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Obituary: The Rev. Canon G. M. Livett, B.A., F.S.A.
Frontispiece 1951
GENERAL INDEX Acknowledgments see Thanks. Actus, 120 Roman feet used in landsurvey, 161-153. Admiralty in charge Upnor Castle, 7,11. Albemarle, Duke of, Defence of Medway, 5, 6. Ancient Glass from Petham Church now in Canterbury Cathedral, The. By C. R. Councer, F.S.A. 1 Plate. 167-170. Angleland, 101. Antonine House at Lullingstone, 33. Aratrum, unit of land for Taxing, 14. Archbishops of Canterbury, also Lords of Romney, 17. Armament Supply Department, 7. Arnold, A. A., on Roman ploughshares, 157. Arnold, The late G. M., of Gravesend, purchased and restored derelict Churches : Dode, Arch. Cant., XXI; plan by Canon Livett. St. Katherine, Shorne. Arch. Cant., XX, St. Mary, Denton, 143, 144. Arnold, Ralph. Review : The Cinque Ports. By Ronald and Erank Jessup, 206, 206. Arthur, King. No known tomb, 101. Ashbee, P. The Early Bronze Age Axes, 180-183. Aylesford. Neolithic megalith group, legendary association with fifthcentury battle, 111. Baker's Hole industry in flint impleplements called Levallois, I-II. Assigned to early Riss Glaciation, 88, 89. Baldwin, R. A. Cremation group at Halstow, 193. Bartholomew, Mr. Aid with Romano- British Excavation's " Battely Axe ", The. Illustration, 181, 182. Beale Poste MSS., II, Arch. Cant., LXII. Excavations at Whiteheath, Hollingbourne. The Gentleman's Magazine, 1842 ; see also Alfred Pryer, Edward Pretty, P.S.A., Opening of Barrow. Finds of Pottery, Spearheads, Burial Urns, 160-166. Beckett's Well, Otford, xliii. Bede, alludes to Rochester as Durobrivae, 162. Bibliography and Abbreviations in Canterbury Excavations, 136, 136. Birchenough, Edwyn, M.A., Lieut.- Colonel G. W. Meates, F.S.A., E. Greenfield. The Lullingstone Roman Villa. 19 figures, 6 plates, 26-78. Bishop, Mr. George. Distiller of Maidstone. Trade Card. Mayor of Maidstone, 1777, 1786, 80-84. Bishop, Sir William. Distiller, Mayor of Maidstone, 1778, 1787, 83. Bone, Iron and Glass finds at Canterbury, 130. Boorman, H. R. P., M.A., thanked, xiv. , Boyle, John, LL.B. Excavations at Canterbury, 114, 135. ! Boyn Hill, gravels of the Middle Thames, flint implements, 88, 89. Brade-Birks, Rev. Dr. S. G., thanked, 135. Branbridge Annual Pairs, 197. Bridge, John W., F.S.A. Maidstone Geneva. An old Maidstone Industry. 3 plates, 79-84. Bromley Charter, The, xliv. Bronze Sword from Folkestone, A. By J. D. Cowen, M.C, M.A., F.S.A. Illustration, 90-92. Brooches found at Canterbury. Illustrations, 129, 134. Brown, Major, Governor of Upnor Castle, 1648, 3, 4. Caiger, J. E. L. Notes on Joyden's Wood, Bexley, 178, 179. I Caldwell, Mr. Samuel gave glass from Petham, 1900, 169. Camber sands fishery, 14. Canterbury Cathedral, Friends of, 168. I Canterbury Cathedral. Undercroft of ! Henry IV Chantry, 137. Ghost of j Brass, 137. Smaller ghosts, 138, 139. I Canterbury. Durovernum, 152. Canterbury Excavations, June-December, 1947 : No. 5 Watling Street. By Frank Jenkins, 114-136. 6 figures. 1 plate. A Roman period, 114-116; I Post-Roman period, 116-118; Samian Ware, 118-121; Coarse pottery, 121- 126; Coins, 127,128; AnimalRemains, 128; Small finds, 128; Clay figurine, 131-133; Miscellaneous objects, 133; Graffiti,133; Brooches, 134; Acknowledgments, 135; Bibliography andAbbreviations, 135,136. Excavations in 1952, xiii. 213 GENERAL INDEX Carp's-tongue type of later Bronze swords, 92. Carter, Elizabeth, mentions John Underdown of Deal, c. 1750, 100. Cartoon of Napoleon and Josephine, 1803, 79. Categern, British King, 103, 106, 112, 113. Cave, Prof. A. J. E., M.D., D.Sc. Report on Infant Burial at Lullingstone, 77, 78. Celtic tongue in Kent, 112, 113. " Centuriation " Roman land survey based on units, evidence at Cliffe, 151, 154, 156, in other counties, 158. Chain across Medway, 2, 6. Charters : Bromley, xliv, Faversham, xiii, Romney, 25. Chartham Brass of Sir William de Septvans, 138. Cherries in Kent. Maraschino and Cherry brandy, 79. Christian paintings, Early, 26, 28, 30. Churchill, Irene J., O.B.E., D.Phil, F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S. Review, 209-211. Clapham, Sir Alfred. Survival of Gothic in seventeenth century England, 148. Cliffe. Roman land settlement. Maps, 154, 155; Mentioned in Domesday Book, 157; Summary, 158, 159. Cnut, King. Continued Mint, 21, 22. Coins found at Lullingstone, 27, 35, 36, 39, 40. Coins from Maidstone district, 193. Coins. Appendix IV. By Bertram W. Pearce, M.A., F.S.A., 67-76. Coits or quoits sandstone blocks, 112. Coppin, Joshua. First Mayor of Deal, 1699, 97, 100. Councer, C. R., F.S.A. The Ancient Glass from Petham Church now in Canterbury Cathedral. 1 plate, 167- 170. Cowen, J. D., M.C, M.A., F.S.A. A Bronze Sword from Folkestone. Illustration, 90-92. Cozens, Z. History of Kent, 1794, 167. Description of glass at Petham, 167- 170. Crossley, Fred H. Timber Buildings in England, 206, 207. C.S.C. Sidney Bernard, Surgeon, R.N., 204. Cumberland, A. Dartford District Notes, 203, 204. D'Elboux, R. H. Photographs of Ghost Brasses, 137. De Septvans, Sir William, 1323. Ghost brass, 137. Corresponds to his brass at Chartham, 138; Inscription recorded by Weever. Ghost known as " Nell Cook ", 138. Dover Excavation of Saxon Cemetery, xiii, xliii. Drawings and Graffiti disclosed at Upnor Castle, 8. Dunning, Mr. Dover Excavations, xiii. Dutch Navy sailed up Medway under Ruyter, 1667, 4-7. Ecclesiastical Records, 211. Edwards, Rev. V. S. Photostat copy from British Museum, of Shoreham Church, 147. E. J. H. Fawkham. By Frank W. Proudfoot, 208, 209. Obituary, Rev. Canon G. M. Livett, B.A., F.S.A., 212. Elham. 7 Palaeoliths from Standardhill Farm. Description of soil, 85. Elizabeth, Queen. Defences, 1. Elliston-Erwood, F.C, F.S.A. Plans of, and Brief Architectural Notes on, Kent Churches. Second Series. Part II. 4 drawings, plans, 140-143. St. Mary the Virgin, Bexley, 140- 143 ; Church of St. Mary, Denton, 143-144 ; SS. Peter and Paul, Shoreham, 144-148 ; Conningsbrook Chapel, Kennington, 148-149. Lesnes Abbey excavations, xliii. Evans, John H., F.S.A. The Tomb of Horsa, 101-113. Roman pottery from Cuxton, 193. Thanked for assistance, 135, 139, 173. Evans, S. and B. H. St. J. O'Neil, F. S.A. Upnor Castle, Kent, History. 6 plates, 1 plan, 1-11. Evison, Miss. Ministry of Works. . Dover, Snodland Excavations, xiii, xliii. Excursions, 1952, xiii. Fairfax, Lord. Reviewed Upnor Castle for Parliament, 3. Faversham Charter Celebrations. Arden of Faversham, xiii. Figures, Clay found at Canterbury. Plate, 131-133. Forstel, A. S. Assault on highways, 23. Fox, Mrs. N. Pieroy. Notes on Warbank, Keston, 179, 180, xliii. Frere, Mr. Sheppard, F.S.A., thanked, 135, xiii. Frescoes found at Lullingstone, 35, 77. 214 GENERAL Furley. Annals of Kennington, 1877. Ancient Chapel of Conningsbrook, 149. Galletting, 10. Gardiner, Dorothy, F.S.A., Stone House in Burgate Lane, Canterbury, 198. Gelling, Mrs. Margaret, xliv. Geneva or Gin Distillery. Derivation, manufacture, 79-81. Prices in 1795, 84. Ghosts of Some Brasses formerly in Canterbury Cathedral, On the. By F. A. Greenhill, M.A., F.S.A.(Scot.). 2 plates, 137-139. Giant Commerce overwhelming the Pigmy Blockade, The. Caricature by Woodward, 1807. Plate I I I , 79. Glass from Lullingstone Roman Villa, 62-67. Glass objects from Canterbury, 130. Godwin, Earl, and Romney, 19, 21,23. Googe, Barnabe. The Popish Kingdome, 1570. Poem on Feast Day Customs, 195, 196. Graffiti, on fragments excavated at Canterbury, 133. Uncovered in Upnor Castle. Plates iii, vi, 8, 11. Gravesend Historical Society a t Springhead Excavations, 171, 173. Greenfield E., Edwyn Birchenough, and Lieut.-Col. G. W. Meates, F.S.A., The Lullingstone Roman Villa. 19 figures, 6 plates, 26-78. Greenhill, F. A., M.A., F.S.A. (Scot.) On the Ghosts of some Brasses in Canterbury Cathedral. 2 plates, 137- 139. Grid, 150-152. Griffin, Ralph, The Late. Published Some Indents of lost Brasses in Kent, 1914, 139. Grove, L. R. A., B.A., F.S.A. The Whiteheath Excavations. The Beale Poste MSS. II. 1 illustration, 160- 166. A. Introductory Note. B. Memoranda relating to Opening the Barrow on Whiteheath, 1842, 162- 166. Thirteenth Century Kiln Site at Ashford. Illustration, 183, 187. An Alabaster St. John's Head from Wouldham, 187-189. Medieval Pottery from Brookland, 191. Coins from Maidstone District, 193. Kent's Chantry, Headcorn, Kentish Fairs, 194-197. . Beginnings in Archaeology, reviewed, 208. INDEX Handwriting on the Wall. Cartoon in Colour. By James Gillray, 1803. Plate 2, 79. Harden, Dr. D. B., F.S.A. Report on glass excavated at Canterbury, 130. Harrison, Sir Edward. Harrison of Ightham. Palaeoliths and Eoliths, 85. Harwood, Miss M. W., 170. Hasted, Edward. Notes on Shoreham Church, 1764, 147. Notes on Cliffe, 1778, 153. Notes from folio in British Museum on Petham, 167. Henry VIII, King. Defences, 1, 11. Higenbottam, Mr. F. City Librarian of Canterbury, thanked, 135. Horsa's Tomb, 101-113. Horsted theory of tomb, 109, 111. Howard, Lord Admiral, 2. Hughes. The Scouring of the White Horse. Prizes given in 1776, 195. Hull, Mr. R., F.S.A., thanked, 135. Hussey, The late Mr. Arthur. Kent Churches, 194. Infant Burial in Room 8. Lullingstone Roman Villa, 67. Appendix VI, 77, 78. Jenkins, Frank. Canterbury Excavations, June-December, 1947. No. 5 Watling Street. 6 figures, 1 plate, 114-136. Jenkins, John, 1694. Stone dating slab, 94. John, the younger, 1711, 96. Jenkin's Well, Parker's Corner, Upper (Old) Deal. By W. P. D. Stebbing, J.P., F.S.A., F.G.S. 2 drawings, 2 plates, 93-100. Manorial Records and Epitome of Deeds, 96-100. Jessup, Ronald and Frank. The Cinque Ports, 205, 206. Jillyngham Water, importance growing, 1. Jones, E. C. H., O.B.E., Orpington Mesohthic Site. Illustrations, 174- 178. Joseph, Dr. J. K. St., Lecture on Aerial Photographs and Archaeology, xii. J.R.F. Protestant Refugees at Maidstone, 202, 203. Jumentum, A. S. Draught Cattle, 15. Keevil, M. E. Murals and Memorial at Fawkham, 202. Kent County Council, thanked, 28. Kentish Ragstone and Galletting, 10, GENERAL INDEX Kenyon, Kathleen M. Beginnings in Archaeology, 208. Keston. Warbank excavations, xliii. Kits Coty House. Variations of name, 106-113. Handbills of Traditional Games, 1809, 196. Kingsgate College Meeting, xiii. Lesnes Abbey, Erith. Excavations in 1952, xliii. Library. Valuable additions, xii, xiii. Limon, River, now the Rother, map, history, 12-15. Livett, The Rev. Canon G. M., B.A., F.S.A. Obituary by J.H.E., 212. Local Secretaries appointed in 1952, xliv. Loom weight from Canterbury, 133. Lowther, A. W. G. Steelyard weight from Sundridge, 200, 201. Lullingstone Roman Villa, The. Second Interim Report. By Lieut.- Colonel G. W. Meates, F.S.A., E. Greenfield and Edwyn Birchenough, M.A. 19 figures, 6 plates, 26-78, xliii. Lyminge Nunnery at Romney, founded by Eadburgh c. 650, confirmed by King Ethelburt, 13. Maidstone Geneva. An Old Maidstone Industry. By John W. Bridge, F.S.A. 3 plates, 79-84. History of Maidstone, 1881, 83. Manorial Records and Epitome of Deeds of Jenkin's Well, Upper Deal, 1708-1811, 96-100. Margary, J. D. On Centuriation at Ripe, Sussex, 158. Meates, Lieut.-Colonel G. W., F.S.A., E. Greenfield and Edwyn Birchenough, M.A. The Lullingstone Roman Villa. 19 figures, 6 plates, xliii, 26-78. Medway Castles or Blockhouses for Defence, c. 1540, 1; Iron Chain across river at Upnor, 2; Chart ordered by Trinity House, 7; Upnor Castle Museum under Admiralty. Bombed, 7. Men of Kent and the Marshmen, 796, 16. Mesolithio site at Orpington, 174-178. Middleton, Bernard, O, F.R.S.A. Glass from Lullingstone. Illustrations, 62-67. Ministry of Works, 11. Mints and Moneyers in Romney, 21, 22. Miscellaneous Notes, 194-204. Mont St. Michel, 22, 23. Mortaria excavated at Canterbury, 125. Murray, Miss. Constitutional History of the Cinque Ports, 24. Murray-Threipland, Mrs. Excavations at Dover, xliii. Nightingale, Michael D., B.Sc. (Agric), B.Litt. A Roman Land Settlement near Rochester. With an Introduction by Courtenay Edward Stevens, M.A., B.Litt., F.S.A. 2 maps, 1 plate, summary, 150-159. Navy, Expansion of, 1. Obituary. The Rev. Canon Grevile Mairis Livett, B.A., F.S.A. By J.H.E., 212. O'Neil, B. H. St. J., F.S.A. and S. Evans, Upnor Castle, Kent. History. 6 plates, 1 plan, 1-11. Coins excavated at Canterbury, 127- 128. Oswald, Dr. F., D.Sc, F.S.A. Notes on the Samian with illustrations, 43-49. Samian ware excavated at Canterbury, 118-121. Otford. Becket's Well excavations, xliii. Palaeoliths, " Surface " finds. Dates. 85-89. Penn, W. S., B.Sc. The Romano- British Settlement at Springhead, 171-173. Periglacial region, 87. Petham. Ancient glass from Church now in Canterbury Cathedral. Proof supplied from 2 sources, 167- 170. Pett, Commissioner Peter. Impeached after Dutch raid up Medway, 5, 6. Plans of, and Brief Architectural Notes on, Kent Churches. Second Series. Part II. By F. C. Elliston-Erwood, F.S.A. 4 drawings. Plans 5-8,140- 149. St. Mary the Virgin, Bexley, Kent, 140-143; Church (R. C.) of St. Mary, Denton, near Gravesend, 143, 144; Shoreham, Kent, SS. Peter and Paul, 144-148;ConningsbrookChapel, Kennington, Kent, 148-149. Plenderleith, Dr. I-I. J., M.C, Ph.D., F.S.A. Report on Contents of Mortarium, 77. Pluto, 1943, 191. Pottery found at Lullingstone, 29, 38. Samian. Appendix I and Notes, 41-49. Coarse Pottery, 49-62. 216 GENERAL INDEX Pretty, Edward, F.S.A., drew Beale Poste pottery finds, giving dimensions, 162, 163. Proof Spirit, Origin. Current proportion, 80, 81. Proudfoot, Frank W. Fawkham . . . Reviewed by J.H.E., 208. Pryer, Mr. Alfred, 1847. Exhibited material found in A.S. graves. Beale Post excavations, 160. Rackham, Mr. Bernard. Ancient Glass of Canterbury Cathedral. Theory as to certain figures, 167-170. Records Branch. Feet of Fines. Part IV in progress, xiii. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 174-193, at Orpington, Joyden's Wood, Warbank, Ashford, Wouldham, Maidstone, Brookland, Holborough Hill, Cuxton, Lower Halstow. Reviews, 205-211. Robert de Romney, living at Affetun, 23, 24. Rochester (Durobrivae). Example of Roman Land Survey and division, 160-169. Roesia of Dover. Heart re-interred at Lesnes Abbey, xliii. Roman Land Settlement near Rochester. By Michael D. Nightingale, B.Sc. (Agric), B.Litt. With an Introduction by Courtenay Edward Stevens, M.A., B.Litt., F.S.A. 2 maps, 1 plate, 150-159. Roman ploughshare at Frindsbury, 157. Roman Villa at Lullingstone : Early Christian Worship. Hypocaust heating, Fuller's establishment, 26- 78. Romano-British Settlement at Springhead, The. By W. S. Penn, B.Sc, 171-173. Romanus the Presbyter at Romney attended Great Synod at Whitby, 664, 12, 13. Romney, Church in 740, Canal became site of road. Bishops Wic, Battlegrounds for Mercians, 796, Northmen, 838, Danes, 911. Shipbuilding. A.S. name. Rumenea, Ruminella. Earl Godwin and son Harold, Duke William. Size of Town in Domesday Monachorum. Monks and Moneyers, 14-22. Saint Martin of Tours, 14. St. John Hope, W. H., The late, 188. Samian Ware. Potters' stamps, 43, 44. Samian Ware at Canterbury, 118-121. Saxon History of the Town and Port of Romney, The. By Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A., 12-25. Map, plate. Scarlett, Richard. Notes on Canterbury Cathedral, 1599, 138. Shingles on Spires, 143, 147. Shoreham, Church of SS. Peter and Paul, 144-147. Notes by the Rev. Augustus Payne, 148. Skeletons, Animal, at Lullingstone. Figure, 2, Plate VI, 32. " Solifluxion ", 87. Springhead, Southfleet near Gravesend, One Tree Field, site of Vagniacse, 171; Extensive excavations, 172. Starkeys, Manor of, 189. Stebbing, W. P. D., J.P., F.S.A., F.G.S. Jenkin's Well, Parker's Corner, Upper (Old) Deal. 2 drawings, 2 plates, 93-100. Review of Timber Building in England, by F. H. Crossley, 206, 207. Streatfeild, Rev. Thomas. Copy of Hasted now in British Museum. Drawing of Petham Glass made in 1826, 167, 168. Surface Palaeoliths from Standardhill Farm, near Elham. By P. J. Tester. 7 illustrations, 85-89. Sword, Bronze : c. 1000-700 B.C. Weymouth Type. Finder, Mr. H. Brice, 90, 92. Terry, W. Neville. Bronze spear head from Chartham. Illustration, 198- 200. Tester, P. J. Surface Palaeoliths from Standardhill Farm, near Elham. 7 illustrations, 86-89. Thanks, for assistance at Lullingstone, 27, 28. Jenkin's Well, 100; With funds at Canterbury, 135; Photographs of Ghost Brasses, 139; At Springfield, 173; At Joyden's Wood, 178, 179; With Upnor Castle, xiv. Tomb of Horsa, The. By John H. Evans, F.S.A., 101-113. Information from Nennius, Bede and the A.S. Chronicle. Trier. Figurines of Romano-Gaulish times. Research by Dr. Erich Gose and Dr. Hans Eider, 133, Trinity House orders Chart of Medway, 1667, 7. Turnpike Road from Deal to Sandwich. Bonds issued for upkeep, c. 1800, 100. 217 GENERAL INDEX Watling Street, 154-156. Watts, Richard, of Rochester, 1560, 1. Weever. Notes on Canterbury Cathedral, c. 1629, 138. White, Mr. R. G., thanked, 135. Whiteheath Excavations, The Beale Poste MSS. II. A. Introductory Note. By L. R. A. Grove, B.A., F.S.A. Illustration, 160-166. Wic, A.S. Dairy farm, 740. "Wiwarawics " dairy farm belonging to men of Wye, 16. Williams, Mrs. Audrey. Canterbury Excavations, 116. Wilmington Fair, 197. Woodcock, Brian L. Mediaeval Ecclesiastical Courts in the Diocese of Canterbury. Review by Irene J. Churchill, 209-211. Worthington G. Smith. Man the Primeval Savage, 85. Wye. Excavation finds, xliii. Uffington Fair and Games, 195. Upnor Castle, Kent, History. By B. H. St. J. O'Neil, F.S.A., and S. Evans. 6 plates, 1 plan, 1-11. Description of building, 9-11. Vagniacse, supposed site at Southfleet, mentioned in Itinerary of Antonine, Item 11, 171-173. Warburton the Herald, Mr., 1725, 147. Ward, Gordon, M.D., F.S.A. The Saxon History of the Town and Port of Romney. Map. Plate of Charter, 12-25. On the Bromley Charter, xliv. Warhurst, A. Thirteenth Century Kiln Site at Ashford. Illustration, 183-187. Notes on Maidstone Treasure Trove. Illustration, 189-191. Flint Implements from Cranbrook. Illustration, 192. Excavations on Holborough Hill, Snodland, 192. Zeuner, Professor. Infant Burial at Lullingstone, 77, 78. 218