennington, Ashford. 1933 Fenner, A. H., A.C.P., F • .R.ll.S., M • .a.s.T., School House, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells. 1932 Fielding, Mrs. d'.Arcy, York House, 9 York Buildings, Adelphi, w.o.2. 1921 Filkins, E. W., A.n..r.B.A., The Thatched Cottage, Claphall, Gravesend. 1929 Finch, Rev. J. A., M.A., The Vicarage, Marden. 1932 Fincham, Rev. H. C., The Mount, Duppas Hill Road, Croydon. 1934 Findlater, Lt.-Col. W. A. V., The Croft, Tenterden. 1937 Fisher, C. E., The Museum, Maidstone. 1932 Fisher, Dr. J. Cecil, Kent Collllty Club, Week Street, Ma.idstone. 1934 Fleming, Owen, Toys Hill, Sevenoaks. 1923 Floor, C., Ola.v Kyrres Gate 7, Bergen, Norway. 1900 *Fooks, C. C. 8., Reynolds Place, Horton Kirby, Dartford. 1921 *Foot, F. J. G., Branksome, 118 Shepherds Lane, Dartford. 1938 Forbes, Miss May, The Firs, Stone Street, Sevenoaka. 1935 Foskett, B., Chateau Belvoir, Sevenoaks. 1928 Foster, Miss B., 12 Tonbridge Road, Maidstone. 1932 Fountain, Lady, Little Mote, Eynsford, Kent. 1936 Fox, Mrs. E. V. Piercy, Westcroft, Keaton M8J'k. Hl31 Franks, Arthur, Spioklewood, nr. Sea.I, Sevenoaks. 1930 Franks, Mrs. Mary Rosa.round, Lea Farm, Bramley, Guildford. 1934 Freeman, J. Hutton, The Old Dairy Farm, Crockha.m Hill, Edenbridge. 1933 Fright, Cecil R., 58 Elmhurst Road, Reading. lf/87 Fry, Miss R. W., Byways, Military Road, Sandgate. 1928 Furley, Frank M., Crossways, Ethelbert Road, Canterbury. 1921 Fynmore, A. H. W., 119 High Street, Sa.ndgate, Folkeatone. 1926 Gale, G. A., The Old Dairy House, Wildernesse, Sea.I, Sevenoaks. 1924 Gale, Mrs., The Glebe, Sevenoaks. 1931 Gardiner, Mrs. T. G., Cogan House, 53 St. Street, Canterbury. 1931 Garner, W. P., Sunnyaide, Willesborough, .Ashford. 1922 Gearing, G. J., Hilly Cottage, Loose, Maidstone. 1909 Geering, Robert J., Barrow Hill, Ashford. 1914 Gibson, Mias E. D., The Anchorage, Chi.alehurat, Kent. 1921 Gilbe1·t, Cha.rlea B., Woodside, Ferndown, Dorset. 1937 Glinn, R. J., High Shaw, Seven Wents, Sevenoaks. 1878 *Godfrey-Fa.ussett, Brig .• Gen. Edmund G., o.n., o.M.o., 1?.S.A., Ha.dlow Down, near Uckfield, Sussex. 1880 Godirey.Faussett-Osborne, H. B. G., Queendown Warren, near Sitting. bourne. 1929 Godfrey-Faussett, Major P. G., Heppinge, Sa.ltwood, Hythe. 1928 Godwin, F., Greystone Lodge, Granville Road, Sevenoaks. 1924 Golding, A. J., The Museum, Maidstone. 1921 Golding-Bird, C. H., Pitfield, Meopham, Gravesend. 1926 Goldamid, Sir O. E. d'Avigdor, Bart., Somerhill, Tonbridge. 1936 Goodall, A. G., 7 Tudor Close, Winchester Road, Bromley, Kent. XXIV KENT ARCHEOLOGIC.AL SOCIETY. Rl912 *Goodsa.IJ, R. H., F.n.r.B.A., Stede Court, Harriet.sham, Kent. 1904 Goodwin, E., Canon Court, Wateringbury, Maidstone. 1935 Gostling, Major B. W., Westbere House, Sturry. 1922 Goulden, H. Gontran, Patrixbourne, Canterbury. 1915 Gower, Sir Robert Vaughan, x.o.v.o., 0.B.E., D.O.L., M.P., Sandown Court, Tunbridge Wells. 1926 GrahMn, Miss E. Dorothy, Old Bury Hall, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1937 Graham, James, O.B.Jll., Heathside, Limpsfield, Surrey. 1929 Graham, Miss W. l\L, Old Bury Hall, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1923 Grant, G. F. Gregor, 1 Woodbury Park Mansions, Tunbridge Wells. 1926 Grant, T. F. W., F.R.I.B.A., 11 Buckingham Street, Adelphi, w.o.2. 1925 Green, Mrs. W. Curtis, Coldharbour, Northbourne, Deal. 1937 Greenfield E., 46 Warwick Road Sidcup. 1932 Greenhill, Morris, 1 Fore Street, E.o.2 . 19:17 Grey, Mrs. Charles, Hooken Edge, Cra.nbrook. nl913 Griffin, Ralph, F.S.A., 43 Circus Road, N.w.8 . 1926 Grinsted, Miss M. E., Little Nepicn:r, Wrotham, Sevenoaks. 1937 Grntter, Mrs. Eva, Ratsberry Cottage, Tenterden. 1936 Gurney-Smith, J. H., The Orchard, Borough Green, Sevenoaks. 1925 Hadenfeldt, R. A., Sutton Valence School, nea,r Maidstone. 1937 Hadow, Lt.-Col. A. L., O.M.G., Kester, Kemsing, Sevenoaks. 1929 Haire, Rev. A. M., Linton Vicarage, Maidst,:me. 1 896 Hale, Rev. J. R., 111.A., The Vicarage, Yalding, Maidstone. 1923 Ha.II, Mrs. Charles H. E., Birchley, Biddenden. 1930 Hardcastle, Miss Katharine P., Chittenden, Hawkhurst. 1931 Hardcastle, Melville J., Hatoham House, Hawkhurst. nl919 Hardman, F. W., LL.H., F.S.A. Southwold, Walmer. 1933 Hardman, G. W., Greenways, Walmer. 1926 Hardy, Miss A. Gertrude, ThP. Studio, Cra.nbrook. 1900 He.rris, Edwin, Hereward, 20 New Roe.d, al924 Harrison, Sir Edward, Hon. General Secretary, Old Stones,, Sevenoaks. 1910 Harri!lSon, W. R., The Limes, Sandwich. nl925 Hart, Edwin, F.S.A., New Hextalls, Bletch4igley, Surrey. 1925 Harvey, Marshall, 36 Station Street, Sittingbourne. 1922 Harwood, Miss M., Ringle Crouch Farm, Sandhurst, Ha.wkhurst. 1901 *Haslehust, Arthur C., Woodside, Marden. 1936 Haslehust, Ernest W., n.1.:a.B.A., R.W.A., 3 The Orchard, Blackheath, S.E.3. 1901 *Haslewood, H. D., 139 Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, E.o.4. 1937 Hanghton, Mrs. JRnet, R,M.S., Friez.ley, Cranbrook. 1936 He.upt, Miss Frederika, Mountside, Church Hill, Ca.terham, Surrey. 1936 Hawker, Mrs. M. E., Corner House, Tunstall, Sittingboume. 1929 He.wley, Lady, Sussex Rise, Frant Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1922 *Haynes, L. P., Ockham, Bodia.m, Ha.wkhurst. 1918 Haynes, R. B., The Mill House, Loose, Maidstone. a\926 Hea.dlcy, B. H., 69 Q.neen's Road, Ashford. 1017 Headley, L. P., Swinford Old Ma.nor, Ashford. 1932 Heather, B. A., Felga.rth, Seven Wents, Sea.I, Sevenoaks. 1931 Hemming, Arthur G., Kclsha.m, Headcom, Ashford. al 909 Harries, l{.obert S., F.o.s., St. Juliana, Sevenoaks. 1929 Hewett, Miss E. A., Dovedale, 1 Oakla.nds Road, Bromley. 1926 Hewitt, Engr.-Capt. J. B., R.N., Albercot, Freeland Road, Cla.oton-on-Sea.. 1920 Hewitt, .Mrs. Copley, The Friars, Aylesford, Maidstone. 1934 Heywood, Miss D. F., The Forge, Hamptons, Tonbridge. 1930 Hicks, Arthur Joseph, Seal Hollow, Sevenoaks. 1926 Higgs-Walker, T. A., Sevenoaks School, High Street, Sevenoaks. 1936 Hill, Rev. D. Ingram, 131 Buckland Avenue, Dover. LIST OF MEMBERS, XXV 1928 Hill, Thos. W., Hillsden, Madeira Avenue, Bromley. 1919 Hill, Walter T., E.R.o.s., Hillborough, nr. Herne Ba,y. 1908 Hilla, Henry, Kings Mead, Matfield, Tunbridge Wells. 1935 Hilla, Mrs. Emma M., 81 Queenborough Road, Sheerness. 1919 Hinckley, F. H., Room 508, Federal Warehouse, Wa,ahington, U.S.A. 1934 Hinds, Mias E. M., The School, Newchurch, New Romney, Kent. Rl928 Hobday, S. R., o:s.E., F.R.S.A., 6 King's Bench, Temple, E.o.4. 1926 Hobda.y, W. H., F.R.I.ll.A., 3 Beokenham Grove, Shortlands, Bromley. 1937 Hobson, B. D., Walders, 15 Vine Avenue, Sevenoaks. 1915 Hodsdon, G. C., Crook Lodge, Shepherd's Lane, Dartford. 1925 Rogg, A. H. A., The Pines, Tadworth, Surrey. 1921 Holden, Rev. Canon Hyla, M.A., The Vicarage, Folkestone. 1917 Hollams, F. W., Dene Park, Tonbridge. 1929 Home, Major Gordon, Foxbury, Hambledon, Surrey. 1935 Homer, Mrs. Jessie, Spring Grove, Marden. 1900 Homewood, E. J., 13 Harmer Street, Gravesend. 1878 Homewood, W. J., Weavers' Hall, 22 Basinghall Street, E.0.2. 1928 Honeyball, l\>Ira. O. L., Newgardens, Teynham, Sittingbourne. 1932 Hooper, Henry R., Stonegreen, Mersham, Kent. 1929 Rordern, Mrs. M. F., Preston Lea, Faversbam. 1922 Horne, Dr. W. Jobson, M.A., M.D., n.c., Highlands, Mereworth, Maidstone. 1935 Horsley, Mrs. Walter, Willesley, Cranbrook. 1927 Hovenden, Maurice, Sunnyways, Vine Avenue, Sevenoaks. 1930 Hovenden, R. G., The Cavendish, Eastbourne. 1934 Howarth, Mrs. E. K., Down House, Downe, Kent. 1933 Hoyer, Miss Maria. A., 3 Palace Grove, Bromley, Kent. 1932 Hubbard, Rev. Canon H. L., M.A., All Saints Vicarage, Margate. 1930 Hudson, E. R., 67 Riffel Road, Cricklewood, N.w.2. 1930 Hughes, C. E., The Priory, Orpington. 1899 Hughes, C. G., Myrtle House, Canterbury Road, Sittingbourne. Rl921 Rulburd, Percy, Nonnington, Graffham, Petworth, Sussex. 1930 Hunt, John, Old Bridge House, Datchet, Buckinghamshire. 1923 Hunter, E. Lesliti, 1 Sunnyside, West Hill, Gravesend. Rl891 *Hussey, .Axthur, Oxinden Cottage, Wingham, Canterbury. 1927 Hutchings, N. G., 255 Southlands Road, Bromley. 1934 Hutchinson, A. L., Springfield, Maidstone. Rl899 Igglesden, Sir C., F.S.A., Hea.thfield, Ashford. 1930 Ind, Dr. Francis, 93 Albany Road, Sittingbourne. 1920 Jackson, Sir Hugh N., Bart, 135 Clarence Gate Gardens, Regent's Park, N.W.l. 1930 Jaffray, Miss Mary H., The Bungalow, Queenborough. 1933 James, V. F., The White House, Hazledean Road, East Croydon. 1938 Jelf, Sir Axthur S., c.M.O., The Cedars, Hythe. Rl929 Jenkins, Rev. Prof. Claude, D.D., F.S.A., Christ Church, Oxford. 1936 Jenkins, S. Pe.yne, Grosvenor Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1899 *Jennings, C. F. J., Brackley House, Beckenham. 1892 Jennings, W. J., Kennington Hall, Ashford. 1932 Jessup, Frank W., B.A., LL.B., Autumn Cottage, Ditton, nr. Maidstone. 1924 Jessup, Ronald F., F,S,A,, Elmhurst, Cross Lane East, Gravesend. 1936 Johnston, Miss D. E., Westwood Cottage, Appledore. 1904 *Jones, Eric A. Goddard, 3 Talbot Place,, s.PJ.3. 1923 Jones, Surgeon-Captain K. H., M.ll., F.S.A., 11'.z.s., R.N. (RET.), The Ma.nor House, St. Stephen's, Canterbury. al933 Jones, R. F. Bavington, 186 Snargate Street, Dover. &1921 Julian,, Old R.eotory, Milstead, Sittingboume. xxvi KENT ARCHJEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1934 Keith-Lucas, Bryan, High Crouch, Borough Green, Kent. 1923 Kemp, Peroy, Seasalter, Shepherds Lane, Dartford. 1931 Kemshead, F. H. R.,, Mersea, 4 Patten's Lane, Chatham. 1927 Kenna.rd, Jno. Wm., Belmore, Magazine Road, Ashford. 1932 Key, Rev. Fredk., The Rectory, Trottisclilfe, West Malling. 1901 Keyes, S. K., The Dene, Dartford. 1911 King, A. Warr, Trewinnow, Darnley Road, Gravesend. &1923 King, E. J., Danemore Park, Speldhurst, Tunbridge WelJs. 1929 King, John A., Broad Oaks, Benenden, Cranbrook. 1931 Kingham, J. H., Choaks Fountain, Fawkham, Longfield S.O. 1936 Kingsley, Charles H., Pump Manor Farm, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1900 •K!einwort, H. G., Wierton Place, Boughton Monchelsea, Maidatone. 1923 Knight, Hugh D., Heath Cottages, Bessels Green, Sevenoaks. 1923 Knocker, Anthony Clive, Oa.k End, Sevenoaks. &1908 Knocker, Herbort W., F.S.A., Rysted House, Westerham. 1921 Knocker, John C., 2 Garlinge Road, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells. 1936 Knos, Miss T. G.,, Ivy Hatch, Sevenoaks. 1928 Knott, S. J., 8 St. Alphege Road, Dover. 1932 Knowles, H. S., Kingscote, Offha.m, Kent. 1926 Knox, Cecil W., 4 Ha.wksdown, Walmer. &1906 •Lambarde, Brig.-Genera.1 Fane, o.M.o., D.s.o., F.S.A., Burley Lodge, Sevenoaks. 1922 Lambarde, Mrs., Burley Lodge, Sevenoaks. 1920 Lamplugh, Rev. Bertram, c/o The Vicarage, Malmesbury, Wilts. 1926 Landale, Capt. H. R., Ewell Manor, West Farleigh, Maidstone. 1922 Lander, Mrs. G. Druce, Chomlea, Tenterden. 1929 Lane, Mrs. Nellie F., 4 Elwick Road, Ashford. 1926 Lang, R. T., F.a.o.a., J.P., Ma.son Lang, Ltd., 33NorfolkStreet,Stra.nd, w.o.2. 1931 Langhorne, Rev. E. H.., 128 Selhurst Road, South Norwood, a.:m.25. 1924 Laurie, MiSR M., The West Gate House, Canterbury. 1927 Laurie, Miss M. P., 97, Maison Dieu Road, Dover. 1934 Lemon, Mrs. Claude, Coursehorn, Cranbrook. 1904 *Leney, Hugh, Castle Street, Dover. 1938 Lennard, 11.Uss E. P. H., Roughetts, Rildenborougb. 1922 Lepard, Miss E. E., 22 North Street, Ashford. 1921 Levett, James, 3 St. Margaret's Street, Rochester. 1919 Lewin, Captain J. Edward, Rossall, Sandwich. 1932 Lewis, H., Wood Dene, Oakhill Road, Sevenoaks, 1934 Ley, Arthur H., F.R.I.B.A., Camden Cle,•e, Yeater Road, Chisiehurst. al905 Little, A. G., D.LITT., F.B.A., Risborough, Sevenoaks. 1926 Littleda)e, Dr. H. E., Wakeley House, Charing, Ashford. &1889 Livett, Rev. Canon Grevile M., B.A., ll'.S.A., Stoneleigh, Old Dover Road, Ca.nterbury. 1937 Locket, Mrs. M. A. C., Shirrenden, Horsmonden. 1938 T,ongden, R.H. T., 57 King Edward Road, Maidstone. 1986 Lord, Mrs. D. C., Dil Khush, Smarden. 1909 Lovell, Mrs. Charles E., 21 Southwood Court, Hampstead Garden Suburb, N.W.11. 1934 Lovering, Miss Ida, The Old Customs Rouse, 19 Upper Strand Street, Sandwich. 1986 Lowe, Arthur S., Pett House, Stockbury, Sittingboume. 1935 Lowe, Mrs. Violet P., Mountside, Ohuroh Hill, Cat.erham, Surrey. 1930 Loweth, SidneyH arold, F.R.I.D.A., ll'.R.S.A., Westways, Bearsted, Maidstone. 1908 Lubbock, Percy, c/o Major C. E. Pym, Foxwold, Brasted, Sevenoaks. 1931 Luca.a, T. Geoffry, 11.s.A., F.R.r.n • .a.., M.T.l'.I,; Soundings, Granville Road, Walmer. LIST OF MEMBERS. xxvii 1932 Luck, Col. B. J. M., o.M.G., D.s.o., The Hermitage, West Malling. 1931 Luck, Mrs., The Hermitage, West Malling. 1924 Lucy, Francis W., Langley Lodge, Sutton Valence, Maidstone. 1927 Lucy, Ml'S. F. A., Penn Court, Hollingbourne, Maidstone. 1924 􀆠'Luxmoore, Hon. Mr. Justice, Bilsington Priory, nr. Ashford. 1933 Lynde, Gerald, Tenchleys Park, Limpsfield Common, Surrey. 1923 McClemens, J., M.B.E., Dundrennan Rouse. Dundrennan, Castle Douglas, Scotland. 1929 Macdonald, Alec, M.A., 8 Lansdowne Crescent, Worcester. 1937 McDowall, E. D., The Castle House, Otford. 1933 McGrath, Ernest H., 13 Kingswood Villas, Gillingham. 1938 Maclvor, D. T., Kilbaigie, 8 Old Road East, Gra.vesend. 1926 Maokean, Rev. Canon W. H., D.D., The Precinct, Rochester. 1936 MacKenzie, Mrs. R. I., Compton Lodge, Kearsney, Dover. 1928 McMaster, Dr. Arthur B., St. Stephens, Godwyne Road, Dover. 1936 Macmichael, Lady, Nouds, Teynham, Sittingbourne. 1929 MoMillan, Arnold, L.R.O.P,, L.R.O,s., Edin., Ivy House, New Romney. 1925 Macmillan, Douglas, F.s.s., M.I.Jr., Walden, Knoll Road, Sidoup. 1936 Maddan, J. G., Aldon House, West Malling. 1918 Maidstone, Yen. T. K. Sopwith, M.A., .Archdeacon of, 17 The Preoinots, Canterbury. 1938 Maittand, Mrs. H. T., Oaterways, Cha.ring. 1936 Mallinson, Dr. F. M., Hillside, London Road, Sittingbourne. 1930 Mallma,nn, Mrs. Helene C., The Warren, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1919 *Man, Rev. Morice L., M.A., Chartha.m Rectory, Ca.nterbury. 1930 Mann, Mrs. Amy, B.A., Ha.zeldene, 47 Westmoreland Road, Bromley. 1934 Mann, Walter N., 27 Hill Road, Pinner, Middlesex. 1931 Marriott, Mrs. A. M., Fir Cottage, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1936 Marriott, H. B., The Old Vicarage, Egerton, Ashford. 1926 Marsh, Mrs. Walter, The Crossways, Cobham, Kent. 1934 MarshaU, Mrs., 8 St. Laurence Villas, Canterbuty. 1932 Marston, Sir Chas., F.S.A., 4 Camden Park, Tunbridge Wells. 1921 Martin, Alan R., u.s.A., 18 Kidbrooke Park Road, Blaokheath, S.E.3. 1936 Martin, Archibald W., Barnjet, Stone Gap, Broadataira. 1930 Martin, Cyril R., Sunnyside, Elwick Road, Ashford. 1936 Martin, Mias D. G., Ca.rleton Lodge, Marine Road, Lower Walmer. 1937 Martin, Mrs. 0. M., Eaatgate, Tenterden. 1895 *Martin, P. A. B., Chipstead, Sevenoaks. 1936 Martin, Dr. Thomas, Eastgate, Tenterden. 1927 Marton, Mrs. Margaret E. E., Seafie!d House, New Romney. 1914 *Masterman, Captain J. S., High Twelve, Tekela Park, Camberley, Surrey. 1926 Masters, Mrs. Emma, 2 Bower Place, Maidstone. 1928 Matthews, F. C. A., 21 New Road, Rochester. 1933 Matthews, Mrs. Jessie E., The Old House, Wahner. 1907 Maughan, C. Collingwood, Bromstone House, St. Peter's-in-Thanet. 1934 Mavrogordato, Geo. M., Mariners, Westerham. 1928 Maxted, G. V., Rhondda, Barnet Lane, Elatree, Herta. 1929 May, Borton Lord, Yverdon, Hadlow Road, Sidoup. 1929 May, Mrs. Elizabeth R., Yverdon, Hadlow Road, Sidcup. Rl892 Maylam, Percy, 32 Wa,tling Street, Canterbury. 1937 Mayne, Rev. A. S., lit.a.,, The Vicarage, Appledore. 1921 *Meaden, J. Gilbert P., 70 Grove Park Terrace, Chiswiok, w.4. 1927 *Meads, W. Edward, 30 Buckhurst Road, BexhiJl.on-Sea.. 1931 Mee, Arthur, Eynaford Hill, Eynsford, Dartford. 1934 Mellor, Sir Gilbert, Ulcombe Place, Maidstone. 1934 Mellor, Lady, Ulcombe Place, Maidstone. 1928 Mercer, Miss C. M. E., Woodcut Farm, Hollingbourne. 1916 Mercer, Geraid C., Weodlands, Harrietsham. xxviii KEN'r A.RCHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1904 Mercer, Randall, Sandling Pln.ce, Maidstone. 1931 Merriam, Alfred Brooks, o/o City Club of New York, 55 West 44thStreet, N.Y. City, U.S.A. 1928 Merriam, Sidney A., Seven Weston Road, Marblehead, Mass, U.S.A. 1935 Messenger, A. W. B., R.N., t.R.I.B.A., 5 Priestfields, Rochester. 1930 Meyerstein, Sir Edward W., Morants Court, Sevenoak,;. 1933 Meynell, Henry, liigb. Street, Tenterden. 1905 Miles, Martin, Nether6eld, 27 Scott's Lane, Shortlanda, Bromley. 1921, Lady, Lllacon Hall, Warehorne, Ashford. 1936 Millen, Miss Mollie, Parkside, Tunstall, Sittingbourne. 1928 Miller, G. W., The White House, Chislehurst. 1932 Mills, Miss Mary C. S., 14B The Precincts, Canterbury. 1922 Milton. Rev. A., The Priest's House, Puddingoake Lane, Uoktield, Sussex. 1933 Mitchell, Miss I. L., Shirley, Dartford Road, Sevenoaks. 1934 Mitchell, Mrs. H.J., Tylers, Kippington, Sevenoaks. 1929 :tYlitcbell, W., Pilgrim's Way, Dartford. 1933 Monckton, G. W. R., 28a Cadogan Place, s.w. 1909 *Mond, Sir Robert, M.A., LL.D., F.B.A., 9 Cavendish Square, w .l. 1927 Monins, Mrs. Margaret C., Ringwould House, Ringwould, Dover. 1934 Moore, Mi\icent Lady, Little Shepherds, Cranbrook. 1930 Morrison, Rev. W. D., n.o., St. Ma.rylebone Rectory, 38 Devonshire Place, London, w.l. 1930 Morton, Capt. D. Hamill, B.A., B.A.I., Slieve Truim, Dyroohurch. 1936 Morton, Major D. J. F., :&.A., Earlylands, Crookham Hill, Edenbridge. 1924 Moser, George E., 74 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells. 1938 Mowbray, A. J. H., Little 't'igh, Seal Cha.rt, Sevenoaks. 1936 Mowbray, M.iss Cecil, Little Tigh, Seal Chart, Sevenoa.ka. 1934 Mowbray, Mrs. E. L., 43 Lee Park, Blackheath, s.111.3. 1920 Mowll, J. H., Chaldercot, Dover. 1922 Murra.y, Miss Barbara, 18 Victoria Park Square, Bethna.l Green, 1!1.2. 1937 Murton, Mrs. A. H., Cranbrook Lodge, Cranbrook. 1934 Murton, Ernest, Langton, Hawksdown, Walmer. 1923 Nash, Rev. E. J., M.A., Wyben, Parsonage Lane, Frindsbury, Rochester. 1932 Nash, A. A., Myrtle Cottage, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells. 1919 Neame, C. Gordon, Portway, Faversham. 1926, Mrs. M. K. F., M.B.E., Alfred House, Canterbury Road, Preston, Fa.versham. 1933, Hon. Mrs. M. D., Syndale, Faversham. 1904 '"Newington, Mrs. Campbell, Oakover, Tieehurst, Sussex. 1936 Newton, John, Southover, Hawksdown, Upper Walmer. 1921 Nicholls, Sydney T., 49 Crown Road, Milton Regis, Sittingbourne. 1901 *Nicholson, Herbert, Bidborough Ha.11, Bidborough, Tunbridge Wells. 1931 Nicolson, Hon. Mrs, Harold, Sisainghurst Ca.stle, Cranbrook. 1928 Nisbett, Miss Joan, Borough Green House, Borough Green, Seyenoaks. 1897 "Noakes, Miss E. 1930 Noble, Major W. J. W., Mayfield, Kingswood Road, Shortlands, Bromley. 1932 Norman, A. C., The Rookery, Bromley Common, Kent. 1911 North, Lieut.-Colonel O. H., o.s.o., F.S,A., Clifford Hall, Conyers, Carnforth, Lanes. 1934 Northbourne, Rt. Hon. Lord, Northbourne Court, Dea.L 1936 Oberlander, Mrs. Helen, Romney Helmes, Littlestone, New Romney. 1916 •Oke, A. W., F.S.A., 32 Denma.rk Villas, Hove, Sussex. 1919 Oliver, Dr. C. Pye, o.M.O., The Ga.hies, Tonbridge Road, Maidstone. 1923 Oliver, Mrs., Burnt Oak, Orlestone, Ashford. LIST OF MEMBERS. 1934 O'Neil, B. H. St. J., 11'.S.A., 14 Crescent Road, Beckenham. 1908 Orwin, Levi, Bailey Hill, Onstle Cary, Somerset. 1879 Oyler, T. H., 11'.S.A., Woodbur y, Tonbridge Road, xxix Rl906 Page, Lt.-Colonel S. H., C.M.O., Tancrey House, Vale Square, Ramsgate. 1922 Page, Miss Sybilla, Tancrey House, Vale Square, Ramsgate. 1928 Paine, Geo., Linden Lea, Ridgewaye, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells. 1935 Paine, Gordon ThomM, The Grange, Lydd, Kent. 1938 Palmer, George, 225 Maidstone Road, Rochester. 1936 Palmer, Miss Maud A., Glcnfernate, Cmnbrook. 1923 Pantin, William A., 72 Shooters Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E.3. Rl930 Pargeter, Arthur H., The Quest, Walmer. 1910 *Parker, F. C. Shirecliffe, M.A., 1924 *Parker, H. B., Cottage, East Farleigh, Maidstone. 1927 Parrott, Dr. H. Winnock, The White House, Cornwall Gardens, Cliftonville, Margate. 1927 Paterson, Mrs. E. V., B.M/K.M.2.V., London, w.c.l. 1930 Payoe, Rev. Augnstus, Shoreham Vioorage, Sevenoaks. 1934 Payne, George A., Prestons, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1934 Payne, Mrs. Alice Irene, Prestons, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1931 Payne, E. Spencer, 29 Chapel Place, Ramsgate. 1926 Payne, Joseph Lewin, O.B.E., M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P., 13 Cumberland Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W.l. 1920 Pearce, Bertram W., F.S.A., c/o Lloyd's Bank, Sandwich. 1929 Pearson, Lady, Hollingbourne Manor, Maidstone. Rl897 Perowne, E. S. M., F.S.A., 7 Great James Street, Bedford Row, w.c.I. 1936 Perry, Hugh J., Inglenook, Cannon Road, Ramsgate. 1897 Phillips, Rev. E. E., M.A., The Rectory, Bartlow, Cambridge. 1932 Piesse, Mrs. Adelaide E., Mount Castle, Lanham. 1936 Pinching, Charles, 76 New Road, Gravesend. 1930 Platt, Clifford L., Leeson's Corner, Chislehurst. 1930 Plender, Rt. Hon. Lord, Ovenden, Sundridge, Sevenoaks. &1912 T'lumptre, H. W., Little Jl'redville, Nonington, Dover. 1922 Podmore, Mrs. B. M., !lfoatlands, Paddock Wood. 1912 Poland, Henry, 10 Knole Way, Sevenoaks. 1934 Pomeroy, Miss F. A., llO Pembury Road, Tonbridge. 1936 Ponton, Desmond T. A., Hinecon, Stockbury, Sittingbourne. 1926 Porter, Mrs. M. Herdman, East Street, Favel'l'ham. 1915 Potts, Rev. Canon R. U., M.A., F.s.A., Kingston Rectory, Canterbury. 1923 Powell, Miss Ela.ine, Kingsthorpe, Oliftonville, Margate. Rl902 Powell-Cotton, Major P. H. G., Quex Park. Birchington. 1936 Pratt, Mrs. A. P., M.B.E., Chart House, Great Chart. 1918 Pyner, H. du Thoit, Puerto Victoria, Alto Parana, Misiones, Argentina. 1914 Pyper, Rev. R. B., M.A., Pinckley Rectory, Ashford. 1912 Quaritch, Ltd., B., 11 Gra􀆨on Street, New Bond Street, w.1. 1931 Rad.nor, The Right Hon. The Earl of, o.r.E., O.B.E., T.D., c/o Smith-Woolley & Co., Manor Office, Folkestone. 1937 *Ralph, F. H. M., Beaulieu, 48 Bouverie Road West, Folkestone. 1931 Ransome, Dr. A. S., Beaulieu, The Riviera, Sandgate. 1931 Ransome, Mrs. A. S., Beaulieu, The Riviera, Sandgate. 1923 Ratcliffe, A. W., Roslin, 11 St. Michaels Road, Maidstone. 1927 Rathbone, Mrs. Kate, Hegg Hill Farm, Smarclen, Ashford. 1905 Raven, Roger Abbot, M.A., F.s.A., 7 Macartney House, Chesterfield Walk, Greenwich, s.E.10. 1919 Ray, John E., F.R,RIST.s., Hollingside, Stanley Road, HMtings. XXX KENT ARCHlEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1935 *Rea, Alec L., Gore (',ourt, Otham, Maidstone. 1928 Read, W. S., 137 Tennyson Road, Cheltenham. 1926 Reed, H., Brendon, Bridgenorth Road, nr. Wolverhampton. 1926 Rendel, W. V., The Hoe, 49 Sydenham Hill, s.E.26. 1923 Rice, Henry E. H., North Court, Eastry. 1918 Richards, Rev. Stanley, 111.A., St. Philip's Vicarage, Maidstone. 1927 Ricb.a.rdson, Ala.n, -s.A.., Foxglo"1e, Willesoorough, A.shford. 1919 Richardson, C. W., Redoroft, St. Mary's, New Romney. al908 *Richardson, E. P. Boys, Dava, Arkley, Barnet. 1937 Richardson, Miss Grace L., Ivy House, St . .Mary's, New Romney, Kent. 1929 Richardson, Capt. W. Wigham, 4 Calverley Park, Tunbridge Wells. 1929 Richardson, Mrs. Wigham, 4 Calverley Park, Tunbridge Wells. 1912 *Rickards, Arthur W., Woodside, Peasmarah, Suaaex. 1938 Rideout, Miss E. M., The Glebe House, Pembury. 1938 Ridpath, E. Guy, The Grange, Marden. 1926 Riley E. A., 3 Dry Hill Road, Tonbridge. 1936 Robathan, Major P. E., Yellowbois, Cranbrook. 1936 Robathan, Mrs. E. S. C., Yellowbois, Cranbrook. 1922 Roberson, S. A., The Gables, Upper St. Anne's Road, Faversham. 1935 Roberts, Charles J., Sa Cheriton Gardens, Folkestone. &1931 Rochester, Rt. Rev. The Lord Bishop of, n.s.o., D.D., Bishop's Court, Rochester. 1912 *Rogers, Col. J.M., D.s.o .. Riverhill, near Sevenoaks. 1923 Rogers, Rev. Stephen F. H., 41 Wear Bay Crescent, Folkestone. 1928 Rolfe, J. T. T., Forehoe, Upper St. Ann's Road, Faversham. 1933 Romer, The Right Hon. Lord Justice, 43 Hyde Park Gate, s.w. 7. 1923 Ronald, R, D., The Glen, Linden Chase, Sevenoaks. 1927 Roper-Lumley-Holland, Mrs., Lynated Park, Sittingbourne. 1926 Roper, Edward E., Gailes, Coldharbour Lane, Hildenborough, Tonbridge. 1929 Roper, J\illss Anne, The Red House, Littlestone, New Romney. 1936 Rose, Mrs. M. C., The Vicarage, Cobham. 1899 Ruck, Walter, Honorary Librarian, 133 Tonbridge Road, Maidstone. 1930 Sackville, Rt. Hon. Lord, K.B.E., o.B., c.:M..G., Knole, Sevenoaks. 1926 Salmon, J., St. Botolph's, St. Botolph's Road, Sevenoaks. 1935 Salt, Major A. E. W., M.A., Ir.R.o.s., Stawne, Coolinge, Folkestone. 1933 Samson, Mi􀆢s K. B., 13 Albion Place, Maidstone. 1923 Sandford, H. A., M.A., F.o.s., The Woodlands, Sundridge Avenue, Bromley. 1920 Sankey, Rev. E. Tritton, lit.A., 2 Castle Street, Canterbury. 1914 Sargant, Lady, General's Meadow, St. Clare Road, Upper Walmer. 1924 Sawer, l\fiss M. E., 13 Albion Place, Maidstone. 1929 Scott, Major F. Douglas, Societe du Behera, P.O. B.20 Alexandria, Egypt. 1929 Scott, Mrs. E. M., Thornham Friars, nr. Maidstone. 1933 Scott, F. :[toy A., 164 Rochester Street, Chatham. 1938 Scott, Lady Sibbald, The Oaat House, Ha1Tietsham. 1936 Scott, Rev. W. F., n.rmr,., B.LITT., M.A., The Vicarage, New Romney. 1927 Scudder, Miss E. M., 8 Ringlestone Crescent, Maidstone. 1926 Searle, Miss E. F., Cokehuret, East Farleigh, Maidstone. al924 i'lecretan, Spencer D., Swaynes, Rudgwick, SuB!'ex. 1929 Sefton-Jones, Mrs. M., Hampton Court Palace, Middlesex. al907 Selby, Mrs. Elizabeth, Beaugill, Lynsted, Sittingbourne. 1938 Selmes, Miss M. E., The Manor House, Newenden, Sandhurst, Kent. 1921 Seymour, Ernest F., Eversley, Crescent Road, Sidcup. 1937 Sharp, William, Marley, Kingston, Canterbury. 1923 Sheppard, Rev. E. H., St. Thomas, Burga.te, Canterbury. LIST OF MEMBERS. XXXI 1898 Shindler, T., M.A., LL.B., Glendower, 110 Burdon Lane, Belmont, Sutton, Surrey. 1936 Siddall, J. L., Running Waters, New Romney. 1936 Simpson, Miss A. W., Barnden, Cra.nbrook. 1906 Simpson, David Chisholm, Iona, 19 ,vendover Road, Bromley. 1923 Simpson, W. A., 35, Morrison Road, Folkestone. 1926 Sia.den, Algernon, Norfolk, Wentworth, Virginia Water. 1894 *Smetham, Henry, 78 Goddington Roa.d, 8trood, Rochester. 1920 Smith, Arthur, 68 Preston Street, Faversham. 1931 Smith, Capt. Leslie, o/o Lloyds Bank Ltd., 18 Wigmore Street, w.l. 1927 Smith, C. C. B., M.A., 66 St. James Road, Shirley, Southampton. 1926 Smith, Miss Edith M., 5 Florence Terrace, East Cliff, Ramsgate. 1928 Smith, E. P., Rysings, Stone, Ashford. 1899 Smith, F. F., 28 Watt's Avenue, Rochester. 1931 Smith, Mrs. Linton, Bishop's Court, Rochester. 1896 Smith, W. P. Haskett, M.A., D'.S.A., 34 Russell Road, Holland Pa.rk, w.14. 1929 Smith, William B., High Street, New Romney. 1897 Solley, O. C., Richborough, Sandwich. 1929 Solly, Miss Dorothea H., Pound Hill, Frittenden, Staplehurst. 1912 *Southey, Ronald, Bishops, Othnm, Maidstone. 1933 Soyer, Wm. Alfred, 37 Gra.nville Road, Sevenoe.,ks. 1930 Spielman, Edgar .R. M., The Pleasaunce, Woodland Rise, Sevenoaks. 1934 Spear, Miss C. L., The Red Cottage, Tt.o., 0.0.1.E., o.n.E., Walmer Castle, Dea.I. 1923 Wilson, R.ev. S. Gordon, F.R.m.s•r.s., .A.,K.o., F.$.A.SOOT, The Vicarage, Blean, near Canterburv. 1928 Wilson, Sydney, Fairview, 1 Stone Street, Faversha.m. 1930 Wilson, Guthla.c, o/o Braithwaite & Co. (lnclia Ltd.), Clive Works, Kidrlerpore, Calcutta.. 1934 Wiltshier, Eric Chas., 75D Stour Street, Canterbury. 1916 Wind, C. R., 10 Church Road, Ashford. 1931 Winmill, Chas. C., F.R,I,B.A,, 1 Minor Canon Row, Rochester. 1934 Winstanley, Miss Ethel, The Croft, Detling, Maidstone. 1932 Wix, Ernest H., Mall House, Faversham. 1906 *Wollaston, Sir Gerald Woods, o.o.B., K.o.v.o., F.S.A., Garter Principal King of Arms, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.o.4. 1910 Wolseley, Mrs. W. 0., Mona Beg, Hythe. 1934 Wood, Miss Dorothy, Copt Hall, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1938 Wood, Mrs. G. E., The Dower House, Aylesford. 1934 Wood, Miss Olive M., Copt Hall, Ightham, Sevenoaks. 1926 Wood, W. F., Chekes Court, 'ronge, Sittingbourne. 3 xxxiv KENT AROHJEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1911 Woodall, H., Yotes Court, Mereworth, Maidstone. 1935 Woodd, J. H. T., Kingsgate, Rolvenden, Cranbrook. al932 Woodgate, G. M. G., :ir.s.a., Leverington House, Wisbeoh, Cambridge. al878 *Woodruff, Rev. C. Eveleigh, M.A., St. Laurence Gate, Old Dover Road, Canterbury. 1910 Woodruff, Rev. J. E., B.A .. The Oratory, Brompton, s.w.7. 1929 Woodruff, J. Winthrop, 28 Oakwood Avenue, Beckenham. 1900 *Woolley, Rev. Charles Boyle, The Rectory, Church Lench, Evesham. 1921 Worsfold, F. H., Canonbury, Epple Bay Road, Birchington-on-Sea: 1922 Wright, Mrs. B. E., Llangarren Lodge, 37 􀃗Queen's Road, Tunbridge Wells. 1933 Yates, Miss D. 1\1., The Mead, Dumpton, Broadstairs. 1937 Yorke, Brigadier-General R. M., Summerhill, Tenterden. ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR 1936. 􀀘jent 􀀙rrhrenlngtral jntirtu. REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31ST DEOEMBER, 1936. THE Council present herewith their Seventy-eighth Report and Statement of Accounts for 1936. MEMBERSlilP. In June last a circular was issued to members asking them to invite their friends interested in archreology to join the Society. The result was encouraging, eighty-three new members having been elected during the year, but as there were fifty-six cessations, the net gain is only twenty-seven, the number of members at the end of the year being 942. The Council therefore need the continuous co-operation of members in keeping up and increasing the membership. The number of Societies in union is unaltered. It is with general regret that the retirement of Lord Conway, who has been President of the Society since 1923, has to be announced. Although no longer able to undertake the duties attaching to the presidential office, Lord Conway has consented to continue, as a Vice-President, his long association with the Council of the Society. During the year the Marquess of Willingd,on, Viscount Wakefield ofHythe and Sir Charles Marston have also accepted invitations to become Vice-Presidents of the Society. The Council record with regret the deaths of Lady Davidson, a Vice-President, Mr. Arthur H. Neve, Local Secretary for Tonbridge, Mr. P. Mainwaring Johnston, F.R.I.B.A., F.S.A., who has addressed the Society at Excursion Meetings, and the Society's Collector, Mr. A. J. Lancaster. xxxviii REPORT, 1936. Members who associated themselves with the t􀂤stimonial to Mr. G. C. Druce, on his retirement from the office of Hon. General Secretary, will be interested to hear that he has devoted the proceeds of f he fund towards the cost qf publication, for private circulation, of his translation of The Bestiary of Guillaume le Clerc, which was originally written in Norman-French, in 1210-11 . .ANNuAL GENERAL MEETING. The Annual General Meeting was held on April 16th in Maidstone Museum, by kind permission of the Museum Committee. In the a.bsence of the President, the chair was taken by the Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff, M.A., the senior Vice-President of the Society. The attendance before lunch did not exceed forty, but this number was more than doubled for the afternoon lectures, when members were joined by their friends. The Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting were read and confirmed, after which the Chairman moved and Dr. F. W. Cock seconded the adoption of the Report and Accounts. The Chairman paid a tribute to the services of the retiring Hon. General Secretary, Mr. G. C. Druce, F.S.A., and stated that the Meeting would be asked to confirm the appointment of his successor. The new volume of Arch03o'logia Oantiana, which had just reached members, had attained a high standard, but was unavoidably late in being published. The Council aimed at the earlier publication of future volumes, and, to achieve this end, it might be necessary to exclude each year all contributions not received from authors by September 30th. Members were invited to help in increasing the membership, so making it possible to issue a larger and more attractive volume. The new General Index was progressing, but the work was gigantic, and careful revision was necessary if mistakes were to be avoided. The Excursions had again proved attractive, and the Council were now in possession of reports from two Excursion Committees which contained recommendations of value in relation to future excursions. The Records Branch had received a large number of documents, and the help of volunteers in classifying and cataloguing them was greatly needed. The Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Charles Stokes, drew attention to the salient features of the accounts, which, regarded as a whole, were satisfactory, although he pointed out that there had been a REPORT, 1936. xxxix loss on the Excursions, that greater support for the Illustrations Fund was desirable, and that the amount of Entrance Fees, which depended on the enrolment of new members, was lower than could be wished. Dr. Gordon Ward, in speaking to the motion, drew a cheerful picture of the position and work of the Society. The Report and Accounts were unanimously adopted. The six retiring members of Council, Canon Potts, Canon Wheatley, Mr. F. H. Day, Sir Gerald Woods Wollaston, Dr. Gordon Ward and Dr. Charles Cotton were re-elected, as also were the Hon. Auditors, Messrs. F. C. Allwork, F.C.A., and A. G. B. Chittenden, A.C.C.S., who were thanked for their services. The Council having appointed Sir Edward Harrison to be Hon. General Secretary of the Society in succession to Mr. Druce, subject to confirmation by the Annual General Meeting, the appointment was duly confirmed. Nine new members of the Society were elected, bringing the number of members to date up to 945. Mr. R. W. Strickland and Major T. M. Usborne, Hon. Excursion Secretaries for West and East Kent, respectively, outlined their proposals for the coming season. Mr. Frank Godwin raised the question of the approaching sale of Oldbury Hill, Ightham, and, after an account of the position had been given by Sir Edward Harrison, the Council passeJ unanimously a series of resolutions urging the National Trust to appeal for funds to buy the hill and the Pilgrim Trust to advance to the National Trust the amount of the purchase money, pending the response to such an appeal. A vote of thanks to the Corporation of Maidstone for the use of the rooms ended the business meeting. After lunch members and their friends assembled to hear two lectures. Mr. F. C. Bazett-Jones, a member.of the Windmill Section of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, took as his subject Windmill,s at Work in East Kent, and gave an interesting and informative lecture, illustrated by about forty lantern slides. Dr. F. W. Hardman expressed the thanks of the gathering to the lecturer for a discourse which had been much enjoyed. Mr. W. H. A ymer Vallance, M.A., F.S.A., who had promised to lecture on the Humours and Curiosities of Parish Documents, was unavoidably absent, but the paper written by him was read xl REPORT, 1936. by Major Usborne, who, as Dr. Cock observed in thanking him, had added his own touches of humour in reading it. A hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Richard Cooke for entertaining the whole company to tea concluded the session, and members and their friends passed to an adjoining room to see two small but interesting exhibitions which had been arranged for their benefit, namely (a) a collection of Kent Parish Documents kindly lent by Dr. Gordon Ward, and (b) a selection from the large series of engravings prepared over fifty years ago by the late J. Fremlyn Streatfeild, F.R.C.S., to illustrate Kent books, and recently presented to the Society by his son, Dr. Thomas Streatfeild. COUNCIL MEETINGS. Dr. T. Armstrong Bowes joined the Council as an elected member at the beginning of the year, filling the vacancy caused by the appointment of Sir Edward Harrison to be Hon. General Secretary. The usual quarterly meetings of the Council were held in March, June, September, and December. The June meeting was held at the House of Lords, by invitation of the retiring President, Lord Conway, who hospitably entertained the Council to lunch. Dr. Irene Churchill represented the Society at the Fourth Anglo-American Conference of Historians, held in London in July, and Mr. G. C. Druce attended the annual Congress of Archreological Societies at Burlington House in November, in a like capacity. AocOUNTS. The Accounts for the year indicate a healthy condition of the finances of the Society ; receipts from entrance fees and subscriptions showing an upward trend, while expenditure remains at a normal level. The loss made on Excursions in 1935 has been replaced by a profit in 1936. Arrears of subscriptions are very small. LIBRARY. Additions to the Society's library during the past year include The Level and the Liberty of Romney Marsh, by Major M. Teichman Derville ; The Record of the Broclcman and Drake-Brockman REPORT, 1936. xli Family, by Brig.-General D. H. Drake-Brockman; English Okurch Screens, by Mr. W. H. Aymer Vallance; Kent, by Mr. Arthur Mee; and Parish Churches of Norfolk and Norwich, by lV.u:. C. J. W. Messent. All of these works were presented by the authors. The Bristol and Gloucestershire Archroological Society liave presented Saxon Charters and Field Names of Gloucestershire, by G. B. Grundy; Mr. Walter Ruck has given The Annals uf Headcorn, by R. Furley and Sketches of Deal, Walmer and Sandwich, by J. L. Roget ; Mr. G. C. Druce has given a photograph of the front of the ancient chest in Harty Church, and also Verulamium a BeT,gic and two Roman Cities, by R. E. M. Wheeler and T. V. Wheeler (Report of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries, Vol. XI, 1936). From the Cambridge University Press has been received the Annual Bibliography of the History of British Art, I, 1934. A copy of D. T. W. Dearn's Account of the Weald o.f Kent has been purchased, and Part III of Audky Pedigrees has been subscribed for. Mr. N. E. Toke has given to the Society a collection of about 260 photographs of rubbings of heraldic stone medallions in Kent, and Canon Wheatley has presented a number of the note-books of the late Canon Scott Robertson. Major G. W. Allen has presented to the Society a set of air photographs, taken by himself, of the pr<'historic hill fort of Oldbury, Ightham. "AROH2EOLOQIA CANTIANA." There was unavoidable delay in the issue of Volume XLVII of Archreologia Oantiana, whlch did not reach members until April, 1936. It is the wish of the Council that the annual volume should be issued by the end of the calendar year, or very shortly afterwards, and with thls object in view, the Editor has a discretion to refuse to admit contributions from authors which do not reach him, ready in all respects for the printer, by September 30th. Volume XLVID is near the point of distribution. It will be found to be somewhat larger in content than Volume XLVII, and no less interesting. The revision of the new Index: has proceeded actively during the past year, and there is every reason to expect that it will have been printed before the Council submit their next Report. Donations to the Illustrations Fund amounted to £11 18s. 9rl., a slight decrease on the figures of 1935. xlii REPORT, 1936. RECORDS BRANCH. Subscribers to the Records Branch have received since the issue of the last Annual Report, Part III of Kent Chantries with index and title page. A quantity of documents for preservation has been received from various sources. These include Parish Books of Milstead, and deeds relating to lands in Molash, Challock, Yalding, Marden, Nonington, etc., altogether upwards of 3,000 documents, the earliest dating from the fourteenth century. Voluntary assistance for calendaring these documents would be welcomed and members willing to assist should communicate with Mr. Frank W. Tyler, F.S.A. (Hon. Secretary), Records Branch, 6 Hawk's Lane, Canterbury. PLACE NAMES. Mr. F. W. Jessup reports that it is likely to be some years before the Kent volume is published. In the meantime the proposal, referred to last year, to make a collection of field names, identified by reference to the 6-inch map, is under active consideration by the Place-name Committee. ExmrasroNs. The Summer Excursion, organized by Mr. R. W. Strickland, took place on June 15th and 16th. The first day was spent almost ent,irely in the village of Hollingbourne, its church and ancient houses providing ample archreological material for a long visit.. Upwards of 150 members and their friends were welcomed in the church by the Vicar, the Rev. E. H. Arkwright, after which Canon G. M. Livett gave an account of the building which suffered little from his having to speak without his notes. In the course of his address he outlined a system of measuring the interiors of churches by means of which much of their early history might often be recovered. At the Manor House Lady Pearson allowed her visitors to walk freely through the rooms, in one of which the famous Altar Cloth-worked by the Culpeper Sisters in Commonwealth days and given by them to the church after the Restoration-was displayed. A paper by Mr. Aymer Vallance on HoUingbowrne Manor and the Gulpepers was read to the assembled company. The afternoon was occupied by visits to five noteworthy old houses in the parish, ranging in date from the fifteenth to early REPORT, 1936. xliii in the eighteenth century. These were Penn Court (Dr. G. Lucy), The Malt House (Major Hubert Jones, O.B.E.), Godfrey House (Dr. H. Stratford Collins), The Tanyard House (Miss Bazley White) and Snagbrook House (Capt. J.M. Begg, R.N.). Exteriors and interiors were inspected, and the courtesy of the owners in throwing open both houses and grounds was much appreciated. A drive up the chalk hills and over the plateau to Bredgar church, where the Rector, the Rev. 0. H. E. May, received the party and Canon Livett again addressed them, brought the day's programme to an end about six o'clock. Next morning a smaller party, numbering about eighty, gathered in the remote little church of Harty, in Sheppey, after a devious journey across the marshes. The Rev. E. J. Field, a Rector with only thirty-five parishioners, welcomed them, and Capt. H. W. Knocker gave an illuminating and all too short account of the Manor of Milton in its relation to the history of Sheppey. Canon S. W. Wheatley followed with a description of the church-which he had failed to find on an attempted preliminary visit-and addressed the party again at Shurland Castle, picturesque in its decay, though no longer habitable. At the church of All Saints, Eastchurch, where the Rector received his visitors, their numbers had grown to over 100. After lunch at Minster many members of the party climbed to the roof of the Abbey Gate-house, where the enchanting view in all directions impressed everyone who saw it for the first time. Mr. W. J. Ouzman described the Abbey and afterwards led his audience round the adjoining double church of St. Mary and St. Sexburga, explaining the features of each point of interest. From Minster the party made their way to Queenborough, where, in the unavoidable absence of the Mayor, they were received by the Deputy Mayor. At the Town Hall the Corporation regalia, Borough charters, and many ancient books and records were exhibited, and Miss Mary Jaffray explained their more interesting features. A short visit to Holy Trinity Church, close by, brought to an end a successful excursion, marked by its 'Varied programme and by the leisurely way in which it was carried through. Major T. M. Usborne was in charge of the Autumn Excursion on September 9th, when Adisham and Nonington were the places 'Visited, about 130 members and their friends taking part. The Rev. H. C. Jackman welcomed the party at Adisham Church, a xliv REPORT, 1936. thirteenth century building which was described by the Rev. Canon R. U. Potts, F.S.A., who in the course of his address drew attention to some unusual features of the structure, including the North transept with its a.isle and timber screen. After leaving the church the party drove past two Kent colliery villages to Fredville, in Nonington, where the owner, Mr. H. Western Plumptre, after speaking of the house and its history, led his visitors across the park to see some of the most notable old t.rees in this country-the " Majesty " oak which, at a height of 4½ feet, measures 36½ feet in girth, the avenue of great chestnuts, and the wonderful hornbeam with its spread of over 100 ft. After lunch in the Parish Hall, Dr. F. W. Hardman, F.S.A., gave an address on the parish of Nonington, an aggregation of manors and hamlets in a district which still keeps many marks of its Saxon and mediroval character. The Society passed on to Nonington Church, where SurgeonCaptain K. H. Jones, F.S.A., not _only described the building, but also spoke of the association of yew trees with churches and funerary ceremonies, and of the shoeing of oxen at the nearby smithy. At St. Albans Court, the manor house of Ea.sole, a modern building but the fourth house on or near the same site, the chief interest lay in the pictures, especially the portraits by Jansen, Lely and other well-kno,vn artists. Mrs. Hammond, the owner, allowed the Society first to wander through the rooms on the ground floor, after which Mrs. Gardiner described the pictures and Mr. C.R. Councer the ancient glass which has been worked into windows in the hall. .Another interesting exhibit was the original grant of the manor of Easole by King Stephen in 1141. Most of the party returned to the Parish Hall for tea and shortly afterwards dispersed, happy in the knowledge that the weather forecast of rain towards evening was proving false. On September 26th about forty members of the Society took advantage of an invitation issued by the Royal Archreological Institute to join their excursion to Maumbury Rings and Maiden Castle, Dorset. A special restaurant train, both ways, made the long journey very comfortable, and the inclement weather which greeted the party on the breezy upland was forgotten as soon as the magnificent sections that had been opened at Maiden Castle during the season were reached. Dr. Mortimer Wheeler, V.-P.S.A. and Lieut.-Colonel C. D. Drew, F.S.A., described the excavations REPORT, 1936. xlv which had unfolded the story of the great hill fortress, and the only regret expressed by the members of the Kent Society was that so wonderful a pre-historic monument lay outside their own county. Loo.AL SECRETARIES. Mr. A. Cumberland reports the discovery, in June, 1936, on the Glebe building site in Old Road, Crayford, about 500 feet S.W. of the Parish Church (0.S. 6-in. Sheet 9, N.W., spot level in Old Road 109 O.D.), of a late Iron Age pit dwelling, which wa.s apparently only in temporary occupation. The finds include potsherds showing late Celtic features, a ball of prepared clay suitable for lining a wattled shelter, calcined flints (pot boilers), loom weights, part of a quern of mmstone grit, and a pounding stone, also bones and teeth of horse, oxen and sheep. Mr. S. Priest, F.G.S., Curator of Dartford Museum, has superintended the excavation of the site, and the pottery is being examined at the London Museum. A representative collection from the finds is to be seen at Dartford Museum. The north door of the church of St. Paulinus at Crayford (see Arch. Gant., XXVI, 54, Plate Ila) which is partly below ground level, has been reopened after being closed for many years. A pair of new doors has been fitted, and the old oak door, with wrought iron hinges, has been placed in the church. Mr. Cumberland also reports the demolition of a group of old houses with overhanging upper storeys, in Overy Liberty, Dartford. One of them, a substantial half-timbered building, bore the date 1597 on a beam over the doorway. The entrances to these old houses were about four feet below the present road level and, no doubt, marked the level of the old road when wheeled traffic forded the river Darent. Severa.I objects of interest found when the houses were demolished have been placed in the town museum (see illustration, p. 291). Mr. Sydney Wilson writes that bones of woolly rhinoceros and of Bos primigenius have recently been found in flint gravel at Messrs. Cremer Whiting & Co. 's brickfield, to the east of Bysing Wood, near Faversham, approximately at the point where the 50 foot contour intersects the southern boundary of the former parish of Davington. A careful watch is being kept for any further relics. The discovery was noticed in the Faversham News of November 28th, 1936. xlvi REPORT, 1936. Major Eric Clarke has forwarded a report by Mr. A. Congreve, of Cranbrook School, recording finds by boys of the school, of neolithic flint implements, during levelling work on the school cricket field, which adjoins the garden of the Windmill Inn. The implements found fall into two broad divisions: (a) round scrapers with a plain lower bulbous surface and a faceted upper surface, with secondary working, and (b) flakes, with small serrations, presumably used as knife blades. One core and also one or two flint pebbles were found : the latter seem to be battered as if used as hammers by the flint workers. The patina of the flinLs varies from a lustrous black to light fawns and mottled bluish whites. The discovery is one of considerable interest as the site of the finds is well to the south of the line marking the northern limit of the Weaiden forest. Major Clarke also notes the finding of short lengths of Roman road in the Cranbrook area. It is hoped to extend the small pieces of road which have been uncovered. Mr. J. H. Mowll has drawn attention to the Dover Castle clock, which is now in the Science Museum, South Kensington, having been removed from Dover Castle by the War Office in 1872. The label attached states that the clock is one of the only two known public clocks still retaining the original form of verge escapement with the foliot or cross-bar balance. This appears to have been introduced in the fourteenth century, and was the only means employed for controlling mechanical oloc.ks until the application of the pendulum 300 years later. There is a tradition that this clock is of Swiss origin and that it was made in 1348, but recent research makes it appear possible that the clock may have been made as late as the sixteenth century, although in design and workmanship it resembles a fourteenth century clock. A photographic reproduction of the clock, together with the full description from the label, appeared in the Dover Express of December llth, 1936. Mr. Mowll has also sent a report by Mr. E. G. J. Amos relating chiefly to acquisitions by Dover Museum. These acquisitions, summarized, are as follows : 8 Roman pots and Samian fragments found at Buckland, 1860-70 ; 2 Roman pots and fragments found at a housing site in St. Radegund's Road ; 1 piece of Roman tile stamped CLBR found on the site of the Fountain Hotel in Market Square ; I whole bonding tile stamped CLBR discovered in the foundation of the Pharos which formerly stood on the REPORT, 1936. xlvii Western heights; 4 fragments of Samian ware found in Market Lane. Some of these finds were made many years ago, but have only recently passed out of private hands. Tufa has been noted in St. Andrew's Church, Buckland, but it has been covered by new work. There is apparently a deposit of tufa in the churchyard. Mr . .Amos also reports that the Office of Works have begun to remove modern work on the inside face of the Crevequer tower, Dover Castle. Finally, the digging of a trench across Effi.ngham Street, Dover, has afforded Mr. Amos an opportunity of tracing some walls of St. Martin's Priory, which do not appea.r to have been recorded before. He has deposited a plan of this work with the Society at Maidstone. Mr. Norman Cook has made the following report: In April, 1936, workmen who were digging a trench for a sewer, discovered the remains of an ancient dug-out boat at a depth of 3 ft. 6 ins. The site was in Sandown Road, Sandwich, in the bank of a small stream close to Great Downs Bridge. (O.S. 6-in., Sheet 4-8 N.E., Lat. 51 ° 16' 8" N., Lon. 1 ° 21' 55" E.) The boat was resting in a blue clay which contained the remains of a few oyster shells and numerous shells of Swrbicularia pl,ana, a fauna associated with muddy-bottomed estuaries. The boat was made from an oak-tree trunk and the marks of the boat..hewers' tools were clear. When I inspected the find there was not enough of it exposed for me to be able to place it within Sir Cyril Fox's classification of monoxylous craft. Since my visit, however, the boat has been completely excavated and moved to Sandwich. Monoxylous boats found in Britain show a considerable range in the development of the boat builder's art. Very few of them have been found with dateable objects, though one found at Erith is reported to have contained a polished flint axe and a flint scraper. Such evidence as has survived points to these craft having a chronological range of not less than 4,000 years, beginning with neolithic times. Major P.H. G. Powell-Cotton has made some excavations on an Iron Age site of which a full report will appear in a future volume of Archceologia Oantiana. In the spring of 1936 the Town Planning Consultants to the North-East Kent Joint Town Planning Committee asked the xlviii REPORT, 1936. Society for information as regards buildings of special architectural or historic interest or sites of antiquities, which ought to be preserved under planning schemes made in conformity with the Town and Country Planning Act, 1932. The area affected included the boroughs of Chatham, Faversham and Gillingham, the island of Sheppey, the urban district of Sittingbourne and Milton, and the rural districts of Strood and Swale. With the help of the Local Secretaries concerned, Mrs. E. Selby, the Rev. 0. H. Brasier, and Messrs. R. F. Jessup, I. H. L. King and Sydney Wilson, supplemented by information in the Society's possession at Maidstone, an annotated list covering over sixty buildings and sites in more than a score of pa,rishes was compiled and sent to the Town Planning Consultants. There is good reason to hope that this useful effort may result in the preservation of buildings which, through ignorance or indifference, might otherwise be destroyed. AFFILIATED SoomTIEs. The number of Affiliated Societies remains unchanged. The Dartford District Antiquarian Society continues to be active in arranging excursions and lectures, the places visited including Hall Place, Bexley, the site of Celtic discoveries at Crayford, and Knole, while addresses have been given on The Archleology of the Gray Volley and other subjects. Mr. A. J. Philip, Hon. Secretary of the Gravesend and District Scientific and Archreological Society, reports the discovery of two or three human skeletons in Brown Road, Denton, during the laying of drains on a housing estate, but their age does not appear to have been determined. Of greater interest is a find of human bones at Denton Court, on '' the slope from the foot of the wall surrounding Denton Chapel, on the easterly end, bearing slightly north." These bones were taken from shallow graves which had been dug in the surface soil but had not reached the chalk. The co-operation of the Kent Archreological Society with the Kent Council of Social Service continues, more especially as regards the County Local History Committee of that Council, in relation to excursions of the Society, and the presence of local residents at certain addresses given at Excursion Meetings. The Council invite the particular attention of members to the various notices which, for the general convenience, have been REPORT, 1936. xlix brought together and placed at the beginning of " Archreologia Cantiana." The Hon. Treasurer always appreciates the prompt payment by members of their subscriptions, a course which saves both correspondence and expense. Where equally convenient to members, payment by Banker's Order is preferred, as it guards against oversight and relieves members from the necessity of making recurring remittances. Forms of Banker's Order will be gladly supplied by me on request. By order of the Council, EDWARD HARRISON. March llth, 1937. ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR 1936. 1 1Dr. KENT ARCHJEOLOGICAL Income and Expenditure Account To Grant to Maidstone Museum and Library Auxiliary Fund for 1936 .•••••.• ,, Records Branch (Grant towards Rent) .. ,, Curator's Salary .....................• ., Porter's Wages .................•.... ., Fire and Employers' Liability Insurance ., Printing, Stationery and Postages •..... ,, Miscellaneous Expenses (Heating) ..... . ,, Library (Books, Biniling, etc.) ....... . ., Harleian Society (Subscription 1936) •. ., Congress of Archreologica.l Societies (Subscription 1936-1937) ••..•.•. ,, British Archa.\ological Assooia.tion (Subscription 1936) •.•••••••••••••••• ., Collector's Commission ............... . ,, Expenses of Meetings, eto . ....•...•... ,. Publications Cost of producing Volume XLVIII of Archalologia Cantiana •••••. ., Excess of Income over Expenditure carried to Sheet •••.• £ s. d. £ s. 30 0 10 0 40 0 6 12 3 0 60 1 2 2 9 16 2 12 1 0 1 1 9 0 6 16 d. £ s. d. 0 0 0 0 9 5 1 6 6 0 0 8 0 181 1 11 372 18 l 554 0 0 73 2 10 £627 2 10 SOCIETY. jr


General Index


The Court Rolls and Other Records of the Manor of Ightham as a Contribution to Local History