Hythe Wills: Third and Final Part

( 27 ) HYTHE WILLS. BY ARTHT/R HTJSSEY. Third and Final Part. THOMAS NEWIS. 28 March 1487. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard before the Altar of St John the Baptist, and to the ' operibus ' of the chapel 13-4dL Wife Joan my tenement and garden opposite the tenement of William Warin, with a barn upon the Daniot, a croft called Northwell, two acres of wood in Bergrove wood for her life, then to son William and his heirs for ever. Son William all my other lands and tenements in Hythe, Saltwood, and Newington and to his heirs, if he die under age without issue, then after the death of my wife to be sold, the money to a chaplain to celebrate half a year 66-8d, the residue dispose by Ex'ors in alms, repair of roads, and works of charity for our souls. Ex'ors receive all income from my lands to pay my debts. Wife Joan half the household things and son William the other half. Ex'ors —Thomas Walton and William my son have the residue to dispose for my soul. [Probate 17 May 1490.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 97.) WILLIAM NEWIES. 3 April 1537. Buried in the church before the Image of St. John the Baptist. To repairing the body of the church 66-8d. To the churches of Saltwood and Newington each 13-4d. That Q-8d be done for me yearly for ten years. A priest sing for a year for the souls of Henry Browning and his wife Cristian, William Newies and wife Richarden, and all christian souls, and have £6-13-4d. Richarden my wife have £13-13-4^, all my household stuff, corn, cattle. Son Richard 40/-. Robert Welby and his wife 20/-. Residue to wife and Thomas Ingham my Ex'ors, with Robert Welby overseer. Witnesses :—Dom Thomas Garden, William Cheseman. [Probate 26 Novem 1537.] (Con. Vol. 15, fol. 383.) « 28 HYTHE WILLS. THEOBALD NIGRESSE. 20 Novem 1513. Buried in the churchyard. Residue after debts paid to my host Thomas Michell to dispose for my soul and have the oversight and custody of Edward Nigresse the son of my brother—Ex'or Thomas Michell. Witnesses :—Dom William Plummer curate, William Crump. [No Probate—Vol. 1512-15.] (Con. Vol. 11, fol. 78.) JOHN NOTT. 3 Oct 1538. Buried in the churchyard. My Obit be kept for eight years of 6-8d yearly. Son Thomas two kine. Daughter Thomasine at her marriage £13-6-8c2. Elisabeth Nott wife of my son a silver pot. Son Valentine two steers, two kine, two horses, a waine. To the next child my daughter Margery shall have one sheep. Ex'ors pay to John Hervy of Newington £11 in payment for my house bought from him. Ex'ors :—Edmund and Thomas Nott. [Probate 9 Decern 1538.] (Con. Vol. 17, fol. 24.) JOHN OVERHAVEN. 1 Feb 1442-3. Buried within the Chapel of St Leonard, and to the ' opus ' of the same chapel my furnace of lead. To the Lamp burning in the middle of the chapel yearly 3-4d for ever. Light of the Brotherhood of St James 2-6d. The parish chaplain 12d, and parish clerk 8d. Agnes Monyham the coral prayer beads with two rings, a gold crucifix with silver necklace gilt. Margaret Monyham a maser bound with silver and figure in the middle. Wife Alice a silver standing cup with cover, and best maser. Son John a silver bowl and my best girdle with silver bar. Margery my daughter a silk girdle with silver bar formerly her mother's. John and Thomas sons of John my son one horn with girdle to the same. Cristine the daughter of my wife a silver bowl. Juliane the daughter of my son a silver bowl. Agnes daughter of my wife a silver bowl and two silver spoons. Son John my two parts in two small ships. William my servant four shot and four flew nets. Wife Alice and son John provide an efficient priest in the church to celebrate for three years. Residue to wife Alice and son John my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul, with Thomas Heghsted and John Benjanin overseers. Wife have for life my tenement with garden and meadow, after her death to son John. [No Probate date.] (Con. Vol. 1, fol. 54.) HYTHE WILLS. 29 JOHN PANER. 10 June 1501. Buried in the churchyard. Son Nicholas and daughter Marione each a bed with all thereto. Wife have one fare of flew and shot nets. Residue to wife Joan my Ex'or with son John overseer. Lands and tenements to wife for life then to sons, and my chief tenement in Folkestone next the Sea Gate (porta maris) be sold and my sons buy the same. Three stables in Folkestone be sold and 20/- to son Stephen when of lawful age, but if dead disposed for our souls. [Probate 10 No vein 1501.] (Con. Vol. 7, fol. 8.) MARGARET PARKER, widow. 17 July 1505. Buried in the churchyard. John Lukke have two fiew nets. Ex'or—Thomas Partriche have my messuage and residue after debts paid. Witnesses :—Nicholas Mount parish clerk, George Wevar. [Probate 18 Sept 1505.] (Con. Vol. 9, fol. 83.) JOHN PATTE. 10 June 1524. Buried in the churchyard next my other wife. Reparation of the Steeple 13-4d. My Ex'or bestow 6-8d yearly in the church for my soul during four years. Son Richard my Boat called the Peter, my part of the Boat called the Jesus, and my part of the Edmonde within the Liberty of Folkestone with all thereto ; also all my ship craft stuff as nets, ropes, poldavy,1 and other things of the sea. Also my silver salt parcel gilt, silver goblet, silver piece, and maser, a bow and sheaff of arrows, pair of ahnain rivets and best splints. That 16 of my best silver spoons be divided between my sons and wife Alice,2 and four other spoons to my sons. Wife have all moveables she brought to me at our marriage, all the wood in the garden and five loads which Crompe of Horton owes me, and two loads Rowland owes me. All pewter candlesticks and brass in the house equally to my sons and my wife. That my wife have the 27-6d which Pococks widow owes me, and the 10/- that Richard Browne owes me. Wife have the use of my second maser, after her death to Phelise Patte my sons daughter also the four spoons bequeathed to my wife, if Phelise die without Lawful issue then to Margaret daughter of my son, in default to my son's children. Wife have my 1 Coarse canvas for sail cloth—Oxford Dictionary. 2 Alice was widow of Thomas Mitchell who died 1523. 30 HYTHE WILLS. beads and the girdle which she was married in, a coverlet of tapestry work, four bushels of salt, 100 mackerel out of my barrell at Folkestone. Son Richard my wearing raiment. Residue of moveables after debts paid be disposed by son Richard my Ex'or, with Nicholas Mett overseer he to have 10/-. John Patte son of my son my tenement in West Ward when he marries, if he die before then to my son Richard and his heirs. Three tenements in Market Ward to Phehse and Margaret daughters of my son. Son Richard all lands and tenements in Folkeston, Hawkinge, Newington, Saltwood, and Hythe, except before excepted, and to his heirs for ever. Witnesses :—Dom William Kirkbe, John Taylor, Henry Horn. [Probate 13 July 1524.] (Con. Vol. 14, fol. 37.) ALICE PATTE, widow. 22 April 1527. Buried in the churchyard beside my first husband Thomas Michell [died 1523]. John Emiot and his wife Alice ten quarters of wool, the great chest, a girdle harnessed with silver that was Patte's. The wife of my cousin John Hersing of Folkeston my scarlet kirtle. My sister Wediler 10/-. Residue to John Title senior my Ex'or to pay my debts. Messuage I dwell in to John Title in fee simple, paying for 12 years 5/- yearly for an Obit for my soul. Witnesses :—Dom John Egeworth curate, Alice wife of John Bolney gent. [Probate 6 June 1527.] (Con. Vol. 14, fol. 210.) RICHARD PATE. 3 June 1533. Buried in the churchyard. Light of St Mary, St James, St John, St George, each 4cL Residue after debts paid to wife Joan my Ex'or to dispose for my soul. Witnesses :— Dom John Sewen curate, John Bristo, Thomas Waller. [Probate 22 July 1533.] (Con. Vol. 15, fol. 202.) RICHARD PATTE. 9 January 1535-6. Buried in the churchyard at the foot of my fathers grave [John Patte 1524]. To every Light whereof I am a brother 4d. Daughter Felise £10 and two silver spoons at her marriage. Each other daughter £10 at her marriage. Son John £13-6-8d, a silver salt, six silver spoons, when 22. Son Thomas £10 when 22. Residue after debts paid to wife Roberge1 my Ex'or, with Richard Gilbert overseer, he 1 Roberge was daughter of Nicholas Arnard of Newington next Hythe who died 1523. HYTHE WILLS. 31 to have Q-8d. Wife have my chief messuage in which I dwell for life doing repairs, and all income from lands until sons John and Thomas are 22, wife to keep my sons to school, after her death messuage and lands to my sons and their heirs, if both die without lawful issue to my daughters and their heirs. Witnesses:—John Eustace, Thomas Goreham, John Taillour. [Probate 25 March 1536.] (Con. Vol. 15, fol. 332.) JOHN PECCHING. 5 June 1464. Buried in the churchyard. To the chaplain I2d, and parish clerk 4d. Light of the Lamp 3-4d. Wife Alice all in my house. Residue to John Honywood, Thomas Geblett, and Alice my wife my Ex'ors to dispose as they think best. Lands and tenements in Hythe, Stanford, and Newington to my wife for fife, after her death the tenement in which I dwell to daughter Katherine if living when 14, also all lands in Stanford and to her issue, in default to be sold the money disposed for our souls. Ten acres of land in Newington be sold, and to the churches of Newington, Stanford, Hythe, 6-8d each, repair of the bad road at Sende called Redpett Q-8d, to repair a Bridge at Seabroke 6-8d, to poor people 13-id. [Probate 18 July 1464.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 142.) JOHN POCOK. 14 Oct 1523. Buried in the churchyard beside my first wife. Light of the Rood 20eZ, and to every Brotherhood Light 12d. Son Robert £4 when 18. Joan, Alice, Margaret, my daughters each 40/- at their marriage. Cristian Buteler my maid 20/-, and a fare of flew and shot nets at her marriage. Residue after debts paid to wife Alice my Ex'or. Wife have my tenement in the Middle Ward for life doing repairs, then to my son Robert and his heirs, in default of lawful issue to be sold the money disposed for our souls. Witnesses :—Dom John Alwey, Dom Willian Plome, John Compe. [Probate 7 January 1523-4.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 213.) JOHN PONSBY. . . . August 1490. Buried in the churchyard. To making one window in the Chapel of St Leonard over against the high Crucifix on the south side of the Roodloft, 20d from half the woollen cloth in my shop. Wife have all my household things, half the woollen cloth in my shop, and 40/-. Son John when 18 32 HYTHE WILLS. have 40/- and all the tools of my geuere [gear], if he die before 18 then remain to my wife giving 20/- to the Chapel. Richard Norkin my apprentice 2/-. Wife have the rule of son John until he is ten years of age, then Thomas Buscombe have his governance. Residue of goods to wife Agnes and Thomas Buscombe my Ex'ors, to dispose for my soul. Witnesses :—Clement Olwey, Robert Snell, John Home. [Probate 15 Sept 1490.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 261.) THOMAS PYE. 26 Novem 1544. Buried in the churchyard. Alice my daughter 20/-, half a fare of flew and shot nets to be made ready with ropes and lines to go to the sea. Wife have my house for life then to daughter Alice in fee simple. Ex'or—Wife Alice and have residue. Witnesses :—John Badill, Thomas Janson, Ales Brewer. [Probate 20 January 1544-5.] (Con. Vol. 19, fol. 37.) HUGH PYXE. 29 August 1546. Buried in the churchyard. Edward Mills my sister's child, seven candlesticks two dozen of pewter, four silver spoons, three chests, table in the hall with trestles, long settle, a maser bound with silver in pledge for 6-8d with Thomas White of Saltwood, my house and garden, the Culver hall of three acres, the land beside Calfgate mede of three acres. Gelian [Julian] daughter of William Crompe a bed. Residue to Ex'ors— Randolf Hastlherst, Thomas Lambard, Gregory Crompe. Witnesses :—Dom Thomas Dollet, Francis Jonson. [Probate 16 Novem 1546.] (Con. Vol. 21, fol. 36.) JOHN RAWLTN. 13 April 1479. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard. The parish chaplain 12^, and parish clerk Qd. John my servant a flew net. Margaret my servant four flew nets. A messuage in the East Ward after the death of Alice Stoks my sister be sold, half the money to a priest celebrating as long as it will last, the other half disposed for my soul and parents in alms and repair of bad roads. Wife Joan have for life the tenement in which I dwell, then sold, the money—for buying a cope for the Chapel of St Leonard £10 by discretion of my Ex'ors and the Wardens ; to the Brothers and Sisters of the Hospital of St Bartholomew next Hythe 3-4d, the residue disposed for our souls. If Michael HYTHE WILLS. 33 Lovett my servant keep good and faithful service to my wife from next St Michael during six years, he to have 40/- and sufficient equipment. Residue to wife Joan, who with John Sande my Ex'ors, and John Kiriell esquire, overseer. [Probate 30 June 1479.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 434.) JOHN RAYNOLD. . . . 1493. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Elene my tenement for life, then sold and a priest celebrate for quarter of a year for our souls and parents, the residue to the operibus of the church. Residue of goods after debts paid to wife Elene my Ex'or, with my brother William Raynold overseer. [No Probate —Vol. 1495-8.] (Con. Vol. 4, fol. 65.) ELIONORA RAYNOLD, widow. 5 May 1497. Buried in the churchyard. To the church a large diaper towel. Joan Keriell my best bed with all thereto. Katherine Down a new silver girdle, Robert Down a brass pot and six tin dishes. Residue to William Down and Robert White my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul. [Probate 16 June 1497.] (Con. Vol. 4, fol. 159.) JOHN RAYNOLD. 9 June 1533. Buried in the churchyard. Residue after debts paid to wife Alice my Ex'or. Wife have my house and garden in Harrietsham parish for 16 years, then to sons James and Richard, but if both die without lawful issue then to daughter Elisabeth, Witnesses:—John Sewen, curate, Robert Wode, Thomas Stubble. [Probate 22 July 1533.] (Con. Vol. 15, fol. 202.) HAMOND RIDDISDALE. 16 Sept 1517. Buried in the churchyard. To the new Light of St John Baptist 1 lb. of wax. Repair of the Rood Loft in St Bartholomews next Hythe 3-4cL My sister Kenett of Folkestone my red mantle. Residue of goods after debts paid to John Patt and John Hales my Ex'ors, to dispose for my soul, each to have 3-4rf. Feoffees of my tenement in East Ward :— John Hales, Thomas Callowe, John Mills, Thomas Baton. My tenement to Sampson Robin and his wife Margery my daughter their heirs and assigns, doing for me in the church 6-8d! yearly until 40/- be paid. Witnesses:—William Newis, Thomas Spurgey. [Probate 20 May 1518.] (Con. Vol. 12, fol. 69.) 34 HYTHE WILLS. THOMAS RIGDON. 24 January 1485-6. Buried in the churchyard. To the operibus of the Chapel 20/-, and of Folkestone church 20/-. The parish chaplain of Hythe 20d, and the parish clerk 12d. Wife AHce a silver bowl, best girdle, six silver spoons, folding table, chair, spit, cauldron, laton bason, brass pot, a chest. Thomas Hogge a brass cooking pot, chafer, laton bason, cloth of red say ; and to his wife Joan a maser bound with silver, brass pan, prayer beads of j e t ; Henry Hogge their son a silver spoon, two pewter bowls, two dishes, two saucers ; to Elisabeth their daughter, the coral prayer beads, silver necklace, pewter bowl; to their daughter Joan a silver spoon, and pewter bowl. William Anley two cloaks and his wife Cristine two silver spoons. William Pedelinge a silver spoon, pewter bowl, dish, saucer. Emma Tanner my servant a spit, gridiron, two laton candlesticks, pewter salt. Lands and tenements in Hythe and Folkestone. Messuage in which I dwell be sold, the money to a chaplain to celebrate half a year for my soul and parents, the residue to pay debts. Lands and tenements in Folkestone be sold, and to Alice my wife £6-13-4^, Emma Tanner and Joan Coll my servants each 10/-, residue disposed for my soul. Ex'ors :—William Ligh, John Borne. [Probate 15 Feb 1485-6.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 85.) ALICE RIGDON, widow. 1 March 1485-6. Buried in the churchyard. To the ' operibus ' of the Chapel as in reparation 20/-. John Borne two silver spoons and his wife Alice my best cloak with hood, best girdle, coral prayer beads. Agnes Borne a chest bought in Flanders. Ex'ors—John Borne and William Jenkin have the residue to dispose for my soul. [No Probate—Vol. 1484-95.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 87.) ROBERT ROBIN. . . . 1474. Buried in the churchyard. After the death of wife Joan the tenement in which I dwell be sold by the Ex'ors of my wife, the money half to John and Sampson my sons, the other half to pay my debts and those of my father. If both sons die before my wife then Joan my daughter have their half part. Ex'or:—Wife Joan have the residue. [Probate 28 January 1477-8.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 380.) HYTHE WILLS. 35 SAMPSON ROBIN.1 4 June 1520. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or bestow yearly 5/- in the church for six years for my soul and all christian souls. Residue of instore to John Buckland my Ex'or to pay debts. Witnesses :—Dom William Plome curate, Thomas Vigor, John Marshall. [Probate 20 June 1520.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 13.) WILLIAM ROMFIELD. 4 April 1488. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Beatrice a girdle harnessed with silver, two bowls, and all she brought to me at marriage. Son John the messuage in which I dwell, two acres of land at Depegate, a garden next the land of Clement Olwey, and to the heirs of John. Residue of goods to son John who with Thomas Samwell my Ex'ors, and Thomas Risdale overseer. [Probate 7 May 1488.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 186.) DOM. RICHARD ROWEGAN. 5 May 1485. Buried in the Chapel of the parish of Hythe before the Image of St Katherine. To the ' opus ' of the Chapel 6-8d. Joan Raynold a laver, and Elinor Raynold a set of prayer beads of 20 stones of coral and three of silver and gold, and a silver ring. Light of St Katherine 12d, St John the less (minoris) 6d, St Peter 6d. William Hunt a silver Agnus Dei enameled. Hugh White my best cloak. Residue of goods to William Lunce and Hugh White my Ex'ors. [Probate 13 June 1485.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 69.) WILLIAM RUST. 1 June 1497. Buried in the churchyard. Light of Corpus Christi, and St George, each id. Wife Alice2 all the things of my house which were hers at our marriage and the third part of my household. Son Thomas two parts of household stuff and seven horses called sea horses. Joan and Juliane my daughters 13-4(Z each. Two mares with their colts be sold by Nicholas Rust my brother the money to Nicholas John when of age. Wife and son Thomas each 300 faggotts. Residue after debts paid to Nicholas and Thomas Rust my Ex'or to dispose for my soul. Feoffees of my lands and tenements :—William Benet, 1 He married Margery daughter of Hamond Riddisdale who died 1518. (See his Will.) 8 Alice was the widow of Nicholas John who died 1483. 36 HYTHE WILLS. John Harman, Simon Wibarn. Son Thomas a messuage in the Town and Liberty of Hythe, and seven acres of land in Westhythe and to his heirs, he disposing in the church for my soul 6-8d yearly for seven years. [Probate 12 July 1497.] (Con. Vol. 4, fol. 170.) ALICE RUST, widow. 22 July 1500. Buried in the churchyard in that place where lieth buried the body of my first husband Nicholas John [died 1483]. My best girdle of red with buckle and pendant of silver gilt, set of coral beads gauded with Pater Nosters and certain Ave Maris of silver gilt, and a maser to Sampson John my child's son, but if he die under age then to my son William John, except the beads be divided part to Wimarke wife of my son John, the other part sold and money disposed for our souls. Nicholas John a broad red band with silver buckle and pendant, with six double silver bars. Wimarks John my best furred gown. Emme Wood my best blue gown. Residue of goods to William John my son and Harry Wood my Ex'ors. [Probate 26 July 1502.] (Con. Vol. 7, fol. 39.) THOMAS RUST. 16 April 1504. Buried in the churchyard next my father and mother. My Ex'ors dispose 3-4d yearly for six years for my soul. Wife Joan all household things and crafts belonging to the sea which she brought to me at marriage, also all my cattle, horn-beasts and others, except my horses with my part of a Boat and Lodge by the sea strond be sold to pay my debts. Wife have the keeping of all the household things and occupying of all my craft of the sea and land until my children are 20 years old, then equally to sons John and William and daughter Agnes. If Agnes marry before 20 to have her portion with a girdle harnessed with silver that her mother was married in. Wife dwell in and have income from my chief messuage and all lands tenements and services in Hythe and Harrietsham, also the land at Westhythe, until my sons are 20, doing repairs to the howsing, then son John have my chief tenement with garden and ground paled, in fee simple, paying to his brother William 40/- when 20 and to Agnes his sister 20/-. Son William when 20 the little house in fee simple in which John Smith now dwells. Sons John and William all lands at Harrietsham in fee simple, if they both die to Agnes, and if Agnes die before 20 without lawful issue, then HYTHE WILLS. 37 wife Joan all income for the 20 years, and after be sold, half the money to Joan Spencer and Juhane Voochis my sister ; other half done for our souls. Residue of goods after debts paid to Thomas Hogin and John Barowe my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul. Witnesses :—Alexander Levington priest, Thomas Hogin, Robert Calowe, John Hewet, John Browning, Nicholas Mount. [No Probate—Vol. 1503-6.] (Con. Vol. 8, fol. 21.) JOHN RUST. 3 June 1553. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or :—John Knight have the ordering of all my lands and tenements to the use of my two sisters (not named) after my mother's death. Witnesses :—John Raynold, Richard King. [Probate 16 Sept 1553.] (Con. Vol. 25, fol. 36.) RICHARD SALLISBURIE, Fisherman. . . . 1555. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Cicile £3-6-8d, the best bed with all thereto, and the residue of such stuff she brought to me, half a fare of flew and shot nets ready to go to the sea. Daughter Rabege Gray £10 and to her two children Henry and Richard each 40/- at their marriage. Ex'or— son John have my house and all moveables, half one boat and a whole boat with all tackling, ropes and nets to them. Witnesses :— Dom John Reveris curate, John Bridgman, Jurate. [Probate 30 Decern 1555.] (Con. Vol. 26, fol. 76.) JOHN SAMWELL. 14 Decern 1486. Buried in the churchyard. To the ' operibus ' of the Chapel 6-8d, of Westhythe Church 3-4i, of Newington church &-8d. Wife Margaret a cow, pig, two geese, half the hens, great brass pan, cooking pot, amber prayer beads, two silver rings, three quarters of barley. Juhane my daughter a great chest and a cow. Marione my daughter a cow called a heiffer. Residue of goods to sons John, Lawrance, Richard, also all my cattle and stock of farming. Ex'ors :—Dom Thomas [Duffin] vicar of Lyminge, John my son, John Goldfinch of Postling, with Thomas Carter of Willesborough overseer, each to have 6-8d. [Probate 5 Feb 1487-8.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 212.) THOMAS SANWELL. 19 Decern 1506. Buried in the churchyard. Dom Richard Colin, the Hermit 6-8d. Thomas Whitmor shall pay unto the 38 HYTHE WILLS. reparation of the church the 50/- he oweth me. Wife (not named) have my tenement and three acres of land for life, then sold and done for me, except 66-80! to daughter Joan. Wife have my land in Newington for life then sold, the money to a priest to sing for our souls. Ex'ors :—My wife, and Dom Richard Colin, with Robert Lowet overseer. [Probate 4 Feb 1506-7.] (Con. Vol. 9, fol. 3.) THOMAS SAUNDER. 12 Decern 1478. Buried in the churchyard in the pathway leading to the north porch. To the ' operibus ' of the chapel 3-4d. Son Richard after the death of my wife a girdle harnessed with gold and silver. Wife Elisabeth have the tenement in which I dwell doing repairs, after her death to Richard, Nicholas, John,, my sons their heirs and assigns for ever, if they all die before my wife then at her death be sold, the money in alms for our souls. Wife have all my lands in Saltwood until son Richard is 18, then sold and the money to my three sons. Residue to wife Elisabeth who with Roger Saunder my Ex'ors. [Probate 3 Feb 1478-9.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 419.) RICHARD SAUNDER. 26 August 1490. Buried in the churchyard. My sister have a maser which was my father's. Ten acres of land in Saltwood be sold and 66-8d to my sister Alice when 16, the residue to Thomas son of John John and William Lowis. Residue of goods to Robert Salis and Roger Saunder my Ex'ors. [Probate 15 Sept 1490.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 261.) ROGER SAUNDER. 26 Novem 1496. Buried in the churchyard. Light of Corpus Christi 2 lbs of wax. Mr Robert Botley 2/-. Thomas Brombard parish clerk 4d. John Saunder my kinsman 6-8c£, a bason with all knives for fish, a chair, and molde for making candles. Wife (not named) all instuff of my house and shop. The house with shop in Market Ward be sold, the money to pay my debts, and to Alice Wowall 66-8d at marriage. Son John one new " indumetu " for a copper. The things at the Stane be sold to pay my debts. Feoffees :—Thomas Walton, William Legh, William Jenkin, Robert Snell. Residue, after debts paid, to my wife and Nicholas Martin my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul. [Probate 18 January 1496-7.] (Con. Vol. 4, fol. 211.) HYTHE WILLS. 39 JOHN SAUNDER, Fisherman. 10 Novem 1557. Buried in the churchyard. Joan Rolfe my daughter in law [ =step daughter] the moveable things her mother brought to me, with all the bords and timber belonging to the house. Benet Saunder my daughter a chest. Lawrance Nashe my little boat with all thereto. Frances Nashe daughter of my daughter my Lodge at the Stathe [ =shore], if she die then to Benet my daughter. Joan Rolfe my part of the Boat that is betwixt Edward Bokland and me. Son Lawrance Nash four nets, and Joan Rolfe four of the best flew nets, Residue of netsto my three daughters—Joan Rolfe, Gese Nashe, Benet Saunder. Residue of goods to Joan Rolfe my Ex'or to pay my debts, with Thomas Brasy and William Bregland, overseer. Witnesses :— William Quithen curate, John Morkace, John Doffin. [Probate 8 Feb 1557-8.] (Con. Vol. 27, fol. 6.) ROBERT SCAPPE. 1 July 1516. Buried in the churchyard in the path next the west door. High altar of Burmarsh 3-4aT, and to the Light of AH Saints, St Margaret, King Henry, St Mary, and St Katherine in the church of Burmarsh1 20d. To every Brotherhood Light in Hythe church 12a3. Daughter Juliane £6-13-4a3 at her marriage. Residue of goods after debts paid to wife Agnes my Ex'or. Feoffees :—Humfrey Gay, William Brodnex, William Knight, Hamon Bunken of Burmarsh. Wife have income from all lands and tenements in Burmarsh, doing repairs and paying marshland scotts upon the same until sons William and Robert are 21, providing for my sons meanwhile, then wife have income from nine acres of land late bought from John Fagge, for her life, and lands etc to my sons, if they die without lawful issue then to Juliane my daughter. Witnesses:—William Penne curate, John Halkes, John Titill. [No Probate—Vol. 1515-20.] (Con. Vol. 12, fol. 5.) ALEXANDER SEDBROKE. 20 Oct 1538. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or :—Wife Joane and have all my goods bestowing 6-8d at my burial. Wife have my house for life doing repairs, and none of my children or their heirs to make any entry upon the same until after my wife's death, then to my two daughters Joane and Elisabeth and their 1 Martin Scappe of Burmarsh, who died 1474, had a son Robert, then a child " to go to school." 40 HYTHE WILLS. lawful issue. William Sedbroke my godson a russet coat, doublet with worsted sleeves, two pair of hose. Thomas Noye the gown I was married in, and 6-8$ of the 53-4$ he should pay for a Boat bought from me. My sister Denis 20d, and sister Margery 3-4$. Wife Joane all other moveable goods and be Ex'or, with John Harry senior and John Eustace overseers, each to have 6-8$. Witnesses—Edward Malward, Robert Seer, Richard Webbe, Dom Christopher James, curate. [Probate 7 Decern 1538.] (Con. Vol. 17, fol. 23.) JOAN SEDBROKE, widow. 1 January 1538-9. Margaret Steveday my kinswoman a bed with all thereto at her marriage. Residue after debts paid to my son John Seer1 of Sandwich, glover, my Ex'or, to dispose for my soul. Witnesses :—John Parker of Sandwich, Robert Snowden tailor of the same, Richard Henley, John Manning of Sandwich. [Probate 21 April 1539.] (A. Vol. 22, fol. 126.) RICHARD SEGROVE. 8 Feb 1509-10. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or :—Wife Isabel and have my house to give and seU and pay all my debts. Witnesses :—John Saunder, Nicholas Mounte. [No Probate— Vol. 1506-9.] (Con. Vol. 9, fol. 128.) JOHN SEGROVE. 12 July 1520. Buried where it shall please God. Ex'or sell my tenement in the Eastend and to daughter Joan 6-8$, the residue to pay debts. Joan Lovett a flew net. Wife Joan sell all my Boats and ah my part of Boats the money to her use. Wife have all insfcuff and all sea craft, and be Ex'or with John Drake or Spicer of Lyminge overseer, he to have 3-4$. Wife have for life the house I dwell in, then to son John in fee simple, if he die without issue before my wife then to Joan in fee simple. Witnesses :—Dora William Plome curate, John Taylor, Nicholas Mette, Richard Stace. [Probate 10 Oct 1520.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 30.) JOHN SEYD. 3 March 1496-7. Buried in the church on the north side beside my wife, and to the church works for breaking the ground 1 John Seer of Sandwich, baker, who died 1552 gave :—To my cousin John Seer of Hythe £6-13-4d—-A. Vol. 29, fol. 7. HYTHE WILLS. 4] for my grave 10/-. To every Light that I am a brother 4$. The parish priest 12$, and parish clerk 6$. Ex'ors on the day of my burying give for my soul in the church for priests and clerks singing and in alms deeds 20/-. Wife have the house I dwell in with a croft in the Westend called Pery Hawe until daughter Cristian is of lawful age, then to Cristian in fee simple. Wife have a croft in Canwyk Court to her own use in fee simple, giving to Thomas Hooggett 20/-. Also wife have the house in which the Hookmaker dwells to her own use. Daughter Dorothy the house next to the place I dwell in east, a croft in Blackwoose called Longcroft in fee simple when 15 or before if she marries, her mother having the same meanwhile and doing repairs. Daughter Cristian my great maser harnessed with silver overgilt. To the Brothers and Sisters of St Bartholomew beside Hythe 2/-. Wife have all instuff as well as what she brought, and give to my daughters Cristian and Dorothy each £4 at their marriage or when 15. If both daughters die before 15 then the goods, lands and tenements willed to them be sold, and a priest sing for our souls half a year, to the reparation of the church 40/-, residue in pious uses. Ex'ors :—Wife Joan and William Jenkin. [Probate 12 April 1497.] (Con. Vol. 4, fol. 134.) WTLLIAM SHEREVE. 12 Sept 1509. Buried in the churchyard. Residue after paying debts to wife Marione my Ex'or. Wife have for life my saffron garden in the East Ward and the tenement in which I dwell, then to William Thomas my son in fee, doing yearly for four years two masses for my soul. Witnesses :—John Chelinden, Thomas German, Thomas Harison. [No Probate—Vol. 1509-11.] (Con. Vol. 10, fol. 49.) HENRY SKINNER. 15 August 1461. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard, and to the ' operibus ' of the church 6-8$. The parish chaplain 20$, and parish clerk 8$. Brotherhood of Holy Trinity 12$. Wife Isabelle six silver spoons and silver flat piece. Daughter Isabelle my best bowl called standing piece, three silver spoons, a girdle which was her mother's. Daughter Margaret my best bowl called a maser with a flat piece, three silver spoons, if both die under age then to my wife except the standing piece to Richard Smalwode my brother. All the things in my house between my wife and daughters. All lands and tenements in Harietsham 42 HYTHE WILLS. parish be sold, the money—to a priest celebrating for my soul and friends for a year in Hythe chapel, and another priest in Haxietsham church fox half a year; to my daughters at their marriage £10 ; any residue to the poor, bad roads, and especially 40/- to repair the highway at Hewivats next Hythe as far as Howell. Wife have my chief tenement in Hythe, pigeonhouse, barn, and all lands in Hythe, Westhythe, and Saltwood for life, then to daughter Isabelle the chief tenement, pigeon-house, and my part of the land Culverhawe with my barn, and to her heirs ; then to daughter Margaret all my lands at St Nicholas, the Quedhope with the Pikemede, all lands at Pedelinge, a piece of land upon the Stone, and to her heirs. If both daughters die under age, then after wife's death lands etc be sold, money from my chief tenement to priests celebrating for the soul of Alice Condy, my soul and parents, and to the repair of bad roads. Then my brother Richard Smallwood have my pigeon-house with land and barn. Then Hythe church have the land Quedhope that the wardens do every year Placebo and Dirige with a mass by all the priests serving in the church. Then the Alms House of St John Baptist have the land at St Nicholas by the highway, late obtained from the heirs of Richard Apingham. Residue after debts paid to my wife and daughters. Ex'ors :—Wife Isabelle, Richard Smalwood, Thomas Stacy, John Honywood, Avith Thomas Russell overseers. [Probate 21 Novem 1461.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 51.) RICHARD SMALWOOD. 25 August 1486. Buried in the chapel of St Mary in the Chapel of St Leonard on the north side, and to the ' operibus ' of the Chapel 6-8$. To each Brotherhood of the Chapel 12$. Wife Juhane1 £40 and aU the things which were Joan Downe's her mother, and all the stock Juhane brought to me at our marriage, part of my stock the other part to Peter my son. Wife have for life all my lands and tenements in Romney Marsh then to son Peter and his heirs. Also I release unto son Peter ah his debts due to me, and son to provide a chaplain to celebrate for two years for my soul, parents, and all faithful departed. Ex'ors— Wife Juhane and son Peter have residue after debts paid. Witnesses :—Nicholas Ligh, Thomas Mighell, William Bright. [Probate 25 Sept I486.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 110.) 1 Juliane was daughter of John (died 1476) and Joan Downe (died 1477). HYTHE WILLS. 43 JULIANE SMALWOOD. 13 June 1509. Buried in the churchyard beside my father and mother. Reparation of the church 6-8$. The Brotherhood of the Trinity, St Mary, St John the younger, St James, St Katherine, Corpus Christi, wherein I am a sister, 12$ each. The Friars Observants of Canterbury to sing a trental of masses for me 20/-, and to the Friars Augustine and Preachers of Canterbury 6-8$ each. To the Monastery of St Augustine without the Walls of Canterbury, 40/-; the Priory of Bilsington 20/- ; the Priory of Horton 20/-. Margery Ingram my servant to her marriage 40/-. A priest sing for me one year in Hythe church £6-13-4$. Residue after debts paid to Thomas Huggin and John Hebbing of Canterbury my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul, each to have 20/-. Tenement in which I dwell be sold, the money to fulfill my Will, and in charitable works for my soul. Witnesses :—William Penne curate, John Hales. [No Probate—Vol. 1506-9.] (Con. Vol. 9, fol. 177.) THOMAS SOMER. 30 June 1479. Buried in the churchyard. Light of Holy Cross, and the Assumption of St Mary each 4$. To each child of Roger my brother 12$. Wife have for life all my lands and tenements then sold, the money :—a chaplain celebrate for half a year 66-8$, Roger my brother 40/-, Katherine daughter of my wife 40/-, Rose Saunder my sister 20/-. Residue of goods to wife Agnes, who with William Lows my Ex'ors. [Probate 28 July 1479.] " (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 434.) THOMAS SPROT. 20 April 1513. Buried in the churchyard. The Brotherhood of St Peter, and St Mary each 4$. Residue after debts paid to wife Joan, who with Thomas German my Ex'ors. [No Probate date—Vol. 1512-15.] (Con. Vol. 11, fol. 83.) WmLiAM SPRUCE. 4 April 1497. Buried in the churchyard. To the Common Hall of Hythe for the wele of the Town 12/-. Mathew my child three herring nets. The house I dwell in to wife Joan for life with my ground in the West part of Hythe, yearly keeping my anniversary in the church of 3-4$, after her death to my daughter Thomasine keeping my anniversary, if Thomasine die without issue to be disposed as she wills. Residue of goods to my wife 7 44 HYTHE WLLLS. to her own use. Ex'ors :—John Segrove, and Thomas Hoggs, with Robert Bottley parish priest overseer, each to have 3-4$. [No Probate—Vol. 1495-8.] (Con. Vol. 4, fol. 138.) THOMAS SPURGES. 20 January 1545-6. Buried in the churchyard. Roger Passon have my buck-leather doublet and best cap. Wife Sysle my house and garden for life, then to my two daughters Joan and Agnes, but if Joan die before Robert Gilbert her husband then Robert to have Joan's part. All tools of my occupation to Robert Gilbert my son. Ex'or:—Wife Sysle and have the residue. Witnesses :—John Deforsse, Thomas Tulke, William GeU. LProbate 2 March 1545-6.] (Con. Vol. 21, fol. 44.) JOHN SPURGES. 15 August 1552. Buried in the churchyard. Thomas my eldest son a cow, heiffer and six ewes, Son Arthur two oxen, steers, mares, a wain with all thereto, ten lambs, four calves of this yeax. Son John a black cow with her calf, black polled heiffer, two calves of this year, six lambs. Wife Katherine the house I dwell in with a piece of ground at the back, the ground in Newington parish to the high way and park of Saltwood north, until son John is 20, my Ex'ors doing the repairs. Wife have half the household stuff and sons Thomas and Arthur the other hah. Daughter Juhane £5 at her marriage to be paid by son Arthur, also son Thomas pay her 20/-. Son Thomas my tenement and lands at Seming, the Marly Pitts in Standford parish, two tenements in the East Ward of Hythe in the Damyatt bought from the Ex'ors of Robert Webbe and John Sire, two acres in Newington called Seene HiU. Son Arthur two tenements and lands in Horton and Sellinge parishes called Hiagham, 20 acres in Stanford called Starnes. Son John the house in Hythe in the Middle Ward in which I dwell with land on the north side, one acre in Newington which my wife occupy until John is 20, also John have six acres of marshland in Westhythe, two acres of marshland in Burmarsh, the house with land in Saltwood adjoining Hythe Town, with six acres of woodland in Westhythe. My brother Thomas Henegre of Saltwood and my brother John Kettam of Postling take all the profits from the eight acres of land, and of the house and land in Saltwood, the six acres of Woodland until son John is 21. If all sons die without lawful issue the lands given to them to John, Thomas, William, sons of HYTHE WELLS. 45 John Shotwater. If son Thomas die -without lawful issue the two houses in Damyatt be sold, the money to poor people at the church door of Hythe 10/-, at the church door of Saltwood 8/-, at Stanford 6-8$, from Sunday to Sunday until all the money is bestowed. Residue to Ex'ors—Thomas and Arthur my two eldest sons, with my brothers Thomas Henegre and John Kittam overseers, each to have 13-4$. Witnesses :—Thomas Henegre, John Nell. [Probate 7 Novem 1552.] (Con. Vol. 25, fol. 4.) THOMAS STAGE. 26 January 1472-3. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard, and to the ' operibus ' of the Chapel 10/-. Light of St James, St John Baptist, the Lamp before the great Crucifix, 12$ each, St Katherine 8$, Corpus Christi 4$. The three chaplains celebrate exequies and mass of Requiem by note from the day of my death until the day of my trenal 23-4$, to the parish chaplain 10/-, and the other two 6-8$ each, the two clerks 5/- each. To repair the bad road at Walter Cowles land this side of Heniwater 2/-. My three daughters at their marriage each £4-13-4$ and 40/- the legacy of John Borne late of Pelhng and his wife, 13-4$ to each one. Isabelle my daughter a great pan at her marriage. John Stace my brother a murrey cloak at London, and to his son John a sprat net, red hood, and 10/-. Richard my son a silver bowl. Son Nicholas after the death of my wife my best girdle. Wife Katherine all household things, fuel, salt. Residue to Ex'ors to dispose for my soul. Ex'ors :—John Stace my son. John son of John Stace my brother, Thomas atte Wode, with Richard Berne overseer. Lands and tenements in Hythe and Saltwood. Wife have my chief tenement in which I dwell, a small tenement with stable upon the Stone, Calms mede, Sparows croft, garden called Benhaw, land at Pedling, for life, then my chief tenement with Sparows croft and Benhaw to my son Richard and his heirs, if he die under age then to Nicholas my son and his heirs. After the death of my wife the small tenement upon the Stone, Calms mede, land at Pedling to son Nicholas and his hens, if he die under age to Richard my son, if both sons die under age to my son John. Son John after my death the tenement in which John Baker dwells, a small tenement, garden, barn, late obtained from the Ex'ors of Thomas Heighstede, also Coting field, and one acre of land at Westhythe, and to his heirs, if he die before he marries then to my sons Richard and Nicholas. Son John have his lands etc six years after my death or at his marriage, paying 46 HYTHE WILLS. Richard and Nicholas to provide for them 20$ yearly for ten years. Son John have two nets called depings, my balance with ah weights to the same. Wife have ah crops growing in Cotungsfield and in my barn. Ex'ors distribute to the poor for six years 1000 biletts of wood. Witnesses :—Dom Philip Sayer parish chaplain, John Edwey, Thomas Legh. [Probate 27 January 1472-3.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 244.) KATHERINE, widow of THOMAS STACE. 1 June 1474. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard next my husband. To each Brotherhood Light 4$. Daughter Alice my green girdle harnessed with silver, my piece of beryl, two silver spoons, broken gold ring, ship chest, 12 pieces of pewter, etc. Daughter Cristine coral prayer beads, two silver spoons, gold ring, chest called a which [? hutch], 12 pieces of pewter etc. Daughter Elisabeth red girdle harnessed with silver, gold ring, chest, jet prayer beads with silver gaudes, two silver spoons. Son Richard a girdle with silver bar, five silver spoons, etc. Son Nicholas a maser, five silver spoons, ring, chest, etc. To the Domus Dei of Dover 10/-. William my servant a cow and bushel of salt. Residue to sons Nicholas and Richard who with Richard Bernes my Ex'ors, to dispose for my soul. [Probate 15 Feb 1474-5.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 297.) JOHN STAGE, senior. 20 April 1474. Buried in the churchyard. Light of St James, St John Baptist, St Mary in the quire, 12$ each. The parish-priest 18$, and parish clerk 6$. Dom William Baker chaplain of the Domus Dei 6-8$. Residue to Ex'ors :—Thomas Edwey and Robert Clerk. Lands and tenements in Hythe, Cheriton, Lyminge. Son John have a Mill in the Middle Ward of Hythe, croft of land in Newington next Domiett and to his lawful issue, in default to be sold and money disposed in alms and works of charity for my soul as thought best. Two crofts of land called Lesedes in Lyminge be sold, and to son John 66-8$, residue for my soul and parents. Two acres of land in Lyminge at Echingheld be sold, the money to the repair of the Cross upon the Cliff next Hythe in Saltwood parish 6-8$ ; repair of the higway between that cross and Tenaris Cross in Saltwood 33-4$. Agnes my daughter have the tenement in the Middle Ward and to her lawful issue, paying to Alice Jekin of Wye my daughter 66-8$, and to Margaret Edwey my daughter 6-8$ yearly; if HYTHE WILLS. 47 Agnes die without lawful issue the tenement to be sold by Ex'ors, the money to Robert Clerk 40/-, residue disposed for my soul. Wife Ahce ah my lands in Cheriton for her hfe, then to Margaret Edwey my daughter and her lawful issue paying to my daughter Ahce Jenkin of Wye 66-8$. If Margaret die without lawfulissue and her husband Thomas Edwey be hving the Cheriton lands be sold, and to Thomas Edwey 66-8$, residue disposed for our souls. [Probate 11 May 1474.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 273.) CRISTINA STAGE. 10 July 1474. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard. Light of St John Baptist junior 12$. The parish priest 12$, and parish clerk 6$. Daughter Katherine a bowl with silver cover, six silver spoons, red girdle, coral prayer beads, three gold rings, etc. Juhane my maid a red cloak and hood. Alice Care, Ahce Hebbings, Isabella Pers, each 6-8$. Repair of the road opposite the tenements of John Marsh and Alice Howgin 6-8$, and the road at the house in which I live 6-8$. Residue after debts paid to Ex'ors :—John my husband and John Home. Lands and tenements which I had the day of my marriage, that my husband John have my tenement in which I dwell for £24, and of that money to Katherine my daughter 20/-, and £3-6-8$ remain in the hands of my Ex'ors for five years in case of any dispute. Katherine my daughter the land called Stombil field in Cheriton and to her heirs, on condition she releases ah her rights in my other lands and tenements in Cheriton and Newington which were Ralph Prills when she is of lawful age, but if she die under age without issue the land be sold and money disposed for my soul; and then my husband have the bowl with cover and prayer beads for 20/-, also my lands in Westhythe. [Probate 21 July 1475.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 309.) JOHN son of THOMAS STACE. 14 July 1479. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or :—Wife Thomasine and have my tenement in which I dwell, a tenement with barn and garden obtained from the heirs of Thomas Highstede, and one acre of land at Westhythe, for life then to daughter Margaret. Wife have Cotings field until Margaret is married then to her and her heirs, but if she die before my wife then after my wife's death all be sold, the money to a chaplain for hah a year 66-8$ and residue disposed for our souls. [Probate 28 July 1479.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 434.) 48 HYTHE WILLS. JOHN STACE, senior. 6 July 1479. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard. Light of St John Baptist senior, and St James, each 12$. The parish chaplain 20$, and the parish clerk 12$. Daughter Katherine £6-13-4$ at her marriage. Wife Joan have for life a great maser harnessed with silver and gilt, after her death to John Stace my kinsman. Thomas my son a smaU maser. Wife have for life the tenement in which I dwell, then to son Thomas. Son Thomas another tenement in the West Ward, my wife having charge until son is of lawful age or marries. If my wife be with child, a boy, then son Thomas have the tenement in West Ward and the child after the death of Joan, the tenement in which I dwell, but if a daughter son Thomas have the two tenements after the death of Joan, paying to the girl £10 at her marriage. Lf son Thomas die under age, the tenement in West Ward to Katherine my daughter and her heirs, and the tenement in which I dwell be sold after the death of Joan, the money disposed for our souls. All my ships (naves) and nets with other sea gear be sold to pay my debts. Residue of goods to wife Joan, who with John Stace my kinsman, my Ex'ors. [Probate . . . July 1479.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 433.) THOMAS STAPLE. 25 Oct. 1520 [1 1519]. Buried in the churchyard. Light of St James, St Anthony, St Clement, St George, each 12$. Ex'ors seU my tramel1 and sprat nets, and my new Hoker,2 the money to pay my debts. Wife Thomasine and son Edward each have 20 mackerel nets 15 herring nets. Wife have aU my part of the boat called the Peter, with the old lodge, ah my salt, household stuff, and plate, except the second bed with all thereto to son Edward. Wife have aU income from my herring nets and Crayer [small trading vessel] this fishing season, and lend half the money to my Ex'ors until they sell my goods, and then pay her again. Stephen Harry 40/- and William Dove 33-4$, and be my Ex'ors with my wife Thomasine overseer. Wife have for life my messuage and storehouse next to Stephen Harry, after her death to son Edward, if he die under 18 then be sold after my wife's death, the money disposed for our souls. My tenement at the Stone that Thomas Cheteham dwells in, and my tenement in East Ward 1 Long narrow fishing net—Oxford Dictionary. 2 Fishing vessel with one mast—Dialect Dictionary. HYTHE WILLS. 49 be sold, the money to perform my Wih. Witnesses :—Robert Lowett, John Hales, Thomas Cheteham, John Chawdrye. [Probate 12 Oct 1520.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 30.) THOMAS STEVYN. 30 June 1486. Buried in the churchyard. My daughter Margaret the coral prayer beads and girdle which was her mothers, four bowls, two dishes, four flew nets, and 53-4$. Thomas Fox a brigandine, salet, and gorget of mah. Residue to wife Ahce my Ex'or, to dispose for my soul. Witnesses :—Robert Bire, William Bright. [Probate 26 Sept 1487.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 140.) ALICE STEVYN, widow. 10 Decern 1487. Buried in the churchyard. Brotherhood of Our Lady's Assumption in the Chapel 8$, and to the Image of Our Lady's Assumption a silver ring that was my mother's, so that the Wardens of St Leonard's Chapel have the ring to the use of the Chapel. To the Image of St Mary in the chapel of St Edmund, my coral prayer beads, gold ring, crucifix, lawn kercher, so that the Wardens have the keeping for the use of St Leonards Chapel. To the painting of St Christopher 3-4$. Margaret Stevyn a folding table, three plates dishes and sawcers of pewter, the brass pot that was her father's. My house be sold the money—to a priest to sing for my soul and husband for a year £6-13-4$ ; for a vestment to be bought for the Chapel 40/- ; to the Friars of Canterbury for 30 masses 13-4$; to the way between Hythe and EastweU 3-4$. Residue after debts paid, to my Ex'ors :—William Ligh and Thomas Walter to dispose for my soul. Witnesses :—Robert Sire, William Bright. [Probate 5 March 1487-8.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 174.) THOMAS at STONE. 16 April 1513. Buried in the churchyard. To every Light of which I am a brother 4$. Ahce Gillow my servant 13-4$. Joan my daughter 26-8$ and a heiffer. Son Edward my maser and the residue and be Ex'or. Wife Alice three bushels of barley malt and wheat, my napery and linen stuff. Witnesses :— William Penne curate, Nicholas Mount. [No Probate—Vol. 1512-15.] (Con. Vol. 11, fol. 65.) 50 HYTHE WILLS. WILLIAM STUBBES, yeoman. 3 March 1552-3. Ah my goods and chattels to son Richard my Ex'or. Margaret Gahaunt of Sittingbourne for keeping me there being sick 10/-. Wilham Geoffrey have my son Richard as his servant to learn his occupation with the custody of my goods for six years then to dehver them to my son, Wilham to be bound in £40. George Painton of Hythe 40/-. If son Richard die within the six years the goods to the poor of Hythe, except 6-8$ to the children of my wife (not named). Witnesses :— Thomas Godfray of Sittingbourne, Richard Diggs, Thomas Jekin. [Probate 18 April 1553, and Ex'or being a minor, administration to Wilham Geoffrey.] (Con. Vol. 25, fol. 19.) WILLIAM SULMAN. 1 August 1483. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Margaret the messuage in which I dwell for hfe, then to Juhane and Cristine my daughters and their heirs. My Boat (simba) called the Christopher of Hythe be sold the money to pay my debts and dispose for my soul. Residue to wife Margaret, who with Richard Lowis my Ex'ors. [Probate 17 Sept 1483.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 569.) THOMAS SYRE. . . . 1507. Buried in the churchyard. The Brotherhood of St Peter four bushels of wheat. My brother Wilham 6-8$, tawny gown, a mare and horse. Henry my brother a red gown and four metts [bushel measure] of salt. William son of Walter Hoker 12 ewes. Wife Joan 240 ewes. Wife have my house for hfe then to my children (not named), but if they die without lawful issue, then to my brothers William and Henry, they yearly doing for me 5/- in the church for ten years. Witnesses :—Christian Wells, William Syre, Alexander Levington. [Probate 21 Feb 1507-8.] (Con. Vol. 9, fol. 48.) HENRY SYRE. 20 Decern 1512. Buried in the churchyard. All my goods to wife Nichohne my Ex'or. Witnesses :—Wilham Penne curate, John Bargrove. [No Probate—Vol. 1512-15.] (Con. Vol. 11, fol. 56.) WrLLiAM SYRE. 1 May 1520. Buried in the churchyard. Son John my best doublet and hosen. Son Richard one ewe and lamb. Residue HYTHE WILLS. 51 after debts paid to wife Joan my Ex'or, with Richard Wood overseer. My tenement at Harietsham be sold the money to the use of my wife. Witnesses :—Dom. Wilham Plome curate, Richard Wood. [Probate 20 June 1520.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 14.) AGNES TAYLOR or NEWHOUSE. 20 January 1460-1. Buried in the church before the Rood, or before the Image of St Mary in the chapel of the Virgin, and to the ' fabrice ' of the church 3-4$. Light of the Lamp, before Corpus Christi, and St Mary, each 12$. The parish chaplain 12$, and parish clerk 4$. Sons John and Robert Newhouse each twelve pewter vessels. Residue of pewter to children of Robert Newhouse. Agnes Newhouse brass pan, salt celler, silver spoon and " cista de picta." Joan Newhouse five silver spoons. Robert Newhouse one silver spoon. Fehce wife of John Newhouse best " armilausa " [? small cupboard] and best tunicle. John Newhouse the amber prayer beads with a crucifix. Ex'or :—Robert Newhouse my son and have the residue after debts paid. Witnesses:—Richard Smalwood, Henry Skinner. [Probate 31 January 1460-1.] (Con. Vol. 2, fol. 33.) ALEXANDER TANNER. 20 March 1496-7. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard before the Image of St Michael. To the ' operibus ' of the chapel 10/-. Light of the Lamp burning before the great Cross 2/-. The Hospital of St Bartholomew after the death of my wife have 3-4$. Wife Margery a maser harnessed with silver and gilt. To my two sons and three daughters each a silver spoon, the residue of the spoons to my wife. Son Thomas four flew and shot nets and a sprat net, maund of hauns [? hooks], half the boat (simba) called John, my wife having rule thereof until son is 22. Son Wilham after the death of my wife the boat (simba) called Peter, and my girdle for his life then the girdle to son Thomas, after his death to the Chapel to the honour of St Michael. Wife have my tenement in Middle Ward. My chief tenement after my death be sold, the money :—to my daughters Emme, Agnes, Thomasine, 26-8$ each ; sons Wilham and Thomas 20/- each; wife Margery 40/-; to three poor men, and three poor women six pairs of shoes 6$ the pair yearly at Christmas for six years ; with the residue of the money my Ex'ors paint the board behind the head of St Michael in the Chapel with the best " bits " 52 HYTHE WILLS. [? pitch] and stars of gold called " bornegold " of the best, and that they make an iron rod against the same Image with a linen cloth ; any residue disposed in alms, etc. My lodge near the sea and one windlass with the cable be sold, the money disposed in the Chapel as long as it wih last. Residue of goods to wife Margery, who with Thomas Samweh my Ex'ors, and John Lowis overseer, each to have 3-4$. That immediately after my death my Ex'ors shah see if it be possible to have a man to go as far as the place of St James in Gahs [north west Spain], and he be given 20/- to make my offering. [No Probate—Vol. 1495-8.] (Con. Vol. 4, fol. 137.) THOMAS TANNER. 10 June 1539. Buried in the churchyard beside my wife. Sons John and Wilham my house in East Ward. Son Wilham two fare of herring nets called flewes, a fare and hah of mackarel nets, a drawte of hooks. John my eldest son have a fare of herring nets and mackarel nets, my best doublet. My Ship the John Baptist be sold, and to Joan my youngest daughter £10. Harry Elson my brother in law my blue worsted doublet and his wife my sister 6-8$. Wilham Tanner my brother a frisc coat. Ex'or:—Son John, and with his brother Wilham, and my daughter Margaret have residue. Witnesses :—Dom Harry Dixson curate of Our Lady parish in Dover, Henry Elson, John Bredgate, Richard Hewet. [Probate 20 August 1539.] (Con. Vol. 17, fol. 39.) WILLIAM TANNER. 5 August 1545. Buried in the churchyard. John Tanner my brother the hah part of the house that is betwixt us, and forgive him the debts he owes me. Ex'or :—Christian Burgess ah household stuff and 40/-, the residue after debts paid. Joan Tanner my sister half a fare of flew nets. Witnesses :—John Tulke, Nicholas Tulke, Dom. Thomas Dolett. [Probate 2 March 1545-6.] (Con. Vol. 20, fol. 33.) JOHN TAYLOR. 28 April 1546. Buried beside my first wife. Agnes Herste 40/-. John and Richard my brothers each £20. Ahce Forde at her marriage £4. Wife Ahce £33-6-8$ and be Ex'or with Peter Hayman of Sellinge overseer. My house, lands and tenements HYTHE WILLS. 53 be sold the money to fulfil my Wih. Witnesses :—Dom Thomas Doletfc curate, Richard Browning. [Probate 25 May 1547.] (Con. Vol. 21, fol. 64.) WILLIAM TOMPSON. . . . 1511. Buried in the church. Wife Thomasine ah moveables. Ex'or :—Nicholas Mount. That my tenement be sold after the death of my mother, half the money to pay my debts and do for my soul, the residue haK to Wilham Sherive, other hah to Ex'or for my son Nicholas Tompson when of lawful age. Witnesses :—Master .Penne curate, Wilham Marchemane. [No Probate—Vol. 1512-15.] (Con. Vol. 11, fol. 4.) WILLIAM TREWLOVE. 20 April 1523. Buried where it shall please God. To the church works to be prayed for 20/-. Wife Ahce my house for life if a widow, then to daughter Agnes in fee simple, or at her mother's marriage. Wife have all moveable goods and find a priest to sing for my soul for a year, and give Agnes my daughter £23 when 16. Ex'or :—Wife Ahce with John Patt overseer. Witnesses :—Dom Gregory Farmery, John Tothe, Christopher Frankwell. [Probate 4 May 1523.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 169.) ROBERT TROLLOP. 16 June 1553. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Ahce and son Solomon ah my moveable goods to pay my debts. Wife have my house in the Middle Ward until Solomon is 20 then to him, if son die without lawful issue to my wife for life, then sold and the money bestowed on highways and to poor people. Son Solomon be found to school until 16. Ex'or :—Whham Dahninton with John Knight overseer. Witnesses:—Davy Coningham minister, Giles Ehngworth. [Probate 16 Sept. 1553.] (Con. Vol. 25, fol. 36). THOMAS TULKE, Feast of St James [25 July] 1489. Buried in the churchyard. Wife have my messuage for hfe then to son John and his heirs, if he die without lawful issue, then at the death of my wife to be sold, money disposed for our souls. Residue of goods to wife Alice who with Wilham Legh my Ex'ors. Witnesses:—John Malrain Bailiff of Hythe, Wilham Briggs. [Probate 11 April 1492.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 311.) 54 HYTHE WILLS. JOHN TULKE. 18 Novem 1545. Buried in the church of St Leonard. Son George a maund of hooks and of small harbes, my best tramel net, three quarters of my boat the Nicholas, the fourth part to John Ede, with ah things thereto. Son Nicholas my best cloak, leather jerkin, a ship chest. Son Thomas my russet jacket and the malt chest in the shop. Residue to sons Nicholas and George my Ex'ors, with Thomas Bukland overseer. My tenement in Nether Street in the East Ward to son George in fee simple paying to his brother Nicholas £6, and to the two sons of Thomas Tulke my son—John and Thomas each 20/- when 20. Witnesses :— Thomas Ealow, Thomas Mehwave, John Hoven. [Probate 2 March 1545-6.] " (Con. Vol. 20, fol. 31.) JOHN TITELL. 27 March 1533. Buried in the churchyard next Margaret my first wife. Repair of the church 6-8$. Residue after debts paid to wife Joan, son John, and daughter Richardine, when the children are 16. Ex'or :—Thomas Wrenke gent, to have 6-8$ and my best silver spoon. Wife have for providing of my children until 16 the house I dwell in with barn and garden for 24 years, then to son John and his lawful issue, in default to my daughter Richardine and her issue, in default to John Emott. The corner house next to my house to wife Joan, and [to] Richardine my daughter the httle house in the Market place and two gardens next the churchyard when 17, if she die without issue then to my son John and his issue, in default to Thomas Titell of Canterbury. Residue of lands and tenements to son John when 16. Witnesses :—Robert Estday, John Taylor, John Emiot. [Probate 20 Novem 1546.] (Con. Vol. 20, fol. 62.) JOHN VANHERE. 14 June 1487. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard. To repair the highway about the place of St Nicholas 13-4$. My Windmill in Saltwood upon the Cliff be sold, the money, part to the Chapel of St Leonard, part to Saltwood church, part to the poor. John Bowis my wife's brother and Ahce his wife my new built messuage with land called Beleies for their lives, then to their son John and his heirs, if he die without issue, then to his brother Thomas. Wife have all contents of my house and the residue after debts paid. Ex'ors :—Wife Joan and John Bowis, with Wilham Lunee overseer. [Probate 20 June 1487.] (Con. Vol. 3, fol. 134.) HYTHE WILLS. 55 RICHARD WALLER. 9 Feb 1499-1500. Buried in the churchyard. To every clerk that serveth in the quhe on the day of my burial 4$. Wife Cristine ah my moveable goods for her hfe, then to my two sons and my daughter. If my wife is not able to keep my Boats then sons Richard and Thomas buy them from their mother. Ex'ors : —Wife Cristine and sons Richard and Thomas, with Thomas Walton overseer. Lands and tenements in the Middle Ward of which the Feoffees [are] Thomas Walton, Thomas Hogin, John Berde, John Harman. Wife have ah the same for life then to son Richard paying his brother Thomas £6-13-4$. Each of my sons pay to Agnes my daughter 26-8$. Witnesses :—Dom Gilm parish priest, Robert Lovett, Thomas Walton, Thomas Howgin, John Barowe. [Probate 3 March 1500-1.] (Con. Vol. 6, fol. 14.) THOMAS WALLER. 16 Sept 1537. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Margaret, and daughters Phehse, Anne, Richardine, each a bed with all thereto. Son John my Boat with ah to her, a fare of flew and shot nets, a sprat net, two silver spoons. To each daughter two silver spoons. Wife have three silver spoons and £3. Ex'ors :— Wife Margaret and son John to have the residue, with Thomas Calvo, John Harris, John Bustowe overseers, each to have 3-4$. My table and hanging cloths remain in my house to the use of my son, in default the house to my eldest daughter and her heirs, and so from one to the other. Witnesses :—Wilham Hagott curate, Thomas Calvo, John Harris. [Probate 26 Novem 1537.] (Con. Vol. 15, fol. 383.) THOMAS WALTON. 24 March 1508-9. Buried in the high chancel before St Leonard paying 10/- for my burial, and to the reparation of the church 20/-. To the parish priest 6-8$, and parish clerk 6$. Ahce Bukland, Joan Blandereh, Elisabeth Renakir my servants, each one heiffer and six ewes. Harry Baker 20/- to find him to school, and three ewes. Wife have 100 ewes, and John Hale and Thomasine his wife 100 ewes. Wife have my waggon with four oxen, one stere, mare, gelding, and ah harness, my plough with ah harness, for life, then to John and Thomasine Hale. Wife dispose 6-8$ yearly for my soul in the church, after her death John and Thomasine Hale dispose 6-8$ yearly during their lives. 56 HYTHE WLLLS. Residue after debts paid to wife Ahce, John Hale and Thomasine his wife my Ex'ors, with John Chilton overseer. Wife have income from my chief messuage with the brewhouse and saffron garden in Hythe called Spitell ground, the httle garden at Damiott, half acre of wood at Bergrove in Saltwood parish during her life, then to Thomasine Hale my daughter and her heirs. Also wife have income from my tenement Depegate in Cheriton with all lands thereto for hfe, then to my daughter Thomasine Hale and her lawful issue, in default to the House of Mesendeu of Dover for ever, keeping an Obit for me twice in the year. After my death daughter Thomasine have my tenement in Hythe bought from Juhane Smalwood, and to her heirs ; my tenement and lands Orgrove in Folkestone and to her lawful issue, in default to the House of Holy Sepulchre of Canterbury for ever, keeping an Obit for me yearly. After my death the churchwardens of Hythe have my piece of land called the Kowleese at Damiott, and to their successors for the reparation of the church for ever. John Hale have my land at Belcheberough, land called Stoneweh acre beside Mardiners in Cheriton parish, land at Sandis Hill in Newington parish, one acre before the Cross at Canon Court in Newington and to his heirs in fee. [Will so ends, No Probate—Vol. 1506-9.] (Con. Vol. 9, fol. 135.) ALICE WALTON. 5 January 1533-4. Buried in the churchyard. Thomas Hale a silver goblet. Edward Hale a maser. Christopher Hale six silver spoons at the disposition of his father Thomas Hale. Isabeh Hale a chest, round table, chair, coral beads with a silver crucifix. Residue to Thomas Hale my Ex'or. Witnesses :— Jeoffry Barly priest, Robert Gibson. [No Probate—Vol. 1527- 37.] (Con. Vol. 15, fol. 232.) THOMAS WARLEY, Butcher. 28 July 1550. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Richarden £25, ah household stuff, six silver spoons, the wood in the yard. Son Wilham £25 when 18, if he die before, then to my wife, brother and sisters equally. Thomas Warley my father £3, John my brother £3. Joan, Ehsabeth, Agnes my sisters each 20/-. My aunt (not named) at Cranbrook 20/-. To Mr Dawnton to be good to my son 20/-. Wilham my servant 6-8$. John Sikes the saddler 3-4$. Residue to Ex'ors :—my brother in law Thomas Carden vicar of Lympe and John Warley my brother, each to HYTHE WILLS. 57 have 20/-. Wife have my house for 15 years then to son Wilham if ahve, but if dead to be sold, and 40/- to 40 poor people, the residue between my wife, my brother, and sisters. Witnesses :— Mr. Wilham Dawnton, jurate, John Silk, Thomas Owtclawe. [Probate 10 Sept 1550.] (Con. Vol. 22, fol. 134.) WfTiTiTAM WARREN. 7 August 1500. Buried in the churchyard next unto my wife in the Procession Way. My two houses in the Town be sold, the money to my two sons John and Mathew and my two daughters Beatrice and Margaret.1 Son John my broad loom with ah thereto. John Middilton my servant a hnen loom with three slays [weavers reed]—one of 700, the other of 600, the thhd of 500. Residue of goods to my sons and daughters. Ex'ors :— John Warren, Wilham Gemin. [Probate 6 Oct 1501.] (Con. Vol. 7, fol. 2.) JOHN WARREN. 6 May 1521. Buried in the churchyard beside the west door. Repair of the church 6-8$. To the aunt of Joan my last wife dwelling at Ashford 3-4$. George Useborne 3-4$ that he shah help my Ex'ors to seh my looms and other things of my occupa.- tion. Residue after debts paid to son Wilham, who with John Cutter my Ex'ors, and Margaret Bourne my sister, overseer. Feoffes of my lands and tenements in Saltwood, Hythe, Newington, Westhythe, Lympe :—John Cutter, George Useborne, John Mills, John Tull. Margaret Bourne my sister a messuage in the Town and Liberty of the Port of Hythe in the East Ward next unto Dukneys tenement, and to her heirs for payment of ah debts and dues I owe her. Ex'ors take the income of a piece of land called Pykmede of 4/- yearly, and dispose the money in Hythe church for my soul 3-4$, and 8$ to Ex'ors for their labour. My chief tenement in the East Ward be sold, also if necessary my croft under Sene Hill in Newington, but if not sold to son Wilham and his heirs, if he die without lawful issue, ah lands, tenements be sold, the money disposed for our souls. Witnesses :—Thomas Heyer of Romney, Maurice Johnson, Richard Stace, George Useborne. [Probate 18 Sept 1521.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 59.) JOHN WATER. 3 March 1499-1500. Buried in the churchyard. Light of St Katherine a lb of wax. Residue to Ex'ors—Thomas Howgan, 1 Margaret married John Bourne who died 1519. 58 HYTHE WLLLS. John Barowe, Harry Taylour, to dispose for my soul. Feoffees of lands and tenements in Selhnge :—Thomas Sanwell and John Barowe, Thomas Dilnott of Selhnge have my tenement and ten acres of land in Selhnge and to his hehs, held of the lord of the Fee, and paying to my Ex'ors £14-6-8$, the money—to son Richard £5-6-8$ when 21, my daughter Margery at her marriage 53-4$, but if both die the £8 to a priest to sing in Selhnge church for our souls, my parents and friends. My son unth 20 be in the keeping of Harry Taylour. Witnesses :—Dom Gilam curate, Wilham John, Richard Goodale. [Probate 30 June 1501.] (Con. Vol. 6, fol. 35.) ROBERT WELBYE. 28 January 1549-50. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Margaret have my house for 18 years, to let or hire out if she will, and do repairs, then to sons Henry and Thomas and their lawful issue, in default to Elisabeth and Margaret my daughters in fee simple, if they die without lawful issue to be sold the money in charitable deeds. The house in which Robert Dickinson dwehs be sold money to pay debts. Residue after debts paid to wife Margaret my Ex'or, with Richard Browning overseer. Sons Henry and Thomas, daughters Ehsabeth and Margaret, each 20/- when 20 or day of marriage. Wilham Wright two shot net hangers. Witnesses :—Thomas Dolet curate, Thomas Burlande, Richard Martin. [Probate 28 March 1550.] (Con. Vol. 22, fol. 86.) RICHARD WELLES. 6. Novem. 1513. Buried in the churchyard beside my wife. Son Thomas 26-8$ when 16, and three flew nets ready to go to the sea. Cristiane my daughter 26-8$ when 16. Son Thomas ah my right and interest in my tenement that my mother dwehs in and to his hehs, if he die without lawful issue then to daughter Cristiane, but if she die without lawful issue to be sold the money disposed for our souls. Residue after debts paid to wife Philipa, who with Thomas my brother my Ex'ors. Witnesses :—John Hale Town-clerk of Hythe, Dom Alexander Young. [No Probate—Vol. 1512-5.] (Con. Vol. 11, fol. 102.) WILLIAM WHITE. 8 March 1534-5. Buried in Saltwood churchyard. To the making of a Tabernacle to set St Peter in at the high altar end HYTHE WILLS. 59 at Saltwood 40/-. Wife Ahce 20 ewes, 3 kine, 3 hoggs, ah household stuff unless she marry, then have one part and my two daughters Agnes and Denis the other part of household stuff. Wilham son of Thomas White my son £6-13-4$ when 24, if he die his sister Thomasine have 13-4$. My daughters Agnes and Denis each 66-8$ at their marriage. Ex'ors :—Edward Marshe and Robert Nott have residue to fulfill my Wih. The income from six acres called Horsecroft to the finding of five tapers of 2 lbs each, to be renewed twice in the year at Easter and Lammas day [1 August] according to the Will of my father John White the younger. Ex'ors sell the land bought from Wilham Browning, the money to carry out my Will. Wife have my dwelling house and one tenement in the Town and Port of Hythe for life doing repairs, also yearly out of my lands and tenements in Saltwood £4 for ten years to keep my children, after the ten years 40/- yearly to my wife. Sons Wilham and Peter all lands etc in Hythe, Saltwood, Newington when the youngest is 20, and if both die before 24 without lawful issue lands etc be sold, and William Nott son of my daughter shah buy the same before any other, the money—to each daughter 20/-, to repair the highway from the Stone Cross unto Hythe ward £20, to Edith Nott 13-4 and to each of her sisters 6-8$, a priest sing for our souls for a year in Saltwood church £6-13-4$, the residue to repair Saltwood church or bad roads. Witnesses:—John Sewen curate, Thomas Spurgesse, Thomas Walter. [Probate 19 April 1535.] (Con. Vol. 15, fol. 276.) HUGH WIGHT, of the Alms House of St Bartholomew next unto Hythe. 4 June 1498. Buried in the churchyard of St Leonard. To the House of St Bartholomew a laton chafer, two httle stools, a form, six ale pots. Robert Gibbe of same place my best doublet. At my months day there be in the House a drinking unto the Brothers and Sisters, and to give to every bed in the House 2|$. Residue of goods to Wilham Shreff of Hythe and Robert Wight my Ex'ors. [Probate 6 March 1498-9.] (Con. Vol. 5, fol. 7.) EDMOND WIGORS. 18 Novem 1498. Buried in the churchyard. My half part in two Ships called the Peter and the Julian, and my quarter part in the Leonard be sold the money to pay my debts. Thomas 8 60 HYTHE WILLS. son of John Wigors hah a flew net. Residue of goods to wife Joan, who with Thomas Huggin my Ex'ors, and John Wigors my brother overseer, each to have 40$. Wife have for hfe my messuage and dwelling-place, then to son Richard and his hehs, giving to Joan my daughter 66-8$, and if Richard die before my wife then at her death be sold, and to Joan my daughter 66-8$, the residue disposed for our souls. [Probate 24 January 1498-9.] (Con. Vol. 5, fol. 3.) THOMAS WIDDELER. 8 Decern. 1526. Buried in the churchyard. Agnes Coles my daughter the best chest. Residue of goods after debts paid to wife Joan my Ex'or. Wife have my house for hfe then to Agnes Cole in fee simple, keeping a yearly Obit of 20$, until 20/- be paid. Witnesses :—Dom John Egeworth, Wilham Tanner. [Probate . . . 1527.] (Con. Vol. 14, fol. 136.) ROBERT WTNGEELD. . . . 1507. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'ors :—Wife Joan and sons, Wilham, Thomas, Nicholas, with William Berry overseer. Wife have ah tenements and lands until sons are 24 then to sons, except Foubrings and ten acres of land to my wife for life then to my sons. Witnesses :—Dom John Drake curate of Saltwood, Richard Kelo, Wilham Bekihs. [Probate 3 Novem 1507.] ' (Con. Vol. 9, fol. 40.) THOMAS WINDEELD. 10 January 1512-3. Buried in the church of St Leonard, and to the church 15/-. Sons James and Thomas each two silver 3poons. Joan, Juhane, Ahce my daughters each a brass pot. Ex'or :—Wife Agnes have residue after debts paid. Witnesses :— Wilham Penne curate, John Figge. [No Probate—Vol. 1512-5.] (Con. Vol. 11, fol. 52.) AGNES WINCHEEELD, widow. 28 March 1517. Buried in the aisle before St Michel within the church of St Leonard, and for the breaking of my grave 10/-. John Figge one of my Ex'ors bestow yearly in the church between Christmas and the Purification of Our Lady [2. Feb] in the church for my soul, husband and ah christians 20/- yearly for ten years. Sons John, James, Thomas 20/- each when they come out of their HYTHE WILLS. 61 prenticehood. Son John have the folding table, son James the turned chair, and son Thomas the great ship chest. Daughter Alice at her marriage £5 my cow and calf, and John Figge my son keep the cow and hah her milk until my daughter be married. Juhane my daughter 20/-. Ex'ors :—John Figge and my son John Winchefeld. The tenement I dwell in and my tenement upon the Stone, equally to my three sons John, James, Thomas, when Thomas the youngest is 24. [No Probate—Vol. 1515-20.] (Con. Vol. 12, fol. 26.) JAMES WILLIAMSON. 12 March 1594-5. Buried in the churchyard. Robert Stapill my best cloak. Thomas Dawson two tunics. Margery Jirrey a great chest, two salts. Ex'ors :—John Colles and Robert Stapill. [Probate 9 April 1505.] (Con. Vol. 8, fol. 55.) HARRY WOOD. 15 April 1519. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Thomasine and son Clement my Ex'ors have ah my instore and pay my debts. Witnesses :—John Huh, Richard Stace. [Probate 20 June 1520.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 14.) ROBERT WOOD. 19 June 1533. Buried in the churchyard. Son John two horses and a cow. Daughters Margaret and Isabel, each a cow. Residue after debts paid to wife Joan my Ex'or. Witnesses :— John Sewen curate, Edward Carden, Clement King. [Probate 22 July 1533.] (Con. Vol. 15, fol. 202.) RICHARD WOOD, senior. 28 Oct 1544. Buried in the Chapel of St Leonard in the aisle of St Christopher, and for my burial 6-8$. Hamond More my boy 40/- at his marriage. Thomas the son of Richard my son 40/- when 21, and to Joan daughter of .Richard 40/- at her marriage. Richard and Gehan children of my daughter Ahce Marden each 40/- when 20. Son John £40 by £5 yearly, if he die before ah the money is paid the residue to my daughter Ahce Marden. Son Richard £40 by £5 yearly if he die residue of money to Ahce Marden. Residue of goods after debts paid to my wife Gehan [ == Juhane] my Ex'or. Wife have for hfe income from my lands and tenements, after her death to son John 62 HYTHE WILLS. my house bought from John Doffine in which Wilham Baker the shipwright dwehs and to the hehs of John. The residue of lands etc after the death of my wife to son Richard. Witnesses :— Dom Thomas Dohett curate. John Taylor Town-clerk, John Cowper. [Probate 15 Sept 1545.] (Con. Vol. 20, fol. 61.) JULIANE widow of RICHARD WOOD. 4 July 1546. Buried in the church beside my husband. Ex'or :—Gregory Crompe my son in law with Master Mathew overseer. John Wood six silver spoons and a maser, and to his wife my gown with velvet cuffs. Thomas son of Richard Wood a brass pot, and Margaret his daughter various things. Residue after debts be paid to Gregory Crompe, also my tenement in the East Ward. Witnesses :—Thomas Harrison, Thomas Johnson, James Marten. [Probate 16 Novem 1546.] (Con. Vol. 20, fol. 71.) THOMAS WREAKE. 26 April 1549. Buried in the church or churchyard. Exor : —Wife Ehsabeth to pay ah debts, and if my wife marry then my four sons—Wilham, John, Richard, Thomas, be Ex'ors. Wife have income from ah my lands tenements in Hythe, Dover, Saltwood, Westhythe, keeping Richard my youngest son until years of discretion and to be put to some honest craft or learning. Sons Wilham and John to be kept at the discretion of my wife. Daughter Juliane a bed with all thereto and two silver spoons. Sons Wihiam, John, Richard when 20, each have a silver salt and four silver spoons of the Apostles. Residue of goods after the marriage or death of my wife to my sons. After the death or marriage of my wife, son Wilham have my chief tenement wherein I dwell with lands in Hythe and Saltwood and to his heirs. Son John my two httle tenements on the east side of my chief tenement, all yearly rents in Hythe, the land called Three Corned mede in Westhythe and to his hehs. Son Richard my chief tenement in Dover with garden and meadows, and to his hehs. Son Thomas my lesser tenement next my chief tenement in Bekin Street [Dover] and to his hehs. If any son die before 20 without lawful issue the others be hehs, and if they ah die then lands etc to daughter Juhane, and Agnes the daughter of John Wreake my son, late of Newmarket in Suffolk. [Probate 15 March 1555-6.] (Con. Vol. 26, fol. 93.) HYTHE WILLS. 63 JOHN son of ALEXANDER YONG. 23 Oct 1501. Buried in the churchyard. The Brotherhood of St John of which I am a brother 12$. My father have my green gown and worsted doublet; my brother my best gown; my grandame my russet gown. AU my woollen cloth in my shop be priced as near to their value, and if any young man of honest and good conversation wih buy the cloth, though he be poor to have the same at the price fixed, he to find security to pay my Ex'ors at such days as they shah give hhn, and the fhst day of payment shah not be within a year of my death. Also my Ex'ors shah buy four broad-cloths of gray or as much as wih come to £6-13-4$, as shall be convenient for rehgious men to wear, and that cloth to be given upon the next Good Friday to the Prior of the Observant Friars in Canterbury, they to pray for my soul and ah good christians. When Ex'ors receive my debts or the money for the cloth, they are to provide a priest to sing for my soul in St Leonards church for quarter of a year, having 33-4$ ; the residue of the money to my five sisters (not named) at their marriage. Residue of goods after debts paid to John Bowes and my father my Ex'ors. Witnesses :—John Milis, Thomas John. [Probate 26 January 1501-2.] (Con. Vol. 7, fol. 18.) ALEXANDER YONG. 10 Feb 1521-2. Buried in the churchyard next unto my children. Wife Joan ah moveable goods, part of the Crayer [ =small trading vessel], ah my debts and sea-craft. Thomas Welles and Herman Mainde each 20/- of my part of the Crayer money when sold. Thomas Bukland the 6-8$ he owes me. Ex'ors :—Wife Joan and John Huh with John Bukland overseer, each 20/-. Lands and tenements in Hythe, Newington, Saltwood. Wife have for life the house I dwell in doing repairs, then sold the money—for a 1000 billets of wood to poor people in Hythe every year for ten years, viz—500 at Christmas and 500 at the New Year ; a priest sing for me my wife and children for half a year ; and towards buying a Cross-cloth of double velvet in the church £4; Agnes my daughter 20/- or to her children ; in paving and mending the street before my dwelling house 20/-; the residue of money to buy lead for the use of the church. My house in the Dimiot in Newington parish be sold, and to the Friars Observants of Canterbury for 20 years one noble [6-8$] worth of herrings, residue of money to my wife Joan. John Hull have in fee simple the house that was Frariks paying to my wife 64 HYTHE WILLS. £15 by 20/- yearly. John Bukland have in fee simple the house he dwells in paying to my wife £9 by 20/- yearly. Richard Heme have in fee simple the house sold to him, paying 43-4$ to my wife. Witnesses :—William Bette, John Taylor, John Milles, Richard Heron, Sampson Aluph. [Probate 19 March 1521-2.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 85.) JOAN YONG, widow. 8 July 1523. Buried in the churchyard beside my husband. Juhane wife of John George my eldest daughter, three flew nets, my amber beads and best maser. Philipe my daughter wife of Thomas Curtener three flew and two shot nets, second maser, two silver spoons. Agnes my daughter three flew and two shot nets, the second ghdle, and to her daughter Juhane a pair of silver hooks, Wilham son of my daughter Agnes a silver spoon and 20/-. Residue of goods after debts paid to John George and Thomas Curtner my Ex'ors, and also they to have my thhd part of the Crayer called the Peter. Witnesses :—Dom John Alway curate, Alexander Limngton, priest. [No Probate—Vol. 1519- 23.] (Con. Vol. 13, fol. 171.) JOHN YONG. 10 March 1532-3. Buried in the churchyard on the south side. Son John £10. Wife Margaret ah household stuff. Thomas Yong £5. Arthur Yong a waine and plough with all thereto. To repair the road from Hevy Water to the httle Bridge towards Hythe 6-8$. John Baker to dwell in my house at Stanford for his hfe, paying 8/- yearly. Giles and John children of my sons £5. Paul son of John Yong 20/-. Son Steven Yong £10. To every son of my wife 10/-. John Tulke son of my daughter Joan a cow. Residue after debts paid to sons Wilham and Thomas my Ex'ors. Lands and tenements in Stanford, Stowting, Saltwood, Burmarsh, Hythe. Son Richard messuage and ten acres of land in Stowting and to his hehs male, paying yearly to my wife Margaret his mother 6-8$, and one load of wood to be delivered at Hythe. Son Thomas messuage and 17 acres in Stanford, of which three acres called Southwin on the west side of the street, four and half acres Clerksfield, four acres called Churchfield and Chalkshan on the east side of the street, one acre Little Pipers two acres Rought Croche, and a Barn, and to his hehs male, paying his mother 13-4$ yearly and two loads of wood. If Thomas die before his wife Denis without lawful issue, then Denis have a HYTHE WILLS. 65 house and two acres of land cahed DaUeis in Stanford, the land Southwin and Clerksfield for her life, then to son Arthur and his heirs male. Son Arthur tenement Hartes Horn with five acres of land in Stanford when he is 21, and to his hehs male, paying his mother 20/- yearly and two loads of wood. Son Wilham messuage with two acres of land beside Eastwell in Saltwood with ah my implements there, and one orchard in Hythe, and to his hehs male, paying 6-8$ yearly to his mother. My house in the East Ward of Hythe be sold to Nicholas Tulke my son in law paying £30, and with the money Ex'ors buy another house. Lands in Burmarsh to my wife for hfe, then to son Arthur and his hehs male, in default to Steven and his hehs, in default of issue to Wilham. Witnesses—John Howgett, Robert Gilbarte, Richard Mount. [Probate 13 June 1553.] (Con. Vol. 25, fol. 29.)


The life and records of Eadberht, son of King Wihtred


St Austin's Abbey, Canterbury. Treasurers Accounts' 1468-9, and others. Part I