General Index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Neo., Neolithic; R., Roman; RB, Romano-British Adesham (Adisham), 53 Aleyn, J., 149 Ambleside (Cumbria), 84 Ambrose, The Smith, 132 Anglo-Frisian, Pottery, 239 Anglo-Saxon, Buckle, 225-7 Building, 237 Cemetery, 33-58, 159-62, 247-8, 254 Coin, 37,253 Anne, Queen, 5 6 Anselm, Archbishop, 53 Appledore, 89 Arden, Forest of, I 0 Arderne, R. de, 153 Arrowhead, Flint, 251 Arun, River, 122 Arundel, Archbishop, 152 Ash, 249 Ashbourne (Derbys.), 95, 10 I Ashford, 166 Athens, 103 Aulus Plautius, 119,125,127 Avent, Richard, A fragment of a Merovingian r o unde d-plaque Buckle from the Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Sarre, 225-7 Aylesford, 125,146,157,229 Aylesham, Railing Court, by E. W. Parkin, 53-64 Baker, A. R. H., cited, 166 Ballard, G., 152 T .. 152, 154 Balls, H.J., obit., 272 Barham,235 Barrow, 238, 254-5 Battle, Abbot of, 152 Bearsted, 252 Beckenham, 154 Beere, R., 151 Belgic Oppidum, 240 Bekesbourne, Old Palace, 240-41 Belknap, R., 151 Beresford, M. W., cited, 165 Bewley Bar, 19 Bexley, Pillared Deneholes at Stankey Wood, by R. F. Le Gear, 137-44 Baldwyns Park, 139 Cavey Spring, 137 Joyden's Wood, 143,177,180,186 Sites, 144 279 Bexleyheath, 76 Biddenden, 9 Biesbosch (Holland), 121 Bisley (Oxon.), 87 Black Death, The, 22, 204 ff. Blackheath, 88 Blean, Forest of, 168,236 Bodiam (Sussex), 177, 183 Bolton Priory, 209 Bonnington, 53 Borden, 151 Borough Green, 96 Boughton Street, 9 Boughton-under-Blean, 29 Bourgchier, Archbishop, 133 Boxley, 146 Boys, J., cited, I 69, 171 Brabourne, East, 230 Lees, 29 Bramling, 141 Brasted, 104 Brentford, 119, 125-6 Brighton, 75 ff., 96, 101 Broadstairs, 83, 230 St. Peter's, AS Cemetery, 48 Bromley, 169, 235 Bronze Age, Barrow, 254-5 Pottery, 232-3 Brooch, RB, 230, 240 Brooke, Lord, 147 Brown, Ann, London and north-west Kent in the later Middle Ages: The Development of a Land Market, 145-55 Bruton, H., 149 Buckingham, Duke of, 111 Building, AS, 237 RB, 158 ff., 236, 240, 252-3 Materials, 198 Burford, R. de, 154 Burgh Castle, AS Cemetery, 39, 42, 51 Burn, A. R., cited, 125 Bussh, J ., 153 Bykenore, R., 153 Caesar, Julius, 119 ff. Caiger, J. E. L., cited, 137 ff. Caister-on-Sea (Norfolk), AS Cemetery, 39, 42, 51 Cake, T., 153 Cambridge, King's College Chapel, 136 Camden, London Borough of, 77 GENERAL INDEX Campbell, Colen, 11 Canterbury, 3, 20, 21, 53, 73, 89, 97 ff., 146, 148, 154, 228-9 Castle, 240 Cathedral, 204 Cogan House, 131 New st ructural Evidence regarding Bell Harry Tower and the southeast Spire at, by Cecil Hewett and Tim Tatton-Brown, 129-36 Notes from the Royal Museum, Archaeological, by K. G. H. Reedie, 233-5 Archaeological Trust, Excavations in 1976 by the, by T. Tatton-Brown, 235-44 Cassivellaunus, 124 Chaucer, G., 152 Charles II, 56 Chart, Great, 7 Seal, 7 Chatham, 125-6, 151, 250 Chelsfleld, 152 Cheltenham (Glos.), 75-6, 88, 99 Chennell's Brook, Horsham (Sussex), 180 Chevening, Manor of, 70 Chiddingstone, 19 Chigwell, 69 Chilham, 9 Chislehurst, 152, I 77 Chislet, 236 Church, W. E., Review, 266-7 Cinque Ports, 151 Clacton-on-Sea (Essex), 121 Clarke, Dr. D. L., Note, 235 Clay, Pipes, 116 Cleyton, Manor of, 151, 154 Cliffe, 120, 230 Cobbett, W., cited, 75, 169 Cobham, 123 Lord, 14 7 Cokyn, W., I 31 Colchester (Essex), 123 ff. Coldharbour, 19 Colgate, G., cited, 169 Constantyn, J., 149 Copper, 201 Cowper, Lord W., 56 Sir W., 56 w., 56-7, 63 Cranbrook, 25 Cray, R iver, 22, 146, 152 Cromwell, W., 56 Crundale, JO Culverstone Green, 19 Dale, L. C., cited, 142 Note, 143-4 Danube, River, 121 Darent, Valley, 3, 7, 22, 145 Woods, 137 Dartford, 146, 150, 153 Deal, 14 de Gomme, 126 Deneux, H., 132 Detsicas, A. P., M.A., F.S.A., Excavations at Eccles, 1975, 157-63 Notes for the Guidance of Contributors, 275-7 Review, 261, 265-6, 269 Devereux, SirJ ., I 51 Dio Cassius, 119 ff. Ditch, RB, 158-9 post-RB, 159 Dover, 235, 250 Castle, 151 Davers, R. de, 53 Downe, 2 Du Boulay, Prof. F.R.H., cited, 65 Dudley, G. R. and Webster, G., cited, 125 Dunlop, Sir J., cited, 84 Dunning, Dr. G. C., F.S.A., Note, 182-5 Durant, W., 149 Earthwork, 252, 254 Eastbourne, 235 East Malling, 252 East Peckham, 91 Eastry, 24 AS Cemetery, 36, 247-8 East Tilbury, 120 ff. East Wickham, 251 Eccles, Excavations at, 1975, by A. P. Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., 157-63 Ederyth, W., 153 Edward, The Confessor, 234 11, 144 III, 67, 149 IV, 133 Vl, 229 Elham,28 Elizabeth I, 2 Elmley, 151 Enclosure, IA, 236, 254-5 Engeham, E., 56 T., 56 w.,56 Erechtheum, I 03 Estrateling, J. de, 54 Evans, J. H., cited, 121-2 Everitt, Prof. A. M., M.A., Ph.D., F.R.Hist.S., The Making of the agrarian Landscape of Kent, 1-31 Ewelle, R. de, 153 Eynsford, I 00 Castle, I I 3, 185 ff. Exeter Cathedral, 131 Exton, T., 154 Fairlawne, 19 280 GENERAL INDEX Faversham, AS Burials, 35, 225 Fawkham, 186 ff. Fetiplace, J., 154 Filchborough, 30 Fineux, Sir J .,5 6 Fingleslzam, Orientation at: Sunrise Dating of Death and Burial in an Anglo-Saxon Cemetery in east Kent, by Sonia Chadwick Hawkes, M.A., F.S.A., 33-51 Fitzherbert, J., cited, 168 Flint, Neo.,230,251 Arrowhead, 251 Folkestone, 24, 79 Footscray, 148 Fort, IA, J 24 R.,1 24 Frindsbury, 147, 151 Garrard, G. H., cited, 6 Gegge, J., I 51 George II, 3, 12 Ill, J 02 Gervase, The Monk of Canterbury, 129 Gillingham, 66 fT., 151 Glass, Med., 20 I Glottenham (Sussex), 186, 194 Gloucester, 95 Earl of, 105 Godden Green (Seal), 28 Goldstone, T., I 36 Goodnestone, 56 Goose, Nigel R., Wage Labour on a Kentish Manor: Meopham I 307-75, 203-23 Goudhurst, 9 Gravesend, 3, 75-7, 88 IT., 120, 123, 153, 250 Green, C., cited, 39 ff. F. H. W., cited, 17 1 Greenwich, 3, 19, 20, 77 ff., I 50 ff. Royal Observatory, 40 Grege, S., J 53 Grenfell, W. H., 56 Guldeford, J ., 5 6 Gundulph,B ishop, 54 Hails ham (Sussex), J 83 Hall,J., 56 Halling, 148 Hampstead, 89 Hangman's Wood ( Essex), 137, 141-2 Harold, King, 127 Hartley, 249 Hartlip, Prior J. of, 254 Hasted, E., 4, 2 I, 25, 56, 127 Hastingleigh, 21 Hastings, 2 I Hawarden, Viscount, 56 Hawkes, Sonia Chadwick, M.A .. F.S.A., Orientation at Finglesham: Sunrise Dating of Death and Burial in an Anglo-Saxon Cemetery in east Ke/IC, 33-51 lmerim Report on the Excavations at Eastry, 247-8 Hawkhurst, 29 Hcadcorn, 19 Helles, G. de, 149 P. de, 149 Henry[((, 106, 118 Vil, 146 HcrneBay,81-2,89, 101 Hewett, Cecil, and Tim Tatton-Brown, New structural Evidence regarding Bell Harry Tower and the southeast Spire at Canterbury, 129-38 Higham, 123, J 28 Highgate, 29 High Cross,1 9 Highstcad, 236 Highworth (Berks.), 100 Hogg, A. H. A., cited, 143 Hollingbourne, 232-3 Hoo, Hundred of, J 3 Peninsula, I 26 Hook Green, Lamberhurs1, A 'Bellarmine' 8011/e from, by A. D. F. Streeten, 227-8 Horton, Manor of, J 54 Hull, Dr. F., cited, 65, 71 Re1•iew, 257-8 Hut, IA, 237,240 Jghtham, 19, 88, 97, 102 Mote, 87 /111•es1iga1ions and Excavations during the Year, 247-55 Ipswich, 225 Iron Age, Coin, 240 Ditch, 237,249 Enclosure, 236-7, 254-5 Fort, I 24, 238 Hut, 237,240 Pit. 237 Pottery, 236-7, 240,255 Iron, Furnace, 255 lro11111ork, More decorative, by D. Stephenson, 7 3-104 Isaac, E .• 56 Jas., 56 J., 56 James, The Hon. Mrs. M., obit., 273 Jessup, Frank, Review, 261-2 Ronald,R evie11•, 259-60 Jetton, I 08, 116 Jones, M. U. and W. T., cited, J 23-4 281 GENERALlNDEX Kain, Dr. R. J. P. and Professor W. R. Mead, Ridge-and-Furrow in Kent, 165-71 Kelly, D. B., Archaeological Notes from Maidstone Museum, 229-33 Kennington Lees, 27-8 Kent, Ridge-and-Furrow in, by Professor W. R. Mead and Dr. R. J. P. Kain, 165-71 The Making of the agrarian Landscape of. by Professor A. M. Everitt, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.Hist.S., l-31 Kerridge, E., cited, l 65 Kettleshill, 19 King's Lynn (Norfolk), 95, 97 Kingston Down, AS Burials, 35 Knapton, Church, 96 Lambarde, W., cited, 105 Lambeth, 148 Palace Library, 65 Larkfield, 252 Laverstock, Ford (Sussex), AS Cemetery, 48 Lead, Objects, 198 Le Blund, A., 149 Leeds,252 Priory, 146, 24 7 Le Gear, R. F., Pillared Deneholes in Stankey Wood, Bexley, 137-44 Leigh, 113 A moated Site at Moat Farm, by J. H. Parfitt, B.Sc. (Econ.), 173-201 Len, River, 19, 22 Le Neve, 148 Lewisham, 19, 20 Lidsing, Ma nor of, 151-2 Limen, 24 Limpsfield, 186 Lin ford (Essex), 1 23 Loftus,P .,5 6 'Logh ', The Term, i n medieval Kentish Documents, by C. L. Sinclair Williams, 65-72 London, 2 ff., 13, 15, 20-21, 76, 120, 145 ff. and north-west Kent in the later Middle Ages: The Development of a Land Market, by Ann Brown, 145-55 Longbridge Lees, 27 Longfield, 249 Long Melford, 4 Lower Higham, 123 Lullingstone, Manor of, J 51 Lyminge, 24, 28, 53 Lympne, 225 Maas, River, 121 282 Maidstone, 2, 5, 24, 75, 82 ff., 166, 233, 252 Museum, Archaeological Notes from, by D. B. Kelly, 229-33 Malling, 146 Nunnery, 54 West, 85, 89, 91, 96, 153 Margate, 80, 82, 88, 89, 121 Marshall, W., cited, 6, 169 Mead, Professor W. R. and Dr. R. J.P. Kain, Ridge-and-Furrow in Kent, 165-71 Medieval, City Wall, 241 Pottery, 108, 111-5, 162, 185-97, 227-8,253 Site, 162, 173-201 Tile Kiln, 229 Tiles, 198, 249 Medway, Battle of, 119, 162 River, 3, 7, 13, 22, 123, 145, 163, 173 Towns, 2 Meopham, 19 Wage labour on a Kentish Manor, 1307-75, by Nigel R. Goose, 203-23 Melton Mowbray (Leics.), 4 Mereworth, 11 Merstham (Surrey), 177 Mesolithic, Flints, 237 Mocking, J. de, 150 Molash, 10 Montford, S. de, I06 Moore, W., 153 Morton, Cardinal, 132 IT. Mosaic, RB, 240 Mucking (Essex), 123, 127 Neel, W., 151 Neolithic, Finds, 237 Flint Axe, 230, 233 Neuport, W., 151,154 Newcastle-under-Lyme (Staffs.), 102 Newington-by-Hythe, 151 Nightingale, M., cited, 168 Nonington, 53 Norwich, 96 North Stoke (Sussex), 122 Northwode, J. de, 153 Nurstead Court, 60 Oakleigh, Manor of, 151 Obituaries, 271-3 Odiham (I-Iants.), 96 ff. Odo, Bishop, 2S3 OfTham, 2S2 Ogilvie, D. J. R., cited, 141 Orpington, 152 0$pringe, 19 Otlord, 96, 148, 254 Pannett, D. J ., cited, 165 GENERAL INDEX Parfitt, J. H., B.Sc. (Econ.), A moated Site at Moat Farm, Leigh, 173-201 Paris, 105 Parkin, E. W., Railing C-Ourt, Ay/esham, 53-64 Parthenon, I 03 Paxton,W ., 153 Peasants Revolt, The, 2 I 8 Peckham, Archbishop, 53 West, 67 ff. Peeche, J ., 15 I Penshurst, 151,233 Perot, R., 53 Petersfield (Hants.), 14 Petford, Dr. A. D., cited, 40 Philipott, T., cited, I 05 Piccot's End (Herts.), 96 Pilgrims' Way, 17, 22, 125 Pipes, Clay, 116 Pit, AS, 240 IA, 237 Med., 253 RB, 249 Pivington, 1 77 Polhill, 254 Ponton, D. T. A., obit., 271-2 Pestling, 2 3 3 Pottery, Beaker, 235 Early Bronze Age, 232-3 Frankish, 248 IA,233,236-7,249,255 Med., I 08, 111-5, 227-8, 253 RB, 108, 158, 239-40, 249, 253 Samian ware, 108, 112,240 Pulteney, J. de, 151 Queenborough, 65 Statute Book, 71 Ramsgate, 75, 79, 89, 102 Ratlinge, R. de, 5 3 Recdie, K. G. H., Archaeological Notes from the Royal Museum, Camerbury, 233-5 Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 225-45 Rctlyng, Family, 53 ff. Reviews, 257-69 Reynolds, Archbishop, 148 Richard II, I 5 1-2 Richborough, 22 Richmond, 77 Rigold, S. E., cited, 57, 186 M.A., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S., Note, 177-81 Review, 258-9, 263-4 Ring, Gold, 233-4 Rochester, 20, 73, 77 IT., 125 IT., 145 IT., 153/T., 191,252-3 Priory, 151 Rokesle, G. de, 148, 154 J. de, 15 I Roman, Campaigns, 119-28 Coin, 232, 249, 253-4 Ford,! 22 Fort, 124 Pottery, 108, 1 12 Romano-British, Building, 236, 240, 252-3 Burials, 23 7 Brooch, 230,240 City,2 41 Ditch, 158-9, 236-7 Field System, 237 Mosaic, 240 Pottery, 108, 158, 237, 239, 240, 249, 253,255 Road, 247 Theatre, 238 '? Watermill, 252 Romney Marsh, 5, 7, 13, 20 Rous, Manor of, 151, 154 Royston (Herts.), 96 Rufus, W., 254 Rye, 2 9 St. Albans, 125 St. Augustine's, Canterbury, 236 Excava1/011s at, 1975, by Humphrey Woods, 228-9 St. Denis, 132 St. Mary's Cray, 152 St. Mary Redcliffe, 4 St. Paul's Cray, 152 St. Peter Mancroft, 4 St. Thomas, Shrine, at Canterbury, 129 Saffron Walden (Essex), 183 Sandling, Manor of, 152 Sandred, Dr. K., cited, 24 Sandwich, 97 Sapyngton, Manor of, 154 Sarre, A Fragment of a Merovingian rounded-plaque Buckle from 1he Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at, by Richard Avent, 225-7 Say,SirW. de, 151 Scotland, Abbot, 228 Sellinge, Prior W., 132-3, 133 Sens,W . of, I 29, 131 Sevenoaks, 84, 88,101,149,254 Sevington, 15 2 Shawstead, Manor of, 151 Sheerness, 250 Sheppey, Isle of, 13, 17 Shoreham, Manor of, 70 Shrewsbury (Salop), 85 Sidcup, 148 Sidmouth (Dorset), 87 Sigcbert Ill, 3 7 Sitter, W. de, 40 Sittingbourne, 3, 5 283 GENERAL INDEX Smarden, 9, I 79-80 Snodland, 148 Soberton (Hants.), 234 Somerden, I 9, 20 Southampton, 183 Southborough, 255 Southend, 120 Southfleet, 147, 150 ff. Southwark, 153 Sparta, 103 Spicer, J., 55 Spurrell, F. C. J., cited, 120, 137 Stansted, 19 Staplehurst, 9 Stebbing, W. P. D., cited, 3 3 IT. Stelling Minnis, 28 Stephenson, D., More decorat ive Ironwork, 73-104 Stone, 198 Stour, River, 7, 9, 22, 24,241 Streeten, A. D. F., B.A., Excavations at Lansdowne Road, Tonbridge, 1972 and 1976, 105-18 A 'Be/larmine' Bottle from Hook Green, Lamberhurst, 227-8 Strood, 125, 153, 186 Stroud (Glos.), 95 Sturry, 24 Sutton, Chart, 7 Sundridge,19-20,149 SwaleclilTe, 235 Swann, R., 150 Tacitus, 123 Tatton-Brown, Tim, and Cecil Hewett, New structural Evidence on Bell Harry Tower and the south-east Spire at Canterbury, 129-38 Excavations in 1976 by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 235-44 Tenterden, 19-20 Tester, P. J., cited, 139, 143 Report on the Society's fourth and concluding Season of Excavation at Leeds Priory, 247 Review, 260-5, 268-9 Thames, River, 13, l 19 ff. Than et, Isle of, 9, 16 Thanington, 19 Thaxted (Essex), 98 Thom, A., cited, 40 Thornhill, Patrick, A lower Thames Ford and the Campaigns of 55 B.C. and A.D. 43, 119-28 Thorpe (Derbys.), 100 Throwley Forstal, 29 Thrupp, Prof. S., cited, I 49-50 Tilden, 19 Tile, Med., 198, 229, 249 Kiln, 229 Tinley Lodge, 19 Tonbridge, 19, 25, 96, 166, 173 Castle, 112 Excavations at Lansdowne Road, in I 972 and 1976, by A. D. F. Streeten, B.A., 105-18 Tookey, G. W., Q.C., obit., 272 Tunbridge Wells, 15, 76 ff. Ulcombe, 169 Updown, AS Cemetery, 247-8 Upnor, 126 Castle, 126 Urry, Dr. W., cited, 132-3, 136 Viking, Gold Ring, 233-4 Waltham, 29 Abbot, 69 Warham, Archbishop, 136 Watermill,? RB, 252 Wastell, J., 132, 136 Watling Street, 1 7, 19 ff. Weald, 5, 7, I Off., 67, I 68-9, 177 Webster, Mrs. L., Note, 234 Bruce, Review, 267-8 Wells, Calvin, cited, 39 ff. (Som.), I 29 ff. Westerham, 29 West Kingsdown, 249-50 Wheeler, Sir M., cited, 120 Whitehead, C., cited, 5 Wibert, Prior, 128 Wido, Abbot, 228 Wil1tred, 37 Willcox, G. H., cited, 122 William, The Conqueror, 22, 234 William, The Englishman, 129 Williams, C. L. Sinclair, The Term 'Logh' In medieval Kentish Documents, 65-72 Winchelsea, Archbishop, 54 Wingham, 53 ff. Woodman, T., 153 Woods, Humphrey, Excavations at St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury, 1975, 228-9 Woolwich, 3, I 9-20, 150 Wright, A. L., 56 Wrotham, 19 Wye, 21 Yevele, H., 242 York, Minster, 131,133 Young, A, cited, 169 284



