Kent Archives Office Accessions 1963 - 64

KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE ACCESSIONS, 1963-64 THE following list comprises the principal accessions, July, 1963-July, 1964. PAROCKLAL RECORDS (a) Diocese of Canterbury Alhham [Cat. Mk. P5]. Tithe altered apportionment map, 1915; plans, sections, orders for Dover, River and iUkham Valley Light Railway, 1901,1913. Benenden [Cat. Mk. P20]. Registers, 1636-1882; churchwardens, 1663-1889; vestry, 1836-1903; overseers, 1769-1883; surveyors, 1858-63; charity, 1725-1866; map and terrier, 1777; tithe award, 1839. Eastchurch [Cat. Mk. P127]. Registers, 1677-1867; churchwardens, 1787-1906; vestry, 1867-1924; surveyors, 1823-36; charity, 1853-1939; tithe award, 1843; altered tithe apportionments, 1905-10; plans of church. Lower Halstow [Cat. Mk. P168]. Registers, 1691-1876; churchwardens, 1712-1919; vestry, 1714-1901; overseers, 1706-1844; surveyors, 1768-1863; tithe map and award, 1842; altered tithe apportionments, 1866, 1921-22; parochial church council and parish council, 1894-1915. Kenardington [Cat. Mk. P206]. Registers, 1546-1821; churchwardens, 1664-1913; overseers, 1642-1706; surveyors, 1693-1862; tithe altered apportionment map, 1850. Maidstone, St. Paul [Cat. Mk. P241E]. Banns, 1861-1920; service registers, 1865-1943; churchwardens, 1864-1902; national school, 1864- 1931. Milton Begis [Cat. Mk. P253 addnl.]. .Altered tithe apportionments, 1874-1936; tithe redemption certificates, 1926, 1935. Preston-next-Faversham [Cat. Mk. P294 addnl.]. Churchwardens, 1717-1897; vestry, 1843-1938; overseers, 1736-1847; Poor House Committee, 1807-36; surveyors, 1782-1850; Sohool Committee minutes, 1870-79; altered tithe apportionments, 1861-86; police rate, 1838-39; parochial lending library register, 1892-96. Staplehurst [Cat. Mk. P347 addnl.]. Surveyors, 1730-57. Tenterden [Cat. Mk. P364]. Registers, 1544-1953. 190 KENT AARCHIVES OFFICE Warden [Cat. Mk. P383]. Registers, 1759-1884; churchwardens, 1855-66; correspondence about the closure and demolition of the church, 1873. Warehorne [Cat. Mk. P384 addnl.]. Tithe map, 1842. (6) Diocese of Bochester North Cray [Cat. Mk. P102 addnl.]. Vestry, 1926-39; school log books, 1873-1954; parochial church council, 1927-52. West Mailing [Cat. Mk. P243 addnl.]. Overseers, 1691-1841; surveyors, 1806-46; tithes, 1836-41. CHARITY RECORDS Cleave Charity School, Yalding [Cat. Mk. Ch. 3 addnl.]. Governor's minutes, 1903-22; correspondence, 1879-1919; accounts, 1845-1919; master's annual reports, 1885-93; public examination results, 1884- 1921; scheme for school management, 1873. EDUCATION RECORDS Bearsted Primary School [Cat. Mk. C/ES 18]. Bearsted and Thurnham United National School log books, 1863-1908; Bearsted Church of England School log books, 1908-21. Charing Primary School [Cat. Kk. C/ES 78 addnl.]. National school log books, 1864-1915. TURNPIKE RECORDS Tonbridge Trust [Cat. Mk. T16 addnl.]. Accounts, 1820-21; tollgate keepers accounts, 1831-43. StocJcershead to Chilham Trust [Cat. Mk. T18], Order book, 1809-49; accounts, 1809-49. Biddenden to Boundgate Trust [Cat. Mk. T19]. Order book, 1836-1883. Tenterden Trust [Cat. Mk. T20]. Accounts, 1762-1805. SEWERS RECORDS East Kent Commissioners [Cat. Mk. S/EK addnl.]. Minutes, 1914-32; accounts, 1880-1932; maps, 1819-1920. ESTATE AND FAMILY RECORDS The largest accession during the year has been the transfer of a number of collections of family muniments from Sevenoaks Pubhc Library, some of which Knk with collections already in the Archives 191 KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE Office. The material from Sevenoaks is Usted first, foUowed by the other larger coUections received during the year and then the many smaUer accessions which have been received. From Sevenoaks Public Library Lambard MSS. [Cat. Mk. U1000/2]. Manorial records of the manor of Romschedde in Sevenoaks, 1402-1822. Deeds of the same manor and other property in Sevenoaks, 1535-1797. Middleton (Willoughby) MSS. [Cat. Mk. U1000/3]. Manorial records of the manor of Chiddingstone Burghersh, 1440-1586; rental of the manor of Hever Cobham and Brocas, 1325; rental of manors of Hepsbroke, Westherst and Estherst in Penshurst, c. 1285; manorial records of the manor of Renneslegh in Chiddingstone and Penshursb, 1451- 1514; rentals of the manor of Sundridge, 1258-1452; c. 40 deeds and some estate papers for Chiddingstone, Chevenhig, Penshurst and Sundridge, 1441-1647; sheriffs' quietus roUs, 1573-4,1590-1; assessments for fifteenth at Sundridge, 1417, c. 1420; militia papers, 1571-91. Stanhope MSS. [Cat. Kk. UI000/4]. Manorial records of the manor of Brasted, 1723-1939; of the manor of Willis alias Chipstead in Chevening, 1684-1856. Hyde Turner Collection [Cat. Mk. U1000/5.] c. 135 deeds for Chevening, Chiddingstone, Kemsing, Leigh, Penshurst, Sevenoaks, Seal, Shoreham, Sundridge and Westerham, 1440-1836. Collections from British Becords Society and British Becords Association [Cat. Mk. TJ1000/6]. c. 200 deeds for Penshurst, Seal, Sevenoaks and Shoreham, 1555-1855; maps of Sevenoaks and Chiddingstone, 1699, Seal, c. 1789, Westerham, 1834. Knocker Collection [Cat. Mk. U1000/7]. Manorial records of manor of Broxham in Edenbridge, 1662-1865; of Hever Brocas and Cobham, 1623-1911; of Lewisham in Cowden, 1566-1855; of Brownes in Edenbridge, 1672-1730; of Fromans in Hadlow, c. 1650-1804; of Wickherst in Leigh, 1615-1747; of MUton Regis, 1453, 1469; of Norsted in Chelsfield, 1558; of Otterden, 1649-94; of Boardfield in Otterden, 1649-94; of Shipbourne, 1688-1705; of Hewetts in Shoreham, 1647-1723; Bayford and Goodnestone in Sittingbourne, 1439; rentals of manors of Earl of Thanet's estate in Hothfield, Westwell,' Ashford, Rainham and Upchurch, 1795, 1847-9; c. 550 deeds for Brasted, Chevening, Chiddingstone, Cowden, Edenbridge, Halstead, Hever, Kemsing, Leigh, Otford, Pembury, Penshurst, Seal, Sevenoaks, Shoreham, Speldhurst, Sundridge, Westerham, 1440-1900; 9 letters from Algernon Sydney to his father, 1659-60; personal and business papers of H. W. Knocker, 1902-33; maps of Chevening, Chipstead and Brasted, 1776, Sevenoaks, 1827, Chipstead, 1856. Amherst MSS. [Cat. Mk. U1000/8. Manorial records of the manor 192 KENT .ARCHIVES OFFICE of Chevening, 1621-1935; of Sundridge, 1394-1938; of Prepositure of Otford, 1388-1937; c. 115 deeds of Chevening and Otford. Cohen MSS. [Cat. Mk. U1000/9]. Manorial records of the manors of Dachurst, Hildenborough, Lamport, Martin Abbey and NizeUs, 1583-1942; of Shoreham, 1650-1887; of the Hundred of Somerden, 1670-1833; of Penshurst Halimote alias Otford Weald, 1662-1924; of the Honor of Otford, 1397-1939. 19 deeds of the Honor of Otford, 1805-63. Dr. Gordon Ward Collection [Cat. Mk. U1000/10]. Stewards' draft papers for manors of Chepstead, Hever, Kingsdown and Maplescombe, c. 1840-1921; for .Ashurst, Brasted, Broxham, Stangrave and St. John's in Edenbridge, Caldecote, Downe, Hovells in Halstead, Hever Brocas and Cobham, Penshurst, Rensley in Chiddingstone, Shipbourne, Speldhurst, Sundridge, Piccards in Wadhurst (co. Sussex) and Starborough in Lingfield and Ford (co. Surrey), 1623-1758; c. 300 deeds and some estate papers for Brasted, Chevening, Chiddingstone, Cowden, Edenbridge, Hever, Kemsing, Leigh, Otford, Penshurst, Seal, Sevenoaks, Shoreham, Sundridge, Westerham, 1360-1903; parochial lay subsidy assessments for hundreds of Somerden, Westerham and Edenbridge, and Codsheath [except Halstead and part of Kingsdown], 1628; hearth tax return for Penshurst, 1663, parliamentary assessment for Seal, 1652, Sevenoaks poor rate assessments, 1741; copies of tithe awards for Seal, 1839, and Shoreham, 1843; maps of Sevenoaks, c. 1750- 1804, Chevening, Sevenoaks and Sundridge, 1829. Miscellaneous Collections [Cat. Mk. U1000/11-19]. Correspondence between Mary TUden and her brother Edward Weller of Faversham, 1720-53; estreats of fines and forfeitures de pipa in N.W. Kent, 1662; receipts in the Exchequer for lands in loiights' service, 1634; papers relating to S.E. railway, 1835-44; maps of Hunton, 1656, Chevening, 1807, Riverhead, c. 1810. Polhill-Drabble MSS. [Cat.'Mk. U1007]. Manorial records of the manor of Dunton in Otford, c. 1450-1550; of Otford, 1403,1577-c. 1675; of Shoreham, c. 1300-c. 1600; of Planners and Uppsepham in Shoreham, c. 1556-80; a large number of deeds and estate papers for Chelsfield, Chevening, Chipstead, Edenbridge, Ightham, Kemsing, Otford, Sevenoaks, Shoreham, Stansted, Sundridge, Wrotham and for London, Norfolk, Sussex and Yorkshire, 1189-c. 1850; estate accounts, 1699- 1805; correspondence, c. 1600-1940; diaries and journals, 1772-1849; official papers of shrievalty, 1661-1742, militia, 1705-1799, commissions, 1693-1761, record keeper, Tower of London, 1707-53; parliamentary papers, 1711-1815; faculties and other ecclesiastical papers, 1714-1851; various printed papers from c. 1650, including pamphlets and pohtical baUads, 1650-1850, papers on state of France, 1792, odd copies of New York Journal and Herald of Freedom, 1774-90, North Briton, 1763-70, 14 193 KENT AARCHTVES OFFICE London Journal, Free Briton, DaUy Courant and County Journal, 1727-39, Kentish Gazette, 1779-1820. Sackville Manorial Becords [Cat. Mk. U269 addnl.]. Manorial records of the manors of Sevenoaks and Knole, 1542-1938; of Kemsing and Seal, 1618-1935; of Hundred of Codsheath, 1636-1877; of the Honor of Otford, 1386-1665; 138 sketch maps made in connection with grants of manorial waste, 1789-1905. Streatfeild Manorial Becords [Cat. Mk. U908 addnl.]. Manorial records of the manors of Chiddingstone Burghersh, c. 1390-1727; of Chiddingstone Cobham, 1572-1746; of Merebrooks in CMddingstone, 1667-89; of Tyhurst in Chiddingstone, 1612-1717; of Cowden Leighton, 1413-1717; of Cudham, 1718-39; of Stangrave and St. John's in Edenbridge, 1697-1771; of Sundridge, 1689-1721. Other large collections Yon Anacker MSS. [Cat. Kk. U1036]. Deposited by Mrs. E. Skjold of Lenham. Pedigrees, correspondence and famUy papers of the von .Anacker famUy of Saxony and Austria, 1719-1912, including itinerary of a journey from Lisbon to Vienna, 1747, journal of Christian Adolph von Anacker, c. 1760, a few diplomatic papers for Christian Adam von Anacker (d. 1728), 1719-26, military papers of Christian Adam von Anacker (d. 1789), 1748-88, mihtary papers of Emil von Anacker, 1857-63. Harris MSS. [Cat. Mk. U624 addnl.]. Deposited by Lord Harris. Mihtary, estate and family papers, nineteenth century. Papillon MSS. [Cat. Mk. U1015]. Deposited by Mrs. J. P. PapiUon of Tunbridge WeUs. Deeds, correspondence and family papers, seventeenth to nineteenth centuries including journals of Thomas and Jane Papillon 1658-93, letter books of Philip PapiUon, 1690-1728, accounts, 1643-1726. Powell-Cotton MSS. [Cat. Mk. U1063]. Deposited by C. PoweUCotton, Esq. of Quex Park, Birchington. Deeds and estate papers for the Quex Park estate in Bkchington and other parishes in Thanet, fifteenth and nineteenth centuries. Smaller collections arranged in order of accession Bainham and Upchurch Deeds. [Cat. Mk. U1018]. Purchased from B. Wakeley of Minehead. 22 deeds for Rainham and Upchurch, 1622- 1766. Sale of goods of Edward Eley of Rainham, 1715. Gillingham Deeds [Cat. Mk. U1022]. Deposited by Major S. V. Christie-Miller of Sahsbury. 67 deeds for GiUingham, 1327-1639. Vice- Admiralty Court order for the coUection of fines for the Gillingham area, 1629. Admission of an almsman to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Rochester, 1631. Ashford and WUlesborough Deeds [Cat. Mk. U1023]. Deposited by 194 KENT ARCHIVES OFFICE Lt.-Com. R. C. Norwood, c. 20 deeds for Ashford, 1705-89; c. 80 deeds for WUlesborough, 1739-1871. Cranbrook Deeds [Cat. Mk. U78 addnl.]. Deposited by Messrs. Murton Clarke and Murton Neale of Cranbrook. 13 deeds for Cranbrook, 1839-82. Miller family of East Farleigh [Cat. Mk. U1029]. Deposited by Miss J. MiUer. 5 apprenticeship indentures, 1776-1873. A few letters and papers, 1780-1829. Brockman Manorial Becords [Cat. Mk. U1032]. Deposited by the Rev. J. D. Brockman of Wingham. Court roUs and rentals of the manors of Thorne, Brockhull and Kenton in Saltwood, c. 1350-1584. Snodland Deeds [Cat. Mk. U1035]. Deposited by Messrs. Day, Rooke and Bradfield of Maidstone. 21 deeds for Snodland, 1795-1910. Dover Deeds [Cat. Mk. U1039]. Deposited by S. Davis, Esq., per Dover Pubhc Library. 16 deeds for Dover, 1803-77. Lydd Manorial Becords [Cat. Mk. U1043]. Transferred from Hastings Museum. Manorial records of the manor of Old Langport in Lydd, 1565-1915. Ashford Manorial Becords and Deeds [Cat. Mk. U1045], Deposited by Hallett and Co. of Ashford. Manorial records of the manor of Ashford, 1668-1925; deeds for Ashford and district, seventeenth-nineteenth centuries; court book of the manor of Palster in Wittersham, 1718-1839. Sissinghurst Deeds [Cat. Mk. U1046]. Deposited by Nigel Nicholson, Esq., of Sissinghurst. 9 deeds for Sissinghurst, Cranbrook and Barming, 1621-1711. Cudham Manorial Becords [Cat. Mk. U1047]. Deposited by Messrs. Langton and Passmore of London per B.R.A. Manorial records of the manor of Aperfield in Cudham, 1712-1917. Winchelsea Estate Deeds [Cat. Mk. U1047]. Deposited by Messrs. Langton and Passmore of London, per B.R.A. Deeds for Boughton Aluph, Challock, Eastwell, Kennington, Molash, WestweU, Wye, seventeenth-nineteenth centuries. Petley Estate [Cat. Mk. U1048]. Deposited by Withers, NichoU, Manisty and Co. of London per B.R.A. Manorial records of Hewetts in Chelsfield, 1626; deeds of Edenbridge and Sevenoaks and for Godstone and district (co. Surrey), 1626-1902. Thanet Deeds [Cat. Mk. U1049]. Deposited by Messrs. May, May and Deacon of London per B.R.A. Deeds and estate papers for St. Peter's Thanet, seventeenth-nineteenth centuries. Hartlip, Borden and Warehorne Maps [Cat. Mk. U1054]. Deposited by MuUings, EUett and Co. of Cirencester. 3 maps for Hartlip area, 1725-8, 1 map for Key Street, in Borden, 1769; 1 map for farms in Warehorne area, 1770: Beculver Deeds [Cat. Mk. U542 addnl.]. Deposited by Sir Thomas Neame. 7 deeds for Reculver, 1657-87. 195 KENT AARCHTVES OFFICE Pembury Manorial Becords [Cat. Mk. U1061]. Purchased from R. C. HatchweU of Chippenham. Rentals of Pembury, 1587, 1626. Boxley Deeds [Cat. Mk. U1066]. Deposited by R. W. Usmar, Esq. of Weavering Street. 18 deeds for a farm in Weavering Street, Boxley, 1540-1628. Kenardington and District Deeds [Cat. Mk. U1074]. Deposited by J. R. Fowler, Esq. of Kenardington. 28 deeds for Appledore, Brenzett, Kenardington and Snave, 1561-1773. Goudhurst, Marden and Staplehurst Deeds [Cat. Mk. U1080]. Deposited by Messrs. Argles and Court of Maidstone. 32 deeds for Goudhurst, 1565-1727. 42 deeds for Marden, 1632-1754. 25 deeds for Staplehurst, 1665-1858. Maps of the Cornwallis-Mann Estate [Cat. Mk. U1084]. Purchased from G. and D. I. Marrin of Hythe. Manor of Wesperhawke in Headcorn, Biddenden and Smarden, 1728; land in Frittenden, c. 1750; farms in Marden and Linton, 1752-4, land in Brenzett and Snargate, 1827. 196


Springhead: The Temple Ditch Site


Shorter Notes