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Annual report
KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR TIIE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 1975 1974 EXPENDITURE /974 INCOME £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Administration: Subscriptions: 27 Rent 30.00 3,019 Annual 3,132.48 64 Salaries 73.20 48 Advance 57.95 262 Stationery, Printing, Postage 289.28 14 Arrears 53.60 47 Insurance 57.10 3,081 3,244.03 242 Calendar 243.22 99 Miscellaneous 204.87 Income Tax Recovered: 741 897.67 284 (Covenanted Subscriptions) 280.01 57 Entrance Fees 37.00 Grants{:.' Excavations: Interest: 100 Ecc es Excavation Fund 50.00 809 Investments (General Fund) 808.58 JOO P. J. Tester (Leeds Priory) 502 Deposit Account 250.74 50 West Kent Border Archaeological Group 1,311 1,059.32 V. T. C. Smith (Kent Defences Research Group) 20.00 GraltJS: 250 70.00 300 Kent Education Committee 500.00 JO London Borough of Bromley 10.00 JO London Borough of Bexley 320 510.00 63 Subscriptions 54.88 80 Sales of Archaeologla Cantlana 92.35 DtJnations: 2 Excursion Account (Net) 0.85 - St. Helen's Church, Cliffe 5.00 - Building Recorders' Course (Net) 3265