General Index

GENERAL INDEX Kent Archives Office accessions are Mt indexed. Acheulian, Hand-axe from Aylesham, 268. Aldington, Mesolithic £lints from, 251. Romano-British pottery from, 251. Amiens, Treaty of, 119. Anglo-Saxon, Amber bead, 138, 260. Building at Stone-next-Faversham, 260. Buckle, 131 ff. Brooches, 131 ff. Burials, Cemetery and Graves at Orpington, 126, 127 ff, 258. Burials at Milton Regis, 12. Glass armlet, 131. Iron knife, 131 ff. Pottery, 126, 130 ff, 261. Rings, 138 ff. Shield boss, 131 ff. Spearhead, 131 ff. Spindle whorl, 141. Studs, 139. Tweezers, 139. .Arrowhead, Flint, 264. Medieval, 100. Romano-British, 176. Ashford Archooological Society Excavation Group, Report, 251-4. Austria, Margaret of, 30. Aylesho.m, Acheulian hand-axe from, 268. Baker, A., Cobham HaU, 271-2. . Barking, Parish church at, 112. Barrows, probable Bowl, in Chilham Forest, 253. Beads, Anglo-Sa.xon from Orpington, 138. Beaker, from Ro.msgate, 269-70. Bee, Anthony, Bishop of Durham, 205 ff. Beddington (Sy.), Anglo-Saxon cemetery at, 149. Belgic,Coins, 171,257. Occupation at Rochester, 75,171. Settlement at Springhead, 257. Benenden, Roman road at, 255. Betsham, Sandy Lane, 230. Bill Street, road from, 230. Bexley, Deneholes at Baldwyn's Park, 255. Hall Place, 106. 299 Ha.U Place Mill, 109. Manor of, 105. The Old Milt, by B. D. and A. J. Stoyel, 105-10. Black Death of 1348-9, 80. Bontemps, Pierre, architect, 26. Bosworth Field, Battle of, 152. BOU{Jh Beech, Winkhur8t Farm, by R. T. Mason and R. H. Wood, 33-7. Boughton Aluph, Mesolithic mace-head from, 252. Parish of, 155. Pilgrims' Way at, 160. Bourbon, Margaret of, 30. Bowra, Edward, The Dutch Jamu Fami);y of Ightham Court, 111-24. Brent, Dartford, 229. Broadway Hill (Worce.), Anglo-Saxon brooch from, 143. Brodrick, Capt. George, 154. Bronze Age, Axes, socketed, 264. Dagger from Cranbrook, 262-3 . Implements, 264. Spearhead, 264. Brooches, Anglo-Saxon, 131 ff. Romano-British, 170, 184-5. Brook, Witch bottle from, 252-3. Brooke, Francis, Mayor of Gravesend, 230. Brou, Tombs at, 30. Brough-on-Humber, 75. Broughton Poggs (Oxon.), AngloSaxon brooch from, 143 . Buckles, Anglo-Saxon, 131 ff. Medieval, 73, 100. Buggs, Councillor T., of Milton Regis, 12. Burials, Anglo-Saxon, 126 ff. of doubtful age, 253. Romano-British, 166. Bushey Park (Herts.), 50. Buste, Robt., Chaplain of Eltham Pa.Ia.ce, 214. Byng, John, 114. Ca.en Stone, in Canterbury Guildhall, 9 Caister-by-Yarmouth, 75. Camden, William, I 06. Cane-James, Sir John, Bt., 117. Cannon family, millers at Bexley, 108 ff. GENERAL INDEX Canterbury, Cathedral, 198. Christ Church Priory, l 05. Clowes Wood, probable medieval tile-kiln in, 267-8. Court House, 2. Guildhall, 2 ff. Museum Notes from, by L. Millard, 267-9. Roman wall at, 76. Th,e Roman Wo rthgate at, by F. Jenkins,M .A.,F .S.A., 273•5. Chalk, The Dover road at, 229. Challock Forest, Sites in, 253. Parish of, 155. Champneis, Justinian, of Hall Place, Bexley, 106. Charing, Anglo.Saxon brooches from, 131 ff. Neolithic adze from, 262. Neolithic axe from, 262. Chatham Lines, Glass armlet from, 131. Chessel Down (I.o.W.), Glass armlet from, 131. Chiddingstone, Bore Place, 111. Christ Chwch Priory, Ca.nterbury, 105. Cinque Ports, 194. Civil War, Second, 199. Clarendon (Wilts.),C hapel at,2 07. Clarke, Capt J.M., of Milton Regis, 12. Cliffe, Anglo-Saxon cemetery at, 149. .&mane-British Salt-panning Hearths at, by A.M iles,2 72-3. Oobham Hall, by A. Baker, 271-2 Cobham, Lord, 61. Coin-moulds, 75. Coins,A nglo-Saxon,2 60. Belgic, 171, 257. Medieval, 99. Roman, 141, 166, 170, 183-4, 190-1, 259,264. Comb, Bone, 62,100. Compton, Sir W., 31. Cranbrook, Early Bronze Age dagger from, 262-3. Roman road at, 255. Cray, River, 105. Crayford (Crecganford), 149. Craylands, Road to, 230. Criol, Agnes de, 152. Alia.nor de, 152. Bertram de, 151. John de, 151 ff. Curthoae, Robt., 151. Cuxton, Whorne's Place, 49. Dan, Osbourne, 154. Darent River, 125. Crossing at Dartford, 229. Darnley Collection, The, 230. Earl of, 235. .-300 Dartford, Gravesend and Strood, Th6 Road b6tween, by R. H. Hiscock, LL.B., 229-47. Dartford, Royal Victoria.Mill, 109. Denton, Road at, 235. Depyng, Bro. John, 210. Dering,S ir John,1 13. Detsicas, A. P., M.A., F.S.A., A Deposit of Samian Ware from SpringMad, 217-27. Excavations at Eccles, 1967, 39-48. Dover, Independent church at, 197. Maison Dieu of, I. Road from London, 229. Durant, The Divine: A SeventeenthOentury Independent, by Madeline V. Jones, M.A.(Oxon.), Ph.D.(Lond.), 193-203. East Grinstead, Medieval house at, 36. Eastwell, Lake Houee: The Vanishing Houses of Kent, 8, by E. W. Parkin, 151-61. Ea.stwell, Manor House of, 151. Pilgrims' Way at, 160. Eastwelles,M atilda de,1 51 ff. Ebbstl.eet, 229. Eccles, Excavations at, 1967, by A. P. Detsicas,M .A., F.S.A., 39-48. Interim Report for 1968, 249-50 . Training Course held at, 250. Edenbridge, Exhibition at, 256. Edinburgh, Duke of, 153. Siege of, 112. Elliston-Erwood, Frank C., F.S.A., obituary, 297. Elstow (Beds.),M oot Hall at,1 8. Eltha.mM anor,2 05. Eltham Palace: Its Ohapels and Ohaplains, by H.J. Pra.gnell, 205-16. Epps, H. E., 109. Erith, Church of St. John Baptist at, 23. Ma.nor of, 31. Mills, 109. Erith, The Shrewsbury Tomb at, by R. J. Ninnis, 23-32. EmuJf, Bishop of Rochester, 56 ff. Ewell, Anglo-Saxon cemetery at, 149. Faversham, Building known as 'T.S. Hasarde', 1 ff. Freemasons' Hall, 2. Market House, 2. Felde, Riohard atte, 210. Finch, Heneage, The Rt. Hon., Second Earlof Winchelsea, 153. SirM oyle,1 53. Sir Thomas, 152 . GENERAL INDEX Finch-Hatton, Edward Daniel John, 153. George James, Tenth Ea.rl of W i nchelsea., 154. George William Henry, Viscount Maidstone, 153. Flight, Colin, B.A.., and Harrison, A. C., B.A., The Roman and Medieval Defences of Rochester in the Light of recent Excavations, 55-104. Folkestone, Guildhall, 18. Foots Cray, Wee.Iden-type hall-house at, 254. Fordwich, Abbot of, l 8. Court Hall, 1, 17 ff. Forest Row, Trimmers Pond, 34. Framlingham (Suffolk), Tomb at, 30. Frittenden, Iron Age pottery from, 263-4. Futter, Henry, 51. Gadshill Roa.d, 230,233. Gates, John, 214. Gerard, Lord, 154. Gibbons, Col. Robt., 200. Glanville, Gilbert de, 78 ff. Glass, Armlets, Anglo-Saxon, 131., 171. Godmersham, Inhumation burial at, 253. Pilgrims' Way at, 160. Gordon, Lord George, 119. Goodwin, John, 193. Gravesend and Strood, The Road between Dartford, by R. H. Hiscock, LL.B., 229-47. Great Yarmouth, Tollhouse at, I. Greenhithe, Road to Craylands, 230. Grey, Lady Jane, 23. Gravis.James, Demetrius, 120 ff. Gryme, Rev. John, M.A., Rector of Ightha.m, 114. Guildown, Anglo-Saxon cemetery at, 149. Gundulph, Bishop of Rochester, 55 ff. Haestrecht, Jacob van, 111 ff. Hales, Sir John, 3. Hall, Two Types of Court, by S. E. Rigold, F.S.A., 1-22. Hammond, Sir William, 50. Hamo de Hethe, Bishop of Rochester, 79. Hampton Court, Chapel Royal at, 213. Handle, Bronze, medieval, 73. Harrison, A. C., B.A., and Flight, Colin, B.A., The Roman and Medieval Defences of Rochester in the Light of recent Excavations, ·55.104. Hartlip, Prior John of, 81. 301 Hastingleigh, Sli.erd from, by L. Millard, 270-1. Hastings, William, First Lord, 30. Hatton, George, 153. George Finch, 153. Hengist, at Crayford, 149. Higham, Anglo-Saxon cemetery at, 149. Road from, 230. Romano-British settlement at, 230. Hiscock, R. H., LL.B., The Road between Dartford, Gravesend and Strood, 229-47. Hoby Tomb, The, 26. Hollingbourne, Anglo-Saxon cremations at, 149. Horton Kirby, Anglo-Saxon brooch from, 149. Anglo-Saxon cemetery at, 149. Hull, Felix, B.A., Ph.D., John Marsham: A Forgotten Antiquary, 49-54. Ightham Court, The Dutch James Family of, by Edward Bowra, l l l - 24. Ma.nor, 111,121. Moat, 112. I nvestigationa and Excavations during the Year, by G. W. Meates, General Secretary, 249-62. Ipswich, Public Hall at, 1. James,H aestrecht of Reigate,1 11 ff. Family oflghtham, 111-24. Jenkins, F., M.A., F.S.A., The Roman Worthgate at Canterbury, 273-5. Jetton, from Rochester, 66, 99. Johnson, Gerard, architect, 26. Jones, Madeline V., M.A.(Oxon.), Ph.D.(Lond.), The Divine Durant: A Seventeenth-Century Independent, 193-203. Kaffir Rebellion, The, 121. Kelly, D. B., Archreological Notes from Maidstone Museum, 262-5. Kennington, Manor of, 154. Kent Archaeological Research Groups' Council, Report, 257-8. Archaeological Society Library, 277. 80. . Archives Office, Accessions 1966-7, 281-5. Kentish Insurrection, The, 199. Kiln, Corn-drying, 164 ff. at Springhead, 168, 176 ff, 257. probable tile-, at Canterbury, 267-8. Knife, Anglo-Saxon, 131 ff. GENERAL INDEX Laud, Archbishop, 49. Leigh, Tonbridge, Moated enclosure, Excavations of, 250-1. Leveson, Sir Richard, 50. Limpsfield, Old Court Cottage, Early ha.Hat, 33. Livett, Canon G. M., 55 ff. Longport, Almnery Hall, 202. Louver, Medieval, 100-2. Lowe, Bishop of Rochester, 78. Luddesdown Grammar School, 118. Mace-head, from Boughton Aluph, 252. from Shipbourne, 265. MacPherson-Grant, Nigel, A Beaker JromOliffsend, Ramsgate, 269-70. Maidstone, Arrowhead from, 264. Flint axe from, 264. Maidstone Museum, Arohreological Notes from, by D. B. Kelly, 262-5. The Mote, 50. Malling Hill (near Lewes), Glass armlet from, 131. Manning, John, of St. Mary Cray, 127. Marden, Courthouse of, 2. Margate, Drapers Mill, Restoration of, 261. Margate Token, byP. E. Oldham, 275. Maraham, John: A Forgotten Antiquary, by Felix Hull, B.A., Ph.D., 49-54. Marsham, Norfolk, 49. Mascall, John, 106. Mason, R. T., and Wood, R.H., Winkhurst Farm, Bough Beech, 33-7. Maundevill, Manor of, 207. Meates, G. M., General Secretary, Investigations and ]J}xcavations during the Year, 249-62. Medway River, 55 ff. Crossing a.t Rochester, 229. Mesolithic, Flints at Aldington, 251. Mace-head from Shipbourne, 265. Midleton, Lady (Countess), 154. Miles, A., Romano-British Salt-Panning Hearths at Cliffe, 272-3. Millard, L., Notes from Canterbury Museum, 267-9. Sherdfrom Hastingleigh, 270-1. Milton Church, Flooding of valley below,229. Glass armletfroro, 131. Hall, 1-2, 11 ff. Regis, Domesday tide-mill at, 229. Mint, Belgic at Rochester, 75. Money-box, Medieval from Canterbury, 267. Montford, Hugo de, 151 ff. MoseleyHall(Worcs.), 120. Mould, Stone, Medieval, 100, 102-3. 302 Moyle, Sir Thomas, 152. Museum for the Weald and Downland, 37. Neolithic, Flint axe from Cha.ring, 262. from Maidstone, 264. Implements, 254. Stone adze, from Cha.ring, 262. Nicholls, Sydney T., last Portreeve of Milton Regis, 11. Ninnis, R. J., The Shrewsbury Tomb at Erith, 23-32. Nonington, St. Alban's Court, 50. Nonsuch Palace, 205. NormanW all at Rochester, 56. North Cray, Medieval hall-house at, 254. tide-mill at, 230. Northf!eet, Anglo-Saxon brooch from, 145. cemetery at, 149. Stonebridge, 229. Northumberland, Henry, Sixth Earl of, 152. Norton, Thomas, Mayor of Fordwich, 17. Norwich, Bishop's Palace at, 10. Obituaries, 297. Oldenburg, Henry, First Secretary of the Royal Society, 52. Oldbury Hill, 117. Oldham, P. E., Margate Token, 275. Orpington, An Anglo-Saxon Oemetery at, by P. J. Tester, F.S.A., 125-50. Medieval church at, 126. Roman coin found at, 258. Oven, Romano-British, 180. Parker, Admiral Sir Hyde, 120. Parkin, E.W., The Vanishing Houses of Kent. 8. Lake House, Eastwel&, 151- 61. Peking, Imperial Palace of, Saoking of, 121. Pembroke, Anne Herbert, Countess of, 31. College, Oxford, 193. Penn, the late W. S., B.Sc., A.I.R.I., Springhead: Miscellaneous Jhcavation8, 163-92. Pennefather, Sir John de Fonblanque, Bt., 154. Pett, Commissioner Peter, of Chatham, 200. Pewter Pot, 172. Peyton, SirThomaB, 200. Plantagenet, Richard, 152. Thomas, 116. Pocock, Robt., Gravesend historian, 230. GENERAL INDEX Ponton, D. A., 12. Pottery, Anglo-Sa:x:on, 261. Belgic, 264-5. Iron Age from Frittenden, 263-4. Medieval from Ca.nterbury Guildhall, 20 ff. from Hastingleigh, 270-1. from Rochester, 93-9. from Westbere, 268-9. Romano-British, 81-91, 127-8, 185-6, 251,259. Samian ware, 92-3, 127,181, 186. Poynings, Sir Michael de, 152. Sir Robert de, 152. Sir Thomas de, 152. Sir Thomas de, Third Baron, 152. Pragnell, H. J., Eltham Palace: Its Ghapels andOhaplaine, 205-16. Quebec, Siege of, 120. Queen's College, Oxford, I 06-7. ·Rainham, Roman a,ureus found at, 264. Ralph, Bishop of Rochester, 66. Ramsgate, A Beaker from Oliffsend, by Nigel Ma.cpherson-Grant, 269-70. Reculver, Saxon Shore Fort of, 76. Reviews, 287-96. Richborough, Roman Fort of, 77. Richmond, Henry, Duke of, 30. Rigold, S. E., F.S.A., Two Types of Court Hall, 1-22. Ring, Bronze, Anglo-Saxon, 138 ff. Riou, Capt. Edward, 120. Rochester, Bishop's Pa.lace, 56. Bridge, Asst. Warden of, 60. Cathedral, 61. Medway crossing at, 229. Prior's Gate, 56 ff. Priory of, 56 ff. Roman coin found at, 259. Rochester, The .R-Oman and Medieval Defences of, in the Light of recent Excavations, by A. C. Harrison, B.A., and Colin Flight, B.A., 55-104. Roman, City Wall of Rochester, 56 ff. Road at Springhead, 257. at Tenterden, 255. Settlement at Higham, 230. at Springhead, 230. Street, below Canterbury Guildhall, 11. Romano-British, Building at Stonenext- Fa.versham, 260. Burials at Springhead, 166. Ocoupation at Orpington, 127. Oven at Springhead, 180. Villa at Eccles, 39-48. 303 Romarw-British Salt-Panning Hearths at Oliffe, by A. Miles, 272-3. Romney, Earls of, 53-4. Marsh, 154. Rosherville, Road at, 235. Ruxley, Medieval church at, 259-60. Sackville, Lord, John Frederick, Third Duke of Dorset, 119. First Duke of Dorset, ll8. Lord George, 118. St. Augustine's, Canterbury, Abbot of, 154. St. Edmund's Chapel, Westminster Abbey, 23. St. John's College, Oxford, 49. St. Mary Cray, Medieval church at, 126. St. Mary-in-the-Marsh, Parish of, 154. St. Paul's, Canterbury, Parish of, 202. St. Pater's, Sandwich, 194. St. Stephen's Chapel, Westminster, 207 ff. Sand,vich, 194. School, Early Southwa.rk, 26. Later Southwark, 26. Sedley, Sir John, 113. Selby Family, The, 112 ff. Sevenoaks, Town Hall, 2. Sheppey, John, Prior of Rochester, 81. Shield boss, Anglo-Saxon, 131 ff. Shipbourne, Mesolithic mace-head from, 265. Shorne Village, Road to, 230. Church, Heating system, 257. Shutt, James, of Holderness (Yorks.), 121. Shrewsbury, Elizabeth, Countess of, 23. George Talbot, Fourth Duke of, 30. Shrewsbury Tomb, The, at Erith, by R. J. N i nnis, 23-32. Shrewton (Wilts.), 73. Sittingbourne and Milton Regis Rural District Council, 11. Snargate, Belgic pottery from, 265. Snelling, T., 107. Southfl.eet, Parish boundary, 230. Southwark, Prior of Lewes' inn at, 10. School, Early, 26. Later, 26. Spearhead, Anglo-Saxon, 131 ff. Bronze, 264. :Medieval, 176. Spilman, Sir John, 106. Spindle-whorl, Anglo-Saxon, 141. Springhead, A Deposit of Samian Ware from, by A. P. Detsicaa, M.A., F.S.A., 217-27. Springhead: Miscellaneous Excavations, by the late W. S. Penn, B.Sc., A.I.R.I., 163-92. GENERAL INDEX Springhead, Ebbsfleet at, 229. Interim Report on Excavations in 1968, 257. Stansted, Manor of, 114, 121. Staplehurst, Independent church at, 197. Stent, Peter, 205. Stone, Roa,d from, 230. Stone-next-Fa,versham, Anglo-Saxon building at, 260. Romano-British building at, 260. Stowting, Neolithic/Bronze Age implements from, 254. Stoyel, B. D. and A. J., The Old Mill, Bexley, 105-II0. Stratton Stra.wless, Norfolk, 49. Strood, The Road between Dartford, Gravesend and, by R. H. Hiscock, LL.B., 229-47. Suffolk, Frances Brandon, Duchess of, 23. Sutton-at-Hone, Sutton Place, demolished, 256. Swanscombe, Park Corner, Footpath at, 230. Symonson, Philip, map-maker, 230. Syward, Bro. John, 210. Talbot, George, Fourth Duke of Shrewsbury, 30. Ta,ylor, Francis, Prea,cher at Canterbury, 201. Tenterden, Roman road, sections across, 255. Tester, P. J., F.S.A., An Anglo-Saxon Oemetery at Orpington, 125-50. Thorpe, John, 205. Token, Medieval, 99. from Margate, 275. Tonbridge, Road to, 114. Tunbridge Wells, Oakfield Court, 121. Tweezers, Anglo-Saxon, 139. Twysden, Sir Roger, 49, 113. Vane, Sir Hemy, of Fairlawn, 114. Ventris, Thomas, 201. 304 Verulamium, Corn-drying kiln a,t, 168. Roman ditch at, 62. V esci Fa,mily, The, 206. Wadham College, Oxford, 120. Walden, Sir Richard, 30 ff. Waller, Edmund, of Groombridge Place, 114. Warham, Archbishop, of Canterbury, 106. Warley, Thomas, 212. Warwick, Earl of, 194. Watling Street, 75, 149, 164, 229 ff. Westbere, Anglo-Saxon cremations at, 149. Medieval pottery from, 268-9. West Dean, near Chichester, Museum for the Weald and Downland, 37. Westminster Abbey, St. Edmund's Chapel, 23. St. Stephen's Chapel, 207 ff. School, 49. W estwell, Manor of, 154. Parish of, 155. Wha,rf, probable medieval, at Rochester, 259. Wickes, Henry, 214. Willoughby, Percival, ll 1. Winchelsea, Earle of, 153 ff. Windmill Hill, Gra.vesend, Mill at, 230 Windsor C1.1Stle, Chapel at, 213. Wingfield (Derbye.), Ma,nor of, 31. Wood, R. H., and Mason, R. T., Winkhurst Farm, Bough Beech, 33-7. Woodruff, Canon C. E., 17. Worcester, Battle of, 116. Wotton, William, 51. Wrotham, Manor of, 114, 121. Wye, Parish of, 155. Wymondham, Town Hall, 2. Wyndham, Col. Sir Francie, ll6. Grevis Ba,iley, Lt.-Col. Edmund, 123. Grevis-Ja.mes, Demetrius, 122-4. Sir Thomas, of Trent (Soro.), 116. Yvory, Bro. Robert, 210.



Annual Report