General Index

( 186 ) GENERAL INDEX. A Abbott, George, Arohbishop of Canterbury, 84. a Becket, Thos., glass in Nackington Church, 162. Acca, 60. Acce (Ecca), 66. Aeon, see Aix. Accounts 1937, xxxvii-li. Adams, Edward, 90. Addington Park, mesolithic flints found, 147. Adowne, Richard, 91. Adrian, Abbot of St. Augustine's, 60, 67, 69. Adrian Street, Dover, 149. Adventures of a Kentish Spy, by F. C. Elliston Erwood, F.S.A., 1-10. Ady, John, of Doddington, 81. Aebba, Abbess, daughter of Eormenred, 62, 63, 70; gift of land in Sturry, 60, 61. Aelgar, Adam Fitz, of Sturry, 48. Aethehed, King of Mercia, 64, 67, 68, 69. Affiliated Societies, notes on, xlviii, etc. Aix la Chapelle, the Yorkist headquarters, 4, 6; cleared of Yorkists, 9. Aldington Manor, a correction regarding the Buildings of, 168-160. Aldon arms in Boughton Aluph Church, 136. Aldon, Sir Thomas de, and the Manor of Boughton Aluph, by Dorothy Gardiner, 122-130. Aldon, Sir Thomas de, 137, 138 ; as sheep farmer, 128 ; enfeoffment of William atte Welle, 126 ; grant of property to heirs of Matilda, daughter of John Paynel, 126; marriage of, 125 ; receives Royal Pardon, 126 ; The Younger, 128. Aley, Robert, 115. Alfriston, 145. a Ligh, William, 110. Aluphs of Boughton Manor, 122, etc. Alway, John, 115. Alwey, John, curate, 120. Ambrose, Katherine, 93. Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Horton Kirby, 148 ; Chronicle, 71 ; finds in Kent, 148. Anlisforde, Nicholas, 95. Annual Report and Accounts 1937, xxxvii-li. Archaeology in Kent, 1938, Reports, 147-150. Argate, John, 111. Arnard, Nicholas, 120. Asceles, John de, 124 ; Matilda de, abduction of, 124. atte Welle, William, parson of Pette, 126. Atwood, Richardine, 109. Avenesbury, Maud de, 136. Aylesford, 144. Aylworth, armorial shield in St. Stephen's, Hackington, 84, etc.; Walter, hatchment in St. Stephen's, 86. B BadiU, William, 116. Badlesmere, Bartholomew de, 124, 125; Elizabeth de, 128, 137; family pedigree, 127. Baker, John, 97 ; William, of Folkestone, 91. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs., and restoration of glass in Nackington Church, 161-162. Banns, bidding the, in connection with taking the Veil, 42. Bardolf arms in Boughton Aluph Church, 136 ; Sir John, 139. Bargrove, Roger, 90. Barrett, Robert, 89. Bassett arms in Boughton Aluph Church, 136 ; Ralph, 139. Bavent, arms of, in Hackington Church, 84. Baxe, John, yeoman of Deal, 52. Beche, Joan, 109. Benjamin, Alice, 100. Bergrove, Roger, 102. Bernardo, Robert, 121. Berton Mill, Saltwood, 110. Bery, Thos. de, 47. Biggs field, Borough Green, 166. Bilcheberoughe, 97. GENERAL INDEX. 187 Bilsington, 110. Birdds, John, 116. Bitchet, Ightham, 156. Bix, James, hatchment in St. Mildred's, Canterbury, 81. Bix, John, hatchment in St. Mildred's, Canterbury, 80. Bix, Thomas, hatchment in St. Mildred's, Canterbury, 77, 78. Blakmede, Hythe, 104. Bliche, Elizabeth, 94. Blund, John, 47. Bocton, Isolda de, marries Paynel, 125. Bodsham in Elmstead, 67, 71. Bohan arms in Boughton Aluph Church, 134, etc. ; Edward de, 125, 126, 128 ; William de, 137. Bokton, Idowa, 123, 124; Isola de, 123; Joan de, 123, 124; Matilda de, 123, 124 ; Stephen de, 123. Bolney, Ahce, 112. Boniface of Savoy, Archb., will, 152. Boroughmarsh (Burmarsh), see Burmarsh. Boughton Aluph, Manor of, and Sir Thomas de Aldon, by Dorothy Gardiner, 122-130. Boughton Aluph, the Medieval Painted Glass of, by C. R. Councer, 131-139. Boughton, 144 ; Church, 122 etc.; Court, and relics of de Bocton home, 123; Domesday entry, 122 ; in-the-Bush, origins, 122 ; Monchelsea, 145; next Wye, known as Boughton-in-the-Bush, 122 ; Wood, rents in, 123. Boulogne, Eustace, Earl of, owner of Boughton Manor, 122 ; Leper Hospital, grant from Manor of Boughton, 122. Bourne, Edward, 116. Bowes, John, 101, 108, 113 ; Valentine, 57. Boxley, 143. Brandon family, 79. Bray, Hyde, King's Clerk, 123. Breecher, William, 116, 117. Bregge (Bridge), see Bridge. Brende, Warin, 48. Bridge, 45, 48. Bridger, John, 57. Bright, William, 94, 98, 113, [115,121. Bristow, Elizabeth, 93 ; John, 91. Brookhull, Thomas de, sheriff of Kent, 48. Broke, Thomas, 6, 117. Brokhole, Roger, 98. Brokman, Thomas, 96. Bromyarde, Stephen, 90. Brook, Folkestone, 112. Brooke, Thomas, 6, 7, 109. Browne, Joan, 105 ; John, rector of Hope All Saints, Romney Marsh, 155 ; Sir George, 2. Browning, James, 92 ; Joan, 92 ; Richard, tailor, of Hythe, 87, 102 ; Robert, 92. Brumden, Boughton, 124. Brun, Hugh le, 47. Buckwell Field, Ightham, 156. Bukland, Alexander, 87 ; Edward, 87 ; Joan, 87 ; John, 87 ; Michael, 87 ; Thomas, 87. Burghersh, arms in Boughton Aluph Church, 136 etc. ; Cicely de, 125 ; family pedigree, 127 ; Henry de, Bp. of Lincoln, 124 ; Maud, 125 ; MatUda, 124, 125 ; Robert de, 137; Sir Robert de, Constable of Dover, 124, 125 ; Stephen de, 124, 137. Burial Group, Romano-British, found at Rochester Meadow, 147. Burmarsh (Boroughmarsh), 98, 99; lands in, 108. Burroughs, John, tenant of Sea Valley, Deal, 57. Burstow, John, 116. Burton, coat of arms in Boughton Aluph Church, 137 ; John de, the King's Clerk, 139 ; Thos. de, King's Sumpterman, 139 ; William, 121. Burwash, Sir Bartholomew, arms in Boughton Aluph Church, 135. Busecombe, Thomas, 119. Busshe, John, 113. Butler, Richard, 104. C Calowe, Thomas, 92. CalweU, Mr., restorer of ancient glass in Nackington Church, 161. Camise, Nicholas, 92. Campania, John de, 124. Campe, John, 88. Canterbury, 69, 121, 144 ; Archaeological Society, xlix; Cathedral and Nackington Church glass, 161; Cathedral, carving in crypt, 24 j Cathedral cloisters, carvings in, 12, 16, 23; Cathedral cloisters, carving of kneeling man in, 12 ; Cathedral crypt, 123 ; finds in, during 1937, xlix ; Friars houses, 110. Canterbury, Hatchments in the Churches of, by N. E. Toke, 72-86. 188 GENERAL INDEX. Canterbury Mede, West Hythe, 90 ; The Observant Friars of, 116. Canvel, Richard, 48. Carden, Edward, 89, 105, 107 109 • John, 105, 109 ; Thomas, vicar of Elham, 109 ; William, 93. Carder, William, 97 ; of Folkestone, Carlow, John, 107. Carlton, Thomas, vicar of St. Paul's, Canterbury, 45. Carter, Elizabeth, 181 ; hatchment in St. Mildred's, Canterbury, 82, 83 ; William, of Canterbury, 82, 83. Catelin, Edith, 110 ; Thomas, 110. Chamberlain's Fee, Deal, Manor of, 50, etc. Chapel Place, Dover, skeleton found, 149. Chapman, Harry, 117 ; Henry, 108. Charing, 143 ; Church, bequest for repair of, 110. Chart, 143. Chaundeler, Thomas, 95. Cheese, tithe of, to St. Laurence, Canterbury, 37. Cheker, Raymund, 114. Cheney of Shurland, arms in Boughton Aluph Church, 136. Cheriton Church, bequest for repair of, 109 ; lands in, 109. Cheston Wood, leper house, 110. Chetham, John, 93. Cheyne, Edmund de, 139 ; William de, 139. Chiche, John, of Danejohn Manor, 46 ; Thomas, bailiff of Canterbury, Chislet, 45 ; Manor of, 37. Christchurch, Canterbury, 138 ; Priory, 50. Christian, Mr. Euan, restoration of Faversham Church, 11-12. Church, Joan, 110; Richard, 110; Thomas, 110 ; William, 110. Clarke, Robert, 88. Clerk, Ralph, 48 ; Robert, 111, 120, 121. Clopham, Boughton, 124. Cnopehelle, 48. Cobbe, Joan, 93. Cobham, John de, 126. Coins found in Romney Marsh, 154 ; Mattingly, H. and Stebbing, W. P. D., "The Richborough Hoard of Radiates, 1931," review, 177-8. Cokyn, Andrew, 47 ; Will, 47. CoU, Thomas of Westhythe, 119. Colin, Richard, 101. Cohnan, John, 92. Colow, Richard, 103. ColverhaU, Hythe, 112. Coly, .Alice, 99 ; Walter, 99. Combe, John, 106. Comin, Thomas, 113. Cook, A. R., "A Manor through four centuries," review, 175-177. Cook family at Roydon Manor, 175 ; Mr. Norman, resignation as curator, xxxviii. Cooper, Robert, mayor of Erith in 1625, 10. Coper, Simon, 119 ; Simond, 107. Copins HaU, Hythe, 109. Coppin family arms, 78 ; hatchment in St. Alphege's, Canterbury, 78 ; John, 78, 79; Rev. John, of Bekesbourno, 79. Corkisland, Westhythe, 114. Councer, C. R., The Medieval Painted Glass of Boughton Aluph, 131-139. Court Ash, alias Deale, Manor of, 50, etc. Cowper, Richard, 95; Simon, 92, 102. Cranbrook, 1, 3, 6, 8; Church, unusual monument in, 1. Crauebum, John, Master of the Poor Priests' Hospital, 45. Crayford, Edward, 79 ; Jane, 79 ; William, 79. Cressie, William, 112. Criol arms, 136, 138 ; Joan de, 138 ; John de, 138. Crisp, Mary, of Maidstone, 81. Cristover, Robert, 99. Cromp, William, 116. Crompe, William, 89, 106. Crowde, John, 88. Crowmer Chapel, TunstaU Church, 171 ; Sir William, owner of TunstaU Manor, 172. Crundale Church, 110. Cuhner, G. G, 32. Culter, John, 114. Curtis, A. L., ed. " Sands, clays and minerals," review, 182-183. D DaUy, Peter, 93. Dalminton, Alice, 100. Dalton, Sir Thomas, and Manor of Boughton Aluph, 122, etc. Danejohn (Dungeon) Manor, Canterbury, 46. GENERAL I N D E X . 189 DanieU, Thomas, 115 Dannington, William, 109. Dansone, George, 94. Dartford Borough Museum, 148; District Antiquarian Society, 148 ; notes on, 1; Roman coffin found, 165 ; Saxon burial found, xlvii. Daunton, WiUiam, 119. Davinton, .Andrew, 91. Davy, Thomas, 113. de Aldon, Sir Thomas, and the Manor of Boughton Aluph, by Dorothy Gardiner, 122-130. de Aldon, Sir Thomas, as sheep farmer, 128; enfeoffment of WiUiam atte WeUe, 126 ; grant of property to heir of MatUda, daughter of John Paynel, 126; marriage of, 125 ; receives Royal Pardon, 125 ; the Younger, rebuke by Archb. Simon, 128. de Asceles, John, 124; Matilda, abduction of, 124. de Avenesbury, Maud, 136. de Badlesmere, Bartholomew, 124, 125 ; Elizabeth, 128, 137 ; family pedigree, 127. de Bery, Thomas, 47. de Bocton, see de Bokton. de Bohun, Edward, 125, 126, 128 ; WiUiam, Earl of Northampton, 137. de Bokton, Idonia, wife of Thos. de Gatesden, 123, 124 ; Isola, marries Paynel, 126; widow of Adam Paynel, 123 ; Joan, wife of Ralph de Otringden, 123, 124 ; Matilda, 123, 124. de Bray, Henry, King's Clerk, 123. de Burghersh, Cicely, 125 ; famUy pedigree, 127 ; Henry, Bishop of Lincoln, 124 ; MatUda, 124, 125 ; Maud, 125; Robert, 137; Sir Robert, Constable of Dover, 124, 125 ; Stephen. 124, 137. de Burton, John, 39 ; Thomas, 139. de Campania, John, 124. de Cheyne, Edmund, 139 ; WiUiam, 139. de Cobham, John, 126. de Criol, Joan, 138 ; John, 138. de FaUe, Nicholas, parson of Boughton, 129 de Gatesden, Thomas, 123; death of, 124; owner of lands in Boughton Aluph, 126. de Hoo family, 138. de Kirkeby, WiUiam, 139. de Kyneleye, 125, 126. de la More, Bertram, 139; Ralph, 139. de la Pole, Edmund, Earl of Suffolk, leader of t h e Yorkist Party, 3, etc. de Larketon, George, owner of lands in Boughton Aluph, 126. de Laverton (de Laverinton), George, 124; Gregory, 124. de Luci, Richard, 46. de Marci, Richard, 37 ; petition from, to Archdeacon of Canterbury, 46. de Otringden, Ralph, 123 ; death of, 124. de Pavely family and Boughton, 125 ; Sir Walter, 125. de Pembrugge, Richard, 139. de Poynings, Agnes, 138 ; Thomas, 138. de RaU, Godley, 48. de Rokesley, Sir Richard, 138. de Segrave, John, 126. de Valoins, Waresius, 48. de Vere, Edward, 140. de Wylmington, Stephen, incumbent of Boughton Church, 129. de Wylton, John, incumbent of Boughton Church, 129. Deal, 143, 173 ; Castle, 52, etc. Deal, The Sea Valley of, by F. W. Hardman, LL.D., F.S.A., 50-59. Deale, Henry, 89. Deale, abas Court Ash, Manor of, 50, etc. Deale Prebend, Manor of, 50, etc. Demise, John, 103. Denehole at Wingham Well, note by W. P. D. Stebbing, 169. Denne, Elizabeth, 118. Denis, Isabel, 117; Joan, 117; Margaret, 117. Denise, John, 115; overseer of Hythe, 103, 104. DentaU, 100. Dereworth Ligh, Saltwood, 100. DerviUe, M. Teichman, Note on Iron Age discovery in Romney Marsh, 152-154. Devon, Richard, of, 151. Dier, Robert, 115. Dinge, Thomas, 89. Doddingdale, 46. Dodindale, afterwards Morton and Murton, Canterbury, 37. Dodyndale, see Doddingdale and Dodindale. Dokeneis, Hythe, 107. Dolet, Thomas, curate of Hythe, 91, 118. Domus Dei of Dover, 104. Donett, Robert, 88. Doston, John, 113. 190 GENERAL INDEX. Dover, 51, 143 ; Castle, 150 ; Domus Dei, Master of, 104; Research -during 1938, 149-150. Dowe, John, 104. Down, Robert, 99. Downe, Richard, 91, 112; WiUiam, 89. Druce, G. C, F.S.A., The Stall Carvings in the Church of St. Mary of Charity, Faversham, 11-32. Duncombe, Rev. John, 82. Dungeness, 142. Dungeon (Danejohn) Manor, 46. Dunkin, William, 65. Dymchurch, 142 ; Church, 98, bequest to, 101 ; land in, 101 ; shingle wall at, 51. Dyne, Francis Bradley, owner of Gore Court, 172. E Eadbald, King, pedigree, 63. Earconberth, pedigree, 63. Eardsley, WiUiam, 66. Early Iron Age pits found at Westgate, 147. Early Kent Maps, Addenda and Notes to Vol. XLIX, by Canon G. M. Livett, 145-146. East Peckham, Manor of Roydon, 175. East, Richard, tenant of Sea VaUey, Deal, 56, 57. Ecca (Acce), 66, 70. Ecgberht, King, 63. Edberht, King, death of, 66. Edewey, John, 103. Ediva, Queen, 176. Edmund, Archbishop, and grant of tithes, 37 ; Earl of CornwaU, 123. Edward, Earl of Derby, funeral of, 72, 73 ; the Elder, 175. Egbert, King of Kent, 60. Egworth, John, curate of Hythe, 88, 89, 106, 116. "Eight BeUs," Wingham, denehole found, 169. Elclesley, Richard, rector of East Peckham, 177. Elham, 96, 144. Elingworth, GUes, 93. Ehngworthe, GUes, 114. Ellis family arms, 80, 81. Elmham, Thomas of, 64, 66, 67. Eltham, 144. Elyas, monk of St. Austin's, Canterbury, 47. Emett, John, 118. Emma, wife of King Eadbald, 63. Eormenred (Yrrninred), 61, 62; pedigree, 63. Erconberht, brother of Eormenred, accession to throne of Kent, 62 Erith, 6 ; reference to " mayre " of present-day interest, 10. Ermengyth, aunt of Abbess Mildred of Minster, 63 ; wife of Ethelbert, 63. Erwood, F. C. Elliston, F.S.A., Adventures of a Kentish Spy, 1-10. Ethelberht, son of King Eormenred of Kent, 62. Ethrelred, son of King Eormenred of Kent, 62. Eustace, Earl of Boulogne, owner of Boughton Manor, 122. Evans, Mr. A. J. G., of the Ace Sand and Gravel Co., 147. Evenaker, Adam, 90. Excursions, xliii. F Fagge, Agnes, 104; John, 104; Joan, 104. FaUe, Nicholas de, parson of Boughton, 129. Faversham Abbey, staUs from, in St. Mary of Charity, Faversham, 11; Church restoration, 1874, 11, 12 ; Mayor of, 1304, 126. Faversham, Stall Carvings in the Church of St. Mary of Charity, by G. C. Druce, F.S.A., 11-32. Ferias, Thomas, 91. Fielders Sand Pit, Ightham, 166. Finch famUy of EastweU, 177. Fitzalan of Clun, 136. Fitzmartin, Roger, 48. Five Post Lane, Dover, 149. Flint implements found at Addington Park, 147. Flower, Dr. Robin, and Laurence NoweU, 141. Fogge, Lady, 101 ; Sir John, 2. Folkestone, 142; ancient walling found, xlvi; Church, 111, 112, bequest for repair of, 117 ; lands in, 106, 111. Fordham, Sir George, quoted, 146. Forster, Thomas, 106. Fortune Manor, East Peckham, 175. "Foundarys," the, 46. Fox, Isabel, 97. Franciscan Friary at Romney, note on, 151. Frebody, John, incumbent of Boughton Church, 129. French, Thomas, 93. Friars of Canterbury, 120; the Observant, 116. Friary, Franciscan, at Romney, note on, 161. Furley on .Aldington Manor: a correction, 158-160. Fyndon, Abbot Thomas, and revision of rides of St. Laurance, Canterbury, 36. G Gardiner, Dorothy, The Manor of Boughton Aluph and Sir Thomas de Aldon, 122-130. Gardiner, Dorothy, "The Oxinden and Peyton Letters, 1642-1670," review, 179-182. Garrad, .Alice, 97. Garrard, John, 107. Gatesden, Thomas de, 123, 124. Gatesdenne, Thomas, owner of lands in Boughton Aluph, 125. George, John, 93 ; wiU of, 87. German, Thomas, 117. Gibbe, Joan, 88; Margaret, 88; Thomasine, 88 ; WiUiam of Hythe, wiU, 87-88. Giblot, Joan, of Hythe, wiU, 88. Gibson, Robert, 118 ; Thomas, 93. GUberd, Agnes, 88 ; John, wiU, 88. GUbert, Agnes, wiU of, 88-89; Juliane, 88. GUes, Agnes, 89 ; Alice, 89 ; John, will of, 89 ; Thomas, wiU of, 89. Glass paintings : a note on Charles Winston, author of " Ancient Glass Paintings," 160-161 : Thirteenth century glass at Nackington Church, 161-162; sentimental value of, 181. Glass, The Medieval Painted, of Boughton Aluph, by C. R. Councer, 131-139. Glassenbury, 1, etc. Glover, Emma, of Hythe, 89 ; John, wiUof, 89. Glover's Map of Kent, 141, 142, etc. Godfrey, George, of Hythe, will of, 89 ; Joan, 89 ; Margaret, 89. Godin, Bartholomew, 90 ; James, of Hythe, wiU of, 90 ; Juliane, 90. Godwin, Earl, owner of Boughton Manor, 122. Goldfinch, Thomas, 102. Goldflnohe, Joan, 90; Thomas, wiU of, 90. Goodale, John, 116. INDEX. 191 Gookin, family, owners of Chamberlain's Fee, Deal, 50 ; Richard, 57, 59. Goram, John, 110. Gore, John, of Elham, 100. Gorram, Alice, 90 ; Elizabeth, 90 ; John, of Hythe, wiU of, 90 ; Luce, 90 ; Margaret, 90 ; Richard, 90 ; Thomas, wiU of, 90. Goudhurst, 144. Gray, Thomas, 97. Greenwich, 144. Gregory, WiUiam, of Hythe, wiU of, 90. Griffin, Ralph, F.S.A., 86. Gryme, Joan, 91 ; John, wUl of, 91 ; Juliane, 91. GuUdeforde (Guldeford), Sir John, 2 ; Sir Richard, 3, 9. Gumberct, 67. Gypson, Agnes, 91 ; Katherine, 91 ; Robert, will of, 91 ; Thomas, 91 ; WiUiam, 91. H Hacket, WiUiam, 105; curate of Hythe, 89. Hadley, hatchment in St. Alphege's, Canterbury, 77. HaUes, John, 89. Hale, Jeoffrey, 108. Hales Chapel, TunstaU Church, 171. Hales, John, 89, 104, 105, 113, 114 ; owner of Chamberlain's Fee, Deal, 60, 53, 54. Halke, Richard, Stodmarsh, 45. HaU, Richard, 93. Ham, WiUiam, 101. Hamme, WUHam, 117. Hamo, builder of St. Edmund's, Canterbury, 46. Hamon, Margery, of Hythe, wiU of, 91; Robert, wiU of, 91. Hanefeld, Canterbury, 46. "hatchment," explanation and history of term, 72, etc. Hatchments in the Churches of Canterbury, by N. E. Toke, 72-86. Hardman, F. W., LL.D., F.S.A., The Sea Valley of Deal, 50-59. Hareman, arms in St. Stephen's, Hackington, 84. Harman, Agnes, 92; EUe, 92 ; Henry, of Hythe, wUl of, 92 ; John, of Hythe, wUl of, 92 ; Juliane, 93; Thomas, 92; WiUiam, of Hythe, wUl of, 91, 92. Harmon, WiUiam, 107. 192 GENERAL INDEX. Harold, Earl, owner of Boughton Manor, 122. Harpsfield, Archdeacon, 33 ; visitation of St. Laurence Hospital, Canterbury, 49. Harre, Thomas, of Hythe, will of, 92 ; Wilmine, 92. Harris, GriseU, 93 ; Joan, 93 ; John, wiU of, 93. Harrison, Alexander, 94 ; Alice, 93, 94; Joan, 94; Margaret, 94 ; Thomas, of Hythe, wiU of, 93; WiUiam, of Hythe, wiU of, 94. Harry, John, 114 ; Stephen, 114. Hart, Margaret, 87; WiUiam, of Aldington Manor, 158. Harte, Arnold, of Folkestone, 117 ; John, 117 ; Thomas, 94. " Haunted House Field," Romney Marsh, 153. Hawkhurst, 145. Hawkin, Joan, 94; WiUiam, of Hythe, will of, 94. Hayler, John, 88. Hayman, Peter, 94; Rafe, 94; William, 94. Hayward, Eleanor, of Hythe, wiU of, 94; Thomas, 94. Hebbing, Boughton, 124. Hemper, Alice, 94; wUl of, 95; WiUiam, of Hythe, wiU of, 94, 95. Henry I and Boughton Manor, 122. Henry I I I and Boughton Manor, 122. Henry VIII, owner of Aldington Manor, 159. Henson, Henry, 90. Heppington Mill, 47. Heraldry in Boughton Aluph Church, 137, etc. Herbert, Robert, incumbent of Boughton Church, 129. Hermitage, Hythe, 112. Heme Church, 138. Hever, 143. Hevywater Mill, Hythe, 94. Hewitt, Engineer Capt. J. B., 86. Heynpett, Salomande, 47. Hicford, WiUiam, of Hythe, wiU of, 95. Higford, .Alice, 95. Highmore, Anne Maria, hatchment in St. Mildred's, Canterbury, 81-82 ; .Anthony, hatchment in St. MUdred's, Canterbury, 80 ; Elizabeth, 82 ; Joseph, 82 ; Nathaniel, 82 ; Sarah, 82. Hobbeson, Robert, 102. Hodge, Joan, 96 ; Thomas, of Hythe, wUl of, 95. Hogbin, Agnes, 96 ; John, of Hythe, wiU of, 95, 96 ; Marione, 95, 96 ; Stephen, 96 ; Thomas, 96. Hoget, Thomas, 105. Hogget, Edward, 109; John, of Hythe, wiU of, 96. Hoggett, Marione, 96 ; Thomas, 96. Hoggin, Thomas, 117, 120. Hoggs, Thomas, 101. Hogin, Thomas, 100, 108. Hokbinde, see Hogbin. Hoke, Harry, 90. Hoker, AHce, 98 ; Joan, 97, 100; John, 100, 104; Robert, 108; Thomsine, 114; WiUiam, of Hythe, wiU of, 100. Holbeme, Joan, 96; John, 119; Thomas, of Hythe, wUl of, 96. Holeway, Edward, of Hythe, wttl of, 98. HoUoway, Anthony, tenant of Sea VaUey, Deal, 57. Holmesdale Volunteer Corps of Infantry, 1805 : a note by W. P. D. Stebbing, 167-168. Holway, AHce, 97 ; Clement, 107 ; wiU of, 97; Joan, 97, 98 ; Margaret, 98 ; Thomas, 97. Holwey, Clement, of Hythe, wiU of, 97 ; Joan, 97 ; John, 97 ; Roger, 97 ; WiUiam, 97. Honeychild, Romney Marsh, 152. Honeywood, Joan, 98 ; Nicholas, 98. Honywater, Hythe, 92. Honywood, Agnes, 99 ; Alanne, of Hythe, wiU of, 98; Alice, 100; Joan, 99,100 ; John, 98, 100, 101 ; wUl of, 98 ; Richard, 100 ; Robert, 98, 100 ; Thomas, will of, 99, 100 ; WiUiam, 98, 100. Hoo, 67 ; coat of arms in Boughton Aluph Church, 136; John de, King's Yeoman, 138, 139 ; WiUiam de, 138; Peterborough Abbey lands in, 70. Hoogen, Thomas, overseer of Hythe, 113. Hooker, John, of Hythe, wiU of, 101; JuHane, 101 ; Robert, 101 ; Walter 101. Hoorne, Richard, 91. Hope All Saints, Romney Marsh, 155. Hope Chapel, Romney Marsh, 162. Horn, Harry, 112 ; Joan, 112. Home, Ceceley, 101; Cioile, of Hythe, will of, 101 ; Harry, of Hythe, wiU of, 102 ; Joan, 102 j John, 121; Riohard, will of, 101. GENERAL INDEX. 193 Horton Kirby, .Anglo-Saxon cemetery found, 148. Hospis Wood, Saltwood, 100. Hospital of St. Laurence, Canterbury, The Register and Chartulary of the, by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 33-49. Hougham, hatchment to, in St. Mildred's, Canterbury, 83. Howgen, Thomas, 104. Howgin, Ahce, 193 ; Joan, 103, 104, 114; Thomas, 103, 115; wiU of, 103, 104; WiUiam, wiU of, 102,103. Howham, AHce, 104; John, of Hythe, wiU of, 104. Howlet, Agnes, 105 ; Edward, 106 ; Joan, 105 ; John, 104 ; Thomas, curate of Hythe, 111 ; Thomas, of Hythe, wiU of, 104, 105. Huet, AHce, 105 ; John, of Hythe, wiU of, 105 ; Richard, 105. Hugh, of TrottescHve, Abbot of St. Augustine's, 33, 36. Hughson, Henry, 87. Hugson, Harry, 87. HuU, John, 92, 109. Hunden, William, commissary general, 45. Hunt, Agnes, 105 ; Joan, 106; John, of Hythe, wiU of, 105 ; Katherine, 105 ; WUHam, of Hythe, wiU of, 106. Hussey, Arthur, Hythe Wills, 87-121. Hythe, 142, 143; Church, 88, 101, 102, 104, 107, 110, 112 ; lands in, 100, 106, 111. Hythe, West, see Westhythe. Hythe Wills, by Arthur Hussey, 87- 121. Iden, wall for protection of, 126. Ightham, Oldbury Hill excavations, a note by J. B. Ward Perkins, 166-167. Ingram, Margery, 103. "Invader's Shore, The," by W. P. D. Stebbing, F.S.A., F.G.S., review, 173-174. Iron Age bead from Romney Marsh (Unist.), 153 ; discovery in Romney Marsh, 162-154; Early, pits found at Westgate, 147 ; pottery at Oldbury Hill, 167. Ive, John, 110 ; Riohard, 110. Ivyohuroh, 145. Ivyhatoh Court, Ightham, 166; Ightham, pottery found, 156. Iwado, 144. Jackson, Elizabeth, 105. Jage, AHce, 92 ; Nicholas, 92. James, Christopher, curate of Hythe, 105, 106. Jeke, Thomas, 94. Jenkin, Edith, 106 ; Joan, of Hythe, wUl of, 105, 106 ; Katherine, 99 ; WiUiam, 99, 105, 106, 107, 115 ; will of, 106. Jode, Edward, of Hythe, wUl of, 106 ; Joan, 106 ; Richard, 106 ; WiUiam, 106. John, AHce, afterwards AHce Rust, 107 ; King, and Boughton Manor, 122; Margaret, 107 ; Nicholas, of Hythe, wiU of, 106 ; WilHam, of Hythe, wiU of, 107 ; Wimarke, of Hythe, wiU of, 107. Johnson, Agnes, 108 ; Thomas, 93; parish clerk of Hythe, 87 ; Walter, of Hythe, wiU of, 107; WilHam, 108. Joise, Joan, 89. Jones, Dr. Kenneth, 32. Jones, Surgeon-Capt. K. H., 86; obituary notice, 185. K Keete, Richard, vicar of Lympne, 109. KeUey, hatchment in St. Stephen's, Hackington, 86 ; Richard, 86. Kelsey, Major General, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, 55. Kempe, Gregory, 109. Kempes of Wye, 124. Kenet, AHce, 117. Kenett, John, 117 ; Thomas, 117. Kent Maps, Addenda and Notes to Early, Vol. XLIX, by Canon G. M. Livett, 145-146. Kent Maps, Supplementary Note on Early, by Canon G. M. Livett, 140- 146. Kentish Spy, The Adventures of a, by F. C. Elliston Erwood, F.S.A., 1-10. Keston, Roman coffined burial at, note by J. B. Ward Perkins, 164- 165. King Oswin, A Forgotten Ruler of Kent, by Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A., 60-65. King, Thomas, 109 ; WiUiam, 105. Kingsefeld, Boughton, 124. KinkeU, Alice, 110; Thomas, 112, 118, will of, 110. Kirkby, arms in Boughton Aluph Churoh, 136 ; John, 108 ; Robert, 108; WilHam, of Hythe, will of, 108. 194 GENERAL INDEX. Kirkeby, WiUiam de, 139. Knight, Edward, 108,109 ; Florence, 109; James, of Lympne, 109; Joan, 108, 109; John, 89,104, 108, 109 ; Katherine, 108 ; Margaret, 108; Peter, 109; Richard, of Aldington Manor, 169 ; Richard, of Hythe, wiU of, 108-109; WilHam, of Hythe, wiU of, 108- 109. Kowlesse, Agnes, 109 ; Beton (Beatrice), 109; Clemence, 109; John, 109 ; Thomas, 109 ; WiUiam of Hythe, wiU, 109. Kyneleye, John de, 125, 126. La Beleassise, Boughton, 123. La Dane, Boughton, 124. Lambarde, William, association with Lawrence NoweU, 140 ; " Dictionarium AngHse Topographicum et Historicum," 140-141. Lamberhurst, 144. Lambisfield, IsabeUa, 110 ; Richard, of Hythe, wiU of, 110. Lane, John, 96. Langeport, Manor of, 37. Larketon, George de, owner of lands in Boughton Aluph, 126. Laverton, George de, 124 ; Gregory de, 124. Lawn, Margaret, 100. Lawrence, Thomas, 113. le Brun, Hugh, 47. Lee, hatchment in St. MUdred's, Canterbury, 82, 83 ; Richard, of Hythe, wiH of, 111; WiUiam a, 107. Leeds, 144. Leger, Marione, 112 ; Mark, smith of Hythe, wiU of, 112 ; Thomas, 112. Legh, AHce, 111, 112; Joan, 111, 112 ; Margaret, 111, 112 ; WiUiam, of Hythe, wiU of, 111-112. Leigh, IsabeUa, 111 ; Thomas, of Hythe, wiU, 111 ; WilHam, 111. Leight, WiUiam, 120. Lennard, WUHam, 91. Leper Hospital, Boulogne, grant from Manor of Boughton Aluph, 122. Leper House, Chesten Wood, 110; Sandwich, 110. Levenard, James, 94. Lewis, John, of Hythe, wiU of, 113 ; Mathew, 103. Liffington, Alexander, 101. Ligh, Alice a, 110 ; Edward, 112 ; John, 112; Margaret, 112; WiUiam a, 110; WUHam, of Hythe, wiU of, 112. Light, Thomas, 103. LUforth, Thomas, 108. Liminge, 70. Lingreshoke, Boughton, 124. Little, A. G., Notes on the Franciscan Friary at Romney, 151-152. Livett, Canon G. M., Addenda and Notes to Early Kent Maps, Vol. XLIX, 145-146. Livett, Canon G. M., Supplementary Note on Early Kent Maps, 140-146. Lok, Henry, 103. Lomewood, East Farleigh, 176. Longe, Andrew, of Newchurch, 111. Lossel, John, 93. Lothair, 66, 70; heir to Kentish throne, 69. LoveU, AHce, 112, 113 ; Joan, 112, 113; John, 112, 113; JuHane, 112, 113 ; Michael, of Hythe, wiU of, 112, 113. Lowes, Cristine, 113 ; Mathew, 116 ; Richard, of Hythe, wiU of, 113. Lowett, GUes, 114; Joan, 114; John, 96, 114; JuHane, 114; Robert, 115; wiU oi; 113-114; Stephen, of Hythe, will of, 114; Susan, 114. Lowis, AHce, of Hythe, will of, 113; Joan, 105; John, 113 ; Thomas, 111; WilHam, 113. Lows, Mathew, 116; Richard, 94; Robert, of Hythe, wiU of, 113; Thomas, 113. Luci, Richard de, 46. Lunce, Juliane, 114 ; WUHam, 104 ; will of, 114. Lymberner, Alexander, 48 ; Alured, 48. Lydd, lands in, 100. Lymings, 62 ; lands in, 96. Lymne, 145; lands in, 1Q4, 109; Church, bequest for repair'of, 104. Lynam, Mr., on map making, 145. M Maidstone, 144. Malewayn, John, 128. Malin, AHce, 115 ; Thomas, 115. Mailing, 143. Malmain, John, 113. Man, John, of Cheriton, 112; Thomas, 107. Maningf ord Bohun, Manor of, demised to Sir Thos. de Aldon, 128. Manny, Sir Walter, of Tunstall Manor, 172. Map-making, article by Lynam quoted, 145. Maps, Addenda and Notes to Early Kent, Vol. XLIX, by Canon G. M. Livett, 145-146. Maps, Supplementary Note on Early Kent, by Canon G. M. Livett, 140- 146. MarchaU, Agnes, 115 ; wiU of, 116 ; John, wiU of, 115 ; JuHane, 113 ; Thomas, of Hythe, wiU, 115; Tomsin, 115 ; WiUiam, of Hythe, will of, 115. Marci, Richard de, 37 ; petition to .Archdeacon of Canterbury, 46. Marden, AHce, 116; George, of Hythe, wUl of, 116 ; Richard, 116; WiUiam, 116. Margate, 142. Market Ward, Hythe, 117, 120. Marsh, Agnes (Annis), 116 ; wiU of, 117; Henry, of Hythe, wUl of, 116 ; Joan, 116 ; John, of Hythe, wiUof, 116; Richard, 117. Marten, John, 90. Martin, Agnes, 102; wiU of, 118; AHce, 102," 117; CecUe, 102, 117, 118; Elinor, 102; Elim, 102; John, 102, 107, 120 ; Maud, 102 ; Nicholas, 101, 102, 118 ; wiU of, 117 ; Richard, 91 ; Thomas, 102 ; wiUof, 117; WilHam, 101,102, 106. Master, Giles, of Canterbury, 81. Mathew, Geffere, 90. Mattingly, H. and Stebbing.W. P. D., " The Richborough Hoard of Radiates, 1931," review, 177-178. MaxefeUde, John, of Hythe, will, 118; Joan, 118. MaxweU, Agnes, 118; AHce, 118; Blance, 118 ; George, wiU of, 118 ; Margaret, 118; Thomas, 118; WiUiam, of Hythe, wiU of, 118. May, Nicholas, 91. Maye, WiUiam, 118. Meade, Robert, curate, of Hythe, 87. Medecalfe, John, 121. Medeground, Hythe, 98. Medieval Painted Glass of Boughton Aluph, The, by C. R. Councer, 131-139. Mee, arms in Hackington Church, 84. Meekings, C. A. F., The BuUdings of Aldington Manor, temp. James I : a correction, 158-160. INDEX. 195 Melhuish, hatchment in St. Stephen's, Hackington, 86. Menefield, John, parish chaplain of Hythe, 99. Merbanke, John, 121. Merch, Edward, 94. Mersham Church, 138. Merwale, husband of Aebba, 63. Mesindew, Master of, 100. MesoHthic flints at Addington Park, 147. Mett, AHce, 119 ; EUzabeth, 119 ; John, 119 ; Nicholas, 114, wiU of, 118, 119; Robert, 119; WiUiam, 90,93; wiUof, 119. Mette, Nicholas, 106. MicheU, Agnes, 119 ; AHce, 120; EUzabeth, 119 ; Drowis, 119 ; Joan, of Hythe, wiU of, 119; John, 119; Thomas, 104, 111, 116, 118 ; of Hythe, will of, 120 ; parish clerk of Hythe, wiU of, 119. Middleton, Joan, 116 ; WUHam, 116. MidUlmas, AHce, 120 ; Joan, 120 ; John, 120; Margaret, 120; Richard, of Hythe, wiU of, 120 ; WiUiam, 120. Midwinter, Rev. A., "The Church and ViUage of TunstaU, Kent," review, 170-173. MigheU, Thomas, 96, 121. MUdred, Abbess of Minster, daughter of Aebba, 63. MiU St., Maidstone, oUa found, 147. MUler, James, 109 ; John, 155. MiUes, John, 94. MiUfield, Canterbury, 46. MUton, 102. MUword, Edward, 107. Minster in Thanet, 66; Mildre, Abbess of, 63. Minter, Thomas, 87. Misericord carvings at St. Mary of Charity, Faversham, 11, etc. Molston, James, of Hythe, wiU of, 121. Mommery, William, baker, of Deal, 53. Moore, coat of arms in Boughton Aluph Church, 137. More, Bertram de la, 139 ; Ralph de la, 139. Morfote, Agnes, of Hythe, will, 120, 121; John, 121. Morlin, Henry, 119. Mortimer, Earl of March, arms in Boughton Aluph Church, 136, 136, etc. Morton, Archbishop, and Aldington Manor, 159. 196 GENERAL INDEX. Morton, now Murton, Canterbury, 37. Mount, Nicholas, 101, 118 ; Richard, 91. Mounte, Nicholas, 107, 108 ; parish clerk of Hythe, 104; Richard, 114. Mulston, Agnes, 121 ; AHce, of Hythe, wiU of, 121; Thomas, 120, 121 ; wiU of, 121 ; WiUiam, 121. Murton (Morton), Canterbury, 37. N Nackington, 45; Church, 13th century glass at, 161-162 ; glass once in Canterbury Cathedral, 161. Nash, Rev. E. J., Vicar of Farningham, 160. Neale, John, 109. NeU, John, 93. Neolithic Bronze Age scraper found at Ivychurch, 164. Nethersole, hatchment in St. Stephen's, Hackington, 86 ; Thomas, of SeUinge, 104. Neve, Mr. Arthur N., death recorded in Annual Report, xxxvui. Newes, WiUiam, 97. Newington Church,bequest f orrepair, 99, 109 ; lands in, 96, 104, 109. Newis, WiUiam, 105. Newstreet, Richard, 93. NiccoUs, Josiah, 56. Nicholas, John, 88. Nicolas, John, 111. Nores, Margaret, 96 ; Robert, 96. Northfolk, Robert, priest, of Hythe, 112. NoweU, Geoffrey, 103; Laurence, cartographer, Dean of Lichfield, 140, etc.; proposal for Map of England, 141. Numismatic Notes and Monographs : "The Richborough Hoard of Radiates 1931," by H. Mattingly and W. P. D. Stebbing, review, 177-178. O Obituary, 184. Observant Friars of Canterbury, 116. Otringden, Ralph de, 123 ; death of, 124. Oldbury HiU, 166 ; note on excavations by J. B. Ward Perkins, 166- 167. Oluesbocton, see Boughton. Olwey, Clement, 110 ; of Hythe, 96. One Tree HiU, Sevenoaks, 156. Orkney, Joan, 119. Ormond, Jamys, 7, 8, 9. Oryn, Dymchurch, 109. Osborne, George, 94. Oslave, 63. Ospringe, 56, 143. Ostinghanger (Westenhanger), 116. OsweU, Rev. H., Rector of St. Mudred's, Canterbury, 86. Oswin, King, A Forgotten Ruler of Kent, by Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A., 60-65. Oswin, King, claims hereditary rights to the Throne of Kent, 62 ; charter of, 61 ; and Oswy, of Northumberland, 60. Oswyn, 63. etc.; death in 675, 66. Otringden, Ralph de, 123, 124. " Oxinden and Peyton Letters, 1642- 1670," editedby Dorothy Gardiner, review, 179-192. P Parret, JuHane, 102. Parrot, Sir John, 49. Paternoster Watering, Romney Marsh, 152. Patricksbourne, Manor of, 139. Pats, Richard, 91. Patt, of Hythe, wife of, 98 ; John, 111, 112, 114, 119 ; Richard, 116. Patte, John, 120. Paveley coat of arms in Boughton Aluph Church, 135 ; family and Boughton, 125; Sir Walter de, 125, 137. Payable, Simon, bailiff of Canterbury, 47. Paynel, Adam, 123 ; John, owner of lands in Boughton Aluph, 125; Maud, owner of part of Boughton Aluph Manor, 125. Pearce, Bertram W., A note on Roman finds at Stonar, 166. Peasmarsh, waU for protection of, 126. PechehUl, Clement, 112. Pembridge coat of arms in Boughton Aluph Church, 134. Pembrugge, Richard de, 139. Pen, WUHam, curate of Hythe, 102. Penne, WiUiam, 104,107, 115. Pere, Robert le, of New Romney, 151, 152. Perkins, J. B. Ward, Note on Roman Grave Pottery from Ivy Hatch, 156. Peterborough Abbey lands in Hoo, 70. GENERAL INDEX. 197 Peters, family, 79 ; Peter, memorial in St. Alphege's, Canterbury, 79. Pette, near Rodweye, 48. Pettit, WiUiam, 81. Peyton Family : Gardiner, Dorothy, " T h e Oxinden and Peyton Letters," review, 179-182; Sir Thomas, 56. PUot Meadow, Dover, 149. Pinfold, Hythe, 97. Place Names, xliu. Plome, WUHam, 90; priest at Hythe, 97. Pole, Edmund de la, Earl of Suffolk, leader of the Yorkist Party, 3, etc. Poore, Herbert, Archdeacon of Canterbury, 46. Pope, Frances, 52 ; Samuel, 52. Postling, 99 ; Church, 98 ; lands in, 100. Pottery found at Ivy Hatch, Ightham, 156. PoweU, Mr. C. W., death recorded in Annual Report, xxxvin. Poynings, Agnes de, 138; family arms in Boughton Aluph Church, 135, 138 ; Thomas de, 138. Press gang and Deal fishermen, 181. Prest, Richard, of Folkestone, 96. Prikesland, Boughton, 124. PrUl, Thomas, of Rochester, 103. Punche, WilHam, 103. Putte, John, 113. Pyxe, WilHam, 104. Q Quthen, WiUiam, 118. R RaU, Godley de, 48. Ramsey, hatchment in St. Alphege's, Canterbury, 77. Rand, Andrew, claimant of land at Deal, 53 ; David, 52; Nordash, 56, 57 ; WUHam, 55. Ratcliff, John, parish priest of Hythe, 94. Raynold, John, 89. Records Branch, xliii. Reculver, marble carving found (Ulust.), 162-164. Reddisdale, Hamond, 111. Register and Chartulary of the Hospital of St. Laurence, Canterbury, The, by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, M.A., 33-49. Regulbium, see Reculver. Remefold, .AHce, 88. Reports on Archaeology in Kent, 1938, 147-150. Reviews, 170-183. ReweU, Hythe, 101. Reynold, John, 105. Richborough, 143 ; coins, 177-178 ; " The Richborough Hoard of Radiates, 1931," by Mattingly and Stebbing, review, 177-178. Richardis mede, Hythe, 92. Richards, John, of Hythe 92. Rie, John, 94. Rigden, Thomas, 111. Rigedon, Thomas, 99. Robards (Robarts) family, see Roberts. Robert, Abbot of Augustine's, Canterbury, 45. Roberts, of Glassenbury, memorial to, 1; Sir John, 78; Walter, 1, etc. Robertsbridge, 145. Robinson, Alice, 111 ; Thomas, 111. Rochester, 144; Bishop and Prior of, " and decisions of CouncU of Westminster," 126; Meadow, Romano-British burial found, 147. Rocke, Thomas, 107. Roger, Abbott, 37. Rogers, Nicholas, 114. Rokesley, Sir Richard de, 138. Rolvenden, making of wall for protection of, 126. Roman cemeteries and isolated interments recorded, 156; coffined burial at Keston, 164-165 ; finds at Dover, 1938, 149 ; finds at Oldbury HU1, 167; galley at Stonar, 166 ; grave pottery from Ivy Hatch, ightham, 156. Romano-British finds, 147-148. Romenal (Rumenhal, RomehaH, Romney), Friars of, 151. Romfeld, John, 119. Romney, Franciscan Friary at, note on, 151 ; Marsh, Church of AU Saints Hope, 155 ; Marsh, Iron Age discovery in, 152-154 ; Marsh, lands at, 101. Rooke, Admiral Sir George, owner of mansion on site of St. Laurence Hospital, Canterbury, 49. Rootes, Ltd., Maidstone, oUa found on site of new premises, 147. Roper, Thomas, 79. Rosper, Cheriton, 100. Roydon HaU, 176; Manor, East Peckham, 175-177; Margaret, 175 ; Thomas, 175. Rumenhal, Friars Minor of, 151. 198 GENERAL INDEX. Rust, Agnes, 117; Joan, 117; WilHam, 120. Rye, 126. S Sabertus (Gabertus, Swaebheard), 66. St. Albans, George, Duke of, 1 ; Jane, Duchess of, 1, St. Alphege's, Canterbury, hatchments in, 77. St. Augustine's, Canterbury, Sacrist to find bread and wine for St. Laurence, 44. St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Hythe, 87, 99, 104, 106, 114, 116, 117. St. Edmund's, Canterbury, 47 ; buUt by Hamo, 47. St. Gregory, Canterbury, 47; Prior and Convent of, 46, St. John the Baptist, Hythe, 114; Hospital, Hythe, bequests to, 104, 105. St. Laurence, Canterbury, 35 ; altar lights in, 47 ; Hospital, Canterbury, aUowances to inmates, 43, 44 ; form of entry for women, 37, 38 ; foundation of, 33 ; gift by Hamo, 47 ; remains near Cricket Ground, 34 ; rules, 36, 39 ; Sacrist of St. Augustine's to find bread and wine, 44. St. Laurence, Canterbury, The Register and Chartulary of the Hospital of, by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, M.A., 33-49. St. Laurence, martyrdom of (bas rehef), 49. St. Leger, coat of arms in Boughton Aluph Church, 135. St. Leonard, Hythe, 87. St. Margaret, Canterbury, 45. St. Margarets-at-Cliffe, Bronze Age pin found, 150 ; site of tumulus, xlvfi. St. Martin of Dover, 60. St. Mary Bredene, Canterbury, buUt by WUHam Hamo, 47. St. Mary of Charity, Faversham, Stall Carvings in the Church of, by G. C. Druce, F.S.A., 11-32. St. Mary of Charity, Faversham, restoration in 1874, 11, 12. St. Mary of Stodmarsh, 46. St. Michael's, East Peckham, 176. St. MUdred's, Canterbury, hatchments in, 74, 78. St. Paul's, Canterbury, 118. St. Radegunds, 108. St. WilHbrod, Bishop, 133. Saire, Robert, 101. Saltwood, 94, 99; Church, 98, 99; Cliff at, 99,100 ; lands in, 100,106. SamweU, Thomas, 113. Sandford, Benjamin, vicar of Farningham, 160. Sandgate, lands at, 117. Sandown Castle, 52, etc. " Sands, clays and minerals," edited by A. L. Curtis, review, 182-183. Sandwich, 51, 143, 144; hospital, 88 ; Leper House, 110. Sandys, hatchment to, in St. Mildred's, Canterbury, 83. Sare, Thomas, 101. Sarre, Anglo-Saxon finds, 148. Saunder, John, 108 ; Roger, 92, 96, 110. Saundir (Saunders ?), Thomas, 98. Saundre, Roger, 115. Saxon cemetery at Horton Kirby, xlvii. Saxon Charters, 60-71. Saxton, map-maker, 146; map of the South Eastern Counties, 141, etc. Scappe, John, 99; Marione, 99; Robert, 99. Scappis MiU, Hythe, 99. Sea VaUey, Deal, enquiry into ownership, 53; occupiers' petition, 54. Sea Valley of Deal, by F. W. Hardman, LL.D., F.S.A., 50-59. Seaton, Manor of, 138. Sebbe, King of Essex, 67. Segrave, John de, 126. Selbriand, Richard, 120. SeUinge, 104. Sende, John, 96, 111. Sere, Robert, 105. Sewen, John, 113 ; curate of Hythe, 91, 108, 109, 119. Seynecler, John, 100. Sexburh, wife of Earconberht, 63. Sexton, MaUing, 105. Sheriff, WilHam, 101. Shreffs, WiUiam, 104. Sidney, Sir PhiHp, 72. Silvester, Abbot-elect of St. Austins, Canterbury, 37. Simmons, Alderman James, of Canterbury, hatchments in St. Mildred's, Canterbury, 83. Simpson, Alexander, 4 ; kidnapped, 5; sawyer, 4, etc.; sent to Yorkist Headquarters, 4-5 ; taken to Tower, 8. GENERAL INDEX. 199 Simpson, hatchment in St. Alphege's, Canterbury, 77. Sims, Mr., Verger of St. MUdred's, Canterbury, 86. Simson, David, 103. Sire, Joan, 101 ; Thomas, 101, 108. Skinnar, Henry, 103. SneU, Nicholas, 119 ; Robert, 110. Somers, arms in St. Stephen's, Hackington, 8. Sparke, WiUiam, 116. Spurges, John, 94. Spurgey, Thomas, 91. Spy, Adventures of a. Kentish, by F. C. Elliston Erwood, F.S.A., 1-10. Stace, Richard, of Hythe, 92; Thomas, 103 ; WiUiam, 97, 99. Staines, Richard, Mayor of Canterbury, 1792, 79. Stains (Staines), hatchment in Church of Holy Cross, Canterbury, 79. Stall Carvings in the Church of St. Mary of Charity, Faversham, by G. C. Druce, F.S.A., 11-32. Stamper, Margaret, 94. StapUl, Robert, 119. Stapleton, Joan, 97. Stebbing, W. P. D., 59; "The Invader's Shore," review, 173- 174. Stebbing, W. P.D., The Holmesdale Volunteer Corps of Infantry 1805, note on, 167-168. Stench WeU, Hythe, 109. Stephen, King, and Boughton Manor, 122. Steveday, Thomas, 94. Stocker, Rev. John, 79. Stockett, hatchment in St. Stephen's, Hackington, 84, 86. Stodmarsh, 45; granted to St. Augustine's, 70. Stonar, Roman finds at, a note by Bertram W. Pearce, 166. Stone, Agnes, of Saltwood, 106; Edward, 102 ; John, 106 ; Richard, 117. Stone MiU, Lymne, 88. Stone Pit Field, Ightham, 156. Stoning family, 79. Stubblefield, Cheriton, 109. Sturry, 45, 67, 70, 71; gift of land to Abbess Aebba, 60, 61. StutfaU, Lympne, 109. Suabheard, 65, see also Swaebheard. Sudanie, 70, 71. Suebhardus, see Swaebheard. Suffolk, Earl of, leader of the Yorkist Party, 3, etc. Supplementary Note on Early Kent Maps, by Canon G. M. Livett, 140- 146. Sutton-at-Hone, 6 ; Roman pottery found, xlvu. Swaebheard, elects himself King, 67 ; ruling Kent from Canterbury, 68 ; son of Sebbe, King of Essex, 67. Swaebheard, The Usurpation of King, by Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A., 66- 71. Swan, Hythe, 108. Swift, WilHam, 119. Sympson, Roger, see Simpson. Symson, Alexander, see Simpson. Tailor, Thomas, 109. TaiUor, John, Town Clerk of Hythe, 1539, 116. TaUc, Thomas, 107. TaneU, Richard, 88. Tanner, John, 103. Tayler, John, 93. Taylor's " Tudor Geography," quoted, 145. Taylor, Clement, 115; Edward, 114; John, 89, 102, 112, 120. Taylor (Taylore), John, 87 ; William, of Lyminge, 96. Tayloure, John, 87, 113. Tenaris Cross, Hythe, 95, 100, 103. Terry, the goldsmith, Canterbury, 48. Thanet, 67. Theodore, Archbishop, 60, etc. Thomas of Elmham, 64, 66, 67. Thorne, Abbot Nicholas, of St. Laurence, Canterbury, 33. Thunor, foUower of Egbert, 62. TUle, IsabeUe, 103. TUHe, of Glassenbury, 1. Tithe, transfer from one church to another aUowable, 46 ; and Henry Oxinden, 180. TitiU, John, 94. Title, John, 90, 114,118. Toke, N. E., The Hatchments in the Churches of Canterbury, 72-86. Tokens found in Romney Marsh, 154. Tonbridge, 144. TovU, silver denarius found, xlviii. Tower, Sir Reginald Thomas, obituary notice, 184. Treby, Sir George, and BUI against Archbp. of Canterbury, 57. Trewelove, WiUiam, 103, 112. Trewlove, WUHam, 104. I Trewlovis, Hythe, wife of, 98. 200 GENERA. L INDEX. TrottescHve, Hugh of, Abbot of St. Augustine's, 33, 36. TunstaU ; " The Church and ViUage of TunstaU, Kent," by A. Midwinter, review, 170. Turning Gate, Hythe, 109. Twysden Family, 175, 176 ; WUHam, of Chehnington, 175. TJ TJictred, King, 71. Underdown, 97. Underdowne, John, 57. Updown, John, 114; Thomas, 114. Usurpation of King Swaebheard, The, by Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A., 66-71. V Valoins, Agnes de, 48 ; Hamo de, 48 ; Waresius de, 48. Vere, Edward de, 140. Vigors, Debora, 93 ; John, 93, 100; WUHam, 93. Volunteers : The Holmesdale Volunteer Corps of Infantry, 1805, note by W. P. D. Stebbing, 167, 168. W Waebheard, see Swaebheard. Walker, Thomas, 101. Waller, Richard, 120 ; Thomas, 103. Walmer, 51. Walton, Thomas, 101, 113, 119. Ward, Gordon, M.D., F.S.A., King Oswin, A Forgotten Ruler of Kent, 60-65. Ward, Gordon, M.D., F.S.A., The Usurpation of King Swaebheard, 66-71. Warde, CorneHs, 107. Warden, 144. Wardrobe, Thomas, Longeport, 45. Ware, Joan, 115. Waren, WilHam, 92. Warin, WiUiam, 94, 100, 107. Warren, John, 88. Watson, George, and Sea Vauey, Deal, 56 ; Richard, 102. Watts, Thomas, of Sandwich, 101. Wayte, WilHam, incumbent of Boughton Church, 129. WeU, Richard, 89. WeUe, WiUiam atte, parson of Pette, 126. WeUer, Thomas, 105. WeUes, Thomas, 116. Welling, Romano-British burials found, 147-148. Welston, Agnes, 121. Wenderly, Thomas, 94. West Hythe, 97, 99, 104, 109, 114. Westgate, find of Early Iron Age pits, 147. WhetenhaU family, 175, 176. Whight, Arthur, of Ostinghanger, 116. White, John, hatchment in St. Stephen's, Hackington, 86 ; Richard 94. Widler, Thomas, 107, 117, 120. Wigge, WiUiam, 89. William the EngHshman, 123. WiUope Manor, 160. Wills, Hythe, by Arthur Hussey, 87- 121. WUson, John, innkeeper, of Erith, 7. WUson, Mr. Sydney, local Secretary for Faversham, 32. Winchelsea, 126. Wingham, 143 ; church, misericords in, 11. Wingham WeU, denehole at, 169. Winsill, WilHam, of Saltwood, 91. Winston, Charles, author of "Ancient glass paintings with hints on glass painting," 1867 : a note on, 160-161. Withebrok, Hugh, curate of Hythe, 105, 116. Witheler, Thomas, 88. Wittersham, 143; making of wall for the protection of, 126. Wodde, Joan, 106 ; Thomas, 106. Wode, Richard, 91. Wood, Richard, 109. Woodnesborough, 143. Woodruff, C. Eveleigh, M.A., The Register and Chartulary of the Hospital of St. Laurence, Canterbury, 33-49. Wrake, Thomas, of Dover, 91. Wrethe, WiUiam, 111. Wrewke, Thomas, 120. Wright, Robert, 91. Wye, 143. Wylmington, Stephen de, incumbent of Boughton, 129. Wylton, John de, incumbent of Boughton, 129. Wytham, 124. Y Yalding, 143. Yngeman, Thomas, 95. Yngham, Thomas, 94. Yokes Farm, Romney Marsh, 152.


Obituaries: Sir Reginald Thomas Tower, K.C.M.G., C.V.O., F.S.A. Surgeon-Captain K. H. Jones, R.N.(Ret.)


Frontmatter, Volume 49