St Austin's Abbey, Canterbury. Treasurers Accounts' 1468-9, and others. Part I

( 66 ) ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY. TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. BY CHARLES COTTON, O.B.E., F.R.C.P.E. INTRODUCTION. SEVERAL " Accounts " of the Treasurers of St. Austin's Abbey are preserved in the Chapter Library of Christ Church, Canterbury ; some in the form of a Roll written on parchment, such as would have been presented by the Treasurers to the Abbot and Chapter, duly audited to be preserved among the muniments of the House ; and some on paper, or in a paper book, being a more or less rough draft account from which the formal Roll was made; both being complete as far as the annual accounts were concerned. Such a one as this last is contained in a MS. volume with the Press-Mark : A.66.d. & e., and is kept in the case F.2.1. It contains the accounts complete for the year 1468-1469, and two incomplete accounts for years which must be between the years 1442 and 1466. I made a transcript of the whole volume many years ago for Archceologia Cantiana. For want of space at this present time the Latin transcript is not here printed ; I give the translation only of the account for the year 1468-1469, and the one that is the most complete of those that follow it. The first occupies from the recto of Fol. 1 to the verso of Fol. 21, and the latter from the recto of Fol. 22 to the recto of Fol. 37. The remaining folios of the volume (38-45) are occupied by an account in a very fragmentary state which has not been included in this article. The forty-five folios consist of hand-made paper with rough edges, the paper bearing water-marks consisting of a pah of openshears, vine branches with a bunch of grapes within a shield, TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, A N D OTHERS. 6' an ox, a trefoil issuing from a coronet, etc. It is interestinj to find that the paper on which those Paston Letters wer written which are dated between the years 1460 and 1483 i.e. during the whole of the reign of Edward the Fourth bore these same water marks. In this connection it shouh be mentioned that it was in the year 1464, that one of th< monks of St. Austin's, John Berry by name, writes to hi cousin John Paston, concerning the terrible financial positior of the Abbey, and implores his assistance. (See end o: Introduction.) The debts for the year 1432 under the government oj Abbot George Penshurst (1431-1457) had reached the sum oJ £1,226, and under the rule of Abbot James Sevenoke (1457- 1463) who had lately died, they had risen to £2,691.17.8£ and half a farthing. Now during the rule of the new Abbot, Wilham Selling (1463-1480) they were reduced to £1,972.11.2. a reduction of over £700, a large sum in those days, so it is possible that John Paston was able to assist in the work of economizing, though it was of little avail; for the income of the House must have suffered great diminution during the last century of its existence as in 1432 the income was £2,256, and on the dissolution of the Abbey in 1538 the net income was only £1,274. The whole question of the finances of this Abbey is discussed in a review of the Rev. R. J. E. Boggis's History of St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury, published in 1901 by the Rev. C. E. Woodruff in Vol. XXV of Archceologia Cantiana, to which readers are referred. To return to the MS., it will be found that the sheets of paper measure 12 inches by 8-8 ins. The leaves in many cases have been sadly tattered and torn at then tops but have been wonderfully repaired, and the volume re-hound at the British Museum. The complete account occupies the first part of the volume, beginning on the recto of Fol. 1, and ending with the statement that the debts amounted to £1,972.11.2 on the verso of Fol. 21. The next account, which is incomplete, begins on Fol. 22 recto, and starts with the section of the accounts 68 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, dealing with " Perpetual Pensions," up to which point the original folios are missing, it then goes on to the recto of Fol. 37, ending with the statement of debt aheady mentioned. It is impossible to give the exact year to which this account refers, but it must be between 1442 and 1464, very possibly that for 1463. (See p. 2.) The script in which these accounts are written is a late 15th century hand and they are manifestly rough drafts. Occasionally Latin words appear which, of course, are not to be found in a classical dictionary and sometimes not even in the medieval Latin dictionary, such words as " tucetrix," a female sausage maker attached to the monastery ; " cunditor," a seasoner ; " vasa sigisterii," words occurring on Fol. 16 recto ; in the medieval dictionary it is spelt " segisterium," i.e. " draff," the refuse of malt after brewing. There are some words I have not been able to identify, as, " Tosard " and " Rowndlorff," on Fol. 15 vo, " Petyott," a measure of wine, on Fol. 30 vo., and there are probably others. Price of grain at this date is mentioned. Wheat was 6/8d a quarter and barley 3/4d a quarter. The income from the use of the crane at Fordwich appertained to the altar of St. John (the Baptist). This altar was dedicated by Peter, Bishop of Carbo in Hungary (Corban, a medieval bishopriok) who was assisting the Archbishop of Canterbury in the 13th century. The Abbot's Park, wrongly called in modern times "The Scotland Hills," was acquired by Abbot Scolland (1070-1087). He was of the Low Countries, born at a place called Scolland, and the Park was named after him and used for preserving and hunting game, etc. There were forty-six brethren in all in the year 1468-1469 including the Abbot, the Prior, and the Precentor. The forty-three included the office bearers of the monastery. The following list includes all those whose names appear in the accounts dealt with in this article, from which it will be seen that there were twenty or more who held some kind of office, as in large Abbeys there was more than one Prior and generally several subsacrists and subcellarers. Here TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. 69 the Bevestiarius, i.e. the Vesturer, was a subsacxist and might be a Keeper of the Relics also ; he was not the Sacrist. - Treasurers for the year 1468-1469. 1468-1469. John Asshmynton Wm. Mongeham Wm. Selling. Abbot. (1463-1480.) Laurence Morley. Sacristan. Simon Maidstone. ,, & Almoner. Walter Northbourne. Subsacrist. John Brenchley. Cellarer. Wm. Northgate. Granger. John Hampton. Prior. John Strey (Sturry). Subsacrist. Richard Roos. ,, John Minster. Chamberlain. John Assher. Infirmarian. 1463-1468. Robert Hampton. Prior. Richard Rose. Subsacrist. William Shroisby, Scholar.] Stephen Tenterden. > Novices. Clement Canterbury. j Wihiam Mongeham. Chaplain to the Abbot. Edmund Brigide. Bro. Radegund. John Hawkherste. Subsacrist. John Brenchisle. Subcellarer. Richard Forsden. Almoner. Henry Bynton. John Downe. Walter Northborne. Wilham Osswell. Wilham Norgate. John Dygon. (Abbot. 1497-1509.) Thomas Hethe. Robert Herve. Chamberlain. 70 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, From the Paston Letters (No. 483). Edited by James Gairdner, A.D. 1464, 28 Jan. (Fenn, i. 278.) By the mention of Sir John Paston it is evident that this letter was written after 1463, but of course the date cannot be later than 1466, in which year John Paston the father died, to whom this letter is addressed. It appears also to have been written shortly after the death of James Sevenoke, Abbot of St. Austin's, Canterbury, which Fenn, I know not on what authority, says occurred in 1463. Even the new edition of Dugdale does not give the date ; but Fenn's date is in all probability right. To my Rygth worsschipful cosyn, John Paston, Squyer, be this Letter delyveryd, etc. Ryght worsschypfuU and reverent cosyn, I recomaunde me on to you wyth al myn hert, as your feythful Kynnesman and oratour, desyrynge to here of the good prosperite and welfare of your worsschipful modir my Lady and cosyn, wyth your wyff, Sir John Paston, your brethern Wylham and Clement, with ah your sonys and doughters. . . . Worsschipfull cosyn, my speciah writynge and hertys desire afore rehersyd, nature naturaly so me compellyth, Watt thou I be putt fer ought of conceyte and syght, I have you all in remembrance both day and nyght; besechynge you, gentyll cosyn, to tender my writynge. I take God to my wyttnesse, I wold as fayn do that myght be un to your honor, worsschippe, and profit as any herthly man can thynke. Worfor now late deyde the Abbot of our Monastery, and left us in grete ded (debt) ; the brynger heroff is my speciall frende : the holdyst brother in our place never hard nor saw our chirche in that mysere that is now ; we have cast the perellys amongys us and there is nowne other helpe, butt every brother that hath any worsschypfuU kynne or frendys, every man to do his part to the well fare socour and releve of our monasteri; therfor worsschipfull cosyn, I, a brother of that worsschipfull monastery, wer inne begoon the feyth of all thys lond, mekely besechyth you in the TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. 71 reverence of Ahmygty God to render help, and socour us in our grete necessite; for in London lyth to wedde many ryche jowehs of ouris, with other grete detts wych my brother wyll enforme you of. Pleseth your goodnesse, for Godys sake, and all the Seyntts of evyn, and att my sympyll request, to have compassion upon us, ye havynge dooe swerte (due surety) both in obligations and pleggs ; in the reverens of All myghti God, do your aUmesse and charite ; hit schall cause you to be prayed for, and all your kynne as long as the chirche s t a n t t ; and be this menys, I trust to Ah myghty God, to se my cosyn William, or Clement, to be stward of our londys, and so to have an intresse in Kentt, to the worsohippe of God and you all, wych ever have you in His kepynge. Amen. WritynatCaunterbiryinhast the xxvhjt! day of Januare. Also I beseche you, schew the brynger of this letter sum humanite and worsschippe, that when he cometh home, he may report as he fyndeth. Be your cosyn and bedman, HENRY BERRY. My thanks are due to the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury for permission to make use of this MS., and other sources of information for its elucidation ; to the Rev. C. E. Woodruff, to Mr. W. P. Blore for much help in its revision, and to others, especially to the late Dr. Mason, who always most willingly gave assistance in years gone by, and without whose help this article would never have been accomplished. TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS OF ST. AUSTIN'S MONASTERY, CANTERBURY, FOR THE YEAR 1468-1469. The Account of the Treasurers of the Monastery of St. Austin without the waUs of Canterbury of ah Receipts put in and expenses incurred there from the morrow of St. Michael the Archangel in the 8th year of Edward IVth to the same feast of St. Michael in the 9th year of the said 72 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, reign for one fuh year by Brothers John Asshmynton and Wihiam Mongeham then Treasurers, and in the 5th year of t h e Government of Lord Wilham (Selling) Abbot. [The above is written in abbreviated text on the outside or recto of Fol. 1. The remainder of this page is taken up by Accounts of sums received from certain manors, farms, lands and manorial Courts, but being the outside leaf it is so worn by time and neglect, that it is impossible to do more than to decipher a word or two of the text here and there. The translation therefore begins on the verso of Fol. 1, and is continued without a break to the bottom of the verso of Fol. 21, where the accounts for the year under consideration end. Omissions caused by defects, etc., in the MS., are inserted within brackets, as are explanatory and other notes.] fol. 1 vo. Chistlet £ s. d. Salmestone Sturry fol. 2 ro. Fordwich Stodmarsh Rents, rehefs, perquisites of the court and services The Manor, farm of, in money By 100 Quarters of wheat at 6s. 8d. By 100 Quarters of Barley at 3s. 4d. By the farm of land there Nothing, on account of reparations and new building Rents etc. The Manor, farm of By 80 Quarters of Barley at 3s. 4d. By the farm of the Mill with the house next the bridge By the farm of the Fulling Mill . . . . Richard Martyn Rents etc. Farm of Meadows and for Rushes Manor, farm of, in money By 18 Quarters of wheat at 6s. 8d. By 40 Quarters of Barley at 3s. 4d. 26 36 33 16 8 12 13 13 4 0 6 13 16 12 6 6 11| 0 8 4 2 ii£ 8 8 20 0 0 5 6 8 4 11 16 16 14 0 6 13 6 13 9| 8 0 4 4 " % ' ; • > . , . , »•- *-w:krA. ^-"'"f|- • I & r 5-r- I ' PLATE I. ST. AUSTIN'S TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS. Folio 1 recto. TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. 73 fol. 2 ro. Littlebourne Longport fol. 2 vo. Rents etc. Farm of the Manor in money By 50 Quarters of wheat at 6s. 8d. By 100 Quarters of Barley at 3s. 4d. Rents, etc. Farm of the Manor * By 40 Quarters of wheat * By* By 5 Quarters of Green Peas at * Kennington and Willesborough Lenham Burmarsh and Snave [Plu]msted Newington fol. 3 ro. Midelton [now Milton] Pensions Rents. Rents etc. By Farm of the Manor and Rectory of Kennington By Farm of the Rectory of Willesborough Rents etc. By Farm of the Manor in money Rents etc. By Farm of Snave Manor By Farm of Burmarsh Manor Rents etc. Profits from the wood Farm of the Manor Rents etc. Tithes of Abbey of Faversham Beausfeld [now Whitfield] Sibertswold Bobbing Manor of Preston Manor of Earnesbergh By the hand of William Fry „ „ „ By the hand of Sir Wilham Horningbroke * MS. defective. 6 8 2 13 16 13 16 13 21 15 13 6 13 6 1 5 16 18 16 0 11 0 29 15 40 0 15 19 20 0 19 0 19 17 12 13 45 13 11 18 10 0 4 0 10 1 0 10 14 7 2 3 5 10 1 6 9 4 4 4 9 8 8 0 24 0 0 8 0 84 0 0 7 3 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 8 7 4 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, fol. 3 ro. Hamell Great Court »-* Rent Profits Preston Rectory. Midelton (Milton) Faversham Tenterden Sheldwich Brookland fol. 3 vo. Stone St. Paul's London Forest of Blean Chistlet Park Walda Pewyngwode Tile oven Dengrove and Rickerwood Old Park Abbey Mill Sundries fol. 4 ro. Farm of the Rectory Farm of the Rectory Farm of the Rectory Farm of the Rectory Farm of the Rectory By grain sold Farm of the Rectory Farm of the Rectory Rents and Farms Profits from Profits from and wood sold Wood sold Wood sold Profits from Profits included in the Blean a/c The Farm of the Old Park and By 40 couple of Rabbits By 52 Quarters of wheat at 6s. 8d. From Shurland in Sheppy ,, Farm of Colstede ,, Elmystede [escheat] ,, Farm of Leystrode 16 13 2 11 18 0 23 6 30 0 20 0 13 6 6 18 14 13 - - 9 19 19 17 5 19 14 6 16 3 13 - - 16 17 6 1 0 1 6 8 1 0 ,, Bodesham* and Lyffyngesdane [escheat] Chamberlain. Canterbury, Rents in, as shown by his account Ripple Langdon Merton Selling and Rode Swaleclijf Farm of the Manor >> )> >) 77 ) ) 77 >! )) >> i, 77 77 77 77 77 J) 4 2 9 20 6 10 0 8 0 10 10 11 6 94 5 0 8 0 0 8 5 4 - 10 10 4 1 6 2 - 8 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 14 8 * Bodesham is in Elmstead in the Hundred of Stowting. TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. 75 fol. 4 ro. Guston „ „ „ included with Langdon and Merton, also the tithes of Soldain in Hopeland. The profits from the Chamberlain's meadow are included with those from Fordwich, the sum of 5 / - from the rent of the Meadow at Westbere also included with the aforesaid. Ore Farm of the Manor 25 0 0 Sum total of the Receipts of the Chamberlain £117 12 54 fol. 4 vo. [Blank] fol. 5 ro. And from Henry Baldwyn for the Farm of Tweffaer and Algarffeld £2 - - Robert Robyn for a garden at Tenterden 6 0 land and tenement at Copherst nothing, but from the land of Margery Russhlym at Telbridge the farm of the Salt Marsh at Brookland the farm of Fordwich and the Boat and Crane after 3s. 4d. was paid to the Altar of St. John the hehs of Thomas Moyse of Ivechurch Richard Colley for 33 acres of land at Northbourne 10 - the Tithes of Hopeland 1 - - The rent of the meadow of Longport at Fordwich nothing, because included in the farm of the Manor there, nor from the small meadow which is included in the rent of Fordwich. the Profits of Fair at Wyvedale 1 10 „ stalls of the Fair this year, nothing - - - small items from the Cellarer 4 - - profits of the Cellarer's garden 4 - 3 13 13 4 4 4 4 0 9 76 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, fol. 5 ro. Grayeslese Pasturage 2 13 4 wine sold in the Cellar of the Convent because _ _ _ Longport pasturage 2 - - Sahnansmarsh near Rushbourne at Chistlett formerly held by Thomas Gilbert 1 - - The farm of the land of Thomas Barton in the hands of John Hevening 16 8 the Subceharer's office 10 5 4 the Infirmarian's office 16 10 the profits of the Lime Kiln - - - wrecks of the sea in Thanet 2 - - farm of North Holmes - - - boarding the Vicar of St. Pauls 2 13 4 boarding of Sir John with the same 116 8 boarding Adam Oxenbridge * 12 - beer sold to the farmer at Longport - - - the profits at St. Lawrence Fair - - 6 two small parcels of land at Westbere 4 0 the farm of 9 acres of land let to Vincent Attehoke 4 9 a parceh of land called Hertis Parke and Eyde let to Robert Atteh[oke] 7 - „ ,, the 4 acres of woodland of Sir Wm. Pope called Deyborne 1 & ,, ,, the garden at Romelond - - 4 ,, ,, the woodland formerly Sir Thos. Pitlesden now demised to John Herwardyn - 6 — Total £50 : 2 : 3. Sum total of the Receipts of the Treasurer THE SACRISTAN. Rents in Canterbury. From rents in Canterbury belonging to the Sacrist Hardacre From rent Nackington „ „ From the Manor 8 - - Rede and Blachmansby From rents, rehefs and perquisites of the Court 7 3 1| fol. 5 vo. £1288 £12 1 14:75 8 2J 14 l lf 16 54 TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. 77 fol. 5 vo. Wyngate and Garunton From the farm of the Manor in money and grain Oblations at the Corpora Sanctorum to the sacrist. From the Revestiarius and the two Subsacrists as is shown in their accounts over and above that in the box of St. Jambert, and 53s. 4d. from the farm of Lez Dogez 12 13 4 15 fol. 6 ro. Shurland and the land of Ruffyn tithes of Colsale are Rectory of Milton paid with the Tithes 10 - 3 - 78 - - Asshm'effeld tithes Salmeston From the farm of the Manor, with £3 : 14 : 8. paid from the Manor of Hengrove Alland From the farm of the Grange in money 14 6 8 By 15 qrs. of wheat at 6s. 8d. „ 30 qrs. of barley at 3s. 4d. Newland From the farm of the grange in money By 60 qrs. of wheat at 6s. 8d. „ 60 qrs. of barley at 3s. 4d. Ozingell From the farm of the grange Calais From the farm of the grange in money By 20 qrs. of wheat at 6s. 8d. ,, 40 qrs. of barley at 3s. 4d. Sum total of the receipts of the Sacristan THB ALMONER. Northbourne and Tykenherst From the farm of the Almonry there 20 fol. 6 vo. Almoner's Office Received as shown by his a/c Ashley From the farm Shoulden From the farm 0 — 5 - 7 7 - 20 - 10 - 20 - y 12 - 6 13 6 13 £243 10 „ - ---- 4 4 54 13 10 9 6 13 6 5 8 8 Sum total received by the Almoner £58 3 9 78 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, fol. 6 vo. Sum total of the receipts by the Treasurer, Sacristan, Chamberlain & Almoner £1,718 : 15 : 0 | Sum total of the receipts of the Treasurer, Sacristan, Chamberlain and Almoner including arrears. £2,087 : 18 : 34 From which sum the old debts placed at the foot of the account of the preceeding year which are not paid, are taken out from the receipts, but remain in the hands of the underwritten, viz. :— Anno Richard Martyn for the farm of the Manor of 1443 Sturry 82 qrs. of wheat & 51 qrs. of barley £28 10 0 /Wilham Osbarne for the Rectory of Shoulden 2 - - John Myles „ „ „ „ Milton 6 13 4 Richard Frogenhalle formerly beadle of Long- 1444 / port and Canterbury 41-8 John Tenham formerly farmer of Littlebourne 90 - - „ „ for the price of 27 qrs. of wheat (fuh measure) at 5s. 6 15 0 1448 Richard Snelgov' formerly Beadle of Minster 10 - - 1449 Thomas Savy, late farmer of Salmestone 13 - - fol. 7 ro. Thomas Lass for arrears as warden of Plumsted wood, & collector of Chislett rents, 14.^6 i Sturry & Hameh (in Fordwich) & the High ] Court Guy Ellis formerly farmer of Kennington J John Wihaston formerly farmer of Plumsted 1457 Ralph Sutton beadle of Hameh (in Fordwich) & of the High Court /'John Robert formerly beadle of Snave 1458 J Brother Laurence Morley sacristan as in his [_ account [ Simon Maidstone, sacristan Simon Orwell, formerly farmer of Faversham , .„Q 1 Rectory 5 19 10 ] John Berne farmer of the Messuage of the hehs of Walter Lancher at Garrington for the price of 70 qrs. of barley at 3s. 4d. 14.RO I James Shakereh formerly farmer of Ashley (Peter Dingle farmer of Milton (Sittingbourne) 10 52 13 40 2 1 -- 6 6 7 13 - — 8 8 24 114 n 3 1 13 6 3 TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. 79 1466 fol. 7 ro. I4.fl5 (John Arnold formerly farmer of Ashley 3 6 11 (Peter Dingle farmer of Milton (Sittingbourne) 1 3 4 1465 Ehzabeth, widow of Walter Petyman formerly farmer of Garrington 18 2 6 (Thomas Tenham farmer of Ashley 18 10 (Brother Walter Northbourne, Subsacristan 3 3 6f [Certain debts in the hands of people owing for the year 1467 are omitted] fol. 7 vo. 1468 Robert Crompe farmer of Minster 20 18 34 ditto ditto for the price of 321 qrs. of wheat at 6s. 8d. 107 - - ditto ditto - - - John Cobbe farmer of Plumsted 11 19 11 Nicholas Gilbert farmer of Chislet 5 18 94 „ ,, for the price of 28 qrs. 4 bushels of wheat as above 9 10 - „ „ for the price of 23 qrs. of barley at 3s. 4d. John Boxe beadle of Newington Thomas Levins beadle of Hameh and hal Edward Lyndregge beadle of Lenham Robert Silver beadle of Kenington Wilham Hopp, warden of Pewingwood Richard Gaihor supervisor of Heddelingwood Brother John Brenchley, Ceherer ,, John Sevenoaks, Subcellerer ditto ditto for the price of 2 qrs. 5 bushells 2 pecks of wheat at 6s. 8d. „ ,, for the price of 236 qrs. of malt at 3s. 4d. Brother Wilham Northgate, Granger ,, „ „ for the price of 109 qrs. of wheat at 6s. 8d. 36 6 8 ditto ditto for the price of 1 qr. 1 bushell of barley at 3s. 4d. 3 9 3 6 7 16 5 6 8 3 2f a farthing 1 1 53 1 39 1 6 9 4 10 19 5 17 6 1 - 44 8 - 6f 4 11 8 6 80 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, 5 4 5 16 8 101 84 10 8 0 fol. 7 vo. 1468 Richard Benjamin, farmer of the Manor of Longport 1| ditto ditto for the price of 53 qrs. of wheat fuh measure as above 17 13 4 ,, „ for the price of 1 qr. 6 bushells 1 peck of barley Thomas Baldwin, farmer of Garrington John Webbe, farmer of Ahand Grange for the price of 9 qrs. 7 bushells of wheat ditto ditto for the price of 5 qrs. of barley John Cayssho, farmer of Stodmarsh ditto ditto for the price of 4 bushells of wheat as above 3 4 ditto ditto for the price of 5 qrs. 4 bushells of barley as above 18 4 Richard Gaihor, farmer of Northbourne 1 17 - ditto ditto for the price of 3 qrs. of wheat 1 - - John Fynew farmer of Shoulden 110 6 Reginald Norton, farmer of Sheldwich 7 13 4 fol. 8 ro.' Brother Robert Hampton, as at the foot of detailed a/cs, money coming from the devotion of sundry benefactors 15 10 4 \ Brother Laurence Morley, Sacrist, the price of 1994 lbs. of Wax 18 1 2 6 To hay remaining in the Monastery 10 - - To Fuel ditto estimated at 10 - - To 2 Millstones remaining at Sandwich 10 - - Sum Total £412 : 3 : 5-f Sum Total of ah such arrearages £782 : 0 : 5 | And so remains the sum total of net receipts £1305 : 17 : 10. Arrears. To the Bailiff of Fordwich in excess of his a/c 1 11 10 The Warden of the Blean ditto ditto 6 8 2 Richard Martin, farmer of Faversham Rectory ditto ditto 7 15 10 John Crisp, farmer of Oare & Swalechff in excess of his a/c 43 15 10 Henry Baldwin, farmer of Snave ditto ditto 6 8 TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. 81 „ (as chamberlain) ,, (as Infirmarian) ditto ditto 4| 3 3i 114 11 114 fol. 8 ro. The beadle of Sturry ditto ditto 11 The Parker of Chislet ditto ditto 24 17 Brother Laurence Morley ditto ditto (as sacrist) 111 Brother John Strey ditto ditto (as subsacrist) 5 1 Brother Richard Roos ,, „ ,, ,, 7 7 Brother John Minster ,, 3 1 Brother John Assher ,, John Minster, vestry keeper Salmeston Grange, farmer of „ ,, Lime Kiln, Keeper of „ ,, Midelton Rectory, farmer of „ ,, Brothers John Asshington and Wilham Mongeham, Abbey Treasurers ditto ditto 27 6 2 J Simon Maidstone Almoner ,, ,, 1 104 Brother Robert Hampton, in money from sundry benefactions 55 11 2-f 3 10 2 | 5 1 8 fol. 8 vo. In money repaid from sundry creditors £277 0 0 Total £478 : 9 : l lf Sum total of receipts due and backpayments £1784 : 7 : 9f Fifteenths To the King for Fordwich £-18 „ ,, Stodmarsh 6 8 „ „ Garrington 17 - King for Tenths in the Diocese of Canterbury 122 8 2 Tenths To the „ Winchester ,, London >> >' ,, Rochester 2 5 4 6 2 18 8 fol. 9 ro. Perpetual Pensions To the King during the vacancy 33 6 8 „ „ „ for the farm of the hundreds of Downhamford, Ringslow and Bleangate per annum 5 - - To the Archdeacon for Peter's Pence 2 10 - 8 2 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, fol. 9 ro. To the Vicar of St. Paul's (Cant) 13 4 To the Prioress of St. Lawrence (Cant) 13 4 >> 97 JJ JJ 71 >J for Bartholomew Ferington 4 - „ Nuns of St. Sepulchre for Matilda Sholden 2 10 „ Precentor for the flagons of beer 13 4 Nothing was paid this year for the support of the Lamp in Chislet Church because it was settled thro' the farmer there. But to Sturry church was paid the price of 8 lbs. of wax at 6d. 4 - And ditto for the Pascal Candle 24 lbs. of wax 1 3 The £9 : 13 :4 for the Pension from the Church of Littlebourn owing to the Abbot of Montemerteto* was not paid this year being remitted by his composition - - - To the Vicar of Littleboume for his pension 2 13 4 ditto ditto by allowance of 4 qrs. of wheat at 6s. 8d. ditto 16 8 ditto ditto ditto 2 qrs. of barley ditto 6 8 To the Vicar of Kennington ditto 2 - - ditto for the land let to farm, nothing because it is paid by the farmer - - - & for the price of 1 qr. of wheat for his pension nothing for the aforesaid reason - - - ditto for straw bought for strewing the Church, nothing this year as it is also settled by the farmer - - - To the Vicar of Lenham by 1 qr. of wheat nothing, ditto ditto by 2 qrs. of Barley, ditto - - - * The grant of the advowson of the Church of Littleboume to the Abbey of St. Mary's of Montemerteto of the order of Flora in the Diocese of Velletri was made by Abbot Robert of Battle and the Convent of St. Austin's, Canterbury, in 1247. Cal. Papal Letters I, page 236. TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. fol. 9 ro. ditto for the sum paid for the right of pasturage of the two cows, nothing, ditto - Or for the sustentation of the lamp in Lenham Church for the same reason - But to the Vicar of Plumstead for his pension 3 ditto to the Vicar of Preston ditto 2 ditto by 1 qr. of wheat ditto To the Vicar of Milton (next Sittingbourne) ditto ditto by 1 qr. of wheat ditto ditto by 3 qrs. of barley To the Clerk of the Pipe for lez besauntez For procurations* of the Churches of Kennington and Littleboume 1 To the contribution to the general Chapter, that is to say, a 4d. in the Mark 3 And procurations to the Court of Rome fol. 9 vo. The 10/- paid to the Vicar of Minster on account of the Tithes of Sahneston was not paid as it is accounted for in the Manor there - Nor the £2 : 13 : 4 . paid to the Chaplain of the Countess of Huntingdon because it is included under the heading of the wages of the servants - Nor the £2 :13 : 4 paid to the Chaplain of the Almonry, because it occurs in the Almoner's Account - Nor the 30s. paid to the Prior of Dover for his tithe owing to him within the limits of the parish Church of Brookland because it is accounted for by the farmer there - But of the Vicar of Selling's pension of 30/- besides the sum of 10/- paid by the farmer - * Fees paid at the Visitation. 84 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, fol. 9 vo. And to the same by one quarter of Peas 3 ditto by 4 lbs. of wax at 2/2 nothing, because it is paid by the farmer ditto by 2 qrs. of wheat and 2 qrs. of barley 1 - ditto by 100 great faggots of wood 12 Payments to Men of Law. (Concitt) To Robert Martyn, Steward, per Annum 6 13 „ The Clerk of the Pipe 13 „ Thomas Marshall, Steward of the High Court 2 - ,, Wihiam Brent p.a. 2 - „ John Chamberlain, p.a. 13 „ Stephen Barett, the under-steward 2 13 „ Guy Fairfax 1 6 „ Roger Brent,* p.a. 1 - „ John Nethersole, p.a. 13 ,, John Herte, p.a. 1 - Rents owed to sundry persons within the Monastery. To the Warden of the Chapel of Blessed Mary in the nave of the Church for land in the demesne of Minster - - ditto ditto of Northbourne - 4 ditto ditto in the Manor of Chislett 6 ditto ditto ditto of Lenham 3 fol. 10 ro. ditto ditto ditto of Sturrey „ „ ,, Littleboume 1 5 To the Warden of the Chapel of Blessed Mary in the Crypt for land at Wadesole 1 ditto ditto at Littleboume 1 - „ „ ,, Plumsted 6 The 1/- paid to the Altar of Blessed Mary in the demesne of Kennington was paid by the farmer, ditto to the Altai of St. John likewise. * Mayor of the City, 1470. TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. fol. 10 ro. To the Altar of St. John for the tenement at Fordwich called Brans tenement 3 Rents Remitted. To the Court of Preston for the Almonry of Northbourne 1 To the Church of Horton for land in Plumsted called Weldisshland 10 „ Sir Nicholas Burneh for land in the said Manor 1 ,, the Abbot of St. Radegunds for land at Newsole 2 The 10/- to the Hospital of St. Lawrence for tithes of milk paid by the farmer. Also the £ 3 : 6 : 8 . paid to the church of Wolchirch for the tenement formerly Ralph Crane's is paid by John Love, farmer there As is also the £2 paid to the Prioress of Halywell for the same tenement And the £1 paid to the Prioress of St. Helens for Lez Crane, London, is paid by the same farmer. To the Nuns of St. Sepulchre's for land in the Manor of Nackington 4 ditto for rent in the Almonry 4 ,, „ „ lordship of Ravenston 2 - ,, ,, „ Canterbury belonging to the sacristy 4 ,, „ for land at Newsole 10 To the court of Cotmanton for the Almonry Land of Northbourne 1 To St. Lawrence Hospital for the Nackington rent 4 The 3s. to the court of Middleton for the free tenure of the borough of Augustine, nothing, because paid by the Beadle of Newington - - fol. 10 vo. Conventional dividends. To 40 lbs. of wax paid to the lord abbot for his wax allowance at the price of 6d. the lb. 1 - To the Prior for 15 lb, ditto 6 „ „ Subprior for 9 lbs. ditto 4 „ „ Precentor for 7 lbs. ditto 3 8 6 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, fol. 10 vo. „ 26 ordinary brethren, each 5 lbs. ditto To the lord Abbot for the Countess of Huntingdon allowance „ the Prior ditto „ the Precentor ditto „ 43 brethren of the Monastery to each 2/6d- 2 4 5 3 7 Conventional Alms. To the Ahns of the lord Abbot 2 - To expenses incurred in the Almoner's office by Brother Simon Maidstone Almoner as is shown by his account 13 12 The ahns on Maundy Thursday are shown in the same account. On the Maundy of the Lord Abbot in the Hah 3 Given to the Process server* (apparitor) for half a course 10 And to the 3 orders of Friars each 3 qrs. of wheat 1 - „ in the distribution of Bread on the Feast of St. Austin 3 quarters of wheat 1 - No sum for Ahns in the 1st. week in Lent are set out, as they appear in the Almoner's account - - Anniversaries Given to 200 poor persons on the Anniversary of the Countess of Huntington, on the feast of St. Leonard, to each ld. 16 ditto to 100 poor persons on the same Anniversary on the feast of St. Anne to each 2d. 16 On the Anniversary of Matilda Sholdon 10 Gervase Sherreve 1 - Benedict Cook 5 Martha Wingham 5 Bartholomew Ferington 13 Roger Lurdynden| 8 Henry Winterbourne 6 Roger Cook 4 * Brevigerulo. f He was forty-eighth Abbot of St. Austin's 1176-1212. TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. 87 fol. 11 ro. „ „ „ John Brand 5 - Expenses of the Sacrist & Subsacrist. To expenses incurred in the office of the Sacrist by Brother Laurance Morley sacrist, as in his account as in 1173 lbs. of wax of which 560 lbs. at the price per hundred & 613 lbs. price per hundred £ 3 : 2 : 4 35 1 6 To expenses incurred by Brother John Sturry Subsacrist as in his account 11 3 - To expenses incurred by Brother Richard Roos as in his account 11 3 - To expenses incurred by Brother John Minster in the Vestry as in his account 6 11 l lf To a candlestick bought 6 8 To wax for the Pascal taking down & putting up 2 - Total £65 :14 : 6£ Payments to the Convent. To the Convent for Ahns at Christmas 2 - - ditto for Earnisbergh 16 8 ditto for Sapurton 1 - - ditto on the Feast of Rehcs 12 0 To the Prior for his pension per annum 2 13 4 The £1 to the Duke of Exeter because it is paid by the Custodian of Littleboume - - - Total £13 :12 : 0. Money given to the Brethren. Given to Priests, Deacons & children at Christmas 1 - - To the Prior for his Pension on the Feast of St. Anne 6 8 To the Brethren celebrating at the Charnel House & St. Pancras (May 12) 2 - - To sundry Brethren & Servants at Christmas 13 4 The 6s. 8d. paid to the Subprior on the festival of Saints Cosmos & Damian was paid by the Farmer atChislett - - - fol. 11 vo. As was the 6s. 8d. paid to the Succentor - - - And the Is. 6d. paid to the servants of the Church and Common Room - - - And the 8s. paid to deacons & Subdeacons - - - Total £4. 88 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, fol. 11 vo. Expenses of the Chamberlain. To expenses in the Chamberlain's office by Brother John Minster as is shown in his account £100 18 Total £100 :18 : 8. Expenses of the Infirmarer. To expenses incurred by the Infirmarer Brother John Assher as in his account 1 3 And to the stipend £2. of Master John the Physician and sundry medicines from him and purchased for sundry brethren as in the account of Brother John Asshmynton and Wilham Mongeham, treasurers 5 8 Total £6 :12 : 7 | Stipends of the Household of the Abbot. To Geoffrey Downer the Abbot's Marshall 2 13 To William Tooke Waterbailiff at Thanet 5 - To the Chaplain of the Countess of Huntington's Chapel 2 13 To John Buhyng, Treasurer's Clerk To Thomas Tenham, doorkeeper of the Church To John Wykham, Abbot's Gardener To Wilham Heyton, Treasurer's Groom To John Blossome, Treasurer's Groom To Frank Sbifling* To John Hope, Granger's Groom To John Vynne, Porter To Nicholas Burle, Manciple fol. 12 ro. To Walter Lylborne, Common Room Cook To Richard Heyton, Refectory Cook To John Hewitt, HaU Cook To Wilham Waldys To Peter the Butcher To the Cellarer's Gardener To Wilham Folke To the two Grooms of the Kitchen To the female sausage maker (Tucetrici) per annum 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 - — - 6 6 6 6 ~ 6 6 6 6 6 16 16 12 * Struck out. TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. fol. 12 ro. To Richard Feraff To Henry Whyte To John Guston, Hah door keeper To John Auncell, Baker To Robert Poore To Wilham Gooman To Hugh Alleyn, brewer To the four servants in the Brewhouse To John Gaihor, seasoner [cunator] To the groom of the Refectory To the washerwoman of the Monastery To Thomas Yoklett, groom of the Infirmary To the groom of the Vestry To Thomas Tropham, the Priors' groom To Stephen Lyndregge, Common Room groom To John Worthe, Clerk of St. Austin's Shrine To Richard Cramme, wax candlemaker To the Prior's page To the Page of the Infirmary To the servant of Brother Robert Hampton, Foxe the Process-server To Wilham Hamond, warden of the demesne woods in Thanet To Robert, Warden of the Manor of Sturry To John Aleyn for the aforesaid and others To John Armerer for 1 quarter To Roger Stace carting for half a year To 4 waggoners per annum To the servant of John Downe 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 16 6 6 16 16 - 6 - 13 6 13 - 6 6 - 6 10 13 13 13 13 6 6 11 5 16 Total £67 : 4 : 0. fol. 12 vo. Sundry Repayments. To John Auncell, bailiff of Fordwich in excess of his a/c 111 „ Robt.Holte, Warden of the Blean „ „ „ 6 8 „ Richd. Martyn, farmer of the Rectory of Faversham „ „ „ 6 15 „ JohnCrysp, farmer of Ore „ „ „ 43 15 „ Henry Baldwin, farmer of Snave „ „ „ 6 * This is struck out. 90 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, fol. To 12 vo. Robt. Heryng, Beadle of Sturry John Chevenyng, Parker of Chislett Brother Laurence Morley, Sacrist Brother John Sturry, Subsacrist „ Richard Rose, Subsacrist ,, John Minster, Chamberlain ,, John Minster, Vestry Keeper „ John Assher, Infirmarian Nicholas Dnderdown, farmer of Sahneston Brothers John Asshmynton and William Mongeham, wardens of the The furnace Stephen Feltweh, farmer of the Rectory of Milton (nr. Sittingbourne) Brothers John Asshmynton, and Wilham Mongeham Treasurers in excess of their particular a/cs. Brother Simon Maydeston, Almoner Total £145 : 18 )> JJ „ J. 24 „ „ 1 „ » 5 „ „ 8 „ 7, 3 JJ J! )> JJ 11 17 11 1 7 1 1 11 44 2 4 34 11- 2} H4 .11 3 13 5 10 7 1 8 8 27 6 2| i 104 fol. 13 ro. Expenses of the Abbot, Convent & " famhy " (as it was called in mediaeval times). To expenses for the Abbot, Convent & famhy incurred by Brother John Brenchisle, Cellarer, in meat, fish, and other things pertaining to the kitchen, as in his a/c. 277 10 „ expenses incurred in the office of the Subcellarer by Brother John Sevenoak in the price of 340 qrs. 3 bushels & 1 peck of wheat at 6s. 8d. per quarter 113 9 44 „ expenses incurred by ditto ditto hi 829 qrs. 5 bushells 3 pecks of malt at 3s. 4d. per qr. 138 5 9 „ ditto ditto ditto as is shewn by his a/c. 6 18 1 Total £836 : 3 : 6d. 44 TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. 91 fol. 13 ro. Payments to Scholars. To Brothers Stephen Tentwarden (Tenterden) and Clement Canterbury, Scholars at Oxford for their expenses per annum 12 - - To their travelling expenses to & fro 2 3 Unexpected expenses. To payments for fines & forfeitures in the Court of King's Bench for John Woodhouse 4 13 4 To John Blande for ditto ditto in 1467-68 10 - To the same for ditto for Thos. Frawyk 2 6 8 To ditto for John Scott and Wm. Barton 16 8 To payments to the Attorney of John Woodhouse & Thos. Frowyk for releasing them from their suit at Court 16 8 To ditto to Wihiam Brasebrigge for his expenses and damages in the case of John Woodhous 6 - - To expenses incurred in law about the corrody, as is shewn in detail by the a/e of the treasurer as well as by Brother Wilham Mungeham formerly Chaplain to the Lord Abbot 29 17 4 To payment of the under-sheriff for the Sheriff's term at Northbourne 1 - - fol. 13 vo. To payment to the under-sheriff for a fine at the same term at Northbourne 6 8 To ditto for the same cause for John Landway & John Cranesden 6 8 To Wm. Brent for sundry briefs prosecuted in the Court of Our Lord the King beyond his wages for John Landeway, John Cranesdenne, Robert Lynkefeld formerly Vicar of Minster and others 1 15 10 To expenses in the cause of Reyton in Lenham 14 9 For land in the Parish of St. Dunstan, London, because it owes suit 6 8 To Nicholas Underdown in reduction of rent of his farm 8 - To expenses in the cause against the Mayor & Corporation of Sandwich 8 6 Total £59 : 9 :10. 92 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, fol. 13 vo. Robes. To Robes given to sundry servants, viz :—Wm. Tooke, John Blossome, Wm. Heyton, Wm. Wateys, Robt. Bocher, Stephen Poynant, Richd. Rowey, Robt Silver (Argent) George Colyer, Wm. Clerks, Alexander Jones (Johannes) Total 3 12 To Robes given to the farmers at Oare, Sellyng, Langdon, Rypple, Ozengell, Snave, Northborne, Elham, Chislett, Plumstead, Garrington, Calais (Grange), Allond (Grange), Minster, Newland (Grange), Northborne Manor, Tenterden Rectory, Stone Rectory 6 10 TotaljeiO : 2 : 8. Gifts. To the servant of Richard Rawlyn for bringing a horse 3 To Reginald Herst under-sheriff 6 To the messenger of The Treasurer of England for freeing the wheat 10 To John Chamberleyn for making a bill for the men of Sandwich 1 To the sheriff at Christmas 2 - To the Under Sheriff ditto 10 To the Chamberlain of the Earl of Warwick 1 - To his secretary 10 fol. 14 ro. To his groom. 5 To the Escheator 6 To the King's bailiff for his labour in Thanet 1 To the King's minstrehs 6 To the Minstrells on St. Augustine's day 1 To cost of Trout given to the Archbishop of York, the Duke of Clarence and the Earl of Warwick and to the Lords Clarence & Warwick by the Sheriff on several occasions 12 To Sausages for the same on several occasions 9 To Capons ditto 7 To two boars given to sundry men in London 18 To the Under sheriff for briefs dhected to us on behalf of John de Vache 6 TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. fol. 14 ro. To the Counsellor of the Duke of Clarence in the cause of the Milton pensions 16 8 To Nicholas Underdown farmer of Salmeston for one gown " ° To Nicholas his son for ditto 6 8 To the Vicar of Littleboume for his sermon 6 8 Total £11 : 1 :10. Business. To Wilham Heyton riding to Sandwich on two occasions for wheat 4 To John Hope ditto 34 To Robert Butcher going to Heme, for drinks with the jury about the cause of the corrody 10 To John Blossame in Thanet ditto 8 To ditto at Wye ditto 10 To Robert Silver (Argent) in Thanet & Reculver, ditto 10 To Edward Hooker at Brabourne & Boughton ditto 10 To Wm. Hakislond at lezmenes & Alkham ditto 6 To Wm. Torre at London for freeing the Tithe 3 8 To John Buhyng at Tenterden, Appledore & Snave 8 To John Blossome at Faversham, horse hire 6 To ditto at Thanet 8 To horse hire for the Physician riding to Sandwich for the lord (abbot) 1 - To horse hire to Burwash, Stone, Tenterden and Thanet on various occasions 5 - fol. 14 vo. To expenses of Richard Down to Sandwich 8 ditto John Blossome to Sholden 8 ditto to Kenington, horse hire 8 ditto to Wilham Hayton to Bobbing ditto 8 To horse hire for three days to Thanet for two horses 2 - To John Blossome to Brookland, horse hire 1 8 To expenses of Robt. Bocher with John Blossome, Wm. Waleys, Robert Silver (Argent) & Wm. Heyton for collecting the Tithe with horse hire 8 18 0 To expenses of Robert Silver to London for conveying money 2 3 94 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, fol. 14 vo. To expenses of Robert Bihesdon for making the account of the Tenths in the exchequer, with his wages, beyond the £5 allowed according to custom 1 13 4 To expenses of Brother Wm. Mongeham, Treasurer on the business of the Monastery in London & elsewhere as appears in detail in his account 4 19 3| To expenses of Brother Asshmynton, Treasurer, as appears in his account 2 6 4| Total £19 : 1 : 74 Expenses of the Treasurers. To payment to Brother Wm. Mongeham for the cartage of 18 loads of grain from Fordwich to the Monastery at lOd. per load 18 - To John Hammond for cartage of 8 loads of grain at lOd. per load 6 8 To 32 doz. & 7 lbs. of candles bought at 15d. 1 16 4£ To the repair of the Carts, with harness, thread, & new wheels with their iron tyres, tallow for the wagons, Medicine for the horses & shoeing of the horses, as is shewn in detail by the treasurers' accounts 10 16 10 To the expenses of the Treasurers for holding the View of Francpledge & expenses of the seneschal at the time of the accounts 16 2 To 30 quarters of slaked lime bought at 7d. the quarter, beyond the 9 quarters by Robt. Hampton 17 6 To Sawder bought 2 3 9 To locks, keys, shovels, spades, brooms (scopez) & 2 doz. sack cloths bought 1 1 10 fol. 15 ro. To saddles, bridles & girths bought for the Treasurer's horse 17 5 To a horse bought from Robt. Benjamin for the Monastery Cart 1 16 8 To two horses bought for the Treasurers' Stable 2 13 4 To cost of making Bavins (faggotorum) & stacking of Hay - 14 2 To the carter of Christ Church at the time of carrying fuel 1 _ TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. 95 1 14 6 2 6 14 0 6 1 1 6 6 13 8 6 - _ 8 8 4 fol. 15 ro. To a certain man for mending the road in Broadstreet for one week To cost of parchment & paper To basketts & maunds* bought To 12 bows & 7 sheafs of Arrows bought To buckels, hinges, leather, nails & oh bought for cleaning the harness & repairing & for the carriage of the said bows 9 2 To 6,000 plain tiles bought of Nicholas Alleyn 1 - - To rope bought for the Monastery washerwoman 13 - To the carrying of peas by the St. Lawrence cart from Hythe to the Monastery for 2 days To 2 horsecombs bought To 1 mat bought for the Common room To breakfast for Brothers Edmund Brigide & Radegund To 1 Grindstone bought To remuneration of the Treasurers, when making theh account To the same for assisting in the choir To the carrying of peas by Richard Benjamin as in his a/c. 2 - To the carriage of grain from Fordwich, to the Monastery, by John Hammond 6 8 To the carriage of sundry (kinds of) grain & other things by John Renweh from Minster & elsewhere to Fordwich 2 7 1 Total £36 : 4 : 8^ Fuel for the Tile furnace. To felling of trees and making fuel at Dengrove & Rede as appears in detail in the Treasurers' bill 3 3 0 To 53 quarters of charcoal bought at 6d. per quarter 1 6 8 To 61 cart loads of oast wood bought from Pewyngwode 3 1 0 To carriage of the same to the Monastery at lOd. a cartload 2 11 - To 1075 ground-fagots bought at Pewyngwode at 2s. per 100 116 To carriage of the same to the Monastery at 3s. 4d. per 100 1 !5 io * Maund, a wicker basket with handles. 96 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, fol. 15 vo. To 15375 ground fagots bought at the Blean at 20/- per 1000 15 8 6 To carriage on the same to the Monastery 40/- per 1000 30 15 - To 23 loads of Talwood bought there at 12d. per load 1 3 - To carriage of the same to the Monastery at 12d. per load 13- To 10 loads of Rowndlorff bought at Chislett Park, 6 loads given to John Aldy & 4 loads to Nicholas Underdownat 1/-a load 10 - To 100 fagots bought there & given to Nicholas Underdown 4 8 To 100 Tosard bought at Plumstead wood for the Treasurer in London - 1 10 To carriage of the same to the river & then by water 1 8 To 200 short fagots bought there & dehvered to Walter Moyle 2 4 To carriage of the same to the River & then by water I 8 Total £62 : 9 : 6. The Abbot's Stable. No payments this year. Oats, Hay and Bran. To 56 Quarters of oats bought for the Treasurer at 1/6 a quarter 4 4 0 To 40 quarters of oats bought from the Northbourne farmer at 1/8 a quarter 3 6 8 To 100 loads of Hay bought from Fordwich Meadow and Pendmede 16 16 8 To carriage of 49 loads of Hay by the bailiff, besides the carriage according to custom 2 9 - A tip to the carter carrying the Hay according to custom - 8 8 To 18 loads of Hay bought by the Treasurer from various men at sundry prices as in his a/c. 3 13 4 To the cost of Haymaking at Fordwich, wages accounts & other small expenses expended in the Meadows there as shewn in the a/c of the Bailiff 8 7 2 To 100 copps of vetch (tares) bought of Wilham Fryat 4d. a copp 1 14 4 TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. 97 fol. 16 ro. To 320 copps of peas & tares bought from the following persons :— From the Rector of St. Martin's 100 copps of peas at 5d. „ Thos. . Pollard 9 copps of peas at 5d. „ John Bartlett 30 copps at 4d. „ Nicholas Gilbert 20 copps of Tares. „ Robert Heryng 33 of Tares. ,, John Symon 20 copps of Tares. „ Richd. Bengemyn 70 copps. ,, the Warden of St. Laurence ['s Hospital] 38 in all with 3s. 4d. for the carriage of the said 30 copps from John Bartlott as in his account to the Treasurer To Bran bought from the subceharer as in his a/c. To 254 measures of draff (vasa sigisterii)* bought from the same as in his a/c. To two loads of straw bought from Richd. Bengemyn, six loads from Richd. Chirche To 5 loads of Hay bought from John Maycot Total £50 : 7 : 10. Convocation & Parliamentary Expenses. Nothing this year. Personal of the Abbot. None. 19 1 4 8 17 3 1 - - Wine. To expenses in wine for the convent on principal Festivals as per the bill of the Treasurer 4 8 0 To wine for visitors on various occasions as is shewn by another bill, & £2 :19 : 6 spent in wine by the Archbishop of York living in the Monastery on 3 occasions 6 11 6 To 1 pipe bought from the Abbot & given to visitors 2 10 0 To wine on Holy Thursday for the convent in the Refectory before nones & after nones for the maundy up to 8 | gallons (viii lagen' et i potell) 5 8 Total £13 : 15 : 2. * Sigisterium, in the medieval Dictionary spelt Segisterium, i.e. draff, the refuse of malt after brewing. 98 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, fol. 16 vo. Chamber of the Abbot. Nothing this year. Spices & Wax. To green ginger & sucket* bought & used at Rogationtide & at other times Total 5s. 8d. Buyings in gross. To 3 lots of 4300 Priggs ( £ 1 : 8 : 4 ) ; 4800 pegs (16s. 4d.) ; 800 leadnails (2s. 8d.) ; 250 Spykings (3s. 4d.) ; 200 Pegs at 6d. a hundred (12d.) ; 2600 Pegs at 5d. (10s. 7|d.) ; 250 pegs at 3d. (84d.) Total To pewter bought for the Refectory Recreation room with the old exchanged in detail as appears in the Treasurers' accounts and to the plate borrowed when the Archbishop of York was in the Monastery and one basin and one bath bought To 7 dozen hnen cloths bought for table cloth & towels for the Recreation room, Infirmary, Refectory Hah, lez ostrye & Sturry at their recreation, at the price of 6s. the dozen To 2000 laths bought at 7d. the hundred To 500 laths bought from Thomas Levynst at 8d. the hundred To 1600 laths bought at 6d. the hundred To 1000 Thatch laths bought at 4d. the hundred Total £10 : 3 :104 Grain bought. To 88 quarters of BarleyJ bought from the Warden of St. Laurence['s Hospital] at 3s. 4d. 14 3 4 The Abbot's Pension. To the Lord Abbot for his pension this year besides the farm of North Holme and the Rectory of St. Paul's 50 - - * A sweetmeat. t Thos. Levyns was a freeman of Canterbury in 1464, for some account of him see Arch. Cant., XXXII, p. 191. % This item is struck out. 3 2 64 3 12 0 2 2 11 3 8 3 0 8 4 - 4 IP" K$m fC Hi viF(«& 5J~ ****"*T^J^P* \1^SfrL vf* /tip*^Dr& **TfHr '£*'**r *"" -- Vv ,"f ~- o c§5 ^ « j A *-ii*rtfc^. *(•* --r' A. " J * ^ ' -7 ••* ^rt <5***p A**** 4V7 $*~~-*- v w i.e-r*'.—7*'*-f* < r - « b » * r V „,Wr -^WSJi,%3Zt~*fJa*... «.- ,- ft, PLATE II. ST. AUSTIN'S TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS. Folio 17 recto. TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. 99 3 9 2 3 3 4 - 1 1 3 18 3 14 4 6 17 13 5 10 H 4* n H 8 4 l 2 H 8 10 61 fol. 17 ro. Debts paid. To John Maycot, Bailiff of Fordwich for excess in his a/c. To Robert Silver, Beadle of Kenington, ditto To John Chevenyng, Parker of Chislett, ditto To Wm. Hopper, warden of Pewyngwood, ditto To Bro. Laurence Morley, sacrist, ditto To Bro. John Hawkherste, subsacrist, ditto To Bro. Richard Roos, subsacrist, ditto To Bro. John Brenchisle, subcellarer, ditto To Bro. Richard Forsden, Almoner, ditto To Bro. John Minster, Chamberlain, ditto To ditto as keeper of the Vestry, ditto To Robt. Brodenax & Richd. Keteham, farmers of Burmarsh, ditto 19 8 To Richd. Martyn, farmer of the Rectory of Faversham, ditto 17 14 8£ To Stephen Freewell, farmer of the Almonry of Northbourne, ditto To Henry Baldwyn, farmer of Snave, ditto To Richd. Bengemyn, farmer of Longport, ditto To Richd. Chirche,* Caterer and for victuals bought for the Monastery, ditto. To Richd. Gaihor, farmer of Northbourne, ditto To John Crysp, farmer of Oare, ditto To John Hamond, farmer of Sturry, ditto To John Cobbe, farmer of Plumsted, ditto To John Aldy by the Treasurers To Wm. Bracebregge for John Woodhouse by the same To Thos. Frowyk To Thos. Couper, Grocer To Thos. Smethe, by the same To Master John Goodwyn To Master Richard Gryffyth money owed to the Archdeacon To John Engeham by the same To Richard Darlyngton, Baker of London 2 12 4 4 4 10 52 7 1 5 21 18 25 - 80 - 10 - 1 7 10 8 17 11 22 10 10 1 - 1 *i 7 H 5 5 - - - 6 6 3* 5* — — Struck out. 100 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, £2 13 5 3 10 10 1 1 1 6 - 6 - - 16 10 6 13 4 fol. 17 vo. To Wm. Hammond for carriage of " Groyne Faggots " & others To John Scott for his pension To Richard Rawlyn for the price of one horse To Thos. Hardyng of Sandwich for the carriage of wheat To Dom. Mathew Turwyn by the same To Geoffrey Downer To Morris the ditcher To John Elbregge To John Colyn To the Nuns of St. Sepulchre To John Mascall To the Sisters of St. Laurence for the Alms of the Abbot in arrear To sundry counsellors for theh pensions in arrears on the Festival of St. Michael in the 8th year of Edw. IV (1468-9) and to various servants for their wages in arrear on the said Feast, whose names and the amounts appear on a bill of the Treasurer To Robt. Martyn by the same To Geoffrey Downer To Thos. Marshall To Walter Northbourne by the same To Robt. Martyn* To Robt. Heme To John Assher To Bro. Henry Bynton by bill under the seal of the Lord Abbot for what is owing on the excess 15 18 To Bro. Robt. Hampton for a bill under the seal of the Lord Abbot 4 - To Bro. John Downe 3 To Robt. Heme - 19 To Bro. Walter Northborne 2 6 To Bro. John Hawkhersfc 1 6 To John French for Bro. Wm. Osswell by assignment of the Lord Abbot 15 To The scholar (or scholars) at Oxford arrears of pension 8 - To Thos. Tenham for the price of 2 Cloaks due to him according to custom 13 26 3 6 1 3 11 6 - - 13 6 6 2 * Cancelled. TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. 101 fol. 17 vo. To Wm. Hooton 5 8 To John Gaillor 10 - as before. fol. 18 ro. Debts to be paid. To the Archbishop of Canterbury To the same for the New loan To John Woodhous* To the same for his expenses about the pleading* To Wm. Pynton To Thos. Frowyk* To John Oxenden To Wm. Boylett* To Thos. Cooke under the Lord Abbot's seal To Wm. Marshall under the seal of Abbot James Sevenoke (1457-1463) To John Barker, Goldsmith To John Couper, mercer To Thos. Couper, Grocer To Rich. Darlyngton To John de Vache under the convent seal To Wm. Apuldorefeld To Richard Rawlyns under the convent seal To John Aldy dittof To Thos. Smethe To the Goldsmith on London Bridge To George the butcher To Richard Underhyll To Dom. Robert Waynflett To Wm. Berton To Sir John Scott, Knight.J To John Bereh To Walter Ford To Geoffrey Downes by a bond of the Convent To Master Wm. Lee To John the saddler To Richard Chirche under the seal of W. Abbot§ * Cancelled. f Crossed out. % No sum set out, item is crossed out, and below the line is Md. de jocalibus Jon. Downe. § William Selling, Abbot, 1463-1480. 100 60 20 6 83 50 24 60 5 6 4 9 4 100 3 100 89 5 4 7 2 13 7 7 1 86 6 39 - --- 13 - 3 - - _ 4 - 11 -- 6 - 13 2 -- 1 6 - _ 5 13 - 7 7 - -- - 4 - 4 - - _ 0 - 2 - - 8 - 4 6 -- 6 8 - _ 0 4 - - 1 102 ST. A U S T I N ' S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, fol. 18 ro. To the widow of Thos. Moore under the seal of W. Abbot* To John Clerk at Oxford To Thos. Levyns under the seal of the convent To Master John Goodewyn fol. 18 vo. To the Nuns of St. Sepulchre's near Canterbury To John Colyn To John Tripplond under the seal of James Abbotf To Matthew Phihpp To John Balsen To John Steveson To the widow of Elbregge To the Rector of Swalclyff under the seal of James Abbotf To Richard Cramme To Morys the ditcher! To the Beer brewer of London To Charles the Physician To John Mascall To Wm. Bochard§ alias Roper (i.e. Ropemaker) under the seal of Wm. Abbot|| To Wm. Bury under the seal of the Sub. Prior To Richd. Curdon under the seal of Wm. Abbot|| To Roger Corke To Dom. Alexander Althamj[ To Thos. Sharpes under the seal of James Abbot To the Rector of Westbere To sundry servants as is shewn by a roll of Bro. Wm. Mongeham delivered to the Prior 1 15 - To sundry counseUors as is shewn on a roll of the said Bro. Wilham & delivered to the Prior 9 16 - ToWm.Tooker 8 6 - Total £1681 : 11 : 8J & 1 a farthing. * William Selling, Abbot, 1463-1480. t James Sevenoke, Abbot, 1457-1463. I Struck out. ' § Wm. Bochard died in 1488. He left a small sum of money to St. Austin's on condition that they paid the debts which they owed him. See his will in Grey Friars of Canterbury, 1st edition, pp. 92, 93. II Wm. Selling, Abbot, 1463-1480. 11 Struck out and no sum set out. 20 - 5 - 15 - 7 16 6 15 6 7 - 10 - 5 - 5 6 10 13 6 10 - 1 16 9 3 7 - 1 4 3 17 3 - 33 11 - 10 20 - 3 - — -- 4 10 8 - - ~ 8 - 8 - - 9 — 7 - - - _ - TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. 103 fol. 19 ro. blank. fol. 19 vo. Work within the Monastery. To sundry repahs made within the Monastery this year as appears . . . . by the account of Bro. Robt. Hampton in the Church, including £8 : 12 :2 for slaked lime bought (from the Bakehouse)* from the lime kiln To expenses incurred in works aforesaid by the beforementioned Robt. Hampton as by money provided from gifts and the devotion of sundry Benefactors to the Church as in a particular account of the said Robert To expenses incurred in works aforesaid by the Treasurers as in a particular account of the same Sum Total £129jJ)jj6j- Work outside the Monastery. To work and repahs executed outside the Monastery this year, to divers manors, sea-walls, ditches, waterways, and other, called work outside the 48 5 29 2* 51 14 6i HI Monastery Aldlond Chislett Faversham Brick Kiln Kenyngton Longport Menstre Norborne Manor Newlond Orer Preston Sturrey Snave Sehyng Sholdon 2 : 15 14:14 28: 7 6:12 4 18 16:18 3 1 5 1 8 2 0 11 9 16 19 0 17 2 : 7: Sui m T 7 64 2* 7 8 n 2J 7 6 5 9 8 2* 2 10 Burwash Caleys Fordwich Garunton Lenham Langdon Middleton Norborne Almonry Osyngell Plumsted Rippill Stodmershe Salmyston Swalclyff Tenterden otal £161 : 5 :11 2 1 3 1 1 3 2 5 2 3 1 1 12: 6: 6: 18: 12: 17 13 13 3 . 5: 1 . 13: 6: 16: 7: 31 7 4£ - 11 7 9 3 4 8 10 0* o* 5 4 0 8 0 * Struck out. 104 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, fol.20ro. Sum of ah the expenses £3506 :11 : 4. And debts £1722 : 3 : 8& which are owing to sundry persons whose names and sums are underwritten :— F h s t : To John Auncell, Bailiff of Fordwich in excess of his a/c. To Robt. Holte, warden of the Blean To Richd. Martyn, Parmer Rectory of Faversham To John Crysp, Farmer of Orer To Henry Baldwyn, Farmer of Snave To Robt. Haryng, Beadle of Sturrey To John Ohevenyng, Parker of Chislett To Bro. Laurence Morley, Sacrist To Bro. John Strrey, Subsacrist To Bro. Richd. Roos, Subsacrist To Bro. John Menstre, Chamberlain To ditto, as Vestry keeper To Bro. John Assher, Infirmery keeper To Nicholas Underdown, Farmer of Sahneston To Bros. John Asshmynton and JJ n >) JJ J ) J J JJ JJ J ) JJ JJ JJ J) J J *> M J J ) ) JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ 3) JJ JJ >J >J >J 11 ) J J JJ JJ JJ J J JJ J? JJ JJ . £1 6 7 43 14 1 5 8 3 3 11 8 15 15 1 11 17 11 1 7 1 1 11 13 9 2 10 10 8 - 2 2 3 4 | HI 2 | m 5 Wilham Mongeham, Wardens of the The Kiln „ „ „ 10 7 1 To Stephen Feltwell, Farmer of Milton „ „ „ 8 8 fol.20vo. To Bros. John Ashmynton & Wihiam Mongeham, Treasurers „ ,, ,, To Bro. Simon Maidstone, almoner „ ,, ,, To the Lord Archbishop for the New Loan To the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury under the Convent Seal To John Woodhous under the* To the same for his expenses about the Pleadings* To William Pyrton under the seal of the Convent To Thos. Fro wick* under the seal of the convnt 27 60 100 20 6 83 50 6 1 0 0 0 0 13 0 m2f 0 0 0 0 4 0 * Struck out. TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. 105 fol. 20 vo. To John Oxynden „ „ „ „ ToWm.Boylett* To Thos. Cooke under the seal of the lord (Abbot) To Wm. Marchah under the seal of James Abbotf To John Barker, Goldsmith To John Couper, Mercer To Thos. Couper, Grocer To Rich. Darlyngton To John de Vache* under the seal of the convent To Wm. Apulderefeld To Richard Rawlyns, under the seal of the convent To John Aldy under the seal of the convent To Thos. Smeth To the Goldsmith on London Bridge To George the Butcher To Richd. Underbill To Dom. Robt. Waynflett To Wm. Berton To Sir John Scott Kt.* To John Berell To Walter Foorde To Geoffrey Downer under the seal of the Convent To Master Richard Lee To Richd. Chirche under the seal of W. Abbot J To the Rental of Thos. Moore under the seal of James Abbot§ To John Clerke of Oxford To Thomas Levyns* under the seal of the Convent To Master John Goodewyn fol. 21 ro. To the Nuns of St. Sepulchre To John Colyn To Tryplond To Mathew Philip To John Balsen 24 3 60 0 5 0 6 0 4 4 9 0 11 3 0 100 0 3 6 461 13 89 13 5 2 4 0 7 0 2 1 13 6 7 0 II 8 0 1 5 86 13 6 - 39 7 20 - 5 - 15 - 7 16 6 15 8 7 - 10 - 5 - 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 8 4 4 6 0 0 6 8 0 0 0 4 - 1 _ - - 4 10 4 -- - * Struck out. f James Sevenoke, Abbot, 1457-1463. j Wm. Selling, Abbot, 1462-1480. § James Sevenoke, Abbot, 1467-1463. II No sum set out. 106 ST. AUSTIN'S ABBEY, CANTERBURY, 5 1 13 10 1 9 7 4 3 3 33 6 3 6 - 6 3 - 2 17 - 11 10 fol. 21 ro. To John Stevson To the Rent of Elbregg To the Rector of Swalclyff under the seal of James Abbot* To Richard Cromme To Morys the Ditcher To the Beer brewer of London To Charles the Physician To John MascaU To Wm. Bochard alias Roper under the seal of W. Abbotf To Wm. Bury under the seal of the Sub-Prior To Richard Curdon under the seal of W. Abbotf To Roger Cork To Dom. Alexander AlthamJ To Thos. Sharpies under the seal of James Abbot* 20 - To the Rector of Westbere§ To sundry servants as is shewn by the roU of Bro. Wm. Monge(ham) 1 15 To sundry counsellors as is shewn by the said roll of Bro. Wm. delivered to the Prior 10 16 To Wm. Tooke§ 6 To Gerard Canyzan, Lumbard, for a loan§ To Reginald Asshe by way of loan § 6 - To Wm. Ingram „ „ „§ To John de Vache under the seal of the Convent § To Thos. Frowyk beyond the £19 :14 : 4 | owing beside § To Bro. John Downe for all his debts 100 - Total £1722:3: 5 | || TOTAL £1722 : 3 : 5j fol. 21 vo. Besides there are old debts not yet paid but remain at the end of the account of the preceding years & owing to sundry (persons) whose names & sums are written hereunder, that is to say :— * James Sevenoke, Abbot, 1457-1463. t William Selling, Abbot, 1462-1480. % No sum set out. § MS. defective. || Struck out. TREASURERS' ACCOUNTS 1468-9, AND OTHERS. 107 fol. 21 vo. To John Woodhous To ditto for his expenses To Wm. Boylefc To Thos. Frowyk beyond the £30 : 5 : 7 | which are owing (there is) To Thos. Levyns under the Convent seal ToJohnAldy To Bro. Wm. Norgate for ah he owes Total £250 : 7 : 8| Sum Total of ah known debts for the year £1972 :11 : 2. End of Account for the year 1468-9. £20 - 6 - 60 - 19 14 15 - 89 13 40 0 - - - 4, - 4 0 11


Hythe Wills: Third and Final Part


Notes on an ancient house in Church Lane, Canterbury