Obituary: The Rev. Canon G. M. Livett, B.A., F.S.A.

OBITUARY THE REV. CANON G. M. LIVETT, B.A., F.S.A. AN old and valued Member and Officer of the Society has passed from us in the person of Canon Grevile Mahis Livett, who died at his home in Canterbury on 9th August, 1951, at the great age of 92 years. Grevile Livett took his degree of B.A. at Cambridge in 1880, where he was Munsteven Exhibitioner at St. John's College. His career in the Ministry may be thus summarized: ordained deacon 1884, priest 1885, Curate of Holy Trinity, Twickenham 1884-87, Minor Canon of Rochester 1887-95, Precentor of the Cathedral 1889-95, Vicar of Wateringbury 1895-1922, Clerical Secretary to the Rochester Diocesan Conference 1905-11, Honorary Canon of Rochester 1914-44, Canon Emeritus from 1944. Canon Livett was elected to the Council of the Society in 1896, and served as Honorary Editor of Arch. Cant, from 1907 to 1914, and on his retirement from that office he was appointed a Vice-President. He was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 1903. His chief studies in archaeology were concerned with the architecture of churches, and the qualities and uses of their building materials, and between the years 1904 and 1933 he contributed no less than twentytwo Papers to our Record which dealt with Kent Churches, and related subjects. His work in this connection in his Cathedral City was noteworthy, his Papers on the " Foundations of the Saxon Cathedral at Rochester" (Vol. XVIII, 1889) and "Medieval Rochester" (Vol. XXI, 1895) coming readily to mind, whhe his two Papers on " Early Norman Churches in and near the Medway Valley " (Vols. XX, XXI) will always hold a place in the affections of the Kentish ecclesiologist. His early monograph, Southwell Minster, an Account of the Collegiate and Cathedral Church of Southwell, with Illustrations, 1883, is sthl regarded with respect by Southwehians, and another study, pubhshed in the Sussex Archaeological Collections, XLVI, on " Three East Sussex •Churches : Battle, Icklesham, Peasmarsh. A Study of theh Architectural History", demonstrates his knowledge and skill in this particular branch of archasology. The name of Grevile Mahis Livett will long remain an honoured one in the records of our Society. J.H.E. 212




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