Springhead: The Temple Ditch Site

SPRINGHEAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE By W. S. PENN, B.SC. INTRODUCTION TEMPLES I, I I , III, IV and V in the temple complex at Springhead have already been described (1, 2 and 3). No further temples have been discovered but excavation has continued within the temenos. The north side of the temenos is bordered by the Roman Watling Street. I t was presumed that this would have a drainage ditch and that perhaps debris from the temples would have found its way into this ditch. From this debris we hoped to learn something of the temples themselves. This surmise proved to be correct. In addition, other various interesting features were discovered and are described in the present report. No attempt has been made to give individual dating evidence in the text. Rather, detaUed evidence is given in Table 1. Fig. 1 gives a detailed plan of the site and Fig. 2 a section across the site at right angles to the Wathng Street. SUMMARY The relationship of the ditch and associated features to the temples can be ascertained from Fig. 1 where the north-west corner of Temple IV may be seen. The first feature to note is the smaU finds found in the ditch near Temple IV. These included fragments of clay statuettes, a number of potsherds with graffiti, several bone pins, eight semi-circular jet beads, much pottery, iron-ware (including knives and a hammer head) brooches, bronze bracelets, a bronze casting of an arm and other bronze ware, including coins. The second feature to notice is the number of ovens. Nine of these were identifiable, although there were probably more which had disintegrated beyond recognition. .An associated quern indicates that the ovens were used for baking bread. The third and final feature to notice is the number of infant burials, fourteen in all. Most of these were covered with a clay sealing layer and were of the same date as the sacrificial burials of the adjacent Temple IV. 170 SPRINGHEAAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE These three features add something to our knowledge of the temples themselves and the history of the settlement. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Our first acknowledgement, as usual, is to Mr. J. Bartholomew of Messrs. J. Bartholomew & Sons for continuing to allow us to excavate in One Tree Field. Various authorities again assisted us with our work. Special thanks are due, as on so many occasions before, to R. A. G. Carson, Esq., M.A., of the Department of Coins and Metals, British Museum, for examining and reporting on the coins; to I. W. CornwaU, Esq., of the Institute of -Archaeology, University of London, for reporting on a soU sample from one of the ovens; to F. W. Anderson, Esq., Chief Palaeontologist of the Geological Survey and Museum for examining a sheUy deposit in a post-hole; to J. D. Maedonald, Esq., Deputy Keeper, Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History), for examining the bird bones; and G. A. Matthews, Esq., of the Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History), for examining the seeds associated with the burial. The author wishes to thank his friends and coUeagues on the site for their continued assistance without whom the work at Sprmghead could not continue. Mr. E. W. TUley was again a tower of strength, particularly with his examination of the coins on site and other smaU finds, except the pottery. Mr. W. Gee provided his exceUent drawings as usual and Mr. P. A. ConnoUy was responsible for aU photographs. The regular excavators to whom the author is most grateful for their continued support were Messrs. E. W. TUley, W. Gee, S. Harker, F. L. Turner, M. Groombridge, E. EUet, M. A. Howard, G. M. Buries, P. ConnoUy, C. L. SwaUow, V. Smith, P. M. Dinsmore, R. W. Taylor, D. Spicer and Miss C. Akers. The work at Springhead is carried out under the auspices of the Gravesend Historical Society. AU of us who excavate are grateful to the President, Chairman and CouncU of the Society for their help and encouragement and to the members of the Society for their continued support. STRATIGEAPHY AND CHRONOLOGY As elsewhere at Springhead, bed-rock is a heavy red clay. The first period of the site, devoid of any structural features except various floors, is represented by a dark soU containing occasional pottery sherds, charcoal scatter and oyster sheUs. VirtuaUy the whole area had a gravel surface, possibly a courtyard to Temple I in its earhest stone phase. The period (Stratum A) may be dated to the first century, possibly quite early. 171 SPRINGHEAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE Even at this period, a roadside ditch (see Section, Fig. 2) is to be found. It was fiUed with a hght grey sterUe sUt. .Mter this early period, an occupation layer (Stratum B) buUds up and is in many places surfaced with chaUc. This is the start of the 'oven' phase when the first ovens were buUt into the chalk floors (Plate IIB and ovens 6 and 7). The dating is early second century with a terminal date of A.D. 140. There was a gradual accumulation of debris on parts of the site over the next decade or so and further ovens were built. Ovens 1, 3 and 4 in particular were buUt at this time. Sometime during this period, say c. A.D. 140-50, the crude flint waUs were erected to form a lean-to. The earth accumulation of this time (Stratum C) may be dated early Antonine, say A.D. 140-50. The 'burial' phase now begins and the various infant burials are everywhere covered with clay banks. These may be dated Antonine and more ovens were buUt into the banks. Ovens 2, 5, 8 and 9 were buUt at this time. Nothing of later date is stratified. The Watling Street at this point is weU reveted with flint (Plate IIIB). I t is provided with a substantial ditch, the primary sUt of which is sterUe. Subsequently the ditch is fiUed with rubbish dating to the end of the fourth century. Summarizing the situation, the site underwent a period of intense occupation between about A.D. 120 and 150. There was continuous development. This was contemporary with the golden period of Temple I and the connection wiU be discussed later. THE DITCH FINDS The original purpose of the excavation was to see if any of the temple area debris had been swept into the ditch. It was hoped that this material would contribute to our knowledge of the temples on the site. The success or otherwise of this aim may be discussed with respect to Table 10. The most interesting find (10.21) is the base of a figurine of Venus. This is simUar, at least in conception and type, to the one found on the ceUar floor of Temple 1 (1). I t is unquestionably of a rehgious nature. .Another fragment of simUar material (10.22) may be part of a horse and, again, probably had a religious significance. With these two fragments, therefore, and the two parts of clay figurmes previously found, there is a total of four, remarkable, if not unique, for a British site. This is striking proof of the intense religious activity which the site underwent and adds to our growing knowledge which marks the settlement at Springhead as the primary centre of pagan pilgrimage in Britain. jAnother very smaU unidentifiable fragment of clay of the same fabric as the figurines may be the remains of a fifth figurine. 172 SPRINGHEAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE .Another find of undoubted rehgious significance (10.3) is the lampchimney sherd. A number of previous sherds of such objects had been found in Temple I I I (2) where their significance was discussed. The most impressive find was a finely made bronze arm and hand (Plate IB). I t was dehcately cast and had not been part of a statue since the end of the arm was quite smooth. This was obviously one of those votive offerings which were attached to temple waUs to ask for the part of the body concerned to be healed. The thumb found in Temple I was for the same purpose. We are on much less safe ground with the other objects. Four graffiti were found in the ditch. It is possible that these were votive offerings. On other sites, particularly on the Continent, it was quite common to affix bronze plaques to temple waUs with the name of the devotee and often a message or prayer thereon. Perhaps our graffiti were a very poor reflection of this practice. The devotees, or the settlement, were too poor to afford brass. Part of a marble bowl may have been connected with the temple ritual. Such a rich object would have been for a special purpose or occasion. Many of the other objects found in the ditch could have been votive offerings. Examples are the considerable amount of pottery found, the bone pins and the bracelets. The most important of the latter was the one made from jet beads. Such a relatively large and valuable object could surely not have been lost accidentally. The delbris in the ditch must have accumulated during the third and fourth centuries. Not counting the first-century ditch, there were two ditches during later periods. Presumably one became fuU of debris and another was dug. The second was between the north waU of the lean-to and the road revetment and could not have been fiUed with rubble until the lean-to had been leveUed to its footings. This must then have been in the early third century. THE OVENS No special significance was attached to the first oven found (No. 1, Fig. 1) although it was very well made. It was approximately 24 in. long and 20 in. wide, the base being made from the side of a large shaUow pot of first-century date. It had obviously been a storage pot, possibly for wheat. I t was associated with a clay channel in front of it, possibly used in connection with the creation of a draught. Other ovens made in the same way were Nos. 4 and 6. The filling in each was identical and is typified by that from oven No. 4 (Plate IVB). On the bottom was a layer of burnt earth and what appeared to be charcoal (see Appendix I), approximately one half of an inch thick. On top of this and partly mixed with it were about twenty chahk nodules 173 SPRINGHEAAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE each about 2 in. diameter. Mixed among the earth and chalk were about fifty mussel sheUs, although this feature was lacking in ovens 1 and 6. There were also a few burnt bone fragments and a few fragments of baked clay bearing straw impressions. FinaUy, there were about fifteen coarse pot bases. The interpretation of these finds seems to be clear. The chalk nodules were laid on the large pot base and covered with the smaU pot bases. This provided a means for a passage of a draught underneath to create the necessary heat for the process concerned. What the process was, is very difficult to determine. The layer of burnt earth from oven No. 4 above was submitted to the Institute of .Archeeology where it was kindly examined and reported on by Mr. I. W. Cornwall (see Appendix I). The results were unfortunately inconclusive although it was suggested that the use of the oven for ore-drying or roasting were possibUities. Mr. CornwaU points out that the absence of charcoal or iron ore in the fUling throws some doubt on the use of the ovens for smelting iron. No ore or slag was found in the vicinity of this or any of the other ovens. Hence he suggests ore-roasting rather than smelting. Unfortunately no ore was found and on general grounds it seems a httle unusual to practise ore-smelting so far from the source of iron ore in the Weald. He also rightly points out that there were no vegetable remams to suggest any other use but that this would be expected in such calcareous material. If it is now considered that the ovens are within the temenos area and were contemporary with the most active period of Temple I, then it hardly seems hkely that they were used for an industrial process such as ore-roasting. Their use must have been quasi-religious. An important clue is provided by the discovery of several fragments of querns in the vicinity (at the same level as the ovens). Some lower quern segments were actuaUy in situ in a circular hole let into the floor in the vicinity of oven No. 6 (Plate IVA). There can be httle doubt, therefore, that the ovens were used for balding bread. Shaped bread (of a hand or fingers for example) was commonly offered as a sacrifice and such a procedure has been referred to in connection with Temple I (1). More support is given to this view from the construction of oven No. 5 (Plate IIA). This has much the same dimensions as the others but is constructed in a similar manner to oven No. 2 in the bakery on Site A (4). The latter oven was unquestionably for baking bread. I t had a baked clay base and frontal hob, with thick chaUc waUs matched by the present oven No. 5. The remaining ovens were constructed more simply from clay which became hard through many heat cycles. .-Although only five ovens of this type are shown on the plan (Nos. 2, 3,5, 8, 9) there were probably others 174 SPRINGHEAAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE at one time or another. In the feature caUed the 'chalk buttress' and around it, was much bright red and heavily burnt clay. There were signs of curved lines which may have been parts of ovens. The sequel appears to be that an oven was buUt, used for a time until disintegration, when it was leveUed out and another one constructed on top. Thus there was a succession of ovens which left no precise and clear-cut remains. AAQ interesting feature of oven No. 6 (Plate IIB) was a post-hole (3 in. diameter and 6 in. deep) on either side. I t would seem that there were two uprights which perhaps supported a cooking pot over a fire. No such post-holes were readUy apparent with any of the other ovens, but the possibUity of some, at least, of the fires (in the ovens) being used for normal cooking purposes cannot be excluded. .Although the pot was lacking, oven No. 7 had originally been made from half of a pot. The shape was very clearly preserved in the weUpacked chalk hob. I t was half of a large amphora associated with a draught channel. The fragments of amphora found a few yards away, one with a graffito (Table 8.2) may have been from here. The final feature from this level (all of early AAntonine date) is what may well be a crude altar base. I t was made from unbonded tiles shaped rather like a truncated cone. The presence of an altar to sanctify the bread-making would appear to be a perfectly logical step. Apart from its position and definite shape (i.e. it was a deliberate not an accidental feature) there is no other evidence to support the idea. THE BUILDINGS Sometime during the 'oven phase' the area was presumably roofed over. The buUding was rectangular in plan and probably of hght or even open construction. Few tUes and no daub from wattle waUs were found. The north waU, which runs paraUel to the Watling Street, is a continuation of the massive temenos waU which is thus reduced in size and finish west of Temple IV. The waU was made of bonded flint footings with a chalk superstructure, although additional flints were used for reinforcement. It is probable, however, that the wall was not very high since a series of large post holes found along it may have supported a high timber superstructure. A number of snaU sheUs was found at the bottom of one of these holes and are reported on in Appendix 2 by Mr. F. W. jAnderson of the Geological Survey and Museum. The holes were approximately 11 in. diameter and 18 in. deep. The east end of the north waU and part of the east waU had been destroyed in Roman times. I t is possible that the entrance was here. This seems hkely because of (a) the missing waU; (&) a second post-hole at this point; (c) the continuous south wall without an entrance; and 175 SPRINGHEAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE (d) a pebbled path from this point, rurming between the building and Temple IV into the temenos area proper. In other words, there was a side entrance so that the activity in the buUdings could not be seen from the temple courtyard. The south waU was continuous and fairly weU made. I t was separated from Temple III by a smaU corridor, simUar in dimensions to the corridor between Temples I I I and I. The west waU of the buUding has not yet been excavated. From the evidence it appears that the buUding was a lean-to with a low south waU and a relatively high north waU (perhaps open at the top to aUow the escape of smoke). The roof was perhaps simple wattle or even plain branches but this is hard to beheve. Temple I had a fine tUed roof and it seems hardly possible that any buUding in the temenos was not well buUt. However, if the roof of the 'lean-to' was once tiled, then tUes had been removed in antiquity. The only tUes found sealed the whole north area of the temenos and were from Temple III. The only structural feature remaining to explain is the 'buttress'. The north side of this feature was very weU defined indeed. In fact, it was thought at first that it was actuaUy part of the footings of a buUding. This must have originaUy been its purpose and it is undoubtedly the remains of the buUding which preceded the 'lean-to'. The buttress and part of a north waU boundary was weU made from carefuUy shaped chalk blocks. THE BURIALS The first burial found was B.l. It was that of a chUd a few months old and its body had been carefully placed inside a smaU flint cist. This burial, and aU the others to be described, was the usual chUd inhumation type, with the chUd in a crouched position. .AU the children were not more than a few months old. The great majority of burials (excepting only Nos. 4 and 13) of which there were fourteen in aU, were under a clay bank which can be clearly seen in the Section, Fig. 2, which also shows burial No. 3. This one was of particular interest since it had a dupondius of Trajan between its legs (Plate IIIA). The coin was weU worn and must have been in use 20 to 40 years before burial. The only other burial with grave furniture was No. 11. This had a very smaU pot with it (Table 3.12) only 1J in. high. I t must have been the child's toy. .An attempt must be made to explam these burials within the temenos area. If there had been one or two, they could have been explained as the usual intrusive type. Since, however, they were aU covered by the artificial clay bank, they must have aU been deposited at approximately the same time. The bank is of .Antonine date. 176 SPRINGHEAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE The only reasonable suggestion of so many chUdren dying is. a disaster of some kind, presumably a plague. This would explain the use of a clay bank to seal off the infection. Much greater strength is given to this argument if reference is made to the report on Temple IV (2). Here it was suggested that four chUdren had been sacrificed to placate the gods against some natural disaster. These latest discoveries made years after the discovery in Temple IV, unquestionably confirm the earlier suggestions. Thus it appears that we have uncovered a tragedy which took place between A.D. 140 and 150. At least eighteen chUdren were involved, some of them sacrificed, in vain, in an effort to save the others. TEMPLE IV During the clearance of the path outside the lean-to, some further information came to hght regarding Temple IV. The robber trench of this temple flanked the gravel path and in this, near the corner of the temple, we found a bird burial. From its position, it is clearly a foundation deposit to the temple. The bird was probably the Common Gull (see Appendix 3 for the report by Mr. J. D. Maedonald of the British Museum (Natural History)). I t was associated with a moss-like material and a number of seeds identified as WUd Thyme (see Appendix 4 by Mr. G. A. Matthews of the British Museum (Natural History)). In connection with the bird, it is interesting to note that there was no skuU, i.e. the head was missing. Since the heads of two of the infant burials of Temple IV were missing, this particular case would also seem to infer ritual decapitation. A remarkable foundation burial was found at Jordan HiU (5) which contained the bones of a number of birds (raven, crow, buzzard and starling) but not the Common Gull. What the purpose of the WUd Thyme was it is not possible to determine. Perhaps it was the nearest to the richer sweet-scented herbs which were so frequently used in sacrifices in other parts of the Roman world. FINAL PERIOD It is quite possible that the workshop went out of use for a short time after the burials and their covering over with a clay bank. Whether this was for months or years, however, is impossible to say. It is certain that some time afterwards the workshop came back into use. The clay of the banlc itself was employed in some cases for making the ovens which were cut into the bank (ovens Nos. 2, 3, 8 and 9). How long the workshop remained in use is difficult to say. There were no sealed stratified remains later than, say, A.D. 180. .An Ulegible I3A 177 SPRINGHEAAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE coin, possibly Septimius Severus, was found on top of the bank at one point which may carry the useful hfe of the workshop untU the early part of the third century. I t must have gone out of use after this time as, in fact, did Temple I I I . The two events may be associated in some way. REFERENCES (1) W. S. PENN, Temple I, Arch. Cant., Ixxiu, 1959. (2) W. S. PENN, Temples I I I and IV, Arch. Cant., lxxiv, 1960. (3) W. S. PENN, Temples I I and V, Arch. Cant., lxxvii, 1962. (4) W. S. PENN, Bakery, Site A, Arch. Cant., lxxi, 1957. (5) C. D. DREW, 'The Excavations at Jordan HUl, 1931'. Dorset Natural History and Archceological Society Transactions, 1932. .APPENDIX 1 SOIL SAMPLE FROM OVEN No. 4 by I. W. Cornwall The sample consisted of black, strongly calcareous soil with flecks of chalk visible, having a marked crumb-structure and apparently consisting chiefly of worm-casts—a rendzina-type soil such as is commonly formed everywhere on the chalk. The dark colour was almost exclusively due to the presence of large quantities of weU-humified organic matter—mull-humus. A smaU quantity extracted with boUing caustic alkali gave an almost black solution. .After treatment with excess hydrogen peroxide, to oxidise the humus, a pale brown loamy residue was left with only a few smaU flecks of charcoal. The dark colour was therefore certainly not due to the charcoal, as had at first been suspected, the material being from the filling of an oven. On washing a quantity to remove the finest-grained material, the coarser mineral grains were seen to be principaUy of flint, with some weU-rounded and angular quartzes and a few fragments of laminar material, which proved to be hke pottery, a gritty fired clay, perhaps from the lining of the oven. Many of the flints, also, were reddened, as if by heat. There were numerous black granules, the coarsest up to 2 mm. in size, but most of them in the coarse and medium sand grades, which proved to consist of magnetic iron oxide, Fe304. These were certainly not magnetite grains of natural origin, being not only too large but far 178 X FIGURE1 TEMPLE DITCH lt*'o_i).?npiT an* AH4 a n . >,i o ft rtni^M »,? q I>Q qJf'ft fftt J.VT ^^^pSLt^GRAVEUED SURFACE OF WATLING Uktn&&Wttf£ff?ffi', •C-A? a n t> o 11 >/ g ff >TJLJ> a n u n t f l l ) i > u i n j o , T i l j f t A - t ^ A , j , l l , | , a o * , ,, Jf ) 1 ^ V <*"*>* ? .? f? ff fl l l P D it n tt tt A n n n i\ n n ti nn 7i~Z * »"« . .." . . .'f^r 2S2JL2"»°"»'""" *> ILUUL ^^^DBSe^sei^^ss^^^^sra^s^sScissaia^^^s DITCH - SILT FILLED tfd^g@&£gg@£ i • g 08 \ « § POST CLAY B ORIGINALLY PART OF DITCH LIMITS Of CHALK HOB ^VOST TnTrrrrrrmTnTTTTTTTni 1 CLAY CHANNEL \ i . i / / j / i i t l f i . mm, QUERN ®>, VOTIVE, BIRD' *""'%%!, DEPRESSION WITH „ BURNING LIMIT OF CLAY COVERING CLAY FLOOR # CRUDE ^Q-tSE' TILE ALTAR RECESSED HOLE FOR QUERN tAROI MIINDEM FLINT Qt 09 .oVza GRAVEL-: @)BI4 'CZJM iSUUSUULffi PLE IV B = BURIAL 0 = OVEN SECTION, FIGURE 2. GREEN most GRAVEL uuu FLINTS TILE FALL VETMEN WATLING STREET BURNT LAYER m OVStIK CHEUC LISHT GRAVELLY SOIL CHALK PEBBLE FLOOR OOot OOOO SPRINGHEAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE too numerous for any sediment of purely natural origin in chalk country. Since they seem to be artificial, therefore, they point to some operation involving iron ore, or even iron smelting, though the absence of much charcoal and the fact that no single fragment of glassy slag was found are very much against this interpretation. The magnetite occurred in grains, not scales, so is not likely to be the produce of ironforging, which is a quite usual source of the material on industrial sites. It is suggested, therefore, that the oven in question was in use for ore-drying or roasting as a distinct process before smelting, and it is therefore likely that slag or some other evidence of iron-working will be found in the neighbourhood. There were no vegetable remains recognizable to suggest any other use, but this is to be expected in such calcareous material. APPENDIX 2 REPORT ON SMALL SHELLS EROM POST-HOLE by F. W. Anderson The specimens of shells belong to the gastropod Cecilioides acicula (Muller), Family Helicidae. This snail has been indigenous to Britain since the beginning of the Ice Age. It inhabits the roots of grass and trees and may be found in gravel pits, Hving underground usually at a depth of several inches. Presumably because of its habitat this remarkable mollusc is without eyes. Because of its subterranean habits, the animal is rarely seen ahve but it appears to favour the disturbed ground of archseological sites such as burial mounds where the shells are sometimes found in large numbers. In Yorkshire it has been found in Saxon coffins and perhaps for this reason has been supposed by some to hve on animal matter. APPENDIX 3 THE BIRD FOUNDATION DEPOSIT FROM TEMPLE IV by J. D. Maedonald The bird bones sent for identification are as follows: 1 pelvis (mistaken as a skull). 1 left metatarsus. Left and right tibia and fibula. 179 SPRINGHEAAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE Left and right femur. 1 dorsal vertebrae. 2 caudal vertebrae. Assorted toe and rib bones. I t is thought they are all from the same individual which was a species of gull (Larus), most probably Larus canus, the Common Gull. APPENDIX 4 THE SEEDS EROM TEMPLE IV FOUNDATION DEPOSIT by G. A. Matthews The specimens of seeds sent for identification are probably: Thymus serpyllum agg. Wild Thyme. On comparison, the size, shape and sculpturing of the seed coat agree in every case but due to other factors it is not possible to state more than 'probably'. Object (Stratum A) 1. Potter's Mark 2. Coarse ware (Stratum B) l.Coin 2. Samian 3. Coarse ware 4. St. Remy ware TABLE 1 DATING OP STRATA Date Tiberius-Nero 1st century Date: First century, probably early. Reference Table 2, 3 Table 3, 1 Date: Early 1st century- (Stratum C) 1. Samian 2. Coarse ware A.D. 98-117 Table 4, 3 A.r>. 135 Table 4, 2 Late lst/early 2nd century Table 3, 2 1st century Table 3, 3 -not later than A.D. 140. 3. Mortarium (Stratum D) 1. Samian (Under .Altar) 1. Samian 2. Coarse ware 3. Coarse ware (In Buttress) l.Coin 2. Samian A.D. 125 Table 2, 1 Early .Antonine Table 3, 5 Late lst/early 2nd century Table 3, 6 Date: Early Antonine.' Antonine Table 2, 7 Date: Antonine. Domitian/Trajan Table 2, 5 Antonine Table 3, 13 Late 1st century Table 3, 14 Date: Probably early Antonine. A.D. 119-22 Table 4, 2 Antonine Table 2, 6 Date: Probably early Antonine. 180 SPRINGHEAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE Object (Stratum E) 1. Coin 2. Coin 3. Samian 4. Coarse ware (Stratum E) 1. Coins 2. Coarse ware 3. Rhenish ware. Date A.D. 98-117 A.D. 138-61 A.D. 140-80 Antonine Date: Antonine. Latest date A.D. 4th century 3rd/4th century Reference 375 Date: Late 3rd and 4th century. Table 4, 1 Table 4, 4 Table 2, 4 Table 3, 7 Table 4, 6 to 4, 9 Table 3, 8 Table 3, 9 No. TABLE 2 SAAMIAN WARE Samian. D.37 (a) a bead row demarcating ovolo from motif indicates 2nd century: (6) a single zonal decoration of a continuous scroll is similar to style SATTO although it is not his. The type extends from Trajan to Antonine period: (c) use of a natural motif indicates early rather than late. (Date: c. A.D. 125.) Samian. D.37 (a) a very crude ovolo with bead row below indicates 2nd century: (6) figure subjects and large medallion enclosing figures indicates early Antonine: (c) figure in medallion, a sphinx dated Trajan/.Aiitonine (O. 857 and 8): (d) draped man—Trajan/Antonine. Work from Lezoux—perhaps Cinnamus. Date: c. A.D. 135. Samian. D.18. Mark LICINVS of La Graufesenque. Date: Tiberius/Nero. Samian. D.33. Mark TITVRONIS of Lezoux. Date: A.D. 140-80. Samian. D.27. (Domitian/Trajan.) (a) Samian D.46. ^ t o n i n e . (6) Samian D.18/31 (2 sherds), c. A.D. 150. (c) Samian D.33. A^ntonine. (a) Samian. D.18/31. c. A.D. 140, perhaps earlier. (6) Samian. D/18/31. c. A.D. 150. (c) Samian. D.33 (3 sherds). .Antonine. Position Stratum C Stratum C Stratum A. Clay Bank (Stratum E) Under 'altar' feature. I n 'buttress'. I n 'buttress'. I n 'buttress'. Stratum D. Stratum D. Stratum D. TAIBLE 3 COAARSE WARE No. Description Position 1. Sherd of carinated Beaker. Date, 1st century. Stratum A, 2. Springhead standard forms S.15 (2 sherds), S.8, Stratum B. S.9, S.31 (all dated late 1st century to c. A.D. 130). 3. St. Remy ware. Usual yellow/green glaze. 1st Stratum B. century (Figs. 3.4, 3.5, 3.6). 4. Pink amphora handle with part of stamp (Eig. Stratum B. 3.7). 5. Springhead standard forms: S.26, S.28, S.6, S.31, Stratum C. S.15, S . l l , S.12 (some of Antonine dated, but enough, Trajanic to indicate early Antonine). 181 SPRINGHEAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE SE N 10 12 13 T A -r EIG. 3. The Pottery and Graffiti. (All J) 182 SPRINGHEAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE No. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Description Mortarium sherd. Stamp MAARTN (MARINUS) Collingwood 2, 1st century to early 2nd. cf. Rich. TV. No. 503. A.D. 90-130. Springhead standard forms: S.6 (6 sherds), S . l l, S.26, S.31. Springhead standard forms: S.3, S.4, S.6, S.7 (8 sherds). Fragments of Rhenish ware with 'en barbotine' decoration. 3rd/4th century. Sherd lamp-chimney (see Ref. 2, Fig. 8.17) of late 2nd century date (Fig. 3.9). Castor ware (Eig. 3.1). Small black pot, only 1$ in. high (Fig. 3.3.). Springhead standard form S.6. Springhead standard form S.23. Date: late 1st century. Position Stratum C. Stratum E (Clay bank). Ditch filling (Stratum F). Ditch filling. Ditch filling. Ditch filling. Associated with Burial 12 in clay banlc. Immediately under tiles of 'altar' feature. I n 'altar' feature. TABLE 4 THE COINS (Reported on by R. A. G. Carson Esq., M.A.) No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Position In clay banlc (Stratum E) with burial No. 3. In 'buttress'. Stratum B. In clay banlc (Stratum E). Ditch filling. Ditch filling. Ditch filling. Ditch filling. Ditch filling. Unstratified. Description Trajan (2 AE Dupondius). Obv.: illegible, bust, radiate r. Rev.: illegible, s.c. draped female, standing 1. (A.D. 98-117.) Hadrian (AR Denarius) R.I.C. II, 77 (a). (A.D. 119-22.) Trajan (1 AE Sestertius) R.I.C. I I . No. 642. (A.D. 98-117.) Antoninus Pius (2 AE Dupondius) R.I.C. I l l No. 809. (A.D. 138-61.) Hadrian (1 .AE Sestertius) R.I.C. I I , No. 702. (A.D. 117-38.) Valens (3 AE) L.R.B.C. 11/1781. (A.D. 367- 75.) Constantinopolis (3 AE) L.R.B.C. I 1/71. (A.D. 330-5.) Domitian (2 AE As) R.I.C. I I . Vesp. No. 791. (A.D. 77-8.) Valentinian (3 AE) L.R.B.C. 11/83. (A.D. 364-75.) Theodosius (4 AE) L.R.B.C. 11/1109. (A.D. 379-95.) Object No. 1. Position Ditch filling. 2. Ditch filling. TABLE 5 THE BRONZE WARE (Reported on by E. W. Tilley Esq.) Eig. No. Description 4.11 Pin. Part of a bronze square-headed pin with a blue glass bead set in the top. 4.16 Sing. Small brass finger ring of one and a half turns. 183 SPRINGHEAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE •/••'•VOSSi 43 -iiiW fc * W9 « _ p FIG. 4. The Metal Ware. (All £) 184 PLATE I A. The Bronze Hand. I Ml I II II l| I f MM 1 2 B. The Votive Bronze Arm. [ face p. 1S4 PLATE II A. Oven Xo. 5 (Bread Baking Type). B. Oven No. 6 with chalk hob and flanking post holes. PLATE III H 1 M A. Child Burial No. 3 showing coin in situ. * f f l f c Q m& B. Revetment of VVatling Street. PLATE IV • • • • ,,i T.;-s.'"j*rS ... ' > ^ S ' " - • . * J*-" t » A. Quern Segments in situ. 4 &w% B. Oven No. 4 showing filling. SPRINGHEAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE Object No. Position 3. Stratum B. No. 4.17 4. Ditch filling. 5. Ditch filling. 6. Ditch filling. 7. Ditch filling. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Ditch filling. Ditch filling. Ditch filling. Stratum C. Near Oven 4. Stratum B. Near Oven 1. Ditoh filling. Stratum C. Near Seotion. Ditoh filling. Ditch filling. 4.14 4.13 PI. IB 4.9 4.18 4.15 4.10 Pl.IA 4.7 4.8 Description Brooch. Bronze brooch formed of a single piece of wire, with solid catch-plate and flat tapering bow. The spring is bilateral, chord passing under the head. This is the simple one-piece La Tene III brooch. Camulodunum Type VII. Mid to late 1st century. Pin. Bronze pin with pointed head. Pin. Bronze pin with bi-conical head, incised cross on top. cf. Bakery Site A. Arch. Cant, lxxi (1957), Fig. 2. Roman Canterbury No. 4 (1949), Fig. 15.7. Brooch. Bronze brooch. A much corroded specimen of the one-piece type, similar, but smaller than the one above. Hand. Well moulded left arm and hand in bronze. The arm appears to be a complete entity as the shoulder is not broken but has been well finished and the end smoothed off although there has certainly been a covering of lead at this end as though it had been set in a lead cement. The palm of the hand has been left rather rough in contrast to the smooth finish of the rest of the limb. Cf. Soc. Ant. Report on Lydney Park, PI. XXVI, No. 121. Nail. Bronze nail, square in section with a round head. L. 1 in. Foot-stand. Bronze foot-stand of the usual Roman type. Cf. Lydney Park Report (1932), Fig. 20, No. 102. Temple I, Sprmghead, Arch. Cant., lxxiii (1959), p. 22, Fig. 10.1, and many others. Disc. Bronze, circular disc 1-1 in. diameter, with a central punched hole 0-3 in. diameter. Bracelet. Bracelet made of five strands of brass wire twisted together. The ends finished off into little hooks and sheathed. Stud. Large bronze, dome-headed stud filled with lead. The shank is of iron. Stud. Bronze, hollow, dome-headed stud. 0-9 in. diameter. Length of shank 0-7 in. Hand. A casting of a clasped hand in bronze. The hand has a narrowing, ciroular hole around which the fingers are clasped showing that it onoe held something. There are three filled dowel-holes in the rough wrist end which would appear to be a repair to a break in antiquity. The back of the hand and the fingers are finely finished but the underside has been left rough as it probably was not seen. Pin. Bronze pin with the head decorated with a stylized fir oone. Pin. Bronze pin with small spherical head. 185 SPRINGHEAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE Object No. Position 17. Ditch filling. Pig. No. 4.5 Description Spindle-whorl. Spindle-whorl made from a well-worn sestertius of the Antonine period. A 0-3 in. diameter hole has been punched through the centre of the coin from the reverse side. TA\BLE 6 THE IRON WARE (Reported on by E. W. Tilley, Esq.) Object No. 1. 2. Position Pig. No. Stratum C. Oven 1. 4.2 Ditch filling. 4.6 3. Stratum C, Oven 4. 4.3 4. Ditch filling. — 5. Stratum C, Oven 4. — 6. Ditoh filling. 4.4 7. Ditch filling. 4.1 Description Hammer. Small iron hammer-head. Knife. Fragment of iron knife blade and handle. Knife. Knife. Fragment with handle bent into form of a ring. Staple and nails. Sickle. Small iron, socketed sickle or bill hook. Hammer. Iron axe-hammer of a common Roman type which lasted into post-Roman times. Cf. Wheeler, London in Roman Times, PI. XXXIV, No. 8. Soc. Ant. Richborough Report No. 2, PL XXIV, No. 72. Newstead Report, PL LXI, 1 and 4. There are many other parallels. Object No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. 10. Position TABLE 7 PINS, BONE OBJECTS AND BEADS (Reported on by E. W. Tilley, Esq.) Pig. No. Clay bank, Stratum E. Clay banlc, Stratum E. Clay bank, Stratum E. Stratum C, near Oven 4. Ditch filling. Ditch filling. Ditch filling. Ditch filling. Ditch filling. Ditch filling. 6.2 5.5 5.8 5.4 6.6 6.1 6.3 Pin. Bone pin with spherical head. L. 2-6 in. Pin. Bone pin with head decorated with incised diagonals. Handle. Fragment of a bone handle decorated with incised trellis-work pattern. Spoon. Bone spoon of the rat-tailed type. Cf. London in Roman Times (Wheeler), PL XLV, No. 2. Pin. Long bone pin with spherical head. L. 41 in. Pin. Bone pin with spherical head, L. 5 in._ Pin. Bone pin with pointed head. L. 2 • 5 in. Pin. Part of a silver pin. The head decorated with concentric grooves, the shank with a . continuous spiral. Bead. Fragment of green paste melon bead. Bracelet. Fragment of in shale. 186 SPRINGHEAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE B ' 11 15 k 10 1 P^s?r^ 16 Ess w tr •—li-V-'. .' •'•'•1' ijSa^A \-V.'' FIG. 5. Bone and Miscellaneous objects. (All J) 187 SPRINGHEAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE Object No. Position 11. Ditch filling. Fig. No. 5.16 Description Bracelet. Eight segmental jet beads from a bracelet. They are each pierced with two holes and decorated with zig-zag pattern along the curved outer edge. Excavations at Brough-Petuaria. Fifth Report, 1937. The East Riding Antiquarian Society Transactions, Fig. 21, p. 46. Verulamium, Fig. 45, 48. Colchester Mus. Rep., 1928, p. 60, third century. Object Fig. No. Position No. 1. Ditch filling. 3.11 2. Stratum B, Oven 5. 3.10 3. Ditch filling. 3.13 4. Ditch filling. 3.12 5. Ditch filling. 3.8 TABLE 8 GRAFFITI Description 'M' on coarse ware potsherd. 'BA' on amphora sherd. 'X' on coarse ware potsherd. 'TA' on Samian D.18/31. 'NI' on Samian D.18/31. TABLE 9 MISCELLAANEOUS OBJECTS Object No. 1. Position Ditch filling. 2. Ditch filling. 3. Ditch filling. Fig. No. 5.12 5.11 4. Ditch filling. 6.13 5. Ditch filling. 5.7 6. Stratum C, Oven 4. — 7. Stratum C, Oven 4. — 8. Stratum C, Oven 4. —. 9. Ditch filling. — 10. Stratum C, Oven 4. 5.9 11. Stratum 0, Oven 6. 6.14 12. Stratum 0, Oven 6. — 13. Ditoh filling. — Description Venus. Hemi-spherical base of a Venus in hard, white pipe-clay. Horse. Pipe-clay fragment. Possibly the forepart of a horse. Cf. Wroxeter Report No,3 PL XXIII, Eig. 2. Spindle Wlwrl. Large, pottery, spindle whorl. Cut from a base of hard greyish ware with pink surface. Spindle Whorl. Spindle whorl, cut from a coarse-ware pot of grey ware. Counter. Gaming counter cut from a coarseware pot of grey ware. Glass. Fragments of side of greenish-glass square bottle. Qlass. Part of greenish glass handle. Class. Fragment of a handle in greenish glass, probably from a flagon. Of late 1st or early 2nd century date. Cf. Arch. Cant, lxxiv (1959), Springhead Report, Fig. 6.5. Qlass. Fragment of side of square bottle m greenish glass. Class. Fragment of side and handle of a bulbous flagon in green glass. Hone. A stone hone, L. 3-125 in. Hone. Fragment of stono hone, L. 3 • 7 in. Lead. Semi-oiroular fragment of load, 2$ m. diamotor, which would appear to be tho residue from tho bottom of a small oruoiblo. Tho fragmont has all its odgos rounded and unbroken, tho top surface is smooth, the bottom rough, and thoro is a sharp upward rise or lip at tho outer edge. 188 SPRINGHEAD: THE TEMPLE DITCH SITE Description Lead. Flat mass of lead, 5& oz. in weight, which has been poured in a molten state into grassy ground or straw, leaving the straight marks of the stems on the underside and a fiat smooth top. Lamp-holder. Part of a clay lamp-holder. Bowl. Part of a marble bowl. TABLE 10 SUMMARY OF OBJECTS FROM DITCH FILLING Object Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 26. 26. 27. 28. Coins. Pottery. Sherd lamp-chimney. Bronze pins. Bronze ring. Bronze Brooch. Bronze hand and arm. Bronze nail. Bronze foot-stand. Bronze disc. Bronze stud. Bronze spindle-whorl. Iron knives. Iron sickle. Iron hammer head. Bone pins. Bead. Bracelet. Bracelet. Graffiti. Venus, clay. Horse, clay. Spindle-whorles. Pottery counter. Glass fragment. Lead droppings. Marble bowl. Part of a clay lampholder. Table 4.5 to 4.9. Table 3.9, 3.11, 3.8. Table 3.10. Table 5.1, 5.4, 5.5, 5.15, 5.16. Table 5.2. Table 5.6. Table 5.7. Table 5.8. Table 5.9. Table 5.10. Table 5.13. Table 5.17. Table 6.2 and 6.4. Table 6.6. Table 6.7. Table 7.5 to 7.8. Table 7.9. Table 7.10. Table 7.11. Table, 8.1, 8.3 to 8.5. Table 9.1. Table 9.2. Table 9.3 and 9.4. Table 9.5. Table 9.9. Table 9.13 and 9.14. Table 9.16. Table 9.15. Object No. Position 14. Ditch filling. Fig. No. — 16. Ditch filling. — 16. Ditoh filling. 5.15 189


Notes on Kentish Royal Arms


Kent Archives Office Accessions 1963 - 64